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L index

Deer Lodge County Montana Archives
USGENWEB Montana Archives,maintained by

This file is a part of the Bureau of Land Management Database for the states of Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. 
Data edited and prepared by Joy Fisher, 
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) inherited the functions of the General Land Office when it was established by Congress in 1946. The South Dakota Land Patents Database, derived from General Land Office and BLM information, contains deeds (primarily patents) issued by the United States in the region now known as the State of South Dakota between 1859 and 1995. While BLM has been referred to as "the Nations record keeper", it is the National Archives that actually keeps the files. The BLM, maintains diagrammatic plats known as Master Title Plats, which depict lands which are owned by the United States and lands which are patented. 
However, these plats do not have any information about who the lands were patented to. That information which has only been available after tedious research, it is available now in this database.
The South Dakota Land Patents Database contains the following information for each land transaction: date, location (township, range, section, meridian), name of person the land was patented to, case type, conveyance type, county, and the patent document identification number. 
Using this information you can obtain copies of the patent file for $10 from the National Archives at the following address:
		Reference Branch (Lands)
National Archives
		Washington, DC 20408
		(202) 501-5428 
You need to submit your request on a copy of Form 84. To get the form, send an e-mail message to
In the body of the message, be sure to ask for Form 84 "Order for Copies of Land Entry Files", tell them how many copies you want (get at least 2, in case you make a mistake) and give your name and snail address so they can send you the forms.(Or you can send a snail mail letter to above address). Sending by e-mail takes less than a week; by snail mail both ways takes about 2 weeks.
Key to Case Types
181000- Public Lands Litigation 
186001- Quit claim deed by US
210000- Acquisition by US 
220000- Land exchange 
230000- Withdrawal of Land by US 
240000- Classification of Lands by US 
250000 Disposition: Use and Occupancy 
251000- Homestead 
252000- Desert Land Act 
253000- Indian Patents 
254000- Color of Title Act 
255000- Mining Claim Occupancy Act 
260000 Grants 
261000- Military Scrip Warrant Patents 
262000- Lands to the State of South Dakota 
262500- Swamp Land 
263000- Rail Road Grants 
264000- Airport conveyance act 
270000 Sales 
271000- Public Land Sale 
272000- Cash 
273000- Small Tract 
274000- Recreation & Public Purposes 
275000- Cemeteries and Parks 
276000- Townsites 
278000- Unintentional Trespass 
371000 Multiple Use Act 
386000 Mining Laws 
386200- Lode Mining Claims 
386300- Placer Mining Claims 
386400- Millsite Claims
Land Conveyance types in this database:
PA - Patent 
GD - Grant Deed 
WD - Warranty Deed
Land Conveyances to the State of South Dakota
IL - State Lieu Selection (Lands the State selected in-lieu of 
sections 16 and 36, which they were entitled to but did not receive) 
LS - Forest Lieu Selection 
SG - State Grant 
SS - State Selection
05 - 5th Principal Meridian -- located in the eastern part of Iowa
06 - 6th Principal Meridian -- located south of Yankton - not used by east River counties
07 - Black Hills Meridian -- located on the SD - WY border
(See map


LAKOVICH HATTIE A          20        005 N  011 W     019      80  272002  PA        348272  07/25/1913
LANE HARRY HEIRS OF        20        006 N  009 W     030   40.59  251101  PA        714062  10/21/1919
LANE MICHEAL               20        004 N  011 W     009    17.6  386300  PA        46010   01/16/1908
LANE MICHEAL               20        004 N  011 W     010    2.39  386300  PA        46010   01/16/1908
LANJREY JOHN               20        005 N  011 W     026     160  251101  PA        3040    05/16/1898
