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Obituary: Roger Mills Kinnamon

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file submitted by: Kathy Gaines

The Odessa Democrat, Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri
publication date:  8 Sept 1939
Vol 56, No. 51

page 1, Deaths

(* = unreadable)

Roger Mills Kinnamon, 18 years old, died at the hospital
in Fulton Saturday, Sept 2 at 12:15 p.m. after an operation.

Funeral services were held at the Gillespie Funeral Home
in Sedelia Monday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. Mr. 
Childers.  A quartette sang "The Old Rugged Cross,"  
"Beautiful Isle of Somewhere," and "Some Time We'll
Understand."  A short but impressive service conducted 
at the gravesite in Odessa cemetery, by the Rev. Max B.
Wiles, pastor of the Odessa Presbyterian Church.  He was
laid to rest under a blanket of beautiful flowers, 
love's last gift to the departed.

Pallbearers were six of his former schoolmates and 
friends in Sedelia.

Those from Odessa who attended the service at Sedelia
were Mrs. Sherman Kinnamon, Miss Elizabeth Kinnamon, 
Mrs. Chas. Pallette, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Gautier, Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Starr and O.W. Ritrzmann and daughter Carrie.

Roger was born at Odessa Dec. 25, 1921.  He attended the
Odessa grade school until  1932 at which time he completed
the fourth grade.

On Sept. 1, 1932, he with the family, removed to Sedelia
and he attended the Horace Mann school for one year.  The
following two years he was a pupil at the Broadway school
completing the 7th grade which was the extent  of his 
education due to illness which finally caused his death.

While  living at Odessa, Roger attended Sunday School at 
the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.  After removing to Sedelia
he attended the First Christian Church until his health
became such that he was practically confined to his home.

In March 193*, Roger's health began failing him and on 
June 24 he was operated on in Sedelia for a tumor in his
nose.  On July 26, 193*, another operation for the 
same trouble was performed in Kansas City, August ** of 
the same year he entered Mayo clinic for examinaion
and treatment due to the malignant tumor of
(continued on Back Page)

Darn the luck!  I search over and over on the back page
I am unable to find the continuation of this obituary!