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Notarial Records Page 137-200., St. Landry Parish, Louisiana
Transcribed and Submitted by Mike Miller
Date: 1999-2000

African American Records extrated by: S.K. Martin-Quiatte -

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

In This File:

Source:  Family History Library Microfilm #1412749, Item 3, Notarial
Records,St. Landry Parish, Page 137-159.

Robert E. Smith to the Citizens Bank of Louisiana
Acceptance of Mortgage [includes slaves]
Recorded 2nd August 1837

Marie Jeanne Lemelle (fwc) To Estate of Lemelle
Recorded 10th August 1837

Gilbert L. Thompson To Thomas Bilbo
Retrocession of Slave
Recorded 11th August 1837

Widow Frederick Miller & Heirs of Frederick Miller
Agreement (includes slaves)
12th August 1837

Mrs. Henriette Matilda Pannell & Edwin B. Scott To William Wikoff
Sale of Slaves, stock and Lands
Recorded 15th August 1837

Evariste Robin & Bridgette Stelly
Marriage Contract
Recorded 17th August 1837

Napoleon Robin and Marie Boudreau
Marriage Contract
Recorded 17th August 1837
(need translation)

Gerasime Richard & Eugene Richard
Division of Land [sic] [slaves]
Recorded 18 August 1837

Eliza M. Wikoff To Henrietta Matilda Pannell Scott
Sale of Slaves
Recorded 22 August 1837

Thomas Bilbo To Lewis Andrus
Sale of Slave
Recorded 12 September 1837

William K. Sloane [Kentucky] To William H. Gray
Sale of Slave
Recorded 21st September 1837

Edwin B. Scott & wife To Lewis Andrus
Sale of Slaves
Recorded 14th October 1837

George Forbes To Rice Garland
Sale of Slaves
Admitted to Record 14th October 1837

William Vinson To Rice Garland
Sale of Slave
Admitted to Record 14th October 1837

Thompson To Bowen
Transfer Filed and Admitted to record 21st October 1837

Mary Hayes To Lewis Campbell
Sale of Negro
Recorded 17 April 1837

Citizens Bank To Smith & Wife
Acceptation of Mortgage
Recorded 9th August 1837

Flaujac and wife To Citizens Bank
Recorded April 27th 1838

Joseph H. Youngblood To Wm. H. Parrott
Sale of Slaves
Recorded Nov[embe]r. 6th 1838

Source:  Family History Library Microfilm #1412749, Item 3, Notarial Records,
St. Landry Parish, Page 160-174

Joseph Fontenot To Don Deigo Lafleur
Sale of Slave
Recorded 9th November 1837

Moses Hebert  to John S. Daniel
Sale of Land and Renewal of Partnership
Novr. 14th 1837

Christopher Steele To Edwin B. Scott & wife
Sale of Slaves
Recorded 27 November 1837

George Keller To Delphine B. Fontenot
Sale of Slave
Recorded 5th December 1837

Gradinegos To Fuselier
Release of Mortgage on Slave
Recorded 9th December 1837

Estate of Deshotels To Fuselier
Release of Mortgage
Recorded 11 F[eb]r. 1837

Edwin B. Scott & Wife To Ben  Andrus
Sale of Slaves
Recorded 14th Decber 1837

George Keller To Geo. Hudspeth
Sale of Slave
Geo. Hudspeth To Geo. M. Smith
15th Decber 1837

Daniel S. Parish To Washington Burnes
Power of Attorney
Recorded 15th Decr. 1837
(also a mention of Patrick Gorman, Fayette County, Tennessee)
(Mr. Parish may own land/slaves in either TN or MS)

Jno. Reed To Solomon Harman
Sale of Slave
Recorded 27 Decber 1837

Jno. Francis To Alexandre Duhon
Sale of Slave
Recorded 28 Decber 1837

Thomas H. Lewis To Stephen Durel
Sale of Slave
Recorded 3rd Jany. 1838

William Link to Thomas H. Cook
Sale of Slave
Recorded 12th Jany. 1838

Source:  Family History Library Microfilm #1412749, Item 3, Notarial Records,
St. Landry Parish, Page 176-200.

Jackson's Succession To G. R. King
Release of Mortgage (involves slave)
Recorded 15th January 1838

Joseph Bordelon [Avoyelles Parish] To Loucifer Bordelon
Power of Attorney [for Sale of Slave]
Recorded 15th Jany. 1838

Joseph Bordelon To Eli G. Guillory
Sale of Slave
Recorded 15th Jany. 1838

John Butler and Washington Butler
Exchange of Slaves
Recorded 16th January 1838

Overtons and Wives To Citizen's Bank of Louisiana
Recorded 20th January 1838

William Garrand To James Neyland
Sale of Slave
Recorded 23rd Jany. 1838

Cocke to De la Garza
Recorded 26th Jany. 1838

Jno. L. Garrette To Crawford Lyons
Sale of Slave
Recorded 31st Jany. 1838

James OConnor To Joel Vanoy
Partition of Slaves
Recorded Jany. 31st 1838

Labyche a L. Dupre'
Vente de terre
Recorded 13th February 1838

Stephen H. Gough to Rapael J. Smith
Sale of Slaves
Recorded 20th February 1838

Emile J. Bignon To Edmond H. Martin
Commercial Partnerships
Recorded 3rd March 1838

Acceptation of Wm. Moore
Mortgage to the citizens Bank of Louisiana
20th May 1837

Moore & Wife To Citizens Bank of Louisiana

Moore & Wife  To Citizens Bank of Louisiana
Recorded 3rd March 1838

Elizabeth and Isaac Devore To Jno. Arden
Recorded 6th Mar[ch] 1838

Estate of Fenner & Isabelle
Recorded 7th Mar 1838

Jno. Cooke To Joseph E. Andrus Sr.
Sale of Slaves
Recorded 10th March 1838

Board of Public Works to Geo. M. Smyth
Sale of Slave
Recorded 15th March 1838

James Hanse To Atchafalaya Rail Road & Banking Company
Filed & Admitted to Record 16 March 1838

Maurice Barnett Jr. To Thomas Lewis
Sale of Slave
Filed and Admitted to Record
16th March 1838

Swayze Syndic To Dyal
Sale of Slave
Recorded 21st Mar. 1838

Swayze Syndic To Griffith
Sale of Slave
Recorded 21 March 1838

Swayze Syndic To Dyal
Sale of Slave
Recorded 21 March 1838

Francois G. Fuselier f.m. coulor [sic] To Eliza Rene' f.w.c.
Recorded 28 March 1838

Margaret Richard widow Thibodeaux To Louis Thibodeaux
Sale of Slave
Recorded 27 Mar[ch] 1838


Robert E. Smith to the Citizens Bank of Louisiana
Acceptance of Mortgage [includes slaves]
Recorded 2nd August 1837

Before me Theodore Seghers Notary Public duly commissioned and sworn for
theCity & Parish of New Orleans, State of Louisiana and in presence of
theundersigned witnesses, Personally appeared Edmund John Forstall President
of the Citizens Bank of Louisiana who declared that he has taken cognizance of
an act passed before George King Parish Judge of St. Landry State of Louisiana
on the Twenty ninth day of June Eighteen hundred & thirty seven by which
Robert E. Smith and Celeste Neda his wife, domiciliated [sic] in the aforesaid
Parish of St. Landry, mortgaged in favor of said Citizens Bank of Louisiana to
secure twelve thousand dollars, the amount of one hundred and twenty
sharessubscribed by said Robert E. Smith in the Capital Stock of Citizens Bank
of Louisiana.  A certain tract of land situated in the Parish of St. Landry
&lying in the Prairie Grand Coteau containing ab[ou]t. seven hundred &
seventysuperficial acres more or less, bounded on the North by Joseph Balque
on the South by David Meche and the purchaser on the East by Raphael Smith and
on the West by the widow Robert Burleigh and being the same acquire by
purchase from Mary S. Smith widow of the late Charles Smith deceased as per
deed of sale bearing date the twelfth day of December in the year One thousand
Eight hundred & thirty five together in the buildings thereon. 2d  The
following described slaves viz. Ester aged 23 years, Milly 30 years, Maria 16
years, Charlotte 18 years, Matilda 20 years, Harriet 20 years, Susan 30 years,
James 123 years, Henry three years, Nelson 3 years, Auguste 6 years, Mary 10
years, Henriette 8 years, Catherine 6 years, Louisa 3 years, an infant girl,
Julie 2 years, Clarissa 2 years. Also fifteen horses and mules, twelve oxen,
and the instruments, and other appurtenances attached to said plantation,
which mortgaged is granted by said Robert E. Smith & wife jointly and
severally to secure said one hundred & twenty shares in the Capital Stock of
said Bank and also to Secure the payment of the principal & interest of the
loan raised or to be raised to form the Capital of said Bank finally to secure
any loan which said Robert E. Smith may obtain of said Bank and of the
Interest at ten per cent per annum in case of non  payment According to the
charter of said Bank.  Said E. J. Forstall declares that he does accept by
these presents in the name and as president of said Citizens Bank the
aforementioned mortgage with all the Clauses therein mentioned.  And he
declares that so soon as the present acceptation together with the mortgage
shall have been registered at the office of the Judge of the Said Parish of
St. Landry & on production of a Certificate from the Judge of said Parish
proving said inscriptions & proving also that there has been no new mortgage
nor privilege preferable to the one actually granted, registered & that no
transfer of said property has taken place, then said Robert E. Smith shall be
a lawful Stockholder for one hundred and twenty shares in the Capital Stock of
said Citizens Bank of Louisiana liable to Such reduction as may take place at
the final apportionment.  Thus done and passed in the City of New Orleans at
my office on this twenty sixth day of July in the year eighteen hundred &
thirty seven, the Sixty second of American Independence in presence of Wolmar
Bon [sp?] and Lewis Quemper [sp?] both of this City witnesses who have Signed
with the appearer and me the Notary.  I certify the above to be a true copy of
the original in my office.  In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand
and seal of Office New-Orleans 26th July 1837.   Thre. Seghers  Not[ary].


Marie Jeanne Lemelle (fwc) To Estate of Lemelle
Recorded 10th August 1837

Know all men by these presents that whereas on the Twenty ninth day of June
inthe year one thousand eight hundred and twenty four Marie Jeanne Lemelle
free woman of Colour of the State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry
bargained and sold to her son Narcisse Lemelle f.m.c. a tract of Land situated
in the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry and lying on the west bank of the
bayouCourtableau, being the same tract confirmed to the Said Marie Jeanne
Lemelle by the Land Commissioners as per their Certificate marked A. No. 902
and containing eight hundred Superficial arpens equal to six hundred and
seventy seven acres as appears by the plate [sic] of survey approved on the
thirty first day of March one thousand eight hundred and twenty three and
Signed by John Dinsmore principal Deputy Surveyor, which said sale was made,
as stated in the Deed for and in consideration of the sum of eight hundred
dollars which the said Marie Jeanne acknowledges to have been due to her said
son for services rendered as averred and otherwise.  And whereas the said
Marie Jeanne Lemelle some years previous to her death made a will in which she
bequeathed to her daughter, Catherine a mulatto girl slave named

[Page 138]

Adrinelle there ab[ou]t. nine months old.  And whereas at a meeting of
theheirs of the said Marie Jeanne Lemelle which took place on the twenty
fifthday of November in the year One thousand eight hundred and thirty four,
the day on which the property of the Succession of the said Marie Jeanne
Lemelle was sold, that, if the said heirs would not interrupt the said will so
far as it respected the bequest of said Mulatto girl, that he the said
Narcisse Lemelle would reconvey & return to the Mass [?] of said Estate the
aforesaid tract of land or so much thereof as then remained in his possession,
and the price then due for the one half of said tract which he had sold to
Jacob Wildes and Benjamin Weed [sp?] on the eleventh day of March in the year
one thousand eight hundred and twenty five for the Sum of two hundred &
sixtydollars, fifty dollars of which were paid in an [sic] horse and the
remainder two hundred and ten dollars payable one third in April 1826, one
third in April 1827, and the remaining third in April 1828, in gentle horned
Cattle, horse creatures, Plank, Picure [sp?] or other scantling [sp?] to be
delivered at the mouth of the Bayou Waria  [sp?] at the current price, the
said land remaining mortgaged until complete payment.  The two hundred and ten
dollars payable as aforesaid agreement he the said Narcisse Lemellle has
transfer[r]ed and does by this Act transfer set over and convey to the
Succession of his said mother all his right, title, Claim and interest in and
to the aforesaid one half of the aforesaid and above described tract of Land,
say the lower half, so that it may be sold as a part of the estate of his said
mother.  And he also transfers and conveys to the said Succession the debt due
by the Said Jacob Wildes [Wilder?] and Benjamin Weed [sp?] of two hundred and
ten dollars and the interest which may have accrued thereon.  And he does
hereby assign to the said Succession the mortgaged retained on said land to
secure the payment of the aforesaid two hundred & ten dollars.  It being
stipulated and clearly understood that this conveyance is made on the express
Condition that the Said Catherine Lemelle shall in no wise be troubled in the
possession of the Said mulatto girl Adrinette bequeathed to her by her said
mother, reserving to himself the right of Claiming from the estate of his said
mother the proceeds of the sale  of the aforesaid tract of land, and the
amount of money which may be recovered from the said Wildes [Wilder?] & Weed
in case of any attempt on the part of said heirs of any of them to disturb the
said Catherine in the quiet & peasable [sic] possession of said mulatto girl
Adrinette & her futur[e] increase.  The Certificate required by the 3328th
Article of the Louisiana Code is dispensed with.  In testimony of all which
the said Narcisse Lemelle, and Francois Lemelle Executors of the last will &
Testament of the said Marie Jeanne Lemelle, and the undersigned heirs have
hereunto signed in presence of Richard M. Garwood & Benoist Debaillon
competent witnesses and [torn] [before] George King Parish Judge in & for the
Parish of St. Landry & ex-officio Notary Public [at] Opelousas this tenth day
of August in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.  N. C.
Lemelle Witness  Richd. M. Garwood  & Bt. Debaillon   Geo. King P. Judge


Gilbert L. Thompson To Thomas Bilbo
Retrocession of Slave
Recorded 11th August 1837

Whereas by a public act passed before George King Parish Judge and
ex-officioNotary Public in and for the Parish of St. Landry on the 22d day of
June 1836, Thomas Bilbo of said Parish sold & conveyed to Gilbert L. Thompson
of the same Parish a certain negro man slave named Daniel aged ab[ou]t. thirty
five years for the price of twelve hundred dollars which sum is stated in said
act to have been paid in Cash the receipt of which was acknowledged.  And
whereas but two hundred dollars of said price were paid in cash & for the
Remainder the said Thompson gave his notes & promises in writing as follows,
towit, a promissory note dated the 21st of June 1837 payable to said Bilbo on
the first day of August thereafter (viz. 1837) for six hundred & eighty five
dollars, a promisse [sic] in writing of like date to take up & pay a note of
said Bilbo payable to Donat Fux for one hundred & sixty five dollars on
demand, & an agreement and undertaking in writing dated on the aforesaid 21st
day of June to pay to Dr. Moses Littell or order one hundred & fifty dollars
for and on account of said Thomas Bilbo which sums tog4ether formed the said
sum of twelve hundred dollars the entire price & consideration of Said Sale.
And whereas said Gilbert L. Thompson has been unable to comply with his
several engagements aforesaid to pay the said Bilbo, Fux, & Littell the
respective sums which he had undertaken as aforesaid

[Page 139]

to pay to each, and now consents to annul the aforesaid sale of the 22nd
June1837, & to retrocede &  reconvey said slave Daniel to said Bilbo.  And
whereas the said Bilbo has refunded to the said Thompson the aforesaid sum of
two hundred dollars to Cash paid as aforesaid, and has restored to said
Thompson the aforesaid obligation to pay to said Bilbo said sum of $685.,
together with the aforesaid promises in writing to pay to said Fux & Littell
the respective sums which he had undertaken as aforesaid to pay to them (which
cash & obligation from collectively the aforesaid price of said slave the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by said Thompson.  Now therefore be it
Known that in consideration of the premises the said Gilbert L. Thompson
hasretroceded & reconveyed & does hereby retroced[e] & reconvey said slave
Daniel to the said Thomas Bilbo.  To have and to hold said slave to him the
said Thomas Bilbo his heirs & assigns forever free from the lawful claims of
all persons whomsoever.  And further said Thompson has cancelled & Annulled
and does by this act cancel & annul the aforesaid act of sale of the 22d day
of June 1837, as fully as though the same had never been executed.
TheCertificate required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code has
beenproduced and is hereto annexed .  In witness whereof the said parties
havehereunto Signed at Opelousas this eleventh day of August in the year
onethousand eight hundred & thirty seven  in presence of Robert Taylor and
George R. King competent witnesses & before George King Parish Judge and
ex-officio Notary Public in and for the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry.    G.
L. Thompson  Thomas Bilbo  Witness  Robert Taylor and Geo. R. King  Geo. King
P. Judge

Widow Frederick Miller & Heirs of Frederick Miller
Agreement (includes slaves)
12th August 1837

