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Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Smith, Leonard June 17, 1826
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Ben Franklin May 2024

Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume E, page 121
Written: June 17, 1826
Recorded: Nov 1826
Testator: Leonard Smith

In the name of God amen I Leonard Smith of
the County of Orange & State of North Carolina
being in a Low State of health But by the blessing
of God of Sound mind & memory & Considering
the uncerta[i]nty of Life and that is appointed unto all men
once to Dy Do hereby make and publish this my Last will
and Testament In manner and form following
that is to Say my body I Commit to the Dust frome
whence it was taken to be Buried a Desent and Christain
Like manner and my Soul to the God who gave ["it' erased] it &
as to my worldley Goods I Despose of them in the
following manner Viz

1 I will to my beloved wife Mary all the Lands
and Property now belonging to me to have &
to hold after my Death as Long as Shee remanes
my widow but if Shee marri[e]s again Shee is
then to have one Bead one Mare one Sad[d]le
and Bridle onely

2 I will to my Son Daniel Smith the [w]hole
of the Plantation I now Live on as is mentined
in the Deed to have and to hold after Mary
Smith seces[ceases] to be my wedo[widow] and no more

3 I order and Derect that all my other Lands & Negras
and all my other property is to be Sold
at Public Sale after Mary Smith seces to
be my wedo and the money to be Equeally Devided
betwe[e]n the rest of my Cheldren

4th and Lastley I appoint Andrew Shearer
and Daniel Smith & John Forguson to

[page 2]
be the faithfull Executors of this, my Last will
and testament in witness [w]hereof I have Set my hand &
affixed my seal this 17th Day of June in the year
of our Lord 1826

Signed seled and acknowlged
in the presends of                     his
Peter Spoone    }              Leonard (L) Smith (seal)
Robert Marshell } Jurat               mark
          Smith & Shearer qualified

[Will Book Volume E, page 121]
In the name of God  ! Amen I Leonard Smith of the County of Orange
& State of North Carolina being in a low state of health, but by the blessing of God
of Sound mind & memory & considering the uncertainty of life & that is appointed
unto all men once to die, do hereby make & publish this my last Will and
Testament in manner and form following that is to Say, my body I commit
to the dust from whence it was taken to be buried a decent and Christian like
manner and my Soul to the God who gave it - And as to my worldly
goods I dispose of them in the following manner Viz. 1 I will to
my beloved wife Mary all the Lands and property now belonging to
me, to have & to hold after my death as long as she remains
my widow, but if she marries again She is then to have one bed, one
Mare, one Saddle & bridle only - 2 I will to my Son Daniel Smith the whole
of the plantation I now live on as is mentioned in the deed to have &
to hold after Mary Smith ceases to be my widow & no more 3rd
I order & decree[direct] that all my other Lands & negroes and all my other
property is to be Sold at Public Sale after Mary Smith ceases to be
my widow and the money to be equally divided between the rest of my chil-
dren -- 4th and Lastly I appoint Andrew Shearer and Daniel Smith
& John Furgeson to be the faithful Executors of this, my last Will &
Testament -- In witness whereof I have set my hand & affixed
my Seal this 17th day of June in the Year of our Lord 1826
Signed Sealed and acknowledged        Leonard (X) Smith (seal)
in the presence of                           mark

Peter Spoone
Robert Marshill

                          Orange County November Term 1826
The Execution of the foregoing last Will and Testament of Leonard
Smith decd. was duly proved in open Court by the Oathes of Peter
Spoone and Robert Marshill subscribing witnesses thereto
& Ordered to be recorded -- At the same time Daniel Smith
& Andrew Shearer two of the Executors therein named qualified
accordingly              Test

Additional Comments:
Will Book Volume E, page 121
Recorded Nov 1826

Estate Papers comprise 48 pages and are found in a folder labeled "Smith, Leonard (1826)".  Inventory lists "3 Negroes" and three are listed in the estate sale.

[Estate Papers - Estate Sale 26 Oct 1826]
This is a true List of Lsae of the property o Leonard Smith
Decd sold on the 26th of October 1826

[sundry articles omitted]

Conrad Staley    1 Negro Boy named Soloman 486  00
  Do     Do      1  Do   Do  named Edmond  520  00
Raddy Roberson   1  Negro woman Morning    400 00