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Probate Court Case: 1850, No. 253, Kalamazoo County, Michigan. 

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1850 Kalamazoo County Probate Court Case of Henry and Mary Spear. 
No. 253. 

PROBATE COURT for the County of Kalamazoo. Estate of Henry 
Spear & Mary M. Spear, 1850. Guardian's Bond. State of Michigan, 
County of Kalamazoo, 

ss: Probate Court for said County: 
In the matter of the Estate of Henry Spear and Mary M. Spear Minors. 
Know all Men by these Presents, That we Milton Bradley and George A. 
Lockhart of Kalamazoo County within the State of Michigan, are 
holden, and stand firmly bound and obliged unto John Sluper Esq., 
Judge of Probate in and for the said County of Kalamazoo in the full 
sum of one thousand Dollars, lawful money of the United States of 
America, to be paid unto the said John Sluper his successors in the 
said office, or assigns; to the true payment whereof we do bind 
ourselves and each of us, and each of our heirs, executors and 
administrators, jointly and severally, for the whole; and in the 
whole, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals--Dated the 
Second day of December Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and 
fifty. Whereas, the above bounden Milton Bradley has been appointed 
by said Probate Court, Guardian unto Henry Spear and Mary M. Spear 
minors over the age of fourteen years, and Children of Francis Spear 
of Kent County & State of Michigan. Now the condition of this 
present obligation is seen, that if the above bounden Milton Bradley 
shall well and truly perform, observe and keep the conditions 
following, to wit:--1st, That he shall make a true inventory of all 
the real estate, and of all the goods and chattels, rights and 
credits of his said Wards, that shall come to his possession or 
knowledge, and return the same into the said Probate Court, at such 
time as the Judge thereof shall order: 2nd, That he shall dispose of 
and manage all such estate and effects according to law, and for the 
best interest of the said Wards, and faithfully discharge his trust 
as such Guardian : 3rd. That he shall render an account, as oath, 
of the property in his hands, including the proceeds of all the real 
estate which may be sold by him and of the management and dispostion 
of all such property, within one year after his appointment, and at 
such other times as the Judge of Probate shall direct: And 4th, That 
at the expiration of his trust he shall settle his accounts with the 
Judge of Probate, or with the said Wards or their legal 
representatives, and pay over and deliver all the estate and effects 
remaining in his hands, or due from him on such settlement, to the 
person or persons who shall be lawfully entitled thereto: Then this 
obligation shall be void, otherwise it shall remain if full force and 
effect. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Cyrus Ehuilor(?) 
and James Abbott Jr. Signatures Milton Bradley, G. A. Lockhart 
Kalamazoo County, ss. At a session of the Probate Court in and for 
said County, holden at Kalamazoo on the Seventeenth day of December 
A. D. 1850: I have examined and do approve of the foregoing Bond, 
and order the same to be filed and recorded in the Probate Office of 
said County. Signature John Sluper, Judge of Probate. 


State of Michigan, Kalamazoo County, ss. I, Alfred Nevins a Justice 
of the peace in and for Ionia County do hereby certify that Mary M. 
Spear of Ionia County personally appears before me on the 19th day of 
November 1850 and made choice of Milton Bradley as her guardian. 
Signature Alfred Nevins, Justice of the Peace. 


Letter of Guardianship. State of Michigan, County of Kalamazoo, ss. 
Probate Court for said Count. In the matter of the Estate of Henry 
Spear and Mary M. Spear minors. By John Sluper Judge of the Court of 
Probate within and for the County of Kalamazoo. To Milton Bradley of 
said County: Trusting in your care and fidelity, I do by these 
presents, pursuant to the power and authority to me granted, 
constitute and appoint you to be Guardian unto Henry Spear and Mary 
M. Spear minors over the age of fourteen years Children of Francis 
Spear with full power and authority to ask, sue for, secure, receive 
and take into your custody, all and singular the real estate, goods, 
and chatterly, rights and credits which accrue to them in right of 
certain real estate lying in Windham County and state of Connecticut 
of Mary Clark and Ruby Felch deceased or, which by any other way or 
means whatsoever, doth of right apportions; or belong to them and you 
are to make a true and perfect inventory thereof, and when the same 
into the Probate Court for the said County of Kalamazoo on ot before 
the Seventeenth day of March next ensuing: and you are to dispose 
of, manage, employ and imrove the same according to law, and for the 
best interest of the said words, ; and within one year from the late 
hereof, and at such other times as the Judge of Probate shall direct, 
you are to render on oath unto the Probate Office of said County; a 
true account of the property of the said wards in your hands, of the 
proceeds of all the real estate that may be sold by you, and of the 
management and disposition of such property; and at the expiration of 
your trust you are to settle your accounts with the Judge of Probate, 
for the time being, or with the said wards or their legal 
representatives; and to pay over and deliver all the estate and 
effects remaining in your hands, and due from you on such settlement, 
to the person or persons who shall be lawfully entitled thereto, or 
otherwise; as the said Judge by his decree or sentence, pursuant to 
law, shall order and direct, and do such other nets as the law in 
that behalf shall require. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set 
my hand and seal of the said Court of Probate: Dated at Kalamazoo the 
Seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand 
eight hundred and fifty. Recorded in Lib 6, Fol 499 & 498. 
Signature. John Sluper, Judge of Probate. 

Transcribed by Jeff Spear. 
End of file.