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LAWRENCE CO., MS BIRTH INFORMATION:  RESIDENTS OF THIS COUNTY IN 1917-18                                                                                               
AND PERSONS WITH LINKS TO THIS COUNTY                                                                                                                 
The information below was abstracted by Raymond H. Banks from                                                                                         
civilian registration cards completed in 1917-1918.  All rights reserved.                                                                             
Some men do not have birth locations listed because they                                                                                              
registered on the final draft registration day in 1918 when this information                                                                          
was not recorded.  Almost 24 million men registered for the draft.                                                                                    
CAUTION:  Middle Eastern and East European national                                                                                                   
boundaries and country names were quite different than those                                                                                          
seen on today's maps.                                                                                                                                 
Microfilm copies of the original cards are maintained by the Church of Jesus                                                                          
Christ of Latter Days Saints (LDS...the Mormons).  Researchers can probably                                                                           
order loaner copies of specific reels from Salt Lake City through requests                                                                            
at local LDS family history centers.  Payment for mailing costs is required.                                                                          
Catalog subject heading: UNITED STATES -- MILITARY RECORDS --                                                                                         
WORLD WAR I [although these records are not actually military records].                                                                               
Orginal cards are kept at the National Archives branch near Atlanta, Georgia.                                                                         
The compiler has not abstracted the registrant's address                                                                                              
the name and address of next of kin,                                                                                                          
occupation, work address, general physical description and                                                                                            
occasionally listed general description                                                                                                               
of a disability.  Please consult the original card to verify all information.

1ST COLUMN:   NAME                                                                                                                                    
2ND COLUMN:  BIRTH DATE                                                                                                                               
3RD COLUMN:  ETHNIC GROUP                                                                                                                             
4TH COLUMN:  BIRTH LOCATION OR OTHER INFO (spelling unreliable)                                                                                       

Napier, Green Isaac                   20 Apr 1875   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Napier, Laurie E.                      9 Jun 1893   W    Silver Creek MS                           Lawrence    MS
Nash, John                            22 Jun 1884   B                                              Lawrence    MS
Nations, Andy                          6 Sep 1900   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Nations, Benjamin Conway              13 Aug 1888   W    Oma MS                                    Lawrence    MS
Nations, Edward Washington             6 Aug 1875   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Nations, Elias                               1892   W    Oma MS                                    Lawrence    MS
Nations, Monroe                        4 Jan 1889   W    Brookhaven MS                             Lawrence    MS
Nations, Richard Walter                5 Mar 1875   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Nations, Richmon Caroll               26 Aug 1895   W    Carson MS                                 Lawrence    MS
Nations, William Turner               13 Feb 1898   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Naul, Martin Jackson                  10 Oct 1884   W    near Norwood LA                           Lawrence    MS
Neal, Eddie                           16 Sep 1896   B    Lawrence MS                               Lawrence    MS
Neal, George                          15 Apr 1879   B                                              Lawrence    MS
Neal, Isaac                            1 Jan 1886   B    lives RFD Silver Creek MS          Jefferson Davis    MS
Neal, Judge Cossedy                    4 Apr 1896   W    Monticello MS                             Lawrence    MS
Neal, Lonnie                          14 Feb 1898   B                                              Lawrence    MS
Neal, Murphy Monroe                    3 May 1878   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Neal, Willie Elijah                   23 Aug 1897   W    he & dad b. Monticello MS                 Lawrence    MS
Neal, Wilmer Elija                     3 Oct 1899   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Nelson, Alex Abe                       3 Mar 1892   W    near Summit MS                            Lawrence    MS
Nelson, Charlie Edgar                 20 Sep 1888   W    Silver Creek MS                              Lamar    MS
Nelson, Curtis                         2 Dec 1895   W    Kimball TX                                Lawrence    MS
Nelson, Henry Litt                    21 May 1894   W    Oak Vale MS                        Jefferson Davis    MS
Nelson, Homer                         30 Mar 1890   W    Silver Creek MS                    Jefferson Davis    MS
Nelson, Ike                            2 Mar 1898   B    lives in Silver Creek MS                    Warren    MS
