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Lafayette County, MO, federal census 1830 & 1840 - listed alphabetically

Year	Twp		Page #	Line #	Last Name	First Name
1840	Lexington	139	6	*****ville	Tuck**
1830			252	22	Adams		Charles
1840	Davis		161	2	Adams		Charles
1840	SniABar		159	22	Adams		Jacob
1840	Freedom		147	18	Adams		Joshua
1840	SniABar		159	1	Adams		Spencer
1840	Lexington	140	9	Free Person of Color	Fanny
1840	Freedom		147	19	Alberson	Early
1840	Dover		167	14	Alison		John
1840	Dover		167	17	Allison		James
1830			260	3	Allison		John
1840	Washington	150	12	Allison		John H
1830			250	19	Allison		William
1830			251	5	Marr		Jesse
1840	Freedom		147	26	Anderson	Ira
1840	Freedom		148	2	Anderson	Jas L
1840	Lexington	144	20	Anderson	William
1830			255	12	Anderson	William H
1840	Davis		160	7	Anderson	Wm H
1840	Washington	151	19	Anderson	Wm H - marked out
1830			257	6	Andres		Nancy
1840	Davis		162	22	Anson		Lurinday
1840	Dover		166	8	Arther		Isham D
1840	Lexington	146	31	Asbury		Thomas
1840	Washington	151	25	Ashcraft 	Amos
1840	Washington	151	30	Ashcraft 	Hosea
1840	SniABar		159	2	Ashcroft	Jesse
1840	SniABar		159	13	Ashcroft	Volney
1840	Clay		155	20	Ashly		William
1840	Clay		153	20	Atkins		A C
1840	Dover		164	31	Atkinson	Stephen
1840	Freedom		147	2	Attebury	Asa
1840	Freedom		147	1	Attebury	James
1830			253	9	Aull		James
1840	Lexington	143	3	Aull		James
1840	Lexington	146	23	Aull		Robert
1840	Lexington	139	4	Austin		John
1840	SniABar		159	16	Austin		Stephen
1840	Dover		164	29	Banks		John
1840	Dover		163	21	Banks		Jordin
1840	Dover		164	2	Banks		O H P
1840	Dover		164	4	Banks		Saml M
1830			249	12	Barker		Elias
1840	Clay		154	10	Barker		Elias
1840	Clay		156	11	Barker		Elias -  marked out
1840	Washington	151	31	Barker		Elizabeth
1830			250	17	Barker		Henry
1830			259	2	Barker		James
1840	Washington	149	1	Barker		James
1830			259	5	Barker		James, Jr.
1840	Washington	151	29	Barker		John
1830			259	3	Barker		Joseph
1830			259	12	Barker		William
1840	Washington	151	28	Barker		Wm
1830			261	19	Barnes		Abigal
1840	Dover		166	23	Barnes		Richard S
1830			253	17	Barnett		Hugh
1840	Dover		164	3	Barnett		Isabel
1840	Dover		165	23	Barnett		William
1840	Lexington	143	4	Barrutt		Elizabeth
1830			256	7	Barsing		Peter
1840	Washington	151	22	Barton		B B
1830			255	16	Barton		Leroy
1840	Freedom		147	25	Baylis		Samuel F
1840	Davis		160	5	Beatie		Wm
1840	Dover		167	7	Beck		Asa W
1830			261	12	Beck		James E
1840	Washington	150	18	Bedford		E M
1840	Lexington	142	19	Bellis		Henry
1840	Lexington	140	11	Bellis		Henry T
1840	Dover		167	13	Belt		R W
1840	Lexington	141	20	Bening		A D
1840	Lexington	143	22	Benton		Ann
1840	Dover		164	9	Benton		John J
1840	Lexington	140	6	Benton		Julious
1840	Lexington	140	25	Benton		Wm
1840	Davis		161	9	Best 		Lewis M
1840	Lexington	140	12	Beyley		Cass
1830			264	13	Bidwell		Barbary
1830			256	1	Bingham		Bartlett
1830			251	24	Bingham		Harrison
1840	SniABar		159	20	Bingham		Harrison
1830			258	23	Bingham		James
1830			251	27	Bingham		Tapley
1840	Lexington	142	11	Blackwell	Levi
1840	SniABar		159	3	Bledsoe		Abraham
1840	Lexington	143	28	Bledsoe		Hiram M
1840	Clay		153	21	Bledsoe		Isaac
1840	SniABar		159	29	Bledsoe		J N
1840	SniABar		159	5	Bledsoe		Thomas J
1840	Dover		163	6	Boatman		Henry
1840	Clay		157	25	Boles		Thomas
1840	Lexington	142	25	Bolin		William T
1830			259	22	Bounds		Obadiah
1840	Dover		164	12	Bounds		Obediah
1830			249	9	Bowan		James D
1830			259	15	Bowman		James
1830			254	4	Bowman		John
1840	Lexington	140	16	Bowman		John
1840	Dover		167	22	Bowman		John
1840	Lexington	140	4	Bowman		Sinderella
1840	Clay		153	24	Bowring		William
1840	Freedom		147	8	Bradley		Charles E
1840	Freedom		147	7	Bradley		George W
1840	Lexington	143	8	Bradley		Orlimar
1840	Lexington	141	17	Bradley		William F
1840	Davis		161	25	Bradley		Wm
1830			259	4	Branburg	Absalam
1840	Washington	150	15	Brandenburg	A
1830			249	7	Braoadwater	W
1840	SniABar		159	30	Bratton		David
1840	Lexington	140	5	Bray		Jesse W
1830			257	24	Brewer		Henry
1840	Lexington	143	13	Brewer		Jesse
1830			249	6	Bridges 	Squire
1840	Freedom		148	17	Bright		William
1840	Lexington	146	24	Brown		Cicero
1840	Clay		154	1	Brown		Isaac
1840	Lexington	146	13	Brown		John S
1840	Lexington	146	6	Brown		William
1830			263	9	Brown 		Green L
1830			258	5	Brown 		Samuel
1840	Dover		163	1	Browning	Jos
1840	Freedom		148	8	Bruns		Henry
1840	Clay		155	1	Bryant		Edward
1840	Washington	150	25	Bryant		William
1840	Clay		155	19	Bryn		Richrd G
1840	Lexington	140	15	Buck		Rebecca
1840	Clay		157	31	Buckhanon	Elijah
1830			249	2	Buckley		P G
1830			261	18	Buckley		Thomas
1840	Dover		165	10	Buford		Jno
1840	Dover		167	3	Buford		Legrand
1840	Dover		166	15	Buford		Nanvill
1840	Dover		166	3	Buford		Simeon
1840	Lexington	142	3	Bulkhammon	John
1840	Lexington	144	3	Burdin		Eldrege
1830			261	23	Burrel		Walter
1830			254	21	Burris		Ennes
1840	Lexington	141	16	Burton		Jesse
1830			263	7	Burton		Julian
