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1847 Admissions to the Lunatic Asylum                          Orleans Parish

Submitted by:  Colleen Fitzpatrick   

Source:   Family History Library Microfilm No. 842076

Updated:  January 2004

Submitted to the LAGenWeb Archives
Copyright. All rights reserved.


Note:  To see a entry on a single line, set your page layout to "Custom" size paper, and make
       the paper as wide as possible, with the right and left margins at most 0.5" wide.

                                                                                                                                                                        Resident      Long
Died                Discharged        No. of Rm  Name of Patient                    Vocation               Nativity                          Age    Last From             N.O.  Marri Sick Disease               EnteredCause of Disease

January 1847

                    10 Jan 1847       Lunatic W  John Dentan                        carpenter              Liverpool, England                 40    Vickburg             6 yrs    S        Delir Tremens          1-Jan From Chty Hospital
                    -----                        William Burke                      Laborer                Mayo Co., Ireland                  32    Mobile               1/2 dy   S        -----                  2-Jan From Chty Hospital
8th Jan 1847                                     Laurentz Summers                   Locksmith              New Bavaria, Germany               38    Havre                7 yrs    M  3 dys Softening of the Brain 4-Jan
                    9 January 1847               Francis Broderick                  Blacksmith             Galway Co., Ireland                25    Liverpool            5 yrs    M        Delir Tremens          5-Jan
                    8th January 1847  Removed    Joachin Diez                       Laborer                Cadix, Spain                       32    Gibraltar            5 yrs    S        Delir Tremens          5-Jan From Chty Hospital
                    14 January 1847              David Delaney                      Laborer                Waterford Co., Ireland             25    Boston               4 mos    S        Delir Tremens          5-Jan
                    -----                        Henry Coss                         Tailor                 Dublin Co., Ireland                28    Natchez              8 mos    S                               5-Jan
                    14 January 1847              Joseph Fehrenbach                  A Weaver)              Baden, Germany                     21    Mataniora            7 dys    S        Dementia               7-Jan Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                                                                                    U.S. Soldier
Removed to          18 June 1847                 Sarah McCormick                                           Ireland                           48?    New York             10 yrs   M        See Book No. 11  of   10-Jan From Chty Hospital
Ch. Hospl.                                                                                                                                                                                 1837 in October, Remit Fever
                    20 Jany 1847                 Samuel Parks                       S. Boatsman            Tuscarawus Co., Ohio               25    Cincinnati           6 dys    S        Measles               11-Jan
21st January 1847   She had hypertrophy          Jenny                              A Free Black Woman     Georgia                            58    She says that she as formerly the slave of                   11-Jan
                    of the heart                                                                                                                    James Shamburg, No. 20 Exchange Place
                    22 January 1847              Mathilde                           Slave of Auguste Boul, a restaurant keeper on St. Philipp St.                          --    --        Hysteria              12-Jan
                    8 March 1847                 E. Brewster                                               Berkshire, Massachusetts                                        --    --        Mania                 12-Jan
                    14th January 1847            John Garly                         Ditcher                Cork Co., Ireland                  30    New York             4 yrs    S        Delir Tremens         12-Jan Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    23 Febry 1847                Eleonore Thornton born McMaster                           N. Orleans, LA                     28    -----                       M(ied)     Dementia  Epilepsy    14-Jan
                    -----                        Adam Munck**                       Laborer                Hesse Darmstadt, Germany           26    Antwerp              2 wks    S                              14-Jan
                    -----                        Truman Stillman                    Physician              Oneida Co., N. York                34    New York             3 mos    M        Delirium Traumaticum  15-Jan From Chty Hospital
17 January 1847                                                                                                                                                                            Occasioned by a Broken Leg
                    7th February 1847            Lucy                               Slave of Holden                                                                        --    --        Syphilis              15-Jan
                    17 January 1847              Bertrand Bordenave                 Coal Merchant          Dept des Basses Pyrenees France    45    Bordeaux             6 yrs    S        Delir Tremens         15-Jan
                    18 January 1847              Robert C. Campbell                 Laborer                Yorkshire, England                 33    New York             13 yrs   S        Delir Tremens         15-Jan Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    18 January 1847              Michael Zorn                       S. Boatsman            New Bavaria, Germany               31    Havre                9 yrs    S        Epilepsy              16-Jan Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    17 January 1847              Michael Cass                                                                                       Liverpool            8 dys   --        Delir Tremens         16-Jan Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    5th February 1847            Margaretha Harmbruster born Klepert                       Hesse Darmstadt, Germany          22?    Bremen               3 yrs    M        Melancholia           17-Jan Absconded
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Nov 1848                  Lewis Williers                     Tailor                 Cork City, Ireland                 23    Liverpool            2 yrs    S        Dementia              17-Jan
Removed to Luzenberg Hospital                    Jean Baptiste Charet               Laborer                Quebec, Canada                     20    St. Louis             1 dy    S        Varioloid             18-Jan From Chty Hospital
on 19 January 1847
Removed to Luzenberg Hospital                    Conrad Denker                      Tailor                 Hanover, Germany                   19    Liverpool            2 wks   --  5 dys Varioloid             19-Jan
on 19 January 1847
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novb 1848                 Edward Zarbe                       Laborer                Malta Island                       21    Boston               8 yrs    S        Dementia              20-Jan
                    22 Jany 1847                 John Joseph                        A Boy                  Maine                            13 yrs  -----                  --    --        Impretigo             21-Jan
                    22 Jany 1847                 Caroline Barshall                                         Wurtemberg, Germany                33    Bremen               15 yrs   M        Delir Tremens         21-Jan
                    22 Jany 1847                 Johan Gotz                         Laborer                Near Triers, Prussia               27    Havre                2 yrs    S        Delir Tremens         21-Jan
Removed to Luzenberg Hospital                    Jean Tarride                       Laborer                Dept. de Lot et Garonne, France    22    Bordeaux             10 mos   S        Varioloid             21-Jan
on 21st January 1847
                    26 January 1847              William P. Harwell                 Ship Mate              Bristol, England                   41    Charleston           5 mos    W        Delir Tremens         21-Jan Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    4th Febry 1847               William O. Dayton                  Farmer                 Saratoga, New York                 23    Illinois             3 wks    S        Delir Tremens         22-Jan Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    28 January 1847              Cornelius Dougherty                Laborer                Down Co., Ireland                  50    Mobile               5 yrs    W        Delir Tremens         22-Jan Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    3d Febry 1847                Jacob Kesser                       Tin Smith              Dept. du B. Rhin, France           35                           --     M        Mania a potu          23-Jan
                    26 January 1847              Gurreld? Kuttelsen                                        Norway                             27    Havre                3 mos    S        Typhoid Fever         24-Jan Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    27 January 1847              Jacques Martini                    Blacksmith             Dept. de la Moselle, France        37    Havre                5 yrs    S        Delir Tremens         26-Jan From Chty Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                           (Removed to Chty Hopt)
                    31 Jany 1847                 Mathias Gerstner                   Tailor                 G. D. of Baden, Germany            32    Havre                8 dys    S        Psoriasis             26-Jan
                    31 January 1847              George Paulus                      Baker                  Wurtemberg, Germany                31    Havre                13 mos   S        Psoriasis             26-Jan
                    12 June 1847                 Eugene Melville                                           Paris, France                      20    Havre                4 dys   --        Excentricity (sic)    26-Jan
                    31 Jany 1847                 Peter Toebelmann                   Carpenter              Bremen, Germany                    35    Mexico               2 mos    S        Delir Tremens         28-Jan
                    10th Febry 1847              John Rimmer                        Sailor                 Near Liverpool, England            35    New York             7 wks    S  3 wks Delir Tremens         29-Jan Rem'd from Chty Hospital
                    1st February 1847            Matthew Dobson                     Laborer                Leitrim Co, Ireland                26    Cincinnati           2 mos    S        (Absconded)           29-Jan From Chty Hospital
                    17 February 1847             Delia                              Slave of Mr. Connelly                                                                                  Phthisis              29-Jan
                    4 February 1847              Munroe                             Her Children           -----                              --                                           Ephalalgia            29-Jan
                    17 February 1847             Spencer                            Her Children           -----                              --                                           Int Fever             29-Jan
                    -----                        Jacques Martini*                   Blacksmith             Dept. de la Moselle, France        37    Havre                5 yrs             Delir Tremens         30-Jan From Chty Hospital
                    7th February                 Jacques Martini*                   Blacksmith             Dept. de la Moselle, France        37    Havre                5 yrs             Delir Tremens         30-Jan
                    5th February 1847            Jacob Spraul                       Labr                   New Bavaria, Germany               27    Havre                5 yrs    S        Epilepsy              29-Jan
                    12 March 1847                David Delaney                      Labr                   Waterford Co., Ireland             23    Boston               6 yrs    S        Dementia              31-Jan Absconded
                    14 Febry 1847                Hermann Easterbrook                Labr                   Westphaly, France                  23    Bremen                1 mo    S  10 dysItch                  31-Jan

*  This entry has been struck out on the first page, but reentered on the second page.
**There is an umlau on the u in Munck.

Report of Lunatic Asylum for January 1847

Admitted            Males             42
                    Females           8          50
Discharged          Males             28
                    Females           8          30
Died                Males             4
                    Females           2          6

                                      Hry Vanderlinden

February 1847

11 September 1847                                William Collins                    Sailor                 Antrim Co., Ireland                35    -----                  --    --    --  Chro Dysentery         1-Feb
                    2d February 1847             Benjamin Canavan                   Clerk of Druggist      Antrim Co., Ireland                32    New York             4 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens          1-Feb Rem'd to Cells
                    16 February 1847             Carl Fos                           Watchmaker             Hanover, Germany                   21    Bremen               2 yrs    S    --  Dementia               1-Feb
                    18 February 1847             James                              Slave of Mlle Solidele                                    --    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia               1-Feb
                    6th Febry 1847               Ursonne Jacker                     Laborer                Canton de Berne, Switz             33    Havre                3 mos    S    --  Delir Tremens          1-Feb
                    24 Febry 1847                Maria Duffy                                               Ireland                            --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens          1-Feb Employed as cook
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of the Hospital
                    6th Febry 1847               James Navin                        Laborer                Galway Co., Ireland                26    New York             4 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens          2-Feb from Chty. Hospital
                    5th Febry 1847               Charles Smith                      Butcher                Philadelphia, Pennsylvania         53    Philadelphia         14 yrs   S    --  Ulcer                  2-Feb Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    4th Febry 1847               Heinrich Masberg                   Laborer                Hanover, Germany                   41    Bremen               13 mos   S    --  Int. Fever             2-Feb Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    31st March 1847              George Esckenwick                  Shoe Maker             Wurtemberg, Germany                27    Delaware             4 mos    S    --  Dementia               5-Feb from Chty Hospital
7th February 1847                                Jerry                              Slave of Capt Smith    Villere St. b. Jackson & Canal           -----                  --    --    --  Meningitis             5-Feb
                    14 Febry 1847                Louis Fernandez                                                                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens          6-Feb
                    4th March 1847               Catherine Cassidy born McGerry                            Massachusetts                      20    Kentucky             2 mos    M    --  Purpural Mania         6-Feb from Charity Hospital
9th February 1847                                Edward Taylor                      Carpenter              London, England                    36    New York             7 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens          7-Feb
                    10th Febry 1847              William A. Dunlop                                         Belfast Co., Ireland               --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens          7-Feb
                    9th Febry 1847               Peter Conway                       Laborer                Londonderry, Ireland               50    Arkansas              1 hr    W    --  Delir Tremens          8-Feb from Chty Hospital
                    14 Febry 1847                Margaret Dougherty born McDavitt                          Darry Co., Ireland (sic)           50    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia               8-Feb
                    24 March 1847                Edward Dougherty                   Cooper                 Darry Co., Ireland (sic)           25    New York             3 yrs    M    --  Mania                  8-Feb Absconded
15 February 1847                                 James                              Slave of A. McWillie?                                     --    -----                  --    --    --  Meningitis             8-Feb from Chty Hospital
                    12 Febry 1847                Jeremiah F. Shehan**                                      Kerry Co., Ireland                 27    Mobile               7 dys    S    --  Delir Tremens          9-Feb
7th October 1847                                 Michel Hargroder                                          Ph St. Martin, La                  21    Parish St. Martin    6 hrs    S    --  Epilepsy &             9-Feb
                                                                                                                                                                                           Chronic Dysentery
Remd to Jackson     21 Novb 1848                 John P. Hargroder                                         St. Landry, La                     26    Parish St. Martin    6 hrs    S    --  Mania                  9-Feb
                    12 Febry 1847                Nicholas Lynch                     Book Keeper            Dublin City, Ireland               36    St. Louis            7 mos    S    --  Delir Tremens          9-Feb
                    11 May 1847                  Mary Ann Boylan born Parnenteer                           Philadelphia, Pennsylvania         47    Cuba Island            --    --    M   Monomania              9-Feb
                    12 Febry 1847                Thomas Brown                       Carpenter              Chester, Pennsylvania              36    Louisville           6 mos    S    --  Delir Tremens          9-Feb Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    2d March 1847                Martha                             Slave of Capt Woolverton   S. Boat Piney Wood                   -----                  --    --    --  Dementia              10-Feb
                    28 Febry 1847                Margaret Gehlback born Kerbar                             New Bavaria, Germany               27    Bremen               2 yrs    M    --  Purpural? Mania       10-Feb
Removed to Dr.      11 Febry 1847                Bernhard Geking                                           near Munster, Prussia              25    Cincinnati           5 wks    S    --  Varioloid             10-Feb
Luzenberg Hospital
                    6th May 1847                 S. M. Sprague                                             -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia              11-Feb Taken out by his brother
                    18 Febry 1847                Heinrich Weise                     Gardener               Dept. du H't Rhin, France          50    Natchez              3 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens         12-Feb from Chty Hospital
Removed to Dr.      13 Febry 1847                Clarence W. Mackie                 Laborer                Raised in Charleston,              25    S. Carolina          3 yrs    S    --  Varioloid             12-Feb
Luzenberg Hospital                                                                                         born in N. York
                    3d March 1847                St. Iago Fransisco                 Sailor                 Manilla, East Indies               20    Manilla              5 yrs    S  7 dys Dementia              13-Feb
                    25 February 1847             Heinrich Kuka                      Laborer                Hanover, Germany                   36    Galveston            9 dys    W    --  Itch                  14-Feb Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    1st March 1847               Courtney                           Slave of J. G. Dunlap   54 Camp St.                       --    -----                  --    --    --  Gastritis             15-Feb
Removed to Dr.      15 Febry 1847                Joseph Hurst                       Laborer                Allen Co., Ohio                    23    Ohio                 6 mos    S    --  Varioloid             15-Feb
Luzenberg Hospital
Removed to Dr.      17 Febry 1847                John B. Tomlinson                  Wheelwright            Ash Co., N. Carolina               25    Tennessee            13 mos   S    --  Varioloid             17-Feb
Luzenberg Hospital
                    19 Febry 1847                Jane Callaghan born Moran                                 Londonderry Co., Ireland           24    Cincinnati           2 mos    M    --  Delir Tremens         17-Feb to Chty Hospital/Rem'd
                    20 Febry 1847                John Lynch                                                Mayo Co., Ireland                  35    Havre                5 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens         18-Feb
                    21 Febry 1847                Walter Williamson                  Grocer                 Burlington, Kentucky               26    Mississippi          3 dys    S    --  Delir Tremens         18-Feb
Removed to Dr.      19 Febry 1847                Pierre Hardel                                             Dept. de la Dordogne, France       25    Vera Cruz            2 yrs    S  3 dys Varioloid             19-Feb
Luzenberg Hospital
Removed to Dr.      19 Febry 1847                Nicholas Berthaud                  Baker                  Dept. de l'Orne, France            43    Missouri             3 yrs    M  3 dys Varioloid             19-Feb
Luzenberg Hospital
                    2d March 1847                Rose                               Slave of Joshua Corprew   62 Camp St.                           -----                  --    --    --  Gastritis             19-Feb
Removed to Dr.      20 Febry 1847                Jacob Dantler                      S. Boatman             Butler Co., Pennsylvania           22    Cincinnati           5 hrs    S    --  Varioloid             20-Feb
Luzenberg Hospital
                    19 March 1847                Joseph Fehrenback                  A Weaver               Baden, Germany                     21    Matamoros            7 dys    S    --  Dementia              21-Feb
                    2 March 1847                 Christian Knoop                    Sailor                 Holstein, Denmark                  24    Rio Janeiro          2 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens         22-Feb
                    9 June 1847                  Samuel Pointer                     Engineer               Powhaton Co., Virginia             --    -----                  --    --    --  Monomania             23-Feb
                    28 October 1848              Judith Welch                                                                                 --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 23-Feb Absconded
                    26 Febry 1847                Thomas Bell                        Newspaper Carrier      Cavan Co., Ireland                 55    New York             17 yrs   S    --  Delir Tremens         24-Feb Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    5th May 1847                 Annette McDonald                                                                             --    Psh of St. Mary      13 hrs  --    --  Hemiplegia            25-Feb
                    2d March 1847                Nicholas Spencer                                          England                            34    Bay of Honduras       1 wk   --    --  Delir Tremens         25-Feb Rem'd to Chty Hospital
Removed to Jackson  22 Nobr 1848                 Jean Baptiste                      A Free Negro Man       (Commonly called J Baptiste Roman or Zephirin)                  --    --    --  Mania                 25-Feb
                    9 March 1847                 Mary Long*                                                Ireland                            --    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia              25-Feb
Removed to Jackson  1848                         Catherine McIntyre                 A Child                New Jersey                       6 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        28-Feb

*This might be Mary Ling.
**Middle initial might be H or W.

