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1862 - 1865 Succession of William M. Lawrence, Decd. Union Parish Louisiana

Submitted for the Union Parish Louisiana USGenWeb Archives by Shawn Martin, 4/2005

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

1862 - 1865 Succession of William M. Lawrence, Decd. Union Parish Louisiana

Union Parish Louisiana Succession Book E, pp. 461 - 466

To the Honorable the Judge of the 11th Judicial 
District Court in and for the Parish of Union.  
     The petition of William H. Culbertson, a resident 
of said parish, with due respect represents to your 
honorable court that William M. Lawrence, late of said 
parish departed this life on or about the [blank] day 
of [blank] AD 1862 leaving an estate consisting of 
real and personal property rights credits and debts 
also a widow in community and minor children.  He 
prays that an inventory may be had according to law 
and that after due legal proceedings he may be 
appointed administrator of the said estate and for 
such other orders as the case may require.
                              H. Regenburg, Atty.

State of Louisiana            11th District Court
Parish of Union
     The premises considered it is ordered and decreed 
that the application of William H. Culbertson to be 
appointed administrator of the Estate of William M. 
Lawrence, Decd. be advertised according to law.  It is 
further ordered that W. C. Smith, Recorder, be 
authorized to make an inventory of said Estate and 
return thereof make to this office without delay.
     Done and signed in office this the 8th of October 
AD 1862.
                              Jas. L. Guthrie
                              Clerk, District Court

State of Louisiana            11th District Court
Parish of Union
     By reason of the law and by further reason of 
the proper advertisement having been made and no 
opposition having been made thereto it is ordered 
adjudged and decreed that W. H. Culbertson be and he 
is hereby duly and legally appointed administrator of 
the Estate of William M. Lawrence, Decd. and upon his 
giving bond with good security and taking the oath 
required by law, that letters do issue to him 
according to law.
     Done and signed in office this the 27th 
October 1862.
                              W. C. Smith
                              Deputy Clerk

State of Louisiana
Parish of Union
     William M. Gill and I, H. C. Dacus, do solemnly 
swear that I will faithfully and impartially perform 
all and singular the duties incumbent on me as an 
appraiser making an inventory and appraisement of 
the property belonging to the Estate and succession 
of William M. Lawrence, Decd. to the best of your 
knowledge and judgment.  So help you God.
                            Wm. M. Gill
                            C. H. Dacus
     Sworn to and subscribed before me on this 27th day of October AD 1862.
                              W. C. Smith
                              Parish Recorder

State of Louisiana
Parish of Union
     Be it remembered that on this the 27th day of 
October AD One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Two, 
I William C. Smith, Parish Recorder and Ex Officio 
Notary Public in and for said Parish duly commissioned 
and qualified.  In pursuance of an order of the 
Honorable 11th Judicial District Court and to me 
divided, I proceeded to make an inventory and 
appraisement of the property belonging to the Estate 
and succession of William M. Lawrence, Decd. late of 
the Parish of Union, being assisted by William M. Gill 
and C. H. Dacus who being duly appointed and sworn by 
me as appraisers proceeded to make said inventory as 
follows to wit:
40 Acres of Land situated in the Parish
   of Union, La. apprd. @                      $200.00
1 Lot carpenters tools apprd. @                  75.00
1 Waggon apprd. @                                30.00
3 Head of cattle apprd. @                        30.00
21 Head of sheep apprd. @                        52.50
1 Mule apprd. @                                 130.00
3 Bales cotton                                  135.00
1 Lot books apprd. @                             10.00
1 Rifle gun apprd. @                             15.00
1 Sythe and cradle apprd. @                       3.00
3000 lbs. Seed cotton apprd. @                ___70.00

Having completed the foregoing inventory and 
appraisement, I have on this day closed the same.  In 
testimony whereof I caused said appraisers to sign 
their names hereto in presence of the undersigned 
lawful and competent and me the said Recorder on this 
the 27th day of October AD 1862
ATTEST:                         Wm. M. Gill
J. M. Underwood                 C. H. Dacus
W. H. Carson
W. C. Smith, Parish Recorder

State of Louisiana
Parish of Union
     I, William H. Culbertsen do solemnly swear that I 
will faithfully and impartially discharge all and 
singular the duties incumbent on me as Administrator 
of the Estate of William M. Lawrence, Decd. to the 
best of my ability and understanding.  So help me God.
                             W. H. Culbertson
     Sworn to and subscribed before me on this the 
27th day of October AD 1862.
                             W. C. Smith,
                             Deputy Clerk

