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Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Smith, Stephen Messer February 19, 1816
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Ben Franklin May 2024

Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume E, pages 160-161
Written: February 19, 1816
Recorded: May 1828
Testator: Stephen Messer Smith

State of North Caralina Orange County  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In the name of God, Amen } Know all men By these presents that I Stephen Messer Smith of sd.
County and State above mentioned Being in perfect Health and memory and Calling to mind that It
Is Appointed Once for All men to Die do By these presents Constitute this my last will and testament
And By these presents do further disannul all other wills and testaments heretofore mentioned rights
Titles Or Claimes whatsoever that is to say first Of all I give my soul Into the Care of Almighty God
who Gave It me my Body I Commit to the dust from whence It Came to Be Buried In a decent
Orderly manner As my Executors or Relations deemes necessary { first of all I Give and Bequeath
Unto my Beloved wife Susannah Smith If It should please God that she survives longest A decent
Maintenance during her widowhood Out of my personal property { second { I give and Bequeath
Unto My Daughter Catherine Gates five shillings sterling { third { I give and Bequeath unto
My Daughter Mary Smith One Bed and furniture & one Cow { fourth { I give and Bequeath unto
My Daughter Johannah Parker one Cow { fifth { I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth
Horner five shillings Sterling { sixth { I give and Bequ[e]ath unto my two sones Leonard and William
Smith My plantation whereon I now Live also my Blacksmith tools and one half of the Grist
Mill and saw mill also one horse and saddle and Bridle apiece to Be equally divided Between them
When the[y] Come of age { seventh { I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Smith one Bed
And furniture and one Cow { Eighth { I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Dice one Bed and
furniture and one Cow { ninth { I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Agnes one Bed
And furniture and Cow also one walnut table now In my possession { tenth } I moreover give
Give[sic] and Bequeath unto my Grandaughter Of my Daughter Mary's named Jenney one Cow and Calf
Bed and furniture { Eleventh { I give and Bequeath unto my grand son of my Daughter Sarahs one Cow
And two year's schooling whose name Is John { I moreover Appoint Jacob Waggoner & John my only Executors
to this my Last will and testament signed seald and Confirmed In the presence of these witnesses ---

[page 2]
This 19th day of February In the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and sixteen
Thos Hall                                                     Stephen Meser (X) Smith (seal)

[Will Book Volume E, page 160]
State of North Carolina }
 Orange County          }  In the name of God, Amen Know all men By these presents that
I Stephen Messer Smith of said County & State above mentioned, being in perfect
health & memory & Calling to mind that it is appointed once for all men to die
do By these presents Constitute this my last Will & testament & by these presents,
do further disannul all other wills & testaments heretofore mentioned, rights
titles or Claims whatsoever, that is to say, First of all I give my soul into the
Care of Almighty God, who gave it me -- My Body I Commit to the dust from
whence it Came to be buried in a decent, orderly manner as my Executors or
relations deem necessary  -- First of all I give & bequeath unto my beloved
Wife Susannah Smith if it should please God that she survives longest a decent
maintenance during her widow-hood out of my personal property ---

    Secondly I give & bequeath unto my daughter Catherine Gates five shillings
Sterling. Third  I give & bequeath unto my daughter Mary Smith One bed &
furniture & one Cow -- Fourth. I give & bequeath unto my daughter Susannah[Johannah] Parker
one Cow -- Fifth. I give & bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Horner five
Shillings Sterling. Sixth. I give & bequeath unto my two sons Leonard & William
Smith my plantation whereon I now live, also my blacksmith tools & one half
of the Grist Mill [and saw mill], also one horse & saddle & bridle apiece to be equally divided
between them, When they come of age -- Seventh I give & bequeath unto my dau=
ghter Sarah Smith one bed & furniture & One Cow. Eighth. I give & bequeath
unto my Daughter Dice one bed & furniture & One Cow - Ninth. I give and
bequeath unto my daughter Agnes one bed & furniture & Cow, also one Walnut table
now In my possession. Tenth. I moreover give & bequeath unto my Grand-daughter
of my daughter Mary's named Jinney one Cow [and Calf] & bed & furniture - Eleventh
I give & bequeath unto my grand-son of my daughter Sarah's one Cow &
two Year's schooling whose name Is John. - I moreover Appoint Jacob
Waggoner & John my only Executors to this my Last will & testament. --
Signed Sealed & Confirmed in the presence of these Witnesses this 19th day of
February In the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred & sixteen
Thos. Hall                              Stephen Meser (X) Smith (seal)