Report of Lunatic Asylum for February 1847

Admitted            Males                      41
                    Females                    12                                 53
Discharged          Males                      36
                    Females                    10                                 46
Died                Males                       3
                    Females                     0                                  3

                                                 Hry Vanderlinden

March 1847

                    4th March 1847               Louis Michel Pauly                 Coal Dealer            Paris city France                  48    Havre                8 yrs    W    --  Delir Tremens          1-Mar from Chty Hlp
                    4th March 1847               J. S. Becketts                                            -----                              --    -----                  --          --  Delir Tremens          1-Mar Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    3d May 1847                  Jean Augustin Lartigue             Segar Maker            New Orleans, LA                    22    -----                  --     S    --  Psoriasis              1-Mar
                    2d March 1847                Joseph Brulte**                    Seaman                 Dept. d'Ile et Vilaine (sic),      60    Havre                27 yrs   W  6 mos Itch                   1-Mar
                    10 March 1847                Elizabeth McMahon born McKeever***                        Monaghan Co., Ireland              30    New York             9 yrs    M    --  Mania a porter         2-Mar Employed in the house
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        or M__?
                    24 June 1847                 Margaretha Gelbaek born Kerbar                            New Bavaria, Germany               27    Bremen               2 yrs    M    --  Mania                  3-Mar
                    7 March 1847                 Hugh Foreman                       Carpenter              Bucks Co., Pennsylvania            48    Pennsylvania         26 yrs   S    --  Delir Tremens          3-Mar from Chty Hospital
6 March 1847                                     Pierre Villiers                    Laborer                Dept. de la Moselle, France        35    Havre                9 yrs    S    --  Congestion of Brain    4-Mar
                    5th March 1847               Nicholas Spencer                   A Sea Captain          England                            34    Bay of Honduras       1 wk   --    --  Delir Tremens          4-Mar from Chty Hospital
                    18 May 1847                  Elizabeth Walker born Malone                              Louth Co., Ireland                 40    Pansacola (sic)      2 dys    W    --  Melancholia            4-Mar
                    7 March 1847                 Louis Michel Pauly                 Coal Dealer            Paris city France                  48    Havre                8 yrs    W    --  Delir Tremens          4-Mar
Transf'rd to        10 March 1847                Elizabeth McKenney born Galagher                          Donegal Co., Ireland               30    Boston               9 yrs    W    --  -----                  5-Mar from Chty Hospital
Ch. Hospital
Transferr'd to      6 Mar 1847                   Patrick McMannus                                          -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens          5-Mar from Sommerville
Ch. Hospital
                    18 March 1847                Patrick Horan                      Laborer                King's Co.,  Ireland               25    St. Louis            3 mos    S    --  Delir Tremens          5-Mar
                    27 March 1847                Emma Carraby                                              N. Orleans, LA                     18    -----                  --     S  2 yrs Melancholia            6-Mar
                    15 March 1847                Auguste Gallien                    Gardener               Dept. de L'Isere, France           39    Texas                5 dys    S  3 mos Mania a porter         8-Mar
                    23 March 1847                Christian Fogus                    Boy                    Hanover, Germany                   17    -----                  --    --  6 yrs Epilepsy               9-Mar from Chty Hospital
                    16 July 1847                 John Monavan                       Laborer                Cork Co., Ireland                  37    Lafourche Sit're?      --    --    --  Mania a porter         9-Mar
                    18 March 1847                Cecilia Hawkins                                           Raised in Canada,                  25    Illinois             6 mos    S   1 wk Dementia               9-Mar
                                                                                                           born in Ireland
                    17 March 1847                Martha                             Slave of Capt Woolverton                                  --    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia               9-Mar
                    27 March 1847                Lydia                              Slave of Mr. Tilleron, corner of Race & St. John Baptist Streets                       --    --    --  Hysteria              12-Mar
                    26 March 1847                Daniel Jacoby                      Merchant               New Bavaria, Germany               26    Baton Rouge           1 dy    S    --  Epilepsy              12-Mar
Transf'rd to        13 March 1847                Catharine Driscoll born Campbell                          Lawrance Co., Tennessee            24    Vicksburg            4 mos    W  2 dys Varioloid             13-Mar
Dr. Luzenburg's Infirmary
                    17 March 1847                James                              Slaves of Mr. W. W. Crinn, Camp Street No. 293            --    -----                  --    --    --  Rubeola               13-Mar
                    17 March 1847                Yharias****                        Slaves of Mr. W. W. Crinn, Camp Street No. 293            --    -----                  --    --    --  Acute Bronchitis      13-Mar
Transf'rd to        14 March 1847                William Patton                     Farmer                 Brought up in Illinois,            40    Indiana               1 wk    M  5 dys Varioloid             14-Mar
Dr. Luzenburg's Infirmary                                                                                  born in Kentucky
                    22 March 1847                James Brown                                               -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         15-Mar
                    16 April 1847                Mary Zachary                                              -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Melancholia           15-Mar
                    16 April 1847                Augusta Lyall                                             -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         16-Mar
                    23 March 1847                Carolina Barshall                                         -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         18-Mar
                    22 March 1847                Auguste Gallien                    Gardener               Dept de L'Isere, France            39    Texas                16 dys   S  3 mos Epilepsy              18-Mar Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    1st May 1847                 Bridget Robertson, born Lynch                             Limerick Co., Ireland              30    New York             12 yrs   M    --  Delir Tremens,        18-Mar from Chty Hospl
                                                                                                                                                                                           Re'd to Chty Hosptl.
                    20 March 1847                Charles Storer                     Carpenter              Tranesville?, Ohio                 32    Natchez, Miss.      2 1/2 yr  M  4 dys Delirium Tremens      19-Mar
                    31 March 1847                Thomas Raines                      Laborer                Liverpool, England                 37    Mobile                1 hr    M  5 dys Melancholia           19-Mar
                    22 March 1847                Margaret Cain born Lonaghan                               Roscommon Co., Ireland             28    New York             6 yrs    M   1 dy Epilepsy              20-Mar
Transf'rd to        22 March 1847                William Watkins                    Caddle Trader (sic)    District of Columbia               70    Indiana               1 wk    M    --  Varioloid             21-Mar
Dr. Luzenburg's Infirmary
                    26 March 1847                Robert Fiebick                     Locksmith              Province of Silesia, Prussia       30    Havre                2 mos    S    --  Prurigo               22-Mar
                    27 March 1847                William Lloyd                      Inkian?                Buffalo, N. York                   29    Cincinnati           6 yrs    S  2 mos Delir Tremens         22-Mar from Chty Hospital
                    6 Novbr 1847                 Mary Ann Griffin                                          Louisiana                          23    -----                  --     M    --  Dementia              23-Mar
                    30 March 1847                Christian Knopp                                           Holstein, Denmark                  24    -----                  --          --  Delir Tremens         24-Mar
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novb 1848                 Mary O'Dwyer                                              Tipperary Co., Ireland             33    St. Louis            8 yrs    W    --  Mania                 24-Mar
                    29 March 1847                Omer Berthaud                      Carpenter              St. James Ph., Louisiana           40    -----                  --     M    --  Melancholia           25-Mar Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    27 March 1847                John Keanan                        S. Boatman             Dublin Co., Ireland                33    Liverpool            9 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens         26-Mar Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    2d April 1847                Elizabeth Shepherd, born Dougherty                        Dublin Co., Ireland                25    -----                  --    --    --  -----                 27-Mar
                    31 March 1847                John Thomas                                               East Indies                        21    Scotland             3 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens         27-Mar
                    20 March 1847                Charles O'Conner                   Ditcher                Darry (sic) Co., Ireland           28    Baltimore            16 yrs   M    --  Delir Tremens         28-Mar
                    2d April 1847                Christiana Wood born Dimond                               Queens Co., Ireland                23    Liverpool            7 yrs    M    --  Melancholia           28-Mar
                    29 Mar 1847                  Leana                              Slave of J. Armfield  83 Canal St.                        --    -----                  --    --    --  -----                 28-Mar
                    9 Novbr 1848                 Emma Carraby                                                                                 --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 28-Mar
                    3d April 1847     Remd to    Jeremiah Doyle                     Laborer                Dublin Co, Ireland                 18    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         29-Mar from Chty Hospital
                                      Chty Hospital
                    15 Decbr 1847                Jacob Dehn                         Laborer                Hessen Cassel, Germany             61    Cincinnati           9 mos    W  6 mos -----                 29-Mar Absconded
Removed to          5th April 1847               Louis Rabussier                    Coal Dealer            Paris city, France                 38    Baltimore            2 yrs    S  2 yrs Delir Tremens         29-Mar fr Chty Hospital
Chty Hospital
                    12 June 1848                 Clarissa Pace                                             A woman of dark complexion,        48    Havre                5 yrs    M    --  Mania                 29-Mar Absconded
                                                                                                           she came from Baton Rouge when first admitted.
                    14 April 1847                Dorothea Clark born Abel                                  Hanover, Germany                   --    -----                  --    --    --  Puerpural Mania       30-Mar from Chty Hospital
                    6th April 1847               Edmond Legriel                     Seaman                 Dept. de la Seine I're France      36    Pansacola (sic)       1 yr    M    --  Delir Tremens         30-Mar
                    4th April 1847               Lino Rouler                                               Havana, Cuba island                40    Havana               2 yrs    S   1 wk Delir Tremens         31-Mar
2d April 1847                                    Louis Terion                       Gardener               Sarrebruck, Prussia                35    Havre                8 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens         31-Mar

*  This note was very faint in the original and might have been erased.
**There is an accent acute on the e in Brulte.
***This might be McKeerer.
****This might be Tharias.

Report of Lunatic Asylum for March 1847

Admitted            Males                      35
                    Females                    23                                 57
Discharged          Males                      35
                    Females                    18                                 53
Died                Males                       1
                    Females                     0                                  1

