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CHURCH: Bethany Baptist History 1819-1832: Sandy Creek, Lawrence County, MS

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Bethany Baptist Church
Organized by William E. Stamps
June 3, 1819

At White Sandy Creek, Lawrence County, Mississippi

Contents Đ Monthly Conference Proceedings Bethany Church Cemetery Records

William Stamps 
b-ca. 1772 in either Henry or Pittsylvania Co., VA.  
married Frances (known as Frankey) ca. 1790 VA.  She was b-ca. 1798 VA.

On May 25, 1825 
he bought 160 acres on White Sand Creek in Lawrence Co., MS, at $2.00 an
acre.  On this tract, described as N. E. 1Ú4 Section 22, T7N, R19W, he built
his home.  

On February 4, 1837 
he bought 80 acres at $1.25 an acre described as N. W. 1Ú2 SE 1Ú4 Section 22,
T7N, R19W

He settled in Lawrence Co., MS between 1817 and 1820.  

He and his wife were members of the Silver Creek Baptist Church.  It was the
first Baptist Church organized in Mississippi.  It was near Salem Baptist
Church and was located on ColeŐs Creek near Natchez.

William and Frankey Stamps transferred their membership to the Bethany
Baptist Church.  

Originally the members net under a large oak tree near White Sandy Creek, on
property which he owned.  The Church still stands on highway No. 13 near the
Junction of the old St. Stephens Road between St. Stephens, AL and Natchez.

The following letter from Silver Creek at Zore, later Bethany:  
ŇGreetings:   We received your petition which meets our hearty approbation. 
We have dismissed the following.    Williams Stamps and Frances StampsÓ

The church building contract was signed on April of 1823 and William Stamps
contracted to do certain work on the church building.  He donated the land.  

In August of 1845 
either he or his son (William Stamps) received ten dollars to build a new

On July 19, 1851 
his son (William Stamps) put on a new roof.

William Stamps died in the fall of 1854 and 
his will proved November 28, 1854 in OrphanŐs Court, Lawrence Co.

A granddaughter of William Stamps (Sidonia Athelia/Kathryn Stamps) made
several of the notes which appear in the records of Bethany Baptist Church. 
Towards the back of the church records are several pages of names, which she
apparently copied from the records.

These church records contain many death records, usually giving only the
month and the year.  

There are no marriage records, though the names of married couples are
frequently given.  

There are no birth records, or records of baptisms.


The church met at Whitesand, an arm of Silver Creek Church, which arm is
called by the name of zone and said church, agree when ever they want
discipline to call for the Word of God, which we take for our guide.
							Wm. Nall, Clerk

Saturday preceeding the first LordŐs Day in May 1819 
the arm on Whitesand a part of the body of Silver Creek Church, east of Pearl
River convened for the purpose of holding conference to receive members by
experience, letter, recantatis or excluding of disorderly members.

Conference opened by Brother Martin and Brother Joseph Parkman.

Sister Susannah Parkman 
was received by letter in full fellowship with us 

also Brother Joseph Ford and wife was received by letter in full fellowship
with us 

also Brother and Sister Joshua and Lavina Stockdale received by letter in
full fellowship with us 

also Sister Nancy Mullens was received by letter in full fellowship with us 

also Brother and Sister William Martin and wife was received by letter in
full fellowship with us.

Done in conference, signed by order of the church.  
Appointed B. Nall, pro tem Clarke 
							Wm. Nall Clk

Saturday June 3rd 1819

Conference opened by Brother Martin.  

No business came forward.  

Signed by order of the church.
							Wm. Nall Clerk

Saturday, Septmeber 4th 1819

The church met at Zore, Lawrence County, Whitesand 

and after worship pro-ceeded to business.  

Saturday, Septmeber 4th 1819 - cont

First: A door was opened, Brother and Sister Charles Slater and 
	 Rhody Slater came forward with letter and was received in 
	 full fellowship with us.

Signed by order of the church.			Wm. Nall, Clark


To the Brethen of Whitesand at Zore,


We received your petition for a constitution which meets our heart

We have dismissed the following brethen in order to join in a constitution,
to wit:

Brethen Names				Sisters Names

William Stamps				Frances Stamps
William Sparks				Polly Sparks
Levi Tidwell			  	Tempy Tidwell
Charles Slater				Sister Slater
William Martin				Nancy Martin
Joseph Parkman				Susannah Parkman
Joseph Ford			  		Sister Ford
A. Blackman			  		Charity Simmons
Friday					       Nancy Mullens

May the Divine Benediction attend you in so great an undertaking is the
prayer of your Brethren required in conference, 
this 11th of September, 1819

									William Nall, C. C.


We, whose names here unto subscribed do certify that having been called upon
by a little body of members collected together on the waters of Whitesand
Creek, in order to form a constitution, we formed a presbytery and examined
into their standing and finding them ripe for a constitution, 

we set them in order as a church to keep house for God to be known and
distinguished by the church at Bethany.  

Given under our hands, this 18th day of September, 1819.

							Wm. Cooper
							Micajah Fulgham
							John P. Martin


First,  	We believe on one only living and true God and that there is a 		
Trinity of Persons in the Godhead, The Father, Sonne and Holy 			Ghost and
yet there are not three gods, but one God.

Second: 	We believe that the scriptures of the Old and New Testament are 		
the word of God, and the only Rule of Faith and Practice

Third:  	We believe in the full of Adam and in the corruption of human 		
nature, and the impotency of man to recover himself by his own 			free will
and ability.

Fourth: 	We believe in the everlasting love of God to his people, and the 		
eternal election of a definite number of the human people, and 			the eternal
election of a definite number of the human race to 			grace and glory, and
that there was a covenant of Redemption, 			between the Father and the Son
before the world began in which 			their salvation was made sure and that
they in particular were 			redeemed.

Fifth, 	We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God only 
		by the righteousness of what Jesus Christ amounted to them.

Sixth, 	We believe that all those who were chosen in Christ will 			
effectually called, regenerated, converted and sanctified by the 			spirit
and supported by the spirit and power of God, so that they 		shall preserve
in grace and not one of them be finally lost.

Seventh, 	We believe that water baptism is an ordinance of the gospel and 		
that true believers in Christ are the only subjects and that 			simmersion
alone is the mode.

Eighth, 	We believe that the sacrament of the LordŐs Supper is an 			
ordinance of the gospel, and that it should be kept in the 
		church to show forth the LordŐs death until He comes.

Nineth, and lastly, 
		we believe in the resurrection of the dead and a general judgment 		and
that the happiness of the righteous and the punishment of the 		wicked will
be eternal.
                        					John P. Martin

1.	William Stamps				
2.	William Sparks				
3.	Levi Tidwell,          dismissed			
4.	Charles Slater,        dismissed		
5.	Williams Martin,       dismissed		
6.	Joseph Parkman,        Excom.			
7.	Joshua Stockstill,     Excom.		
8.	Joseph Ford,           dismissed			
9.	Fryday (colored),      dismissed		
10.	Frances Stamps
11.	Polly Sparks


                MALES					    FEMALES

12.	Tempey Tidwell,     dismissed
13.	Rhody Slater,       dismissed
14.	Nancy Martin,       dismissed
15.	Susannah Parkman
16.	Levine Stockstill,  Excom
17.	Lilly Ford,         deceased
18.	Nancy Mullen
19	?????????? not listed
20 	Thomas B. Slater,   dismissed		 
21 	William Russell,    dismissed		
22 	Fortune (colored)   dismissed		 
23	Bartley Brown,      dismissed		 
24	Makager Fulgham,    dismissed		
25	Adam Brinson,       dismissed		
26	David Langford,     dismissed		 
27	Richard Sparks,     dismissed		 
28	Levi Noble,         Excom		
29	William Noble,      dismissed		
30	William Coleman,    dismissed		
31	James Bishop				
32	Bazel Smith,        dismissed		
33	Elias Steen,        dismissed		 
34	Dempsey White,      dismissed		 
35	James Bagget				 
36	Elias Mullens				 
37	Frances Green,      dismissed      			                  	
38	Elizabeth Russell,  dismissed
39	Elizabeth Evens          
40	Elizabeth Ray               
41	Elizabeth Brown     dismissed
42	Susannah Slater,    dismissed
43	Nancy Steen                
44	Rachael Fulgham           
45	Penny               (colored)
46	Vernetta Langford   dismissed
47	Elizabeth Steen
48	Elizabeth Slater    dismissed
49	Sarah White         dead
50	Parthena Parkman           
51	Jane Noble       
52	Sally Bishop    
53	Nelson    
54	Wylie Cargile,      dismissed
55	James Gibbs
56	William Bishop
57	Levi Nelson
58	Jesse Coleman
59	Ralph Simmons,      Excom.
60	George Briant,      dead
61	James Mullens,      excom.
62	Silas Mathis,       excom

63	James Carlisle
64	James Simmons,      dismissed	
65	Jesse Stanly
66	George Granberry
67	Jesse Simmons
68	Thomas Martin
69	William Mullens
70	Reuben White
71	Eleazar Nelson
72	James Mullens,      Restored and dismissed
73	Frances Tyron
74	Rhody White,        dismissed
75	Martha Coleman
76	Mary Coleman
77	Sally Mullens
78	Frances Briant
79	Nancy Briant
80	Jane Norman,        dismissed
81	Temperance Mullens, dismissed
82	Nancy Lowel
83	Milly Wise,         dismissed
84	Levicy Simmons
85	Mary Carlisle
86	Delah Bagget
87	Sarah Fairchile
88	Elivira Simmons
89	Susannah Coleman
90	Martha Granberry
91	Anna Stucky
92	Lucinda Leonarda
93	Margaret Allen,      dismissed
94	Elizabeth Martin
95	Charity Mullens
96	Margaret Mullens
97	Pernina Bishop
98	Fanny,               a black woman
99	Akie,                a black woman

July 3rd, 1820

Brother Stockstill and Sister Stockstill 
were excommunicated by order of Conference for drunkness and disobeying the

August 5th, 1829

Met and after worship, 
Brother John Carlisle came forward and request that he should come under the
watch care of the church until received by letter, 
which letter was in the State of Georgia.  

