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Notarial Records, Pages 91-115.  St. Landry Parish, Louisiana
Transcribed and Submitted by Mike Miller

Copyright.  All rights reserved.
The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file
permanently for free access.

In This File:

Susan Andrus widow Murtough Collins To Etienne Robert delamorandiere fils
Sale of Land 
Recorded 23rd of July 1837

John L. Daniel To William W. Bowen 
Sale of Slave
Recorded 27th Feb[r]uary 1837

James Barnett To Thomas Bilbo
Sale of Land (Calcasieu Parish)
Recorded 18th Feb[r]uary 1837

Isaac Griffith To Governor
Recorded 7 March 1837

George R. King To Caleb Swayzy
Recorded 8 March 1837

Abijah Clark To Governor 
Recorded 9th March 1837

Hardy Coward & wife To John B. Smart
Sale of Slave
Recorded 14th March 1837

Alexandre Lege [Lafayette Parish] To Jacques Charlot
Sale of Slave
Recorded 18th March 1837

Jacques Charlot To Lewis Andrus
Recorded 18th March 1837

Patrick B. Johnson To Thomas A. Cook
Sale of Land
Recorded 20th March 1837

Fontenots To Dominique C. Sittig
Power of Attorney
Recorded 20 March 1837

Pierre Cyrille Richard To Francois Richard fils
Recorded 24th March 1837

Thomas Bilbo To Rees Perkins
Sale of Land
Recorded 31st March 1837

Veillon Chachere' and wife To James Hanse [Orleans Parish]
Sale of Land
Recorded 31st March 1837

Louis Guilbert To Augustin Boudreau
Recorded 31st March 1837

Patrick H. Overton To M. Coreil 
Sale of Land
Recorded 1 April 1837

Moses Littell To Edmund L. Briggs
Sale of land (Avoyelles Parish)
Recorded 3rd April 1837

Joseph Stelly To Dominique Prejean 
Sale of Land
Recorded 6 April 1837

Marie Jean Lemelle To Estate of Lemelle
Retrocession of Land

Moses Littell & John H. Overton To Sylvestre Bossier
Sale of Land
Recorded 10 April 1837

Giles Higginbothom To Florence Dory
Sale of Lots
Recorded 14th April 1837

Catherine & Elsy Harrison [of Brasoria County Texas] To Asohim Crenshaw
Power of Attorney
Recorded 15th April 1837

Andre Neraut  To Hypolite Mallet
Sale of Slave
Recorded 15th April 1837

William Offutt To Nathaniel Offutt
Power of Attorney
Recorded 15th April 1837

Amos Webb To Joseph Anselm
Sale of Negro
Recorded 18th April 1837

Widow & Heirs of Valery Roy To Oze're' & Roy
Power of Attorney
Recorded 20th April 1837

Widow & Heirs of Simon Taylor To Marsden Campbell
Release of Mortgage
Recorded 21st April 1837

Marsden Campbell & Wife To the New Orleans Canal and Banking Co.
21st April 1837

Andre Nerault To Michel Mayer
Sale of Slave
22d April 1837

Marsden Campbell To Widow & Heirs of Taylor
Mortgage [land and 30 named slaves]
22d April 1837

Michel Aladin Martin [Lafayette Parish] To Hypolite Guidry
Sale of Land
Recorded 25th April 1837

Aurilon Arcenaux To Ferman Duhon
Sale of Land
Recorded 25th April 1837

Andre Neraut To Andre Robin
Recorded 26 April 1837

Antoine Robin To Michel Mayer
Recorded 26th April 1837

Caroline E. Lanford [Mercer County, KY] To William H. McCoun
Power of Attorney
Recorded 1st September 1834

David Potts & Jas. Jones Admrs. of Geo. W. Dervus and Elizabeth Potts & Ann
Potts heirs at Law of G. W. Dervus
Matilda Dervus late the wife of G. W. Dervus 
Release & transfer of Slaves 
Recorded 28 April 1837
[Vigo County, Indiana]

Andre Neraut To Jean B. Neraut Children
Gift of Slave
Recorded 3 May 1837

Lewis Andrus Seriff To E. D. White Governor
Recorded 3 May 1837

Joseph Aldebert To Pierre Labyche
Sale of negroes
Recorded 3 may 1837

Giles Higgenbotham To Francoise Haydel Widow Cournay
Sale of Land [St. Mary Parish]
Recorded 5th May 1837

Mau [Orleans Parish] To Labyche
Sale of Land
Recorded 5th May 1837
(need translation)

Thomas Reynolds To P. Judge 
Bond for Tavern 
Recorded 8th May 1837

Jean F. Gaberel To George King Parish Judge
Bond for Tavern
Recorded 8th May 1837

Brandt & Garrett To E. D. White Governor
Bond to Keep Grog Shop
Record[ed] 8th May 1837

Jean N. Petit To E. D. White Governor
Bond To Keep Grog Shop
Recorded 8th May 1837

Gaillard & Hollier To E. D. White 
Bond for Grog Shop

James Anderson To George King Parish Judge
Bond to Keep a Tavern 
Recorded 8th May 1837

Burleigh Sr. To Burleigh Jr. 
10th May 1837

John Brownson To Daniel S. Parrish [Tennessee]
Sale of Land & [136] Slaves
Recorded 17  May 1837

Emilie Langlios wife of Letourneur To James B. Letourneur
Power of Attorney
Recorded 18th May 1837


Susan Andrus widow Murtough Collins To Etienne Robert delamorandiere fils
Sale of Land 
Recorded 23rd of July 1837

This Deed made the twenty third day of Feb[r]uary in the Year One thousand
eight hundred and thirty seven between Susan Andrus widow Murtough Collins of
the State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry of the one part and Etienne
Robert delamorandiere fils of the same State and Parish aforesaid of the other
part Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the premises hereinafter
expressed She the said Susan Andrus widow Collins has bargained and sold, and
does by these presents, grant bargain sell alien confirm and deliver unto him
the said Etienne Rocbert de Lamorandier fils a certain tract or parcel of land
situated in the aforesaid Parish and lying on the East side of the Bayou Marie
eroquant [sic] or Teche, bounded on the upper side by land of Joseph Elah
Andrus and on the lower side by the domain having twelve and an half Arpens
front on said Bayou by forty Arpens in depth, an[d] containing five hundred
superficial Arpens.  To have and to hold the aforesaid tract of Land with its
appertenances [sic] and privileges to him the said Etienne Rocbert de
Lamorandiere fils and to his heirs, executors administrators and assigns
forever.  And she the said Susan Andrus widow Collins for herself her heirs,
executors and administrates, the tract of land so described as aforesaid
against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever, to him the said Et[i]enne
Rocbert de Lamorandiere his heirs, executors administrators and assigns does
warrant and will forever defend.   This sale is made for and in consideration
of the sum of three thousand dollars, one thousand dollars payable in twelve
months and the remaining thousand dollars in two Years from and after the date
thereof.    It being stipulated and understood that the aforesaid bargained
and sold premises shall be and remain specially mortgaged to the seller to
secure the payment of the second & third instal[l]ments until the entire
payment thereof.  The certificate required by the 3328th Article of the
Louisiana Code has been produced and made a part of this act.   In Testimony
of all which the parties have hereunto signed in presence of Benoist Debaillon
and Maximilien Kenison & before George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary
Public at Opelousas the day & Year first above written.  
Susan Collins (seal)   Etn.  Lamorandier (seal)  Witness Bt. Debaillon 
Maximilian Kenison  Geo. King P. Judge
Etat de la Louisiane Paroisse Saint Landry Bureau des Hypothiques.   Le
conservateur des Hypotheques soussigne certife qu'il [--]iste sur les registur
de son Bureau [illegible] hypotheque Contre Suzan Andrus veuve, de Murthough
Collins, [illegible] une terre situe dans la Paroisse

[Page 92]

 St. Landry at lis due Bayou Marie Croquand ayant douze arpents & deux [?]
deface sur quante Arpents deprofondeur Opelousas le 23 Fevrier 1837. 
Garrigues flaujac


John L. Daniel To William W. Bowen 
Sale of Slave
Recorded 27th Feb[r]uary 1837

Know all men by these Presents that John L. Daniel of the State of Louisiana
and Parish of St. Landry for and in consideration of the sum of Thirteen
hundred Dollars Cash in hand Paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged
has bargained & sold and does by this act grant, bargain, sell et over
transfer, convey and deliver unto William W. Bowen of the aforesaid State &
Parish A negro Boy named Claybourn about Seventeen Years of age  A slave for
life being the same purchased by the said Daniel from Ricd. Garland by act of
sale passed before P. Labyche Notary Public at Opelousas in and for the
aforesaid State & Parish on the twenty eighth day of September in the Year One
thousand eight hundred and thirty six for the price and sum of nine hundred
Dollars.  To have and to hold the aforesaid Slave to him the said William W.
Bowen and to his heirs and assigns forever and he the said John L. Daniel for
himself his heirs &c the title to the aforesaid slave against the lawful
claims of all persons Whatsoever to him the said William W. Bowen his heirs
executors and administrators and assigns does warrant and will forever defend. 
 He also warrants the slave free from the redhibitory deseases [sic] vices and
defects & free from all mortgages or incumberences [sic] whatsoever.  The
parties dispense with Article 3328 of the Louisiana Code.  In testimony of all
which the parties have hereunto signed in presence of Richard M. Garwood and
Benoit Debaillon, competent Witnesses and before George King Parish Judge in
and for the aforesaid parish of St. Landry this 27th day of Feb[r]uary in the
Year One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
Jno. L. Daniel   Wm W. Bowen  Witness  Richd. M. Garwood  Bt. Debaillon  Geo.
King P. Judge


James Barnett To Thomas Bilbo
Sale of Land (Calcasieu Parish)
Recorded 18th Feb[r]uary 1837

This Deed made the eighteenth of Feb[r]uary in the Year One thousand eight
hundred and thirty seven between James Barnett of the State of Louisiana and
Parish of St. Landry of the one part and Thomas Bilbo of the same State and
Parish aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of
the sum of five hundred dollars Cash in hand paid, the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledge, he the said James Barnett has bargained and sold and does
by this public act grant bargain sell transfer, and set over to him the said
Thomas Bilbo all his right title, claim and interest, in and to a certain
tract of land situated in the aforesaid Parish & lying on the Calcas[ie]u
river, containing six hundred and forty acres being in Township No. 9 South,
Range No. 8 West & section No. 30, & the same confirmed to him the said
Barnett as assigned of Joshua Johnson, by the Commissioners report No. 265. 
To have and to hold the said tract of land with all and singular its
appertenances [sic] and privileges to him the said Thomas Bilbo his heirs,
executors, administrators and assigns forever with guarantee of title against
the lawful claims of all persons claiming by through or him the said sellor
[sic].  The purchaser dispenses with the production of the Certificate
required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code.  In Testimony whereof
the parties have hereunto signed in presence of Richard M. Garwood and George
R. King competent Witnesses and before George King Parish Judge & ex-officio
Notary Public in & for the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry at Opelousas this
day & Year above written.
Jn. Barnett  Thomas Bilbo  Witness Richd. M. Garwood  Geo. R. King  Geo. KIng 
P. Judge


Isaac Griffith To Governor
Recorded 7 March 1837

Know all men by these Presents that Isaac Griffith and Solomon Hudson of the
State of Louisiana and Parish of Saint Landry are held and firmly bound unto
Edward D. White Governor of the aforesaid State & to his successors in Office
in the Sum of two thousand dollars for the true and faithful payment of which
they bind themselves, their heirs executors and administrators Jointly,
severally and firmly by these presents.  In Witness whereof they have hereunto
Signed and affixed their Seals in presence of the subscribing witnesses at
Opelousas this seventh day of March in the Year One thousand eight hundred and
thirty seven.  The Conditions of the above obligation is such that Whereas the
above bound Isaac Griffith a Justice of the Peace 

[Page 93]

in and for the Parish of St. Landry has this day been authorised [sic] by the
Parish Judge of the aforesaid Parish to celebrate marrrages [sic] with within
the said Parish conformably to the Laws of this State in such cases made and
provided, then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full
force and Virtue.  
Isaac Griffith  Solomon Hudson   Signed sealed in presence of Richd. M.
Garwood  Geo. King   John Montgomery


George R. King To Caleb Swayzy
Recorded 8 March 1837

Know all men by these presents that George R. King of the State of Louisiana &
Parish of St. Landry acknowledges to have received from Caleb Swayzey Esqr.
two thousand dollars in full of the first payment of four lots of Ground & the
improvements thereon situate[d] in the Town of Opelousas sold by said King to
said Swayzy on the [blank] day of [blank] 1836 by act passed before George
King Parish Judge. And said King releases the mortgage retained on said
property to the amount now paid.  In witness whereof he has hereunto signed at
Opelousas this eighth day of March one thousand eight hundred & thirty seven,
in presence of Andre Lastrapes & Benjamin R. Rogers competent Witness & before
George King Parish Judge & ex-officio Notary Public in and for said Parish.
Geo. R. King   Witness Benh. R. Rogers  A. Lastrapes  Geo. King P. Judge


Abijah Clark To Governor 
Recorded 9th March 1837

Know all men by these presents that Abijah Clark and Benjamin McCleland of the
State of Louisiana and Parish of Saint Landry are held and firmly bound unto
Edward D. White Governor of the aforesaid State and to his successors in
Office in the sum of Two thousand dollars for the true and faithfull [sic]
payment of which they bind themselves, their Heirs executors administrators
jointly, severally and firmly by these presents.  In witness whereof they have
hereunto Signed and affixed their seals in presence of the subscribing
Witnesses at Opelousas this ninth day of March in the Year One thousand eight
hundred and thirty seven.  The condition of the above obligation is such that
whereas the above bound Abijah Clark a Justice of the peace in and for the
Parish of St. Landry has been this day authorised [sic] by the Parish Judged
of the aforesaid parish to celebrate marriages within the said parish.  Now if
the said Abijah Clark shall celebrate marriages in the aforesaid parish
conformably to the Laws of this State in such cases made and provided, then
the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.  
A. Clark (seal)  Benjamin McCleland (seal)  Signed sealed in presence of
Richd. M. Garwood   Geo. King


