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Orange County NcArchives Wills.....Patterson, Mann September 10, 1834
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Ben Franklin May 2024

Source: Loose Will, NC Archives CR 073.801, Will Book Volume E, pages 353-355
Written: September 10, 1834
Recorded: May 1835
Testator: Mann Patterson

In the name of God amen I Mann Patterson of
the County of Orange and State of North Carolina
being in a perfect state of mind thanks be to God for the
same but calling to mind the mortality of my body
and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to
Die do make this as my last will & testament followeth
first and principally of all I Recommend by soul
into the hands of Almighty God that gave It and
my body I recommend to [the] Earth from whence It came
to be Buried in a decent manner at the Descretion
of my Executors hoping at the Resurrection to receive
a final reward and as Touching such worldly
Estate as It hath pleased god to Bless me in this
life I Give and bequeath in the following manner
and form (to wit)

Item) I give unto my well beloved wife Mary
Patterson ["2200 acres of land" x-out] and her seven Chil
dren namely Jane Marthy, Caroline Mann
William David and Robert 2200 Acres of Land
Situated and Lying on the waters of new hope
and joining the lands of William Cain William
Jenkins William Roberson and others according
to James Fleeland[Freeland] Survays together with all
the improvements thereon all the Horses with
one exception 10 Cows & Calves with 10 others
one yoke of steers and Cart the Waggon & Geer
all the Hogs and sheep Farming tools Black
Smiths tools and Crop on hand Household and
furniture together with 20 negroes namely
Dock Shadrack Daimond Duke (Jim R.)
Hardy Andrew Johnston Africa Murcison
Duncan Cate Lucy Peggy Pheby Caroline
Miley Elizabeth Harriette and John
As the above named Children come of age or
Marry they shall be entittle[d] to one tenth
part of all the above named property of every
Discription exclusive of all expenses in raising
and the balance of the property to remain
hers During her life time and then to be equally divided

[page 2]
amongst her seven above named Children
and in case any of these should die the property
shall be equally divided amongst the rest of her Children

Item) I also give unto my beloved wife Mary
Patterson six hundred Dollars to be disposed of
as she thinks proper this was obtain by the sale
of her part of the Mills on Eno
Item) I give unto My beloved son John T. Patterson
   Fifty Cents

Itim)[sic] I Give unto Caroline Patterson and Ferdinan
M. Patterson Daughter and son of John T. Patterson
Three Hundred Dollars Each.
Item) I give unto my beloved son James N.
Patterson Two Hundred and twenty nine Acres
of land situated and lying on the waters of
new hope adjoining the lands [of] John L Moore
William Cain and others where he now lives

Item) I give unto my beloved son James N. Patterson
the house & Lat[Lot] in Chapelhill and one negro
name[d] Jim Fox also 50 Bushels Wheat
Item I give unto my beloved Daughter Sarah
M. Rhodes one third of ["the value of" x-out] 926
Acres of land according to its value joining
the lands of Sandy Cheek Lemuel Morgans
William Barbees and others according to James
Freelands survays also two Negroes namely
Washington and Margarete

Item) I give unto my beloved Daughter Nancy
M. Strayhorn one third of 926 Acres of land
according to its value joining the land of Sandy
Cheek Lemuel Morgan William Barbee &
others according to Freelands Survays

[page 3]
I also give to my beloved Daughter Nancy
M. Strayhorn two negroes namely Viney
and Rebecca

Item) I give unto my beloved Daughter
Amelia H Boroughs 225 Acres of Land on
the water[s] of Dry Creek and joining the land
of James Davis on the west the place where she
now lives also two Negroes namely Judy
and Sollomon

Item) I give unto my beloved Daughter
Mary A. Patterson one third of 926 Acres
of Land joining the land of Sandy Cheek
Lemuel Morgan William Barbee and others
according to James Freelands survays also two
negroes namely Clayborn and Hannah also one Bed
and furniture, a sorrel Mare name Chancy[Chaney?]
saddle and Bridle two Cows and Calves