State of Louisiana            11th Judicial District Court
Parish of Union
     Whereas William H. Culbertson has been duly and 
legally appointed administrator of the Estate of 
William M. Lawrence, Decd. and he has given bond and 
good security and has taken the oath prescribed by 
law.  Now, therefore the said William H. Culbertson 
is hereby duly and legally authorized and empowered to 
do and perform all acts appertaining to said 
appointment according to law.
     Given under my hand and seal of said Court this 
the 27th October 1862.
                            W. C. Smith, 
                            Deputy Clerk

State of Louisiana          11th District Court
Parish of Union
     Know all men by these presents that we William H. 
Culbertson as principal and William M. Gill and C. H. 
Dacus as his securities are held and firmly bound 
unto W. E. Egan, Judge of the 11th District court, 
parish and state aforesaid for the time being or to 
his successors in office in the full and just sum of 
Seven hundred and thirteen and 12/100 Dollars 
($713.12) the true and faithful payment thereof well 
and truly to be made, we bind ourselves our heirs 
assigns administrators Executors and legal 
representatives firmly by these presents.   Dated at 
Farmerville, Louisiana the 27th day of October 1862.
     The condition of the above obligation is such 
that whereas the said William H. Culbertson has been 
duly and legally appointed administrator of the Estate 
of William M. Lawrence, Decd. and he has taken the 
oath prescribed by law.
     Now, therefore if the said William H. Culbertson 
shall faithfully and impartially discharge all and 
singular the duties incumbent on him as Administrator 
of said Estate and shall faithfully account to the 
Judge of said court for all moneys or property 
received from the state of any other states belonging 
to said estate and shall render a true account of all 
his acts and doings in and about said estate to the 
Judge aforesaid and whenever legally required so to 
do pay over all sums of money or other property to the 
proper person or persons to receive the same, then the 
above obligation to be null and void.  Otherwise to be 
and remain I full force and virtue.
                              W. H. Culbertson
                              Wm. M. Gill
                              C. H. Dacus
     Done, signed and acknowledged before me this day 
and date above written.
                              W. C. Smith, 
                              Deputy Clerk

To the Honorable the Judge of the 11th Judicial 
District Court in and for the Parish of Union, 
     The petition of William H. Culbertson, 
Administrator of the Estate of William M. Lawrence, 
Decd. respectfully represents that the Estate 
principally consists of personal property and of forty 
acres of land.  He represents that the property is 
subject to waste and that it is insufficient to pay the 
debts without the sale of the land.
     He therefore prays for an order to sell all the 
property of said estate on a credit of twelve months 
and that he be authorized to make the sale and for such 
other orders in the premises as may be necessary.
                              H. Regenburg, Atty.

State of Louisiana            11th Judicial District Court
Parish of Union

Succession of William M. Lawrence, Decd.

     Let the prayer of petitioner be granted and it 
is ordered that all the property of said Estate be 
sold according to law by the administrator.  That the 
sale be on a credit of twelve months, purchasers giving 
their notes with approved security.  All sums under 
five dollars, cash.
     Done and signed in office this the 27th day of 
October AD 1862.
                            W. C. Smith,
                            Deputy Clerk

To the Honorable the Judge of the 11th Judicial 
District Court in and for the Parish of Union, 
Louisiana, William H. Culbertson, Administrator of the 
Estate of William M. Lawrence hereunto respectfully 
represents an account of the sale of the Estate of 
William M. Lawrence, Decd. to wit:
1 Lot Carpenter's tools to F. Feazle            $75.00
40 Acres of land to S. M. Lawrence               20.00
1 Waggon to Sarah M. Lawrence                    35.00
10 Head of sheep to same                         50.00
3 head of cattle to same                         40.00
1 Mule to same                                  140.00
11 head of sheep to J. C. B. White               35.00
1 Sythe and cradle to W. H. Culbertson            7.00
1 Bunch screw to same                              .50
1 Rifle gun to W. D. Colvin                      17.50
1 Lot of Books to J. C. B. White                  5.40
1068 lbs. Ginned cotton to 
   W. H. Culbertson                             106.80
3798 lbs. Seed cotton to same                 ___75.90
Amounting to                                    608.12

   The said purchasers with the exception of W. D. 
Colvin, who is a credit of the said Estate paying the 
amounts and taking charge of the property at the time.
                       W. H. Culberton, Admr.