Hardy Coward & wife To John B. Smart
Sale of Slave
Recorded 14th March 1837

Know all men by these presents that I Hardy Coward of the State of Louisiana
and Parish of St. Landry have this day Bargained and sold a certain negro
woman named Milla and her two Children that is to say Chaney about three and
Mina [Wina?] about one year old for the consideration of one thousand Dollars
to be deducted out of the Estate of said Hardy Coward after his death the said
John Smart and Luison his wife being legal heirs for which Consideration I do
warrant the said Milla and her two children slaves for life to the said John
B. Smart and Luison his wife forever against my self my heirs and assigns
forever for the above Named Consideration of $1000.  In Testimony I have
hereunto set my hand and seal this twelfth day of Feb[r]uary Eighteen hundred
and thirty seven.  
Hardy Coward (seal)  Elizabeth Coward (seal)  John R. Smart  test  Rees
Perkins  W. Gordin   State of Louisiana parish of St. Landry   This 17th day
of Feb[r]uary 1837 before me George King Parish Judge 

[Page 94]

in and for the aforesaid Parish personally appeared Rees Perkins One of the
subscribing Witness to the above instrument of writing & made Oath that he was
present when Hardy Coward & Elizabeth Coward his wife signed and acknowledged
the same to be their act and deed for the purposes therein expressed.
Rees Perkins swor[n] and subscribed to at Opelousas the day & Year above
written.  Before me Geo. King P. Judge


Alexandre Lege [Lafayette Parish] To Jacques Charlot
Sale of Slave
Recorded 18th March 1837

Know all men by these presents that Alexandre Lege of the State of Louisiana &
Parish of Lafayette, for and in consideration of the premises hereinafter
expressed, has bargained and sold and does by these presents grant bargain,
sell, transfer and deliver unto Jacqus Charlot free negro of the aforesaid
State and Parish of St. Landry a certain negro man slave named Louis aged
about twenty Years (lame in one of his arms & diseased in the mouth).  To have
and to hold the aforesaid slave to him the said Jacques Charlot his heirs &
assigns forever, with guarantee of title against the Lawful claims of all
persons whatsoever.  This sale is made for and in consideration of the sum of
thirteen hundred and sixty dollars  payable one half on the Eleventh day of
March in the Year 1838 & the other half on the eleventh day of March in the
Year 1839.  Which said sums he the said Jacques Charlot promises and obliges
himself his heirs &c to pay at the above periods to the estate of the late
Michel Lege' deceased at the sale of which the said Alexandre Lege' purchased
said slave & to which he is mortgaged for the payment of the aforesaid sums,
the sale being made subject to said mortgage.  And further to secure the said
Alexandre in the aforesaid payments Lewis Andrus of the aforesaid parish has
bound and does hereby bind himself as security, promising to make said
payments in case of the failure of the said Jacques.  The certificate required
by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code is dispensed with.  In Testimony
of all which the parties together with the said Lewis Andrus have hereunto
signed in presence of Richard M. Garwood and Geo. R. King competent witnesses
and before George King Parish Judge & ex-offcio Notary public at Opelousas
this eighteenth day of March in the Year one thousand eight hundred & thirty
Alexandre Lege   Jacques x Charlot  Lewis Andrus  Witness  Richd. M. Garwood  
Geo. R. King   Geo. King P. Judge


Jacques Charlot To Lewis Andrus
Recorded 18th March 1837

Know all men by these presents that whereas Lewis Andrus of the State of
Louisiana and parish of St. Landry has bound himself as security for Jacques
Charlot free negro of said Parish for the sum of fifteen hundred and ten
dollars being the price of a mulatto girl purchased by him the said Charlott
[sic], payable one half on the eleventh day of March in the Year 1838 and the
other half on the eleventh day of March in the Year one thousand eight hundred
& thirty nine to the estate of Michel Lege' deceased from which said slave was
purchased at public auction on the eleventh Inst[ant]. and also for the sum of
thirteen hundred and sixty dollars payable at the same time, that is one half
on the eleventh of March 1838 and the other half on the eleventh of March 1839
to the same estate, being the price of a negro boy named Louis aged about
twenty Years purchased at the said sale by Alexandre Lege' and by him sold to
the said Jacques Charlot, all of which will more fully appear by reference to
said sales.  Now, in order to secure him the said Lewis Andrus against the
payment of the aforesaid sums of money or any part thereof, he the said
Jacques Charlot has hypothicated and Mortgaged and does hereby  hypothicate
and Mortgage to the said Lewis Andrus his heirs &c the following described
property, towit, A tract of land situated in the aforesaid Parish and lying in
the Prairie Ronde bounded on the North by land of Vige' & on the south by
Oliver Richard & containing two hundred & eighty superficial Arpens.  Also a
tract of land situated in said Parish and lying on the waters of Plaquemine
brulee' bounded on the West by land of Pierre Matte and on the East by John
Bt. Young containing three hundred superficial acres, also one other tract of
land situated in said Parish and lying on the Waters of Plaquemine brule'
bounded on one side by land of Joseph Pitre' and on the other by Felix Dejean
containing two hundred and forty superficial acres with the improvements
thereon & being the same on which he the said Jacques Charlot now resides. 
Also nine slaves, towit, Jack a negro man aged about forty Years, Jim a negro
man aged about forty Years, Ben A negro man about twenty five Years, Philip a
negro boy aged about fifteen Years, Maryann a negro woman aged about thirty
Years,  Lisy a negro woman aged about twenty Years, with her two children
towit, Valmont a boy aged about five Years and Baptiste a boy three Years old,

[Page 95]

Anastasie a girl aged about fifteen Years, which said Mortgage shall have full
force and effect until the entire payment of the aforesaid sums of money and
any interest or cost which may accrue thereon, and have the Effect of a
Judgment at Law.  The certificate required by the 3328th Article of the
Louisiana Code is produced and made a part of this act.  In Testimony of all
which the parties have hereunto signed at Opelousas in presence of Richard M.
Garwood and George R. King Competent Witnesses and before George King Parish
Judge and ex-officio Notary Public this eighteenth day of March in the Year
One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.  
Jacques x Charlot  Lewis  Andrus  Witness Richd. M. Garwood  Geo. R. King 
Geo. King P. Judsge.  Etate de la Louisiane Paroisse St. Landry Bureau des
Hypothiques.  Le conservateur des hypothiques, soussigne, certifie, quil
ninest [sic sp?] sur les registres desou Bureau aucune hypothique contu
Jacques Charlot [illegible letter] de C. L. que cell resultant desou contract
de marriage avec Ellen Calligham son epouse pour une somme de quatre cent
vingt cinq piastres Opelousas le 28 Mai 1837.  Garrigues flaujac  conservateur


Patrick B. Johnson To Thomas A. Cook
Sale of Land
Recorded 20th March 1837

This Deed of Sale made this 20th day of March One thousand eight hundred and
thirty seven between Patrick B. Johnson of the State of Louisiana and Parish
of St. Landry of the One part and Thomas A. Cook of the same State and Parish
of the other part Witnesseth that for and  in consideration of the price and
sum of Six hundred and Twenty five Dollars Cash in hand paid the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged the said Johnson has bargained & sold and does
by this act grant bargain sell, alien convey, set over and deliver unto him
the said Cook a certain Lot of Ground lying in the Town of Opelousas being lot
number two in square No. 23 on the plan of said Town made by John Dinsmore
Senr. bounded on the North by Pine Street, on the East by main Street on the
South by Lot No. 3 in said square and on the west by lot No. 1 being the same
lot acquired by the sellor [sic] from Benjamin P. Dowe on the 7th day of July
1836.  To have and To hold the said Lot of Ground together with all its
privileges and appertenances [sic] to him the said Cook his heirs & assigns
free from the Lawful claims of all persons claiming by through or under him
the said Johnson.  The purchaser dispences [sic] with the certificate required
by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code.  In testimony whereof the said
parties have hereunto signed in presence of Richard M. Garwood and Samuel
Young competent witnesses and before George King Parish Judge and ex-officio
Notary Public in and for the said parish of St. Landry the day and Year above
Pat. B. Johnson   Thomas A. Cook  Witness  Samuel Young  Richd. M. Garawood 
Geo. King  P. Judge


Fontenots To Dominique C. Sittig
Power of Attorney
Recorded 20 March 1837

Know all men by these presents that Marie Anne Guillory widow of the late
Louis Lucas Fontenot deceased & natural Tutrix of her minor children, towit,
Olesime Fontenot, Lelise Fontenot and Ann Fontenot heirs of her said deceased
husband of the State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry, has nominated
constituted and appointed and in her place and stead put, and by these
presents does nominate constitute and appoint and in her place and in her
place and stead put Dominique C. Sittig of the same State and Parish aforesaid
her true and lawfull [sic] Attorney for her and in her name, place and stead
and to her use to ask demand, sue for, levy, require, recover and receive all
land all man[n]er of Goods, chattels, debts dues sum and sums of money and
demands, due or hereafter to be due owing or belonging unto her as well in
right of her being natural Tutrix as aforesaid as in her own righ[t] or
otherwise howsoever, for any matter, cause or thing whatsoever, by any person
or persons whomsoever, and upon the receipt thereof or of any part or parts
thereof, to make and give acquittances or other discharges, for the same in
her name or in his own name.  And for her name to commence and prosecute any
suit or suits action or actions as well real as personal or mixt, for any
goods chattels, debts, dues or demands whatsoever due or belonging unto her,
or to be demanded or that may be demanded by her in any court

[Page 96]

or Courts of Law or equity whatsoever, and the same to prosecute & follow or
to discontinue or become nonsuit therein if he shall see cause, and also for
her and in her name to use and take all means and remedies for the recovering,
receiving or getting any goods, chattels, debts dues, demand sum or sums of
money or other things, whatsoever that is or shall be or by her said Attorney
shall be thought to be unto her belonging, appertaining, due, owing or payable
as well in right of her being executrix as aforesaid as in her own right or
any otherwise howsoever, as she herself use or take, if she herself were
present in person.  And finally to do and perform all manner of things
shouting the premises as thoroughly, amply and fully, as she the said Marie
Anne Guillory might or could do in about or concerning the same being
personally present and whatsoever her said Attorney shall do or cause to be
done in, about or concerning the premises and any part thereof she the said
Marie Anne Guillory does & shall ratify, confirm and allow as fully and amply
as if she herself was present in person and did the same.  In witness whereof
she has hereunto signed by making her ordinary mark  not knowing how to write
in presence of Vital Estilete and Benoit Debaillon competent Witnesses &
before George King Parish Judge & ex-officio Notary Public in and for the
aforesaid Parish of St. Landry this twentieth day of March Anno Domini one
thousand eight hundred & thirty seven.
Marie Anne x Guillory (seal)   widow Lucas Fontenot  Witness Vital Estilete 
Bt. Debaillon   Geo. King P. Judge


Pierre Cyrille Richard To Francois Richard fils
Recorded 24th March 1837

This day the twenty fourth of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and
thirty seven before me George King Parish Judge in and for the aforesaid
Parish, appeared personally Pierre Cyrille Richard one of the heirs of the
Estate of the late Ellen Brosseur decd. wife of Francois Richard pere, who
acknowledged to have received from Francois Richard fils his late Tutor, the
sum of One hundred and thirty five dollars, being the full amount of his share
of the estate of his deceased mother, as appears by the settlement and
partition thereof, with which he declares himself fully satisfied.  And he
does by this act release the mortgage resulting from the said tutorship as
fully as though it had never existed.  In Testimony whereof he has hereunto
signed in my presence and in presence of Prospere Martin and Robert Barry
competent Witnesses at Opelousas the day and Year above written.  He also
acknowledges to have [illegible] the sum of fifty dollars & sixty & one half
cents being the amount of interest on the above sum.
Pierre Cyrille x Richard  Witness Prosper Martin  Robert Barry  Geo. King P.


Thomas Bilbo To Rees Perkins
Sale of Land
Recorded 31st March 1837

State of Louisiana Parish of St. Landry Know all men by these presents that
for and in consideration of Two hundred dollars Cash in hand paid the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged, Thomas Bilbo of the aforesaid State and Parish
has sold and delivered and does hereby sell and deliver unto Rees Perkins of
the same State and Parish who has possession thereof the following property 
towit, the west  half of the North west fractional quarter of fractional
section number thirty in Township number nine South and range number eight
west in the south western Land District of the State of Louisiana also the
west half of the south west fractional quarter of the same fractional section
number Thirty.  It is understood and agreed that this sale is made without any
warranty except against all claims of the said Thomas Bilbo or any person
claiming through or under him.  In Testimony whereof the said Thomas Bilbo and
Thomas H. Lewis as attorney in fact of said Rees Perkins by virtue of a letter
of Attorney filed with this sale & marked 'ne variertur' have hereunto signed
in presence of Richard M. Garwood and Benoit Debaillon Competent witness and
before George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in and for the
Parish aforesaid at Opelousas this thirty first day of March Anno Domini One
thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
Thomas Bilbo  Thos. H. Lewis  Witness  Richd. M. Garwood  Bt. Debaillon  Geo.
King P. Judge


Veillon Chachere' and wife To James Hanse [Orleans Parish]
Sale of Land
Recorded 31st March 1837

This Deed made the eighteenth day of March in the Year one thousand eight
hundred and thirty seven between Veillon Chachere' and Eloise Lavergne his
wife herein 

