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INDEX TO DEATH: 1867-1885 (Iosco County Deaths)
Michigan Department Of Community Health, 
Genealogical Death Indexing System (GENDIX)
December 6 2004

Copyright c2004 by the Huron Shores Genealogical Society (HSGS), c/o
Robert J Parks Public Library, 6010 N Skeel Ave, Oscoda MI 48750,

This Index was made from the death records of the Michigan Department
Of Community Health, Genealogical Death Indexing System's (GENDIX).
This index information for Iosco county deaths was extracted by
Society member Ginger Dingus of East Tawas Michigan MI. The index was
edited and printed by the Alonzo Sherman. There are about 400 names in
this index.

Columnar Format of the index left to right is:
     Date of Death (DOD, Mo/Dy/Yr)
     Father's Name

Information contained in these death records are available only from
the Michigan Department Of Community Health, Genealogical Death
Indexing System's (GENDIX)  Internet site:

Compiler: Alonzo J Sherman, Database Manager.

Name                            DOD (Mo/Dy/Yr)  Father's Name
Abbott, Anson                   04/04/1876      Abbott
Achtghen, Albert                12/30/1886      Thudor
Adams, Albert F                 03/20/1875      Adams
Aikens, Mary                    07/09/1882      Unknown
Albro, John F                   12/22/1875      Ng
Alda, John E                    12/17/1884      Alda
Allen, Ellen                    10/11/1876      Ng
Amist, Louis                    06/21/1873      Amist
Amour, Louis                    07/18/1883      Amour
Anderson, AW                    10/17/1881      Ng
Anderson, Jennie                10/09/1885      Ng
Anderson, Jennie                12/06/1884      Anderson
Anderson, Louis                 08/29/1874      Unknown
Anschutz, Coral                 12/24/1885      Raynold
Anschutz, Willard Elmer         05/29/1873      Anschutz
Apel, Otto                      08/06/1878      Ng
Applebaum,                      10/11/1875      Applebaum
Applebaum,                      10/11/1875      Applebaum
Armois, Frank                   01/06/1883      Armois
Arn, Baby                       01/31/1885      John
Ash, Allen K                    06/29/1875      Ng
Ash, Sophia Margay              07/03/1883      Ellsmore
Atchison, Jane                  04/11/1869      Ng
Atkinson, Johnnie               08/11/1880      Atkinson
Atwood, Mary                    06/22/1883      Atwood
Augustin, George                10/04/1878      Augustin
Augustin, Oliff                 09/24/1878      Augustin
Auschutz, Agnes                 08/09/1876      Auschutz
Auschutz, Elizabeth             12/15/1882      Unknown
Aushuitz, Earnest               01/16/1881      Aushultz
Austin, Sarah E                 10/19/1881      Ng
Babbo, Angeline                 12/20/1885      Ng
Baccon, George                  03/25/1885      Horace
Bacon, George C                 03/28/1886      Horace
Baffer, Fanne A                 10/17/1881      Baffer
Baffer, Fannie                  07/08/1881      Baffer
Baffer, Matilda L               11/17/1881      Baffer
Bailey, George H                08/04/1878      Bailey
Baker, Cassia                   02/22/1884      Ng
Baker, Claud                    02/28/1886      Ng
Baker, Willie                   01/25/1886      Ng
Ball, Rose Ellen                10/12/1873      Ball
Bamberger, Elizabeth N          07/04/1885      William H
Barker, William Elmer           11/09/1876      Barker
Barlow, John F                  03/21/1873      Barlow
Barlow, William E               07/29/1873      Barlow
Barstow, George William         03/01/1871      Barstow
Beach, John                     09/09/1881      Beach
Beach, Kittie                   08/12/1871      Beach
Beach, Lola W                   10/08/1872      Unknown
Beams, Hannah                   07/20/1880      Ng
Beaudett, Freddie               08/04/1875      Beaudett
Belknap, Leonard                04/31/1885      Ezra
Bell, Ewinjc                    07/19/1881      Bell
Bell, James                     08/21/1874      Unknown
Bell, Robert George             05/17/1879      Bell
Benedict, Carrie Jane           04/07/1871      Benedict
Benedict, Clara J               04/08/1872      Ng
Benedict, Orlentha Jane         04/14/1873      Ng
Benjamin, Albert                12/15/1883      Unknown
Benner, Elizabeth               12/19/1879      Huffman
Bennett, Helen                  08/16/1876      Bennett
Benson, Charles                 06/26/1883      Benson
Benson, Charles                 06/27/1884      Benson
Benson, Nita C                  04/03/1881      Benson
Besmett, Louis                  12/27/1881      Ng
Betz, John G                    06/28/1882      Unknown
Biddell, Joseph                 04/13/1885      Charles
Binder, Martha L                06/28/1885      Ng
Binder, Martha Louisa           06/28/1885      Frank
Binder, Theresa                 03/09/1886      Binder
Bircham, Peter                  08/02/1873      Bircham
Birge, John H                   12/99/1884      Ng
Bischoff, Hugo                  05/08/1882      Bischoff
Bishop, Ida                     08/15/1880      Bishop
Blanchard, Normon D             12/26/1885      Ng
Blanchett, Mary                 05/05/1884      Blanchett
Blusett, Elzer                  05/12/1883      Blusett
Blust, No Name                  01/04/1876      Blust
Bois, Libbie                    08/28/1886      Louis
Bone, Clara                     05/14/1883      Bone
Bone, Maggie                    07/24/1883      Bone
Bonville, Annie                 08/28/1883      Bonville
Boomer, Estella                 07/26/1881      Boomer
Boomer, Esther                  09/25/1881      Doan
Boomer, Orelle                  07/20/1881      Boomer
Bootyette, George W             09/14/1873      Bootyette
Boquest, Frank                  07/16/1886      Ng
Bordlick, Margaret              11/00/1869      Unknown
Boss, Catherine                 12/02/1881      Ng
Bouchard, Anonyme               12/27/1884      Bouchard
Bourdeau, Gilbert               11/26/1884      Bourdeau
Bowlin, Paul                    07/00/1871      Unknown
Boynton, Emma                   08/10/1879      Boynton
Braband, Lilla A                08/22/1877      Ng
