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Last modified: Fri, 20 Jun 2008, 13:16:02 EDT    Size: 2037
Biographical Sketch of M. C. Ryland, Lafayette County, Missouri

>From "History of Lafayette County, Mo., carefully written and compiled
from the most authentic official and private sources" St. Louis, Mo.
Historical Company, 1881.

M. C. Ryland, livery, sale and feed stable, P. O. Odessa (Sniabar Town-
ship); son of John F. and Gabriella Ryland, was born in this state and
county, in 1847.  The greater part of his life was spent in farming.
During the past six years he has been engaged in the grain business, in
connection with his other occupation.  In 1867 he married Miss Virginia
Beall, of Lafayette county.  They have three children: Elizabeth, Bell,
and John Samuel.  In 1878 Mr. Ryland came to Odessa and embarked in the
livery business, which has occupied his attention the greater part of
the time since.  In 1879 he was elected city assessor, which office he
filled acceptably to all concerned.  Mr. Ryland has been identified with
the interests of the county from his birth and has watched the develop-
ment of her abundant resources with a great deal of pleasure, and
contributing largely to the same.

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