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Epitaphs from the Old Burial Ground, Groton, Middlesex County MA
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File contributed and transcribed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Janice Farnsworth
<>, May 17, 1999
Source:     Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in Groton, Massachusetts
                With notes and an Appendix by Dr. Samuel A. Green pub 1878 by
                Little, Brown &  Company  
                "Data sunt ipsis quogue fata sepulcris" - Juvenal.

Author's note: Introduction: The old Burying Ground
in Groton is situated very near the site of the second
meeting house, which was begun in the year l680.  The
ground has prob. been used continuously for burial pur-
poses since l678 the date of the resettlement of the
town after it had been burned by the Indians. 
It contains three acres.  The oldest monument is in
memory of James Prescott who d. May 9, l704 son of
Jonas Prescott, a blacksmith who procured a rough stone
and chiselled the inscription himself with one of his
own tools   Headboards may have been used before this
time but in a few years these would decay and disappear.
It is likely that the earliest graves were not marked
either by wood or stone.  
The earliest reference to the Burying Ground found in
town records:_
"Grotton January the l5 day in the year l7l0"
At a town meeting leagley warned prosedeth as foloeth
by the major. vote have agreed upon and chose a comety
to stat the Buiring place and reglat the hiways in the town whare
it is nedfull. The men chosen: Ensign Farnsworth; Samuill
Scriptor Senor; Thomas tarbell; Samuill Parker, Joseph
Lakin.   Joseph lakin, clark (clerk)".

[Note: Due to the large number of tombstones that exist
at the Groton Old Burial Ground, I will not describe
the stones, nor the poetic memorials, but simply the
dates and the author's notes, if any. Janice]

(Death's Head)
Here Lyes ye body of Capt. Jerathmell Bowers who Dec'd 
April ye 23d l724 in ye 78th Year of His Age.

Author's note: He had previously lived in Chelmsford
of which town he was one of the prominent inhabitants.
At different time, he commanded a company against the
Indians and was a noted fighter of them.  According to
Savage, he was born May 2, l650.

p.5 Rebeckah Lawrance wife to Lieut Jonathan Lawrance
    died Feb l6, l724 age 74 yrs.  Note: Her maiden name
    was Rutter and she was from Cambridge.

p.6 Lieut Jonathan Lawrance died Sep. l9,l729 in his 73
    year.  Note: The son of John and Elizabeth Lawrance
    of Watertown, MA.  By his will he left f l00 to the
    town of Groton for buying a meeting house bell.
    f 40 to the church of Christ at Groton for procuring
    some silver plate; and f 20 to the Church, the in-
    come to be paid annually to the settled minister.
    Paid Benjamin Bancroft for his journey to Charlestown
    in order to procure wine for the funeral and for the
    wine itself...2" l6"6
    Paid for the coffin 6/ diging the grave 5/    
    For the gravestone 3 pounds for transporting them 7/
    Paid James Hay for gloves 9" 2"

p.6 Thomas Lawrance died oct 4, l729 aged 37 years.
    Note: The son of John and Anna (Tarbell) Lawrance.

p. 7
Here lies Buried the Body of Sarah Farnworth daughter of Mr. Jeremiah and
Mrs Sarah Farnworth who died Noumb ye 2 l73l in ye 2 year.

Here Lies Buried the Body of Mr. Jeremiah Farnworth who Died Nouember
The 25d l73l & in ye 32 year of his age.
Author's note:  The son of John and Hannah (Aldis) Farnsworth born March 24,

(Death's Head)
Here Lies The Body of Patience Farnsworth ye wife of Mr. Benjamin Farnsworth
Who Departed this Life July ye l0th A D l733 in ye 31th year of her age.

Tombstone (adjoining above)
(Death's Head)
Here Lies The Body of Rebekah Farnsworth ye wife of Mr. Benjamin Farnsworth
Who departed this Life octbr ye 1th A D l756 in ye 54th year of her age.
Author's note:  Benjamin Farnsworth the husband, died of small-pox, September
l8, l757.

p. ll
Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Nathaniel Holdin (Holden)
Ye Son of Mr. Nathaniel & Mrs. Abigail Holdin (Holden)
Who Dec'd April Ye 30th l740 in Ye l9th Year of His Age.
Author's note:  He was born October 2, l72l.

p. ll
Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mr. Nathaniel Holdin (Holden)
Who Departed This Life May Ye l5th A D l740 In Ye 49th
Year Of His Age.
Author's note:  The son of Stephen and Hannah Holden.

p. l4
Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Lydia Holdin (Holden)
Daught'r of Mr. Nathaniel & Mrs. Abigail Holdin (Holden)
Who Dec'd February Ye 5th A D l744/5 In Ye 20th Year
of Her Age.
Author's note: She was born December 6, l725.

(Death's Head)
Here Lyes ye Body of Elezebeth Green ye daughter of
William and Hannah Green who died Agust ye 3lth AD
l745 Being 2 Months and l4 days old.

(Death's Head)
Here lies the Body of Phinehas Bowers ye son of Mr. Sam-
uel Bowers and Mrs. Deborah his wife who departed this
Life September l2th l745 Aged l year ll months and l2

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mrs Abigail Bulkley Ye Wife
of Capt. John Bulkley Who Dec'd Apriel Ye l5 AD l746
In Ye 40 Year of Her Age - Also 5 Sons and 2 Daughters.

p.l6  Unice Lawrance dau of Nathaniel and Anna Lawrance
      died Nov l5, l747 age l0 yrs.

(Death's Head)
Here Lies ye Body of Amos Farnsworth ye Son of Mr. Amos Farnsworth & Mrs.
Lydia, his wife Who Deceased July ye 9th A D l749 in ye 4th Year of his Age.
Also ye birth & death of a Son Sept ye 30 A D l750.

p.2l  Abel Lawrence twin son of Abel and Mary Lawrence
      died July l4, l753 age 9 months.

(Death's Head)
Here lies the body of Capt. John Gillson who departed
this life ye l7th day of november AD l753 in the 56
year of his age.
Author's Note: The son of John and Sarah Gilson b. Mar.
2, l697/8.  He married first, Dec. 8, l722 Mary Shattuck
dau of John Shattuck and his wife Mary (Blood) Shattuck.
Mary b. Apr. ll, l699  He m. (2) Rachel_____?

Memento Mori
(Death's Head)
Here lies the body of Mr. Elezer Gillson who departed
this life February ye l6th l754 in ye 59th year of his
Note: The son of Joseph and Hepsibah Gilson; he m. May
6, l7l9 Hannah Farwell dau of Joseph and Hannah Farwell
Hannah b. May 6, l70l and d. May ll, l762.

p. 25
Tombstones side by side
Skull and Cross-Bones  Hour Glass  Skull and Cross-Bones
(etched into each stone is a heart)
Here Lies The Body of Lieut. John Holdin (Holden) Who
Departed This Life Decm'br 27th A D l753 in The 69th
Year of His Age.

And Also The Body of Mrs Sarah Holdin (Holden) The Wife
of Lieut. John Holdin (Holden) Who Depart'd This Life
dec'mbr The 2lth (as spelled) A D l753 in the 59th Year
of her age.
Author's note:  The son of Stephen and Hannah Holden;
his wife was the daughter of John and Mehitable Davis
born September 22, l694.  John Holden was taken by the
Indians in the year l697 and held a prisoner during one
year and ten months.

(Death's Head)
Here Lies ye body of Ephraim Farnsworth ye Son of Leut Ezra and Abigail
Farnsworth Who Departed This Life Sept'er ye 2th A D l754 in ye 8th year of
his age.
Author's note:  He was born August 9, l747.

(Memento Mori)
(Cherub's Head)
Erected in memory of Mr. Josiah Green son of Jonathan
Green and Sarah, his wife, who departed this Life Dec.
28th l755 in the 28th year of his age.
Author's note:  He was born February 26, l727/8

(Death's Head)
Here Lies ye Body of Sarah Farnsworth ye Daughter of Mr. Amos Farnsworth
& Mrs. Lydia, his wife who Deceased Sep't ye l9th A D l756 in ye 20th Year
of her Age.
Author's note:  The eldest child of Amos and Lydia (Longley) Farnsworth,
born October l0, l736.

(Death's Head)
Here Lies ye Body of Mr. Benjamin Farnsworth Junr Who Departed This Life
Aug'st ye 31th A D l757 Aged 20 years 5 months & 28 Days who died with ye
Small pox.
Author's note:  The son of Benjamin and Rebekah Farnsworth, born February
24, l736.

(Death's Head)
Here Lies the Body of James Green who Departed This
Life Sept ye 2lth AD l756 in ye 28th year of his age.
Author's note: The son of Eleazer and Anna (Tarball)
Green, born June l9, l728.

Memento Mori
(Death's Head)
Here Lies The Body of Mr. Benjamin Farnsworth Who Departed This Life Sep't
ye l8th A D l757 Aged 58 Years 7 Months & 22 Days who Died with ye small
Author's note:  The son of Benjamin and Mary (Prescott) Farnsworth born 
January 16, l699.

p. 29
Memento Mori
(Death's Head)
Here Lies ye Body of Mrs. Abigail Holdin (Holden)
ye Wife of Mr. Nathaniel Holdin (Holden) Who Departed 
This Life Sept'br ye 29th A D l757 in ye 66th Year of
her Age.
Author's note:  Her maiden name was Stone;  she was
probably the daughter of Deacon Simon Stone and wife
Sarah (Farnsworth) Stone.  (this is correct..see p. 354
of the Farnsworth Memorial above)

Here lies the Body of Mr. Jacob Lakin who was born in Groton and departed this
Life August the 29th l758 Aged 57 years, 8 months & 22 days.
          "This dust revive it Shal again
            And in a grave no more remain
            When trumpet Sounds I Shal arise
            And Selebrat my God his praise."
Author's Note:  The son of Joseph and Abigail Lakin, born Dec. 7, l700.

Memento (hour glass) Mori
Here lies the body of Mr. John Blood who departed this
life Aug 23, l758 in the 70th year of his age.
Note: The son of James and Abigail Blood b. Mar l6, 
l689.  His father was killed by the Indians Sep. l3, 

p.3l  Anna Lawrance wife of Nathaniel Lawrance died Sep.
      3 l758 age 73 years.  Note: Her maiden name was

(Hour Glass)
Memento Mori
(Death's Head)
Here Lies the Body of Jonathan Green who Departed This
Life October the l0th l758 in the 58th Year of His Age.
Author's note:  He married, Feb. 25, l724/5 Sarah, dau.
of Josiah and Lucy Lakin.

Memento Mori
(Death's Head)
Here lies the Bodyof Jonathan Green, Junr born May
ye llth l733 and departed this Life December ye 22d
l758 Aged 25 Years 7 months and ll days.
Author's note:  The son of Jonathan and Sarah (Lakin)

p. 33
(Death's Head)
Here Lies the Body of Sarah Holdin (Holden) the Daughter
of Mr. Isaac Holdin (Holden) and Mrs. Sarah, his wife 
Who was Born January l9th & Died March the 6th l759.

Here lies ye Body of Phebe daughter of Israel and Anna 
Hobart who died Novbr 2d l759 Aged 2 months & 27 days.

p.35  Ase Lawrence son of Capt. Amos Lawrence and wife,
      Abigail Lawrence died Nov 6, l759 age 3 yrs.

(Death's Head)
Here lies Buried ye Body of Mrs. Mary Follingesbe Relect of Mr. Thomas
Follingesbe who died October ye 20th A D 1760 Aged about 82 years.

Memento (Hour Glass) mori
(Death's Head)
Here lies ye Body of Simeon Ames ye son of Mr. Samuel
and Mrs. Hannah Ames.  A hopeful and promising young
man, but cruel death that regards none snatched him
out of the world in the Bloom of Life and early
frustrated the fond hopes of his indulgent Parents
and the raised Expectation of his acquaintance, he was
much beloved in his Life and greatly Lamented in his
death - he died of the smallpox december ye l0th A.D.
l760 Aged l9 years 5 months and l6 days.  Remember
thy Creator in the days of thy youth for thus saith
the Lord I Love them that Love me and those that seek
me early shall find me.

Memento Mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Joseph Davis, son of Mr. Benjamin Davis & Mrs. Sarah
his wife, he died Feb. 13th 1761 In ye 16th year of his age.  Likeways Elizabeth
their daughter died Feb 27 l762 In ye l2 month of her Age.

p.42  Colonel William Lawrence died May l9, l764 age 67.
      A Gentleman who in mil life rose from Capt to 
      Lieut. to the command of a regiment.  In l739 he
      was made Justice of Peace and afterwards, Qurum
      Unus, a spec. Justice of the Court of Common Pleas
      for the County of Middlesex and a standing Justice
      of the Court.  He for many yrs represented Groton
      with the Districts of Pepperell and Shirley in the
      Gen. Assembly of this province.  In all his public
      betrustments he acquitted himself with fidelity
      and honour.  In private life his behavior was be-
      coming his Christien profession.  He was remarkably
      industrious in the improvement of time; Just in his
      dealings, a good neighbor; a faithful friend; 
      patient of injuries and ready to forgive them,
      grateful to benefactors, ready in affording 
      assistance to the widow and fatherless, and merci
      ful to all proper objects of pity.  He was a strict
      observer of the Lords Day, a constant and serious
      attender on public excercises of religin, a devout
      worshiper of God in his family.
Here also lies the body of Susanna Lawrence, relict of
the above name Colonel William Lawrence, a woman of piety
and good sense, anindustrious, prudent wife, an indulgent
parent, a good neighbour, a faithful friend, a hater of
hypocrisy and guile; a lover of hospitality, patient
under affliction and resigned to the will of Heaven in
death which she was called out of the world to receive
the rewards of a faithfull servant on Sep l0 l77l age 80.
The above is inscribed on a tablet at the graves.

Memento mori
(Death's Head)
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Anna Fletcher the wife of  
Mr. Paul Fletcher; who died April the lst A.D. l763 
in the 27th year of her Age.

Author's note:  Her maiden name was Willard and she was
from Lancaster, MA.  She was married August 20, l760.

Memento mori
(Death's Head)
Here lies Buried ye Body of Mr. Samuel Bowers Son of
Mr. Samuel Bowers and Deborah his wife who departed
this Life August 30th A D l764 Aged 28 years 8 months
and 26 days.

Author's note:  He was born December 6, l735.
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Mr. Peter Bulkley Son of John
Bulkley and Mrs. Abigail, his wife, who departed this
Life May 9th l765.  In the 25th year of his Age.

Nathaniel Lawrance died Sep l2,l765 age 87 years.
Note: The son of Enoch and Ruth (Whitney) Shattuck
Lawrence b. Feb 2l, l677/8 at Watertown, MA.  The mother
was the widow of John Shattuck when she married Enoch

Memento Mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies Interred the Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Farnsworth, third wife of Mr. Aaron
Farnsworth formerly the wife of Mr. Josiah Parker, who departed This Life 
December l2th l766  In the 47th Year of her Age.  This Monument is Erected
by Josiah Parker's Children.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lieth the Body of Phinehas Bowers ye son of Mr.
Samuel Bowers and Mrs. Deborah his wife, who Departed
this Life July 27th l767 Aged l6 Years, 6 months, and
l5 days.

Author's note:  He was born October 2, l750.

"Here lies the body of Silas Barron son of Mr. Silas Parker Barron and Mrs.
Abigail Barron, his wife.   Silas Barron died of the Convulsion-fit Aug. 7th A.D.
l766 aged 3 wks and l day.

Memento (Three Cherub's Heads) mori
Here lies Buried the Body of Mr. Samuel Bowers of Groton
who departed this Life the Sixteenth Day of December
Anno Domini l768.  Half a hour after Three of the Clock
in ye Afternoon, and in the Fifty Eight year of his age.

Author's note:  The son of Samuel and Esther Bowers,
born December 2l, l7ll.  He lived in the present Champ-
ney house, where he kept a tavern during many years.

