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Alcona County Michigan

July 27 2012

Copyright c2012 by the Huron Shores Genealogical Society
(HSGS), c/o Robert J Parks Public Library, 6010 N
Skeel Ave, Oscoda MI 8750,

This presentation (46 slides in microfilm format: Microsoft
Power Point) was prepared by Judy Sheldon of HSGS for
presentation at the Mikado Days in July 2012. The index and
publication were done by Alonzo Sherman of HSGS. There are
about 140 name citations in this index.

Index Format:
      Name or Keyword
      Event Code:
            ~mil      Military
            ~orh      Other Record, Home
            ~orm      Other Record, Medical
            ~oro      Other Record, Occupation
            ~orr      Other Record, Relative
            ~orx      Other Record, Other Mentioned
            ~phopn    Photograph, Portrait, Person Named
            ~phoz     Photograph, An Event, Place or
                        Thing, not a person
            ~vrb      Vital Record, Birth
            ~vrd      Vital Record, Death
            ~vrdc     Vital Record, Death, Cemetery
            ~vrdf     Vital Record, Death, Funeral
            ~vri      Vital Record, Immigration
            ~vrn      Vital Record, Nationalization
            ~vrm      Vital Record, Marriage
      Image Number

Copies of any of these images are available for $4.00 USD
each, postpaid. Please sent your order and check to HSGS at
the above address.

Compiler: Alonzo J Sherman - Database Manager.