LANKAN JAMES               20        004 N  010 W     020     160  251101  PA        1439    06/10/1890
LANSING PETER              20        005 N  010 W     012     440  252000  PA        131     06/20/1883
LANSING PETER              20        006 N  008 W     019    10.1  386200  PA        30309   12/17/1898
LARABIE SAMUEL E           20        005 N  013 W     030    5.84  386200  PA        15470   01/04/1890
LARSEN LOUIS               20        003 N  012 W     028      80  251101  PA        411458  06/05/1914
LARSEN LOUIS               20        003 N  012 W     028      80  251101  PA        411458  10/13/1976
LARSEN LOUIS               20        003 N  012 W     028      80  251101  PA        5631    10/16/1907
LAUNDERVILLE GARY J        20        006 N  010 W     028     120  223000  PA        257401  05/20/1974
LAUZON PETER               20        005 N  010 W     022     160  272002  PA        329     08/10/1872
LAW DAVID                  20        001 N  014 W     032     160  272002  PA        384924  02/13/1914
LAW DAVID                  20        001 N  014 W     029     160  251101  PA        128259  05/05/1910
LAW DAVID                  20        001 N  014 W     030     120  272002  PA        2741    03/18/1905
LAW DAVID                  20        001 N  014 W     030    41.5  272002  PA        2741    03/18/1905
LAW DAVID                  20        001 N  014 W     029      80  251101  PA        5430    04/18/1905
LAW DAVID                  20        001 N  014 W     030      80  251101  PA        5430    04/18/1905
LAW DAVID                  20        0010S  015 W     012   21.61  272002  PA        3602    09/01/1891
LAW DAVID                  20        0010S  015 W     012    3.59  272002  PA        3602    09/01/1891
LAWRENCE ATWATER           20        001 N  014 W     027   12.24  272002  PA        2838    08/30/1889
LAWRENCE ATWATER           20        001 N  014 W     027    2.18  272002  PA        2838    08/30/1889
LAWRENCE ATWOOD            20        001 N  014 W     028      40  272002  PA        2837    08/30/1889
LAWRENCE ATWOOD            20        001 N  014 W     028   31.62  272002  PA        2837    08/30/1889
LAWRENCE ATWOOD            20        001 N  014 W     028   21.93  272002  PA        2837    08/30/1889
LAWRENCE ATWOOD            20        001 N  014 W     032     160  272002  PA        873     12/01/1891
LAWRENCE ATWOOD            20        001 N  014 W     033      40  272002  PA        873     12/01/1891
LAWRENCE ATWOOD            20        001 N  014 W     033   20.25  272002  PA        873     12/01/1891
LAWRENCE ATWOOD            20        001 N  014 W     033   37.95  272002  PA        873     12/01/1891
LAWRENCE ATWOOD            20        001 N  014 W     033    0.68  272002  PA        873     12/01/1891
LAWRENCE ATWOOD            20        001 N  014 W     033   34.64  272002  PA        873     12/01/1891
LAWRENCE ATWOOD            20        001 N  014 W     033   35.55  272002  PA        873     12/01/1891
LAWRENCE ATWOOD            20        001 N  014 W     028    1.12  251101  PA        2124    03/23/1894
LAWRENCE ATWOOD            20        001 N  014 W     028   15.75  251101  PA        2124    03/23/1894
LEE GEORGE W               20        005 N  010 W     020     160  251101  PA        262     01/20/1881
LEE MARTHA A               20        001 N  015 W     035    22.2  251101  PA        15404   09/21/1908
LEFEVERE JESSE W           20        004 N  010 W     024      40  272002  PA        1849    12/12/1888
LEFFLER JOHN H             20        004 N  010 W     034     160  251101  PA        1533    02/07/1891
LEFFLER JONATHAN           20        004 N  010 W     005      80  272002  PA        3220    09/06/1889
LEFFLER JONATHAN           20        004 N  010 W     005   34.29  272002  PA        3220    09/06/1889
LEFFLER JONATHAN           20        004 N  010 W     005   34.02  272002  PA        3220    09/06/1889
LEFLEUR XAVA               20        005 N  010 W     028      40  272002  PA        4704    01/05/1892
LEGER ALEXANDER C          20        005 N  010 W     026     160  251101  PA        591     06/14/1884
