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Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Pickett, William November 26, 1823
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Ben Franklin May 2024

Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume E, pages 54-55
Written: November 26, 1823
Recorded: May 1824
Testator: William Pickett

In the name of God Amen, I William Picket
of County of Orange and State of North Carolina
being of Sound mind and memory, (blessed be God)
do this Twenty sixth day of November in the year of
our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty Three
make and publish this my last Will and Testament
in manner and form as follows - I give and bequeath
my Soul to Almighty God, my body to the earth from
whence it came to be buried in a Christian like manner
at the discretion of my friends--

Item I give to my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth Picket
the whole of my Land whareon I now live as long
as she remains my widdow for the purpose of assisting
her in raising my Children and her own support, but
if she should marry after my Decd. then the
whole of my Land shall be divided between my
Three Sons Edward, Joseph & William Picket

Item I give to my beloved Wife two Negro boys
Harry and Squire also two Negro Girls, Haley
and Tena, untill my youngest son, William shall
arive at the age of Twenty one, Unless my wife
should marry before that time, in that case she shall
be deprived of any part in them.  The Negroes
I leave her for the purpose of raising our Children
and Educating of them ~~ When my son William
shall arive at the age of Twenty one, then the four
Negroes with all there[sic] increase (if any) shall be
equelly devided amongst the whole of my Children &c
Edward Patsey Polley Eliza Julea, Emily, Joseph

[page 2]
Lucretia and William with the exception of the
Negra Girl Tena which I want my wife to keep in
possession during her Widdow hood~

Item I give to my beloved Wife three Horses
all my stock of Cattle, Hogs and Sheep and my
Still and all my house hold and kitchen furniture
with all my Crop of every discription with
all my farming Tools, with the exception of
as much as I want sold to pay off all Just
Clames against my Estate ~~ if any

                   And I do appoint my trusty
trusty[sic] friends Gabl. B. Lea my Executor, to this my
last will and testament --
                                William Pickett (seal)
Sign'd sealed and delivered
in the presents of
          J S Smith Jurat
          Elijah Pickard

[Will Book Volume E, page 54]
In the name of God Amen! I, William Pickett of County
of Orange & State of North Carolina being of sound mind and
memory (blessed be God) do this Twenty sixth day of November
in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & twenty
three make & publish this my last Will & Testament in m=
=anner & form as follows - I give & bequeath my Soul to Al=
=mighty God, my body to the Earth from whence it came to be
buried in a Christian-like manner at the discretion of
my friends -- I give to my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth
Pickett the whole of my Land whereon I now live as long as she
remains my widow for the purpose of assisting her in raising my
Children & her own support, but if she should marry after my
decd. then the whole of my land shall be divided between my
three Sons Edward, Joseph & William Pickett -- Item, I give
to my [beloved] wife two negro boys Harry & Squire also two negro girls
Haley and Tena, until my youngest son, William shall arrive at
the age of Twenty one, Unless my wife should marry before that
time, in that case she shall be deprived of any part in them.
The negroes I leave [her] for the purpose of raising our children &
Educating of them. When my son William shall arrive at the
age of Twenty one, then the four Negroes with all their increase
if any shall be equally divided amongst the whole of my ch=
=ildren &c Edward Patsey Polly Eliza [Julea] Emily, Joseph, Lucr=
=etia & William with the exception of the negro girl Tena which
I want my wife to keep in possession during her widowhood~
Item I give to my beloved Wife three horses all my stock
of Cattle, hogs & Sheep & my Still & all my house-hold & kitch
=en furniture with all my Crop of every discription with
all my farming tools, with the exception of as much as I want
sold to pay off all just claims against my Estate ~~ if any
And I do appoint my trusty friends Gabriel B. Lea my
Executor to this my last will and testament

Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of     William Pickett (seal)

J S Smith
Elijah Pickard

[Will Book Volume E, page 55]
                               Orange County May Term 1824 ~~
The Execution of the foreging last Will & Testament of William
Pickett was duly proved in open Court by the oath of James S Smith
a subscribing Witness thereto & ordered to be recorded ~~

Additional Comments:
Will Book Volume E, pages 54-55
Recorded May 1824

Estate Papers comprise 27 pages and are found in a folder labeled "Pickett, William (1823)".

[Estate Papers - Inventory Aug 1824]

Inventory of the personal property of
William Pickett Deceased

One Negro Man Named Harry

One Negro Man Named Hailey

One Negro Man Named Tenah

One Negro Man Named Squire

[sundry articles omitted]

[Estate Papers - Petition Feb 1843]

State of North Carolina }  Court of Pleas &c
      Orange County     }  February Term

                           To the Worshipful
the Justices of said Court.  The petition
of Elizabeth Picket Joseph Picket
Samuel Thompson & wife Eliza. Emily
Picket Lucretia & William Picket
Edward Picket & John Mebane &
    wife Julia Sheweth unto your
worships that William Picket departed
this life in the year 1823 having first
made his last will & testame[n]t duly executed
to pass real & personal estate which last will
& testament has been proven & registered in
this [County?] Among other bequests therein said
will contains the following "I give to
my beloved wife two negro boys Harry
& Squire also two negro girls Haley &
Tena until my youngest Son William
Should arrive at the age of 21 years unless my
wife Should marry before that time in that
case she should be deprived of any part in
them the negroes I leave for the purpose
of raising our children & educating them
when my youngest Son William should
arrive at the age of 21 then the 4 negroes
with all their increase should be equally
divided among all my children Viz Edward
Patsy Polly Eliza Julia Emily Joseph Lucretia
& William with the exception of the negro girl
Tena which I want my wife to keep in
her possession during widowhood all which
will more fully appear by reference to said will (a
copy of which is hereunto appended as a part of
this petition) your petitioner further shews

[page 2]
that Eliza since the death of said testator
hath intermarried with your petitioner Samuel
Thompson & Julia with defdt John Mebane
that said Mebane & wife & Edward Pickett are
not inhabitants of this State that Patsy & Polly
departed this life after the death of the testator
unmarried & intestate that their interest
aforesaid on their demise rested in your
Petitioner Elizabeth Picket the mother
in common with her children
that said Elizabeth is thus entitled
to one eighth of two shares the whole
number of the part into which said negroes
are to be divided is nine.

                          That said negroes
are now five in number Viz Harry Squire
Sam Iverson & Franklin & that said
negroes cannot be equally divided with [out?]
sale thereof you petitioners therefore
pray your worships that said negroes
be sold on such credit as may
be deemed most expedient & that a
commissioner be appointed to make such
sale & convey titles
                      & your Petitioner as in
duty bound will every pray &c
                             Giles Mebane

[additional administrivia omitted.  No additional family history observed]

[Estate Papers - Sale of Negroes 15 Jun 1843]

Elizabeth Pickett ap[p]ointed by
order of Court a Commission
to sell the negroes belonging
to the estate of Wm. Pickett decd
report that she made sale in pursua-
cne[sic] of said order ["of said" x-out] after duly
advertising on the 15th June 1843
that [x-out] the Boy Franklin was
purchased by Joseph Pickette at     $470-..
Iverson was bought by Wm. Picket at $526
Sam was bought by Jos Pickette at   505
That Squire was bought by John Hodge at $485
& Harry was bought by Jacob Dickey $502
the commissioner further report
that the foregoing sums are secured
by bonds with a credit of nine month
& good security               her
August 20th 1843    Elizabeth (X) Pickett
Giles Mebane
             5 pr allowed