This agreement & Compromise made this twelfth day of August in the year
onethousand eight hundred and thirty seven between Victoire Mayer widow of
thelate Frederick Miller of the State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry
ofthe one part and the undernamed children and heirs of the said
FrederickMiller, towit, Jean Frederick Miller, Frederick Miller, Marie Cecille
Miller wife of Christopher Gatte, Julien Miller, Joasin [sp?] Miller, Leufroy
Miller & Cedalize Miller of the aforesaid State and Parish, Carmelite Miller
wife of Jean Pierre Fruge', Euranie Miller wife of Joseph Boutin and Placide
Miller of the aforesaid State and Parish of Lafayette, the said wives acting
herein with the advice of their said husbands of the other part Witnesseth
that whereas the party of the second part have claims of inheritance on the
estate of their deceased father which has without their Knowledge or consent
Sold and disposed of all the slaves belonging to the said Estate, towit,
William a boy aged ab[ou]t. [hereafter just as spelled in document] fifteen
years, Louise a mulatto girl aged abt. thirteen years, Basil a mulatto boy
aged abt. ten years, Charlotte a negro woman aged abt. thirty years with her
four children towit, Manuel a boy aged abt. ten years, Alexandre a boy aged
abt. Seven years, Joseph a boy aged about four years and Celest a girl aged
abt. three years, by act of sale to Messrs. Antoine & Auguste Dejean and
Adolphe Bourgeois Blezine [sp?] passed before Felix Dejean Notary Public
bearing date the fourth day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred
and thirty seven for and in consideration of the Sum of three thousand five
hundred dollars payable in three years from and after the date of said sale
with interest thereon at the rate of eight and an half per Cent per annum from
date until paid.  Now to avoid a tedious and impressive Lawsuit the parties
have made and entered into the following agreement, towit.  First -  The
widowagrees to take one thousand dollars of the proceeds of the above
described debt and Mortgage and the interest already

[Page 140]

acrued & accruing thereon, three gentle horses of her choice, five cows
&calves, the hogs of said estate and the household furniture which she has
inpossession the quiet and peaceable possession of all which property is
guaranteed to her by the said heirs forever.  2ndly.  The said widow
hasassigned & transfer[r]eed and does hereby assign and transfer to the
saidheirs two thousand five hundred dollars of the aforesaid Debts and
Mortgage with the interest thereon, due by Dejean & Bourgeois as aforesaid,
and she also transfers to them all her right, title, Claim and interest in and
to the residue of the property lately in community between her and her
deceased husband.  And Thirdly the said heirs, in consideration of the
premises have ratified and do hereby ratify and confirm the aforesaid Sale of
Slaves to Dejeans & Bourgois Blezine.  It is understood and agreed that the
said widow shall have the first thousand dollars which shall be paid by the
said Dejeans & Blezine.  In testimony of al which the parties have hereunto
signed by making their Ordinary marks not knowing how to write in presence of
Vincent Bertrand & Francois Vallet & John Seels [sp?] and before George King
Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in and for the aforesaid Parish of
St. Landry at Opelousas the day and year first above written.
Mark of x Victoire Mayer widow Miller  Jean Frederick x Miller  Christopher
xGatte   Marie x Cecille Miller Gatte   Carmelitte x Miller Fruge'   Jean
Pre.x  Fruge   Euranie x Miller Boutin  Julien x Miller  Julien x Miller
Joachin x Miller   Lufroy x Miller  Cedalize x Miller Marcantel  Zenon x
Marcantel  Joseph x Boutin  Placide x Miller   Witness  Vincent Bertrand Fcois
Vallet  John Seels   Geo. King P. Judge


Mrs. Henriette Matilda Pannell & Edwin B. Scott To William Wikoff
Sale of Slaves, stock and Lands
Recorded 15th August 1837

This Deed made the fifteenth day of August in the year one thousand
eighthundred and thirty Seven between Mrs. Henrietta Matilda Pannell wife of
Edwin B. Scott of the State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry duly
authorised [sic] to the effect of these presents by her said husband of the
one part, William Wikoff of the same state and Parish aforesaid of the other
part witnesseth that for and in consideration of the Sum of ten thousand
dollars paid by the said William Wikoff to the Said Henrietta Matilda Pannell
in four obligations, towit, the obligation of Henderson Taylor for four
thousand dollars payable on the first day of March in the year one thousand
eight hundred &* thirty eight, the obligation of L. G. De Kerlegand for one
thousand five hundred dollars payable the fifteenth of April in the year one
thousand eight hundred and thirty seven, another obligation of L. G.
DeKerlegand for two thousand two hundred & fifty dollars payable the fifteenth
of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, and another
obligation of the said L. G. DeKerlegand for two thousand two hundred and
thirty nine all endorsed by the Said William Wikoff and received by the said
Henrietta Matilda Pannell .  she the said Henrietta Matilda Pannell has
bargained & sold, and does by this pubic act grant, bargain, sell, alien and
confirm to him the said William Wikoff her share, being one twelfth part, of
the Vacherie of the estate of her deceased grand mother Mrs. Susan Watts
Wikoff including the horned Cattle and horse creatures bearing the following
brands, towit, [WK where the letters connect at the back], [WK same as before
except that the left side of W has a long trailing stem much like the letter
M], [VNK, where the V and N appear interlaced with the K formed at the right
end of the N], [backward capital D, N, K where the N and K connect at the back
of the K], [backwards capital R N K, same as previously described], and also
those bearing her own private brand, together with her share in the
followingdescribed slaves employed as stock Keepers, towit, big Ben a negro
man aged ab[ou]t. [hereafter abbreviated as in document] forty five years,
John a negro man aged abt. thirty eight years, Charles a negro man aged abt.
twenty eight years, Mitchel a man aged abt. twenty seven years, August a man
aged abt twenty years, Isaac a man aged abt. twenty years, Philip a man aged
abt. twenty three years, Guilbert a boy aged abt. fourteen years, Adam a boy
aged abt. fourteen years, and Benjamin a boy aged abt. twelve years.  Also her
share in the tract of land on which the said Vacherie is Kept Situate in
theaforesaid Parish and lying on both sides of the East branch of the
bayouPlaquemine brulee' having thirty seven and an half arpens front by forty
in depth on one side of Said Bayou, and thirty five by forty on the other
side.  And also her share in a negro woman Malanie aged abt. fifty years.  It
being fully & clearly understood that this sale is made for one twelfth part
of the property bought by the heirs of the aforesaid estate for themselves and
their wards at pubic Auction made on the twenty first day of April in the year
one thousand eight hundred and thirty six and included in lots No. 53 and No.
20 in said sale.  And the sale is made Subject to all the provisions in
anagreement made between William Wikoff, Stephen W. Wikoff and Eliza M.
Wikofffor themselves and their wards

[Page 141]

bearing date the thirteenth day of April in the year one thousand eighthundred
and thirty six.  To have and to hold the aforesaid stock, lands & slaves to
him the said William Wikoff his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns
forever.  And she the said Henrietta Matilda Pannell and the said Edwin B.
Scott her husband for themselves their heirs, executors & administrators the
aforesaid and above described lands, slaves & stock of Cattle & horses, that
is to say the one twelfth part of the whole against the Lawful claims of all
persons whatever, to him the Said William Wikoff and to his heirs, executors,
administrators and assigns do warrant & will forever defend.  The purchaser
dispenses with the production of the Certificate required by the 3328th
Article of the Louisiana Code.  In testimony whereof the parties have hereunto
Signed in presence of Benoist Debaillon & William H. Parrott, Competent
witnesses and before George King Parish Judge in and for the aforesaid Parish
of St. Landry and ex-officio Notary Public at Opelousas the day & year first
above written.
Henrietta M. Scott  Edwin B. Scott  Wm. Wikoff  Witness  Bt. Debaillon & Wm.
H. Parrott  Geo. King P. Judge


Evariste Robin & Bridgette Stelly
Marriage Contract
Recorded 17th August 1837

This marriage contract made and entered into the seventeenth day of August
inthe year one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven between Evariste Robin,
a minor assisted herein by Louis Joseph Francois Robin his father, of the
State of Louisiana and parish of St. Landry of the one part, and Wife Bridget
Stelly also a minor assisted by Michel Stelly her father of the same state and
Parish aforesaid of the other part, witnesseth, that in consideration of
theaffection existing between the parties, they have agreed to unite
themselves in the Holy Bonds of matrimony, and to have their nuptials
Celebrated without unnecessary delay.  It is further agreed that the debts
contracted by either of the parties previous to their marriage shall be paid
out of the proper goods and Chattels of the party who shall have contracted
the same and that the community of acquists and gains shall in any event be
governed by the Laws of Louisiana as they now exist.  The property of the
future husband consists of eight head of horse creatures of one year old and
upwards estimated at eighty dollars $80.  Two horses at sixty dollars, $60.
One gentle cow and calf at twenty dollars $20.  Cash one hundred dollars $100.
The product of his own labour and the following property advanced to him by
his father on account of her future pretentions on his estate, towit, A negro
boy named Gregoire aged abt. fourteen years estimated at seven hundred dollars
$700.  Cash eight hundred dollars $800, Makin[g] the sum total of one thousand
seven hundred and sixty dollars $1760.  The property of the future wife
consists in five head of horned Cattle estimated at Seventy dollars $70.  Her
wardrobe estimated at two hundred dollars $200, making the sum total of two
hundred & seventy dollars $270. In testimony whereof the parties have hereunto
signed together with the said Louis Joseph Francois Robin and the said Michel
Stelly the latter by making his Ordinary mark not Knowing how to write, in
presence of Napoleon Robin & Benoist Debaillon competent witnesses & before
George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in and for the aforesaid
Parish of St. Landry at Opelousas the day & year above written.
Evariste Robin (seal)  Bridgette Stelly (seal)  L. J. F. Robin (seal)  Michelx
Stelly (seal) Witness Bt. Debaillon  & Napoleon Robin  Geo. King P. Judge

Napoleon Robin and Marie Boudreau
Marriage Contract
Recorded 17th August 1837
(need translation)

Aux Opelousas Le vingt Cinuieme jour du Mois d'avril de l'annee mil huit
Centtrent quatre et de la cinquante triosieme annee de L'Independance des
Etats Unis d'Amerique.  Nous Napoleon Robin fils Legitime et naturel de Mr.
Louis Joseph Francois Robin et de dame Emilie Stelly d'une part et de
Demoiselle Marie Boudreau fille Naturel & Legitime de Mr. Augustin Boudreau et
de dame Francoise Ritter ses peres et meres d'autre part, tous natifs de
L'etat de la Louisiane, promettons en presence de nos parents amis et temoins
en presents de nous unis en Marriage et de le faire celebrer en face de la
Sainte Eglise Catholic Romaine, le jour pas nous decide' et du consentement de
nos parents Les biens du future Epouse provenants de son travail et de Son
Commerce comme marchant connistent pour ce quil regarde son Commerce, d'apres
un inventaire Estimatif fait a l'amiable en la somme de deux mille deux cent
quatrevingt quatre piastres, plus quatorze tetes de betes cavalines estimies
Cent douze piastres, Cinq cheveaux domptes estimees cent piastres vingt deux
tetes de betes a Cornes estimees cent cinquante quatre piastres, plus une
terre situee' a la prairie du Gros chevreuil en face de la riviere teche
Contenant quatre Arpents de face sur la profondueur de quarante Bornee [sp?] a
Mr. Alexandre Lanclos d'un Cote', et de l'autre par Louis Joseph Francois
Robin pere du futur Epouse Estimee mille piastres, plus un jeune negre natif
de ce pays Estime cinq cent piastres Total des droits de Napoleon Robin future
Epouse, moutant a la somme de quatre mil cent soixante et quinze piastres cy
$4175.   Les biens de la future Epouse Demelle. Marie Boudreau consistent en
ce qui suit savoir son trousseau estime' a la somme de deux Cents piastres cy
$200, il est a observer que la terre avanice au futur epouse Napoleon Robin
est a Compte des ses droits paternels et maternel ainsi que le negre nomme
Prudent en foi de quoi les parties Contractantes ont signes excepte la future
Epouse qui a mis sa marque disant ne savoir signer, fait et passe' le meme
jour et an quantell [sp?] de se contrat que les parties interesses veulent
quil soit enregistre au Griffe des Opelousas.
Napoleon Robin  Marie x Boudreau  Temoins  L. J. F. Robin  Augustin x Boudreau
Francoise x Ritter  Emelie Stelly  Adeol Stelly  Ducoudray Lamorandier
Stateof Louisiana Parish of St. Landry Before me George King Parish Judge in &
for the aforesaid Parish appeared personnaly Adeol Stelly and
DucoudrayLamorandier witnesses to the foregoing marriage contract, who beinb
first duly sworn declared on their oaths, that they were present when Napolion
Robin & Marie Boudreau previous to their marriage signed and acknokwledged
theforegoing contract to be their act & Deed for the purposes therein
expressed, and that they also saw Ls. Jos. Frs. Robin the father of the said
Napolion  and Augustin Bourdreau the father of the said Marie Boudreau, at the
same time, signed the same.  Sworn & subscribed to at Opelousas this 17th day
of August 1837.  Before me Geo. King P. Judge  Adioil Stelly  D. Lamorandier


Gerasime Richard & Eugene Richard
Division of Land [sic] [slaves]
Recorded 18 August 1837

Know all men by these presents that whereas at the sale of the Estate of
thelate Philip Richard of the State of Louisiana and Parish of St.
Landrydeceased, Gerasime Richard & Eugene Richard purchased in partnership
thefollowing described slaves towit, Nancy a negro woman aged ab[ou]t.
[hereafter abbreviated as in document] thirty eight years with her family of
children, towit, Constance a girl now aged abt. sixteen years, John aged
thirteen years & Phillis aged abt. ten years, and William aged abt. eight
years, which said negro woman has since had three children, towit, Betsey a
girl aged abt. six years, Julien a boy aged abt. four years, and Cadet a boy
abt. two years old.  A negro woman named Adeline (since dead) with her
children, towit, Adelle a girl now abt. sixteen years old, Pierre a boy aged
abt. twelve years and Joe aged about nine years, and the said Adeline had one
child a girl named Susan now aged abt. seven years born since said purchase,
and at the sale of the Estate of Murthough Collins decd. they purchased a
negro man named Ambroise now aged about forty five years, a negro boy named
Billy aged abt. sixteen years.  And a negro girl named Becky aged abt. twelve
years.  And whereas abt. five or six years ago the said Gerasime & Eugene
Richard verbally dissolved their partnership and made a division of the
aforesaid slaves, by which the negro woman Nancy and her children & future

[Page 143]

and the boy Billy & Girl Becky were taken by the said Gerasime as his part
ofsaid slaves, and the negro girl Adelle, boys Pierre &* Joe, the girl Susan
and the man Ambroise were taken by the said Eugene as his part, each onehaving
had the possession of his said part of said Slaves and their services from the
time of said dissolution of Partnership up to the present time.  Now in order
to prevent any future difficulty which might arise on the subject, the said
Gerasime & Eugene Richard have confirmed the aforesaid division and do hereby
confirm the same to all intents & purposes. The said Gerasime transfer[r]ing &
conveying to him the said Eugene his heirs & assigns all his right title claim
and interest in and to the said Slaves, taken by him at the aforesaid
division.  And he the said Eugene transfer[r]ing & Conveying to him the said
Gerasime and to his heirs & assigns all his right title claim and interest in
and to the said slaves taken by him at said division. In testimony whereof the
parties have hereunto signed in presence of Benoist Debaillon & George R. King
Competent witnesses and before George King Parish Judge & ex-officio Notary
Public in and for the aforesaid Parish at Opelousas this eighteenth day of
August in the year One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
Gerasime Richard (seal)  Eugene Richard (seal)  Witness Bt. Debaillon  &
Geo.R. King  Geo. King P. Judge


Eliza M. Wikoff To Henrietta Matilda Pannell Scott
Sale of Slaves
Recorded 22 August 1837

Know all men by these presents that Eliza M. Wikoff wife of William H.
Parrottof the State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry and being duly
authorised [sic] by her said husband has bargained and sold and does hereby
grant, bargain, sell and deliver unto Henrietta Matilda Pannell wife of Edwin
B. Scott of the same State and Parish aforesaid and duly authorised [sic] by
her said husband, a certain negro woman Slave named Lydia aged ab[ou]t. twenty
six years with her child a boy named Augustin aged ab[ou]t. seven years and
being the same which the said Mrs. Parrott purchased at the sale of the estate
of her deceased mother on the twenty first day of April in the year One
thousand eight hundred and thirty six.  To have and to hold the aforesaid
slaves to her the said Henrietta Matilda Pannell her heirs &c forever with
guaranty of title against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by or
through her the said Mrs. Parrott.  This sale is made for and in consideration
of the sum of one thousand dollars, to be accounted for the Estate of the late
Mrs. Susan Watts Wikoff in the same manner as though the said Henriettta
Matilda Pannell had been actual purchased of said slaves from the said Estate.
The production of the certificate required by the 3328th Article of the
Louisiana Code is dispensed with.  In Testimony of all which the parties have
hereunto Signed in presence of the subscribing witnesses and before George
King Parish Judge in and for the aforesaid Parish of St Landry & ex-officio
Notary Public at Opelousas this twenty second day of August in the year one
thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
Eliza M. Parrott  H. M. Scott  Wm. H. Parrott  Edwin B. Scott  Witness
Bt.Debaillon  Geo. King P. Judge

Thomas Bilbo To Lewis Andrus
Sale of Slave
Recorded 12 September 1837

Know all men by these presents that Thomas Bilbo of the State of Louisiana
andParish of St. Landry, for and in consideration of the sum of eight
hundreddollars in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has
bargained and sold, and does by this Public Act grant, bargain, sell, transfer
and deliver unto Lewis Andrus of the Same State and Parish aforesaid, a
certain negro man Slave named Daniel aged ab[ou]t. thirty five years.  To have
and to hold Said slave to him the said Lewis Andrus his heirs,
executors,administrators, and assigns forever.  And he the said Thomas Bilbo
for himself his heirs &c the title to said negro man slave against the lawful
Claims of all persons whatsoever to him the said Lewis Andrus his heirs and
assigns does warrant and will forever defend. [H]e also warrants, said Slave
to be free from all redhibitory complaints, diseased & vices. [T]he purchaser
dispenses with the production of the certificate required by the 3328th
Article of the Louisiana Code or any subsequent law on the Subject of
mortgages.  In Testimony of all which the parties have hereunto signed in
presence of Caleb Green Jr. & George R. King Competent Witnesses and before
George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in and for the aforesaid
Parish of St. Landry at Opelousas this thirteenth day of September in the year
one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
Thomas Bilbo (seal)  Lewis Andrus (seal)   Witness Caleb Green Jr.  &  Geo.
R.King  Geo. King P. Judge