Memento Mori
Here lies the Remains of Miss Mary Lakin the Daughter of Mr. William
Lakin and Mrs. Miriam, his wife who departed this Life June 3, l769. 
In the 28th year of her age.
           "Corruption earth and worms;
             Shall but refine her flesh;
              Till her triumphant Spirit comes,
               To take it on afresh."
Author's note:  She was born April 25, l742.

p.53  Abel Lawrence son of the late Col. William Law-
rence, Esq. & Susanna his wife.  He d. Sep 20, l770 age

Momento Mori  (tombstone)
Here lies the body of Mr. Samuel Barron who departed this life June 9, l77l.  In
the 88th year of his age.   Dr. Green notes: "By his will he left to the Church of
Christ in Groton, the sum of thirteen pounds, 5 shillings and four pence, the
interest to be used for the benefit of the poor".

BLOOD, Darling
Here lies the body of Darling Blood the son of Mr.
Oliver Blood and Mrs. Sarah, his wife.  Darling Blood
d. Sept l8, l77l aged 2 yrs. 4 mos.

Note: The maiden name of this child's mother was Darling

(Cherub's Head)
Col. John Bulkley whose remains are here entomb'd
departed this Life Dec'r ye 3d AD l772 AE 69.
Much lamented by those who knew him.  He left a sorrow-
ful widow, four Daughters & one Son, named John, by whom
this family tomb was built; who also departed this Life
Dec'r ye l4th AD l774 AE 26 & whose remains are here de-
He was educated at Harvard College and took the degree
of A.B. & A.M. in the years l769 and l772.  A good
natural genius improved by a liberel education he 
employed in the study of Law but had only practiced
as an attorney a sufficient time to raise in his friends
the most sanguine hopes of whatever great or good could
reasonably be expected from an honest & benevolent heart
influenced by a good understanding and a prudent dis-
position before a period was put to his actions and 
designs; & his numerous acquaintance were called to 
lament the death of a dutiful son, a loving brother, a 
faithful friend, a kind neighbour, a good citizen and an
honest man.  Amicus patriae, generis humani Amicus.
(Note: all the above is inscribed on the tombstone)

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Erected in memory of Miss Eunice Green (Daughter of
Jonathan and Sarah Green) who departed this Life April
ye lst l773. In ye 20th year of her age.

BLOOD, Hannah
Memento mori
Here lies the body of Mrs. Hannah Blood wife of Mr. Caleb
Blood.  She departed this Life Sep lst l773, Aged 38 yrs 
l month and 26 days.
Note: The daughter of John and Sarah (DAVIS) Holden b.
June 24, l735 and was married Nov. l, l753.

p.60  Amos Lawrance son of Lieut Amos Lawrance and wife
Betty.  Amos died Oct 4, l773 age 4 days.

Memento mori
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Sarah Ames wife of Mr. 
Robert Ames who departed this Life Nov 23, l774
In the 33 Year of her age.
Author's note:  The daughter of Isaac and Abigail
(Stevens) Woods, born Aug. l7, l742.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here Lies ye Body of Deacon Daniel Farnsworth who departed this Life Jan 27th
l775 In the 83d year of his Age.
Author's note:  The son of John and Hannah (Aldis) Farnsworth born May ll, l692
He married October 20, l725 Abigail, widow of Daniel Shed(d).

p. 64
(Cherub's Head)
In memory of Miriam Whitney Holden (Daughter of Mr. 
Nehemiah and Mrs. Elizabeth Holden) who died Aug 4th l775
Aged 7 years 6 months & l5 days.

Mrs Sarah Ames  Here lies the Body of Molley Ames
the Daughter of Mr. Robert and Mrs. Sarah Ames who
died Aug 6, l775 In the 3d Year of her age.

p.65  Abigail Lawrance dau of Lieut. Amos Lawrence and
his wife, Betty.  She died Aug l3, l775 age l0 months.

Memento Mori
Here lies ye Body of Miss Miriam Lakin daughter of Mr. William & Mrs. Miriam
Lakin who departed this Life Aug l4, l775 Aged 20 years & 4 months.

     "The sweet Remembrance of the just
       Shall flourish when they sleep in dust."

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies ye Body of Miss Olive Fletcher daughter of
Mr. Oliver Fletcher and Mrs. Olive Fletcher who depart-
ed this Life Aug. 24th l775 Aged l4 years & ll months.

Memento (Cherub) mori
Mrs Abigail Kenrick Widow of Capt Caleb Kenrick, left her pleasant habitation
in Newton & came to her Daughter Dana's in Groton, on account of ye civil War
& Sep't 5, 1775.  AE 76.   was removed by a dysentery, to that place where ye
wicked cease from troubling & ye weary are at rest.

Author's note:  Her maiden name was Bowen and her daughter was married to
the Reverend Samuel Dana.

(I never heard that the Rev. War was called 'civil' war...but above is what is
on her tombstone and the Sep. 5, 1775 date is the date of her death.)

p. 70
Here lies the Body of Mary Bowers Daughter of Mr. Isaac
Bowers and Mrs. Priscilla his wife who died Sept. 2lst
l775 Aged 5 Years 8 months and l7 days.

Here lies the Body of Sarah Bowers Daughter of Mr. Isaac
Bowers and Mrs. Priscilla his wife, who died Sept 25th
l775 Aged 4 years  one month  and 2l days.

p.7l  Jonathan Lawrance son of Jonathan Lawrance and wife
Esther Lawrance.  He died Oct l, l775 age 2l years.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies Buried the Body of Mr. Amos Farnsworth who was Drowned in Lancaster
River December 5, l775 Aged 71 Years and 6 days.
      "Tho in deep water was my Body lost,
        And found before it was crumbl'd into dust,
        And Buried here as this doth lay,
        Til trumpet sound at the last day, -
        And tho in Adam all mankind did die,
        But yet in Christ we may grim death defie."
Author's note:  The son of Benjamin and Mary (Prescott) Farnsworth, born 
November 27, l704.  Amos and his son, Benjamin, were both drowned while
crossing the Nashua River in a boat.  His body was not found until the next
March, But Benjamin's was recovered on the same day.  The son's epitaph
immediately follows this one.

My note:  He had Benjamin who died at age 18 when he was 53 years old.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Benjamin Farnsworth son of Mr. Amos Farnsworth and Mrs
Lydia, his wife, who was drown'ded on the 5 day of Dec'mber l775.  Aged 18 years
one month and 11 days.

Here lies the Body of Isaac Dodge son of Lieut Isaac
Dodge and wife, Elizabeth.  (Isaac) died March 6th l776
aged l2 months and 29 days.

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Benjn Green, who Departed this Life Jan
23d l776 In the year of his age.

Here lies the Bodyof Benjamin Bancroft Son of Mr.
Thaddeus Bancroft and Mrs. Bulah, his wife.  He died
March 8th l776 Aged 3 months & l5 days.

Here lies the Body of Josshua Lakin son of Mr. Joseph Lakin & Mrs.
Jerushah, his wife who died March l5, l776  Aged 9 months & 26 days.

(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the body of Timothy Blood son of Mr. Caleb
Blood and Mrs. Elizabeth, his wife.  He died Jan l3,
l777 Aged one year 9 months and 26 days.

Memento Mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Mr. Jonas Fletcher who departed
this Life Dec. l777 Aged 83 years.

Memento Mori
In Memory of Mr. William Green who Departed this Life
May 7th l778. In the 80th year of his Age.
Author's note:  He married March 9, l726/7 Hannah
Holden (prob. the dau of Stephen and Hannah Holden.

(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Ezra son of the Rev'd Samuel Dana and Mrs. Anna his
wife.  Born Aug'st ye 11th A.D. 1778.  Died Sep't ye 27th AD l778.

p.8l  Dradamy Lawrence dau of Capt Asa Lawrence and wife,
Abigail Lawrence.  who died Oct l8, l778 in the 7th year
of her age.

p.8l  Oratio - Gates Lawrence son of Capt. Asa Lawrence
and wife, Abigail Lawrence who died Oct 27, l778 age 4

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Mrs. Elizabeth Carriell wife of Capt. Jonathan Carriell, formerly of Sutton (MA)
who died Jan. 9th 178l in ye 44th year of her age._

One DOLE tombstone at Groton, MA:
In Memory of Miss Mary Dole Daughter of Mr. Amos & Mrs. Molley Dole
who departed this Life Aug't 3d l78l Aged l8 years 9 months and l9 days.
"This Monument is erected to her Memory by her mother at the desire the
desire of Solomon Russell, her intended Partener."

There are no tombstones for Molley and Amos at the old burial ground but the
later cemetery may contain their graves.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Erected in memory of Mrs. Alice Bancroft (consort of
Deacon Benjamin Bancroft) who departed this Life Nov
29th l78l Aged 5l years 8 months & 25 days.
Author's note:  The daughter of William and Mary
(Farnsworth) Tarbell b. Mar 4,l729-30; she was married
Oct l8, l749.

Memento mori
Erected In memory of Mrs. Sarah Farnsworth wife of Mr. Ebenezer Farnsworth
She departed this Life April l3, l782 In the 43d year of her Age.  
Likewise Polly, their daughter, who was born April ye 8th and Died ye 25th l782.
Author's note:   Her maiden name was Nichols;  she was married February l8,

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies Buries the Body of Sarah Green, (Relict of
Jonathan Green) who departed this Life Dec. 8th l782
Aged 77 years 6 months & 27 days.
	"Bless'd are the dead, yea saith the word,
	That die in Christ the living Lord,
        And on the other side of death
	Thus joyful spend their praising breath."
Author's note:  The daughter of Josiah and Lucy Lakin
born May l2, l705.  She was married February 25,l724/5.

p.9l  Capt Amos Lawrance died June 20,l785 age 70.

p.9l  Abigail Lawrance wife of Capt. Amos Lawrance died
      Jan 6, l784 age 63.  Note: He was the youngest
      son of John Lawrence and wife, Anna (Tarbell)
      Lawrence b. Feb l9, l7l5/6  He m. Nov 7, l749
      Abigail dau of Deacon Nehemiah and Sarah (Foster)
      Abbott of Lexington, MA  She b. Jan 26, l72l

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Mr. Thaddeus Bancroft who depart-
ed this Life June 2lst l784 Aged 28 year 2 months &
9 days.
Author's note:  The son of Benjamin Bancroft and wife,
Alice (Tarball) Bancroft.

Here lies ye Body of Mial Ames (son of Mr. Robert
Ames and Mrs. Ruth his wife who died March ye 3lst
l785 Aged 6 months.

p.93  Nehemiah Lawrence died July l3,l786 age 34 years.
      Note:  The son of Amos and Abigail (Abbott)
      Lawrence b. Jan l4, l752.

(Cherub's Head)
Memento mori
Erected in Memory of Mr. Thomas Baker who departed this life, May ye 31st 1786
in ye 54th Year of his Age.

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Lieut Abel Bancroft Who departed this Life
October 30th A. D. l786, In the 35th year of his Age.
Author's note:  The son of Benjamin and Alice (Tarball)
Bancroft b. May 28, l752.

p. 95
(Willow Tree and Plumb (tree)
Sacred to the memory of Capt. Jabez Holden who departed this
life Aug llth l787 in the 53 year of his age.
Author's note:  He married June l6, l76l Rachel Farnsworth.

(Cherub's Head)
Memento mori
Erected In Memory of Lieut Ezra Farnsworth who died June l9th l788 In the 86th
year of his Age.
Author's note:  The son of Benjamin and Mary (Prescott) Farnsworth, born 
January l7, l703.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Erected in Memory of Mrs. Hannah Bowers, (wife of
Mr. Jonas Bowers) who departed this life July ye l2th
l789 In the 48th year of her Age.

Author's note:  Her maiden name was Brown.  She married
December 2, l76l.

(Cherub's Head)
Memento mori
Here lies the Body of Mr. Robert Ames who departed
this Life Nov. l5th l789 Aged 26 years and l month.
Author's note:  The son of Robert and Sarah (Woods)
Ames, born October l2, l763.

Memento mori
(Willow Tree    Urn    Cherub's Head   Urn   Willow Tree)
In Memory of Capt Benjamin Bancroft who departed this life
July the 2lst l787 Aged 86 years 2 months and 4 days.

Remember Death
(Cherub's Head)
Erected In Memory of Mrs. Anna Bancroft Relict of Capt.
Benjamin Bancroft, who departed this life April ye 3d 
l790; In the 88th year of her Age.
Author's note:  The daughter of John and Anna (Tarbell)
Lawrence bp. Nov l, l702.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Erected in Memory of Mr. Nathan Ames
who died March 7, l79l AEt. 6l.

(Cherub's Head)
Memento mori
Here lies the body of Mrs. Sarah Chamberlin wife of
Samuel Chamberlin and the late wife of Mr. Ebenezer
Patch who died June ye l2th l793 in the 64th year of
her age.
Author's note:  The daughter of Jacob Wright of Westford.

(Willow Tree)
In Memory of Artemas Hemenway son of Lieut. Samuel
& Mrs. Sarah Hemenway who died March l3th, l795 aged
3 years and l month.

p.l04  Rebekah Lawrance wife of Lieut Benjamin Lawrance
       died Feb l8, l795 age 72 years.
       Note:  Her maiden name was Dodg

(Cherub's Head)
Erected in Memory of Mr. Jonas Bowers who died Nov.
ye llth l795 Aged 52.

In Memory of Miss Bredget Fletcher Daughter of Mr.
Ezekiel Fletcher & Mrs. Bredget his wife.  Who died
Oct 20th l796 Aged 28.

(Willow Tree)
In Memory of Mrs. Hannah Green wife of William Green
who died Sep. 3d l797 Aged 90 years.
Author's Note: Her maiden name was Holden.

(Willow Tree   Urn   Willow Tree)
Sacred to the memoryof Mr Stephen Kemp who died April 29, 
l809 Aged 27 years son of Capt Levi and Mrs. Rebeckah Kemp
          "He lived beloved and died lamented."

Tombstone - Urn
In Memory of Mr. John Gragg who died Sept. l8, l798 in the 58 year of
his age.    "When I lie bury'd deep in dust,
                    My flesh shall be thy care;
                    These with'ring limbs with thee I trust,
                    To raise them strong and fair".
Author's note:  The son of Jacob and Margaret Gragg born July 9, l74l.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred tothe memory of Mrs. Eunice Lakin wife of Mr. Jacob Lakin who died
Jan l, l799 AEt. 92.
Author's note:  The daughter of Josiah and Lucy Lakin; she was born Oct
7, l707 and married Jan. 28, l729/30 her cousin, Jacob, son of Joseph and
Abigail Lakin.

                "This lovely bud, so young and fair,
                 Called hence by early doom,
                 Just come to see how sweet a flower,
                 In Paradise will bloom".

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Mrs. Bredget Fletcher wife of Lieut Ezekiel
Fletcher who died Aug. 9, l800 Aged 53.
	"Mary my gay friends the solemn tole,
	 Speaks the departure of the soul,
	 Let each one ask himself am I
	 Prepar'd, shoul'd I be call'd to die."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mr. Isaiah Edes who died Novr l7, l803 AEt 73.

Author's note:  The son of Peter and Esther (Hall) Edes born Dec.
ll, l730 at Charlestown, MA  He m. Agnes, dau of Robert Screech and
wife, Susanna (Johnson) Screech and removed to Groton in the year
l796.  He m. for his 2d wife, Mrs. Sarah Parker and for his third wife,
Mary Kemp.  No children by his marriage to Sarah Parker.

BLOOD, Caleb
In memory of Mr. Caleb Blood who died Decr. 9. l804.
Aet. 70.  "From death the gloomy terrors flee.  When
once tis understood, Tis Gods decree And is and must 
be Good.
Dr. Green notes: Son of John and Joanna (Nutting) Blood
born Nov. 23, l734 He m. Nov. l, l753 for his lst wife,
Hannah Holden dau of John Holden and Sarah (DAVIS)
Holden and on Mar 3, l774 for his 2d wife, Elizabeth
Farnsworth dau of Isaac Farnsworth and Anna (Green)

                                 Hour Glass       Compass
                                 Trowel        Urn     Pickaxe
                                 Coffin                   Spade
in memory of Lieut Jonas Farnsworth who departed this life suddenly by a
stroke of the sun 16th July 1805 in the 57th year of his age.
                   "An honest man is the noblest work of God"
Author's note:  The son of Amos and Lydia (Longley) Farnsworth born August
l8, l748

BLOOD, Gabriel
In memory of Gabriel L. Blood, son of Mr. Henry and Mrs.
Abagail Blood who died Aug 28, l805 age 6 yrs & 7 months
"Sleep on sweet babe & take your rest, For God will call
when he thinks best."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Lieut. Ezekiel Fletcher who died July 7,
l806 Aged 65.
	"Welcome those bonds which did unite
	 My soul to it's Supreme delight."