LEGO CLOVIS                20        005 N  010 W     022     160  272002  PA        953     08/01/1883
LEVENGOOD JAMES J          20        005 N  011 W     032      40  272002  PA        3503    07/20/1891
LEVENGOOD PETER            20        005 N  011 W     029     120  272002  PA        719     08/20/1881
LEVENGOOD PETER            20        005 N  011 W     032      40  272002  PA        719     08/20/1881
LEVENGOOD PETER            20        005 N  011 W     032     160  251101  PA        698     03/20/1886
LEWIS LOUISIANA C          20        002 N  012 W     033      40  272002  PA        144563  07/18/1910
LEWIS LOUISIANA C          20        002 N  012 W     033    32.3  272002  PA        144563  07/18/1910
LEWIS LOUISIANA C          20        002 N  012 W     033     9.2  272002  PA        144563  07/18/1910
LEWIS LOUISIANA C          20        002 N  012 W     033   33.34  272002  PA        144563  07/18/1910
LEWIS LOUISIANA C          20        002 N  012 W     033    2.83  272002  PA        144563  07/18/1910
LEWIS MAX C                20        002 N  013 W     019      80  223000  PA        110525  09/25/1939
LINDBORG ROBERT            20        005 N  013 W     009       0  386200  PA        452075  01/06/1915
LINDBORG ROBERT            20        005 N  013 W     009  19.395  386200  PA        452075  01/06/1915
LINDBORG ROBERT            20        005 N  013 W     009       0  386200  PA        453376  01/14/1915
LINDBORG ROBERT            20        005 N  013 W     009       0  386200  PA        453376  01/14/1915
LINDBORG ROBERT            20        005 N  013 W     009   16.03  386200  PA        453376  01/14/1915
LINDBORG ROBERT            20        005 N  013 W     010  20.336  386200  PA        535546  06/28/1916
LINDBORG ROBERT            20        005 N  013 W     009       0  386200  PA        649846  10/04/1918
LINDBORG ROBERT            20        005 N  013 W     009       0  386200  PA        649846  10/04/1918
LINDBORG ROBERT            20        005 N  013 W     009  15.021  386200  PA        649846  10/04/1918
LINDIQ HENRY               20        005 N  012 W     014  17.925  386200  PA        595165  08/04/1917
LINDSAY ARTHUR P           20        003 N  012 W     034     160  272002  PA        4369    11/23/1891
LINDSAY JOHN B             20        002 N  012 W     009     160  272002  PA        3757    09/01/1891
LINSLEY GEORGE H           20        005 N  011 W     036  154.19  386300  PA        12142   06/03/1887
LLOYD DANIEL               20        004 N  010 W     002      40  261000  PA        113555  06/30/1876
LLOYD DANIEL               20        004 N  010 W     003      80  261000  PA        113555  06/30/1876
LLOYD DANIEL               20        004 N  010 W     011      40  261000  PA        113555  06/30/1876
LOCKOWICH MICHAEL          20        005 N  011 W     019     160  251101  PA        158752  10/24/1910
LONG JOSEPH V              20        004 N  011 W     010  139.94  386300  PA        32789   07/10/1900
LONG WILLIAM E             20        006 N  008 W     020   63.28  251101  PA        897371  02/26/1923
LORENZ JOSEPHINE           20        005 N  012 W     025   96.16  386300  PA        31070   05/18/1899
LORENZ WILLIAM             20        005 N  012 W     025   96.16  386300  PA        31070   05/18/1899
LOUTH MICHAEL              20        003 N  011 W     030  113.23  251101  PA        553804  11/10/1916
LOUTH MICHAEL              20        003 N  011 W     031   37.57  251101  PA        553804  11/10/1916
LOUTH MICHAEL              20        003 N  011 W     032       9  251101  PA        553804  11/10/1916
LOVELL JOHN H              20        005 N  011 W     012     160  251101  PA        723153  12/09/1919
LOWER RICHARD              20        001 N  012 W     003    4.63  220100  PA        258601  03/03/1986
LYNCH JOHN H               20        005 N  013 W     008       0  386200  PA        44804   12/31/1906
LYNCH JOHN H               20        005 N  013 W     008       0  386200  PA        45621   03/27/1907