Item) All Bonds Notes open accounts or moneyes
other wise due to be Collected and my Just
Debts paid six Hundred Dollars to my wife
as above named and Three Hundred Dollars to
Each of John T. Pattersons Children as above
named, to be paid to John T. Patterson as guar
dien or his lawful attourney

Item) After the above moneyes are paid out
all the Ballance to be Equally Divided
Between (five namely) James N. Patterson
Sarah M. Rhodes, Nancy M. Strayhorn
Amelia H. Boroughs and Mary A. Patterson
the remnant of Cattle with one yoke of oxen and
Cart to be sold and the money equally Divided between
the five last named Children

[page 4]
I Also Do hereby appoint my honorable friend
James Webb James N. Patterson and John
C. Rhodes  Whole and sole Executors of this
my last will and Testament In witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
My seal this 10th day of September AD 1834

Signed sealed and delivered
In the presen[c]e of us                Mann Patterson (seal)
Robt Davis             Jurat
Elias Batchelor
Thomas (X) Henderson   Jurat

                              Paterson & Rhodes qualified

[Will Book Volume E, page 353]
In the name of God amen I Mann Patterson of the County
of Orange and State of North Carolina being in a perfect State
of mind thanks be to God for the Same but calling to mind the Mortality
of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once
to Die do make this as my last will & Testament followeth  -- First
and principally of all I Recommend by soul into the hands of
Almighty God that gave It and my Body I recommend to ["the" x-out]
Earth from whence It came to be buried in a decent manner
at the discretion of my Executors hopeing at the Resurrection to
receive a final reward and as Touching such wor[ld]ly Estate as it
hath pleased God to Bless me in this life I Give and bequeath in the
following manner and form (to wit) Item I give unto my well
beloved wife Mary Patterson and her seven Children namely
Jane, Martha Caroline Mann William David and Robert 2200
Acres of Land Situated and Lying on the waters of New Hope and
Joining the lands of William Cain William Jenkins William
Robertson and Others According to James Freeland Surveys together
with all the improvements thereon all the Horses with one excep
-tion 10 Cows & Calves with 10 others one yoke of steers and Cart
the Waggon & Geer all the Hogs and Sheep Farming tools Black
Smith Tools and Crop on hand House hold & ["kitchen" x-out] furniture to
-gether with 20 negroes namely Dock, Shadrack, Daimond, Duke
(Jim R.) Hardy, Andrew, Johnson, Africa, Murcison, Duncan
Cate, Lucy, Peggy, Pheby, Caroline, Milly, Elizabeth, Harriette
and John as the above named Children Come of age or Marry
they shall be entitle[d] to one tenth part of all the above named property of
every Description exclusive of all expenses in raising and the ballance of
the property to remain hers During her life time and then to be Equally
Divided amongst her seven above named Children and in case any
of these Should die the property shall be divided Equally amongst
the rest of her Children Item I also give unto my beloved

[Will Book Volume E, page 354]
wife Mary Patterson six Hundred ["Hundred" x-out] Dollars to be
Disposed of as she think[s] proper this was obtain[ed] by the sale of
her part of the Mills on Eno Item I give unto my beloved son
John T. Patterson Fifty Cents Item I Give unto Caroline Patterson
and Ferdinan M. Patterson Daughter & son of John T Patterson
Three Hundred Dollars Each (Item) I give unto my beloved son James
N Patterson Two Hundred and twenty nine Acres of land
Situated and lying on the Watters of New Hope adjoining the
lands [of] John L Moore William Cain and Others where he
now lives Item I give unto my beloved son James N Patterson
the house & Lat[Lot] in Chappelhill and one negro name[d] Jim [Fox]
Also 50 Bushels Wheat Item I give unto my beloved
Daughter Sarah M. Rhodes one third of 926 Acres of Land
according to its value Joining the lands of Sandy Cheek
Lemuel Morgan William Barbee & Others according to [James] Freelands Surveys

[this section of the loose will was skipped in the will book version]
also two Negroes namely Washington and Margarete
Item I give unto my beloved Daughter Nancy M. Strayhorn
one third of 926 Acres of land according to its value
joining the land of Sandy Cheek Lemuel Morgan William
Barbee & others according to Freelands Surveys

