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Bertie  COUNTY  NC  BIOGRAPHY - Smith, Silas

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by 
Pete Austin


Mr Smith* 5th great grandfather, b. ca.1725.  He married
Unknown*(Wife:Mr Smith & m/o Silas #236), b. c1725.  Mr
Smith is the first of my Smith clan to be identified in
my family tree. The first known Smith was living on the
south side of Flagg Run Wharf Road that ended at the
Roanoke River. The house that his son grandson Abram
Smith owned has now burned. Later living in the house was
Hezekiah Thomas, Lewis Thompson and Dr Barnard.

This Mr Smith was the g.g.grandfather of Mary Arabella
Smith #204 who married Moore Rawls my g.g.g.Grandfather
on 11-01-1838 in Bertie Co.

Mr Smith had only one known son who was named Silas #236.
Silas had a son Ebenezer Smith #231 who was the father of
the above Mary Arabella Smith

Note: A James Smith sold to John Harrell of Nansemond Co
VA 8 acres for 32 shillings on May 11 1927. This property
was on the north side of the Morratock "Roanoke" River
and south side of Flagg Run that was also called "Wharf
Road".  No connection found at this time with James and
My Mr Smith who was born ic1725. James Smith could have
been the above Mr Smith's father?

On February 11, 1733 Needham Bryan bought 200 acres from
Timothy Ryall on the North side of Flaggy Run, adjacent
to John Harrell and Joseph Moor.  Moore Rawls may have
been named after this Joseph Moor (e).

Needham Bryan owned Snowfield Plantation and the
surrounding land that was located just pass Hill Ferry
Road  ("Weeping Mary Road"), which is south of Woodville.
His home, which has now been destroyed, was on the right
just off Taylor's Ferry Road ("now Hwy #11 the road to
Oak City"). A portion of the Snowfield Cemetery still
remains there on the property. A short distance to the
north from Needham's Plantation was Flagg Run Wharf Road
where the Smith and Rawls families lived in the 1725's.

I.     Silas Smith 4th GGF, b. 1750.  He married Celia
Ellis, b. c1750, (daughter of Moses Ellis my 5th Great
Grandfather and Unknown (Wife Moses Ellis #18230)) d.
1822, Woodville NC.  Silas died 1829, Woodville NC. Silas
Smith was my (Pete Austin) g.g.g.g.grandfather. His home
was located east of Woodville, NC on the current Jack
Branch Road that leads to Windsor NC in Bertie Co. It was
originally called the "Old Silas Smith" House. It is
found on a map that was reconstructed from records given
by Dr. Charles Smallwood from b 1830 - d 1899. Later John
Small Smallwood moved from Indian Woods area and lived
there in the Silas Smith house from 1831-32 for the
purpose of sending his children to the Academy in
Woodville. Dr Charles Smallwood's brother Robert Watson
Smallwood was born there in the old Silas Smith house.
Later John Smallwood moving to a house at the fork of the
road leading to Hills Ferry Road and Taylors Road and
lived there until his death June 26,1843 leaving a wife
and seven children.

Adjoining the property of Silas and Celia Ellis Smith was
located a couple of miles east on Jack Branch Road near
that of Col. Jesse Averitt. Col then sold his property to
Joseph Pugh and moved with his family to Flordia. Later
W.C. Thompson bought this plantation. See Col.Jesse
Averitt # 17028 for additional information. Jesse was my
4th great uncle and a veteran of the war of 1812.

Across the Jack Branch Road and south from Silas & Celia
Smith place was the property of John Ruffin. As you
returned to Woodville and passed through the crossroads
at the intersection where Jack Branch Road, Taylor Ferry
Road that went SW to Oak City, and the Roxobel-Kelford
Road joined each other was the Old General Store that
Edward and Robert Watson built. Just pass this
intersection going SW on Taylor's Ferry Road was the
Grace Episcopal Church that was built on the left side of
the road.  Next was the property of William Alston Pugh.
Mr Pugh also owned property adjoin Silas and Cilia Smith.
He built his house in 1812.  Williams Griffin later owned
this property. His descendants still live there.

