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1867 Record of Disposition of Destitute Orphans          Orleans Parish

Submitted by: Colleen Fitzpatrick
              Jan Strickland
              Merle Farrington
              Shelly Bache
              Audrey Hopper
              H McCarthy
              Yvonne James
              Emily Wise
              Grace Smith
              Jean Sauls

Source: Record of Disposition of Destitute Orphans, 1852 - 1893
        Louisiana Division
        New Orleans Public Library
        Also available through the Family History Library

Date: June 2004

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Note: To see an entry on a single line, change your page layout to Tabloid/Landscape. 

Date          Name of Person         Residence of Person                 Name of Orphan              Age            How Disposed Of
              Making Affidavit       Making Affidavit

01/02/1867    Jno. P Bilac           Prieur near St. Ann                 Art Plicque                 9 yrs          St. Mary's Male Orphan Asylum
01/10/1867    Elizabeth Delatore     Julia & Rampart                     Clara                       6              St. Vincent Infant Asylum
                                                                         Camilla                     3              St. Vincent Infant Asylum
                                                                         Antonia                     1              St. Vincent Infant Asylum
01/12/1867    Jack* Gastinel                                             Pat & Jno. O'Brien          13, 3          St. Mary's Male Orphan Asylum
01/15/1867    Mary McCarty           88 St. Thomas                       Chs. McCarty                11             St. Mary's Male Orphan Asylum
01/30/1867    St. Mary's Male Asylum                                                                                St. Mary's Male Orphan Asylum
01/30/1867    Liet Jacobs            3rd Dist.                           Chs. McCarthy                              Orphans Home cor. 7th & Constance St.
02/07/1867    Officer Laihy                                              Wm & Jas Smith              4 & 6          St. Vincent Infant Asylum
02/07/1867    Officer Laihy                                              Kate Smith                  8 mos
02/08/1867    Recorder Gastinel                                          Elizabeth O'Neil            --             Camp St. Female Orphan Asylum
02/18/1867    Mary Forest            175 St. Paul                        Wm. Henry Forest            12 yrs         St. Marys Male Orphan Asylum
03/19/1867    Pailina (sic) Fisher   cor Columbus & Rochblave            Louisa Rice                 11 yrs         Camp St. Female Asylum
04/02/1867    John Michel            270 Poydras                         Cath. Swift                 2 wks          St. Vincent Infant Asylum
04/03/1867    Mary Granito           Charity Hospital                    Thos. Granito               3 wks          St. Vincent Infant Asylum
04/04/1867    Mary D Armstead        80 Gasquet                          Mary Armsted                4 mos          St. Vincent Infant Asylum
04/15/1867    Missouri Nawly                                             Andrew Hawley               2 yrs          Orphan Home cor 7th & Constance
                                                                         Henry Hawly                 8 yrs          Orphan Home cor 7th & Constance
                                                                         Everett Hawly               5 yrs          Orphan Home cor 7th & Constance
04/30/1867    Dr. Tebault            Charity Hospital                    Francis Spit                2 wks          St. Vincent Infant Asylum
05/08/1867    Elizabeth Auboria      St. Peter bet Marais & Treme        Nornina Arboria**           9 yrs          St. Jos. German Asylum
05/20/1867    Liet Johnson           Third Dist.                         Ellen J. & Kattie Owley***  10 & 8         Camp St. Female Orphan Asylum
05/21/1867    Caroline Caffory       Clara bet Erato & Clio              Lawrenc Caffory             11             Childrens Orphan Home 7th & Constance
                                                                         Martha Caffory              8              Childrens Orphan Home 7th & Constance
                                                                         Sabrina Caffory             6              Childrens Orphan Home 7th & Constance
05/22/1867    W C Witherwell         Thalia & First                      Ed R O'Brien                --             St. Mary Boys Orphan Asylum
06/22/1867    Mary A. Halligan       Camp & St. Jos.                     Mary E. McGill              7              Camp St. Female Asylum
                                                                         Elizabeth McGill            3              Camp St. Female Asylum
07/02/1867    Madeline Brunk         87 Barrone                          Jno Brunk                   8              Orphan Home
07/17/1867    Anna Atwell            179 Calliope St.                    Wm. & Geo. Atwell           5 & 2 1/2      St. Mary Male Orphan Asylum
07/17/1867    Margt. Griffin         113 St. Jos                         Jos. Allen                  2 1/2          St. Vincent Infant Asylum
07/27/1867    J. F. Mollere          172 Dumain                          H. St. Martin               8              St. Mary Male Orphan
                                                                         Jno. St. Martin             6              St. Mary Male Orphan
08/09/1867    Sarah Farman           Poydras & Carondelet                Jno. Fannan                 5 weeks        St. Vincent Infant Asylum
08/16/1867    Mary Croyan            31 North Market                     Jas. Robertson              6 yrs          St. Mary's Male Orphan Asylum
08/23/1867    Frank DeSilva          76 Thalia                           John Stevens                2 yrs          St. Vincent Infant Asylum
09/09/1867    Cath Norton            Charity Hospital                    Ellen Norton                10 mos         St. Vincent Infant Asylum
10/03/1867    Julia Water            Old Levee nr Thalia                 Anna Holton                 1 yr           St. Vincent Infant Asylum
10/10/1867    Mrs. Ellen Quinn       Cor Julia & Tchoupitoulas           Lena                        3 mos          St. Vincent Infant Asylum
11/07/1867    Ellen Kirwood          154 Esplanade St                    Sarah Jane Kirwood          6 wks          St. Vincent Infant Asylum
12/07/1867    Jos Ragan              145 Fulton St                       Jno & Martin                12 & 10        St. Mary's Male O. Asylum

*The first name is not quite readable.  Jack is the closest it could be.  Other possibilities are Juds, Jads, Jach, Juch, etc.
**Might be Asboria, Auboria.
**Could be Owlsy, Owlry.