William K. Sloane [Kentucky] To William H. Gray
Sale of Slave
Recorded 21st September 1837

Know all men by these presents that for and in consideration of the Sum
ofeight hundred dollars in hand paid at and before the sealing & delivery of
this act William K. Sloane of the State of Kentucky and County of Spence
hasbargained and sold, and does hereby grant, bargain, sell and deliver
untoWilliam H. Gray of the State of Louisiana & Parish of St. Landry a
certainnegro man slave named Sam aged ab[ou]t. thirty five years.  To have and
to hold the said slave to him the Said William H. Gray his heirs and
assignsforever.  And he the said William K. Sloane for himself his heirs &c
the title to said Slave against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever to
him the said William H. Gray his heirs &c does warrant and will forever
defend.  [H]e also warrants him free from redhibitory infirmities & vices.
The purchaser dispense with the production of the Certificate required by the
3328th Article of the Louisiana Code, or any subsequent Law on the Subject of
Mortgages.  In Testimony whereof the parties have hereunto signed in presence
of Benoist Debaillon and George R. King Competent witnesses and before George
King Parish Judge & ex-officio Notary Public at Opelousas

[Page 145]

this twenty first day of September Anno Domini One thousand eight hundred
&thirty seven.
Wm. K. Sloane (seal)  Wm. H. Gray  Witness  Bt. Debaillon & Geo. R. King
Geo.King P. Judge


Edwin B. Scott & wife To Lewis Andrus
Sale of Slaves
Recorded 14th October 1837

Know all men by these presents, that for and in consideration of the
premiseshereinafter expressed, Edwin B. Scott and Mrs. Henrietta Matilda
Pannell his wife of the State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry, the said
Henrietta being Authorised [sic] to the effects of these presents by her said
husband, have bargained and sold and do by this Public act grant bargain,
sell, alien, confirm, transfer, retrocede and deliver unto Lewis Andrus of the
same State and Parish aforesaid a certain negro man slave named Edward aged
ab[ou]t. [hereafter abbreviated as in document] thirty two years, a negro
woman slave named Milly aged twenty eight years and Claiborne their child a
negro boy aged abt. seven years, being three of the slaves sold by the said
Lewis Andrus and Benjamin Andrus to the said Edwin B. Scott and Henrietta
Matilda Pannell his wife as will appear by Deed passed before George King
Parish Judge & ex-officio Notary Public bearing date the twenty sixth day of
July last 1837.  To have and to hold the said slaves to him the said Lewis
Andrus his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever.  And they the
said Edwin B. Scott & Henrietta Matilda Pannell his wife for themselves their
heirs &c the title to said Slaves, against the Lawful Claims of all persons
claiming by through or under them, to him the said Lewis Andrus his heirs &
assigns do warrant and will forever defend.  This sale or retrocession is made
for and in consideration of the sum of two thousand dollars, which said Sum is
credited on a note executed by the said Edwin B. Scott and wife bearing date
the twenty sixth day of July last, in favor of the said Lewis Andrus &
Benjamin Andrus, and given in part payment of the aforesaid slaves, with other
slaves and lands, as will appear by reference to the above recited sale.  And
the said credit on the aforesaid note is acknowledged by the present sellers
to be the full and entire payment of the price of the aforesaid bargained and
sold or retroceded slaves.  The purchaser dispenses with the production of
theCertificate required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code, or
anysubsequent law on the subject of Mortgages.  In testimony of all which
theparties have hereunto signed in presence of William H. Parrott and
GilesHigginbothom Competent witnesses and before George King Parish Judge
andex-officio Notary Public in and for the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry
thistwelfth day of October Anno Domini One thousand eight hundred and
Edwin B. Scott (seal) Matilda Scott (seal)  Lewis Andrus (seal)  Witnesses Wm.
H. Parrott  Eliza M. Parrott  & Giles Higginbothom   Geo. King P. Judge


George Forbes To Rice Garland
Sale of Slaves
Admitted to Record 14th October 1837

Know all men by these presents, that I George Forbes a resident of the
Countyof St. Mary in the State of Maryland for and in consideration of the sum
of two thousand dollars Cash paid to me have bargained and sold and do
herebybargain sell, and deliver to Rice Garland a residant [sic]

[Page 147]

of the Parish of St. Landry in the State of Louisiana, two negro men slavesfor
life named David aged about twenty one years and Dennis aged abt.
nineteenyears, to have and to hold the said Slaves to the said Garland, his
heirs and assigns forever.  And the said George Forbes, for himself, his heirs
and assigns does hereby agree to warrant and defend the title to the said
Slaves to the said Garland against the Claim or Claims of any person or
persons whatever, also that they are sound in mind and body and of good
Character.  Done and Signed at the City of Washington this Seventh day of the
month of January in the year 1837.  Geo. Forbes (seal)  R. Garland (seal)
Witnesses  M. Black


William Vinson To Rice Garland
Sale of Slave
Admitted to Record 14th October 1837

Know all men by these presents that I Wm. Vinson of Montgomery County in
theState of Maryland for and in consideration of the sum of Eleven
hundredDollars to me in hand paid by Rice Garland of the State of Louisiana at
& before the Sealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof I the
said Wm. Vinsin do hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, and sold &
bythese presents do grant, bargain & sell unto the said Garland, his
executors, administrators and assigns a negro man slave named Hanson Graham,
supposed to be ab[ou]t. twenty one years old, or intended so to be, to the
said Rice Garland his executors administrators and assigns forever, and I the
said Wm. Vinsin for myself my heirs executors and Administrators, the said
negro man named Hanson Graham as a Slave unto the said Rice Garland his
executors administrators and assigns against me the said Wm. Vinsin my
executors and Administrators and against tall and every other persons
whatsoever Shall and will warrant forever deferred by these presents.  In
witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 16th day of January
1837.  William Vinsin (seal) Witness Charles Vinsin


Thompson To Bowen
Transfer Filed and Admitted to record 21st October 1837

Whereas I Gillis Thompson in August in the year 1815 Sold to Sydalise
deLachaise then the wife and now the widow of John Thompson deceased of
theParish of St. Landry a Slave Becky with her children for $1000 and whereas
I have since commenced a suit in the District Court of Said parish to
recoverthe price of the said Slaves, in which Suit by a Judgement of the
Supreme Court of their last term of at [sic] Opelousas I have recover[ed]
upwards of $200, say $214, or thereab[ou]ts. with legal interest thereon from
the time of the said Sale.  Now I the said Gillis Thompson in consideration of
three hundred dollars to me in hand paid by William W. Bowen the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged and thereof acquit and discharged the said
Bowen has assigned sold and delivered & do hereby assign sell and deliver to
the said Bowen right title and interest therein & thereto also the said Suit
and the said Judgement and all my right title and interest therein or thereto
hereby subrogating the said Bowen to all my rights and remedies in and to the
said debt suit and Judgement.  And I hereby promise & agree with the said
Bowen that the same is now due & that I will not discharged [sic] the same,
now shall the same be discharged in account of any compensation or
reconvention against me.  This Sale is made as well for the said sum as for
the fericus [sic][sp???] of the said Bowen in the said suit which are
considered as an equivalent for the residue of the said Judgement and the said
Bowen accepts this transfer as a full equivalent for the said services and in
consideration thereof discharges and acquits the said Thompson from all
demands against him by reason thereof.  In witness whereof the parties have
signed & delivered this instrument this Sixteenth day of October in the year
one thousand eight hundred and thirty Seven at Plaquemine in the Parish of
G. Thompson  Wm. W. Bowen  Witness  J. Jubertie  Tho. P. Anderson  State
ofLouisiana.  Parish of Iberville.  Personally before me John Dunmore
ParishJudge in and for the Parish of Iberville appeared J. Jubertie & Thomas
P. Anderson who being first duly sworn say that they saw Gillis Thompson
andWilliam W. Bowen signed & executed the foregoing instrument of writing
theyfurther declare on oath that they saw the said William W. Bowen pay the
said Sum of three hundred dollars or the price of the sale therein stipulated
Sworn & subscribed before me this sixteenth day of October 1837.  John
Dinsmore P. Judge  J. Jubertie.  Tho. P. Anderson


Mary Hayes To Lewis Campbell
Sale of Negro
Recorded 17 April 1837

Know all men by these presents that Mary Hays of the State of Louisiana &
Parish of St. Landry, for and in consideration of the Sum of four
hundreddollars, fifty four dollars of which are paid and the receipt thereof
is hereby acknowledged and the balance of three hundred  and ninety six
dollars payable in al the month of May next has bargained and sold and does by
this act grant bargain, sell, transfer and Convey to Lewis Campbell of the
same state and Parish aforesaid a certain negro boy slave aged ab[ou]t.
sevenyears, an orphan.  To have and

[Page 148]

to hold the aforesaid slaves to him the said Lewis Campbell his
heirs,executors, administrators and assigns forever, with guaranty of title
against the Lawful claims of all persons whatsoever, and also against the
diseases & vices deemed redhibitory in Law.  The purchaser dispenses with the
production of the Certificate required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana
Code.  The name of the bargained and sold negro boy is Henry.  In testimony of
all which the parties have hereunto in presence of John H. Overton & Jacob
Bihm Competent witnesses at Opelousas this 17th day of April in the year
Onethousand and eight hundred and thirty seven.  Mary x Hay (seal)  L.
Campbell.  Witness J. H. Overton & Jacob Bihm [pere?]  Geo. King P. Judge


Citizens Bank To Smith & Wife
Acceptation of Mortgage
Recorded 9th August 1837

Before me, Theodore Seghers, notary Public, duly commissioned for the City
andParish of New-Orleans State of Louisiana, therein residing, and in presence
of the witnesses hereinafter named and undersigned Personally appeared
EdmundJohn Forstall, of this City, President of the Citizens Bank of
Louisiana, who declares that he has taken cognizance of an act passed before
George King, Parish Judge of the Parish of St. Landry, by which act dated the
thirty first day of July 1837 Raphael J. Smith and Marie Clemence Guilbeau his
wife, by him duly authorised [sic], domiciliated both in the Parish of St.
Landry, have mortgaged in favor of the Citizens Bank of Louisiana, to secure
the Sum of Six thousand dollars, amount of sixty shares of one hundred dollars
each, in the Capital stock of the Citizens Bank of Louisiana, subscribed by
the said Raphael J. Smith, the following described property towit:
A tract of Land situate in the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry and lying in
thePrairie of the Grand Coteau, having six arpens front, on the south side of
the Bayou Bourbeau by forty arpents in depth, & Containing two hundred and
forty superficial Arpents, adjoining on one side to the land of Humbert
Perodin, and on the other side to land formerly belonging to the widow Charles
Smith and now to Robert E. Sith, together with the improvements thereon.  Also
a tract of Land situate on the north side of the said Bayou Bourbeau, opposite
the above described tract, & Containing one hundred and seventy three
Superficial Arpents, the said two tracts being the same purchased by the
mortgagers at the sale of the Estate of the late Benjamin A. Smith & Elizabeth
Hardy both deceased.  Also five Slaves attached to said lands, whose names and
ages are fully described in the said Act of Mortgage, which Mortgage was given
by the said Raphael J. Smith & Marie Clemence Guilbeau, his wife, to secure
sixty share in the Capital Stock, of said Bank, as well as to secure the
payment of the Capital and Interest of the loans, made or to be made to form
the Capital Stock of said Bank, and finally to secure all loans which the said
Raphael J. Smith may have obtained or may obtain from the said Bank, And also
the interest thereon at ten per centum per annum, in case he should fail to
pay according to the terms of the chattel of said Bank.  The said Edmund
JohnFostal, president as aforesaid, further declares that he accepts, in his
said Capacity the aforesaid mortgaged, with all the clauses & Stipulations
therein contained, and he declares, that as son as the present act of
Acceptation & the act of mortgage shall have been recorded in the Office of
the recorder of mortgages for the Parish of St. Landry, and on the production
of a certificate from the Recorder of Mortgages, proving that said acts have
been duly recorded, and that there are no mortgages or privileges recorded
preferable to this mortgage and on the production of a certificate from the
Parish Judge showing that the property above described has not been alienated,
the said Raphael J. Smith shall be Lawfully a stockholder for sixty shares, in
the Capital Stock of the Citizens Bank of Louisiana, subject to such reduction
as may be ordered by the Board.  Thus done & passed at New-Orleans, in my
office, on the ninth day of August Eighteen hundred and thirty seven in the
Sixty Second year of American Independance [sic] in presence of Wolmar [sp?]
Bon and Lewis Quimper, duly qualified witnesses, residing in this city who
have signed with Edmund John Forstall & me the Notary. (Signed) Edm. J.
Fostall Prest.  Wolmar Bon     Lewis Quimper.  Th[eodo]re. Seghers Not[ary].
Pub[lic].  I certify the foregoing to be a true copy from the original Act on
record in my office. In faith whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal of
Office this eleventh day of August Eighteen hundred and thirty seven.
Th[eodo]r[e]. seghers Not[ary]. Pub[lic].

[Page 149]

Flaujac and wife To Citizens Bank
Recorded April 27th 1838

Before me George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public
dulycommissioned and sworn for the Parish of St. Landry state of
Louisiana,therein residing and in presence of the undersign witnesses,
Personally appeared Garrigues Flaujac and Marie Louise Fonetonet [sic] his
wife, by him duly authorised [sic], domiciliated in the aforesaid Parish of
St. Landry who declared that the said Garigeus Flaujac having subscribed for
Two hundred shares of One hundred dollars each forming in the ag[g]regate the
sum of Twenty thousand dollars in the Capital Stock of the Citizens Bank
ofLouisiana, created and incorporated by an act of the Legislature approved
onthe first of April eighteen hundred and thirty three they
acknowledgethemselves by these presents, to be Conjointly and 'in Solidum'
indebted to the said Bank in the Said sum of twenty thousand dollars amount of
said shares, And in order to secure his said shares in the Capital Stock of
said Bank and also to secure the payment of principal and interest of the
loanraised or to be raised to form the capital of said Bank by the issue of
Bonds Signed b the Govenor [sic] of the State of Louisiana in favor of said
Citizens Bank, countersigned by the secretary and treasurer and under the seal
of the state, they do by these presents jointly and severally Mortgage, in
favor of the Citizens Bank of Louisiana the following described property,
towit:  A tract of Land situated in the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry and
lying on the Bayou Boeuf, being lots Number 74, 75, 76, and 77 in Township No.
3 South of Range No. 3 East and being part of the land Confirmed to him the
said Garrigues Flaujac by an act of Congress entitled 'An act supplementary to
an act entitled An act for the relief of Garrigues Flaujac of Louisiana'
approved on the twenty fifth of May One thousand eight hundred and twenty six
approved 1st May 1824 Containing eight hundred superficial arpent also nine
slaves to wit:  Anthony a negro man aged about twenty years, Waley [sp?] a
negro boy aged about eighteen years,   Macaza  negro boy aged ab[ou]t. sixteen
years, Jefferson a negro man aged abut twenty five years, Margaritta

[Page 152]

a negro woman aged about twenty four years, Henrietta a negro girl aged
aboutsixteen years, Delphine a negro girl aged about fifteen years, and John
anegro man age[d] about twenty six years.  All which property is to remain
thus mortgaged until all said bonds shall have been paid and redeemed in
Capital and interest or until the Said Garrigues Flaujac shall have paid the
amt. of his shares and have reimbursed the loan which he may be obtained as
Stock holder unless he should have previously transfer[r]ed his Shares and
have been entirely discharged by the Bank.  The Said Garrigu[e]s Flaujac &
Marie Louise Fontenet his wife agree that the present hypothecary obligation
granted by them to Secure said Stock and the re-embursement of any loan which
he the said Garrigu[e]s Flaujac may or shall have obtained of said bank shall
bear interest at the rate of ten perCent per an[n]um if not punctually paid
when due and that all the above described property shall likewise remain
specially mortgaged to secure the payment of such eventual interest.  The said
Garrigues Flaujac &  Marie Louise Fontenet his wife further agree that if the
Bank should hereafter discover that the titles to the above described property
are defective or that said property is subject to any tacit or other mortgage
the bank shall have the right to cause the Stock to be sold and to exact
theimmediate re-embursement of any loan which may have been obtained
thereonunless however the Said Garrigu[e]s Flaujac should prefer substituting
other property of which the title should be indisputable.  The said
GarriguesFlaujac and Marie Louise Fontenet his wife also agree that whenever
it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Board of Directors of said Bank
that the property now mortgaged is no longer of sufficient value to secure
said Stock the Bank shall have the right to exact additional security, and in
case of refusal or neglect of said Garrigu[e]s Flaujac and Marie Louis
Fontenet his wife to furnish the required additional Mortgage the Bank will
have the right to cause said Stock to be sold in whole or in part, and to
cause the property mortgaged to be sold in order to obtain the re-embursement
of the sum that have been loaned to him the said Garrigu[e]s Flaujac as
Stockholder.  According to the Certificate of the Recorder of Mortgages of the
aforesaid Parish hereunto annexed and made a part of this act is appears that
no Mortgage exist[s] on the above described land and Slaves.
Whereas the final apportionment of Stock among the subscribers to the
Capitalof the Citizens Bank of Louisiana has not yet been made and that the
number of shares to which each of them will be entitled cannot yet be
determined the Said Garrigu[e]s Flaujac and Marie Louise Fontenet his wife
acknowledge that the present mortgage is subject to such deduction as may take
place on a final apportionment of the stock.  The present mortgage will have
to be accepted authentic act, by the President of Said Citizens Bank of
Louisiana, and the said Mortgage and acceptation will have to be registered in
the Office of the Recorder of Mortgages for the said Parish of St. Landry, and
the judge of said Parish will have to furnish a Certificate that said
inscriptions have been made and that there has been no new Mortgage or
priviledge [sic] inscribed or alienation made of the above described premises
before the said Garrigu[e]s Flaujac will be recognized as Stockholder of the
said Citizens Bank. This done and passed at my Office in the Town of Opelousas
this thirteenth day of September in the year One thousand eight hundred and
thirty seven.  Garrigu[e]s Faujac Lise' Fontenot (seals)   Witness George R.
King  Wm. W. Bowen  George King P. Judge