Braband, Rosa                   09/15/1873      Braband
Bradley, John                   10/18/1875      Bradley
Brahaney, James Henry           07/28/1871      Brahaney
Brandt, Christine               03/14/1886      Ng
Brassar, Joseph                 04/18/1885      Joseph
Brink, Guy Leroy                00/00/1875      Ng
Broadwood, Julia                12/18/1879      Hodge
Bromley,                        12/10/1872      Unknown
Bromley, Clara                  11/20/1872      Bromley
Bromley, Ellen                  12/02/1872      Bromley
Bromley, Frances                12/04/1872      Bromley
Bronson, Mary                   11/16/1885      Charles
Brooks, James                   11/24/1877      Brooks
Brooks, James W                 10/26/1880      Brooks
Brooks, Rachael M               09/20/1880      Brooks
Brown, Charles                  08/22/1881      Brown
Brown, Johanna                  05/04/1881      Brown
Brown, John A                   05/15/1883      Brown
Brown, John A                   05/15/1884      Brown
Brown, John R                   00/00/1875      Ng
Brown, Maud A                   05/31/1875      Brown
Bryant, Sarah                   10/04/1885      James O
Buckholz, Albert                05/16/1886      Julius
Buconon, John                   09/20/1870      Ng
Bundy, Charles                  04/05/1875      Ng
Burch, John                     04/04/1885      Ng
Buriby, Joucreda                10/02/1881      Buriby
Buriby, Maud I                  08/22/1881      Buriby
Burka, William                  03/15/1885      Ng
Burke, Catherine                07/10/1883      Unknown
Burke, Edward                   10/26/1873      Burke
Busha, Charles                  08/01/1885      Joseph
Calkins, Margaret L             12/20/1886      William L
Cameron, Henry A                09/10/1885      J L
Cameron, Maud                   04/18/1881      Cameron
Cameron, William D              05/21/1885      H A
Cameson, Mary E                 11/21/1873      Cameson
Campbell, Charles O             11/04/1872      Campbell
Campbell, Colon                 11/03/1885      John
Campbell, Isabella              09/14/1877      Ng
Campbell, Margaret M            10/26/1876      Campbell
Campbell, Nancy Jerrett         06/12/1871      Odell
Campbell, Robert H              10/09/1881      Ng
Canada, Elizabeth               10/15/1886      Alec
Carlquist, Charles Elon         08/28/1878      Carlquist
Carlquist, Charles Elon         08/28/1879      Carlquist
Carmer, Nancy                   04/13/1870      Unknown
Carpenter, Sarah Jane           08/31/1879      Parker
Carrol, Alice                   12/23/1883      Unknown
Carrol, John                    03/19/1882      Carrol
Carrol, Willard                 03/21/1883      Carrol
Carter, Willie                  11/30/1881      Ng
Cascodder, Emma                 10/12/1886      Antonie
Casler, Edgar                   05/07/1881      Casler
Champlin, Alva Vincent          09/22/1870      Champlin
Chapelle, Edward                01/27/1879      Ng
Charette, child                 04/27/1884      Charette
Charette, Mary                  05/11/1884      Charette
Charlebois, Josephine           10/10/1881      Ng
Chasser, Adale F                08/25/1875      Chasser
Chenot, Frank                   06/22/1875      Ng
Chilson, Alice R                05/20/1873      Ng
Chilson, Harriet                04/15/1875      Chilson
Chilson, Lilly May              08/19/1877      Chilson
Chilson, Lottie                 10/01/1878      Chilson
Chilson, Nettie J               02/26/1885      S J
Christy, Emma                   07/19/1869      Mc Millan
Clancy, Daniel                  08/16/1882      Clancy
Clarey, Anna E                  06/18/1885      Ng
Clark, Albert D                 11/04/1869      Unknown
Clark, John                     12/28/1871      Unknown
Clark, Mable                    11/05/1886      Ng
Claus, Maryann                  10/05/1870      Bowmer
Clayton, Caroline M             11/00/1879      Clayton
Clendenin, George               10/06/1878      Ng
Clermont, Charles               07/20/1881      Clermont
Clute, Tinabelle                09/12/1873      Clute
Cockman, Henry                  09/00/1879      Ng
Coiture, Angus                  04/28/1881      Corture
Coiture, Lilly                  07/18/1881      Coiture
Cole, Samantha                  10/08/1880      Ng
Colgrove, Anna                  02/20/1885      Ng
Colquist, Gaston Adolph         03/27/1878      Carlquist
Conkrite, Mary Jane             11/08/1884      Compau
Conner, Mary E                  07/17/1881      Unknown
Conner, Minnie                  08/07/1873      Ng
Conner, Sarah                   08/22/1883      Conner
Conners, Alice                  11/00/1885      Thomas
Connor,                         05/12/1877      Connor
Connors, Molly                  08/09/1881      Connors
Cook, Elmer                     12/22/1885      Henry
Cooper, Alphonse                06/07/1885      Thomas
Cooper, Edward J                01/11/1883      Lawson
Cooper, Elizabeth               03/24/1876      Cooper
Cooper, John L                  08/20/1885      Thomas
Core, John Francis              08/12/1878      Core
Corner, John T                  03/01/1875      Ng
Cotcha, L W                     11/09/1885      Ng
Cotcha, Sarah                   11/18/1885      Ng
Cote, Delia                     05/31/1881      Cote
Cote, Linda                     06/27/1881      Cote
Courtier, Charles               10/19/1885      Ng
Coutour, Mary                   05/01/1880      Coutour
Couture, Mary                   08/00/1881      Coture
Coy, Joseph                     07/28/1886      Ng
Cram, George                    08/15/1879      Cram
Cramer, Mary                    09/04/1876      Ng
Crimian, Henry                  08/26/1881      Ng
Crossman, Edward                01/05/1879      Crossman
Cruis, Elizabeth                01/07/1878      Ng
Cruis, Robert                   03/08/1878      Cruis
Cruise, Not Given               08/17/1876      Cruise
Curtis, Alvin                   02/21/1878      Ng
Curtis, Myrtle                  09/02/1884      Curtis
Daggle, Mary                    07/06/1883      Daggle
