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Lafayette County MO Archives Wills.....Martin, Lucy And Baker July 4, 1962
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Odette Brandt July 2, 2008, 4:48 pm

Source: Estate Court
Written: July 4, 1962

July Term 1862 July 4th 3rd Day						Page 

Estate Lucy Martin deceased
		vs  }  Upon Petition
Estate Baker Martin Deceased

	Now at this day comes Richard Carr Administrator of the Estate of
Lucy Martin Deceased, and files his petition against the Estate of Baker Martin
deceased and Peter Wolf Administrator of said last mentioned Estate also 
And upon the said petition bring said and the testimony exhibited in this cause
it appears to the satisfaction of the Court here, that the personal property 
chores in action, which were in possession of said Lucy Martin Deceased at
the time of her death, (except the slaves) were the absolute property of the 
Lucy Martin.  And it appearing further to the satisfaction of the Court that
said Lucy Martin died about the last day of February 1862 and in a short
time thereafter said Richard Carr administered on said Lucy Martins 
Estate, and said Peter Wolf on the Estate of Baker Martin, who departed
this life many years previous to the death of said Lucy, said Baker,
having been the Husband of said Lucy.  It also appears that said 
Peter Wolf as Administrator of said Baker Martin seized and 
administered on the personal property and chores in action belonging
to the Estate of said Lucy Martin as the property of said Baker Martin
so far as to make an Inventory and Sale Bill of the same. And it appearing
among other things that said Lucy Martin died leaving the following
promissory Notes would be his in her life time, which said Wolf 
has in his possession and which properly belongs to the Estate of
said Lucy Martin and should be in the possession of said Richard
Carr as Administrator of her said Lucy Martins Estate. To wit
One note on G. W. Campbell & Wm Hufford for $16.50, with 10 percent
interest from 1st January 1862.
One note on J. R. Sheperdson & Soloman Everhart for $100 with 10 
percent interest from 1st January 1862. One note on Thomas F. Cobb
& I. D. Lunder sale for $165 with 10 percent interest from January 1st
1862.  One note on M. F. Saudras for $46 with 10 percent interest from Oct
4th 1858.  One note on Lucian Easly $40 due Jan 1st 1862 10 percent
after due.  1 note on James J. E. Holloway & L. W. Counselman for $55
due 21st 1861, 10 percent after due. 1 note on G. W. Ewing for ten
Dollars due March 25th 1861, 10 percent interest after due. 1 note on 
Jesse A. Strider & Geo W. Ferell for $100 (Entitled to a credit of $41)
due Jan 1st 1860 at ten percent interest after due. 1 Note on Touihau
Evins & G. W. Love for $100 due 1st Jan 1861, 10 percent interest
after due. 1 Note on E. W. Carpenter for $19 ___ due 24th July 1859 with
10 percent interest.  1 Note on G W Glapcook for $8 due March 2nd
1860, 10 percent interest.  It is therefore Ordered and
adjudged by the Court that said Peter Wolf as administrator afore said
deliver up to said Richard Carr as Administrator of said Lucy
Martin Deceased.  The notes above described and also all money and
notes which properly belong to the Estate of said Lucy Martin by reason	
of any sale or Inventory made in sedative there to after deducting the legal
expenses attending said Sale, and said  Wolf is hereby attained

Page 405
a credit a credit on the Inventory and Sale Bill of the
Estate of Baker Martin deceased as such administra-
tor of the Estate of Baker Martin deceased for so
much as he shall pay and deliver over to said Rich-
ard Carr in accordance with this order and 
judgment of the Court and the same shall be allowed
in his said Peter Wolf settlement in future again
of the Estate of said Baker Martin deceased.

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