According to Cathy Farris' research she found that Silas
SMITH place as being adj to Michael BRYAN(T) who was her
ancestor. A search of deeds of Bertie County will give a
more accurate location of each property.

The reproduction of a map of Dr Smallwood description of
the neighborhood shows that Silas and Cilia Smith had a
son Abram Smith who was living approximately two-miles
south on a dirt path called Flag Run Wharf that went from
Woodville to the Roanoke River. The property was later
bought by Hezekiah Thompson, then owned by Lewis Thompson
and then deeded to Dr Barnard. The house was destroyed by
fire sometime before 1899.

According to Cathy Farris. William BRYAN(T) married 1st
Catherine (unknown maiden name). After William's death in
1744 in Bertie County Catherine married as her second
husband Aaron ELLIS the brother of Moses Ellis. There are
quite a few deeds recorded showing where Aaron ELLIS
purchasing land in Roquist Swamp section. Note Flagg Run
Wharf Road becomes Jack Branch Road when it crosses
Taylor Ferry Road in Woodville. At the intersection at
Flagg Run Wharf Road was a Tavern plus an Old Store that
at one time was operated by Robert Watson & Grimes. Abram
Smith (My 3rd great Uncle) lived down this road and was
next door was Mrs R.C. Watson who lived near the end of
the path.

Aaron ELLIS died abt 1769. It was his obligation to leave
part of his estate to Celia ELLIS, daughter of his
brother Moses ELLIS who died about 1760? Celia also had a
sister that was named Mary SKEETO

Caty Farris <> stated, "I have always
wondered if the Celia mentioned with Silas SMITH was the
above Celia. She stated that she found a confirmation to
this in the following court petition; made years later in
record found on film #1672647 in Salt Lake City that was
filmed in 1990, "Bertie Estate Records" Moses ELLIS-
Benton KING and wife et al Per Part Abram SMITH filed 14
Aug 1830 (handwriting was a challenge).

State of North Carolina to Bertie County, September
Superior Court 1830 To the Honorable __? Judge of the
said court. This petition of Benton KING and Salley his
wife, of Simon REA and wife Elizabeth, William HODGES of
age? Salley, Mary and Jesse HODGES infants by their next
friend William HODGES Luke RABY and wife Trusa and Mary
SMITH of age and Thomas and (Dr) Starkey SMITH infants by
their next friend Luke RABY of? Silas SMITH and wife
Treacy, humbly sheweth that Celia ELLIS the daughter of
Moses ELLIS inherited a tract of land herein after named
as the only heir at law of Aaron ELLIS who died
interstate many years past - That Celia ELLIS inherited
many years ago with Silas SMITH who lately died in Bertie
County. That said Celia and Silas lived together in the
married state until the death of Celia who died in the
year 1822. That Silas SMITH lived on the premises until
his death in the years 1829 and was tenant ___niz? the
curtese? of said tract of land. That said Celia died
interstate and left the following persons who come were
her heirs at law. Abram SMITH son of said Celia and
Silas, Salley a daughter who is the wife of Benton KING,
Mary a daughter who was the wife of John HODGES both
living at the death of Celia and since dead leaving pew?
their children Elizabeth who has married with Simon REA
William HODGES of age Sally HODGES an infant, Mary and
Jesse HODGES both infants and without guardian. Ebenezer
a son of said Celia since dead who left your? four?
___le? living Trusa who is the wife of Luke RABY, Mary
SMITH of age, Thomas SMITH and Sharkey SMITH infants
without guardian and Treace SMTIH (a daughter of Celia)
the wife of Willie SMITH both living your petition and?
said Celia SMITH dec'd seized in fee of this before
mentioned tract of land situate in Bertie County and
bounded by the lands of Jesse AVERTT, William PUGH, John
RUFFIN and others estimate to contain 200ac it being a
tract of land on which Silas SMITH lived at his death.
Your petitioners show that at the death of Silas SMITH
they became seized in fee of said tract of land ____? in
common with Abram SMITH also one of the heirs at law of
Celia SMITH as before stated. Your petitioners being thus
entitled have frequently? applied? to said Abram SMITH
and requested him to joint in a petition with then for
the ___ of having said premises divided among the parties
entitled, ___? the several proportions to which they
heirs of Celia SMITH are entitled and they and that the
said Abram being in the possession of said lands refuses
to join with your petitioners to have the land divided
but retain? the possession from some unfair motive and
design. Your petitioners being desirous that partition
should be made of said land in order that each party may
have and hold his and her share in pernoty? per? Pray
your Honor to grant proper process to be served on said
Abram SMITH to ___? in this court and be made a party
defend? one? to this petition of the petitioners and that
your Honor will grant your court of partition such? other
and for their relief as to your Honor shall seem equally
to law and your petitioners will pray Ye? Jas T? Jones __

Recorded here is information on property that was owned
next to Silas Smith.