I also give to my beloved Daughter Nancy [M.] Straymhorn[sic] two
negroes namely Viney and Rebecca (Item) I give unto my
beloved Daughter Amelia H Boroughs 225 Acres of
Land on the waters of Dry Creek and Joining the land of
James Davis on the west the place where she now lives also two
Negroes namely Judy and Solomon Item) I give unto my beloved
Daughter Mary A Patterson one third of 926 Acres
of Land Joining the land of Sandy Cheek Lemuel Morgan
William Barbee and others according to James Freelands survey
Also two negroes namely Clayborn & Hannah also one bed
and furniture a Sorrel Mare name Chany Saddle and Bridle
two Cows and Calves (Item) All Bonds notes open accounts or
monies other wise due to be Collected and my Just debts paid
Six Hundred Dollars to my wife as above named and Three Hun
-dred Dollars to Each of John T Pattersons Children as above named
to be paid to John T Patterson as Guardian or his Lawful attorney

Item) After the above monies are paid out all the balance to be
Equally Divided Between (five namely) James N. Patterson, Sarah
M Rhodes, Nancy M Strayhorn Amelia H. Boroughs and
Mary A Patterson the remnant of Cattle with one yoke [of] oxen
and Cart to be Sold and the money equally Divided between
the five last mentioned Children I also Do [hereby] appoint my honor
-able friend James Webb James N. Patterson and John C. Rhodes Whole

[Will Book Volume E, page 355]
and sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament In witness where
of I have ["set" x-out] hereunto set my hand and ["seal this" x-out] affixed My seal this
10 day of September AD 1834

signed sealed & delivered                  Mann Patterson (seal)
In [the] presence of us

Robert Davis
Elias Batchelor
Thomas (X) Henderson

                           Orange County May Term 1835
The Execution of the foregoing Last Will and Testament of Mann
Patterson deced. was duly proved in open Court by the Oaths [of]
Robe[r]t Davis & Thomas Henderson the subscribing witnesses
thereto and ordered to be Recorded At the same time James
N Patterson & John C Rhod[e]s the Executors therein named
appeared in open Court and qualified Accordingly

Additional Comments:
Will Book Volume E, pages 353-355
Recorded May 1835

Estate Papers comprise 41 pages and are in a folder labeled "Patterson, Mann (1836)"

Testator's son listed as John T. Patterson is John Tapley Patterson

Amelia Patterson married Thomas Boroughs
Sarah Patterson married John C Rhodes
Nancy Patterson married Aaron Strayhorn

Mary A., Amelia, Sarah and Nancy are not listed among the children of the testator's wife Mary.

Martha Patterson married Benjamin D. Rogers

One negro slave not disposed of in the will: Math

[Estate Papers - Valuation of Negroes Nov 1841]

Valuation of Negros as follows

Peggy & Child Austin valued  at  $375
Phebe & Child Ann Eliza  "   "    450
Caroline & Child Daniel  "   "    575
John of Phebe            "   "    300
Saml  of Do              "   "    250
Henry of Do   to Mr Rogers   "    200
Elizabeth of Do          "   "    290
Murchison of Peggy       "   "    450
Mily      of  Do         "   "    275
Harriett of    "         "   "    256
James of       "         "   "    225
George of      "         "   "    175
Dock           "         "   "    400
Duke           "         "        375
Damon          "         "        600
Africa   To Mr Rogers    "        675
Lucy           "         "        212
Johnston       "         "        675
Shade          "         "        363
Hardy          "         "        550
Andrew         "         "        650
Jim Miller     "         "        400

Cate at no price

[Note: This valuation appears to have been created subsequent to the division requested by Benjamin D. Roberts and his wife Martha in order to divide the estate.  It is unclear whether writer was deliberate in the use of ditto marks and the word "Do".  It is most likely that the two persons (Henry and Africa) where "Mr Rogers" name appears are those who went to him, rather than all of the ditto marks, but the ditto marks also indicate the names of mothers, and it doesn't seem likely that Peggy was the mother of 16 persons, so perhaps she is the mother of 6 or 7 of those below Murchison?  See the original.]