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Orange County NcArchives Court.....Petition, Boundary 1771
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Connie Ardrey n/a September 14, 2014, 9:59 pm

Source: Colonial Records
Written: 1771

Petition from inhabitants of Orange County concerning county boundaries
Tryor, John; Et Al.
Volume 09, Pages 89-90

[From MS. Records in Office of Secretary oe State.]

To His Excellency Josiah Martin Esqr. Capt General, Governor in and over the 
Province of North Carolina the Honourable Council Mr Speaker & Gent of the house 
of Burgesses

The Humble Petition of the inhabitance of the north part of Orange County Humble 

That whereas by the large Extent of Said County it renders it very Burdensom to 
Attend General Musters & Courts &C we pray that A Line begining where Granville 
County line Corners on the Virga line thence runing South on Granville line 
Twenty five miles & there Corner thence west to Guilford line thence North Along 
Said Guilford to the Virga line Thence East Along the Virga line to the Beginning 
& your Petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray &c

Jno Tryor
Richd Coleman
Isaac Johnson
Gabriel Davis
John Adams
Moses Bridges
Robert Paine
Aaron Bridges
Joshia Butler
David Womack
Abraham Womack
John Lawson
John Thomas
John Bridges
William Stone
James Funer
James Jones
George More
John Ragon Senr
John Ragon Junr
Jas Baird
John Baird
Thos Donaldson
Joseph Suttle
Thos Clayton
John Clayton
Lambroth Morgan
Thomas King
Isaac Reaves
Rashles Owin
Joseph Shelewoth
John Bumpas
Samuel Bumpas
Edward Bumpas
William Bumpas
Robert Bumpas
John Day
Thoe Day
William Yarbrough
Samuel Yarbrough
James Tabor
Alexander Davison
John Davison
James Roye
James Kirkland
John Hinge
Peter Rogers
John Rogers
John Smith
John Warrin
James Warrin Jr
James Warrin Sr
Timothy Warrin
Hackley Warrin
William Warrin
John Rogers Jr
William Fuller
Thomas Majors
Joseph Gold
Jno Dunlevy
James Harker
Thomas Neeley
Nathaniel King
Joseph Dunkins
Darby Henly
John Browning
John Moore
William Welch
Ambrose Williams
James Hubbard
Thos Camp
Henry Ledbetter
John McCoy
Philip Palmer
John Barin
James Anderson
Joseph Surrott
David Vanhook
Samuel Vanhook
James Gay
Rubin Nuton
Ritchard Hargis
Willm Jay Junr
Wm McCoy
William Nealey
Joseph Jay
John Tomson
William Morrow
Jas Dunbar Hendby
Charles Trim
Samuel Nealey
Jesse Tomson
Roger Rees Juny
John Rees
William Rees
Benjamin Justis
John Willson
Elijah Edwards
John Allen Tharp
James Long
Robert McReynolds
Medford Dickson
Wm Miles Junr
Thos Barnet
Henry Cockburn
John Gan
Wm Davison
Benjaman Connel
Henry Fuller
James Moore
John Tabor
Nuton Cannasor
William Tomson
Roger Rees Senr
John Saterfield
Thomas Ray
James Saterfield
Barnabas Grims
Stephen Auston
Isaac Vanhook
William Jay Senr
John Anderson
Benjamin Morrow
John Debond
John Arnol
John Boling
John McMurry
Jas Griffin
Alexr Canhorn
John Hardges
John Knight
William Tabb
John Byas
James Satterfield
Robert Byas
Caldwell Saterfield
William Rankin
Wm Usrey
James Turner
Josias Dickson
Jacob Sulph
Elkanah Lacy
Abram Ford
John Womack
Benjamin Huber
John Williams
Lawr Hook
Loyd Vanhook
John Garrett
Ritchard Foard
John Morrow
Arthur Moore
John Tomson Junr
Philip Selph
Henry Ford
Wm Bridges Senr
Wm Bridges Junr
Jno Isham
James Griffin
Jno Yaves
Thos White
Th Bumpas
John Mann
James Jufus
Thos Mann
Joseph Logan
Zachri Green
William Byas
Daniel Blackwell
Isaiah Blackwell
John James
Thos Morrow
T Wyeman
Thomas Nucket
Ham Carr
Edward Nash
Robt Austin
Wm Miles Senr
Jas Hitcherside
Wm Carver
Thos Whilkins
Benjamin Tuftin

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