Joseph H. Youngblood To Wm. H. Parrott
Sale of Slaves
Recorded Nov[embe]r. 6th 1838

Know all men by these presents that I, Joseph Alston Youngblood for and
inconsideration of the sum of Two thousand six hundred and twenty dollars to
me in hand paid by the Wm. H. Parrott the receipt whereof I hereby
acknowledged and thereof acquit & discharge him, do hereby assign transfer
sell and deliver to the said William H. Parrott all my right and title to, and
property and interest in the following Slaves, toWit, Betty a Griffe woman
about thirty three years old with her four children whose names and ages are
as follows:  Patty a mulatto girl about fourteen or fifteen years old, Peter a
mulatto boy about twelve years old, George a mulatto boy about seven

[Page 158]

years old, and Emily a mulatto girl about four years old, also Seisure a
negroman about twenty six years old, Charles a mulatto about twenty years
old,Cesar a negro man thirty five years old, George a negro man about thirty
five years old and James a negro man about thirty seven years old, the ages of
the above named slaves are stated by me as above from recollection and may not
be entirely accurate but the slaves are the same which are the subject of a
Suit in the district Court of the Parish of St. Mary of Thomas
Youngbloodundertutor &c [etc.] vs. William Flagg & in which a judgement was
rendered in favor of the Plaintiffs which has been confirmed in appeal by the
Supreme Court at the last session at Opelousas, and I hereby for the
consideration aforesaid hereby assign sell and deliver to the said William H.
Parrott all my right title and interest to and in the said Judgement and to in
the slaves adjudged to me in whole or in part therein, whether contained or
-mittio [sp?] in the above enumeration hereby subrogating the said Parrott to
all my rights & Remiders [sp?] in and by reason of the said Judgement, the
property adjudged to me in whole or in part thereby, and of my title to and
interest in the above enumerated Slaves and those contained in the said
Judgement I further covenant and agree to and with the said Parrott that I am
the owner up to the present sale of an undivided third part of each and every
of the said Slaves, which I hereby sell to and vest in the said Parrott free
from any lien or encumbrances whatever except that my father has a life Estate
[or a usufruc[t] for life] in the aforesaid Slaves Charles & Seisure, with
this exception, I Guarantee [sic] to the said Parrott my aforesaid title and
interest to and in the said Slaves and will warrant and defend the same from
all claims or encumbrances troubles evictions whatever all which I promise to
the said Parrott for the Consideration aforesaid.  In witness whereof I have
signed and delivered this act at Opelousas in the Parish of St. Landry on this
sixth day of November in the Year One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven
in the presence of George Rogers King and of William H Gray Competent
Witnesses who have signed this act as such.
Joseph A. Youngblood   Witness  G. R. King W. H Gray

State of Louisiana
Parish of St. Landry
Personally appeared before the undersign[ed] Magistrate at Opelousas in
theaforesaid Parish on this six day of November in the year One thousand
eighthundred and thirty seven George R. King and William H. Gray who
beingseverally duly sworn do Severally depose and say that they saw the above
named Joseph Alston Youngblood sign execute and deliver the above act of sale
for himself to William H. Parrott as stated in the said act and that
thesedepossist [sic] were the subscribing witnesses to the Said act and as
such signed the same as above appears by the said act.
Geo. R. King Wm. H. Gray   Sworn and subscribed this 6th day of November 1837
before me Geo. King P. Judge

[Page 160]

Joseph Fontenot To Don Deigo Lafleur
Sale of Slave
Recorded 9th November 1837

Know all men by these presents that Joseph Fontenot of the State of Louisiana,
and Parish of St. Landry, for and in Consideration of the sum of eight hundred
dollars in hand paid the receipt thereof is hereby acknowledged has bargained
and sold and does hereby grant, bargain, sell, transfer and deliver unto Don
Diego Lafleur of the same State and Parish aforesaid a certain negro man slave
named Bazil aged about thirty years, to have and to hold the said slave to him
the said Don Diego Lafleur his heirs, executors administrators and assigns
forever with guaranty of title against the lawful claims of all persons
whatsoever and also with guaranty against the infirmities, diseases and vices
deamed [sic] redhibitory in Law.  The purchaser dispences [sic] with the
production of the certificate required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana
Code or any subsequent law on the subject of mortgages.  In testimony whereof
the parties have hereunto signed in presence of David Duplechain and George R.
King Competent witnesses and before George King Parish Judge and ex-officio
Notary Public in and for the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry at Opelousas this
ninth day of November in the year One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
Joseph Fontenot (seal) D. Lafleur (seal) Witness David Duplechain Geo. R. King
Geo. King P. Judge


Moses Hebert  to John S. Daniel
Sale of Land and Renewal of Partnership
Novr. 14th 1837

This Deed and agreement made and entered into this fourteenth day of November
in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven between Moses Hebert
Junr. of the State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry of the one part and
John S. Daniel of the same State and Parish aforesaid of the other part
Witnesseth, that, for an in consideration of the premises hereinafter
expressed he the said Moses Hebert Junr. has bargained and sold and does by
these presents, grant bargain, sell, alien, confirm and deliver unto him the
said John S. Daniel the undivided half of the following described property
towit, the plantation and tract of Land purchased by the said Moses Hebert Jr.
at the sale of the Estate of the late George Jackson deceased on the sixth day
of January in the year One thousand eight hundred and thirty five containing
four hundred superficial Arpens, also a negro man Jemingeo [sp?] alias Dyson
(a runaway) aged about twenty eight years, and two horses also purchased by
the said Hebert at the aforesaid sale of the Estate of said George Jackson
deceased, the said land, slaves Horses for the sum total of five thousand six
hundred and forty nine dollars, and also the undivided half oaf a certain
tract o L and, purchased by the parties from William Moore as per act of Sale
passed on the fourteenth day of July in the Year One thousand eight hundred
and thirty six.  To have and to hold the aforesaid undivided half of the
aforesaid Lands Slaves & Horses to him the said John S. Daniel his heirs
executors administrators and assigns forever, with guaranty of title against
the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through or under the seller.
This Sale is made for the following Consideration, towit, that the said John
S. Daniel agrees, promises and binds himself to pay to the aforesaid Estate of
George Jackson One half the purchase money for the land Slave and Horses
bought at the sale of said Estate by the said Moses Hebert which said half
amounts to the sum of two thousand eight hundred and twenty four dollars and
fifty cents and the interest which has accrued or may accrue on the said half
and he the said Moses Hebert Junr. has for a Valuable consideration bargained
and sold and hereby bargain & sell to him the said John S. Daniel on undivided
half of all the horse creatures, horned Cattle, farming utentials [sic] &
finally of every thing appu[r]taining to Said Plantation except the hogs and
sheep.  And it is agreed by and between the Parties that the partnership
existing previous to the dissolution thereof on the Twenty ninth day of
November in the last year is now [illegible] and [illegible] parties are now
by vertue [sic] of this Act full and equal partners in the planting and
farming business on said Plantation , that each party shall furnish an equal
force in Slaves to work said Plantation, which said slaves are however
[illegible] in partnership as to the property & title thereof but they remain
the private property of the party who may furnish the same, and it is well
understood that the property of the said Plantation shall be annually and
equally divided. It is further agreed by the said John S. Daniel that he will
pay one half the expenses which has accrued since the aforesaid dissolution of
Partnership and also of the debts contracted for the use and benefit of said
Plantation as well personally as since said dissolution.  The purchaser
dispenses with the production of the Certificate required by the 3328th
Article of the Louisiana Code.  In testimony of all which the parties have
hereunto signed in presence of Edwd. W. Taylor & Chas. W. Gamon [sp?]
Competent witnesses  and before Greorge King Parish Judge & ex-officio Notary
Public in & for the Parish of St. Landry at Opel[ousas]. the day & Year first
above written.
M. Hebert Jr. (seal) Jno. S. Daniel (seal)   Witness E. W. Taylor C. N. Gamon
George King P. Judge

[Page 162]


Christopher Steele To Edwin B. Scott & wife
Sale of Slaves
Recorded 27 November 1837

Know all men by these presents that Christopher Steele of the State of
Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry for and in consideration of the premises
hereinafter expressed has bargained and sold and does by this act grant
bargain sell, sett [sic] over and deliver unto Edwin B. Scott and Henriette
Matillva [sic] Pannell his wife of the same State and Parish aforesaid two
negro Slave towit, a man named Sam aged about twenty seven years and a negro
man named Henderson aged about twenty three years.  To have and to hold the
aforesaid slaves to them the said Edwin B. Scott and Henrietta Matilda Pannel
his wife and to their heirs executors administrators and assigns forever. And
he the said Christopher Steel for himself his heirs, executors and
administrators the title to the aforesaid Slaves against the lawful claims of
all persons whatsoever to them the said Edwin B. Scott and Henrietta Matilde
Pannel his wife and to their heirs and assigns does warrant and will forever
defend.  He also warrants them free from all the diseases, malidies [sic] and
vices deamed [sic] redhibitory in Law, excepting the vice of running away and
the purchasers accept them subject to that vice.  It is understood that the
negro man Sam is mortgaged to the Mechanics and Trader's Bank, with several
others and a tract of Land to secure the payment of the sum of two thousand
dollars which the seller engages to have released.  The Certificate required
by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code is dispensed with.  In testimony
of all which the parties have hereunto signed at Opelousas the twenty seventh
day of November in the Year One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven in the
presence of Benoist Debaillon and Jonathan Harris Competent witnesses and
before George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in and for the
aforesaid Parish.  This sale is made for and in Consideration of the sum of
Sixteen hundred dollars payable on the first day of Feb[r]uary in the year one
thousand eight hundred and thirty eight for which the purchaser have given
them  note in favor of Seller of equal date with these presents.
Christ. Stel (seal) Edwin B. Scott (seal) Matilda Scott (seal)  Witness  Bt.
Debaillon Jonathan Harris   George King P. Judge


George Keller To Delphine B. Fontenot
Sale of Slave
Recorded 5th December 1837

Know all men by these presents that for and in consideration of the sum of
Seven hundred dollars Cash in hand paid & the receipt thereof acknowledged,
George Keller of the State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry has bargained
and sold and does by this public act Grant, bargain, sell and deliver unto
Delphine Belair Fontenot of the same State and Parish aforesaid a certain
Mullato Girl slave named Hannah aged about fourteen years.  To have and to
hold the said slave and her future to her the said Delphine Belair Fontenot
her heirs executors administrators and assigns forever.  And he the said
George Keller for himself his heirs executors administrators the title to the
aforesaid Slave against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever to her the
said Delphine Belair Fontenot her heirs executors administrators and assigns
does warrant and will forever defend.  He also warrants her free from all the
maladies infirmities and vices deamed [sic] redhibitory in Law.  The purchaser
dispenses with the production of the Certificate required by the 3328th
Article of the Louisiana Code.  In Testimony of all which the parties have
hereunto signed in the presence of George M. Smith and John Butler Competent
Witnesses and before George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in
and for the aforesaid Parish at Opelousas this 5th day of December in the Year
One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
George Keller (seal)  Delphine Belair Fontenot (seal)  Witness Geo. M. Smith
John Butler  Geo. King P. Judge
Mrs. Sarah Grimble wife of the above named George Keller, and acting herein
with the advice and consent of her said husband being informed by the
undernamed Notary, separate and apart from her said husband of her rights and
privileges on his Estate, declared that she renounced and that she does hereby
renounce in favor of Delphine Belair Fontenot all her rights and privileges
whether dotal or any other King or nature whatever which she has or might have
upon the above bargained and sold slave transfer[r]ing her said rights to her
the said Delphine Belair Fontenot her heirs and assigns forever.  In Testimony
whereof she has herewith signed in the presence of the undersign[ed] Witnesses
and before George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in and for
the Parish of St. Landry this 5th day of December 1837 as aforesaid.
Sarah I. [J?] Keller  Witness  Jno. D. Hudspeth & Benoit Debaillon
Geo. King P[arish]. J[udge].


Gradinegos To Fuselier
Release of Mortgage on Slave
Recorded 9th December 1837

Whereas on the twenty fifth day of January 1836 Edward Fuselier of the Parish
of Pointe Coupee' and State of Louisiana purchased from Helari Gradenigo
Joseph Gradenigo & Maria Gradenigo V[euv]e. Edmond Donato of the Parish of St.
Landry a negro man slave named Alexander then aged twenty one Years for the
price of fourteen hundred and fifteen dollars payable one half on the first
day of March 1837 and the other half on the first day of March 1838 said
payments or party thereof not punctually made to bear interest at the Yearly
rate of ten per Cent from the time when respectfully due and payments made on
account of said price before the expiration of said terms subject to a
deduction at the rate of seven per Cent per an[n]um, and in order to secure
the payment of the aforesaid price & such interest as should accrue thereon
the aforesaid slave remains specially mortgage[d] and hypothecated in favor of
the aforesaid Vendors.  And whereas the entire purchase money of said slave
has been paid by said Fuselier to the aforesaid Vendors in conformity with the
aforesaid stipulations which are contained in an act of sale passed before
George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary in & for said Parish of St.
Landry on the aforesaid twenty fifth day of January 1836.  Now be it Know[n]
that in Consideration of the premises the said Hilaire Gradenigo Joseph
Gradenigo & Marie Gradenigo Widow E. Donatto have released cancelled and
annulled and by this act do release cancel and annull [sic] the aforesaid
Mortgage on the said slave.  A lendor [??] as fully as though the same had
never existed.  In witness whereof they have hereunto signed at Opelousas this
9th day of December in the Year One thousand Eight hundred and thirty seven in
presence of Edmond H. Martin and Benoit Debaillon Competent Witnesses & before
George King Parish Judge & ex-officio Notary Public in & for the aforesaid
Parish of

[Page 167]

St. Landry.  Geo. R. King agent and attorney in fact for M. Gradenigo Ve.
Donatto =  H. R. Gradenigo =  Joseph Gradenigo =  Witness  E. H. Martin   Bt.
Debaillon  =  Geo. King P. Judge


Estate of Deshotels To Fuselier
Release of Mortgage
Recorded 11 F[eb]r. 1837

Know all men by these presents, that whereas on the twenty second day of
January in the year one thousand eight hundred & thirty six at the sale of the
Estate in community between Andre N. Deshotels and the heirs & legal
representatives of the deceased wife, Edward Fuselier of the State of
Louisiana and Parish of Pointe Coupee, because the purchaser of a negro man
named Simon then aged abt. Sixteen years for the price & sum of fifteen
hundred dollars, payable one half on the first day of April in the year one
thousand eight hundred & thirty seven and the other half on the first day of
April in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, with mortgaged
on said slave to secure the purchase money.  And whereas the Said Edward
Fuselier has paid the full and entire amount of said purchase money to
Dominique C. Sittig who is by virtue of a Power of Attorney from the Executor
of said Estate Authorised to receive the same and grant acquittances
therefore.  Now in consideration of the premises he the Said Dominique Sittig
has released and does hereby release the above recited mortgaged as fully and
completely as though it had never existed.  In Testimony whereof he has
hereunto Signed in presence of A Ladeveze & John Z. Morroy, competent
witnesses & before George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in &
for the Parish of St. Landry aforesaid this Eleventh day of December in the
year one thousand eight hundred & thirty Seven.  D. C. Sittig (seal)  Witness
=  A Ladeveze   John Z. Morroy  Geo. King P. Judge


Edwin B. Scott & Wife To Ben  Andrus
Sale of Slaves
Recorded 14th Decber 1837

Know all men by these presents that for and in Consideration of the premises
hereinafter expressed Edwin B. Scott and Henrietta Matilda Pannell his wife of
the State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry the said Henrietta Matilda
Pannell acting herein with the advice & consent of her said husband, have
bargained and sold, and do hereby grant, bargain, sell, transfer and deliver
to Benjamin Andrus of the same state & Parish aforesaid the following
described slaves, towit,  Hannah a negro woman aged ab[ou]t. [hereafter
abbreviated as in document] Thirty five years, Phillis a mulatto girl aged
abt. Fifteen years, Daphni a negro girl aged about thirteen years, Nancy a
negro girl aged abt. Eight years, Prescilla a girl aged abt. Three years and
Lavilla or Sarah about one year old.  To have and to hold the aforesaid slaves
to him the said Benjamin Andrus his heirs executors, administrators and
assigns forever with guaranty of title against the Lawful claims of all
persons whatsoever.  This sale is made for and in consideration of the sum of
two thousand five hundred & fifty dollars which the Sellers acknowledged to
have received in the following manner towit, in a credit on a rate of three
thousand three hundred dollars executed by the Sellers in favor of Lewis
Andrus & Benjamin Andrus bearing date the twenty sixth day of July last and
payable one month thereafter of twelve hundred dollars and a credit of
thirteen hundred & fifty dollars on a note for ten thousand dollars executed
by the Sellers in favor of the said Lewis Andrus & Benjamin Andrus bearing
date the twenty sixth day of July last and payable on the first day of May
next, it is understood that the above recited notes were given by the Sid
Sellers to the Said Lewis Andrus & Benjamin Andrus the present purchaser, in
payment for the aforesaid slaves & other property, and that they the said
Slaves are taken by him the Said Benjamin Andrus in part payment of his share
of the Same the purchaser dispenses with the production of the Certificate
required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code.  In testimony of all
which the parties have hereunto signed in presence of Benjamin R. Rogers &
Robert Taylor Competent witnesses and before George King Parish Judge in and
for the Parish of St. Landry this 14th day of December 1837.
Edwin B. Scott (seal)  Matilda Scott (seal)  Benjn. Andrus (seal)  Witness
Benj. R. Rogers & Robt. Taylor  Geo. King P. Judge