S231 Deed 1800 John HAYES to William Bryan SPIVEY

This indenture made the ___18 between William Bryan
SPIVEY of Bertie County and state of North Carolina of
the one part I John HAYES of the said state of the other
part witnesseth that the said John HAYES part in
consideration of the sum of one hundred and twenty actual
dollars to me in hand paid __?__? Delivers of his
presents the receipt whereon acknowledge of the said
William Bryan SPIVEY his heirs forever scituate? The
same__? John HAYS doth by these presents sell, bargain,
deliver, convey, __? To the said to William Bryan SPIVEY
his heirs, assigns forever a __tract or parcel of land
lying in Bertie County state of North Carolina bounded as
follows on the SS of Roquist Swamp beginning at Needom
BRYAN corner tree, a pine thence up said Cypress Swamp
bending on William RUFFINS land, thence running up said
Roquist Branch, bindery? On Balis HOUSE land, thence ___
____ course bind on Silas SMITH land thence binding
Needham BRYANS land containing by estimation 100ac be the
same more or less to have and to hold the said bargained,
granted, paid with all furnishings thereunto belong or
anywise appertains with all houses ___, water courses___
the same heirs said William Bryan SPIVEY his heirs and
assignments to his and their only proper use and heirs
forever clear and free from encumbrances of any kind and
the said John HAYES ___ have his heirs and assigns doth
by these presents forever warrant, secure and defend the
said land and all the privileges thereunto belonging to
him the said William Bryan SPIVEY his heirs and assigns
to the lawful claims or damage of person or persons
whatsoever. In witness thereof I the said John HAYS have
set my hand and seal the day and date above mentioned.
Signed, Sealed, Acknowledged and Delivered in presences
of us John HAYES Catherine HAYS


State North Carolina Nov Term 1800 Bertie Court The ___
___ John and Catherine HAYSE to William B SPIVEY was
proved in open court by oath of Lewis COTTON ___ the
subscriber ___and ordered to be registered. George GRAY

SILAS SMITH--- Will 1825 Bertie Co NC

In the name of God amen, I Silas SMITH of Bertie County
state of

Carolina Do this 7th March 1825 make and publish this my
last will and

Testament in manner and form as follows (to wit)

1st I give and bequeath unto Thomas SMITH son of Ebenezer
SMITH dec'd one

Negro boy named Joe, 100ac of land wherein his father
Ebenezer SMITH lived.

2nd I give and bequeath unto Starkey SMITH son of
Ebenezer SMITH

dec'd one negro girl named Dicy?  100ac of land being the
land I bought of

John MORRIS it is to contain 1/2 of the tract of land I
bought of said

MORRIS and to consist where Charles JORDAN formerly

3rd I give and bequeath unto Whitmell HODGE son of my
daughter Polly

HODGES one Negro named Sarah and her increase boy Arthur
to him and his

Heirs forever.

4th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Polley HODGES
two cows and calves

to hers her heirs forever.

5th I give and bequeath to my grandson Joseph KING son of
Sally KING one

Negro woman named Mealy and should Mealy have increase
before my death her

future increase as to be divided equally among all the
children that Sally

KING may have before my death except Joseph Jarrod and
Isaac KING.

6th I give and bequeath to my grandson Garrod KING one
tract of land that

I bought of Benton KING containing ninety-two acres for
the bounding see

the said deed.

7th I give and bequeath to my grandson Isaac KING one
Negro girl named

Winafred should the said Negro have any increase before
my death her

increase I wish divided amongst Sally KING's children
except Joseph Jarrod

and Isaac KING.