Assented to by the church.

September 30th, 1820

Met and after worship, 
proceeded to the choice of a precher by vote and 
Brother John P. Martin was elected, 
also that he should be notified by Brother.  

Also, William Stamps and Thomas B. Slater 
appointed to write the Association letter the 5th of November 1820 at Fair

Done by the order of Conference.

March 3rd, 1821

The church being met and 
after a lecture delivered by Brother Fulgham, Conference was opened.

1st 	Brother Micajah Fulgham and Sister Rachel Fulgham 
	were received by 	letter.

2nd 	Brother William Martin 
	came forward and made an humble acknowledgement for hard wards and 	whishes
he had made relative to his daughter and her husband and was 	acquitted by
the church.

March 31st, 1821

The church met and 
after a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, Conference was opened.

1st 	Received a petition from our Sister church at Poplar Springs praying 
for helps to be appointed to attend at their next meeting in course.

  	The church acceded to the petition and 
	appointed the Brethren Fulgham, Sparks, and Martin to attend them.

June 2nd, 1821

The church met, 
after a sermon delivered by Brother Stephens and B. Nall, Conference was

1st 	Adam Brinson came forward by letter 
	and was unanimously received in full fellowship with us.

June 31, 1821

The church met and 
after a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, Conference was opened, 

none came forward by experience nor by letter.

June 31, 1821 - cont

Brother Charles Slater 
came forward and made satisfactory acknowledgement for putting in a shooting
match and was acquitted.

A query put in by Brother Sparks and seconded by Brother Parkman, 
Ňwhether it be lawful for a brother to set up property to be shot for or

and the answer, not lawful.

The church called on Brother Martin by a unanimous voice 
to go in and out before them for one year, 

also, made choice of Brother Stamps and Brother Sparks 
as their delegates to the next Association; 

that Brother Nall prepare the Association letter.  

Done in Conference, 
signed by order of the church.

							Wm. Nall, C.T.C	

Saturday, July 4th, 1821

The church met and 
after a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, Conference was opened, 

none came forward.
							Wm. Nall, Clk

Saturday before the 5th LordŐs Day in September 1821

Met according to appointment.  

After sermon delivered by Brother Martin, Conference was opened.

Came forward Sister Ray 
was received unanimously.

2nd.  Be it known that this day forward 
	that the stated meetings at Bethany Church is altered from the first to 	the
third LordŐs day and Saturday before it.

							A. Brinson, Clk.

Saturday before the 3rd LordŐs Day in December, 1821

Met according to appointment.  

After a sermon delivered by Brother P. Martin, Conference was opened.

Saturday before the 3rd LordŐs Day in December, 1821 - cont

Brother Charles Slater 
came forward and made an acknowledgement for his wifeŐs conduct; 
and Brother Charles was to wait until the next Conference.

This done by order of the Church.
							Adam Brinson, Clk.

January 19th, 1822

The Church met and 
after a sermon delivered by Brother Nall, Conference was opened.

Brother Brinson 
reported that he had cited Brother Carlisle, according to appointment and he
failed to appear and the business was laid over.

Brother Brinson and Brother Russell and wife 
applied for letters of dismission, was granted.

February 16th, 1822

The Church met and 
after a sermon by Brother Martin, Conference was opened.

Took up the business of Brother Carlisle 
and the Church was unanimously of the opinion that it was unlegal (illegal)
to receive any tansient member and therefore declared that he was no more
under the watch care.

March 16th, 1822

The Church met and 
after a sermon by Brother George W. King, Conference was opened.  

No business.

April 20th 1822

The Church met and 
after a sermon delivered by Brother Nall, Conference was opened.  

No Business.

May 18th 1822

After a sermon by Brother Nall and Brother G. King, Conference was opened.  

Brother Nelson and wife 
came forward and was received by letter.

2nd.  	Brother Bartlay Brown and wife 
	applied for letter of dismission, which was granted.

3rd.  	Brother David Langford 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously 	received with us.

4th.  Brother Nelson 
	made a choice for the ChurchŐs Clerk.

5th.  Susannah Strayhan 
	applied for a letter of dismission, which was granted.

Signed by order of the Church.		

Levi Nelson, Clk

Saturday 20th July, 1822

The Church met and 
after a sermon delivered by Brother Martin and Brother Nall, Conference
opened for the reception of members.

1st.  	Brother Richard Sparks 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

Saturday 20th July, 1822 - cont

2nd.  	Sister Virnitta Langford 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

3rd.  	Brother James Bishop 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

4th.  	Brother Bazel Smith 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

5th.  	Brother Dempsey White 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

6th.  	Brother William Coleman 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

7th.  	Sister Elizabeth Steen 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

8th.  	Sister Elizabeth Slater 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

9th.  	Brother William Nobles 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

10th.  Sister Sarah White 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

11th.  Brother Elias Steen 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

12th.  Brother Levi Nobles 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

13th.  Sister Jane Nobles 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

14th.  Brother Jesse Simmons 
	came forward and gave a relation of the dealings of the Lord in his 
backsliden state; laid over till night meeting.

15th.  Brother William Bishop and wife 
	came forward by letter and was received into fellowship with us.

Saturday 20th July, 1822 - cont

16th.  The Church chose their deligates (delegates) to the Association, 
William Stamps and William Martin, Chle Slater 

	in case of failure, also William Nall to write the letter to represent 	the
Association to be sent by the deligates.

Signed by order of Church	
Levi Nelson.

August 17th 1822

Met in Conference, a door opened for the reception of members.

1st.  	Elias Mullens 
	came forward and was received on confession of faith.

2nd.  	Parthena Parkman 
	came forward and was received on a confession of faith.

3rd.  	James Bigs 
	came forward and was received on a confession of faith.

4th.  	Wylie Cargal 
	came forward and was received by a confession of faith.

5th.  	Read the Association letter which was received, 

	also that our next Conference in course that we will make a choice of 
another Clark/(Clerk) to act in Brother NelsonŐs place and was -	dismissed in

Saturday the 14th September, 1822

The Church met and 
after a sermons by Brethren Martin and Nall, Conference opened for the
reception of members.

1st.  	Brother Jesse Coleman 
	came forward and was received by experience in full fellowship.

2nd.  	Brother Ralph Simmons 
	came forward by experience and was received unanimously in full 	fellowship.

3rd.  	Rhody White 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship.

4th.  	Brother Levi Nobles 
	nominated as Church Clerk.

Saturday the 19th October, 1822

The Church met and 
after a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, Conference opened for the
reception of members.

1st.  	Sister Martha Golman 
	came forward by letter and was received.

2nd.  	Sister Mary Galmon 
	came forward by experience and was received unanimously in full 	fellowship
with us

3rd.  	Sister Sally Mullens 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received with us.

4th.  	Brother George Briant and Sister Frances Briant 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received with us.

5th.  	Sister Nancy Briant 
	came forward by letter and was unanimously received with us.

6th.  	Sister Jane Norman 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received with us.

7th.  	Brother James Mullens 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

8th.  	Temperance Mullens 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received in full 	fellowship
with us.

9th.  	Sister Sarah Fairchile 
	was received by letter.

Saturday 16th November, 1822

The church met 
after a sermon by Brother Martin, Conference opened for the reception of

1st.  	Brother Silas Mathis 
	came forward and was unanimously received by letter.

2nd.  	A move made for the washing of feet and laid over till the next 

3rd.  	Sister Penny, a black woman, 
	belonging to Brother James Baggett was received by experience.

Saturday 14th December, 1822

Church met, 
after a sermon, Conference opened for the reception of members.

Saturday 14th December, 1822 - cont

1st.  	Sister Prudy Wise 
	was received by experience.

2nd.  	Sister Milly Wise 
	applied for a letter of dismission, which was granted her.

Saturday the 18th of January, 1823

Church met and 
after a sermon by Brother Martin, Conference was opened for the reception of

1st.  	Sister Levicy Simmons 
	came in and was unanimously received by letter.

2nd.  	Sister Mary Carlisle 
	came in and was received by experience in full fellowship with us.

3rd.  	Sister Lily Baggett 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received with us.

4th.  	Brother James Mullens 
	came forward and gave the Church satisfaction for drinking too much and 
making use of improper language.

5th.  	The subject of washing of feet was taken up and 
	agreed to comply with the ordinance annually.

Saturday 15th February, 1823

The church met and 
after a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, Conference was opened for the
reception of members.  

None came forward.

No business done.

Saturday as above, same date.

Brother Joseph Ford 
applied for a letter of dismission, which was granted.

2nd.  	Brother Fryday, a black brother, 
	applied for a letter of dismission, granted.

3rd.  	Sister Martin 
	applied for a letter of dismission, granted.  
	Signed by order of the Church.

Saturday 15th of March 1823

The Church met, 
after a sermon delivered by Brother Martin Nall.

1st.  	Brother William Martin 
	laid in a report against James Mullens for the sin of drunkness and 
swearing, move and seconded to take up the above report.

2nd.  	The Church declared James Mullens 
	no more a member which would be with us.

Signed by order of the Church.			

Wm. Nall, C. T.

