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Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Tate, Samuel N May 18, 1855
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Ben Franklin May 2024

Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume G, pages 128-130
Written: May 18, 1855
Recorded: Feb 1856
Testator: Samuel N Tate

        In the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight
        Hundred and fifty five - 1855
        May the 18th Eighteenth -

Know all men by these presants, that I Samuel
N Tate of the County of Orange and State of
North Carolina,- being of sound & perfect Mind
and Memory, - Do make publish and ordain this
my last will and Testament - In Manner following
That is to Say, First. I give and bequeath unto
my youngest Son, Thomas my home plantation with
all the appertainaces[sic], thereunto belonging, and
that he my son Thomas, shall Support, his Mother my
beloved wife, her life time, or her widow hood.
It is further my will that, all my perishable property,
viz - house hold & kitchen furniture farming utensils,
horses, hogs, cattle, &c remain with my son Thomas
And his mother and my Daughter Sarah Ann
and my son James, until my Daughter Sarah
Ann becomes of age, then it is my will
That my son Thomas Shall furnish her with one
bed & furniture one bureaue, And One Cow
and Calf, it is my will & Disere that all of my Just
Debts be paid by my Sons James & Thomas, out of
the money due me and retain the surplus if
any for the use of the family above named,-
if any Deficiency they Shall pay such
Defi[ci]ency out of the above affects, It is
my will, that my daughter Margaret Thompson
receive One Dollar by the hands of my Executor
It is my will that, my Interest in the rail road
stock be equally Divid[ed] between my son[s] George
James & Thomas, & Sarah Ann. It is my
will that my Executor pay my Daughter Catherine
Wynne One Dollar. I further give & bequeath
unto my Son James P. Tate, the remaining part of
my plantation (the Corden tract) adjoining my
Son George containing ninety acres it being part of
the same tract, Except two acres ["which" erased]

[page 2]
I give and bequeath unto my son in Law Stephen Mays
to have as A home for himself & family during
the lifetime of himself & then to the use of his wife
or Such of his family as may then be living-
to be selected any where on the line between my Son[s]
George & James, so as not to inte[r]fere with any
improvements which my son George has heretofore
made, the Divis[i]on line having not been run between
my Sons George & James on said Cardin tract and
if he the said Mays & family should remove from
it then it Shall be the property of my Son James
and further that the said Two acres Shall not touch
any improvements heretofore made on any part of
said Cardin tract but confined to A Two
Acres Square - I further give & bequeath
unto my Son Thomas My Interest in my threshing
machine, Shop tools, lumber &c, to the use of
The family - viz. my wife, James, Thomas, and
Sarah Ann And I her[e]by make & appoint
my worthy friend John Whitaker, my Executor,
To this my last Will & Testament,

    In witness I the Said Samuel N. Tate have
Set my hand & seal, to this my last will and
Testament the day & year first above written

Signed Sealed published and  }
Delivered by the testator as }  Saml N Tate (seal)
his last Will and Testament  }
in presence of us
    C.C. Smith
    Wilson Brown Jurat

I hold A note hand on Dr Edmund Strudwick
for Two Hundred Dollars or thereabouts, which I
have gave to my Son George heretofore.
Wilson Brown Jurat       Saml N Tate (seal)
C C Smith

[Will Book Volume G, page 128]
In the year of our Lord One Thousand
Eight hundred and fifty five 1855
May the 18th Eighteenth.

    Know all men by these presents, that I Samuel
N Tate of the County of Orange and State of North
Carolina being of sound & perfect mind and memory
do make publish and ordain this my last Will and Testament
In Manner following that is to say first I give
and bequeath unto my youngest Son Thomas
my home plantation with all the appertanances[sic]
thereunto belonging, and that he my son Thomas
shall support his Mother my beloved wife her life
time or her widow hood

It is further my will that all my perishable property
viz house hold & kitchen furniture farming utensils
horses hogs cattle &c remain with my son Thomas
and his mother and my daughter Sarah Ann
and my son James until my Daughter Sarah Ann
becom[e]s of age then it is my Will That my son
Thomas shall furnish her with one bed & furniture
one Bureau And one Cow and Calf It is my

[Will Book Volume G, page 129]
Will & Desire that all of my just debts be paid by my sons
James & Thomas out of the money due me and retain
the surplus if any for the use of the family above named
if any deficiency they Shall pay such deficiency
out of the above affects,

It is my will that my daughter Margaret Thompson
receive one dollar by the hands of my Executor
It is my will that, my Interest in the rail road stock
be equally divided between my sons George James
& Thomas & Sarah Ann It is my will that my Executor
pay my Daughter Catherine Wynne one dollar

I further give & bequeath unto my Son James P Tate
the remaining part of my plantation (the Corden
Tract) adjoining my son George containing
ninety acres it being part of the same tract except
two acres which I give and bequeath to my son
in Law Stephen Mays to have as a home for himself
& family during the life time of himself & then to the
use of his Wife or such of his family as may then be
living to be selected any where on the line between my
son[s] George & James so as not to interfere with any --
improvements which my son George has heretofore made
the division line having not been run between my
Sons George & James on said Carden Tract and if he
the said Mays & family should remove from it then it
Shall be the property of my Son James and further
that the said two acres shall not touch any improve
ments heretofore made on my[any] part of said Cardin
Tract but confined to a two Acres Square
I further give & bequeath unto my Son Thomas
my Interest in my Thrashing machine shop tools
lumber &c to the use of The family viz. my wife
James Thomas and Sarah Ann And I hereby
make & appoint my worthy friend John Whitaker
my Executor to this my last Will & Testament
In witness I the Said Samuel N Tate have
Set my hand & seal to this my last Will and
Testament the day & year first above

[Will Book Volume G, page 130]

Signed Sealed published        }
and declared by the Testator   }    Saml N Tate (seal)
as his last Will and Testament }
in presence of us              }
C.C. Smith
Wilson Brown

I held A note, hand on Dr Edmund
Strudwick for two Hundred dollars or
thereabouts which I have gave to my son
George heretofore.
                   Saml N Tate (seal)
Wilson Brown}
C C Smith   }

Orange County Court Feby Term 1857
The Execution of the foregoing last Will and
Testament of Samuel N Tate Decd. was duly
proved (see minutes)
                      Test Geo Laws CCC

Additional Comments:
Will Book Volume G, pages 128-130
Recorded Feb 1856
Estate Papers comprise 23 pages and are found in a folder labeled "Tate, Samuel N (1856)". No family history found.