8th I give and bequeath to my grand daughters of Sally
KING named Jennet

KING and Ferry? KING ten head of cattle eight stack of
Bees 27 head of

hogs now on the plantation where Benton KING now lives To
them and their

heirs forever.

9th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Treasy SMITH one
Negro girl

Clo one Boy Harry girl Sally one Feather bed and
furniture four cows

and calves two sows and pigs one woman saddle twenty
dollars money one

young horse and five kidd sheep to her and her heirs

10ths I give and bequeath to my son Abram SMITH the
mannor and plantation

whereon I now live containing 220ac more or less 100ac of
land lying on

Roquist Swamp adj the land of William CLARK and the land
formerly belonged

to Martin GARDNER and John RUFFIN for particular boundary
have reference

to deed and patent- also negro man George negro woman
Fanny and

child Levina and her future__?  Boy Peter girl Hasty and

increase girl Mary? and her increase  one Boy  Hill?  two
featherbeds and

furniture, the bed I sleep on and the one I __? On one
wheat tare   all

the cows and fodder __?__?  one__? steers and cart  five
cows and calves

and all my hogs except those given away all the kitchen
furniture  all

money  goats  silo  Bank notes and all the plantation __?
whatsoever  one

horse and the remainder of my sheep  on Desk? Disk?  all
the wheat to him

his heirs forever.

11th I give and bequeath unto William Britton SMITH son
of Abram SMITH one

girl named Maria to him and his heirs forever.

My two grand children named Thomas and Starkey SMITH in
this___? Legacies

is to be and remain in the hands of my son Abram SMITH
until they arrive at

the age of twenty one years should they or either of them
die without

heirs lawfully begotten by their own body I give the same
to my son Abram

SMITH to him and his heris forever.

My grandson Isaac KING's land is to stay and remain in
the possession of my

son Abram SMITH until he arrives at the age of twenty one
years should he

died without heirs lawfully begotten of his own body I
give unto Charles

KING son of my daughter Sally KING to his and his heirs

12th I give unto my daughter Treasy SMITH one Bofat the
furniture Bofat I

leave to be equally divided between my son Abram SMITH
and Treasy SMITH to

them and their heirs forever.

13th I give unto my grand daughters Jennett KING one colt
which is in the

possession of Benton KING to her and her heirs forever.

14th I give unto Liza SMITH daughter of Treasy SMITH one
Negro girl named

Basharg? to her and her heirs forever.

All my stock of cattle not willed except my Brandy? I
leave to be equally

divided amongst my children Polly HODGES, Sally KING,
Treasy SMITH and

Abram SMITH the property I want? __ without sale at he
discretion of my

Executors and children, part given to Sally KING it is my
desire for it to

remain in the hands of my son Abram SMITH and for him to
give it to her as

he thinks proper.

Lastly I constitute nominate and appoint my son Abram
SMITH and friend

James CHERRY Executors to this my last will and testament
discharge? this

and no others to be my last will and testament.

Signed sealed published declared by him the said Silas
SMITH to be his

last will and testament the date and year above written.

Witness  Preston ASKEW   Edward SWAIN                    

County Court Nov term 1829 Oath of Justine ASKEW, Abram
SMITH one of the



A.           Abram 'Abraham' Smith, b. c1780, Woodville,
Bertie Co NC.  He married Martha (Wife:Abram Smith #238).
Abram died aft 1820.  His brother Ebenezer Smith #232 was
born 1783 and died 5-9-1846. Abram lived in 1793 just
south of Woodville between the Flag Run Wharf road and
Hill's Ferry Road (now Weeping Mary Road). His home was
approximately 2/3 of the way towards the Roanoke
(Murdock) River and just south of Lewark Swamp.
Continuing south was the home of Mrs R.C.Watson (later in
1890 it became the Hezekiah Griffin home). Also living
near was Hezekiah Thompson brother to Lewis Thompson (Dr
Blanchard later moved into this house) that was destroyed
by fire before 1895. Abram and his wife Martha (maiden
name unknown) were my g.g.g. uncle and aunt. Abram was
also the uncle of Mary Arabella Smith #204 h/o Moore
Rawls #203 who were my 2nd great grand parents. See Silas
Smith #236 for addition information on the Smith family
of Woodville NC. In the recollections of Woodville Bertie
Co NC Dr Charles Smallwood names Abram and his neighbor
Mrs. Watson. Children of both families are named but to
which family they belong is not clear?

