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1861 New Orleans City Directory Excerpts - C through F                Orleans Parish, LA

Submitted by:      Betty Ware
                   Colleen Fitzpatrick
                   Kathy Sharp
                   Julie Moritz
                   Susan Billet Kost 
                   Beverly Benoit
                   Penny Delery

Source:    1861 New Orleans City Directory
           Louisiana Division
           Main Branch
           New Orleans Public Library

Updated:     March 2006

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Note: Change your page layout to landscape with left and right margins set at 0.2" to see a single entry per line.

Last Name            First Name           Occupation                          Employer                                    Residence 

- C -

Cabal                Armand               hat store                                                                       Hospital c. Old Levee
Cabal                A.                   Mrs.                                                                        222 Villere, d. 2
Caballero & Basualdo                      (Jose M. Caballero, J. M. Basualdo)                                    d.   151 St. Louis
                                          com. mers. & importers of Havana cigars, etc.
                                          46 late 36 Old Levee, d. 2
Caballero            Mrs.                                                                                             219 St. Peter
Caballero            Fernando             cigar maker                                                                 487 St. Claude, d. 3
Caballero            Pascal               baker                                                                           Magazine n. Toledano
Cabanne              J.                   baker                                                                        19 Annunciation
Cabaret              Louis                mate                                                                        540 Rampart, d. 3
Cabary               Josephine            f. w. c.                                                                    168 St. Philip
Cabaunie             Pascal               baker                                                                           Louisiana av. c. Constance, Jefferson City
Cabel                John                 f. m. c. cooper                                                                 Union n. St. John Baptist
Cabirac              B.                   cabinet maker                                                                   Dauphine c. Bienville
Cabiro               A.                   gauger & sugar broker                                                  d.   201 St. Philip
Cabiro               Pierre A.            clerk                                                                       199 St. Claude
Cable                Henry                dairy                                                                           Jackson n. Carroll
Cable                Mortimer                                                                                             Hurtsville
Cable                Rebecca                                                                                              Seventh n. Magazine
Caboche                                   M. D. of the Homeopathic College of the West,
                                          Cleveland, Ohio. Corresponding Member of the
                                          Homeopathic Academy of Palermo                                               17 Bayou road
Cabos                B.                   butcher                             7 Ninth street market d. 1         d.       Toledano n. Constance
Cabot                George               carpenter                                                                   204 Calliope
Caboufigue           Noel                 grocer                                                                       75 Marais, d. 2
Cabrett              Louis                                                                                                Casacalvo n. Clouet
Cadeac               J. P.                butcher                                                                      17 Dryades mkt.
Caddio               Pedro                butcher                                                                         Melpomene n. Magnolia
Cadeville            Baptiste             butch.                                                                       73 French mkt.
Cadie                Mary                                                                                             202 Villere
Cadichen             Joseph               tailor                              169 Royal                          d.   194 Ursulines
Cadis                John                 clerk                                                                           Carondelet c. Erato
Cadis                Uddo                                                                                             318 Customhouse
Cady                 Augustus             lab.                                                                        795 Rampart, d. 3
Cady                 C. H.                clerk                                                                         7 Gravier
Cady                 John P.              (Brulatour & Co.)                   89 Old Levee                       d.   207 St. Charles
Cady                 R., Mrs.             dressmaker                                                                   89 Canal
Caelette             Rozilla              f. w. c.                                                                    253 Conti
Caffin               L.                   brickyard                                                                       Levee n. Sug. Refin.
Cafiele              Raphael              fruit                                                                       122 St. Peter
Cafiero              Joseph               c. h.                                                                        22 Elysian Fields
Caffrey              John                 painter                                                                         Pacanier c. Richard
Caffrey              Simon                c. h.                                                                           New Levee c. Second
Caffrey              Thos.                drayman                                                                     480 O. Levee, d. 3
Cagill               Michael              laborer                                                                     854 Rampart, d. 3
Cahalan              John                 laborer                                                                     252 St. Philip
Cahan                Michael              carpenter                                                                   260 Magazine
Cahanin              Ernest               clerk                                                                        83 Canal
Cahigas              Stanislaus                                                                                       112 Louisa
Cahill               Dennis               ship. carp.                                                                     Villere, Algiers
Cahill               Edward               ship. carp.                                                                     Alex., Algiers
Cahill               Martin               lab.                                                                            Richard n. Pacanier
Cahill               Owen                 corn meal                                                                       Philip n. Fulton
Cahill               Patrick              laborer                                                                     225 St. Louis
Cahill               Thomas               laborer                                                                     345 Perdido
Cahill               Thos.                drayman                                                                         St. Jane n. Gravier
Cahill               Thos.                blacksmith                                                                   65 St. Andrew
Cahn                 B.                                                                                                63 Royal
Cahn                 D.                   junk shop                                                                   723 New Levee, d. 4
Cahn                 Isaac C.             dry gds.                                                                    846 Magazine, d. 4
Cahn                 Jos.                 dry goods                                                                   422 Tchoupitoulas
Cahn                 Solomon                                                                                           17 Frenchmen
Cahn                 L.                   dry goods                                                                       Levee n. Valence, Jefferson City
Caillat              Eugene               grocer                                                                          Craps c. Union
Caillat              H.                   accountant                                                                      Canal c. Carondelet
Caillat              H.                   accountant                                                                   99 Orleans
Caillavet            Raymond                                                                                           32 Toulouse
Caillerie            Francois             cook                                                                        193 St. Louis
Callier              A.                                                                                                22 St. Louis
Caillier             Alb.                 Strangers' Hotel                                                            127 Chartres
Caillier             Pierre F.                                                                                        291 Bourbon
Caillier             T. F.                                                                                             22 Toulouse
Caillonet & Clarke                        (Justin Caillonet, Wm. H. Clarke)                                           769 Tchoupitoulas, d. 4
Caillonet            Justin               (Caillonet & Clarke)                                                        769 Tchoupitoulas
Callot               Anthony, Mrs.                                                                                    252 St. Philip
Cailloux             Andre                f. m. c. cigar maker                                                            c. Union & Casacalvo
Cailloux             Ophelia              f. w. c.                                                                    401 Morales
Cain                 Catharine, Mrs.      milkseller                                                                      McDonogh
Cain                 Christopher          laborer                                                                      88 Gaiennie
Cain                 Cornelius                                                                                        168 Tchoupitoulas
Cain                 Daniel               marble worker                                                                   Palmyra n. Claiborne
Cain                 Edward               laborer                                                                     234 St. Louis
Cain                 E.                   mer. tailor                         12 Com'l place                     d.    94 Polymnia
Cain                 John                 marble cutter                                                                88 Mandeville
Cain                 L. B.                (John Marks & Co)                   62 Camp                            d.   338 St. Charles
Cain                 Margaret, Mrs.       grocery                                                                      49 Erato
Cain                 Michael              laborer                                                                     337 Howard, d. 1
Cain                 Michael              laborer                                                                      22 Music
Cain                 P., Mrs.                                                                                         466 Dauphine, d. 3
Cain                 Sarah, Mrs.                                                                                          St. Ferdinand n. O. Levee
Cain                 Stephen              drayman                                                                      90 St. Joseph
Caird                Jas.                 furniture cart                                                              550 Rampart, d. 3
Caire                Wm.                  cabman                                                                      420 Royal, d. 3
Caire                A.                   confectioner                                                                358 Dauphine
Caire                Camille              f. w. c.                                                                    300 Customhouse
Caire                Edward               Circus Street Infirmary
Caire                L. T. , Mrs.                                                                                      46 Dauphine
Cairnes              Henry A.                                                 35 Tchoupitoulas                   d.   720 Magazine
Caisselliere         Charles              watchmaker                                                                    8 Camp
Calahan              John                 grocer                                                                      472 Front Levee
Calba                J.                                                                                                   Bruxelles n. Broad
Calder               Catharine, Mrs.                                                                                  359 Camp
Calder               David                                                                                            150 Thalia
Calder               Elizabeth, Mrs.                                                                                  150 Thalia
Calder               George               laborer                                                                      29 First
Caldeira             Ignacio S.           screwman                                                                    387 Rampart, d. 3
Caldwell             Alex                                                                                              94 Basin, d. 2
Caldwell             G. H., Mrs.          academy                                                                     778 Magazine, d. 4
Caldwell             James H.                                                                                         121 Carondelet
Caldwell             John                                                                                        d.   217 Bienville
Caldwell             John D.              engineer                                                                     55 Third
Caldwell             John F.              (Farley, Jury & Co.)                                                         40 Perdido, Factor's row
Caldwell             J. E.                com. mer.                           5 Bank place                       d.       Pleasant near Chestnut
Caldwell             Maria                dressmaker                                                                  210 Baronne
Caldwell             William              acct.                                                                        67 Front, d. 1
Calhoun              Chas                 slater                                                                      406 Customhouse
Calhoun              Geo.                 f. m. c.                                                                        Frenchmen n. Celestine
Calhoun              John C.                                                                                     d.       Napoleon av. n. Magazine
Califat              P.                   c. h.                                                                           Carondelet walk c. Marais
California Saw Mill                                                                                                       Levee c. Independence
Caliste              C.                   tailor                                                                       42 Orleans
Caliste              Jean                 shoemaker                                                                   196 Ursulines
Call                 Richard              screwman                                                                     12 Jackson
Callaghan            Arthur, Dr.                                                                                       22 Commercial place
Callaghan            Charles              c. h.                                                                       162 Rampart
Callaghan            Daniel               drayman                                                                d.    42 Terpsichore
Callaghan            Edward               laborer                                                                      79 Delord
Callaghan            Edward               lab.                                                                        433 Marais, d. 3
Callaghan            Edward               lab.                                                                            Second n. Dryades
Callaghan            Edward               lab.                                                                            Washington n. St. Dennis
Callaghan            John, Mrs.           grocer                                                                          Race c. Tchoupitoulas
Callaghan            Margaret                                                                                         201 Roman, d. 2
Callaghan            Michael              laborer                                                                      68 Orange
Callaghan            Pat.                 clerk                                                                           Franklin n. Clio
Callaghan            Paul                 lab.                                                                            Religious n. Race
Callaghan            Thomas                                                                                               Willow n. Erato
Callaghan            Jas.                 lab.                                                                            Orange n. St. Thomas
Callaham             Wm.                  ship carp.                                                                  207 Mandeville
Callahan             James                lab.                                                                            Calliope c. Foucher
Callahan             John                 plasterer                                                                   598 Burgundy
Callahan             John                 drayman                                                                      45 Villere
Callahan             Patrick              c. p.                                                                       360 Thalia
Callahan             Patrick              laborer                                                                     360 Thalia
Callahan             Paul                 laborer                                                                         St. Mary n. Fulton
Callahan             Jeremiah                                                                                          58 Adele
Callahan             J. T.                cartman                                                                         Fourth n. St. Thomas
Callahan             Joseph               laborer                                                                     395 Bourbon
Callahan             L., Mrs.                                                                                         126 Conti
Callahan             Matthew              laborer                                                                d.       Henderson n. Front Levee
Callahan             Morris               cotton sampler                                                               86 Annunciation
Callary              M.                   drayman                                                                         Orange n. Pacanier
Callahan             Nicholas             furniture cart                                                                  Melpomene n. Claiborne
Callahan             Owen                 lab.                                                                         67 St. Andrew n. Fulton
Callejia             De La R., Mrs.                                                                                   134 Chartres
Callejia             Francis, Mrs.                                                                                    312 Claiborne
Callejia             Henrietta, Mrs.                                                                                  312 Claiborne
Callejon             Juan                 Consul of Spain                                                              64 Royal
Callen               John                 lab.                                                                        112 Foucher
Callender            Sarah, Mrs.                                                                                      113 St. Joseph
Callender, Sidney S. o.                   (W. A. Bills)                       Franklin Card Press                d.   387 Canal
                                                                              21 Gravier
Callender            Wm.                                                                                               78 Spain
Callesen             H. C.                                                                                                Roman n. Orleans
Callico              Geo.                 c. p.                                                                       310 Conti
Callico              J. F.                marble cutter                       Robertson c. St. Louis             d.   121 Orleans
Callon               J. H.                blacksmith                                                                      Gretna
Callovo              J. H.                blacksmith                                                                      Freret n. Lafayette, Gretna
Calls                Austin               f. m. c.  lab.                                                              172 Marais, d. 2
Calongne             A. F.                                                                                            166 Marais, d. 2
Calongne             C.                   sug. broker                                                                 394 St. Philip
Calongne             M. A.                Direct Importation of Wines, Brandies,                                 d.   167 Marais, d. 2
                                          Nos. 205 & 207 Royal c. Main
                                          &c., Wholesale & Retail Fancy Groceries
Colongne             O.                   constable, 4th justice's court      c. St. Peter & Chartres            d.   254 St. Philip
Calot                A.                   painter & gilder                                                            285 Chartres
Calquhoun            John                 printer                                                                      70 Camp
Calvary              J.                   lab.                                                                            St. Ferdinand n. Chartres
Calve                A.                   c. h.                                                                       158 Levee, d. 3
Calvert              Robt. N.             c. p.                                                                  d.   447 Terpsichore
Calvert              W. H. H.             sailmaker                                                              d.   447 Terpsichore
Calvert              J. Alexander         clerk                                                                       155 Canal
Camblero             Charles              printer                                                                      87 Hospital
Camba                Frank                tin, copper & sheet iron worker                                             289 Tchoupitoulas
Cambias              G. A.                stevedore                                                                   553 Burgundy, d. 3
Cambiaso             John, Rev.           vice Pres.                          Jesuits' College                            Baronne c. Common
Camby                Henry                seaman                                                                      673 Rampart, d. 3
Camenisch            P., Mrs.             midwife                                                                     226 Chartres
Camerden             Frederick            com. mers. & agent of               66 Gravier                         d.   149 Constance
                                          Home Insurance Company of New York
Camerdy              John                 lab.                                                                         11 Constance
Camerford            James                carp.                                                                  d.    72 St. Thomas
Cameron              Alex.                shoemaker                                                                   255 Magazine
Cameron              W.                   acct.                               1 Tchoupitoulas                    d.       Onzaga n. Dorgenois
Camerty              Christopher          com. mer.                                                              d.    93 Constance
Cameron              Mary, Mrs.
Cameron              Margt.               laundress                                                                   121 Religious
Camet                B.                   wine bottler                        50 Main                            d.   243 Carondelet walk
Camet                T., Mrs.                                                                                         127 St. Louis
Camille's Gallery of Fine Art             All kinds of Daguerreotypes, Graphs or Types,                                   Old Levee street c. Hospital
                                          of the smallest sizes, copied in life size, on paper or
                                          on canvass (sic) prepared to be painted in Oil or Water Colors:
                                          reproductions of all kinds of objects of Art, Architectural Plans,
                                          Drawings, etc., made to all scales: duplicates by the dozen:
                                          views taken of Buildings, Mausoleums, Machinery, Engines,
                                          Steamboats, Farms, Landscapes, & Animals, dead or living.
Camille              Paolo                fruit                                                                       161 Old Levee
Camille              Thos.                f.m.c., cigar maker                                                         268 Robertson, d. 2
Camisa               A.                   drayman                                                                     362 St. Peter
Camlong              John                 grocery                                                                     521 Ursulines
Cammack              Addison              (Cammack & Converse)                                                         35 Carondelet
Cammack & Converse                        (Addison Cammack, Albert Converse)                                           35 Carondelet
                                          ship brokers & com. mers.
Cammack              Albert               (West, Renshaw & Cammack)                                              d.    68 St. Louis
                                          34 Perdido, Factor's row
Cammack              A. B.                cotton broker                       151 Common                         d.   426 St. Charles
Cammack              C. C.                acct.                               151 Common                         d.   426 St. Charles
Cammack              Charles W.           paying teller                       Citizens' Bank                     d.   159 Girod
Cammack              Geo.                 clerk                                                                       149 Common
Cammack              H. C., Mrs.                                                                                        7 Pontalba bldgs., St. Ann
Cammack              James                clerk                                                                           St. Louis
Cammack              R. C.                bookkeeper                                                                  122 Gravier
Cammack              R. C., Mrs.                                                                                       68 St. Louis
Cammel               C.                   f.w.c.                                                                          Bagatelle n. Girod
Cammoulis            Vincent              fish dealer                                                                 496 St. Claude, d. 3
Camors               Andre                                                    52 Customhouse                     d.    33 Rampart
Camors               August               grocery                                                                         St. Louis c. Bourbon
Camors               B.                   (Romanhan &  Co.)                   60 Bourbon                         d.   118 St. Anthony
Camors               F.                   Commercial Restaurant                                                        81 Customhouse
Camors               G.                                                                                                59 Girod, d. 3
Camors               J. B.                                                                                             28 Lafayette
Camory               Richard              lab.                                                                        168 Tchoupitoulas
Camos                Antoine                                                                                           82 Annette
Camp                 C.                   bricklayer                                                                  391 Perdido
Camp                 Geo.                 carpenter                                                                   164 Chippewa
Camp                 J. W.                                                                                             89 Frenchmen
Camp                 R. P.                carp.                                                                       281 Howard
Camp                 Theodore             clerk                                                                        76 Canal
Camp                 T. H.                clerk                               31 & 33 Gravier                    d.    45 Robinson
Camp                 W. E.                watchmaker                          115 Canal                          d.    43 Robertson, d. 1
Campana              Jos.                 stevedore                                                                   335 St. Claude, d. 3
Campanel             B., Mrs.                                                                                         305 St. Peter
Campanel             E.                   furniture                           222 Royal                          d.   252 Claiborne, d. 2
Campanel             S.                   hay, corn & oats                    300 Bayou road                     d.   104 Adeline
Campbell             Archibald            (Henning & Campbell)                151 Camp                           d.   310 Terpsichore
Campbell             A.                   clerk                                                                  d.   564 Burgundy, d. 3
Campbell             A.                   f. m. c. bricklayer                                                         248 Thalia
Campbell             A.                   f. m. c. cigar marker                                                       310 Dauphine
Campbell             Barth                junk shop                                                                    26 Dryades
Campbell             Chas.                printer                                                                      55 Villere
Campbell             Charles              lab.                                                                         90 St. Thomas
Campbell             Charles                                                                                              Josephine n. Dryades
Campbell             Chas.                Agent for Phelps, Parke & Co.                                          d.   423 St. Joseph
                                          40 Perdido
Campbell             C. C.                atty.                               92 Camp                            d.   317 1/2 Fulton, d. 4
Campbell             Danl.                cooper                                                                      322 Clio
Campbell             Duncan G.            atty.                                                                         5 Commercial place
Campbell             D. W. C.             sergeant-at-arms                    12 City Hall                       d.   196 St. John Baptist
Campbell             Edwin                (Campbell & Strong)                 20 St. Charles                     d.   115 Carondelet
Campbell & Strong                         (Edwin Campbell, P. N. Strong, R. B. Campbell)                               20 St. Charles
                                          commission merchants
Campbell             Eliza, Mrs.                                                                                          Thalia n. Baronne
Campbell             E. J.                                                                                            141 St. Louis
Campbell             Fred.                clerk                                                                        40 Old Levee, d. 2
Campbell             Geo.                 mate                                                                         77 Greatmen
Campbell             George G.            tobacco agency                      95 Camp                            d.    39 Constance
Campbell             G. W., Dr.                                                                                           St. Charles c. Julia
Campbell             Jas. C.              builder                                                                     396 St. Charles
Campbell             Jas.                 steward                                                                      77 Annunciation
Campbell             Jas., Mrs.           f. w. c.                                                                    371 Robertson, d. 3
Campbell             James                                                                                             34 Carondelet
Campbell             Jas.                                                                                                 Pacanier n. Market
Campbell, McKee & Co.                     (John P. Campbell, Robert McKee, Jas. U. Campbell)                           73 Carondelet
                                          cot. factors & com. mers.
Campbell             John                 lab.                                                                        285 Tchoupitoulas
Campbell             John                 lab.                                                                        107 Claiborne, d. 2
Campbell             John                                                                                                 Annunciation n. First
Campbell             John                 dry gds.                                                                        Julia n. Willow
Campbell             Jos.                 carp.                                                                       130 Frenchmen
Campbell             Parker               (Railey & Campbell)                                                          35 Tchoupitoulas
Campbell             Jos.                 cabman                                                                      548 Rampart, d. 3
Campbell             J.                   sailmkr.                                                                        Prytania n. Dryades
Campbell             J.                                                       118 Gravier                        d.    38 Dauphine
Campbell             J. B.                lab.                                                                        233 Treme, d. 2
Campbell             J. E.                builder                             435 Rampart                        d.   396 St. Charles
Campbell             Jno. P.              (Campbell, McKee & Co.)                                                      73 Carondelet
Campbell             J. G.                                                                                                c. Hospital & Royal
Campbell             J. H.                sail mkr.                                                                    75 Magnolia
Campbell             Mary                 music tchr.                                                                  36 Constance
Campbell             Mary, Mrs.                                                                                       196 St. Thomas
Campbell             Michl                glass cut'r                                                                  90 St. Thomas
Campbell             O. H. P.                                                                                             Jackson n. White
Campbell             Peter                moulder                                                                     207 Calliope
Campbell             Philip               lab.                                                                        348 Annunciation
Campbell             P.                   f. w. c.                                                                        Second n. St. Charles
Campbell             Pierre                                                                                           211 Bagatelle
Campbell             Rebecca A.           f. w. c.                                                                    511 Camp
Campbell             Robert               barkeeper                                                                   247 Front, d. 1
Campbell             Robert               lab.                                                                   d.   255 Magazine
Campbell & Rickarby                       (W. P. Campbell, W. D. Rickarby)                                             29 Carondelet
                                          com. mers. & agts. for pat. stave dressing machine
Campbell             Robert                                                                                           197 Franklin
Campbell             R. B.                (Campbell & Strong)                 20 St. Charles                     d.   154 Felicity
Campbell             Salem                f. m. c.  drayman                                                           362 St. Ann
Campbell             Sarah A.             f. w. c.                                                                    108 Treme
Campbell             Theo.                cooper                                                                      165 Frenchmen
Campbell             Thos. C.             clerk                                                                  d.    36 Constance
Campbell             T., Dr.                                                                                              Second n. Dublin, Carlt.
