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L index

Golden Valley County Archives
USGENWEB Montana Archives,maintained by

This file is a part of the Bureau of Land Management Database for the states of Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. 
Data edited and prepared by Joy Fisher, 
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) inherited the functions of the General Land Office when it was established by Congress in 1946. The South Dakota Land Patents Database, derived from General Land Office and BLM information, contains deeds (primarily patents) issued by the United States in the region now known as the State of South Dakota between 1859 and 1995. While BLM has been referred to as "the Nations record keeper", it is the National Archives that actually keeps the files. The BLM, maintains diagrammatic plats known as Master Title Plats, which depict lands which are owned by the United States and lands which are patented. 
However, these plats do not have any information about who the lands were patented to. That information which has only been available after tedious research, it is available now in this database.
The South Dakota Land Patents Database contains the following information for each land transaction: date, location (township, range, section, meridian), name of person the land was patented to, case type, conveyance type, county, and the patent document identification number. 
Using this information you can obtain copies of the patent file for $10 from the National Archives at the following address:
		Reference Branch (Lands)
National Archives
		Washington, DC 20408
		(202) 501-5428 
You need to submit your request on a copy of Form 84. To get the form, send an e-mail message to
In the body of the message, be sure to ask for Form 84 "Order for Copies of Land Entry Files", tell them how many copies you want (get at least 2, in case you make a mistake) and give your name and snail address so they can send you the forms.(Or you can send a snail mail letter to above address). Sending by e-mail takes less than a week; by snail mail both ways takes about 2 weeks.
Key to Case Types
181000- Public Lands Litigation 
186001- Quit claim deed by US
210000- Acquisition by US 
220000- Land exchange 
230000- Withdrawal of Land by US 
240000- Classification of Lands by US 
250000 Disposition: Use and Occupancy 
251000- Homestead 
252000- Desert Land Act 
253000- Indian Patents 
254000- Color of Title Act 
255000- Mining Claim Occupancy Act 
260000 Grants 
261000- Military Scrip Warrant Patents 
262000- Lands to the State of South Dakota 
262500- Swamp Land 
263000- Rail Road Grants 
264000- Airport conveyance act 
270000 Sales 
271000- Public Land Sale 
272000- Cash 
273000- Small Tract 
274000- Recreation & Public Purposes 
275000- Cemeteries and Parks 
276000- Townsites 
278000- Unintentional Trespass 
371000 Multiple Use Act 
386000 Mining Laws 
386200- Lode Mining Claims 
386300- Placer Mining Claims 
386400- Millsite Claims
Land Conveyance types in this database:
PA - Patent 
GD - Grant Deed 
WD - Warranty Deed
Land Conveyances to the State of South Dakota
IL - State Lieu Selection (Lands the State selected in-lieu of 
sections 16 and 36, which they were entitled to but did not receive) 
LS - Forest Lieu Selection 
SG - State Grant 
SS - State Selection
05 - 5th Principal Meridian -- located in the eastern part of Iowa
06 - 6th Principal Meridian -- located south of Yankton - not used by east River counties
07 - Black Hills Meridian -- located on the SD - WY border
(See map


LACOCK MARION             20      007 N 020 E    008      160  251101  PA        696026  07/03/1919
LAM ELLA E                20      010 N 022 E    030      320  251101  PA        658159  01/08/1919
LAM WILL L                20      010 N 022 E    020      160  251101  PA        415418  06/19/1914
LAMARTINE MARIAH W        20      010 N 019 E    010       40  272002  PA        4287    11/23/1891
LAMARTINE MARIAH W        20      010 N 019 E    015      120  272002  PA        4287    11/23/1891
LAMERS WILLIAM            20      005 N 021 E    010      160  251101  PA        465709  03/30/1915
LAMPSON WILLIE J          20      010 N 020 E    013       40  251101  PA        713189  10/15/1919
LAMPSON WILLIE J          20      010 N 020 E    024      160  251101  PA        713189  10/15/1919