1840	Lexington	141	14	Callaway	James
1840	Lexington	141	15	Callaway	Thomas E
1830			251	10	Calton		Sollomon
1840	Clay		157	23	Campbell	Aaron
1840	Clay		157	17	Campbell	Calobb W
1840	Clay		157	22	Campbell	Earbin E
1830			257	11	Campbell	Henry
1840	Clay		157	24	Campbell	Henry
1830			257	12	Campbell	James
1840	Lexington	143	7	Campbell	James
1840	Clay		155	24	Campbell	James
1840	Dover		163	25	Campbell	Jefferson
1840	Clay		155	5	Campbell	John
1830			252	5	Campbell	Joshua
1840	Clay		155	6	Campbell	Michael
1830			264	6	Campbell	Moses
1830			261	27	Campbell	Tandy
1840	Dover		164	18	Campbell	Tandy
1840	SniABar		158	4	Campbell	Wm A
1830			255	27	Canteral	Charles
1830			256	4	Canteral	James
1830			256	17	Canteral	Joseph
1830			261	2	Capman		John
1830			249	13	Carpenter	Polley
1840	Lexington	140	23	Carpinter	Charles
1840	Clay		153	17	Carr 		R
1840	Lexington	144	5	Carrell		Charles
1840	Lexington	141	6	Carter		Danl G
1840	Dover		166	12	Carter		James K
1840	Lexington	145	25	Carter		Nathaniel J
1830			264	3	Cartmill	John
1830			254	1	Cartmill	W H
1840	Clay		154	27	Cartwell	Wm W
1830			249	23	Cary		Beverly
1830			261	4	Cary		Jefferson
1830			261	5	Cary		Kemp
1840	Lexington	143	15	Catron		John
1840	Lexington	146	11	Catron		Minetree
1840	Davis		162	4	Catron		Solomon
1840	Lexington	145	17	Catron		Stephen
1830			254	13	Chance		William
1840	Clay		153	32	Chapman		Isaac
1840	Lexington	142	20	Chessman	Greenberry
1830			264	12	Chitwood	Daniel
1840	Washington	150	27	Christy		B
1840	Clay		157	21	Clark		Hiram
1830			264	17	Clark		Isaac
1840	Lexington	141	4	Clark		Rebecca
1830			253	13	Clark		William S
1840	Freedom		148	6	Clary		Daniel
1830			253	19	Clemmonson	John
1840	Clay		155	11	Close		F
1830			256	9	Close		Frederick
1840	Washington	150	24	Clouck		John
1840	Lexington	142	18	Cloudsly	James
1830			254	22	Coak		Dyer
1830			249	22	Coats		Alftred A
1840	SniABar		159	31	Cobb		James
1840	Clay		155	8	Cobbs		Thomas
1830			258	26	Cockeral	James
1830			257	23	Cockeral	Morgan
1840	Lexington	143	21	Colcord		Jonathan
1840	Dover		165	9	Cole		Henry
1840	Dover		165	31	Cole		Jesse
1830			260	17	Collins		Richard
1840	Davis		162	5	Collins		Richard
1830			255	14	Collins		Thomas
1840	Davis		160	4	Collins		Thomas
1830			260	20	Collins		William
1840	Davis		160	1	Collins		William
1830			262	26	Combs		Richard
1840	Dover		167	18	Cooper		Nancy
1840	Dover		167	26	Coper		R S
1840	Clay		153	10	Cordell		Thomas
1840	Davis		161	21	Corder		John
1840	Davis		161	16	Corder		Nathan
1830			256	21	Cox		John
1830			259	19	Cox		Lallaman
1840	Dover		164	6	Cotton 		Wm R B
1840	Freedom		147	27	Coults		Wade
1830			258	27	Couts		Aaron
1830			255	15	Couts		Christey
1840	Davis		160	12	Couts		Francis
1840	Davis		161	18	Cowen		Isaac
1840	Davis		160	16	Cowin		Andrew
1830			263	4	Cox		Christopher
1840	Freedom		148	12	Cox		Dicy
1830			258	7	Cox		Elihu
1830			256	2	Cox		Hugh
1830			260	24	Cox		Jesse
1840	Davis		161	17	Cox		Jesse
1840	Clay		157	1	Cox		John
1840	SniABar		158	13	Cox		Jos
1830			258	9	Cox		Joseph
1830			256	5	Cox		Joshua
1830			261	8	Cox		Magery
1830			256	3	Cox		Nathan
1830			250	9	Cox		Samuel
1830			252	2	Cox		Silas
1830			252	1	Cox		Sollomon
1840	Dover		167	10	Cox		Solom
1830			256	23	Cox		William
1830			260	8	Cox		William
1840	Davis		161	23	Cox		William
1830			255	26	Cox		William, Snr
1830			263	2	Coy		Isaac
1830			262	10	Crage		James
1830			259	9	Crage		Robert
1840	Dover		165	26	Craig		Hannah
1840	Clay		156	29	Crane		Wyatte
1840	Davis		160	18	Craw		Martin
1830			262	5	Crawford	Hugh
1830			263	22	Crawford	William
1840	Clay		157	9	Creasey		Thomas
1840	Dover		165	27	Cresmon		Joseph
1840	Clay		156	12	Crews		William
1830			255	1	Crocker		William
1840	Davis		161	10	Crocker		William
1840	Lexington	143	26	Crofferd	George M
1840	Dover		166	14	Crofford	Hugh
1840	Dover		165	24	Crofford	Jno
1840	Clay		156	16	Cruise		Benjamin
1840	Clay		156	14	Cruse		Drury
1840	Clay		156	7	Cruse		Talton
1830			257	3	Cummings	Hugh
1840	Clay		154	14	Cundeff		Jubal
1840	Dover		165	22	Custer 		H H
1840	Clay		154	26	Dade		John
1840	Dover		163	5	Daty		Hiram
1840	Dover		165	2	Davidson	Nathaniel
1840	Washington	151	23	Davidson	Thomas
1840	Freedom		147	13	Davis	 	William L
1830			262	6	Davis		Charles
1840	Dover		163	9	Davis		Charles
1840	Freedom		147	11	Davis		George
1840	Freedom		148	7	Davis		H C
1840	Freedom		148	27	Davis		Nathaniel
1830			257	8	Davis		William
1840	Lexington	145	22	Day		Marquis
1840	Clay		154	12	Day		Phillip
1840	Clay		156	2	Dean		Jesse
1830			259	8	Demaster	Anderson
1830			254	7	Demasters	James
1830			257	13	Demasters	Jesse
1830			254	9	Demasters	Richard
1840	Davis		160	10	Devenport	Jos P
1830			258	15	Dickinson	Samuel
1830			259	13	Dickson		John
1840	Freedom		148	10	Dierking	Frederick W
1840	Clay		155	13	Dillingham	Elizabeth
1840	Clay		155	3	Dillingham	Evans
1840	Clay		155	4	Dillingham	Wm
1840	Dover		163	3	Dinwidee	Eliza
1840	Dover		167	6	Dinwidee	James M
1830			261	6	Dixin		Mary
1840	Dover		166	18	Dixon		Joseph