George Keller To Geo. Hudspeth
Sale of Slave
Geo. Hudspeth To Geo. M. Smith
15th Decber 1837

Know all men by these presents, that George Keller of the State of Louisiana
and Parish of St. Landry for and in Consideration of the premises herein after
expressed has bargained and sold and does hereby grant, bargain, sell,
transfer and deliver unto George Hudspeth a certain negro man slave named
Daniel aged ab[ou]t. Twenty one years.  To have and to hold the aforesaid
slave to him the Said George Hudspeth, his heirs executors, administrators &
and assigns forever, and he the Said George Keller for himself his heirs &c.
[etc.] the title to the aforesaid slave against the lawful Claims of all
persons whatsoever to him.  The said George Hudspeth does warrant & will
forever defend.  He also warrants him free from the maladies and vices deemed
redhibitory in Law.  This Sale is made for & in consideration of the Sum of
one thousand dollars which he the Said George Hudspeth promises And obliges
himself his heirs & to pay to George M. Smith on or before the first day of
April next for which Said Sum he has executed his promissory note of equal
date with these presents, to secure the payment of which note, he the said
Hudspeth has mortgaged and does by this Act Hypothecate & mortgage the above
describe[d] slave to him the Said Smith his heirs and assigns.  The purchaser
dispenses with the production of the Certificate required by the 3328th
Article of the Louisiana Code or by any subsequent Law.  And Mrs. Sarah
Grimble wife of the Said George Keller, and acting herein with the Consent of
her said husband being informed separate and apart from him, of her rights and
privileges on his estate by the undersigned Notary declared that she renounced
and that she does hereby renounce in favor of him the Said George Hudspeth all
rights and privileges whether dotal or of any other Kind or nature whatever
which she may have upon the above described slaver, transfer[r]ing her said
rights to the said George Hudspeth his heirs or assigns.  In testimony of all
which the parties have hereunto signed together with the Said George M. Smith
Receipting the mortgage and obligation in part payment of a debt due or to
become due to him by the Said George Keller in presence of Benoist Debaillon &
Richard M. Garwood, Competent witnesses & before George King Parish Judge in &
for the parish of St. Landry at Opelousas this fifteenth day of December in
the year one thousand eight hundred & thirty seven.  George Keller (seal)
Sarah J[?] Keller (seal)  George Hudspeth (seal)  Geo. M. Smith (seal)
Witnesses  Bt. Debaillon & Richd. M. Garwood  William Teer   Geo. King P.


Daniel S. Parish To Washington Burnes
Power of Attorney
Recorded 15th Decr. 1837
(also a mention of Patrick Gorman, Fayette County, Tennessee)
(Mr. Parish may own land/slaves in either TN or MS)

Know all men by these presents that I Daniel Smith Parish of the State of
Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry have made constituted and appointed and by
these presents do make constitute and appoint Washington Pearson Burnes of the
State and Parish aforesaid my true and lawful agent and attorney in fact for
me and in my name and for my use and benefit to enter into and take possession
of all lands

[Page 169]

tenements, and Real Estate whatsoever in the State of Tennessee and
Mississippi whereof I am the owner or am intitled [sic] to or interested in
either in severally or Jointly or in Common with any other person or persons
also to take possession of in my name and for my use all the personal property
and slaves in the aforesaid States of Tennessee and Mississippi whereof I am
the owner or am entitled to or interested in either in Severally or Jointly or
in Common with any other person or persons also to take possession of in my
name and for my use all the personal property and slaves in the aforesaid
States of Tennessee and Mississippi whereof I am the owner or am entitled to
or interested in either in Severally or jointly or in Common.  And also for me
and in my name to grant bargain and sell all the aforesaid lands tenements
heritaments and Estate whether Real personal or any share part and proportion
thereof, and all such right title interest claim and Demand both in Law and
equity as I may have in the same for such sum and price and on such terms as
to him my said agent and attorney shall seem meet, and for me and in my name
to make execute and deliver good and sufficient deeds and Conveyances for the
Sums and every part thereof either with or without Covenants or Warranty.  And
until the sale thereof for me and in my name and for my use to Rent and demise
the same or any part or parts thereof.  Also for me and in my name and to my
use, to ask demand sue for levy require recover and secure all and all manner
of Goods Chattels debts duties rents sum and sums of money and demand
whatsoever due or hereafter to be due owing or belonging unto me by person or
persons whatsoever and upon the receipt thereof or of any part or parts
thereof to make and give good acquittances or other sufficient discharges for
the same in my name or in his name.  And for me and in my name to Commence and
prosecute any suits or suits action or actions as well real or personal or
mixed for my lands tenements heriditaments goods Chattels debts dues demands
cause or thing whatsoever due or belonging or to be due or belonging to me or
to be demanded, or that may be demanded by me in any Court or Courts of Law or
equity or in any other Court or place whatsoever and the same action or
actions suit and suits and every of them to prosecute and follow or to
discontinue the same or become nonSuit therein if he shall [illegible] cause.
And also for me and in my name to use and take all such causes ways and means
and remedies for the recovery, receiving, obtaining or getting any lands
tenements rents hereditaments slaves, goods, and Chattels, debts demands sum
and sums of other things that is or are or shall be thought by my said
Attorney to be unto me belonging appertaining due owing or payable as I myself
might use or take if I was personally present and acting.  And also for me and
in my name to appear make answer and defend in all manner of actions and suits
whatsoever as well real as personal or mixed which already are or at any time
hereafter shall be commenced sued or taken against me the said Daniel I.
Parish.  Also for me and in my name to settle and adjust with all person and
persons all accounts dues and demands subsisting or to subsist between them or
either of them and [use?] and to Compound arbitrate and agree the same in such
manner as my said attorney shall think proper, also for me & in my name to
prosecute and follow all suit or suits action or actions in any Court of Law
or equity or in any other Court or place which have been by me heretofore
inst[i]tuted commenced sued or taken or to discontinue the same or become
nonsuit therein if he think fit or to submit the same to arbitration or to
settle Compound and agree the same in Such manner as he my said Attorney may
deem proper.  And my said Attorney is specially authorized to sell transfer
and Convey all my right title interest and pretentions in and to a number of
slaves for the recovery of which I have heretofore instituted suit against
Colberts & others Indians or mixed blood.  I further declare that I have
revoked and do hereby revoke cancel and annul all former powers and
Authorities whether general or special verbal or written by me heretofore
given or executed and particularly all power and authority by me given in any
manner whatever to Patrick Gorman of Fayette County in the State of Tennessee.
And for the better doing performing and executing al or any of the premises I
give unto my said Attorney full power and Authority to Constitute Appoint
Authorise and in his place and stead put and substitute one or more Attorney
or attornies for me and as my attorney or attornies, or the same at pleasure
to revoke and other or others in his or their place to Substitute and appoint.
And finally in all things touching and Concerning the premises my said
Attorney shall have all the powers in all the [illegible] ways means &
remedies and perform all the acts which I Could

[Page 170]

have use and perform were I personally present and Acting.  And I hereby
ratify and confirm whatever my said Attorney or his substitutes shall Lawfully
do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents.  In witness whereof I have
hereunto signed at Opelousas in the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry this
fifteenth day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred &
thirty seven with the aforesaid W. P. Burns who accepts this authority in
presence of George R. King & Benoist DeBaillon Competent witnesses and before
George King Parish Judge And ex-officio Notary Public in and for the aforesaid
Parish of St. Landry.
D. I . Parrish = W. P. Burns= Witness  Geo. R. King and Bt. Debaillon  Geo.
King P. Judge

Jno. Reed To Solomon Harman
Sale of Slave
Recorded 27 Decber 1837

Know all men by these presents that for and in Consideration of the premises
herein after expressed, John Reed of the State of Louisiana and Parish of St.
Landry has bargained & sold and does hereby grant, bargain, sell, transfer And
deliver unto Solomon B. Harmon of the Same State & Parish Aforesaid a certain
negro boy slave named Pierre aged ab[ou]t. ten years.  To have & to hold the
said slave to him the said Solomon B. Harman his heirs executors,
administrators And assigns forever.  And he the Said John Reed for himself his
heirs &c the title to the aforesaid slave against the lawful Claims of all
persons whatsoever to him the Said Solomon B. Harman his heirs And assigns
will warrant & forever defend.  He also warrants the said slave free from the
defects deemed redhibitory in Law.  This sale is made for & in consideration
of the sum of six hundred dollars, three hundred dollars of which are paid in
Cash the receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged, and three hundred being the
balance in a note executed by the said Solomon B. Harman with Joseph E. Andrus
as security which note is taken by the sellor [sic] without retaining a
mortgaged [sic] on the Said Slave.  The Certificate required by the 3328th
Article of the Louisiana Code is dispensed with.  In testimony whereof the
parties have hereunto Signed in presence of Joseph e. Andrus & William H. Gray
Competent Witnesses & before George King Parish Judge & ex-officio Notary
Public in & for the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry at Opelousas this 27 day of
December in the year One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.
John Reed (seal)  Solomon B. Harman (seal)  Witnesses Jos. E. Andrus & Wm.
Gray  Geo. King P. Judge

[Page 171]


Jno. Francis To Alexandre Duhon
Sale of Slave
Recorded 28 Decber 1837

State of Louisiana Parish of St. Landry [Mesiteau?].  Know all men by these
presents that I the undersigned John Francis of the County of Opelousas does
this twenty first day of December in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight
hundred & thirty seven Bargain sell and deliver unto Alexandre Duhon of the
aforesaid Parish and State and present acceptant [sic] a certain piece or
tract of Land all my Right title and Interest of the Same the Said parcel or
piece of Land being my part of an [sic] quarter of Section Bought at private
sale at the Land Office at Opelousas on the 17th June 1836, the north west
quarter of the Section number Six in the township number Eleven south three
west for the Consideration of twenty dollars for which sum I acknowledge to
have received the said sale I guarantee forever to the said Alexander Duhon
heirs assigns & signed by making his mark in presence of Placide Hebert &
Louis Hebert Both signing their names this 21 December A. D. 1837.
John + Francis  Alexander + Duhon  Witness Placide Hebert & Louis Hebert fils


Thomas H. Lewis To Stephen Durel
Sale of Slave
Recorded 3rd Jany. 1838

Know all lmen by these presents, that John M. Jewell of the State of Louisiana
and Parish of Saint Landry agent & Attorney in fact for Tomas H. Lewis, and
acting hereby by virtue of a power of Attorney bearing date the twentieth day
of December last has bargained and sold and does by this public act, for and
in behalf of the Said Thomas H Lewis grant, bargain, sell transfer and deliver
unto Stephen Durel of the aforesaid state & Parish a certain negro woman named
Jemima aged ab[ou]t. twenty two years.  To have and to hold the Said Slave to
him the Said Stephen Durel his heirs ex[ecuto]rs. & Administrators forever
with guaranty of title against the lawful

[Page 174]

claims of all persons whatsoever, and also against the Malidies [sic] and
defects deemed redhibitory in Law.  This Sale is made for and in Consideration
of the Sum of One thousand dollars for which the purchaser has executed his
promissory note in favor of the Said Thomas Lewis payable on the first day of
April next. The purchaser dispenses with the production of the Certificate
required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code.  In Testimony whereof
this sale have hereunto signed in the presence of the Subscribing Witnesses
and before George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public at Opelousas
this third day of January in the Year One thousand Eight hundred and thirty
J. M. Jewell (seal)  Stephen Durel (seal)  Witness  James H. Skurns [sp?]  Bt.
Debaillon  Geo. King P. Judge


William Link to Thomas H. Cook
Sale of Slave
Recorded 12th Jany. 1838

Know all men by these presents that William Link of the State of Louisiana and
Parish of St. Landry has this day, the twelveth [sic] day of January one
thousand eight hundred & thirty eight bargained and Sold and does hereby
bargain, sell, transfer and deliver unto Thomas A. Cook a certain Negro man
named Major aged about thirty seven years.  To have and to hold the aforesaid
Slave to him the Said Thomas A. Cook his heirs executors & administrators
forever with guaranty of title against the lawful claims of all persons
whatsoever and against the Maladies & defects deemed redhibitory in Law.  This
Sale is made for and in Consideration of the sum of Seven hundred and fifty
dollars Cash in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged.  The
purchaser dispenses with the production of the Certificate required by the
3328th Article of the Louisiana Code.  In testimony whereof they have hereunto
signed in the presence of B. Debaillon & Michel Prudom Competent witnesses and
before George King Parish Judge & ex-officio Notary Public the day and Year
first above written.
William Link =  Thos. A. Cook = Witness Bt. Debaillon & Michel Prudome  = Geo.
King P. Judge
Jackson's Succession To G. R. King
Release of Mortgage (involves slave)
Recorded 15th January 1838

Whereas at the probate Sale of a part of the Succession in Community between
the heirs of the late George Jackson deceased and [blank] Brashear deceased
his wife made on the 26th day of September 1834 George R. King became the
purchaser of a Negro woman Slave named Charlotte then aged about twenty two
Years for the price of nine hundred Dollars payable one third on the 26th day
of September  1835 one third on the 26th September 1836 and the remaining
third on the 26th of September 1837 Said Payments to bear interest at ten per
Cent per an[n]um from the time, they respectfully become due until Paid and
Said Slav remaining specially mortgaged until the final payment of the
aforesaid Price & such interest as should accrue thereon.  And whereas the
aforesaid Sum of nine hundred dollars together with Such interest as has
accrued thereon has been paid by the Said George R. King to Edward W. Taylor
tutor to George Jackson and Frederick Bowen Jackson two of the minor Children
& heirs of Said deceased and agent of Said Succession.  Now therefore be it
Known that in Consideration of the premises the Said Edward W. Taylor tutor
and agent as aforesaid has released and does hereby release Cancel and annul
the above recited Mortgage as fully and effectually as though the Same had
never existed.  In witness whereof the Said Edward W. Taylor has hereunto
Signed at Opelousas the fifteenth day of January in the Year One thousand
Eight hundred and thirty eight in presence of Thomas  A. Cook and Benoist
Debaillon Competent Witnesses and before George King Parish Judge & ex-officio
Notary Public in & for the Parish of St. Landry=
E. W. Taylor Agent of the Estate of George Jackson deceased-Witness Thomas A.
Cook  Bt. Debaillon = Geo. King P. Judge


[Page 176]

Joseph Bordelon [Avoyelles Parish] To Loucifer Bordelon
Power of Attorney [for Sale of Slave]
Recorded 15th Jany. 1838

State of Louisiana
Parish of Avoyelles
Know all men by these presents that I Joseph Bordelon of the Parish of
Avoyelle and State of Louisiana, do hereby make, nominate, and appoint
Loucifer Bordelon of the Parish of St. Landry and State aforesaid, my true and
lawful attorney in fact whom I fully authorise [sic] and impower [sic] to Sell
in my name and behalf and on such terms and for Such terms as he shall deem
most advantageous to my interests and to whomsoever he may think proper, a
Certain Negro Man slave named Billy aged about 20 Years being the Same whom I
purchased at the Sale of the Estate of Mistress Phillip Jean Louis Fontenot in
the month of April last.  To perform execute and sign all acts or instruments
which may be necessary for the purpose aforesaid.  To place if possible the
purchaser in my lien and Stead towards the aforesaid Succession as respect the
payments for which I am bound thereto, and if Practicable in so doing, to
obtain from the administrator or any lawful agent, a discharge and acquittance
from any liability which I may have incurred by the execution of my notes to
Said Estate, if not to exact from the purchaser, good and a[m]ple security and
mortgage with notes payable to my order, bearing ten per Cent Interest per
an[n]um from time due, and finally for him my Said attorney in fact, to do all
that may be necessary in the premis [sic] although not expressed herein,
promising and obligating Myself at all times to ratify and Confirm the Same.
In testimony whereof I have here set my hand at Avoyells on this twenty third
day of May one thousand eight hundred & thirty seven in the presence of Belbin
[sp?] Barbin and Ernest Bredault Witnesses and before Louis Bordelon Parish
Judge in & for the Said Parish of Avoyells=  Joseph Bordelon --  Witness=  F.
B. Barbin =  E.B. Bredault = Louis Bordelon Par[ish]. Judge