Tombstone - Willow Tree and Urns
In memory of Mr. Thomas Gragg who died May l7, l808 AEt. 6l.
Also Mrs. Eunice Gragg his wife, died De. l8, l826, AEt. 76
                 "In dust their relicks here repose,
                   Their joys and griefs are done;
                   The judgement day will full disclose,
                   The crowns which they have won".
Author's note: The son of Jacob and Margaret Gragg born July
2l, l746.  He married Dec. l, l768 Eunice Lakin, dau of John Lakin
and his wife Lydia (Parker) Lakin.  She b. Aug l9, l750.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Samuel Fletcher who died
Jan l3, l808  AEt  27.

Dorothy Emerson daughter of Mr. Dearborn Emerson and
Mrs. Sally Emerson, died 29th Feb. l808 Aged l year,
5 months and 27 days.

(Urn  Willow Tree  Urn)
Sacred to the memory of Lucy Hobart wife of Josiah Hobart
who died June 5, l808 AEt. 90
Author's note:  Erected by William Cumings, Esq.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Isaac Bowers who died
Sep l4, l808 AEt. 67.

Author's note:  The son of Samuel and Deborah (Farns-
worth) Bowers, born June 26, l74l he married March 25,
l765 Priscilla Dodge.

Sewall Emerson son of Mr. Dearborn Emerson and Mrs.
Sally Emerson, died l6 Oct. l808 Aged 9 days.

In memory of Charls Ames Son of Mr. Peter
and Sally Ames who died Novr 8, l808 Aged
3 months & l5 days.

BLOOD, Sally E.
(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Sally E. Blood dau of Mr. Luther Blood
and Mrs. Sally Blood, his wife. who died July l8, l8l0
AET 2 years.

(Willow Tree  Urn   Willow Tree)
In memory of Mr. Ephraim Kemp who died April 30, l8l2 AEt.
7l years.
         "Retire my friends dry up your tears;
          Here I lie till Christ appears."
Author's note:  The son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Gilson)
Kemp born March 22, l74l.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Mr. Benja. Bowers who died May 4, l8l3
AEt. 47

Author's note:
The son of Isaac and Priscilla (Dodge) Bowers, born
October 27, l766

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Jonas, Son of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Lovina Farnsworth died Febr. 2, l8l6 AEt 3 mos
& l3 days.
                              "Ah, little pleasant lovely boy,
                               Thy fathers hope thy mothers joy,
                               Why didst thou make no longer stay
                               Just steal our hearts and then away."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Erected in memory of Mr. Bela Hemenway son of Lieut.
Samuel Hemenway and Mrs. Sarah, his wife, who died
Janr. l7. l8l6. AEt. 26.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Miss Prudence Dunsmoor died June 22, l8l6 AEt. 38.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the memory of Jean Day wife of Moses Day who died Oct l4, l8l6
AEt. 48.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Miss Esther Edes who died Novr ll, l8l6 AEt 52.
Author's note:  The daughter of Isaiah and Agnes (Screech) Edes,
baptized Dec l6, l764 at Charlestown, MA.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Mr. Joseph Allen who died Jan. 24, l8l7 AEt. 80.

Willow Tree and Urn
Moses Ames Gillmore son of Mr. George and Mrs. Jemima G. Gillmore 
died Sep 20, l8l7 aged l year.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Mrs. Mary Allen wife of Mr. Joseph Allen, who died
(she) Nov. 3, l8l8 AEt. 72.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Erected in memory of Lieu. Samuel Hemenway who died
March l5. l8l8 AEt. 70.
	Death is a debt to all nature due
	I have pay'd the debt and so must you.

BLOOD, Elizabeth
In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Blood wife of Caleb Blood
who died Dec. 9, l8l9 AET 70
"Why do we mourn departing friends, Or shake at death's
alarm; Tis but the voice that Jesus sends, To call them
to his arms."

Note: The daughter of Deacon Isaac Farnsworth and his
wife, Anna (Green) Farnsworth, b. Mar 24, l750 She was
m. Maar 3, l774.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Hariot Newell Daughter of William and Betsy Farnsworth
who died July 28, l82l AEt 3 yrs. 9 mo.
                              "This lovely bud so young and fair
                                Cal'd hence by early doom;
                                Just come to show how sweet a flower,
                                In Paradise would bloom."

(Willow Tree)
In memory of Rebecca, daughter of Mr. Joseph & Mrs.
Rebecca Hemenway who died Octr. 2, l82l; AEt. l6 months.

BLOOD, Almira
In memory of Almira Blood dau of Capt. Thomas & Milly
Blood who d. Aug l9, l822 aet. 5 yr. l0 mo. "There is
beyond the skies  A heaven of joy and love,  And all
good children when they die, Got to that world above"

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of David Green Born at Groton March l0,
l74l.  Died at Mason, N.H. Nov l0, l822 AEt. 8l.
	"Stop, Firend and read as you pass by;
        As you are now, so once was I;
        As I am now, so you must be;
        Prepare for Death, and follow me.
Author's Note:  The son of Jonathan and Sarah (Lakin)

(Willow Tree & Urn)
In memory of Doct. Samuel Hemenway son of Lieut Samuel
Hemenway who died Jan 8, l823; AEt. 45.

(Willow Tree)
In memory of two daughters of Mr. Luke and Mrs. Sarah Farnsworth
Susanna Augusta Farnsworth born Oct 29, l8l6 died Jan l2,l824
Mary Farnsworth born Oct 2,l8l8 died Jan l5, l824

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mrs. Ruth Ames
widow of Mr. Robert Ames who died July 3, l825

(Urn     Willow Tree    Urn)
In Memory of two daughters of Mr. Luke & Mrs. Sarah Farnsworth
Sarah Farnsworth born Nov 3, l822 died Sep 6, l825
Mary Susanna Augusta Farnsworth born Febr 20, l825 died Sept. l6, l825.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mrs. Prudence wife of Mr. Joseph Abbott died Oct 25, l825
Aet 47.
	"As I am now so you must be,
	 Prepare for death and follow me".

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Sarah Hemenway, Widow of Lieut. Samuel
Hemenway who died April l5, l826 AEt. 7l.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mrs. Jane wife of Lieut Jonas Farnsworth who died May 20, l826
AEt. 73.
                       "She was an exemplary member of the Church 
                                                About 50 years.
                        Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt
                                                   be Saved."

(Urn  Willow Tree   Urn   Willow Tree   Urn)
In Memory of Mr. Joshua Davis who died July 5, l827 AEt 79.
Also Mrs. Sibel, his wife died Jan l2, l799 AEt 25.
And Mrs. Betsy his wife and sister of his former wife who died
Aug 27, l8l8  AEt. 42.
      "Thrice happy shades now freed from cares
        Our mortal frames at rest:
        Secure from pain and grief and fears,
        With kindred souls we are blest."

Urn       Willow Tree      Urn
Lyman Fletcher died Oct 24, l828 Aged 55.  
Abigail wife of Lyman Fletcher died Nov 2, l849 Aged

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mrs. Sarah, widow of Mr. Abel Bancroft
who died July 8,l830 AEt. 77.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Capt. Thomas Farnesworth who died May l, l83l AEt 43.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mr. George W. son of Doct Samuel Hemenway
who died Sept. 5, l830 AEt. 23.
	Be honest, be just and fear not.
(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Miss Sarah Y. daughter of Mr. Joel and Mrs. Betsy Davis
who died May 27, l832 AEt 20.
      "Death with his dart has pierced my heart,
       When I was in my prime;
       When this you see grieve not for me,
       'Twas God's appointed time."

p. l76
(Willow Tree and Urn     Urn and Willow Tree)
Mr. William Bancroft died May 28, l832.  AEt 76.
Mrs. Agness Bancroft his wife, died July 30, l832
AEt. 76.

BLOOD, Luther
In memory of Mr. Luther Blood who d. Sep 8, l832 AET

BLOOD, Milly
In memory of Mrs. Milly Blood, wife of Capt Thomas
Blood who d. June 4, l833 AET 54.
"Farewell dear partner children all, I now must go 
My Jesus calls; With patience wait prepared be; In a
short time you'll follow me."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mr. Artemas Hemenway who died Oct 5, l833
AEt. 37.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mr. Jeremiah Hemenway who died Nov l6
l834 AEt 52.

(Willow Tree)
Benjamin S. Frost son of Solomon & Dorcas Frost,
died Sept. 5, l834 AEt 4 weeks.

BLOOD, Thomas Capt.
(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Capt. Thomas Blood who died Oct l3, l835
AET 59.
"Canst thou by faith, survey with joy; The change before
it comes?  And say, "let death this house destroy, I 
have a heavenly home."

(Monument     Willow Tree and Urn     Monument)
Lydia, Wife of Nathan Ames  Died Oct 2l, l835
                  AEt. 7l

Luther Davis Died Dec 24, 1836
Aged 42.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sarah wife of Amos Bancroft, M.D.
died April 30, l837 AEt 69.
Author's note:  The daughter of Henry and Faith (Savage)
Bass of Boston, MA.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Charles Henry Kimball son of Henry and Nancy Kimball d. March 2l, l837
AEt 4 yrs & 6 ms.

(Willow Tree)
Sarah Frances daughter of David and Sarah G. Colburn, died June 27, l837
AEt 9 yrs 3 ms. & l3 ds.
     "Friends nor Physicians could not save,
      This little body from the grave;
       Nor can the grave confine it here,
       When Christ does call it to appear."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Moses Day, Jr.
died July 30, l838 AEt. 37.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
William H. Hunt d. Mar l7, l838 AEt 8 ms & 8 ds.
Joseph W. Hunt d. Feb 27, l844  -  sons of George and
Jerusha Hunt.
	"These buds of promise left earth's fading flow,
	That they might beautify celestial bowers,
	At heaven's glorious gate they've entered in,
	Unmarked by sorrow or unstained by sin"
                    F. Park (fecit.)

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mary Ann Daughter of Amos and Sarah Bancroft died Feb.
26, l84l AEt 3l.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mrs. Betsy, wife of Mr. Joel Davis died Jan 26, l843 AEt 58
      Suppress the mournful sigh,
      For she is happy, no more to die."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mr. Solomon Frost died March l0, l843 AEt 46.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Harriet Augusta, wife of
Mr. Henry K. Kemp, whodied Aug l7, l843 AEt 25.
        "My flesh shall slumber in the ground,
         Till the last trumpets joyful sound;
         Then burst the chains with sweet surprise
         And in my Saviour's image rise."

Mrs. Ruth Blood wife of Oliver Blood died Dec. 2, l844
AET 70.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Miss Almira Daughter of William and Polly Kemp,
Died Oct l0, l844 AEt 3l.
       "Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Martha daughter of John A. and Susan M. Hunt died
Sept. 7, l845, AEt 4 weeks.

Abel Davis born June 30, l768  Died Jan 30 l846
Olive Davis relict of Abel Davis born Jan l5, l766, died May l7, l862.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Miss Mahala Hunt died Julyll, l846 AEt. 45
	"For death to her spirit was gain
	Since Christ was her life when below."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Dr. Amos Bancroft Died July l2,l848 AEt 8l.
Author's note:  The son of Edmund and Rachel H. (Barron)
Bancroft, b. May 23, 
l767 at Pepperell; he grad. Harvard
class of l79l & studied medicine with Dr. Oliver Prescott
Jr.  He was knocked down by a wagon on State Street,
Boston, MA and lived but a few hours afterward.

Elizabeth, wife of Timothy Blood, Jr. d. July 3l, l848
AEt. 40 ys. 7 ms.
"Behold and see as you pass by,  As you are now, so once
was I;  As I am now so your must be, Prepare for death
and follow me.

BLOOD, Oliver
(Willow Tree and Urn)
Oliver Blood died June 5, l849 AET 74.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Charlotte Gilson  wife of Charles Gilson (formerly the
wife of David Nutting) Died Nov. 8, l849 AET 6l.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Nathan Ames Died Mar 22, l85l  AEt. 87.

Tombstone  - 
In memory of Rev. William Gragg who died Nov. l9, l852 AEt. 66
and his wife, Mary P. Gragg who died Nov. 29, l852 AEt. 65.
                    "No terror on their brows was seen,
                      Their minds were peaceful and serene,
                      Their Saviour's smile dispelled the gloom,
                      And smoothed their passage to the tomb".
Author's note: The son of Thomas and Eunice (Lakin) Gragg
born September 22, l786 at Groton, MA; he married January 29, 
l833, Mary Pollard of Bedford and at one time was settled as a
minister at Windham, Maine.  He was a graduate of Harvard
College in the class of l820.

BLOOD, Richard
Richard Blood d. Oct 24, l854 AET 58

United above Susan M. wife of John A. Hunt died Nov.
22, l854 aged 29 y'rs.
	"Still her memory sweetly lingers,
	Still we listen for her song;
	But no more that form shall greet us,
	Seated with the fireside throng.
	Weep not that the link is severed,
	Soon the chain will perfect be,
	And the hearts once more united,
	When the fettered soul is free".

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mr. Benjamin Bancroft died Sept l6, l857 AEt 69
Author's note:  The son of William and Agnes (Edes)

(Monument  Willow Tree and Urn  Monument)
Lucy wife of Thomas Dodge died Oct 4, l859 AEt 82.

Thomas Dodge Died March l, l863 AEt 8l y's and 6 mos.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mary Hemenway died Oct 9, l863 AEt 75.
	Farewell, ye friends, whose tender care
	Has long engaged my love;
	Your fond embrace I now exchange
	For better friends above.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Agness S. Bancroft died Oct l0, l867 AEt 84.
The daughter of William and Agnes (Edes) Bancroft.

BLOOD, Polly
Wife of Capt. Thomas Blood died Feb. 3, l867 AET 82
"Blessed are the dead which lie in the Lord."

p. 223
William Kemp 
            Polly Kemp his wife
        died March l, l869 Aged 80.
       "Live, so as to meet me in Heaven."
Author's note: Polly was the daughter of Caleb and
Elizabeth (Farnsworth) Blood; her husband at age 88
was still alive at the time of this book's publishing
in l878.  My note:  Caleb Blood had 27 children at
Groton, MA.

Fannie, wife of John M. E. Gilson   Died Dec. l, l867
AET 55 yrs. 6 ms.
Francis, their son   Died Oct 29, l849  AET l yr. 6 ms.
& l8 ds.

CLARISSA wife of John Fletcher Died Aug 8, l870 Aged
60 y'rs. 4 ms.  "Gone to rest."

Lydia W., wife of Richard Blood d. l875 AET 77

Nancy Lawton widow of Luther Davis died May 2, l877 aged 82 yrs 2 mos
and 17 days

Note: Since Dr. Green has arranged his book in chronological order Nancy
Lawton was the last person buried in the historical cemetery at Groton, MA.

In the Family Tomb of William Parker are buried:
William Parker
Henry Parker
Jane Parker
Louisa Gage died Sept. l2, l838 aged 34
Addison Parker
Dr. Aaron Andrew
David A. Patch
Susannah wife of William Parker 

p. 244 - Appendix

William Longley was among the earliest settlers of Groton and was 
the owner of a thirty acre right. He was the son of Richard Longley 
of Lynn, where in the town records the name is sometimes spelled Langley. 
He had been one of the Selectmen of Lynn and was clerk of the writs there 
in the year 1655. He removed about the year 1661 to Groton where he was 
one of the selectmen in the year 1665 and town clerk in 1666. He died 
Nov. 29, 1680 leaving a Will dated six days before his death. His widow 
Joanna afterward married Benjamin Crispe whom she survived; she died at 
Charlestown in the year 1698. The following is a list of his children, 
though probably not in the order of their birth:

1. John Longley b. abt. 1640, married Hannah____ and had several children.
2. Elizabeth Longley m. Sept. 7, 1669, James Blood & died abt. 1677 
leaving two daughters, Mary Blood & Elizabeth Blood who married brothers named Shattuck.
3. Anna Longley (or Hannah) who married June 30, 1666, Thomas Tarbell, Jr. 
had several children.
4. Mary Longley who m. Samuel Leaman, prob. of Charlestown.
5. Sarah Longley b. Oct 15, 1660; m. June17, 1679, Thomas Rand of Charlestown.
6. Lydia Longley who m. James Nutting and had six children 7. William Longley Jr. 
who married May 15, 1673, Lydia _____. 
Note Torrey,
He m. his 1st wife Lydia May 15, 1672. and he m. (2) Deliverance Crispe 
He was town clerk in the year 1687 and from 1692 till his death in 1694.