1840	Dover		166	16	Dixon		William
1830			262	3	Doake		William A
1840	Dover		167	12	Doke		A A
1840	Dover		167	20	Doke		William
1830			262	21	Dollison	Rebecca
1830			264	21	Drummond	James
1840	Dover		167	28	Drummond	James
1830			264	16	Drummond	Thomas
1830			258	20	Dumman		Timothy
1840	Washington	149	2	Dunham		Timothy
1840	Clay		154	29	Dunkin		A G
1830			257	7	Dunmore		Dennis
1830			262	12	Duston		John
1840	Lexington	144	16	Duvall		William
1840	Davis		160	9	Dyar		Manoah
1840	Davis		160	8	Dyar		Wm
1840	SniABar		159	10	Eagan		Lewis
1840	Clay		154	8	Eagin		John
1840	Clay		153	12	Early		John
1840	Clay		153	11	Early		William
1840	Lexington	145	2	Easley		Stephen J
1840	Lexington	142	24	Eastwood	James W
1840	Clay		156	6	Eavin		William G
1840	Lexington	142	17	Eckls		Jacob
1840	Lexington	146	1	Edgar		Alfred
1830			251	2	Edwards		David
1840	Dover		166	20	Edwards		David
1840	Freedom		148	4	Elliott		Benjamin
1840	Washington	150	7	Emmons		Julius
1840	Davis		161	4	Ennis		George
1830			260	11	Ennis		John
1840	Davis		162	7	Ennis		John
1830			249	3	Enorman		Julius
1830			264	18	Erwin		William 
1830			262	7	Estes		Little Bury
1840	Dover		166	1	Estes		Littlebery
1830			262	8	Estes		Pastry
1830			256	6	Estes		Spence
1840	Dover		165	30	Estis		Mary Ann
1840	Dover		164	5	Estis		Payton W
1840	Freedom		148	11	Evans		Abner A
1830			253	25	Evans		Elisha
1830			251	18	Evans		John
1830			262	23	Evans		Samuel
1830			257	22	Evans		Thomas
1830			263	16	Ewing		Chatham
1830			252	24	Ewing		Chatham S
1840	Washington	150	9	Ewing		Chatham S
1840	Lexington	142	4	Ewing		Finis
1840	Clay		157	7	Ewing		Finis Y
1830			263	25	Ewing		George
1830			252	23	Ewing		Robert
1840	Washington	150	2	Ewing		Washington P
1840	Clay		154	20	Ewing		Wm Y C
1830			253	12	Ewing		Young
1840	Lexington	142	5	Ewing		Young
1840	Clay		153	8	Falk		David B
1830			264	10	Farrar		Anthena
1840	Davis		162	25	Farrar		John
1840	Davis		162	20	Farrar		Jos L
1830			255	7	Farrer		John
1840	Clay		154	2	Feelden		John B
1830			261	13	Ferguson	Aaron
1830			262	1	Ferguson	John C
1830			252	6	Ferguson	Martin
1830			251	11	Ferguson	William
1840	Dover		165	18	Ferguson	William
1840	Dover		163	11	Ferrell		Martletus
1840	Freedom		148	21	Ferrell		Thomas
1840	Freedom		148	15	Ferrell		William B
1830			264	5	Fickle		Abner
1830			258	22	Fickle		Absalam G
1840	Clay		157	13	Fickle		henry H
1830			256	8	Fielder		John
1840	Clay		157	6	Finch		Henry W G
1830			249	26	Findlay		J S
1830			259	11	Fine		Boldwin
1840	Dover		163	14	Fine		Cornelious
1830			262	18	Fine		John
1840	Dover		166	29	Fine		John
1830			259	10	Fine		Jonathan
1830			259	23	Fine		Ledgard
1840	Dover		164	1	Fine		Morgen
1840	Dover		165	19	Fine		Sidgard
1840	Freedom		148	16	Fitzpatrick	Anderson
1840	Freedom		148	20	Fitzpatrick	James
1840	Lexington	144	2	Fitzpatrick	Martin
1830			261	10	Flagar		David
1840	Lexington	143	19	Fleger		David P
1830			250	11	Fleming	 	David
1840	Dover		163	13	Fleming		Mark
1840	Dover		165	13	Fletcher	Geo C
1830			250	5	Fletcher	James
1840	Dover		165	11	Fletcher	Jno
1840	Dover		165	12	Fletcher	William
1840	Lexington	144	22	Flounoy		M W
1840	Clay		156	17	Flournoy	Gidian
1840	Lexington	141	30	Flournoy	M W
1840	Lexington	144	19	Fodlayer	Henry
1840	Lexington	146	30	Followell	George
1830			253	1	Forn		William
1840	Dover		167	21	Foster		Asa
1840	Lexington	141	25	Foster		G W
1830			260	21	Foster		George M
1840	Dover		163	17	Foster		Hubbell
1840	Washington	150	22	Fowler		William
1840	Lexington	140	24	Fox		Elihu
1830			262	19	Fox		Enoch
1840	Dover		167	1	Fox		Enoch
1840	Dover		163	4	Fox		Levi
1830			261	14	Fox		William
1840	Washington	151	5	Frakes		Wm
1830			253	4	Francis		James C
1830			249	27	Francis		Woodson
1830			259	7	Franklin	Louis
1830			263	5	Franklin	Tabitha
1840	Freedom		148	13	Franky		Luecy
1840	Dover		166	10	Frazer		Henry
1840	Dover		165	28	Freeman		William
1840	Washington	151	14	Freeshour	Andrew
1830			252	26	Fristo		Markham
1830			253	20	Fristo		Robert
1840	Dover		166	2	Fristoe	 	Wm
1840	Lexington	140	1	Fristoe		Robert
1840	Washington	151	11	Frizzell	Allison M
1830			263	11	Frok		Alfred
1830			255	6	Frost		Martha
1840	Lexington	143	16	Fulkerson	F
1830			261	11	Fulkerson	Frederick
1840	SniABar		158	6	Gann		O C
1840	Clay		157	29	Gann		Thomas
1840	Clay		157	30	Gann		William
1830			255	20	Gant		Cornileous
1840	Dover		167	4	Garner		Joseph
1840	Dover		166	17	Gauldin		Willis W
1840	Lexington	145	12	Gauslin		T L
1840	Clay		152	6	Gebbins		Thomas
1840	Clay		157	10	Gibbs		Pascall
1840	Dover		166	6	Gilbreath	Nancy
1830			256	26	Gillelan	Rachel
1840	Lexington	140	8	Gillespie	David
1840	Clay		155	16	Gillispie	George
1840	Clay		155	22	Gillispie	Jacob
1840	Dover		163	20	Gillium		Alexander
1830			262	14	Gillom		Isaac
1830			256	12	Gilmore		John
1830			256	10	Gilmore		Sarah
1830			255	24	Ginuss		James
1830			251	16	Gleanner	Thomas H
1840	Lexington	143	23	Gleeves		Thomas H
1840	Clay		156	18	Godfrey		Neoma
1830			262	11	Goldbreath	Alexander
1840	Davis		160	15	Goodwin		Jas