Dahms, Emma                     11/19/1883      Dahms
Dalson, Nella A                 10/26/1885      Henry
Darling, Georgie T              08/29/1886      George S
Darling, Gracie                 09/24/1885      William A
Darling, Lottie L               12/26/1878      Darling
Daujon, Ernest                  07/28/1881      Daujon
Daujon, Louisa                  09/28/1881      Daujon
Daujon, Maria                   08/28/1881      Daujon
Davey, Elizabeth                01/05/1884      Ng
Daws, Lottie A                  05/17/1883      Daws
Dechamplan, Alphonse            07/14/1881      Dechamplan
Dechamplan, Marie               08/05/1881      Dechamplan
Deidrick, Henry J               01/06/1881      Deidrick
Delaine, John                   11/05/1881      Delaine
Delonne, Robert                 05/02/1876      Delonne
Deloune, Joseph                 02/18/1879      Deloune
Desvoyeaux, Liocudie            10/31/1884      Desvoyeaux
Dettmer, August                 08/19/1879      Dettmer
Dettmer, William M              08/10/1876      Dettmer
Deuell, Susie                   07/13/1880      Deuell
Dicaire, Joseph T               01/15/1886      Joseph T
Dickinson, Samuel Herbert       01/13/1885      William
Dietz, George D                 08/03/1877      Dietz
Dom, Clara A Christine          04/11/1879      Ng
Dommer, Anna                    04/07/1876      Ernst
Donahoe, Tomie                  06/06/1885      Baptist
Donahoue, Jeneveve              06/23/1881      Ng
Donchue, Daniel Chris Jerome    05/21/1882      Donchue
Dorm, Calista                   09/23/1881      Ng
Dormor, Adaline                 07/25/1881      Dormor
Dormor, Clara                   00/00/1881      Ng
Dormor, Gustavus                04/23/1881      Dormor
Dormor, I                       07/18/1881      Dormor
Dormor, Rudolph                 07/18/1881      Dormor
Doyle, Eddy                     01/30/1879      Doyle
Drager, Wilhelmina              07/28/1874      Ng
Drewman, Pearl                  07/24/1881      Drewman
Ducans, Bertha                  12/01/1885      Archie
Ducas, Duella                   07/15/1881      Ducas
Ducat, Joseph                   12/26/1884      Unknown
Duchamplaine, Mary              08/09/1883      Duchamplaine
Duke, Fred                      09/15/1881      Dukeman
Dukeman, Mary                   09/13/1881      Dukeman
Dunnell, William                11/21/1883      Dunnell
Dupraw, Arminttes               02/17/1884      Dupraw
Dupraw, Evangeline              04/08/1877      Dupraw
Duval, Alex                     07/20/1883      Duval
Dxxx, Napoleon B                05/17/1881      Ng
Eagan, Agnes                    05/27/1881      Eagan
Early, John                     11/15/1885      Ng
Eastman, Edwin R                12/09/1885      Ng
Edwards, Molly May              12/22/1886      John
Elbon, Antonie                  08/09/1886      Antonie
Eldrid, Amos                    08/18/1884      Fry
Ellis, Andrew                   05/14/1883      Dont Know
Ellis, Angeline                 11/02/1886      Robert
Ellis, Mattie Perl              07/24/1885      Andrew
Eman, Gustave                   01/04/1874      Ng
Esmond, Bertha                  01/11/1882      Esmond
Esmond, Charles                 06/02/1882      Esmond
Esmond, Lorinda                 09/03/1884      Knight
Esmond, Orlog                   01/18/1882      Esmond
Evans, Emma                     10/04/1886      Ng
Farrand, Delphine Dovette       06/18/1883      Ferrand
Farrand, William H              02/18/1884      Ng
Fayette, Selva                  11/18/1884      Fayette
Fenton, Alex                    04/05/1881      Fenton
Fergurrow, Murduck              04/24/1879      Ng
Ferrand, Delphine Dovette       06/18/1883      Ferrand
Fictor, Archie                  12/07/1886      Victor
Fictor, Rosa                    02/09/1886      Victor
Fitch, Emma                     04/22/1881      Ng
Fitch, Lonae                    06/23/1879      Fitch
Fitzpatrick, Margarett          10/15/1880      Fitzpatrick
Fletcher,                       05/20/1876      Fletcher
Flint, George C                 09/17/1886      Robert
Flynn, David                    03/15/1882      Flynn
Forcade, Maggie                 07/12/1881      Forcade
Forduff, Alfred                 07/20/1883      Forduff
Forrest, Andrew M               01/29/1879      Forrest
Forrest, Thomas C               03/04/1879      Forrest
Forrest, William E              07/28/1880      Forrest
Forsher, Nellie Jean            09/06/1878      Forsher
Frasier, John                   05/05/1883      Frasier
French, Edward H                08/17/1876      French
French, Louisa D                11/19/1885      Ng
French, Phoebe                  05/15/1882      French
Frichett, Louis                 10/31/1881      Frichett
Fulcher, Mary                   09/01/1886      Joseph
Fulton, George                  04/18/1885      Ng
Funaid, William                 08/20/1886      Charles
Galbreath, Daniel               05/05/1882      Galbreath
Galbreath, Ida                  05/99/1882      Galbreath
Galbreath, Margarett            05/04/1882      Galbreath
Galbreath, Maryann              05/99/1882      Galbreath
Garlock, Frankie A              11/28/1881      Ng
Garlock, Stephen                03/15/1883      Garlock
Garneau, Joseph                 10/02/1880      Garneau
Gartrell,                       09/13/1876      Gartrell
Gas, Martha                     07/22/1881      Gas
Gas, Mitchel                    06/22/1881      Gas
Gates, George                   05/24/1877      Ng
Gaukl, Amel                     06/07/1877      Gaukl
Gaukl, Willis                   05/26/1877      Gaukl
Gauther, Maggie May             10/12/1879      Gauther
Gauthier, Mary May              10/12/1879      Gauthier
Gereau, Elizabeth               09/23/1875      Gereau
Gleason, Asa                    11/17/1882      Unknown
Glendon, Patrick                01/31/1884      Ng
Glennie, John                   04/17/1880      Ng
Glennie, Louise                 09/15/1876      Glennie
Goca, Leda                      04/17/1885      Fred
Goca, Mary                      06/28/1885      Ng
Gokey, Matilda                  08/02/1881      Gokey
Gokie, Samuel                   02/23/1881      Ng
