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ONSLOW COUNTY, NC - WILL BOOK 2 - Joshua Wilson, 9 Dec 1841
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         Archives by: Beverly Cole	
State of North Carolina
County of Onslow
Will Book 2

Know all men by these presents that I, Joshua Wilson, of the County of Onslow 
and State of North Carolina, do here make my last will and that all former 
ones shall be made void, declaring this to be my last will and testament.
I give and bequeath to my wife Amy, all my land durin her life, then to go to 
Mary Lawrence.  I also give and bequeath Mary Lawrence four stocks of bees, 
and the other six to my wife.  I give and bequeath to Louisa Lawrence one 
heifer.  I leave my horse to be sold and the money to buy other that is 
gentle.  If not to put to that use,  to be divided between my wife and Mary 
Lawrence.  I also give Mary Lawrence two sows, my canoe I leave to use of the 
family and I give Mary Lawrence three chairs.  I give to my wife my cupboard 
her lifetime then to Mary Lawrence.  I give and bequeath to Hopy Lawrence 
three hundred and fifty weight of pork and part of the lard and also two 
barrels and a half of corn, my three (seins?) I leave to be sold, one third of 
the money to go to Mary Lawrence and the balance to my wife.
I also give to Mary Lawrence truncks.  I also give & bequeath to Sarah Eubanks 
fifteen shillings.  I give to John Wilson's heirs fifteen shillings each.  I 
give to Zebedee Wilson's heirs fifteen shillings each.  I give to Nancy 
Brown's heirs fifteen shillings each.  I give to (Sean or Sear?) Jenkins 
fifteen shillings.  I also give and bequeath to wife the whole rest and 
residue of estate whatsoever or wheresoever, wheather real or personal till 
her deceast, then its to Mary Lawrence.  This the ninth day of December in 
year of our Lord one eight hundred and forty one.
(signed his mark) Joshua Wilson

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us
L. C. Simpson
Lemuel Millis

State of North Carolina}
Onslow Count}
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions May Term 1845}
Then was the foregoing paper writing exhibited in open court as the last will 
and testament of Joshua Wilson, decd., and the due execution thereof proved by 
the oath of Lemuel Millis, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, it is 
considered by the court that said paper writing is the last will and testament 
of Joshua Wilson and the same be admitted to probate as such.  Whereupon it is 
ordered by the court that said will be recorded and filed as the last will and 
testament of said Joshua Wilson.
Jasper Etheridge, clk