Saturday 15th, 
same day as above written, 

the attention of the Church called into Conference,

	Sister Frances Tyrone 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received.

Saturday 17th of April, 1823.

After a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, 
Conference opened for the reception of members.

Brother James Carlisle 
came forward by experience and was unanimously received.

Signed by order of Conference.		

Levi Noble, C. Clk.

Saturday 14th of June, 1823

The Church met, 
after a sermon delivered by Brother Nall and Brother Martin, 
Conference opened for the reception of members. 

1st.  	Brother James Simmons 
	came forward by experience and was unanimously received.

Friday the 18th July, 1823

After two sermons delivered, 1st by Brother Thigpen  2nd By Brother
Robertson, Conference opened for the reception of members.

1st.  	Brother James Mullens 

2nd 	Sister Charlotte Mullens 
	was received by experience.

Saturday the 19th, 1823

After 4 sermons delivered, 1st Brother Morris, 2nd Brother Brakefield, 3rd
Brother Kind, 4th Brother Collins, 
then Conference was opened for the reception of members.

1st.  	Brother William Mullens 
	was received by experience

2nd.  	Brother Reuben White 
	was received by experience.

3rd.  	Sister Fanny, a black woman, 
	belonging to Brother Parkman was received by experience.

4th.  	Sister Arie, a black woman, 
	belonging to E. Mitchel was received by experience

5th.  	Sister Perina Bishop 
	was received.

Saturday 16th August 1823

The Church was met and 
after a sermon delivered by Brother Martin,  
Conference was opened for the reception of members.

1st.  	Sister Margaret Mullens 
	came forward and was received by experience

2nd.  	A report by Brother Richard Sparks 	
	against Brother Silas Mathis for drunkness.  

	Brother William Sparks 
	appointed to cite him to the Church.

Sunday the 17th September, 1823

After Brother Eleazar Nelson 
was received by experience, 

then there was preaching.

September 20th, 1823

After a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, 
Conference was opened for the reception of members.

1st.  	Sister Elvira Simmons 
	was received by experience.

2nd.  	Brother Silas Mathis 
	came forward in answer to a charge against him for intoxication and 	gave
satisfaction to the Church.

September 20th, 1823 - cont

3rd.  	Brother William Bishop 
	came forward to the Church and acknowledged that he had drank too much 	and
gave the Church satisfaction.

Saturday 19th, October, 1823.

Brother Nall and Brother Martin preached, 
then Conference was opened for the reception of members.

1st.  	Sister Susannah Goleman 
	was received by letter.

2nd.  	Brother James Mullens 
	came forward and acknowledged to the Church that he had been drunk and 	made
satisfactory acknowledgement for the same.

November Term, 1823

1st.  	Brother Martin Preached, 
	Conference was opened for the reception of members.

2nd.  	Brother David Langford 
	laid before the Church a report concerning his taking down his gun to 	shoot
Mr. Simmons and was unanimously forgiven.

This list of names had no title, apparently a membership roll.

1.	William Stamps
2.	Joseph Parkman, 		excom.
3.	Maston Parkman, 		dismissed
4.	Edmund Low, dead
5.	Norvel Robertson, Jr., 	dis.
6.	Joel Bullock
7.	James Mikell
8.	William Sturling, 	dismissed
9.	Hynrick Hooker
10.	John S. Sheperd, 		dismissed
11.	Briton Bridges, 		dismissed
12.	John J. Mikell
13.	Willis Briant, 		dead
14.	Stephen Herring, 		dismissed
15.	Mathew Stephens, 		dismissed
16.	John Cole
17.	Isaac Polk
18.	Simeon Ross, 		dismissed
19.	Simon Polk
20.	Wm. H. Mikell, 		dead
21.	Wuiney Bullock, 		dismissed
22.	William R. Leggett, 	Excom.
23.	Malache Ross
24.	Henry Miller

This list of names had no title, apparently a membership roll - cont

25.	Alexander McKensie, 	dismissed
26.	Davy Hooker 		(colored)
27.	Ben Bridges 		(colored)
28.	Penny Baggett, 		(colored) Dead July 18
29	Ainy Mikell 		(colored)
30	Amy Mikell, Jr. 		(Colored)
31.	Frances Stamps
32.	Parhena McFail
33.	Elizur Carnon, 		dismissed
34.	Nancy Mikell
35.	Elizabeth Walker, 	dead
36.	Mirnada Hooker
37.	Rachael Stephen
38.	Lydia Bridges, 		Excom. Restored, Deceased
39.	Jane Hooker
40.	Fanny Harvy
41.	Sintha Philips, 		dismissed
42.	Minerva Walker
43.	Penelope Ann Buckly
44.	Mary Mikell
45.	Sarah Polk, 		died May, 1853
46.	Elizabeth Burkitt
47.	Sintilla Polk, 		dismissed and restored
48.	Elizabeth White
49.	Martha Smith, 		dead
50.	Arcadis Bass
51.	Sarah Hargrove, 		dismissed
52.	Mary Miller
53.	Albany MoHensie, 		dismissed
54.	Frances Tyrone, 		dismissed
55.	Sela Baggett, 		dismissed
56.	Savisa Garner
57.	Rachel Taylor, 		dead
58.	Elizabeth Ann Selftina, dis
59.	Ann Peacock
60.	Sharlot Mikell  		(colored)
61.	Elizur Mikell		(colored)
62.	Sarah Looper 		(colored)
63.	Julian Polk
64.	Emily Harby
65.	Ioanna Bullock
66.	Fanny White 		(colored)
67.	Cena Parkman 		(colored)
68.	Katharine Warner, 	dismissed
69.	Marietta harvy, 		dismissed
70.	Sister Berry, 		dismissed
71.	Elizabeth Hartzog
72.	Mary Mikell, sr
73.	Aseneth Polk
74.	Sarian legate, 		dismissed
75.	Borothy Clard, 		dismissed
76.	Society Stephens, 	dismissed
77.	Sophronia Tilson
78.	Matilda Simmons, 		dismissed
79.	Mary Carter

This list of names had no title, apparently a membership roll - cont

80.	Elizur Hartzog
81.	Beckey Hooker, 		(colored), excom.
82.	Sidia Sturling, 		dismissed
83.	Martha Tyrone
84.	John Hooker, 		dismissed
85.	Franklin Polk
86.	Darel Sanford, 		dismissed
87.	Samuel Bullock, 		excom.
88.	C. M. J. Stringer
89.	Leroy Harvy, 		dismissed
90.	Loyd Polk
91.	Noel Buckly
92.	Adam Tyrone, 		Excom.
93.	Elisha Clark, 		dismissed
94.	John Dias, 			dismissed
95.	Travis Polk, 		excom.
96.	Richard Berry
97.	James Atwood, 		dismissed
98.	James F. Hartzog
99.	B. Eleassur Titson
100.	Jefferson Ross, 		dismissed
101.	James Whitt, 		dismissed
102.	Joseph Bullock, 		excom.
103.	Moses White, 		colored
104.	John Burket
105.	John Simmons, 		excom.
106.	Jacob McPhail, 		dismissed
107.	Jesse Carter
108.	Jackson Burket
109.	Muntervill Berry, 	colored, dis.
110.	Alfred Garner, 		Excom.
111.	James Oatis, 		colored, excom.
112.	John H. Oatis
113.	Polk, by letter
114.	Rewbem Smith, 		restored, Excom.
115.	Leabron Bass
116.	Esau Ball
117.	C. C. Lee
118.	Andrew Land, 		by letter
119.	John T. Lunginore
120.	William C. Harvy, 	dead
121.	James Milton
122.	Irvin Magee
123.	Simeon Bullock
124.	George Burket
125.	James A. Ross, 		by letter, May, 1853
126.	Wm. Newson, 		by experience
126.	Delia Tyrone, 		Colored, excom.
127.	Elizabeth Warner, 	colored
128.	Mary Ann Wylie
129.	Cahny Parkman, 		colored by letter, Sep. 1853, dis.
130.	Jane Laird
131.	Elizabeth Buckley
132.	Elizabeth Stuckey

This list of names had no title, apparently a membership roll - cont

133.	Hariet Ross, 		colored, excom, restored
134.	Mary Stringer, 		dismissed
135.	Penny Stringer, 		colored, excom. Restored
136.	Lintilla Polk
137.	Lamar Stringer
138.	Nancy Magee
139.	Grace Magee, 		colored
140.	Susanna Wylie
141.	Patience Bass
142.	Lucinda Sutton, 		dismissed
143.	Ann P. Lunginore
144.	Feluiann Cole
145.	Surlina Looper
146.	Jane Parkman
147.	Edith Hathorn
148.	Eliger Bridges
149.	Allis Hedgepeth
150.	Elizabeth Ross
151.	Nancy Bullock
152.	Mary Burkett, 1853
153.	Mary Oatis
154.	Ginsey Ann Ross, 		by letter
155.	Mary Newson, 		by experience August 1853
December 19th, 1823

Brother Martin preached, 
then Conference was opened for the reception of members.

1st.	Brother Wylie Cargal 
	applied for a letter of dismission which was granted him.

2nd.	Brother Jesse Simmons 
	was restored

3rd.	Brother William Martin 
	applied for a letter of dismission for himself 	and wife, Nancy Martin

4th.	Brother James Mullens 
	applied for a letter of dismission for himself and wife, through 	Brother
William Martin, which was granted.

5th.	Brother David Langford 
	applied for a letter of dismission for himself and wife, by Brother 	Nelson,
which was granted.

6th.	Brother William Nobles 
	applied through, Brother Levi Nobles for a letter of dismission, which 	was

					Levi Noble, C. Clerk

January Term, 1824

After a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, 
Conference was opened for the reception of members.          

