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Submitted By: Gladys Stovall Armstrong
Extracted By: William R STRINGFIELD
Typed By: Darnell Marie Brunner Beck

Copyright.  All rights reserved.
House 				Birth		Year 	Child	Nativity
 #	Name			date		Marr 	B/A 	Person F M 

		****Ward 10 Precinct 3 Bayou Cook Community****

252/261	John SMATICH		Aug 1856	1897		Austrian to US 1885
	Henriette		Dec 1880		2/1	LA LA Ger
	Anthony			Mar 1898			LA Aust LA
	Antonio BUSCO(part)	May 1870			Austrian to US 1887

253/262	Mateo FRANC0VICH	Feb 1859			Austrian to US 1887
	Anthony(bror)		Mar 1872			Austrian to US 1885

254/263	Mateo BEWDICH		Feb 1831	1872		Austrian to US 1859
	George			Aug 1873			LA Aust LA
	Laurence		May 1875			LA Aust LA
	Rodoipho		Apr 1882			LA Aust LA
	Peter			Sep 1883			LA Aust LA
	Marco	   		    1886			LA Aust LA
	John			Feb 1888			LA Aust LA
	Emelia			Feb 1890			LA Aust LA
	Nicole			Apr 1892			LA Aust LA
	John RADETICH( partner)	    1880			Austrian to US 1882

255/264	Dominique STUKE	   	    1874	1898		Austrian to US 1886
	Angelina		    1879		0/0	LA Aust Aust

256/265	Michel BUSKO		Feb 1862			Austrian to US 1884
	Marion(nep)		Aug 1881			Austrian to US 1900

257/266-William LILLIMAN	Mar 1855	1886		MO Eng Ire
	Rachel			Jan 1870		7/4	LA LA LA
	William			Oct 1994			LA MO LA
	Leonie			Mar 1895			LA MO LA
	RI chard		Jan 1897			LA MO LA
	Sarah			Sep 1899			LA MO LA

258/267	Augustin PELLEGALLI	Jan 1830			Italian to US 1844
	Augustin, Jr		May 1878	1896		LA Italy LA
	Cecilia			Sep 1884		2/2	LA LA LA
	Augus tin		Mar 1898			LA LA LA
	Josephine		Feb 1900			LA LA LA

259/268	John BARBIER		Jul 1851			Austrian to US 1877

260/269	Savo YUNCEVICH		Jan 1869	1899		Austrian to US 1886
	Georgianna		Nov 1882		0/0	LA LA LA

261/270	Nicole Salatich		    1863			Austrian to US 1880
262/271	John Stipecovich	    1879			Austrian to US 1892
263/272	Anthony Vezic		Dec 1864	1895		Austrian to US 1885
	Catherina		    1867		02/02	Austrian
	John	 		Oct 1896			LA Aust Aust
	Anthony			Feb 1900			LA Aust Aust
	John(bro)		    1873			Austrian to US 1900
264/273	Vincent Seput		Jan 1869			Austrian to US 1892
	Martin Glavina		Jan 1882			Austrian to US 1899
265/274	Luka Zililich		    1866			Austrian to US 1877
	Nicola Jaspirici	    1872			Austrian to US 1876
	Stephany Evichevich	    1882			Austrian to US 1899
266/275	Anthony Catich		    1876			Austrian to US 1893
	Lazile Francovich	    1878			Austrian to US 1895
	Balazar Britrich	    1877			Austrian to US 1896
	Jaccomo Yourechevich	    1870			Austrian to US 1892
267/276	Gaetano Barbarich	    1871	1895		Austrian to US 1890
	Annette			    1878		02/02	Austrian
	Peter			Aug 1897			LA Aust Aust
	Marco			    1898			LA Aust Aust
	Antonio Mageche(part)	    1865			Austrian to US 1894
	John Onglecich(part)	    1870			Austrian to US 1895
268/277	George Slavich		    1860			Austrian to US 1875
	John Bilich(part)	    1855			Austrian to US 1880
	Bosko Zibilich		    1866			Austrian to US 1885
269/278	Vincent Vanscovich	    1870	1898		Austrian to US 1889
	Nicoletta		    1879		0/0	LA Aust Aust
	Rosa Miladime(s’law)	    1890			LA Aust Aust
270/279	Mateo Morovich		    1865			Austrian to US 1888
	Antonio Marcovich	    1881			Austrian to US 1895