Campbell             Walter L.            slaves                                                                       54 Baronne
Campbell             Wm.                  steward                                                                     122 Gasquet
Campbell             Wm. P.               (Campbell & Rickarby)                                                  d.   120 Prytania
Campbell             Wm.                  clerk                                                                        16 Carondelet
Campbell             W. S.                insp. rev. n.                                                               131 Bienville
Campbell             Mrs.                 dressmaker                                                                      Algiers
Campbell             W. S., Jr.                                                                                       157 Carondelet
Camphouse            P.                   lab.                                                                        628 Rampart, d. 3
Campiglio            B.                   grocer                                                                      278 O. Levee, d. 2
Campman              J. H.                coopersmith                                                                 239 Carondelet
Campo                Antonio                                                                                           64 Frenchmen
Campo                Joseph               pedler                                                                          Morales n. Spain
Campo                Simon                drayman                                                                     128 Frenchmen
Camps                Francois             dray                                                                         56 Independence
Camps                H.                   cigar maker                                                                 271 Bourbon
Camps                J. M.                grocer                                                                          Bourbon c. Hospital
Camus                Theodule E.                                                                                       43 Customhouse
Camutz               C.                                                                                                93 Constance
Canal st. Cotton Press                                                                                                    Canal c. Claiborne
Canal Bank                                                                                                                Camp c. Gravier
Canal                James                mate                                                                         50 St. Thomas
Canale               Mary, Mrs.           mosq. bars                                                                   50 Royal
Canali               Jos.                 c. h. & din. sal.                                                            11 Ursulines
Canard               Louis                shoemaker                                                                   180 Royal
Canavon              Bernard              lab.                                                                        145 St. Joseph
Canbaire             Bertelemis           butcher                                                                     192 Treme
Canby                Geo.                 screwman                                                                     99 Montegut
Candan               P.                                                                                               116 Old Levee
Candelon             Antoine              cooper                                                                      288 St. Ann
Candia               Frank                                                                                            132 St. Philip
Candide              Auguste              clk.                                                                         83 late 93 Chartres
Candide              A.                   jeweler                                                                      83 late 93 Chartres
Canditto             Celli                painter                                                                     233 Robertson
Candler              John                 lab.                                                                        397 Melpomene
Candoff              Benj.                paintr                                                                          Galvez n. Lapeyrouse
Canopele             Theofile             clk.                                                                        307 Laurel
Candy                G.                   drayman                                                                         Morales c. Annette
Cane                 Anthony              lab.                                                                        283 Camp
Cane                 Henry                gro.                                                                            Josephine c. Rousseau
Cane                 Jane                 f. w. c.                                                                     19 Derbigny
Cane                 John                 lab.                                                                            Adele n. Tchoupitoulas
Cane                 John                 gro.                                                                            Perdido c. Bertrand
Cane                 Patk.                carp.                                                                           Melpomene n. Rampart
Cane                 Patrick              lab.                                                                            Perdido c. Bertrand
Canelle              Pierre               f. m. c.                                                                    549 Rampart, d. 3
Cane                 Stephen              lab.                                                                        139 Foucher
Canely               Mary                                                                                             169 Robertson, d. 2
Canet                Fred.                c. h.                                                                       193 Rampart
Canet                Fred.                                                                                            171 Lafayette
Canfield             Geo. W.              jeweler                                                                     249 Girod
Canfield             L.                                                                                          d.    84 Franklin
Canfrancq            Delphine                                                                                         282 Canal
Canfrey              Michael              lab.                                                                        131 Thalia
Canhape              P.                   gro.                                                                            Rampart c. St. Anthony
Cann                 Jas.                 carp.                                                                       260 Magazine
Cann                 Mary                                                                                        d,     5 Annunciation
Cannat               Antonio              wheelw't                                                                    171 Union, d. 3
Cannell              John                 carp.                                                                       317 Carondelet
Cannell              John, Capt.                                                                                          Baronne c. St. Andrew
Canney               H. W.                clerk                                                                        80 Canal
Canning              Henry                acct.                               25 Front Levee                     d.   422 Burgundy
Cannon               Bridget, Mrs.                                                                                    414 Basin
Cannon               Elijah                                                                                           248 Canal
Cannon               Ellen                                                                                            642 St. Claude
Cannon               Francis                                                                                          432 Gravier
Cannon               J. W.                                                                                            212 Carondelet
Cannon               James                lab.                                                                            Richard c. Religious
Cannon               John                 fire'n                                                                          Jackson R. R. depot
Cannon               J.                   cooper                                                                          c. Claiborne & St. Louis
Cannon               Maurice              druggist & chemist                                                           29 Gravier
Cannon               Michael              lab.                                                                        187 Prieur, d. 2
Cannon               Michael              barkeeper                                                                   292 Tchoupitoulas
Cannon               M., Mrs.                                                                                             Goodchildren n. Enghien
Cannon               M.                   widow                                                                        95 Claiborne
Cannon               Peter                gardener                                                                        Prytania c. Bordeaux, Jefferson City
Cannon               Pat.                 laborer                                                                      49 Religious
Cannon               Robt. M.             clerk                               60 Carondelet                      d.   170 Carondelet
Cannon               Samuel               laborer                                                                      14 Poet
Cannon               S. N.                police jail                                                                     Carrollton
Cannon               T.                   engineer                                                                    211 Claiborne
Canon                A. A.                                                    18 Orleans                         d.    26 Conti
Canon                Joseph               painter                                                                     279 Ursulines
Canon                Margaret, Mrs.                                                                                    26 Conti
Canone               Cecilia, Mrs.                                                                                    339 Bourbon, d. 3
Canonge              A.                   att'y                                                                  d.   519 Chartres, d. 3
Canonge              D.                   clerk                                                                  d.       Rampart c. Main
Canonge              Edgar                                                                                                Rampart c. Main
Canonge              Earnest                                                                                              Treme n. St. Louis
Canonge              Henry                                                                                            519 Chartres, d. 3
Canonge              Jaques                                                                                            70 Marais, d. 2
Canonge              L. P.                                                                                            519 Chartres, d. 3
Canonge              Placide                                                                                          519 Chartres, d. 3
Canonge              Zephyr, Mrs.                                                                                         Rampart c. Main
Canova               D.                   artist                                                                          Lapeyrouse n. Claiborne
Canpardon            Jean                 clk.                                                                        197 Robertson, d. 2
Cant                 Andrew               mate                                                                        158 Levee, d. 3
Cantelli             J. M.                                                                                                Philip n. Chippewa
Cantelope            James                                                                                                Prosper n. St. Bernard
Canter               D. C.                clerk                                                                        70 Camp
Canter               E., Dr.                                                                                            9 Bourbon
Canterow             D.                   butcher                                                                      24 French market
Canterow             J. L.                                                                                                St. Louis n. Tonti
Canthy               Anthony                                                                                              Eighth n. Annunciation
Cantin               Louis                                                                                            183 Bourbon
Cantley              John                 printer                                                                      70 Camp
Canto                M., Mrs.                                                                                             St. Philip n. Derbigny
Canton               Oliver               c. h.                                                                           Hospital c. Gallatin
Canton               Wm.                  furniture                                                                    64 Marigny
Cantoni              M.                   grocer                                                                      275 Rampart, d. 1
Cantrelle            H.                                                                                                40 Elmira
Cantrelle            J. A., Dr.                                                                                        26 Congress
Cantrelle            Michael                                                                                          161 St. Louis
Cantwell             Wm.                  laborer                                                                      57 Girod
Cantron              Pierre               dairy                                                                           Bienville n. woods
Cantwork             Henry                                                                                            403 Customhouse
Cantzon              C. E.                clerk                                                                           Tchoupitoulas c. Common
Cantwill             C., Mrs.                                                                                             Thalia n. Constance
Canty                Thomas E.                                                                                            Constance c. Philip
Cantzon              H. F.                book keeper                                                                 367 Magazine
Canu                 Benjamin             jeweler                                                                     208 Poydras
Cap                  Jean                                                                                              90 Columbus
Capdau               J. P.                clerk                                                                  d.   153 St. Philip
Capdeconne           J. M.                                                                                            261 St. Peter
Capedbaus            David                drygoods                                                                    140 Bienville
Capdeville           A.                   appraiser                                                              d.   291 Claiborne
Capdeville           J. B.                                                                                             60 Felicity
Capeitte             P.                                                                                                   Rampart n. Bienville
Capella              Bernard              c. h. & grocery                                                             271 Julia
Capella              M.                                                                                                58 Clio
Capella              M.                   c. h.                                                                  d.       Julia n. Franklin
Capelo               Antoine                                                                                          223 Marais, d. 2
Capers               John                 huckster                                                                    269 Poydras
Capers               W. C.                oils, fish, &c.                     28 Tchoupitoulas                   &     11 Gravier
Capette              J.                   butcher                                                                      28 & 80 French mkt
Capla                L. J. P.             shoemaker                                                                   317 St. Claude
Capo                 Ignacio              shoemaker                                                                   226 Basin, d. 1
Capo                 Jos.                 barkeeper                           St. Ann c. Chartres                d,    61 St. Bernard
Caporal              Ayrle                knife grinder                                                               221 Chartres
Capps                John                 engineer                                                                    349 Common
Caprell              L., Mrs.             clairvoyant                                                                 127 Customhouse
Caps                 Joseph                                                                                            39 St. Philip
Capton               Thomas                                                                                               Third c. Baronne
Caracalaz            Thomas                                                                                            53 History
Caracarzani          Peter                grocer                                                                      124 Villere
Caracopulo           John                 c. h.                                                                           Jackson c. Rousseau
Caral                Bonito               c. h.                                                                           New Levee c. Austerlitz, Jefferson City
Carbetas             Pierre               clerk                                                                       140 Claiborne, d. 2
Caraffa              Joseph               grocer                                                                      164 Marais, d. 2
Caraffa              J.                   oysters                                                                     144 Chartres
Carambat             Jean                 clerk                                                                           Bayou bridge
Cararas              Johanna, Mrs.                                                                                        Goslin n. Alex., Algiers
Cararas              Jos.                 ship. carp.                                                                     Patterson, Algiers
Cararas              Antony               ship join.                                                                      Alex. Algiers
Carberry             John                                                                                              48 Constance
Carberry             Christie             drayman                                                                         Miro n. Customhouse
Carberry             Pat.                 laborer                                                                      90 St. Thomas
Carrahar             Owen                 poulterer                                                                       Laurel n. Milan
Carbo                A.                   oysters                                                                     170 Bayou road
Carbo                Jos.                 (J. Pigrau & Co.)                                                               Jeff. City
Carbo                L.                   saw mill                                                                        Jefferson City
Carbonel             Antoine                                                                                          358 Robertson, d. 3
Carbonnet            Augustin                                                                                         134 St. Peter
Carboues             Joseph               clerk                                                                        66 Spain
Carbriac             Reuben               furniture                                                                    52 Dauphine
Carby                John                                                                                              59 Constance
Cardano              Antoine              prof. music                                                                 260 Delord
Cardealhac           Ed.                  cigars                                                                      164 Orleans
Cardellach           Fernando                                                                                         224 Claiborne, d. 2
Cardon               Alexander, Dr.                                                                                   151 Dauphine
Cardon               Antoinette                                                                                        30 Peace
Cardona              B.                   cigar maker                                                                 248 Royal
Cardona              Jean                 tailor                                                                      252 Ursulines
Carede               Peter                butcher                                                                      40 Dryades market
Caree                Andre                tailor                                                                       80 Union
Caregan              Peter                brewer                                                                          -----
Caren                John                                                                                                 Constance n. Sixth
Carera               John                 driver                                                                      238 Frenchmen
Carer                Pierre               shoemaker                                                                       Bayou road n. Broad
Caretta              Louis                broker                              36 Exchange place                  d.   200 Bienville
Carew                Thos.                printer                                                                      73 Poydras
Carey                Ann, Mrs.                                                                                         41 Elmira
Carey                Bridget, Mrs.        dairy                                                                  d,   320 Melpomene
Carey                David                drayman                                                                     215 Girod, d. 1
Carey                F. S.                                                                                       d.   187 Magazine
Carey                Henry                vegetables                          Treme market                       d.   199 Orleans
Carey                Henry S.             clerk                                                                        26 Common
Carey                Hugh                 drayman                                                                      80 Delord
Carey                Hugh                 carp.                                                                           Melpomene n. Freret
Carey                Jane                 nurse                                                                        86 Delord
Carey                John                 slater                                                                      151 Thalia
Carey                Lawrence             drayman                                                                      12 Port
Carey                Margaret                                                                                         539 Burgundy, d. 3
Carey                Martin               drayman                                                                     340 Thalia
Carey                Michael              laborer                                                                      14 Congress
Carey                Orson, Dr.                                                                                  d.   187 Magazine
Carey                Pat. C.              carp.                                                                       379 Thalia
Carey                Pat.                 laborer                                                                         Laurel n. St. Andrew
Carey                Robert               paver                                                                        13 Roman, d. 2
Carey                Robert               molasses broker                                                                 Claiborne n. Gasquet
Carey                Thos.                carpenter                                                                    13 Roman, d. 2
Carey                Thos.                screwman                                                                    194 Marigny
Carey                Thos.                drayman                                                                     201 Tchoupitoulas
Carey                Thos. D.                                                                                             Magazine n. Race
Carge                Wm.                  carpenter                                                                   380 Customhouse
Carhey               Mary, Mrs.                                                                                           St. Andrew n. Tchoupitoulas
Carhman              Michael              laborer                                                                     106 Gaiennie
Carillo              V.                   rice                                                                         12 Main
Carite               C.                   c. h.                                                                           Poydras c. Dryades
Carkett              Thos.                moulder                                                                         Freret n. Erato
Carl                 A., Jr.              shoe store                                                                 38.5 Annunciation
Carland              Wm.                  contractor                                                                  237 Thalia
Carleton             Fred.                accountant                                                                   79 Magazine
Carleton             Mrs.                 widow                                                                       325 Villere
Carleton             Saml. M.             painter                                                                         New Levee c. Napoleon av. Jefferson City
Carley               James                laborer                                                                      81 St. Andrew
Carley               Joseph               clerk                                                                        64 Gravier
Carley               Pat.                 drayman                                                                         Morales n. Enghien
Carlier              Andrew                                                                                            80 Union, d. 3
Carlier              C.                                                                                                   Claiborne n. St. Peter
Carlier              C., Mrs.                                                                                         158 St. Ann
Carlin               Jas.                 sugar weigher                                                                22 Bienville
Carlin               John                                                                                              50 Marigny
Carlin               John                 laborer                                                                     252 St. Philip
Carlin               Joseph               accountant                                                             d.   130 Euterpe
Carlisle             James                laborer                                                                      34 Laurel
Carlisle             Peter                laborer                                                                     484 Old Levee, d. 3
Carlisle             Richard              (George Postlethwaite & Co.)                                                 97 Gravier
Carlo                John B.                                                                                          171 Conti
Carlon               James                lab.                                                                            St. Thomas n. Felicity
Carlon               James                furn. cart                                                                  243 Poydras
Carlon               Stephen              cooper                                                                      373 Euterpe
Carlon               Stephen              f. m. c.                                                                    402 Baronne
Carloss & Stewart                         (W. W. Carloss, Joseph H. Stewart)                                           44 Carondelet
                                          cot. factors
Carloss              W. W.                (Carloss & Stewart)                                                          44 Carondelet
Carlton              Ellen, Mrs.                                                                                       86 Delord
Carman               Allan A.             clerk                                                                       161 Gravier
Carman               James L.             (Carman & Long)                                                        d.    61 Constance
Carman & Long                             (James L. Carman, R. W. Long)                                               161 Gravier
Carmelite            Adelaide                                                                                         321 Customhouse
Carmelite            Caire, Mrs.                                                                                       94 Rampart
Carmichael           Stephen              clerk                               74 Magazine                        d.   100 Spain
Carmouche            C., Mrs.                                                                                         187 Columbus
Carmouche            Julia                                                                                            235 St. Philip
Carmouche            L.                   blacksmith                                                                  362 Marais, d. 3
Carnatz              R., Mrs.                                                                                         165 Kerlerec
Carnes               George                                                                                           315 St. Ann
Carnes               John                                                                                             315 St. Ann
Carnes               John                 laborer                                                                     351 Camp
Carnes               John                 cook                                                                         81 Perdido
Carney               Catharine                                                                                        147 Craps
Carney               John                 plasterer                                                                   336 Howard
Carney               J., Miss             c. c. bag factory                                                           182 St. Charles
Carney               J., Mrs.                                                                                             Market n. Annunciation
Carney               Matthew              clk.                                                                            Josephine n. Rousseau
Carney               Michael              laborer                                                                      88 St. Joseph
Carney               Patrick              laborer                                                                         Goodchildren n. Spain
Carney               Thos.                c. p.                                                                  d.   463 Dryades
Carney               Wm.                  laborer                                                                      22 Foucher
Carnich              Andre                fruit                                                                         1 Treme market
Caro                 Pierre               carpenter                                                                    74 Ursulines
Caron                Chas.                school                                                                      192 Dauphine
Caron                Denise               laundress                                                                   222 Dauphine
Caron                J.                   plasterer                                                                       Ursulines n. Derbigny
Carolan              M.                   clerk                                                                       130 Canal
Caroline             Geo., Mrs.           midwife                                                                      40 Main
Carondelet, Canal & Navigation Company                                                                                    Old Basin, n. St. Peter
Carpenter            A. W., Mrs.                                                                                      374 St. Charles
Carpenter            Chas. H.                                                                                         561 Annunciation
Carpenter            Chas. M.             clerk                               99 Magazine                        d.   120 Orange
Carpenter            Elizabeth            f. w. c.                                                                    258 Delord
Carpenter            Francis              lab.                                                                            Delaronde, Algiers
Carpenter            H.                   clk.                                                                            Robin c. Tchoupitoulas
Carpenter            John                                                                                              81 Basin, d. 1
Carpenter            J. C.                (Neagle & Carpenter)                99 Magazine                        d.   120 Orange
Carpenter            Joseph                                                                                            46 Goodchildren
Carpenter            Lee                                                                                                  St. Charles n. Erato
Carpenter            Marcus T.            clerk                                                                        99 Magazine
Carpenter            Michael              laborer                                                                     131 Religious
Carpenter            Patrick              drayman                                                                         Julia n. Magazine
Carpenter            Samuel               clerk                                                                           St. Charles c. Jackson
Carpenter            Thomas H.            clerk                               99 Magazine                        d.   120 Orange
Carper               J. W.                laborer                                                                         Felicity n. Howard
Carper               M. J.                                                                                             16 Esplanade
Carpiette            P.                   clerk                                                                         6 Chartres, d. 8 Prieur
Carr                 Edward                                                                                               Terpsichore c. Prytania
Carr                 Henry                laborer                                                                     107 Liberty
Carr                 James                carpenter                                                                       Alex, Algiers
Carr                 James                laborer                                                                       8 Port
Carr                 John                 drayman                                                                d.       Willow n. Common
Carr                 L.                   blacksmith                                                                      Gravier n. Magnolia
Carr                 Thomas               carpenter                                                                    78 Julia
Carr                 William              c. h.                                                                       170 Erato
Carraby              N.                   dep. constable                                                                4 Frenchmen
Carradine            James S., Dr.                                                                                    438 Rampart, d. 1
Carradine            James S.             physician                                                                   328 Carondelet
Carre                Jean                 javelle water                                                               300 St. Philip
Carre & Co.                               (H. Carre)                          lumber                                      Calliope c. Howard
Carrege              Pierre               wood                                                                         34 Planche (sic)
Carreno              F.                   grocer                                                                          Delord c. Baronne
Carreras             Joachim A.           "The Taste", cigars                                                             Customhouse c. Exchange place
Carreras             P.                   c. h.                                                                       197 Old Levee, d. 2
Carrere              C.                   hardware                            233 Old Levee                      d.   277 Burgundy
Carrere              E.                   f.m. c. carp.                                                               457 Rampart, d. 3
Carrere              John, Mrs.                                                                                       411 Dauphine, d. 3
Carrere              J. P.                bakery                              Old Basin                          d.     9 Carondelet walk
Carrere              Pierre                                                                                            67 Royal
Carrick              John                 laborer                                                                      48 Port
Carrick              Patrick              laborer                                                                     495 Royal
Carrico              P. G.                c. p.                                                                       310 Conti
Carrie               J. W.                                                                                       d.       Broad c. Canal
Carrier              Frederick B.                                                                                         Johnson n. Gasquet
Carrier              George                                                                                               Johnson n. Gasquet
Carriere             Alphonse                                                                                         234 Ursulines
Carriere, A. & Co.                        (Antoine Carriere, Emile Carriere)                                     d.       Conti c. Dauphine b. Customhouse & Bienville.
                                          Importers of French Wines, Brandies, Fruits , Oil, etc.,
                                          37  late 25 Old  Levee
Carriere             Anatole                                                                                           23 Columbus
Carriere             Andrew               finisher                                                                      2 Annunciation
Carriere             Gustave              clerk                                                                        55 Old Levee, d. 2
Carriere             Edward                                                                                      d.    68 St. Bernard
Carriere             Leopold              artist, first flute, Opera House                                       d.   291 St. Ann
Carriere             Louis                printer                                                                     149 Hospital
Carriere             L., Jr.              clerk                               155 Canal                          d.   291 St. Ann
Carriere             Olivier              (Collins, Carriere & Co.)                                                       Conti c. Dauphine
Carriere             U., Mrs.                                                                                         408 St. Claude, d. 3
Carriere             Victor               clk.                                Mechanics & Traders' Bank          d.   392 Rampart, d. 3
Carriere             W.                   clerk                                                                        37 Old Levee, d. 2
Carrigan             Bern.                lab.                                                                            Goodchildren n. Port
Carrigan             James                tailor                                                                      450 Royal, d. 3
Carrigan             J. W.                atty. at law                                                                 15 Jackson
Carrigan             Owen                 laborer                                                                     183 Port
Carrigan             Thomas               laborer                                                                      40 Religious
Carrigan             Thos.                stonecutter                                                            d.   393 Liberty
Carrigan             Thos.                lab.                                                                            Marigny n. Burgundy
Carrigee             Charles              c. p.                                                                       161 St. Ferdinand
Carrigee             James                c. p.                                                                        96 Enghien
Carrigee             P.                                                                                                   Thalia n. Camp
Carriger             William                                                                                              c. Rampart & Second
Carriggy             Charles              drayman                                                                     224 Morales
Carrillo             Bernard                                                                                          138 Roman, d. 2
Carro                Delphin                                                                                              Bourbon n. Claiborne, d. 3
Carro                John                 trader                                                                       39 Barracks
Carroll              Ann, Mrs.                                                                                        120 Gasquet
Carroll              Andrew               laborer                                                                      83 Adeline
Carroll              Charles              laborer                                                                      38 Girod, d. 1
Carroll              Chas.                cart.                                                                           St. Charles c. Felicity
Carroll, D. R. & Co.                      (J. G. McLearn)                     53 Carondelet                      d.       Josephine c. Brainard
                                          cotton factors & com. merchants
Carroll              David                carp.                                                                  d.   408 Liberty
Carroll              Edas                 lab.                                                                         66 Robertson d. 2
Carroll              Edwd.                laborer                                                                     233 Thalia
Carroll              Ed.                  carpenter                                                                   285 Clio
Carroll              E.                   carp.                                                                           Alex. n. Goslin, Algiers
Carroll, Hoy &  Co.                       (Joseph W. Carroll, Joseph Hoy, Wm. B. Kimball, J. N. Niven)                 38 Perdido, Factors' row
                                          cotton factors & com. merchants
Carroll              James                steward                                                                         Locust n. Thalia
Carroll              Jas.                 lab.                                                                   d.       Howard c. St. Andrew
Carroll              James, Dr.                                                                                       216 Canal
Carroll              John                 laborer                                                                      33 Poet
Carroll              John                 drayman                                                                     395 Perdido
Carroll              John                 lab.                                                                         44 Poyfarre
Carroll              Jos. W.              (Carroll, Hoy & Co.)                38 Perdido                         d.   211 Camp
Carroll              J. W.                carriage mkr.                                                               196 New Levee
Carroll              Michael              laborer                                                                      34 Spain
Carroll              Michael              c. p.                                                                        91 Marigny
Carroll              Michael              cab driver                                                                   91 Foucher
Carroll              M.                   drayman                                                                d.   101 Adeline
Carroll              M.                   barkeeper                                                                       Prieur n. Common
Carroll              Pat.                 drayman                                                                      13 Constance
Carroll              Patrick                                                                                     d.   208 Calliope
Carroll              P.                   grocer                                                                          c. Main & Roman
Carroll              Timothy              painter                                                                     310 Melpomene
Carroll              Thos.                seaman                                                                       26 Elysian Fields
Carroll              Thomas                                                                                               St. Thomas n. Soraparu
Carroll              T.                   cabinetmkr.                                                                     Rampart c. Calliope
Carroll              Wm.                  tinsmith                                                                     77 Roman, d. 2
Carrollo             Leo.                 c. h.                                                                           Ursulines c. Front Levee
Carrollton Council Chamb.                                                                                                 Dublin, Carlt.
Carrollton Courthouse                                                                                                     Canal av., Carlt.
Carrollton Ferry Landing                                                                                                  Public road
Carrollton Fire Engine Co. No. 1                                                                                          Dublin
Carrollton Market                                                                                                         Dublin c. Second, Carlt.
Carrollton Presbyterian Church                                                                                            Carltn.
Carrollton Public Schools                                                                                                 Washington & Jefferson, Dublin, op. market, Carlt.
Carrollton Railroad office                                                                                             18 Baronne; depots,
                                                                              Depots                                      Perdido n. Baronne & Tivoli n. St. Charles;
                                                                              Horse Station                               St. Charles n. Felicity
Carron               A., Mrs.                                                                                         240 St. Philip
Carron               Charles              lab.                                                                         77 Desire
Carron               Joseph               painter                                                                     279 Ursulines
Carrotorio           Demetrius            c. h.                                                                           Patterson c. Levee, Algiers
Carson               Geo. W.              trader                                                                          First n. Constance
Carson               James                stevedore                                                                    56 Annunciation
Carson               Michael                                                                                           93 Adeline
Carson               R. S.                watchman                                                                    268 Carondelet
Carson               R. S.                                                                                            249 Girod
Carson               Wm.                  dairy wagon                                                                 193 Dryades
Carstens             Elizabeth                                                                                            Prosper n. St. Anthony
Carstens             Ernest J.                                                                                        425 Dryades
Carstens             Adele, Mrs.          crockery ware                                                               425 Dryades
Carstens             Henry                grocery                                                                         Patterson, Algiers
Carstens             Otto                 acct.                                                                        58 Customhouse
Carter               Alex.                f. m. c.   coffee stand                                                      61 Barracks
Carter               Ann, Mrs.                                                                                        134 Camp
Carter               Daniel                                                                                               Jackson Depot
Carter               Edward                                                                                               Magazine c. First
Carter               Edward O.            clk.                                                                         55 & Common
Carter               Edwin, Jr.           clerk                                                                        42 Perdido
Carter               Francis              carpenter                                                                   404 Lafayette
Carter               George W.            book keeper                         36 Magazine                        d.   338 Howard
Carter               Henrietta                                                                                            Johnson n. Gasquet
Carter               Henry                "Texas boarding house"                                                       21 Jefferson
Carter               Henry                                                                                                Madison, McD.
Carter               H. Kendall           cotton factor & commission merchant                                          15 St. Charles
Carter               Isaac                stevedore                                                                   417 Royal, d. 3
Carter               James                tarpaulins                                                                   13 Poyfarre
Carter               James                                                                                            338 Howard, d. 1
Carter               John C.              clerk                                                                  d,   141 Constance
Carter               John, Dr.                                                                                            Magazine c. First
Carter               John                 sampler                                                                      85 Common
Carter               John                                                                                                 Eighth c. Chippewa
Carter               John                 clerk                                                                        82 Camp
Carter               Jos. A.              clerk                                                                  d.   118 Constance
Carter               J. H.                (Heron & Carter)                                                             40 Fulton
Carter               J.                   block & pump maker                  3 Marigny buildings d. 3           d.   398 Marais
Carter               L. E.                clerk                               Gravier c. New Levee               d.   168 Orange
Carter               Mary                 f. w. c., furnished rooms                                                    93 St. Louis
Carter               Martha, Mrs.                                                                                     150 Camp
Carter               Wm. J.               clerk                               St. Charles c. Clio                d.   338 Howard
Carter               Wm.                  sailmaker                                                                    22 Poyfarre
Carter               Wm. A.               pastor                                                                      349 Chippewa
Cartero              A.                   oysters                                                                         Casacalvo c. Peace
Carthy               Wm. N.               plasterer                                                                   349 Chippewa
Carthriner           A.                   soap maker                                                                      Jefferson, McD.
Cartie               Joseph                                                                                               Union n. Goodchildren
Cartier              A., Dr.                                                                                          168 Customhouse
Cartier              Ernest                                                                                            99 Esplanade
Cariter              Jules, Dr.                                                                                       168 Customhouse
Cartis               John                 vegetables                                                                   69 Barracks
Cartman              Louis                barkeeper                                                                   105 Dauphine
Cartright            John                 clk.                                                                            Felicity n. St. Charles
Cartright            Samuel               clerk                                                                        20 Poydras
Cartwright           Ann, Mrs.                                                                                        352 Felicity
Cartwright           Edwin C.             broker                                                                       38 Poydras
Cartwright           James                clerk                                                                        41 Tchoupitoulas
Cartwright           John A.                                                                                           21 Euphrosyne
Cartwright           Samuel, Dr.                                                                                      175 Canal
Cartwright           William              lab.                                                                         94 Music
Carty                Edward               drayman                                                                         Johnson n. Canal
Carty                Dennis               laborer                                                                      81 Mandeville
Carty                Joseph               f. m. c.   lab.                                                              86 Union, d. 3
Carty                Michael              lab.                                                                        316 Howard, d. 1
Carty                Thomas               laborer                                                                      25 Hospital
Carty                Uriah                engineer                                                                        Second n. Levasseur
Caruthers            A. M.                widow                                                                       276 Baronne
Caruthers, J. F. & F. C. Caruthers        cot. brokers                        41 Carondelet                      d.   271 Harmony
Carven               John                 soda water mkr.                                                              63 Liberty
Carver               Albert B.            acct.                               46 St. Charles                     d.   326 Carondelet
Carver               James                laborer                                                                      60 Mandeville
Carville             G. G.                (H. D. Kent & Co.)                                                           82 Magazine
Carvin               Michael              contractor                                                                   63 Peace
Carvin               Michael              laborer                                                                     135 Chippewa
Cary                 Catharine                                                                                         74 Constance
Cary                 Henry C.             clerk                                                                       219 Bienville
Cary                 Richard              com. mer.                                                                    98 Gravier
Cary                 Robert               slater                                                                       74 Constance
Cary                 W., Dr.                                                                                     d.   184 Canal
Casadavant           J. A.                Surgeon Dentist
                                          124 Canal, b. St. Charles & Carondelet n. Clay Statue
Casagrande           G.                   variety store                                                               240 Chartres
Casanave             Peter                undertaker                          39 Marais & 88 Bourbon
Casanave             St. Felix                                                                                        216 Bienville
Casanavo             Jaques                                                                                      bdg.     Lafayette
Casanoba             Jose                 c. p.                                                                       198 St. Philip
Casanos              Marcellus            barkeeper                                                                   269 Orleans
Casaubecills         Pierre               tailor                                                                       44 St. Philip
Casauvas             Pierre                                                                                               Washington n. Lapage
Casber               Abraham              fishmonger                                                                  110 Marigny
Casbergue            A. C.                                                                                       d.    65 Kerlerec
Casbergue            Claudius             (Justin Casbergue & Co.)            203 Chartres                       d.    67 Columbus
Casbergue & Co.                           (Justin Casbergue, Claudius Casbergue, E. S. Coiron)                   d.   207 Elysian Fields
                                          house furnishing goods              203 Chartres
Casbergue            E. H.                printer                                                                     379 Claiborne
Casbergue            John                 45 Bourbon                                                             d.   379 Claiborne
Casbergue            Joseph               tailor                              51 Bourbon                         d.   100 Derbigny
Casbergue            Paul                                                                                              66 Poet
Cascar               Jos.                 planter                                                                     454 St. Charles, d. 1
Case                 Abraham              (Bacus & Case)                                                                  N. Levee n. La. av., Jeff City
Case                 Frank F.             clerk                                                                        40 Camp
Case                 Frank                accountant                                                                  305 Bienville
Case &  Johnson                           (L. Case, F. A. Johnson)            3 Front                            &     12 Fulton
                                          commission & forwarding merchants
Case                 Mrs.                 widow                                                                       305 Bienville
Case                 L.                   grocery                                                                       3 Front
Casey                Allen                f. m. c.                                                                    320 Melpomene
Casey                Bartlet              laborer                                                                         Jackson depot
Casey                C., Mrs.             dressmaker                                                                  163 Poydras
Casey                Daniel               laborer                                                                     312 Laurel
Casey                Dauphine, Mrs.                                                                                       Thalia n. Carondelet
Casey                James                laborer                                                                     224 N. Levee, d. 1
Casey                James                sawyer                                                                          Erato n. Dryades
Casey                James                c. p.                                                                       488 Annunciation
Casey                James                drayman                                                                      67 St. Andrew
Casey                Joanna                                                                                           241 Poydras
Casey                John                                                                                              60 Victory
Casey                John                 grocer                                                                      398 Camp
Casey                Mary, Mrs.                                                                                       340 Rampart
Casey                Mary, Mrs.                                                                                           St. Thomas n. Therese
Casey                Michael              carp.                                                                  d.    65 St. Thomas
Casey                Morris                                                                                               Eighth n. Annunciation
Casey                Morris               lab.                                                                        584 Burgundy, d. 3
Casey                M.                   lab.                                                                            Palmyra n. Roman
Casey                Mich.                blacksmith                                                                   88 Rampart, d. 1
Casey                M.                   baker                                                                           Thalia n. Tchoupitoulas
Casey                Patrick              blacksmith                                                             d.       Calliope n. Marigny
Casey                Pat.                 slater                                                                 d.    65 St. Thomas
Casey                Pat.                 lab.                                                                         63 Constance
Casey                Pat.                 lab.                                                                        114 Calliope
Casey                Pat.                 lab.                                                                        131 Port
Casey                Pat.                 drayman                                                                         Bolivar n. Poydras
Casey                Pat.                 lab.                                                                        626 Royal, d. 3
Casey                Thos.                levee foreman                                                          d.   274 St. Thomas
Casey                Thos.                lab.                                                                        439 Rampart, d. 1
Casey                Thos.                clerk                                                                        46 Tchoupitoulas
Casey                Wm.                  lab.                                                                        165 St. Andrew
Casey                Wm.                  carpenter                                                                       Perdido c. Basin
Casey                Wm.                  lab.                                                                            St. Mary n. Chippewa
Casey                Wm.                  mason                                                                       168 Tchoupitoulas
Cash                 John                 lab.                                                                         60 Orange
Cash                 Martin               carriages                                                                   390 Rampart, d. 1
Cashen               H.                   portrait paint.                                                             175 St. Charles
Cashen               John                 lab.                                                                            Felicity n. Magazine
Cashman              Daniel               lab.                                                                        131 Urquhart
Cashman              John                 carp.                                                                           Lafayette n. Galvez
Cashman              Mich.                lab.                                                                        106 Gaiennie
Casiano              F.                   boarding                                                                     73 Victory
Casimir              Mary                                                                                             329 Villere, d. 3
Casimir              P.                   locksmith                                                                   203 Dauphine
Casimiro             Alonzo               cigars                                                                        4 St. Philip
Casler               Abraham              fisherman                                                                   171 Marigny
Casneuve             Chas.                                                                                            200 Bayou road
Cason                E., Mrs.                                                                                         183 Chippewa
Caspar               Nicholas             pilot                                                                           Chippewa n. Sixth
Caspen               Bengar               carp.                                                                           Felicity n. Freret
Casper               Frank                cabinet mkr.                                                                451 N. Levee
Casper               John                 tailor                                                                      421 Burgundy, d. 3
Cass                 Antone               lab.                                                                        243 Chippewa
Cass & Dowling                            (J. M. Cass, M. Dowling)            grocers & Western produce                10 Poydras c. Fulton
Cass                 Eliza                furnished rooms                                                              52 Orleans
Cass                 J. M.                (Cass & Dowling)                                                       d.       Clio c. Fulton
Cass                 John                 butcher                             Poydras mkt.                       d.       Toledano n. Carondelet
Cass                 John                 drayman                             122 Magazine                       d.       Morales c. Washington av.
