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L index

Dawson County Montana Archives

This file is a part of the Bureau of Land Management Database for the states of Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. 
Data edited and prepared by Joy Fisher, 
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) inherited the functions of the General Land Office when it was established by Congress in 1946. The South Dakota Land Patents Database, derived from General Land Office and BLM information, contains deeds (primarily patents) issued by the United States in the region now known as the State of South Dakota between 1859 and 1995. While BLM has been referred to as "the Nations record keeper", it is the National Archives that actually keeps the files. The BLM, maintains diagrammatic plats known as Master Title Plats, which depict lands which are owned by the United States and lands which are patented. 
However, these plats do not have any information about who the lands were patented to. That information which has only been available after tedious research, it is available now in this database.
The South Dakota Land Patents Database contains the following information for each land transaction: date, location (township, range, section, meridian), name of person the land was patented to, case type, conveyance type, county, and the patent document identification number. 
Using this information you can obtain copies of the patent file for $10 from the National Archives at the following address:
		Reference Branch (Lands)
National Archives
		Washington, DC 20408
		(202) 501-5428 
You need to submit your request on a copy of Form 84. To get the form, send an e-mail message to
In the body of the message, be sure to ask for Form 84 "Order for Copies of Land Entry Files", tell them how many copies you want (get at least 2, in case you make a mistake) and give your name and snail address so they can send you the forms.(Or you can send a snail mail letter to above address). Sending by e-mail takes less than a week; by snail mail both ways takes about 2 weeks.
Key to Case Types
181000- Public Lands Litigation 
186001- Quit claim deed by US
210000- Acquisition by US 
220000- Land exchange 
230000- Withdrawal of Land by US 
240000- Classification of Lands by US 
250000 Disposition: Use and Occupancy 
251000- Homestead 
252000- Desert Land Act 
253000- Indian Patents 
254000- Color of Title Act 
255000- Mining Claim Occupancy Act 
260000 Grants 
261000- Military Scrip Warrant Patents 
262000- Lands to the State of South Dakota 
262500- Swamp Land 
263000- Rail Road Grants 
264000- Airport conveyance act 
270000 Sales 
271000- Public Land Sale 
272000- Cash 
273000- Small Tract 
274000- Recreation & Public Purposes 
275000- Cemeteries and Parks 
276000- Townsites 
278000- Unintentional Trespass 
371000 Multiple Use Act 
386000 Mining Laws 
386200- Lode Mining Claims 
386300- Placer Mining Claims 
386400- Millsite Claims
Land Conveyance types in this database:
PA - Patent 
GD - Grant Deed 
WD - Warranty Deed
Land Conveyances to the State of South Dakota
IL - State Lieu Selection (Lands the State selected in-lieu of 
sections 16 and 36, which they were entitled to but did not receive) 
LS - Forest Lieu Selection 
SG - State Grant 
SS - State Selection
05 - 5th Principal Meridian -- located in the eastern part of Iowa
06 - 6th Principal Meridian -- located south of Yankton - not used by east River counties
07 - Black Hills Meridian -- located on the SD - WY border
(See map

NAME                               MERIDIAN    TWP      RANGE   SECTION     ACREAGE  TYPE      CASETYPE    DOCID    DATE

LABEL AUGUST                       20          013 N    057 E   018             280  251101    PA          380806   01/27/1914
LABEL AUGUST                       20          013 N    057 E   018           50.42  251101    PA          380806   01/27/1914
LABELL AUGUST                      20          013 N    057 E   018             160  251104    PA          769537   08/23/1920
LABELL AUGUST                      20          013 N    057 E   018           50.54  251104    PA          769537   08/23/1920
LABELL AUGUST                      20          013 N    057 E   018            50.5  251104    PA          769537   08/23/1920
LABELL AUGUST                      20          013 N    057 E   018           50.46  251104    PA          769537   08/23/1920
LADWIG ELLA C                      20          018 N    056 E   008             320  251101    PA          583518   05/08/1917
LADWIG ELWIN A                     20          018 N    056 E   004             160  251101    PA          320763   03/24/1913
LADWIG GEORGE J                    20          018 N    056 E   002             240  251101    PA          500178   11/22/1915