None received.

	Silas Mathis 
	was charged with running away with his neighborŐs daughter and was 
excommunicated for the same.

	Sister Jane Norman 
	applied, through Brother William Sparks, for a letter of dismission, 	which
was granted.

February Term, 1824

Brother Martin preached.  
Conference was opened for the reception of members.

1st.	Brother George Granberry and his wife, Martha Granberry 
	was received by letter.

2nd.	Sister Anna Stucky 
	was received by letter.

3rd.	Brother James Bishop 
	informed the Church that he was very much imposed on and at length flew 	in
a passion and pulled off his coat to fight and the Church forgave 	him for
the same.

								Levi Nobles, Clk

March Conference 1824

Brother Martin preached, 
then Conference was opened for the reception of members.

1st.	Sister Lucinda Leonards 
	was received by letter.

2nd.	Brother Richard Sparks 
	applied for a letter of dismission, which was granted.

April 17th, 1824

Brother Martin preached from the 6th chapter of Romans, verse, 
then Conference convened for the reception of members.

1st.	Brother Jesse Stanly 
	was received by letter.

2nd.	An application made and complied with by Silver Creek church for help 
to assist them in a difficulty relative to the marriage of a black 	sister.  

April 17th, 1824 - cont
2nd - cont

	Brother William Sparks, Brother Granberry, Brother Stamps, Brother 	Baggett,
Brother Mullens and Brother Charles Slater, 
	in case of failure are nominated to assist in such difficulty.

3rd.	Brother Jesse Simmons 
	came forward and acknowledged to the Church that he had drunk too much 
spirits.  The Church forgave him for same.

4th.	Brother James Bishop 
	came to the Church and acknowledged that he had drank too much cider 	and
was forgiven by the Church for same.

						Levi Nobles, C. Clk.

May 15th, 1824

The Church convened.  

Brother Stevens preached from Isaih, the 28th chapter and 10th verse.  
Brother Martin followed from these words (is there not a cause), 
then Conference opened for the reception of members.

1st.	Sister Margaret Allen 
	was received by experience.

2nd.	Brother Thomas Martin and Sister Elizabeth, his wife, 
	was received.

June the 20th 1824

The Church met, Brother Martin preached from the 13th verse and part of the
14th verse of the 1st. chapter of Paul to the Ephesians.
Conference was opened for the reception of members.  

None received.
					L. Noble, C. Clk

Saturday the 17th July 1824,

The Church convened, Brother Brakefield preached.  
Then Conference was opened.

1st.	The Church proceeded to electing their deligates/(delegates) to the 

	Brother George Granberry and Brother William Mullens were elected.  	Brother
Baggott, in case of failure.

2nd.	The Church wishes 35 copies of the minutes of the next Association and 
petitions for the next Association to be held at Bethany.

Saturday the 17th July 1824, - cont

3rd.	The Conference requests the members of this Church to meet on our next 
Conference day at 10 oŐclock, in order to hold a council on the subject 	of
our Baptist Convention of this state.

						L. Noble, C. Clk.

August 14, 1824

The Church met at ten oŐclock.

1st.	Conference opened for the purpose of holding council on the subject of 
the convention, agreed on by the Church that our present deligates act 	as
they in their wisdom think best in respect of the convention.

2nd.	Brother Martin preached, 
	then Conference opened for the reception of members.  None received.

	Moved and carried that the Church adopt a rule to Commune before the 	church

						L. Noble, C. Clk.

	Brother Dempsey White 
	acknowledge to the Church that he had, through the abuse of another and 
striking him, returned the blow, and made use of profane language.  
	The Church forgave him on his acknowledgement.

Saturday before the 3rd LordŐs Day in September 1824.

Met in Conference and after a sermon by Brother Martin, a door for the
reception of members was opened.  

None came forward.

2nd.	Took up the query laid in at last Conference relative to the duty or 
office of a deaconŐs wife in the house of God, and answered that from 	an
examination of the Scriptures, we are of the opinion, 
	that there is not an office in the House of God assigned to a deaconŐs 	wife
by the Scriptures.

3rd.	Set apart our next Conference day as a day of humilation, fasting and 
prayer to the Almight God to direct our minds agreeable to his Will in 	the
choice of a preacher and that the Conference meet at ten oŐclock 	for the
purpose of calling a preacher to attend them.

John P. Martin
Wylie White, C. Clk.
Moderator, Pro. Tem.

Saturday before the 3rd LordŐs Day in October, 1824

Met in Conference, after a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, 
Conference was opened for the reception of members.

1st 	Sister Mary Briggs 
	was received by experience.

2nd.	The Church proceeded to the choice of a pastor.

3rd.	Brother I. P. Martin 
	was unanimously chosen by the Church, but refused to give the Church an 
answer, whether he would serve them or not, until the next Conference.

Signed by order of Conference.
							Levi Nobles, C. Clk.

Saturday, 20th November 1824

After a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, 
Conference was opened for the reception of members.  

None received.

1st.  Brother I. P. Martin 
	gave his consent to serve the Church as a pastor,  for twelve months.

							L. Noble, C. Clk

Saturday, March 19th, 1825

Conference met.

1st.	A door was opened for the reception of members.  
	None received.

2nd.	Brother William Mullens and wife, Charlotte Mullens 
	and Sister Ewin, also, Sister Steen have letters of dismission.

Signed by order of the Church
							Wm. Nell, C. T.

Saturday, April 16th 1825

Brother James Simmons sang and prayed, 
then Conference was opened for the reception of members.  

No applicants.

2nd.	Resolved that there be a subscription drawn for the use of the Church, 
to be paid quarterly, also one for the use of our pastor, to be paid 	the
first day of January next.
	Done in Conference and signed by order of the same.

							L. Noble, C. Clk.

May Conference 1825

After a sermon delivered by Brother Cateney, then Brother Martin sang and
prayed.  Conference was opened for the reception of members.  No application.

							L. Noble, C. Clk.

June Conference 1825

After a sermon delivered by Brother Cuteney, 
Conference was opened for the reception of members.

1st	Brother Thomas Williams 
	was received by letter.

	A letter was received and read from the Bethany Church, Conaker County, 
State of Alabama, touching on the character of Thomas Shelton, 

	formerly a member of that Church, recommended the said Church for their 
proceedings and gave the letter to Brother Cateney to be read at Hebron 

							James Baggett, Clk. Pro-tem.

July Conference 1825

1st	Brother Martin 

2nd	Brother David Langford and his wife, Wernette 
	was received by letter

3rd	Brother Thomas Selman 
	was received by letter.

4th	The Church proceeded to elect their deligates/(delegates).  

	Brother William Stamps and Brother James Baggett was elected, Brother 
George Granberry in case of failure.

							L. Noble, C. Clk.
August Conference 1825

Brother Martin preached from Proverbs, the 12th. Chapter and 4th verse, then
Conference opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

2nd	Brother Ralph Simmons 
	came forward and confessed to the Church that he had been guilty of 

3rd	Moved and carried that his case be laid over until next Conference

4th	The Association letter was read and received

5th	Brother Williams 
	dismissed by letter.
							L. Noble, C. Clk.

September Conference 1825

Brother Martin preached, Conference was then opened for the reception of
members.  No applicants.

2nd	The case of Brother Simmons 
	was taken up and he was excluded.

Signed by order of the Church
							L. Noble, C. Clk.

October Conference, 1825

After a sermon delivered by Brother Martin and a second by Brother
Brakefield, a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

2nd	The case of Brother Ford 
	was taken up.  He came forward and gave the Church satisfaction.

3rd.	Brother Briant, through Brother Nelson 
	applied for a letter of dismission for himself and wife, which was 	granted.

							L. Noble, C. Clk.

November Conference, 1823     (?-1825)

Met in Conference on Saturday before the second LordŐs Day in November, and
after a sermon by Brother Martin and Coatney, opened a door for the reception
of members.

	Brother Wylie White 
	was received by letter.

2nd.	Took under consideration, the case of Brother Ford, 
	where upon it was resolved, unanimously, that the Church consider him 	in
disorder for his long absence from the Conference and appointed 	Brother
George Granberry and William Sparks, and in case of failure, 	William Stamps
to cite him to our next Conference.

3rd.	Ordered by the Church that Brother Stamps
	be authorized to purchase with money in the Church fund such articles 	as
are lacking and are lacking and necessary to furnish the Communion 	Table

4th.	On application, it was ordered by the Church that letter of dismission 
be granted to Brother Jesse Stanley and Sister Susan Goleman and also, 
Brother Thomas Martin and Sister Elizabeth Martin.

On the LordŐs Day, i.e. the next day after preaching, the attention of the
Conference was called.  

Application was made for a letter of dismission for Sister Parthena Nall,
with was granted.

January, 1826, Saturday 14th

The Church met, after singing and prayer by Brother Edmond Low, Conference
was opened for the reception of members.

1st.	Brother Lewis Pierce and wife 
	was received by letter.

Saturday the 18th of February, 1826

After a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, Conference was opened for the
reception of members.  None received.

2nd.	Moved and carried that the Church resolve a charge exhibited by
Brother 	Jesse Simmons against Brother Dempsey White f
	or his dog biting his child and plain contradiction between them.

3rd.	Brother White 
	extricated from the charge.

March, 1826

Met in Conference on Saturday before the 3rd LordŐs Day in March, 1826, and
after a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, a door was opened for the
reception of members 

	and received by letter, 
	Brother John Smith and his Martha Smith.