Name or Keyword                     Event                Image
Aird, Amanda /1877                  ~vrd ~orr            MOT-14
Aird, Henry A /1873, adopted        ~vrb ~orr            MOT-14
Aird, Hercules /1880                ~vrd ~orr            MOT-14
Ball, Sara Jane /1854-/1938         ~vrb ~vrd ~vrm       MOT-07
Ball, William                       ~oro                 MOT-07
Bar, Alexander                      ~orr ~orh            MOT-24
Bar, Jane /1832-/1915               ~vrb ~vrm ~vrd ~vrdc MOT-24
Bar, Rose                           ~orr ~orh            MOT-24
Barlow, John                        ~orr                 MOT-33
Blood, Melissa                      ~orr                 MOT-13
Boos, Mary                          ~orr ~orh            MOT-22
Cameron, Catherine                  ~orr ~orh            MOT-45
Dallson, Wm Corpl                   ~orx ~mil            MOT-15
Deegan, Elizabeth /1848-/1916       ~vrb ~vrm ~vrd ~orh  MOT-19
Deegan, Margaret                    ~orr ~orh            MOT-19
Deegan, Patrick                     ~orr ~orh            MOT-19
Dolson, Daniel D /1867              ~vrb ~orr            MOT-20
Dolson, David Dennis /1867          ~vrb ~orr            MOT-20
Dolson, Elizabeth /1867             ~vrm                 MOT-20
Dolson, Elizabeth M /1848-/1916     ~vrb ~vrd ~vrdc 
                                       ~phoz             MOT-18
Dolson, Issac                       ~orr                 MOT-16
Dolson, John /1867                  ~vrb ~orr            MOT-20
Dolson, Margaret /1871              ~vrb ~orr            MOT-20
Dolson, Unknown / before /1910      ~vrb ~orr            MOT-20
Dolson, William /1867               ~vrm                 MOT-20
Dolson, William J /1872             ~vrb ~orr            MOT-20
Dolson, William L                   ~orr ~vrm            MOT-19
Dolson, William L                   ~vri  ~oro ~mil      MOT-17
Dolson, William L /1844-/1916       ~vrb ~vrd ~orm       MOT-16
FeFever, Francis                    ~orr ~orh            MOT-36
Fulcher, Cathrine Emma /1849-/1922  ~vrb ~vrm ~vrd 
                                       ~orm ~orh         MOT-31
Hawkins, Jennie                     ~oro                 MOT-07
La Fave, Edward /1886-/19__         ~vrb ~vrd ~vrdc      MOT-35
La Fave, Mary /1849-/1922           ~vrb ~vrd ~vrdc      MOT-35
La Fave, Peter /1839-/1920          ~vrb ~vrd ~orm ~orh  MOT-36
La Fave, Peter /1839-/1920          ~vrb ~vrd ~vrdc      MOT-34
La Fave, Sarah /1887-/1963          ~vrb ~vrd ~vrdc      MOT-35
LaFave, George Edward /1886         ~vrb ~orr            MOT-39
LaFave, Perer                       ~vrm                 MOT-38
LaFave, Peter                       ~oro ~vri ~vrn       MOT-37
LaFave, Sarah /1887                 ~vrb ~orr            MOT-39
LaFave, Unknown prior to /1910      ~vrb ~orr            MOT-39
LaFay, Peter /1839-/1920            ~vrb ~vrd ~orm ~orh  MOT-36
LaVave, Josephine /1882             ~vrb ~orr            MOT-39
LaVave, Mary /1881                  ~vrm                 MOT-39
LaVave, Peter /1881                 ~vrm                 MOT-39
LeFever, Peter /1839-/1920          ~vrb ~vrd ~orm ~orh  MOT-36
Lefevere, Peter /1839-/1920         ~vrb ~vrd ~orm ~orh  MOT-36
Mathy, Harriet                      ~orr                 MOT-33
McDonald, Duncan /1879              ~vrm                 MOT-46
McDonald, Duncan J /1841-/1905      ~vrb ~vrd ~vrdc  
                                       ~phoz             MOT-40
McDonald, Duncan Joseph             ~vrm ~orr            MOT-45
McDonald, Duncan Joseph /1841-/1905 ~vrb ~vrd ~orm       MOT-42
McDonald, Duncan Joseph /1887/1888  ~vri ~oro ~orm       MOT-43
McDonald, Duncan, J /1841-/1905     ~vrn ~vrd ~vrdc
                                       ~phoz             MOT-41
McDonald, John                      ~orr ~orh            MOT-42
McDonald, Joseph Daniel /1888       ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-46
McDonald, Joseph John Allen /1880   ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-46
McDonald, Joseph Martin /1886       ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-46
McDonald, Joseph Ranald /1882       ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-46
McDonald, Joseph, Angus /1884       ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-46
McDonald, Margaret /1847-/1926      ~vrb ~vrd ~vrdc
                                       ~phoz             MOT-40
McDonald, Margaret /1847-/1926      ~vrn ~vrd ~vrdc
                                       ~phoz             MOT-41
McDonald, Margaret /1879            ~vrm                 MOT-46
McDonald, Margaret Mary /1847-/1926 ~vrb ~vrd ~vrdc
                                       ~phoz             MOT-44
McDonald, Mary Ann /1891            ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-46
McDonald, Mary Margaret /1892       ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-46
McDonell, Margaret Mary /1847-/1926 ~vrb ~vrm ~vrd       MOT-45
McDonnell, Ranald                   ~orr ~orh            MOT-45
McDonnell, Raynold                  ~orr ~orh            MOT-45
McDonnell, Ronald                   ~orr ~orh            MOT-45