Goneau, Denia                   05/07/1886      Wilfred
Goodale, Mabel                  12/18/1883      Goodale
Gorham, Samantha                08/02/1878      Ng
Goulait, Mary                   05/25/1881      Goulait
Goupel, Simon                   07/16/1881      Goupal
Graham, Charles                 10/11/1886      Owen
Grankie, Anna                   12/22/1881      Ng
Grankie, Ennie                  12/26/1881      Ng
Grant, Florence                 08/29/1877      Grant
Gravell, Josephine              09/26/1884      Gravell
Graves, John                    08/02/1881      Ng
Greegs, Hulbert                 03/28/1886      Ng
Green, Albert D                 10/07/1875      Ng
Green, Alice S                  10/19/1881      Green
Green, Benjamin                 04/03/1875      Green
Green, Mary E                   10/14/1881      Green
Green, Thomas                   00/00/1885      Ng
Green, Winnie                   08/08/1883      Green
Gregory, Mary                   08/25/1882      Gregory
Grice, Alice                    11/07/1885      Ng
Grice, Mary A                   07/04/1881      Grice
Grise, Alice                    11/10/1885      Odilon
Hager, Joseph H                 08/14/1879      Hager
Haight, Catherine               11/25/1879      Ng
Hall, Ehele                     08/30/1886      Thomas R
Hall, Fredrick C                02/07/1880      Ng
Halligan, James P               02/07/1884      Halligan
Halligan, James Patrick         02/06/1883      Halligan
Halloway, Caroline E            06/06/1881      Halloway
Hamilton, Martha                02/11/1885      William
Hamilton, Minnie                12/03/1883      Hamilton
Hamlin, Frank                   01/08/1886      Frank
Hannam, Thomas                  11/07/1877      Hanam
Hannan, Freddie                 03/10/1882      Hannan
Hannan, Thomas                  11/07/1877      Hannan
Hardwick, John                  04/13/1885      John
Hardy, Mary                     05/27/1881      Ng
Hart, Josephine                 03/29/1880      Lagrant
Haston, Emily                   07/19/1881      Ng
Haviland, Catherine             11/26/1882      Campbell
Havlin, David                   06/17/1885      Ng
Heinrich, August                08/14/1881      Heinrich
Helverson, Frank                06/15/1884      Helverson
Hender, Annav                   08/16/1882      Hander
Henderson, Evaline              12/22/1881      Henderson
Henderson, Samuel               08/28/1882      Unknown
Hendrick, Rosa                  10/27/1879      Hendrick
Hendrickson, Henry              12/07/1881      Ng
Hendrickson, Salena Johan       08/30/1877      Hendrickson
Henniger, Katie Gertrude        05/12/1886      Levi
Henry, John                     07/04/1878      Ng
Henry, Roswell P                02/13/1886      Charles R
Heustis, Sarah Mary             01/16/1880      Ng
Hickison, Isabella              05/23/1885      John
Hicks, Lant                     11/13/1884      Hicks
Hike, Emma                      05/20/1875      Hike
Hill, Daniel                    02/11/1883      Hill
Hill, Electa                    06/16/1883      Unknown
Hively, Jessie                  09/28/1881      Ng
Hoard, Bessie                   11/27/1877      Hoard
Hoard, Eugene Temple            09/09/1879      Hoard
Hoffman, Mary Christine         10/30/1883      Unknown
Hogstram, Alfred                11/02/1885      Ng
Horten, Lottie                  00/00/1881      Ng
Horton, Willis                  06/21/1885      Almon
House, Arthura                  07/20/1880      House
House, William                  11/14/1876      House
House, William E                11/20/1877      House
Howard, Arthur                  08/12/1886      C W
Howard, Frank B                 12/05/1879      Ng
Howard, Percy Blanchard         11/99/1883      Howard
Howey, Francis                  02/13/1886      Stephen
Howland, Bertha Jane            08/15/1879      Howland
Howland, Robert                 06/10/1878      Ng
Huff, John                      05/15/1882      Huff
Hunt, Maryann                   09/04/1879      Foot
Hunt, Minnie                    09/02/1878      Hunt
Huston, George E                07/18/1881      Huston
Hutchins, Clara                 09/01/1881      Hutchins
Hutchins, Grace                 09/05/1881      Ng
Hutton, Lewis H                 01/04/1874      Ng
Hutton, Oliveh                  07/23/1877      Hart
Innis, John                     08/10/1876      Innis
Irish, Clandy                   08/01/1883      Irish
Ironca, Charles W               02/04/1879      Ironca
Iunn, Maryann                   11/04/1878      Ng
Jacobs, Armenia                 08/99/1883      Jacobs
Jacobs, Armenna                 06/99/1883      Jacobs
Jacobs, Joseph                  12/17/1881      Jacobs
James, Jane                     04/23/1886      Thomas
James, Jessie E                 10/17/1881      Ng
Jaque, Nellie                   05/10/1885      Joseph
Jenny, Katherine                10/14/1878      Unknown
Jezak, Paul                     12/21/1883      Jezak
Jockey, Edward                  11/10/1881      Ng
Jockey, Henry                   11/13/1881      Ng
Jockey, Sally                   05/15/1879      Jockey
Jockey, Samuel                  11/09/1881      Ng
Johnson, August                 06/27/1881      Ng
Johnson, Clara                  07/10/1885      Gustave
Johnson, Ida                    07/11/1879      Johnson
Johnson, John                   08/03/1876      Johnson
Johnson, Maria                  09/07/1881      Ng
Johnson, Maryann                09/01/1882      Johnson
Jordan, Fanny                   03/18/1879      Jordon
Jorden, Ann                     03/22/1876      Ng
Joslin, Laura                   11/19/1880      Cone
Kairns, Frederica               01/28/1886      Carl
Kaiser, Mable                   12/03/1881      Kaiser
Kane, Mary Alvena               11/21/1885      William
Kane, Robert                    01/31/1885      Frank
Kearns, Carrie                  05/23/1882      Unknown
Kearns, James                   09/29/1882      Kearns
Kehoe, Clara C                  06/06/1881      Ng
Keipert, Herman                 10/04/1884      Keipert
Keipert, Rosa                   10/29/1884      Unknown