Joseph Bordelon To Eli G. Guillory
Sale of Slave
Recorded 15th Jany. 1838

Know all men by these presents that Joseph Bordelon of the Parish of Avoyells
[sic] acting herein b his regularly authorised agent and attorney in fact
Loucife Bordelon of the Parish of St. Landry has bargained and Sold & does by
this act bargain sell convey and deliver unto Eli Glaudo Guillory of the State
of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry a Certain negro man Slave named Billy
aged about twenty two years the same purchased by the Vendor at the Sale of
the Succession of Philipe Jean Louis Fontenot on the 18th day of April 1837.
To have and to hold Said Slave to him the Said Eli Glaud[e] Guillory his heirs
and assigns forever free from the lawful claims or title of all persons
whomsoever and from redhibitory vices diseases and defects.  This Sale is made
for & in Consideration of the price and Sum of fifteen hundred & sixty dollars
payable at the office of Thomas St. Secois [sp?] in the Town of Opelousas one
half on the fifteenth day of April next (1838) and the other half on the
fifteenth day of April eighteen hundred and thirty nine.  The Said purchaser
binding and obligating himself his heirs &c to release the Mortgage now
existing on said slave in favor of the aforesaid succession for the aforesaid
Sum.  It being understood that said purchaser places himself in the Stead of
the Said Seller with regard to the said Succession and takes upon himself all
the obligations [incurred] by the seller towards Said Succession when said
slave was acquired therefrom hereby releasing and discharging Said Joseph
Bordelon all further liability or responsibility in relation to the payment of
the aforesaid price to Said Succession and when the Payment of the aforesaid
Sum of fifteen hundred & Sixty dollars shall have been made to Said Succession
as aforesaid the aforesaid purchaser with then be released and discharged from
all further liability towards this Vendor in relation to Said Slave.  And
further to Secure the payment of the aforesaid Sum with such interest as shall
accrue thereon Eli Lucas Fontenot of Said Parish of St. Landry binds himself
his heirs &c as Security of the Said Eli Glaude Guillory.  In witness whereof
the aforesaid Parties have hereunto signed at Opelousas this fifteenth day of
January in the Year One thousand eight hundred and thirty eight in presence of
George R. King and Benoist Debaillon Competent witnesses and

[Page 177]

before George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in and for the
Said Parish of St. Landry.  The Certificate Requiring [sic] by the 3328th
Article of the Louisiana Code is dispensed with.  Loucife Bordelon =  Eli
Glaude x Guillory  =  Eli Lucus x Fontenot =  Witness George R. King = Bt.
Debaillon = Geo. King P. Judge


John Butler and Washington Butler
Exchange of Slaves
Recorded 16th January 1838

This exchange of slaves made the sixteenth day of January in the Year One
thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, between John Butler of the State of
Louisiana & Parish of St. Landry of the one part and Washington Butler of the
same State and Parish of Avoyelles of the other part -  Witnesseth Witnesseth
that, for and in Consideration of the premises hereinafter expressed he the
Said John Butler has bargained and Sold and does hereby grant bargain Sell
transfer and deliver unto him the Said Washington Butler a Certain Negro Slave
named Maryann aged about twenty three years.  To have and to hold the
aforesaid slave to him the Said Washington Butler his heirs, executors,
administrators and assigns forever.  In consideration whereof he the Said
Washington Butler has bargained and Sold and does by this public act grant,
bargain, sell transfer, and deliver unto him the Said John Butler a Negro
Woman Salve named Jane aged about nineteen years with her child named
Josephine aged ab[ou]t eight months.  To have and to hold the Said Negro Woman
Jane and her Child to him the Said John Butler his heirs executors
administrators and assigns forever.  Each party guaranteeing the titles to the
other against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever.  And it is
Stipulated and understood that neither party guarantees against redhibitory
defect, and that both parties dispense with the production of the Certificate
required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code.  In testimony whereof
the parties have hereunto signed in presence of Gideon Glaze and Abner Roach
Competent witnesses and before George King Parish Judge in and for the Parish
of St. Landry at Opelousas this day and Year first above written. =  John
Butler = Washington Butler = Witness Gedeon M. Glaze & Abner Roach  Geo. King
Parish Judge


Overtons and Wives To Citizen's Bank of Louisiana
Recorded 20th January 1838

Before me George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public duly
commissioned and Sworn for the parish of St. Landry State of Louisiana,
therein residing, and in presence of the undersigned Witnesses.   Personally
came and appeared John Holmes Overton and Emily King his wife, by him duly
authorised [sic] domiciliated in the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry and
Patrick Henry Overton and Rebecca Phillips his wife by him duly authorised,
domiciliated in the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry who declared that the Said
John H. Overton and Patrick Henry Overton having subscribed for one hundred
and eighty seven shares each of one hundred Dollars each share forming in the
aggregate the sum thirty seven thousand four hundred Dollars in the Capital
Stock of the Citizens Bank of Louisiana Created and incorporated by an act of
the Legislature approved on the first of April eighteen hundred and thirty
three, they acknowledge themselves b these presents to be Conjointly and 'in
Solidum' indebted to the Said Bank in the Said Sum of thirty thousand four
hundred dollars ambient [sic] of Said Shares.  And in order to secure their
Said Share in the Capital Stock of Said Bank and also to secure the payment of
the principle [sic] and interest of the loaned [sic] raised or to be raised,
to form the Capital of Said Bank by the issue of Bonds signed by the Governor
of the State of Louisiana in favor of the Said Citizens Bank countersigned b
the Secretary and Treasurer of State and under the Seal of the State and under
the seal of the State [sic], they do by these presents jointly and severally
Mortgage, in favor of the Citizens Bank of Louisiana the following described
property towit:  A tract of land situate in the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry
and lying on the left bank of the Bayou Beouf in Township No. 3 South Range
No. 3 east and extending about North East from Said Bayou ab[ou]t. forty
arpens in depth into Township No. 2 South of Range No. 3 East having [missing]
arpens front on Said Bayou Beouf, bounded on the up-

[Page 178]

per side by part of the original tract now owned by Marsden Campbell Jr. and
also the back concession of Said Tract of Land, the whole Containing Sixteen
hundred superficial arpens, a negro man named Virgil aged about twenty eight
years, a negro man named Peter aged about twenty four Years, a negro man named
William aged about Seventy seven years a negro man named Billy aged about
twenty six Years a negro man named Amos aged ab[ou]t. thirty Years, a Negro
man named Harry aged about thirty two Years, a negro man named Claiborne aged
about thirty one years a negro man named Sterling aged about Twenty one Years
a negro man named Shepherd aged about Seventeen Years a negro man named
Charles aged about eighteen Years a negro man named Cazores aged about
Seventeen years, a negro boy named Peter Jones aged abut aged about [sic]
Eighteen Years a negro man named Robert aged about twenty three Years, a negro
man named Hector aged about twenty two Years, a negro man named Joe Lu [sp?]
aged about twenty Years, a negro man named Joe Plank aged about Seventeen
Years, a negro man named Beverly aged about twenty four Years a negro man
named Jeff aged about thirty three Years, a negro man named Daniel aged about
Seventeen Years, a negro boy named Soloman aged about sixteen Years a negro
boy named Bob aged about Sixteen Years, a negro Boy named Bill aged about
twelve Years, a negro boy named Virgil aged about fourteen Years, a negro boy
named Chetcheto [sp?] aged about twelve Years, a negro woman named Becky aged
about thirty five Years, a negro woman named Caroline aged about nineteen
Years, with her two children towit Henry, two Years old and an infant, a negro
woman named Tempy [sp?] aged about eighteen Years, with her child a boy aged
ab[ou]t two Years named Davis, a negro woman named Rose aged about twenty
eight Years with her two Children to Wit, Bill & Lydia a negro woman named
Betsey with her five Children, towit, Henderson a boy aged ab[ou]t. ten Years
Becky a Girl about Eight Years Dan a boy aged about five Years George a Boy
three Years old and an infant, Hannah a negro woman aged about twenty eight
Years with her two Children towit [blank] aged about Seven Years, and Luckey
[sp?] aged about five years, a negro woman named Phillis aged about seventeen
Years with her infant Child, a negro woman named Rachel aged ab[ou]t. twenty
three Years with her Child named Phillis, a negro woman named Patty aged about
[blank] years with her child a girl named Phebe aged about ten Years and a
negro woman named Flora with her Child.  All which property is to remain thus
mortgaged until all Said Bonds shall have been paid and released in Capital
and Interest or until the said John H. Overton & Patrick H. Overton shall have
paid the amount of their shares and have remembered the loan which they may
have obtained as Stock Holders unless they should have previously
transfer[r]ed their shares, and have been entirely discharged by the Bank.
The Said John H. Overton & Emily king his wife and Patrick H. Overton &
Rebecca Phillips his wife agree that the present hypothecary obligation
granted by them to secure Said Stock and the re-imbursement of any loan which
they the Said John H. Overton and Patrick H. Overton may or shall have
obtained of Said Bank shall bear interest at the rate of ten per cent per
an[n]um if not punctually paid when due, and that all the above described
property shall [  ]wise remain specially mortgaged to secure the payment of
such eventual interest.  The Said Emily King & Rebecca Phillips do hereby
renounce in favor of Said Bank, all rights and privileges whether dotal or of
any other Kind or Nature whatsoever which they may have upon the above
described property Ceding & transfer[r]ing their Said rights to the Said Bank.
The Said John H. Overton and Emily King his wife and Patrick H Overton and
Rebecca Phillips his wife further agree that if the Bank should hereafter
discover that the titles to the above described property are defective or that
Said Property is subject to any tacit or other Mortgage, the Bank shall have
the right to Cause the Stock to be sold and to enact the immediate
re-embursement of any loan which may have been obtained thereon, unless
however the Said John H. Overton & Patrick H. Overton should prefer
substituting other property of which the titles should be indisputable.  The
said John H. Overton & Emily King his wife & Patrick H. Overton and Rebecca
Phillips his wife also agree that whenever it shall be proved to the
satisfaction of the Board of Directors of the Said Bank that the property on
which mortgaged is no longer of sufficient Value to secure the Said Stock the
Bank shall have the right to exact additional Security, and in Case of refusal
or neglect of said John H. Overton

[Page 179]

and Emily King his wife and Patrick H. Overton & Rebecca Phillips his wife to
furnish the required additional mortgage the Bank will have the right to Cause
Said Stock to be sold in whole or in part and to Cause the property Mortgaged
to be sold in order to obtain the re-embursement of the sums that have been
loaned to them the said John H. Overton and Patrick H. Overton as
Stockholders.  According to the Certificate of the Recorder of Mortgages of
the aforesaid Parish hereto annexed and made a part of this act it appears
that there is a mortgage recorded in his Office bearing date the 12th day of
June 1832 in favor of the Canal Bank for seven thousand Dollars payable on the
Second June One thousand eight hundred and thirty three.  And a mortgage
bearing date the 2nd May One thousand eight hundred and thirty four in favor
of the Same Bank for three Thousand Dollars, payable on the 10th of April One
thousand eight hundred and thirty [blank] and that there exist[s] on other
mortgage against the property of the Said John H. Overton & Patrick H.
Overton.  Whereas the final apportionment of Stock among the subscribers to
the Capital of the Citizens Bank of Louisiana has not yet been made, and that
the number of shares to which each of them will be entitled cannot be
determined the Said John H. Overton & Emily King his wife and Patrick H.
Overton and Rebecca Phillips his wife acknowledged that the present Mortgage
is subject to such reduction as may take place upon a final apportionment of
the Stock.
The present Mortgage will have to be accepted by authentic act, by the
President of Said Citizen's Bank of Louisiana & the Said mortgage and
acceptation will have to be registered in the Office of the Recorder of
Mortgages of Said Parish of St. Landry, and the judge of Said Parish will have
to furnish a Certificate that Said inscriptions have been made and that there
has been no new Mortgage or privilege inscribed, or a limitation made of the
above described premises before the said John H. Overton & Patrick Henry
Overton will be recognized as Stockholders in the Citizens Bank.  This Done
and passed at my office in the Town of Opelousas this twentieth day of January
in the Year One thousand Eight hundred & thirty eight.
J. H. Overton = Emily King Overton = Patrick H. Overton = Rebecca Phillips
Overton  = Witness E. H. Martin  Bt. Debaillon =  Geo. King P. Judge

Etat de la Louisiane Paroisse St. Landry Bureau des hypotheques.  Le
Conservateur des hypothiques soussigni, Certifie, quil n'existe sur les
registres de son Bureau d'autre Hypotheque contre John H. & Patrick H. Overton
que cell ce aprŠs mentionnee du 12 June 1832.  Hypotheque speciale en favour
de la banque du Canal pour une Somme de Sept mille piastres payable le 2 Juin
1833 $7000. ... Du 2 Mai 1833.  hypotheque speciale en faveur de la Banque du
Canal pour une somme de trios mille piastres payable le dix Avril 1834.
Opelousas le 20 Janvier 1838.  Garrigues flaujac Conservateur.


William Garrand To James Neyland
Sale of Slave
Recorded 23rd Jany. 1838

Know all men by these presents that William Garrand of the State of Louisiana
& Parish of St. Landry for and in Consideration of the sum of One thousand
Dollars Cash in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has
bargained and sold & does hereby grant, bargain, sell transfer and deliver
unto James Neyland of the same State & parish aforesaid, a Certain Negro man
Slave named William aged about thirty eight Years.  To have and hold the said
Slave to him the said James Neyland his heirs exec[utor]s. adm[inistrator]s. &
assigns forever, and he the said William Garrand for himself his heirs &c. the
title to the Said Slave against the lawful Claims of all persons whatsoever to
him the said James Neyland his heirs and assigns does Warrant and will forever
defend.  He also warrants said Slave to be free from the Maladies & defects
deemed redhibitory in Law.  The purchaser dispenses with the production of the
Certificate required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code.  In
testimony of all which the parties have hereunto Signed in presence of Benoist
Debaillon & Caleb Swayzie Competent Witnesses and before George King Parish
Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in and for the aforesaid Parish of St.
Landry at Opelousas this twenty third day of January in the Year One thousand
eight hundred and thirty eight.
Wm. Garrand (seal) James Neyland (seal)    Witness  Bt. Debaillon  C. S.
Swayzie  Geo. King P. Judge


[Page 181]

Jno. L. Garrette To Crawford Lyons
Sale of Slave
Recorded 31st Jany. 1838

Know all men by these presents that for and in Consideration of the premises
hereinafter expressed Gilbert Sloane agent and attorney in fact for John L.
Garrett of the State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry has bargained and
sold, and does hereby Grant, bargain, sell alien confirm and deliver unto
Crawford Lyons of the Same State and parish aforesaid a Certain Negro Girl
slave named Mary aged about sixteen Years.  To have and to  hold the Said
slave to him the Said Crawford Lyons his heirs executors administrators and
assigns forever.  And  he the Said Gilbert Sloane for and in behalf of him the
Said John L. Garrett, the title of the Said Slave against the Lawful claims of
all persons whatsoever to him the Said Crawford Lyons his heirs &c. does
Warrant & will forever defend. He also in behalf of the Said John L. Garrett
warrants the Said Slave to be free from all the defects deemed redhibitory in
Law.  This Sale is made for and in Consideration of the Sum of Nine Hundred
Dollars payable in all the month of April next, for which Said Sum the
purchaser has executed his promissory note of equal dates with these presents,
in favor of the Seller.  The purchaser dispenses with the production of the
Certificate required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code.
In Testimony whereof the Said Agent & purchaser have hereunto signed in
presence of Benoist Debaillon and Leonard E. Fontenot Competent Witnesses and
before George King Parish Judge and ex-officio Notary Public in and for the
aforesaid Parish of St. Landry at Opelousas this thirteenth day of January in
the Year One thousand eight hundred and thirty eight.   Gilbert Sloan (seal)
Crawford Lyons (seal)  Witness Bt. Debaillon  Leonard E. Fontenot   Geo. King
P. Judge


James OConnor To Joel Vanoy
Partition of Slaves
Recorded Jany. 31st 1838

This Act of Partition made the 31st day of January in the Year One thousand
Eight hundred and thirty eight between James OConnor of the State of Louisiana
& Parish of St. Landry of the one Part and Joel Vanoy [sp?] representing his
wife Mary Frances Singleton of the same State and Parish aforesaid of the
other Part.  Witnesseth, that whereas the parties own in Community the
following described Slaves towit, Jane a negro woman aged about twenty two
Years with her two children towit, Simon a boy aged about two Years and Mark a
boy about two months old, a negro man named Isham about seventeen Years, a
negro Girl named Louisa aged about twelve Years a negro woman named Josephine
and her two children, towit Simon a boy aged about two Years and Mary Ann an
infant Girl and a Negro Girl named Sylvanie aged about eight Years.  And
whereas the parties have agreed on the following Division towit, that the Said
James OConnor takes for his part the above described negro woman Jane and her
two Children, the negro man Isham, and the negro Girl Sylvanie.  And the Said
Joel Vanoy for and in behalf of his wife takes the negro woman Josephine and
her two Children and the negro Girl Louisa for his Part.  And it is Considered
by the parties that the part taken by the Said James OConnor is worth seven
hundred Dollars now, than [sic] the part taken b the Said Vanoy, he the said
OConnor has paid to the Said Vanoy in order to equalise [sic] the disunion,
the sum of three hundred and fifty Dollars the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged.  Now in Consideration of the premises the parties reciprocally
grant, bargain sell & deliver to each other the aforesaid Slaves according to
the above division.
James OConnor   Joel Vannoy  Witness  Wesley Singleton  =  Sidney Singleton =
Done before me  Geo. King P. Judge


[Page 184]

Stephen H. Gough to Rapael J. Smith
Sale of Slaves
Recorded 20th February 1838

Know all men by these presents that Stephen Henry Gough of St. Mary's County
in the State of Maryland has bargained & sold and by this act does grant,
bargain sell & deliver unto Raphael Smith of the State of Louisiana & Parish
of St. Landry the following slaves towit: a negro woman named Stache or
Anastasia aged about thirty years with her five children viz:  Jerry a boy
aged ab[ou]t. thirteen years, Washington a boy aged abt. eleven years Jane a
girl aged about nine years Julianne a girl aged abt. five years and a boy
named Henry abt. Seven months.  To have & to hold Said Slaves to him the Said
Raphael J Smith his heirs and assigns forever free from the lawful claim or
title of all persons whomsoever & Redhibitory vices deseases [sic] & defects.
This Sale is made for and in consideration of the price and Sum of Twenty five
hundred dollars, eight hundred dollars of which have been paid in Cash the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the Said Gough.  And the balance
Seventeen hundred dollars the Said Smith promises & obliges himself his heirs
&c. to pay to Said Gough twelve months after the date of this Sale with
interest thereon at the yearly rate of ten per cent from this date until paid.
The letter to secure the payment of said seventeen hundred dollars Said slaves
remain & are hereby specially mortgaged in favor of Said Gough until the final
payment of said Sum & Such interest as may accrue thereon.  The purchaser
dispenses with the production of the Certificate required by the 3328th
Article of the Louisiana Code.  Notwithstanding what is above said Slaves are
not warranted from Redhibitory diceases [sic] said slaves having been examined
by said purchaser who express himself satisfied on that subject.  In witness
whereof Said parties have hereunto Signed at Opelousas this twentieth day of
February in the year One thousand eight hundred & thirty eight in presence of
George R. King and J. A. Taylor Competent Witnesses & before George King
Parish Judge & ex-officio Notary Public in & for the aforesaid Parish of St.
L. H. Gough  Raphael J. Smith  Witness Geo. R. King & J. A. Taylor    Geo.
King P. Judge