2nd.	Ordered by the Church that 
	Brother Charles Slater and his wife, Sister Slater have letters of 

Washington County

August, year of Jesus Christ 1825,

We believe the Baptist Church of Christ Denominated (?) Hurricane holding a
personal and unconstitutional election effectual calling and the final
perseverance of the Saints in Grace, do certify that 

our dearly beloved Sister Mary White 
is in full faith and ordered dismissed from us.

Signed by order of the 66th Conference, 
Saturday before the second LordŐs Day in June.  
The sixth year of the ChurchŐs Constitution.			

James Denson, Clk.

Note: One the back of the above letter of dismission is found the following
which is the only minutes I can find for this April Conference. Viz:
This was received the Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in April.

Saturday the 20th, May 1826

The Church met and after a sermon by Brother Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  None came forward.

							L. Noble, C. Clk.

The ŇnoteÓ was made by the late Kathryn Stamps Smith.

June, 1826

Met in Conference on Saturday before the 3rd LordŐs Day in June, 1826
1st.	Brother John B. Carlisle received by letter.
							L. Noble, C. Clk.

July, 1826

Saturday before the 3rd LordŐs Day in July 1826, 
after a sermon delivered by Brother Coteney, 
Conference was opened for the reception of members.  None offered.

Moved and carried that the Conference take up the request of the Association
to answer them in our next letter, the use we wish our Association
contributions applied to, remain in the Association fund for the use of the

2nd.	The Church proceeded to the choice of their deligates.

3rd.	Brother Granberry and Brother Stamps 
	was chosen and in case of failure, Brother Baggott.

August 1826

Saturday the 19th of August, 1826

Conference met after a sermon by Brother Morris, and 2nd.  By Brother Martin,
then Conference was opened for the reception of members.

1st.	Sister Margaret Fairchile 
	was received by experience.

2nd.	Brother James A. Milican 
	was received by experience.

3rd.	Brother James Bishop 
	came forward and acknowledged to the Church that he had got in a 	passion
and pulled of his coat to fight.  For said charge the Church 	forgave him.

4th.	A charge exhibited against Brother Langford by Brother William Spakrs 
for repeated quarreling and wrangling, and profane swearing.

Saturday the 19th of August, 1826 - cont

5th.	Brother George Granberry and Brother Wylie White 
	is appointed to go and labor with him and cite him to attend our next 

6th.	A queary/(query) laid in by Brother Stamps and taken up: 
	Should a member be dealt with according to the directions given in the 
Gospel of Jesus Christ in Matthew, the 15th and 18th, for publick 

7th.	Laid over for an answer to tell next Conference.  
	The Association letter received and read.

							L. Noble, C. Clk.

Saturday before the 3rd LordŐs Day in September, 1826

Conference met and after a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, 
a door was opened by Brother Martin for the reception of members.  
None made application

Brother Langford 
came forward and gave the Church satisfaction relative to a charge exhibited
against him by Brother Sparks.

Answered the queary laid in by Brother Stamps 
at the last Conference as follows ŇWe do not think that the Scriptures
embraces the nature of public transgression, but in such cases recommend
Christian tenderness and faithfulness for the cause of God.

3rd.	A grievance laid in by Brother Granberry 
	against Society Mill Church connected with Brother Sleck Stringer, 	signed
by order of Church Conference.

							L. Noble, C. Clk

Saturday before the 3rd LordŐs Day in October, 1826

Conference met, and after a sermon delivered by Brother Costney, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  None applied.

2nd.	The grievance exhibited against the Society Hill Church 
	taken up and unanimously agreed that we consider the act of the Society 
Hill Church in forgiving of Brother Alexander Stringer, 
	in a case of fighting without his making any acknowledgement or coming 	to
any knowledge of his error, to be inconsistent with the discipline 	of the

Saturday before the 3rd LordŐs Day in October, 1826 - cont

	Agreed that this Church consider herself aggrived with Society Hill 	Church
for forgiving an offending member without bringing him to a 	knowledge of his
error or without his acknowledging any fault in 	himself for his conduct.

2nd.	Appointed Brethren William Sparks, Williams Stamps and Levi Noble 
	to go and labor with Society Hill Church for fellowship.

3rd.	Proceeded to the choice of a minister 
	to minister to us in a word and doctrine till the first day of January 	1828.

4th.	Brother John P. Martin 
	made choice of by the Church, moved and carried that Brother William 	Bishop
and Brother Dempsey White be appointed to convey the choice of 	the Church to

6th.	Brother Ford 
	applied for a latter of dismission by Brother Bishop, stating that he 	had
lost his letter; laid over till next meeting.

7th.	A queary read and taken up.

8th.	Moved and carried that it be laid over till next meeting.

N. B. The clerk instructed to prepare a letter to be bourn by the delegates
to Society Hill Church, stating their appointment.  
The Delicates to meet at the December meeting.

Saturday the 18th, November, 1826

1st.	A sermon was preached by John P. Martin from Luke the tenth chapter, 
beginning at the 15th verse down to the 38th.

2nd.	Brother William Bishop related that he according to the request of
last 	Conference conveyed a letter to Brother John P. Martin, requesting
him 	to be our supply January year, Brother Martin, being present, gave his 

3rd.	Brother Wylie White, according to appointment, read a letter to the 
Sister Church at Society Hill and was unanimonsly received.

4th.	Brother FrydayŐs case mentioned and laid over till next meeting.

5th.	Brother John Smith and wife 
	applied for letters of dismission and granted.

6th.	Brother James Biggs 
	applied for a letter of dismission and granted.

7th.	The references to the query with regard to the encourgement of dancing 
laid over.  

Saturday the 18th, November, 1826 - cont
#7 - cont

	The queary runs thus ŇBrethren, is it agreeable to gospel order for a 
member or members of the Baptist Church of Christ to encourage their 
daughters in the Ball Room and on the dancing floor repeatedly, while 	under
the jurisdiction of their parents?Ó

Saturday before the 3rd LordŐs Day in December, 1826
Met in conference, Brother Martin preached

1st.	Opened a door for the reception of members.

2nd.	Received the reception of the report of our deligates to the Sister 	
Church at Society Hill upon which the Church unanimously decided that 	she
was still dissatisfied with the Church at Society Hill and 	appointed
Brethren Wylie White and George Granberry to write again to 	Society Hill
Church proposing to them to choose two Churches and for us 	to choose two
Churches, also and request them to send us each at least 	three or more helps
for us and them to submit our difficulty with the 	facts in relation to its to

3rd.	Also, appointed Brethren Wylie White and George Granberry to bear the 
letter and make the nomination and appointment of Churches on our past 	to
attend as helps.

4th.	Noticed the reference in relation to Brother Fryday and appointed 
Brother George Granberry to write a letter to Brother Fryday by Brother 
Robertson, stating to him, that if he would send by the bearer what was 	due
in the neighborhood and such acknowledgement for his transgression 	as we can
receive the non performance of his promises to pay what he 	was owing, he
could get a letter and if he did not, he would be 	excommunicated immediately.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in January 1827
Met in conference, and 
received the report of our messengers to the Society Hill Church which was

3rd.	Brother George Granberry 
	reported that he failed in conveying a letter to Brother Fryday and 	agreed
to lay over that case till our March meeting.

	Brother Sparks 
	reported that an existing difficulty between Sister Nelson and Sister 
Langford was finally settled.

	Application was by Brother Noble 
	for a letter of dismission for Sister Goodson, which was granted.

February, 1827

After a sermon preached by Brother J. P. Martin, from John the 14th, and 5th,
opened a door for the reception of members 

	and received Brother William Ellington by letter.

	Orders that the Clerk examine our Church book and report to the Church 	at
our Conference the decision formerly made by the Church on the 	subject of
washing of feet.

	Ordered by Church that Brother John Carlisle 
	have a letter of 	dismission.

Saturday before the 3rd LordŐs Day in March, 1827.
Met in Conference, after a sermon by Brother Robertson and Extortation by
Brother Martin, a door was opened for the reception of members.

2nd.	The case of Brother Fryday 
	was taken up and ordered that a letter be written and directed to the 	Red
Creek Church, stating the charges and grievances and that without 	an
immediate redress the discipline of the gospel will be administered.

	Received the report of the clerk on the subject of washing feet, which 	was
that in December 1823, the Church agreed to practice annually.

Saturday before the 3rd LordŐs Day in April, 1827.
Met in conference and after a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, 
opened a door for the reception of members.  None offered.

	Ordered that Brother Wylie White 
	officiate as Clerk for the present term.

	Ordered the Clerk write a letter in answer to the BrethrensŐ request 	from
Big Black.

3rd.	Ordered that Brother Stamps 
	inquire of Brother Levi Noble his situation with respect to serving the 
Church as clerk, whether he can attend regularly and promptly or not, 	and if
his situation will not admit of his regular attendance to 	request him to

4th.	Received five copies of the annual report of the Mississippi State 

Saturday before the 3rd. LordŐs Day in May, 1827.
Conference met and after a sermon by Brother Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

2nd.	Moved and seconded that the washing of feet be attended to, agreeable 
to the order of the Church, the clerk instructed to examine the Church 	book
in relation to the time.

3rd.	Sister Margaret Fairchile 
	made application for a letter of dismission, which was granted.

Saturday before the 3rd. LordŐs Day in June, 1827.

After a sermon by Brother Martin, door opened for the reception of members.

1st.	Brother James Nelson and Christian Nelson, his wife, 
	received by letter.

2nd.	Brother George Briant and Nancy Briant, his wife, 
	their letter returned.

3rd.	The Clerk reported to the conference that he had examined the Church 
book, that there is not time designated for washing of feet.  Moved and 
carried, that it be laid over till next Conference for consideration.

Saturday before the 3rd. LordŐs Day in July, 1827.
After a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

1st.	Brother Jesse Simmons 
	came forward and acknowledged to the Church that he had got drunk and 	from
his acknowledgement, the Church forgave him.