William Longley lived on the east side of the Hollis road about a mile from 
the village. A melancholy interest is connected with the site, as it was here 
that he and his wife and five children were massacred by the Indians in their 
assault on the town July 27, 1694. Three more of their children, Lydia, John & 
Betty were carried off by the savages and taken to Canada. Lydia was sold to 
the French and placed in the Congregation of Notre Dame, a convent in Montreal 
where she embraced the Roman Catholic faith and died July 20, 1758 at the advanced 
age of 84 years.

Betty died soon after her capture from hunger and exposure and John Longley, the 
third child remained with the savages for more than four years when he was 
ransomed and brought back against his own will. He was known to his captors as 
John Angary. After he came home his sister Lydia wrote from Canada urging him 
to abjure the Protestant religion but he remained true to his early faith.

Their grandmother, the widow of Benjamin Crispe, April 13, 1698, made her Will 
which was admitted to probate on the 28th of the following December, and in it 
she remembered these absent children as follows:

"I give and bequeath unto my three grand-children that are in Captivity - if they 
return, viz., three books, one of them a Bible, another a Sermon book treating of 
faith, and the other a Psalme book." John Longley returned about the time that his 
grandmother died.

Josiah Sartell, Esq. died Aug 30th l784 aged 74.
Mary Sartell his widow, died March 30th l790 aged 80.
and their children who died in their minority.
Nathaniel Sartell, Esq. his father, who died Jan.
l6, l74l aged 60.
ABIGAIL GREEN her sister, who died Dec. 20th l790 aged
83 and other relations.
Author's note: Removed from the Old Cemetery to the new
by Nathaniel Gillson to the lot of Simeon Gillson.


p.ll0  Mary Lawrance wife of Salmon Lawrance died Dec.
       22, l797 age 28 years.

p.98   Jonathan Lawrance died Apr l2, l806 age 8l years
p.98   Esther Lawrance died Feb 2, l789 age 65 wife of
       Jonathan Lawrance.
       Note: The son of Thomas and Prudence Lawrance
       born Sept. 2, l725.  His wife was dau. of Jona-
       than and Sarah (Barron) Shed.  b. Aug 23, l724.

p.ll6  Ruth Lawrance wife of Joel Lawrance died Nov l9,
       l800  age 35 years.
       Note: She was the dau. of Jonathan Collier of
       Groton, MA.

p.l20  Capt. Asa Lawrance died Jan l6, l804 age 67 years.
       Note: The son of Peleg and Ruth Lawrence b. June
       l4, l737  He m. July 27, l757 Abigail King of
       Littleton, MA.

p.l30  Lieut. Benjamin Lawrence died July 5, l807 age
       87 years.
       Note: The son of Nathaniel and Anna (Scripture)
       Lawrence b. Nov 6, l720  He m. June 20, l744
       Rebecca Dodge.

p.l39  Rowland Lawrence died June l7, l8l2 age 49 years
       Mahala Lawrence, his wife died July 30, l790 age
       26 years.

p.l43  Marjary Lawrence died Jan 29, l8l4 age 63.
       Note: The dau. of Benjamin and Rebecca (Dodge)
       Lawrence b. Jan 3, l75l

p.l44  Thomas Lawrance son of Joel & Ruth Lawrance died
       Aug 5, l8l4 age 22 years.
       Note: He was drowned in Long Pond, Groton, MA.

p.l5l  Betsy Lawrance wife of Joel Lawrance died Nov 26
       l8l7 age 52 years.
       Note: Her maiden name was Stedman and she was
       Joel Lawrance's 2d wife.

p.l68  Joel Lawrence died May 26, l827 age 60.
       Note: The son of Jonathan and Esther (Shed)
       Lawrence b. July 2l, l767, he m. (l) Ruth
       Collier dau of Jonathan Collier of Groton, MA
       He m. (2) Betsey Stedman,  He m. (3) Isabella
       Willard of Langdon, NH.

p.l7l  Salmon Lawrence Jr. died Jan l7, l829 age 40 
       years.  Sally Lawrence, his wife, who died Mar
       23, l8l8 age 30 years.

p.l73  Lucy Lawrence wife of Asa Lawrence died June l9, 
       l830 age 49 years.

p.l83  John Lawrence died July 9, l834 age 59 years.
       Margaret Lawrence died May 20, l845 age 67, his
p.205  Lucy Lawrence died Dec l2, l845 age 49 years.

Surname:  LEWIS
Source:   Epitaphs from the Old Burial Ground, Groton,
          MA by Dr. Samuel A. Green
Tombstone with Coat of Arms
(Cherub's Head)
In memory of Jonathan Clark Lewis Esq. who Departed this
Life April 7th l78l In the 37th year of his Age.

In Memory of Lieut Reuben Lewis who died May 4, l804 
aged 65 Years.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Memento Mori
Sacred to the memoryof Cap. James Lewis formerly of
Billerica (MA) who died June l2, l8l0 AEt. 75.

Author's note:  The son of Benjamin and Elizabeth
(Jaquith) Lewis.  He b. Sept. 25, l735 at Wilmington.
He married Jan. 3, l760 Rebecca Brown and removed to
Groton, MA in the spring of l796.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Rebecca Lewis wife of Capt.
James Lewis who died Jan l, l8l4 AEt 75.

Author's note:  The daughter of Samuel Brown of Biller-
ica, born Feb. 29, l739/40.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
George Kortland Son of Mr. Aaron Kortland and Mrs.
Sally (Lewis) Kortland.  died Jan l6, l820 AEt. 4 yrs.
& 6 ms.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of James Lewis Esq. who died Dec.24, l828
AEt 67.

Author's note:  The son of James and Rebecca (Brown)
Lewis born  Jan 26, l76l at Billerica (MA) he married
December l9, l782 Lucy Crosby and removed May 24, l796
to Groton (MA) where he lived with his father.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mrs. Lucy wife of James Lewis, Esq. who
died Dec. 30, l828 AEt. 63.

Author's note:  The daughter of Hezekiah Crosby of
Billerica,  (MA) she was born Nov. l0, l765.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mrs. Sally wife of Mr. Aaron Lewis who 
died April l9, l832 AEt. 43.

Author's note:  The daughter of Oliver and Abigail
Spaulding, born Oct. 25, l792.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mrs. Lucy wife of Mr. Asa Lewis DIED Sept. 29, l835 AEt.
	"Our life how short! again a sigh;
	 We live and then begin to die;
	 But, Oh! how great a mercy this,
	 That death's a portal into bliss!
	 My soul! death swallows up thy fears,
	 My grave clothes wipe away all tears;
	 Why should we fear this parting pain,
	 Who die, that we may live again."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mr. Asa Lewis DIED June l0, l846 AEt. 68.
	"Our labours done, securely laid
	 In this our last retreat,
	 Unheeded o'er our silent dust
	 The storms of life shall beat
	 The pains of death are past;
	 Labour and sorrow cease;
	 And life's long warfare closed at last
	 His soul is found in peace."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mr. Aaron Lewis DIED Oct 9, l849 AEt. 63.

Author's note:  The son of James and Lucy (Crosby)
Lewis, born Dec. ll, l786 at Billerica (MA); he married
Dec. 28, l8l4 Sarah Spaulding.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mrs. Martha, wife of Asa Lewis, died Feb. 4, l856 AEt.
	"The saints, who now in Jesus sleep,
	 His own almight power shall keep,
	 Till dawns the bright illustrious day,
	 When death itself shall die away.
	 My soul, my body I will trust,
	 With him who numbers every dust;
	 My Saviour faithfully will keep
	 His own - their death, is but a sleep."

MERRIC LEWIS born July 25, l795, Died April 23, l857
AE. 6l ys 9 ms.
	"Under neath this sod, rests "An honest man,
	 The noblest work of God."
Author's note:  The son of James and Lucy (Crosby)
Lewis and a native of Billerica (MA).

Surname: LONGLEY
Source: "Epitaphs" by Dr. Samuel A. Green, Pub. l878 Little, Brown & Co. Boston
Tombstone Inscriptions at the Old Burial Ground, Groton, MA
Here lies buried Ye body of Deac John Longley who departed this life, May Ye
25th AD l750 in Ye 68th year of his age.
Author's Note: The son of William and Deliverance (Crispe) Longley.  When
Groton was assaulted by the Indians July 27, l694 he was taken captive and
held prisoner more than four years.

Memento Mori
Here lies the body of Mrs. Deborah Longley relict of Deacon John Longley.
who (she) departed this life Nov. the 7th AD l763 in the 72d year of her age.
Author's note: Her maiden name was Houghton.

Surname:  MOORS
Source:   Epitaphs of the Old Burial Ground, Groton, MA
          by Dr. Samuel A. Green pub 1878

Abraham Moors, the progenitor of various families bear-
ing the name in this neighborhood (Groton) came from
England, near the beginning of the last century (early
1600s as author speaks from vantage point of ca 1878)
He was a weaver by trade, and lived in the south part
of the town.  He married, November 2l,l7l7 Elizabeth
Gilson and they had six sons and three daughters.  He d.
Dec 4, l770 age 72 yrs.  Their youngest son, Joseph, was
in active service during apart of the French war, and
served with distinction as an officer in the Revolution.
He filled many positions of trust and responsibility 
among his townsmen, and d. July 25, l820 age 82 yrs.

Memento mori
Here lies ye Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Moors wife of Mr.
Abraham Moors who departed this Life December 4th l770
In the 73 year of her age.
Author's Note: Her maiden name was Gilson

Here lies the Body of Mrs Lucy Moors wife of Mr. Joseph
Moors who departed this Life August 26, l773, In the 33
rd year of her age.
Author's note:  Her maiden name was Stone; she was
married July 22, l76l.

(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Samuel Moors son of Capt. Joseph
Moors & Mrs. Lucy, his wife.  He died Aug l2, l775 aged
10 yrs 7 months and 16 days.

Here lies the Body of Lucy Moors daughter of Capt. 
Joseph Moors & Mrs. Lucy his wife who departed this Live
Aug l7, l775 Aged 6 years 11 months and 11 days.
(Willow Tree and Urn)
Erected to the memory of Mr. Abraham Moors, a mild,
humane and honest man, a peaceable and regular citizen;
an affectionate and tender husband and parent; eminent
for piety, industry and frugality.  He departed this life
March l780 in the 88th year of his age, inspired by the
refining influences of the gospel with a rational and
sure hope of a glorious resurrection.

Author's note:  He is supposed to have come from England
in the early part of the last century; (l600s) he m.
Nov 2l, l7l7 Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mr. James Moors son of Joseph Moors Esq.
and wife, Mrs. Sarah Moors.  He died Dec l4,l803, in the
20th year of his age.
	"Let sorrow change to sacred mirth
	 Know God in love hath given
	 The pure in heart, who mourn on earth,
	 Perpetual smiles in heaven."
p. l28
(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Olive Moors daughter of Joseph Moors Esq
and Mrs. Sarah Moors who died Nov. 6, l806 in the l4th
year of her age.
	"As fades the lovely blooming flower
	 Frail, smiling solace of an hour!
	 So soon our transient comforts fly,
	 And pleasures only bloom to die."
(Urn  Willow Tree  Urn)
Mr. James Moors died Maarch 26, l844 AEt. 34
Mrs. Mary H. wife of Mr. James Moors died March 22,
l847 AEt 32.
	"The victory now is obtain'd;
	 They are gone their dear Savior to see;
	 Their wishes they fully have gain'd,
	 The are now where they longed to be.

Surname: MORSE
Source:  "Epitaphs of the Old Burial Ground, Groton, MA"
         by Dr. Samuel A. Green
Tombstone engraving:
Willow Tree and Urn
Doctor Benjamin Morse died May 2l, l833 AET 93
Mrs. Mary Morse his wife died Dec. l6. l835 Age 94.

Surname:  NUTTING
Source:   Epitaphs from the Old Burial Ground, Groton,MA
          by Dr. Samuel A. Green.
Memento mori
(Death's Head)
Here lies the Body of Mr. David Nutting who departed
this life Feberuary the 24 l759 in the 36th Year of his
Author's note:  The son of Ebenezer and Ruth (Shattuck)
Nutting, born August 20, l724.

(Cherub's Head)
Memento mori
Here lies ye Body of Liet. William Nutting who departed
this Life June 2d l776 in the 64th year of his age.

Author's note:  The son of Jonathan and Mary (Green)
Nutting born Nov. 20, l7l2.  He married Jan l8, l737/8
Joan Boynton.

In memory of Ralph Nutting son of Mr. William Nutting
and Mrs. Susanna his wife, who died Nov l, l796 Aged
6 years & 3 days.
     "Farewell dear babe, a short farewell,
      Till we shall meet again above;
      In the sweet groves where pleasures will dwell,
      And trees bear fruits of life & love."

Ephraim Nutting died Jan l0, l797 Aged 9l years.

In memory of Elizabeth Nutting daughter of Mr. Abijah
and Mrs. Eunice Nutting, who died March 2d l797 Aged
2 years ll months and 10 days.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Erected In memory of Mrs. Susanna the wife of Mr. Will-
iam Nutting who departed this life Feb l2, l800, 
Aged 42 years & 4 months.
    "Be still and know that I am God,"
     Were the last words her lips exprest;
     Her flesh doth rest beneath this clod,
     Her soul enjoys immortal rest."

(Willow Tree)
In Memory of Tho's Barrett Nutting son of Mr. William
and Mary Nutting, he died Oct 7th l803 aged l8 months
& l9 Ds.
     "Ah! little Pleasant lovely Boy
      Thy Father's hope, thy Mother's Joy
      Why didst thou make no longer stay
      Just steal our hearts and then away."

Jerusha wife of Ephraim Nutting, died May 22, l8l2 Aged
87 years.

(Willow Tree)
In memory of Joseph T. Nutting, son of Mr. Joseph 
Danforth & Mrs. Lucinda Nutting who died March 24,
l8l4 aged 2 years.
     "We will not weep
      Our babe's asleep
      In Jesus' arms."

(Willow Tree)
Jane Nutting daughter of Capt. Joseph D. & Mrs. Lucinda
Nutting, died Oct ll, l82l aged 3 months.

(Willow Tree)
In memory of Mrs. Susanna Patch wife of Mr. Zara Patch
and daughter of William Nutting, Esq. who died Dec. l0,
l82l AEt 40.

Tombstone (North Side)
Ephraim Nutting Died Mar l8, l822 Aged 57
Mary wife of Ephraim Nutting Died July 28, l859 Aged 88
Asa Nutting Died Feb 27, l830 Aged 3l
          (West Side)
Luther Nutting Died Aug 25, l849 Aged 42
Nathan K. Moore Died Oct 3, l860 Aged 65
Charlotte P., wife of Nathan K. Moore Died Mar 20, l862
                      Aged 69
          (East Side)
Peter Bowen Died May 5, l836 Aged 45
Sylvia T. Wife of Peter Bowen Died Mar l, l842 Aged 50
Avery E. Nutting Died Feb. l9, l849 Aged l5 months.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mrs. Eunice Nutting Wife of Mr. Abijah
Nutting, who died June 2, l825; AEt 49.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Salmon, son of Mr. Abijah & Mrs. Eunice
Nutting who died June 7, l825 AEt l7.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Mrs. Mary, wife of William Nutting, Esq,
who died June l6, l834 AEt 76.
     "Calm was her life, and her end was peace."