271/277	Antonia Slavich		    1870			Austrian to US 1885
	John(bro)		    1866			Austrian to US 1885

272/278	Tony Stuke-Malette	    1872			Austrian to US 1888
	Mateo(bro)		Dec 1874			Austrian to US 1891
	John B Seput(board)	May 1866			Austrian to US 1892
	Baldazar Biscorp(board)	Apr 1877			Austrian to US 1899

273/282	Bosco Vancassovich	Mar 1840			Austrian to US 1860
	MAteo Vujevich		    1867			Austrian to US 1894
	Anton Dimak		    1878			Austrian to US 1893

274/283	Nicola Donmovich	Feb 1883			Austrian to US 1899

275/284	Bazile Yuratich		    1876			Austrian to US 1888
	Michael Lorso		Jul 1876			Austrian to US 1882
	Jaccomo Voivedich	    1872			Austrian to US 1888
	Matteo Mahoivich	Mar 1882			Austrian to US 1899
	Michael Sacanoga	Sep 1849			Austrian to US 1876
	Simon Mourina		    1868			Austrian to US 1884
	John Yurtrevich		    1867			Austrian to US 1894

276/285	Anthony Rodolpho	Oct 1848			Austrian to US 1877
	Mary			Mar 1862		4/4	Austrian
	Anthony			Mar 1889			LA Aust Aust
	Dora			Aug 1892			LA Aust Aust
	Nicoletta		Jun 1893			LA Aust Aust
	George			Jun 1895			LA Aust Aust
	George Rodolpho		Nov 1879			Austrian to US 1890
	Thomas Rodolpho		Jul 1883			Austrian to US 1900

277/286	Anthony Negodich	Dec 1854	1894		Austrian to US 1975
	Antoinette		May 1872		2/2	LA LA LA
	Catherine Jaspritza	Feb 1891(s'Dau)			LA Aust LA
	Vincent Jaspritza	Apr 1894(s'Dau)			LA Aust LA
	Michel Biscoupovich	    1871(nep)			Austrian?

278/287	Christopher Cossich	Feb 1861	1893		Austrian to US 1882
	Josephine		Nov 1878		2/2	LA LA LA
	Philip			Dec 1896			LA Aust LA
	Joseph			Oct 1898			LA Aust LA

279/288	Bosco Begetta		Nov 1845	1893		Austrian to US 1870
	Clara			Oct 1862			Austrian
	John(nep)		Sep 1883			Austrian to US 1900

280/289	Joseph Tomasovich	Jun 1842	1876		Austrian to US 1873
	Anthony Tomasovich	Sep 1877			Austrian to US 1889
	John Seput		    1875			Austrian to US 1888

281/290	Steve Petrovich		Apr 1854			Austrian to US 1880
	Steve Slavich		    1880			Austrian to US 1896
	Anthony Slavich		    1873			Austrian to US 1894

282/291	John Nicolich		Jul 1849			Austrian to US 1869

283/292	Steve Zuvich		Aug 1865			Austrian to US 1883
	Marie			    1874		2/2	LA Aust La
	Luke			Aug 1891			LA Aust LA
	Mary			Mar 1897			LA Aust LA
	Frank Yacich		Sep 1860			Austrian to US 1889

284/293	Nicola Persich		Sep 1856	1893		Austrian to US 1879
	Arrietta		Feb 1875		3/3	LA Aust Aust
	Jacobina		May 1894			LA Aust LA
	John			Jan 1896			LA Aust LA
	Nicole			Dec 1898			LA Aust LA
	Anthony Farats(Farac)	Feb 1882			Austrian to US 1893
	Santo Faziniltz		Oct 1877			Austrian to US 1893

285/294	Mateo Bilich		    1880			Austrian to US 1895
	Rafael Petrovich	Aug 1858			Austrian to US 1894
	Frank Grutza		Nov 1865			Austrian to US 1892

286/295	Anthony Franceski	Apr 1878			Austrian to US 1895

287/296	Joseph Frelich		Nov 1855	1875		LA Fran LA
	Ernestine		Apr 1850		7/3	LA LA LA
	Joseph			Apr 1876			LA LA LA
	Vallery			Jul 1886			LA LA LA

288/297	Natale Bazzarini	Dec 1842			Austrian to US 1863