[Page 97]

acting with the advice and consent of her said husband of the State of
Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry of the one part, and James Hanse of the
Parish of Orleans and State aforesaid of the other part, Witnesseth that they
the said Veillon Chachere' and Eloise Lavergne his wife, for and in
consideration of the premises hereinafter expressed have bargained and sold,
and do by these presents grant, bargain, sell, set over transfer, alien,
confirm and deliver unto him the said James Hanse, a certain tract or parcel
of land situated in the aforesaid Parish and lying near the Town of Opelousas,
bounded on the south side by land of William Hutchings and on the North by
Antoine Puillet, on the East by William B. Knox and on the West by the Bayou
Tesson containing one hundred and fourteen and an half superficial arpens,
being the same which the said Veillon Chachere' purchased at the sale of the
late John Dinsmore deceased.  To have and to hold the aforesaid tract of land
with its appertenances [sic] and privileges to him the said James Hanse, his
heirs, executors administrators and assigns forever.  And the said Veillon
Chachere and Eloise Lavergne for themselves their heirs executors and
administrators, the tract of land so described as aforesaid with all and
singular the buildings and improvements thereon against the lawful claims of
all persons whatsoever to him the said James Hanse his heirs executors
administrators and assigns do warrant and will forever defend.  This sale is
made for and in consideration of the sum of four thousand dollars, two
thousand three hundred and thirty dollars of which are paid in Cash, the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the balance payable one half on
the first day of April next, and the other half on the first day of April in
the next ensuing Year One thousand eight hundred & thirty Eight, these last
sums amounting to sixteen hundred and seventy dollars to be paid to the
representatives of the Estate of the late John Dinsmore deceased to which
estate the aforesaid bargained and sold premises is mortgaged for the payment
of the purchase money and sold subject to said Mortgage.  The certificate
required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code has been produced and
made a part of this act.  In Testimony whereof the said Veillon Chachere' and
Eloise Lavergne his wife have hereunto signed, and also G. L. Thompson chief
engineer of the Atchafalaya rail road, accepting for and in behalf of him the
said James Hanse, in presence of James F. Cooper and William S. Henry
competent Witnesses and before George King Parish Judge in and for the Parish
of St. Landry at Opelousas the day & Year above written.
V. Chachere'  Eloise Lavergne  G. L. Thompson Chief Engineer of aa R. R.
Witness  James F. Cooper  W. S. Henry  C. Chachere Geo. King P. Judge
Etat de la Louisiane Paroisse St. Landry Bureau des Hypothiques. Le
conservateur des hypotheques, soussigne, certifie quil niniste [sp?] sur les
resistres  de son Bureau d'autre hypotheque contre Veillon Chachere que cell
ce apres nentronne'e [sp?] 18 Mars 1837.  Hypotheque speciale sur [illegible]
certaine terre sutue'e pres de la ville des Opelousas mourant cent quatorze
Arpens pour la somme de seize cent soixante dix piastres, en faceur de la
succession de John Dinsmore de'ce'de' Cy. $1670.  Opelousas le 18 Mars 1837. 
Garrigues flaujac,  Conservateur


Louis Guilbert To Augustin Boudreau
Recorded 31st March 1837

Before me George King Parish Judge in & for the Parish of St. Landry appeared
personally Louis Guilbert of said Parish who acknowledged to have received of
Augustin Boudreau the sum of Two  hundred dollars on account of the claim of
his wife Judique Boudreau against the late Augustin Boudreau her former Tutor. 
In Testimony whereof he has hereunto signed in presence of Richard M. Garwood
& Benoist Debaillon competent Witnesses at Opelousas this thirty first day of
March in the Year One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
Louis x Guilbert (seal)  Witness Richd. M. Garwood  Bt. Debaillon  Geo. King
P. Judge


Patrick H. Overton To M. Coreil 
Sale of Land
Recorded 1 April 1837

This Deed made the first day of April in the Year One thousand eight hundred
and thirty seven between Patrick Henry Overton of the State of Louisiana and
Parish of St. Landry of the one part, and Marius Coreil of the same State and
Parish aforesaid of the other part.  Witnesseth, that for and in consideration
of the sum of five hundred and seventy dollars Cash in hand paid the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged 

[Page 98]

he the said Patrick Henry Overton has bargained and sold, and does by these
presents grant, bargain, sell, set over, transfer, alien and confirm unto him
the said Marius Coreil a certain Lot of Ground situated in the Village called
Ville Platte in said Parish bounded on two sides by land of Marcelin Garrand,
on one side by land of Sitig and on the other by main Street running through
said Village containing about one & an half arpens more or less and being the
same which the sellor acquired by purchase from Wilhelmina Thineman wife of
Doctor Charles Woodruff.  To have and to hold the aforesaid Lot of Ground with
the buildings and improvements thereon to him the said Marius Coreil, his
heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever.  And he the said Patrick
H. Overton for himself his heirs executors and administrators the Lot of
Ground so described as aforesaid with all and singular the buildings and
improvements thereon against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever, to
him the said Marius Coreil his heirs, executors admr. & assigns does Warrant
and will forever defend.  The purchaser dispenses with the production of the
certificate required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code.  In
Testimony of all which the parties have hereunto signed in presence of Richard
M. Garwood and Bt. Debaillon competent Witnesses and before George King Parish
Judge & ex-officio Notary Public in & for the aforesaid Parish the day & Year
above written.  
Patrick H. Overton (seal)  M. Coriel (seal)  Richd.; M. Garwood  Bt. Debaillon 
Geo. King P. Judge


Moses Littell To Edmund L. Briggs
Sale of land (Avoyelles Parish)
Recorded 3rd April 1837

Know all men by these presents that Moses Littell of State of Louisiana and
Parish of St. Landry for and in considered of the sum of nine hundred and
fifty Dollars Cash in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has
bargained sold and does by this act grant bargain sell and deliver unto Edmund
Lloyd Briggs of the aforesaid State and parish of Rapide[s] a certain tract or
parcel of Land situated in the parish of Avoy[e]l[l]es being the undivided
half of the South East Quarter Section No. 8 in Township No. 1 South, Range 6
East as per Registers Certificate dated the 18th of June 1836 No. 1666
containing about eighty acres of American measure.  To have and to Hold the
aforesaid tract of land to him the said Edmund Lloyd Briggs and to his heirs
and assigns with guarantee of title against the lawful claims of all persons
Whatsoever to him the said Lloyd Briggs his heirs executors administrators and
assigns does warrant and will forever defend. The purchaser dispenses with the
certificate required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code.  In
Testimony whereof the parties have hereunto signed in presence of Richard M.
Garwood and Benoit Debaillon competent Witnesses and before George King Parish
Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in and for the aforesaid parish at
Opelousas this 3rd day of April 1837.
M. Littell  E. L. Briggs  Witness Richd. M. Garwood  Bt. Debaillon Geo. King
P. Judge


Joseph Stelly To Dominique Prejean 
Sale of Land
Recorded 6 April 1837

Know all men by these presents that for and in consideration of the sum of
eight hundred Cash in hand paid at and before the signing & delivering hereof
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Joseph Stelly of the State of
Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry has bargained and sold and does by this
public act grant, bargain, sell, transfer and deliver unto Dominique Prejean
of the same State and Parish aforesaid a certain Negro boy named Andre' aged
about fourteen Years.  To have and To hold the said slave to him the said
Dominique Prejean his heirs, executors administrators and assigns forever,
with guarantee of title against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever. 
He the said sellor also warrant the said slave free from the diseases and
vices deemed redhibitory in Law.  The certificate required by the 3328th
Article of the Louisiana Code by which it appears that there exists no
mortgage on said slave is produced and hereunto attached.  In Testimony
whereof the parties have hereunto signed the said Dominique Prejean by making
his ordinary mark not knowing how to write in presence of Richard M. Garwood
and Benoist Debaillon & before George King Parish Judge in and for the
aforesaid Parish of St. Landry at Opelousas this sixth day of April in the
Year One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
Joseph Stelly (seal)  Dominique x Prejean (seal)  Witness Bt. Debaillon 

[Page 99]

M. Garwood  Geo. King P. Judge  Etat de la Louisiane Paroisse de St. Landry
Bureau des hypothiques. Le conservateur des hypothiques, soussigne' certifie
quil nineste sur les registres de  son Bureau aucune hypothigue contu Joseph
Stelly, sur une negresse son esclave nomme'e Isabelle agee de 36 ans et ses
trois enfants Antoine age de 17 ans, Andre' 15 ans, Angelique negrille de 13
ans Opelousas le 6 Avril 1837. Garrigues flaujac conservateur.


Marie Jean Lemelle To Estate of Lemelle
Retrocession of Land

Know all men by these presents that whereas on the twenty eighth day of March
in the Year one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine Marie Jean Lemelle free
woman of colour of the State of Louisiana and parish of St. Landry by an act
passed before George King parish Judge in and for the aforesaid Parish
bargained, sold, and transfer[r]ed to her son Narcisse Lemelle free man of
Coulor [sic] a certain tract or parcel of land situated in the aforesaid
parish and lying in the Prairie Laurant formerly called Prairie Mannes having
three arpens front by about one le[a]gue more or less in depth, fronting on
the Bayou Teche, bounded on the lower side of land of Jean Lesassier f.m.c.
and on the upper side by the said Marie Jean[n]e Lemelle, being the lower part
of a tract of Land having six arpens front on the said Bayou Teche by the
depth of one league on eighty three and one third arpens & containing five
hundred superficial arpens which was confirmed to the said Marie Jean Lemelle,
as per certificate of the land commissioners marked A No. 2168, dated
Opelousas the 10th of April 1838, for and in consideration of the sum of four
hundred dollars Cash in hand paid, the receipt whereof is acknowledged and
whereas the said Narcisse Lemelle declares that the aforesaid sum of four
hundred dollars nor any part thereof was ever paid to his said mother, who is
now dead, and that he is willing to reconvey to the succession or heirs of his
said mother the aforesaid tract of Land, on being permitted to take away the
buildings and improvements which he has at his own expense put on said land,
which proposal Francois Lemelle Testamentary executor of the said Marie Jeane
Lemelle agrees to and accepts in behalf of the heirs of said estate.  Now in
Consideration of the premises he the said Narcisse Lemelle has bargained &
sold, and does hereby grant, bargain, sell, transfer set over and convey to
the succession of his said deceased mother the aforesaid and above described
three arpens of land by about a league more or less in depth.  To have and to
hold the same to the succession or heirs of the said Marie Jean Lemelle
deceased & to their assigns forever, with guarantee of title against all
persons claiming by through or under him and no other.  The said Testamentary
Executor dispenses with the certificate required by the 3328th Article of the
Louisiana Code or subsequent Law on the subject of Mortgages.  In Testimony of
all which the said Narcisse Lemelle & Francois Lemell[e] have hereunto signed
in presence of Benoist Debaillon and Richd. M. Garwood competent Witnesses and
before George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in & for the
aforesaid Parish of St. Landry at Opelousas this eighth day of April in the
Year One thousand eight hundred  & thirty seven.
N. C. Lemelle Witness Bt. Debaillon    Richd. M. Garwood  Geo. King P. Judge


Moses Littell & John H. Overton To Sylvestre Bossier
Sale of Land
Recorded 10 April 1837

This Deed made the tenth day of April in the Year One thousand eight hundred
and thirty seven between Moses Littelle [sic] and John H. Overton of the State
of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry of the one part and Sylvestre Bossier of
the Parish of Natchitoches & state aforesaid of the one part Witnesseth, that
for and in consideration of the premises hereinafter expressed, they the said
Moses Littelle and John H. Overton have bargained and sold and do by these
presents grant, bargain, sell set over tranffer [sic], alien and confirm unto
him the said Sylvestre Bossier the following described tracts of Land, towit,
a tract containing one hundred and sixty superficial acres being lots No.
7,8,9 & 10 or the South West quarter of the section numbered Thirteen, in
Township number fifteen North of the thirty first degree of North Latitude, of
Range number twelve West of the Bases meredian [sic], in the South West
District of the State of Louisiana, situated in the County of Natchitoches &
being the same purchased by Pierre Aucon [Aucoin?] & Simonette Fontenot from
the United States as 

[Page 100]

per Receiver's receipt No. 1067, and sold by the [sic] them to the present
sellers.  Also a tract of land containing one hundred and seventy four and
31/100 superficial acres being lots No. 5,6, 10 & 12 or South East quarter of
the section numbered Thirteen, in Township number Fifteen North of the thirty
first degree of North Latitude of Range number Twelve West of the basis
meridian, in the South Western District of the State of Louisiana, situated in
the County of Natchitoches and being the same purchased by Louis Deville fils
and Poline Jonson widow of Paul Ledous from the United States as per
Receiver's Receipt No. 1069, and sold by them to the Present sellors.  Also a
tract of land containing one hundred and fifty eight and 88/100 superficial
acres and being lots no. one, two , three, and four of the section number
Thirteen in Township number fifteen North of the thirty first degree of North
Latitude, of Range number Twelve West of the bases meridian, in the south
Western District of the State of Louisiana situated in the County of
Natchitoches, being the same purchased from the United States by Francois
Desmarest & Jean Bte. Demarest as per Receiver's Receipt No. 1070 and sold by
them to the present sellers.   Also  a tract of land containing one hundred
and forty four and 66/100 superficial acres, being lots no. 4, 2, 7 & 8, or
the North East quarter of the Section numbered Fourteen in Township Number
fifteen, North of the thirty first degree of North Latitude, of Ranger number
Twelve West of the basis meridian, in the South Western District of the State
of Louisiana, situated in the county of Natchitoches, being the same purchased
from the United States by Eloi Doucet and Xavier Miller as per Receiver's
receipt No. 1075.  And also a tract of land containing one hundred and fifty
four & 18/100 superficial acres being lots No. 3, 4, 5 & 6, or the North West
quarter of the Section numbered Fourteen in Township number Fifteen North of
the thirty first degree of North Latitude, of Range number Twelve West of the
basis meridian, in the South Western District of the State of Louisiana
situated in the County of Natchitoches, being the same purchased from the
United States by Antoine Hebert & Louis Lemar [Semar?] as per Receiver's
receipt No. 1077 and sold by them to the present sellers.  To have and to hold
the aforesaid Tracts or parcels of land to him the said Sylvestre Bossier his
heirs, executors, Administrators and assigns forever. And they the said Moses
Littell and John H. Overton the tracts of land so described as aforesaid, with
all and singular their improvements, appertenances [sic] and privileges
against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever to him the said Sylvestre
Bossier his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns do Warrant and will
forever defend.   This sale is made for and in consideration of the sum of
fifteen thousand dollars, payable by three annual installments the first of
five thousand dollars on the tenth day of April in the next ensuing year one
thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, the Second of five Thousand dollars
on the tenth day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty
nine, and the third and last of five thousand dollars on the tenth day of
April in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty, for which the said
Sylvestre Bossier has executed six promissory notes of two thousand five
hundred dollars each three of which are payable to the said Moses Littell And
three to the said John H. Overton, all bearing equal dates with these presents
and signed 'Ne Varietur.'  It is stipulated and understood that the said
bargained and sold premises shall remain mortgaged & Hypothicated to the
sellors [sic] to secure the payment of the purchase money and interest which
may accrue thereon until the same shall have been finally paid.  And it is
further stipulated and understood that all Sums not punctually paid shall bear
interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the time they fall due
until the payment thereof.  The purchaser dispenses with the production of the
Certificate required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code or of any
subsequent law on the subject of Mortgages.  In testimony o fall which the
parties have hereunto signed and affixed their seals in presence of Richard M.
Garwood and John L. Garrett Competent witnesses & before George King parish
Judge in & for the Parish of St. Landry & ex-officio Notary Public at
Opelousas as the day and year first above written.
M. Littell  J. H. Overton  S. Bossiers  Witness  Richd. M. Garwood  John L.
Garrett  Geo. King P. Judge

