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Biographical Sketch of John E. Stewart, Johnson County, Missouri,
Hazel Hill Township. 

>From "History of Johnson County, Missouri," by Ewing Cockrell,
Historical Publishing Company, Topeka, Cleveland, 1918.

John E. Stewart, a successful farmer and stockman of Hazel Hill town-
ship, was born March 28, 1858 in Hazel Hill township, Johnson county, a
son of Benjamin M. and Jane (Barker) Stewart, both of whom were natives
of Kentucky.  Benjamin M. Stewart was born in Logan county, and in the
state of Kentucky was reared, educated, and married.  He moved to Miss-
ouri, a few years after his marriage with Jane Barker, driving a team
of thoroughbred horses through from Kentucky.  This team was one of the
best ever brought to Missouri and, before the horses had been acclimat-
ed, winter came and they almost froze to death.  There was no good barn 
for them and frequently the family's bed clothing was used to blanket
them.  Mr. Stewart purchased a farm of 40 acres, located in Hazel Hill
township, a place owned by James M. Devasher, and one mile northeast of
Hazel Hill Mr. and Mrs. Stewart spent the remainder of their lives.  To
Benjamin M. and Jane (Barker) Stewart were born four children, who are
now living: Mrs. Margaret Ellen Gibson, Simpson township, Johnson coun-
ty; George H., who is engaged in mining at Leadville, Colorado; John E.,
the subject of this review; and Mrs. Annie Austin, Fayetteville, Miss-
ouri.  Both father and mother are now deceased.  Mrs. Stewart died in 
1901 and burial was made in Liberty cemetery.  In the public schools of
Fayetteville, Missouri, John E. Stewart received his education.  At the
age of twenty years, he began life for himself, engaged in farming on
the home place.  Mr. Stewart has lived all his life in Hazel Hill town-
ship.  In 1884, he purchased his present country home, a place compri-
sing 97 acres of land formerly owned by William Walters, and later 
increased his holdings by purchasing a tract of 120 acres.  The Stewart
farm now comprises 217 acres of land one mile southwest of Fayetteville.
At one time, this place was well timbered, but most of the timber has
been removed.  Judge Trapp originally owned the Stewart farm, which is
practically all upland, well watered, and nicely improved, and on it 
Mr. Stewart is raising fine cattle, hogs, horses, and sheep.  At the
present time, he has 20 head of cattle, nearly 50 head of hogs, and 100
head of Shropshire sheep.  Annually, he sells the old sheep and keeps 
the ewe lambs.  Fifty acres of his place are in pasture, 35 acres in
hay, and the balance in oats and corn.  The farm is well equipped for
handling stock.  The residence was built in 1887.  It is an attractive,
comfortable structure of two stories and six spacious rooms.  In 1878, 
John E. Stewart was united in marriage with Mamie Irwin and to them 
were born two children: George Eldon, Lafayette county, Missouri; and
John Cleo, Kansas City, Missouri.  Three years after marriage, the 
mother died.  In 1898, Mr. Stewart was married to Adelia A. Rice, the
daughter of J. E. and Huldah A. Rice, who are now residing in Camden
County, Missouri, the former at the advanced age of 80 years.  J. E. 
Rice was born in Morgan county, Missouri and Mrs. Rice is a native of
Ohio.  They are the parents of eleven children, all of whom are now
living, the youngest being past 30 years of age: Mrs. Mamie Malcom,
Benton county, Missouri; Mrs. Bettie Overton, Benton county, Missouri;
Charlie, Cass county, Missouri; David Samuel, Fox Valley, Oregon; Grace
Beatrice, Climax Springs, Missouri; Mrs. John E. Stewart, the wife of
the subject of this review; William Archibald, Camden county, Missouri;
Mrs. Effie Allison Brown, Camden county, Missouri; Tressie Ola, Climax
Springs, Missouri; Dr. James Wesley, who is serving with the Red Cross
in France; and Mrs. Julia Wood, Benton county, Missouri.  To John E.
and Adelia A. Stewart have been born seven children: Harley Overton,
Glenn, Eva Jane, John Edward, Jr.; Rice Allison, William Wilshure and
Eugene Andrew.  Mrs. Stewart's father, J. E. Rice, is a veteran of the
Confederate army, with which he served for three and a half years. Both
the Stewart and Rice families have long been highly respected and wide-
ly known in this state and Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stewart are held in the 
highest esteem in Hazel Hill township, where Mr. Stewart has resided 
for nearly sixty years.

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