2nd.	The subject of washing of feet taken up and the Church agreed to the 
practive the ordinance on Sunday evening after our May meeting, 	annually.

3rd.	Moved and carried that this Church petition for the next Association
be 	held at Bethany meeting house.

	Resolved that our annual September meeting hold three days: Fryday, 
Saturday, and Sunday.  

	The Church wished forty-five copies of the minutes of the Association 
Saturday, before the 3rd LordŐs Day in August, 1827, and after a sermon 
delivered by Brother Martin, a door was opened for the reception of 
members.  No applicants.  

	The Association letter read and received.

	Signed by order of the Church.			
	Levi Noble, C. Clk.

Friday before the 3rd LordŐs Day in Sept. 1827
After a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, 
Conference was opened for the reception of members.

	Brother James Richards 
	received by experience.

							L. Noble.

	Moved and carried that this church take in consideration the propriety 	of
employing some person to keep Bethany Meeting House in order.

	Moved and seconded that it be laid over till next Conference.

							L. Noble, Clerk

Saturday before the 3rd, LordŐs Day in Sept. 1827
Brother Martin preached, 
then Conference was opened for the reception of members.

1st.	Sister Henrietta Brown 
	was received by letter.

2nd.	The subject of keeping the meeting house in order taken up and laid 
over till next conference

	Moved and carried that this Church employ Brother Sparks to stop under 	the
meeting house.

Saturday before the 3rd, LordŐs Day in June 1827

	An application received Brother John B. Carlisle 
	by letter.

Saturday before the 2nd Sabbath in October 1827
Met in Conference, and after a sermon by Brother Martin, 
opened a door for the reception of members.

1st.	Received Brother James Biggs 
	by letter.

2nd.	Brother Sparks 
	reported that he had been providentially hindered from performing the 	work
on the meeting house, according to agreement, but renewed the 	promise to do

The letting our of the meeting house to be kept in order, was laid over till
next meeting.

							Wylie White, 
				                  Ch. Clk. Pro-Tem.

Saturday before the 3rd, LordŐs Day in November 1827
Met in Conference and after a sermon by Brother Walker, 
opened a door for the reception of members.

2nd.	Application was made for letters of dismission by Brother Sparks 
	for Brother Jesse Gollman and his wife, Mary Gollman and 
	Sister Sarah Fairchils, also Mary Biggs and Sister Martha Gollman, 	which
was all granted.

Saturday before the 3rd, LordŐs Day in December 1827
Conference met and after a sermon delivered by Brother Morris and Brother
Collins, a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

1st.	Brother Dempsey White 
	applied for a letter of dismission for himself, for his wife and Sister 
Henrietta Brown, which was granted.

Saturday before the 3rd, LordŐs Day in December 1827 - cont

2nd.	Moved and carried that this Church proceed to make choice of a supply 
(Preacher) for the next ensuing year.

	Brother J. P. Martin 
	was unanimously chosen.  

The Clerk was instructed to write him a letter to be bourn by Brother
Granberry and Brother Stamps, soliciting his pastoral aid.

Saturday before the 3rd, LordŐs Day in January 1828
After a sermon delivered by Brother Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

	A charge exhibited by Brother Sparks 
	against Brother James Bishop for drunkness.  

	Brother George Granberry and Brother James Simmons 
	nominated to cite him to our next Conference.

2nd.	Brother Elias Steen and his wife, Elizabeth Steen 
	applied for a letter of dismission through Brother Levi Noble, which 	was

	Sister Lucy Leonard 
	applied for a letter of dismission through Brother Sparks, which was 

	Brother Thomas Selman 
	applied for a letter of dismission through Brother Sparks, which was 

	Brother James A. Milligan 
	applied for a letter of dismission through Brother Bishop, which was 

Signed by order of Conference.			
L. Noble, C. Clk.

Saturday before the 3rd, LordŐs Day in February 1828
Brother Martin preached, then Conference was opened for the reception of
members.  No applicants.

	The charges exhibited against Brother James Bishop 
	for drunkness taken up and from acknowledgements, the Church forgave 	him.

Signed by order of Conference			
L. Noble, C. Clk.

Saturday before the 3rd, LordŐs Day in March 1828
After a sermon by Brother Martin, a door was opened for the reception of

Saturday before the 3rd, LordŐs Day in March 1828 - cont

	Sister Elizabeth J. Barr 
	was received by letter

	Brother James Nelson 
	applied for a letter of dismission for himself and wife, which was 	granted.
							L. Noble, C. Clk

No Date
After sermon, Conference opened a door for the reception of members and 

	received Sister Sarah Taylor by letter.

2nd.	Brother Sparks 
	reported that he had procured the land and with the assistance of 	Brother
S. Simmons and W. Tyrone done the under work of the meeting 	house, upon
which resolved that they make out their account for the 	same and draw upon
the treasurer for the amount.

Saturday before the 3rd, LordŐs Day in June 1828
After a sermon by Brother Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.

1st.	Sister Nandy Hooker 
	was received by experience.

2nd.	Brother Elias Mullens 
	a black girl, Lucy made application by experience and in consequence of 	her
husband having another wife living was not received.

	Moved and carried that this Church take into consideration the 	propriety or
impropriety of teaching singing schools on the Sabbath for 	pay.  Answer, this
Church does not think it is consistent with the 	tenure of the gospel.

	Moved and carried that Brother Granberry 
	be appointed assistant deacon.

Saturday before the 3rd, LordŐs Day in July 1828
Conference met Brother Collins preached, 
then a door was opened for the recption of members.  No applicants.

	The Church proceeded to chose their deligates, 
	Brother Granberry and Brother Stamps was chosen; 
	agreed that we send five dollars to the Association.

	Moved and carried that Brother Noble 
	furnish the Association with one quire of paper and call on Brother 	Stamps
for the money to pay for it.

Saturday before the 3rd, LordŐs Day in August 1828
Brother Collins preached.  A door was opened for the reception of members. 
No applicants.

	An obligation or bond of James Mears 
	for building The Bethany Meeting House.


Know all men by these presents, that J. James Mears have this day agree with
the undersigned trustees to build by the name of Bethany 

and have bound myself to build said house after the following form viz.  

	A framed house forty-six feet long and thirty feet wide.  
	The sides to be of good hart (heart) pine, one four square, 
	the floor to be well laid, three doors with shutters hung 
	on iron hinges, with one stock lock, thirteen windows hung 
	in like mannter, the weather boards to be put up rough, and 
	to be eight inches wide and five-eights thick, the roof to 
	be of pine hart or chestnut shingles, four inches wide and 
	eighteen inches long, and to show six inches and to be wither 
	ciphered or rounded, the roof to have one foot eve, and to 
	have six girders to run through said house.  The lumber to be 
	sound and the work all to be done in workman like manner; 
	which said house, 

I do bind myself to complete on or before the first day of April next, 

and I bind myself to complete the same agreeable to the above dimensions and
in case of failure, I do agree to forfeit my labour, unless prevented by
sickness or some other unavaoidable accident.  

We, the trustees do agree to pay the said Mears four hundred and seventy
dollars for building the aforesaid house when completed, agreeable, to this
above dimensions.  

In witness whereof, we have set our hands this 15th day of November, 1822.

Williams Sparks	      Williams Stamps		Richard Sparks
Charles Slater		Levi Noble		

Witness by 	W. F. Eszire		
		Joseph Parkman

James Mears, the undertaker, 
witness by 	W. F. Eszire, 
Joseph Parkman

On the back of the above instrument is found the following receipt:  
April the 19th, 1823, Rec. of the Trustees, fifty dollars, James Mears.

Then on a separate piece of paper is found the following 
RecŐd of Wm. Stamps and Levi Noble, the Trustees of the Bethany Meeting
House, full payment for said meeting house, pulpit and seats. 
Given under my hand this 25th day of Dec. 1823.

Test	Wylie White		James Mears.

Saturday before the 3rd, Sabbath in November 1828

1st.	Opened a door for the reception of members.  None came forward.

2nd.	Brother John Smith 
	as per reference in minutes of September Conference, came forward and 
surrendered a letter of recommendation and dismission, given him this 
Church, bearing date, November 18th, 1825, and after hearing and 	examining
him, he was excommunicated, by a unanimously voice.

3rd.	Where Brother SmithŐs letter and that of his wife 
	was both in the ordered that Sister Smith have a single letter of 

4th.	Application was made for letters of dismission for 
	Brother James Biggs and Brother Levi Nelson and his wife, 
	the two former were granted and the latter objected to by Brother Jesse 

5th.	Received an accusation of riotous and disorderly conduct of Brother 
David Langford, upon which he was excommunicated by a unanimous votes.

6th.	Received Brother Levi NobleŐs 
	resignation as clerk of this Church and deferred the choice of another 	till
next Conference, and resolved that the choice be made by ballot.

Saturday before the 3rd, Sabbath in December 1828
Met in Conference.  Brother George Granberry sang and prayed.

1st.	Proceeded to the ensuing year and 
	Brother John P. Martin was unanimously chosen.

	Resolved that the choice of Clerk be laid over till next Conference.

	Brother William Stamps and Jesse Simmons 
	who had visited and conversed with Sister Nelson reported that the 
acknowledged that she had been guilty of intoxication and she professed 	to
have had repentance and forgiveness for it and after consideration, 	resolved
to lay it over till next Conference.

	Ordered that Brother Wylie White 
	write a respectful and friendly letter to Brother Martin, expressive of 	the
choice of the Church and requested him attend us as a preacher and 	pastor for
the next year, and appointed Brethren William Stamps and 	Wylie White to visit
Brother Martin and bear the letter.