[Page 100]


Giles Higginbothom To Florence Dory
Sale of Lots
Recorded 14th April 1837

This Deed made the Eleventh day of April in the Year One thousand eight
hundred and thirty seven between Giles Higgenbothom of the State of Louisiana
and Parish of St. Landry of the one part and Mary Felonise Dory wife of
William Cummins and authorised [sic] to the effect of these presents by her
said husband of the same State and Parish aforesaid of the other part. 
Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the premises herein expressed he
the said Giles Higginbothom has bargained  and sold, and does by these
presents grant bargain, sell, set over, alien, confirm and deliver unto the
said Mary Filonise Dory two certain Lots of Ground in the Town or village of
[St.?] Charlesville situated in the aforesaid

[Page 101]

Parish and lying in the Prairie Grand Cohan [sp?] near the church, the lots
adjoining each other & bounded on one side by land of David Meche and on the
other by James Higginbothom & fronting on streets at both ends & being lots
No. [blank] and [blank] on the Plan of Said Town made by William Johnson
Deputy surveyor.  To have and to hold the lots of ground so described as
aforesaid, with the buildings  and improvements thereon to the said Mary
Feloise Dory her heirs, executors, , administrators or assigns forever. And
the said Giles Higginbothom for himself his heirs &c the title to the
aforesaid lots and improvements against the lawful claims of all persons
whatsoever to her the said Mary Felonnise Dory her heirs ex[ecu]t[or]s.
adm[inistrato]rs. and assigns does warrant and will forever defend.   This
sale is made for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars, fifty
dollars of which are paid in hand, and the balance of fifty dollars payable on
the first day of April in the next ensuing year one thousand eight hundred &
thirty eight.  It being understood that the said Lots remain mortgaged to the
sellor [sic] to secure the payment of the aforesaid sum of fifty dollars.  The
certificate required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code is produced &
shows that there is a general mortgage on the property of sellor as Tutor to
his children, which the said Seller binds himself to have released, so far as
they effect the aforesaid lots previous to the aforesaid payment of fifty
dollars.  In testimony of all which the parties have hereunto signed in
presence of Richard M. Garwood and James P. Crosthwaite [sp?] competent
witnesses & before George King Parish Judge in and for the aforesaid Parish of
St. Landry at Opelousas the dya & year first above written.  
Giles Higginbothom   Mary Felonise Dory her mark    W. Cummins  Witness 
Richd. M. Garwood & James P. Crosthwaite  Geo. KIng P. Judge
The recording of this Mortgage is dispensed with .  Gilies Higgenbothom   W. 
Commins  Witness James P. Crosthwaite  Richd. M. Garwood


Catherine & Elsy Harrison [of Brasoria County Texas] To Asohim Crenshaw
Power of Attorney
Recorded 15th April 1837

Know all persons whom it may concern that we Catherine Harrison widow of
George Harrison deceased and mother of Osborn Harrison late of the Parish of
St. Landry of the State of Louisiana deceased, and Elsy Harrison son of said
Catherine and mother of said Osborn do hereby constitute and appoint Asohim
Crenshaw of the State of Illinois our lawful agent and attorney in fact for us
and in our names to settle sue for recover and receive from the administrator
or curator of the said Osborn Harrison, the whole Estate and property or such
part thereof as the said Catherine as other and heir, as the said Elsy as
brother may be entitled to w[h]ether by inheritance, or devise of the said
Osborn, and generally in the settlement of our claims against the Estate and
succession of the said Osborn Harrison, to grant Receipts and acquittances,
and acknowledgments, to the representations of said Succession, whether as
Curator administrator or executor, or in whatever Capacity the said
representatives may be, and generally and fully authorising [sic] the said
Crenshaw to do act  and every thing in the premises which we or either of us
might or could do were we personally present hereby ratifying confirming
making valid and binding ourselves to Stand to and abide all and singular the
acts of our said Attorney and agent, done in and abt. the premises aforesaid. 
And we do further authorise [sic] our said agent to receive, the whole of said
Estate or any part thereof which may be of right belonging as coming to us or
to which we may be entitled whether the same consists of real, immovable,
moveable personal or perishable property we Authirise [sic] him to sell
alienate convey transfer or in any manner dispose of the whole or any part
thereof.  And finally we give him all powers and authority which a general and
[blank] agency in this behalf can confer, hereby as aforesaid obligating
ourselves our heirs &c to confirm ratify make valid and abide by the acts and
doings of our said Attorney in the premises.   In testimony whereof we have
hereunto Set our hands This twenty fourth day of March eighteen hundred and
thirty seven.
Catherine x Harrisson [sic]  Elsy Harrisson [sic]  Republic of Texas County of
Brazoria.  Before me William Eckle associate Judge of the County Court in and
for the County aforesaid Personally came and appeared Catherine Harison and
Elsy Harrison who signed the foregoing Power of Attorney and severally
declared that they signed the same voluntarily and with the full intent and
meaning therein Expressed.  Given under my hand and seal the Twenty fourth day
of March A. D. 1837.  William Eckle associate Judge Cty. of Brasoria.


Andre Neraut  To Hypolite Mallet
Sale of Slave
Recorded 15th April 1837

Know all men by these presents that Andre' Nerault of the State of Louisiana
and Parish of St. Landry for and in consideration of the sum of Eight hundred
dollars cash in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has
bargained sold and does by this act grant bargain, sell and deliver unto
Hypolite Mallet of the aforesaid State and Pa4rish a negro Girl named Winny
aged ab[ou]t. sixteen years a Slave for life.  To have and to hold the
aforesaid slave to him the said Hypolite Mallet and to his heirs and assigns
forever the said Andre' Nerault does not warrant the title of said slave nor
warrants from Redhibitory 

[Page 102]

defects the purchaser contenting himself with the warranty of the vendor of
said Andre' Nerault.  The parties dispense with the Certificate required by
the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code.  In testimony of all which the
parties have hereunto signed in the presence of Richard M. Garwood & Benoit
Debaillon Competent witnesses and before George King Parish Judge in and for
the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry this fifteenth day of Aril in the year One
thousand Eight hundred and thirty seven.  
Andre Nerault   Hypolite x Malette Witness  Richd. M. Garwood & Bt. Debaillon  
Geo. King P. Judge


William Offutt To Nathaniel Offutt
Power of Attorney
Recorded 15th April 1837

Know all men by these presents that I William Offutt of the State of Louisiana
& Parish of St. Landry have made and appointed and do by this act make and
appoint my brother Nathaniel Offutt my true and lawfull [sic] agent and
attorney in fact for me and in my name and for my [illegible 2 letters] and
benefit to do and transact with the Citizens Bank of Louisiana all business
which may in any [illegible: -i-] touch or concern me. And for me and in my
name to execute & sign any and all obligations or promissory notes in favor of
the President & Directors of said Bank for any and all sums whatever payable
at such intervals and in such proportions as may be required by said Bank and
to receive from said Bank the amount or proceeds of said promissory notes
ratifying and confirming and by these presents allowing whatever my said agent
may lawfully do by virtue of these presents.  In witness whereof I have
hereunto signed at Opelousas this fifteenth day of April in the year one
thousand eight hundred &* thirty seven in presence of Benoist Debaillon &
Richard M. Garwood Competent witnesses and before me George King Parish Judge
and ex-officio Notary Public in and for the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry.
Wm. Offutt  Witness Bt. Debaillon & Richd. M. Garwood  Geo. King P. Judge


Amos Webb To Joseph Anselm
Sale of Negro
Recorded 18th April 1837

State of Louisiana Parish of St. Landry   I, Amos Webb of the State and Parish
aforesaid have this day sold and delivered to Joseph Anselm a certain negro
man named Ben for the sum of fifteen hundred dollars payable on the following
terms, towit, five hundred dollars on the first day of July 1837, five hundred
dollars on the first day of July 1838, five hundred dollars on the first day
of July 1839, which negro I warrant and defend against all other claims
whatsoever also sound and healthy it is further agreed between the parties
that the said Webb retains a mortgage on said negro until final payment by
said Anselm, signed in presence of the Hon. George King Judge of the Parish of
St. Landry and the subscribing witnesses this day the eighteen of April in the
year One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
Amos Webb  Joseph Anselm  witness Michel Pithon  Bt. Debaillon  Geo. King P.


Widow & Heirs of Valery Roy To Oze're' & Roy
Power of Attorney
Recorded 20th April 1837

Know all men by these presents that Brigite Nezat widow of the late Valery Roy
deceased, and natural Tutrix to her minor children, Clarisse Roy, Divine Roy,
wife of Lastie Nezat and acting herein with his advice and consent, and
Euphroisine Roy of the State of Louisiana & Parish of St. Landry, and heirs of
the said Valery Roy decd., have nominated and appoint and in their place and
Stead put Messrs. Pierre Oze're' and Ulger Roy or either of them their true
and lawful Attorney or attornies, to ask, demand, sue for and recover all sum
or sums of money due from any person or persons whatever to the estate in
Community between the widow & Heirs of the said Valery Roy deceased, and also
all sums which may hereafter fall due to the same, and to have, use or take
all lawful ways & means in their names or otherwise, for the recovery thereof,
by attachment, attest, distress or otherwise, and acquittances or other
sufficient discharges for the same for them and in their names to make, seal
and deliver, and to do all lawful acts and things whatsoever concerning the
premises as fully and in every respect, as they the said Constituents might or
could do were they personally present, ratifying & confirming, and by these
presents allowing whatever their said Attorneys shall in their names lawfully
do or cause to be done in and ab[ou]t. the premises by virtue of these
presents.  In witness whereof they have hereunto signed in presence of the
undersigned witnesses & Parish Judge at Opelousas this 20th day of April 1837. 
Brigite x Nezat   Clarisse x Roy  Divine x Roy  Lastie Nezat  Euphroisine x
Roy   Witness C. Morel Guiramond  V[illegible letter]. Bourget [sp?] Geo. King
P. Judge


Widow & Heirs of Simon Taylor To Marsden Campbell
Release of Mortgage
Recorded 21st April 1837

Know all men by these presents that whereas on the second day of December in
the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty five Marsden Campbell of the
State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry executed a mortgage in favor of
Mrs. Eliza M. Henderson widow of the late Simon Taylor deceased Henderson
Taylor for himself and as assigner of Ellen C. Taylor wife of William Lewis
Thomas H. Lewis assigner of John J. Taylor and Martha P. Taylor wife of the
said Thomas H. Lewis of the State aforesaid & Parish of St. Landry, and the
heirs of Emma Taylor of the aforesaid State and Parish of Saint Mary, on a
tract of land situated in the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry  and lying on the
right bank in descending of the Bayou Bouef having twenty arpens front by
forty in depth & containing eight hundred superficial arpens, and also on
thirty slaves named in said mortgage, to secure the second &  third payments
due on a tract of land purchased by him the said Marsden Campbell from the
said widow & heirs of the said Simon Taylor deceased, each payment amounting
to the sum of of [sic] five thousand dollars three hundred & thirty three
dollars and thirty three & a third cents.  And whereas the second payment has
been made the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and the third payment
secured to the full and entire satisfaction of the said Mortgagers.  Now
therefore in consideration of the premises, they the said Mortgagers have
released the above recited mortgage and do hereby release the same as fully &
completely as though it had never existed.  In Testimony whereof they & their
legal representatives have hereunto signed in presence of William W. Taylor &
William B. Jackson Competent witnesses and before George King Parish Judge and
Ex-officio Notary Public at Opelousas this twenty first day of April 1837.
Eliza M. Taylor and as assign for Henderson Taylor  Thomas H. Lewis for self
my wife & the heirs of Emma L. Taylor deceased  E. W. Taylor   Witness  W. W.
Taylor  Wm .B. Jackson  Geo. King P. Judge


Marsden Campbell & Wife To the New Orleans Canal and Banking Co.
21st April 1837

United State of America.  State of Louisiana.  Be it remembered, that on this
twenty first day of April in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and thirty seven, before me George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary
Public in and for the Parish of St. Landry Personally appeared, Marsden
Campbell of the aforesaid Parish and Susan Catherine Moore his wife of the age
of majority, by him duly authorised [sic], who declared, that whereas they
have this day made their Joint obligation in favour of the New Orleans Canal
and Banking Company for the sum of ten thousand dollars payable on the
fifteenth day of April 1838, being for a loan of money granted by said
Corporation to these appearers, which sum they did acknowledge to have
received, and which obligation is by me identified with these presents.  Now
therefore, to secure the full and punctual payment of the said sum of money
according to the tenor of the said obligation, the said appearers declared
that they do by these presents mortgage and hypothicate unto the said
New-Orleans Canal and Banking Company, all and singular the property
hereinafter described, towit, a certain tract or parcel of land situated in
the aforesaid Parish and lying on the bayou Bouef, bounded on the upper side
by land of the said Campbell and on the lower side by land domain having
twenty arpents front on the right bank of said Bayou Bouef by forty arpens in
depth, and containing eight hundred superficial arpens with the buildings and
improvements thereon.  Also the following described thirty slaves towit,
Andrew a man aged ab[ou]t. forty years, Ben aged thirty seven years, Bookey
aged ab[ou]t. forty years, Daniel aged ab[ou]t. thirty two years, Jac aged
thirty nine years, John H. Trunk aged thirty seven years, Mingo aged thirty
seven years, Ned aged forty one years, Scipio [sp?] aged thirty one years,
Abram aged forty five years,  Abbe a woman about twenty seven years, Charlotte
aged thirty one years, Fanny aged thirty seven years, Judy aged thirty five
years, Minerva aged twenty nine years, Nancy [or Nanny] aged forty years, Tom
a boy aged sixteen years, Dick aged fifteen years,  William aged thirteen
years,  James aged sixteen  years,  Betty a woman aged seventeen years,  Laura
aged seventeen years,  Membo [sp?] aged seventeen years,  Nancy [a] girl aged
fourteen years,  Dorinda a girl aged fourteen years,  Rina aged thirteen
years,  Silla aged twelve years, Hannah aged twelve years,  Sally aged eleven
years & Silla aged eleven years.   They the said Marsden Campbell and Susan
Catherine Moore binding themselves not to alienate, deteriorate or encumber
the said mortgaged premises, to the prejudice of this mortgage, and hereby
confessing judgement for the said sum of money, to be paid as aforesaid.  The
said Susan Catherine Moore declared, that in becoming a party to these
presents, it is her wish and intention, in conformity with the terms of the
said Obligation, to bind herself 'in solido' with her said husband, with full
knowledge of the terms and effect of the twenty third section of the "Act to
incorporate the subscribers to the New-Orleans Canal and Banking Company," 
hereinafter mentioned.  and the said Marsden Campbell and Susan Catherine
Moore further declared that they did renounce, for themselves and their heirs,
the benefit of any laws heretofore promulgated or enacted, or which may be
hereafter made or promulgated, requiring property seized on any species of
execution to be appraised, or sold on any credit whatsoever they, the said
Marsden Campbell and Susan Catherine Moore hereby consenting and agreeing that
if the said sum of Ten thousand dollars shall not be paid when the same shall
become due according to the tenor and effect of the said obligation and  of
this act, and according to the true intent and meaning of an act of the
Legislature of the State of Louisiana, passed on the fifth day of March, in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one, entitled, An
act to incorporate the subscribers to 

