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TISHOMINGO CO., MS BIRTH INFORMATION:  RESIDENTS OF THIS COUNTY IN 1917-18                                                                                               
AND PERSONS WITH LINKS TO THIS COUNTY                                                                                                                 
The information below was abstracted by Raymond H. Banks from                                                                                         
civilian registration cards completed in 1917-1918.  All rights reserved.                                                                             
Some men do not have birth locations listed because they                                                                                              
registered on the final draft registration day in 1918 when this information                                                                          
was not recorded.  Almost 24 million men registered for the draft.                                                                                    
CAUTION:  Middle Eastern and East European national                                                                                                   
boundaries and country names were quite different than those                                                                                          
seen on today's maps.                                                                                                                                 
Microfilm copies of the original cards are maintained by the Church of Jesus                                                                          
Christ of Latter Days Saints (LDS...the Mormons).  Researchers can probably                                                                           
order loaner copies of specific reels from Salt Lake City through requests                                                                            
at local LDS family history centers.  Payment for mailing costs is required.                                                                          
Catalog subject heading: UNITED STATES -- MILITARY RECORDS --                                                                                         
WORLD WAR I [although these records are not actually military records].                                                                               
Orginal cards are kept at the National Archives branch near Atlanta, Georgia.                                                                         
The compiler has not abstracted the registrant's address                                                                                              
the name and address of next of kin,                                                                                                          
occupation, work address, general physical description and                                                                                            
occasionally listed general description                                                                                                               
of a disability.  Please consult the original card to verify all information.

1ST COLUMN:   NAME                                                                                                                                    
2ND COLUMN:  BIRTH DATE                                                                                                                               
3RD COLUMN:  ETHNIC GROUP                                                                                                                             
4TH COLUMN:  BIRTH LOCATION OR OTHER INFO (spelling unreliable)                                                                                       

Kay, Charles E.                           3 Jun 1883    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kay, Emmons Chester                      16 Aug 1896    W    Mingo MS                                Tishomingo    MS
Kay, Emmons Chester                      16 Aug 1896    W    dad b. Maud AL                          Tishomingo    MS
Kay, Sidney E.                           31 Jan 1886    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Keenan, James Frank                      10 Sep 1897    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Keeton, Columbus Houston                  2 Nov 1877    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Keeton, Hillery Delon                     8 May 1900    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Keeton, Marshell Albert                   1 Aug 1891    W    Alabama                                   Itawamba    MS
Keeton, Marshell Albert                   1 Aug 1891    W    lives in Dennis MS                        Itawamba    MS
Keeton, Noah Elzer                       16 Jan 1889    W    Nauvoo AL                                 Itawamba    MS
Keeton, Noah Elzer                       16 Jan 1889    W    lives in Dennis MS                        Itawamba    MS
Keeton, Oda Samuel                        3 Aug 1896    W    Fulton MS                               Tishomingo    MS
Keeton, Phillip Thomas (Rev.)            12 Jun 1887    W    Walker Co. AL                           Tishomingo    MS
Keeton, Robert Philip                    18 Mar 1885    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Keeton, Tilmon Monroe                    18 Jan 1880    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Keith, Harry                             19 Dec 1896    B    Burnsville MS                               Alcorn    MS
Keith, John Dalton                       27 Sep 1889    W    Bexar AL                                Tishomingo    MS
Kelly, Arthur                            26 Aug 1894    W    Gillises Mills TN                       Tishomingo    MS