Cassa                Savario              fruit, wholesale                                                             14 Main
Cassas               Manuel               oysters                                                                      26 Ursulines
Cassady              John L.                                                                                              Metairie Course
Cassage              Michael              lab.                                                                         25 St. Philip
Cassagni             F.                   butcher                                                                      37 Poydras mkt
Cassagniol           B.                                                                                                   Bayou road c. Roman
Cassaigne            J.                   butcher                                                                      55 Treme mkt
Cassard              Adrien                                                                                               Bayou road c. Robertson
Cassard A. & Co.                          Grocers & Produce Merchants                                                  39 Tchoupitoulas street, (Old 33,) between Gravier & Natchez
Cassard              A. J.                                                                                            177 St. Claude
Cassalier            Laura, Mrs.                                                                                       21 Gasquet
Cassard              John                                                                                             177 St. Claude
Cassard              John E.                                                                                          125 Bourbon
Cassard              Jules                                                                                            137 Rampart
Cassar               S.                   fruits                              on levee                           d.    84 Main
Cassas               S.                                                                                                   Valence n. Jersey, Jeff. City
Casse                Peter                (Buissat & Casse)                                                           115 Bienville
Casseaux             John                 charcoal                                                                    257 Poydras
Casserly             John                 lab.                                                                        114 Marais, d. 2
Casserly             Peter (and John Finn)laundry                                                                     423 Perdido
Cassidy              Edw.                 lab.                                                                        582 Dauphine, d. 3
Cassidy              H.                   sailmkr.                            Fulton c. Poydras                  d.   366 Baronne
Cassidy's Oyster Saloon & Restaurant      Hugh Cassidy, proprietor                                                    121 Gravier St.
Cassidy              James                drayman                                                                      59 Prieur
Cassidy              John                 carp.                                                                           Roman n. Palmyra
Cassidy              John                 lab.                                                                        233 Magazine
Cassidy              John                 lab.                                                                        265 Dryades
Cassidy              Michael              lab.                                                                         70 St. Thomas
Cassin               Henry                paver                                                                       204 Calliope
Cassino              Antoine              shoemkr.                                                                    485 Villere, d. 3
Cassino              Jos.                 cig. mkr.                                                                   480 Bourbon, d. 3
Cassman              Michael                                                                                              Gaiennie n. Constance
Casso                Dominick             butcher                                                                d.   421 Franklin
Casson               Jas.                 c. p.                                                                       371 Liberty
Casson               J. B.                inspector of customs                                                        271 Liberty
Casson               Marienta             f. m. c.                                                                        Sixth n. Dryades
Casson               Robert S.                                                                                        249 Girod
Cassou               J.                   blacksmith                                                                   14 Enghien
Cassou               Louis                clerk                                                                           St. Ann c. Chartres
Cassus               Peter                                                                                                Burgundy n. St. Anthony
Castagnet            Jean                 corn mill                                                                       St. Ann c. Robertson
Castagnet            Emanuel                                                                                          204 Bourbon
Castagnola           B.                   c. h.                                                                       148 Chartres
Castain              M.                   carp.                                                                       358 St. Ann
Castaing             Alex.                grocery                                                                       6 St. Bernard, d. 1
Castaing             Alex.                architect                                                                   119 Ex. Place
Castaing             Bernard              butch.                                                                       13 Poydras mkt
Castaing             B.                   grocer                                                                          Mandeville c. St. John Baptist
Castaing             Charles              foreman moss pickery                                                        664 Royal
Castaing             Charles              Family Grocery & Provisions                                            c.       Marais & Carondelet Canal
Castaing             F.                                                                                          d.    79 Esplanade
Castaing             Francois             butch.                                                                       75 French mkt
Castaing             Jean Marie                                                                                       148 Burgundy
Castaing             J. M., Mrs.                                                                                       89 St. Philip
Castaing             Leon                 gro.                                                                            Plauche c. St. Bernard & Ferdinand
Castaing             M., Mrs.                                                                                         248 Burgundy
Castaing             Paul                 butch.                                                                       97 French market
Castaing             Pierre                                                                                            77 French market
Castaing             R.                   grocer                              Greatmen c. Annette                &     21 St. Bernard
Castan               J.                   bakery                                                                      211 Bayou road
Castan               Mary, Mrs.                                                                                        50 Frenchmen
Canstane             John Adolphe         clk.                                                                        110 Chartres
Castaned             Mary Louise, Mrs.                                                                                115 Mandeville
Castanedo            F.                   f. w. c.                                                                     84 Laharpe
Castanedo            Jose                                                                                             361 Bayou road
Castanedo            J. A.                                                                                             22 Villere, d. 1
Castanedo            J. A.                clerk                                                                        22 Marais
Castanedo            Marie, Mrs.                                                                                      327 Esplanade
Castanedo            Rosa, Mrs.                                                                                       110 Hospital
Castang              Jean                 bakery                                                                      208 Bayou road
Castaniat            Louis                restaurant man                                                              114 St. Peter
Castaniat            L., Mrs.             dressmkr.                                                                   114 St. Peter
Castaniel            Louis                                                                                             65 St. Philip
Castaris             John                 tailor                                                                      165 Burgundy
Castanyet            J.                   carriage mkr.                                                               108 Union, d. 3
Castarede            H.                   general book keeper                                                    d.   338 Royal, d. 3
                                          Citizens' Mutual Insurance Co.
Castein              J.                   butcher                                                                      20 Treme market
Castein              L., Mrs.                                                                                         132 Lower F. Levee, d. 3
Castein              Manuel               f. m. c.                                                                        St. Ann n. Roman
Castel               Louis                apoth.                                                                          St. Ann c. Royal
Castel               Poncet               variety store                                                               445 St. Ann
Castelin             Jeannette                                                                                            Prosper n. St. Bernard
Castelin             O.                   sugar mkr.                                                                      Morales n. Music
Castelin             Vincent              butcher                             4 French mkt.                      d.       La. av. n. Laurel
Castell              Thomas J.            atty.                                                                        27 Camp
Castell              Wm. J.               notary & atty. at law                                                        27 Camp
Castellan            Alphonse             cigar maker                                                                 163 Marais, d. 2
Castellanos          Henry C.             atty. at law                        10 St. Peter                       d.   125 Main
Castellanos          John, Dr.                                                                                        196 Chartres
Castellanos          Juan                                                                                              20 St. Philip
Castellin            Mary L.                                                                                          115 Mandeville
Castello             Antonio              c. h.                                                                       204 Tchoupitoulas
Castello             P.                   grocer                                                                          Magazine c. Calliope
Castelnau            D'que                druggist                                                                        c. Royal & St. Louis
Castens              Christian A. D., Mrs.                                                                                Prosper n. St. Anthony
Castera              Louis                atty. at law                        44 Exchange Place                  d.   187 Esplanade
Castera              Louis, Jr.           deputy weigher                      Customhouse                        d.    98 St. Ann
Casteret             John                 grinder                                                                     163 Orleans
Castex               Jaques               carp.                                                                       170 Roman, d. 2
Castez               B.                   vegetables                                                                      French market
Castille             Raymond                                                                                          262 Bienville
Castillion           Pal.                                                                                                 Dryades n. Washington
Castillion           Andre, Mrs.                                                                                       73 Ursulines
Castillo             Augustin             del. clerk                          167 Canal                          d.   310 St. Claude
Castillo             Celestine            f. w. c.                                                                     11 Urquhart
Castillo             Chas. A.             (W. A. Gordon & Castillo)           188 Common                         d.    72 Esplanade
Castillo             G.                   cigars                                                                      169 Elysian Fields
Castillo             Anthony, Mrs.                                                                                    310 St. Claude, d. 2
Castillo & Harispe                        (R. M. Castillo, Chas. Harispe)     com. mers.                               25 Carondelet
Castillon            J.                   drayn.                                                                          c. Union & Morales
Castleman            T.                   acct.                                                                        10 Jefferson
Castro               Vicente L.                                                                                  d.    21 Conde
Caswell              Eliz., Mrs.          grocery                                                                     134 Erato
Catania              R.                   mrktman                                                                         Prieur n. Common
Catching             P. S.                (Aby & Catching)                                                             12 Union, d. 1
Cate, C. E. & Co.                         (Daniel Tillotson)                  at Wholesale                             19 Camp, opposite City Hotel
                                          Manufacturers & Dealers             at Retail                                18 Camp, under City Hotel.
                                          in Boots & Shoes
Cathala              Justin               apothecary                                                                  380 Royal, d. 3
Cathalougne          Joseph               poultry                                                                     123 Dryades
Catholic Standard                                                                                                       6 Exchange place
Catiche              Etienne                                                                                          246 Dauphine
Catiche              Gertrude             f. w. c.                                                                    210 St. Peter
Catoir               Aglae                f. w. c.                                                                    317 Chartres
Catoir               Chas.                dep. U. S. Marshal                                                          213 Derbigny, d. 2
Catoir               P. L.                artificer                                                                   207 Craps
Caton                John M.              grocer                                                                      472 Chartres, d. 3
Caton                Michel               drayman                                                                     117 Foucher
Catonnet             A.                   cotton broker                       36 Carondelet                      d.    18 Bourbon
Cautlia              G.                   clerk                                                                        25 Carondelet
Cauenburg            Constant             furn.                                                                       270 Chartres
Caufield             P.                                                                                                   Rampart n. Seventh
Caughlin             Dennis               lab.                                                                            Bolivar n. Gravier
Caughlin             John K.              portwarden                                                                  459 Rampart, d. 1
Caughlin             Pat.                 blacksmith                                                                  109 Erato
Cauley               Jos.                 lab.                                                                            Lafayette n. Ninth, Gretna
Caulfield            Daniel                                                                                               Second n. Annunciation
Caulfield            Edwd.                baker                                                                        21 Constance
Caulfield            Ignatius             (Keep & Caulfield)                  56 & 58 Poydras                    d.       St. Charles c. First
Caulfield            John                 lab.                                                                         11 Melpomene
Caulfield            Jno.                 drayman                                                                         Thalia n. Tchoupitoulas
Caulfield            J. D.                warehouseman                                                           d.   193 Melpomene
Caulfield            Michael                                                                                          438 Chartres, d. 3
Caulfield            Pat.                 warehouseman                                                                 49 Tchoupitoulas
Caulfield            Peter                                                                                                St. Dennis n. Sixth
Caulkins             H. C.                clk.                                35 Tchoupitoulas                   d.   141 Jackson
Caullinane           J.                   porter                                                                          Palmyra n. Roman
Caumont              Raymond              clk.                                                                        142 Claiborne, d. 2
Cauobert             Etienne                                                                                           12 History
Caution              H.                   f. w. c.                                                                    263 Raymond, d. 3
Cautre               Eugene                                                                                           301 Bourbon
Cauty                S.                   collector                                                                       Soraparu n. St. Thos.
Cauvan               M.                   cemetery No. 1                      Basin, d. 2                        d.   342 St. Philip
Cauven               A., Mrs.                                                                                          69 Bartholomew
Cauven               Joseph               merch.                                                                      399 St. Claude, d. 3
Cavado               Augustin             laborer                                                                      31 Union, d. 3
Cavanagh             Ann, Mrs.                                                                                         12 Palmyra
Cavanagh             C., Mrs.                                                                                         119 Washington, d. 3
Cavanagh             John                 drayman                                                                     416 Baronne
Cavanagh             John                 warehouseman                                                                    Bolivar n. Common
Cavanagh             John S.              lab.                                                                        118 Spain
Cavanagh             John                 baggage wagon                                                          d.   402 Palmyra
Cavanagh             John                 stone cutter                                                                    Chippewa c. Market
Cavanagh             John                 carp.                                                                  d.   407 St. Charles
Cavanagh             John                 laborer                                                                     139 Foucher
Cavanagh             John                 laborer                                                                     191 Foucher
Cavanagh             John                 (Culley & Co.)                                                         d.   283 Melpomene
Cavanagh             Michael              drayman                                                                      25 Second
Cavanagh             M.                   laborer                                                                      48 Poet
Cavanagh             Pat.                 laborer                                                                     495 Dauphine, d. 3
Cavanagh             Peter                marb. cutter                                                                 42 St. Mary
Cavanagh             Thomas               warehouseman                                                                270 Melpomene
Cavanagh             Wm.                  shoemaker                                                                   166 Julia
Cavanagh             W. C.                marble cutter                                                                   Clio n. Howard
Cavanna              John L.              (S. Jones & Co.)                                                             91 Gravier
Cavaroe & Co.                             (Emile Seignouret)                  com. mers. & wine importers             116 Royal
Cavelier             A. Z.                                                                                            303 Rampart, d. 2
Cavelier             Chas.                c. p.                                                                           Derbigny n. Main
Cavelier             C., Mrs.                                                                                         195 Villere, d. 2
Cavelier             Jules                                                                                             90 Orleans
Cavelier             Leon                 cooper                                                                      213 Mandeville
Cavelier             O.                   clerk                                                                       241 Villere
Cavelier             Theop.                                                                                            92 Orleans
Cavelier             Z., Mrs.                                                                                         265 Rampart
Caverly              Richard              lab.                                                                          2 Front Levee, d. 2
Caverly              R.                   lab.                                                                            O. Levee c. St. Ferdinand
Cavillier            Antoinette                                                                                       244 Ursulines
Caveny               John                                                                                                 Calliope c. Foucher
Cay                  Robert               weigher                                                                d.   112 St. James
Cayagas              Joseph                                                                                            70 Main
Cayard               A. J.                soap makr.                                                                      Customhouse n. Rocheblave
Cayet                Joseph               grocery                                                                      25 Marigny
Cayetano             Pedro                oysters                                                                     175 Burgundy
Cayeton              Louise               f. w. c.                                                                        Bayou road
Caylat               Charles              clk.                                                                        330 Robertson, d. 3
Caylat               Wm.                  clk.                                                                   d.   248 St. Louis
Caylot               Eugene               clerk                                                                       121 Canal
Caymares             Joachim              cigars                                                                      449 St. Claude, d. 3
Caymaris             Jean                 cigars                                                                      428 Bourbon
Caymo                Antony               carp.                                                                       146 Erato
Caymo                A. F.                clerk                                                                       180 Foucher
Cayo                 Thomas               driver                                                                      225 Poydras
Cazades              Edward               piano tuner                                                                 148 Orleans
Cazalas              F.                   (Duclos & Co.)                                                               57 Bienville
Cazale               P.                   grocer                                                                      150 Marigny
Cazalot              Michl.               cigar fact.                                                                 102 St. Anthony
Cazanak              Baptiste             cook                                                                   d.   419 Dryades
Cazaneuve            Charles                                                                                          173 Bayou road
Cazaneuve            Pierre                                                                                               Washington n. Broad
Cazantre             Bernard              butcher                                                                         French mkt
Cazantre             J.                   butcher                                                                      78 French market
Cazarini             J.                   var. store                                                                  110 Customhouse
Cazat                John                 wood                                                                        321 Bourbon
Cazaubon             Gabriel              tailor                                                                       99 St. Anthony
Cazaubon             Joseph               gardener                                                                        Algiers
Cazaux               A. P.                c. p.                                                                       356 Bienville
Cazaux               D.                   butcher                                                                      45 Poydras market
Cazaux               Francois             butcher                                                                      34 Poydras market
Cazaux               H., Mrs.                                                                                         175 Robertson, d. 2
Cazaux               Jean                 butcher                                                                d.    93 French market
Cazaux               John                 importer of wines, brandies                                                  73 Old Levee, d. 2
Cazaux               J.                   tailor                                                                       74 Main
Cazaux               J., Mrs.             dressmaker                                                                  197 Canal
Cazaux               J.                   butcher                                                                      62 French market
Cazeaux              P. A.                clk.                                                                            Customhouse n. Prieur
Cazeaux              Raymond                                                                                              Girod n. Carondelet
Cazeils              Leontine             dressmaker                                                                   84 Royal
Caze                 John                 barkeeper                                                                   248 St. Louis
Caze                 John                 butcher                                                                      28 Poydras market
Cazenave             C. H.                painter                                                                     256 Ursulines
Cazenave             P. A. D.             com. mer.                           26 Conti                           d.   295 Marais, d. 2
Cazeres              Edward, Mrs.                                                                                d.   210 St. Philip
Cazeres              Emile                clk.                                13 New Levee, d. 1                 d.   210 St. Philip
Cazes                Dennis               butcher                                                                      79 French mkt.
Cazes                Francis              butcher                                                                      32 St. Mary's mkt
Cazes                Hypolite             c. h.                                                                           Poydras c. Rampart
Cazes                Jean Marie           poulterer                                                                    48 Ursulines
Cazes                John                 clerk                                                                  d.   248 St. Louis
Cazon                Mrs.                                                                                             104 Orleans
Cazux                Dominique            butch.                                                                        5 Dryades mkt.
Cecanti              H., Mrs.                                                                                           7 Pontalba bldgs. c. St. Ann
Cecile               J. B.                shoemaker                                                                   134 St. Ann
Cedoti               Antonio              fruit                                                                       158 Dryades
Cedrouski            Ladislan                                                                                          24 Jefferson
Cehner               Nicholas             tailor                                                                      360 Old Levee
Celestie             Lemunton Kertrouet                                                                               388 Basin
Celestin             A.                   f. m. c.                                                                     37 Morales
Celestin             Clem'ne                                                                                              Prieur n. Esplanade, d. 2
Celestin             Geo.                 f. m. c.  drayman                                                               Derbigny n. St. Philip
Celestin             Henry                                                                                                Frenchmen n. Urquhart
Celestin             L.                   restaurant                                                             d.   187 St. Joseph
Celles               August               clerk                                                                       276 St. Claude
Cellos               F., Jr.              Capt. Stmr. Marion                                                     d.   271 Canal
Cellos               J. V.                diset. clerk                                                                316 Common
Cellos               Fred. V.             clerk                                                                       316 Common
Cenac                Francois             butch.                                                                          Arts n. Girod, d. 3
Cenac                John                 butcher                                                                         La. av. n. Chippewa
Cenas                A.                   clerk                                                                       255 Common
Cenas                A. H. , Dr.          prof.                               Med. Coll. University of La.       d.   114 Customhouse
Cenas                Blaise C.                                                                                        114 Customhouse
Cenas                H. B., Mrs.                                                                                 d.    22 Rampart, d. 1
Cenas                Ovide                clerk                                                                       122 Chartres
Cenas                P.                   widow                                                                       255 Common
Cencier              M. A.                dressmaker and embroiderist                                                 261 Chartres
Cenlein              Jean                 butcher                                                                         Magazine n. La. av. Jeff. City
Cennack              Michael              grocer                                                                      109 Frenchmen
Cenpie               Caroline             f. w. c.                                                                    151 Morales
Centeno              Joseph               cigar maker                                                                 209 Elysian Fields
Center               J. W.                lab. at Jackson depot
Centlivre            Louis, Mrs.                                                                                          Morales n. Port
Centlivre            Louis                cooper                                                                          Morales n. Port
Centlivre            Morris               cooper                                                                          Morales n. Port
Centon               Manuel               fruit                                                                           Milon c. Magazine
Central Tow Boat Office                                                                                                 3 Carondelet
Ceres                Frank                caulker                                                                         Peter, Algiers
Ceres                Francisco            lab.                                                                            Newton, Mc.D.
Ceres                Manuel               oysters, etc.                                                                   Dryades mkt
Cerossolle           V. L.                wood, brick, sand and lime                                                   39 Carondelet walk, Old Basin
Cerio                Vido                 oysters                                                                     247 Rampart
Cerise               Henry                barber                              129 Baronne                        d.   246 Orleans
Cerise               Jean                 barber                                                                          St. Peter c. Marais
Ceroti               F., Mrs.                                                                                         355 Bourbon
Cerre                Peter                ship carp.                                                                      Jefferson, Mc.D.