LADWIG GEORGE J                    20          018 N    056 E   002              40  251101    PA          500178   11/22/1915
LADWIG GEORGE J                    20          018 N    056 E   002            39.6  251101    PA          500178   11/22/1915
LADWIG HARRISON L                  20          018 N    056 E   004             160  251101    PA          318620   03/17/1913
LADWIG HARRISON L                  20          019 N    056 E   032             160  251101    PA          750604   05/24/1920
LAMB ELDON J JR                    20          018 N    057 E   006             280  251101    PA          400886   04/25/1914
LAMB ELDON J JR                    20          018 N    057 E   006           40.44  251101    PA          400886   04/25/1914
LAMB FREEMAN R                     20          014 N    052 E   010             160  251101    PA          656077   12/14/1918
LANAM MERRITT C                    20          020 N    053 E   034             160  251101    PA          266986   05/16/1912
LANDER ROY D                       20          016 N    051 E   018             200  251101    PA          433976   10/05/1914
LANDER ROY D                       20          016 N    051 E   018           49.07  251101    PA          433976   10/05/1914
LANDERS WILLIAM H                  20          021 N    050 E   006             160  251101    PA          702038   08/07/1919
LANGAN MARTIN                      20          020 N    053 E   010             160  272002    PA          170754   01/16/1911
LAPP ELSIE                         20          013 N    054 E   006            12.5  186004    QC          FHA 40   11/26/1946
LAPP FRANK                         20          013 N    054 E   006           40.02  186004    QC          FHA 40   11/26/1946
LAPP FRANK                         20          013 N    054 E   006            37.2  186004    QC          FHA 40   11/26/1946
LAPP FRANK                         20          013 N    054 E   006             8.5  186004    QC          FHA 40   11/26/1946
LAPP FRANK                         20          013 N    054 E   006              10  186004    QC          FHA 40   11/26/1946
LAPP FRANK                         20          013 N    054 E   006            0.84  186004    QC          FHA 40   11/26/1946
LAPP FRANK                         20          013 N    054 E   006           34.18  186004    QC          FHA 40   11/26/1946
LAPP FRANK                         20          013 N    054 E   006           15.37  186004    QC          FHA 40   11/26/1946
LAPP FRANK                         20          014 N    054 E   031              40  186004    QC          FHA 40   11/26/1946
LAPP FRANK                         20          014 N    054 E   031           82.82  186004    QC          FHA 40   11/26/1946
LAPP FRANK                         20          014 N    054 E   031           37.17  186004    QC          FHA 40   11/26/1946
LAPP FRANK                         20          014 N    054 E   031           36.04  186004    QC          FHA 40   11/26/1946
LARIMER JOHN S                     20          016 N    054 E   004             320  251101    PA          396286   04/02/1914
LARSEN CARL B                      20          017 N    057 E   024             320  251101    PA          809129   06/06/1921
LARSEN HANS J                      20          018 N    054 E   026             320  251101    PA          599543   09/10/1917
LARSON ALBERT                      20          019 N    054 E   034             320  251101    PA          352556   08/25/1913
LARSON BERT                        20          021 N    051 E   002             160  251101    PA          511329   02/03/1916
LARSON BERT                        20          021 N    051 E   002           40.48  251101    PA          511329   02/03/1916
LARSON BERT                        20          021 N    051 E   002            40.4  251101    PA          511329   02/03/1916
LARSON BERT                        20          021 N    051 E   002           40.32  251101    PA          511329   02/03/1916
LARSON BERT                        20          021 N    051 E   002           40.24  251101    PA          511329   02/03/1916
LARSON GEORGE H                    20          016 N    056 E   030             120  251101    PA          345501   07/02/1913
LARSON GEORGE H                    20          016 N    056 E   030           35.22  251101    PA          345501   07/02/1913
LARSON J AXEL                      20          022 N    051 E   014             320  251101    PA          459244   02/20/1915
LARSON LEWIS G                     20          017 N    053 E   024             160  251101    PA          327766   04/22/1913
LARSON LOUIS E                     20          020 N    052 E   008             320  251101    PA          498743   11/12/1915