LAMSON FLORENCE N         20      009 N 021 E    030       80  251101  PA        434893  10/10/1914
LAMSON FLORENCE N         20      009 N 021 E    030    40.12  251101  PA        434893  10/10/1914
LAMSON FLORENCE N         20      009 N 021 E    030    40.14  251101  PA        434893  10/10/1914
LAMSON JAMES F            20      009 N 021 E    030       80  251101  PA        434892  10/10/1914
LAMSON JAMES F            20      009 N 021 E    030    40.06  251101  PA        434892  10/10/1914
LAMSON JAMES F            20      009 N 021 E    030    40.08  251101  PA        434892  10/10/1914
LAMSON WALTER H           20      010 N 021 E    019       80  251101  PA        869243  06/21/1922
LAMSON WALTER H           20      010 N 021 E    030      160  251101  PA        869243  06/21/1922
LANE ALBERT W             20      011 N 019 E    028       40  251101  PA        713040  10/15/1919
LANE ALBERT W             20      011 N 019 E    029       40  251101  PA        713040  10/15/1919
LANE ALBERT W             20      011 N 019 E    033      240  251101  PA        713040  10/15/1919
LANE GEORGE               20      010 N 020 E    022      160  251101  PA        399695  04/20/1914
LANE GRACE E              20      007 N 022 E    026      160  272002  PA        414130  06/15/1914
LANE MATILDA              20      010 N 020 E    022      160  272002  PA        278876  06/24/1912
LANG FRANK                20      011 N 019 E    035      160  251101  PA        12556   09/10/1908
LANG MARION S             20      005 N 020 E    008      160  272002  PA        185571  03/23/1911
LANG PHILIP A             20      007 N 021 E    004       80  272002  PA        273921  06/11/1912
LANG PHILIP A             20      007 N 021 E    004    54.42  272002  PA        273921  06/11/1912
LANGNESS PAUL O           20      006 N 023 E    018       80  251101  PA        758779  06/25/1920
LANGNESS PAUL O           20      006 N 023 E    018    39.01  251101  PA        758779  06/25/1920
LANGNESS PAUL O           20      006 N 023 E    018    39.05  251101  PA        758779  06/25/1920
LANGVE IDA JULIA HELGESON 20      006 N 022 E    034      160  251101  PA        394675  03/25/1914
LANGVE OLE J              20      006 N 023 E    020      160  272002  PA        294076  09/27/1912
LANGWORTHY BENJAMIN E     20      008 N 022 E    004       40  251101  PA        427819  08/28/1914
LANGWORTHY BENJAMIN E     20      008 N 022 E    004       40  251101  PA        427819  08/28/1914
LANGWORTHY BENJAMIN E     20      008 N 022 E    004       40  251101  PA        427819  08/28/1914
LANGWORTHY BENJAMIN E     20      008 N 022 E    004       40  251101  PA        427819  08/28/1914
LANGWORTHY BENJAMIN E     20      008 N 022 E    004    20.15  272002  PA        290825  09/09/1912
LANGWORTHY BENJAMIN E     20      008 N 022 E    004    20.05  272002  PA        290825  09/09/1912
LANIER LESTER E           20      009 N 021 E    015      160  251101  PA        569939  02/27/1917
LANIER LESTER E           20      010 N 021 E    031      120  251101  PA        871119  07/06/1922
LANIER LESTER E           20      010 N 021 E    032       40  251101  PA        871119  07/06/1922
LANKTREE WILLIAM H        20      008 N 021 E    032      160  272002  PA        589521  06/27/1917
LANKTREE WILLIAM H        20      008 N 021 E    032      160  251101  PA        744562  04/12/1920
LANTZ JOSEPH              20      007 N 019 E    022      160  251101  PA        371023  12/11/1913
LARSEN CARL A             20      007 N 019 E    030       80  272002  PA        206673  06/15/1911
LARSEN CARL A             20      007 N 019 E    030     36.6  272002  PA        206673  06/15/1911
LARSEN CARL A             20      007 N 019 E    030    36.74  272002  PA        206673  06/15/1911
LARSEN EINAR H            20      005 N 018 E    014      160  272002  PA        420089  07/06/1914
LARSEN JENS               20      010 N 020 E    033       40  272002  PA        247392  02/12/1912
LARSEN JENS               20      010 N 020 E    034      120  272002  PA        247392  02/12/1912
LARSEN PETER M            20      009 N 020 E    003     39.1  272002  PA        247395  02/12/1912
LARSEN PETER M            20      010 N 020 E    034      120  272002  PA        247395  02/12/1912