Cerre                T.                   f. m. c. cigar marker                                                       206 Rampart, d. 2
Certhy               Wm. N.               plasterer                                                                   400 Rampart
Cesbron              P. J., Mrs.                                                                                       76 Main
Cessac               Alex. A.             (Ferrandou & Co.)                   65 Chartres                        d.    91 Bourbon
Cesson               Solomon                                                                                              Main c. Old Levee
Cestac               P.                   tallow deal                                                                     Fourth n. Rousseau
Cestelo              Mary, Mrs.                                                                                           St. Mary n. Rousseau
Cestia               B.                                                                                                79 Ursulines, d. 2
Chabaud              J., Mrs.             furnished rooms                                                             153 St. Louis
Chabert              J.                   old iron, etc.                                                              160 Bourbon
Chabert              Leon                                                                                              71 Royal
Chabert              P. P.                                                                                            534 Chartres, d. 3
Chaderac             Fanny                                                                                            215 Treme, d. 2
Chadwick             Geo. E.              piano tuner                                                                  74 Camp
Chadwick             J. G.                clerk                               115 Canal                          d.    38 Derbigny
Chadwick             W., Mrs.                                                                                             Derbigny n. Customhouse
Chaery               H. F., Mrs.                                                                                      396 Burgundy, d. 3
Chaery               Justin               clerk                               82 Camp                            d.   249 Villere
Chaery               J. V.                                                                                       d.   396 Burgundy, d. 3
Chafer               William              laborer                                                                         Chippewa n. St. Andrew
Chaffanel            Peter                turner                                                                       20 Orleans
Chaffeux             C. S.                                                                                            215 Bayou road
Chaffraix            D. A.                (P. A. Ciraud & Co.)                                                         71 Conti
Chaffron             Adele                f. w. c.                                                                    177 Toulouse
Chagnard             J.                   grocer                                                                          Bourbon c. Toulouse
Chaigneau            C.                   clerk                                                                           Love c. St. Anthony
Chaigneau            John                                                                                             219 St. Philip
Chaigneau            P.                   clerk                                                                  d.   127 Main
Chaille              B., Mrs.                                                                                          63 Union, d. 3
Chaille              Edmond               cooper                                                                      295 Main
Chaille              Stanford E., Dr.     Circus Street Hospital                                                 d.   217 Canal
                                          132 Rampart b. Poydras and Perdido
Chalard              John E.              (Fernando de Fuenies & Co.)         30 Old Levee                       d.    98 Barracks
Chalaron             Henry                clerk                               64 Canal                           d.   286 Rampart, d. 2
Chaleron             James                clerk                                                                        34 Perdido
Chaleron             J. A.                                                    127 Common                         d.   286 Rampart, d. 2
Chalette             C., Mrs.                                                                                         228 Dauphine
Chalette             F. C.                clerk                                                                       169 St. Joseph
Chalette             Marie, Mrs.          midwife                                                                      52 Main
Chalk                J.                   grocer                                                                          St. Charles n. St. Joseph
Challin              Adrian               clerk                                                                  d.    35 Second
Challon              A.                   clerk                                                                           Fourth n. Rousseau
Challun              Charles              slater                                                                      340 Customhouse
Chalmers             H. H.                (Glenn & Chalmers)                  5 Camp                             d.       Third c. Constance
Chalmette Fire Company, No. 23                                                                                            Washington n. Camp
Chalmus              Alex. H.             (Geo. P. Black & Co.)               91 Gravier                         d.   107 Prytania
Chalon               Joseph O.            clerk at court                                                         d.   288 Hospital
Chalon               L. T.                gen'l book keeper                   Canal Bank                         d.       Ursulines n. Roman
Chalon               Theodule                                                                                             Ursulines n. Roman
Chalonica            Francisco            boatman                                                                d.    14 Main
Chalonica            Largo                boatman                                                                d.    14 Main
Chaltz               Fred.                crockery store                                                              140 Rampart
Chamberlain          A. J.                cook                                                                        443 Conti
Chamberlain          James                machinist                           rope factory                                Ninth c. Water
Chamberlain          W.                                                                                                   Congress n. Rampart
Chamberlain          Wm.                  foreman at Horse Station                                                        St. Charles n. Felicity
Chambers             Charles              clerk                                                                        14 & 16 Union
Chambers             Hetty                nurse                                                                       183 Lafayette
Chambers             Hubert               clerk                                                                        10 Union
Chambers             John P.              carp.                                                                        75 Seventh
Chambers             S. R.                                                                                                Charity Hospital
Chambers             Wm.                  (R. G. Latting & Co.)               com. & forw. mer.                        14 & 16 Union, d. 1
Chambers             Wm. A.. Capt.                                                                                    480 Chartres, d. 3
Chamberry            M.                   blacksmith                                                                  106 Customhouse
Chamin               George               lab.                                                                        246 St. Philip
Champagne            R.                   clothing                                                                    199 Old Levee, d. 2
Champlin             G. Henry             (George Connoly & Co.)              56 Carondelet                      d.    24 Rampart
Champlin             James                                                                                            125 Dauphine
Champlin & Co.                            (J. W. Champlin, George Buckingham)                                    d.       Carondelet n. Cadiz. Jeff. City
                                          cot. factors and com. mers.         77 Carondelet
Champlin             Milton               mate                                                                         40 Marigny
Champomier           J. M.                                                    13 new Customhouse                 d.    71 Conti
Champomier           P. A.                                                    13 new Customhouse                 d.    71 Conti
Chandler             Augustus B.          music teacher                                                                   St. Charles c. Dufossat
Chandler & Cline                          (Judah Chandler, Charles Cline)                                        d.   126 Jackson
                                          ship stores                         Front Levee n. Nun
Chandler             Erastus F.           teacher                                                                         Jeff. City
Chandler             H. B.                surgeon dentist                     507 Dauphine                       d.    50 Poet
Chandler             Henry W.             clerk                                                                  d.    96 Terpsichore
Chandler             Jas.                 laborer                                                                      63 Constance
Chandler             J., Dr.                                                                                          587 Bourbon, d. 3
Chandler             John B.              paymaster                           N.O.J. & G.N.R.R. at depot         d.   318 Franklin
Chandler             John, Dr.                                                                                        138 Carondelet
Chandler             Mayland K.                                                                                           St. Charles c. Dufossat
Chandler             Mary C., Mrs.                                                                                     96 Terpsichore
Chandler             M. K.                                                                                                Orange c. Felicity
Chandler             W. S. Dentist                                            Office & Residence                      138 Carondelet c. Lafayette
Chanet & Feilleux                         (Henry Chanet, Leon Feilleux)       gilders                                  81 St. Peter
Chanet               P., Miss                                                                                         145 St. Peter
Chandore             Catherine            dressmaker                                                                   20 Barracks
Chandrier            Victor               sailor                                                                          Toulouse n. Roman
Chanel               Edward               painter                                                                     142 St. Ann
Chanel               John, Dr.                                                                                            St. Ann c. Claiborne
Chanfrau             P.                   shoemaker                                                                    70 Philip
Chantagne            John                 butcher                                                                     230 Bourbon
Chantron             Pepin                (Dumee & Co.)                       4 Union                            d.   238 Rampart
Chantegrel           Joseph               locksmith                           93 Royal                           d.   106 Conti
Chanut               E., Mrs.                                                                                         243 Canal
Chanut               Emile                                                                                       d.   379 Esplanade
Chanut               F. E.                clerk                               45 New Levee                       d.   243 Canal
Chapin               O. B.                c. h.                                                                           Old Levee c. Customhouse
Chapius              C., Mrs.                                                                                         272 Canal
Chapius              P. A.                cartman                                                                         Columbus n. Galvez
Chapman              Capt.                                                                                             32 Piety
Chapman              Edward                                                                                           161 Camp
Chapman              H. Hyams                                                 at Arthur & Co's
Chapman              J. H.                tinner                                                                          Carondelet n. St. Joseph
Chapman              Jas., Jr.            com. mer.                                                                    60 Magazine
Chapman              John                 laborer                                                                      26 Poet
Chapman              Maunsel W.           atty.                               33 Exchange place                  d.   161 Camp
Chapman              Nathan               (Guninson, Chapman & Co.)           120 Gravier                        d.   157 Carondelet
Chapman & Co.                             (W. F. Chapman)                     com. mers.                               65 Gravier
Chapman              Thos.                seaman                                                                 d.    58 St. James
Chapman              W. F.                (Chapman & Co.)                                                        d.       Esplanade c. Roman
Chapman              Wm. G.               carp.                                                                           Bartholomew n. Villere
Chapon               F., Jr.              waiter                                                                      247 St. Peter
Chapon               Frederick                                                                                         23 St. Louis
Chapotel             C. L.                tinsmith                                                                     95 Bienville
Chapotin             Charles              clerk                               Crescent City Bank                 d.       Louisiana Avenue, Jefferson City
Chapotin             Henry                clerk                                                                        58 Carondelet
Chapotin             Henry                                                                                       d.       St. Mary n. St. Charles
Chappel              Emanuel              f. m. c.                                                                     76 Robin
Chappel              Francisco                                                                                        265 Dauphine
Chappel              Lewis W.             clerk                                                                       177 Calliope
Chappius             F. X., Mrs.                                                                                       34 Desire
Chappy               Celestin             florist                                                                     456 Magazine
Chapron              Adele                                                                                            133 St. Claude, d. 2
Chapron              Delphine, Mrs.                                                                                   103 Elmira
Chapsky & Co.                             (A. Chapsky, Moritz Hirsch)         clothing                                 71 Magazine
Charamel             Chas.                c. p.                                                                       218 Claiborne, d. 2
Chapuis              Alphonse             drayman                                                                     228 Columbus
Chapuis              Antoine              shoemaker                                                                    14 Peace
Chapuis              Jean                                                                                              48 St. Anthony
Chapuis              Widow                ladies shoes                                                                100 Royal
Chapus               J.                   agent for Delpuget dry goods                                                 31 Old Levee, d. 2
Chapus               Mattas, Mrs.                                                                                     101 St. Ann
Charamel             Louise               f. w. c.                                                                    375 Villere
Charamel             Nuna                 shmk'r.                                                                     439 Villere, d. 3
Charbonnet           D. L.                                                                                            325 Ursulines
Charbonnet           Francois                                                                                             St. John's route
Charbonnet           Jacques                                                                                          555 Royal, d. 3
Charbonnet           James A.                                                                                             St. John's route
Charbonnet           J. N.                clerk                               27 Carondelet                      d.   218 Bayou road
Charbonnet           Joseph A.            salesman                                                                        Lafayette c. Commerce
Charbonnet           L.                   f. m. c.  carp.                                                             325 Ursulines
Charbonnet           P. A.                inspector customs                                                               Hospital Cemetery, Metairie ridge
Charbonnet           Philip                                                                                            40 Barracks
Charbonnet           P. A., Mrs.                                                                                      218 Bayou road
Charbonnier          Jules                shoemaker                                                                   121 Exchange place
Chardin              Chas.                grocer                                                                      239 Claiborne, d. 2
Charity Hospital                                                                                                          Common c. Howard
Charity Hospital, for free colored people                                                                                 St. Bernard b. Plauche & Villere
Charles              Augustin             bricklayer                                                                      Prosper n. St. Bernard
Charles              C., Mme.                                                                                          44 St. Philip
Charles              Edward               cigar maker                                                                  16 Annette
Charles              Etienne              f. m. c.                                                                     34 Treme market
Charles              Francois                                                                                         229 Main
Charles              F., Mrs.             dressmaker                                                                  127 Bourbon
Charles              F.                   laborer                                                                         Live Oak n. Austerlitz, Jeff. City
Charles              John                 painter                                                                     473 Fulton
Charles              John                 painter                                                                d.       Market c. Front
Charles              Jean J.              f. m. c. cigars                                                                 St. Peter c. Burgundy
Charles              Josephine            f. w. c.                                                                        Mandeville n. Claiborne
Charles              Louis                c. h.                                                                        82 St. Ann
Charles              Mark                 shoemkr.                                                                        Rousseau n. First
Charles              Maximilian                                                                                        58 Orleans
Charles              Richard              clerk                               48 Carondelet                      d.   158 Julia
Charles              Richard S.           secretary and treasurer N. O. J. and G. N. Railroad                    d.   158 Julia n. Carondelet
Charles              Richard              Watchmaker & Jeweler, No. 18 New Levee, between                             118 Camp
                                          Common and Gravier streets, d. 422 Camp. Watches, Clocks
                                          and Jewelry carefully repaired and warranted.
Charles              Wm.                  f. m. c.  bricklayer                                                        227 Villere
Charlessieu          P., Mrs.                                                                                         100 St. Peter
Charleville          F.                   clerk                               135 Canal                          d.       Carondelet n. Valence
Charlton             George W.            accountant                                                                   80 Canal
Charlton             John                 musician                                                               d.   232 St. Charles
Charmbury            Rob. Y.              com. mer.                                                                     2 Carondelet
Charnock             Geo.                 teacher                                                                      20 Exchange place
Charoin              Charles              painter                                                                     162 Treme
Charpantier          A. B.                (Lobit, Charpantier & Co.)          62 Customhouse                     d.   325 Esplanade
Charpaux             Madame               ladies' school                                                                  Bayou road b. Claiborne & Derbigny
Charpiot             Pierre               tailor                                                                      226 Levee, d. 3
Charpron             Joseph, Mrs.                                                                                     870 Rampart, d. 3
Charpus              H., Mrs.                                                                                         101 St. Ann
Charpvey             Jean                                                                                                 St. Anthony n. St. Claude
Charramia            J. M.                butcher                             12 St. Mary's market               d.       Seventh n. Fulton
Charreau             Jean                 cigar mkr.                                                                   85 Goodchildren
Chartier             C., Mrs.                                                                                         484 Marais, d. 3
Chartier             Mrs.                                                                                             145 Burgundy
Chartres             Ferdinand            porter                              99 Orleans                               62 & 64 Gravier
Chartres             Henry                screwman                                                                    645 Royal, d. 3
Charvent             Auguste, Mrs.                                                                                    381 Dauphine, d. 3
Charvet              Lucien               atty at law                         33 Exchange place                  d.    63 Orleans
Charvin              Charles              painter and glazier                                                         105 St. Philip
Chase                Celeste, Mrs.                                                                                    234 Melpomene
Chase                Daniel               tinsmith                                                                    118 Rampart, d. 1
Chase                Ensign               laborer                                                                     654 Royal, d. 3
Chase                H. W., Miss          principal                           Girls' High School                 d.   107 Elysian Fields
Chase, Lay & Co.                          (Charles H. Chase, Louis Lay, N. H. Lane)                              d.       Felicity n. Chestnut & Dauphine n. Clouet, d. 3
                                          cotton pickery                      Constance c. Orange
Chase                Samuel N.            clerk                                                                           Merchants' Press
Chase                Thos. B.             clerk                                                                        88 Gravier
Chase                Wm. F.               clerk                                                                  d.   129 Religious
Chassaignac          E.                   (Sourdes & Chassaignac)             78 Chartres                        d.    97 Marigny
Chassang             Pierre                                                                                           293 Main
Chastant             Alcee, Dr.                                                                                       140 Canal
Chatagnier           A.                                                                                          d.    93 Rampart, d. 2
Chatard              Jean                 shoes                                                                       146 Marais, d. 2
Chateau              Mrs.                 midwife                                                                      23 Josephine
Chatrant             Victor, Mrs.                                                                                     362 Burgundy
Chatry               A.                                                                                               100 Orleans
Chatry               Ernest                                                                                           127 Barracks
Chatry               Ernest               tailor                                                                       34 Bourbon
Chatry               F.                                                                                               220 Ursulines
Chatry               Louis                                                                                            127 Barracks
Chaubet              Jean                 butcher                                                                      17 Port market
Chaubet              Louis                c. h.                                                                           Burgundy c. Main
Chauchon             Louis                                                                                            264 Main
Chaudet & Nee                             (L. Chaudet, L. E. Nee)                                                d.   259 St. Ann
                                          com. merchants & importers of wines and liquors
                                          147 and 149 Royal
Chaudrier            Chas.                bricklayer                                                                  236 Ursulines
Chaufel              Chas.                locksmith                                                                    80 Bayou road
Chauffeux            Chas. S.             blacksmith                                                                    2 Adele
Chaulmontet          Lucien               carpenter                                                                   393 Rampart, d. 3
Chaumette            Joseph, Dr.                                                                                      129 St. Peter
Chauncey             John                 carpenter                                                                     2 Constance
Chautard             F.                   clerk                                                                           Prieur n. Hospital
Chauveau             A.                   carpenter                                                                    98 Kerlerec
Chauvelot            M, Mrs.                                                                                          217 Bayou road
Chauvet              Francois             f. m. c.                                                                    327 Orleans
Chauvet              Jean                 distiller                                                                   218 St. Philip
Chauvet              Jonte                                                                                             73 Old Levee, d. 2
Chauviere            Th.                  hats                                                                         95 late 101 Chartres
Chauvillion          Auguste              dairy                                                                       175 Enghien
Chauvin              Edward               (J. Levois & Co.)                                                               Canal c. Bourbon
Chauvin              Elizabeth                                                                                            Jackson n. Rampart
Chauvin              Eugene                                                                                            57 St. Anthony
Chauvin              Francois             bricklayer                                                                      Orleans n. Galvez
Chavallier           J. M.                butcher                                                                         Magazine mkt
Chavanel             Antoine              shoemaker                                                                   170 Marais, d. 2
Chavariere           Pierre               baker                                                                       225 Johnson
Chavonet             Auguste              cigars                                                                       80 St. Anthony
Chavry               J. V.                clerk                                                                        91 Gravier
Chazotte             A.                                                                                                   Rampart c. Cotton Press
Chazotte             L., Mrs.                                                                                             Cotton Press n. Rampart
Cheek                Mack                                                                                                 Washington n. Rousseau
Cheery               James                engineer                                                               d.   352 Melpomene
Cheesborough         E. R.                                                                                                Philip n. Prytania
Cheesborough         J. B.                acct.                                                                       434 St. Charles
Cheesborough         Joseph B.            coal dealer                                                                 434 St. Charles
Cheevers             John                 clerk                                                                       124 Camp
Cheevers             Thomas               carpenter                                                                   134 Thalia
Cheffer              Adolph               pattern maker                                                                 5 Euterpe
Cheffer              Louis                clk.                                71 Canal                           d.     5 Euterpe
Chellet              Joseph               clerk                                                                        48 Carondelet
Chelley              John                 shoemaker                                                                    81 St. Anthony
Chemedlin            Joseph               clerk                               "Red Stores"                                Front Levee, d. 2
Cheneville           Antone                                                                                            12 Congress
Cheniva              S., Dr.                                                                                          133 Conti
Chenoweth            Cinderilla           f. w. c., nurse                                                               3 Carroll
Chep                 Melchior             rags                                                                            Congress n. Urquhart
Cherault             Felix                bird cage mkr.                                                               47 St. Ann
Chereme              Barthols             poulterer                                                                    75 Main
Cherbonnier          Ernest               clerk                                                                        33 Bienville
Cheroult             Felix                                                                                            106 Conti
Cherron              J. P.. Mrs.                                                                                      224 Treme, d. 2
Cherry               Mr.                                                      6 Baronne                          d.       Locust n. Erato
Cherry               Dennie               c. h.                                                                       429 Tchoupitoulas
Cherry               Victor                                                                                           396 Burgundy, d. 3
Chervin              A., Mrs.                                                                                         381 Dauphine, d. 3
Chestnut             John, Capt.                                                                                          Clio n. Martin
Chesnee              Jul., Mrs.                                                                                           Burgundy n. Conti
Chesse               Alexander                                                                                            History c. Burgundy
Chesse               Alex. L.             (Herriman & Chesse)                 64 Royal                           d.    33 History
Chesse               Chas.                grocer                                                                      311 Dauphine, d. 2
Chesse               Gustave                                                                                     d.    54 History
Chesse               L.                   tailor                                                                      124 Royal
Chesse               Samuel J.            tailor                              124 Royal                          d.    52 History
Chetty               Marie                f. w. c.                                                                    584 Rampart, d. 3
Cheval               A.                   f. m. c. , shoemaker                                                         17 Annette
Cheval               Auguste              f. m. c.                                                                        Palmyra c. Galvez
Cheval               D., Mrs.                                                                                         266 Claiborne, d. 2
Cheval               Felix                bricklayer                                                                      Delhonde n. Canal
Cheval               Henry                shoemr.                                                                     322 Claiborne, d. 3
Cheval               Hermogene            bricklr.                                                                    277 Prieur, d. 3
Cheval               Hypolite             carpenter                                                                   292 Ursulines
Cheval               Melville             grocer                                                                      246 Main
Cheval               Paul                 teacher                                                                     237 Kerlerec
Chevalier            Anna                 f. w. c.                                                                        Clara n. Gravier
Chevalier            B.                   f. m. c. , carp.                                                                Union n. Girod
Chevalier            Chas. D.             clerk                                                                       157 Poydras
Chevalier            Emanuel              lumber                                                                 c.       Carondelet walk & Robertson
Chevalier            George               carpenter                                                                   239 St. Philip
Chevalier            Gustave                                                                                          249 Villere
Chevalier            G.                   shoes                                                                       427 Dryades
Chevalier            J.                   grocer.                                                                     247 Ursulines
Chevalier            J.                   c. p.                                                                       191 Robertson, d. 2
Chevalier            Marie                f. w. c.                                                                    302 Roman, d. 3
Chevalier            Mary                 midwife                                                                      85 St. Peter
Chevalier            Pierre               collector                                                                   196 Claiborne
Chevalier            J. B.                tailor                                                                      345 Bourbon, d. 3
Chevalley            E. R.                                                                                                New Levee c. Valence, Jefferson City
Chevallo             Dominique            shell merchant                                                              259 Chartres
Chevan               J. B.                carp.                                                                           Kerlerec n. St. Charles
Chevarre             Ernest               carpenter                                                                   246 St. Ann
Chevarre             H.                   f. m. c.                                                                        Claiborne n. Hospital
Chevillon            A., Mrs.                                                                                         131 Toulouse
Chevillon            A.                                                                                               259 St. Claude
Chevillon            J. P.                grocer                                                                      730 Burgundy, d. 3
Chevolleau           L. R.                clerk                               79 Common                          d.   397 Burgundy
Chew                 John                 clk.                                60 Gravier                         d.    78 Barracks
Chiapella            Achille              president                           Union Insurance Company            d.    83 Esplanade
                                                                              Canal c. St. Charles
Chiapella            Celeste              f. w. c.                                                                     35 Esplanade
Chiarlo              Francisco            watchmkr.                                                                   202 Baronne
Chiarpatti           Louis                                                                                             27 Bienville
Chiche               J. B.                                                                                       d.   130 Toulouse
Chiering             Fritz                lab.                                                                            Clouet n. Claiborne
Chigoy               G.                                                                                               234 Ursulines
Childress            George P.            clerk                                                                  d.   208 St. Louis
Childress            M. B.                clerk                               60 Camp                            d.   208 St. Louis
Childress            P.                   notary public and atty. at law      16 Commercial place                d.   208 St. Louis
Childs & Foster                           (J. J. Childs, A. H. Foster)        steamboat agents                         49 Poydras
Childs               G. A.                carpenter                                                                   139 Pacanier
Childs               Henry                bricklr.                                                                    250 Rampart, d. 1
Childs               J. V.                engraver                                                                     10 Camp n. Canal
Chilton              John M.                                                                                     d.       Seventh c. Prytania
Chilton & Taylor                          (John Chilton, Charles A. Taylor)   attorneys                                38 Camp
Chilton              Richard              laborer                                                                      72 St. Andrew
Chincler             George, Mrs.                                                                                      87 Claiborne
Chinn's Chemical Works                                                        office                                   57 Royal
Chinn                C. H.                c. h.                                                                           Patterson c. Goslin, Algiers
Chinn                Richard H.                                                                                        57 Royal
Chinsing             Vincent              sash mkr                                                                    370 Howard
Chipley              Theresa, Mrs.                                                                                     42 Dauphine
Chipot               J. H.                c. h.                                                                           Patterson' c. Goslin, Algiers
Chippendale          William B.           treasurer                           Varieties Theatre                  d.   383 Rampart
Chisholm             E. R.                                                                                                Gretna
Chisholm             G. R.                state and parish assessor                                                       Algiers
Chisholm             Octave                                                                                      d.    76 Coliseum
Chism & Boyd                              (C. Chism, S. H. Boyd)                                                       63 Poydras
Chism                C.                   (Chism & Boyd)                                                         d.       Magazine c. Second
Chism                George               pilot                                                                       123 Mandeville
Chisolm              A. M.                                                                                            237 Bienville
Chisolm              Octave               agent, Picayune Mill                Poyfarre                           d.       Melpomene n. St. Charles
Chisolm              O., Mrs.             teacher of piano & singing                                                      Melpomene n. St. Charles
Chittenden           James                blacksmith                          6 Penn.                            d.   386 Baronne
Chittenden           Joseph                                                                                           386 Baronne
Chittenham           John                                                                                        d.       Gretna
Choat                Jno., Capt.                                                                                          Washington n. Rousseau
Choet                John                                                                                             155 Rousseau
Choisy               Charles              cot. broker                                                                   8 Carondelet
Chol                 A.                   paper hanger                                                                    Royal c. Toulouse
Chopard              A., Mrs.                                                                                         145 Esplanade
Chopard              Z., Mrs.                                                                                         145 Esplanade
Chopat               Philip, Jr.          tailor                                                                          Palmyra n. Galvez
Chopin               Emile                                                                                            117 St. Ann
Chopotin             H.                   clerk                                                                        58 Carondelet
Choppin              Louis                clerk                               Canal c. Exchange place            d.   163 Treme, d. 2
Choppin              Samuel, Dr.                                                                                      170 Canal
Chord                C.                   shoemaker                                                                   198 St. Philip
Chord                Donald               shoemaker                                                                   155 Dauphine
Chotard              F.                   clerk                                                                           Prieur n. Bayou road
Chotin               J. B.                wine merchant                                                                95 St. Ann
Chouzioux            August               blacksmith                                                                   76 Exchange place
Chower               Jacob                carpenter                                                                   133 Gasquet
Chretien             E.                   baker                                                                       299 Main
Chretien             Gerald F.                                                                                        358 Esplanade
Chretien             H., Mrs.                                                                                         103 St. Louis
Chrisman             E.                   paper hanger                                                                139 Chartres
Christ Church (Epis'l)                                                                                                    Canal c. Dauphine
Christ               Leopold              (Francis & Christ)                  com. mer.                          d.   152 Canal
                                                                              10 Carondelet
Christ               Louis                warehouseman                                                                 90 Tchoupitoulas
Christan             Theobald             grocer                                                                 d.   120 Rampart, d. 1
Christen             Anten                cabinet maker                                                               949 New Levee, d. 4
Christen             Joseph               beer house and brewery                                                      478 Chartres, d. 3
Christensen          Chas. E., Mrs.                                                                                       Second n. Liberty
Christensen          Paul                 tailor                                                                          St. Ferdinand c. Levee
Christenson          C. E.                grocer                                                                 d.       Liberty c. Josephine
Christenson          P.                   tailor                                                                          Levee c. St. Ferdinand
Christerson          L. H.                clerk                               60 Bienville                       d.   206 Conti
Christerson          N.                   painter                                                                     315 Old Levee, d. 2
Christian Advocate, Methodist                                                                                         112 Camp
Christian            Antoine              furniture                                                                   949 New Levee, d. 4
Christian            Robt. J.             carp.                                                                           Coliseum n. Sixth
Christian            Pascal                                                                                               Port n. Morales
Christian            Paul J.              (H. G. Stetson & Co.)               54 Camp                            d.   158 Constance
Christian            Rief                 laborer                                                                     249 Chippewa
Christie             D.                   carp.                               179 First                          d.   768 Camp
Christie             Ellen                                                                                                St. Andrew c. Constance
Christie             John                 iron railing manufac.               323 Rampart, d. 1                  d.   359 Franklin
Christie             J.                   builder                                                                         Felicity n. Magazine
Christman            Jacob                laborer                                                                       4 Mandeville
Christmann           Adam                                                                                             202 Baronne
Christmann           Martin               c. h.                                                                       195 Conti
Christmann           J. E., Mrs.                                                                                 d.   624 Chartres, d. 3
Christoffers         Johann                                                                                            41 Chippewa
Christophe           C.                   blacksmith                                                                      Carondelet walk
Christophe           C.                   tanner                                                                          Dupuy n. Lapeyrouse
Christophe           Eugene               f. w. c. , bricklayer                                                       472 Villere, d. 3
Christophe           Gabriel              carpenter                                                                    61 Laharpe
Christophe           Nicholas             grocer                                                                          Newton c. Second, Gretna
Christopher          J.                   Gardener                                                                        Dupuy c. Onzaga
Christransero        Tobias               oysters                                                                         Patterson, Algiers
Christy              Geo. W.              attorney at law                     67 Gravier                         d.   279 Baronne
Christy              Wm.                  notary public & U.S. Commissioner                                            67 Gravier
Chuckhardt           August               cook                                                                         69 Burgundy
Chudre               Gilbert              shoemaker                                                                     1 St. Anthony
Church               D. W.                clerk                               Canal c. New Levee                 d.       Constance c. First
Church               Frank                mate                                                                        793 Dauphine
Church               Frank                laborer                                                                      63 Marigny
Church               G. W.                mason                                                                       375 St. Andrew
Church               H'y                  cotton weigher                                                         d.   124 Orange
Church               L. H.                                                                                       d.   351 Carondelet
Church               Mary                 f. w. c. , furnished rooms                                                   67 Dauphine
Church               M. H.                (Aymar & Church)                                                       d.       Orange n. Camp
Church               John                 clk.                                                                        286 St. Charles
Church of Our Lady of Good Help (Catholic)                                                                                Jackson n. Constance
Churchill            Charles H.           (Taylor & Churchill)                39 Magazine                        d.   412 St. Charles
Churchill            Charles W.           clk.                                93 Common                          d.   485 Baronne
Churchill            C. B., Dr.                                                                                       412 St. Charles
Churchill            S. B.                dry goods                                                              d.       Dryades, c. Erato
Cicanti              T., Mrs.             varieties                                                                     7 Pontalba bldgs.
Cienfuegos           Pierre               shoemaker                                                                   102 Annette
Cifron               John                 drayman                                                                     271 Bayou road
Cilina               S.                   dry goods                                                                   202 Orleans
Cima                 Joseph               painter                                                                     353 Bayou road
Cinys                Mars Eusebe          clerk                                                                           Canal c. Carondelet
Cinda                John                 grocery                                                                      54 Burgundy, d. 2
Ciofalo              P. H.                barber                                                                      665 New Levee
Cior                 C., Mrs.             millinery                                                                   111 Royal
Cior                 Charles              musician                                                                    111 Royal
Circus Street Infirmary                                                                                               132 & 134 Rampart, d. 1
Cirela, Gines & James Puig                c. h.                                                                           Robin c. Pacanier
Ciril                F.                                                                                          d.     1 Annette
Ciroti               F., Mrs.                                                                                         275 Bourbon
City Hall, Jeff City                                                                                                      Magazine c. Berlin
City Hospital by Dr. oux, for small pox only                                                                              Elys. Fields, c. Josephine
Citizens Bank of Louina                                                                                                   Royal c. Customhouse
Citizens Mutual Ins. Co.                                                                                                3 Carondelet
Clabby               John                 lab.                                                                            Poydras n. Bertrand
Clabery              Jean                 clerk                                                                  d.       Toledano c. Constance
Clack                Franklin H.          atty.                               Natchez c. Camp                    d.   161 Annunciation
Claffey              C.                   store keeper                                                                    St. Charles hotel
Claffey              Thos., Mrs.                                                                                      262 Poydras
Clague               A. R.                                                                                                Royal c. Bienville
Claborne             Alfred                                                                                               Peace n. Royal, d. 3
Claiborne            Charles, Jr.         clerk, red stores                                                               Front Levee, d. 2
Claiborne            Chas.                city hall                                                              d.   205 St. Philip
Claiborne            F. O.                Customhouse clerk
Claiborne            Louisa               f. w. c.                                                                    367 Dauphine
Claiborne            Philip               f. m. c.                                                                    171 Canal
Claiborne            Wm. C. C.                                                                                   d.   433 Dauphine, d. 3
Claiborne            Wm. C. C., Jr.       (Logan, Soniat & Claiborne)                                                  57 Carondelet
Claiborne Street School                                                                                                   Claiborne c. St. Peter
Clair                Edwd.                laborer                                                                     534 Dauphine
Clair                Michael                                                                                           99 Claiborne
Clair                John                 drayman                                                                         Tonti n. Ursulines
Clairac              Hypolite             tailor                                                                       89 Baronne
Clairain             Louis                builder                                                                     333 Burgundy, d. 3
Clairain             L. E.                clerk                               Tchoup. c. Common                  d.    12 Urquhart
Clairville           Alex., Mrs.          f. w. c.                                                                    144 Union, d. 3
Clamann              Geo.                 porter                                                                          Bank of N. Orleans
Clancy               David                carp.                                                                       245 Rampart, d. 1
Clancy               John                 cartman                                                                     337 Howard
Clancy               John                 laborer                                                                      62 Adele
Clancy               Martin               tailor                                                                 d.    83 St. Thomas
Clancy               M.                   lab.                                                                            Elmira n. Patterson, Algiers
Clancy               Patrick              lab.                                                                            Market n. Annun.
