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Last modified: Fri, 20 Jun 2008, 13:16:02 EDT    Size: 2064
Biographical Sketch of James C. Kelly, Lafayette County, Missouri

>From "History of Lafayette County, Mo., carefully written and compiled
from the most authentic official and private sources" St. Louis, Mo.
Historical Company, 1881.

James C. Kelly.  The subject of this sketch was born in Madison county,
Alabama, August 4, 1829.  His parents moved to Missouri, in 1831, and
settled in Cooper county, and there James was raised and educated. 
During the war he remained in Cooper county, and engaged in the live-
stock trade, at which he was very successful.  In 1867 he moved to
Lafayette county, and in 1875 he purchased what is known as the Lightner
farm, three miles south of Lexington, where he resides at the present
time, it being one of the best improved farms in the county.  Mr. Kelly
was married to Miss Maria L. Duncan, April 3, 1851.  They have eleven
children, five sons and six daughters, all living, except one daughter
who died in 1859.  Mr. Kelly and wife are members of the Christian 
church; he also belongs to the Masonic fraternity.  Mr. Kelly is a good
neighbor, an industrious citizen and has well earned his success.

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