LARSEN PETER M            20      011 N 021 E    025      160  251101  PA        768526  08/19/1920
LARSEN WINIFRED G         20      010 N 020 E    026      160  251101  PA        521911  03/27/1916
LARSON JOE                20      008 N 021 E    008      160  272002  PA        256273  04/01/1912
LARSON JOHN               20      006 N 023 E    020      160  251101  PA        413224  06/12/1914
LARSON WILLIAM            20      006 N 022 E    018       80  251101  PA        349355  08/08/1913
LARSON WILLIAM            20      006 N 022 E    018    39.77  251101  PA        349355  08/08/1913
LARSON WILLIAM            20      006 N 022 E    018    39.74  251101  PA        349355  08/08/1913
LAUGHLIN FRANK W          20      007 N 022 E    020      320  251101  PA        934268  03/20/1924
LAW ALEXANDER M           20      009 N 020 E    003       40  251101  PA        540645  08/01/1916
LAW ALEXANDER M           20      009 N 020 E    004       80  251101  PA        540645  08/01/1916
LAW ALEXANDER M           20      009 N 020 E    010       40  251101  PA        540645  08/01/1916
LAW JAMES                 20      007 N 019 E    004      160  251101  PA        531639  06/01/1916
LAWRENCE CHARLES A        20      009 N 020 E    024      160  272002  PA        346499  07/14/1913
LAWSON FRANK W            20      007 N 021 E    028      160  251101  PA        456233  01/30/1915
LAZOFF CHRIST             20      007 N 019 E    002      160  251101  PA        719270  11/15/1919
LEAHY TIM J               20      008 N 023 E    030       80  251101  PA        581393  04/26/1917
LEAHY TIM J               20      008 N 023 E    030     39.3  251101  PA        581393  04/26/1917
LEAHY TIM J               20      008 N 023 E    030    39.23  251101  PA        581393  04/26/1917
LEARMONTH FRANKLIN ALEXAND20      010 N 019 E    014      160  272002  PA        364112  11/07/1913
LEBRECHT PAUL             20      005 N 020 E    008      160  251101  PA        415383  06/19/1914
LEE JAMES S               20      005 N 017 E    020      160  251101  PA        515     07/26/1899
LEE THOMAS N              20      009 N 019 E    028      120  272002  PA        74      04/29/1893
LEE THOMAS N              20      009 N 019 E    029       80  272002  PA        74      04/29/1893
LEE THOMAS N              20      009 N 019 E    028       80  251101  PA        382     02/24/1898
LEE THOMAS N              20      009 N 019 E    029       80  251101  PA        382     02/24/1898
LEGGETT JUDSON R          20      009 N 021 E    025      160  251101  PA        515045  02/21/1916
LEGGETT JUDSON R          20      009 N 021 E    026      160  251101  PA        515045  02/21/1916
LEGGETT WILLIAM E         20      009 N 021 E    023      160  251101  PA        511317  02/03/1916
LEGRAND NICHOLAS P        20      008 N 019 E    008      160  251101  PA        703364  08/21/1919
LEHFELDT HAROLD           20      007 N 023 E    006    39.37  251101  PA        105204  11/30/1931
LEHFELDT HAROLD           20      007 N 023 E    006    39.37  251101  PA        105204  11/30/1931
LEHFELDT HAROLD           20      008 N 022 E    034      240  251101  PA        944313  09/08/1924
LEHFELDT LUDWIG C         20      006 N 022 E    020      160  251101  PA        992     03/17/1903
LEIBE THOMAS W            20      007 N 019 E    034      160  251101  PA        459314  02/20/1915
LENNON ALICE CECILIA      20      005 N 020 E    026      320  251101  PA        456241  01/30/1915
LENNON JAMES F            20      004 N 018 E    010      320  251101  PA        655557  12/10/1918
LENNON MARY F             20      004 N 018 E    010      280  251101  PA        850148  02/18/1922
LEPPINK FRANCES C HAKERT  20      007 N 022 E    010      160  251101  PA        585932  05/25/1917
LEWIS ALBERT              20      010 N 021 E    030       80  252000  PA        551428  10/23/1916
LEWIS ALBERT              20      010 N 021 E    030    36.32  252000  PA        551428  10/23/1916
LEWIS ALBERT              20      010 N 021 E    030    36.32  252000  PA        551428  10/23/1916
LEWIS ALBERT L            20      010 N 020 E    022       40  251101  PA        472489  05/12/1915
LEWIS ALBERT L            20      010 N 020 E    027      160  251101  PA        472489  05/12/1915