[Page 104]

the New-Orleans Canal and Banking Company," these the said New Orleans and
Banking Company may obtain an order of seizure and sale, and sell the above
described mortgaged premises, by public Auction, to the highest bidder, for
cash And without appraisement, after an advertisement for thirty days.  By the
certificate of the Register of Mortgages in and for the aforesaid Parish of
St. Landry, bearing date with these presents and hereunto [named?] and made a
part of this act, it appears that there exists no mortgage on the above
described land and Slaves, of record in his office.  Done and passed at
Opelousas the day and year first above written in presence of Thomas H. Lewis
and Richard M. Garwood Witnesses residing in this Parish who have signed these
presents with the said parties and me the said Parish Judge & ex-officio
Notary Public.
M. Campbell  Catharine Moore Campbell  Witnesss Thos. H. Lewis  & Richd. M.
Garwood  Geo. King P. Judge
State of Louisiana. Paroisse ST. Landry Bureau des hypothiques.  Le
concervateur des hypothiques, Soussigne, certifie qu'il suritte [sp?] sur les
registres de son Bureau Aucune hypothique contre Marsden Campbell & Susan C.
Moore son epouse sur une terre Situe'e sur le Bayou Boeuf, dans cette
Paroisse, ayant huit Cents arpens de superficie, borne'e d'un Cote' par le
Domaine et de l'autre par une autre tere appartenant ou [en?] dit Campbell
hypotheque'e a la banque de l'anion [sp?], en outre sus les esclaves dont les
noms & ages suivent Andrew 40 ans.  Ben 37  Boukey  40   Daniel 32  Jac 39 
John H. Crok [sp?] 37  Mingo 37  Ned  41  Scipio 31  Abraham 45  Abbe negresse
27  Charlotte 31  Fanny 37  Judy  35  Minerva 29  Nancy 40  Tom 16  Dick 15 
William 13  Jim  16  Betsy 17  Laura 17 Minibe [sp?] 17  Nancy 14  Dorinau 14 
Rina 13  Lella 12  Hannah 12  Sally 11  & Silla 11  Opelousas le 21 Avril
1837.  Garrigues Flaujac conservateur


Andre Nerault To Michel Mayer
Sale of Slave
22d April 1837

Know all men by these presents that Andre' Ne'raut of the State of Louisiana
and Parish of ST. Landry for and in consideration of the sum of Twelve hundred
and fifty dollars Cash in hand the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has
bargained & sold and does by this act grant bargain sell set over, transfer
convey and deliver unto Michel Mayer of the aforesaid state and Parish a negro
boy named Johnson ab[ou]t. Twenty years of age a slave for life.  To have and
to hold the aforesaid slave to him the said Michel Mayer and to his heirs and
assigns forever the said Andre' Neraut does not warrant the title of the said
Slave nor warrant from Redhibitory defects the purchaser contenting himself
with the warranty of the vendor of said Andre' Neraut.  The parties dispense
with the certificate required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code. In
testimony wof all which the parties have hereunto signed in the presence of
Richard M. Garwood & Benoit Debaillon Competent witnesses and before George
King P. Judge in & for the aforesaid parish of St. Landry this 22d day of
April in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty Seven.
Andre' Neraut  Michel x Mayer  Witness Richd. M. Garwood Bt. Debaillon  Geo.
King P. Judge


Marsden Campbell To Widow & Heirs of Taylor
Mortgage [land and 30 named slaves]
22d April 1837

Know all men by these presents that Marsden Campbell of the State of Louisiana
and Parish of St. Landry is justly indebted to the widow and heirs of the late
Simon Taylor deceased in the sum of five thousand three hundred and thirty
three dollars and thirty three and a third cents payable on the first day of
January next, for which he has given his promissory note with John H. Overton
& Patrick H. Overton securities bearing date the first day of January last and
further to secure the payment of the aforesaid sum of money he the said
Marsden Campbelll for himself his heirs &c has mortgaged & does hereby
hypothicate & mortgage to the said widow & heirs & to their heirs or assigns
the following described property towit.  A tract of land situated in the
aforesaid parish and lying on the right bank of the Bayou Bouef in descending,
bounded in the upper side by land of the said Marsden Campbell and on the
lower side by the Domain, having twenty arpens front by the depth of forty,
also the following named thirty slaves, towit, Andrew aged forty years, Ben
aged thirty seven years, Bookey aged forty years, Daniel aged thirty two
years, Jac aged thirty nine years, John H. Trunk aged thirty seven years,
Mingo aged thirty seven years, Ned forty one years, Scipio aged thirty one
years, Abraham aged forty five years, Abbe aged twenty seven years, Charlotte
aged thirty one years, Fanny aged thirty seven years, Judy aged thirty five
years, Minerva aged twenty nine years, Naney aged forty years, Tom aged
sixteen years, Dick aged fifteen years, William aged thirteen years, Jim aged
sixteen years, Betty aged seventeenth [sic] years, Laura aged nin[e]teen
years, Mimbo aged seventeen years, Nancy aged fourteen years, Dorinda aged
fourteen years, Rina aged thirteen years, Silla aged twelve years, Hannah aged
twelve years, Salley aged eleven years, & Silla aged eleven years.  It is
known to the Mortgagees that the aforesaid land & slaves are mortgaged to the
New-Orleans Canal & Banking Company to secure the payment of ten thousand
dollars which mortgage his precedence of this.  It is further stipulated and
understood that if the aforesaid sum of five Thousand three hundred and thirty
three dollars & thirty three & a third cents or any part thereof should not be
paid on the first

[Page 105]

day of January next, that it shall bear interest thereafter at the rate of ten
per cent annum until payment.  And it is further understood that this last
clause shall not be so con[s]trued as to grant further delay.  The mortgagees
dispenses with the certificate required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana
Code.  In testimony of all which the parties have hereunto signed in presence
of John M. Jewell & Richard M. Garwood Competent witnesses and before George
King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in and for the aforesaid parish
of St. Landry at Opelousas this Twenty second day of April Anno Domini one
thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
M. Campbell Thos. H. Lewis Ag[en]t. for the mortgagees  Witness John M. Jewell 
Richd. M. Garwood  Geo. King P. Judge


Michel Aladin Martin [Lafayette Parish] To Hypolite Guidry
Sale of Land
Recorded 25th April 1837

This Deed made the twenty fifth day of April in the year one thousand eight
hundred and thirty six between Michel Aladin Martin of the State of Louisiana
and Parish of St. Lafayette of the one part and Hypolite Guidry of the Parish
of St. Landry and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that for and in
consideration of the sum of four hundred and twenty five dollars cash in hand
paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the said Michel Aladin
Martin has bargained and sold and does by this act, grant, bargain sell,
transfer, convey, & deliver to him the said Hypolite Guidry a certain tract or
parcel of land situated in the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry and lying on the
East bank of the East fork of the Bayou Plaquemine Brulee', bounded on the
lower side by land of Jean Bte. Breaux and on the upper side by the widow and
heirs of the late Joseph Mouton having five arpens front by forty in depth. 
To have and to hold the said tract of land with its appurtenances to him the
said Hypolite Guidry, his heirs, Executors, administrators, and assigns
forever.  And the said Michel Aladin Martin for himself his heirs executors
and Administrators, the tract of land so described as aforesaid with all and
singular its privileges and appertenances [sic], against the lawful claims of
all persons whatsoever to him the said Hypolite Guidry his heirs, executors,
administrators and assigns does warrant and will forever defend.  The
purchaser dispenses with the certificate required by the 3328th Article of the
Louisiana Code.  In testimony of all which the parties have hereunto signed in
presence of A. E. Mouton and Louis Mouton Competent witnesses and before
George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public at Opelousas the day and
year first above written.
M. A. Martin  Hypolite x Guidry  A. E. Mouton  L. M. Mouton    Geo. King P.


Aurilon Arcenaux To Ferman Duhon
Sale of Land
Recorded 25th April 1837

This Deed made the twenty fifth day of April in the year one thousand eight
thousand eight hundred and thirty seven between Aurelon Arcenaux of the State
of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry of the one part and Furman Duhon of the
same state and Parish aforesaid of the other part, Witnesseth that for and in
consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars Cash in hand paid the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged bargained and sold, and does by this act grant
bargain sell, alien, set over, confirm and deliver unto him the said Furman
Duhon, the undivided half of a quarter section of land purchased by the sellor
[sic] & George Shearman from the Government of the United States, lying on the
North bank of the River Montow [Montoro or Montoso?] and bounded on the other
three sides by the Domain, a full description of which will appear by the
certificate of purchase granted by the register of the land office, the said
land is situated in the Parish of St. Landry.  To have and to hold the said
undivided half of the aforesaid quarter Section with the improvements thereon
to him the said Ferman Duhon his heirs & forever, with guarantee of title
against the Lawful claims of all persons whatsoever.  The purchaser dispenses
with the production of the certificate required by the 3328th Article of the
Louisiana Code.  In testimony of all which the parties have hereunto signed in
presence of An.[illegible 3rd letter] Mouton and Louis Mouton Competent
witnesses and before George King P. Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in &
for the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry at Opelousas this day & year above
Aurelin Arcenaux, Furmin x Duhon  A. E. Mouton  L. W. Mouton  Geo. King P.


Andre Neraut To Andre Robin
Recorded 26 April 1837

Before me George King Parish Judge in and for the Parish of ST. Landry
appeared personally Andre' Ne'raut and acknowledged to have received of Andre'
Robin the sum of eleven hundred and forty five dollars & fifty eight Cents
being the full and entire amount of the principal and interest of an
obligation given by the said Andre' Robin bearing date the fifteenth day of
January in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty two for eight
hundred and forty eight dollars, being the same due by the said Andre' Robin
to the said Andre' Neraut as Tutor to Celeste Robin & Andre Robin minor
children & heirs of Celestine Neraut dec[ease]d. wife of the said Andre Robin. 
In testimony whereof he has hereunto signed in presence of Richard M. Garwood
and Benoit Debaillon competent witnesses and before George King P. Judge as
aforesaid at Opelousas the 26th day of April A. D. 1837.
Andre Neraut  Richd. M. Garwood  Bt. Debaillon  Geo. King P. Judge

[Page 106]


Antoine Robin To Michel Mayer
Recorded 26th April 1837

Know all men by these presents that whereas Antoine Robin, on the 26th day of
December in the Year one thousand eight hundred and thirty four bargained and
sold to Michel Mayer a certain tract of Land Situated in the Parish of St.
Landry and lying in the Prairie Gros Chevreuil having five arpens front on the
Bayou Teche by thirty in depth & containing one hundred & fifty superficial
arpens, for the Price & sum of eighteen hundred dollars payable one half in
all the month of April one thousand eight hundred & thirty six And the other
half in all the month of April One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.  &
Whereas the full and entire amount of the aforesaid purchase money has been
paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledge.   Now therefore he the said
Antoine Robin for himself his heirs & c does hereby release and forever acquit
the said Michel Mayer of all claims or acct. of said purchase & sale and from
the tacit Mortgage which might have existed on said premises to secure the
payment of the purchase money.  In testimony whereof he has hereunto signed in
presence of Richard M. Garwood & Benoist Debaillon Competent witnesses &
before George King Parish Judge in and for the Parish of St. Landry this 26th
day of April 1836.
Antoine Robin  Richd. M. Garwood & Benoit Debaillon Geo. King P. Judge


Caroline E. Lanford [Mercer County, KY] To William H. McCoun
Power of Attorney
Recorded 1st September 1834

Know all men by these presents that I Caroline E. Lanford Guardian of my
children, Priscilla, Benjamin, Henrietta, Valerin [sp?] and Robert of the
County of Mercer and State of Kentucky do hereby constitute appoint Authorize
and empower William H. McCoun of the Same State and County my Attorney in fact
for me and in my name individually & has guardian of my said children to
collect and Receive of Velentine King executor of Benjamin B. Jefferson my
brother lately deceased and property, money, effects, and estate of every Kind
or description whatsoever divided to me or my said children by my said brother
Benjamin B. Jefferson and Mr. McCoun in authorised [sic] also receipts in my
name individually & as g[u]ardian of my said children to execute And deliver
and all and every act necessary to be done in settling with the executor & to
enable him to secure and collect what is coming to me and my children to do as
fully and amply as if I were personally present and did the same and I hereby
recognize and ratify as my own act all that may be done by s[ai]d. McCown
touching the premises.  In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed my seal this first day of September 1834.  
Caroline E. Landford (seal) State of Kentucky Mercer County.  At a Court held
for the County aforesaid at the Courthouse in Harrods being on Monday the 1st
day of September 1834.  This power of Attorney was this day produced into
Court and acknowledged by Caroline E. Landford a party thereto to be her act &
deed for the purpose therein Contained and ordered to be certified.  State of
Kentucky Mercer County L. Thomas Allen Clerk of the Court for the County
aforesaid do Certify that the above Order is truly Copied from the records in
my office.  In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
Seal of my office this 2nd day of September 1834.  Tho. Allen State of
Kentucky Mercer County [illegible word]  I David Jones presiding Justice of
the Court for the County aforesaid do certify that Thomas Allen whose name is
affixed to the foregoing certificate is Clerk of the Court for the County
aforesaid and that his Certificate is in due form of law Given under my hand
this 2nd day of September 1834.  D[a]vd. Jones P. J. P.
Know all men by these presents that William H. McCoun of Mercer County in the
State of Kentucky the agent and Attorney in face of Mrs. Caroline E. Landford
of the State & County aforesaid guardian to her minor children Priscilla,
Benjamin, Henrietta, Valerius & Robert, acting under a power of attorney
signed by the said C. E. Landford on the 12th  day of September 1834, do
hereby acknowledge to have received as such agent as aforesaid from Mrs. Nancy
King Executrix of the late Valentine King decd. the sum of twelve hundred &
thirty one dollars & forty four cents in full all sums due by the said
Valentine King as Administrator or Executor of the late Benjamin B. Jefferson
deceased as appears by an account rendered & settlement made of the same this
day and on file in the office of the Parish Judge of said Parish.  In witness
whereof the said William H. McCoun has hereunto signed at Opelousas this
twenty eight day of April in the year One thousand eight hundred & thirty
seven in presence of George R. King & Richd. M. Garwood Competent witnesses &
before me George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in & for the
aforesaid Parish of St. Landry.
W. H. McCoun  Richd. M. Garwood & Geo. R. King  Geo. King P. Judge