                                                 Hny Vanderlinden

April 1847

                    3d April 1847                Richard Rolston                    Millstone Maker        Donegal Co., Ireland               33    Cincinnati           2 yrs    W    --  Delir Tremens          2-Apr
                    8th April 1847               Thomas Stacy                                              -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens          2-Apr Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    21 April 1847                Thomas Narry                       Laborer                Sligo Co, Ireland                  47    New York             15 yrs   S    --  Psoriasis              2-Apr
                    3d May 1847                  Manuel                             F. M. C.               -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                  2-Apr
Removed to          6 April 1847                 Sarah Kaine born Currans                                  Monaghan Co., Ireland              24    New York             9 yrs    M    --  Delir Tremens          3-Apr from Chty Hospital
Chty Hospital
                    5 April 1847                 Jean Balsar                        Glazier                Milan, Austria                     42    France               7 yrs    S    --  Typhoid Fever          3-Apr
                    4 May 1847                   William McCauley                   Teamster               West Moreland Co., Pennsylvania    25    Louisville           3 wks    S    --  Mania                  5-Apr from Chty Hosptial
                    14 April 1847                Sally                              Slave of T. Hatchell on St. John & Gravier                --    -----                  --    --    --  Measles                5-Apr
                    9th April 1847               George W. Bogardus                 Painter                Dutchess Co., N. York              27    Natchez              7 yrs    S  5 dys Delir Tremens          5-Apr
                    9th June 1847                Johanna Sullivan                                          -----                            12 yrs  -----                  --    --    --  Scrofulous Ophthalmus  5-Apr
                    22d April 1847               Tamar (a woman)                    Slave of Mr. Goodrich cr. Constance & Basin Sts.          --    -----                  --    --    --  Monomania              6-Apr
                    20 Novbr 1847                Thomas Ross*                       Painter                Edinburg, Scotland                 19    Liverpool            4 yrs    S    --  Phthisis               6-Apr Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                                                 Carl Fos                           Watch Maker            Hanover, Germany                   21    Bremen               2 yrs    S    --  -----                  6-Apr
                    13 April 1847                Virginia                           Slaves of Mr. Nash  - Perdido St.                         --    -----                  --    --    --  Measles                8-Apr
                    13 April 1847                Rufus                              Slaves of Mr. Nash  - Perdido St.                         --    -----                  --    --    --  Measles                8-Apr
                    23 April 1847                Frederick Schloterpeck                                    Dept du Bas Rhin, France           40    Havre                6 yrs    W    --  Mania                  9-Apr From Chty Hospital
                    12 April 1847                Anthony Hopkins                    A Boy                  Mayo Co., Ireland                  12    -----                  --    --    --  Psoriasis              9-Apr From Chty Hospital
                    2d May 1847                  Bernhard Dreyfus                   Baker                  Dept. de Baviere, Germany          19    Havre                5 mos    S    --  Dementia               9-Apr Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    12 April 1847                Lucy                               Slave sent by Doctor Farrell                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Enteralgia             9-Apr
29 July 1847                                     Joseph Schtangeln**                Laborer                by Strasbourg, France              48    Havre                10 yrs   M    --  Cerebritis            10-Apr
                    24 April 1847                Adam Mueller                                              Dept. du Bas Rhin, France          26    Havre                8 yrs    M    --  Delir Tremens         11-Apr
                    7 June 1847                  Suzanne                            F. W. C. refered (sic) to Mr. Malcolm cr. Gravier & Circus      -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 11-Apr
                    20 April 1847                Caroline                           Slave of Samuel Jameson cr. Philippa & Hevia              --    -----                  --    --    --  Cerebritis            12-Apr
                    14 April 1847                Samuel Boyd                        Clerk                  Antrim Co., Ireland                28    Ireland              10 yrs   S    --  Delir Tremens         12-Apr Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    14 May 1847                  Louis Eloie Charlier               Carpenter              Dept. des Seine & Oise, France     38    Brazos St. Iago      3 dys    S    --  Dementia              12-Apr
                    17 May 1847                  Catherine Duffy                    See March 24           Book of the Main Building          --    -----                  --    --    --  Chronic Diarrhoea     13-Apr from Chty Hospital
17 May 1847                                      Ann Scanlan                        5-Apr                  Book of the Main Building          --    -----                  --    --    --  Chronic Diarrhoea     13-Apr from Chty Hospital
                    24 May 1847                  Bridget Gannaly                    26-Mar                 Book of the Main Building          --    -----                  --    --    --  Chronic Diarrhoea     13-Apr from Chty Hospital
5 May 1847                                       Sally Coyne****                    3-Mar                  Book of the Main Building          --    -----                  --    --    --  Chronic Diarrhoea     13-Apr from Chty Hospital
27 April 1847                                    Mary Cavanagh****                  9-Apr                  Book of the Main Building          --    -----                  --    --    --  Typhoid Fever         13-Apr Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    20 April 1847                Ann Cavanagh****                   9-Apr                  Book of the Main Building          21    -----                  --    --    --  Typhoid Fever         13-Apr
                    17 April 1847                Bridget Hoban****                  4-Apr                  Book of the Main Building          --    -----                  --    --    --  Typhoid Fever         13-Apr
                    17 April 1847                Jane Hoban****                     4-Apr                  Book of the Main Building          --    -----                  --    --    --  Typhoid Fever         13-Apr
                    15 April 1847                Carl Schellaas                     Joiner                 Hessen Darmstadt, Germany          24    Havre                4 yrs    S    --  Dementia              13-Apr from Chty Hospital
                                                 Jacob Olsen                        See April 5            This entry is an error.  Jacob Olson did not stay in here, his mother took him away.                  13-Apr from Chty Hospital
                    26 April 1847                Peter Kettelson                    See March 30           -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Chronic Diarrhoea     13-Apr from Chty Hospital
17 April 1847                                    Mary Gannaly^                      See 26 March           -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Chronic Diarrhoea     13-Apr from Chty Hospital
14 April 1847                                    The child of Ellen Kelly^                                 -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Chronic Diarrhoea     13-Apr from Chty Hospital
                    14 April 1847                Julia Casey^                       Feb 15                 -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Rheumatism            13-Apr from Chty Hospital
17 April 1847                                    Heinrich Schriar^                  Mar 16                 -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Chronic Diarrhoea     13-Apr from Chty Hospital
                    3d May 1847                  Charles Andre Deranco              Lawyer                 Hamburg, Germany                   40    -----                  --     M  3 dys Mania                 14-Apr
29 May 1847                                      Marie Zeis                                                Hessen Darmstadt, Germany          20    -----                  --    --    --  Chro Gastro Enteritis 14-Apr from Chty Hospital
                    31 May 1847                  Mary McDermott                                            Roscommon Co., Ireland           8 yrs   Liverpool             1 dy   --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        15-Apr
16 April 1847                                    Thomas McCabe                                             Roscommon Co., Ireland          2 1/2 y  Liverpool             1 dy   --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        15-Apr
                    18 April 1847                Maria Shannon                                             Roscommon Co., Ireland           9 yrs   Liverpool             1 dy   --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        15-Apr
                    18 April 1847                Margaret Shannon                                          Roscommon Co., Ireland           7 yrs   Liverpool             1 dy   --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        15-Apr
                    18 April 1847                Bridget Shannon                                           Roscommon Co., Ireland           6 mos   Liverpool             1 dy   --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        15-Apr
28^^ April 1847                                  Mary Scanlan                                              -----                            7 wks   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea       13?-Apr Omitted at first
                    19 April 1847                General                            Slave of Mr. C. F. Wilhelm                                --    -----                  --    --    --  Rubiola               15-Apr Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    17 April 1847     R'ed to    John W. Blair                                             South Carolina                     23    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         15-Apr Sent by Mr. Aldoonia?
                                      Chty Hosp'l                                                                                             --                                                                        Richard 1st Mty?
                    20 April 1847                Cylas Frazee                       Teamster               Hamilton Co., Ohio                 22    St. Louis            3 dys    S    --  Measles               15-Apr
                    19 April 1847                Mary Conlan                                               -----                            5 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Int. Fever            16-Apr
                    18 April 1847                Edward Hallherway                  Sailor                 Boston, Massachusetts              33    Liverpool             1 mo    M    --  Delir Tremens         16-Apr
                                                 Margaret                           Child of Bridget Reynolds                                 --    -----                  --    --    --  -----                 16-Apr
                    18 April 1847                A. A. Randolp                      Lawyer                 -----                              --    -----                  --     M    --  Delir Tremens         16-Apr
27 April 1847                                    Mary McCann                                               Tyrone Co., Ireland              3 yrs   Liverpool            3 dys   --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        16-Apr
5thMay 1847                                      Annah McCann                                              Tyrone Co., Ireland              18 mos  Liverpool            3 dys   --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        16-Apr
                    21 April 1847                Dandrydge B. Clasby                Teamster               Montgomery Co., Pennsylvania       22    St. Louis             1 wk    S   1 wk Measles               17-Apr Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    20 April 1847                Marguerite                         Daughter of Ann Pendergrast                             6 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Morbus Coxarius       17-Apr
                                                                                    Circus b. Girod & Julia
                    19 April 1847                William Patterson                  Teamster               Cape Giradeau, Missouri            22    St. Louis             1 wk    S   1 wk Measles               18-Apr Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    26 May 1847                  Nally Doran                        Children of Margaret Doran, Ward No. 7, Chty Hosp.      5 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Dementia              18-Apr
22 April 1847                                    John Doran                         Children of Margaret Doran, Ward No. 7, Chty Hosp.      2 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Chronic Diarrhoea     18-Apr
                    3d May 1847                  Timothy Duffy                      Child of Bridget Duffy                                  9 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Psora (trans to       18-Apr from Charity Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                           Chty Hosptl)
20 April 1847                                    Bridget Lyons                      Brought by her mother                                   7 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Typhoid Fever         18-Apr
                    19 April 1847                Silas Evans                                               Martin Co., Indiana              18 yrs  Louisville           1/2 dy   S  2 wks Measles               18-Apr 16th Regt H.? Q.
                                                                                                           -----                                                                                                        Dpt.? Brannan?
27 April 1847                                    Catherine McDonald                 Daughter of Paggy (sic) McDonald                        4 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Chro. Diarrhoea       18-Apr
4th May 1847                                     Patrick Gannan                     Child of Bridget Gannan                                 3 mos   -----                  --    --    --  Chro. Diarrhoea       18-Apr
9th May 1847                                     Mary McCahy                                               -----                            3 mos   -----                  --    --    --  Chro. Diarrhoea       19-Apr
                    4 May 1847                   Bridget or Biddy                   Slave of Mr. J. N. Sims-----                            34 yrs  -----                  --    --    --  Gastralgia            19-Apr
                    7th May 1847                 Mary Dowd                                                 -----                            6 mos   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        19-Apr
                    24 April 1847                John Harris                                               -----                            3 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Int. Fever            19-Apr
                    20 April 1847                Thomas Harris                                             -----                             1 yr   -----                  --    --    --  Int. Fever            19-Apr
                    21 April 1847                Sarah O'Brien born Develin                                Near Belfast, Ireland              32    New York             9 yrs    M   1 dy Delir Tremens         20-Apr
                    16 June 1847                 Amos Fisher                        Farmer                 Prince of Wales, Virginia          22    Virginia             5 dys    S    --  Dementia              20-Apr
                    3d Jun 1847                  Ellen Harran                       Daughter of            Leitrim Co. , Ireland            8 yrs   Brought by his father        --    --  -----                 21-Apr Rem'd to
                                                                                    James Harran                                                                                                                        Chty Hospital
23 April 1847                                    Hugh Malone                        Brought by his mother  -----                            14 mos  -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        21-Apr
                    28 April 1847                Peter Green                                               -----                            3 yrs   Their mother is in Ward No.  --    --  Int. Fever            21-Apr
                    28 April 1847                David Green                                               -----                            6 mos   Their mother is in Ward No.  --    --  Int. Fever            21-Apr
25 May 1847                                      John McAnnulty                     Their mother is in Ward-----                            2 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        21-Apr
26th April 1847                                  Bridget McAnnulty                  Their mother is in Ward-----                            8 wks   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        21-Apr
                    25 April 1847                Sarah O'Brien born Develin                                Near Belfast, Ireland              32    New York             9 yrs    M    --  Delir Tremens         22-Apr
                    26 April 1847                Suzanne Dougherty                  An orphan adopted by Mary Russell                       4 yrs   (See Mary Russell in Ward No --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        22-Apr
                                                                                    born Mcguin^^^                                                  on the same date)
                    23 April 1847                Julia Ann                          Children of Paulina Jamison in Ward 7                   2 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Simple Fever          22-Apr
                    23 April 1847                James K. Patk                      Children of Paulina Jamison in Ward 7                   3 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Simple Fever          22-Apr
23 April 1847                                    Thomas Conner                      Brought by His mother                                   3 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Chro. Diarrhoea       23-Apr
                    29 May 1847                  Mary Conlan                        Her father is in Ward 23                                6 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Chro. Diarrhoea       23-Apr Rem'd to French Orphan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Asylum by S'er Regina
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novb 1848                 Anora Hartnett or Anora Long                              Cork Co., Ireland                  30    Memphis              2 yrs    M  8 mos Mania                 24-Apr
                    2d May 1847                  Patrick O'Conner                   Cooper                 Kings Co., Ireland                 29    New York State       2 yrs   --    --  Delir Tremens         24-Apr Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    25 April 1847                Mary Cravan                                               Galway Co., Irleand              6 yrs   Liverpool            7 dys   --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        24-Apr
                    9th June 1847                Theresa Hautmer                                           Hanover, Germany                   25    Bremen               4 mos    S    --  Dementia              24-Apr
                    25 April 1847                Patrick Foggerty                                          Tipperary Co., Ireland           3 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        24-Apr
                    25 April 1847                Sally                              Child of Patrick Collins Ward No. 3                     5 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        24-Apr
                    6 March 1848                 Seth W. Purl                       Farmer                 Galatin Co., Kentucky              36    West Feliciana       1/2 hr   M  2 wks Insanity              25-Apr
                    7th May 1847                 Hannah Brown born Quinlan                                 Cork Co., Ireland                  27    Mobile               2 mos    W   --*  Delirium Tremens      26-Apr
1st May 1847                                     Maria Welch                                               -----                           1 1/2 yr -----                  --    --        Chro Diarrhoea        26-Apr
                                      (**See note below.)
                    8 May 1847                   Marguerite Donaghue                                       Cork Co., Ireland              2 1/2 yrs -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        26-Apr Ship S. Baldwin
                                                 Thomas Garvey                                             -----                            3 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  -----                 26-Apr Ship S. Baldwin
                    28 April 1847                Ann Murphy born Ennis                                     Longford Co., Ireland              35    Liverpool            10 yrs   W    --  Delir Tremens         26-Apr
                    2d May 1847                  Bridget Nolan                                             -----                            9 yrs   Liverpool             1 dy   --    --  Typhus Fever          26-Apr Ship S. Baldwin
                    19 May 1847                  Bridget Cawley                                            -----                            7 yrs   Liverpool             1 dy   --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        26-Apr
                    19 May 1847                  Patrick Cawley                                            -----                            2 yrs   Liverpool             1 dy   --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        26-Apr
                    19 May 1847                  Euphemie Cawley                                           -----                            5 yrs   Liverpool             1 dy   --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        26-Apr
                    29 April 1847     R'd to     Martin Ryan                                               Kilkenny Co., Ireland              44    -----                  --    --    --  No disease marked     27-Apr from Chty Hospital
                                      Chty Hptl                                                                                                                                            on his ticket
14th May 1847                                    Maria Shannon                                             Roscommon Co., Ireland           9 yrs   Liverpool            11 dys   S    --  Phthisis              27-Apr
28 May 1847                                      An orphan Boy found on board ship Stephen Baldwin                                            --    -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        27-Apr
8th May 1847                                     Daniel Rarington                                          -----                             1 yr   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        27-Apr
                    1st May 1847                 James Cranston                     Copper                 Hampshire, England                 37    New York             4 yrs    M    --  Delir Tremens         27-Apr
                    6th May 1847                 Mary Kearnan                                              New Orleans                        18    cr. Circus b. Common & Canal --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        28-Apr
                    8th June 1847                Fanny                              Slave of Carl Cumer    -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Lacerated Wounds      28-Apr
                    8th May 1847                 William Hatfield                   Clerk                  Supposed to be born in N. York     20    New York             2 yrs    S    --  Melancholia           28-Apr
                    8th May 1847                 Joseph Mason                       Calico Printer         Bristol Co. Massachusetts          26    Havana               8 wks    S  5 dys Delir Tremens         29-Apr
                    2d May 1847                  Jesse                              Slave of Mrs. Roundtree sent by Mr. Bennett               --    -----                  --    --    --  Epilepsy              30-Apr Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    6th May 1847                 Maria Brown born Lenahan                                  Raised in Phildelphia,             30    Philadelphia         7 yrs    W    --  Delir Tremens         30-Apr from Chty Hospital
                                                                                                           born in Ireland

*This might be Thomas Bloss.  The first letter of the last name is smeared and hard to read.
**This might be Joseph Schlangeln.
***Note:  In this column on this page, there is a note:  "Rem. To Jackson 22 Novb/48.  Christian Fogus - Epilepsy - April 12/47".
****There is a curly bracket joining these names with a note written sideways under it that says, "Please refer to Book No. 16 from Chty Hospital".
^There is a curly bracket joining these names with a note written sideways under it that says, "Please refer to Book No. of the main building".
^^This date is written at the bottom corner of the page and is partly in shadow on the microfilm.  It is hard to read, but it is probably 28 Apr 1847.
^^^This name might be Mary Russell born Maguire.  The maiden name is written cramped into the binding of the pages.
~'5D' was originally written here and evidently erased and a dash written on top of the erasure.

Report of Lunatic Asylum for April 1847

Admitted            Males                      37
                    Females                    18                                 55
Discharged          Males                      28
                    Females                    15                                 43
Died                Males                       1
                    Females                     1                                  2

Number of children brought from the Main Building over, to the Lunatic Asylum

Admitted            58
Discharged          19
Died                13

Number of children remaining in the L'ic Asylum on the first of May                 say 24
Number of insane persons in the L'ic Asylum on the first of May                     say 91?

