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Last modified: Fri, 20 Jun 2008, 13:16:02 EDT    Size: 2700
Biographical Sketch of C. H. Uphause, Lafayette County, Missouri

>From "History of Lafayette County, Mo., carefully written and compiled
from the most authentic official and private sources" St. Louis, Mo.
Historical Company, 1881.

C. H. Uphause, is a native of Prussia, born July 24, 1824; was reared
there and educated in the common schools.  At the age of twenty-three
he came to the United States, landing at Galveston, Texas.  After re-
maining there a short time he went to New Orleans, and from there to
St. Louis, where he remained two and a half years.  In 1850 he went to
California with the intention of mining, but meeting with poor success,
he abandoned the business and went to Sacramento and engaged in the
occupation of hauling water, for nine months, making considerable money.
In 1851 he left the Pacific coast and came to Lafayette county, Missouri
where he purchased land and settled down to the occupation of farming.
He was united in marriage in 1851 to Miss Margaret Esselmann, a native
of Prussia.  They have had nine children, seven of whom are now living,
viz.: Martin, John, Mary, Matilda, Sarah, Caroline and Lena.  Mr. 
Uphause has resided in Lafayette county continuously since 1851, engaged
in farming, in which he has been quite successful.  He now owns 750 
acres of excellent land in different parts of the county.  His home farm
is situated between Concordia and Aullville, consisting of 380 acres, 
and is well improved.  In 1880 he harvested 1,400 bushels of wheat from
70 acres.  He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church
of Concordia.  In 1862 Mr. Uphause enlisted in the federal service,
E. M. M., seventy-first regiment, Capt. Taggart's company.  Was not
engaged in any battles.  His postoffice address is Concordia.

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