In memory of William Nutting Esq. who died April l8,
l832 AEt 80.
     "Ye fields that witnessed once his tears,
      Ye winds that wafted oft his praise;
      That river where he breath'd his prayers,
      No more shall hear his cheerful lays,
      Through Christ his sins are all forgiven,
      His praises now are sung in heaven."

(Urn and Willow Tree)
In memory of Simeon Nutting who died Oct l0, l840.
Aged 39.

Mr. Joseph D. Nutting Died March 28, l843 AEt. 56
     "Happy as mortal can be,
      because I have trusted in the Lord
      Jesus Christ for pardon and salvation."

Phineas Nutting Died Nov. 27, l842 Aged 73.

Mrs. Lucinda, wife of Mr. Joseph D. Nutting, Died April
l, l844 AEt. 57.
     "In life, humble and devoted,
      In death, quiet and resigned,
      Trusting in her saviour."

Mr. William D. Nutting Died March l9, l846 AEt. 26 yrs.
     "Husband, thou art gone to rest,
      And this shall be my prayer:
      That when I reach my journeys end;
      Thy glory I may share."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Charlotte wife of Charles Gilson. (Formerly wife of
David Nutting) Died Nov 8, l849 AEt. 6l.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Edeth, Wife of Jonathan Nutting died July 28, l850
AEt. 78.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Abijah Nutting Died July l6, l859, AEt 93.

Sophia, wife of Phineas Nutting Died July l5, l860
Aged 77.

Surname:   PAGE
Source:      Epitaphs from the Old Burial Ground, Groton, MA by Dr. Samuel A.
                 Green, pub. 1878
(Death's Head)
Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mr. Jonathan Page First Son of Ensine Jonat' & Mrs. Mary Page who Departed This Life August the 30 A.D. 175l In ye 42 year of His
Author's Note   He was born June 5, 1710.

(Death's Head)
Here Lies Buried The Body of Ensign Jonathan Page Who departed This Life
September 30 Anno Domini 1751 In ye 75 Year Of His Age.
Author's note:  The son of John and Faith (Dunster) Page bornJune 24, 1677at
Watertown, MA.

(Death's Head)
Here lies Buried ye Body of Lemuel Page son of Mr. John and Mrs. Mary Page
Who dec'd Augut l8th N.S.A.D. 1753 Age 5 years 11 M & 5 Ds.

(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Mary Page wife of Ensign Jonathan Page, who departed
this Life May 22d 1770. In the 90th Year of her Age.
       "This Monument is erected by her son Benjamin Page."

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Mr. Benjamin Page who departed this Life September the 3d
1772 in the 54th Year of his age.
                             "The Sweet Remembrance of Ye Just
                               Shall flourish When he sleeps in Dust,"
Author's note:  The son of Jonathan and Mary  Page born July 19, 17l9.  He
married Sarah Willard of Lancaster, MA.

Here lies ye Body of Luther Page son of Mr. Joseph Page and Mrs. Eunice
his wife, who died Aug't 13th 1775 Aged 3 years.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mrs. Betsey Page wife of Enoch C. Page who died June 6, 1811 AEt

Surname:  PARK
Source:   Epitaphs from the Old Burial Ground, Groton,
          MA by Dr. Samuel A. Green pub. l878
p. 96
In Memory of Mr. William Park who died June l7, l788
in the 84 year of his Age.
Also in Memory of Mrs. Anna Park wife of Mr. William
Park who died Oct 2, l789 in the 85 year of her age.

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Eleazer Park son of Mr. John Park Jun'r
and Mrs Lydia his wife, who died Sep't l0th l790 Aged
l year l0 months & l3 days.
	Say lovely, prattling, playful boy,
	Thy Father's hope, thy Mother's Joy;
	Why didst thou make so short a stay!
	But steal our hearts & then away.
	God gives & takes let man adore,
	Death wafts me to th' immortal shore.
(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Mrs. Jean Park wife of Mr. John Park who
died April 25, l793, AEt. 6l.
	Relentless death not tears nor pray'rs regards;
	Not worth nor usefulness his hand retards!
Author's note:  Her maiden name was Stewart.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Mr. John Park who died Augt. l5. l793.
AEt. 62.
	Glory with all her lamps shall burn,
	And watch the Christians sleeping clay;
	Till the last trumpet rouse his urn,
	To aid the triumphs of the day.
(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Mr. William Park who died Novr. l4. l795
AEt. 32.
	Alass! from death the terrors fly,
	When once 'tis unders'ood;
	'Tis nature's call 'tis God's decree,
	And is, and must be good.
Mr. John Park, Died May 26, l8ll AEt. 50.
Mrs. Lydia, His Wife, Died Sept. 3, l845, AEt. 82.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Erected In memory of William S. Park, son of Mr. John
Park & Mrs. Lydia his wife, who died Augt. 20, l8l6;
AEt 20.

Surname:  PARKER
Source:   Epitaphs from the Old Burial Ground, Groton, 
          MA by Dr. Samuel A. Green pub. Boston: Little
          Brown, & Company  l878
Memento Mori (Hour-Glass)
(Death's Head)
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Deborah Parker the daughter
of Capt. Jonas Prescott, Esq'r and wife to Cap't Samuel
Parker of Groton who departed this Life september the 
27th A D 1724 in the 30th year of her age.
Author's note:  She was born March 5, 1694.

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mr. Phinehas Parker who
Departed this Life August Ye l3sh A.D. 1744 In Ye 63'd
Year of His Age.
Author's note:  The son of James and Mary (Parker)
Parker.  His father and mother were killed by the
Indians, in their assault on the town, July 27, l694
He was captured at the same time, and held a prisoner
during four years.  He was released, probably in the
summer of 1698; and a petition to the General Court,
dated May 3l, l699, represents him as being "lame of
one of his Leggs occasioned by ye cruelty of ye 
Salvages," and says that little or nothing left him of
his Fathers estate for his support."  In answer to this
petition, it was voted that six pounds of money be allow-
ed out of the public treasure.  (spellings as entered in
all records)

Author's note:  The dau. of Samuel and Abigail (Lakin)
Parker, born March ll, l705/6. She, Eunice (Parker)
Boyden, was married January l2, l730.
Memento Mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Eunice Boyden wife of Mr.
Josiah Boyden who departed this Life Jan'ry lst l745.
Age'd 37 years.

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mr. James Parker Who Depart-
ed this Life January Ye 2lst A D l748/9 In Ye 63d Year
of His Age.
Author's note:  The son of * James and Mary (Parker)
Parker, born March 24, l687/7; he married Abigail, dau.
of Jonas and Mary (Loker) Prescott

Note: * a discrepancy:

p.47/48 Prescott Memorial
Abigail Prescott b. May 8, 1688 dau of Jonas Prescott
and wife, Mary Loker.
Abigail Prescott m. 1711 James Parker * son of Samuel
Parker and Abigail Lakin.  He born April 28, l686.

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mr. James Parker Jun'r
Who Departed This Life January Ye 29sh A D l748/9
In Ye 26th Year of His Age.

Author's note: The son of James and Abigail (Prescott)
Parker born February 20, l722/3.  His father's epitaph
precedes his own.

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mrs. Abigail Parker relict
widow of Mr. James Parker who departed this Life August
14th A. D. 175l.  Age 63 Years 3 M & 6 Days.
Author's note: The daughter of Jonas and Mary (Loker)
Prescott b. May 8, l688.

(Death's Head)
Here Lies the body of Susana Parkar, wife of Mr.
William Parkar Who Departed this Life The l9th Day of
October A D l753 in The 34 year of her age.
Author's note:  The daughter of Samuel and Sarah Kemp
born May l4, l720.   

Here Lies the body of Susana parkar Daughter of Mr.
William parkar, Who daparted This Life November 4th
A.D. l753 in the l7th year of her age.
Author's note:  She was born February l0, l736/7

Note: I assume the inscriber of these two tombstone
      meant Parker, rather than Parkar - and my reason
      is that the inscriber also spells departed as
      'daparted' - the inscriber also puts the surname
      beginning with lower case 'p'.

(Hour-Glass, Skull, Hora and Fugit - Cross Bones)
Inscribed on the stone are these words:
This Stone is Erected by Mr. Abel Parker, Mr. Josiah
Holdin, and Mr. Nathaniel Laken: also Mr. John Blood
& Mr. Isaac woods to the Memory of Mr. Joseph Parker,
who departed this life Nov'r 26th, l753.  Aged 64 years
8 months and 26 days. and by Mr. Josiah Parker.
	Dear friends for me pray do not weep
	I am not dead but here do sleep,
	Within this solid lump of clay,
	Until the Resurection day
	And here indeed I must Remain
	Till Christ doth rais me, up again.
Author's note:  The son of Joseph and Hannah Parker
born March l, l689.

Here lies the Body of James Parker ye son of Mr. Peter
Parker and Mrs. Prudance his wife
Who departed this Life Nov'br ye 30th l753 in the 3d
Year of his age.

p.26 Sarah Parker Tarball's grave
In Memory of Mrs. Sarah Tarbell the wife of Mr. John
Tarbell who departed this life the l9th of April l754
in the 29th year of her age.
Author's note:  Her maiden name was Parker; she was
probably the daughter of Samuel and Sarah Parker, born
December 2, l725.

Memento mori
(Death's Head)
Here lies the Body of Ensign Obidiah Parker who departed
this Life Sep'tr ye 28th l758 in the 6lst year of his
	Halt passenger as you go past
	Remember time it runneth fast
	My dust in narrow bounds do lie
	Remember man that thou must die
	This dust revive it shall again
	And in a grave no mor remain
	When trumpet Sounds I shall be raisd
	For this God's holy word hath said
(Death's Head)
Here lies the Body of James Parker ye 2d son of Mr.
Peter Parker and Mrs. Prudance his Wife who departed
this Life March ye 27th l759 in the 3d Year of his Age.

(Memento mori)
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Esther Parker the Wife of
Mr. Abel Parker who was Born in Groton May the 2lsh
l726 & departed this Life April the 5th l759 Aged thirty
two Years ten months and fifteen days.
	Halt pashenger as you go past
	Remember time it runeth fast
	Thy dust in narou Bounds do lie
	Remember man that thou must die
	This dust revive it shall again
	And in a grave no more remain
	When trumpet sounds I shall arise
	And selebrat my God his Prais
Author's note:  The daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth
(Chamberlain) Shattuck; she was married May l0, l750.

Memento (Hour-Glass) Mori
Here lies the Body of Mrs. sarah Parker the second
wife to Cap't samuel Parker who departed this Life
August the 2lst A D l760 in the 69th year of her age.

Memento mori
(Death's Head)
Here lyes the Body of William Parker Son of Mr. William
and Mrs. Shusanna Parker who Died of the small pox 
January ye 8th A. D. l76l in the 20th year of his age.

Author's note:  He was born September 28, l74l.  His
father's epitaph and a sister's appear on the next page.

Memento (Hour-Glass) mori
(Death's Head)
Here lyes the Body of Mr. William Parker who Died of the
small pox February ye lst A D l76l in ye 5lst year of his
Author's note:  The son of Isaac and Ruth Parker born
August l9,l7l0; he married March 30, l736, Susanna Kemp.

Memento mori
(Death's Head)
Here lyes the Body of Sibbel Parker daughter of Mr.
William and Mrs. Shusanna Parker who Died of the small
Pox may ye l0th A D l76l in the l7th year of her Age.

Author's note:  She was born May l, l744.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Mary Parker wife of Lieu't
Benjamin Parker, who departed this Life June l6th l766
In the 67th year of her age.

Author's note:  The daughter of Zechariah and Mary
Sawtell, born April ll, l697.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Bodyof Lieu't Benjamin Parker who depart-
ed this Life Oct'r 29th l769 Aged 77 years l0 months
& 25 days.

Author's Note:  The son of Joseph and Hannah Parker b.
December 3, l69l; he married Oct 23, l7l8 Mary Sawtell.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies Buried the Body of Cap't Nathaniel Parker,
who departed this Life, Nov'r ye 24th l773 in the 53d
year of his Age.

Author's note:  The son of Benjamin and Mary (Sawtell)
Parker, born July l7, l72l.

(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Joseph Parker son of Mr. Ephraim
and Mrs. Azubah Parker who died Sep't 22d l775 Aged 5
years & 2 mon:
Also in Memory of Mr. Nehem'h Parker son of the above
nam'd persons, who died in his Country service at
Ticonderoga Oct'r 22d l776 In ye l9th hear of his age.

(Cherub's Head)
Here Lies the Body of Mr. Peter Parker who departed
this Life March ye 28th l777 In the 3lst year of his
Author's note:  The son of Peter and Prudence (Lawrence)
Parker, born January l5, l747.

(Cherub's Head)
Mrs. Abigail Parker the Wife of Mr. Joseph Parker, who
Died Feb'y l9, l787 in ye 90th year of her age.
	"She left two Hundred or upwards
	 of Children & Grand-children.
	 Thy sweet Remembrance of Ye Just
	 Shall flourish when She sleep in dust.
Author's note:  The daughter of Obadiah and Hannah
Sawtell, born March l3, l697; she was the mother of four-
teen children.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Erected in Memory of Mr. Peter Parker who departed this
life, Jan'r 6th l788 in the 69th year of his Age.

Author's note:  The son of James and Abigail (Prescott)
Parker born August 6, l7l9.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Eunice Parker wife of Mr.
Nathaniel Parker who died Nov l9, l788, AEt. 58

Author's note:  The daughter of Jacob and Eunice (Lakin)
Lakin, born January 23, l730/l.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mr. Phineas Parker who died Feb l5, l809
AEt 6l.
	"This stone erected by his brother James
                    Parker, Esq."
Author's note:  The son of Leonard and Abigail Parker
born September 23, l748 - he married May 26, l773, Relief
Parker daughter of Robert and Deborah Parker, born Mar.
27, l750.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Erected in Memory of Mr. Silas Parker, who died Feb'y
23d l8l2 in the 52d year of his age.
	O ye whose cheek the tear of pity stains,
	Draw near with pious rev'rence and attend!
	Here lie the loving husband's dear remains,
	The tender father, and the gen'rous friend.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Mrs. Mary Parker wife of Mr. Josiah Parker
who died Sept 25, l8l9; AEt 4l.
	Our hearts are fasten'd to this world,
	By strong and endless ties;
	But every sorrow cuts a string,
	And urges us to rise.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Elizabeth Josephine (Parker) Daughter of Phinehas &
Rachel Parker died July l5, l844, AEt 2 ys. & 7 ms.

The Family Tomb of William Parker
	William Parker died Jan 9, l833 aged 7l
	Henry Parker died May l824 aged 36
	Jane Parker drowned Sept l3, l826 aged 26
	Louisa Gage died Sept l2, l838 aged 34
	Addison Parker died March 4,l839 aged 29
	Dr. Aaron Andrew, died Dec. l2, l859 aged 68
	David A. Patch died Sept 25,l839 aged 57
	Susannah, his wife, died June 9, l865 aged 80 y.
                        9 m.
	J. Hoar l839
	Edmund Tarbell
	J. A. Fullick
	D. Brooks
	F. A. Blood
	Silvester Jacobs Tomb l839
	Asa Tarbell
	B. Russell
	T. Blood
	J. Sawtell

Surname:  PHELPS
Source:     Epitaphs from the Old Burial Ground, Groton, MA
                  by Dr. Samuel A. Green pub Boston, l878
p. l85
(South Side)
Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Hannah Phelps, wife of Dr. 
David Phelps of Connecticut who died June 1, l833 age 72.
And whose body lies on this side of this Monument, she
was mother in law to Oliver Sheple Esq. and grandmother to
Oliver Sheple Jr. & Franklin & Washington Sheple A.D. l8l0, 
Her father Mr. Ithamar Andrews died in West Florida now the 
State of Mississippi, at age 84, in the same place, A.D. l8ll, her
mother Mrs. Hannah Andrews died age 72 A.D. l8l2.  Her dau.
Rossalixde Phelps died age 26 who are buried in said State.