Clancy               Patrick                                                                                     d.   533 Royal, d. 3
Clancy               Thomas               drayman                                                                     134 Port
Clannon              Catharine                                                                                          6 Constance
Clannon              Rob.                 paints and glass                    105 Canal                          d.       Annunciation n. Calliope
Clannon              Thomas               painter                                                                       6 Constance
Clapin               J.                   f. m. c.  tailor                                                                Villere n. Laharpe
Clapp                Charles                                                                                           95 Exchange place
Clapp                Charles B.           acct.                                                                        41 Front, d. Villere, n. Common
Clapp                Edwd.                machinist                                                                       Adele n. Fulton
Clapp                Geo. W.              (Crescent Firewood Co.)                                                      99 Carondelet walk
Clapp                John                 barkeeper                                                                   289 St. Charles
Clapp, Mitchell & Jack                    (Emory  Clapp, Philip G. Mitchell, E. W. Jack, John J. Gidiere, Geo. A. Seaman)
                                          wholesale dry goods                                                          35 Magazine
Clara                Mary                 furnished rooms                                                              99 Treme
Clare                Michael                                                                                              St. Andrew n. Annun.
Clare                Patrick              lab.                                                                            Coliseum n. First
Claren               Edward               (Aiklen & Claren)                   80 Magazine                        d.   383 Camp
Claret               Larose, Mrs.                                                                                     235 Bourbon
Clarey               Peter                laborer                                                                     358 Howard
Clark                Alexander B.         carpenter                                                                   322 Liberty
Clark                Alice, Mrs.                                                                                          Villere n. Common
Clark                A. M., Mrs.                                                                                      518 Burgundy, d. 3
Clark                A.                   laborer                                                                         Poland n. Annunciation
Clark                Carl                                                                                                 Fourth n. Annunciation
Clark                Charles              collector                                                                    46 Villere, d. 1
Clark                Charles              mate                                                                        196 St. Ann
Clark                Cornelius            (Bowman & Clark)                                                       d.   254 St. Andrew
Clark & Brisbin                           (C. W. Clark, W. W. Brisbin)        printers                           d.   282 Carondelet
                                                                              19 Commercial place
Clark                C. C.                clerk                                                                       337 Chippewa
Clark                Daniel C.                                                                                        465 Constance
Clark                E. A.                clerk                                                                           White n. Erato
Clark                Edward               porter                                                                      208 Franklin
Clark                Ellen                wood and coal                                                               286 Dryades
Clark                Francis              plaster                                                                     233 Orleans
Clark                Francis              drayman                                                                         Calliope n. Tchoupitoulas
Clark                Frank                                                                                            251 Camp
Clark                Geo.                 adjuster of averages                                                          9 Commercial place
Clark                G. W., Mrs.                                                                                      204 Julia
Clark                Henry                clerk                                                                         9 Commercial place
Clark                Henry D.             clerk                                                                        58 St. Charles
Clark                H. P.                salesman                            98 Canal                           d.   162 Delord
Clark                Jas. C.              bookkeep                                                                        Chippewa n. First
Clark                James                laborer                                                                         Felicity n. Fulton
Clark                James L.                                                                                    d.    25 Terpsichore
Clark                James                clerk                                                                        45 Music
Clark                Jas.                 shipping clk.                                                          d.       Chippewa n. Race
Clark                James, Dr.                                                                                           Third n. St. Charles
Clark                John                 grocery                                                                     227 St. Charles
Clark                John                 watchman                                                                     78 Enghien
Clark                John H.              photographs                                                                 101 Canal
Clark                John                 iron foundry                        460 & 462 Tchoupitoulas            d.   467 Tchoupitoulas
Clark                John                 laborer                                                                     290 St. Thomas
Clark                John                 laborer                                                                     297 St. Thomas
Clark                Joseph, Mrs.                                                                                     274 St. Philip
Clark                Joseph, Capt.        249 Common                                                             d.    20 Elysian Fields
Clark                Josiah A.                                                                                         98 Liberty
Clark                J. M.                blacksmith                          370 Old Levee                      d.    30 d. Barracks c. Treme (sic)
Clark                J. J.                Cooper                                                                       77 Lafayette street, opposite Odd-Fellows' Hall.
                                          Cooperage in all its branches executed promptly
                                          and at lowest cash prices.
Clark                J. S.                merchant                                                                        Terpsichore n. St. Charles
Clark                J. S., Dr.           Dentist                                                                     140 Canal over Crescent City Bk.
Clark                L. B.                clerk                                                                       249 Common
Clark                L.                   printer                                                                     401 Gravier
Clark                Mary                                                                                              74 Marais, d. 2
Clark                Michl.               baker                                                                           Soraparu n. Rousseau
Clark                Michael              laborer                                                                      52 St. Thomas
Clark                Miles                laborer                                                                d.   140 Tchoupitoulas
Clark, Mosby & Co.                        (J. S. Clark, S. T. Stribling)                                               35 Front
                                          in liquidation, grocers and commission merchants
Clark                Moses                (J. J. Person & Co.)                                                         47 Carondelet
Clark                Patrick              laborer                                                                     512 Burgundy, d. 3
Clark                Patrick                                                                                              Cadiz n. Laurel, Jeff. City
Clark                Patrick              (Gleason & Patrick)                 cotton pickery                     d.       Annunciation n. Richard
                                                                              Orange c. Religious
Clark                Peter                sailor                                                                      251 Royal
Clark                Peter                laborer                                                                     318 Dryades
Clark                P.                   grocer                                                                          St. Andrew n. Rousseau
Clark                Robert               screwman                                                                     62 Enghien
Clark                Robert               stevedore                                                                    60 Adele
Clark                Robert               laborer                                                                     365 St. Peter
Clark                Samuel               ship clerk                                                                  403 St. Charles
Clark                Sylvester            drayman                                                                     393 Liberty
Clark                S. C.                teacher                                                                         Seguin c. Delaronde, Algiers
Clark                S. F.                collector                                                                    19 Tchoupitoulas
Clark                S. S.                                                                                            162 Delord
Clark                Thaddeus             flour inspector                                                        d.   383 Rampart
Clark & Thieneman                         (R. A. Clark, Theo. F. Thieneman)                                            88 Magazine
                                          commission merchants & tobacco factors
Clark                Thomas J.            clerk                                                                  d.   111 St. Mary
Clark                Thos.                carriage painter                                                             90 Palmyra
Clark                Thomas               carriages                                                                     9 Bertrand
Clark                Thomas, Capt.                                                                                        Greenville
Clark                Thomas                                                                                               Josephine n. Constance
Clark                T. H. Clark          clerk                                                                       131 Canal
Clark                T. M.                blacksmith                                                                  329 St. Claude, d. 2
Clark                Virginia             furn. rooms                                                                 115 Toulouse
Clark                Walter P.            clerk                                                                        98 Canal
Clark                Westphalia, Mrs.                                                                                  24 Spain
Clark                William              moulder                                                                     145 Foucher
Clark                William              clerk                                                                       130 Canal
Clark                Wm.                  laborer                                                                         Thalia n. Magazine
Clark                Wm.                  c. h.                                                                           Hospital c. Gallatin
Clark                Wm.                  grocer                                                                      472 Old Levee, d. 2
Clark                Wm.                                                                                                  Calliope n. Rampart
Clark                Wm.                  bookseller                          11 Front Levee, d. 2               d.       Marigny n. Chartres
Clark                Wm. Frank            blacksmith                                                                      Washington n. Chestnut
Clark                Wm.                  clerk                                                                           Esplanade n. Derbigny
Clark                Wm. B.               (Lee, Iry & Co.)                    48 Camp                            d.       Jackson c. Carondelet
Clarke               Chas.                laborer                                                                      53 North market
Clarke               Ellen, Mrs.          dressmaker                                                                  110 Perdido
Clarke               Frank                teacher                                                                     156 Camp
Clarke               George B.            acct.                                                                       148 Poydras
Clarke               George W., Mrs.                                                                                  204 Julia
Clarke               Henry L.             (Thos. L. Clarke & Bro.)            27 Natchez                         d.   240 Camp
Clarke               James, Dr.                                                                                  d.   240 Camp
Clarke               James                clerk                                                                       404 Felicity
Clarke               J. Calvit, Mrs.                                                                                      St. Charles c. Eighth
Clarke               James                clerk                                                                        89 Gravier
Clarke               John A.                                                                                           30 Elys. Fields
Clarke               J., Mrs.                                                                                          10 Mandeville
Clarke               Joshua               (Lyman & Clarke)                    attys.                                   13 St. Charles
Clarke               L. A.                c. p.                                                                           Carondelet c. Terpsichore
Clarke               Mary, Mrs.                                                                                        46 Robertson
Clarke               Robert               cot. gins                                                                   118 Common
Clarke               R. B.                clerk                                                                       159 Gravier
Clarke               Sarah, Mrs.          milliner                                                                        Carondelet c. Poydras
Clarke, Thos. L. & Bro.                   (Henry L. Clarke)                   coffee, rice, etc.                       27 & 29 Natchez
Clarke               Thomas               Druggist &  Apothecary. Importer of Pure Cognac Brandy
                                          and Wines for Medical purposes, c. of Magazine & Thalia.
Clarke               Thomas               laborer                                                                     506 Dauphin, d. 3
Clarke               Thomas               carriages to hire                                                               Bertrand n. Common
Clarke               Thomas               laborer                                                                     316 Fulton
Clarke & Bayne                            (Thomas Allen Clarke, T. L. Bayne)                                           11 Exchange place
                                          attys. at law
Clarke               Wm. A.               acct.                                                                       145 Erato
Clarke               Wm. H.               (Caillonet & Clarke)                                                        769 Tchoupitoulas
Clarke               W. A.                f. m. c.                                                                    238 Conti
Clarke               W. E.                book keeper                                                                  41 Tchoupitoulas
Clarkson             Ann, Mrs.            f. w. c.                                                                    149 Perdido
Clarkson             R. V., Mrs.                                                                                          Robertson n. Common
Clary                Dennis               laborer                                                                      70 Constance
Clason & Co.                              (Herman Clason, Jr.)                commission merchants                     53 Carondelet
Clason               Herman, Jr.          (Clason & Co.)                                                               53 Carondelet
Classen              J.                                                                                                18 Jackson
Clatta               Valentine                                                                                            Louisa n. Claiborne
Clatte               Wolff                laborer                                                                     179 Clouet
Claude               E.                   c. h.                                                                           Levee c. Congress
Claude               Jos.                 blacksmith                                                                      Royal n. Congress
Claude               Leon                                                                                              60 Dauphine
Claude               Rosa                 f. w. c.                                                                        Villere n. Canal
Claude               Thomas                                                                                           464 St. Claude, d. 3
Claudel              Nicholas             (J. Boulenger & Co.)                72 Chartres                        d.    27 Conti
Claudie              Edward H.            secy. La. Manufg. Co.                                                  d.   124 Terpsichore
Claudie              Richard B.           steamboat agent                                                        d.   124 Terpsichore
Claudie              Walter               clerk                                                                  d.   124 Terpsichore
Claudin              Edwd.                clerk                                                                       144 Basin, d. 2
Claudin              Mrs.                 laundress                                                                   267 Chartres
Claudot              Joseph               shoemaker                                                                       Hospital n. Roman
Claus                Gustav.              cooper                                                                      447 St. Ann
Clause               A..Mrs.              f. w. c.                                                                     92 Prytania
Clausett             John                 tailor                                                                      233 Orleans
Clauson              Edwd.                mate                                                                        637 Rampart, d. 3
Clauss               Leonhardt            (McCombs & Clauss)                                                           14 Tchoupitoulas
Claussen             A. E.                clerk                                                                           Patterson, Algiers
Claussen             Henry                c. h.                                                                        97 Baronne
Claussen             Henry                                                                                                Marigny n. Prosper
Clave                F.                   carpenter                                                                   114 Bienville
Clavel               F.                   apothecary                                                                  228 Rampart, d. 2
Clavely              Andrew               drayman                                                                     378 St. Peter
Claverie             Dominique            butcher                                                                      85 Poydras market
Claverie             August                                                                                      d.   342 Villere, d. 3
Claverie             Andre                butcher                                                                         Jefferson City
Claverie             Bertrand             baker                                                                       156 Casacalvo
Claverie             Etienne                                                                                              Bayou bridge
Claverie             Jean                                                                                              68 French market
Claverie             John                 butcher                                                                       2 Poydras market
Claverie             J. M.                butcher                                                                      87 French market
Claverie             Martial              wood, coal, etc.                    55 Orleans                         d.    51 Orleans
Claverie             Philip               butcher                                                                         French market
Claverie             Pierre               butcher                                                                      95 French mkt
Claverie             Perrie               butcher                                                                      95 French mkt
Clavie               Andrew               c. p.                                                                        44 Piety
Clavies              Oscar                painter                                                                       9 St. Anthony
Clawson              F. C.                lumber                                                                          Carrollton
Clawson              John B.                                                                                              Carrollton
Clay                 Frances              f. w. c.                                                                    266 Villere
Clay                 Geo. H., Mrs.                                                                                        Washington n. Chippewa
Clay                 John, Mrs.                                                                                        58 Hospital
Clay                 John F.              note & stock broker                 52  Royal                          d.   147 Claiborne
Clay                 John R.                                                  52 Royal                           d.   147 Claiborne
Clay                 Mary, Mrs.                                                                                           Washington n. Fulton
Clay                 Melinda              f. w. c.                                                                    222 Conti
Clay                 Richd.               book keeper                                                                 352 Canal
Clay School                                                                                                               Palmyra n. Prieur
Clay                 Wm.                  screwman                                                                    692 Dauphine, d. 3
Clay                 Wm. H.               com. mer.                                                                    58 Magazine
Clayton              C., Mrs.                                                                                         183 Morales
Clayton              Ed.                  drayman                                                                     657 Rampart, d. 3
Clayton              F. L.                                                                                             34 Prytania
Clayton              John                 painter                                                                     239 Poydras
Clayton              R., Mrs.             furnished rooms                                                             144 Customhouse
Clayton              Saml.                engineer                                                                    401 Customhouse
Clayton              Walker               tobacconist                                                            d.   490 Magazine
Clayton              W. W.                clerk                                                                        53 Prytania
Cleal                George C.                                                                                            Baronne n. Jackson
Clealand             Wm.                  intellig'ce office                                                          136 Camp
Clear                Michael              laborer                                                                      35 St. Andrew
Clearman             T. D.                (Duryee, Jaques & Clearman)                                                  25 Magazine
Cleary               C., Mrs.                                                                                          15 Spain
Cleary               Edward               drayman                                                                     208 Franklin
Cleary               E. A.                clerk                                                                       143 Delord
Cleary               E., Mrs.             dressmaker                                                                  143 Delord
Cleary               Pat.                 laborer                                                                     456 Old Levee, d. 3
Cleary               Thos.                drayman                                                                         Prieur n. Canal
Clebere              Augustus                                                                                         165 Main
Clede                Henry                laborer                                                                      21 St. James
Cleghorn             Elisha B., Rev.      agt.                                Presb. book depost                       94 Camp
Clemence             Pierre                                                                                           104 Union, d. 3
Clemens              C.                   drayman                                                                      48 Cotton Press
Clemens              H.                   cooper                                                                          Seventh n. N. Levee
Clemens              John                 laborer                                                                         Seventh n. Laurel
Clemens              J. B.                                                                                            136 Goodchildren
Clement              Artemise             f. m. c.                                                                     97 Goodchildren
Clement              Francis                                                                                              Pleasant n. Constance
Clement              Geo. E.              warehouseman                                                           d.   104 St.
Clement              Geo.                 builder                                                                         Baronne n. Third
Clement              Mary                 f. w. c.                                                                     60 Union, d. 3
Clement              Peter                shoemaker                                                                    62 Dauphine
Clement              Pierre               cigar maker                                                                     Prosper n. Elysian Fields
Clement              P.                   carp.                                                                           Derbigny n. St. Philip
Clement              W. G.                clerk                                                                        35 Tchoupitoulas
Clements             D.                   grocery                                                                         St. Mary c. Chestnut
Clements             Dennis               slater                                                                 d.   125 Polymnia
Clements             Frederick            ship joiner                                                                     Algiers
Clements             Geo.                 mate                                                                        443 Old Levee, d. 3
Clemmann             G.                   porter                                                                          Bank  New Orleans
Clemos               Pierre                                                                                           120 Union, d. 3
Clenand              Michael              drayman                                                                     530 Felicity
Clen                 Patrick              laborer                                                                         Coliseum n. First
Clencey              John                 laborer                                                                         Adele n. Rousseau
Clennon              Robt.                                                                                             54 Annunciation
Clere                Chas.                French lawyer                       50 Exchange place                  d.   164 Main
Clerc                F.                   Dryades market                                                         d.   369 Franklin
Clerc                Jules                confectioner                                                                180 St. Mary
Clere                Mary                 f. w. c.                                                                    313 St. Philip
Clery                T.                   grocery                                                                     203 Mandeville
Clermont             Etienne              tinsmith and impt'r of weights & meas's                      office         158 Bourbon
Clesley              George J.            machinist                                                                       Harmony n. Constance
Clessen              N.                   fruit                                                                           Jackson n. Chippewa
Cleveland            A. D.                clerk                                                                        55 Carondelet
Cleveland Brothers                        (A. P. Cleveland, Geo. Cleveland)                                      d.       Philip n. Camp
                                          com. mers.                          42 Union
Cleveland            Chas.                broker                                                                      459 Constance
Cleveland            George               (Cleveland Brothers)                                                         42 Union
Cleveland            Sylvester                                                                                        273 Ursulines
Cleveland            W. F.                clerk cot. press                                                       d.       Race c. Tchoupitoulas
Clifford             John                 grocer                                                                      247 Lafayette
Clifford             James A.                                                                                          21 Race
Clifton              Ann, Mrs.                                                                                        305 Melpomene
Clifton              George               screwman                                                                     22 Spain
Clinch               H. A.                atty. at law                        40 Camp                            d.   338 Carondelet
Clinchley            Geo.                 sash mkr.                                                              d.   342 Perdido
Clinchy              Geo.                 coopersmith                                                                  37 Chippewa
Cline                Chas.                (Chandler & Cline)                  Front Levee n. Nuns                d.       Jersey n. Nap. av. Jefferson City
Cline                Henry                atty.                                                                       100 Customhouse
Cline                H. P.                carpenter                                                                       Gretna
Cline                John                 cabs to hire                                                                 30 Annunciation
Cline                Sarah, Mrs.          b.h.                                                                         11 Baronne
Cline                T.                   furniture cart                                                                  Cypress n. Willow
Clink                John                 bakery                                                                      163 Dauphine
Clinton              Patrick              lab.                                                                            Tonti n. Bienville
Clinton              Thomas               lab.                                                                        538 Tchoupitoulas
Clipping             Geo.                 c. h. & grocery                                                                 Goodchildren c. Mandeville
Clissac              Joseph               tailor                                                                      243 Ursulines
Clissey              P.                   dancing master                                                                  Masonic hall, St. Charles
Cload                James J.             undertaker                                                                   41 Rampart
Clodier              F.                   fancy goods                                                                 465 Bourbon, d. 3
Clogher              Michael              furniture                                                                       Girod c. Rampart
Clohecy              Ellen, Mrs.                                                                                      274 Baronne
Clone                Michael              laborer                                                                      83 Delord
Cloney               Dennis               warehouseman                                                                 15 Marais
Cloney               D.                                                                                               290 Canal
Cloney               J.                   drayman                                                                      28 Palmyra
Cloney               M. W.                clerk                                                                        35 Common
Cloney               Richard              boiler makr.                                                                    Algiers
Clongat              Jacob                                                                                                Frenchmen n. Villere
Cloonan              John                 laborer                                                                     206 Magazine
Clooney              Wm.                  clerk                                                                       205 Constance
Clopton              John                 painter                                                                     554 New Levee
Close                David                                                                                             74 New Levee
Close                E., Capt.                                                                                            Annunciation c. Soraparu
Closer               Ellen, Mrs.                                                                                      385 Basin
Clossman             Philip               clerk                                                                  d.   217 Dauphine
Clostermann, Tourne & Co.                 (H. Clostermann, Nicholas Tourne, Joyle)                                     40 late 44 Chartres
                                          variety store
Cloud                Benj. F.             com. mer.                                                                       Jefferson City
Cloud                E. G.                Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Fruit                                   d.       Leontine c. Camp, Jefferson City
                                          No. 78 St. Charles
Cloud                Theodore A.          f. m. c.                                                                    203 Franklin
Clouett              Xavier               printer                                                                     349 St. Peter
Clough               Eleanor                                                                                           78 Derbigny
Clough               Ellen, Mrs.          assist. matron of Children's Home and Sch'ls                                343 Chartres
Clough               George               carpenter                                                                   400 Perdido
Clough               Geo. W.              bricklayer                                                                  283 Bienville
Clough               John                 carp.                                                                           Gasquet n. Johnson
Clough               J.                   builder                                                                         Coliseum c. Josephine
Clough               Samuel               carpenter                                                                    60 Basin
Clougher             Michl.               furnit'e                                                                        Girod c. Rampart
Cloughs              Jas.                 carp.                                                                           Josephine c. Coliseum
Clous                Samuel                                                                                               Sixth n. Plaquemine
Clovis               Angelina                                                                                         110 Burgundy
Clozet               D., Mrs.                                                                                             Prieur c. St. Philip
Clozet               Jean                 tailor                                                                      191 Orleans
Cluff                Richd.               clk.                                                                            Washington n. Dryades
Cluts                E.                   baker                                                                       308 St. Louis
Clyne                James                clerk                                                                        71 Camp
Coan                 Elizab'h, Mrs.                                                                                       Bartholomew n. Delaronde, Algiers
Coates               Edward                                                                                               Market n. Chippewa
Coates               George               (James & Coates)                    75 Lafayette                       d.       Clio c. Carondelet
Coates               Geo.                 blacksmith                                                                  165 Clio
Coates               Johana                                                                                               Rocheblave n. Main
Coates               J.                   screwman                                                                        St. Andrew n. Fulton
Coates               P.                   blacksmith                                                                      Thalia n. Prytania
Coates               Richard                                                                                              -----
Cobb J. B. & Co.                          (Joseph B. Cobb, Andrew E. Knox)                                       c.       Common, New Levee &  Tchoupitoulas.
                                          Wholesale Grocers & Commission Merchants
Cobb                 John D.              (Martin, Cobb & Co.)                157 Gravier                        d.   157 St. Joseph
Cobb                 Joseph B.                                                                                          8 Tchoupitoulas
Cobb                 T. N.                c. p.                                                                           Bayou bridge
Cobb                 W. B.                (McIlreevy & Cobb)                                                           34 Poydras
Cobb                 Wm. D.               Telegraph Reporter at Price Current Office                                   51 Camp
Coberger             J.                   carp.                                                                           Prieur n. Gasquet
Cobert               John                 dairy                                                                           Mazant, c. Greatmen
Cobert               Peter                butcher                                                                      29 French market
Cobett               Rosina               f. w. c.                                                                    330 Burgundy, d. 3
Coburn               R.                   Dealer in Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods
                                          118 and 120 Tchoupitoulas st. and 152 Poydras street.
                                          Subscriptions received for newspapers.
Coca                 Mrs.                                                                                             278 Villere, d. 2
Cochard              Charles              charcoal                                                                     45 Main
Cochin               Augustus             pressman                                                                     70 Camp
Cochnerich           Anthony                                                                                              St. Mary n. St. Charles
Cochran              Ed. C.               broker                                                                 d.   199 Frenchmen
Cochran              Frank                warehouseman                                                                100 Canal
Cochran              George                                                                                            33 St. Thomas
Cochran              Honora, Mrs.                                                                                     279 Poydras
Cochran & Hall                            (A. F. Cochran, H. S. Hall)
                                          Commission Merchants and Importers of Mediterranean
                                          Produce, also Agents for Welsh Bros. Old Reserve
                                          Madeiras, and C. S. Campbell & Co's Celebrated Sherries.