Kelly, James Sanford                     28 Oct 1876    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kemp, Steward Enlo                        4 Aug 1888    W    Crump TN                                Tishomingo    MS
Kennady, Charley                          1 Oct 1896    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Kennady, Charley                          1 Oct 1896    W    dad b. Iuka MS                          Tishomingo    MS
Kennady, Charley                          1 Oct 1896    W    works in Albany AL                      Tishomingo    MS
Kennady, Marshall Gibson                  9 Oct 1892    W    Iuka MS                                     Alcorn    MS
Kennady, Walter Gip                      13 Nov 1878    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kennady, Willard Robert                  15 Nov 1898    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kennedy, Arthur                           8 Jan 1896    W    near Dennis MS                                 Lee    MS
Kennedy, Calip Gibson                     2 Mar 1875    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kennedy, Cleatus Cufbord                 23 Feb 1891    W    Rara Avis MS                            Tishomingo    MS
Kennedy, Foister                         25 Nov 1879    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kennedy, James Garner                    15 Jan 1882    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kennedy, James Hamilton                  13 Aug 1886    W    Paden MS                                Tishomingo    MS
Kennedy, Jessie                           5 Jul 1899    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kennedy, Jim Coleman                      6 Aug 1900    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kennedy, John Wesley                      4 Jul 1886    W    near Burnsville MS                          Alcorn    MS
Kennedy, Lee                              9 Jan 1890    W    Iuka MS                                 Tishomingo    MS
Kennedy, Limuel Luther                    1 Sep 1891    W    Tishomingo Co. MS                         Pontotoc    MS
Kennedy, Luke                             1 Jan 1896    W    Jacinto MS                              Tishomingo    MS
Kennedy, Luther                          22 Feb 1891    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Kennedy, Thomas Gife                     29 Aug 1891    W    Iuka MS                                 Tishomingo    MS
Kennedy, Tom                             16 Aug 1893    W    Dennis MS                               Tishomingo    MS
Kennedy, William Riley                   26 Jun 1878    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kenney, Jim Coleman                       6 Aug 1900    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kent, Edmon Lee                          21 Mar 1881    W    lives RFD Dennis MS                       Itawamba    MS
Kent, James Calvin                       20 Feb 1885    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kent, Milton Melvin                       1 Jan 1890    W    Town Creek AL                           Tishomingo    MS
Kent, Robert Eaton                       26 Aug 1881    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kerr, James Newton                       17 Jan 1873    W    relat. lives Savannah TN                Tishomingo    MS
Kibbey, Carl                             29 Jan 1874    W    Corinth MS                              Tishomingo    MS
Kimberly, Edward Augustus                18 Dec 1897    W    works in Sheffield AL                   Tishomingo    MS
Kimberly, Elmer Fountain (Fountian)      28 Sep 1894    W    ?Itasca TX                              Tishomingo    MS
Kimberly, Perry Ethelbert                21 Oct 1891    W    Iuka MS                                 Tishomingo    MS
Kimbrell, Simmie (Simnie)                23 Aug 1880    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
King, Braxten Bragg                      17 Nov 1873    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
King, Dock S.                            14 Sep 1879    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
King, Edmond Cleveland (Clevand)         19 May 1889    W    Baldwyn MS                              Tishomingo    MS
King, George Dewey                        2 Oct 1900    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
King, James Milton                        2 Jan 1898    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
King, Judge                              10 Nov 1891    W    Iuka MS                                   Prentiss    MS
King, Judge                              10 Nov 1891    W    lives in Baldwyn MS                       Prentiss    MS
King, Lang Cephus                        12 Feb 1894    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
King, Lucian Edmond                       8 Apr 1890    W    Corinth MS                              Tishomingo    MS
King, Neely Erskine                      10 Oct 1882    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
King, Sam                                 1 Apr 1882    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
King, William Clayton                     7 Jul 1895    W    Tishomingo MS                           Tishomingo    MS
King, William Lige                       19 Feb 1887    W    Iuka MS                                   Prentiss    MS
Kirby, Lawrence                          14 Feb 1884    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kirby, Lewis Homer                       18 Aug 1896    W    Savannah TN                             Tishomingo    MS
Kirby, Lewis Homer                       18 Aug 1896    W    relat. lives Adamsville TN              Tishomingo    MS
Kirk, James Leach                        11 Sep 1892    W    Iuka MS                                 Tishomingo    MS