LARSON LOUIS P                     20          015 N    058 E   018             240  251101    PA          614768   01/22/1918
LARSON LOUIS P                     20          015 N    058 E   018           38.25  251101    PA          614768   01/22/1918
LARSON LOUIS P                     20          015 N    058 E   018           38.43  251101    PA          614768   01/22/1918
LARSON PEDER                       20          017 N    051 E   012             160  251101    PA          482082   07/12/1915
LARSON TONNES                      20          013 N    055 E   010             320  251101    PA          962950   07/13/1925
LARSON TONNES                      20          013 N    055 E   010             320  251101    PA          962950   01/13/1969
LARSON TONNES                      20          013 N    055 E   010             200  251101    PA          962950   07/13/1925
LARVOLD ENGEBRIGHT                 20          017 N    052 E   002             160  251101    PA          418986   06/30/1914
LASSLE BARBARA                     20          014 N    054 E   018             160  186004    QC          FHA 33   02/21/1947
LASSLE FRED                        20          014 N    054 E   018             160  186004    QC          FHA 33   02/21/1947
LASSLE GOTTLIEB                    20          014 N    054 E   010             320  186004    QC          FHA 30   03/29/1950
LASSLE GOTTLIEB JR                 20          013 N    053 E   011           131.4  186004    QC          FHA 37   11/26/1946
LASSLE GOTTLIEB JR                 20          013 N    053 E   012           24.09  186004    QC          FHA 37   11/26/1946
LASSLE LYDIA                       20          013 N    053 E   002            17.5  186004    QC          FHA 37   11/26/1946
LATHAM HAROLD                      20          014 N    057 E   020             320  251101    PA          835279   11/29/1921
LATKA FRANK                        20          015 N    052 E   024             240  251101    PA          840128   12/22/1921
LATKA FRANK                        20          015 N    052 E   024           40.81  251101    PA          840128   12/22/1921
LATKA FRANK                        20          015 N    052 E   024           40.97  251101    PA          840128   12/22/1921
LAUER ANNA Z                       20          020 N    056 E   012             320  251101    PA          488059   08/26/1915
LAURIE CLARA MICKELSON             20          015 N    054 E   010             160  272002    PA          210889   06/22/1911
LAWRENCE CATHERINE                 20          022 N    052 E   018             160  252000    PA          708036   09/24/1919
LAWRENCE CHRISTINE                 20          016 N    054 E   014             160  251101    PA          859969   04/19/1922
LAWRENCE CHRISTINE                 20          016 N    054 E   014             120  251101    PA          859969   04/19/1922
LAWRENCE MALLORY C                 20          022 N    052 E   018             120  252000    PA          708037   09/24/1919
LAWRENCE MALLORY C                 20          022 N    052 E   018              40  272002    PA          571512   03/09/1917
LAWRENCE PRESTON P                 20          022 N    052 E   018             160  251101    PA          521936   03/27/1916
LAWRENCE PRESTON P                 20          022 N    052 E   018           37.33  251101    PA          521936   03/27/1916
LAWRENCE PRESTON P                 20          022 N    052 E   018            37.4  251101    PA          521936   03/27/1916
LAWRENCE PRESTON P                 20          022 N    052 E   018           37.46  251101    PA          521936   03/27/1916
LAWRENCE PRESTON P                 20          022 N    052 E   018           37.53  251101    PA          521936   03/27/1916
LAWRENCE WILLIAM R                 20          016 N    054 E   014             160  251101    PA          413317   06/12/1914
LEACH CHARLES W                    20          017 N    053 E   026             320  251101    PA          614776   01/22/1918
LEACH JAMES A                      20          017 N    053 E   026             320  251101    PA          665824   02/12/1919
LEASE ALBERT                       20          019 N    056 E   028             320  251101    PA          430965   09/14/1914
LEASE CHARLES W                    20          018 N    056 E   004             160  251101    PA          318618   03/17/1913
LEASE CHARLES W                    20          019 N    056 E   032             160  251101    PA          746647   04/21/1920
LEASE ELMER                        20          018 N    056 E   014             320  251101    PA          403706   05/07/1914
LEASE HIRAM P                      20          018 N    056 E   012             160  251101    PA          993993   01/08/1927