Moore & Wife To Citizens Bank of Louisiana

Before me George King Parish Judge and Ex-Officio Notary Public duly
Commissioned and Sworn for the Parish of St. Landry State of Louisiana ,
therein residing and in presence of the undersigned Witnesses, Person[al]ly
appeared William Moore and Mrs. Eloise Delphine Verret his wife by him duly
authorised [sic], Domiciliated in the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry, who
declared that the Said William Moore having subscribed for One hundred and
forty two Shares of on hundred dollars each forming in the aggregate the Sum
of fourteen thousand two hundred Dollars in the Capital Stock of the Citizens
Bank of Louisiana , Created and incorpporarted by an Act of the Legislature
approved on the first day of April eighteen hundred and thirty three, they
acknowledge themselves by these presents to be Cojointly and 'in Solidum'
indebted to the Said Bank in the Said Sum of fourteen thousand two hundred
Dollars amount of Said Shares.  And in order to secure his Said shares or
Subscription in the Capital Stock of Said Bank, and also to secure the payment
principle [sic] and interest of the loan raised or to be raised to form the
Capital of Said Bank by issue of bonds signed by the Govenor [sic] of the
State of Louisiana in favor of the Said Citizens Bank Countersigned by the
Secretary and Treasurer of State, and under the Seal of the State, they do by
these presents jointly and severally Mortgage in favor of the Citizens Bank of
Lousina the following described property towit,  A tract of land Situated in
the aforesaid Parish of St. Landry and lying on the East bank of the Bayou
Boeuf bounded on the upper side by land of Mois Hebet and on the lower side by
land of William Wikoff Containing five hundred and Twenty Suprerficial arpens
purchased at different times by Said William Moore from the United States,
also eleven slaves, towit, a Negro man named Opey Spenks [Assey Spenks?] age
about forty five years, A Negro man named Ben Sucket aged abut twenty two
years, A Negro man named Io Dausey aged about twenty two years - A Negro man
named James Hawkins aged about twenty One years, A Negro man named Augustus
Speake aged about nineteen Years, A Negro man named Magloire aged abut forty
five years,  A Negro woman named Milley Sucket aged about thirty three years
with her child a boy named [blank] about one year old,  A Negro woman named
Marie aged about nineteen Years with her child a girl named Laura aged about
three years old, and Negro girl named Delia aged about nineteen Years.  All
which Property is to remain Mortgaged until all said Bonds shall have been
paid and redeemed in Capital and Interest or until

[Page 189]

the Said William Moore shall have paid the amount of his shares, and have
re-emburse[d] the loan which he may have obtained as Stockholder unless he
should have previously transfer[r]ed his shares and have been entirely
discharged by the Bank.  The Said William Moore and Eloise Delphine Verret his
wife agree that the said Hypothecary obligation granted by them to Secure said
Stock and the reembursement of any loan which he the said William Moore May or
shall have obtained of Said Bank, shall bear interest at the rate of ten per
cent per an[n]um if not punctually [paid] when due, and that all the above
described property shall likewise remain specially mortgaged to secure the sum
of such eventual interest.  The Said Mrs. Eloise Delphine Verret does hereby
renounce in favor of said Bank all rights and priviledges [sic] whether dotal
or of any other Kind or Nature whatever which she may have upon the above
described property, Ceding and transfer[r]ing her said rights to the Said
Bank.  The said William Moore and Eloise Delphine Verret his wife further
agree that if the Bank should hereafter discover that the titles to the above
described property are defective or that Said property is Subject to any tacit
Mortgage the Bank shall have the right to Cause the Stock to be Sold and to
exact the immediate reembursement of any loan which may have been obtained
thereon, unless however the Said William Moore and Eloise Delphine Verret his
wife should prefer substituting other property of which the title should be
The Said William Moore and Elise Delphine Verret his wife also agree that
whenever it shall be proved to the Satisfaction of the board of directors of
the Said Bank that the property now mortgaged is no longer of sufficient value
to secure said stock the bank shall have the right to exact additional
security and in case of refusal or neglect of Said William Moore and Eloise
Delphine Verret his wife to furnish the bargained additional Mortgaged the
Bank will have the right to Cause Said Stock to be sold in whole or in part
And to Cause the property Mortgaged to be Sold in order to obtain the
Embursement of the Sum that may now have been loaned to him the Said William
Moore as Stockholder --  according to the Certificate of the Recorder of
Mortgages hereto annexed and made a part of this act it appears that the tract
of Land and the slaves Maria and Child  Delia and Magloire are Mortgaged to
the Union Bank of Louisiana to secure the payment of the sum of three thousand
Dollars and that no Mortgage exist[s] on the balance of the Slaves herein
named.  And the Said William Moore obligates himself not to avail himself of
any portion of the Credit which said Stock will entitle him to so long as the
above described property remains encumbered with the aforesaid Mortgage unless
it be for the purpose of paying and cancelling [sic] Said Mortgage.  Whereas
the final apportionment of Stock among the subscribers to the Capital of the
Citizens Bank of Louisiana has not yet been made, and the number of Shares to
which each of them will be entitled cannot yet be determined, the Said William
Moore and Elise Delphine Verret his wife acknowledge that the present Mortgage
is subject to such reduction as may take place upon a final apportionment of
the Stock.  The present Mortgage will have to be accepted by authentic act by
President of Said Citizens Bank of Louisiana and the Said Mortgage and
acceptation will have to be registered in the Office of the Recorder of
Mortgages of Said Parish of St. Landry and the Judge of Said parish will have
to furnish a Certificate that said inscriptions have been mov-[?] and that
there has been no new Mortgage or priviledge [sic] inscribed or alienation
made of the above described premises, before the Said William Moore will be
recognised [sic] as a Stockholder of the Citizens Bank.  Thus Done and passed
at my Office in the Town of Opelousas this fourteenth day of April in the Year
One thousand eight hundred & thirty seven.
W. Moore  --  Eloise Delpine Verret =  Robt. Taylor   A-. Dejean  --  Geo.
King P. Judge


Moore & Wife  To Citizens Bank of Louisiana
Recorded 3rd March 1838

Be it known that on this day before me Theadore Seghers Notary Public duly
commissioned and Sworn for the City and Parish of New Orleans State of
Louisiana and in presence of the undersigned Witnesses --  Personally came and
appeared William Moore and Eloise Delphine Verret Moore his Wife by him
hereunto duly authorised [sic] both Domiciliated in the Parish of St. Landry
who declared that the Said William Moore had originally subscribed for

[Page 190]

One hundred and fifty shares in the Capital Stock of the Citizens Bank of
Louisiana but that his property having been Valued only at fourteen thousand
two hundred Dollars his subscription was admitted only for One hundred and
forty two shares, for which he executed a Mortgage in favor of the Citizens
Bank per act passed before George King Judge and Ex-officio Notary Public for
the Parish of St. Landry on the fourteenth day of April Eighteen hundred and
thirty seven, accepted by the Bank by an act before the undersign Notary
bearing date twentieth May Eighteen hundred and thirty seven.  But that since
on further application to the Board and on offering to give a Mortgage on
three additional Slaves he was admitted to secure the balance of his original
Subscription on his land and those three Slaves.  Wherefore the Said William
Moore and Eloise Delphine Verret Moore do hereby acknowledge themselves to be
well and truly indebted unto the Citizens Bank jointly and severally in the
Sum of Eight hundred Dollars for the amount of the Said eight slaves being the
balance of the Original Subscription and each share being of One hundred
dollars in the Capital Stock of the Said Citizens Bank of Louisiana Created
and incorporated by an act of the Legislature approved on the first of April
Eighteen hundred and thirty three.  And the Said William Moore and wife bind
themselves jointly and 'in Solidum' for the amount of the Said Shares to the
Citizens Bank of Louisiana.  And in order to Secure the Said remainder of the
Subscription of William Moore in the Capital Stock of Said Bank as well as any
loan which he may obtain on his Stock, and also to Secure the payment of the
principle [sic] and Interest of the loan raised or to be raised to form the
Capital of said Bank by the issue of Bonds Signed by the Governor of State of
Louisiana to the order of Said Citizens Bank Countersigned by the Secretary
and treasurer of State and under the Seal of the State.  The said appearer[s]
do hereby jointly and 'in Solidum' Mortgage in favor of the Said Bank the
following described property to Wit,  First -  A certain tract of land
cultivated as a Cotton plantation situated in the aforesaid Parish of St.
Landry and ling on the East Bank of the Bayou Boeuf having about ten Arpents
in front on the Bayou Boeuf by an irregular depth as laid on the annexed
diagram bounded on the upper side by land of Moise He'bert and on the lower
side by the land of William Wikoff, containing five hundred and Twenty
Superficial Arpents, purchased at different times from the United States by
the Said William Moore and counting of the following parcels of Land as per
the said plan or diagram:   1st lot or fractional Section Number thirty eight
in Township Number four south of the thirty first degree of Latitude in Range
Number East of the Basis Meridian containing One hundred and sixty eight
acres, purchased from the United States as per final certificate delivered by
Valentine King, register of the land Office at Opelousas State of Louisiana
dated thirty first March Eighteen hundred and thirty five and bearing [blank]
No. 22 ------168 acres
2nd  Irregular Section Number Thirty nine in Township Number four South of
Range number four East containing about the same number of superficial acres
purchased from the United States as per Certificate delivered by John J Taylor
Register of the land Office at Opelousas Louisiana under the date of July the
twentieth 1836 attesting that the Said Moore purchased the Said Section on the
twenty seventh October 1831 and that Certificate of purchase Number 430 has
been issued him accordingly -----168 acres
3rd  Lot number three of the Section Number Fifty one in Township number four
South of the thirty first degree of North latitude of Range number four East
of the basis Meridian in the South Western district of the State of Louisiana,
Containing twenty one acres and sixty three hundredths purchased from the
United States as per Receipt No. 1726 and according to a Certificate of the
Said John J. Taylor Register dated Opelousas thirteenth July 1836 ----- 21
acres 63/100
4th  Lots Number Eleven and Twelve of the Section Number fifty in the Township
Number four South of the thirty first degree of North Latitude of Range Number
four East of the basis Meridian, in the South Western district of the State of
Louisiana situated and containing seventy five acres and Eight hundredths

[Page 191]

or thereabouts Purchased from the United States as per receipt No. 1517 and
according to a Certificate of the Said John J. Taylor Register bearing the
same number 1517 and dated Opelousas June Tenth 1836 -----------------------75
acres 8/100

                                       Total Quantity of acres  ------- 432
acres 71/100
Which is equivalent to 520 Superficial Arpents or there abouts
Also all the building improvements negro huts, Corn and Cotton House Carts
Ploughs horses Oxen and all other appurten[an]ces to Said Plantation in any
wise belonging-
Secondly - Three Slaves, names Millis [Millie] Gage a woman about thirty four
years Old her Child Bob two years Old, and Elizabeth Socket Seventeen years of
Age.  Said property shall remain thus Mortgaged until all the above mentioned
lands shall have been redeemed in Capital and interest or until the Said
William More and wife shall have paid the amounts of threes slaves, and shall
have reembursed [sic] any loan which they may have obtained as Stockholders
unless they should personally have transfer[r]ed their Stock and have been
intirely [sic] discharged by the Bank.
The Said William Moore and wife agree that the present obligation and Mortgage
granted by them for Securing their Stock  & any loan which they may obtain
from Said Bank, shall bear interest at the rate of Ten percent per An[n]um
from due till paid if not punctually paid when due and demanded and that the
above described property shall likewise remain specially Mortgaged to secure
the payment of such eventual interest.   This obligation and Mortgage are
accepted in behalf of Said Citizens Bank of Louisiana by Edmond John Forstall
here present President of Said institution.  The said Mrs. Eloise Delphine V.
Moore hereby renouncing in favor of Said Bank any right and priveledges [sic]
as well dotal as of any other Kind or nature whatsoever, which she may have on
the above Mortgaged Property ceding and transfer[r]ing Said rights and
priveledges [sic] to Said Bank & binding herself jointly and 'in Solido' with
her husband for all the above mentioned purposes.  It is expressly agreed that
if the Said Bank should hereafter discover that the title to the above
mortgaged property is defective or that the same is encumbered with some tacit
Mortgage or other the Bank shall be entitled to have the Stock Sold and claim
immediate payment of any loans which may have been made thereon unless however
the Said William Moore and Wife should prefer Substituting thereto other
property whereof the title should be indisputable.  It is likewise will [be]
understood [sic] and agreed that whenever it shall be proved to the
Satisfaction of the board of Directors that the Property now Mortgaged is no
longer of sufficient Value to secure the above Shares,  The Bank shall have
the right to demand additional Security and in Case of refusal or neglect on
the Part of Said William Moore & Wife to give Said additional Security when
required the Bank shall have the right of having their Stock Sold either in
whole or in part and Causing the Property Mortgaged Sized and Sold in order to
obtain payment of any Sums which may have been loaned to them as Stockholders.
The said Wm. Moore declares that there is no Mortgage whatsoever on the Said
three Slaves and that there is no other Mortgage recorded on the land than the
Mortgage heretofore granted b him to the Citizens Bank to Secure the said One
hundred and forty two Shares, and a Mortgage granted b him to the Union Bank
of Louisiana on the Said tract of Land and on the Slaves Maria Delia and
Magloire to secure three thousand Dollars for a loan granted him by the Said
Union Bank.  Which Union Bank Mortgage is prior to the Mortgages in favor of
the Citizens Bank not withstanding which Circumstance the present Mortgage is
accepted b the President of the Citizens Bank in as much as the amount of the
said Union Bank Mortgage is within the limits determined by the Board of
Directors of the Citizens Bank being less than one half of the total Valuation
of the land improvements and Slaves including the three Slaves herein
Mortgaged which total Valuation is Fifteen thousand Dollars.  It is however
well understood that the said William Moore shall not be entitled to any
[Cnoit?] or loan on any Part of his Subscription of one hundred and fifty
Shares So long as the Union Bank Mortgage remains unpaid unless the amount be
applied to the extinguishment in full of the Said Union Bank Mortgage.
And the Said Wm. Moore promises to produce a Certificate from the Recorder of
Mortgages for the Parish

[Page 192]

of St Landry as evidence that the two above mentioned mortgages are the only
ones on his property.  The Said President acknowledges that so soon as this
Mortgage will have been registered in the Office of the Recorder of Mortgages
of St. Landry Parish and on the production of a Certificate from Said Recorder
attesting that Said Mortgage was duly registered at least one day previous to
Said Certificate and further attesting that there is no other Mortgage nor
privilege Recorded in the name of the Said W. More & wife on the Said Property
& Slaves excepting the two aforementioned ones towit - The one for favor of
the Union Bank and the other in favor of the Citizens Bank.  And on the
production of the Certificate from the Parish Judge of Said Parish, Attesting
that there is no alienation recorded in his Office of any Part of Said Land
and Slaves no [on] the name of the Said William Moore and Wife then the Said
William Moore will be recognised [sic] as a lawful Stockholder for eight
Shares more in the Capital Stock of the Citizens Bank of Louisiana---
This done and passed at New Orleans, in my Office on the Twenty fourth of
Feb[r]uary eighteen hundred and thirty eight, and the sixty second year of the
American Independance [sic] in the presence of Wolmar Bon and Lewis Quemper
both of this City who have Signed with the appearers and me the Notary after
due reading thereof (Original signed).
Willm. Moore =  Eloise Delphine Verret,   Edmd. J. Forstall =  Lewis Quemper =
Wolmer Bon =  Thr. Seghers Not[ary]. Pub[lic].   A True Copy New Orleans 27th
Feby. 1838


Estate of Fenner & Isabelle
Recorded 7th Mar 1838

State of Louisiana
Parish of St. Landry
  Know all men by these presents that John B. Isabelle and Mrs. Anne Fenner by
her attorney Ramsom P. Furguson have this day agreed to settle a dispute or
disagreement arising out of the Sale of a Certain Negro man slave named peter
sold by the Parish Judge at the Sale of Richard O. Fenner late of the State &
Parish aforesaid. The said Isabelle & Furguson have agreed to and do appoint
Ezikial Mixen and James W. Murdock umpires to arbitrate and Settle the Said
dispute or disagreement and do obligate and bind themselves to abide by their
decision-J. B. Isabelle = Ransom P. Furguson atty. For Ann Fenner -  Sworn &
Subscribed to this 28th day of February 1838 to stand the decissions [sic] of
the Arbitrators before me Isaac Griffith Justice of the Peace-
We the undersigned arbitrators do agree and award that John B. Isabelle shall
pay one third of the amount of the purchase money for the above named Negro
man Peter - for and in Consideration of his not having employed a -lunsion
[sp?] to attend Said Negro during his Sicknesses.   James W. Murdock = Ezekiel
Mixen =  Sworn & Subscribed to this twenty eighth day of Feb[r]uary 1838  -
Before me Isaac Griffith Justice of the Peace