Hy. Vanderlinden

May 1847

                                      *See note below.
18 May 1847                                      Alexander Martin                   Child of Eliza Martin                                     --    -----                  --    --    --  Hemiplegia             1-May from Chty Hospital
Child has been      29 May 1847                  James McWilliams                                          -----                          Abt. 3 yrs                       --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea         1-May from Chty Hospital
adopted by Mrs. Wieman^, 346 Bourbon St.
                    7 May 1847                   John Larkins                       Tailor                 Galway Co., Ireland                32    Liverpool            4 dys    S    --  Delir Tremens          1-May from Chty Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                           R'ed to Chty Hospital
                    2 Jun 1847                   Elizabeth Linde                    A child                -----                            7 yrs   Her mother resides in Lafayette City   Chro Diarrhoea         1-May
                    5 Jun 1847                   Mary Zachary                                              -----                           Abt. 20                         --    --    --  Dementia               1-May
4th May 1847                                     Ann Brannon                        (Her mother is in No. 8)                                8 mos   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea         1-May
                                                 Charles Ryan^^                     Wood Chopper           Chester Co., Pennsylvania          36    Bayou Sarah          2 wks    S  (Please not count this name. 2-May from Chty Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                     name put up for James Slavin,
                                                                                                                                                                                     The nurse brought a wrong ticket.
7th May 1847                                     John Harris                        A child brought by his mother                         Abt. 1 yr -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea         2-May
4th May 1847                                     John Kelly                         Laborer                Bedford Co., Tennessee             28    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens          2-May
                                                                                                                                                                                           Fracture of Skull & Cerebritis
                    7 May 1847                   James Slavin                                              Monaghan Co., Ireland              40    Mobile               2 yrs    M    --  Delir Tremens          2-May from Chty Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                           R'ed to Chty Hospital
                                                 Anderson**                         Slave of Mr. Behan     Refered to Beard & Calhoun               -----                  --    --    --  Please not count him.  3-May
                    4 May 1847                   Louisa                             Slave of Mr. Campanas at Toutant Beauregard, Ph. St. Bernard    -----                  --    --    --  Rubeola                3-May
                    4 May 1847                   Elizabeth                          Slave of Mr. Campanas at Toutant Beauregard, Ph. St. Bernard    -----                  --    --    --  Rubeola                3-May
                    4 May 1847                   Joseph                             Slave of Mr. Campanas at Toutant Beauregard, Ph. St. Bernard    -----                  --    --    --  Rubeola                3-May
                    15 May 1847                  William Thomas                     Steward of Ship        London, England                    35    London               2 mos    M    --  Delir Tremens          3-May
                    5th May 1847                 Thomas Higgins                                            -----                            2 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea         3-May Ship Meteor
                    7th May 1847                 Charles McGill                     Laborer                Pittsburg, Pennsylv                29    Pittsburg              S    2 dys  --  Delir Tremens          3-May Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    10 May 1847                  Bridget Casey                      Their mother is in Ward No. 9                         2 1/2 yrs -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea         4-May Ship Meteor
12 May 1847                                      James Casey                        Their mother is in Ward No. 9                           9 mos   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea         4-May
14th May 1847                                    Terence Mullarkey                  His mother is in Ward 9                                 2 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea         4-May
13th May 1847                                    Josephine Saulet                   F. W. C.               -----                            18 yrs  -----                  --    --    --  Typhus Fever           4-May
                    19 May 1847                  Peter Stanson                      His mother is in Ward 8.                                18 mos  -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea         4-May
                    18 June 1847                 Bernhard Dreyfus                   Baker                  Bavaria, Germany                   19    Havre                5 mos    S    --  Dementia               5-May from Chty Hospital
                                                 Chicot^^^                          Slave of Mr. Sigur     -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  -----                  5-May
                    7th May 1847                 Mary Nolan                         Her father is in No. 14                                   --    -----                  --    --    --  Typhus Fever           5-May Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    15 May 1847                  John King                          His mother is in No. 7                                   1 yr   -----                  --    --    --  Typhus Fever           5-May
                    19 May 1847                  Pauline Ochilwiche born Paltrow                           New Orleans, LA                    30    -----                  --     M   1 dy Delir Tremens          5-May
                    9th May 1847                 Caspar Schnatmann                  The mother is in No. 9                                  20 mos  -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea         6-May Taken by her father
                    7th May 1847                 Nathan Dickinson                   Brick Maker            Lancashire, England                25    Liverpool            11 dys   S    --  Measles                4-May Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        omitted? at first?
                    30 May 1847                  Bridget Haran                                             Leitrin Co., Ireland             12 yrs  Liverpool            11 dys   S   1 wk Chro Diarrhoea         7-May
                    9 May 1847                   Bridget McAndrews                  The mother is in No. 9                                  12 mos  -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea         7-May
2d June 1847                                     Vice Neal                          Sent by Mrs. Lynn                                         --    -----                  --    --    --  Phthisis               7-May
                    13 May 1847                  Mary Tony born Hassey                                     Westphaly, Prussia                 26    Liverpool            6 yrs    M   1 mo Delir Tremens          7-May
                    9th June 1847                The daughter of Maria A. Ottmann                          -----                            4 dys   The mother is in Ward 9      --    --  Chro Diarrhoea         7-May Taken out by the father
Went as a Nurse     He is the nurse              John Keannan                       Laborer                Dublin City, Ireland               34    New York             7 yrs    S  5 dys -----                  7-May from Chty Hospital
at Jackson          of the ___
lunatic asylum on the
23rd Novbr 1848
                    10 May 1847                  George Washington Freeland         Engineer               New York City, N. York             43    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens          7-May
                    13 May 1847                  Jungman Hanand^^^^                 Laborer                Dept. de la Meurthe, F'ce          33    Havre                6 mos    M  8 dys Delir Tremens          8-May Rem'd to Chty
                    11 May 1847                  Marie J. Devigne born Sayres       F. W. C.               N. O'ns, Louisiana                 50    -----                  --     W  3 dys Monomania              8-May Sent by Recorder
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        My No. 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        without written order
                    28 Sept 1847                 Johanna Murray born Dillon                                St. John, New Brunswick            23    New York             7 yrs    M    --  Monomania              8-May
                    14 May 1847                  Heinrich Erhardt                   Cooper                 Brunswick, Germany                 30    Bremen               3 mos    S  2 dys Mania                  9-May from Chty Hospital
                    21 August 1847               Unknown woman supposed to be a German                 Mary Sime~                             --    -----                  --    --    --  -----                  9-May
                    15 May 1847                  Estevan Rehor or Reyo (sic)                               Province of Galicia, Spain         39    Spain                3 yrs    S  2 dys Delir Tremens          9-May
                    7 Feby 1848                  Noel Fournier                      F. M. C.  Mason        New Orleans, Louisiana             36    Mobile               1/2 dy   M    --  Monomania              9-May
                    15 May 1847                  John Killeen                       Laborer                Galway Co., Ireland                63    Illinois             10 yrs   S  3 dys Delir Tremens         10-May Rem'd to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Chty Hospital
                    3d June 1847                 Jane Halliday                      (The mother is in No. 9)                                8 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        11-May
6 May 1847*^~                                    Eliza Fogarty                      (The mother is in No. 9)                                16 wks  -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        11-May
19 May 1847                                      Margaret Donaghue                  (The mother is in No. 9Cork Co., Ireland                  --    -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        11-May
                    12 May 1847                  Patrick Coyle                                             Meath Co., Ireland                 35    New York               --   5 yrs  S   Delir Tremens         11-May Forgotten at first
                    14 May 1847                  Fanny Young born Moore                                    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania         17    -----                  --     M   1 W  Monomania             11-May
                    16 July 1847                 Mary Lambert born Highland                                West Meath Co., Ireland            30    New York             6 yrs    M        Mania                 13-May Absconded
                    16 May 1847                  Mary Hunt                          Their mother is in Ward 9                                 --    -----                  --    --        Diarrhoea             13-May
                    16 May 1847                  Catherine Hunt                     Their mother is in Ward 9                                 --    -----                  --              Diarrhoea             13-May
                    21 May 1847                  Bridget McDermott                                         -----                            4 mos   -----                  --              Diarrhoea             14-May
                    20 May 1847                  Norbert Meilleur                   F. M. C.               New Orleans, LA                    34    -----                  --     M  12 dysMelacholia            14-May
                    15 May 1847                  Joseph McDonald                    Laborer                Liverpool, England                 24    Liverpool            4 yrs    S        Delir Tremens         14-May from Chty Hospital
                    19 May 1847                  James Shannon                                             Roscommon Co., Ireland             30    Liverpool             1 mo    M        Delir Tremens         14-May from Chty Hospital
                    18 May 1847                  Margaret Dunbar                    (Her mother is in Ward 8)                               3 yrs   -----                  --              Chro Diarrhoea        15-May
20 May 1847                                      The child of Bridget Duffy born Mullen                    -----                            8 dys   -----                  --              Chro Diarrhoea        15-May
18 May 1847                                      Matthew Hagny                                             Galway Co., Ireland              12 mos  He was brought in th   --              Chro Diarrhoea        15-May
                                                                                                                                                    institution by his mother.
                    20 May 1847                  Asa Sipe                           Miller                 Baltimore Co., Maryland            40    Texas                9 mos    S  2 dys Delir Tremens         15-May Rem'd to Charity Hosp
                    1 June 1847                  Bridget Kilahy                                            -----                            7 yrs   -----                  --              Chro Diarrhoea        16-May
                    2d June 1847                 Matthew Brown                                             -----                            3 yrs   -----                  --              Chro Diarrhoea        16-May
27 May 1847                                      Richard Ties                                              -----                            4 mos   -----                  --              Chro Diarrhoea        17-May
1st Septbr 1847                                  John Hogg                          Farmer                 Louth Co., Ireland                 23    Mexico                1 dy    M        Dementia/Yellow Fever 17-May
                    22 May 1847                  Walter Edmond                      Plasterer              Lanarkshire, Scotland              45    St. Louis            7 mos    S  3 dys Delir Tremens         18-May Rem'd to Charity Hosp
28 May 1847                                      Patrick                            Son of Mariette Crady in No. 9                          3 mos   -----                  --              Chro Diarrhoea        18-May
                    14 May 1847                  Mary Ryan                                                                                  6 yrs   -----                  --              Diarrhoea             18-May
                    3d June 1847                 Catherine Masterson                Their mother is in Ward 9                               7 yrs   -----                  --              -----                 18-May Rem'd to Charity Hosp
                    3d June 1847                 Francis Masterson                  Their mother is in Ward 9                                1 yr   -----                  --              -----                 18-May
                    31 May 1847                  Qweny Gardiner                     Her mother is in Ward 9                                 5 yrs   -----                  --              Chro Diarrhoea        18-May
                    24 May 1847                  Catharine O'Byrnes                                        Ireland                          12 yrs  -----                  --              Typhus Fever          18-May
                    8 June 1847                  William Arthur                     The mother is in No. 9                                  7 mos   -----                  --              Chro Diarrhoea        18-May Taken out by
                    8 June 1847                  John                               The mother is in No. 9                                2 1/2 yrs -----                  --              Chro Diarrhoea        18-May their father
                    26 May 1847                  Mary Gilroy                        The mother is in No. 9                                  3 yrs   -----                  --              Chro Diarrhoea        18-May
                    26 May 1847                  Ann                                Their mother is in No. 9                                3 yrs   -----                  --              Chro Diarrhoea        18-May
                    28 May 1847                  Ellen                              Their mother is in No. 9                                 1 yr   -----                  --              Chro Diarrhoea        18-May
                    31 May 1847                  Margaret Clary                     Her mother is in Ward 9                                 9 mos   -----                  --              Chro Diarrhoea        18-May
                    27 May 1847                  Bridget Ryan                       Her mother is in No. 8                                  4 mos   -----                  --              Chro Diarrhoea        19-May
                    23 May 1847                  George Stone                       Warehouseman           London city, England               29    London               12 yrs   S   1 yr Psoriasis             20-May
                    22 May 1847                  John Byrnes                        Laborer                Cork Co., Ireland                  34    Liverpool            10 ds    M  10 dysTyphoid Fever         20-May from Chty Hosptl Ward 11
                                                                                                                                                                                           R'ed to Chty Hospital
                    3d June 1847                 James                              Child of Margaret Winters                                 --    -----                  --    --        -----                 21-May Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    23 May 1847                  Thomas Dugdeil                     S Boatman              Meath Co., Ireland                 19    Illinois             6 mos    S  6 dys Measles               21-May
                    27 May 1847                  Rosa                               Children of Catharine Bones In No. 8                      --    -----                  --    --        Chro Diarrhoea        21-May
                    27 May 1847                  Catherine                          Children of Catharine Bones In No. 8                      --    -----                  --    --        Chro Diarrhoea        21-May
                    3d June 1847                 Marguerite McAffrey                Daughter of Catherine McAffrey                          2 yrs   -----                  --    --        Chro Diarrhoea        21-May
                    3d June 1847                 Mary Saul                                                                                    --    -----                  --    --        Dementia              20-May Omitted at first
                    9th June 1847                Mary Sullivan born Maloney                                Ireland                            43    -----                  --     M        Delir Tremens         21-May
28 Dec 1847                                      Jean Maillard                      Merchant               Island of St. Domingo              49    East Baton Rouge     6 hrs    S        Apoplexy              22-May
Sent to C. Hosp.    5 Oct 1848                   Patrick Burns                                             Roscommon, Ireland                 27    Vera Cruz            5 dys    S        Scorbutus             22-May Mania
                    3d June 1847                 Mary Jane Roach                                           London City, England             6 yrs   Her mother is in Ward No. 8  --        Chro Diarrhoea        22-May
                    23 May 1847                  Joseph R. Thacker                  Wheelwright            Hanover Co., Germany               23    Virginia             2 yrs    S        Delir Tremens         19-May Omitted at first
                    26 May 1847                  Elizabeth Runte                    Hew mother is in Ward No. 8                             15 mos  -----                  --    --        Chro Diarrhoea        23-May
27 May 1847                                      Augusta Williams born Greenwood                           Cumberland Co., Maine              25    Cincinnati           5 yrs    W        Delir Tremens         24-May
                    3d June 1847                 John Brady                         The mother is in Ward (sic)                              1 yr   -----                  --    --        -----                 24-May Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    27 May 1847                  Peter L. Lumery~~                                                                           60*^   -----                  --    --        Intemperance          24-May
30 May 1847~~~                                   Mary Farley                                               Ireland                          6 mos   -----                  --    --        Chro Diarrhoea        24-May
                    1 Septbr 1847                Emilie Cousin                                             France                             --    -----                  --     W        Melancholia           24-May Absconded
                    29 May 1847                  Maria McGrail                                             Mayo Co., Ireland                11 yrs  -----                11 yrs  --        Int Fever             25-May
                    2 June 1847                  Lydia Scanlan born Hilly                                  Limerick Co., Ireland              23    New York             4 yrs    M  2 dys Delir Tremens         25-May
10 June 1847                                     Eliza Howison born Dawson                                 Woodford Co.,  Kentucky            26    East Baton Rouge     6 yrs    M        Puerperal Mania       25-May
                    28 May 1847                  Bridget White                      (Brought by her        Ireland                          2 yrs   -----                  --    --        Chro Diarrhoea        25-May
                    27 May 1847                  Michael Kelly                                             -----                                    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         25-May
                    28 May 1847                  William Murphy                     Baker                  Cork Co., Ireland                  38    Mexico               3 wks    S   1 dy Delir Tremens         26-May
                    29 Novbr 1847                William H. Hatfield                Clerk                  Suppose be born in N. York         20    New York             2 yrs    S    --  Mania                 26-May Absconded
                    3 June 1847                  Patrick Curley***                                         -----                            2 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  -----                 26-May Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    3 June 1847                  Bridget***                                                -----                            7 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  -----                 26-May Rem'd to Chty Hospital
1 June 1847                                      Ann***                                                    -----                            4 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        26-May
                    3 June 1847                  Catherine Ruttington                                      -----                            4 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  -----                 26-May Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    3 June 1847                  Thomas Ruttington                                         -----                            11 mos  -----                  --    --    --  -----                 26-May Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    3 June 1847                  John O'Hara                                               -----                            2 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  -----                 26-May Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    3 June 1847                  Peter Stanton                      His father is in Ward 16                              1 1/2 yrs -----                  --    --    --  -----                 27-May Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    31 May 1847                  John Collins                       Laborer                Galway Co., Ireland                35    Indiana              6 mos    M    --  Typhoid Fever         27-May Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    2 June 1847                  Mary Mare*~ born Mooney                                   Roscommon Co., Ireland             26    New York             4 yrs    M    --  Delir Tremens         27-May
                    1 June 1847                  Caspard Schmidt^~                  Butcher                Switzerland                        25    Havre                8 mos    S    --  Dementia              27-May
                    9 June 1847                  Pauline Mercier                    F. W. C.               N. Orleans, Louisiana              21    -----                  --    --    --  Hysteria              28-May Absconded
                                                 Henry Head****                     Cabinet Maker          England                            36    -----                  --    --    --  -----                 28-May from Chty Hospital
                    1 June 1847                  Mary Ann Jennings                  Child of Margaret Jennings                              20 mos  The Mother is in       --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        29-May
                                                                                                                                                    Ward No. 8
29 May 1847                                      An other (sic) child M. Jennings                          -----                             1 dy   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea        29-May
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novbr 1848                John H. McGimsey                                          Tennessee                          24    East Baton Rouge     2 dys    S    --  Mania                 30-May
                    14 March 1848                Patrick Horan                      Drayman                Kings Co., Ireland                 26    St. Louis            6 mos    S    --  Mania                 31-May
                    12 July 1847                 Odile Fornerette                   F. W. C.               New Orleans, LA                          -----                  --     M  3 mos Melancholia            7-May Omitted at first
                    6 June 1847                  Joshua Jones                       Carpenter              Cardiganshire, England             32    -----                  --     S    --  Delir Tremens         29-May Omitted at first
                    12 June 1847                 Henry Head                         Cabinet Maker          England                            36    -----                  --     S    --  Delir Tremens         24-May Omitted at first
                    -----                        Maria Jane Hawison born Farrerhal                         England                            27    Liverpool            9 dys    M    --  -----                 13-May Omitted at first