Keipert, Theodore               10/05/1884      Keipert
Kelley, Agatha                  10/10/1886      Frederick H
Kelley, Sarah                   11/24/1886      Ng
Kenzel, Louisa                  05/09/1884      Kenzel
Kerr, Fanny May                 09/03/1874      Kerr
Kerr, James D                   10/31/1875      Ng
Kindel, Johanna                 06/10/1886      Michael
Kindel, Willie                  06/05/1886      Michael
Kingsland, Ada A                07/08/1885      Richard H
Kingsland, George Henry         00/00/1875      Ng
Kinney, William                 08/29/1881      Ng
Kinzel, Catherine C             10/02/1881      Kinzel
Kinzel, Fredrick William        10/07/1881      Kinzel
Kirkendall, Fredrick            11/07/1885      Alonzo
Kirkendall, Wesley              11/06/1885      Alonzo
Klenow, A                       12/23/1885      Martin
Klino, A                        12/23/1885      Martin
Kluper, Lizzie                  11/16/1886      Hemean
Kroskie, Mcalford               04/24/1885      Albert
Laclair, Denny                  08/12/1883      Laclair
LaClare, Albert                 08/12/1884      La Clare
Lafave, William B               01/29/1885      Ng
LaFay, Paul                     11/17/1883      Ng
Laffman, Charles Joel           09/18/1882      Laffman
LaFlame, Elyear                 04/22/1884      La Flame
Laflame, Elzeur                 04/25/1883      Laflame
LaFlame, Mary                   09/14/1884      La Flame
LaFronsbway, Ella               07/29/1884      Mitchell
Laidlaw, James                  12/12/1877      Ng
Laird,                          03/01/1875      Laird
Laird, Mary                     03/07/1875      Gunderson
Laitie, Ida                     07/15/1881      Laitie
LaLonde, Anna Victoria          07/24/1882      La Londe
Lalonde, John                   10/15/1883      Lalonde
LaLonde, Joseph                 08/30/1882      La Londe
Lamare,                         03/25/1886      William
Lamer, David                    10/13/1885      James
LaMountain, Joseph              07/30/1884      La Mountain
Lamphsie, Annie                 06/17/1886      August
Lane, Charles N                 06/12/1883      Dont Know
Langworthy, Eddie               11/04/1884      Langworthy
Lanktree, William               01/24/1883      Lanktree
LaPlante, Clarinda              06/06/1881      Ng
Larmer, David                   10/00/1885      Ng
Larmie,                         05/15/1876      Larmie
Larmie, Albert                  04/04/1876      Larmie
LaSalle, Nettie                 07/99/1884      La Salle
Latham, Lydia F                 04/01/1886      F W
Lawson, Albert                  06/01/1885      James
Lee, Alfred James               03/15/1883      Lee
Lee, Ehlige                     08/19/1879      Lee
Lee, James                      02/18/1879      Lee
Lee, Mevilie                    02/02/1879      Lee
Lee, Oliver J                   03/15/1884      Lee
Lee, William                    04/16/1879      Ng
Leible, Edith                   08/06/1880      Leible
Leidteke, Augusta               07/12/1884      Leidteke
Levoy, Mary Jane                07/01/1883      Levoy
Liete, John H                   06/04/1885      Ng
Lietro,                         03/15/1877      Lietro
Light, Axelafa                  08/12/1883      Light
Lighthart, Emma                 02/13/1876      Ng
Lockhead, Laura                 11/10/1881      Ng
London, Maria                   09/18/1875      London
Lornge, Annie                   09/19/1885      Bernard
Loud, William                   03/16/1886      Austin
Love, George                    07/17/1881      Ng
Low, Sarah Ann                  01/01/1886      David
Lowe, Ray                       01/25/1885      D G
Loyer, Anseline                 08/16/1881      Loyer
Luke, Wellington                08/23/1882      Unknown
Lynch, Owen                     11/05/1886      Ng
Lyons, Nancy M                  06/27/1885      Pleasant
Mackin, Catharine               03/03/1884      Unknown
Madden, Child                   10/05/1884      Madden
Mahoney, Dennis                 07/09/1879      Ng
Marr, Benjamin Franklin         12/06/1883      Marr
Marr, Carrie                    07/06/1885      Eli
Marr, Gerald Montford           12/20/1883      Marr
Marrier, Robert                 12/06/1878      Ng
Marshall, Catherine C           11/12/1885      Alexander
Marshall, Elen M                11/25/1885      Alexander
Marshall, Emma Jane             11/18/1885      Alexander
Marshall, Isabell               06/06/1881      Marshall
Marshall, Isabella              12/10/1878      Ng
Martin, Flora                   02/14/1885      John
Martin, Hattie                  10/10/1886      Ng
Martin, Hattie                  10/21/1885      John
Martin, John                    03/15/1884      Martin
Martindale, Amanda              07/17/1878      Martindale
Martindale, Manly               07/24/1878      Martindale
Marvicer, Mary L                07/05/1877      Ng
Marzinski, Fred                 05/09/1876      Marzinski
Mason, Katie G                  08/02/1880      Mason
Matatie, Leo                    01/26/1885      Joseph
Mather, Ella M                  05/15/1886      Epherima
Mathew, Edmund                  03/23/1884      William
Matthison, Alexander            07/07/1884      Ng
Maxwell, Alden Ormand           08/02/1878      Maxwell
May, Zeal Leslie                01/19/1886      Charles
Mayet, Frank                    03/31/1881      Ng
Maynard, Olive                  03/20/1882      Maynard
Mayvette, Willie                07/28/1886      William
Mc Donald, John                 05/11/1883      Mc Donald
Mc Donald, John                 09/29/1884      Mc Donald
Mc Donald, John Thomas          08/18/1883      Mc Donald
McAuley, Norman                 08/04/1883      Mc Auley
McCaine, Jennie                 09/22/1875      Mccaine
McCaine, Jessie                 09/15/1875      Mccaine
McCardell, Joseph               11/13/1884      Ng
Mccartney, Mina                 08/05/1876      Ng
Mcclenan, Jeanette              11/18/1880      Mcclenan
McCollum, Agnes M               08/15/1878      Mc Collum
McCoy, William                  09/04/1883      Mc Coy