1.    Pricilla Smith.  She married W.R Savage, 05-1850,
in Near Roxobel NC.  Moved to Miss.

B.           Ebenezer Smith* g.g.g.grandfather, b. 1783,
Woodville NC.  He married Elizabeth* (Wife:Ebenezer Smith
#231)*, b. c1783.  Ebenezer died 05-09-1816.  Ebenezer
Smith #231 was my ("Pete" #1) 3rd Great Grandfather. Died
at 33 years of age leaving four small children.
Elizabeth*: Went by the name of Betsy Smith. In 1895 she
died in the home of her son Moore Rawls who at that time
was overseer on the Lewis Thompson Plantation. This house
was located west of Woodville beyound the Saint Frances
Church (now relocated across the street in Lewiston from
my uncles Bruce Austin and wife Ann Menton Austin house:
Ann at the present time is in a retirement home in VA on
the road towards Kelford. Reference; Recllections of
Woodville by Dr

Charles Smallwood (1828-1899) written in 1895.
Grandmother "Bet" had only one

hand. It was amputated after she was bitten by a Black
Widow Spider. She out

lived her daughter Mary Arabella Smith Rawls that died in
1854 at 42 years of

age. Betsey acted as mother of Moore Rawls' children:
Elizabeth Watson Rawls,

Mary Moore Rawls, Starkey Robert Smith Rawls and Sarah
Elizabeth Rawls that

died at two years of age. Probably Grandmother "Bet" was
a Watson because her

granddaughter Elizabeth Watson and g.g.g.g granddaughter
Mary Watson Peele

were given this name. Mary Watson's father was Joshiah
"Joe" Smith Moore

Peele. Another child of Moore Rawls by his 2nd wife
Judith Frances Garrett was

named Robert Watson Rawls (h/o) Lena Rivers Cherry #590.
Lena was my 4th

cousin, twice removed through my mother.

1.    Mary Arabella Smith* g.g.gandmother, b. 03-28-1810.
She married Moore Rawls* g.g.grandfather, 11-01-1838, b.
01-26-1811, Rhodes Place Crossroad, Bertie Co  NC, (son
of Jonas Rawls g.g.g.grandfather and Sarah (Sally) Moore
3rd GGM) d. 09-16-1879, Woodville, NC.  Mary died 09-06-
1854.  Mary Arabella Smith #204 was my ("Pete" #1) g.g.
grand mother. Mother of Mary Debra Arabella Peele #39
that Married Jacob Lafayette Austin #38 and was her
namesake. She died at 44 years of age.  Was called
"Betty". Lived in Woodville on the road leading to
Kelford. On the left, beyond Nora Hinton house which
later occupied by John B Griffin c1849 and then
W.C.Thompson in 1863. Betsey was the daughter of
Elbernezer #331 & Elizabeth Smith #332 (maiden name is
not known at this time) His parents were Silas #236 Born
c1750 and Celia Smith.

Ebenezer's brother was Abram #238 h/o Martha. Sisters
Elizabeth, Treacy #239,

Mary "Polly" that married a Mr Hodge, and Sarah "Sally"
#244 h/o Jarrod King who moved to Tenn? The old Silas
Smith house was on the left side of the road on the way
to Windsor. It was across from the home of Dr Charles
Smallwood who lived there until 1889. Dr. died in 1899.
His father John Smaw Smallwood later lived in the Silas
Smith house. A neighbor was John Ruffin who lived
eastward a little farther towards Windsor. This highway
is now named the Jack Branch Road. Moore: Moore Rawls
joined St. Francis Methodist-Episcopal Church, South, 06-
11-1851. He was the overseer for the Thompson Plantation.
Have excerpt from his diary as supplied by Jesse Bazemore
Parker. Moore Rawls was my ("Pete" Austin #1) 3rd Great
Grandfather a descendant of William Rawls Sr. #622. Note:
The Thompson Children's home in Charlotte was started
with a single gift in memory of Lewis F Thompson.
Described as a man of correct taste, of thorough sense of
propriety, of ripe judgement and great energy of
character. He was an influential, highly respected figure
in his region.

