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Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Peelor, Benjamin November 29, 1799
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Ben Franklin May 2024

Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume C, pages 166-168
Written: November 29, 1799
Recorded: Feb 1800
Testator: Benjamin Peelor

In the Name of God. Amen.

I Benjn. Peelor of the County of Orange & State of North
Carolina being sick & weak in Body, tho of sound mind &
perfect memory, calling to mind the uncertainty of Life
& believing it a duty to endeavour to settle my worldly
affairs do make, ordain, publish, pronounce, & declare,
this my last will & Testament in words & manner following

1st I lend to my Wife during her natural Life the Plan=
=tation whereon I now live known by the name of my
Anthony place as also my Bowey tract together with
fellow Bob & negro Wench Milly, two beds & furniture
two cows & calves, one horse beast to be her choice,
two Sows & Ten shoats, for the purpose of supporting
her & four youngest Children, with all the Corn & meal
now on the said plantation ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~

2 I give & bequeath to my Son Samuel Peelor the land
whereon he lives with the compliment of Two hundred
acres to be bounded by the Lands of Jno Holt, Thos.
Browning & Wm. Pickett to him & his heirs forever ~~~~

3 I give to my Son Benjn. Peelor the Land where I formerly
liv'd to include the place where Thos. McFarland lives &
Mark Brownings place together with one half my
Smiths tools to him & his heirs forever ~~~~~~~~

4th I give & bequeath my Son Pleasant Peelor all my
Bowey Tract after the death of his Mother except
fifty acres taken therefrom & join'd to my Anthony
place for the use of my Son Allen, as also, one colt
to my Son Pleasant to him & his heirs forever ~~~~~~~

5th I give to my Son Abner the other half of my Smiths
tools or the Value thereof in money if sold

[page 2]
6 I give & bequeath to my Daughter Franky my Negro
wench Lucy, with her increase except the first child
she shall hereafter have to be rais'd for the use of my
Daughter Polly, ~~  ~~  ~~

7th I give to my Daughter Esther my Negro Fellow
Peter to her & her heirs for ever

8th I give to my Son Allen after my wifes death
the plantation whereon I live with my negro fellow
Bob -- as also fifty acres of Land to be taken off my
Merill Tract & fifty more from my Bowey tract

9th I give to my Daughter Polly my Negro Fellow Frank
as also the next child that Lucy shall have & at her
Mothers death my Wench Mille & half the property
I have lent her Mother. Frank to be hir'd out for her
use whilst he live or she marries

10th The rest of my Stock & Negroes & household furniture
of every species not donated to be sold at public sale
by my Executors & the money arising therefrom with
the monies due me by acct. & otherwise after paying my
just debts to be equally divided among all my Child=
ren married & single; the Negroes left my two daughters
to be hir'd out also for their use till they marry or
are of age ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~

Lastly I appoint & nominate my Wife Christiana Peelor
Executrix, & my friend Jno G Rencher Executor to this
my last will & testament, making null & void all for=
mer Wills publishing pronouncing, & declaring this to
be my last Will & testament, Sig'd & Seal'd this 29th of November

Sig'd seal'd publish'd pronounc'd &        Benjamin Pellor (seal0
declar'd to be his last will & Testat. in
presence of us J G Rencher  }
                  his       } Jurat
       Christian (X) Peelor }   Christian Peelor qualified as Exr
                 mark          Augt Term 1800 Jno J Rencher qualified as Exr

[Will Book Volume C, page 166]
    In the name of God Amen I Benj. Peelor
of the County of Orange & State of North Carolina being
sick and weak in Body, tho. of sound mind & perfect
memory, calling to mind the uncertainty of Life & believing
it a duty to Endeavour to settle my Worldly affairs, do
Make, Ordain, Publish, Pronounce & Declare this my Last
Will and Testament in words & manner following ~~~~
1st I Lend to my Wife during her natural life the
plantation whereon I now Live known by the name of
my Anthony place as also my Bowey tract together with
fellow Bob & negro Wench Milly, Two Beds & furniture,