McGillis, Maggie                    ~orr ~orh            MOT-42
Mikado Old Times Buried Just
     Up The Road                    ~orx                 MOT-01
Mikado Twp Cemetery                 ~phoz                MOT-03
Pecalo, Aurelia                     ~orr ~orh            MOT-36
Present by Huron Shores Gen Society ~orx                 MOT-02
Roberts, Mary /1946-/1922           ~vrb ~vrm ~vrd
                                       ~vrdf ~orh        MOT-38
Robertson, Mary                     ~orr                 MOT-05
Sloan, Alexander /1855              ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-25
Sloan, Alisbeth /1871               ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-25
Sloan, Duncan /1875                 ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-25
Sloan, James 1859                   ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-25
Sloan, John /1869                   ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-25
Sloan, Mary Ann /1857               ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-25
Sloan, Moses                        ~orr                 MOT-24
Sloan, Moses                        ~orr ~orh            MOT-22
Sloan, Moses /1832-/1912            ~vrb ~vrd            MOT-21
Sloan, Moses Jr /1877               ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-25
Sloan, Moses Sr                     ~vri ~oro ~orh       MOT-23
Sloan, Moses Sr /1832-/1912         ~vrb ~vrd ~orm ~orh  MOT-22
Sloan, Rachel /1864                 ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-25
Sloan, Samuel /1866                 ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-25
Sloan, William John /1860           ~vrb ~orr ~orh       MOT-25
Smith, Belle E Barlow /1853-/1931   ~vrb ~vrm ~vrd       MOT-33
St Raphael Catholic Cemetery        ~phoz                MOT-34
Tait, Charles /1883                 ~vrb ~orr            MOT-09
Tait, David                         ~orr                 MOT-05
Tait, David /1880                   ~vrb ~orr            MOT-09
Tait, George                        ~phopn               MOT-08
Tait, George                        ~vri ~oro ~orm       MOT-06
Tait, George /1845-/1917            ~vrb ~vrd ~phoz      MOT-04
Tait, George /1868/1870             ~vrm                 MOT-09
Tait, George William                ~oro                 MOT-07
Tait, George William
     /1844/1845/1847/-/1917         ~vrb ~vrd ~orm       MOT-05
Tait, Jennie /1871                  ~vrb ~orr            MOT-09
Tait, Mary /1873                    ~vrb ~orr            MOT-09
Tait, Minnie /1894                  ~vrb ~orr            MOT-09
Tait, Nellie /1877                  ~vrb ~orr            MOT-09
Tait, Percy W /1897                 ~vrb ~orr            MOT-09
Tait, Sarah                         ~phopn               MOT-08
Tait, Sarah /1854-/1938             ~vrb ~vrd            MOT-05
Tait, Sarah /1854-/1938             ~vrb ~vrd ~phoz      MOT-04
Tait, Sarah /1868/1870              ~vrm                 MOT-09
Tait, Sheldon /1876                 ~vrb ~orr            MOT-09
Tait, Tisdale L /1888               ~vrb ~orr            MOT-09
Tait, William                       ~orr                 MOT-05
Tait, Winifred, /1890               ~vrb ~orr            MOT-09
Truax, Dorothy                      ~orr                 MOT-27
Vincent, Ada /1872                  ~vrb ~orr            MOT-32
Vincent, Albion S                   ~mil ~vrdc ~phoz     MOT-26
Vincent, Albion S                   ~vri ~mil ~oro       MOT-28
Vincent, Albion S /1838-/1919       ~vrb ~vrd  ~vrdc 
                                       ~orm              MOT-27
Vincent, Albion S /1866             ~vrm                 MOT-31
Vincent, Albion S /1906             ~vrm                 MOT-33
Vincent, Alice May /1867            ~vrb ~orr            MOT-32
Vincent, Catherine E                ~orx ~phopn          MOT-30
Vincent, Cathrine E /1848-/1922     ~vrb ~vrd ~vrdc
                                       ~phoz             MOT-29
Vincent, Fredrick Herbert /1879     ~vrb ~orr            MOT-32
Vincent, George Beverly /1870/1872  ~vrb ~orr            MOT-32
Vincent, Jennie Estella /1891/1889  ~vrb ~orr            MOT-32
Vincent, Steven                     ~orr                 MOT-27
Wakefield, Chloe /1849-/1912        ~vrb ~vrd ~orm       MOT-13
Wakefield, William                  ~orr                 MOT-13
Walters, Chloe /1849-/1912          ~vrb ~vrd ~vrm       MOT-11
Walters, Chloe /1849-/1912          ~vrb ~vrd ~vrm       MOT-12
Walters, Chloe /1876                ~vrm                 MOT-14
Walters, Fred                       ~vrm ~orr            MOT-11
Walters, Fred                       ~vrm ~orr            MOT-12
Walters, Frederick
     /1841/1844.1847-/1921          ~vrb ~vrd ~vrdc 
                                       ~oro ~orh ~vri    MOT-10
Walters, Frederick /1876            ~vrm                 MOT-14
Walters, Maud /1888, adopted        ~vrb ~orr            MOT-14
Williams, Roxey                     ~orr                 MOT-16
Wolverton, Mahlon /1872             ~vrm                 MOT-13

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