                         Orange County May Term 1828
The Execution of the foregoing last Will & testament of Stephen
Messer Smith was duly proved in open Court by the Oaths of Joseph
A. Woods, Thomas B. Patterson, Samuel Woods & Michael Ray
who swear that they were well acquainted with Thomas Hall

[Will Book Volume E, page 161]
the subscribing Witness to said will ~~ that they had frequently seen him Write
that they believe the name Thos. Hall subscribed as a Witness to said Will
is in the proper Hand Writing of said Thomas Hall ~~ And that said Thomas
Hall has long since been dead ~~ And that Stephen Messer Smith the testa=
=tor was an illiterate man & Could not write. Ordered therefor that the will be

Additional Comments:
Will Book Volume E, pages 160-161
Recorded May 1828

Estate Papers comprise 231 pages and are found in a folder labeled "Smith, Stephen (1828)". Testator died in 1825.  Testator has entered into a co-partnership with Jacob Wagoner Junior.  In addition to the above slave inventories, which vary slightly from one another, another inventory lists: "Bill, Peggy, Lindsey, Charles, Rachael, Tom, Bess, George, Aaron & Rose".  A subsequent list crosses off "Bess" and inserts "Clary".  The main information is transcribed here, but if a researcher is focused on this lineage or the slaves, it would be wise to re-examine all of these estate papers.

John Parker is married to Hannah.
Thomas Horner is married to Elizabeth
Frederick Horner is married to Sally
Fred Gates married Caty and left the following children: Leonard, William, Stephen, Fred, James John Henry and Jacob Gates.

[Estate Papers - Inventory 2 Oct 1832]
A List of the Property found in the possession of
Jacob Waggoner by James C. Turrentine Sheriff
of Orange County 2nd day of October 1832

4 Tracts of Land containing in all 700 acres
1 Negro Girl named Peggy ~~~~
1 Negro Boy  named Bill ~~~~
1   Do  Do   named Linsey ~~~~
1 Negro Girl named Rachel ~~~~
1 Negro Boy  named Tom ~~~~
1 Negro Girl named Betsey ~~~~
1 Negro Boy  named George ~~~~
1 Negro Boy  named Aaron ~~~~
4 head of Horses

[Estate Papers - Sale of Negroes 27 Sep 1834]

By Virtue of a Decree of the Court of
Equity at September Term 1834 It is
ordered that the Clerk and Master of
this Court Divide he Negroes belong
ing to Smith & Wagoner now in
Possession of Wagoner by Sale or other
wise and that the Master ascertain
what Sum is due to John Smith
son of Sally Smith under a Clause
in Stephen M. Smiths Will

    The Negroes Will be offered to the
Highest [bidder] on a Credit of Six Months
Bond and Security Require by the
Master from the Purchasers

        September 27. 1834

Peggy about 40      Wm Hall          166
Billy about 40      Jacob Wagoner    406
Rachael     13      Jacob Wagoner    470
Linsey      22      Josiah Turner  $ 501
Betsey      10      Jacob Wagoner    326
Tom         12      Jacob Wagoner    510
George       6      Jacob Wagoner    220
Aaron        4      Jacob Wagoner    151
Clary $335 { about 35}
   child 2 months   Jacob Wagoner  $ 450