1840	Lexington	145	18	Goran		George H
1840	Lexington	143	11	Gordin		Thomas
1840	Clay		157	5	Goshen		Charles A
1830			256	20	Grady		Willia
1830			256	19	Grady		William
1840	Davis		162	28	Graham		George
1840	Lexington	145	28	Graham		James H
1840	Dover		167	27	Graham		Larkin
1830			252	20	Grant		James
1830			253	27	Grant		John
1830			252	3	Grant		Richard
1840	Lexington	144	30	Grant		Vincent O
1840	Lexington	141	22	Graves		John
1840	Lexington	140	3	Graves		Mary C
1840	Dover		163	16	Graves		Ralph W
1840	Clay		157	12	Graves		Zachariah
1840	Washington	150	29	Gray		Elisha
1840	Dover		164	8	Green		Joseph
1840	Clay		156	27	Green		Joseph H
1840	Lexington	143	29	Green		Lewis
1840	Davis		161	1	Greenwood	Danl F
1830			249	4	Grey		James
1830			260	19	Greyham		Larkin
1840	Lexington	146	16	Griffice	B G
1840	Dover		167	30	Groom		Amos
1840	Dover		167	29	Groom		Moses
1840	Dover		164	16	Groves		David
1840	Washington	151	15	Gruer		James W
1840	Freedom		147	3	Haislep		Henry
1840	Davis		162	16	Hale		Joel
1840	Clay		155	21	Hale		R C
1840	Lexington	144	9	Hale		Strethale
1840	Clay		155	26	Hale		Thomas J
1840	Dover		165	3	Hall		Joseph W
1830			258	18	Hall		Maklan
1840	Dover		165	29	Hall		P P
1840	Clay		152	5	Hall		William C
1830			250	8	Halson		Lona
1830			251	14	Hamblin		Thomas
1830			257	25	Hamlin		Richard
1830			249	8	Hampton		Jacob
1840	Dover		163	10	Hampton		Joseph
1840	Clay		157	27	Hanah		Ansalum
1830			254	8	Hancock		James
1840	Clay		154	4	Handley		Robt H
1840	Clay		154	22	Handly		William
1840	Dover		165	14	Hard		Jno J
1840	Dover		166	30	Hardin		Henry
1840	Freedom		148	5	Hargrave	Anselm
1840	Clay		153	19	Harlow		Crith
1840	SniABar		158	16	Harlow		Micajah
1830			263	18	Harlow		Neoma
1840	Lexington	143	6	Harrier		James
1830			257	26	Harris		Abner
1830			257	27	Harris		David
1830			251	19	Harris		James
1830			258	25	Harris		James B
1840	SniABar		159	28	Harris		James W
1830			257	17	Harris		John
1830			262	15	Harris		John S
1840	Dover		167	11	Harris		John S
1830			251	23	Harris		Reuben
1840	Davis		160	2	Harris		Wheelter
1830			255	13	Harris		Whelar
1830			261	9	Harris		William
1830			262	22	Harrison	Gideon
1830			251	20	Harrison	Harvey
1830			252	11	Harrison	Jesse
1830			262	20	Harrison	Joseph
1840	Davis		161	14	Harrison	Wm N
1840	Davis		162	19	Hawkins		Thos J
1840	Davis		162	17	Hawkins		Wm H
1830			264	9	Hays		John
1840	Lexington	143	27	Hays		John
1840	Dover		164	15	Hays		Saml M
1840	Davis		161	22	Hays		Thomen
1840	Clay		154	17	Helan		James
1840	Dover		167	5	Hellman		G W
1830			250	15	Helm		Alen
1840	SniABar		158	15	Helm		Allen
1830			252	13	Helm		Hiram
1840	Clay		157	19	Helm		Hiram
1830			251	26	Helm		John
1840	Clay		157	18	Helm		John
1840	Clay		153	28	Helm		Linia
1840	SniABar		158	14	Helm		Tilmon
1830			258	8	Helm		William
1840	SniABar		158	12	Helm		Wm
1840	Freedom		148	30	Henderick	William Y
1840	Lexington	142	27	Henderson	Isaac
1840	Lexington	142	6	Henderson	John T A
1840	Lexington	146	20	Henning		A M
1840	Lexington	143	5	Hess		Jacob
1830			263	27	Hicklin		Hanah
1840	Clay		154	24	Hicklin		Hannah
1830			252	18	Hicklin		James
1840	Lexington	141	2	Hicklin		James
1830			255	21	Hicklin		John
1840	Lexington	146	10	Hicklin		Jonathan
1840	Davis		162	18	Hickman		Wm
1830			260	15	Hickmond	Wm
1830			254	12	Hicksby		Benton
1840	Davis		160	3	Higgins		Harvy J
1830			251	12	Hiklin		Jonathan
1840	Dover		164	25	Hill		George M
1830			262	4	Hill		Jesse
1840	Dover		165	20	Hill		Jesse
1830			250	12	Hill		John
1840	Lexington	141	1	Hill		Mary C
1830			249	25	Hill		William
1840	Lexington	142	21	Hill 		John
1840	Dover		165	25	Hinton		David
1830			261	17	Hird		John I
1840	Washington	150	30	Hisery		John
1840	Lexington	144	24	Hitch		James
1830			256	18	Hitchcock	Jesse
1830			256	22	Hitchcock	Joshua
1840	Clay		156	22	Hitchcock	Marge
1830			264	7	Hoax		Philip
1840	Lexington	142	8	Hogan		David
1840	Lexington	146	9	Holdin		John
1840	Clay		155	28	Holeman		Hardy
1840	Dover		163	24	Hollingsworth	William
1840	Lexington	142	2	Honts		Felix
1840	Clay		152	1	Hopes 		John
1830			250	22	Hopper		Charles
1840	Lexington	143	31	Hopper		J D
1830			258	2	Hopper		Jasper
1830			256	24	Hopper		Thomas
1840	Clay		156	21	Hopper		Thomas
1830			255	25	Hopper		William
1830			254	3	Hopson		Joseph
1840	Dover		165	1	Hopson		Samuel
1830			256	25	Horn		Amos
1830			257	2	Horn		Loretta
1840	Clay		155	14	Horta		Christian
1830			253	24	Houx		George
1840	Lexington	144	6	Houx		George 
1830			254	15	Houx		Mathias
1830			257	16	Houx		Nicholas
1840	Lexington	142	7	Houx		Wm
1830			255	10	Howel		Calvin
1840	Dover		165	15	Howell		Linia
1840	Lexington	139	3	Hubbard		Richard
1840	Lexington	143	20	Hudson		John
1840	Lexington	141	11	Hudson		Saml
1830			258	24	Hughs		Corbely
1830			251	17	Hughs		James
1840	Clay		156	31	Hughs		James H
1830			250	13	Hunt		Alssxander
1840	Freedom		148	19	Hunter		Washteford
1840	Lexington	146	22	Hunter		William
1840	Lexington	142	31	Hurrect		David
1830			256	27	Hutson		Henry
