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Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Taylor, Elizabeth March 2, 1850
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Ben Franklin May 2024

Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume G, pages 236-237
Written: March 2, 1850
Recorded: May 1860
Testator: Elizabeth Taylor

              State of North Carolina Orange County

I Elizabeth Taylor of the County of Orange &
State of North Carolina being of sound mind and
Memory but considering the uncertainty of my Earthly
Existance do make this may last will & testament
In man[n]er and form following that is to say
first that my Executor, herein after named shall
provide for my Body A decent Burial suitable to the
wishes of my nearest friends and pay all funeral
Expenses together with my Just debts howsoever and
to whomsoever owing out of the money that may first
Come into his hands as a part or parcel of my Estate --

item 1st I give and Bequeath to my daughter
Martha C. E. A. Taylor one colt named Lucy Long
which colt she is to have over and above her
Equal share for the use of her mare and if said
colt Lucy Long shall dye Before Martha C E A Taylor
gets it in possession [of] the Rest of the Legatees to pay
the Said Martha CE A Taylor twenty dollars over
her Equal share ---- item 2d I will that my
servent[sic] Daniel be at liberty to choose his master
among the Legatees & if none of them wants him
any other person & the said Daniel must be
valued by three disinterested persons and his
valuation paid into the Estate for distribution
among the Legatees --- Item 3d I do also will that
my servent Samuel my land, house hold &
Kitchen furniture & all other property belonging
to me at my death (Except Daniel) to Be Sold at
public sale if not sold Before my death ------

item 4th I also will that my Estate Be Equally divided
between my five Children William W. Taylor -- Elenor
Smith -- Sarah Tinnen -- Martha C. E. A. Taylor &
Mary J. Taylor -- and if any of my children should
die Before I do their part of my estate if married & has children
to be Kept out at interest until they are twenty
one years old -- and then they may receive it

[page 2]
     And I do hereby appoint
My son William W. Taylor my lawful Executor
to Execute this my last Will and testament
According to the true intent & meaning of
the same In Witness whareof I the said
Elizabeth Taylor do hereunto set my hand
and seal this twenty second of March 1850

Signed in presence }      Elizabeth Taylor (seal)
of   }
John L Woods Jurat
Robert Reding Jurat

[Will Book Volume G, page 236]
State of North Carolina Orange County I Elizabeth Taylor
of the County of Orange & State of North Carolina being of
Sound Mind and Memory but considering the
uncertainty of my earthly existance do make this
may last Will & Testament in manner and
form following that is to say

First that my Executor hereinafter named shall provide
for my body a decent burial su[i]table to the
wishes of my nearest friends and pay all funeral
expenses together with my Just debts howsoever
and to whomsoever owing out of the money that
that[sic] may first come into his hands as a part or parcel
of my estate

Item 1st I Give and bequeath to my Daughter Martha C E A Taylor
one colt named Lucy Long which colt she is to have
over and above her equal share for the use of her
mare and if said colt Lucy Long shall die before
Martha C E A Taylor gets it in possession of the rest of
the legatees to pay the Said Martha CE A Taylor Twenty
dollars over her equal share

Item 2d I will that my servent[sic] Daniel be at liberty to choose
his master among the legatees & if none of them wants
him any other person & the said Daniel must be
valued by three disinterested persons and his
valuation paid into the Estate for distribution
among the Legatees

Item 3d I do also Will that my servent Samuel My Land
house hold & Kitchen furniture & all other property
belonging to me at my death except Daniel to be
sold at public Sale if not Sold before my death

Item 4th I do also will that my Estate be equally divided between
my five Children William W Taylor Elenor Smith
Sarah Tinnen Martha C E A Taylor & Mary J Taylor
and if any of my Children should die before I do
their part of my estate if married & has children to
be kept out at interest until they are twenty one
years old and then they may receive it

And I do hereby appoint my son William

[Will Book Volume G, page 237]
W Taylor my lawful Executor to Execute this my
last Will and Testament according to the true
intent & meaning of the same

In witness whereof I the Said Elizabeth
Taylor do hereunto set my hand and seal
this Twenty second of March 1850

Signed in presence of }
John L Woods          }    Elizabeth Taylor (seal)
Robert Reding         }

    Orange County Court May Term 1860
    The Execution of the foregoing last Will
and Testament of Elizabeth Taylor was duly
proved in open Court according to law
at the same time William W Taylor the
The[sic] Executor therein named appeared in open
Court and Qualified according to Law
See minutes             Test Geo Laws CCC

Additional Comments:
Will Book Volume G, pages 236-237
Recorded May 1860

There are two pages 236 in Will Book Volume G.  This is the second one.

Estate Papers comprise five pages and are found in a folder labeled "Taylor, Elizabeth (1860)". No family history found.