LEWIS ALBERT L            20      010 N 020 E    028      120  251101  PA        472489  05/12/1915
LEWIS CATHERINE           20      011 N 021 E    031       40  272002  PA        247929  02/12/1912
LEWIS CATHERINE           20      011 N 021 E    032       80  272002  PA        247929  02/12/1912
LEWIS CLARA E             20      010 N 021 E    005       80  272002  PA        472064  05/08/1915
LEWIS EDGAR E             20      009 N 020 E    012       40  278002  PA        256500  07/16/1964
LEWIS FRED C              20      010 N 021 E    004       40  251101  PA        745852  04/20/1920
LEWIS FRED C              20      010 N 021 E    009      280  251101  PA        745852  04/20/1920
LEWIS JACK H              20      007 N 020 E    002       80  278002  PA        256500  07/21/1964
LEWIS JANET L             20      010 N 020 E    024       40  278002  PA        256500  07/17/1964
LEWIS JOHN V              20      010 N 020 E    023      160  251101  PA        184174  03/16/1911
LEWIS JOHN V              20      010 N 020 E    023      120  251101  PA        694764  07/01/1919
LEWIS JOHN V              20      010 N 020 E    024       40  251101  PA        694764  07/01/1919
LEWIS JOHN V              20      011 N 020 E    024       80  252000  PA        796009  02/18/1921
LEWIS KENNETH E           20      010 N 020 E    025       80  278002  PA        256500  07/16/1964
LEWIS LENA M              20      010 N 020 E    024      240  251101  PA        708726  09/26/1919
LEWIS LENA M              20      010 N 020 E    025       80  251101  PA        708726  09/26/1919
LEWIS MINNIE C            20      010 N 020 E    024      160  251101  PA        567895  02/16/1917
LEWIS MINNIE C            20      010 N 021 E    019       80  251101  PA        567895  02/16/1917
LEWIS MINNIE C            20      010 N 021 E    019    36.26  251101  PA        567895  02/16/1917
LEWIS MINNIE C            20      010 N 021 E    019    36.28  251101  PA        567895  02/16/1917
LEWIS PRENTICE R          20      010 N 021 E    004       40  272002  PA        238253  12/11/1911
LEWIS PRENTICE R          20      010 N 021 E    005      120  272002  PA        238253  12/11/1911
LEWIS WILLIAM A           20      010 N 020 E    013       40  272002  PA        423811  07/25/1914
LEWIS WILLIAM A           20      010 N 020 E    011      120  251101  PA        351288  08/19/1913
LEWIS WILLIAM A           20      010 N 020 E    014       40  251101  PA        351288  08/19/1913
LEWIS WILLIAM A           20      010 N 020 E    011       80  251101  PA        652820  11/06/1918
LEWIS WILLIAM A           20      011 N 021 E    032       40  251101  PA        848244  02/10/1922
LEWIS WILLIAM V           20      010 N 020 E    023      120  272002  PA        256729  04/04/1912
LICHTENBERG FREDRICK AUGUS20      005 N 022 E    012      160  251101  PA        790621  01/17/1921
LIDY MORAND               20      009 N 021 E    014      240  251101  PA        544327  08/31/1916
LIGHTIZER RALPH           20      005 N 022 E    026      160  251101  PA        371052  12/12/1913
LIMBECK WILLIAM WALLACE   20      005 N 018 E    006    38.46  251101  PA        910020  06/25/1923
LIMBECK WILLIAM WALLACE   20      005 N 018 E    006    38.84  251101  PA        910020  06/25/1923
LIMBECK WILLIAM WALLACE   20      005 N 018 E    006    39.26  251101  PA        910020  06/25/1923
LIMBIRD JOSEPH            20      010 N 021 E    024      160  251101  PA        102879  06/27/1929
LINCOLN CHARLES JESSE     20      005 N 022 E    014      160  251101  PA        468305  04/13/1915
LIND EDWARD               20      007 N 023 E    030       80  251101  PA        415406  06/19/1914
LIND EDWARD               20      007 N 023 E    030    39.77  251101  PA        415406  06/19/1914
LIND EDWARD               20      007 N 023 E    030    39.73  251101  PA        415406  06/19/1914
LINDHOLM ENAR W           20      010 N 020 E    006      240  251101  PA        581432  04/26/1917
LINDHOLM ENAR W           20      010 N 020 E    007       80  251101  PA        581432  04/26/1917
LINER WILLIAM             20      007 N 021 E    028      160  272002  PA        466247  04/01/1915
LINNABARY JOSEPH H        20      008 N 021 E    014      160  251101  PA        589291  06/25/1917
LINTON HARRY T            20      005 N 023 E    002       80  251101  PA        734255  02/12/1920