1840	Washington	151	18	Hutson		Martin
1830			260	25	Hutson		William P
1840	Clay		153	31	Icler		George
1830			255	19	Ingram		John
1840	Lexington	146	27	Ingram		John H
1830			250	18	Ish		William
1840	Clay		154	23	Ish		Wm
1830			255	23	Jack		William
1830			264	8	Jackson		Uriah
1840	Freedom		148	24	Jackson		William
1830			258	10	James		David
1830			250	7	James		Henry
1830			250	16	James		Jerry
1840	Lexington	146	12	James		Pleasant
1840	Clay		156	26	Jenings		Allen
1840	Clay		156	4	Jenings		John
1840	Clay		156	30	Jenings		William
1840	SniABar		158	1	Jenkins		Absalum
1830			256	14	Jenning		Allen
1830			250	21	Jennings	John
1830			251	6	Jennings	John
1840	Washington	151	21	Jennings	John
1840	Lexington	140	18	Jennings	Tipten
1840	Davis		160	11	Jennings	Tyra
1830			258	11	Jennings	William
1840	Dover		166	27	Jobb		Wm
1840	SniABar		158	5	Johnson		A W
1840	Freedom		148	18	Johnson		Joseph J
1840	Clay		155	23	Johnson		Joshua
1840	Clay		156	15	Johnson		McColpin
1840	Davis		161	6	Johnson		Moses
1840	SniABar		158	7	Johnson		Richard C
1840	Lexington	143	18	Johnson		Washington
1840	Davis		161	5	Johnson		William
1840	Davis		161	27	Johnson		Wm
1830			263	1	Johnston	Benjamin
1830			253	11	Johnston	David
1830			260	12	Johnston	David
1830			251	7	Johnston	Larkin
1830			254	25	Johnston	Moses
1830			260	10	Johnston	William
1830			261	1	Johnston	William
1840	SniABar		158	17	Joiner		Demsey
1830			253	21	Jones		Elizabeth
1840	Dover		167	25	Jones		John A
1840	Clay		156	25	Jones		William
1830			258	14	Jones		William
1840	SniABar		159	19	Keck		Alfred
1840	Freedom		147	14	Keffer		Joseph
1830			258	4	Kelley		Katharine
1830			262	17	Keney		John
1830			259	24	Keser		Ritty
1830			263	12	Ketchum		John
1830			251	13	Killian		John
1830			252	27	King		Ephriam
1840	Clay		157	20	King		Ephriam
1830			264	19	Kinton		Thomas
1840	Dover		167	31	Kirby		Mary
1830			252	19	lake		Georg W
1830			252	8	Lankford	Daniel
1840	Lexington	141	28	Lankford	Danl
1840	Lexington	145	30	Lankford	William
1840	Davis		162	9	Lansibough	A
1840	Davis		161	19	Larsh		Abram
1840	Davis		161	20	Larsh		Withington
1830			249	16	Larson		George
1840	Washington	151	20	Lathum		Wm D
1840	Clay		155	18	Lauderdale	Josiah
1840	Lexington	140	13	Lee		Rebecca
1840	Clay		153	18	Lee		Richard
1840	Lexington	140	14	Lee		William
1840	Lexington	145	23	Leviday		Fountin
1840	Lexington	141	9	Lightner	A T
1840	Lexington	141	5	Lightner	Jarmiah
1830			253	15	Lightner	Mary
1830			257	9	Linch		David
1830			258	3	Linch		Elbert
1830			254	23	Linvill		Aaron
1830			254	24	Linvill		Zachariah
1840	Lexington	145	20	Litton		John W
1840	Washington	150	13	Litton		Ninean
1840	Lexington	146	7	Locke		David
1840	Lexington	143	9	Logan		Alexander
1840	Dover		167	15	Loveladay	John
1830			259	21	Lovelady	John
1840	Clay		155	29	Luster		John C
1830			249	15	Mackey		Thomas
1840	Dover		163	7	Malone		Richard
1840	Dover		165	21	Malory		Jas H
1840	Lexington	141	10	Maning		Edward C
1840	SniABar		158	8	Manion		Edmund
1840	SniABar		158	2	Manion		Isum B
1840	SniABar		158	9	Manion		J W
1830			251	21	Manion		James W
1830			264	1	Manions		Edwin
1840	Washington	151	13	Marcum		Charles
1830			261	3	Markham		Jeramiah
1840	Lexington	145	5	Marquis		David J
1840	Washington	150	5	Marquis		George W
1830			249	1	Marquis		Robert
1840	Lexington	140	22	Marquis		Robert
1830			251	5	Marr		Jesse
1830			260	5	Marr		John
1840	Lexington	143	10	Marr		Mary 
1830			264	11	Marr		Thomas
1830			262	16	Marshal		Benjamin
1840	Lexington	141	8	Marshall	Absalum
1830			249	19	Marshall	Blain
1830			249	28	Martin		Baker
1840	Dover		166	13	Martin		Elza
1840	Lexington	146	14	Martin		John G
1840	Clay		152	2	Martin		John G
1840	Clay		155	17	Martin		Joseph K
1840	Clay		154	18	Martin		Lucy
1840	Lexington	145	3	Mason		Sarah W
1830			254	14	Masor		James
1830			256	13	Maston		Abner
1830			257	20	Mathas		Benjamin
1840	Freedom		147	24	Mathew		John
1840	Dover		163	15	Mathew		Willis
1840	Washington	150	11	Maxwell	 	N C
1830			263	26	McAlroy		John
1830			263	21	McCafferty	Hugh
1840	Washington	150	17	McCaully	T A J
1840	Davis		162	1	McCausland	Wm
1840	Washington	151	16	McClory		David B
1830			257	5	McClure		Charles
1840	Clay		155	31	McClure		Charles
1830			257	4	McClure		Elizabeth
1840	Dover		164	27	McConty		Mary
1830			252	12	McCool		James
1840	Davis		162	26	McCool		James G
1840	Clay		157	15	McCoy		John
1840	Dover		163	12	McDowell	Jesse
1840	Dover		163	18	McDowell	John
1840	Davis		162	13	McElroy		John
1840	Davis		162	14	McElroy		John A
1830			258	17	McFarland	George
1840	Clay		156	28	McFarland	George
1840	Clay		155	25	McFarland	John
1840	Clay		156	23	McFarland	Saml
1830			258	16	McFarland	Samuel
1830			258	19	McFarland	Sarah
1830			253	18	McGirk		A L
1830			264	2	McGlaughlin	John
1840	Clay		154	25	McLaughlin	A
1830			254	19	McMahan		James
1840	Washington	151	10	McNeal		Abraham
1840	Washington	151	9	McNeal		John
1830			258	1	McNight		Thomas
1830			251	15	McWilliams	David
1840	Dover		166	26	McWilliams	David