Cochran              John R.              painter                                                                         Lafayette n. Eighth, Gretna
Cochran              John                 drayman                                                                     227 Girod
Cochran              John                 screwman                                                                     45 Marigny
Cochran              John                                                                                                 Felicity n. Chippewa
Cochran              John                 lab.                                                                         21 Constance
Cochran              Michael              lab.                                                                          6 Constance
Cochran              O. H.                                                                                            365 Lafayette
Cochran              Patrick              lab.                                                                         91 Mandeville
Cochran              Samuel               broker                                                                       78 Union, d. 3
Cochran              Tim.                 gro.                                                                            Girod c. Franklin
Cochran              Timothy              blacksm.                                                                    244 Magnolia
Cochrane             Charlotte, Mrs.                                                                                   32 Race
Cochrane             C., Mrs.             teacher                             p. s.                              d.       Washington n. Constance
Cochrane             Frank                steward                                                                     433 Baronne
Cochrane             H. D.                                                    65 Gravier                         d.    49 Toulouse
Cochrane             John R.              painter                                                                         Josephine c. N. Levee
Cochrane             Thos.                lab.                                                                            St. Ferdinand c. Girod
Cockburn             P. J.                                                                                            112 Common
Cockerell            S. P.                clerk                                                                        32 First
Cockerill            Robert                                                                                           152 Poydras
Cockner              P.                   laborer                                                                         Pacanier n. Market
Cockpit              American                                                                                             Kerlerec c. St. Claude
Cockran              Jas.                 lab.                                                                            Foucher n. Poyfarre
Cockran              M.                                                                                          d.     5 Constance
Cockran              Pat.                 lab.                                                                            Foucher n. Calliope
Cockran              P.                                                                                                96 Constance
Cocks                M., Capt.                                                                                            White c. Thalia
Cocossar             J., Mrs.                                                                                             Claiborne c. Hospital
Coddis               John                 drayman                                                                     128 Casacalvo
Coddor               Victor               confec.                                                                         Camp c. Poyfarre
Coddou               Jos.                 drayman                                                                     348 St. Philip
Couddou              Victor               confec.                             270 Camp                           d.       Magazine n. Josephine
Code                 Geo.                 cooper                                                                 d.    52 St. James
Code                 James                                                                                                Calliope n. Rampart
Code                 Jos.                 lab.                                                                            Greatmen n. Marigny
Code                 Loftus                                                                                            52 St. James
Code                 Nicholas                                                                                             Eighth n. Fulton
Code                 Thos.                clk.                                                                            Josephine n. New Levee
Codiner              Simon, Capt.                                                                                     238 Girod
Codron               Francois             carp.                                                                       364 St. Peter
Cody                 Patrick              cooper                                                                       10 Toulouse
Coeler               D. W.                clerk                                                                       110 Common
Coeler               F. W.                Importer of and Dealer in Wines, Brandies, Gins, Cordials,             d.   238 Baronne
                                          Scotch Ale & London Porter, Fruits, Pickles and Sardines,
                                          110 Common, op. St. Charles Hotel. Orders from the
                                          Country promptly attended to
Cofer                Jesse B.             carp.                                                                        58 Rampart
Coffee               Albert               clerk                                                                       326 Carondelet
Coffee               Amelia                                                                                           230 Ursulines
Coffee               Eliza, Mrs.                                                                                      384 Customhouse
Coffee               Elizabeth, Mrs.                                                                                      Sixth c. Fulton
Coffee               H. T.                clerk                                                                        72 Gravier
Coffee               John                 lab.                                                                        151 Old Levee, d. 2
Coffee               John                 drayman                                                                         Orleans c. Galvez
Coffee               John                 screwman                                                                    239 Morales
Coffee               Mary, Mrs.                                                                                       177 Thalia
Coffee               Mary                 midwife                                                                     193 Clio
Coffee               Pat.                 lab.                                                                        265 Customhouse
Coffee               Patrick              grocer                                                                       98 Gasquet
Coffee               Patrick              plasterer                                                                   149 Thalia
Coffey               B. R.                clerk                               12 Jackson, d. 4                   d.       Sixth n. Fulton
Coffey               H. J.                clerk                                                                       383 Thalia
Coffey               J. F.                notary                                                                       19 Jackson, d. 4
Coffey               J. M.                clerk                                                                       188 Franklin
Coffey               P. J.                sail maker                                                                   75 Howard
Coffey               Thomas               laborer                                                                      42 Religious
Coffield             Thos.                drayman                                                                         Religious n. Race
Coffila              Robert               oyster saloon                       249 Camp                           d.   253 Magazine
Coffin               John                 screwman                                                                    107 Religious
Coffin               John D.              ship chandlery                      22 Lower Front Levee               d.   126 Esplanade
Coffman              B.                   tailor                                                                      206 Baronne
Coffy                Saml.                grocery                                                                         Lafayette c. Fulton
Cogan                James C.             engineer                                                               d.   456 Basin
Cogan                James                                                                                             10 Enghien
Cogan                John                                                                                             341 Melpomene
Cogan                Richard              shipwright                                                                      Algiers
Coggin               John                 laborer                                                                     369 Tchoupitoulas
Coghlan              David                carp.                                                                           Leverque, Algiers
Cognovich            Anthony              fruits                                                                       10 St. Charles
Coguenhem            M.                   grocery                                                                     209 Bayou road
Coguille             A.                   painter                                                                     103 Toulouse
Cogswell             C. C.                com. mer.                           30 New Levee                       d.   167 Ursulines
Cohen                Aaron                ship agent                                                                  127 Common
Cohen                Albert                                                                                           216 Julia
Cohen                A. A.                                                                                            348 Carondelet
Cohen                Benjamin             b. h.                                                                        28 Orleans
Cohen                Bernard              clothing                            33 Front                           d.    72 Marais, d. 2
Cohen                B., Rev.             Hebrew minister                                                             209 Rampart, d. 1
Cohen                Charles              clothing                                                                    307 Conti
Cohen                C. A.                acct.                                                                       126 Canal
Cohen                D., Mrs.                                                                                          57 Prytania
Cohen                Ed.                  cab driver                                                                  472 Dauphine, d. 3
Cohen                Henry                pedler                                                                      129 Liberty
Cohen                Henry                glazier                                                                     214 Delord
Cohen                J.                                                                                                   Treme n. St. Louis
Cohen                J. H.                butcher                                                                      59 & 61 Port mkt.
Cohen                M. M.                atty. and counsellor at law         22  Exchange place                 d.   151 Constance
Cohlenberger         Martin               barkeeper                                                                       Basin c. Thalia
Cohn & Fink                               (H. Cohn, Peter Fink)               dry goods                                   Patterson, Algiers
Cohn                 Henry                ship carp.                                                                  795 Dauphine, d. 3
Cohn                 H.                   dry goods                                                                       New Levee n. Sixth
Cohn                 Herman                                                                                           113 St. Peter
Cohn & Phelps                             (Jacob Cohn, Louis Phelps)          clothing                                 88 Poydras
Cohn                 John                 fruit                                                                           St. Mary n. Chippewa
Cohn                 Jos                  dry goods                                                                   987 New Levee, d. 4
Cohn                 L. I.                Importer of Fancy Goods and Hosiery, &                                       55 Chartres
                                          Manufacturer of Flannel Shirts, etc.
Cohn                 Jos.                 notary                              44 Exchange place                  d.   150 Second
Cohn                 Michael              clerk                                                                        13 Chartres
Cohn                 N.                   watchmaker                          d. 1                                    190 Rampart
Cohn                 Peter                cigars                                                                      165 Old Levee
Cohn                 Saml.                clothier                                                                    180 New Levee, d. 1
Cohn                 Solomon                                                                                              Carrollton
Coignard             C. N.                                                                                            136 St. Anthony
Coignard             E.                   dep. const. 5th Justice Court                                          d.     4 Frenchmen
Coiley               Richard              laborer                                                                      68 St. Joseph
Coin                 Philip               laborer                                                                         Basin c. Clio
Coiron               F. S.                (Casbergue Justin & Co.)                                               d.   174 Robertson
Coiron               L. J.                custom house broker                 d. 44 Old Levee                    d.       Rampart n. Union
Coiron               P. Fleix             book keeper                                                                  30 Poydras
Coiron               Stanislaus           clerk                                                                       317 Esplanade
Coit                 Jno.                 clk.                                66 Gravier                         d.    22 Ex. place
Cokely               John                 at Stroud & Co.
Cokely               J. A.                hatter                                                                      191 Julia
Colan                J.                   drayman                                                                         Terpsichore n. Liberty
Colar                Elizabeth, Mrs.                                                                                  221 Love
Colas                Widow                dressmaker                                                                  119 Bourbon
Colayanni            M., Mrs.                                                                                             Terpsichore n. Freret, d. 1
Colbert              John                 cook                                                                         85 Franklin, d. 2
Colbert              R.                   laborer                                                                     451 Old Levee, d. 3
Colbert              Wm.                  warehouseman                                                                542 St. Claude, d. 3
Colbertson           Henry                                                                                       d.   248 Villere, d. 2
Colbus               J. F.                                                                                            166 Johnson, d. 2
Colbus               Nicholas             saddler                                                                     421 St. Ann
Colby                J. M.                accountant                                                                   36 Royal
Colder               Geo.                 screwman                                                                        Chippewa c. Philip
Colder               John                 driver                                                                       96 Camp
Coldera              Joseph               fruit                                                                        10 Annunciation
Coldwater            Louis                lab.                                                                            Dryades n. Eighth
Cole                 Anthony B.           cigars & periodicals                                                        160 Levee, d. 3
Cole                 Bernard              lab.                                                                        467 Old Levee, d. 3
Cole                 Betsy                f. w. c.                                                                    362 Canal
Cole                 Charles              pilot                                                                        65 Rampart, d. 1
Cole                 Josiah                                                   12 Cole's Cottage                       337 Poydras
Cole                 R. D., Mrs.          crockery                                                                    392 Dryades
Cole                 Richard D.           coopersmith                                                                 392 Dryades
Cole                 Richard              stone cutter                                                                246 Lafayette
Cole                 Theobold             drayman                                                                     121 Laurel
Colell               Felipe Valdez        cigars                                                                       38 St. Charles
Coleman              Bridget                                                                                           77 Delord
Coleman              Charlotte, Mrs.                                                                                   67 Race
Coleman              Dennis               laborer                                                                     466 Dauphine
Coleman              Dennis               boiler mker                                                                 534 Rampart, d. 3
Coleman              E. W.                clerk                                                                        42 Perdido
Coleman              Frank                varnisher                                                              d.    11 Galvez
Coleman              George                                                                                               Elys. Fields c. Celestine
Coleman              Henry                lab.                                                                         92 Piety
Coleman              Henry                lab.                                                                         80 St. Thomas
Coleman              James                drayman                                                                         St. John Baptist n. Orange
Coleman              James                drayman                                                                     193 St. Thomas
Coleman              Jeremiah             warehouseman                                                           d.   207 Magazine
Coleman              John                 lab.                                                                        441 Burgundy, d. 3
Coleman              John                 lab.                                                                        176 Tchoupitoulas
Coleman              John                 contractor                                                                   73 Constance
Coleman              John                 gilder                                                                      534 Rampart
Coleman              John                 driver                                                                      464 Magazine
Coleman              John                 carp.                                                                        94 Bolivar
Coleman              Jno.                 grocer                                                                          Annun. c. Gaiennie
Coleman              Johnson              warehouseman                                                                    Magazine n. Lafayette
Coleman              Joseph                                                                                           186 Delord
Coleman              J. B.                clerk                                                                       329 Canal
Coleman              J. C.                atty.                               79 Julia                           d.    85 Felicity
Coleman              J., Mrs.                                                                                             Marigny n. Urquhart
Coleman              Margaret                                                                                         112 Spain
Coleman              Michael              lab.                                                                        359 Tchoupitoulas
Coleman, Britton & Wirs                   (Lloyd R. Coleman, W. T. Britton, W. T. Withers)                       d.       Orange n. Camp
                                          cotton factors and com. mers.       57 Carondelet
Coleman              Patrick              lab.                                                                            Thalia n. N. Levee
Coleman              P.                   barkeeper                                                                    61 Front
Coleman              Richard              draym.                                                                       45 St. Thomas
Coleman              Timothy              lab.                                                                        132 Goodchildren
Coleman              Wm.                  lab.                                                                   d.   221 St. Thomas
Coleman              Wm.                  barkeeper                                                                   331 Front, d. 1
Coleman              W. D.                boiler mkr.                                                                 319 St. Mary
Coleman              W. P.                mills                               85 St. Charles                     d.   405 Camp
Colen                Catharine            grocery                                                                     366 Common
Colevaine            Maria, Mrs.                                                                                      440 Howard
Colgan               Mat.                 drayman                                                                         Delord n. Magazine
Colgan               Mich.                lab.                                                                            Derbigny n. Palmyra
Colgan               Thomas               carp.                                                                       356 Constance
Colgan               Thomas               warehouseman                                                                    Constance n. Jackson
Colgan               Wm.                  lab.                                                                            St. Andrew n. Laurel
Colgin               Philip               boiler maker                                                                126 Market
Colin                Madame               millinery                                                                       Royal c. St. Philip
Colin                C., Mrs.             bread                                                                        42 Toulouse
Colin                N.                   millinery and fancy store                                                       Royal c. St. Philip
Coll                 Anthony              cigar manf.                                                                 386 Camp
Coll                 B.                   oysters and fruits                                                          135 Marais
Coll                 Dominique            draym.                                                                          Clara n. Julia
Coll                 James                clerk                                                                       185 Poet
Coll                 Peter                                                                                             21 Marigny
Colla                Raphael              f. m. c.   carp.                                                            232 Spain
Collat, Morris & Co.                      dry goods                                                                    12 Annunciation
College of N. Orleans                                                                                                     Esplanade n. Craps
Collens              Paul W.              atty. at law                                                                 23 St. Charles
Collens              T. Wharton           atty. at law                        23 St. Charles                     d.   219 Esplanade
Collerton            Lawrence             drayman                                                                      21 Marigny
Colles               J. H.                clerk                                                                        26 Common
Collet               J., Dr.                                                                                           80 Toulouse
Collet               John                 trunk maker                                                                 117 St. Louis
Collet               Matthew                                                                                          311 St. Peter
Collie               David                (Collie & Brothers)                 25 Gravier                         d.   205 Clio
Collie & Brothers                         (J. B. Collie, David Collie)        seed store                               25 Gravier
Collie               J. B.                (Collie & Bro.)                                                        d.   205 Clio
Collier              C. T.                junk shop                                                                   207 Calliope
Collier              Hudson               builder                                                                      25 Pleasant
Collier              Leaman, Mrs.                                                                                         Homer, McD.
Collier              Louis A.             grocer                                                                          Alex. c. Elmira, Algiers
Collier              Samuel                                                                                               Poet n. Rampart
Colligan             Bernard              lab.                                                                        398 Liberty
Colligan             Henry                seaman                                                                          Religious n. Felicity
Collighan            Wm. R.                                                                                           285 Conti
Colling              Martin               carp.                                                                        63 Washington
Collingnon           Dominique            nightman                            134 Exchange place                 d.   197 Esplanade
Collingnon           Edw.                 pork insp.                                                                      Girod n. Basin
Collingnon           G.                   music teacher                                                                10 St. Peter
Collin               Jean                 shoemk.                                                                     143 Carondelet walk
Collin               Thomas               lab.                                                                        110 Gaiennie
Collin               Virginia, Mrs.                                                                                   358 Royal, d. 3
Collins              Alex                                                                                             259 Marais, d. 2
Collins              Alex.                                                                                                Madison, Carrollton
Collins              Alex.                f. m. c.                                                                        Live Oak c. Jena, Jeff. City
Collins              August B.            seaman                                                                      135 Port
Collins              A. T.                lab.                                                                        917 Dauphine, d. 3
Collins              A., Mrs.                                                                                         175 Julia
Collins              Bartholomew          contractor                          Melpomene n. Franklin              d.   361 Lafayette
Collins              B. J.                eng'r                                                                       149 Piety
Collins              Catharine                                                                                        530 Dauphine
Collins              Chas                                                                                             334 Hospital
Collins              C. C.                (Collins, Carriere & Co.)           grocer                                      Old Levee c. Bienville
Collins              Dennis               draym.                                                                          Clara n. Perdido
Collins              Dennis               R. R. conductor                                                        d.       Melpomene n. Clara
Collins              D.                   lab.                                                                        110 Gaiennie
Collins              D.                                                                                               339 Chippewa
Collins              D. M.                painter                             108 Baronne                        d.   290 Clio
Collins              Eliza, Mrs.                                                                                      322 Conti
Collins              Eliza, Mrs.          grocery                                                                         Liberty c. Euphrosyne
Collins              Elizabeth                                                                                        114 Dryades
Collins              E.                   painter                                                                      83 Lafayette
Collins              E. P.                lab.                                N. O. J. & G. N. R. R.
Collins              Frederick            (Massey, Huston & Co.)                                                       52 N. Levee, d. 1
Collins              F.                   lab.                                                                            Liberty n. Poydras
Collins              George               shipcarp.                                                                    28 Poydras
Collins              James                grocer                                                                      312 Carondelet
Collins              James                                                                                            133 Rampart, d. 1
Collins              James                machinist                                                                       Front Gretna
Collins              James                lab.                                                                        647 Royal, d. 3
Collins              Jeremiah                                                                                         109 Magazine
Collins              John                 lab.                                                                         81 Delord
Collins              John                 mate                                                                          6 Prieur, d. 2
Collins              John                 cabinet makr.                                                          c.       St. Joseph & Delord
Collins              John                 screwman                                                                     74 Constance
Collins              John                 lab.                                                                        145 Prieur
Collins              John                 screwman                                                                    526 Royal, d. 3
Collins              John                 moulder                                                                d.   372 Basin
Collins              John                 drayman                                                                      48 Poet
Collins              John K.              builder                                                                     314 Carondelet
Collins, Hepp & Co.                       (Joseph Collins, Henry Hepp, D. O. D. Sullivan)                                 St. Mary c. Levee
                                          Pelican Cotton Press
Collins              Isaac B.             builder                                                                d.   209 Euterpe
Collins              J. H.                grocer                                                                      314 Carondelet
Collins              J. P.                laborer                                                                     335 Customhouse
Collins              J. T. S.             inspector customs                                                           296 Melpomene
Collin               J.                   variety store                                                                   St. Ann c. Royal
Collins              J.                   screwman                                                                        Josephine n. Fulton
Collins              L. E.                                                                                            168 Felicity
Collins              Martin                                                                                           104 St. Charles
Collins              Mary                                                                                              82 Delord
Collins              Mathew               lab.                                                                         83 St. Thomas
Collins              Michael              hostler                                                                     101 Rampart
Collins              Michael              lab.                                                                            Montegut c. Chartres
Collins              Matilda, Mrs.        dressmkr.                                                                   133 Rampart, d. 1
Collins              N. H.                                                                                            136 St. Peter
Collins              Owen                 lab.                                                                        188 Conti
Collins              Patrick              lab.                                                                        302 Camp
Collins              Patrick              lab.                                                                        162 Magazine
Collins              Patrick, Mrs.                                                                                    344 St. Philip
Collins              P. G. & L. E.        cotton pickers                                                                  Richard c. St. Thomas
Collins              Robert               book keeper                         70 Canal                           d.   152 Felicity
Collins              R.                   cot. weigher                                                                    Felicity n. Camp
Collins              Thomas                                                                                            28 Union, d. 3
Collins              Thomas               lab.                                                                        379 Dauphine, d. 3
Collins              Thomas               watchman                            N.O. Press                         d.       Plaquemine c. Lyons, Jeff. City
Collins              Thos.                draym.                                                                      563 Burgundy, d. 3
Collins              Thos.                build.                                                                          St. Mary c. Prytania
Collins              Wm.                  lab.                                                                         27 St. Ferdinand
Collis               Henry                grocer                                                                          Washington c. Fulton
Colljhanni           Maria, Mrs.                                                                                      370 Howard
Collum               J.                   painter                                                                         Algiers
Collon               E.                   (Laroussine & Co.)                  137 Canal                          d.   176 Robertson, d. 2
Collon               Peter                shoemkr.                                                                     75 Toulouse
Collot               Charles              blacksmith                                                                  101 St. Peter
Collot               Richard              dry goods                                                                    10 Annun.
Collotte             C.                   vegetbls.                                                                    79 St. Ann. c. Royal
Colma                Josephine                                                                                         79 Annunciation
Colomb               L. F.                                                                                             85 Dauphine
Colomb               Jean                 gro.                                                                            Burgundy c. St. Louis
Colombelle           Mrs.                                                                                        d.   651 Burgundy, d. 3
Colomes              Bernard              butcher                                                                d.   230 St. Ann
Colomes              F.                   cook                                                                        190 Toulouse
Colombet             A.                   (L. Moulor & Co.)                                                           109 Chartres
Colquhoun            John                 printer                                                                         Magnolia n. Thalia
Colson               Joseph                                                                                           705 Dauphine, d. 3
Colson               P. U.                clerk                                                                       705 Dauphine, d. 3
Colson               W. J.                c. p.                                                                       705 Dauphine, d. 3
Colt                 Edwd.                lab.                                                                        102 Market
Colt                 Joseph               laborer                                                                      50 Mandeville
Colthunt             Thomas                                                                                           279 Poydras
Colton & Baldwin                          (C. H. E. Colton, George Baldwin)   10 Canal                           &      9 Crossman
                                          Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Workers, Brass Work,
                                          Blacksmithing, Gas Pipe and Fittings
Colton               C. H. E.             (Colton & Baldwin)                                                     d.       Calliope n. Dryades
Calwell              Mrs.                                                                                                 Race n. Constance
Comas                Constant                                                                                         111 Marais, d. 2
Comas                Jean                 laborer                                                                     298 Bourbon
Comas                Pedro                c. h.                                                                           Conti c. Ex. place
Comaski              John                 wood yard                                                                       Soraparu n. Fulton
Combalk              J. B.                driver                                                                 d.   225 Treme, d. 2
Combe                Susan, Mrs.                                                                                      318 Baronne
Combes               Jaques                                                                                               Cot. Press n. Goodchildren
Combs                Etienne                                                                                          297 Chartres
Comeau               Jean Louis                                                                                           Bourbon n. Prosper
Comeau               M., Mrs.                                                                                             Kerlerec n. Galvez
Comen                J. J.                clerk                                                                        18 New Basin
Comenge              F.                   butcher                                                                      26 French market
Comer                Martin               cabman                                                                      545 St. Claude
Comer                Martin               laborer                                                                      33 Elysian Fields
Comer                Wm.                                                                                               38 Thalia
Comer                Wm.                  laborer                                                                      55 Elysian Fields
Comford              Michael              drayman                                                                     216 Marigny
Comfort              Harriet A., Mrs.                                                                                     Camp n. Seventh
Commagere            Arnot                                                                                            353 Robertson, d. 3
Commagere            Charles              clerk                                                                        84 Hospital
Commagere            Ernest               recorder                                                                        Greenville
Commagere            John A.                                                                                              Carrollton
Commagere            L.                   cooper                                                                      174 Claiborne
Commagere            L., Mrs.                                                                                             Esplan. n. Robertson
Commagere            P.                   clerk                                                                       288 Hospital
Commagere            T.                   clerk                               Magazine                           d.   372 St. Claude, d. 3
Commandeur           A.                   not. pub.                                                                    13 St. Charles
Commandeur           N.                   atty. at. law                                                                   Carlt.
Comment              Francois             coal, etc.                                                                   67 Marais
Comment              J., Mrs.             restaurant                                                                  175 Orleans
Comment              P. J.                bl'ksmith                                                                   225 Ft. Levee, d. 3
Commercial Bulletin                                                                                                    37 Gravier
Commercial College                        (Dolbear's)                                                                     Story building, Camp c. Common
Commercial Cotton Press                   Stanley & Wright, proprietors                                                   Market n. Chippewa
Commercial Hotel                                                                                                          Girod c. New Levee
Commercial Restaurant                                                                                                  52 Customhouse
Commercial Water Works                                                                                                    New Levee, c. Richard
                                                                              office                                   35 Dryades n. Canal
Commerford           John                 drayman                                                                      81 Poet
Common               James                auctioneer                                                                  192 Erato
Commons              Dominick             laborer                                                                      89 Delord
Commons              John                 lab.                                                                            Orleans n. Galvez
Commons              Thomas               laborer                                                                     188 Laurel
Commons              Thos.                lab.                                                                            St. Thomas n. Race
Communy              J. R.                surveyor                            City Hall                          d.   129 Burgundy
Communy              E., Mrs.                                                                                         244 St. Ann
Communy              John                 engineer                                                                    228 St. Claude
Comoford             Felix                lab.                                                                        226 New Levee
Companel             S.                   feed store                                                                      Willow n. Gravier
Compton              James                                                                                                Calliope n. Solis
Compton              W. H.                                                                                            394 Common
Comstock             J. L.                clerk                                                                        41 Natchez
Comstock             Samuel P.                                                                                            Johnson n. Palmyra
Comstock             Wm.                  laborer                                                                     169 Magnolia
Conaghton            Thomas                                                                                               Carondelet n. Philip
Conahay              John                 lab.                                                                            Race n. St. Thomas
Conand               Antoine              clerk                               42 Royal                           d.   220 Bayou road
Conand               Maria, Mrs.                                                                                      186 Customhouse
Conand               Noel                                                                                             220 Bayou road
Conand               Victor                                                                                           220 Bayou road
Conant               Fred.                                                                                       d.   389 Basin
Conard               Jessie               f. m. c.                                                                        Laharpe c. Derbigny
Conbeck              Peter                collector                                                                       Algiers
Concorde Chapter, No. 2 Odd Fellows Hall.