LINTON HARRY T            20      005 N 023 E    002    41.15  251101  PA        734255  02/12/1920
LINTON HARRY T            20      005 N 023 E    002    40.97  251101  PA        734255  02/12/1920
LINTON JAMES R            20      007 N 022 E    032      160  251101  PA        521919  03/27/1916
LINTON THOMAS W           20      007 N 021 E    008      160  272002  PA        388655  02/28/1914
LOFGREN ARTHUR E          20      004 N 018 E    010       40  251101  PA        954869  03/10/1925
LOFGREN HENRY C           20      004 N 018 E    004      240  251101  PA        443204  11/18/1914
LOFGREN HENRY C           20      004 N 018 E    004    40.81  251101  PA        443204  11/18/1914
LOFGREN HENRY C           20      004 N 018 E    004    40.67  251101  PA        443204  11/18/1914
LOGA BERNT                20      006 N 022 E    024      160  251101  PA        487444  08/19/1915
LOGA HENRY                20      008 N 022 E    012      160  251101  PA        400811  04/25/1914
LOGA IDA S                20      008 N 023 E    006      120  251101  PA        535153  06/23/1916
LOGA IDA S                20      008 N 023 E    006    37.86  251101  PA        535153  06/23/1916
LOGA IDA S                20      008 N 023 E    006       40  251101  PA        535153  06/23/1916
LOGA IDA S                20      008 N 023 E    006       40  251101  PA        535153  06/23/1916
LOGA IDA S                20      008 N 023 E    006       40  251101  PA        535153  06/23/1916
LOGA IDA S                20      008 N 023 E    006       40  251101  PA        535153  06/23/1916
LOGAN ALVERTA PEORIA      20      007 N 019 E    026      160  272002  PA        247375  02/12/1912
LOGES OTTO                20      007 N 019 E    028      160  272002  PA        342431  06/19/1913
LOGUE DAN M               20      011 N 021 E    029      240  251101  PA        745886  04/20/1920
LOGUE DAN M               20      011 N 021 E    030       80  251101  PA        745886  04/20/1920
LOGUE DAN M               20      011 N 021 E    029      120  251104  PA        842108  01/10/1922
LOGUE DAN M               20      011 N 021 E    030       40  251104  PA        842108  01/10/1922
LOOMIS HARRISON           20      010 N 021 E    014      160  251101  PA        681645  06/03/1919
LOOSEMORE WILLIAM G       20      006 N 019 E    026      160  272002  PA        696     04/28/1899
LORD THERESA M            20      009 N 022 E    006      160  272002  PA        339897  06/07/1913
LOVELY EMMA               20      007 N 019 E    020      160  272002  PA        297050  10/18/1912
LOVELY WILHELMINE         20      007 N 019 E    020      160  251101  PA        337420  05/27/1913
LOWRIE ALEXANDER          20      005 N 022 E    006       80  251101  PA        341410  06/16/1913
LOWRIE ALEXANDER          20      005 N 022 E    006    39.61  251101  PA        341410  06/16/1913
LOWRIE ALEXANDER          20      005 N 022 E    006    39.73  251101  PA        341410  06/16/1913
LOWRIE REBECCA            20      006 N 022 E    032      160  251101  PA        400792  04/25/1914
LUBELEY LUDWIG F          20      006 N 020 E    002    57.18  272002  PA        350088  08/13/1913
LUBELEY LUDWIG F          20      006 N 020 E    002       40  272002  PA        350088  08/13/1913
LUBELEY LUDWIG F          20      006 N 020 E    002       40  272002  PA        350088  08/13/1913
LUNCEFORD CHARLES F       20      009 N 019 E    014      160  272002  PA        260999  04/22/1912
LUNCEFORD THOMAS BENTON   20      007 N 022 E    012      160  251101  PA        370999  12/11/1913
LUNCEFORD WALTER P        20      009 N 019 E    004      120  251101  PA        78133   09/09/1909
LUNCEFORD WALTER P        20      009 N 019 E    009       40  251101  PA        78133   09/09/1909
LUNDGREN WALTER J         20      007 N 020 E    030       80  251101  PA        550799  10/17/1916
LUNDGREN WALTER J         20      007 N 020 E    030    36.91  251101  PA        550799  10/17/1916
LUNDGREN WALTER J         20      007 N 020 E    030    36.97  251101  PA        550799  10/17/1916
LYNCH JAMES F             20      009 N 022 E    018      200  251101  PA        495845  10/26/1915
LYNCH JAMES F             20      011 N 021 E    005       80  251101  PA        985433  09/17/1926