*  There is a note in this column which reads:  Patrick Hart born in Ireland 2 yrs of age had
   chro diarrhoea and was admitted on the 1 May 1847 and discharged on the 2nd of same month.
** In this entry, the name and the occupation have been crossed out.  There is also a cross (as in crucifix) to the right of the name.
*** There is a parenthesis along the right of these three names joining them into a group.
**** This name is scratched out, but the rest of the entry is not.
^This name is written very small and is hard to read, but it is something like this.
^^This name has lines through it and four crosses (as in crucifixes) to the left of it.
^^^This name hand notation as the slave of Mr. Sigur have been crossed out with lines.
^^^^This might be Jungman Hanaud.
~This might be Mary Lime.
~~This might be Peter Lumiry.  Also, there is a small possibility that the middle initial is S. and not L.
~~~This date is in the lower corner of the page, and very dark and hard to read.  But I think it is 30 May 1847.
*^This number is faint.
*~This name might be Mary Mave or Mary Mar.
^~This name might be Caspar D. Schmidt.
*^~This is written funny, and it could be 6 May or 16 May.

Report of Lunatic Asylum for May 1847

Admitted            Males                      38
                    Females                    19                                 57
Discharged          Males                      38
                    Females                    15                                 53
Died                Males                       1
                    Females                     4                                  5

Number of children brought to the Lunatic Asylum                                    Number of Patients remaining in the L'ic Asylum on the 1st of Ju                 108

Admitted            64                                                                                     Children Department                                        23
Discharged          39
Died                24

June 1847

Chty Hospital       8 June 1847                  Johnson Egin                       Brought in by his mother                                4 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  Chro Diarrhoea         1-Jun Referred to Sister Reg?__
Book No. 16
                    7 June 1847                  Sarah O'Brien born Devlin                                 Near Belfast, Ireland              32    New York             9 yrs    M   1 dy Delir Tremens          1-Jun
                    10 June 1847                 Mary Ann                           A slave of Mr. F. W. Hart                                 --    -----                  --    --    --  Pleurisy               1-Jun
                    3 June 1847                  Thomas Higgins                                            -----                            2 yrs   -----                  --    --    --  -----                  2-Jun Rem'd to Chty Hosp
                    8 June 1847                  Mary Broderick born Horan                                 Galway Co., Ireland                35    New York             10 yrs   M  9 dys Delir Tremens          3-Jun Rem'd to Chty Hosp
                    8 June 1847                  Catherine Waters born Sutton                              Lancashire, England                35    Ohio                  9 W     W    --  Delir Tremens          3-Jun
                    17 May 1848                  Thomas Matthews                                           Maryland State, Baltimore City     44    -----                  --     M    --  Delir Tremens          5-Jun Sent by Mayor Bouligny
                    12 June 1847                 Emma                               Slave of Mr. Mace      -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania a porter         6-Jun
                    27 July 1847                 Francis Ann Mathilda Dutchler                             Raised in Dallas Co., Alabama      13    Mobile                1 yr    S    --  Moral Insanity         7-Jun
                    15 March 1848                Richard Enright                                           -----                             --~    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                  7-Jun from Chty Hospital
                    14 Decbr 1847                Thomas Ross                                               -----                              40    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                  7-Jun from Chty Hospital
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novbr 1848                Joseph Smith or Smits (sic)        See page 31            -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia               7-Jun
26 September 1847                                Patrick McDermott                                         Sligo Co., Ireland                 35    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia &             7-Jun
                                                                                                                                                                                           Chro Dysentery
Removed to          13 June 1847                 Ann Scott born Brown                                      London, England                    40    New York             12 yrs   W    --  Typhus Fever           8-Jun from Chty Hospital
Chty Hospital
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novbr 1848                Angele Dubord                      See page 53            -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                  8-Jun
                    9 June 1847                  Mary Mangin                                               Ireland                            --    -----                  --    --    --  Typhus Fever           8-Jun
Removed to          9 June 1847                  Bernard Moran                      Clerk                  Dublin, Ireland                    30    Vera Cruz             1 wk    S    --  Delir Tremens          8-Jun Alabama Regt. C.? H.
Dr. Luzenburg's Hospital
                    10 June 1847                 Catherine Pyan (sic)                                      Cork Co., Ireland                  35    Philadelphia         11 yrs   W    --  Delir Tremens          8-Jun
13 June 1847                                     Joseph W. Rodgers                  Sail Maker             Philadelphia, Pennsylvania         40    Philadelphia          1 yr    M  3 dys Delir Tremens          9-Jun
Removed to          10 June 1847                 Wilhelm Nolthing                   Carpenter              Bremen, Germany                  18 yrs  Bremen               9 mos    S    --  Varioloid             10-Jun
Dr. Luzenburg's Hospital
19 October 1847                                  Joseph Syburn                      Laborer                South Carolina                  Abt. 27  East Baton Rouge     1/2 dy   W    --  Mania, Chro Dysentery 10-Jun Sent by Police _arg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dpt.? Brannan?
                    26 June 1847                 Esther                             Slave of Herman Curtius                                   --    -----                                  Religious Mania       10-Jun
                    13 June 1847                 Michael Murphy                     Laborer                Cork Co., Ireland                  28    Ireland              12 yrs   S  4 dys Delir Tremens         10-Jun Rem'd to Chty Hosp
                    15 June 1847                 Elizabeth Lally born Dunnican                             Kings Co., Ireland                 32    St. Louis            5 yrs    M  5 dys Delir Tremens         12-Jun
                    15 June 1847                 John McClusky                                             Kentucky                           --    -----                  --    --    --  Scrofula              13-Jun Rem'd to Chty Hosp
                    17 June 1847                 Owen Curran                        Carpenter              West Meath Co., Ireland            40    Cincinnati           3 yrs    S  2 dys Delir Tremens         14-Jun
                    21 June 1847                 Jesse                              Slave sent by Mr. Bennett                                 --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 14-Jun
                    21 June 1847                 James R. Dame                      Barkeeper              Three Rivers City, Canada          26    Canada               3 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens         14-Jun Rem'd to Chty Hosp
                    16 June 1847                 John Dargin                        Painter                Belfast City, Ireland              35    Ireland              7 mos    M    --  Delir Tremens         15-Jun
                    27 July 1847                 Elizabeth Fox born Provest                                Raised in Cincinnati,            25 yrs  Louisville           5 yrs    W    --  Moral Insanity            -
                                                                                                           born in Kentucky
                    18 June 1847                 Charles Klein                      Carpenter              -----                              30    -----                  --     M    --  Dementia              17-Jun
19 June 1847                                     Peter Bermunder                    Laborer                Wurtemberg, Germany                35    Havre                 1 yr    S    --  Typhus Fever          19-Jun from Chty Hospital
                    23 July 1847                 Emma Thompson                      F. W. C                -----                              60    -----                  --    --    --  Typhus Fever          18-Jun
                    30 June 1847                 Louis Eloi Charlier                Carpenter              France                             --    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia              18-Jun He has been here
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        several times
                    1 August 1847**              Charles Brown                                             -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 19-Jun
                    5 July 1847                  Eugene Melville                                           France                             21    -----                  --    --    --  Remit Fever           19-Jun
                    25 June 1847                 James McCormick                    Dealer in Cotton       Antrim Co., Ireland                37    Liverpool            8 yrs    S  5 dys Delir Tremens         21-Jun
                    21 Septbr 1847               Catherine Cain                     Wife of Sullivan       Mayo Co., Ireland                  26    Kentucky             10 yrs   W    --  Dementia              22-Jun Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    2d June 1847                 Joseph Canelus*                    F. M. C.               -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         22-Jun
                    2 July 1847                  Madison Lee Carriere                                      -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Typhus Fever          22-Jun from Chty Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                           (Taken out by Dr. Logan)
                    27 June 1847                 Catherine Melvin                                          Mayo Co., Ireland                  20    Liverpool             1 d     S    --  Typhus fever          23-Jun Rem'd to Chty Hosp.
25 August 1847                                   Honorine                           F. B. Woman                                           Sent by administrator Augustin   --    --    --  Puerperal Mania       23-Jun
20 June 1847                                     Joshua C. Armacost                 Laborer                Baltimore, Maryland               32^    Tampico              4 dys    M    --  Typhus Fever          23-Jun
                    4 July 1847                  Johanna Gorman^^ born Hoolihan                            Kilkenny Co., Ireland              34    New York             8 yrs    M  2 dys Delir Tremens         24-Jun
                    3 July 1847                  David Wahl                         Laborer                New Bavaria, Germany               25    Havre                9 mos    S  11 dysTyphus Fever          24-Jun
                    26 June 1847                 J. R. Thacker                      Wheelwright            Hanover Co, Virginia               27    -----                  --     S  2 dys Delir Tremens         24-Jun
25 June 1847                                     John Carroll                       Cab Driver             Galway Co., Ireland                32    Ireland              10 yrs   M    --  -----                 25-Jun from Chty Hospital
                    3d July 1847                 Mary                               Slave of E. J. White   -----                                    -----                                  Congestive            26-Jun
                                                                                                                                                    -----                                  Typhus Fever
                    20 July 1847                 Marie Magdeleine Melanisse Daquin                         Louisiana                          30    -----                                  Mania                 26-Jun
                    7 July 1847                  Margaret Duffy alias Monroy                               Mayo Co., Ireland                  50    Liverpool             1 wk    M        Typhus Fever          27-Jun Rem'd to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        on the 31 July 1847
                    29 June 1847                 Patrick Dougherty                  Laborer                Mayo Co., Ireland                  36    Ireland              16 yrs   M        Delir Tremens         27-Jun Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    16 June 1847                 Johan Schmidt                      Cart Driver            New Bavaria, Germany               27    Havre               1 1/2 yr  S        Dementia              28-Jun from Chty Hospital
19 August 1847                                   Joshua Jones                       Carpenter              Cardiganshire, England             32    West Baton Rouge     4 hrs    S        Dementia &            29-Jun
                                                                                                                                                                                           Yellow Fever
                    2d July 1847                 Miss. Badel                        (Her name is Louisa Christovals, & not Badel as they                                                   Dementia              30-Jun
                                                                                    give (sic) when she was brought in this institution.
                                                                                     She was born in N. O., Louisiana, 23 yrs of age - & single)

*This name might be Joseph Candus or Joseph Candas.
**The 7 in 1847 is very light and might have been erased.
^This looks like it was originally written 22 and then the first two was overwritten with a 3 to be 32.
^^This name could be Gormon.
~It looks like a 4 might have been written here, or at least someone began to write a 4 in this position.

Report of Lunatic Asylum for June 1847

Admitted            Males                      29
                    Females                    23                                 52
Discharged          Males                      21
                    Females                    22                                 43
Died                Males                       5
                    Females                     2                                  7

Number remaining on the 1st of July                                              101

Report of children admitted in the L'ic Asylum

Admitted            2
Discharged          24
Died                1

July 1847                             *See note below.

3d July 1847                                     Victor Durlof**                    Carpenter              Copenhagen, Denmark                38    Havana               7 yrs    M  2 wks Delir Tremens          2-Jul from Chty Hospital
Removed to Charity Hospital                      David Delaney                                             Waterford, Ireland                 --    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia & Anaemia     2-Jul Brought by the
on the 30 July 1847                                                                                                                                                                                                     Police 1st My
4th July 1847                                    Joseph Varrick                     Plasterer              New York City, New York            31    Virginia             5 wks    S  3 dys Delir Tremens          3-Jul from Chty Hospital
                    12 July 1847                 Thomas Talbot Moore                Carpenter              Muskingan Co., Ohio                27    Vera Cruz            14 dys   S   1 mo Typhus Fever           4-Jul Rem'd to New Building
                    5 July 1847                  Scotland Huie                                             North Carolina                     18    -----                  --    --    --  Epilepsy               4-Jul Brought by Dr. Henderson
                    14 Septbr 1848               Louis Eloi Chartier                (returned)             -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                  8-Jul
7 Septbr 1847                                    Christian Plitt                                           Hesse Darmstadt, Germany           29    -----                  --    --    --  Chro Dysentery         8-Jul 11th Regt of Infantry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - Cpy  8?  From
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dr. Luzenberg
7 Septbr 1847                                    Frederich Marsh                                           Wurtemberg, Germany                51    Matamoros            3 mos   --    --  Dementia &             8-Jul Sent by Recorder Genois
                                                                                                                                                                                           Chro Dysentery
                    23 Septbr 1847               Bridget McDermott born Conners                            Mayo Co., Ireland               abt. 20  Liverpool            4 wks    W  11 dysMania                  9-Jul
7 Septbr 1847                                    Charles Cohas                      Sailor                 St. Malo, France                   38    Havre                9 mos    S    --  Chro Dysentery         9-Jul from Chty Hospital
Removed to Charity Hospital                      George R. Thompson                 Upholsterer            Burkes Co, Pennsylvania            31    Mobile               4 mos    S    --  Delir Tremens         10-Jul from Chty Hospital
on the 28 July 1847
                    21 July 1847                 John Keenan                        Laborer                Dublin City, Ireland               34    Pittsburg            2 mos    S  5 wks Delir Tremens         12-Jul Rem'd to Chty Hospital
26 July 1847                                     Nicholas Andrews                   Laborer                East Meath Co., Ireland            22    Mexico               3 wks    M  3 wks Chro Dysentery        13-Jul from Chty Hospital
                    16 July 1847                 Ferdinand Muhlmann                 Laborer                Hanover, Germany                   29    Bremen                1 yr    S  14 dysDelir Tremens         13-Jul from Chty Hospital
                    16 July 1847                 Charlies Hettinger                 Laborer                Old Bavaria, Germany               25    Cincinnati           7 yrs    M    --  Delir Tremens         13-Jul
27 July 1847                                     Michael Gerber                     Laborer                G. D'y Baden, Germany              30    Vera Cruz             1 mo    S    --  Chro Dysentery        13-Jul fr 4th Regt of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Artillery Cpy K?
27 July 1847                                     Andrew Jackson Moore               Laborer                Anderson District,                 26    Vera Cruz             1 mo    S    --  Chro Dysentery        13-Jul 2d Missouri Regt Cpy C
                                                                                                           South Carolina
                    22 July 1847                 Ann Scott born Brown                                      London, England                    40    New York             8 yrs    W    --  Delir Tremens         14-Jul Rem'd to Chty Hospital
7 Septbr 1847                                    Jacques S. Michon                  Teacher of             New Orleans, LA                    25    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia &            14-Jul
                                                                                    Languages                                                                                              Chro Dysentery
                    17 July 1847                 Terence Foley                                             Sligo Co., Ireland                 33    Vera Cruz            6 dys    M    --  Delir Tremens         15-Jul 3d Infantry Cpy H.?
                    10 August 1847               Almantio Planellas                                                                           --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 16-Jul
                    15 Jany 1848                 Mary Raddy                                                Cork Co., Ireland                  30    -----                  --     S    --  -----                 17-Jul Sent by Recorder
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Genois 1st Mty
31 July 1847                                     Margaret Duffy alias Monroy                               Mayo Co., Ireland                  50    Liverpool             1 wk    W    --  Mania &               17-Jul from Chty Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                           Chro Dysentery
Removed to Chty Hospital on the 22 July 1847     Felix Thompson                     Waiter of              Tyrone Co., Ireland                40    New York             5 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens         18-Jul from Chty Hospital
26 July 1847                                     Peter Geble                                               -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Chro Dysentery        18-Jul
                    30 July 1847                 Esther                             Slave of Mr. Curtius                                      --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 18-Jul
                    28 July 1847                 Francis Hylinger                   Clerk                  Santa Cruz, West Indies            39    Mexico               2 wks    S  10 dysDelir Tremens         19-Jul from Chty Hospital
                    22 July 1847                 Edward Herling                     Saddler                Westphaly, Prussia                 33    Bremen                1 yr    S    --  Delir Tremens         19-Jul
                    31 July 1847                 Jesse                              Slave of Mr. Bennett                                      --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 21-Jul Rmed to Chty Hospital
                    26 July 1847                 John Donavan                       Laborer                Cork Co., Ireland                  37    Lafourche Int.       4 mos    S    --  Delir Tremens         22-Jul Absconded
                    27 July 1847                 Peter Kungel                                              Hesse Darmstadt, Germany           28    -----                  --     S  5 dys Dementia              23-Jul Absconded
11 January 1848                                  Henry Head                         Cabinet Maker          Yorkshire, England                 37    Cincinnati           2 yrs    M    --  Epilepsy &            24-Jul from Chty Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                           Chro Dysentery
                    29 July 1847                 Terence McCabe                     Drayman                Cavan Co, Ireland                  28    Ireland              9 yrs   --    --  Delir Tremens         24-Jul Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    21 August 1847               Maria                              Slave of J. P. Freret                                     --    -----                  --    --    --  Hysteria              25-Jul
                    21 July 1847                 John Hughes                        Stone Cutter           Dublin City, Ireland               28    Mexico                1 mo    M    --  Remit Fever           25-Jul 5th Regt Cpy B
                                                                                                                                                                                           Removed to Medical Ward
                    5 Sept 1847                  Otto Peter                                                Frankfort, Germany                 22    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia              26-Jul Order of Dr. Luzenberg
Removed to Charity Hospital                      Robert Brumer                      S. Boatman             Denmark                            24    Amsterdam            8 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens         26-Jul from Chty Hospital
on 29 July 1847
                    31 July 1847                 James Dunn                                                Louth Co., Ireland                 23    -----                  --     S    --  Delir Tremens         27-Jul Rem'd to Chty Hospital
Removed to Chty Hptl                             Robert Bruckellridge               Laborer                Armagh Co., Ireland                --    Cincinnati           8 dys   --    --  Remit Fever           29-Jul Speechless when admitted