Concorde Masonic Lodge, No. 3                                                                                             Rampart n. Main
Conden               Patrick              drayman                                                                     261 Dryades
Condit               Silas                book keeper                         8  Union, d. 1                     d.   409 Magazine
Condeau              Alex.                stonecutter                                                                 239 Dauphine
Condoff              Benj.                f. m. c.   painter                                                              Galvez n. Lapeyrouse
Condoff              Joseph               shoemaker                                                                   112 Josephine
Condon               David                carpenter                                                                   258 Rousseau
Condon               John                 butcher                             60 St.  Mary's market              d.    87 St. Andrew
Condon               Michael              butcher                                                                      44 South mrkt
Condon               Pat.                 drayman                                                                         Thalia n. Liberty
Condon               P., Mrs.             grocer                                                                          Magazine c. Gaiennie
Condon               Richard              clerk                                                                         3 Carondelet
Condon               Richard              undertaker, horses & carriages to hire                                      243 Delord
Condon               Sarah                teacher                                                                       3 Euterpe
Condon               Stephen              laborer                                                                     350 Howard
Condon               T.                   undertaker                                                                   35 Elysian Fields
Condren              Michael              contractor                                                                  261 Dryades
Condron              James                lab.                                                                            Richard n. Pacanier
Condron              Michael              machinist                                                                   207 Girod
Conery               Ed.                  grocer                              2 Front and 10 Fulton              d.   213 Prytania
Coney                William              laborer                                                                         Foucher n. Julia
Conger               W. B.                (Foley, Avery & Co.)                                                   d.       First n. Carondelet
Congergood           Peter                carp.                                                                       198 Liberty
Congress             John                 drays                                                                           Felicity n. Dryades
Coni                 J. F.                                                                                            224 Orleans
Conighan             James                laborer                                                                      32 St. Joseph
Conilan              Jas.                 drayman                                                                     433 St. Claude, d. 3
Conkerton            John D.              oysters                                                                      21 Royal
Conkle               James                lab.                                                                        135 Carondelet walk
Conklin              B. O. C.             clerk                               42 Tchoupitoulas                   d.   459 Camp
Conklin              David                ship carpenter                                                                  Algiers
Conkliin             Fred.                drayman                                                                     493 Tchoupitoulas
Conklin              J. R., Capt.                                                                                         Carondelet n. Felicity
Conklin              Martin               laborer                                                                d.   164 Richard
Conklin              Martin               lab.                                                                            Clara n. Melpomene
Conklin              Patrick              lab.                                                                         86 St. Thomas
Conley               A.                   painter                                                                         Poydras n. Magnolia
Conley               Dora                                                                                              92 Franklin
Conley               E.                   lab.                                                                            Elysian Fields n. Old Levee
Conley               E.                   clerk                                                                       180 Chippewa
Conley               James                drays                                                                           Prieur n.  Common
Conley               James                shoes                                                                       477 Dauphine, d. 3
Conley               John                 carpenter                                                                    86 Delord
Conley               John                 porter                                                                       53 Villere
Conley               John                 laborer                                                                         St. Mary n. Julia
Conley               John                 laborer                                                                      75 Spain
Conley               Mary, Mrs.                                                                                        86 Delord
Conley               Mary                                                                                             348 Annunciation
Conley               Michael              laborer                                                                      31 Congress
Conley               Middleton            (Murphy, Sykes & Co.)                                                        77 Carondelet
Conley               Peter                laborer                                                                      22 Laurel
Conley               Robert               carpenter                                                                   117 Josephine
Conley               Thomas               laborer                                                                      92 St. Joseph
Conlin               B., Mrs.                                                                                          88 Gaiennie
Conlin               Francis              c. h.                                                                       265 Poydras
Conlin               James                lab.                                                                            St. James n. St. Thomas
Conlin               John                 lab.                                                                            St. James n. St. Thomas
Conlin               Sarah, Mrs.                                                                                          Victory n. Port
Conlon               Michael                                                                                          732 Dauphine, d. 3
Conlon               Patrick              laborer                                                                      58 Annunciation
Conly                James                cab. mkr.                                                                   485 Royal, d. 3
Conly                W.                   mattress mkr.                                                                19 Mandeville
Conn                 David                marble manf.                                                                113 Julia
Conn                 H.                   ship carp.                                                                  795 Dauphine, d. 3
Conn                 John                 watchman                                                                        Bolivar n. Poydras
Connally             J.                   carpenter                                                                       Melpomene n. Camp
Connally             J., Mrs.                                                                                             New Levee n. Gaiennie
Connaughton          A.                   carpenter                                                                   385 Thalia
Connaughton          E.                   variety store                                                                   Philip , d. 4
Connaughton          Michael                                                                                          151 Tchoupitoulas
Connaughton          Thos.                                                                                                Carondelet c. Philip
Connell              Andrew               laborer                                                                       4 Poet
Connell              Chris                paver                                                                           White c. Erato
Connell              C.                                                                                                91 Delord
Connell              George               moulder                                                                     102 Constance
Connell              James H.                                                                                         349 Poydras
Connell              James                laborer                                                                         Jackson depot
Connell              John                 carp.                                                                           Alexander, Algiers
Connell              John                 laborer                                                                     456 Tchoupitoulas
Connell              John                 laborer                                                                      76 Thalia
Connell              Joseph T.            printer                                                                     312 Calliope
Connell              J., Mrs.             b. h.                                                                       180 Lafayette
Connell              Maurice              lab.                                                                        210 Tchoupitoulas
Connell              Michael              lab.                                                                            Robin n. New Levee
Connell              Morris               laborer                                                                     178 Girod
Connell              Patrick              drayman                                                                d.    56 St. Thomas
Connell              Patrick              laborer                                                                     266 Dryades
Connell              Susan, Mrs.                                                                                      312 Calliope
Connell              Tim                  laborer                                                                       4 Poet
Connell              T.                   cot. weigher                                                                503 Royal, d. 3
Connell              T.                   laborer                                                                     484 Old Levee, d. 3
Connelley            Wm.                  ship carpenter                                                              114 Julia
Connelley            Wm. H.               oysters                                                                         Baronne c. Girod
Connelly             Catharine, Mrs.      b. h.                                                                       218 Julia
Connelly             Eliza, Mrs.                                                                                      399 Poydras
Connelly             E. J.                clerk                                                                        99 Camp
Connelly             Geo.                 cotton weigher                                                               21 Liberty
Connelly, George & Co.                    (John Connelly, G. Henry Chaplain)                                     d.    24 Rampart, d. 1
                                          cotton factors & commission merchants
                                          56 Carondelet
Connelly             H.                   laborer                                                                      11 St. James
Connelly             James                shoe store                                                                  476 Dauphine, d. 1
Connelly             John                 clerk                                                                       148 Canal
Connelly             John                 (George Connelly & Co.)                                                      56 Carondelet
Connelly             Margaret                                                                                          16 Elysian Fields
Connelly             Matthew              laborer                                                                      11 St. James
Connelly             Patrick              laborer                                                                     495 Dauphine
Connelly             Patrick                                                                                              St. Charles n. Conrey
Connelly             Samuel               engine cleaner                      N. O. & Jackson Railroad
Connelly             Thomas                                                                                               Philip n. Annunciation
Connelly             Timothy              lab.                                                                        163 Elys. Fields
Conner               Alex.                engineer                                                                    440 Gravier
Conner               Ann                                                                                                  Magazine n. St. Andrew
Conner               C.                   paver                                                                       384 Rampart, d. 1
Conner               David                laborer                                                                     364 Franklin
Conner               Dennis, Mrs.                                                                                      92 Franklin
Conner               Edward                                                                                               Fourth n. Annunciation
Conner               Ellen                cabs                                                                         94 Franklin, d. 1
Conner, H. W. & Son                       (H. W. Conner, Jr.)                 exchange dealers                         39 Carondelet, d. 21 Rampart
Conner               James                cartman                                                                         Dryades n. Thalia
Conner               James R.                                                                                          12 Tivoli Circle
Conner               John                 pilot                                                                        61 Clouet
Conner               John                 laborer                                                                     349 Howard, d. 1
Conner               Matthew              printer                                                                      37 Gravier
Conner               Michael              cigar store                                                                     New Levee n. Louisiana avenue, Jeff. City
Conner               Owen                                                                                                 Camp n. Melpomene
Conner               R. E.                watchman                                                                    227 Constance
Conner               Thos.                drayman                                                                     442 Tchoupitoulas
Conner               Wm.                  drayman                                                                         Erato n. New Levee
Conner               Ann                                                                                               41 Laurel
Conners              B., Mrs.                                                                                             Laurel n. St. Andrew
Conners              Charles              laborer                                                                     102 Spain
Conners              James                cabs                                                                        277 Poydras
Conners              James                                                                                                Perdido n. Gravier
Conners              James                                                                                                Perdido n. Galvez
Conners              James                cabman                                                                       88 Franklin
Conners              James                                                                                       d.   364 Gravier
Conners              John                 laborer                                                                      38 Elysian Fields
Conners              John                                                                                                 Second n. Laurel
Conners              Mary, Mrs.           grocer                                                                          Howard c. Clio
Conners              Michael              plaster                                                                         St. Andrew n. Liberty
Conners              M.                   cabman                                                                      605 Burgundy, d. 3
Conners              Samuel               laborer                                                                     304 Camp
Conners              Thomas               drayman                                                                         Freret n. Clio
Conners              William              cabman                                                                      102 Marigny
Conners              William              laborer                                                                     191 St. Thomas
Conners              Wm.                  dray                                                                            Cypress n. Magnolia
Connery              Bridget, Mrs.                                                                                    349 Howard
Connery              Geo.                 cotton weigher                                                               21 Liberty
Conniff              Cornelius            laborer                                                                      84 Delord
Conniff              Elizabeth, Mrs.                                                                                  424 Franklin
Conniff              John                 drayman                                                                         Howard n. Perdido
Conniff              Martin               lab.                                                                   d.   146 Tchoupitoulas
Connitry             Patrick                                                                                              Calliope n. Baronne
Connoly, James & Co.                      (John Fox, D. A. Wogan)             produce merchants                  d.   153 Julia
                                                                              64 Poydras
Connolly             B. A.                clerk                                                                        19 Chartres
Connolly             Catharine                                                                                         99 Gaiennie
Connolly             E. J.                clerk                               71 Camp                            d.       Chippewa n. Felicity
Connolly             Franklin             lab.                                                                            St. Mary c. Laurel
Connolly             James                clerk                                                                         3 Poydras
Connolly             John                 laborer                                                                d.    11 Lynch's row
Connolly             Jno.                 drays                                                                           Melpomene c. Dryades
Connolly             John                 clerk                                                                       155 Canal
Connolly             Michael              clerk                                                                       155 Canal
Connolly             Nicholas             lab.                                                                        852 New Levee
Connolly             N., Mrs.                                                                                         263 St. Louis
Connolly             Pat.                 bricks                                                                      518 Burgundy, d. 3
Connolly             Peter                laborer                                                                     206 Magazine
Connolly             Thomas                                                                                            19 St. James
Connolly             Thomas               clothing                                                                      3 Poydras
Connolly             Thomas               lab.                                                                         39 Spain
Connolly             T. C.. Mrs.          b. h.                                                                       218 Julia
Connolly             Wm. H.               carpenter                                                                   107 Julia
Connor               Bridget                                                                                              Conti n. Robertson
Connor               Cornelius            clerk                                                                        71 Carondelet
Connor               Hugh                                                                                                 Dufossat c. Laurel, Jeff. City
Connor               Jeremiah             dairy                                                                           Second n. Laurel
Connor               Jesse                f. m. c.                                                                     56 Laharpe
Connor               John                 screwman                                                                    132 Spain
Connor               John                 lab.                                                                        753 Burgundy, d. 3
Connor               Julia                                                                                            217 Bienville
Connor               Mary                                                                                                 Girod n. Camp
Connor               Michael              c. h.                                                                       259 Tchoupitoulas
Connor               Michael              porter                              St. Louis Hotel                    d,   182 Customhouse
Connor               M.                   boiler maker                                                                    N. O. & Jackson R.R.
Connor               Thos. C.             blacksmith                                                                  200 Delord
Connor               Thomas                                                                                               St. Andrew n. Rousseau
Connor               Wm.                  drays                                                                           Market n. Tchoupitoulas
Connors              James                lab.                                                                         84 Delord
Connors              John                 b. h.                                                                       138 Tchoupitoulas
Connors              J.                   lab.                                                                        275 Franklin
Connors              Pat.                                                                                                 Foucher n. Calliope
Conodon              Mary A.                                                                                              Orange c. Pacanier
Conolly              Robert J.            car'r                                                                           Magazine n. St. Andrew
Conovan              James                lab.                                                                   d.   124 Richard
Conover              E. S.                ship carp.                                                                   65 N. Levee, d. 1
Conquergood          Peter                carp.                                                                       198 Franklin
Conrad               Adolphe              tailor                                                                      324 Tchoupitoulas
Conrad               Auguste              carp.                                                                        93 Music
Conrad               A.                   painter                                                                     527 Dauphine, d. 3
Conrad               B.                   cartman                                                                         Cypress n. Roman
Conrad               Christian                                                                                            Chippewa n. Harmony
Conrad               Christian            clerk                                                                         6 Front Levee
Conrad               Christienne, Mrs.                                                                                 79 Chippewa
Conrad               C. M.                attorney at law                                                                 Washington, D. C.
Conrad               Edward                                                                                            39 Lafayette
Conrad               Eugene, Mrs.                                                                                      33 St. Ann
Conrad               Francis              shoemaker                                                                    28 St. Joseph
Conrad               F. B., Mrs.                                                                                      593 St. Charles
Conrad               J., Mrs.                                                                                          54 Louisa
Conrad               Jacob                barber                                                                      481 Tchoupitoulas
Conrad               Lucinda              f. w. c.                                                                    261 St. Mary
Conrad               Nicholas             lab.                                                                         53 Chippewa
Conrad               Wm.                  shipwright & spar maker                                                d.   140 Spain
Conran               Stephen              cook                                                                        303 Robertson, d. 2
Conray               James                stevedore                                                                    83 Gaiennie
Conres               L. M.                clerk                                                                           O. Levee c. Bienville
Conret               Charles              barkeeper                                                                       Villere c. Levee, Algiers
Conrey               H. E. S.             clerk                                                                       227 Magazine
Conrey               John                 lab.                                                                         46 St. Thomas
Conrey               S. B.                broker                              25 Carondelet                      d.   363 Magazine
Conrez               Geo. S., Jr.         clerk                                                                        47 Union
Conroy               C., Mrs.                                                                                           9 Franklin
Conroy               Frank                blacksmith                                                                  196 N. Levee
Conroy               Mary                                                                                             189 Dryades
Conroy               Patrick                                                                                          393 Gravier
Conry                Pat.                 grocer                                                                          Felicity c. St. James
Cons                 Adam                 keeper                              Vigilance Fire Co. 3                        Hospital c. Galvez
Conseilmann          Jacob                blacksmith                                                                      Port n. St. John Baptist
Considina            M.                   drayman                                                                     613 Rampart, d. 3
Consolidate Association                                                                                                66 Toulouse
Constable            Wm.                  cabinet maker                                                               184 Annunciation
Constadt             Charles              tailor                                                                      126 Market
Constance            Dominique                                                                                            Laharpe n. Johnson
Constance            Eugene               bricklayer                                                                  340 Hospital
Constance            Henry                cabt. maker                         43 Royal                           d.   170 Claiborne
Constance            Victor, Mrs.                                                                                         Annette n. Morales
Constans             A.                                                                                               216 Bayou road
Constans             C., Mrs.                                                                                         409 St. Ann
Constans             H.                                                                                               232 Royal
Constant             A.                                                                                                   Milan n. Laurel, Jeff. City
Constant             A.                   ambrotypes                                                                   26 Hospital
Constant             A., Mrs.                                                                                             St. Peter n. Claiborne
Constant             F. R.                laborer                                                                         Roman n. Customhouse
Constant             Louis                                                                                            183 Bourbon
Constant             Marais               butcher                                                                      22 French mkt
Constant             Mary, Mrs.                                                                                       202 Bourbon
Constant             Odalie                                                                                           151 Dauphine
Constant             O.                   lab.                                                                            Cadiz c. Jersey, Jeff. City
Constantin           D.                   engineer                                                                    282 Main
Constantine          Dom'que                                                                                              Lafayette c. Johnson
Constantine          F.                   watchman                                                                    265 Marais
Constantine          F.                                                                                               117 Frenchmen
Constantine          S.                   barkeeper                                                                       St. James c. Religious
Constantine          Wm. H.                                                                                           111 Rousseau
Contaid              Joseph               painter                                                                         New Levee c. La. av. Jeff. City
Conti                Continet             f. w. c.                                                                    397 Ursulines
Conti                Louis                c. h.                               Bayou bridge                       d.       St. John's Great Route n. Esplanade
Conti                Pierre               butcher                                                                      57 & 59 Treme mkt.
Conti                Rosalie              f. w. c.                                                                    391 Marais, d. 3
Conti Street Verandah Hotel                                                                                            28 Conti
Contois              Claude               horticul.                                                                   163 Ursulines
Contois              Jerome               saddler                                                                      23 Carondelet walk
Contreras            Jos.                 clerk                                                                       413 Burgundy, d. 3
Controwinski         Geo.                 carp.                                                                  d.   437 Terpsichore
Convay               P.                   soda water                                                                  129 Fulton
Convent of the Sisters of the Holy Cross                                                                              873 Rampart, d. 3
Converse & Kennett                        (E. K. Converse, Wm. C. Kennett)                                             33 Natchez
                                          com. and forwarding mers.
Converse             Albert               (Commack & Converse)                                                         35 Carondelet
Converse             E. K.                (Converse & Kennett)                                                   d.   353 St. Charles
Converse             Henry M.             (I. S. Holden & Co.)                                                            Magazine c. Poydras
Converse             John                 f. m. c.  drayman                                                           326 Felicity
Converse & Co.                            (Thomas M. Converse, Wm. P. Converse, Jr.)                             d.       Camp n. Delord
                                          liquors, tobacco and cigars         70 and 72 Gravier
Converse             Wm. P., Jr.          (Converse & Co.)                                                       d.   187 Magazine
Conveyance Office                                                                                                     137 Royal
Conway               Caroline, Mrs.                                                                                   181 Constance
Conway               C. A.                clerk                                                                        23 Front, d. 1
Conway               Edward F.            agent                                                                  d.   190 Baronne
Conway               John                 lab.                                                                        193 Dryades
Conway               Jno. R.                                                  155 Common                         d.   380 Baronne
Conway               John                 lab.                                                                            Theresa n. St. Thomas
Conway               Martin               grocer                                                                          Main c. Roman
Conway               Matthew              clerk                                                                        77 Canal
Conway               Patrick              cabman                                                                      207 Calliope
Conway               Patrick              lab.                                                                            Race c. St. Thomas
Conway               P. H.                c. h.                                                                           Notre Dame c. Fulton
Conway               R.                   (Frierson, Conway & Co.)            59 Carondelet                      d.   206 Camp
Conway               Wm.                  painter                                                                         Cypress n. Claiborne
Conway               Wm.                  lab.                                                                        122 St. Peter
Conway               Wm.                  lab.                                                                            Theresa n. St. Thomas
Conway               Wm.                  painter                                                                      77 Poydras
Conwell              John                 painter                                                                     146 Toulouse
Conyers              Benj.                com. mer.                                                                    13 Carondelet
Coogan               Thos.                warehouseman                                                                198 Delord
Coohley              John                 speculator                                                                  102 Melpomene
Cook                 Adam                 tailor                                                                      238 Magazine
Cook                 Ann, Madame                                                                                      131 Spain
Cook                 Bridget, Miss                                                                                    447 Franklin
Cook                 Catherine                                                                                            Adele n. Rousseau
Cook                 Edward               shoemaker                                                                   416 Poydras
Cook                 Edwin                clerk                                                                        60 Poydras
Cook                 Edwin                shoemaker                                                                   110 Villere, d. 2
Cook                 E. E.                stables                                                                      56 Hospital
Cook                 E. R., Mrs.                                                                                       33 Basin, d. 2
Cook                 Ferdinand            c. h.                                                                       272 Levee, d. 3
Cook, Young & Co.                         (Francis Cook, George B. Young, Samuel S. Littlefield)                       51 Camp
                                          proprietors of the Price Current
Cook & Cook                               (Francis L. Cook, Ferdinand Cook)                                             1 Canal
Cook                 Fred.                                                                                       d.    17 Rampart
Cook                 Fred.                carpenter                                                                   332 Jackson
Cook                 Fred.                clerk                                                                        46 St. Charles
Cook                 F.                   plasterer                                                                    62 Congress
Cook                 F. W. C.             agt. for the Novelty Works          1 Canal                            d.   593 St. Claude, d. 3
Cook                 Geo.                 lab.                                                                            St. Mary n. Fulton
Cook                 Henry                lab.                                                                        119 Port
Cook                 Jacob                lab.                                                                         95 St. Mary
Cook                 Jas., Mrs.                                                                                           Goodchildren n. Enghien
Cook                 James                                                                                            333 Poydras
Cook                 James                watchman                                                                    192 Delord
Cook                 James                                                                                             80 Annunciation
Cook                 John                                                                                                 Roman n. Toulouse
Cook                 John                 watchman                                                                      4 Anthony
Cook                 John                 drayman                                                                     404 Liberty
Cook                 Julius               clerk                                                                        34 St. Charles
Cook                 J. F.                f. m. c.  teacher                                                           175 Claiborne
Cook                 L. D.                printer                                                                         Constance n. St. Mary
Cook                 Leonard              vegetables                                                                  112 Gaiennie
Cook                 Mary, Mrs.                                                                                  d.   447 Franklin
Cook                 Michael              gardener                                                                     34 Euterpe
Cook                 N. B.                                                                                                Washington n. Annunciation
Cook & O'Brien                            (Paul Cook, Jas. O'Brien)                                                    69 Poydras
                                          wholesale dealers in provisions
Cook                 Paul                 (Cook & O'Brien)                                                             69 Poydras
Cook                 Samuel                                                                                      d.    26 Basin
Cook                 Thos.                marble cutter                                                               264 Girod, d. 1
Cook                 T.                   grocer                                                                      117 Tchoupitoulas
Cook                 Wm.                  machinist                                                              d.   346 Melpomene
Cook                 Wm.                  blacksmith                                                                      Derbigny n. Prieur
Cook                 Wm. B.               clerk                                                                        55 Common
Cook                 Wm. B.               grocer                                                                          Peter c. Elmire, Algiers
Cook                 Wm. H., Jr.                                              45 Poydras                         d.   100 Race
Cook                 W. H.                produce mer.                        45 Poydras                         d.   100 Race
Cook                 W. R.                coal mer.                                                                    78 Julia
Cooke                D. G.                clerk                                                                           Factors' row, 38 Perdido
Cooke                John                 shoemak.                                                                    439 Tchoupitoulas
Cookman              Henry                screwman                                                                     31 Music
Cookmyer             C., Mrs.                                                                                             Third c. Rousseau
Cooley               Geo.                 lab.                                                                            Felicity n. St. Thomas
Cooley               J. W.                cabs to hire                                                                 93 Franklin
Cooley               Pat.                 lab.                                                                            Orange c. St. Thomas
Cooley               Thos.                lab.                                                                            Fulton n. St. Andrew
Coohcan              Pat., Mrs.                                                                                       395 St. Ann
Coolidge             George E.            com. mer.                                                              d.   233 Esplanade
Cooligan             Michael              drayman                                                                         St. Thomas c. Thalia
Cooling              Wm.                  acct.                                                                        63 Magazine
Coon                 David                marble cutter                                                               206 Franklin
Coon                 Wilhelmina           b. h.                                                                       613 New Levee
Cooney               Auguste              baker                                                                       400 Melpomene
Cooney               James                tarpauling                                                                  194 Erato
Cooney               James                gardener                                                                        Jefferson City
Cooney               James                lab.                                                                        464 Chartres, d. 3
Cooney               John                 lab.                                                                            Market n. Levee, d. 1
Cooney               Mary                                                                                             571 Constance
Cooney               Mary                                                                                                 Fourth c. Chippewa
Cooney               Nicholas             lab.                                                                            Sixth n. Constance
Cooney               Robert, Mrs.         clerk                                                                        87 Clouet
Coonwad              August               carpenter                                                                       Liberty n. Josephine
Cooper               Major                                                                                            210 Royal
Cooper               A. M., Mrs.                                                                                      110 Rampart
Cooper               A. W.                builder                                                                      68 Erato
Cooper               Abner M.             Kentucky Stables                                                            743 New Levee
Cooper               Baptiste             cooper                                                                          Adele n. Rousseau
Cooper               Francis              sailor                                                                      147 St. Ferdinand
Cooper               George               printer                                                                      70 Camp
Cooper               G.                   clerk                                                                       155 Canal
Cooper               Geo. H.              carpenter                                                                       Gretna
Cooper               Geo. W.              c. h.                                                                           Levee n. Jackson
Cooper               Geo. W., Mrs.                                                                                    253 Robertson, d. 3
Cooper               Henry                laborer                                                                      94 Louisa
Cooper               Israel, Mrs.                                                                                     194 Main
Cooper               J. C.                printer                                                                      70 Camp
Cooper               John B.              cooper                                                                          St. Andrew n. Fulton
Cooper               Joseph               stevedore                                                                    33 Montegut
Cooper               L. W., Capt.                                                                                     204 Constance
Cooper, M.D. & Co.                        (Frierson D. B., Sweet Geo. O.)                                             136 Common
                                          cotton factors and com. merchants
Cooper               Peter                moulder                                                                     281 Howard
Cooper               R., Mrs.                                                                                             Gravier n. Liberty
Cooper               S. W.                                                                                                Constance n. Orange
Cooper               W.                   (Cooper & Neibert)                                                     d.   180 Jackson
Cooper               Wm.                  cook                                                                         65 Marais, d. 2
Cooper & Neibert                          (Wm. Cooper, J. O. Neibert, Lucas Hugh)                                      27 & 29 Common
                                          wholesale grocers
Cooper               W., Mrs.                                                                                          83 Derbigny
Cooper               William              keeper at Sheriff's office                                             d.   279 St. Louis
Cooper               William              laborer                                                                      50 Frenchmen
Cooper               William              laborer                                                                     423 Baronne
Cooper               W. W.                bookkeeper                          27 & 29 Commerce                   d.       Jackson n. Magazine
Cooper               Wm.                                                                                               63 Elysian Fields
Coopman              Henry                stevedore                                                                   187 Craps
Coorsen              H.                   carp.                                                                           Poydras n. Magnolia
Coos                 Geo.                 laborer                                                                      73 Spain
Coots                S. C. , Mrs.         millinery                                                                   112 Basin, d. 1
Copes                Adam                 lab.                                                                        376 Annunciation
Cope                 Catharine                                                                                            Adele near Rousseau
Cope                 Edwd. T.             carp.                                                                  d.   155 Constance
Cope                 Geo. W.              City Hall
Cope                 John                 clerk                                                                           Constance near Race
Cope                 John                 trunk maker                         22 Baronne                         d.   155 Constance
Copeland             Charles              laborer                                                                     273 Chippewa
Copeland             David                f. m. c.  baker                                                             586 Rampart, d. 3
Copeland             George               printer                                                                     352 Conti
Copeland             Robert               bookkeeper                          Crescent City Bank                 d.   389 St. Charles
Copeland             W. G.                (Bank & Copeland)                                                            61 Front, d. 1
Copes                J. S.                Agent of N. York Life Insurance Company,                               d.   180 Washington, n. Chestnut.