Nelson, John William                   6 Dec 1898   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Nelson, Julius W.                      9 Apr 1897   W    he & dad b. Silver Creek MS               Lawrence    MS
Nelson, Robert Venson                 22 Feb 1889   W    Magnolia MS                               Lawrence    MS
Nelson, Taylor Ilance                 28 Oct 1900   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Nelson, Thomas Carroll                 3 Jun 1878   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Nelson, Willie Martin                 14 Aug 1897   W    Utica MS                                     Hinds    MS
Nelson, Willie Martin                 14 Aug 1897   W    his dad b. Monticello MS                     Hinds    MS
Netherland, James William Milton      20 Nov 1885   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Netherland, Jesse                      7 Aug 1895   W    Lawrence Co. MS                            Lincoln    MS
Newel, James                          12 Dec 1889   B    Monticello MS                               Marion    MS
Newell, Alton                          9 Dec 1894   B    Wanilla MS                                Lawrence    MS
Newell, Sol                                  1891   B    Oma MS                                    Lawrence    MS
Newman, Buel F.                       12 Jun 1897   W    Marion Co. MS                             Walthall    MS
Newman, Buel F.                       12 Jun 1897   W    dad b. Lawrence Co. MS                    Walthall    MS
Newman, Solomon Buell                 11 Mar 1879   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Newsom, Acy                              abt 1898   B                                              Lawrence    MS
Newsom, Allen                          2 Feb 1890   B    Jayess MS                                 Walthall    MS
Newsom, Burkett                        3 Nov 1887   B    Newhebron MS                                Marion    MS
Newsom, Claud                          1 Oct 1893   B    Jefferson Davis Co. MS             Jefferson Davis    MS
Newsom, Claud                          1 Oct 1893   B    lives RFD Newhebron MS             Jefferson Davis    MS
Newsom, Earnest                        2 Feb 1895   B    Jefferson Davis Co. MS             Jefferson Davis    MS
Newsom, Earnest                        2 Feb 1895   B    lives RFD Newhebron MS             Jefferson Davis    MS
Newsom, Estus                         24 Mar 1891   B    RFD Newhebron MS                   Jefferson Davis    MS
Newsom, Estus C.                       3 Jul 1887   W    Hebron MS                                 Lawrence    MS
Newsom, Fronie                         8 May 1882   B                                              Lawrence    MS
Newsom, Hulon B.                      11 Feb 1883   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Newsom, Ike                            7 Mar 1900   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Newsom, James Alexander                6 Dec 1890   W    Wanilla MS                                Lawrence    MS
Newsom, Jeff                          14 Jul 1896   B    Newhebron MS                              Lawrence    MS
Newsom, John B.                       18 May 1898   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Newsom, Johnie                        15 Nov 1891   B    Newhebron MS                           Pearl River    MS
Newsom, Johnie                        15 Nov 1891   B    lives Lumberton MS                     Pearl River    MS
Newsom, Joseph                        10 Apr 1877   B                                              Lawrence    MS
Newsom, Prentis E.                    14 Feb 1888   W    Wanilla MS                                Lawrence    MS
Newsom, Samuel E.                      6 Nov 1894   W    Wanilla MS                                Lawrence    MS
Newsom, Taylor                           abt 1894   B    Blountville MS                            Lawrence    MS
Newsom, Worth                         22 Dec 1894   B    Monticello MS                      Jefferson Davis    MS
Newson, Allen                         10 May 1891   B    RFD Silver Creek MS                Jefferson Davis    MS
Newson, Allen                         10 May 1891   B    lives RFD Newhebron MS             Jefferson Davis    MS
Newson, Joe Pane                      20 May 1886   B    lives Silver Creek MS              Jefferson Davis    MS
Newson, Otis                          11 Apr 1893   B    Lawrence Co. MS                    Jefferson Davis    MS
Newton, Dwight Parker                  5 Jun 1900   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Newton, Henry Myron                   19 Jul 1888   W    Sontag MS                                 Lawrence    MS
Newton, Robert                        12 Mar 1891   B    Newhebron MS                       Jefferson Davis    MS
Newton, William Jasper                29 Apr 1898   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Nichols, Bob                          15 Jul 1887   B    Oak Vale MS                                 Marion    MS
Nichols, Levy                            Mar 1896   B    Oak Vale MS                                 Marion    MS
Nichols, Luther                        8 Mar 1885   B    relat. lives Oak Vale MS                     Wayne    MS
Nicols, Revalley                      11 May 1892   B    Oak Vale MS                        Jefferson Davis    MS
Niedhamer, George William              5 Oct 1876   W    works in Meadville MS                     Lawrence    MS
Norman, Emmette Preston                2 Apr 1899   W    lives RFD Verna MS                            Pike    MS
Norman, Emmette Preston                2 Apr 1899   W                                                  Pike    MS
Norman, Hazy                          18 Sep 1882   B    relat. lives Slocomb MS                   Lawrence    MS
Norris, Dennis Gilbert                 1 Aug 1889   W    Lawrence Co. MS                              Lamar    MS
Norris, Willard Franklin               1 Jan 1896   W    Lawrence Co. MS                              Lamar    MS
Norwood, Alexander                    11 Feb 1898   B    lives in Newhebron MS              Jefferson Davis    MS
Norwood, Alonzo                        9 Feb 1888   B    Jefferson Davis Co. MS             Jefferson Davis    MS
Norwood, Alonzo                        9 Feb 1888   B    lives RFD Newhebron MS             Jefferson Davis    MS
Norwood, George                       17 Feb 1894   B    Hebron MS                          Jefferson Davis    MS
Norwood, Lawrence                      5 Jul 1897   B    he/dad b. Jefferson Davis Co. MS   Jefferson Davis    MS