Source:   Epitaphs from the Old Burial Ground, Groton,
          MA by Dr. Samuel A. Green pub.1878 Boston,
          Little, Brown & Company
Here Lies Buried ye Body of Mr. Ephraim Pearce Who
Departed this Life February ye 27th A D l74l in ye
68 year of his Age.
Author's note:  The son of Daniel and Elizabeth Pierce,
born October l5, l673.

Here lies Buried Ye Body of Ye widow Mary Peirce Relect
to Mr. Ephraim Peirce who deceased December ye 29th
A D l749 in ye 75 year of her age.

Memento mori
(Death's Head)
Here lyes the Body of Mr. William Pierce who departed
this Life May ye l6th 1754 in the 4lst year of his Age.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Miss Anna Pierce Daughter of Mr.
William Pierce and Mrs Sarah, his wife; who died Aug'st
l8th l775 Aged 22 Years 4 months and 26 days.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mr. Jonathan Pierce, who died May l2, l806
in the 55. Year of his Age.  He was a tender father, an
affectionate husband, a benevolent neighbour, a sincere
	"Thrice blessed are the pious dead,
	 Who in the Lord shall die;
         Their weary flesh as on a bed
	 Safe in the grave shall lie.
         Their holy souls at length releas'd
         To heaven shall take their flight;
         There to enjoy eternal rest,
         And infinite delight."
Author's note:  The son of Jonathan and Ruth (Gilson)
Pierce, born December 3, l75l

p. l96
(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mrs. Sarah, wife of Mr. Thomas R. Pierce died March 7,
l842 AEt 42.  
		"Died happy, and gone to rest."
Author's note:  The daughter of John and Mary (Shedd)
Burgess, born December 28, l799.  Her husband, Thomas
Rainsford Pierce was the son of Elijah and Rebecca
(Rainsford) Pierce, born April 9, l799; they were marri-
ed April l, l824.  Elijah was the son of Samuel and
Lucy (Wallingsford) Pierce.

Source:  Epitaphs from the Old Burial Ground, Groton, MA
         by Dr. Samuel A. Green pub l878 Boston: Little
         Brown & Co.
p. 1
Here Lyeth The Body of James Prescott.  Hee Dyed The 9
of May l704 Aged 20 and 7 Weeks Yeres Old.

Author's note:  The son of Jonas and Mary (Loker) Pres-
cott, born March l6, l684.

(Death's Head)
Here Lyes Buried the Body of Jonas Prescott Esq Who De-
ceased Decembr ye 3lst, l723 Aged 76 Years.

Author's note:  The son of John and Mary (Platts) Presc-
ott born at Lancaster, (MA), June l648.

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Ye Widow Mary Prescott Relick
of Jonas Prescott Esq Who Decd Octobr Ye 28th A D l735 
In Ye 82d Year of Her Age.

Author's Note:  The daughter of John and Mary (Draper)
Loker, born September 28, l653; she was the mother of
twelve children, of whom ten lived to grow up and be 
married, each one having a large family.  It is said
that she lived to see l76 of her descendants.

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Ye Honourable Colonel 
Benjamin Prescott Esq Who Departed This Life August
Ye 3d Anno Dom l738 Age 42 Years 7 M and 30 D.

Author's note:  The son of Jonas and Mary (Loker)
Prescott, born January 4, l696; married June ll, l7l8
Abigail Oliver, of Cambridge (MA).  Benjamin was the 
father of Colonel William Prescott who commanded the
American forces at the battle of Bunker Hill.

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of  Abigail Prescott Daughter
of Ye Honourable Colonel Benjamin Prescott Esq and Mrs
Abigail His Wife Who Dec'd Novembr Ye 7th A D l739 Age
20 Years 6 M & l2 D

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mrs. Mary Prescott Wife of
Jonas Prescott Esq Who Dec'd February Ye l7th A. D.
l749/50 About 75 Years Old

Author's note:  The daughter of John and Faith (Dunster)
PAGE born January 9, l674/5.  She was married April 30
l7l8 and was Jonas Prescott's second wife.

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Capt. Jonas Prescott Esq
Who Departed This Life September Ye l2th Anno Domini
l750 Age 7l Years l0 M & l7 Ds.

Author's Note:  The son of Jonas and Mary (Loker)
Prescott, born October 26, l678.

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mary Prescott Daugh'r of
Colonel Benjamin Prescott Esq and Mrs Abigail his wife
Who Dec'd Octob'r Ye 25th A D l75l Age l6 Years  2 M
& l8 Ds.

(Death's Head)
Here Lies a Daughter of Dr. Oliver Prescott & Mrs Lydia
his wife.  Born Nov'r Ye l9th l757.  Still Born.

Hora (Hour Glass) Fugit
(Cherub's Head)
Here Lieth the Body of Abigail Prescott the Daughter
of Dr Oliver Prescott and Mrs. Lydia his wife who
died with the Throat Distemper, aug't 5th l765 age 5
years, 5 months and 16 days.

Author's note:  She was born February 2l, l760.

Memento mori
(Skull and Cross-Bones)
Here lies the Body of Lucy Prescott the Daughter of
the Hon. Benjamin Prescott Esq and Mrs. Abigail his
wife, who died with the Throat Distemper Aug't l0th
l765 Age 37 Years, 5 months and l3 days.  Blessed are
the dead who die in the Lord.

Author's note:  She was born February 25, l728/9

Thomas the Son of Dr. Oliver Prescott and Mrs. Lydia
his wife, who died with the Throat Distemper Aug't
l0, l765 Age 10 months.

Author's note:   He was born Oct ll, l764.

Memento mori
(Skull and Cross-Bones)
Here lies the Body of Abigail Prescott Relict of the
Hon. Benjamin Prescott Esq who departed this Life
Sep't l3th Annoq; Domini l765, Aged 68 years 5 months
l9 Days   The memory of the just is Blessed.

Author's note:  The daughter of the Honorable Thomas
and Mary (Wilson) Oliver.  She was the mother of Colonel
William Prescott. (commander of the American forces at
Bunker Hill)

(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Abel Prescott the son of James
Prescott Esq & Mrs. Susanna, his wife, who died with the
Throat Distemper Sep't l7th A D l765 Aged 5 years, 4
months 24 Days.

Author's note:  He was born April 23, l760.

(Cherub's Head)
William the son of James Prescott Esq & Mrs Susanna
his wife, who died with the Throat Distemper Sep't l9th
A D l765 Aged 3 years 6 months 2l Days.
      From Death's arrest no Age is Free.
      (adjoining but separate tombstone):

(Cherub's Head)
Sarah the Daughter of James Prescott Esq & Mrs. Susanna
his wife, who died with the Throat Distemper Sep't 20th
A D l765 Aged l7 months l7 days.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Abigail Prescott daughter of Hon. Oliver Prescott
Esq & Mrs. Lydia his wife.  Died Oct 6th l783 aged
l5 years & 3 months.  "An amiable Girl."

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Mary (Farnsworth) Tarbell wife of Lieut
William Tarbell who departed this Life Feb ye 29th
l784 Aged 88 years  l month and 24 days.

Author's note:  The daughter of Benjamin Farnsworth and
his wife, Mary (Prescott) Farnsworth.  She b. January
5, l696.

(Cherub's Head)
Beneath this monument lies Buried Susanna Prescott
eldest daughter of James Prescott Jun. Esq. and Mrs.
Hannah Prescott,  Who died August l4th l795 In ye 3d
year of her age.
     "So fades the lovely blooming flower,
      Frail smiling solace of an hour,
      So soon our transient comforts fly,
      And pleasure only blooms to die."

To The memory of Hon. James Prescott Esq This Monument
is Erected  Inscribed: "Stranger!  Here lies the son of
Hon. Benjamin Prescott Esq and grandson of Jonas Prescott
Esq of Groton, and great grandson of Capt. John Prescott
of Lancaster.  He was bornJan l3th A D l720.  He served
the public more than fifty years successively in various
military offices, the office of civil Matistrate, Legis-
lator, Counsellor of the Executive, Sheriff of Middle-
sex and Judge of the C. C. Pleas, which last he sustain-
ed to his death.  He was distinguished for his patriotic
labors to establish the rights and independence of his
country.  Ever the steady friend of true liberty, in-
flexible in virtue and thro life exemplary for Christian
piety."   He died Feb l5th A D l800 AE. 80.
    "Quick flees the shadow, man!"

Here lies Lydia Ann Prescott daughter of Oliver Prescott
Junr. Esq and Mrs. Ann his wife.  Who died Sept. 4th l804 
Aged l year and ll months.

Erected in memory of Hon Oliver Prescott Esq.
M.D.  A.A.S. M.M.S.S. who departed this life November
l7, AD l804. Aged 73 years 6 months and 9 days.
Mrs. Lydia Prescott Consort of the above said Oliver
Prescott who died September 27 AD l798 aged 62 years
ll months and ll days.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Mr. Sampson Prescott who died May l6,
l8l5; AEt. 52 yrs.   Also Mrs. Lucy his wife, died
March l4, l834; AEt. 7l yrs.
     "Here memory comes by true affection led
      To commune with the distant and the dead."

p.250 (a raised tombstone)
This monument is in the Pepperell
Burying Ground erected to the
Memory of Col. Wm. Prescott and
his wife, Abigail Prescott. He
commanded the American Forces at
Bunker Hill.  It is a thick slate
slab resting on a solid granite
foundation. Here they are buried.

memory of
Mrs. Abigail Prescott
widow of the late
Colonel William Prescott
who died  Oct l9, 1821
AEt 89 - and to right
of the monument, de-
picting an open book:

This stone is erected
In Memory of Colonial
William Prescott of
Who died on the l3th
day of October Anno Domini
l795 in the seventieth year
of his age.

Source:   "Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground, Groton,
          MA" by Rev. Samuel A. Green
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Abigail Richardson Daughter of
Mr. Abiel & Mrs. Sarah Richardson who died May ye l3th
1761 in the 8th year of her age.

Here lies ye Body of Joshua Richardson son of Mr. 
Convers & Mrs. Marcy Richardson, who died March l5th
1773. Aged 6 months & 4 days.

Here lies the Body of Marcy Richardson the Daughter of
Mr. Convars and Mrs. Mary Richardson, who died Sep't
26th 1773 aged 12 Years 4 months & 9 D.

Note: I rechecked both the above for accuracy and this
is transcribed according to the entries in the book.

(Cherub's Head)
Erected to the memory of Mr. Converce Richardson who
died March 8th 1794 Aged 62.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the Memory of Cap't Jephthah Richardson
who died Oct'r 9. l806 AE 49.
	"The noble, generous, resolute & just,
	 Like other, mortals mingles with the dust."
Author's note:  The son of Converse and Mary Richardson
He kept a tavern, during many years, on the present site
of the Baptist Church.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the memory of Benjamin Richardson son of Mr.
Alpheus Richardson and Mrs. Phebe, his wife, who died
June 11, 1819 Aged 20 years.

"He liv'd belov'd and died lamented."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the memory of William, son of Mr. Alpheus
and Mrs. Phebe Richardson, who died Aug 3, l820; AEt
	"This mortal must put on immortality"

(Willow Tree and Urn)
(Spade.  Plumb.  Level.  Square and Compass  Mallet  Rule
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Alpheus Richardson who died
Jan 20, 1821; AEt 47.

"Forgive, blest shade, the tributary tear like this;
 That mourns thy exit from a world
 Forgive the wish that would have kept thee here,
 And stayed thy progress to the seats of bliss."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the memory of Charles, Son of Mr. Alpheus
Richardson and Mrs. Phebe his wife.  Died May 25, 1822
AEt l9 yr. 6 mo.
"Down to the dead all must descend
 And saints of God must die;
 While angels guard their souls to rest
 In dust their bodies lie.
      (Abel Sawtell, Groton (fecit.)

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Phebe Richardson, Consort
of Alpheus Richardson, Esq. who died April 28, l823.
AEt. 46
"Death is a debt, to nature due,
 I've paid the debt and so must you."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Frederick Augustus Richard-
son, son of Mr. Alpheus Richardson and Mrs. Phebe Richard-
son who died June 4, 1825; AEt l9 years.

"As Jesus died and rose again,
 Victorious from the dead;
 So his disciples rise and reign,
 With their triumphant head."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the memory of Miss Caroline, Daughter of the
late Mr. Alpheus and Mrs. Phebe Richardson who died
Oct. 5, l825; AEt. 16.

"What though once we perish'd all,
 Partners of our parents fall;
 Second life we shall receive,
 And in Christ forever live."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the memory of Benjamin Richardson, who died
Sept l9, l831.  AEt ll ys & 8 ds.
"This lovely bud, so young and fair.
 Call'd hence by early doom.
 Just come to show, how sweet a flower
 In Paradise could bloom."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Miss Phebe Ann Richardson who died Oct 5,
l837; AEt 26.
"Tis religion that can give
 Sweetest pleasure while we live;
 'Tis religion must supply
 Solid comfort when we die."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Josiah F. Son of George & Sarah Richardson died
Oct l5, l845.  AEt 5 months.

"Softly, peacefull,
 Lay him to rest;
 Place the turf lightly
 O'er his young breast."

Surname:   ROCKWOOD
Source:    Epitaphs from the Old Burial Ground, Groton
           MA pub l878 by Little, Brown & Co. Boston
(Death's Head)
Here Lies ye body of Samuel Rockwood Son of Elisha
Rockwood Who departed this Life The 2th day of Sept
A D l753 in the 12th year of his age.

(Death's Head)
Here Lies ye Body of Moses Rockwood Son of Elisha Rock-
wood Who dec'd Sept 7th l753 in ye lth year of his age.

(Death's Head)
Here Lies the body of Elisabeth Rockwood daughter of
Elisha Rockwood Who departed this Life the l7th day of
September A D l753 in the l5th year of her age.

(Death's Head)
And allso the body of Lydia Rockwood Daughter of Elisha
Rockwood Who Departed this Life The l7th day of Sept
AD l753 in the 6th year of her Age.

Note:  Fifteen Groton residents died at this time (fall
of l753 - but does not report the cause although it seems
obvious that it was an epidemic.

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Elisha Rockwood son of Samuel Rockwood and
Lucy Rockwood his wife.  Who died Dec l3, l786 aged
2 years and 2 days.

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Lieut. Elisha Rockwood who departed this
Life Dec ye 5th l788 Aged 72 years and 6 months.
	"The sweet remembrance of the Just
         Shall flourish while they sleep in dust."
Author's note:  The youngest child of Nathaniel and
Joanna (Ellis) Rockett ? b. June ll, l7l6 at Wrentham
MA  He m. Aug l7, l738 Elizabeth Adams b. Sep 3, l7l9
at Sherborn, MA

p. l05
(Cherub's Head)
In memory of James Rockwood son of Lieut Samuel Rock-
wood and Mrs. Lucy Rockwood   Who died July 28, l795
Aged 4 years l0 months and l9 days.

(Cherub's Head)
In memory of Thomas Rockwood son of Lieut. Samuel Rock-
wood and wife Lucy, Died Aug l7, l795 aged l year, 4
mos and l0 days.

(Cherub's Head)
(Hour Glass)
In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Rockwood the widow of
Lieut Elisha Rockwood who departed this life May l6
A D l799 in the 80th year of her age.
Author's note:  Her maiden name was Adams.  She was b.
Sep l3, l7l9 at Sherborn, MA and married Aug l7, l738

(Urn and Willow Tree)
Monumental Tribute to Samuel Rockwood son of Elisha
Rockwood and Elizabeth his wife.  Was born at Groton
Decem 6, l754 and died suddenly May 29, l804; for a
course of years he sustained the office of deacon in
the church and was honored with many posts of civil
trust, the duties of which He discharged with great
prudence and fidelity.  In his character an uncommon
assemblage Of the mildest and most useful virtues.
At his death, Among survivors who knew him, There were
none but friends - All united in deploring this loss.

Note: all above is inscribed on his tombstone.

(Urn and Willow Tree)
In memory of Sarah, wife of Joseph Rockwood who died
March 29, l809 AEt. 66 
Author's note:  Her maiden name was Richardson.  She was
married January 30, l766.