Mccue, Peter Vincent            10/10/1885      James
Mccutcheon, Freddie S           08/17/1875      Mccutcheon
McDonald, Alexander             03/31/1881      Ng
McDonald, Christine             12/13/1880      Mcdonald
McDonald, Donald A              08/02/1883      Mc Donald
McDonald, Donald B              08/23/1883      Mc Donald
McDonald, Elizabeth             03/27/1874      Mcdonald
McDonald, Flora Ann             06/09/1881      Mcdonald
McDonald, Frances C             10/31/1881      Ng
Mcdonald, James                 06/25/1885      Ng
Mcdonald, John                  03/28/1881      Ng
Mcdonald, John                  05/16/1875      Ng
Mcdonald, John Alex             05/01/1886      John Alex
Mcdonald, John C                03/08/1881      Ng
Mcdonald, John D                06/07/1881      Ng
Mcdonald, John K                08/25/1880      Mcdonald
Mcdonald, Joseph                01/13/1879      Mcdonald
Mcdonald, Josepha               06/27/1881      Ng
Mcdonald, Margaret              05/20/1881      Ng
Mcdonald, Mary                  01/13/1879      Mcdonald
Mcdonald, Mary                  12/09/1876      Mcdonald
McDonald, Mary Catharine        04/24/1878      Mc Donald
Mcdonald, Mary J                04/19/1881      Ng
Mcdonald, Mary Jane             08/18/1880      Mcdonald
Mcelroy, Minnie                 05/16/1879      Mcelroy
Mcfee, Herbie Angus             08/25/1879      Mcfee
Mcgarey, Mary L                 05/22/1885      Ng
Mcgarity, James                 12/12/1874      Unknown
Mcgarreu, Daniel                09/13/1881      Ng
McGarrity, John                 05/03/1882      Mc Garrity
McGarry, Nellie M               08/99/1883      Mc Garry
McGary, Mary                    01/13/1882      Mc Gary
Mcgeist, Martha                 09/18/1881      Mcgeist
Mcgennau, Martha M              11/30/1881      Mcgennau
Mcgill,                         10/01/1876      Mcgill
Mcguire, John                   11/30/1879      Ng
Mckay, Charles E                07/30/1874      Mckay
Mckay, John Frederick           07/30/1874      Mckay
Mckay, Margaret                 01/31/1875      Ng
Mckelkisy, Frank                09/27/1885      Frank
Mckie, George C                 05/22/1877      Ng
Mckinney, John                  06/17/1881      Ng
Mckinzie, Duke                  11/26/1886      Thomas
Mclane, Frederick               09/07/1874      Mclane
Mclane, Marie                   09/08/1874      Mclane
McLarin, Fred                   11/07/1876      Mc Larin
Mclean, Anamire                 08/12/1886      John B
McLean, Donald                  06/16/1883      Mc Lean
Mcmahon, Willie                 08/28/1881      Ng
McMurray, Caroline G            11/06/1881      Ng
Mcmurray, S A P                 11/14/1881      Ng
Mcneil, Jimmie                  08/11/1880      Mcneil
Mcphail, C Mrs                  09/22/1881      Ng
Mcques, Peter V                 10/10/1885      Ng
Meharg, William                 02/02/1877      Ng
Meikle, James S                 04/25/1880      Meikle
Meikle, John W                  09/20/1886      James
Meikle, Margaret M              05/05/1880      Meikle
Meikle, Marybelle               09/19/1886      James
Middleton, Robert               10/09/1886      Robert
Millen, John                    07/17/1881      Millen
Miller,                         12/26/1877      Miller
Miller, Erich                   07/10/1886      L B
Miller, Eurich                  08/22/1886      Charles
Miller, Franz                   08/30/1884      Ng
Miller, William D               07/12/1881      Ng
Minard, William                 04/13/1885      Ng
Miner, Joseph                   04/01/1876      Ng
Mitchell, John                  09/17/1879      Ng
Mitchell, Thomas R              04/13/1885      Joseph
Mitchell, William               01/04/1874      Ng
Mondan, Frank                   09/13/1883      Mondan
Moore, Charlotte                10/08/1874      Unknown
Moore, James                    09/27/1881      Ng
Morris, Eliza Ann               05/27/1882      Morris
Morris, Mary                    06/15/1881      Morris
Morse, Winnie M                 12/10/1885      Melvin
Mossa, Lizzie                   12/10/1883      Mossa
Mullen, Michael                 02/04/1886      Ng
Munson, John                    11/19/1882      Unknown
Mupolff, Frederick              05/19/1878      Ng
Murphy, James                   07/99/1883      Unknown
Murphy, Patrick                 07/12/1877      Ng
Murphy, Walter J                11/01/1884      Murphy
Murray, Weston Hughes           09/02/1883      Murray
Myers, Freddie                  10/24/1882      Myers
Nehausen, Fredrick              09/04/1885      Fredrick
Nehauser, Fredrick              08/15/1881      Nehauser
Neilson, Neiphuss               08/10/1886      Henry M
Nelke, Regine                   10/24/1884      Unknown
Nelson, Ida                     09/14/1885      Ng
Neuman, Irwin                   09/21/1885      Abe
Newberg, Alorna                 01/31/1886      Henry
Newman, Fred R                  09/15/1883      Newman
Newman, John                    07/06/1878      Newman
Nichols, Jane                   10/30/1876      Ng
Nickle, Amel                    04/25/1886      Charles
Nimerick, Louis                 05/02/1885      Louis
Nixon, Nellie                   09/24/1879      Nixon
Nuttall, William H              06/19/1885      William H
O'Dell, George                  03/06/1886      Samma
O'Dell, Rhoda A                 03/02/1886      Samma
Oaks, Frank                     09/18/1885      James
Oates, Edward Dennis            06/15/1878      Oates
Oates, John Thomas              06/17/1878      Oates
Oates, Mary Elizabeth           06/16/1878      Oates
Oats, Louisa                    07/10/1885      Ng
O'Brien, Elmer                  08/04/1884      O' Brien
O'bryan, Edward                 02/25/1883      Ng
O'bryan, Essa                   03/01/1883      Ng
O'Conner, John                  06/12/1884      Unknown
Ouelette, George                07/11/1881      Ouelette
Ouelette, Jno                   10/05/1881      Ouelette
Oulett, Joseph                  04/13/1885      Mike
Owens, Francis                  12/20/1877      Ng
Pake, Eugene                    04/14/1881      Ng
