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HYATT, Lester -	Lafayette County, MO - periodical 

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file submitted by:  Kathy Gaines <>

Source: newspaper article 
probable newspaper:  The Odessan, Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri
Volume unknown, number unknown
page unknown, column unknown

Article title:  Back in States

Pfc. Lester Hyatt is spending a
three weeks furlough at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Hyatt near Mayview.  Lester has 
been in the service two years and
three months, eighteen months of
which have been spent in the Aleu-
tians.  This is the first furlough. He
is stationed at Camp Chaffee, Ark.
at present.

A family dinner was enjoyed
Sunday at the Hyatt home.  Guests
Lester, Mr. and Mrs. No-
el Campbell and Mr. and Mrs.
Colvin Hyatt and daughter of Con-