David Potts & Jas. Jones Admrs. of Geo. W. Dervus and Elizabeth Potts & Ann
Potts heirs at Law of G. W. Dervus
Matilda Dervus late the wife of G. W. Dervus 
Release & transfer of Slaves 
Recorded 28 April 1837
[Vigo County, Indiana]

Know all men by these presents that we David Potts and James Jones
administrator with the amended Will of George W. Dervus late of Vigo County
deceased for and in consideration of the sum of ninety six dollars to us in
hand paid by Mrs. Matilda Dervus of the State of Louisiana, leave given
granted  sold conveyed, and confirmed and by 

[Page 107]

these presents, do give, grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm, unto the
said Matilda Dervus, all the claims rights title, and interest, whatsoever
which the said George W. Dervus, decd. of, in, and to, the following slaves
towit, Lucy aged ab[ou]t. fourteen, Jack ab[ou]t. ten, and Bill ab[ou]t. eight
years, being the same slaves purchased by the said George W. Dervus at the
sale of the personal estate of the deceased Sister of the said Matilda Dervus,
to leave and to hold, the said ?slaves aforesaid, unto the said Matilda
Dervus, her executors, administrators, and assigns in as full, and ample a
manner as the said George W. Dervus did or could have held the same under him
purchase aforesaid.  In testimony whereof we the said David Potts, and James
Jones, as administrators aforesaid and by virtue of the Authority vested in us
as such have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the twenty third day
of February in the year 1836.  
David Potts (seal)  James Jones (seal)  administrators of George W. Dervus. 
Signed sealed and acknowledged in presence of S. B. Gookins  S. H. Taylor
United States of America State of Indiana Vigo County set.  Be it Remembered
that upon this twenty fourth day of February in the year 1836, personally
appeared before the undersigned a notary Public in and for the County 
aforesaid David Potts and James Jones whose signatures are affixed to the
foregoing Bill of Sale and acknowledged the same to be their act and Deed
Given under my hand and notarial seal the day and year above written.  L. [S?]
B. Gookins notary Public 'In testimonum  veritas'   We Ann Potts & Elizabeth
Potts late Elizabeth  Patience Dervus and legatees of Georger W. Dervus
[Dervees?] deceased for divers good causes and considerations as hereunto
moving do ratify and confirm the sale herein made by the administrators of
George W. Dervus deceased as witness our hands & seals this 24th of February
1836.  attest Ann Potts (seal)   Elizabeth Potts (seal)  Unites States of
America.  State of Indiana Vigo County [illegible 2 letters] On this 24th day
of February 1836, personally came and appeared before me the undersigned a
notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, the above named Ann Potts and
Elizabeth Potts who was by me made fully acquainted with the contents of the
within and foregoing deed and release, and severally acknowledged the
foregoing release to be their voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes
therein specified, the said Eliza[be]th being [illegible] separate and apart
from her husband, the said avid Potts.  Witness my hand and notarial seal at
Terre Haute in the County & State aforesaid this 24th day of February 1836 S.
B. Goodkins  notary Public


Andre Neraut To Jean B. Neraut Children
Gift of Slave
Recorded 3 May 1837

Know all men by these presents that Andre' Neraut of the State of Louisiana
and Parish of Saint Landry for divers good causes and consideratrions, has
given and by this act does give in pure and simple donation to the legitimate
children of Jean Bte. Neraut of the same State and Parish aforesaid a certain
negro girl Slave named Susanne aged ab[ou]t. fifteen years with her future
increase To have & to hold the aforesaid slave and her future in crease to the
said Legitimate children,  it being well understood , to those now in
existence and those to be boarn [sic] hereafter, and to their heirs,
executors, administrators and assigns forever.  This donation is made with the
Condition that the said slave and her future increase shall remain in the
service of the said Jean Bte. Neraut & his wife during their natural lives and
at and after their deaths to become the common property of their legitimate
children & their heirs &c.  And the said Jean Bte. Neraut for and in behalf of
his said children accepts this donation.  In testimony whereof the said Andre'
Neraut and Jean Bte. Neraut have hereunto signed in presence of Richard M.
Garwood & Benoist Debaillon Competent witnesses and before George King Parish
Judge in and for the aforesaid Parish of St.Landry and ex-officio Notary
Public at Opelousas this third day of May in the year One thousand eight
hundred & thirty seven.
Andre' Neraut (seal)  [blank space] (seal)  Richd. M. Garwood  & Bt. Debaillon 
Geo. King P. Judge


Lewis Andrus Seriff To E. D. White Governor
Recorded 3 May 1837

Know all men by these presents that Lewis Andrus, Joseph Elah Andrus, Jesse
Andrus and Dejean freres of the State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry
are held and firmly bound unto Edward D. White Governor of the aforesaid State
and to his Successors in office in the sum of six thousand dollars for the
true and faithful payment whereof they bind themselves their heirs executors
and administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents.  In witness
whereof they have hereunto signed and affixed their seals at Opelousas this
third day of May in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty
seven.  The conditions of the above obligation is such that whereas the said
Lewis Andrus hath been appointed sheriff in and for the Parish of St. Landry.  
 Now if the said Lewis Andrus shall well and faithfully execute and true
returns according to Law of all such writs, orders and process as shall come
unto his hands as sheriff as aforesaid and well and truly pay over all sums of
money that shall come unto his hands as sheriff as aforesaid to the persons
entitled by Law to the same, and shall faithfully do and perform all such

[Page 110]

duties as may be required of him by law then the above obligation to be void
oth4erwise to remain in full force and virtue.
Lewis Andrus (seal)  Jos. E. Andrus (seal)  Jesse Andrus (seal)  Dejean freres 
Witness W. W. TAylor and William Reed.  Geo. King P. Judge


Joseph Aldebert To Pierre Labyche
Sale of negroes
Recorded 3 may 1837

State of Louisiana Parish of St. Landry Opelousas.   Be it Known that this
third day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven
Before me George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in and for the
Parish of St. Landry residing in the Town of Opelousas.  Personally Came and
Appeared, Joseph Aldebert, residing in the Town of Opelousas, who declared,
that for and in consideration of the sum of sixteen hundred dollars Cash to
him in hands Paid By Pierre Labyche, the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged he the said Joseph Aldebert do by these presents, grant, Bargain,
sell, convey transfer, assign, set over, with a full guarantee against all
troubles, debts mortgages claims, evictions, Donations, Alienations, or other
encumberance whatsoever unto Pierre Labyche residing in the said Town of
Opelousas here present and Accepting, his heirs and assigns and Acknowledging
possession thereof two certain negroes Boy slaves for life, towit, Same [Sam?]
aged ab[ou]t. fourteen years & Bobb aged ab[ou]t. thirteen years warranted
free from the vices and maladies prescribed by Law and being the same which
the present sellor [sic] Acquired from William Moore By Act passed Before
Pierre Labyche Notary Public on the Third day of September in the year one
thousand eight hundred and thirty four.  From the certificate of the recorder
of mortgages of the said Parish of St. Landry it appears no mortgage exist[s]
on the said two slaves against the said Joseph Aldebert.  To have and to hold
the said two slaves, unto the said purchaser his heirs and assigns to their
proper use and behalf for ever and the said sellor [sic] for himself and his
heirs the said two slaves t o the said Purchaser his heirs and assigns, shall
and will warrant and forever defend again[s]t the Lawful claims of all persons
whomsoever by these presents and the said Vendor does moreover subrogate the
said purchaser to al the rights and actions of warranty which he has or may
have against his own Vendor as Against the vendors of his Vendor fully
authorising [sic] said purchaser to exercise the said rights and Actions in
the same manner as he himself might or could have done.  This done and passed
in my office in the Town of Opelousas aforesaid in the presence of Louis
Nicolas Moulin and Alixus Latour competent witnesses of an full age and
domicilated [sic] in the Town who have hereunto signed their names together
with the said Parties, and me the said Notary & ex-officio [Notary Public] the
day and year first above written.
Joseph Aldebert  Labyche  Moulin  Alixis Latour Geo. King P. Judge


Giles Higgenbotham To Francoise Haydel Widow Cournay
Sale of Land [St. Mary Parish]
Recorded 5th May 1837

This Deed made the fifth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and
thirty seven between Giles Higgenbotham natural Tutor of his minor children
towit, Ann Lorinda Higgenbotham & John Nelson Higgenbotham only heirs of the
late Rebecca Rosler, of the State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry, and
acting by the advice of the family Council of Said minors, and duly authorised
[sic] by said family Council & the under tutor of Said minors to the effect of
these presents, as will more fully appear by reference to the 'procis [sic]
verbal' and proceedings of said family council which are made a part of this
act, of the one part, and Francoise Hydel widow Cornay of the aforesaid State
and Parish of St. Mary of the other part, Witnesseth, that for and in
consideration of the sum of one thousand dollars cash in hand paid at and
before the execution of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, he the said Giles Higgenbotham has bargained and sold, and does
hereby grant, bargain, sell, alien and confirm to her the said Francoise Hydel
and to her heirs and assigns all the right, title, claim, interest &
pretentions of the aforesaid Ann Lorinda Higginbotham and John Nelson
Higginbotham minor heirs as aforesaid, in & to a certain tract or parcel of
land situate in the Parish of St. Mary and lying on both sides of the river
Teche or Atchafalaya containing ab[ou]t. five hundred & sixty superficial
arpens, having ten arpens front by forty in depth on the left side of said
Bayou and four arpens front by forty in depth on the right side of said Bayou,
being the same land in dispute between the parties & now in possession of the
purchaser, and the same which made the subject of a compromise between Thomas
H. Lewis Esqr. & Octave Cornay Attorneys for the parties executed before the
Hon. John Moore Parish Judge of the Parish of St. Mary on the fifth day of
April last.  To have and to hold the said tract of land to her the said
Francoise Cornay her heirs & assigns forever with guarantee only against the
claims of the aforesaid minors.  In testimony whereof he the said Giles
Higgenbotham has hereunto signed in presence of Richard M. Garwood and Benoit
Debaillon Competent witnesses and before George King Parish Judge & ex-officio
Notary Public in and for the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry at Opelousas the
day and year first above written.
Giles Higgenbotham (seal)  Witnesses Richd. M. Garwood & Bt. Debaillon  Geo.
King P. Judge


Mau [Orleans Parish] To Labyche
Sale of Land
Recorded 5th May 1837
(need translation)

Pardevant Theodore Sighers, notaire Public, commissionne pour la ville et
paroisse de le Nouvelle Orleans Etat de la Louisiane, Y dmeurant, et en
presence des temoins cy apres nomme et sousigne's fut present Madme. Eugenie
Delachaise, epouse de Mr. Abraham Mace et de lui separie de biens par jugement
de la court de Paroisse de cette ville en date du vingt sept Janvier mil huit
cent trente prous [sp?] 5351 la dite Sieur & dame Marie domicilies en cette
Ville, et la dite dame Mau, autorisie par son marie, aussie present, le quelle
vend, aide et transporte par ces presents et a toujour, avec guarantie de tous
troubles, evidioizes [sp?], dettes, et hypotheques et avec subrogation a ses
droits et actions de guarantie Contre tout precedents vendurs a Mr. Pierre
Labyche, demeurant aux Opelousas en cet etat de la Louisiane, represente par
Mr. Alphonsen Desmare demeurant a la Nouvelle Orleans in present.  Un morveaux
de terre situe dans la ville des Opelousas entre les terrains divises par feu
Charls Garrigues Flaujac, arpenteur de la terre de Madame Mau et de Jean Bte.
Isabelle, quelque soit la quantite, bornee au nord par la terre du dit Jean
Bt.e. Isabelle, au sud par une [illegible] sans nom, de la terre divise en
terrains, a list faisant face a la rue Union et a L'ouest attenant a la terre
de Gustave Chanin.  Ce morceau de terre appartient a la dite dame Mau comme
faisant partie dune terre dont le tiers [sp?] lui appartient paersonnellment,
ainsi qu'elle le declare, et les dune autres tires indivie lui ont ete vendu
par Monsr. Philippe Auguste Delachaise, avec l'autorisation du dit Sieur Mau
suivant acte du six Aoust mil huit Cent trente six in cette etudes.   La dite
dame Mau declare en outre quelle ne part donner de plus ample descriptionni
indiquer avec plus detendue l'orine de cette propriete, nayant ni les anciens
titres ni les plans au surplus ell la vend telle [sp?] quelle se comporte et
la posside sans fourniture de quantite, et le dit Sieur Desmare accept la
vente avec les indications et declarations ci dessus, dont ya contente le dit
Sr. Labyche qui connait parfaitemeent le morceaus de terre et les titres. 
Acceptation faite par le dit Sieur Desmare en vertu de la procuration du dit
Sr. Labyche inseree en une letre datie des Opelousas du trente Octobre dernier
(1836) et [illegible] a ces presentes.  La present vente est faite et consentu
pour et mayemant la somme de cinq centrs piastres, que le dit Sieur Desmare,
pour le dit Sieur Labyche a paye compotant [sp?] a la dite dame Mau qui le
reconnait et lui en donne quittance.  D'apres le certificat du conservateur
des hypothiques de la paroisse St. Landry, en date du vingt un Octobre dernier
(1837) ici represente, il n'existant aucune hypotheaque contre la dame
Venderesse Sur l'immeuble ci dessus decrit, Mayennant que le dite dame
venderesse transporte a l'acqueteur [sic] tous ses droits sur le dit immeuble,
pour par lui en prendre possessions a ses fraits et enjouir , et disposer
comme de bien lui appartenant par l'effet des presentes.  Ainsi a ete dit dont
acte, fait et passe a la Nouvelle Orleans un l'etude le vingt huit Novembre
mil huit cent trente six, l'an soixante un de l'indipendance de Etats unis, En
presence de M. M. Victor Seghers et Louis Quemper, demeurant en cette ville,
temoins.  Les parties, les temoins et le notaire aussigne, apres lecture
faite, signe a l'original Delachaise Mau, A Mau,  A. Desmare,  V. Seghers 
Louis Quemper  et Thm. Seghers not. Publ. Pour copie conforme a l'original qui
est reste depose en mon etude. Novelle Orleans le cinq decembre 1836.  Thr.
Sighers not. Public