1840	Dover		166	25	McWilliams	David F
1830			259	25	McWilliams	James
1840	Dover		167	23	McWilliams	Joseph
1830			253	16	McWorvil	Daniel
1840	SniABar		159	4	Medders		Jobb
1840	SniABar		159	11	Meders		John
1830			253	6	Meek		Hiram C
1840	Clay		153	29	Mermon		Jane
1840	Davis		162	30	Merrit		Richard R
1840	Dover		167	24	Mfalte		John
1830			261	22	Milkey		Christopher
1840	Lexington	143	1	Miller		Josiah
1840	Lexington	146	28	Miller		Walter T H
1840	Lexington	143	25	Miller		Wm H J
1840	Dover		167	19	Minter		John D
1840	SniABar		159	6	Minton		James L
1830			254	11	Mitchel		Nathaniel
1840	Lexington	141	24	Mitchell	N C
1840	Freedom		147	12	Mock		David
1840	Dover		163	8	Montgomery	John G
1840	Clay		154	30	Moore		A A
1840	Lexington	141	19	Moore		John P
1840	Clay		154	31	Moore		Robert R
1840	Lexington	141	18	Moore		William A
1830			264	20	Morris		Howard
1840	SniABar		159	27	Morris		John
1830			259	14	Morris		John C
1830			258	12	Morrow		Robert
1840	Lexington	145	19	Mosely		William
1840	Washington	150	21	Muir		George
1840	Freedom		147	23	Mulkey		Charles
1840	Freedom		147	22	Mulkey		Christ
1840	Freedom		148	1	Mulkey		Christopher
1830			263	3	Mulkey		Daniel
1830			260	9	Mulkey		James
1840	Freedom		147	5	Mulkey		Luke
1830			261	24	Mulkey		Margeret
1840	Lexington	142	30	Mulligan	John
1840	Lexington	144	17	Munday		Roland
1830			257	14	Murry		Urial
1830			262	25	Nave		William
1840	Davis		160	6	Neel		Stephen F
1840	Lexington	144	10	Neess		George W
1830			252	4	Nelson		John
1840	Lexington	146	15	Nelson		John
1830			263	15	Nelson		Josiah
1830			250	2	Nevil		George
1840	Lexington	145	8	Nevill		George
1840	Lexington	141	21	Nichels		William
1840	Lexington	145	9	Nicheols	James
1840	Dover		164	30	Norman		Joseph
1840	Davis		162	23	Norris		Absalam
1840	Dover		165	17	Norris		William H
1840	Dover		166	5	North		Wm F
1830			253	14	Nottingham	Jacob
1840	Clay		154	11	Nuller		Walter
1840	Dover		165	4	O'Banon		Richard W
1840	Dover		166	21	Oliver		Andrew W
1840	Dover		166	31	Oliver		Joseph
1830			253	2	owen		Abel
1830			250	10	Owen		Nelson
1840	Dover		164	7	Owens		Green W
1830			252	10	Owens		Robert
1830			259	16	Page		Axel H
1840	Davis		162	3	Page		Axel H
1840	Davis		162	2	Page		Granville
1840	Davis		161	28	Page		Jos H
1830			263	6	Page		Joshua
1840	Davis		161	29	Page		Marble W
1840	Dover		164	23	Palmer		David K
1840	Dover		164	10	Parkerson	George
1830			260	2	Parkinson	George
1840	SniABar		159	15	Parrent		David
1840	Freedom		147	28	Patrick		James J
1840	Freedom		148	23	Patrick		Preston
1840	Freedom		148	22	Patrick		Thomas
1840	Dover		165	16	Patten		Thomas
1840	Freedom		147	16	Payne		John
1840	Freedom		147	15	Payne		Nathaniel
1830			264	4	Pearson		James
1840	Dover		165	6	Peck		Jno H
1840	Dover		164	22	Peper		Nimrod
1840	Dover		164	17	Persevill	John S
1840	Clay		154	7	Person		James
1830			257	18	Person		William
1840	Lexington	142	16	Peters		Isaac
1840	Washington	150	6	Peters		Silas
1840	Clay		156	20	Peterson	Zeba B
1840	Lexington	144	4	Pettis		Robert G
1840	SniABar		159	25	Philips		Anderson
1840	SniABar		159	9	Philips		Sanford
1840	Lexington	146	17	Phipps		Pusey
1830			251	3	Pirman		Jacob
1840	Lexington	145	4	Plains		Jackson
1840	Davis		162	15	Pool		Eave
1840	Washington	150	3	Pool		Norman
1840	Lexington	146	3	Pool		Willey
1840	Lexington	143	24	Porter		John  S
1840	Freedom		148	28	Potter		Thomas
1830			249	5	Pouree		Richard
1830			252	15	Povery		W Y C
1840	Washington	151	27	Powell		Martaz
1830			253	26	Powers		David
1840	Dover		166	28	Powers		David
1830			263	10	Prewit		Esaw
1830			263	14	Prewit		James
1840	Clay		157	3	Price		John A
1840	Lexington	146	21	Price		Milton F
1840	Clay		157	2	Price		Nathaniel H
1840	Lexington	146	8	Prichard	Dervitt J
1830			260	7	Prigman		William
1830			255	3	Prigmore	Joseph
1840	Davis		161	26	Prigmore	Wm
1840	Clay		152	7	Prock		Henry - marked out
1840	Clay		155	12	Prock		John
1840	SniABar		158	11	Proctor		Ellis
1840	SniABar		158	3	Proctor		John C
1840	SniABar		158	10	Proctor		Thomas
1830			257	15	Profit		David S
1830			264	15	Profit		David
1840	Clay		155	15	Provant		Peter
1830			255	2	Purkin		R B
1840	Lexington	144	26	Puwitt		James
1840	Lexington	145	10	Ragsdale	B R
1840	Lexington	144	11	Ragsdale	Edward
1840	Lexington	144	28	Ramsey		Alexander
1840	Clay		157	26	Rankin		Jesse
1830			257	19	Rankin		Robert W
1840	Freedom		148	31	Raper		Jacob
1840	Washington	150	16	Ravenaugh	M A
1840	Freedom		148	29	Ray		James
1830			258	13	Ray		Verlinda
1830			261	20	Read		Samuel
1830			261	26	Reckets		John T
1830			249	14	Rees		Nancy
1840	Lexington	140	21	Rees		Nancy
1840	Lexington	142	12	Remley		Michael A
1840	Washington	150	26	Renick		B L
1840	Washington	151	2	Renick		George W
1830			263	20	Renick		Henry
1840	Washington	151	3	Renick		Jesse
1840	Washington	151	4	Renick		Mahlin H
1840	Washington	150	31	Renick		Robert
1830			263	24	Renick		Ruth
1830			251	25	Renick		William
1840	Clay		154	5	Rennick		Andrew E
1840	Clay		154	6	Rennick		James
1840	Clay		154	13	Rennick		James W
