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1874 Tutorship of Lillie E. Reese of Union Parish Louisiana
Submitted by:       Shawn Martin
Date of Submission: 3/2010

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1874 Tutorship of Lillie E. Reese of Union Parish Louisiana

Union Parish Louisiana Succession Book A-3, pp. 30 - 32

Tutorship of Lillie E. Reese 
Proceedings of Family Meeting

State of Louisiana
Parish of Union
   I do solemnly swear that I will give my advice according to 
the best of my knowledge touching the interest of the minor 
Lillie E. Reese the person on which I am called upon to 
deliberate (with regard to the sale of certain property belonging 
to said minor).
                                P. R. Kennedy
                                James A. Dozier
                                Wm. Turnage
                                J. M. Defee
                                H. H. Ham, Sr.
   Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 30th day of 
October A.D. 1874.
                                W. C. Smith, Recorder

State of Louisiana
Parish of Union
   Be it remembered that on this the 30th day of October A.D. 
1874, pursuant to an order issued from his Honor Thomas C. 
Lewis, parish Judge, I, William C. Smith, Recorder and Ex 
Officio Notary Public in and for said Parish and State, caused 
to come before me at Farmerville the following persons to wit:
P. R. Kennedy, James A. Dozier, Wm. Turnage, John M. Defee and 
H. H. Ham, Sr. convoked as a family meeting pursuant to the 
aforesaid order to deliberate upon, and advise the disposition 
of all the real property situated in the Parish of Union for 
belonging to the minor Lillie E. Reese, and to authorize W. K. 
Reese, tutor, to sell the same for the relief of said minor 
Lillie E. Reese at private sale etc. said family meeting being 
duly convoked & worn according to Law, proceeded to give their 
advise, and after mature deliberations they advise and 
recommend, that William K. Reese, Tutor of the said minor be 
authorized to sell at private sale the real property, herein 
described belonging to said minor her interest being an 
undivided half to wit:
   The South West Quarter, & the West half of the South East 
quarter, and the South East quarter of the South East Quarter 
of Section No. Eight (8) and the south West quarter of the 
South West quarter of Section Nine (9) all in township twenty 
(20) North of Range four (4) East containing in the aggregate 
320 acres more or less, they further appraise the undivided ½ 
interest of said minor, in the above described land to be 
worth in cash two dollars ($2.00) per acre, and that the terms 
of sale be cash and they further advise that said Tutor be 
authorized to sell the whole of they above described land, or 
a less quantity of same, as in his judgment, may think best & 
for the good of said minor.
   Thus done and signed in my office at Farmerville this the 
30th day of October A.D. 1874 in presence of D. M. Ramsey and 
Jas. A. Ramsey witnesses called for the purpose, who sign with 
said members and me Recorder.
D. M. Ramsey                     J. M. Defee
Jas. A. Ramsey                   James A. Dozier
W. C. Smith, Recorder            P. R. Kennedy
                                 Wm. Turnage
                                 H. H. Ham, Sr.
Approved October 30th, 1874.
                                 O. O. Smith,
                                 Under Tutor

State of Louisiana               Parish Court
Parish of Union
   By reason of the law and the evidence relative to the 
homologation of the family meeting convoked for the purpose 
of deliberating relative to the sale of certain property 
belonging to the minor Lillie e. Reese and by further reason 
of the approval of the Under tutor to the Process Verbal of 
the said family meeting.  It is hereby ordered, adjudged and 
decreed that the within & foregoing proceeding of family 
meeting be approved and homologated according to law.
   Done and signed in chambers at Farmerville, La. this 31st 
day of October 1874.
                                Thos. C. Lewis
                                Parish Judge

Petition for Family Meeting:  Filed Sept. 8, 1874
To the Honl. Parish Judge in and for the Parish of Union, 
State of Louisiana.
   The petition of W. K. Reese, tutor of Lillie E. Reese, and 
resident of your said Parish of Union, State above named with 
respect represents that the said minor Lillie e. Reese is in 
destitute circumstances, except some real estate which is 
situated in your said parish and State which brings in no 
revenue whatever.
   Petitioner represents further that in order to relieve her 
of her destitution that it is necessary that a portion or all 
of her said Estate be sold at private sale for cash under the 
solemninitites of law.
   Wherefore your petitioner prays that an order issue:  
causing a family meeting of the nearest relations of the said 
minor Lillie e. Reese and that in default of relations that 
said family meeting be composed of a lawful number friends of 
the said minor to deliberate upon the necessity of selling all 
the real estate of the said minor Lillie e. Reese in order to 
relieve her destitution and to authorize our petitioner to sell 
the same at private sale for said purpose.
   Petitioner further prays that petitioner further prays that 
O. O. Smith, Under Tutor of said Lillie E. Reese be duly 
summoned to attend said family meeting, and for general relief 
in the premises.
                                 Ellis & Roberts, Attys.

In the matter of the above and foregoing petition after due 
consideration and by reason of the law authorizing the same, 
it is hereby ordered that Wm. C. Smith, Parish Recorder & Ex 
Officio Notary Public of Union Parish convoke a family 
meeting of five of the nearest relations of the minor Lillie 
E. Reese, according to law and in default of relations that 
said family meeting be composed of friends of the said minor 
Lillie E. Reese as the law directs to deliberate upon and 
devise the disposition of all her real estate in the Parish & 
State aforesaid and to authorize W. K. Reese, Tutor to sell 
the same for the relief of said minor Lillie E. Reese at 
Private sale for case.
   Thurs done and signed in Chambers this the 9th day of 
September A.D. 1874.
                                Thos. C. Lewis
                                Parish Judge

Abstract of Inventory:  Filed May 28, 1873

State of Louisiana              Clerk’s Office
Parish of Union
Abstract of Inventory of property belonging to the minor 
Lillie E. Reese.
1st. A certain lot of ground situtated in the town of 
Farmerville with the improvements thereon described as 
follows to wit:  beginning at the corner of Bayou & 
Lafayette Street running West on Bayou Street 100 feet 
thence South 200 feet to water street thence East along 
Water Street 100 feet to Lafayett Street thence North 
on Lafayett Street 200 feet to place of beginning.  
Apprd. @                                                $600.00
2nd.  The undivided one half interest in the following 
described lands to wit:  The SE ½ & @ ½ of SE ¼ of SE ¼ 
Section 8  the NW ¼ & W ½ of NE ¼ & N ½ of SW ¼ Section 
17 & the SW ¼ of SW ¼ Section 9 all in Township 20 North 
of Range 4 East containing in the aggregate six hundred 
& forty acres more or less, the undivided half interest 
appraised @ $3.00 per acre making in the aggregate the 
sum of                                               __$1920.00
Total                                                  $2520.00

I certify the above is a correct abstract of the inventory 
on file in my office.  Given under my hand and seal of 
office this 27th day of May A.D. 1873.
                                 J. W. Reid
                                 Clerk Dist. Court

Oath & Letters of Under tutor:  Filed June 3, 1873

State of Louisiana
Parish of Union
I, O. Perry Smith being duly sworn says that he will well 
and faithfully discharge and perform all and singular the 
duties incumbent on him as Tutor of the minor Lillie E. Reese
according to law, and according to the best of his knowledge 
and understanding.  So help him God.
                                 O. Perry Smith

   Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 3rd day of June 
A.D. 1873.
                                 J. W. Reid, Clerk


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