Parson, Maybel                  12/05/1878      Pearson
Patrick, Laura                  10/08/1886      William
Patterson, Myron N              12/24/1878      Patterson
Paul, Allen                     02/99/1882      Ng
Peach, William                  05/20/1881      Peach
Pearson, Frederick              07/02/1879      Pearson
Pelletier, Louis Anitayade      10/27/1885      Ng
Pellett, Georgeanna             02/02/1885      David
Perrow, George Emery            02/23/1886      Gustave
Perry, Charles                  08/07/1878      Perry
Peterson, Nels                  04/14/1880      Ng
Phelan, Maud                    07/99/1883      Phelan
Phillips, Walter J              08/10/1881      Ng
Pope, Alfred J                  03/14/1886      Ng
Poquett, child                  09/11/1884      Poquett
Porter, Charles A               09/14/1881      Ng
Porter, Wellington              09/04/1881      Ng
Potter, Frank Norman            06/07/1885      George
Prankey, Annie                  03/21/1879      Ng
Pratt, Mary                     01/28/1883      Dont Know
Provost, Eugene Jr              07/08/1885      Ng
Quick, Albert Augustine         11/06/1882      Quick
Quick, Frank Henry              12/07/1883      Quick
Quick, Mary                     03/08/1884      Ng
Race, William                   08/10/1883      Unknown
Rafinski, Martin                10/13/1878      Ng
Ramage, Ada                     07/19/1879      Shippy
Ray, Ammie                      09/10/1881      Ray
Ready, Alex                     10/99/1883      Unknown
Rechee, Calice                  12/29/1884      Ng
Redloff, Powell                 12/23/1884      Redloff
Regathea, Flora                 04/29/1883      Regathea
Regatten, Joseph                01/17/1886      Jos
Regoda, Florence                03/27/1884      Regoda
Regots, Joseph                  12/18/1885      Ng
Rendall, Johnedward             11/17/1880      Rendall
Rich, Noah                      08/18/1878      Rich
Rich, Soloman                   08/18/1878      Rich
Richards, George                03/13/1884      Ng
Richards, Rebecca               01/14/1879      Sickles
Rikeley, Albert                 05/07/1881      Rikeley
Risco, Claisse                  02/27/1886      M
Rix, Eliza                      10/25/1881      Roberts
Robarge, Louis                  06/10/1881      Robarge
Roberts, Amelia                 09/18/1881      Bourhllet
Roberts, Isidore O              08/20/1886      Edmund
Roberts, Joseph                 06/10/1880      Roberts
Roberts, Joseph L               08/20/1886      Edmond
Roberts, Thedoria               09/02/1881      Brown
Robinson, John                  07/06/1885      Wm
Rockwood, Sarah                 01/01/1884      Unknown
Roethke, Otto                   06/06/1881      Not Given
Roethke, Willie                 06/06/1881      Not Given
Rolls, Susan                    08/24/1886      Ng
Rosa,                           03/06/1886      Joseph
Rose, Elmer                     04/29/1881      Ng
Rosenthal,                      08/07/1875      Rosenthal
Ross, Elizabeth                 12/02/1882      Unknown
Ross, Virginia                  09/01/1886      John
Royter, Jennie                  03/14/1885      John
Rozon, Mary Annie               05/25/1885      Joseph
Russ, Peatrirt                  06/16/1883      Russ
Rutherford, Isabella            05/13/1882      Unknown
Safayhora, Ellen                05/13/1882      Safayhora
Safayhorn, Ellen                05/13/1882      Safayhorn
Sanborn, Eddie                  02/15/1881      Ng
Sanborn, Henry                  08/27/1881      Ng
Sanborn, Myron                  01/08/1884      Sanborn
Sanderson, Alfred Mosfield      08/05/1886      Richard
Sauland, Emma                   10/04/1876      Sauland
Saumier, John                   05/01/1886      John
Scarf, Martha                   08/17/1874      Unknown
Scarlett, George                04/03/1883      Dont Know
Schad, Mary A                   06/28/1875      Ng
Scharlefew, Philip              03/20/1883      Scharlefew
Scheve, Bertha                  10/12/1875      Ng
Schill, Elmer F                 03/01/1886      Ambros
Scholar, Lauire                 02/26/1886      John W
Scholar, Louis E                02/26/1886      John W
Schram, Elizabeth L             09/18/1876      King
Schram, Elizabeth S             09/18/1876      King
Schram, William                 03/08/1885      Wm
Schroeder, Otto                 09/09/1882      Schroeder
Scott, Catherine                08/14/1884      Scott
Scott, Rosella                  10/22/1877      Scott
Seapord, Alexander              01/11/1881      Ng
Searle, David F                 09/13/1886      Joseph
Sec, Louis                      04/03/1881      Ng
Sempliner, Joseph               12/20/1884      Sempliner
Sempliner, Phillip              12/17/1884      Sempliner
Sharo, Simon                    08/09/1879      Ng
Sharpe, Elize                   03/20/1879      Sharpe
Sharrow,                        08/28/1885      Ng
Shaver, Hattie H                07/20/1883      Shaver
Shaver, James W                 09/15/1884      Shaver
Sheldon, James                  09/02/1874      Sheldon
Sheldon, Jane                   09/02/1874      Sheldon
Sheppell, Margaret              09/07/1878      Ng
Shook, Hattie                   07/20/1884      Unknown
Shook, Joseph Mrs               07/06/1883      Shook
Shoufler, Albert                05/15/1880      Shoufler
Showen, Salina Bell             03/02/1883      Showers
Showers, Salina Bell            03/02/1883      Showers
Sills, William J                10/16/1882      Sills
Silverthorn, Alfred             08/25/1879      Ng
Simmons, Charles A              10/22/1881      Simmons
Simmons, John                   08/20/1883      Simmons
Simmons, Joseph                 03/23/1880      Ng
Simons, Benjamin                05/17/1878      Simons
Simpson, Eliza Ann              04/00/1877      Chappell
Simpson, William  H             03/09/1881      Ng
Simpson, Willie E               02/12/1885      James
Sinical, Marie Emma             10/09/1884      Sinical
Slater, Elgy                    08/05/1884      Slater
Slater, Lewis                   08/05/1883      Slater