LEASE HIRAM P                      20          019 N    056 E   034             160  251101    PA          392259   03/14/1914
LEASE JACOB R                      20          020 N    053 E   014             200  251101    PA          403621   05/07/1914
LEASE NANCY                        20          019 N    054 E   006             240  251101    PA          320802   03/24/1913
LEASE NANCY                        20          019 N    054 E   006           39.76  251101    PA          320802   03/24/1913
LEASE NANCY                        20          019 N    054 E   006           39.83  251101    PA          320802   03/24/1913
LEASE OLIVER E                     20          020 N    053 E   022             320  251101    PA          460347   02/27/1915
LEATHERMAN GEORGE W                20          015 N    058 E   022             320  251101    PA          364891   11/12/1913
LEATHERMAN GLENN O                 20          015 N    058 E   022             320  251101    PA          632679   06/03/1918
LEATHERMAN LEON G                  20          015 N    058 E   024             320  251101    PA          551928   10/26/1916
LEBIRE FERDINAND J                 20          016 N    054 E   020             320  251101    PA          656032   12/12/1918
LEBIRE FERDINAND J                 20          016 N    054 E   020              40  251101    PA          656032   12/12/1918
LEE DAVID                          20          022 N    051 E   008             320  272002    PA          113793   02/17/1953
LEE ELLSWORTH H                    20          017 N    057 E   004             120  251101    PA          750931   05/24/1920
LEE ELLSWORTH H                    20          017 N    057 E   004           40.05  251101    PA          750931   05/24/1920
LEE ELWOOD R                       20          019 N    056 E   010             320  251101    PA          485645   08/05/1915
LEE JOHN C                         20          021 N    053 E   014             320  251101    PA          385419   02/14/1914
LEE KENNETH G                      20          020 N    055 E   024             160  251101    PA          795304   02/15/1921
LEE KENNETH G                      20          020 N    055 E   024           34.42  251101    PA          795304   02/15/1921
LEE KENNETH G                      20          020 N    055 E   024           34.34  251101    PA          795304   02/15/1921
LEE KENNETH G                      20          020 N    055 E   024           34.26  251101    PA          795304   02/15/1921
LEE KENNETH G                      20          020 N    055 E   024           34.18  251101    PA          795304   02/15/1921
LEE LORENZO A                      20          017 N    057 E   004             280  251101    PA          470386   04/28/1915
LEE LORENZO A                      20          017 N    057 E   004           40.35  251101    PA          470386   04/28/1915
LEE OLE S                          20          018 N    053 E   024              40  272002    PA          908724   06/12/1923
LEES ISAAC                         20          018 N    055 E   031             160  251101    PA          867      03/28/1905
LEHMAN ALBERT                      20          014 N    052 E   030             320  251101    PA          444501   11/25/1914
LEHMAN HERMAN R                    20          021 N    054 E   004             320  251101    PA          661814   01/24/1919
LEHMAN PAUL                        20          014 N    052 E   028             320  251101    PA          586804   06/01/1917
LEHMAN SAMUEL S                    20          016 N    051 E   022             240  251101    PA          727417   01/13/1920
LEIBY VINCENT                      20          020 N    056 E   014             240  251101    PA          446213   12/03/1914
LEICHTNAM BLANCHE                  20          019 N    055 E   026             320  251101    PA          493644   10/14/1915
LEIGHTON ROY E                     20          022 N    052 E   002             320  251101    PA          652217   10/29/1918
LEMM ALEXANDER                     20          017 N    055 E   028             320  251101    PA          525868   04/24/1916
LEMOYNE ALICE E                    20          019 N    055 E   004             240  251101    PA          394702   03/25/1914
LEMOYNE ALICE E                    20          019 N    055 E   004           39.89  251101    PA          394702   03/25/1914
LEMOYNE ALICE E                    20          019 N    055 E   004           39.89  251101    PA          394702   03/25/1914
LENART FRANK                       20          015 N    052 E   010             320  251101    PA          523931   04/12/1916