Thomas Reynolds To P. Judge 
Bond for Tavern 
Recorded 8th May 1837

Know all men by these presents that we Thomas Reynolds as principal and Brandt
& Garrett associates are held and firmly bound unto George King Parish Judge
of the Parish of St. Landry in the sum of five hundred dollars which sum well
and truly to pay to the said Parish Judge and to his successors in office we
do bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and Administrators firmly by these
presents, signed with our hands and sealed with our seals in the Parish of St.
Landry the 7th day of May 1837.  Whereas the above bound Thomas Reynolds the
principal has obtained a License to Keep an Inn or Tavern, in the town of
Opelousas at the corner of Main and Bellevue Streets from and after the date
hereof to the second Monday of May 1838.  Now the conditions of the above
obligation is such That if the said bound Thomas Reynolds shall constantly
Keep and provide his said Inn or Tavern, with clean and wholesome diet and
lodging for travelers and Stabling proventer [sic] or pasturage for horses,
for and during the term of his license, and shall duly observe all laws and
ordinances which may be in force in this state, relative to Inns Keepers or
TavernKeepers.  Then the above obligation to be null and void, otherwise to be
paid for and recovered according to the true intent and meaning of an act
Ap[p]roved May 21st 1806, entitled An act to regulate Inns and other houses of
Public entertainment.  Thos. Reynolds (seal)  Brandt & Garrett (seal)  Jack M.
Bell  Guy H. Bell


Jean F. Gaberel To George King Parish Judge
Bond for Tavern
Recorded 8th May 1837

Know all men by these presents that we Jean T. Gaberel as principal and Rene'
Fontaine as security are held and firmly bound unto George King Parish Judge
of the Parish of St. Landry in the sum of five hundred dollars which sum well
and truly to pay to the said Parish Judge and to his Successors in office we
do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, and administrators firmly by
these presents.  Signed with our hands and sealed with our seals in the Parish
of St. Landry the 8th day of May 1837.  Whereas the above bound Jean F.
Gaberel the principal has obtained License to Keep an Inn or Tavern in the
Town of Opelousas

[Page 110]

at the Corner of Main and North Streets, from and after the date hereof to the
first Monday of May 1838.  Now the Condition of the above Obligation is such
that if the said bound Jean F. Gaberel, shall constantly Keep or Provide his
said Inn or Tavern, with Clean and wholesome diet and lodging for travelers
and Stabling provender or pasturage for horses, for and during the term of his
license, and shall duly observe all laws and ordinances which may be in force
in this State relative to Inn Keepers or Tavern Keepers then the above
obligation to be null and void, otherwise to be sued for and recovered,
according to the true intent and meaning of an act Approved May 21st 1806,
entitled An act to regulate Inns and other houses of Public entertainment.
Jn. Frs. Gaberel (seal)  Guy  H. Bell  William Reed  R. Fontaine


Brandt & Garrett To E. D. White Governor
Bond to Keep Grog Shop
Record[ed] 8th May 1837

Know all men by these presents that we Brandt & Garrett as principal s and
Thomas Reynolds as security are held and firmly bound unto Edward D. White
Governor of the State of Louisiana and his successors in office in the sum of
five hundred Dollars, which sum well and truly to pay to the said Edward D.
White Governor of the State of Louisiana and his successors in office we do
bind ourselves our heirs, executors, and administrators firmly by these
presents, signed with our hands and sealed with our seals in the Parish of St.
Landry this Eight Day of May in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight
hundred and thirty seven.  Whereas the above bound Brandt & Garrett principals
have obtained License to Retail Spirituous Liquors at their Billiard room in
the Town of Opelousas from and after the date hereof to the Second Monday of
May 1838.  Now the Condition of the above obligation is such, that if the said
bound Brandt & Garrett the principal shall contravene any one of the
provisions in relation to Slaves contained in the act entitled "An act to
amend the Black Code" approved March 16th 1830, or should the said bound
Bran[d]t & Garrett the principals keep a disorderly retail shop at their
Bill[i]ard room or permit an assemblage of more than three Slaves (not
belonging to them or in their employment) at the said Shop or Billiard table
Kept by them or at such other place as they may be in the act of retailing
spirituous liquors at, in the said Town then the above obligation shall be
forfeited, and the amount thereof be recovered before any court of competent
jurisdiction in the State of Louisiana one half to the use of the person who
shall sue thereon, and the other half to the inn of the Parish of St. Landry.  
Brandt & Garrett (seal)  Thos. Reynolds (seal)  Witness Joel M. Bell  Guy H.
Bell  Acknowledged and executed before me Geo. King P. Judge


Jean N. Petit To E. D. White Governor
Bond To Keep Grog Shop
Recorded 8th May 1837

Know all men by these presents, that we Jean Nicholas Petit principal and J.
A. Dumartrait security are held and firmly bound unto Edward D. White Governor
of the State of Louisiana and his successors in office in the sum of five
hundred dollars, which sum well and truly to pay to the said Edward D. White
Governor of the State of Louisiana and his successors in office we do bind
ourselves, our heirs executors & administrators firmly by these presents,
signed with our hands and sealed with our seals in the Parish of St. Landry
this eighth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
thirty seven.  Whereas the above bound Jean Nicholas Pitit principal has
obtained a License to Keep a grog shop in the Town of Opelousas from and after
the date thereof to the second Monday of May 1838.   Now the condition of the
above obligation is such that if the said bound Jean Nicholas Petit the
principal shall contravene any of the provisions in relation to Slaves,
contained in the act entitled "An act to amend the Black Code" approved March
16th 1830 or should the said bound jean Nicholas Petit the principal Keep a
disorderly Grog Shop or permit an assemblage of more than three slaves (not
belonging to him or in his employment) at the said Grog shop Kept by him or at
such other place as he may be in the act [of] retailing spirituous liquors at
in the said Town then the above obligation shall be forfeited and the amount
thereof be recovered before any Court of Competent Jurisdiction in the State
of Louisiana.  One half to the use of the person who shall sue thereon and the
other half to the use of the Parish of St. Landry
J. N. Petit (seal)   J. A. Dumartrait (seal)  Witness  M. D. Boatwright & Guy
H. Bell  Acknowledged & executed before me George King P. Judge St. Landry


Gaillard & Hollier To E. D. White 
Bond for Grog Shop

Know all men by these presents, that we Gaillard & Hollier as principals and
Grant Latour security are held and firmly bound unto Edward D. White Governor
of the State of Louisiana and his successors in office in the sum of five
hundred dollars, which sum well and truly to pay to the said Edward D. White
Governor of the State of Louisiana and his successors in office we do bind
ourselves, our heirs executors & administrators firmly by these presents,
signed with our hands and sealed with our seals in the Parish of St. Landry
this Eight day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
thirty seven.  Whereas the above bound Gaillard & Hollier the principals have
obtained a License to Retail Spirituous Liquours wine beer cider &c in the
Town of Opelousas at their Bill[i]ard room from and after 

[Page 111]

the date thereof to the first Monday of May 1838.   Now the condition of the
above obligation is such that if the said bound Gaillard & Hollier the
principals shall contravene any of the provisions in relation to Slaves,
contained in the act entitled "An act to amend the Black Code" approved March
16th 1830 or should the said bound Gaillard & Hollier the principals Keep a
disorderly Retail Shop at their Billiard Room  or permit an assemblage of more
than three slaves, not belonging to him or in their employment, at the said
Retail Shop or have Kept by them or at such other place as they may be in the
act of retailing spirituous liquors at in the said Town then the above
obligation shall be forfeited and the amount thereof be recovered before any
Court of Competent Jurisdiction in the State of Louisiana,  one half to the
use of the person who shall sue thereon and the other half to the use of the
Parish of St. Landry.
Gaillard & Hollier  Gnt. Latour witnesses E. Bissan [sp?]  Guy W. Bell. 
Acknowledged and executed before me Geo. King Parish Judge St. Landry


James Anderson To George King Parish Judge
Bond to Keep a Tavern 
Recorded 8th May 1837

Know all men by these presents, that we James A. Anderson as principal and
Andre Lastrapes as Security are held and firmly bound unto Edward D. White
Governor of the State of Louisiana and his successors in office in the sum of
five hundred dollars, which sum well and truly to pay to the said Edward D.
White Governor of the State of Louisiana and his successors in office we do
bind ourselves, our heirs executors & administrators firmly by these presents,
signed with our hands and sealed with our seals in the Parish of St. Landry
this 8th day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
thirty seven.  Whereas the above bound James A. Anderson principal has
obtained a License to Keep an Inn or Tavern, in the Town of Opelousas, in a
house situated between Bellvue and Landry Streets opposite the Court House,
from and after the date thereof to the second Monday in May 1838.   Now the
condition of the above obligation is such that if the said bound James A.
Anderson, shall constantly Keep and provide his said Inn or Tavern, with clean
and wholesome diet and lodging for travelers & Stabling, provender, or
pasturage for horses, for and during the term of his license, and shall duly
observe, all laws and ordinances, which may be in force in this State,
relative to Inn Keepers or Tavern Keepers, then the above obligation to be
null and void, otherwise to be sued for and recovered, according to the true
intent and meaning of An act Approved May 21st 1806, entitled "An act to
regulate Inns and other houses of Public Entertainments."  
Jas. A. Anderson (seal)   A. Lastrapes  (seal)  witnesses  Jacob M. Bell  &
Guy H. Bell.


Burleigh Sr. To Burleigh Jr. 
10th May 1837

Before me George King Parish Judge & ex-officio Notary Public in & for the
Parish of St. Landry in the State of Louisiana personally appeared Robert
Burleigh of said Parish who declared & by this act does declare that on the
25th day of July 1812, Robert Burleigh Senior of said Parish sold & conveyed
to the said appearer a certain tract or parcel of land situate in said Parish
& lying in the Prairie Grand Coteau then adjoining land of John Leger on the
East side & that of the sellor [sic] on West fronting on the land of Paul
Boutin & Benjamin Smith & --ding on that of the sellor [sic] containing five
acres front by whatever depth might be found for the price of one hundred &
fifty dollars cash by an act passed before George King Parish Judge of said
Parish all of which will fully appear by reference to said act.  That said act
of sale was signed by said Robert Burleigh Senior the vender but was never
signed by the appearer because at the time of executing the same it was not
deemed necessary that acts of transfer & sale should be signed by the
purchaser.   The said appearer by his act of ownership &c has accepted said
sale & after having owned  possessed and occupied said land for more than
twenty years disposed of the same on the 8th October 1833 in favor of Mrs.
Eloise Savoye V[euv]e. Stelly &  further said appearer does now by this act
formally accept said sale to have the same effect as though the same had been
signed on the day of the date thereof.  In witness whereof he has hereunto
Signed at Opelousas this tenth day of May in the year one thousand eight
hundred and thirty seven in presence of Benoit Debaillon & Richard M. Garwood
Competent Witnesses & before me G.the aforesaid Judge & notary Public
Robert Burleigh.  Witnesses  Bt. Debaillon  Richd. M. Garwood  Geo. King P.


John Brownson To Daniel S. Parrish [Tennessee]
Sale of Land & [136] Slaves
Recorded 17  May 1837

This deed made the seventeenth day of May in the year one thousand eight
hundred and thirty seven between John Brownson of the State of Louisiana and
Parish of St. Landry of the one part, and Daniel S. Parish of Fayette County
State of Tennessee of the other part.  Witnesseth that for and in
consideration of the premises herein after expressed, he the said John
Brownson has bargained and sold and does by these presents, grant bargain sell
alien, transfer, convey and confirm to him the said Daniel S. Parish the
following described property, towit the Plantation and tract of 

