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DUPLIN CO, NC   WILL - Petition of PRIDGEN, Eleanor-1868)

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Carol Martoccia

This Petition is important because it lists the children by name of Robert
G. Pridgen and Eleanor Bruton. It even names the husbands of the female

State of North Carolina   Superior Court  Duplin County   Fall Term 1868

To the Honorable the Judge of said Court:

The petition of Eleanor Pridgen widow of Robert Pridgen deceased
respectfully showeth to your Honor that her said husband died leaving a
last will and testament in Duplin County, during the month of  last which
will has been duly admitted to probate in the proper Court and the dissent
of your petitioner has been duly signified in open Court and entered of
record to the same. Your petitioner further showeth that the said testator
left surviving him the following children. Jesse Pridgen of Green County,
Mary Woolvin, wife of Joel(Jack) Woolvin, Sally Dobson, wife of Perry
Dobson, Jane Lewis is the wife of Henry Lewis of Sampson County, Lafayett
Pridgen of Wayne County, George W. Pridgen, Harper Pridgen of Green County,
Susan Barden, wife of Buckner Barden who are his only devices and heirs at
law. Your petitioner further showeth that her said husband at the time of
his death was seised(possessed?)  in fee simple of a tract of land
siterated in said county adjoining the lands of Dr.M Moore, James R.
Hurst, Perry Dobson, and Mary E, Cooper and containing by estimation three
hundred and fifty-seven acres. Your petitioner further showeth that she
desires to have her dower in the said land alloted to her and to that end
she prays your Honor to order a writ to be issued to the Sheriff commanding
him to summonon five persons qualified to act as Jurors to view the
aforesaid tract of land and to  allot and set apart to her dower in said
premises according to law and  make a report of the proceedings under their
hands to court. May it please your Honor to order Summons with copies of
this petition to be issued to the said Jesse Pridgen, Mary Woolvin and her
husband Jack Woolvin, Sally Dobson and her husband Perry Dobson, Jane Lewis
and her husband Henry Lewis,Lafayette Pridgen,George W. Pridgen, Harper
Pridgen and Susan Bardin and her husband Buckner Barden requiring them to
appear in the Court within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if
any, they can why the prayer of your petitioner shall not be granted And
your petitioner as in duty bound shall every pray..

Allen. Attorney for Petitioner      J D Southerland  
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