Smith, Alice J                  08/08/1885      Ng
Smith, Allie                    01/04/1879      Smith
Smith, Benjamin F               01/09/1876      Ng
Smith, Jimmie                   11/12/1879      Smith
Smith, John E                   03/28/1885      John
Smith, John E                   06/15/1886      Henry
Smith, Lillie                   11/08/1883      Smith
Snyder, Frank                   11/08/1879      Snyder
Snyder, Robert                  04/03/1881      Snyder
Somma, Alfred                   01/07/1881      Ng
Souve, Altier                   01/08/1886      Godfrey
Souve, Altin                    01/08/1886      Godfrey
Spencer, Thomas                 09/05/1883      Unknown
Spileman, Elden S               09/11/1881      Spileman
Sporkeski, Joseph               04/15/1875      Sporkeski
St George, Louise               11/14/1881      Ng
Staker, John                    08/03/1883      Staker
Stanley, Frank Leslie           10/25/1874      Stanley
Stanton, Franklin A             11/23/1878      Stanton
Stephenson, Joseph              11/24/1886      Richard
Stevens, George                 06/17/1874      Stevens
Steward, William                10/25/1875      Ng
Stewart, John B                 06/24/1880      Stewart
Stickles, Peter A               05/01/1881      Ng
Stiles, George                  02/15/1876      Stiles
Stiles, Maggie                  10/01/1876      Stiles
StMartin, Joseph                09/21/1883      StMartin
StMartin, Paul                  08/13/1881      Ng
Stover, John                    03/03/1880      Stover
Strong, Florence Emma           08/27/1883      Strong
Strong, J C                     04/23/1881      Ng
Stuck, Mattie                   10/09/1885      Charles S
Stute, Carrie                   09/99/1883      Unknown
Sullivan, Anna                  09/01/1886      Ng
Sullivan, James                 03/30/1883      Unknown
Sullivan, Mary E                09/22/1886      Thomas
Sutton, Beryl                   10/14/1882      Sutton
Sutton, Pearl                   10/14/1882      Sutton
Symes, Agnes B                  03/03/1878      Symes
Tait, Samuel G                  01/25/1885      John
Tate, Clarence                  07/19/1883      Tate
Tatia, Israel                   05/19/1882      Tatia
Thatcher, child                 06/24/1884      Thatcher
Theman, Emil                    09/99/1883      Theman
Thomas, Ann J                   08/31/1881      Thomas
Thompson, Thomas                05/21/1881      Ng
Thompson, William               10/99/1883      Unknown
Thornton, Frank                 12/05/1884      Thornton
Torshu, John                    03/17/1878      Ng
Turvey, Fred                    05/06/1885      J
Valley, Rosa                    04/18/1886      Dennis
Vance, child                    08/17/1884      Vance
Vance, John                     12/26/1885      William
Vanoke, Almedia                 08/05/1874      Vanoke
Vanoke, Minnie                  04/05/1874      Vanoke
Vanouck,                        05/01/1875      Vanouck
Vaughn,                         07/19/1875      Vaughn
Vaughn, Laura Ellen             03/16/1874      Vaughn
Veder, Leven                    10/01/1884      Veder
Venners, Albert                 07/15/1884      Venners
Villemue, John                  09/16/1883      Villemue
Wade, Elinor                    08/24/1884      Ng
Wagner, Jennie M                03/27/1879      Wagner
Walker, Charles                 07/23/1884      Walker
Walker, John                    04/21/1885      Ng
Wallace, Rueben                 05/15/1881      Wallace
Wallace, Stella                 12/28/1886      James H
Walter, Stanley                 07/14/1881      Ng
Ward, Nettie                    09/12/1881      Ward
Waunk, Ovit                     04/18/1884      Waunk
Weaver, Arenia                  06/09/1886      Ng
Weisiski, Mary                  05/10/1885      Paul
Welton, Daisy                   10/15/1883      Welton
Wheeler, Edward                 06/23/1885      Edward
Wheeler, Henry Lewis            06/27/1878      Wheeler
Wheeler, Maud                   12/22/1884      Wheeler
Wheeler, Sherman                02/17/1880      Ng
Wheeler, Sherman                02/17/1881      Ng
Whilbury, William               01/04/1874      Ng
Whipple, Thomas                 08/15/1883      Whipple
White, George Gordie            04/25/1878      White
White, Harriet H                08/09/1881      Ng
Whittemore, Annie M             08/29/1881      Whittemore
Wier, Percy                     12/08/1881      Wier
Wilber, Marvin                  06/27/1882      Unknown
Williams, Edward                04/07/1885      Ng
Willis, Joseph                  07/10/1880      Willis
Willson, Catherine              06/19/1886      George
Wilson,                         09/26/1876      Wilson
Wilson, Alexander               03/10/1881      Ng
Wilson, Lois                    09/13/1881      Wilson
Wilson, Mary L                  03/10/1886      James
Wilson, William                 07/25/1884      Unknown
Wilson, Williamd                01/04/1874      Ng
Wiltsie, Ada May                03/20/1886      Alfred
Wiltsie, Ida J                  04/21/1886      Alfred
Wiltsie, Oulhashi               03/27/1886      Alfred
Wismer, Philip                  05/27/1882      Wismer
Wisner, Lottie                  07/21/1881      Wisner
Wolden, Charlese                07/23/1883      Wolden
Woods, Wells                    11/23/1886      Wells
Wright, George                  05/11/1874      Unknown
Wyett, John                     05/16/1883      Wyett
Yakes, Leslie May               04/07/1886      Ng
Yale, Ann Catherine             08/23/1883      Yale
Yale, Lucy                      04/03/1876      Runnels
Yax, Robert O                   10/31/1876      Yax
Yockey, James                   04/10/1886      Christian
Young, Celeina                  08/05/1875      Ng
Young, Lilly                    11/18/1881      Young
Youngs, Henry                   06/22/1886      Henry
Zilinsky, Hortense              07/06/1881      Zilinsky
Zilinsky, Martin                06/06/1881      Zilinsky
Zimmeth, Charles                12/99/1883      Zimmeth


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