Kirk, Oscar Dolfus (Dolful)              21 Mar 1873    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kirk, Sidney Columbus                    17 Dec 1897    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kirk, Walter Evertt                      14 Jul 1882    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kizer, Earnest Earl                      22 Dec 1886    W    Hazeldelle MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Knight, Jessie Edward                    10 Jul 1885    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Kohlus, Walter Philip                    16 Jul 1897    W    he & dad b. Little Rock AR              Tishomingo    MS
Kyle, Rufus                               3 Oct 1884    W    lives RFD Kendrick MS                   Tishomingo    MS
Laewers, Charles Clyde                   31 Dec 1884    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Laffcan, George                          11 Sep 1877    W    works in Sheffield AL                   Tishomingo    MS
Lamb, Andrew Cornelius                   15 Jun 1872    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lamb, Luther Carroll                      9 Jan 1897    W    Kendrick MS                             Tishomingo    MS
Lamb, Luther Carroll                      9 Jan 1897    W    dad b. Walnut Grove TN                  Tishomingo    MS
Lamb, Mois                               20 Sep 1900    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lamb, Thomas Jefferson                    1 Jan 1875    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lamb, Vany Thomas                        23 Aug 1888    W    Pleasant Site AL                        Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Alvin Grady                     29 Jan 1900    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Arch                             5 Dec 1873    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Clarence Bedford                 1 Dec 1898    W    works in Corinth MS                     Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Daniel                          12 Feb 1880    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, David Flaves                    14 Dec 1899    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Denegear Labroos                15 Oct 1882    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Dionious                         8 Mar 1897    W    Pertona MS                              Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Dionious                         8 Mar 1897    W    dad b. Burnsville MS                    Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Ed                              13 Feb 1897    W    he & dad b. Burnsville MS               Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Emit                            30 May 1890    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, George Talton                    9 Jan 1881    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, George Washington               10 Apr 1898    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Harrison                        22 Aug 1892    W    Montezuma TN                            Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Hinnie Lee                      15 Jan 1896    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, James C.                        29 Aug 1894    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, James Edgar                      7 May 1886    W    lives RFD Kendrick MS                   Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, James F.                         4 Sep 1882    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, James Henry                     23 Feb 1873    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, James N.                        16 Dec 1892    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, James R.                        18 Nov 1888    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, John William                    11 Apr 1881    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, John William                     7 Mar 1891    W    Iuka MS                                 Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Joseph Beauregard               30 Jul 1893    W    Iuka MS                                 Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Kellus Oca                       6 Sep 1898    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Leeander                         5 Dec 1891    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Oscar Allen                      3 Jan 1892    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, Sherman                          9 Aug 1898    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, William Frederick               20 Jun 1888    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, William Frederick               20 Jun 1888    W    lives in Kendrick MS                    Tishomingo    MS
Lambert, William H.                      29 Apr 1894    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Lancaster, Hardin Neblet                 24 Jul 1893    W    Dennis MS                               Tishomingo    MS
Lancaster, John Melton                   20 Dec 1892    W    Iuka MS                                 Tishomingo    MS
Landreth, John Franklin                  17 Aug 1885    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lang, Harvey Monroe                       9 Aug 1898    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Langston, Asa Dewitt                      1 Nov 1874    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lasley, Gabriel                          23 Jul 1897    B    he & dad b. Belmont MS                  Tishomingo    MS