[Will Book Volume C, page 167]
Two Cows and Calves, One Horse Beast to be her choice, Two
sows & Ten shoats, for the purpose of supporting her & four
Youngest Children with all the corn & meal now on the said
plantation ~~ 2nd I Give & Bequeath to my Son Samuel
Peelor the Land whereon he lives with the compliment of
Two hundred acres to be Bounded by the Lands of Jno. Holt,
Thos. Browning & Wm. Pickett to him & his Heirs forever ~~~~
3rd I Give to my son Benj. Peelor the Land where I formerly
Lived to include the place where Thos. McFarland Lives and
Mark Browning's place together with one half my Smith's
tools to him & his Heirs forever ~~ 4th I Give & Bequeath to
my son Pleasant Peelor all my Bowey Tract after the Death
of his mother Except Fifty acres taken therefrom & Join'd to
my Anthony place for the use of my son Allen, as also, One Colt
to my son Pleasant to him & his Heirs forever ~~ 5th I Give
to my Son Abner the Other half of my smith tools or the value
thereof in money if sold ~~ 6 I Give & Bequeath to my
daughter Franky my Negro wench Lucy, with her Increase
Except the first child she shall have to be Raised for the use
of my daughter Polly ~~ 7th I Give to my Daughter Esther my
Negro fellow Peter to her & her Heirs forever ~~ 8th I Give to my
Son Allen after my wife's death the plantation whereon I
Live with my negro fellow Bob ~~ as also Fifty Acres of Land
to be taken off my Meritt Tract and Fifty more from my
Bowey Tract ~~ 9th I Give to my daughter Polly my negro
Fellow Frank as also the next child that Lucy Shall have
and at her mother's death my wench Mille & half the
property I have Lent her mother. Frank to be hired out
for her use whilst he Live or she marries ~~ 10th The Rest of
my stock & negroes & Household furniture of Every species
not Donated to be sold at publick sale by my Executors
and the money arising therefrom with the monies due me

[Will Book Volume C, page 168]
by acct. & otherwise after paying my Just Debts to be
Equally Divided among all my Children married
and Single, the Negroes Left my Two daughters to be
hired Out also for their use till they marry or are of age ~~
Lastly I appoint & nominate my wife Christiana
Peelor Executrix, and my friend Jno G. Rencher Executor
to this my Last Will & Testament, making Null & Void
all former Wills, publishing, pronouncing & Declaring
this to be my Last Will & Testament, Sign'd & seal'd this
29th of November 1799 ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
Sign'd Seal'd pronounced        }   Benjamin Pellor (seal)
& declar'd to be his Last         }
Will & Testament in presence of us }
J. G. Rencher
Christian (X) Peelor

                         Orange County Feb. Term 1800
    The Execution of the foregoing Last Will & Testament
of Benjamin Peelor deceased was duly proved in Open
Court by the Oaths of J. G. Rencher & Christian Peelor
subscribing witness thereto & ordered to be Recorded
at the same time Christiana Peelor Executrix and
John G. Rencher Executor therein named Qualified
accordingly ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Additional Comments:
Will Book Volume C, pages 166-168
Recorded Feb 1800

It appears that Christiana Peelor, the testator's widow, was appointed executrix, despite the signature and footnote on the loose will that says this was "Christian Peelor"

Estate Papers comprise 20 pages and are found in a folder labeled "Peelor, Benjamin (1801)".  No family history found, although the sale of slaves is mentioned several times, no slave names.  William Dunnegan bought an unnamed slave for £112/8

[Estate Papers - Estate Sale - 27 Mar 1800]
Acct of the Sale of the Estate of Benjn. Peelor deceas'd March
            render'd by Christiana Peelor, Executrix    27th 1800

[sundry items omitted]
Acct of Negroes hird. for the Orphans
till 1 Jany. 1801

Negro Fellow Peter        19  8 ~~
 do     do   Frank        15 ~~ ~~
 do   Wench  Luce          7 ~~ ~~
                        £ 41  8 ~~