When he was 59, tragedy struck Lewis Thompson's family.
His eighteen-year-old daughter Pattie died and one month
later a deeply grieved Mr. Thompson died, too. In memory
of her husband and daughter his wife Margaret Ann Cathart
Clark Thompson gave the St. Peters Church through Rev.
Benjamin Bronson: Rector, what has been described as a
considerable sum of money. This gift led to the
establishment of Thompson Orphanage. It was a haven for
the multitude of post war orphans in 1886. Today Thompson
Children's home is a modern residential treatment
facility for emotionally disturbed children. It also
provides group home care and counseling service across NC
and has served literally thousand of children. My g.g.
Grandfather Moore Rawls was the overseer for Lewis F
Thompson #12085 plantation before and after slavery.

Lewis Whitmel Thompson Jr #14594 was a personal friend
and the grandson of Lewis F.Thompson #12085. Lewis Jr and
his wife Betsy Murry lived with his Uncle William "Billy"
Clark Thompson #14567 in the family home just at the edge
of Woodville.  When he died he gave all his belongings to
what he thought was the "next of Kin". thinking that it
was his nephew Lewis Whitmel Thompson Jr. When in fact it
would include the family of his 1st cousin Sallie Eaton

Big family debate that resulted with the court ruling in
favor of a share belonged to Sally Norfleet family. It
was a sizeable estate with lots of farm property that
consisted of the river plantations that dated back to
land grants from the King of England. Lewis' wife Betsy
Murry was from Windsor, NC. She died about 1960 of a
fatal stoke just after going to bed. Lewis Jr spoke to
her but got no answer and then found she had passed away.
Betsy was one of my father's favorite people and mine. He
and Lewis Jr. were close friends that fished and hunted
together a great deal of the time. It was at one of
Lewis' farms that I once shot at a running deer but when
I went over to investigate I found two lying there. I
never saw the other deer. Only fired at it one time! It
was on his farm that I witnessed the largest buck deer
that I have ever seen in the wild. He could have been a
ten or twelve pointer or larger that passed just out-of-
range of my stand in a broom straw field.

It just loped across the field and paid no attention to
my out-of-the-range buckshot that I fired at him. A
twelve pointer ran out in front of a car and was killed a
weeks later near this place. Now! They should believe my
big BUCK story.  Written in the papers of Dr Charles
Smallwood "Recollections of Woodville" dated from 1830 to
1899 (papers were sent to me by Margaret "Molly"
Urquhart) he names many of my ancestors. Silas Smith #236
(h/o Celia) lived on the road (now Jack Branch Road) that
connected from Woodville to Windsor. A distant cousin on
mine lived nearby.was the lovely home of Colonel Jesse
Averitt who lived just beyond the crossroads of Jack
Branch Road and on the road that led to Kelford.

HENRY AVERITT---Henry Averitt was (Pete #1) my g.g.g.g.g.
Grandfather and related to the Colonel. Moore Rawls #203
married first Mary Arabella Smith (grand daughter of
Silas Smith) who had a daughter Elizabeth Watson Rawls
#43 that married my great grandfather James W Peele #92.
His grandfather on his wife's side John Young #217
married Martha Averitt #218. Additional data found in
Bertie Co in the Will Book E page 439 dated 1845.
Martha's father was Henry Averitt Jr #223 (h/o) Millie.
Henry Averitt who was probably a brother or cousin of
Col. Jesse Averitt. Also named in Smallwood's Journal was
Abram Smith #238 the uncle of my g.g.gramdfather Moore
Rawls' and wife Mary Arabella Smith. Her father was
Ebenezer Smith #231 born 1783 and died in 1846 (h/o)
Elizabeth of Woodville, Bertie Co NC. In the Smallwood
record on page #6 of this typed journal is recorded data
that needs some clarification.