LERVOLD OLE                        20          018 N    052 E   012             160  251101    PA          461589   03/08/1915
LEWIS CHARLOTTE                    20          017 N    053 E   006             280  251101    PA          884050   10/19/1922
LEWIS CHARLOTTE                    20          017 N    053 E   006           40.63  251101    PA          884050   10/19/1922
LEWIS CLARA E                      20          014 N    053 E   032             320  251101    PA          806478   05/14/1921
LEWIS DAVID W                      20          018 N    057 E   020              80  272002    PA          290393   09/09/1912
LEWIS DAVID W                      20          018 N    057 E   020              33  272002    PA          496893   11/04/1915
LEWIS DAVID W                      20          018 N    057 E   020           20.88  272002    PA          496893   11/04/1915
LEWIS DAVID W                      20          018 N    057 E   020              40  272002    PA          496893
LEWIS DAVID W                      20          018 N    057 E   020           20.88  272002    PA          496893
LEWIS DAVID W                      20          018 N    057 E   020              33  272002    PA          496893
LEWIS EDWARD                       20          020 N    051 E   030             160  251101    PA          637820   06/22/1918
LEWIS EDWARD                       20          020 N    051 E   030           37.51  251101    PA          637820   06/22/1918
LEWIS EDWARD                       20          020 N    051 E   030           37.59  251101    PA          637820   06/22/1918
LEWIS EDWARD                       20          020 N    051 E   030           37.65  251101    PA          637820   06/22/1918
LEWIS EDWARD                       20          020 N    051 E   030           37.73  251101    PA          637820   06/22/1918
LEWIS FRED A                       20          013 N    057 E   006             240  251101    PA          708907   09/27/1919
LEWIS FRED A                       20          013 N    057 E   006           50.54  251101    PA          708907   09/27/1919
LEWIS GEORGE T                     20          014 N    056 E   032             120  272002    PA          760156   06/29/1920
LEWIS GILBERT E                    20          014 N    051 E   006             240  251101    PA          421270   07/11/1914
LEWIS GILBERT E                    20          014 N    051 E   006           47.44  251101    PA          421270   07/11/1914
LEWIS MARY P                       20          015 N    054 E   014             160  251101    PA          993995   01/08/1927
LEWIS OSCAR T                      20          014 N    057 E   030             200  251104    PA          994965   01/27/1927
LEWIS OSCAR T                      20          014 N    057 E   030           50.04  251104    PA          994965   01/27/1927
LEWIS OSCAR T                      20          014 N    057 E   030           50.13  251104    PA          994965   01/27/1927
LEWIS OSCAR T                      20          014 N    057 E   030             200  251101    PA          399765   04/22/1914
LEWIS OSCAR T                      20          014 N    057 E   030           50.21  251101    PA          399765   04/22/1914
LEWIS OSCAR T                      20          014 N    057 E   030            50.3  251101    PA          399765   04/22/1914
LEWIS SARAH                        20          014 N    057 E   032             320  251101    PA          749542   05/14/1920
LEWIS SARAH                        20          014 N    057 E   032             320  251104    PA          956729   04/01/1925
LEWIS WILLIE S                     20          014 N    057 E   028             320  251101    PA          544341   08/31/1916
LIBBY GEORGE H                     20          020 N    051 E   021             240  251101    PA          590429   06/30/1917
LIBBY GEORGE H                     20          020 N    051 E   028              80  251101    PA          590429   06/30/1917
LIBBY RAYMOND G                    20          020 N    051 E   020             320  251101    PA          695102   07/01/1919
LIBBY RICHARD H                    20          020 N    051 E   020             320  251101    PA          590430   06/30/1917
LIBS ANTON                         20          014 N    053 E   008             280  251101    PA          500193   11/22/1915
LILES ELMER A                      20          015 N    051 E   006              40  272002    PA          471692   05/06/1915
LIMING FLOYD E                     20          020 N    055 E   026             320  251101    PA          690739   06/24/1919
LIMMESAND ALBERT B                 20          018 N    053 E   022             160  251101    PA          318640   03/17/1913