[Page 112]

of land lately occupied by the said Brownson, situated in the Prairie Bellevue
in the aforesaid Parish and being the same acquired by him by three purchases,
towit one at the Sale of the Estate of  the late Mrs. Margaret C. Watts widow
Stille, one from Joshua Baker and the other from Pierre Wartell as will appear
by reference to said Sales, and containing ab[ou]t. two thousand four hundred
arpens, together with all the Stock of Cattle, horses, hogs and sheep,
including work beeves [beef cattle] and work horses, also the plantation tools
& implements of farming, also one hundred and thirty six slaves named and
described as follows, towit, A negro man named Demba aged ab[ou]t. eighty
years and his wife Delia aged ab[ou]t. sixty years, a negro man named Poole
aged ab[ou]t. sixty five years, William a carpenter & blacksmith aged ab[ou]t.
sixty years, Hamphries aged ab[ou]t. fifty seven years, Providence aged
ab[ou]t. fifty five years, Jim (one arm) aged ab[ou]t. forty two years, Big
Pat [Pol?] ab[ou]t. forty five years, Yok [sp?] aged ab[ou]t. forty years,
Harry Kile (Cooper) aged ab[ou]t. forty years, John aged ab[ou]t. forty years,
Paris aged ab[ou]t. forty five years, Yellow Dennis aged about thirty five
years, Anthony aged ab[ou]t. thirty three years, Harry aged ab[ou]t. forty
seven years, Stephen aged ab[ou]t. thirty years, Jonny aged ab[ou]t. thirty
years, Washington aged ab[ou]t. thirty years (blacksmith), Patrick aged
ab[ou]t. thirty years, George (cobler) aged ab[ou]t. thirty years, Peter
(driver) aged ab[ou]t. thirty five years, Andrew (carpenter) aged ab[ou]t.
thirty five years, black Dennis aged ab[ou]t. thirty vour years, Ned Thompson
aged ab[ou]t. thirty years, John Hatch aged ab[ou]t. twenty four years, Mango
aged ab[ou]t. thirty five years, William Nash aged about twenty three years,
Pompey aged ab[ou]t. twenty three years, Antoine aged abt. twenty four years,
Romeo aged abt. twenty one years, Jim Huckory eye aged ab[ou]t. twenty years,
Little Stephen aged ab[ou]t. eighteen years, Moses aged ab[ou]t. seventeen
years, Alfred aged ab[ou]t. sixteen years, Bill aged about twenty two years,
Isaac aged ab[ou]t. twenty two years, Jackson aged about sixteen years, Edmund
aged ab[ou]t. fifteen years, Reuben aged ab[ou]t. fifteen years, Sam aged
ab[ou]t. eighteen years, Jacob aged ab[ou]t. fifteen years, Philip aged
ab[ou]t. seventeen years, Ned aged ab[ou]t. sixteen years, Joe aged ab[ou]t.
fourteen years, Basil aged ab[ou]t. thirteen years, Ephraim aged ab[ou]t.
thirteen years, Jean Pierre aged ab[ou]t. twelve years, Curtis aged ab[ou]t.
twelve years, Thomas aged ab[ou]t. fourteen years, John aged ab[ou]t. sixteen
years, little Antoine aged ab[ou]t. twelve years, Andrew aged ab[ou]t. ten
years, Alexander aged ab[ou]t. ten years, little Anthony aged ab[ou]t. ten
years, Ola Nancy aged ab[ou]t. forty seven years, Suky aged ab[ou]t. thirty
eight years, old Maria aged about thirty eight years, Harriet (seamstress)
aged ab[ou]t. thirty five years, Maryanne aged forty years, Louisa aged
ab[ou]t. twenty eight years, Ellen aged ab[ou]t. twenty four years,  Ally
(house servant) aged ab[ou]t. twenty seven years, Patsey aged about twenty
seven years, Nelly aged ab[ou]t. twenty five years, Elsey aged ab[ou]t. twenty
five years, Charlotte aged ab[ou]t. twenty four years, Phillis aged ab[ou]t.
forty years, Aggy aged ab[ou]t. twenty two years, Betsey aged ab[ou]t. twenty
two years, Eliza aged ab[ou]t. twenty years, Young Maria aged ab[ou]t.
nineteen years, Kitty aged ab[ou]t. twenty one years, Frozine aged ab[ou]t.
twenty two years, Mary aged ab[ou]t. sixteen years, Betsey aged ab[ou]t.
fifteen years, Jane aged ab[ou]t. fourteen years, little Elsey aged ab[ou]t.
fourteen years, Letty Ann aged ab[ou]t. fourteen years, Hannah aged ab[ou]t.
thirteen years, Gulnarc [sic] aged ab[ou]t. thirteen years, Lavina aged
ab[ou]t. twelve years, Scina aged ab[ou]t. thirteen years, Elizabeth aged
ab[ou]t. twelve years, Jane aged ab[ou]t. ten years, Viny [sp?] aged ab[ou]t.
twelve years, Little Philis aged ab[ou]t. ten years, Rachel aged ab[ou]t.
thirty eight years, Josiah aged ab[ou]t. ten years, Gilbert aged ab[ou]t.
eight years, Jim aged ab[ou]t. five years, Charles aged ab[ou]t. two years,
Frank aged ab[ou]t. five years, Maunvell [sp?] aged ab[ou]t. six years, Pat
aged ab[ou]t. two years, Hannibal aged ab[ou]t. seven years, Washington aged
ab[ou]t. four years, Lou--ers aged ab[ou]t. two years, Isaac aged ab[ou]t.
seven years, Phil aged ab[ou]t. eighteen months, Lewis aged ab[ou]t. seven
years, Ned aged ab[ou]t. four years, George aged ab[ou]t. two years, little
Providence aged abt. six years, Amos aged abt. two years, Lucinda aged about
nine years, Betty aged abt. two years, Lizzy aged ab[ou]t. ten years, Polly
aged ab[ou]t. eight years, Delia aged ab[ou]t. eight years, Ellen aged
ab[ou]t. two years, Fanny aged ab[ou]t. seven years, Juliana aged ab[ou]t.
four years, Abby aged ab[ou]t. seven years, Nelly aged ab[ou]t. two years,
Rebecca aged three years, Grace aged ab[ou]t. eight years, Sarah aged ab[ou]t.
four years, Nancy aged ab[ou]t. three years, Peggy aged ab[ou]t. three years,
Harriette aged ab[ou]t. four years, Louisa aged ab[ou]t. two years, Rosette
aged ab[ou]t. eight years, Sally aged four years, Isabelle aged ab[ou]t. four
years, Lydia aged ab[ou]t. seven years, and eight Infant children less than
one year old from the following named women, towit, Atly, Nelly, old Maria,
Young Maria, Sukey, Eliza, Charlotte & Ellen also Robert aged at twenty years
and Harriette child of Frozine, aged abt. four years, omitted, all slaves for
life.  The said John Brownson also sells to the said Daniel S. Parish al the
house hold furniture excepting two -ance Tables, purchased of the Estate of
Mrs. Stille one of which is broken, the Glassware & silver utensils and such
articles of sheeting & Pillow cases as may be selected by said Brownson.  To
have and to hold the 

[Page 113]

said Lands & slaves and other property described aforesaid to him the said
Daniel S. Parish and to his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns
forever.  And the Said Daniel S. Parish acknowledges himself in possession of
all the said property.  The said John Brownson for himself his heirs &c the
title to the aforesaid Slaves against the lawful claims of all persons
whatsoever to the said Daniel S. Parish his heirs, executors, administrators
and assigns does warrant and will forever defend, but without warranty against
redhibitory diseases or vices, it is stipulated and understood that the
aforesaid plantation & tract of land is sold without warranty as to quantity
or location, but he the Said Brownson assigns and transfer to him the said
parish all the rights and pretensions which he would be authorised [sic] in
law to claim in virtue of any warranty in his favor.  This sale is made for
and in consideration of the price and sum of One hundred and fifty thousand
dollars payable and secure as follows, towit, Twenty thousand dollars payable
on demand and bearing interest at the rate of ten percent per annum from the
first day of January in the present year One thousand eight hundred and thirty
seven until paid and the balance of said price being one and thirty thousand
dollars payable in eight equal Annual instal[l]ments from the said first day
of January 1837, each instal[l]ment bearing eight per cent per annum interest
from the said first day of January 1837, until due, and if not paid when due
to bear interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the time due until
paid the whole of said Interest whether the same has accrued on Instal[l]ments
already due, or on instal[l]ments which are to become due, at any future
period shall be payable annually on the first day of January of each year
until the final payment of the whole of said price shall have been Completed,
and the better to secure the payment of the said price, the said Parish has
executed in favor of the said Brownson nine notes of hand being one for each
of the payments herein Stipulated to be made and corresponding in every
respect with the terms so stipulated, and the said Parish binds himself
whenever required so to do to procure the signature of Washington P. Burns
upon each of the said notes as  his security, and he acknowledges in favor of
the said Brownson all mortgage and privilege on all the property herein sold,
including all the future increase of the slaves, and all the personal
property, which may at any time hereafter be placed on, or attached to the
said plantation sold as aforesaid and intended for its service and improvement
which Mortgage and privilege are likewise retained by the said Brownson with
all the privileges accorded to him by Law as the vendor of said property.  And
it is further stipulated that among the said privileges he shall have the
right of obtaining orders of seizures & sale without previously resorting to a
suit to obtain Judgement, the said Parish hereby confessing a Judgement in
favor of the said Brownson for the whole of the said price including interest. 
And it is further Stipulated and expressly understood that in case the said
Brownson should hereafter sue out an order of Seizure and sale against any of
the property subject to the mortgage & privilege retained by him, altho[ugh]
one only or any number of the payments herein Stipulated to be made less that
the whole, should have become due, and should remain unpaid, the Said Brownson
shall have the right of demanding a sale of the property to an amount
sufficient to satisfy the whole of the price due to him including such of the
instal[l]ments as may not be due at the time of such providing [sp?], and in
that event, it is agreed, that the Sheriff or officer making said sale shall,
for so much of the said instal[l]ment as are not due be required to take bonds
& security for each future payment according to the rules prescribed by law
for the sale of property under execution at one year credit, and to transfer
and deliver the same to the said Brownson.  It is further stipulated and
agreed that until the amount due to the said Brownson on account of this sale
shall be reduced to the sum of One hundred thousand dollars, the said Brownson
shall be intitled [sic] to receive All the Crops which may be made upon the
plantation sold as aforesaid, and as fast as any of the said crops shall be
gathered the same shall become the property of said Brownson and he may take
the same on the plantation or elsewhere as he may think proper and may dispose
of the same in such manner as he or the agent intrusted [sic] by him may deem
most advantageous for the parties concerned, and it is agreed that the said
Brownson shall not be controuled [sic] either as it regards the manner or time
of removing the said crops from the said plantation or of selling the same,
but as fast as sales are made the said Brownson binds himself to credit the
proceeds upon the amounts due to him after deducting all the Costs and charges
to which any of the said crops may be legally or justly subject And to protect
the said Brownson's interest and rights in the said crops, it is expressly
stipulated that he shall at all times have and enjoy the right of going upon
the said plantation or sending

[Page 114]

agents there, and of taking such m[e]asures for the protection or preservation
of said crops as he or his agents may deem prudent or necessary.  It is also
further Stipulated that in case the said Brownson should at any time proceed
on his mortgage or privilege by way of Seizure and Sale or execution as the
case may be, the sale of the property seized shall not be arrested on the
ground that the said Brownson has in his possession any of the crops which may
have been received by him , and that he has failed to credit the same or their
proceeds according to the stipulations  herein Contained but in lieu of any
such right the said Parish limits himself to his direct and personal action
against the said Brownson to Cause the said credit or credits to be given,
without in any manner arresting or otherwise interfering with such sale.  It
is also further Stipulated that in case the said Parish shall on the first day
of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight pay to the
said Brownson the sum of eight thousand dollars independent of the crop
present year and shall likewise pay and take up at maturity his note of hand
for two thousand dollars dated the 20th of April 1837 And made payable twelve
months after date at the office of discount and deposite [sic] of the Bank of
Louisiana at Opelousas to the order of Washington P. Burns, and indorsed by
the said Burns, Gevige [sp?] Hill, John Bwonson and Joshua Baker, which two
payments making together the sum of ten thousand dollars are to be credited on
the note of twenty thousand dollars herein before described, then an in
consideration of said two payments, the said Brownson stipulates to abandon
all claim to any interest on any of the notes given as aforesaid for the said
property purchased, and which may have accrued to the first day of January in
the year one thousand eight hundred & thirty eight, reserving his right to
claim interest as before stipulated on so much of the price of the property
sold as may remain un--tinguished after said two payments shall have been made
from the said first day of January 1838, until paid.  The purchaser dispenses
with the production of the certificate required by the 3328th Article of the
Louisiana Code, or any subsequent law on the subject of Mortgages.  In
testimony of all which the parties have hereunto signed in presence of Benoit
Debaillon & Richard M. Garwood Competent witnesses and before George King
Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in and for the aforesaid Parish of
St. Landry at Opelousas the day & year first above written.
John Brownson  D. S. Parrish  Witness Bt. Debaillon & Richd. M. Garwood  Geo.
King P. Judge


Emilie Langlios wife of Letourneur To James B. Letourneur
Power of Attorney
Recorded 18th May 1837

Know all men by these presents, that I Emilie Langlois legitimate daughter of
Augustin Langlois and Marie Lernay [Lesnay?], and wife of Jesse Bte.
Letourneur authorised [sic] to the effect of these presents by my said
husband, of the State of Louisiana and parish of St. Landry, have made,
authorised [sic], nominated adn appointed, and by these presents do made,
authorise [sic], nominate and appoint by said husband Jean Bte. Letourneur my
lawful Attorney for me and in my name, and to my use to enter into and take
possession of all such messuages [sp?], lands, tenements heriditaments and
real estate whatsoever in the State of Illinois or Missouri, whereof I now am
or hereafter may be by any ways or means howsoever, either by inheritance from
my deceased father or mother or otherwise, entitled to or interested in either
in severally or jointly, or in common with any other person or persons.  And
also for me and in my name to grant, bargain and sell the same messuages
[sic], lands, tenements and heriditaments, or any part share or portion
thereof, and all such right, title, interest, claim and demand both in Law and
equity as I may have in the same for such sum and price and on such terms as
to him shall seem meet, and for me and in my name to make, execute and deliver
good and sufficient deeds and conveyances for the same and every part thereof
either with or without convenants and warranty.  And until the sale thereof,
for me and in my name and for my un [sp?] to let and dismiss the same real
estate or any part or parts thereof, for the less rent that can be gotten for
the same. And also for me, and in my name and to my use to ask, demand,
recover and receive all sums of money which shall become due owing or payable
to me by means of any such bargain, sale or lease, and to have, use and take
all lawful ways and means for the recovery thereof by attachment, arrest,
distress or otherwise, and to Compound arbitrate and agree for the same, and
acquittances or other sufficient discharges for the same for me and in my name
to make, seal and deliver, and generally to do execute and perform every thing
that may be necessary in and ab[ou]t. the premises, as fully and in every
respect as I myself might or could if I were personally present.  And and
[sic] Attorney or attornies, under him for all or any of the purposes
aforesaid to make and substitute and again at pleasure to revoke.  And I
hereby ratify, allow and confirm all and whatsoever my said Attorney shall do
or cause to be done in and abut the premises by virtue of these

[Page 115]

presents.  In witness whereof I have hereunto signed, and affixed my seal in
presence of Richard M. Garwood and Benoit Debaillon Competent witnesses, and
before George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in and for the
aforesaid Parish of St. Landry this [blank] day of May Anno Domini One
thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.  And I Jean Bte. Letourneur do hereby
authorise [sic] my wife Emilie Langlois to execute this power of Attorney.  In
witness whereof I have hereunto signed by making my ordinary mark not knowing
how to write in presence of the same witnesses and Parish Judge the day & year
above written.
Emilie Augustin Langlois   Jean Bte. x Letourneur  Witness  Bt. Debaillon &
Richd. M. Garwood   Geo. King P. Judge

Source:  Family History Library Microfilm #1412749, Item 3, Notarial Records,
St. Landry Parish, Page 91-115.