1840	Clay		154	21	Rennick		Strother
1840	Clay		154	3	Rennick		Wm H - marked out
1840	Lexington	146	19	Reyburn		Lewis
1830			257	10	Rice		Plesant
1840	Lexington	144	23	Rice 		George A
1840	Clay		154	15	Richardson	John D
1830			256	16	Richey		Sarah
1840	Davis		162	11	Ridge		John
1840	Davis		162	6	Ridge		William
1840	SniABar		159	26	Ridings		Jesse
1840	Washington	151	1	Rinick		Lenard H
1840	Lexington	141	23	Roberts		Elijah
1840	Clay		156	9	Roberts		James
1840	Clay		156	8	Roberts		James S
1840	Clay		157	11	Roberts		Jesse
1830			252	7	Roberts		John
1840	Clay		156	13	Roberts		W L
1840	Clay		153	22	Roberts		William
1840	Clay		155	27	Robinett	Nancy
1840	Washington	150	10	Robinett	William
1840	Lexington	140	17	Robinson	John
1840	Lexington	142	1	Robinson	John
1830			250	6	Robinson	Joseph
1840	Lexington	145	31	Robinson	Joseph
1830			251	1	Robinson	William
1840	Lexington	143	2	Robinson	William
1830			258	6	Robinston	John
1830			249	24	Robonson	John
1840	Freedom		148	25	Rogers		oseph
1830			255	17	Rose		Hilaby
1840	Clay		153	14	Rose		Rubin B
1840	Davis		160	14	Rose		Wellibaugh
1830			249	20	Roupe		Gilian
1830			249	21	Roupe		James
1830			253	8	Rowlen		Henry
1840	Lexington	145	16	Ruby		Thomas
1830			253	7	Ruby		William B 
1840	Lexington	145	13	Ruby		Wm B
1840	Davis		161	12	Rullea		James
1830			254	5	Rupe		David
1840	Lexington	146	4	Rupe		Gillead
1830			252	25	Rupe		John
1830			250	20	Rupe		William
1840	Lexington	144	29	Russell		Wm H
1830			259	18	Ruttege		Alexander
1840	Lexington	144	7	Ryland		Edward M
1840	Lexington	140	2	Ryland 		Wm F
1840	Lexington	142	13	Sanders		Bryant
1830			253	5	Sanders		Bryrord
1840	Washington	150	20	Sanders		Prusley
1840	SniABar		159	7	Sanders		Wm
1840	Lexington	140	20	Sanford		Cathire
1840	Davis		162	8	Sansebough	Ada
1840	Clay		157	8	Saterfield	James
1840	Freedom		147	6	Scott		John
1840	Clay		155	30	Scott		Mary
1830			255	18	Scott		Nimrod
1840	Lexington	141	3	Scott		Saml
1840	Washington	151	24	Sebastian	Henry
1840	Freedom		147	4	Seddeth		James G
1840	Davis		161	13	Senothy		John
1840	Clay		153	16	Sewell	 	Wm N
1830			263	8	Sharp		John F
1840	Dover		163	22	Shelby		Joseph
1840	Lexington	144	18	Shelby		Thomas
1840	Lexington	140	26	Shelby		William
1840	Clay		154	28	Shoemaker	Jas
1840	SniABar		159	24	Shore		Johnathan W
1840	SniABar		159	23	Shore		Saml R
1840	Washington	150	19	Shoruate	Mark H
1840	Dover		166	11	Shoyer		Wm W
1840	Dover		163	23	Shrader		Colby
1840	Lexington	142	29	Shuts		Henry
1840	Dover		166	19	Sibert		John
1830			264	14	Simmons		William F
1840	Davis		161	3	Simpson		William
1830			255	9	Sinsabay	Adam
1830			255	8	Sinsabay	Robert
1830			252	17	Skaggs		Joseph
1830			250	25	Slade		John
1840	Clay		157	28	Slone		Alexander C
1840	Clay		157	4	Slone		Robert
1830			251	22	Slusher		Allen
1830			252	16	Slusher		Christopher
1840	Lexington	141	31	Slusher		Christr
1840	Davis		160	13	Slusher		Roland
1840	Davis		161	8	Smelser		John
1840	Lexington	143	14	Smith		Andrew
1830			263	23	Smith		Athaliah
1840	Lexington	146	29	Smith		Charles
1840	Lexington	145	24	Smith		Clement
1840	SniABar		159	18	Smith		John
1840	Clay		157	16	Smith		Lawson
1830			263	13	Smith		Lucinda
1840	Lexington	143	12	Smith		Lucy
1840	Davis		162	27	Smith		Lusinda
1830			257	1	Smith		Mary
1830			252	14	Smith		William
1840	Lexington	145	14	Smith		William
1840	Washington	151	26	Smith		Wm C
1830			260	6	Smith**		John
1830			255	4	Smithey		William
1840	Dover		166	22	Snelling	James
1830			254	18	Snelling	Vincent
1840	Dover		164	14	Snowden		William
1830			262	2	Sousley		Benjamin
1840	Lexington	144	15	Spratt		William
1840	Freedom		148	26	Spratt		William A H
1840	Davis		161	15	Stafford	Levi
1840	Lexington	146	26	Stanford	Wiatt
1830			260	14	Stapp		John
1840	Clay		155	9	Stapp		Mary
1830			261	15	Steel		John
1840	Dover		165	8	Steel		Mary
1840	Dover		166	7	Steel		Mary
1830			256	11	Stevens		James
1840	Lexington	144	13	Stigen		Richard T
1840	Freedom		148	9	Stimkel		Conrod
1840	Davis		160	19	Stokes		Leroy P
1840	Lexington	142	28	Stone		O H P
1840	Washington	150	4	Stone		Wyatt H
1830			253	22	Stothart	John D
1840	Lexington	141	13	Stratton	Edward
1840	Lexington	144	14	Strotlin 	H B (free colored)
1840	Washington	151	7	Summers		Caleb
1830			250	4	Swift		Dean
1830			252	21	Swift		Thomas
1830			250	1	Swift		William
1840	Washington	150	14	Tackett		James R
1830			254	17	Tandy		Jackson
1840	Lexington	145	1	Tarlton		Charles S
1840	Clay		156	5	Taylor		Charles
1840	Lexington	145	11	Taylor		Henry
1840	Freedom		147	17	Tearnon		Fredrick
1840	Davis		161	24	Terril		Wm E
1840	Lexington	144	1	Tervitt		Perriell
1830			254	2	Tharp		james
1840	Lexington	145	21	Thomas		Benedict
1840	Lexington	144	27	Thomas		Cassandra
1830			262	13	Thomas		Charles
1840	Davis		161	11	Thomas		Elizabeth
1840	Lexington	146	18	Thomas		George A
1840	Dover		166	9	Thomas		John D
1830			264	22	Thomas		John N
1840	Dover		164	11	Thomas		Oscar F
1840	Clay		153	30	Thomas		Wiley W
1830			249	17	Thomas		Wm W