on the 31 July 1847
                    31 July 1847                 Charles Leyhg***                   Druggist               Wurtemberg, Germany                31    Mexico               5 yrs    S   1 wk Remit Fever           29-Jul Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    31 July 1847                 Daniel Hagerty                     Laborer                Kerry Co., Irleand                 31    Mobile               6 wks    M    --  Remit Fever           30-Jul Rem'd to Chty Hospital
Removed to          30 July 1847                 Johan Doerr                        Laborer                Wurtemberg, Germany                31    Havre                14 dys   M  6 dys Varioloid             30-Jul
Dr. Luzenberg
                    22 August 1847               Narcisse Deville                                          France                             15    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 30-Jul
                    4 August 1847                Bernard Conner                     Laborer                Roscommon Co, Ireland              32    Ireland               1 wk    S  5 dys Eczema                31-Jul Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    10 Augt 1847                 Ann Mack                                                  Clare Co., Ireland                 30    Canada               3 yrs    S    --  Melancolia            31-Jul

*There is a note in this column:  Thomas Burns, a sailor, a native of Liverpool, England - 22 yrs of age, last from Boston, single & white was admitted
          on the 12 of July 1847 and discharged on the 16 of July 1847 - he had Delir Tremens
**There is an umlaut on the u in Dulof
***This name is hard to eard.  It could be Charles Leylg, Leglg, Leghg, Leglg, etc.

Report of Lunatic Asylum for July 1847

Admitted            Males                      39
                    Females                     7                                 46
Discharged          Males                      29
                    Females                    10                                 39
Died                Males                       7
                    Females                     1                                  8

Number remaining on the 1st August            100

August 1847

22 Sept 1847                                     Henrietta Kochborn Reuszer                                Saxe Meininger, Germany            30    Bremen               9 mos    M    --  Yellow Fever           2-Aug
                    4 August 1847                Eliza                              Slave of Mr. Smith Bryan   (Office 20 Customhouse St.)    --    -----                  --    --    --  Hysteria               2-Aug
                    15 August 1847               Catherine Hildebrandt forn Hanner                         Hanover, Germany                   41    Bremen               5 yrs    M    --  Mania                  2-Aug
16 March 1848                                    Catherine Lavigne                  F. W. C.               -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Phthisis Pulm.         2-Aug
Removed to Main Building                         James Hopkins                      Laborer                Meath Co., Ireland                 25    Vera Cruz             1 mo    S    --  Sun Stroke             5-Aug from Dr. Luzenberg
on the 6 August 1847                                                                                                                                                                                                    See Rm 21 Main Building
Removed to          5th Oct 1847                 Eva Catharina Krautzer                                    Near Cologne, Prussia              39    Antwerp              3 wks    S    --  Dementia               5-Aug from Chty Hospital
Chty Hospital
Removed to          9 August 1847                James Muldoon                      Blacksmith             Tyrone Co., Ireland                37    Philadelphia         4 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens          6-Aug from Chty Hospital
Main Building
7 August 1847                                    Thomas Love                        Painter                Fermanagh Co., Ireland             34    -----                13 yrs   S    --  Yellow Fever           6-Aug from Chty Hospital
Removed to          9th August 1847              Charles W. Barry                   Ship Carpenter         Boston, Massachusetts              37    Opelousas            4 mos    S    --  Delir Tremens          7-Aug from Chty Hospital
Main Building
                    11 August 1847               W. A. Dunlap                                              -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Intemperance           8-Aug
13 August 1847                                   William Conner                     Drayman                Cork Co., Ireland                  45    Philadelphia         6 yrs    S    --  Yellow Fever          10-Aug
                    11th August, 1847            Antonio Camenart                                          -----                              23    -----                  --     S    --  Intemperance           9-Aug
15 August 1847                                   Agust Mohrman                      Jeweler                Prussia                            34    Cincinnati           4 mos    S    --  Yellow Fever          12-Aug
                    19 August 1847               William Thompson                   Laborer                Armagh Co., Ireland                39    Vera Cruz            2 mos    W    --  Yellow Fever          12-Aug Rem'd to Chty Hospital
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novb 1848                 Pascal Bonnefaine**                                       France                             30    -----                  --          --  Dementia              12-Aug
                    14 August 1847               Lorenzo Betzino                    Baker                  Malta Island                       28    -----                  --          --  Intemperance          13-Aug
                    19 August 1847               Edward Lee                         Laborer                Longford Co., Ireland***           25    N. York              6 yrs    M    --  Delir Tremens         14-Aug Rem'd to Chty Hospital
16 Septbr 1847                                   Hermann H. Triebel                                        Saxe Meininger, Germany            23    Vera Cruz            3 wks    S    --  Yellow Fever          14-Aug
                    1 Septbr 1847                Sallu Bonnier                      Bookseller             Copenhagen, Denmark                29    -----                 1 dy    -    --  Dementia              14-Aug Absconded
17 January 1848                                  Joseph McKibben                    Bookkeeper             Belfast, Ireland                   22    Canada                1 yr    M    --  Mania &               15-Aug
                                                                                                                                                                                           Chronic Dysentery
15 February 1849                                 John Remor                                                -----                              --    -----                  --          --  A'ic Cholera          17-Aug
                    23 August 1847               Martin Healy                       Laborer                Kings Co., Ireland                 28    -----                  --     S    --  Epilepsy              17-Aug Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    23 August 1847               Isaac Butler                       Ship Carpenter         Washington Co., Pennsylvania       37    St. Louis            8 mos    M    --  Delirium Tremens      18-Aug Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    20th August 1847             Anthony Mellichar                  Merchant               Bohemia, Austria                   28    Bremen               9 wks    S    --  Yellow Fever          18-Aug
                    28 August 1847               Dennis De Grief                    Shoemaker              Gueldenland, Holland               45    Rotterdam             1 yr    M    --  Monomania             18-Aug
1 Septbr 1847                                    Myron Davis                                               Ohio                               22    -----                  --    --    --  Yellow Fever          18-Aug
                    20 August 1847               Johan Jung                                                -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         18-Aug
                    22 August 1847               Augustine Devaux                                          Dept. de la Seine, France          23    -----                  --    --    --  Syphilis              19-Aug
                    6 Septbr 1847                Elizabetha Hink                                           Weltphaly, Prussia                 24    St. Louis            14 dys   S  2 dys Abcess                20-Aug
                    17 Octbr 1847                Martin Flemming                    Laborer                Tipperary Co, Ireland              48    West Indies          5 yrs    W  4 dys Delir Tremens         20-Aug
27 Octbr 1847                                    Unknown White Man                  Marked J. V. on the back of his left hand.                --    -----                  --    --    --  Yellow Fever          21-Aug
22 August 1847                                   Hugh Gordon                        Laborer                Liverpool, England                 27    Liverpool            7 yrs    S    --  Delirium Tremens      21-Aug
23 August 1847                                   Jane Broderick                     (Her husband died      Canada                             22    Canada               3 yrs    M    --  Delirium Tremens      22-Aug from Chty Hospital
                                                                                    since she came here.)*
24 August 1847                                   Joseph R. Wilkinson                Carpenter              Virginia                           33    Kentucky             10 dys   M    --  Delirium Tremens      23-Aug
                    4 Septbr 1847                George Lewis                                              London, England                    24    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia              23-Aug
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novbr 1848                Antonia Carnenaro                                         Triest, Austria                    23    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia              23-Aug
27 August 1847                                   Sarah Tobin                                               Tipperory (sic) Co., Ireland       36    N. York              3 yrs    W    --  Congestive Fever      23-Aug from Chty Hospital
                    20 Novbr 1847                Anton Schirmer                     Laborer                Zurich Canton, Switzerland         35    Havre                4 mos    S    --  Int Fever             25-Aug Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    5th Septbr 1847   Fem Surg   Louisa Boussa                                             Brunswick, Germany                 24    Bremen               6 mos    S  10 dysYellow Fever          25-Aug
5th Septbr 1847                                  Mary Barker born McMcManus                                Cavan Cty, Ireland                 35    Baltimore            2 yrs    W  3 wks Yellow Fever          26-Aug
                    2d Decbr 1847                Manuel Bargas                                             Campecha, Mexico                   28    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         26-Aug Employed as a Carrier
                    23 Septbr 1847    F. S.      Mary Cody born O'Neil                                     Wicklow Co., Ireland               32    Mobile               5 yrs    W  10 wksRheumatism            26-Aug
                    6th Septbr 1847              Marianna Feuder born Bossen                               Switzerland                        54    Havre                9 mos    M    --  Mania                 27-Aug
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novbr 1848                Boune  Lopez                       F. W. C.               N. Orleans, LA                     30    -----                  --     S    --  Dementia              27-Aug
                    30 Septbr 1847               Benjamin Tinney                    Laborer                Connecticut                        50    -----                  --     S    --  Delir Tremens         28-Aug
                    2d Septbr 1847               Francis Thorn                                             -----                              26    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         30-Aug
                    7 Septbr 1847                Eva Bollinger                                             Bavaria, Germany                   21    Havre                6 mos    S    --  Syphilis              30-Aug
                    6 Oct 1847                   Jess                               Slave of W. C. Micou   -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Epilepsy              31-Aug

*This is crossed out in this entry on the original.  The word "error" is written below the word since, and probably means this note should not have been written into the record.
**This might be Pascal Bonnefinne.
***Dublin city, Ireland was originally written here, and then scratched out and Longford Co. was written above the scratched out words.

Report of Lunatic Asylum for August 1847

Admitted            Males                      39
                    Females                     9                                 48
Discharged          Males                      18
                    Females                     6                                 24
Died                Males                       6
                    Females                     6                                 12

Number remaining on the 1st of Septbr 1847                                       109

                                                 Hry. Vanderlinden

September 1847

                    4 Septbr 1847                Charles Shields                                           Ireland                            --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens          1-Sep
Removed to          7 Septbr 1847                James Murray                       Drayman                Cavan Co., Ireland                 26    Ireland              6 yrs    S    --  Yellow Fever           2-Sep from Chty Hospital
Chty Hospital
3 Septbr 1847                                    Johan Scheffield                                          Germany                            40    -----                  --    --    --  Yellow Fever           3-Sep
                    9 Septbr 1847                Henrietta Jones                                           New York City, N. York             20    Havana               2 yrs    S    --  Syphilis               3-Sep
Removed to          7 Septbr 1847                Philipp Schekeler                                         Wurtemberg, Germany                40    -----                  --     M    --  Yellow Fever           4-Sep
Chty Hospital
                    12 Oct 1847                  Manuel                             F. M. C.               -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                  5-Sep
                    27 Sept 1847                 George Lewis                                              London, England                    24    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia               6-Sep
                    10 Septbr 1847               Charles Klein                                             -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                  6-Sep
                    22 Septbr 1847               Mary Lynch                                                Cavan Co., Ireland                 --    -----                  --     S    --  Int Fever              7-Sep
                    8 Septbr 1847                James H. Malone                                           -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens          7-Sep Brought by James
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Harrington 10 Old Levee
                    9 Septbr 1847                Ann O'Leary born Lusk alias Coburn                        West Meath Co., I'd                37    New York             15 yrs   W    --  Gonorrhoea             7-Sep
                    4 Octbr 1847                 Catherine Moore born Gaffy                                Cavan Co., Ireland                 35    New York             7 mos    W    --  Secondary Syphilis     7-Sep
                    16 Septbr 1847               Joseph Limet                       Seaman                 Dept de la Charente, F'ce          27    Havana               28 dys   S    --  Delir Tremens          6-Sep
                    27 Decbr 1847                Joseph Gerber                                             -----                              --    -----                  --          --  Removed to C. H.       8-Sep
                    23 Sept 1847                 Mary Barry born Maguire                                   Meath Co., Ireland                 35    Philadelphia         3 yrs    M    --  Mania                  8-Sep
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novb 1848                 Jean Peno                                                 Nantes, France                     38    -----                  --     S    --  Dementia               8-Sep
                    9 Septbr 1847                Ann Lusk alias O'Leary             (null & void)          Ireland                            37    -----                  --    --    --  Gonorrhoea             7-Sep
                    17 Septbr 1847               Catharine Farrell born Kenney                             Longford Co., Ireland              38    New York             8 yrs    W    --  Yellow Fever           9-Sep R'd to Charity Hospital
                    22 Septbr 1847               Jacob Alder                                               Baden, Germany                     25    -----                  --    --    --  Yellow Fever           9-Sep
                    24 Septbr 1847               James Murray                       Drayman                Cavan Co., Ireland                 26    Ireland              6 yrs    S    --  Yellow Fever          10-Sep from Chty Hospital
Removed to          13 Septbr 1847               Michael Godfrey                    Boatman                Limerick Co., Ireland              40    St. Louis            7 dys    S    --  Yellow Fever          10-Sep from Chty Hospital
Chty Hospital
                    3 April 1848      F S Ward   Francis Ann Mathilda Ellen Dutcher                        Raised in Dallas Co., Alabama      13    -----                  --     S    --  Dementia?             12-Sep
                    16 Septbr 1847    F S Ward   Andrina Krebbers                                          Holland                            22    Rotterdam            9 mos    S    --  Secondary Syphilis    13-Sep
R'd to              21 Septbr 1847               Stephen Harmel                     Laborer                Prussia                            26    Texas                4 wks    S    --  Yellow Fever          14-Sep from Chty Hospital
Chty Hospital
                    19 Sept 1847                 Ludwig Cook                        Sugar Refiner          Lippe Del Moldt, Germany           35    Philadelphia         2 yrs    S    --  Yellow Fever          14-Sep from Chty Hospital
                    20 Septbr 1847               Pierre Setri    (read Setri)*      Carpenter              Genoa, Sardinia                    28    Havre                9 yrs    S    --  Yellow Fever          14-Sep from Chty Hospital
                    24 Sept 1847                 Bridget Love born Sheridan alias Lawrence                 Ireland                            --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         15-Sep from Chty Hospital
Removed to          6th Octbr 1847               Charles Fisher                     Coach Maker            New Bavaria, Germany            About 36 -----                  --     M    --  Yellow Fever          15-Sep from Chty Hospital
Chty Hospital
                    18 Septbr 1847               Daniel McGarvey                    Shoemaker              Tyrone Co., Ireland                40    New York             2 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens         15-Sep
                    20 Septbr 1847               John C. Morgan                                            Tyrone Co., Ireland                35    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         16-Sep
                    3d Octbr 1847                Johanna German born Hoolahan                              Kilkenny, Ireland                  34    New York             8 yrs    M    --  Delir Tremens         17-Sep
29 February 1848                      F. S. W.   Dorothea Frie                                             Hanover, Germany                   26    -----                  --    --    --  Secondary? Syphilis   17-Sep
                    2d Octbr 1847                Ellen McAffrey born McCall                                Tyrone Co., Ireland                34    Cincinnati            1 wk    W    --  Secondary Syphilis    17-Sep
                    24 Sept 1847      F. S. W.   Christina Friezer                                         Scotland                           16    West Indies          5 mos    S    --  _hadestence? Ulcer    17-Sep
                    20 Septbr 1847               Jean Marie Kerleguer                                      Dept. des Finisten?, France        22    Havre                4 yrs    S    --  Yellow Fever          18-Sep from Chty Hospital
                    19 Septr 1847                Nancy                              Slave of Antoine Boube** - Circus St. No. 100             --    -----                  --    --    --  Phthisis Pulmonalis   18-Sep
                    22 Septr 1847                Heinrick Kemm                                             -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Yellow Fever          20-Sep
                    -----                        Joachina De Castro                                        Tabasco                            23    -----                  --    --    --                        21-Sep
                    24 Septbr 1847               Boston                             A Colored Man          -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         21-Sep
                    2d Octbr 1847                Elizabeth McMullen born Welch                             Antrim Co., Ireland                25    Ireland              10 yrs   M    --  Secondary Syphilis    22-Sep
24 September 1847                                Isabella                           Slave of Johan H. Rahders   20 Front Levee                --    -----                  --    --    --  Hypertrophy of Heart  22-Sep
                                                                                                                                                                                           & Enteritis
                    29 Septbr 1847               Jane Callaghan                                            Ireland                            26    -----                  --     S    --  Secondary Syphilis    23-Sep
23 September 1847                                Mary Ann Hughes                                           Mayo Co., Ireland                  18    Ireland               1 yr    S    --  Yellow Fever          23-Sep He was employed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        into this institution
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        was at first washer.
                    9 Octbr 1847      F S Ward   Maria Magdalena Wady                                      New Bavaria, Germany               20    St. Louis            4 yrs    S    --  Secondary Syphilis    23-Sep _____as a washer^
                    18 Oct 1847       F S Ward   Mary Ann Prudhomme born Daily                             Cork Co., Ireland                  26    Havana               8 yrs    W    --  Primary Syphilis      23-Sep
25 Septbr 1847                        F S Ward   Elizabetha Hink                                           Westphaly, Prussia                 24    St. Louis             1 mo   --    --  Yellow Fever          23-Sep
11 October 1847                                  Mary Jones                         A Free Negro Woman     -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Hypertrophy of Heart  23-Sep Sent by Recorder Genois
He is instantly     2d Decbr 1847                James O'Hara                       Laborer                Down Co., Ireland                  42    Mexico               3 mos    W    --  Delir Tremens         24-Sep A volunteer McAllister
a Nurse                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cpy (La)
                    15 Octbr 1847                Maria Peters                                              Hanover, Germany                   23    Bremen                1 yr   --    --  Secondary Syphilis    24-Sep from Chty Hospital
                    7 Octbr 1847                 Mary Lynch                                                Cavan Co., Ireland                 28    Ireland              3 yrs    S    --  Secondary Syphilis    26-Sep
                    4 Octbr 1847                 Henrietta Jones                    See Page 73.                                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Secondary Syphilis    27-Sep
                    23 Octbr 1847                Mary Mily born Coyle                                      Philadelphia, Pennsylvania         39    St. Louis            5 mos    W    --  Syphilis              27-Sep from Chty Hospital
                    5 Octbr 1847                 Gabriela Rodriguez                                        Havana Cube Island                 22    Havana               4 yrs    S    --  Nervous Delirium      27-Sep from Chty Hospital