ABRAM SMITH---"Mr Abram Smith lived near Mrs Watson.
There was quite a large family of children. Eliza married
Rob Powell; they moved to Mississippi. William married
Miss Goodman of Virginia, lived at the old Smith place a
few years and move near Suffolk VA. He and his wife are
dead, leaving several children. Priscilla married
W.R.Savage, moved near Roxobel. lived there a few years
and went to Miss - both living when last heard from.
David went to Miss and died there. John read medicine and
died in VA. Robert went to Mississippi and read law. I
(Doctor said) think that there was another daughter but
have forgotten her name; think it was Celia. The family
broke up from the old homestead many years ago and moved
to Mississippi. Whit Pugh [son of William Whitmel Hill
Pugh, who moved his family to Louisiana in 1819] returned
from Louisiana about 1860, bought the place (Abram Smith
house) and died there in 1867. Dr Bernard, after his
death, bought it, lived there a few years and moved to
Battleboro. After his death the house was rented by
Negroes and finally burned". Question, are the above
children those of Abram Smith or Mr Watson? "

This place was near Mr Watson and the house was occupied
by Hezekiah Thompson who died their [in 1836], then by
his brother Lewis Thompson until he built in Woodville
(~1840 where Mr Burgess Urquhart now lives (in 1895)).
Near this place Dennis Linton and his sister Old Miss
Rachel lived. Old Dennis had a daughter Edna who married
Marcey Bishop of Halifax Co. She died leaving one son who
died during the Civil War. Old Dennis moved west in his
early years. There his wife left him and he returned to
NC bringing his daughter an infant. He had another sister
Miss Sallie; both of them died at Mrs Jenkins in the
Indian Woods. Old Dennis was sometimes given of the

Mr Robert Watson, Abram Smith [my Pete Austin  #1
g.g.g.uncle] and Dennis went Possum hunting; they only
caught one possum and Mr Watson proposed that the one
that told the biggest lie should have the possum. All
agreed to it and Mr Watson commenced first. Mr Smith
next, and Dennis last. I do not remember what Mr Watson
or Smith told but old Dennis said that on the way to the
west he heard one day, as he traveled along, quite a
noise in the woods among the bushes and they examined it
closely to see the cause. He discovered a log rolling
about, it being toO crooked to lie still. On his return
from the west...he looked for the log and it was still
rolling around. Mr Watson and Smith both agreed that
Dennis was entitled to the possum. He hauled fish in the
spring of the year to Woodville from the sound, and there
he learned that Mr Sutton had dunked one of his neighbors
for some offense in the sound. Meeting him one day in the
road, old Dennis raised his head to say 'Good Morning'
expecting him to say 'good morning' in return, but what
should he say but boo', and relating it said 'I said boo,
and damn you into the middle of Edenton Sound".

Dr Smallwood REPORTED "that the old store of Watson and
Grimes stood just below the Old Tavern just where the
road leaves the main road; this road crossed Lewark
Swamp, passed by the dwelling where Mr Watson lived to
Flag Run on the Roanoke. Mr Abram Smith (My Pete #1
g.g.g.uncle) and Hezekiah Thompson lived on this road.
The country people would meet at this store on Saturday,
drink apple brandy, get drunk and on occasional fight.
The Doctor said "I have seen many a fight their. Old Ned
Williams, a soldier of the Revolutionary War died there
sitting on the steps. I think a man named Wimberly was
also stabbed in a fight there and died before he could be
carried away to see a doctor. Elections and musters were
held there. After Mr Watson died, Jack Grimes and James
Lee were the merchants (I may be mistaken about this for
my father and Lewis Thompson did business there around
that time) - in fact it was the time before Grimes and
Lee. Mr Grimes moved to TN and was killed there.

James Lee and Dr H.F.Williams were merchants after them;
then James Lee and Edward Watson. Ned and Robert Watson
then built in front of the Old Tavern.where McRae now
lives and did business there. Dr Watson moved to Texas
and Ned went out of business" Dr Charles Smallwood tells
of " the family of Colonel Jessie Averitt [ connected to
my g.g.g.grandmother Martha Averitt (d/o) Henry Averitt
Jr. ] family consisted of himself [Colonel], wife, and
six children, and a miss Spain, I think. Miss Mary Eliza
who was not married when I heard from her last, and I do
not know if she is still living. Sally married Jacob
Parker, and died in Murfreesboro about 1857, and was
buried in old Averitt Graveyard near the place Alfred
Spivey now lives. Lousia was married. Henry married a
lady in Petersburg, VA and is dead, and the other son, I
have not heard from.