(Urn and Willow Tree)
In memory of Joseph Rockwood who died June 9, l8l6
AEt. 72.
Author's note:  The son of Elisha and Elisabeth
Rockwood b. June l3, l744.  He married January 30, l766
Sarah Richardson

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mrs. Anna wife of Mr. Samuel Rockwood
who died May 3, l834 AEt 54.
Author's note:  The daughter of Abner and Abigail
Houghton  She was born Aapril 4, l78l at Winchester,
New Hampshire.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mrs. Lucy, wife of Mr. Samuel Rockwood died April
l5, l843 AEt 54.
Author's note: The daughter of William and Rebecca
(Ball) Weston of Townsend, MA b. March ll, l789

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Lucy, wife of Deacon Samuel Rockwood died May l2, l848
AEt 9l.
Author's note:  The daughter of Nathan and Mary Hubbard
b. August 20, l757; she was married January l9, l780

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mr. Samuel Rockwood Died May l0, l85l AEt. 69.
Author's note:  The son of Samuel and Lucy (Hubbard)
Rockwood, born November l9, l78l.  He married Nov. l9,
l8l8 for his first wife, Anna Houghton and March l2,
l840 for his second wife, Lucy Weston of Townsend, MA

Surname:  RUSSELL
Source:   Epitaphs from the Old Burial Ground, Groton, 
          MA by Dr. Samuel A. Green.
Here lies the Body of Luther Russell son of Mr. Ephraim
Russell and Mrs. Mirian, his wife, who died November
l7th l768 Aged 4 months, 3 weeks and 3 days.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Lt. Pelatiah Russell who died Jan 2l, l83l
AEt. 77.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Frances Loriett, Daughter of Milo and Elizabeth P. 
Russell died Oct l3, l843 AEt 3 months.
         "Suffer little children to come unto
          Me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven".

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Milo and Elizabeth Russell
died Oct 5, l845 AEt l7 years & 2 ms.
        Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord
                  - F. Park (fecit)

Surname:  SAWTELL
Source:   Eptaphs from the Old Burial Grounds, Groton, MA
          by Dr. Samuel A. Green
p. l2
(Death's Head)
Here Lies The Body of Mr. Obadiah Sawtell Who Departed This 
Life March The 20th A D l740 in ye 92 Year of his Age.

Author's note:  The son of Richard and Elizabeth Sawtell of
Watertown, he married Hannah daughter of Geore and Elizabeth
Lawrence.   (he was born l648)

(Death's Head)
Here lies ye body of Ms Abigail Sawtell ye Wife of Capt.
Ephraim Sawtell Who Departed This life Decembr ye 4th
A D l753 in ye 66th year of her Age.

Memento mori
(Death's Head)
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Hannah Sawtell the Second
wife of Capt. Ephraim Sawtell, who departed this Life
March l5th A.D. l762  Aged 60 Years, l0 months and
9 days.

Author's note:  The daughter of Joseph and Hannah
Farwell born May 6, l70l.  She m. May 26, l755 for 
her second, Ephraim Sawtell.

Here lies the Body of Josiah Sartell son of Mr.
Ephraim Sartell Jr. and Mrs. Abigail his wife, who
died October 26th A.D. l766.  Aged 4 years, 8 months
& 26 Days.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies Interred the Body of Capt. Ephraim Sawtell
who departed this Life October 8th l768 In the 83rd
year of his age.
	"Dear friends for me pray do not weep,
	 I ame not dead but here do sleep,
         Within this solid lump of clay,
	 Until the Resurection Day:
	 And here indeed I must remain,
	 Till Christ shall rais me up again.

(Cherub's Head)
To the Memory of a Beloved Friend.
Here lies the Body of Lieut. Hezekiah Sawtell
Who Departed this Life March Ye l8th l779 in the
77th Year of his age: in his life he was a Kind &
Loving Husband, a tender and Provident Parent, a
Friendly and Benevolent Neighbor, Singularly Piti-
ful and Liberal to the Poor, Needy and Distress'd
His life useful, his Death Lamented.
	"Stop Passenger as You Go by
	 Rembember you Was born to die.
         As You are Now So Once was I
	 As I am Now So You Must be
	 Prepare For Death and Follow me."
         (Note: I type them exactly as they
          were carved, grammatical erros in-
Author's note:  The son of Obadiah and Hannah 
Sawtell born March 2, l703, he m. Joanna Wilson.

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Sawtell the wife of
Ens. Richard Sawtell.  Who Died May l4th l786,
Aged 54 years.

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Mrs.Joanna Sawtell.  Relict of Lieut.
Hezekiah Sawtell; Who died Sept llth l786 In the
85th year of her Age.

Author's note:  Her maiden name was Wilson

In Memory of Ede Sawtell, Dau of Lieut Elnathan &
Mrs. Ruth Sawtell who died March ye l4th l790: Aged
2 years & 5 days.

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Capt. John Sawtell, who departed this
Life Dec ye 23d AD l790, Aged 6l years  8 months 
and 5 days.

Author's note:  The son of Ephraim and Abigail
Sawtell, born April l8, l729.

(Cherub's Head)
Erected In Memory of Mrs. Betty Sawtell, wife of
Mr. Joseph Sawtell Jr. Who departed this life May 
l3th l792.  In the 36th year of her age.

	"Oh! All my friends the hour will soon appear
	 When you must die & leave your bodies here,
	 Oh! then prepare for death that when you die
	 May join the saints in songs above the skye."

(Urn and Willow Tree)
In memory of Miss Maria Sawtell dau. of Ens. Richard &
Mrs. Elizabeth Sawtell who died 22, April l808; in the
38 year of her age.

	"Death is a debt by nature due,
	 Which I have paid & so must you."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Erected in memory of Mr. Richard Sawtell who died Oct.
l6, l8l5  AEt. 78

Author's note:  The son of Hezekiah and Joanna (Wilson)
Sawtell, b. June 2l, l737; he m. March 23, l763, Eliza-
beth Bennet.

In Memory of Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. Richard Sawtell who
died Sept. 26, l829 AEt. 79.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mrs. Ruth, wife of Lieut. Elnathan Sawtell
who died Dec. l6, l83l AEt. 68 ys. & 6 mos.
	"Sudden she was call'd to go,
	 And bid adieu to all below;
	 Sudden the vital spirit fled,
	 And she was number'd with the dead."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mr. Benjamin F. Sawtell who died Nov 2, l833;
AEt. 33.

	"Dear companion, thou hast left us,
	 And thy loss we deeply feel;
	 But 'tis God that hath bereft us,
	 He can all our sorrows heal."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Lietu. Elnathan Sawtell who died Aug. 3l, l836
AEt. 83
	"Dry up your tears surviving friends,
	 Weep not for me but for your sins;
         Die to the world, live unto God
	 The grave will soon be your abode."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mr. Joseph Sawtell died March 2l, l842 AEt. 78
	"Behold and see, as you pass by,
	 As you are now, so once was I;
	 As I am now, so you must be,
	 Prepare for death and follow me."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Mrs. Lucy, wife of Mr. Joseph Sawtell
DIED Nov. 23, l852 AEt 78.

	"Friends nor physicians could not save
	 This mortal body from the grave.
	 Nor can the grave confine it here
	 When Christ doth call it to appear."
Richard Sawtell the ancestor of numberous families 
bearing this name, was an original proprietor of
Groton, MA. and the possessor of a twenty-acre right.
Two of his sons were also orig. prop's Jonathan, hav-
ing a five-acre right and Zechariah a ten acre-right.
He came here from Watertown, MA where he was living
as early as the year l636.  He was town clerk of
Groton in l662 and the two subsequent years.  He d.
August 2l, l694 at Watertown, where he went, doubt-
less in the spring of l676 after the destruction of
Groton by the Indians.  In his will dated May l6,
l692 he mentions his wife, Elizabeth.  She d. Oct.
l8, l694.  They had a large family, born prob. at
Watertown, three of them: Obadiah, Jonathan and
Zechariah lived at Groton.  Obadiah, the eldest
m. Hannah dau of George Lawrence, had:
Abigail Sawtell b. Mar. l3, l665/6 and prob. a
son, Obadiah.
Jonathan Sawtell b. Aug 24, l639 m. July 3, l665
Mary___.  and had six children of whom Jonathan
the youngest was born April 6, l676 at Watertown.
Jonathan Sawtell Sr. d. Jan 6, l690/l and his wife
Apr 26, l676, a few days after the birth of her
youngest son.  Zechariah b. abt l644 m. ___.
and had Anna b. Mar l4, l673/4 and prob. a son,

This family is largely represented at Charles-
town NH where the name is spelled Sartwell.
This branch sprang from Obadiah and early
settler of that town who went from Groton
abt the year l740.  He was taken prisoner
by the Indians May 24, l746 and held until 
Aug 20, l747.  He met his death at their
hands June l7, l749.  

Surname:  SHATTUCK
Source:    Epitaphs - Dr. Sam Green 
(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Sarah Shattuck wife of
Cap. Job Shattuck who d. May 5, l798 AEt. 6l
	"Retire my friends dry up your tears
	 I shall rise when Christ appears"
Author's note:  The dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Holden)
Hartwell b. Mar l9, l737-8.  She was one of a band of
patriotic women who arrested on April l775 Leonard
Whiting of Hollis New Hampshire, a noted Tory, bearing
dispatches from Canada to the British in Boston.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the Memory of Mr. William Shattuck who died
Oct. 9, l806 AEt. 42.

Author's note:  Son of Job and Sarah (Hartwell) Shatt-
uck, b. Mar. 8, l765.  He m. Eunice Blood dau of Simon
Blood and Anna (Shattuck) Blood.

In memory of Sarah Shattuck Daughter of Mr. William
Shattuck who died Nov. 7, l806 Aged 7 years & 3 mos.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Eunice Shattuck wife of
Mr. William Shattuck who died Feb. l0, l807 AEt 4l.

Author's note:  The dau. of Simon and Anna (Shattuck)
Blood b. Feb. 25, l766.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Lieut. Jobe Shattuck the 3rd who died 
Feb. 20, l8l3 AEt. 3l.
	"Friends and physicians could not save
	 My mortal body from the grave,
	 Nor could the grave confine me here,
	 When Christ my Saviour doth appear".
Author's note:  The son of Job and Elizabeth (Blood)
Shattuck, b. Jan 22, l782.  He m. Apr l9, l803, Polly
Prescott dau of Elnathan and Ruth (Sawtell) Prescott
b. Jan ll, l784.  His widow afterward m. Luther 
Shattuck, a brother of her lst husband.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Capt. Ezekiel Shattuck, who died April l,
l8l3 AEt. 48
	"Just as the grass is withered
	 Beneath the scorching sun,
	 His glory in the dust is laid,
	 His usefulness is done.
Author's note:  The son of Noah and Sarah (Hartwell)
Shattuck b. Apr. l2, l763.  He m. Sept. 25, l788,
Prudence, dau of Levi Blood b. Oct. 30, l770.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Anna daughter of Capt. Noah & Mrs. Anna Shattuck
died Sept. l9th l8l3 aged 9 years and 9 mos.
	"May guardian cherubs watch thy sacred trust,
	 Till recent life reanimates thy dust"

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Mr. Nathaniel Shattuck who died Apr 5,
l8l5 AEt 67.
	"Friends nor physicians could not save,
	 My mortal body from the grave.
	 Nor can the grave confine me here,
	 When Christ shall call me to appear.
Author's note:  The son of William and Experience
(Spaulding) Shattuck b. at Hollis, NH  He m. Eunice
Hazen dau of Benjamin Hazen and wife, Betty (Nutting)
Hazen.  She b. Apr 30, l754.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the Memory of Cap. Job Shattuck who died
Jan l3, l8l9 AEt 84.

Author's Note:  The son of William Shattuck and wife,
Margaret (Lund) Shattuck.  He was a noted leader in 
the insurrection of l786 known as the Shay's Rebellion,
and was afterward tried for high treason, convicted and
sentenced to hang, but was subsequently pardoned.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mrs. Prudence Shattuck Consort of Capt.
Ezekiel Shattuck Obt Sept. 2, l8l9 AEt 49.
	"With grace and piety her days were crowned
	 With lustre bright her virtue shine around
	 Reader could ashes speak they would loudly
	 Make God your friend and so prepare to die.
Author's note:  The daughter of Levi Blood b. Oct.
30, l770.  She was m. Sept. 25, l788.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Mr. Job Shattuck who died May 4, l827
AEt 68.

Author's note:  The son of Job and Sarah (Hartwell)
Shattuck b. Dec. l0, l758.  He enlisted in the Con-
tinental Army in the year l780.

Noah Shattuck's Tomb Erected l830.  A naritive of His
progenitors who hath lived and died in Groton.  
His, G't grand Fa. William Shattuck from Europe as 
early as l689: Died l730
His, grand Fa. William Shattuck 2d b. l692 d. l758.
Margaret, his wife m'dn n'm Lunn d. l764.
His Fa. Job Shattuck 5th Son of William Shattuck 2d 
b. l736 d. l8l9.
Sarah, his wife, ma'dn n'm Hartwell, b. l738 d. l798
Noah Shattuck d. Sep 28, l858 aged 86 years.
Anna Shattuck his wife, d. Apr l5, l863 Aged 85 years.

John Shattuck Died May 20, l848 AEt. 70
Mary his wife Died Nov. 7, l852 AEt 77.

Author's note: The son of Nathaniel and Eunice (Hazen)
Shattuck b. Mar 22, l778.  His wife was a dau. of 
Thomas Bennett.  Born Feb. 4, l776.

Anna Shattuck Died l863 Aged 85 y'rs.

Noah Shattuck Died l858 Aged 86 y'rs.

Source:     Epitaphs from the Old Burial Ground, Groton, MA by Dr. Samuel A.
(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Mr. Oliver Spaulding who departed this life Oct 27th l79l; in the 28th
year of his Age.

(Urn, Compass and Willow Tree)
In memory of Mr. Timothy Spaulding, who died Feb l9, l808; aged 38 years l0 
months & 11 days.
Surname:  STONE
Source:     "Epitaphs - The Old Burial Ground, Groton, MA" by Dr. Sam-
                   ual Green pub. Boston - Little, Brown & Co.  l878
(Death's Head)
Here Lyes ye Body of Hannah Stone Who Decd Sept ye 27th l723 in ye
25th Year of Her Age.

(Death's Head)
Here Lyes ye Body of Isaac Stone Who Decd Sept. ye 30th l723 in ye
27th Year of His Age.

(Death's Head)
Here Lyes ye Body of Lydia Stone Who Decd Sept ye 30th l723, in ye l6th
Year of Her age.

Author's note:  The three persons last named were children of Deacon Simon Stone
 and wife, Sarah (Farnsworth) Stone

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mrs Sarah Stone Ye Wife of Deacon Simon Stone
 Who Departed This Life Sept Ye l6th A.D. l73l In Ye 68th Year of Her Age.

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Deacn Simon Stone Who Departed This Life
Decemb Ye l9th A.D. l74l Age 85 Years 3 M & ll D
Author's note:  The eldest son of Simon and Mary Whipple Stone of Watertown
He was one of the original proprietors of Groton (Simon Jr. that is to say)

(Memento mori)
(Death's Head)
Here Lies Buried the Body of Mr. Benjamin Stone Who Departed this Life
September the 23d l758 in the 53d Year of his Age
Author's note:  The son of Deacon Simon and Sarah (Farnsworth) Stone.  He
born August l2, l706.

Here Lies the Body of Joseph Stone son of Mr. Nathaniel Stone and Mrs. Sybel
Stone his wife, who died (Joseph) Nov l0th l772 Aged 2 years.
Author's note: He was born December l9, l769.

Here lies the Body of Suiel Corning Stone son of Mr. Daniel Stone and Mrs. Pattie
Stone his wife.  He died Dec 4th l774 Aged 6 months & two days.

(Momento mori)
Here lies Buried the Body of Miss Emme  Stone daughter of Mr. Benjamin Stone
and Mrs. Emme Stone his wife.  Who (Emme) departed this Life Aug l0th l775
in the 22d year of her Age.

(Cherub's Head)
(Memento mori)
Here lies the Body of Mr. Nathaniel Stone son of Mr. Nathaniel Stone and Mrs. Sybel
Stone his wife, Who (Nathaniel) died in his Countrys service on Dorchester Hill on
Oct 22, l776.  Aged l7 years one month and 22 days.