Saturday before the 3rd, Sabbath in January 1829
1st.	Opened a door for the reception of members.  None offered.

2nd.	Took under consideration the reference of Sister Martha Nelson 
	and after examining her case, she was unanimously excommunicated.

3rd.	Proceed to the choice of Clerk and 
	Brother Wylie White was chosen.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in February, 1829
Opened a door for the reception of members.  None offered.

2nd.	Appointed Brother Levi Noble 
	to procure a large well bound blank book for the use of the Church to 
record the minutes and proceedings in Conference.

3rd.	Received Brother J. P. MartinŐs 
	answer to call of the Church as referred to in the minutes of December 
Conference last with his promise to attend this church for the present 	year.

4th.	Took under consideration the propriety of changing the time of our 
annual union meetings, which was laid over till next Conference.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in March, 1829
1st.	Opened a door for the reception of members.  None offered.

2nd.	Quarterly meetings is to be one month sooner that usual and the annual 
union meeting in August.

3rd.	An accusation by Brother Stamps 
	against Brother ParkmanŐs servant 
	for living in adultery and appointed Brother Stamps and Brother Sparks 	to
visit her.
Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in April, 1829
After a sermon by Brother Berry and Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  None offered.

2nd.	Took under consideration the reference from last Conference of 
	Sister Fanny, a black woman, belonging to Brother Parkman, 
	upon which, she was unanimously excommunicated.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in May, 1829
After a sermon by Brother J. P. Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  None offered.

	Our beloved Brother George Briant 
	departed this life since our last meeting.

2nd.	Took under consideration the situation of the Black people who attend 
preaching at this church and 
	appointed Brethren George Granberry, James Baggott, Joseph Parkman and 
James Richards and William Sparks to devise a plan of building an 	addition
to our meeting house for their accommodation and report the 	same to pur next

	Ordered that the time of washing feet be changed from May till June.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in June, 1829
A sermon by Brother J. P. Martin.  
A door was opened for the reception of members.  None offered.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in June, 1829 - cont

	Resolved that the committee appointed at last Conference to devise the 	plan
of building an addition and Conference make their report, who 	reported they
agree to build the plan of the additional plaza to 	Hepsiba with such
dedication from said plan as Brethren Granberry, 	Baggott and Richards on
examination may think proper to make, and 	ordered that they make out and lay
in a bill of lumber for said 	building.

	Ordered that Brother James Baggott 
	visit Brother Levi Noble and request him to furnish our clerk with the 
Church book on or before our next Conference.

	Ordered that Brother Sparks 
	be appointed for his kindness and service in keeping the meeting house.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in July, 1829

After a sermon, a door was opened for the reception of members.  None offered.

Received of Brethren Noble and Baggott a transcript of the names of the
members of this Church drawn by them from the Church book of records which
was read and corrected.

On application, ordered that Sister Margaret Allen and Brethren William
Ellington and Eleazar Nelson have letters of dismission.

Brother Elias Mullens came forward and stated that a report had circulated
that he had a difference with his neighbor, in which he had used improper
expression touching his neighborŐs character and good standing, which he
acknowledged apparently with godly sorrow.

Brother Granberry reported that he had laid in a bill of lumber to the sawyer
for building the addition to the meeting house.

Appointed Brethren George Granberry and Wylie White deligates to the
Association and in case of failure, James Baggott and ordered that we send
five dollars for the Association fund and call for thirty copies of the

Appointed Brother William Sparks to procure nails for the additional building.

Fryday before the 3rd Sabbath in August, 1829.

After a sermon by Brother Martin, a door was opened for the reception of
members.  None offered.

Ordered Brother Wylie White prepare a subscription to raise a sum of money
sufficient to defray the expenses of the additional building to the meeting
house, payable on the first day of January 1830.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in August, 1829

After a sermon and Conference, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  None offered.

Read and received the letter to the Association and also, the subscription.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in September, 1829
After a sermon by Brother Stephens, 
appointed him moderator, and 
opened a door for the reception of members.

	Received by letter 
	Brother Edmond Low and Sister Charity Low, his wife.

2nd.	Brother James Bishop 
	came forward and through Brother George Granberry acknowledged that he 	had
been overtaken in a fault, in speaking to the injury of Sister Mary 	SteenŐs
feelings and character.  

	Upon hearing that she had caught and sold a certain wild hog, he said 	she
had no more right to that hog than a man in England, which 	assertion,
Brother Bishop acknowledged, he made it unthoughtly and that 	he does not
believe that Sister Steen is a person that would take or 	make use of any
property to which she had no right, and for which he 	said, he is truly sorry
on the account of the injury done to Sister 	SteenŐs feelings and character,
and also to the feelings of the 	Brethren and the cause of Christ.

	Received a letter of inquiry from Natalbany Church conderning 
	Levicy Stockstill, 
	an excommunicated member, and ordered that Brother Clerk, with the 
assistance of Brother Stamps prepare an answer to the letter upon the 
question being taken to give her a letter of dismission.  There were 	some
objections upon which it was laid over till next meeting.

October Conference 1829
Brother Martin preached,
then Conference opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

1st.	The case of Lavina Stockstill 
	taken up and laid over till next conference

2nd.	Resolved that this Church make a choice of a supply preacher at our 
next meeting to serve us the next ensuing year.

3rd.	Brother James Simmons 
	applied for a letter of dismission through Sister Simmons, which was 

							Levi Noble, 
		                              Clk. Pro Tem.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in November, 1829
After a sermon, Conference met, 
then a door was opened for the reception of members. No applicants.

2nd.	Application by Brother James Richards 
	for a letter of dismmission for himself and wife, Pegga Richards.

3rd.	Took up the reference of Lavina Stockstill 
	which was laid over until next conference.

4th.	Took up the choice of a supply as preacher 
	and Brother J. P. Martin was mentioned.

5th.	Resolved that it be our practice in the future for the deacons on the 
days of our Communion to prepare the table before preaching, when only 	one
sermon is expected and when two, in the intermission between the 	sermons.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in December, 1829
Opened a door for the reception of members. No applicants.

2nd.	Took up the reference of Lavina Stockstill 
	and after some conversation on the subject, resolved the subject be 

3rd.	Resolved that we observe Christmas Day the third day of January 
	and the Fourth of July, according to the recommendation of the 	Association.

4th.	Ordered that one dollar given by Brother Parkman to Brother Chaddock,
a 	traveling preacher, be refunded out of the Church fund.

	Brother John P. Martin 
	accepted the call of the Church at last Conference and agreed to attend 	us
another year.  

	Conference was called on Sunday, after preaching and application was 	made
by Brother Sparks for a letter of dismission for Sister Mary 	Steen, which
was granted.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in January, 1830
Brother Edmond Low prayed and 
opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

	Read a letter of inquiry from Palestine Church, Hinds County, inquiring 
into the reasons of Lucy NelsonŐs disqualifications of membership 
	and also, her general conduct and ordered the clerk to prepare an 	answer.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in February, 1830
After a sermon by Brother John P. Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicatants.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in February, 1830 - cont

	Application was made by Brother Edmond Low 
	for letters of dismission for Sister Wirnette Langford and Sarah 	Taylor,
which was granted.

	Took up the subject of keeping the meeting house in order and agreed 	that
every member consider it their duty to notice and see to the 	condition of
the house and assist in keeping it in order.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in February, 1830
After sermon by Brother Norvel Robertson, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

2nd.	Took under consideration the backsliding case of 
	Brother Elias Mullens and his wife, in not attending to their seats in 
Conference, and appointed Brethren George Granberry and William Sparks 	to
visit and admonish them to their duty.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in April, 1830
After a sermon, opened a door for the reception of members.  

	Received by letter Brother Needham Blount and Sister Chilly Blount, 
	his wife, and also, Sister Rachel Nickelson.

	Appointed Brother Joseph Parkman as agent to procure a wall bound blank 
record book of 3 quire of paper for a Church record book.

Saturday, May 15th, 1830.
Brother William Morris preached from 1st. Carinthians 15th chapter, 55th
verse. ŇOhÓ death were is thy sting Ň?Ó ŇO grave, where is they victory?
Brother J. P. Martin preached from 1st. Epistle of John 3rd. chapter, 2nd
verso.  But we know that when he shall appear we shall be like Him, for we
shall see Him as He is.

Conference was opened, visiting Brethren invited to seats.

2nd.	A door was opened for the reception of members and 
	Brother Richard H. Sims and Sister Elcy Sims joined by letter.

	Brother Elias Mullens 
	came forward and acknowledged he had been in the act of fighting, for 	which
the Church forgave him.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in June, 1830
Met in Conference.  After a sermon by Brother Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members. No application.

Resolved that this Church furnish herself with the vessels, towels, and etc.,
necessary for the washing the saintsŐ feet, and appointed Brother George
Granberry to procure them with instructions to procure pewter basins, if
possible, and if not, then tin basins.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in July, 1830

Met in Conference and after a sermon by Brother Martin, 
opened a door for the reception of members.

	Received by letter Brother Abraham Mixon and Sister Elizabeth Mixon.  

Resolved that this Church concur with Hebron and Salem Churches in meeting at
their respective places of worship on Thursday next and observed the day as a
day of humiliation, fasting and praying to Almighty God to aver from our land
his threatening judgment and for the revival of religion among us.

2nd.	Proceeded to make choice of deligates to the next Association and 
Brother George Granberry and Williams Stamps was chose, 
	and in case of failure, James Baggott, and agreed to send five dollars 	to
the Association for 40 copies of the minutes.

	Ordered by Church that Brethren Wylie White and Levi Noble 
	unite their labors and transcribe the records of this Church to the new 
Church book.