1840	Washington	151	17	Thompson	Adam
1840	Clay		156	24	Thorp		Francis T
1840	Clay		153	23	tidball		Joseph
1840	Clay		156	10	Tilton		Peter
1830			255	5	Tomp		Nathan
1830			261	21	Trap		William
1840	Dover		164	24	Trewbody	John
1830			254	6	Tribble		Jonah
1830			251	4	Tribble		Silas
1830			254	16	Tribble		Thomas
1840	Dover		167	9	Trubody		Josiah
1830			250	27	Tumblin		William
1830			251	8	Turmage		Michael
1830			251	9	Turmage		Michel
1830			250	26	Turner		Nickolas
1840	Lexington	141	12	Tyree		Mary C
1840	Lexington	145	27	Vancamp		Levi
1840	Lexington	139	5	Vancamp		William
1840	Dover		163	2	Vivion		Flavil
1840	Dover		164	13	Vivion		Hiram M
1840	Dover		165	5	Vivion		Jno B
1840	Lexington	145	15	Waddell		Carr B
1840	Lexington	140	10	Waddell		James
1840	Lexington	141	27	Waddell		John
1840	Lexington	145	29	Waddell		Robert
1840	Lexington	141	7	Waddell		William W
1840	Lexington	144	8	Waddell		Wm B
1840	Lexington	143	30	Waddle		John J
1830			259	17	Wade		John B
1840	Freedom		148	3	Walker	 	John M
1830			250	3	Walker		Joel
1830			260	23	Walker		Lawrence
1830			255	22	Walker		Plesant
1840	Lexington	143	17	Walker		Saml W
1840	Clay		153	25	Wallace	 	John
1840	Clay		154	19	Wallace		Henry
1840	Clay		153	26	Wallace		James
1840	Lexington	145	7	Wallace		John
1840	Dover		165	7	Wallace 	Danl
1830			260	22	Wallace 	John
1830			250	14	Wallace 	John 
1830			252	9	Wallace 	Thomas
1840	Clay		156	1	Waller		Benjamin
1840	SniABar		159	21	Walls		Thomas
1840	SniABar		159	12	Walton		James
1840	Lexington	142	10	Walton		John W
1840	Lexington	141	29	Walton		William P
1840	Freedom		147	29	Wamack		Allen
1830			254	10	Ward		David
1840	Lexington	139	1	Ward		David
1830			253	23	Ward		William
1840	Lexington	140	19	Ward 		Alexander
1830			263	19	Warder		John
1840	Clay		153	13	Warder		John
1830			261	25	Warnick		Abraham
1830			261	16	Warran		Ruth
1830			260	26	Warren		Anderson
1840	Davis		161	7	Warren		Anderson
1830			259	20	Warren		John
1840	Davis		162	10	Warren		John
1840	Davis		162	12	Warren		Martin
1830			260	18	Warren		Martin, Jr
1830			260	1	Warren		Martin, Snr
1830			254	20	Warren		William
1830			260	4	Warrick		Allen
1830			259	26	Warrin		James D
1840	Dover		166	4	Webb		John V, Sr
1840	Dover		167	16	Webb		John V, Sr
1840	SniABar		159	17	Webb		Thomas
1840	Dover		166	24	West		John
1840	Lexington	144	31	Wheeler		Robert
1840	Lexington	144	25	Whelan		Nicholas
1830			259	1	Whisitt		James W
1830			258	21	Whisitt		John
1830			253	3	White		Benjamin
1840	SniABar		159	14	White		James A
1830			249	18	White		John L
1840	Clay		157	14	White		Joseph
1840	Dover		164	20	White		Oscar
1830			262	9	White		Robert
1840	Dover		167	8	White		William
1840	Clay		154	9	White		William, Jr
1830			262	24	White 		William
1840	Dover		164	28	White 		William
1840	Lexington	139	2	Whitlesy	P R
1840	Washington	151	6	Whitsell	 Saml T
1840	Clay		152	4	Whitsell	Isaac E
1840	Clay		152	3	Whitsell	James D
1840	Lexington	142	9	Whitsell	James W
1840	Washington	150	1	Whitsett	Isaac
1840	Washington	150	23	Whitsett	James G
1830			250	23	Whitsett	John R
1840	Washington	151	8	Whitsett	John W
1830			259	6	Whitsett	Leni
1830			257	21	Whitsett	William
1840	Washington	150	28	Whitsett	William
1840	Washington	150	8	Whitsett	William M
1830			249	10	Whitsitt	James
1830			249	11	Whitsitt	John
1840	Freedom		147	9	Wilbern		David M
1840	Freedom		147	10	Wilbern		Jacob
1840	Freedom		147	20	Wilborn		George
1840	Freedom		147	21	Wilborn		Philip
1840	Lexington	140	7	Wilcox		Thomas E
1840	Clay		154	16	Wiley		Enoch
1830			261	7	Wiley		Isaac
1840	Lexington	144	21	Wiley		Robert W
1840	Freedom		148	14	Wiling		Christian
1840	Dover		167	2	Wiling		Jeremiah
1830			260	16	Wilkinson	James
1840	Lexington	142	26	Williams	Charles B
1830			254	27	Williams	Joseph
1830			254	26	Williams	Joshua
1830			255	11	Williams	Mathew
1840	Davis		162	21	Williams	Mathew
1840	Davis		162	31	Williams	Simon
1840	Lexington	146	25	Wilmott		William R
1840	Clay		153	27	Wilson		Ferg
1840	Lexington	142	15	Wilson		John H
1840	Lexington	146	2	Wledon		Milton A
1840	Clay		153	15	Wolfe		Peter
1840	Clay		155	7	Wood		James
1840	SniABar		159	8	Wood		Jane
1840	Lexington	144	12	Wood		Joseph
1840	Clay		155	10	Wood		Wm
1840	Washington	151	12	Wooten		F
1840	Dover		164	21	Wright		Bryant
1840	Davis		162	29	Wrskin		Amos
1840	Dover		164	26	Wstek		Charles T
1840	Dover		164	19	Yantis		B F
1840	Davis		160	17	Yearby		John
1830			263	17	Young		Adam
1840	Davis		162	24	Young		Drake
1840	Lexington	146	5	Young		Henderson
1830			250	24	Young		James
1840	Lexington	145	26	Young		James
1840	Clay		156	19	Young		James
1830			256	15	Young		John
1830			260	13	Young		John
1840	Clay		156	3	Young		John
1840	Lexington	141	26	Young		Robert B
1840	Lexington	142	22	Young		Robt
1840	Clay		153	9	Young		Sarah
1840	Lexington	145	6	Young 		Arthur G
1840	Lexington	142	14	Youngblod	Joseph
1840	Dover		163	19	Youree		Patrick
1840	Clay		155	2	Yourie		Andrew
1840	Lexington	142	23	Ziler		Frederick
1840	Washington	149	3			George (free colored)