LIMMESAND ANDREW A                 20          018 N    053 E   022             160  251101    PA          429087   09/03/1914
LINDER BESSIE                      20          019 N    054 E   030             240  251101    PA          311407   01/24/1913
LINDER BESSIE                      20          019 N    054 E   030           34.28  251101    PA          311407   01/24/1913
LINDER BESSIE                      20          019 N    054 E   030           34.36  251101    PA          311407   01/24/1913
LINDER JINKS                       20          019 N    053 E   024             160  251101    PA          385350   02/14/1914
LINDER ROBERT                      20          019 N    053 E   002             160  251101    PA          345397   07/02/1913
LINDNER LEWIS C                    20          022 N    050 E   010             320  251101    PA          550171   10/11/1916
LINDSAY BANNER                     20          017 N    052 E   018              80  272002    PA          172400   01/23/1911
LINDSAY BANNER                     20          017 N    052 E   018           38.77  272002    PA          172400   01/23/1911
LINDSAY BANNER                     20          017 N    052 E   018           38.85  272002    PA          172400   01/23/1911
LINDSAY BANNER                     20          017 N    052 E   018             120  251101    PA          895      01/30/1906
LINDSAY BANNER                     20          017 N    052 E   018           38.95  251101    PA          895      01/30/1906
LINEWEAVER JEREMIAH F              20          019 N    054 E   028             160  272002    PA          215639   07/10/1911
LININGER NATHAN                    20          022 N    051 E   012             320  251101    PA          501258   11/29/1915
LITTLE SALLIE                      20          016 N    051 E   018           48.94  251101    PA          589359   06/26/1917
LITTLE SALLIE                      20          016 N    051 E   018           48.87  251101    PA          589359   06/26/1917
LIVINGSTON CLEMENT L               20          021 N    053 E   022             320  251101    PA          360191   10/16/1913
LOE DAVID O                        20          022 N    051 E   026             320  251101    PA          694780   07/01/1919
LOEKEN JOHN                        20          015 N    054 E   018              80  251101    PA          495937   10/27/1915
LOEKEN JOHN                        20          015 N    054 E   018           30.15  251101    PA          495937   10/27/1915
LOEKEN JOHN                        20          015 N    054 E   018           30.05  251101    PA          495937   10/27/1915
LOEKEN JOHN                        20          015 N    054 E   018           29.95  251101    PA          495937   10/27/1915
LOEKEN JOHN                        20          015 N    054 E   018           29.85  251101    PA          495937   10/27/1915
LOEKEN JOSEPH                      20          015 N    053 E   012             320  251101    PA          478888   06/18/1915
LOEKEN PETER                       20          015 N    054 E   022             160  251101    PA          846903   02/03/1922
LOMELAND BERTHA                    20          015 N    054 E   034             160  272002    PA          290214   09/05/1912
LOMELAND JENNIE B                  20          015 N    054 E   034             160  251101    PA          559570   12/20/1916
LONBAKEN SAMUEL A                  20          021 N    050 E   020             320  251101    PA          510158   01/27/1916
LONG FRED A                        20          014 N    058 E   020             320  251101    PA          492019   09/28/1915
LONG MERL                          20          021 N    054 E   018             240  251101    PA          362591   10/28/1913
LONG MERL                          20          021 N    054 E   018           38.87  251101    PA          362591   10/28/1913
LONG MERL                          20          021 N    054 E   018           38.93  251101    PA          362591   10/28/1913
LONG NOAH                          20          020 N    055 E   028             320  251101    PA          382055   02/02/1914
LONG ORTON O                       20          018 N    052 E   030              80  251101    PA          343179   06/24/1913
LONG ORTON O                       20          018 N    052 E   030            37.5  251101    PA          343179   06/24/1913
LONG ORTON O                       20          018 N    052 E   030           37.59  251101    PA          343179   06/24/1913
LONNING JACOB                      20          021 N    050 E   024             320  251101    PA          422802   07/20/1914
LONNING SAMUEL                     20          021 N    051 E   018             200  251101    PA          488083   08/26/1915