Jno. Cooke To Joseph E. Andrus Sr.
Sale of Slaves
Recorded 10th March 1838

Know all men by these presents that for and in Consideration of the Sum of Six
hundred Dollars Cash in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged
Ivan A. Dumartrait agent and attorney in fact for John Cook of the State of
Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry, has bargained and Sold and does by this
public act grant, bargain, sell, transfer, and deliver unto Joseph Elah Andrus
Senr. of the same State and Parish aforesaid a certain negro woman slave named
Nelly aged about forty two years.  To have and to hold the said slave to him
the Said Joseph E. Andrus his heirs Executors administrators and assigns
forever, and he the Said Ivan A Dumartrait for and in behalf of him the Said
John Cooke, the title to the aforesaid Slave against the lawful claims of all
persons whatsoever to him the Said Joseph Andrus his heirs &c does warrant and
will forever defend.   He also as agent as aforesaid warrants her against the
Vices and Maladies deemed Redhibitory in Law.   The purchaser dispenses with
the production of the Certificate required by the 3328th Article of the
Louisiana Code.  In Testimony of all which the Said agent and purchaser have
hereunto signed in presence of Benoit Debaillon and E. W. Carson Competent
Witnesses, & before George King Parish Judge & Ex-officio Notary Public in &
for the aforesaid Parish at Opelousas this tenth day of March in the Year One
thousand eight hundred and thirty eight.   Ivan Dumartrait for John Cooke
(seal)  Jos. E. Andrus (seal) =  Witness Bt. Debaillon = E. W. Carson.  Geo.
King Parish Judge


Board of Public Works to Geo. M. Smyth
Sale of Slave
Recorded 15th March 1838

State of Louisiana  Parish of St. Landry.  Pursuant to a resolution of the
Board of Public Works bearing date the tenth day of January 1838, And at the
request of Captain W. Mayer agent of Said board, I George King Parish Judge
and ex-officio Auctionnier [sic] in & for the aforesaid Parish have this day
the fifteenth of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty
eight, exposed [sp?] for sale at public Auction a negro man slave named Coffee
S-rill [sp?], belonging to Said Board, the Said Slave having by a hurt, last
the use of one of his hands, is sold Subject to all maladies, infirmities or
[----] whatever and without other guarantee than the title which is warranted
by said Board payable in ninety days, the purchaser giveing [sic] his note
with approved Security and the slave remaining specially Mortgaged until the
payment thereof. And Fr. George M. Smyth being the last and highest bidder the
Said Slave was adjudicated and Sold to him for the Sum of one hundred and
twenty five dollars.  In testimony whereof I have hereunto Signed with the
purchaser at Opelousas at the day & year first above written in presence of
the Subscribing witnesses.  Geo. King P. Judge  Geo. Morris Smyth  Witness Bt.
Debaillon & J. B. Dejean   Geo. King P. Judge


[Page 196]

Maurice Barnett Jr. To Thomas Lewis
Sale of Slave
Filed and Admitted to Record
16th March 1838

State of Louisiana City of New-Orleans.  Be it Known, that this day, before
me, William Boswell a notary Public, in and for the City and Parish of
New-Orleans, duly commissioned & sworn, and the Witnesses hereinafter named &
undersigned.  Personally came and appeared Mr. Maurice Barnett Junior of this
city, residing in Rampart Street, between Saint Anne & Dumaine Streets, who
declared, that for the consideration of Six hundred & fifty dollars, to him
paid in ready money the receipt whereof he hereby acknowledges he does by
these presents, grant, bargain, sell, convey transfer, Assign and Set over
with a full guarantee against all troubles, debts, mortgages, claims,
donations, alienations, or other incumbrances [sic] whatsoever, unto Mr.
Thomas Hardeman Lewis of the Parish of St. Landry, Opelousas in this State,
present and accepting his heirs and assigns, and acknowledging possession
thereof, a negress slave named Harriet, aged about fourteen years free from
all incumbrance as appears by the annexed Certificate of the Conservator in
this city, and fully guarantee against the vices and maladies prescribed by
Law.  Being the same which the present Seller acquired by purchase from John
Short by act passed before the undersigned Notary on the thirty first day of
January eighteen hundred and thirty eight.  To have and to hold the Said Slave
unto the Said purchaser his heirs and assigns to their proper use and behoof
[sp?] forever.  And the Said Seller for himself and his heirs the Said Slave
to the Said purchaser his heirs and assigns shall & will forever warrant and
forever defend against the Lawful Claims of all persons whomsoever, by these
presents.  And the Said vendor does moreover Subrogate the said purchaser to
all the rights and actions of warranty which he has or may have, against his
own vendor or against the vendor of his vendor, fully authorising [sic] Said
purchaser to exercise the said rights and actions in the Same manner as he
himself might or could have done. And therefore, personally came and appeared,
and intervened to this Act.  Mistress Marie Augustine Blanchard of lawful age,
wife of said Maurice Barnett Junior, who being herein duly Authorised [sic]
and assisted by her Said husband, took cognizance of the foregoing Act of
Conveyance, which I Notary, carefully read and explained to her & having so
done she declared that it was her intention, not only to ratify Said Sale, but
to make renunciation of all rights she has, by mortgage or otherwise, on the
Slave therein conveyed upon which, I Notary, declared to her, separately and
apart from her Said husband, as it is my duty, that by Law of this State.  She
possessed a general mortgage on all the property of her said husband, and upon
that of the Community in case she should renounce thereto:  First, for the
restitution of her dower, and the reinvestment of dotal property brought by
her in marriage. Second - for the restitution of dotal property by her
acquired during marriage, by inheritance, donation, or otherwise.  Third - For
indemnity against all debts contracted, on which she might hereafter contract,
with her Said husband.  Fourth, for such of her paraphernal property and funds
as may have been alienated by her Said husband, or of which he has had, or may
have the administrative or enjoyment or of which he may otherwise have
Benefited.  Fifth -  for nuptial presents, made to her by her Said husband or
others that in making her intended renunciation she would deprive herself,
irrevocably and forever, of all rights of reclamation against Said Sale
whether under mortgage, privilege, or otherwise.  Whereupon, the Said wife
declared that she still persisted in the intention she had announced, to
ratify Said Sale and to dispossess herself of all rights and liens which she
has upon Said Slave, whether by marriage contract, dower, donation or
otherwise, and the Said husband being now again present before me,  And
Authorising [sic] his said wife she again declared that She does hereby
formally Renounce, henceforth and forever, al & singular her said Right and
tran[s]fer the Same to the said purchaser his heirs and assigns, to be had and
held by him and them, and by them enjoyed, in law and thereout, and she hereby
binds herself and her heirs to the Said purchaser his heirs and assigns, that
She and they shall and will, at all times acknowledge the validity of the
present Sale, and of the renunciation she now makes, of all rights which she
has or may have in and to the Slave so sold.  And that neither she nor they
shall ever seek to oppose or impair the force of this act, hereby renouncing
the benefit of all laws, privileges and customs, of which she might avail
herself, or which are in her favor in the premises.  Thus done and passed, in
my office, at the city of New-Orleans, aforesaid in the presence of Edward
Barnett & Francois N. Mioton witnesses, of lawful age, and domicilated in this
City, who hereunto sign their names together with the Said parties, and me the
Said Notary, on this Tenth day of February in the year One thousand eight
hundred and thirty eight.  Signed  M. Barnett Jr.  Augustin Barnett  Thos. H
Lewis  Edward Barnett   F. N. Mioton William Boswell Not[ary]. Pub[lic].

[Page 198]

Swayze Syndic To Dyal
Sale of Slave
Recorded 21st Mar. 1838

Know all men by these presents, that, whereas, at the sale of the property
Surrended [sic] by Benjamin B. Raburn to his creditors.  Jesse Dyal purchased
a negro woman Slave named Judy for the price and Sum of five hundred and
fifteen dollars payable as follows, towit, two hundred and fifty Seven dollars
and fifty Cents on the first day of March in the year one thousand eight
hundred and thirty nine and two hundred and fifty Seven dollars & fifty cents
on the first day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty,
for which he has executed his two promissory notes of equal date with these
presents, with approved endorsers according to the terms and conditions of
said Sale which said notes are identified with this Act by the 'Ne Varietur'
of the undersigned Authority now in consideration of the premises, Caleb
Swayze, Sundic [sic] of the aforesaid creditors & in virtue thereof duly
authorised to the effect of this act, has bargained and sold and does hereby
grant, bargain, sell and deliver to him the Said Jesse Dyal the aforesaid and
above described Slave.  To have and to hold the Same to him the Said Jesse
Dyal his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, forever.  It being
stipulated & understood that the Said Slave remains specially mortgaged &
hypothecated to secure the payment of the aforesaid notes and the interest
which may accrue thereon, as they bear interest at ten per cent from maturity
until paid.  The aforesaid notes are made payable at the Office of discount
and deposite [sic] of the Bank of Louisiana at Opelousas and endorsed by John
T. Heath and Charles Kibbe.  In testimony of all which the said Syndic and
purchaser have hereunto Signed in presence of James W. Murdock and Appleton
Gay Competent Witnesses and before George King Parish Judge and Ex-officio
Notary Public in & for the Parish of St. Landry this twenty first day of March
Anno Domini One thousand eight hundred and thirty eight.    C. S. Swayze
Syndic (seal)   Jesse Deal (seal)  Witness James M. Murdock  Appleton Gay
Geo. King P. Judge


Swayze Syndic To Griffith
Sale of Slave
Recorded 21 March 1838

Know all men by these presents that, whereas at the Sale of the property
surrendered by Benjamin B. Raburn to his Creditors Isaac Griffith purchased a
negro man slave named Burrel for the price of Six hundred and Seventy Dollars
Payable as follows to Wit, three hundred and thirty five dollars on the first
day of March in the year One thousand eight hundred and thirty nine and three
hundred and thirty five Dollars on the first day of March in the year One
thousand eight hundred and forty for which he has executed his two promissory
notes of equal dates with these presents, with approved endorsers according to
the terms and Conditions of said Sales, which Said notes are identified unto
this act by the 'Ne Variteur' of the undersigned authority.  Now in
Consideration of the premises Caleb Swayze Syndic of the aforesaid Creditors,
and in virtue thereof duly authorised [sic] to the effect of this act has
bargained and sold and does hereby grant, bargain, sell, transfer and deliver
to him the said Isaac Griffith the aforesaid and above described Slave, having
an ulcer on one of his legs which has been examined by the Said purchaser.  To
have and to hold the said negro man Slave to him the Said Isaac Griffith his
heirs executors administrators & assigns forever.  It being Stipulated and
understood that the Said Slave remains specially Mortgaged & hypothecated to
secure the payment of the aforesaid notes and the interest which may accrue
thereon, as they bear interest at ten percent per an[n]um from maturity until
paid.  The aforesaid notes are made payable at the Office of Discount &
Deposite [sic] of he Bank of Louisiana at Opelousas and endorsed by Ransom P.
Furguson and John T. Heath.  In Testimony of al which the said Syndic and
purchase have hereunto Signed in presence of Solomon Hudson & James W. Murdock
Competent witnesses &before George King Parish Judge & ex-officio Notary
Public in & for the Parish of St. Landry at Opelousas this twenty first day of
March Anno Domini One thousand eight hundred and thirty eight.  C. S. Swayze
Syndic (seal)  = Isaac Griffith (seal) =  Witness  Solomon Hudson =  James W.
Murdock =  Geo. King P. Judge


Swayze Syndic To Dyal
Sale of Slave
Recorded 21 March 1838

Know all men by these Presents that, whereas at the sale of the property
surrendered by Benjamin B. Raburn to his Creditors Jesse Deal purchased a
negro man Slave named John a Blacksmith for the sum of thirteen hundred and
ten dollars

[Page 199]

payable as follows, towit, One hundred Dollars in Cash Six hundred and five
dollars on the first day of March in the year One thousand eight hundred and
thirty nine and Six hundred & five dollars on the first day of March in the
Year One thousand eight hundred and forty for which he has executed his two
promissory notes with approved endorsers according to the terms and Conditions
of Said Sale which said Notes are identified by the undersigned authority with
these presents by his 'Ne Variteur' and has paid the Said Sum of one hundred
dollars the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged.  Now in Consideration of
the premises Caleb Swayze Syndic of the aforesaid Creditors & in virtue
thereof duly authorised [sic] to the effect of this act, has bargained and
sold and does hereby grant, bargain sell and deliver to him the Said Jesse
Dyal the aforesaid and above described Slave.  To have and to hold the same to
him the said Isaac Dial his heirs Executors administrators & assigns forever.
It being stipulated and understood that the Said Slave remains specially
Mortgaged & hypothecated to Secure the payment of the aforesaid Notes and the
interest which may accrue thereon, as they bear interest from maturity until
pail. The aforesaid Notes are made payable at the Office of discount &Deposite
[sic] of the Bank of Louisiana at Opelousas and endorsed by John T. Hath &
Charles Kibbe.  In Testimony of all which the Said purchaser & Syndic have
hereunto Signed in presence of James W. Murdock & Appleton Gay Competent
Witnesses before George King Parish Judge & Ex-officio Notary Public in & for
the Parish of St. Landry this twenty first day of March Anno Domini one
thousand eight hundred and thirty eight.  C. S. Swayze Syndic (seal)  Jesse
Dyal (seal)  Witness  James W. Murdock =  Appleton Gay =  Geo. King Parish


Edward W. Taylor To Delphine B. Fontenot
Sale of Lot
Recorded 24 Mar 1838

This Deed made the twenty fourth day of Mach in the year one thousand eight
hundred and thirty eighth between Edward W. Taylor of the State of Louisiana
and Parish of St. Landry of the one Part and Delphine Belair Fontenot of the
same State and Parish aforesaid Witnesseth, that for and in Consideration of
the sum of Thirty Dollars in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged he the Said Edw[ar]d. Taylor has bargained and sold and does by
this act grant bargain sell transfer and deliver unto her the said Delphine
Belair Fontenot a Certain lot of ground in the Town of Mountville being lot
No. [blank] in the plan of Said Town and the same which the Said Taylor
purchased at Pubic Auction at the Sale of Mountville Lots.  To have and to
hold the aforesaid Lot of ground to her the Said Delphine Belair Fontenot her
heirs Ex[ecuto]r. adm[inistrato]r. and assigns forever, with guarantee of
title against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever.  The purchaser
dispenses with the production of the Certificate required by the 3328th
Article of the Louisiana Code.  In Testimony of all which the Parties have
hereunto Signed in presence of Benoist Debaillon and Egbert W. Carson
Competent Witnesses and before George King Parish Judge in & for the aforesaid
Parish and Ex-officio Notary Public at Opelousas the day & year first above
written.   E. W. Taylor (seal)  Delphine Belair Fontenot (seal)  Witness  E.
W. Carson   Bt. Debaillon  Geo. King P. Judge


Francois G. Fuselier f.m. coulor [sic] To Eliza Rene' f.w.c.
Recorded 28 March 1838

Know all men by these presents that Francois Guillaume Fuselier of the State
of Louisana and Parish of St. Landry in Consideration of love and affection
and for Divers other good Causes and Considerations, has given and granted and
b this public act does give and grant by pure and simple donation to his
daughter Eliza Rene' wife of Celestine Baptist Pervost of the same State and
Parish aforesaid the following describes property To Wit:
Twenty three head of horned Cattle estimated at ten dollars per
Three & one half pair of work oxen at fifty dollars per
Two horses Estimated at fifty dollars
Fifty Dollars in
Making the entire sum of five hundred and five
Which she the said Eliza Rene' wife of Celestine Bt. Provost accepts with

[Page 200]

and Consent of her Said husband on account of her future pretentions on the
Estate of her Said mother.  In Testimony whereof the parties together with the
Said Celest Bt. Provost all people of Colour have hereunto Signed in presence
of Benoit Debaillon and Egbert W. Carson Competent Witnesses & before George
King Parish Judge and Ex-officio Notary Public in and for the aforesaid Parish
at Opelousas this twenty Sixth day of March in the year One thousand eight
hundred and thirty eight.  Francois x Guillaume Fuselier (seal)  Eliza x Rene'
(seal)  Celest x Baptiste Provost (seal)  The parties not Knowing how to write
have made their marks.  Witness  Bt. Debaillon  Egbert W. Carson  George King
Parish Judge


Margaret Richard widow Thibodeaux To Louis Thibodeaux
Sale of Slave
Recorded 27 Mar[ch] 1838

Know all men by these Presents that Margurite Richard widow Thibodeaux of the
State of Louisiana and Parish of St. Landry for and in Consideration of the
sum of Two hundred Dollars Cash in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged has bargained and sold and does by this public act grant bargain
and Sell to Louis Thibodeaux of the same State and Parish aforesaid a Certain
Mulatto Boy named Andre' aged about four years, on the express Condition that
he the Said Louis Thibodeaux his heirs or assigns shall in due form emancipate
the said Mulatto boy when he shall arrive at the age of thirty one Years or
sooner if the laws will permit.  To have and to hold the Said boy during his
Servitude as aforesaid to him the Said Louis Thibodeaux his heirs & assigns
with guarantee of title against the lawfull [sic] claims of all persons
whatsoever.  The purchaser dispenses with the production of the Certificate
required by the 3328th Article of the Louisiana Code.  In Testimony of all
which the parties have hereunto Signed by making their ordinary marks not
knowing how to write in presence of Benoist Debaillon and Egbert W. Carson
Competent Witnesses & before George King Parish Judge and Ex-officio Notary
Public in & for the aforesaid Parish at Opelousas This twenty seventh day of
March in the year One thousand eight hundred and thirty eight.  Mark of x
Margurite Richard V[euv]e. Thibodeaux (seal)  Louis x Thibodeaux (seal)
Witness  Bt. Debaillon  E. W. Carson  Geo. King P. Judge