Lasley, John Thomas                       6 Feb 1890    B    Tishomingo Co. MS                           Alcorn    MS
Lasley, John Thomas                       6 Feb 1890    B     [card filed in Les section]                Alcorn    MS
Lasley, Olden                            17 Mar 1895    B    Red Bay AL                              Tishomingo    MS
Lawhorn, Charles Dabney                  30 Jan 1891    W    Memphis TN                              Tishomingo    MS
Lawrence, Lather Wolfe                   15 Aug 1888    W    Polk Co. MO                                 Alcorn    MS
Lawrence, Lather Wolfe                   15 Aug 1888    W    lives RFD Burnsville MS                     Alcorn    MS
Lawson, Joseph Emmett Lee                13 Nov 1893    W    Burnt Mills MS                          Tishomingo    MS
Layton, Millard Clid                     30 Nov 1895    W    Pickwick TN                             Tishomingo    MS
Layton, Robert                           20 Jan 1877    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Leatherwood, Garvin William              27 Aug 1898    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Leatherwood, Walter Lee                  26 Feb 1888    W    Itawamba Co. MS                         Tishomingo    MS
Leatherwood, William Wiley                5 Jul 1874    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lebat, Ed                                15 Aug 1895    B    Handsboro MS                               Forrest    MS   [Late
Lebat, Ed                                15 Aug 1895    B    in prison in Belmont MS                    Forrest    MS   [Late
Lentz, Lee D.                            16 Mar 1899    W    lives RFD Kendrick MS                   Tishomingo    MS
Leonard, Eddie                           16 Jun 1877    B                                            Tishomingo    MS
Leonard, Henry                              abt 1877    B    b. 13 Jan                               Tishomingo    MS
Lesley, John Thomas                       6 Feb 1890    B    Tishomingo Co. MS                           Alcorn    MS
Lester, Allen Cleveland                  14 May 1885    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Letson, James Edward                     12 Jul 1888    W    Courtland AL                            Tishomingo    MS
Lewis, Charles Monroe                    25 Feb 1882    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lewis, Edgar                             25 May 1896    W    Iuka MS                                 Tishomingo    MS
Lewis, James Arthur                       4 Dec 1888    W    Iuka MS                                 Tishomingo    MS
Lietch, Elmer                            26 Jan 1899    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lietch, James                            30 Jan 1881    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lietch, William                          13 Mar 1894    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Ligon, Ernest Ralph                      20 Apr 1896    W    Mingo MS                                Tishomingo    MS
Ligon, John William                      23 Jan 1898    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lindgram, John Edward                     7 Oct 1898    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lindsey, Carter                          25 Dec 1891    W    Tishomingo Co. MS                           Alcorn    MS
Lindsey, Charley                         28 May 1898    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lindsey, Clovis Franklin                 28 Feb 1897    W    he & dad b. Tishomingo Co. MS               Alcorn    MS
Lindsey, Culis Washington                26 Dec 1889    W    Franklin Co. AL                         Tishomingo    MS
Lindsey, James Benton                    11 Sep 1889    W    Dennis MS                               Tishomingo    MS
Lindsey, James K. Polk                    1 Apr 1880    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lindsey, Judson Morris                   10 May 1892    W    Dennis MS                               Tishomingo    MS
Lindsey, Mathew Oscar                    12 Apr 1883    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lindsey, Rephus Benton                    7 Mar 1895    W    Iuka MS                                     Alcorn    MS
Lindsey, Thomas Jefferson                30 Jun 1890    W    Dennis MS                               Tishomingo    MS
Lindsey, Thomas Oscar                     5 Nov 1887    W    Dennis MS                               Tishomingo    MS
Lindsey, Thomas Wilson                   16 Jan 1887    W    Dennis MS                               Tishomingo    MS
Lindsey, Virge                           22 May 1895    W    Old Burleson AL                         Tishomingo    MS
Lindsey, Virge                            8 Dec 1898    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lindsey, William Bryant                   7 Aug 1896    W    he & dad b. Dennis MS                   Tishomingo    MS
Lindsey, William Edward                  16 Jan 1882    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lingelbach, Henry Louis                  21 Nov 1896    W    St. Marys OH                            Tishomingo    MS
Lingelbach, John L.                       9 Nov 1893    W    Ohio                                    Tishomingo    MS
Lingerbeck, Fred                                1896    W    relat. lives Iuka MS                        Alcorn    MS
Linton, Claudie Kendrick                  9 Apr 1883    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Linton, Codie Julius                      8 Mar 1883    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Linton, John Williamson                  10 Apr 1887    W    Iuka MS                                 Tishomingo    MS
Linton, Phillip Jeffie Aron?             10 Jul 1889    W    Iuka MS                                 Tishomingo    MS