     To the Honorable the Judge of the 11th Judicial 
District Court in and for the Parish of Union, 
Louisiana.  The petition of W. H. Culbertson, 
Administrator of the Estate of William M. Lawrence 
respectfully sheweth that the following is a tableau 
of distribution of the assets of said Estate among the 
creditors who have presented their debts for 
liquidation to wit:
Rhineharts and Millsaps note for $62.10 with 
   8% Int. from Feby. 27, 1862                   71.86
H. King Note for $43.10 with 8% Int. from 
   Jany. 1st 1862                                 55.20
W. D. Colvin's Note 112.45 with 8% int. from 
   Jany. 1st  1860                               150.16
Otts & Welders note $111.14 with 8% int. from 
   Jany. 1st 1860                                147.80
W. A. Glasson's account                           4.00
A. Honeycutt's judgment $90.00 with 
   8% int. from Jany. 1st 1861                   112.50
W. B. Ott's nonte for $13.31 with 8% int. from 
   Feby. 13th 1860                                17.55
A. Wade note for $53.12 with 8% int. from 
   Jany. 1, 1839                                  74.33
L. T. Culbertsons acct. for Med. Services         63.46
W. H. Culbertson                                  45.00
Clerks fees $25.50, Recorder's fees $5.00         30.50
H. Regenburgs acct. Atty's fees                  100.00
Administrator's Commission                    ____15.00
Amounting to                                    $886.98

There being on hand six hundred and eight & 12/100 
Dollars and the debts amounting to Eight hundred and 
eighty six 98/00 dollars and after deducting for 
Administrator's fees, attorney's fees being $145.05 
the sum of four hundred and sixty three dollars and 
seven cents to be distributed to $741.93 of debts which 
gives the proportional share to be distributed on the 
dollars to be sixty two and one half cents.  Petitioner 
prays that this tableau may be filed and advertised and 
for such other orders as may be necessary for the 
homolgation of the same, and that it may be homolgated 
and allowed and for general relief.
                                 H. Regenburg, Atty.

State of Louisiana           11th Judicial District Court
Parish of Uinon
     The premises considered it is ordered and decreed 
that the within statement of debts and tableau of 
distribution filed by William H. Culbertson as 
administrator of the Estate of William M. Lawrence, 
Decd. be advertised according to law.
     Done and signed in office on the 17th day of 
February Ad 1864.
                                Thos. C. Lewis,
                                Clerk, District Court
                                Union Parish, La.

Succession of William M. Lawrence, Decd.
Homolgation of the tableau of distribution filed by 
William H. Culbertson, administrator of said succession.

1st Thomas C. Lewis, Clerk of the District court, 
sworn says that the said tableau of distribution was 
filed on the 16th day of February 1864 by David Arent, 
Deputy Clerk and has been legally advertised for more 
than thirty days in the following manner to wit:  by 
posting a copy of the advertisement at the Court House 
door in the town of Farmerville and by handing two 
copies of the advertisement to David Arent to be 
posted at two other public places in the Parish of 
Union, and that there has been no opposition filed to 
the homolgation of the same up to the present date.
                               Thos. C. Lewis
     Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 2nd 
day of April AD 1864.
                              W. C. Smith, 
                              Parish Recorder

2nd   David Arent sworn says, "that he was acting as 
Deputy Clerk on the 16th day of February 1864 and on 
that day the Tableau of distribution in the Succession 
of William M. Lawrence was filed in the Clerk's office.
                              D. Arent
     Sworn and subscribed before me on the 2nd day of 
April AD 1864.
                              Thos. C. Lewis, Clerk
I do hereby certify that above and foregoing to be all 
the evidence adduced in the homolgation of the tableau 
of distribution filed by William H. Culbertson as 
Administrator of the Estate of William M. Lawrence, 
     Given under my hand and seal of said Court on the 
2nd day of April AD 1864.
                            Thos. C. Lewis, Clerk

Stqate of Louisiana         11th Judicial District Court
Parish of Union
     By reason of the law and the evidence in the 
homolgation of the tableau of distribution filed by 
William H. Culbertson as Administrator of the Estate 
of William M. Lawrence, Decd. and by reason of the 
proper advertisement having been made and there being 
no opposition filed thereto, it is therefore ordered 
adjudged and decreed that the foregoing tableau of 
distribution be allowed and homolgated in all its parts 
and that the Administrator be authorized to pay in 
accordance therewith.
     Done and signed in office this 23rd day of 
April AD 1864.
                            Thos. C. Lewis
                            Clerk, district Court

A True Record this 13th day of January Ad 1865.
                            Thos. C. Lewis, Clerk