Colonel Averitt sold his place many years ago, which was
bought by Joseph James Pugh; he Averitt moved to Florida.
My father [John Smaw Smallwood) moved to the Silas Smith
place (Silas was my Pete Austin #1 g.g.g.g.grandfather)
in 1831 or 1832 for the purpose of sending his children
to the Academy. My brother was born there". Dr Smallwood
gave information that Saint Frances Church was build by
Thomas Bragg, father of General Bragg and Governor Bragg
with the money coming from Mrs Frances Pugh wife of
William Oilstone Pugh. I found numerous transactions in
the Carolina Room in the Mecklenburg County Library
regarding Moore Rawls. In the micro film Estate Section I
located and identified where Moore Rawls was the Grantor
to:[1] Hardy Hayes, [2] John Dunning, [3] Harvey J White,
[4] James L Burden, [5] Augustine Powell Admrx, [6]
J.P.Johnson, [7] Joseph P Bazemore, [8] my 3rd cousin
thrice remove Joseph William Cherry #613 [father-in-law
on Moore ] to his son Robert Watson Rawls #589 (h/o) Lena
Rivers Cherry #590] my (Pete #1) 4th cousin twice removed
on my mother's side, [9] Dr.Charles Smallwood, [10]Joseph
S Parker [ Moore's son-in-law through his 2nd wife Mary
Watson Rawls #205], [11] Sabry Askew & Son, [12]  Bettie
W Peele,1st wife of Moore Rawls and  my g.g.grandmother
[13] William Walton the husband of Celia Cherry #1819
granddaughter of my (Pete #1)  g.g.g.g grandfather
Solomon Cherry #801 [on my mothers side] as the Grantee.

From the above estate transactions Moore Rawls was
involved in at least 13 pieces of property in Bertie
County. He also was educated enough to write, as found in
his daily journal during his position as overseer for
Louis Thompson. There is a Rawls Cemetery according to
records in Bertie Co Courthouse, which gives that Moore
Rawls' daughter Elizabeth Watson Rawls #93 was buried in
this place.

2.    Fruzia "Trusa" Smith, b. c1812, Woodville Bertie Co
NC.  She married Luke Raby.

3.    Stark "Starkey" B Smith, b. around 1810/20, d. bef
1895.  Starkey was a merchant in Woodville for several
years for Robert C Watson and his brother Edward Watson.
Both were large landowner and operated a store at the
crossroads where Jack Branch Road, Roxobel/Kelford Road
and Taylor Ferry Road (now NC 11 that goes to Oak City)
crossed in Hotel that is now the town of Lewiston-
Woodville. "Starkey" later relocated to Windsor NC where
he also was a merchant.

4.    Thomas Smith, d. 10-1860, David C Clark farm.
"Tom" Smith went to Flordia as an overseer for Noah
"Soak" Thompson. Later returnrd to NC as overseer for
Lewis Thompson/Dr Kenneth Thompson and Samuel Clark on
the old Clark farm in the Indian Wood's. He died about
the middle of October 1860 on the farm of David C Clark
in the marshes.

       C.           Treasy Smith, b. c1885.  She married Willie Smith.

D.   Mary "Polly" Smith, b. c1887.  She married John
Hodges.  Mary died c1825-27.

             1.    Whitmell Hodges.

             2.    Elizabeth Hodges.  She married Simmon Rea.

             3.    William Hodges.  Of age in 1830.

             4.    Mary Hodges, b. aft 1830.

             5.    Salley Hodge, b. aft 1830.

             6.    Jesse Hodges, d. after 1820.

E.   Sarah (Sally) Smith, b. c1889, Woodville NC.  She
married Benton King.  Dau. of Silas Smith #236. This
family moved to Tenn. No additional  info available.

             1.    Joseph King.

             2.    Jarred King.

             3.    Isaac King.

             4.    Jennet King.

             5.    Ferry King.

II.   Henry Smith.  Henry Smith owned 200ac joining Silas
Smith in 1819 as given on list of taxables in Bertie Co.