Little, Curtis                           26 Jun 1894    W    Fulton MS                               Tishomingo    MS
Little, Henry Arthur                     27 Apr 1897    W    Dennis MS                                 Itawamba    MS
Little, Henry Oliver                     10 Nov 1882    W    works in Muscle Shoals AL               Tishomingo    MS
Little, Henry Oliver                     10 Nov 1882    W    relat. lives Tuscumbia AL               Tishomingo    MS
Little, William Lafayette                12 Aug 1874    W    lives in Belmont MS                         Alcorn    MS
Littlejohn, Harve                         9 Oct 1883    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Littlejohn, Samuel Stanton                2 Sep 1873    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lloyd, Henry Milton                       4 Aug 1884    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Locke, Dewey                             17 Dec 1898    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Locke, Elmer                             30 Apr 1886    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Locke, Laurance                             Apr 1888    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Lomewick, Charlie Owen                   22 Sep 1878    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lomewick, James Christian                12 Nov 1899    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lomewick, Jim Henry                      18 Dec 1875    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lomewick, Luther Thomas                   6 Jan 1874    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Long, Adolphus Barton                     6 Dec 1874    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Long, Alvah Champion                     25 Dec 1896    W    he & dad b. Iuka MS                     Tishomingo    MS
Long, Arthur Armon                       13 Dec 1892    W    Haleyville AL                           Tishomingo    MS
Long, Francis Marion                      3 Sep 1882    W    relat. lives Haleyville AL              Tishomingo    MS
Long, Fred Alexander                      4 Apr 1900    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Long, Horace Champion                    17 Jul 1873    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Long, Jack Cleveland                     25 Apr 1884    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Long, James Major                        21 Nov 1895    W    Red Sulphur Springs TN                  Tishomingo    MS
Long, Jerry Charles                      22 Sep 1898    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Long, William Harrison                   28 Jan 1889    W    Waterloo AL                             Tishomingo    MS
Lorence, Lather Wolfe                    15 Aug 1888    W    Polk Co. TN?                                Alcorn    MS
Lorence, Lather Wolfe                    15 Aug 1888    W    lives RFD Burnsville MS                     Alcorn    MS
Lovelace, Benjamin F.                       Apr 1894    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Lovelace, George W.                       2 Aug 1899    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Lovelace, James Thomas                   29 Nov 1892    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Lovelace, John Bennett                   10 Nov 1876    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Loveless, Abner Powell                    6 Dec 1877    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Loveless, Benjamin F.                       Apr 1894    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Loveless, Frank Melvin                   11 Oct 1891    W    Ireland Hill AL                         Tishomingo    MS
Loveless, General Sherman                 9 Dec 1895    W    Ireland Hill AL                         Tishomingo    MS
Loveless, James Alfred                   10 Oct 1873    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Loveless, James Thomas                   29 Nov 1892    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Loveless, Joe Lee                         7 Apr 1894    W    Greenville TX                           Tishomingo    MS
Loveless, John A.                        20 Sep 1890    W    Burnsville MS                           Tishomingo    MS
Loyd, Henry Milton                        4 Aug 1884    W                                            Tishomingo    MS
Loyd, Jessie                             15 Apr 1895    W    Waterloo AL                             Tishomingo    MS
Lucas, William Lee                       15 Sep 1892    W    Itawamba Co. MS                         Tishomingo    MS
Lucius, Henry Clay                       17 Sep 1887    W    Walthall MS                                 Alcorn    MS
Lucius, Henry Clay                       17 Sep 1887    W    lives RFD Burnsville MS                     Alcorn    MS
Luffcan, George                          11 Sep 1877    W    works in Sheffield AL                   Tishomingo    MS
Luffcan, George                          11 Sep 1877    W     [card filed in Laf section]            Tishomingo    MS
Luster, Isam                             27 Oct 1883    B                                            Tishomingo    MS
Luster, Len                              13 Aug 1893    B    Itawamba Co. MS                         Tishomingo    MS
Luttrell, Arthur Monroe                     abt 1893    W    b. 12 Nov in Chewalla TN                Tishomingo    MS
Luttrell, Ivy Taylor                      4 Sep 1894    W    Corinth MS                              Tishomingo    MS
Luttrell, William Brockston              26 Aug 1878    W                                            Tishomingo    MS

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         Archives by: Ray H. Banks <>