Fryday before the 3rd Sunday in August 1830.

Met in Conference.  
Opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

	Brother Jesse Simmons 
	stated that he had been in an affray at the election some short time 	past
and after an examination of the affair and a statement from 	Brother Simmons
of his feelings on the subject, he was forgiven.

Conference was opened again on Sunday morning for the reception of members.

	Received by letter, Sister Elizabeth Johnson.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in September 1830
Met in conference, after a sermon by Brethren Grant and Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members, No applicants, no business.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in October 1830
Met in Conference, after a sermon by Brother Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.

	Brother Ralph Simmons 
	came forward and related the dealings of God with hi in his backsliding 
state and was restored by unanimous consent to the fellowship and 	Communion
of the Church.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1830
After a sermon by Brother Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November 1830

2nd.	Resolved to proceed to the choice of a preacher by ballot to supply us 
for the next ensuing year, and 
	Brother John P. Martin was unanimously chosen.

	Application was made by Brother Stamps for a letter of dismission for 
Brother William Sparks (a beloved deacon) and his wife which was 	granted,
and the clerk instructed to write the letter expressive of 	their office and

	Resolved that at our next meeting we make choice of a deacon to supply 	the
place of Brother Sparks.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in December 1830.
Met in Conference.  
Opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

2nd.	Proceeded to the choice of a deacon and 
	Brother George Granberry was chosen.

3rd.	Read a letter directed to us by our Sister Church Palistine 
	relative to the situation of Martha Nelson, formerly a member in 	Church,
but excommunicated by us, 
	which letter informed us that they are in possession of the charges 	against
which we had in time past sent to them at their request.  That 	past she had
repeatedly made confession and acknowledgements of her 	faults to them and
that they had fellowship with her conduct and 	acknowledgements upon which
testimony said Church was unanimously 	agreed to restore Sister Martha Nelson
to fellowship and granted her a 	letter of dismission.

	Brother John P. Martin promised to attend us another year, according to 	the
call at last meeting.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in January 1831
Met in conference and after sermon by Brother John P. Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

	On the request of Mr. John Martin, 
	Brethren George Granberry and Wylie White were appointed to meet Mr. 	Martin
for the purpose of laying out and marking with proper corner 	past the
reserved lot of ground two acres in a square from to use the 	benefit of the
Bethany Baptist Church, which lot is to contain the 	Bethany meeting house as
nearly central as the situation of the place 	will permit.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in February, 1831.
Met in Conference, and after a sermon by Brother Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

2nd.	Brother George Granberry 
	reported that himself and Brother White in cooperation with Mr. John 
Martin, had according to appointment laid out the lot of ground granted 	by
William Sparks to this Church for the use of the same, to the mutual 
satisfaction of the parties.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in February, 1831. - cont

3rd.	Brother James Bishop 
	came forward and acknowledged that he had been drunk, which was laid 	over
till next Conference.

4th.	Received a report of intoxication by Brother Stamps and Brother Wylie 
White against 
	Brother Elias Mullens as a charge appointed Brethren James Baggott and 
Bazel Smith to cite Brother Mullens to our next conference and answer 	to the

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in March, 1831.
Met in Conference, and after a sermons by Brethren James Murry and Clark, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  No application.

2nd.	Took up the reference of Brother James Bishop from last conference, 
upon which he was unanimously excommunicated.

3rd.	Took of the reference of Brother Elias Mullens, 
	the Brethren appointed to visit him reported that he acknowledged that 	he
had drunk too much, upon which, he was unanimously excommunicated.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in May, 1831
Met in Conference, after a sermon by Brethren Robertson and Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

The question whether the Bethany Sunday School may be taught in the Meeting
House or not, was taken up and laid over till next conference.

Resolved to keep the Meeting House locked appoint John Martin, by his consent
to keep the key.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in June, 1831
Met in Conference and after a sermon by Brethren Grant and Berry, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.

Took under consideration the reference relative to have the use of the
meeting house for the Sunday School, upon which it was resolved that the use
of the house be granted to the Bethany Sunday School, upon the condition that
they abuse not the house nor furniture.

Took under consideration whether it be the duty of our Deacons as such to
keep or to attend the opening and shutting the doors and windows of the
meeting house, and decided that there was not such duty assigned to the
Deacons, and appointed Brethren Jesse Simmons and Edmond Low for that

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in July, 1831
After sermons by Brethren Fortenberry and Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in July, 1831 - cont

The Church then proceeded to elect their deligates to the next Association. 
Brethren Geroge Granberry and James Baggott 
and in case of failure, Wylie White was elected.

Moved and carried that this Church send five dollars to the Association.

Signed by order of Conference.
						Levi Noble, 
		                        C. Clk.

August 1831
Annual Union Meeting in August, 1831 on Fryday.

No preaching.
No meeting in consequence of high waters and rain on Saturday.

Conference met in order to examine the letter to the Association, but the
clerk not attending with the letter, it was agreed to meet again on Sunday
for that purpose.

Brother D. Grant, preached, 
then went into Conference 
the clerk and letter still absent, appointed a committee of Brethren J.
Parkman, William Stamps and Reuben White to meet the clerk for the purpose of
examining the letter, which, accordingly done, so the letter was received.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in September, 1831
After a sermon by Brother Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  No applicants.

2nd.	Upon report of disorderly conduct of Sister Nickelson, 
	took the subject under consideration and upon examination found to be 
intoxicated, profanity, and long absence from Conference, upon which 	she was
unanimously excommunicated.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in October 1831
After a sermon by Brother Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  
No applicants.  No business presented.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November, 1831
A sermon preached by Brother Martin.  
A door was opened for the reception of members and there were no applicants.

2nd.	Proceeded to the choice of a minister to minister to us in word and
d	octrine and ordinances for the next ensuing year, 
	and Brother John P. Martin was chosen by unanimously vote, upon which 	he
promised to attend us.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in December, 1831.
After sermon by Brother Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.  
No applicants, no business.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in January 1832
After sermons by Brethren William P. Carter and Martin, 
a door opened for the reception of members.

	Received Brother Norvel Robertson by letter.

2nd.	A quiry submitted by Brother J. P. Martin 
	with a request for the opinion of this Church thereon, whether it is 	proper
in making application for ministerial aid to form a presbytery 	for ordaining
a minister to make it to the minister as an individual or 	to the Church to
which he belongs, which was laid over till next 	conference.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in February 1832
After sermons by Brethren Carter and Martin, 
a door was opened for the reception of members.

	Received by letter Sister Rachel Taylor.

	Took up the queary submitted by Brother Martin at last conference and 
decided that it is proper to make the application to the minister as an 

	Brother Joseph Parkman 
	came forward and stated he had fallen in an angry passion with one of 	his
neighbors under the influence of which he had used harsh and 	improper
language, and then the conference for which he says he is 	sorry.  

	Application was made for Brother Levi Noble 
	for letters of dismission for Sister White and Sister Bar, which was 

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in March 1832
After sermons by Brethren Pittman and Carter, 
opened a door for the reception of members.

	Received by letter, Brother Joel Bullock and his wife, 
	from New Zion Church, Marion County, which letter certified that 	Brother
Bullock was an ordained deacon of that Church.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in April 1832
After sermons by Brethren Carter and Martin, 
opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.

2nd.	Brother Granberry inquired to know what a member should do when he
knew 	or believed that there was a member in the bounds of the Church, who 
possessed a figt that ought to be exercised in publick; upon which he 	

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in April 1832 - cont

	was instructed to name the person and the gift upon which he stated 	that he

	that Brother Norvel Robertson was in the possession of the gift of 
preaching, upon which Brother Robertson was authorized his gift in 	bounds of
this Church.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in May, 1832
After sermons by Brethren Zugesworth and Martin, 
opened a door for the reception of members.  
No applicants.  No business.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in June, 1832
Conference met and after sermons by Brethren William P. Carter and Norvel
Robertson and concluded by Brother Martin, 
afterwards a door was opened for the reception of members.

	Jane Smith, the wife of Brother Bazel Smith 
	was received by experience.

	Ordered by the Church that license be issued by the clerk and given to 
Brother Norvel Robertson to go forth and preach the gospel of Christ 
withersoever the Lord shall direct him.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in July, 1832
Conference met and after sermons by Brethren William P. Carter and J. P.
opened a door for the reception of members.  No Applicants.

	Brether Jesse Simmons 
	came forward to speak on some reports which he said had circulated; one 	of
which was, that he had sent servants to assist in cleaning out race 	paths
for a horse race, which he denied, as to sending of them, but 	acknowledged
that they were there.  

	The other was that he had drank too much spirituous liquor, which he 
acknowledged was true and after some inquiry and discussion, was 

2nd.	Proceed to the choice of deligates (delegates) to the next Association 
by ballot and Brethren Norvel Robertson and Williams Stamps was chosen 	and
in case of failure, James Baggott.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in August, 1832
Conference met and after sermons by Brethren Robertson and Martin, 
opened a door for the reception of members.  No applicants.  

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in September, 1832
After a sermon by Brother Norvel Robertson, 
opened a door for the reception of members.

Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in September, 1832 - cont

2nd.	Moved by Brother Low and seconded 
	that Brother Norvel Robertson, Junior be called to ordination.

3rd.	Moved by Brother Granberry and seconded 
	that the subject be laid over for consideration till our next meeting 	which
was carried.

4th.	James Mikell 
	came forward and related the dealings of God with his soul, by which 
fellowship was gained and the right hand of fellowship was given him.

	Sunday morning at one half past 10 oŐclock, 
	assembled at the water, where Brother Robertson prayed and Baptised 	James

See 2nd document for completion of history