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Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Tate, James December 15, 1837
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Ben Franklin May 2024

Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume F, pages 8-9
Written: December 15, 1837
Recorded: Aug 1838
Testator: James Tate

In the name of God Amen. -- I James Tate of the county
of Orange & State of North Carolina - being of sound & perfect mind
& memory Do this fifteenth day of December in the year
of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred & Thirty Seven,
make and publish this, my last will and Testament,
in manner & form following, that is to say, first, I give
and bequeath unto my son David Tate my home plantation (at present
occupied by Charles Cox containing about one Hundred & Twenty five acres

And secondly to my son George Tate Twenty Dollars.(To be paid by my
son David Tate)  Thirdly to George Marlett, Twenty Dollars and

fourthly to my son in Law John Squires Twenty Dollars and

fifthly to Thomas Gill Twenty Dollars.  (To be paid by my
Son Saml. N Tate and) Sixthly and Lastly, the ballance
of the Lands, belonging to the George Tate tract, sup[p]osed to
contain about fifty acres and also all the ballance
which may acrue from A sale which was made
by Saml. N Tate & C.C. Smith (agents) for me Seventeenth Jany
One thousand Eight Hundrid & Thirty Three-  I give to my
Son Samuel N Tate after paying my Just debts
buring Expenses &c  And I her[e]by make make[sic] and
ordain my Son Saml. N. Tate, Executor to this my last will
and Testament --- In witness whereof I the said James Tate
have hereunto set my hand and Seal to this my last
will and Testament the day and year above written ---

Signed Sealed, published  }
and Declared in presents  }           James Tate (Seal)
of us ------------        }
C.C. Smith    }
Ths McCracken } Jurat                    Exr qualified

The word Tate on line nine  }
Interlined before signed    }
C.C. Smith
Ths McCracken

[Will Book Volume F, page 8]
In the name of God Amen I James Tate of the county of Orange
& State of North Carolina  being of sound & perfect mind &
memory Do this Fifteenth day of December in the year of our Lord
one thousand Eight Hundred & Thirty Seven

[Will Book Volume F, page 9]
make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner & form
following, that is to say, first I give and bequeath unto my
son David Tate my home plantation (at present Occupied by
Charles Cox containing about one Hundred & Twenty five Acres and
Secondly to my son George Tate Twenty Dollars.(To be paid by my son
David Tate) & thirdly to George Marlet, Twenty Dollars and
fourthly to my son-in-Law John Squires Twenty Dollars and
fifthly to Thomas Gill Twenty Dollars. (To be paid by my son
Saml. N Tate) and Sixthly and Lastly the balance of the Land
belonging to the George Tate tract Supposed to Contain about fifty
Acres and also all the balance which may ac[c]rue from A sale
which was made by Samuel N Tate & C.C. Smith (agents) for
me Seventeenth January One thousand Eight Hundred & thirty three
I give to my son Samuel N Tate after paying my Just debts buring
Expenses &c And I hereby make and ordain my Son Saml
N Tate Executor to this my last Will and Testament -- In witness
whereof I the said James Tate have hereunto set my hand and
seal to this my last Will and Testament the day and year above written

Signed Sealed, published               James Tate (Seal)
and Declared in presents
of us ---------
      C.C. Smith
      Thomas McCracken

                         Orange County August Term 1838
The Execution of the foregoing last Will and Testament of
James Tate decd. was duly proved in Open Court by the oaths
of C.C. Smith & Thomas McCracken the Subscribing Witnesses
their to and ordered to be recorded At the same time Samuel
N Tate the Executor therein named appeared in open Court
and qualified Accordingly

Additional Comments:
Will Book Volume F, pages 8-9
Recorded Aug 1838

Estate Papers comprise two pages and are found in a folder labeled "Tate, James (1831)".  No family history.