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Biographical Sketch of Marcus Youngs, Johnson County, Missouri,
Warrensburg Township

>From "History of Johnson County, Missouri," by Ewing Cockrell,
Historical Publishing Company, Topeka, Cleveland, 1918.


Marcus Youngs, president of the Citizens Bank of Warrensburg, is a 
native of Missouri.  He was born in 1856 in Lafayette county, son of
Edgar and Mary (Mock) Youngs.  Edgar Youngs was born in Newark, New
Jersey, in 1828, the son of Joseph L. Youngs.  Joseph L. Youngs and
his son moved from New Jersey to St. Louis, Missouri, about 1846.  A
few years later, they moved to Lafayette county, where the son, Edgar
purchased a farm in 1851.  His father moved to Topeka, Kansas, about
1860, and there his death occurred.  Mary (Mock) Youngs was a native 
of North Carolina.  The marriage of Edgar Youngs and Mary Mock occur-
red in Lafayette county about 1851 and to this union were born nine
children: George, Fayetteville, Missouri; William E., deceased; 
Marcus, subject of this review; Mrs. Emma Foster, deceased; Mrs. 
Mollie Greer, Higginsville, Missouri; Theodore, Sharp, Nevada; Mrs.
Annie Parker, Warrensburg; Mrs. Mattie Houston, deceased; and Mrs.
Fannie Purnell, Higginsville, Missouri.  Edgar Youngs died on his
farm in Lafayette county in 1910 and his remains were interred in 
Oak Grove cemetery in Johnson county.  Marcus Youngs attended the
public schools of Lafayette county, the State University at Columbia,
Missouri, and Spalding's Commercial College at Kansas City, Missouri.
Until he was twenty-one years of age he followed farming as his voca-
tion.  In 1877 Mr. Youngs came to Warrensburg as bookkeeper for the
old Johnson County Savings Bank and remained in their employ for 
eleven years.  When the Citizens Bank was organized in 1888 Mr. Youngs
was elected vice-president and he has been with the bank continuously
since that time.  Mr. Youngs was largely instrumental in the organiza-
tion of the bank.  The Citizens Bank of Warrensburg, Missouri, was
organized October 18, 1888, with a capital stock of twenty-five 
thousand dollars.  The first officers were:  J. T. Cheatham, president;
Marcus Youngs, vice-president; O. S. Wadell, cashier; J. T. Cheatham, 
Dr. C. W. Robinson, W. H. Hartman, J. A. Stewart, O. S. Wadell, Marcus
Youngs, G. A. Lobban, J. D. Eads, and E. N. Johnson, directors.  March
22, 1911, the capital stock was increased by a cash dividend of seventy
five thousand dollars, making the capital stock one hundred thousand
dollars, the present capital stock.  The bank has a surplus of twenty-
five thousand dollars and undivided profits amounting to twenty-three
thousand dollars.  The Citizens Bank has paid seventy-eight thousand
dollars in cash dividends since its organization.  The deposits at the
time of this writing amount to four hundred twenty-five thousand 
dollars.  The present officials are: Marcus Youngs, president; T. E. 
Cheatham, vice-president; W. H. Cheatham, second vice-president; J. V.
Murray, cashier; A. Lee Smiser, assistant cashier; J. A. Steart, G. A.
Lobban, T. E. Cheatham, W. H. Cheatham, W. D. Faulkner, J. V. Murray,
and Marcus Youngs, directors.  The Citizens bank gives special atten-
tion to farmers and stockmen.  Of the original officers of the bank
three have died:  J. T. Cheatham, W. B. Drummond, and O. S. Wadell.
Marcus Youngs has been closely identified with the business and finan-
cial interests of Johnson county for forty years and there is perhaps
no better informed man in the county on all matters relative to finance.
The noteworthy success of the Citizens Bank has been largely due to his
excellent judgement, keen foresight, and marked executive ability.

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