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Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Pritchard, Ann April 24, 1855
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Ben Franklin May 2024

Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume G, pages 105-106
Written: April 24, 1855
Recorded: Aug 1855
Testator: Ann Pritchard

Know all persons by these presents that I Ann
Pritchard, of the County of Orange, and State of
North Carolina being of sound mind and memory,
but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence
do make and declare this my last will and testament
in manner and form following, that is to say:

First - That my executor, (hereinafter named,) shall
provide for my body a decent burial suitable to the
wishes of my relations and friends, and pay all
funeral expenses , together with my Just debts, howsoever
and to whomsoever owing, out of any part of my
estate he may think best.

Secondly After my Just debts are paid I give and devise
to my two children Eason Pritchard and Emily
Pritchard for the love and affection I have and bare[sic]
unto them and for the further consideration of their
kindness and attention to me in sickness & in health in my
declining day my negro boy Dennis to be sold and
divided equally between them or held equally in common
between them as they may think best and most of their
interest and at their deaths to their lawful heirs

thirdly I give and devise to my daughter Emily Prichard
all the rest and residue of my property be it either
real or personal -

Lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my trusty
friend Allen Oldham my lawful executor to
all intents and purposes, to execute this my last will
and testament, according to the true intent and meaning
of the same, and every part & clause thereof - hereby
revoking all other wills and testaments by me heretofore
made - In witness whereof I the said Ann Prichard do hereunto
Set my hand and Seal this twenty fourth day of April AD 1855
                                       Ann (+) Prichard (seal)

[page 2]
Signed, Sealed, published and declared by the
Said Ann Pritchard to be her last will and
testament, in the presence of us, who at hir
request and in her presence do subscribe our
names as witnesses thereto
                         Geo. W. Purify  Jurat
                         F. J. Smith

[Will Book Volume G, page 105]
Know all persons by these presents that I Ann
Pritchard, of the County of Orange and State of North
Carolina being of sound Mind and Memory but
considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence
do make and declare this my last Will and testament
in manner and form following that is to say,

First That my Executor (hereinafter named) shall provide
for my body a decent burial suitable to the wishes of
my relations and friends and pay all funeral expenses
together with my Just debts howsoever and to whomsoever
owing out of any part of my estate he may think best

Secondly After my just debts are paid I give and devise
to my two children Eason Pritchard and Emily Pritchard
for the love and affection I have and bare[sic] unto them
and for the further consideration of their Kindness
and attention to me in sickness & in health in my
declining day my negro boy Dennis to be sold
and divided equally between them or held equally
in common between them as they may think best and
most of their interest and at their deaths to their
lawful heirs.

Thirdly I give and devise to my daughter Emily
Prichard all the rest and residue of my property
be it either real or personal

Lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my trusty
friend Allen Oldham my lawful Executor to all intents
and purposes to execute this my last Will and testament
according to the true intent and meaning of the same
and every part & clause thereof - hereby revoking all
other Wills and testaments by me heretofore made

    In witness whereof I the said Ann Prichard
do hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty
fourth day of April AD 1855         her
Signed Sealed published        Ann (+) Prichard (seal)
and declared by the said Ann       mark
Pritchard to be her last Will and testament, in the presence
of us, who at her request and in her presence do subscribe our
names as witnesses thereto        Geo. W. Purify
                                  F. J. Smith

[Will Book Volume G, page 106]
Orange County Court August Term 1855
The Execution of the foregoing last Will and testament
of Ann Pritchard deceased was duly proven in Open
Court by the oath of George W Purify one of the subscribing
Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded and field
as such. - At the same time Allen Oldham
the Executor therein named appeared in open Court
and qualified by taking the oaths prescribed by
Law                       Test   Geo Laws CCC

Additional Comments:
Will Book Volume G, pages 105-106
Recorded Aug 1855

No estate papers found.