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1866 Record of Disposition of Destitute Orphans          Orleans Parish

Submitted by: Colleen Fitzpatrick
              Jan Strickland
              Merle Farrington
              Shelly Bache
              Audrey Hopper
              H McCarthy
              Yvonne James
              Emily Wise
              Grace Smith
              Jean Sauls

Source: Record of Disposition of Destitute Orphans, 1852 - 1893
        Louisiana Division
        New Orleans Public Library
        Also available through the Family History Library

Date: June 2004

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Note: To see an entry on a single line, change your page layout to Tabloid/Landscape. 

Date             Name of Person                 Residence of Person                     Name of Orphan                       Age          How Disposed Of
                 Making Affidavit               Making Affidavit

03/26/1866       Mrs. M J. Henry                247 Thalia                              Camile Charsey                       1 mo         Infant Asylum, cor. Magazine & Race
04/21/1866       Dr. H. Rayon*                                                          Daughter of Frenand (sic)** Roman    6            St. Vincents Asylum, Magazine St.
05/09/1866       Mrs. Rosine Drusch             Prosper St. Bet. Union & Frenchman      John Kuntz                           11           St. Joseph German Asylum, Josephine St.
05/26/1866       Mary Bernard                   211 Common                              Ed Bernard                           1 mo         St. Vincent Infant Asylum
06/05/1866       Bridget Phinity                cor. Tchoupitoulas & Celeste            Paul & Jno                           4 & 6        St. Mary Male Orphan Asylum
06/06/1866       Ellen Barrett                  Celeste & Tch                           Jno. Barrett                         8            St. Mary Male Orphan Asylum
06/09/1866       Cath. Coyle                    Fulton & Julia                          Thos Coyle                           9            St. Mary Male Orphan Asylum
06/14/1866       Cath Foster                    Tch. bet Race & Oranges (sic)           Chs & Milton                         9 & 8        St. Mary Male Orphan Asylum
06/22/1866       C. Lefevres B. Nomandin        No. 7 St. Anne                          Marie Annie                          --           -----
                                                                                        Manuel                               5            Camp Street Female Orphan Asylum
06/29/1866       Ellen Sullivan                 cor. Girod & Magazine                   Thos. Sullivan                       5            St. Mary's Male Orphan Asylum
06/30/1866       Mary Chandler                  143 Relg                                Maggie Daly                          1 1/2        Infant Asylum
07/09/1866       Mary Endry                     12 Liberty                              Mary V. Endry                        3 wks        Infant Asylum
07/21/1866       M. Wolnereny***                185 Bayou Road                          Geo. Runband                         18           St. Mary Male Orphan Asylum
07/21/1866       M. Wolnereny***                185 Bayou Road                          Mat Hartman                          5            St. Mary Male Orphan Asylum
08/14/1866       J. T. D. Lefevre               7 St. Ann                               Josephine C. Spotz                   2 1/2        St. Vincent Infant Asylum
                 J. T. D. Lefevre               7 St. Ann                               Charlotte A. Spotz                   10 mos       St. Vincent Infant Asylum
08/17/1866       Mrs. Moore                     128 Eighth                              Louis Jarger                         14 days      St. Vincent Infant Asylum
08/29/1866       Mary Chamberlin                407 Magazine                            Mike & John                          5 mos        St. Vincent Infant Asylum
09/07/1866       Ann Creely                     220 Circus                              R. Creely                            5 1/2        St. Marys Male Orphan Asylum
09/08/1866       Marg Wire                      St. Jno Bt.                             Thos                                 5            St. Marys Male Orphan Asylum
09/15/1866       Margt Dwyer                    Euterpe near Nayades                    Alice Dwyer                          14           St. Vincent Infant Asylum
09/17/1866       E. Clark                                                               Tim  & Jim^ Donovan                  9 & 6        St. Mary Male Orphan Asylum
09/20/1866       Anna Harris                    290 Common                              Wiley Harris                         8 yrs        St. Mary Male Orphan Asylum
                 Anna Harris                    290 Common                                                                                Released and delivered to
                                                                                                                                          his Mother May 1, 1867
09/21/1866       Kate McCarty                   cor Melp. & St. Thomas                  Chs. McCarty                         9            St. Mary Male Orphan Asylum
09/26/1866       Julia Donahue                  104 Marias St. (sic)                    Sarah Donahue                        2            Camp St. Female Orphan Asylum
10/03/1866       Eliza Holland                  F. Road near Magazine                   James Holland                        12 mos       St. Vincent Infant
10/03/1866       Eliza Holland                  F. Road near Magazine                   Ed. Holland                          7            St. Mary Male
10/09/1866       T. Leahman                     Circus near Johnson                     Chs. Leahman                         5            St. Mary Male
10/11/1866       E. Lazarre                     Carolton (sic)                          Emily & Pauline                      9 & 5        St. Vincent Infant Asylum
10/12/1866       Mary Gagnan                    299 Carondelet Walk                     Foundling- Ju_^^                     13 days      St. Vincent Infant Asylum
10/18/1866       Jno. G. Burghardt              First bet. Thalia & Mel.                Jno. David Burghardt                 10           Orphans' Home
10/18/1866       Jno. G. Burghardt              First bet. Thalia & Mel.                Anna Maria Burghardt                 7 1/2 yrs    Orphans' Home
10/18/1866       Jno. G. Burghardt              First bet. Thalia & Mel.                Louis  C. Burghardt                  2 1/2 yrs    Orphans' Home
10/2?/1866 (sic) Chas. Steinmyre                324 Erato                               Mary E. Downs                        11 yrs       -----
11/02/1866       J. Fremaux                     Old Levee                               Unknown                              6 mos        St. Vincent Infant Asylum
11/15/1866       Jas Moran                      191 Dryades St.                         Mary Ann Moran                       12 yrs       Camp St. Female Orphan Asylum
11/16/1866       Jas Moran                      191 Dryades St.                         Dan Moran                            9 yrs        St. Mary's Male Orphan Asylum
11/30/1866       Bastien Rapp                   301 Washington                          Jacob Brown                          9            St. Mary's Male Orphan Asylum
11/30/1866       Bastien Rapp                   301 Washington                          Elizabeth Schawl                     5            St. Joseph Orphan Asylum
12/10/1866       Cath Dolan                     99 St. Charles                          Wm. Dolan                            4 wks        St. Vincent Infant Asylum
12/13/1866       Mary Mack                      316 Dauphine                            Jas. Madden                          12 dys       St. Vincent Infant Asylum
12/15/1866       Hannah Murtheo                 Laf. Near Circus                        Mary Murthe                          6 yrs        Camp St. Asylum
12/15/1866       Hannah Murtheo                 Laf. Near Circus                        Jno. Murtheo                         5 yrs        St. Mary's Male Orphan Asylum

*Could be Prayon, Prayou, Payou, Rayou, etc.
**Might be Franand Roman.
***Could be Wolneriny, Wolniniry, Wolnirney, but there are no dots over the word, so that the name is probalby spelled with two e's.
^Might be Jan, but probably not.
^^Can't read last letter.  Might be Jul, but doesn't make sense.