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1880 Calcaseiu Parish Census - Ward 2
Contributed by Kathy Miller

African & Native American names extracted by S.K. Martin-Quiatte

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

1.  Dwelling - Houses numbered in the order of visitation
2.  Families numbered in the order of visitation
3.  Name
4.  Color (White, Black, Mulatto, Chinese, Indian)
5.  Sex (Male, Female)
6.  Age at last burthday prior to June 1, 1880.  If under 1 year, give
         monghs in fractions, thus 2/12
7.  If born within the Census year, give month
8.  Relationship of each person to the head of this family - whether
         wife, son, daughter, servant, boarder, or other.
9.  Single
10. Married
11. Widowed or Divorced
12. Married during Census year
13. Profession, Occupation, or Trade of each person, male and female.
14. Number of months this person has been unemployed during the Census 
15. Is the person (on the day of the numerator's visit) sick or 
         temporarily disabled, so as to be unable to attend to 
         ordinary business or duties?  If so, what is the 
         sickness or disablilty?
16. Blind
17. Deaf and Dumb
18. Idiotic
19. Insane
20. Maimed, Crippled, Bedridden, or otherwise disabled
21. Place or Birth, naming State of Territory of U.S.; or the Country, 
         if of foreign birth
22. Attended school within the Census year.
23. Cannot read
24. Cannot write
25. Place of Birth of this person naming State or Territory of United 
         States, or the Country, if  of foreign  birth.
26. Place of Birth of the FATHER or this person, naming the State or 
         Territory of United States or the Country, if of foreign 
27. Place of Birth of the MOTHER or this person, naming the State or 
         Territory of United States or the Country, if of foreign 

3-3	"CRETHERS, Ben"	B	M	28			x		Farmer	3								x	x	TN	TN	TN
	Elizabeth	B	F	23	Wife		x		Keeping House									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Alice	B	F	4	Dau	x														LA	TN	LA
	Tomas	B	M	6	Son	x														LA	TN	LA
	Martha	B	F	4	Dau	x														LA	TN	LA
	Mary J.	B	F	1	Dau	x														LA	TN	LA
4-4	"THILL, George"	Mu	M	35			x		Farmer	2								x	x	VA	VA	VA
	Elizabeth	Mu	F	30	Wife		x		Keeping House									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	William	Mu	M	4	Son	x														LA	VA	LA
	Martha	Mu	F	6	Dau	x														LA	VA	LA
	Felix	Mu	M	4	Son	x														LA	VA	LA
	Mary	Mu	F	2	Dau	x														LA	VA	LA
5-5	"RUSSEL, Runsey"	B	M	19			x		Laborer									x	x	TX	AL	
	Malina	B	F	21	Wife		x		Keeping House									x	x	LA	LA	LA
6-6	"SARGENT, John"	B	M	22			x		Farmer									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Mary Jane	Mu	F	20	Wife		x		Keeping House									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Josephine	Mu	F	5m-2	Dau	x														LA	LA	LA
7-7	"CRETIEN, John"	Mu	M	91				x										x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Marciliete	Mu	F	45	Dau			x	Keeping House									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Phillip	Mu	M	22	Son	x			Laborer	2								x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Selestine	Mu	F	16	Dau	x			At home									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Melanson*	Mu	M	12	Dau	x			At home	

27-27	"BONAIN, Eursin"	B	M	50			x		Laborer									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Sedalie	B	F	56	Wife		x		Keeping House									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Elenora	B	F	15	Dau	x			At home	

32-32	"VITAL, Joseph"	B	M	34			x		Farmer									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Magdaline	B	F	31	Wife		x		Keeping House									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Auraline	B	F	10	Dau	x			At home									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Alcide	B	M	13	Son	x			At home									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Odelia	B	F	5	Dau	x														LA	LA	LA
	Alcie 	B	M	4	Son	x														LA	LA	LA
	Oliva	B	F	2	Dau	x														LA	LA	LA
	Ellen	B	F	2	Dau	x					

84-84	"NATHANIAL, Nat"	B	M	65			x		Farming									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Eaddie	B	F	56	Wife		x		Keeping house									x	x	LA	-	-
	Malinda	B	F	14	Dau													x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Nathanial	B	M	6	G. son	x														LA	LA	LA
	Benjamon	B	M	4	G. son	x													 	LA	LA	LA
	Lilia	B	F	25	Dau	x												x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Jesse	B	M	3m-3	G. son	x			

93-93	"Higambotom, Maurice"	Mu	M	35			x		Laborer	4								x	x	LA	-	-
	Caroline	Mu	F	25	Wife		x		Keeping house									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Amanda	Mu	F	6	Dau	x														LA	LA	LA
	Nelle	Mu	F	3	Dau	x														LA	LA	LA
	Ellen	Mu	F	6m-12	Dau	x														LA	LA	LA
	"PITCHER, Edmon"	B	M	30	Brother		x		Laborer	4								x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Rachel	Mu	F	23	Sister-in-law		x		House Keeper									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Steven	Mu	M	4	Son	x														LA	LA	LA
	Louisa	Mu	F	1	Dau	x		

97-97	"Langley, Joseph"	B	M	28			x		Swamper									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Elizabeth	B	F	30	Wife		x		Keeping house									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Alcied	B	F	2	Dau	x														LA	LA	LA
	Odealia	B	F	2	Dau	x														LA	LA	LA
	Ogustin	B	M	1M-5	Son	x														LA	LA	LA
98-98	"DUGAS, Pierre "	Mu	M	30			x		Laborer									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Lucy	B	F	27	Wife		x		Keeping house									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Alcied	Mu	M	9	Son	x														LA	LA	LA
	Adrien	B	M	8	Son	x														LA	LA	LA
	"FRANCOI, Augustin"	B	M	23		x			Laborer	2

104-104	"FRANCOI, Pierre"	B	M	46			x		Farmer	3								x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Charlot	B	F	40	Wife		x		Keeping house									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Rose	B	F	17	Dau	x			House Keeper									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Francoi	B	M	11	Son	x			Working on Farm									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Philoman	B	F	6	Dau	x														LA	LA	LA
	Susanna	B	F	4	Dau	x														LA	LA	LA
	Pamela	B	F	1	Dau	x		

123-123	"WILLIAMS, Etien"	B	M	44			x		Farm Laborer	2								x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Susan I	B	F	30	Wife		x		Keeping House									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Etien	Mu	M	16	Son	x			Works on Farm									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Susan	Mu	F	11	Dau	x			At home		

141-141	"PERKINS, Terance"	B	M	47			x		Works on Farm									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Hariet	B	F	46	Wife		x		Keeping House									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Marcelite	B	F	22	Dau	x												x	x	LA	LA	LA
	William	B	M	15	Son	x			Laborer									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Valcien	B	M	20	Son	x			Laborer									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Terance	B	M	17					Working on farm									x	x	LA	LA	LA
142-142	"CHARLES, Ru"	B	M	21			x		Laborer									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Ellen	Mu	F	20	Wife		x		Keeping House									x	x	LA	LA	LA
	Charles	B	M	3m-2	Son	x