LONNING SAMUEL                     20          021 N    051 E   018           38.79  251101    PA          488083   08/26/1915
LONNING SAMUEL                     20          021 N    051 E   018           38.85  251101    PA          488083   08/26/1915
LONNING SAMUEL                     20          021 N    051 E   018           38.91  251101    PA          488083   08/26/1915
LOPPE GUSTAV C                     20          019 N    055 E   018             320  251101    PA          392201   03/14/1914
LOPPE IDA                          20          019 N    055 E   018             320  251101    PA          581450   04/26/1917
LORD ELMER G                       20          019 N    051 E   032             280  251101    PA          695140   07/01/1919
LOUIS HENRY                        20          013 N    053 E   014             160  251101    PA          235      12/20/1892
LOUIS HENRY                        20          013 N    053 E   014              80  272002    PA          146      02/17/1906
LOUIS HENRY                        20          013 N    053 E   014            12.7  272002    PA          146      02/17/1906
LOUIS HENRY                        20          013 N    053 E   014           11.77  272002    PA          146      02/17/1906
LOVAAS ERICK E                     20          018 N    052 E   014             160  251101    PA          491024   09/22/1915
LOVELACE AGNES                     20          019 N    055 E   014             320  251101    PA          656164   12/14/1918
LOVELACE JANE                      20          019 N    055 E   028              80  251101    PA          749541   05/14/1920
LOVELACE JOHN W                    20          019 N    055 E   028              80  251101    PA          519753   03/20/1916
LOVELACE WELLINGTON                20          019 N    055 E   034             320  251101    PA          417084   06/24/1914
LOVELACE WESLEY                    20          019 N    055 E   026             320  251101    PA          533328   06/13/1916
LOWREY ROBERT L                    20          013 N    056 E   002             160  272002    PA          701639   08/04/1919
LOWREY ROBERT L                    20          014 N    056 E   034             320  251104    PA          994153   01/13/1927
LOWREY ROBERT L                    20          014 N    056 E   034             320  251101    PA          382132   02/03/1914
LOWREY WILLIAM E                   20          014 N    056 E   028             320  251101    PA          403757   05/07/1914
LOWREY WILLIAM EDWARD              20          014 N    056 E   028             320  251104    PA          994154   01/13/1927
LUCAS EDWARD                       20          015 N    056 E   020              80  251101    PA          644478   08/15/1918
LUELLMAN HENRY JR                  20          021 N    053 E   024             320  251101    PA          394752   03/26/1914
LUKE WILLIAM J                     20          018 N    057 E   008             160  251101    PA          249878   02/26/1912
LUND VICTOR J                      20          013 N    054 E   004             160  251101    PA          471401   05/06/1915
LUNDE HANS                         20          014 N    058 E   002             160  251101    PA          498561   11/12/1915
LUNDE JUDITHA                      20          021 N    050 E   004             240  251101    PA          583130   05/07/1917
LUNDE JUDITHA                      20          021 N    050 E   004           40.22  251101    PA          583130   05/07/1917
LUNDE JUDITHA                      20          021 N    050 E   004           40.24  251101    PA          583130   05/07/1917
LUNDSTROM LUDWIG                   20          020 N    053 E   034             160  251101    PA          287529   08/12/1912
LUNSFORD MARY                      20          018 N    054 E   002             160  251101    PA          361516   10/24/1913
LUNSFORD MARY                      20          018 N    054 E   002           39.78  251101    PA          361516   10/24/1913
LUNSFORD MARY                      20          018 N    054 E   002           39.77  251101    PA          361516   10/24/1913
LUNSFORD MARY                      20          018 N    054 E   002           39.77  251101    PA          361516   10/24/1913
LUNSFORD MARY                      20          018 N    054 E   002           39.76  251101    PA          361516   10/24/1913
LUPO GILDO                         20          019 N    056 E   032             320  251101    PA          752135   05/29/1920
LUPO JOSEPH                        20          019 N    056 E   026             160  251101    PA          318621   03/17/1913
LYONS MIKE J                       20          016 N    051 E   032             320  251101    PA          457844   02/12/1915