Norwood, Lawrence                      5 Jul 1897   B    lives RFD Newhebron MS             Jefferson Davis    MS
Norwood, Pink                         16 Mar 1885   B    lives RFD Newhebron MS             Jefferson Davis    MS
Norwood, Rass                                1896   B    Newhebron MS                       Jefferson Davis    MS
Norwood, Robert                       19 Apr 1880   B    relat. lives Newhebron MS          Jefferson Davis    MS
Norwood, Thomas                        5 Aug 1895   B    Newhebron MS                       Jefferson Davis    MS
O'Mara, Clyde                         31 Jul 1892   W    Silver Creek MS                           Lawrence    MS
O'Mara, Laney B.                      18 Sep 1893   W    Silver Creek MS                           Lawrence    MS
O'Quin, Jesse R.                      25 Dec 1890   W    Jayess MS                                 Walthall    MS
O'Quin, Pressie D.                     4 Sep 1888   W    Jayess MS                                 Walthall    MS
O'Quin, S.Oscar                       29 Jul 1893   W    Jayess MS                                 Walthall    MS
O'Quinn, William Nelson                5 Feb 1885   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Oaks, Bester                                 1878   B                                              Lawrence    MS
Oatis, Abither                                            [no information on card]                 Lawrence    MS
Oatis, Andrew                         18 Mar 1898   B                                              Lawrence    MS
Oatis, Armise                            Dec 1889   B    Jefferson Davis Co. MS             Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, Armise                            Dec 1889   B    lives Silver Creek MS              Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, Azariah                        15 Apr 1900   B    lives RFD Silver Creek MS          Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, Daniel                         15 Feb 1892   B    Lawrence Co. MS                    Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, Daniel                         15 Feb 1892   B    lives Silver Creek MS              Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, Dofey                                 1900   B    works in Hattiesburg MS            Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, Dofey                                 1900   B    lives RFD Arm MS                   Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, Ed                                abt 1892   B    Silver Creek MS                           Lawrence    MS
Oatis, Edward                            May 1879   B    lives Silver Creek MS              Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, Emanuel                         4 Apr 1883   B    lives RFD Silver Creek MS          Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, Estus Terincy (Termay)          1 Aug 1878        lives Oak Vale MS                  Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, George                                1884   B                                              Lawrence    MS
Oatis, George Washington                     1889   B    Silver Creek MS                           Lawrence    MS
Oatis, Hark                           28 Nov 1874   B    lives RFD Silver Creek MS          Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, John                           11 Mar 1897   B    he & dad b. Monticello MS          Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, John                           11 Mar 1897   B    lives in Hathorn MS                Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, Robert                          3 Oct 1888   B    Jefferson Davis Co. MS             Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, Robert                          3 Oct 1888   B    lives RFD Silver Creek MS          Jefferson Davis    MS
Oatis, Samuel                          8 Feb 1884   B                                              Lawrence    MS
Oatis, Willie                         16 Jun 1883   B                                              Lawrence    MS
Oglesby, William Rodney                2 Jan 1897   W    Columbia MS                                 Marion    MS
Oglesby, William Rodney                2 Jan 1897   W    dad b. Oak Vale MS                          Marion    MS
Oliver, George Edward                  4 Apr 1898   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Oliver, Horton Pepper                 27 Sep 1883   W    works in Hopewell MS                      Lawrence    MS
Oliver, John                           3 Oct 1895   W    near Brookhaven MS                        Lawrence    MS
Oliver, Robert B.                      7 Oct 1888   W    Monticello MS                              Lincoln    MS
Oliver, Ulmont                        14 Oct 1899   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Oliver, Virgil Homer                  24 Feb 1877   W                                              Lawrence    MS
Orange, Lester                        14 Oct 1898   B    lives Norfield MS                         Lawrence    MS
Orange, Lester                        14 Oct 1898   B    wife lives in Hattiesburg MS              Lawrence    MS
Otis, Andrew                          18 Mar 1898   B     [card filed in Ot section]               Lawrence    MS
Otis, Daily                            7 Feb 1892   B    Silver Creek MS                           Franklin    MS
Owens, Charlie Lewis                   9 Nov 1884   W    lives at RFD Oma MS                         Copiah    MS
Owens, Dock                           20 Apr 1892   B    Newhebron MS                               Sharkey    MS
Owens, Ester                          15 Dec 1892   B    Newhebron MS                                 Lamar    MS
Owens, Ethel                          12 Jan 1900   B    lives RFD Newhebron MS                     Simpson    MS
Owens, Fred                           11 Feb 1893   B    Newhebron MS                               Simpson    MS
Owens, John                           24 Jun 1883   B    lives Newhebron MS                         Simpson    MS
Owens, Mack D.                        21 Jun 1896   W    Oma MS                                       Lamar    MS
Owens, Ollie                           6 Oct 1890   B    New Hebron MS                            Humphreys    MS
Owens, Ollie                           6 Oct 1890   B    lives in Hollandale MS                   Humphreys    MS

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         This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
         Archives by: Ray H. Banks <>