Here Lies the Body of Rebecca Stone Daughter of Mr. Jonas Stone and Mrs. Rebecca
Stone, his wife, Who (Rebecca) died May l9th l777 Aged 4 years 2 months & l0 days

(Cherub's Head)
Memento Mori
Here lies the Body of Mr. Joseph Stone, who departed this Life Sep l0th l777.  In ye 75th
year of his age. "The memory of the Just is blessed".

In Memory of Joseph Stone son of Mr. Nath' Stone and Mrs Sibel Stone his wife.  Who
died (Joseph) Aug l4, l778 Aged 2 years 7 mon & 8 days.

In Memory of Salley Stone daughter of Mr. Jonas Stone and Mrs. Rebekah Stone his
wife, Who (Salley) died Sep 30, l778 Aged l year 5 months & 2l days

(Memento mori)
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies Buried the Body of Deacon James Stone who departed this Life Feb. ye 27th 
l783.  Aged 82 Years and 24 days.  "Blest is the Memory of the Just
                                                               Though they be sleeping in ye Dust.
                                                                And happy shall be when they Rise
                                                                Through grace to shine among ye wise
                                                                 In Relms of Light & Peace above.
                                                                 To sing & Praise Redeeming Love.
Author's note:  The son of John and Sarah Stone born January 23, l70l; he married December
28th l726, Mary, daughter of Joseph and Hannah Farwell, born February 5, l709 and sister of 
his brother John's wife.

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Mr. Nathaniel Stone who departed this life July l8th l787.  In the 36th year of his

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Miss Molly Stone, Daug of Mr. Nathaniel Stone and Mrs. Sybel Stone, who died
June l6th l789 in the l8 year of her age.

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Mrs. Mary Stone, Relict of Mr. Joseph Stone who departed this Life April 6th
l793 Aged 8l years and ll months.
The daughter of Jonas and Thankful (Wheeler) Prescott b. April 29, l7ll.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Mrs.Mary Stone Relict of Dea. James Stone, who died March 29th l804;
AEt 95.
Author's note:  The daughter of Jonas and Hannah Farwell born February 5, l709  She
was married December 28, l726.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mrs. Sibel Stone widow of Mr. Nathaniel Stone who died Sep 27, l8ll AEt. 78.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Erected in memory of Sally Stone consort of Nathaniel Stone who died March 8, l8l5.
AEt 24.      Also in memory of an Infant, son of Nathaniel & Sally Stone who died Aug
25, l8l3 Aged 24 hours.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Jonas Stone who died April 26, l8l6 AEt. 78.
Author's note: The son of Joseph and Mary (Prescott) Stone, born November ll, l737.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mr. Amos Stone, Jr. who died May 27, l8l8 AEt 42.
Author's note: The son of Amos and Molly (Moors) Stone, born Sep. 2l, l776.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mrs. Rebekah Stone wife of Mr. Jonas Stone who died Jan. 27,
l824 AEt. 82.

p. l64
(Willow Tree and Urn)
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Lydia Stone wife of Dea Timothy Stone, who died
Sep 24, l825 AEt. 52 years.   "Forgive, blest shade, the tributary (tear).
                                                   That mourns thy exit from a world like this.
                                                    Forgive the wish that would have kept thee here
                                                    And stayed thy progress to the seats of bliss."

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mr. Timothy Stone Jr. who died March l9, l827 AEt. 42.
                        (and) Emily Stone, daughter of Timothy & Mary Stone 
                        died March l3, l8l9 AEt. 23 months.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Deac. Timothy Stone died Mar l0, l839 AEt. 68 "If a man die, shall he live again"?

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mrs Sarah Stone Ye Wife of Deacon Simon Stone
 Who Departed This Life Sept Ye l6th A.D. l73l In Ye 68th Year of Her Age.

Note: Her maiden name was Nutting and she married lst, Matthias Farnsworth Jr.
of Groton, MA.

The graves and tombstone inscriptions of the Tarball/Tarbell family members
buried at the Old Burial Grounds, Groton, MA are:

p.6 (the son of John and Anna (Tarbell) Lawrence:
(Death's Head)
Here lyes ye Body of Mr. Thomas Lawrence; Who Died Oct.
4th l729 Aged 37 Years 9 Mont'hs & l9 Days.
Author's note: The son of John and Anna (Tarbell) Lawr-

Memento Mori
(Death's Head)
Here Lies the Body of Cap't Thomas Tarbell Who Departed
this Life May the 30th l757 Aged 69 years 8 Months and
5 days.
Author's note:  The eldest son of Thomas and Elizabeth
(Woods) Tarbell born Sept. l5, l687.  Two of his brothers
John and Zechariah and a sister, Lydia were carried off
by the Indians June 20, l707 and taken to Canada.  The
boys afterward married Indian wives, and their descend-
ants are still living among th Indians at St. Regis, a
village near the New York State line on the St. Lawrence
River.  The epitaph of his brother William born June l0
l689 appears at the bottom of the opposite page.

(Death's Head)
Here Lies The Body of Mr. Jame's Green who Departed This
Life Sept'br ye 2lth AD l756 in ye 28th year of his age.
Author's note:  The son of Eleazer Green and wife, Anna
Tarbell.  He born June l9, l728.

Memento Mori
(Cherub's Head)
Skull and Cross-Bones
Here Lies ye Body of Lieu't William Tarbell Who Depart-
ed This Life Decem'br ye 26th A D l757 in ye 69th year
of His Age.
	Here lies intomb'd in this grave here
	A Husband kind, a parent dear.
	A Neighbor good the poor mans friend
	Whom death hath brought unto his end.
Here lies ye Body of Lucy Tarbell Daughter of Mr Oliver
and Mrs. Lucy Tarbell who died Jan'y l4th l770 Aged 2 
years 7 months and 8 days.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Cap't Samuel Tarbell who departed this Life
May 23'd at 3 a clock after noon l776 Aged 78 years 4
months and l4 days.
	Halt passenger as you go past
	Remember timeit runneth fast
	My dust in narrow bounds do ly
	Remember man that thou must die
	This dust revive it shall again
	And in a grave no more remain
	When trumpet sound I shall be rais'd
	For this God's holy word hath said.
Author's note:  The son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Woods)
Tarbell, and brother of the three children carried off
by the Indians, June 20, l707.  He married December 29
l725, Lydia Farnsworth daughter of Benjamin Farnsworth
and Mary (Prescott) Farnsworth.

Memento mori
Erected In memory of Mrs. Lydia Tarbell The wife of
Cap't Samuel Tarbell who departed this Life Nov'r llth
l778.  Aged 72 Years & l5 days.
Author's note:  The daughter of Benjamin and Mary
(Prescott) Farnsworth born September 26, l706; She m.
December 29, l725.

(Cherub's Head)
Erected In Memory of Mrs. Alice Bancroft (Consort of
Deacon Benjamin Bancroft) who departed this life Nov'br
29th l78l Aged 5l years 8 months & 25 days.
Author's note:  The daughter of William and Mary
(Farnsworth) Tarbell, bornMarch 4, l729/30; she was
married October l8, l749.

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Mrs. Mary Tarbell wife of Lieu't William
Tarbell who departed this Life Feb'r ye 29th l784 Aged
88 years l month and 24 days.
Author's note:  The daughter of Benjamin and Mary
(Prescott) Farnsworth born January 5, l696.

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Lieu't Abel Bancroft Who Departed this Life
October 30th A D l786 in the 35th Year of his Age.
Author's note: The son of Benjamin and Alice (Tarbell)
Bancroft, born May 28, l752.

(Cherub's Head)
Erected in Memory of Mrs. Anna Bancroft Relict of Cap't
Benjamin Bancroft who departed this life April ye 3d
l790; In the 88th year of her Age.
Author's note: The daughter of John and Anna (Tarbell)
Lawrence baptized November l, l702.

(Cherub's Head)
In memory of Mr. Edmund Tarbell the son of Mr. John &
Mrs. Hannah Tarbell, who died June 20th l797 aged 3l
years and l3 days.
	Youth's fair flower soon fades and dies,
	And Life's swift moment quickly flies:
	But to prepare for Death and Heav'n
	Is all for which the longest Life is giv'n.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Miss. Elisabeth Tarbell, daughter of Mr.
Nehemiah & Mrs. Martha Tarbell, who died July l2, l799;
Aged 2l.
	Friends as you pass, suppress the falling tear,
	You wish her out of heaven, to wish her here.
J. T. 
Erected in memory of Mr. John Tarbell who died 9, Sep.
l802, in the 80th year of his age.
Author's note:  The son of William and Mary (Farnsworth)
Tarbell born August l9,l723; he married (l) Oct 29, l753
Sarah, daughter of John and Mary (Bradstreet) Parker
born April l4, l726 and secondly, Hannah____.

In memory of Lovina, Consort of Mr. Abel Tarbell, who
died   Octr lst l803 in the 22 year of her age.
Author's note:  The daughter of Joshua and Bridget
Longley of Shirley (MA) born August l5, l78l.

Luther Tarbell son of Mr. William and Mrs. Mary Tarbell
died Jan 4, l805 aged 8 years & 9 months.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
Erected in memory of Mrs. Jane Tarbell wife of Major
Abell Tarbell who died Oct 29, l8l6 AEt 36.
Author's note:  Her maiden name was Harkness and she
was from Lunenburg.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In Memory of Mrs. Hannah, wife of Mr. John Tarbell,
who died Aug 6, l829 AEt. 93 years & 8 months.

Abel Tarbell Died Oct l9, l860 AEt 86 yrs l mo. & 24 ds.
Pamela Tarbell, wife of Abel Tarbell, Died Aug 27, l849
AEt 66
Abel Harkness Tarbell Died June l8, l835 AEt. l9.

The FamilyTom of William Parker includes the body of
Edmund Tarbell (early l800s).

Source:   Epitaphs from the Old Burial Ground, Groton,
          MA by Dr. Samuel A. Green  pub. 1878
(Death's Head)
Here Lyes Buried the Body of Mrs. Sarah Trowbridge, Wife
to ye Revrnd Mr. Caleb Trowbridge; Aged 26 Years, & 5 Mo.
Dec'd June the l6th, l7l7.
Author's note:  The daughter of Deacon Thomas and Mary
(Wilson) Oliver of Cambridge Ma b. Nov l4, l690.  She
was married March l0, l7l4.

Tombstone - A Tablet
Underneath this stone lies the Body of The Revd Caleb
Trowbridge, late Pastor of the Church of Christ in
Groton, born of reputable Parents in the Town of Newton
educated at Harvard College in Cambridge New-England;
of such natural and acquir'd endowments as render'd him
an ornament and blessing in the several relations which
he sustained: he was a good steward over the House of 
God, and discharg'd the Duties of his Pastoral relation
with prudence and impartiality, diligence and fidelity.
He was a tender and loving husband, an affectionate
and kind parent; an agreable and faithful friend; and
a useful member of society: he was much belovd and re-
spected while he liv'd and dyed greatly lamented the 
9th Day of Septr A D, l760 in the 69th year of his age
and 46st of his ministry and is, we trust receiving
the reward of his labours in the Kingdom of his Lord:
and in honour to his Memory his loving People have erect
ed this Monument over his grave.  Blessed are the dead
that die in the Lord for they rest from their Labour
and their works do follow them.   The Memory of ye Just
is Blessed.

(Cherub's Head)
In Memory of Mr. Nehemiah Trowbridge son of the late
Rev. Caleb Trowbridge who died January ll, l796 aged
73 years.

(Willow Tree and Urn)
In memory of Mrs. Abigail Trowbridge wife of Mr. Neremiah
Trowbridge who died Oct l4, l8l4 AEt 78.
	"Thrice happy shades, now freed from cares,
	 Thy mortal frame at rest,
         Secure from pain, from grief and fears,
         With kindred souls thou'rt blessed".
(Urn   Willow Tree  Urn)
Thomas Trowbridge died Sept 22, l820 AEt. 85 yrs. ll
mos  Ruth his wife, died Aug 8, l836 AEt 86 years.
Author's note:  The son of the Rev. Caleb and Hannah
(Walter) Trowbridge born Nov l2, l734   Ruth was his
2d wife and her maiden name was Nevers.

Tombstone, A Monument - three sided:
(West Side)
Jonathan Loring died July l2, l855 AEt 82 yrs. Mary T.
Loring his wife died Oct 23, l865 AEt 89 yrs.
(South Side)
Nehemiah Trowbridge son of Rev. Caleb Trowbridge died
Jan ll, l796 AEt 73 yrs.
(East Side)
Abigail Trowbridge wife of Nehemiah Trowbridge died Oct
l4, l8l4 AEt 78 yrs.

(Death's Head)
Here Lyes ye Body of Mrs. Alice Woods Wife to Mr. Nathaniel Woods; Who Dec-
eased Jan ye l0th l7l7/8 in ye 45th year of Her Age.
Author's Note:  Daniel Woods, one of her sons, was killed in Lovewell's fight at
Pigwacket, May 8, l725.

(Death's Head)
Here Lyes the Body of Sarah Woods Wife to Mr. Nathaniel Woods Who 
Deceased March ye 3, l725 in ye 45th year of Her Age.
Author's note:  Her maiden name ws Brown and she was from Stow, MA  She
was married July 3, l72l

Here Lies Buried Ye Body of Mr. Nathanael Woods Who Deceased June ye
20th Anno l738 in Ye 7lst Year of his Age.
Author's note:  The son of Samuel and Alice Woods born March 27, l668

(Death's Head)
Here Lies ye body of Thomas Woods, son of Leut Isaac Wood who Departed
this Life Beb. l0th A D l756 in ye 28 year of his age.
Author's note:  The son of Isaac and Abigail (Stevens) Woods, born December
29, l728.

Memento mori
(Death's Head)
Here Lies the Body of Benjamin Woods the son of Mr. John Woods and Mrs.
Sarah, his wife, who Departed this Life November l9th l758 Being l9 Years
3 weeks and 5 days old.
Author's note:  He was born October l3, l739.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Trowbridge daughter of Mr. John Woods and Mrs.
Sarah, his wife, who departed this Life December 25th l765. In ye 3lst year of her
age.  This monument is erected by her father and to her memory.
Author's note:  The daughter of John and Sarah (Longley) Woods born May l8,
l735 and the lst wife of Thomas Trowbridge.

(Cherub's Head)
Here lies ye remains of Mrs Sarah Woods ye wife of Leiut John Woods who
departed this Life March 28th l773 aged 67 years.
     "A faithful wife, a tender mother, a diligent & prudent mistress of a Family
      and a pious christian,  She lived beloved, died lamented, with a comfort-
      able hope of entering into ye joy of her Lord.  Her children arise up &
      call her blessed; her husband also & he praiseth her."
Author's note: The daughter of John and Sarah (Prescott) Longley, born March
28, l706.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here lies the Body of Mr. Ruben Woods who departed this Life October l7, l774
In the 64th Year of his Age.
Author's note:  The son of Nathaniel and Alice Woods, born April 11,  1711, he
married June 11, 174l, Submit, the widow of Timothy Whitney.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
In this Grave is deposited the Remains of Lieut Isaac Woods who departed this
Life on ye 3lst of March l775  In ye 76th year of his Age.
Author's note:  The son of Nathaniel and Alice Woods, born February 20, l699-
l700; he married, September 2l, l725 Abigail Stevens.

Memento mori
Erected In memory of Mrs. Abigail Woods, Relect of Lieut Isaac Woods who
Departed this Life Dec. 24th l78l In the 80th year of her Age.
Author's note:  Her maiden name was Stevens; she was married September
2l, l725.

Memento mori
(Cherub's Head)
Here Lies Buried the Body of Capt. Solomon Woods who was Killed by the
Fall of a Tree May ye 3d l783 In ye 36th year of his age.
Author's note:  The son of Isaac and Abigail (Stevens) Woods born August
29, l747.

Abigail P. Woods Widow of Joseph Woods. Died May 8, l860 aged 67 yrs.
5 mos.
Transcribed by Janice Farnsworth and submitted April 1999