                    4 Octbr 1847                 Marguerite Beard                                          Ayrshire, Scotland                 24    Liverpool            2 yrs    S    --  Primary Syphilis      28-Sep
                    14 January 1848              Emma                               Slave of Lawyer Mace                                      --    -----                  --    --    --  Pleuro Pneumonia      29-Sep
                    5 Octbr 1847                 William Cartwright                 Ship Carpenter         Cork Co., Ireland                  31    New York             12 mos   M    --  Delir Tremens         30-Sep from Chty Hospital
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novbr 1848                Thomassine Campo alias Don Pedro                          New Orleans, LA                    46    -----                  --     W    --  Mania & Coacitat?     30-Sep
                    3 Octbr 1847                 Ellen Brady born Welch                                    Dublin City, Ireland               30    -----                  --     M    --  Delir Tremens         30-Sep
                    15 Decbr 1847                Otto W. G. Peters                                         -----                              --    -----                        --    --  Absconded             13-Sep Omitted at First

*In this entry, the first time the name Setri is written, is it smeared.  (read Setri) was a note meant to clarify the entry.
**There is an accent acute on the e in Boube.
^It looks like this note was erased.  Maybe the intention was to write it on the line above, and a mistake was made, it was erased, and then the new note was written on the line above.

Report of Lunatic Asylum for September 1847

Admitted            Males                      25
                    Females                    32                                 57
Discharged          Males                      23
                    Females                    18                                 41
Died                Males                      10
                    Females                     7                                 17

Number remaining on the 1st October              viz  108

                                                 Hry Vanderlinden

October 1847

                    17 Octbr 1847                Martin Hannan                      Ditcher                Longford Co., Ireland              30    Pittsburg            3 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens          1-Oct from Chty Hospital
                    12 Novbr 1847                Mary Barry                                                -----                              --    -----                  --     M    --  Mania                  1-Oct
7th Octbr 1847                                   Jean Glaude                        Mason                  Dept de l'Isere, France            33    -----                  --     S    --  Yellow Fever           1-Oct
                    25 Octbr 1847                Johanna Murray                                            -----                              --    -----                  --          --  Mania                  2-Oct
                    11 Novbr 1847     F S Ward   Susan Clark born Brady                                    Cavan Co., Ireland                 27    New York             10 yrs   M    --  Syphilis               2-Oct from Chty Hospital
                    8 Octbr 1847                 Heinrich Fihlsteck                 Laborer                Hanover, Germany                   44    Bremen               14 yrs   M    --  Delir Tremens          3-Oct from Chty Hospital
                                                 Heinrich Bearman                                          Amsterdam, Holland                 26    -----                  --     S    --  Delir Tremens          3-Oct
                    7th Octbr 1847               Charles Andrews                    Seaman                 South Hampton Co., England         40    liverpool            10 mos   S    --  Delir Tremens          4-Oct
                    20 Octbr 1847                Jane Lilienkron born McNie                                Near Glasgow, Scotlande            32    Scotland             11 yrs   M    --  Melancholia            5-Oct
                    12 Octbr 1847                John Powers                        Wheelwright            Waterford Co., Ireland             40    Ireland              14 yrs   M    --  Delir Tremens          6-Oct Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    8 Octbr 1847                 Victor Jacques                     Hatter                 Dept. des Ardennes, Belgium        36    Havre                4 yrs    M  3 dys Delir Tremens          6-Oct
                    15 Octbr 1847                Christina Freizer                                         Scotland                           16    West Indies          5 mos    S    --  Contusion              6-Oct
                    17 Octbr 1847                Bridget O'Gara born Tearnan                               Leitrim Co., Ireland               36    Liverpool            5 mos    W    --  Yellow Fever           8-Oct from Chty Hospital
                    26 Octbr 1847                Ann Campbell forn Carroll                                 Tyrone Co., Ireland                40    Mobile               6 yrs    W    --  Ulcer of Leg           8-Oct
                    10 Octbr 1847                William McCawley                   Agent of the City      Philadelphia, Penn                 58    Philadelphia         28 yrs   S  3 wks Paralysis              8-Oct
                                                                                    Bank, N. Orleans, LA
                    12 Octbr 1847                Joseph Wieth                       Keeper of Coffee       Westphalia, Prussia                31    Bremen               12 yrs   M  4 dys Delir Tremens          9-Oct
12 Octbr 1847                         Private    Felix Nonell                       Seaman                 Catalogna, Spain                   20    Barcelona            7 dys    S   1 dy Yellow Fever           9-Oct
                                      Room                                                                 -----                              --    -----                  --    --
                    13 Octbr 1847                Joachim Toseille                   Seaman                 Catalogna, Spain                   20    Barcelona            7 dys    S   1 dy Yellow Fever           9-Oct
                    14 Octbr 1847                Morris Hencock                     Carpenter              Memphis, Tennessee                 39    Mexico               3 mos    S  6 wks Delir Tremens          9-Oct Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    13 Octbr 1847                Gabriel Ponselo                    Seaman                 Mayorca Island, Spain              24    Barcelona            8 dys    S    --  Yellow Fever          10-Oct
                    15 Octbr 1847                Ellen Cassedy                                             N. York City, N. York              25    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         11-Oct
                    18 Octbr 1847                Jose Aviles                        Musician               Andalousia, Spain                  30    Havana              2 1/2 yr  S   1 wk Delir Tremens         11-Oct
15 Novbr 1847                         F. S. W.   Elizabeth Penn born Stanson                               Raised in N. York,                 29    New York              1 yr    S   1 yr Phthisis              11-Oct from Chty Hospital
                                                                                                           born in England
                    23 Octbr 1847                Avredie Routoure                   Cook                   Dept de la Seine, France           28    Mexico               11 mos   S    --  Melancholia           11-Oct
                    20 Octbr 1847                Samuel Hickmond                    Plasterer              Montgomery, Virginia               28    Mississippi          8 yrs    S   1 wk Delir Tremens         12-Oct Rem'd to a Medical Ward
Removed to          19 Octbr 1847                Jose Paretas                       Seaman                 Catalonia, Spain                   22    Malaga               11 dys   S  2 dys Yellow Fever          12-Oct From Polacre Marcedita
Chty Hospital
                    14 Octbr 1847                Anderson Simons                    Laborer                Mecklenburg Co., N. Carolina       22    Mississippi          4 dys    S  13 dysNeuralgia             12-Oct Rem'd to Chty Nespstir?
                    21 Octbr 1847                George Martin                                             -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Arachnitis            12-Oct From Chty Hospital
                    14 Decbr1847                 Ann Tulley born Kelly                                     Armagh Co., Ireland                45    New York             8 yrs    W    --  Remit Fever           12-Oct
                    27 Novbr 1847                Pauline Mercier                    F. W. C.               -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 12-Oct
                    22 Octbr 1847                Eva Gerten                                                Duchy of Nassau, Germany           30    Havre                4 yrs    S    --  Secondary Syphilis    13-Oct
                    17 Octbr 1847                Mary McDonald born Sweeney                                Tyrone Co., Ireland                36    Cincinnati           5 yrs    W  5 dys Delir Tremens         14-Oct
                    2 March 1848                 Catherine Duffy                                           Morris Co., New Jersey             18    Ireland              4 mos    S    --  Typhus Fever          14-Oct from Chty Hospital
11 June 1848                                     Ellen Murray born Tanner                                  Baltimore, Maryland                30    St. Louis             1 yr    M    --  Dementia-Chronic Gastr15-Oct
                    24 Octbr 1847                Thadeus Lewis                      Carpenter              Duke Co., Massachusetts            39    Illinois             3 wks    M    --  Chro Diarrhoea        16-Oct Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    19 Octbr 1847                James Rusk                         Carpenter              Ireland                            --    -----                  --    --    --  Epilepsy              18-Oct Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    24 Octbr 1847     F. S. W.   Ann Smith born Gallagher                                  Leitrim Co., Ireland               24    Mobile               3 yrs    M    --  Primary Syphilis      18-Oct
                                                 Judith Baker                       F. W. C.               Norfolk, Virginia                  50    -----                  --    --    --  -----                 20-Oct Brought by Police
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of 1st Mty
                                                 James Dowd                         Laborer                Sligo Co., Ireland                 20    Vera Cruz            10 wks   S    --  -----                 20-Oct
                    24 Octbr 1847                John C. Miller                     House Carpenter        Raised in Tennessee,               34    Mississippi           1 wk    S    --  Delir Tremens         21-Oct
                                                                                                           born in Georgia
                    30 Octbr 1847                Mary Lynch                                                Cavan Co., Ireland                 28    Ireland              3 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens         21-Oct
                    29 Octbr 1847                Matthew Cannon                                            -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         21-Oct
                    28 Octbr 1847                Jane Callaghan                                            Darry (sic) County, Ireland        --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         22-Oct
                    24 Octbr 1847                Daniel McDarby                     Shoemaker              Tyrone Co., Ireland                40    New York             2 yrs    S  2 yrs Delir Tremens         22-Oct Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    26 Octbr 1847                Mary Ann Frazier                                          Little Rock Co., Arkansas          21    Little Rock          6 mos    W    --  Primary Syphilis      22-Oct
                    7th Novbr 1847               William McCawley                   Agent of the City      born in Philadelphia               58    Philadelphia         28 yrs   S    --  Dementia              23-Oct
                                                                                    Bank in N. O.
                    28 Octbr 1847                Terence McCabe                     Drayman                Cavan Co., Ireland                 28    Ireland              9 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens         23-Oct
                    26 Octbr 1847     F. S. W.   Ann McCanahey born Maloney                                Cork Co., Ireland                  21    Havana               8 mos    W    --  Primary Syphilis      24-Oct
                    11 Novbr 1847                Emla Thompson                                             Louisville, Kentucky               16    Kentucky             8 mos    S    --  Punctured Wound       25-Oct
                                                                                                                                                                                           of Shoulder
                    27 Octbr 1847                Catherine Straup                                          Prussia                            18    -----                 1 yr    S    --  Bronchitis            25-Oct
Removed to Jackson  22 Novbr 1848                Ellen Butler                                              -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  -----                 25-Oct
                    28 Octbr 1847     F. S. W.   Eliza McCormick                                           Cork Co., Ireland                  25    New York             2 mos    S  2 mos Syphilis              26-Oct
                    30 Octbr 1847                Emma Bodin born Luchet                                    Florida, Pensacola                 33    Mobile               9 mos    W    --  Syphilis              27-Oct from Chty Hospital
                    30 Octbr 1847                Carl Hettinger                     Laborer                Old Bavaria, Germany               27    Cincinnati           2 yrs    M   1 wk Delir Tremens         27-Oct
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novbr 1848                Elizabeth Kerkhan born Fontenau                           St. James Ph, Louisiana            35    -----                  --     M    --  Dementia              27-Oct
                                                 An Unknown White Man   Jacob Breren                       Denmark                            27    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         28-Oct from Chty Hospital
15 December 1847                                 Rose                               A slave sent by Mr. Laumont                               --    -----                  --    --    --  Chro. Cerebritis      28-Oct
                    30 Novbr 1847                Maria                              Slave of J. P. Freret  -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Fluor Albis           29-Oct
21 January 1848                                  Thadeus Lewis                      Carpenter              Duke Co., Massachusetts            39    Illinois             3 wks    M    --  Dementia &            30-Oct
                                                                                                                                                                                           Chro Dysentery
                    20 Novbr 1847                Emma Bodin born Luchet             (See above lines)      -----                              --    -----                  --          --  Syphilis              31-Oct
                    16 Novbr 1847                Ellen Hampton born Douglass                               Baltimore, Maryland                23    Cincinnati           3 yrs    W    --  Syphilis              31-Oct
                    4th Novbr 1847               Dwight Babcock                                            -----                              --    -----                  --          --  Delir Tremens         31-Oct
31 Decbr 1847                                    Maria Magdalena Weddich                                   N Bavaria, Germany                 20    St. Louis            4 yrs    S    --  Phthisis              19-Oct Omitted at First
19 Septbr 1848                                   Julia Brady                                               Galway Co., Ireland                18    -----                  --     S    --  Chronic Cerebritis    31-Oct from Chty Hospital

Report of Lunatic Asylum for October 1847

Admitted            Males                      31
                    Females                    31                                 62
Discharged          Males                      27
                    Females                    33                                 60
Died                Males                       5
                    Females                     3                                  8

Number remaining on the 1st November             viz  104

                                                 Hry Vanderlinden

November 1847

                    27 Decbr 1847                Sarah Dunn born Raynolds                                  Dublin Co., Ireland                38    -----                  --     M  3 mos Ulcer                  1-Nov
                    18 Novbr 1847                Mary Gaffney born Kearnan                                 West Meath Co., Ireland            22    New York             2 yrs    M   1 wk Dementia               1-Nov
                    31 Jany 1848                 Joseph Lemet                       See page 73            -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                  2-Nov
Removed to Jackson  22 Novbr 1848                Johanna Murray                                            -----                              --    -----                  --     M    --                         2-Nov
                    5 January 1848               George Lewis                       (Returned)             -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Dementia               3-Nov
                    7 Novbr 1847                 George J. Kuhn                     Tailor                 New Bavaria, Germany               27    Mexico               5 wks    S    --  Typhoid Fever          3-Nov Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    23 Novbr 1847     F. S. W.   Eva Getten                                                Hesse Darmstadt, Germany           30    Havre                4 yrs    S    --  Syphilis               3-Nov
23 December 1847                                 Maria Lyons                        F. W. C.               Cumberland Co, Pennsylvania        22    Rio Grande           3 wks    S  3 wks Chronic Dysentery      3-Nov
                    14 Decbr 1847                Bridget O'Meara born Kennedy                              Limerick Co., Ireland              48    Nova Scotia          10 yrs   W    --  Chronic Bronchitis     3-Nov
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novbr 1848                Emilie Cousin born Vautier                                Dept du Pas de Calais, France      31    Galveston            8 mos    W    --  Dementia               4-Nov
                    11 Novbr 1847                Thomas P. Randall                  Mason                  Mississippi                        55    Indiana              2 wks    M    --  Total Blindness        5-Nov
                    30 Novbr 1847                Melinda                            Slave of John Wolf     -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Cerebral Fever         6-Nov
                    13 Novbr 1847                Patrick Kerry                                             Cork Co., Ireland                  --    -----                  --     S    --  Delir Tremens          6-Nov
                    15 Decmber 1847              Antoinette                         Slave of Gustave LeRoy residing in Gretna                 --    -----                  --    --    --  Rheumatism             6-Nov
                    8 Novbr 1847                 Joseph Beck                                               Hanover, Germany                   30    -----                  --     M    --  Delir Tremens          6-Nov
Removed to Jackson  22 Novbr 1848                Elysa                              This little girl, of about 10 years of age, was found at the door of Patrick's Church,                                        6-Nov
                                                                                    she was refused in the orphan asylum because she is an idiot.
                    14 Novbr 1847                George Thompson                    Sailor                 Beaver Co., Pennsylvania           35    Pennsylvania         2 mos    S    --  Delir Tremens          8-Nov Rem'd to Main Building
                    14 March 1848                Charles Hickey                     Waiter                 Denmark                            22    Denmark              7 yrs    M    --  Mania                  8-Nov
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novbr 1847                Mary Ann Griffin                                          -----                              --    -----                  --     M    --  Mania                  9-Nov
                    20 Novbr 1847                George Botsford                    Laborer                Ontario Co., New York              26    Mexico                1 wk    S    --  Delir Tremens          9-Nov 10th Regt of Infantry
                    17 Novbr 1847                Maria Bunsel Meier born Schaffer                          Westphalia, Russia                 22    Bremen               8 mos    M    --  Syphilis              10-Nov
                    14 Novbr 1847                Maria Mooney born Kearnan                                 Leitrim Co., Ireland               35    New York             15 yrs   W    --  Delir Tremens         11-Nov
                    16 Novbr 1847                Nary Dagan                                                Limerick Co., Ireland              30    New York              1 yr    M    --  Delir Tremens         11-Nov Rem'd to Chty Hospital
Removed to          12 Novbr 1847     F. S. W.   Emma Cohen                                                Hanover, Germany                   17    Bremen               10 mos   S    --  Int Fever             11-Nov
Chty Hospital                                                                                                                                                                          --
                    12 Novbr 1847                Jane Bell                                                 Simpson Co., Kentucky              28    Kentucky             7 mos    S    --  Mania                 11-Nov
                    13 Novbr 1847                Andrew Andersen                    Pedlar                 Hanover, Germany                   37    Bremen               2 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens         11-Nov
                    30 Novbr 1847                Maria Bischoff                                            Wirtemberg, Germany                23    Rotterdam            10 mos   S    --  Syphilis              11-Nov
                    14 Novbr 1847                Lucien Garderes                                           Dept du Gers, France               21    Bordeaux             10 mos   S    --  Mania                 12-Nov
                    14 December 1847             Augusta Lyall                                             -----                              --    -----                  --     M    --  Mania a Potu          12-Nov
                    14 Novbr 1847                Heinrick Kemm                                             -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         13-Nov
16 Novbr 1847                                    John Carney                                               -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         13-Nov
                    22 Novbr 1847                William Bell                       Engineer               Ireland                            --    -----                  --     M    --  Delir Tremens         13-Nov
                    27 Novbr 1847                Michael MaGuire                    United S'es            Fermanagh Co., Ireland             32    Philadelphia         13 yrs   S    --  Inflammation          14-Nov Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                                                                                    Mail Driver                                                                                        --  of Brain
                    4 Decbr 1847                 Friedrich W. Muller*               Clerk                  Berlin, Prussia                    --    -----                  --    --    --  Monomania             14-Nov
                    28 Novbr 1847                Elizabeth Broecker born Muller*                           Prussia                            35    -----                  --     M    --  Inflammation of Brain 14-Nov
                    25 Novbr 1847                Rosinna Lisfeld                    See Record No. 17 of the Main Building.  Page 142         --    -----                  --    --    --  Syphilis              15-Nov
                    25 Novbr 1847                Martin Hannan                      Has been in before     -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delir Tremens         15-Nov
                    19 Novbr 1847                Mary Hamilton born Williams                               Virginia                           17    Nashville            3 dys    M    --  Syphilis              16-Nov
                    19 Novbr 1847                Mahaly Van Hook                                           Lexington, Kentucky                16    Nashville            3 dys    S    --  Syphilis              16-Nov
                    12 Decbr 1847                Richard Bland Randolph             Seaman                 Prince George Co., Virginia        67    Memphis               1 dy    W    --  Mania                 16-Nov
                    18 Novbr 1847                Johan George Hermann                                      Gd Duchy of Nassau                 32    Havre                 1 wk    S    --  Anasaria              17-Nov Rem'd form Chty Hospital
                    30 Decbr 1847                Henrietta Jones                                           New York City, N. York             22    N. York              3 yrs    W    --  Syphilis              17-Nov
Removed to          4 Decbr 1847                 George Welch                       Laborer                Waterford Co., Ireland             17    Liverpool            5 mos    S    --  Delir Tremens         18-Nov from Chty Hospital
Chty Hospital                                                                                                                                                                          --
                    2d January 1848              Amedee Routoure**                  Cook                   Dept de la Seine Infr, France      --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 19-Nov
                    3 Decbr 1847                 Mary Gaffney                                              Ireland                            --    -----                  --    --    --  Purpural Mania        20-Nov
                    24 Novbr 1847                Samuel Haslam                      Muslin Manufacturer    Lancashire, England                31    Liverpool            5 dys    S    --  Delir Tremens         20-Nov
                    29 Novbr 1847                Maria Callaghan born Walker                               Galway Co., Ireland                29    Mobile               10 mos   W    --  Gonorrhoea            21-Nov from Chty Hospital
                    4th Decbr 1847               Henry Abbott                                              At Saratoga Springs, New York      26    Havre                 1 dy    W  1/2 hrPoisoned by Laudanum  22-Nov Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    25 Novbr 1847                Dennis Francois Enique             Hatter                 Dept de la Marne, France           30    Havre                 1 mo    S        Mania                 22-Nov
                    30 Decbr 1847                Catherine Hogan born Kearnan                              Longford, Ireland                  20    -----                  --     M        Fistula in Ano        22-Nov
4 October 1848                                   Mary Russell                       (She was previously in the cells.)                              -----                  --    --        Mania                 22-Nov from Chty Hospital
                    27 Novbr 1847                Catherine Walker born Fox                                 Roscommon Co., Ireland             24    St. Louis            18 mos   M  2 wks Int Fever             22-Nov
                    17 Decbr 1847                Rasannah (sic) Brady born Caldwell                        Cavan Co., Ireland                 40    New York             7? yrs   M        Dementia              22-Nov
                    2d Decbr 1847                George Thompson                    Sailor                 Beaver Co., Pennsylvania           35    Pennsylvania         2 mos    S        Delir Tremens         23-Nov Rem'd to Chty Hospital
24 Novbr 1847                                    James Haffran                      Laborer                Kildare Co., Ireland               48    Pennsylvania         14 yrs   W        Pleuro Pneumonia      23-Nov From Chty Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                           & D'rium Tremens
                    20 March 1848                Patrick Golden                                            -----                              --    -----                  --    --        Mania                 23-Nov
                    26 Novbr 1847                Elizabeth Ball born Spencer                               Dublin City, Ireland               24    -----                  --    --        Delir Tremens         24-Nov
                    2d Decbr 1847                Casper Leichmann                   Laborer                Saxe Meininger, Germany            24    Bremen                1 yr    S        Delir Tremens         24-Nov Rem'd to Chty Hospital
                    16 June 1848                 Celestine Justeclaire                                     St. James Ph.                      22    -----                 1 yr    S        Mania                 24-Nov
                    20 Decbr 1847                Mary Ann Taylor                                           Lexington, Kentucky                52    -----                  --     W        Syphilis              24-Nov
                    29 Novbr 1847                William Baker Jones                                       Baltimore, Maryland                35    -----                  --     S        Delir Tremens         25-Nov
                                                                                                                                                                                He has brother in Maryland by the name of Alfred Jones)
                    14 Augt 1848                 Unknown White Man                  John Kennedy           -----                              --    -----                  --    --        -----                 25-Nov Absconded
5 February 1848                                  Edward Brislin                                            Dublin Co., Ireland                --    -----                  --    --        Mania & Chro Dysentery25-Nov
                    5 Decbr 1847                 Jean L'Eglise                      Tailor                 Dept. du Gers, France              38    Bordeaux             2 yrs    S        Mania                 25-Nov
                    21 Decbr 1847                Eliza Murtagh Co                                          Dublin Co., Ireland                17    Ireland              13 yrs   S        Gonorrhoea            26-Nov
23 January 1848                                  Ellen McAffrey born McCall                                Tyrone Co., Ireland                40    Cincinnati           18 mos   M        Typhus Fever          26-Nov
                    2d Decbr 1847                Carolina Barshall                  (She has been in the Lunatic Asylum several times.)       --    -----                  --     M        Delir Tremens         27-Nov
Removed to Luzenburg Hsptl                       Annette McDonald                                          -----                              --    -----                  --    --        Paralysis             28-Nov
Removed to          3d January 1848              William Scott                                             Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania          --    -----                  --    --        Delir Tremens         28-Nov Nurse of Ward 11
Chty Hospital
                    14 Decbr 1847                Elizabeth Wiegold                                         Hess Darmstadt, Germany            59    -----                  --    --        Gonorrhoea            29-Nov
                    4 January 1848               Catharine Smith                                           -----                              28    -----                  --     S        Absconded             28-Nov (Omitted)
                    11 Jany 1848                 Mary Berry                                                -----                              --    -----                  --    --        Mania                 28-Nov (Omitted)

*There is an umlaut on the u in Muller.
**There is an accent acute on the first e in Amedee.

Report of Lunatic Asylum for November 1847

Admitted            Males                      33
                    Females                    37                                 70
Discharged          Males                      21
                    Females                    26                                 47
Died                Males                       1
                    Females                     1                                  2

Number remaining on the 1st December  (No number given.)

December 1847

                    3 Decbr 1847                 Dalley                             Slave of               Refere (sic) to Mr. Greenwood, Commission Merchant, Foucher St. No. 5       --  Mania                  1-Dec
                                                                                    William Sexton
                    4 Decbr 1847                 John Savage                        Sailor                 Amsterdam, Holland                 53    Vera Cruz             1 mo    W    --  Delir Tremens          1-Dec From Chty Hospital
                    17 Decbr 1847                Thomas F. Randall                  Mason                  Mississippi                        55    Indiana              2 wks    M    --  Total Blindness        2-Dec
                    9 May 1848                   Louise Laporte                     F. W. C.               New Orleans, Louisiana             20    -----                  --     S    --  Dementia               2-Dec
                    5 Decbr 1847                 Edward Kelly                                              Louth Co., Ireland                 30    New York             2 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens          3-Dec Rem'd to Chty Hospital
14 December 1847                                 John Chinn                         (F. M. C.)             -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Varioloid              3-Dec
                    4 Decbr 1847                 Rosanna Butler born Shepherd                              Jefferson Co., New York            21    Tampico              2 dys         --  Delir Tremens          3-Dec
3d Decbr 1847                                    James Dolan                                               Meath Co., Ireland                 26    Boston               10 yrs   S    --  Fracture of Leg &      3-Dec
                                                                                                                                                                                           Delir Tremens
                    13 Decbr 1847                Lucy                               Slave sent by Wylie J. Egana                              --    -----                  --    --    --  -----                  4-Dec
5 Decbr 1847                                     Unknown White Man                  (Francis Baker, Laborer, Dept. du Bas Rhin, France)       25    Havre                7 yrs    S    --  Yellow Fever           4-Dec
                    7 Decbr 1847                 William Evans                      Carpenter              Dublin Co., Ireland                27    St. Louis            6 wks    S    --  Delir Tremens          5-Dec
Absconded           2d January 1848              Caroline Barshall                                         -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                  5-Dec
                    11 January 1848              John                               Slave of Etienne Mazureau                                 --    -----                  --    --    --  Ulcer                  6-Dec
                    31 Decbr 1847                John Gilmore                       Sailor                 Portsmouth, England                52    Vera Cruz            7 dys    W    --  Delir Tremens          6-Dec
17 Novbr 1848                                    Catherine Gunbelton                                       Cork Co., Ireland                  27    -----                         S    --  Dementia, died of      6-Dec
                                                                                                                                                                                           Chronic Dysentery
                    15 January 1848              James Martin                       Saddler &              Woodford Co., Kentucky             43    Ph. of Nachitoches   1/2 dy   S    --  Mania                  6-Dec
                                                                                    Harness Maker
                    16 Febry 1848                Johan Marshall                                            Prussia                            --    Ph. of Nachitoches   1/2 dy  --    --  Melancholia            6-Dec
                    10 January 1848              Maria Peters born Branner                                 Hanover, Germany                   23    Bremen               18 mos   W    --  Phthisis               7-Dec
                    23 Decbr 1847     J. D.      Elizabeth Broecker, born Muller*                          Prussia                            35    -----                         M    --  Cerebritis             8-Dec
                    31 Decbr 1847     F. S. W.   Henrietta Jones                                           N. York, N. York                   22    N. York              3 yrs    W    --  Abscess                8-Dec
                    27 April 1848     J. D.      Martin O'Callaghan                 Physician              Waterford Co., Ireland             27    Cincinnati           3 dys    M    --  Melancholia            9-Dec
                    27 Decbr 1847     J. D.      Terence McCabe                                            Waterford Co., Ireland             --    -----                         S    --  Delitium Tremens       9-Dec
                    14 Decbr 1847     F. S.? W.  Margaretha Kuhn                                           N. Bavaria, Germany                19    Saint Louis          14 dys   S  8 dys Gonorrhoea             9-Dec
9 Debr 1847                           J. D.      James Gilligan                     Laborer                Galway Co., Ireland                35    New York             7 yrs    S  3 wks Delirium Tremens       9-Dec from C. H. No. 4
                    14 Decbr 1847     F. S. W.   Catharine Straup                                          Berlin, Germany                    18    New York             14 mos   M  3 wks Gonorrhoea            10-Dec
                    30 March 1848     J. D.      Sally Crawley                                             Meath Co., Ireland                 15    Liverpool            20 dys   S    --  Typhus Fever          10-Dec
11 December 1847    (See Novbr 22/47) J. D.      Henry Abbott                                              Saratoga Springs, N. York          26    Havana               2 wks    W    --  Phthisis Pulmonalis    5-Dec Omitted at first
                    16 Decbr 1847     J. D.      Mary Bigby                                                Mayo Co., Ireland                  22    Ireland             2 1/2 yr  S    --  -----                 11-Dec from Chy Hosp. No. 8
17 Decbr 1847                         J. P. W.   Samuel J. Rogers                   Laborer                Richland Co., Ohio                 37    Cincinnati            1 mo    W  8 dys Confluens Small Pox   12-Dec
                    17 Decbr 1847     J. D.      Patrick Noonan                                            Cork Co., Ireland                  27    Ireland               1 yr    S    --  Typhus Fever          12-Dec
                    15 Decbr 1847     J. D.      Margaretha Herle born Lawef                               Dept. de la Meurthe, France        --    Louisville           15 mos   M  14 dysMania                 12-Dec
                    16 Decbr 1847     J. D.      Gustave Lazemat                    F. M. C.               -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 13-Dec Sent by Recr Ramos
                                      J. D.      Johan Michael                                             Hessen Cassel, Germany             33    -----                  --    --    --  -----                 14-Dec
                    25 Decbr 1847     F. S. W.   Mary Ann Frazier                                          Little Rock, Arkansas              21    Texas                 1 yr    W  3 mos Gonorrhoea            14-Dec
                    12 Jany 1848      F. S. W.   Bridget Ryan                                              Pennsylvania                       23    Mobile              10 yrs^   W    --  Syphilis              14-Dec
                    8 January 1848    J. D.      Richard P. Randolph                Seaman                 Prince George Co., Virginia        67    Memphis               1 mo    W    --  Fractured Rib         14-Dec
                    27 Decbr 1847     J. D.      Patrick Smith                                             Ireland                            --    -----                  --    --    --  Removed to C. H.      14-Dec Delirium Tremens
16 Decbr 1847                         J. D.      Joseph Hapt                        Stone Cutter           N. Bavaria, Germany                24    Indiana              6 mos    S  3 wks Typhus Fever          15-Dec from the Ch. H.
                    18 Decbr 1847     F. S. W.   Mary Coleman                                              Raised in Cincinnati,              29    -----                  --     W    --  Ulcer                 16-Dec
                                                                                                           born in Ireland
                    7 June 1848       J. D.      Elizabeth C. Roulier                                      St. James Parish, Louisiana        45    St. James             1 dy    S  2 mos Paralysis Partialis   17-Dec Her brother Simon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Roulier resides in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        St. James Parish
                    19 Decbr 1847     J. P. W.   Conrad April                       St. Btman              Raised in N.O. born in Ohio        25    Saint Louis          2 dys    S   1 dy Variola               17-Dec
                    20 Jany 1848      J. D.      John Donavan                       Laborer                Cork Co., Ireland                  --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 17-Dec Absconded
                    3 January 1848    J. D.      William Brett                      Seaman                 Kent Co., England                  26    Vera Cruz            9 mos    S    --  Epilepsy              18-Dec from the Ch. H.
                    28 Febry 1848     J. D.      Eliza Donnelly born Farrell                               Longford Co., Ireland              40    Liverpool            8 dys    M    --  Typhus Fever          18-Dec from the Ch. H.
Removed to Rotunda  17 Jany 1848      J. P. W.   Charles Dunn                       St. Btman              Yorkshire, England                 25    Cincinnati           13 dys   S    --  Variola Confluencia?  18-Dec from the Ch. H.
                    21 Decbr 1847     J. D.      Michael Dolan                      Shoemaker              -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Delirium Tremens      18-Dec
                    18 Febry 1848     J. D.      Dally                              Slave of Mr. Wm. Sexton                                   --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 19-Dec
                    30 Decbr 1847     J. D.      Mary                               Slave of Mr. J. P. Freret                                 --    -----                  --    --    --  Phthisis              18-Dec Omitted
28 December 1847                      J. D.      Michael Cooper                                            -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Typhus Fever          19-Dec
Rem'd to Jackson    22 Novbr 1848     J. D.      Otto Peters                                               -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Mania                 19-Dec
                    27 Decbr 1847     J. P. W.   William B. Forse                   Blacksmith             Martin Co., Indiana                22    Louisville           1/2 dy   S   1 dy Measles               20-Dec Rem to No 12 C. H.
26 Decbr 1847                         J. D.      Judith Long born Garvey                                   Galway Co., Ireland                50    Liverpool            9 dys    M    --  Typhus Fever          20-Dec from C. H. No. 6
                    28 Jany 1848      J. P. W.   George Blanch                      Seaman                 Scotland                           30    Cincinnati           7 dys    S    --  Vaiola Confluens      21-Dec from C. H. No. 10
                    11 January 1848   J. D.      Catharine Braun                                           -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Purperal Mania        21-Dec Rem'd to Main Building
                    16 March 1847     J. D.      Johanna Murray                                            -----                              --    -----                  --     M    --  Mania                 21-Dec
                    27 Decbr 1847     F. S. W.   Hannah Brown                                              -----                              --    -----                  --     W    --  Delirium Tremens      22-Dec
                    27 Decbr 1847     J. P. W.   Patrick Baker                      St Btman               Victoria Dist., Canada             24    Canada               2 wks    S  8 dys Measles               23-Dec Rem'd to No. 19 C. H.
                    30 Decbr 1847     J. D.      Charlotte Head                                            Yorkshire, England                 --    -----                  --     M  5 dys Delir Tremens         23-Dec
                    27 Decbr 1847     J. D.      Walter Edmund                      Plasterer              Glasgow, Scotland                  40    New York             15 mos   S    --  Delirium Tremens      24-Dec
                    29 Decbr 1847     F. S. W.   Margaret Beard                                            Ayrshire, Scotland                 28    -----                  --     M    --  Syphilis              24-Dec
                    17 January 1848   J. P. W.   Conrad Aprill                      St Btman               Raised in N.O.,                    26    St. Louis            6 dys    S    --  Syphilis &            24-Dec
                                                                                                           born in Pennsylvania                                                            Variola Confluens
                    22 Jany 1848      F. S. W.   Mary Ann Jones                                            Ireland                            --    -----                  --    --    --  Syphilis &            24-Dec
                                                                                                                                                                                           Variola Confluens        
                    27 Debcr 1847     J. D.      Andrew Anderson                    Pedlar                 Hanover, Germany                   37    Bremen               2 yrs    S    --  Delirium Tremens      25-Dec
                    27 Decbr 1847     J. D.      Samuel Anderson                                           -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Int Fever             26-Dec from Ch Hosp
19 May 1848                           F. S. W.   Cecilia Sloane born Daily                                 Queen's Co., Ireland               40    New York             7 yrs    W    --  Pulmonary Consumption 26-Dec
25 Decbr 1848                         J. D.      Maria Luhn born Preitlan                                  Prussia                            40    Bremen               4 yrs    M    --  Asiatic Cholera       27-Dec
27 December 1847                                 George Ladd                        Seaman                 Grafton Co., N. Hampshire          40    Cincinnati           7 yrs    S    --  Delirium Tremens      25-Dec Omitted at first
                    18 January 1848              Jean L'Eglise                      Tailor                 Dept. du Gers, France              38    -----                  --     S    --  Dementia              29-Dec
Absconded           2d January 1848              William Morrisson                  S Boatman              Stirlingshire, Scotland            39    -----                  --     S    --  Delir Tremens         30-Dec Sent by Recorded Ramos
                    2d January 1848              Jose Tozzini                       Barkeeper              Ilaty (sic - probably Italy)       34    Italy                7 yrs    S    --  Delir Tremens         31-Dec
                                                 Caspar Kleigmann                   Laborer                Saxe Meininger, Germany            25    Bremen               11 mos   S    --  -----                 31-Dec
                    16 January 1848              Thomas Byrnes                                             -----                              --    -----                  --     M    --  Typhus Fever          28-Dec Omitted at first
                    16 Febry 1848                Joseph Clark                                              -----                              --    -----                  --    --    --  Typhus Fever          25-Dec Omitted at first
                    5th August 1848              Caspar Gleichmann                  (See 3 lines above.)   -----                              25    Bremen               11 mos   S    --  Mania                 31-Dec Absconded

*There is an umlaut on the u in Muller.
^This has been written funny.  It looks like it might have originally been 19 yrs and the 9 was changed to be 10 years.

Report of Lunatic Asylum for December 1847

Admitted            Males                      41
                    Females                    30                                 71
Discharged          Males                      31
                    Females                    25                                 56
Died                Males                      10
                    Females                     4                                 14

Number of patients remaining in the L'ic Asylum on the 1st of January 1848          viz  125