                                          & American Life Insurance and Trust Company
                                          74 Camp
Copes & Phelps                            (J. S. Copes, Harlow J. Phelps)
                                          Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants,                                     74 Camp
                                          Agents for Speer's Patent Clasps, and Hoop Iron Bands
Copier               Prosper                                                                                          198 Gasquet
Copley               John                                                                                                 Craps n. Independence
Coppel               Odele                f. w. c.                                                                    127 Elysian Fields
Coppens              James                                                                                       d.    81 St. Philip
Coppersmith          Theo.                                                                                                Constance c. Seventh
Copprette            Prosper                                                                                     d.     8 Prieur, d. 2
Copping              C.                                                                                          d.   236 Esplanade
Copping              Mrs.                                                                                             322 Frenchmen
Copping              T.                   grocer                                                                          St. Anthony c. Urquhart
Copsy                Louis                                                                                            336 Calliope
Coquely              John                 screwman                                                                     85 Piety
Coquet               F.                                                                                          d.   399 Bayou road
Coquet               F.                   book keeper                         New Orleans Bank                   d.   399 Bayou road
Coquet               Sophia, Miss                                                                                     237 Bayou road
Coquillon            Louis J.                                                                                          43 Natchez
Coquiomino           J.                                                                                                16 Main
Coral                Gabriel              clerk                                                                       417 Bourbon, d. 3
Corala               Nich.                oysters                                                                     232 Customhouse
Corales              F.                   fishmonger                          French market                      d.    90 St. Anthony
Corna                James                laborer                                                                         Locust n. Erato
Corback              Geo.                 tailor                                                                 d.   454 Tchoupitoulas
Corbat               John                                                                                        c.       Richard & Pacanier
Corbea               S.E.                 wood                                Carondelet walk                    d.    41 Old Basin
Corberry             Patrick              laborer                                                                d.   186 Basin
Corbet               Mathilde, Mrs.                                                                                   142 Orleans
Corbet               Thomas                                                                                      d.   147 Clio
Corbett              Bartholomew          clerk                                                                       316 Fulton
Corbett              James                laborer                                                                     383 Fulton
Corbett              J.                   c. h.                                                                           Front c. Lafayette
Corbett              J. C.                inspector custom                                                       d.       Richard n. Chippewa
Corbett              J., Mrs.                                                                                         493 Royal, d. 3
Corbett              Thomas               laborer                                                                      80 Poet
Corbier              V., Miss                                                                                          44 St. Anthony
Corbley              John                 laborer                                                                      28 Robertson, d. 2
Corcoran             Bridget, Mrs.                                                                                        St. Jane n. Gravier
Corcoran             C.                   fireman                                                                         Jackson R. R. depot
Corcoran             Francis              clerk                               108 Chartres                       d.   370 Common
Corcoran             George               laborer                                                                     325 Fulton
Corcoran             John                 screwman                                                                     76 Marigny
Corcoran             John                 laborer                                                                     264 Girod, d. 1
Corcoran             M.                   drayman                                                                         St. James n. Gravier
Corcoran             Patrick              seaman                                                                      148 Mandeville
Corcoran             Patrick              laborer                                                                      84 Burgundy
Corcoran             Tim. C.              blacksmith                                                                      Magnolia n. Cypress
Cordes               John                 porter                                                                       76 Poydras
Cordier              Ane                                                                                                  Bienville n. Bourbon
Cordier & Co.                             (L. Cordier, P. Cordier)            vermicelli manufacturers           d.   240 Marigny
                                                                              123 Old Levee, d. 2
Corey                S. H.                clerk                                                                        99 Common
Corkery              Wm. F.               steward                                                                d.   433 Baronne, d. 1
Corlis               John                 clothing                                                                     75 Front
Corkley              John                 laborer                                                                     812 Burgundy, d. 3
Cormier              Adeline, Mrs.                                                                                    384 Canal
Cormier              C. E.                clk.                                136 Canal                          d.   378 Canal
Cormier              Louis                clerk                                                                        46 Union
Cormuck              Edward               carpenter                                                                    29 Orange
Corneille            Chas.                gardener                                                                    847 St. Claude
Corneillo            L., Mrs.                                                                                             c. Barracks & Galvez
Cornelin             Martin               laborer                                                                     263 St. Louis
Cornelius            W.                   atty. at law                        U. S. Courthouse                   d.       Thalia n. Carondelet
                                                                              20 Royal
Cornelius            Christian            carp.                                                                       440 St. Ann
Cornell              A.                   carpenter                                                                       Josephine n. Conti
Cornell & Gourly                          (J. V. Cornell, Wm. Gourly)         painters                                  4 Perdido
Cornell              Harvey G.            clerk                                                                           Royal c. Conti
Cornell              J. V.                painter                                                                d.   289 Dryades
Cornell              W. H.                carpenter                                                                    75 Josephine
Cornelssen           R., Mrs.             dressmkr.                                                                    26 Frenchmen
Cornet               Philip               baker                                                                       338 Bayou road
Cornfield            Mary, Mrs.                                                                                           Leharpe n. Derbigny
Cornibe              Bernard                                                                                     d.    45 Bagatelle
Cornibe              D., Mrs.                                                                                             Royal n. French
Cornibe & Leblanc                         (G. Cornibe, J. Leblanc)            clothing                                271 Old Levee, d. 2
Cornibe              Nicholas             c. h.                                                                           Levee c. France
Cornish              Freeman              atty.                                                                        92 Exchange place
Cornish              Mary Ann                                                                                         266 Bienville
Cornu                A., Mrs.                                                                                         152 Columbus
Cornu                B.                   water works                         25 Dryades                         d.    76 Hospital
Cornu                Ernest               clk.                                                                            St. Anthony c. Claiborne
Cornu                F.                   daguerrean                                                                  353 Bayou road
Cornu                J.                   collector                                                                    83 Barracks
Cornu                Oscar                                                                                       d.    76 Hospital
Cornu                S. N.                clk.                                22 Exchange place                  d.   514 Bayou road
Cornuel              Alfred               painter                                                                     217 Derbigny, d. 2
Cornway              W. H.                finisher                                                                    292 Clio
Cornwell             W. A.                foreman                             Holme's foundry                    d.   292 Clio
Corocopulo           Jno.                 c. h.                                                                           Jackson c. Rousseau
Corprew              Joshua               storage                                                                         Montgomery warehouse
Corr                 Catherine            dressmkr.                                                                    83 Triton walk
Corr                 Geo.                 bricklayer                                                                  147 Terpsichore
Corr                 Sophronia, Mrs.                                                                                  375 Basin
Corrad               George                                                                                           417 Bourbon
Correge              Francois                                                                                         268 Treme
Correge              Pierre                                                                                            34 Plauche
Correjolles          E. F.                                                                                            296 Burgundy
Correjolles          Gabriel              street contractor                                                      d.   517 Dryades
Correjolles          J. R.                trader                                                                 d.   124 Marigny
Correjolles          O.                   clerk                               404                                d.   296 Burgundy
Correjolles          P.                                                                                          d.     9 St. Louis
Correlle             Nicholas                                                                                         232 Customhouse
Corry                F., Mrs.                                                                                         156 Bienville
Corse                Louisa               f. w. c.                                                                    112 & 114 Rampart
Corso                Jules                                                                                            146 Ursulines
Corson & Armstrong                        (Jas. Corson, Johnson L. Armstrong)                                    d.       Carondelet c. Polymnia
                                          stationers, etc.                    59 Camp
Corte                Leda                 gardener                                                                        Esplanade n. Bayou bridge
Cortello             Ellen                                                                                            150 Toulouse
Cortes               H.                   warehouseman                                                                    Freret n. Erato
Cortio               A.                   tinner                                                                       41 Poydras
Cory & Miller                             (T. M. Cory, C. C. Miller)          tobacco agents                              Gravier c. N. Levee
Cortz                Charles F.                                                                                       135 Frenchmen
Corvelia             Domingo              cigar maker                                                                 478 St. Claude, d. 3
Coryell              George               clerk                                                                       104 Constance
Cosby                John                 clerk                                                                       106 New Levee
Cosgrove             A.                   laborer                                                                         First n. Dryades
Cosgrove             Andrew               laborer                                                                d.       Hunter n. Tchoupitoulas
Cosgrove             Barney               grocer                                                                      505 Royal, d. 3
Cosgrove             James                saddlery                            5 St. Charles                      d.   108 Tchoupitoulas
Cosgrove             John                 lab.                                                                            Josephine n. Chippewa
Cosgrove             John                 laborer                                                                     179 Thalia
Cosgrove             L.                   laborer                                                                      73 Notre Dame
Cosgrove             Martin               drayman                                                                d.   393 Liberty
Cosgrove             Nathaniel                                                                                         77 Julia
Cosgrove             Patrick              laborer                                                                         Clio n. Howard
Cosgrove, P. &  Co.                       plumbers                                                                    241 Camp
Cosis                Leander              tobacconist                                                                 116 Frenchmen
Coskelly             Terence              steward                             Pelican Club                                Baronne c. Canal
Coslow               Michael              lab.                                                                         13 Leed's row, Erato
Cospain              Justine              dress making & millinery                                                     98 Royal
Cossais              A., Miss                                                                                         291 Burgundy
Cosse                Andres                                                                                           125 Congress
Cossephoni           Christian            laborer                                                                     886 Rampart, d. 3
Cosso                Jean                                                                                              17 Jefferson
Cossutes             Pedro                                                                                            328 Burgundy
Costa                Anastasia, Mrs.                                                                                  292 Baronne
Costa                Angelo, Mrs.                                                                                         Orleans n. Bourbon
Costa                Antonio              pedler                                                                      190 Kerlerec
Costa                Antonio              (P. Prats & Co.)                                                             29 Commercial place
Costa                Antonio                                                  55 Customhouse                     d.   168 Bourbon
Costa                John                                                                                              71 St. Thomas n. Orange
Costallo             Thos.                laborer                                                                     212 Laurel
Costanzi             Mrs.                                                                                              36 Spain
Costanzi             F. E.                photograph gallery                  66 Bienville                       d.    66 Spain
Coste                Andre, Jr.           (Ellison & Coste)                                                      d.   331 Dryades
Coste                Alfred               accountant                                                                   61 Carondelet
Coste                Edmond                                                                                      d,   623 Chartres, d. 3
Coste                Jules                cot. sampler                                                           d.   286 Terpsichore
Coste                Julian               watchman                                                                        Perdido n. Johnson
Costelely            John C.              carpenter                                                                   825 Magazine
Costeley             John C., Jr.         lieutenant of fourth district police                                   d.       Coliseum c. Sixth
Costello             John                 laborer                                                                         Howard c. Perdido
Costello             John                 trunks                                                                       54 Thalia
Costello             Peter                drayman                                                                     455 Rampart
Costello             Peter                grocery                                                                     120 Calliope
Costello             William                                                                                     d.       Camp n. Washington
Costola              Ovid                                                                                              98 Urquhart
Cotman               Henry                cot. weigher                                                           d.   118 Thalia
Coto                 Manuel                                                                                            81 Urquhart
Cotre                C.                   f. w. c.                                                                     65 Bartholomew
Cott                 Antoine              cake baker                                                                  188 Royal
Cott                 John                 139 Dryades                                                            d.   356 Rampart
Cott                 P., Mrs.             furn. rooms                                                                 188 Royal
Cotter               John                 baker                                                                  d.   398 Dryades
Cottle               Julia A., Mrs.                                                                              d.    43 Polymnia
Cottin               M., Mrs.                                                                                             St. Philip n. Claiborne
Cottin               R.                   vegetables                                                                   54 & 56 Treme mkt
Cotting              Chas. C.             acct.                                                                           Constance c. Second
Cotting              Mary Ann W.                                                                                          Constance c. Second
Cottle               John, Mrs.                                                                                  d.       New Levee c. Calliope
Cottom               Frank                                                                                                Villere n. Gasquet
Cotton               Henry                tinner                                                                      192 Rampart, d. 1
Cotton               Henry                trimmer                                                                     192 Rampart, d. 1
Cotton               J. B.                attorney at law                     12 Exchange place                  d,       Camp c. Seventh
Cotton               Samuel W.            clerk                                                                        74 Canal
Cotton               V. F.                attorney at law                     12 Exchange place                  d.       Eighth n. Chestnut
Cottrelle            Henry                lab.                                                                        517 Burgundy, d. 3
Coucet               Jacques              butcher                                                                      26 Poydras mkt
Couch                Walter B.            book keeper                                                                  54 Fulton
Coudere              Pierre               crockery                            15 St. Philip                      d.   152 Orleans
Couget               Leon                 wines and liquors                                                            21 Madison
Courdrain            Pierre               notary public                       50 Exchange place                  d.    78 St. Anthony
Coudreau             Auguste                                                                                           95 Royal
Coughlan             James                grocer                                                                          Magazine c. Delord
Coughlan             J.                                                                                                   Washington n. Laurel
Coughlin             Michael                                                                                              Richard n. Constance
Coughlin             Patrick              laborer                                                                      86 St. Thomas
Coughran             Felix                sail maker                                                                  287 Rampart, d. 1
Cougot               F., Mrs.                                                                                         827 St. Claude, d. 3
Cougot               Oscar, Mrs.                                                                                      443 Royal, d. 3
Cougot               P. P.                butcher                             40 French market                   d.       Seventh n. Fulton
Coulagan             John                 blacksmith                                                                  110 Gaiennie
Coulihan             John                 blacksmith                                                             d.    50 St. Joseph
Coullihan            Mary                                                                                              13 Rousseau
Coulom               Felix                butcher                                                                       5 Poydras mkt
Coulon               Alexander                                                                                        216 Elysian Fields
Coulon               C. F.                watchmaker                                                                  202 Chartres
Coulon               Desere                                                                                           374 Robertson, d. 3
Coulon               E.                   jeweler                                                                     367 Royal, d. 3
Coulon               Francois W.                                                                                       20 Conde
Coulon               G. D.                portrait painter                                                       d.       Laharpe c. Claiborne
Coulon               Geo. Louis           watchmaker                          202 Chartres                       d.   277 Baronne
Coulon               Gustave              bricklayer                                                                   16 Annette
Coulon               Heloise                                                                                          220 Treme, d. 2
Coulon               Justin               clerk                               7 Toulouse                         d.       Marigny c. Prosper
Coulon               Jean                 grocer                                                                      112 St. Claude
Coulon               Joseph P.            plumber                                                                     107 Poydras
Coulton              L.                   crockery                            198 Chartres                       d.    83 Union, d. 3
Coulon               Manuel               clerk                                                                       128 Canal
Coulon               Pierre Jean          engineer                                                                    325 Royal
Coulonge             Etienne              c. h.                                                                        44 South market
Coulter              John                 carp.                                                                           St. Andrew n. Fulton
Coulter              J. B.                                                                                                Bayou St. John n. Bridge
Coulter              Margaret, Mrs.       nurse                                                                           St. Charles c. Euterpe
Coulter              S. H.                                                                                       d.   146 Gasquet
Coulter              William              mate                                                                        224 Gravier
Coumes               F.                   grocer                                                                          Burgundy c. St. Philip
Counsel              Peter                ship carpenter                                                                  Algiers
County               S.                   f. m. c.                                                                    347 Customhouse
Courbe               A.                                                                                                27 Esplanade
Courbebaisse         Mrs.                                                                                              46 Bourbon
Courbin              Theophile                                                                                         89 Main
Courcelle            Achille              clerk                               53 Gravier                         d.   516 Magazine
Courcelle            A. B.                builder                                                                     241 St. Claude
Courcelle            Etienne                                                                                              Treme n. Conti
Courcelle            A., Mrs.                                                                                         343 Main
Courcelle            Edward                                                                                               Main c. Tonti
Courcelle            J.                   builder                                                                     180 Ursulines
Courcelle            M.                                                                                               104 St. Ann
Courcelle            Sylvia               f. w. c.                                                                    163 St. Philip
Courche, Jules  & Co.                                                                                                     Washington Hotel, Milneburg
Courrer              Estelle                                                                                          385 Morales
Couret               B. C.                                                                                            217 Carondelet walk
Couret               J. B.                (Stevenson & Couret)                87 Common                          d.   324 Bienville
Couria               Edward               barkeeper                                                                   134 St. Philip
Courier Newspaper                                                                                                      10 Exchange place
Courmes              E. D.                                                                                       d.   308 Chartres
Cournet              Joseph                                                                                           372 Royal, d. 3
Couronneau           R.                   cigars                                                                      295 Chartres
Courrege             J.                   butcher                             20 & 21 St. Mary's market          d.       Lyon c. Laurel, Jeff. City
Courrege             P.                   wood and coal                                                               348 Marais, d. 3
Courrege             S.                   butcher                             20 French market                   d.       Constantinople n. Laurel, Jefferson City
Courret              Fred.                clerk                                                                           Orleans c. Dauphine
Coursault            Louis                                                                                            233 St. Philip
Course               Ann                  f. w. c.                                                                    100 Rampart
Course               L.                                                                                                33 Rampart, d. 1
Coursey              J.                   tailor                                                                       43 Rampart, d. 1
Court                Geo.                 blacksmith                                                                  160 Clio
Court Seventh Justice                                                                                                 568 Magazine
Courtade             Alexander            clerk                               81 Canal                           d.    75 St. Ann
Courtade             F.                   butcher                                                                      25 St. Mary's mkt
Courtade             Joseph               clothing                                                                        New Levee n. La. av. Jefferson City
Courtade             Julia                variety                                                                     110 Ursulines
Courtade             Laporte                                                                                          213 Chartres
Courtade             P.                   clothing                                                                        N. Levee c. Fourth
Courtard             John                 butcher                                                                       6 Poydras mkt
Courtarde            Jos.                 butcher                                                                      25 Poydras mkt
Courtault            J.                   wood & coal                                                                 414 Chartres, d. 3
Courtell             Paulang              c. h.                                                                           Levee c. Toledano
Courtigne            Pierre               tailor                                                                      163 Dauphine
Courtin              Alphonse A.                                                                                       13 Spain
Coutin               A.                   com. mer.                                                                    24 Bienville
Courtin              C.                   furnished rooms                                                             144 Toulouse
Courtin              J. A.                                                                                            445 Bourbon, d. 3
Courtin              Louis                accountant                                                                   38 Marigny
Courtin              Louis R.             acct.                                                                  d.   405 Marais, d. 3
Courtin              Louis R.             Southern Bank                                                          d.       Marais n. Annette, d. 3
Courtney             Ann, Mrs.                                                                                   d.   392 Camp
Courtney             Pat.                 ship join.                                                                      Elmire n. Eliza, Algiers
Courts               John, Captain                                                                                     86 Burgundy
Cousin               Dominique            milkman                                                                         Clouet c. Claiborne
Cousin               Francois             brickmaker                                                                  209 Orleans
Cousin               Emile                f. w. c.                                                                    220 Treme, d. 2
Cousins              Chas. G.             salesman                                                                    455 St. Charles
Cousinard            R., Mrs.                                                                                             c. Main & Tonti
Cousley              Allen                grocer                                                                      382 Melpomene
Cousley              James                grocer                              Perdido c. Howard                  d.       Bolivar n. Common
Cousley              John                 grocer                                                                          Girod c. Franklin
Coussirat            P.                   candy factory, confectionery & grocery                                      258 St. Philip c. Derbigny
Coussy               L.                                                                                               243 St. Claude
Couteux              Chas.                (E. Girard & Couteux)                                                           Chartres c. Bienville
Coutier              J., Mrs.                                                                                             Copernicus n. Fifth, Gretna
Coutin               A.                   com. mer.                           24 Bienville                       d.   132 Esplanade
Couto                Manuel                                                                                           111 Poet
Coutoulou            Pierre               c. h. and grocery                                                               Metairie Ridge
Coutoula             Edwd.                butcher                                                                     125 Baronne
Coutoula             B. D.                                                                                            113 Camp
Couturie             Amedee               (Preaux & Co.)                      Consul of Netherlands              d.   302 Chartres
                                                                              33 Gravier
Couturie             Augustus                                                 40 O. Levee                        d.   239 Main
Couturie             D.                   clk.                                63 Magazine                        d.   239 Main
Couvertie            Mrs.                                                                                             211 Chartres
Couvertie            Emile                jeweler                                                                     229 Royal
Couvertie            H., Mrs.                                                                                             Barracks n. Dauphine
Couvertie            J. B., Mrs.                                                                                      385 Bourbon, d. 3
Couvertie            L. E.                clerk                               4 Union, d. 1                      d.   385 Bourbon, d. 3
Couves               Gabriel W.           (Peter Maxwell & Co.)               117 Gravier                        d.       Polymnia n. Prytania
Couvrer              S.                                                                                                24 Annette
Couyard              Raymond              clerk                                                                           Rocheblave n. Barracks
Covan                Joseph                                                                                           399 St. Claude, d. 3
Covas & Negroponte                        (Stamatz Covas, C. Negroponte, Pericles Paul Negroponte)                     38 Carondelet
                                          com. mers.
Covas                Stamatz              (Covas & Negroponte)                                                   d.   144 Carondelet
Cove                 James                f. m. c.  cook                                                              280 Conti
Covert               Ellison              engineer                                                                    393 Bagatelle, d. 3
Covert               H. C.                Lamps, Coal Oil, etc.                                                         6 Chartres
Covert               Peter                butcher                                                                         Seventh n. Fulton
Covin                James                pedler                                                                       43 Goodchildren
Covin                Manuel                                                                                           342 St. Philip
Covington            C. G., Miss                                                                                      128 Julia
Covington            Lionel                                                                                           470 Dryades
Covington            Mary Jane            furnished rooms                                                             178 Customhouse
Coward               A. S.                                                                                                Erato n. Franklin
Cowas                Fanny, Mrs.                                                                                          Felicity n. Fulton
Cowen                E. A.                accountant                                                                   42 Union, d. 1
Cowen                Jno.                 laborer                                                                      91 Camp
Cox, Brainard & Co.                       (J. S. Harris)                      agts.                                    95 Camp
Cox                  Cyrus                f. m. c. dairy                                                                  Customhouse c. Genois
Cox                  Daniel               carpenter                                                                   336 Calliope
Cox                  E.                   builder                             176   Julia                        d.   444 Rampart, d. 1
Cox                  Geo. W.              clerk                                                                        12 Magazine
Cox                  George               carpenter                                                                       Julia n. Claiborne
Cox                  G. W., Mrs.          b. h.                                                                           Rousseau c. Third
Cox                  James                builder                                                                d.   385 Howard
Cox                  James                                                                                            168 Washington, d. 2
Cox                  John                                                                                                 Carondelet n. Conrey
Cox                  John                 printer                                                                d.   385 Howard
Cox                  Lorenzo, Mrs.                                                                                    112 Spain
Cox                  Matthew, Capt.                                                                                   376 Basin, d. 1
Cox                  Matthew                                                                                              Third n. St. David
Cox                  Paul                 contractor                                                             d.   385 Howard
Cox                  R. Walley            carpenter                                                                       Terpsichore b. Dryades & Baronne
Cox                  Susan, Mrs.                                                                                      385 Howard
Cox                  Thomas J.            drayman                                                                     287 Clio
Cox & Co.                                 (Walter Cox, Wm. H. Johnson)                                           d.   204 Camp
                                          cot. factors & com. mers.                                                    63 Carondelet, d. 1
Coxe                 Edward Jenner, Dr.                                                                          d.   214 Camp
Coxe                 John G.                                                                                          191 Canal
Coxe                 Jos.                 carriage mkr.                                                                51 Annunciation
Coy                  Jacques                                                                                          174 Ursulines
Coy                  John                 blacksmith                                                                      Lafayette n. Second, Gretna
Coy                  Michael                                                                                          521 Dauphine, d. 3
Coy                  Patrick              b. h.                                                                       212 Delord
Coy                  Pat.                 drayman                                                                         Palmyra n. Claiborne
Coycault             A.                   clk.                                12 Union                           d.    55 Esplanade
Coyle                Daniel               oysters                                                                     129 Conti
Coyle                Edward               lab.                                                                        143 Tchoupitoulas
Coyle                Hugh                 laborer                                                                     484 Old Levee, d. 3
Coyle                James                grocery                                                                     168 Tchoupitoulas
Coyle                James                                                                                       c.       Jackson & Baronne
Coyle                Matthew              laborer                                                                      38 Girod, d. 1
Coyle                Patrick              laborer                                                                     196 Delord
Coyle                Pat.                 drayman                                                                     173 Franklin, d. 1
Coyle                Pat.                 soap manf.                                                                      Baronne n. Jackson
Coyle                Peter                dry goods                                                                   245 Rampart, d. 1
Coyle                Peter                variety                                                                     245 Rampart, d. 1
Coyle                Peter                laborer                                                                      78 St. Mary
Coyle                P., Mrs.                                                                                             St. Ferdinand n. F. Levee
Coyle                P.                   cotton pickery                                                              441 Josephine
Coyle                Philip               laborer                                                                      54 Thalia
Coyle                Terence                                                                                              First n. Chippewa
Coyle                Terence              drayman                                                                         Religious
Coyle                Timothy              laborer                                                                      76 Thalia
Coyle                Wm. G.               clerk                                                                        18 Exchange place
Coyne                James                boiler mkr.                                                            d,   168 Tchoupitoulas
Coyne                John                 lab.                                                                   d.   160 Tchoupitoulas
Coyne                John                 grocer                                                                       95 Derbigny, d. 2
Coyne                Patrick              bricklayer                                                                  314 Magazine
Coyny                John                 carpenter                                                                     2 Leeds' row
Cozeaux              Raymond                                                                                          136 Girod
Crabites             P.                   clerk                                                                        16 St. Louis
Craddie              David                lab.                                                                        194 Kerlerec
Craft                Jacob                c. h.                                                                           Front c. Girod
Craft                R.                   carp.                                                                           Pacific av. Algiers
Crafton              P. D.                (Van Benthuysen & Crafton)                                                   67 Gravier
Crafts               Charles                                                                                          126 Carondelet
Crafts, R. A. & Co.                       (J. P. Labouisse)                   com. mers.                               24 St. Charles
Crafts               Wm. H.               tobacco factors                     76 Poydras                         d.   386 Carondelet
Cragan               James                screwman                                                                     61 Poet
Cragin               Leonard              c. p.                                                                       436 Basin, d. 1
Cragg                John                 notary public                       50 Gravier                         d.   340 Claiborne
Crahan               James                lab.                                                                         40 St. James
Craig                A. C.                clerk                                                                           St. Andrew n. Fulton
Craig                Anna, Mrs.           dressmk'r                                                                   162 Dryades
Craig                Emmit D.             teacher                                                                d.       Tchoupitoulas n. St. James
Craig                G. W.                                                                                                Julia n. Dryades
Craig                G. W.                clerk                                                                           Felicity n. Franklin
Craig                James                lab.                                                                        296 New Levee
Craig                John                 builder                                                                     393 Baronne
Craig                Leonard              c. p.                                                                       438 Basin
Craig                M. A. , Mrs.                                                                                         Alex n. Bouny, Algiers
Craig                M., Mrs.             midwife                                                                         St. Andrew n. Fulton
Craig                Otto                 crap.                                                                       560 Rampart, d. 3
Craig                Susan, Mrs.                                                                                          Orange n. Annunciation
Craiger              H. F.                laborer                                                                     223 Constance
Crailsheim           Lawrence             dry goods                                                              d.    48 Enghien
Crais                Francis L.                                                                                        72 Mandeville
Craison              John                 lab.                                                                         87 Thalia
Craison              Martin               drayman                                                                d.    87 Thalia
Craiser              William              lab.                                                                   d.    87 Thalia
Craling              C. H.                lumber                                                                          Levee n. Eighth, d. 4
Cramer & Co.                              (E. Cramer, J. Cramer)              com. mers.                               58 Customhouse
Cramer               E.                   (Cramer & Co.)                                                         d.   166 Conti
Cramer               Daniel               lab.                                                                            Euterpe n. Rampart
Cramer               Girard               lab.                                                                         46 Poland
Cramer               L.                   grocery                                                                         St. Andrew n. Annunciation
Cramer               Theodore             lab.                                                                            Elmire n. Eliza, Algiers
Cramer               Thomas               ship carpenter                                                                  Jefferson, McDonogh
Cramer               Wm.                  tailor                                                                      152 Girod
Cramer               W.                   tailor                                                                      192 Delord
Cramelli             Francisco            lab.                                                                         26 St. Philip
Crammer              Thos.                engineer                                                               d.   373 Liberty
Cramon               Justin               (Cramon & Baze)                                                             245 Old Levee, d. 2
Cramon & Baze                             (Justin Cramon, George Baze)        clothing                                245 Old Levee, d. 2
Crampon              Charles              lumber com. mer.                    225 Common                         d.    64 Prieur
Crampton             Charles              mate                                                                            Felicity c. Fulton
Crampton             Charles              lab.                                                                            Moreau n. Montegut
Crane                P. B.                                                                                                St. Charles c. Gravier
Crane                C. Preston, Dr.      Physician for Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Eyes and Ear. His
                                          Mode of Treatment is by the Inhalation of Electro-Chemical and
                                          Medicated Vapors, in connection with Constitutional
                                          Remedies. Office and Residence at the Electro-Chemical
                                          Institute, 135 St. Joseph, bet. Camp and St. Charles.
Crane                George P.            clerk                                                                        41 Poydras
Crane                Hy.                  inspr. customs                                                              111 Gaiennie
Crane                John F.              blacksmith                                                                      Seguin, Algiers
Crane                John                 caulker                                                                         Peter, Algiers
Crane                John                 drayman                                                                      40 Calliope
Crane                T. B., Mrs.                                                                                      235 Bienville
Crane                Wm.                  agent                                                                       377 Basin
Crane                Wm. R.               atty. at law                                                                291 Annunciation
Crane, W. W. & Co.                                                            La. carriage repository                  49 Carondelet
Crane                W. W.                agent for Scovill & Mead                                                    105 Chartres
Craney               John                 laborer                                                                     146 Rampart, d. 1
Cranny               Thos.                laborer                                                                     479 Burgundy, d. 3
Cranston             Anna B., Mrs.        teacher                                                                         Lavergne, Algiers
Cranston             James                engineer                                                                        Lavergne, Alg.
Cranert              Chas.                hatter                                                                 d.       Delord c. Tchoupitoulas
Crans                Francis              grocery                                                                     263 Baronne
Crantz               John                                                                                                 North market, n. Levee
Crantz               John                 ice depot                                                                       Ninth n. Fulton
Crary                Wm.                                                                                                  Dryades c. Euterpe
Cressons             J. D.                c. p.                                                                           Solidelle n. Frenchmen
Crasto               R.                   embroidery                                                                  147 Bienville
Crauser              Pierre               carpenter                                                                    91 Mandeville
Crauser              Pierre               cabinet maker                                                               522 Burgundy, d. 3
Craven               Danl.                grocer                                                                          Cypress n. Magnolia
Craven               Patk.                drayman                                                                     537 Burgundy, d. 3
Crawcour             I. L., Dr.                                                                                       141 Canal
Crawford             Caroline             f. w. c.                                                                    161 Clio
Crawford             Chas. C.             acct.                                                                           Bienville c. Royal
Crawford             H. F.                                                                                             47 Common
Crawford             John                 clerk                                                                        89 Main
Crawford             John                 clerk                               110 Tchoupitoulas                  d.    73 Josephine
Crawford             John                 shoemaker                                                                       St. Mary c. Constance
Crawford             John                                                                                                 Royal c. Bienville
Crawford             John M.              secry                               Union Ins. Co.
Crawford             J. L.                barber                              f. m. c.                                196 Conti
Crawford             K. M., Miss          embroiderer                                                                     Constance c. Josephine
Crawford             Michl.               lab.                                                                            Richard n. Constance
Crawford             Mrs.                 f. w. c.                                                                     21 St. James
Crawford             Robert               carp.                                                                       433 Poydras
Crawford             R. H.                                                                                            386 Rampart, d. 1
Crawford             T. W.                (Warren, Gilmore & Co.)             45 Carondelet                      d.    39 Prytania
Crawford             Walter                                                   accountant                               39 Natchez
Crawford             Wm. S.               merchandise broker                                                           25 New Levee, d. 1
Crawford             Wm. R.               engineer                                                                    164 Chippewa
Crawford             W. G.                clerk                               Union Ins. Co.
Cray                 Andrew                                                                                               Terpsichore c. St. Thomas
Cray                 Charles              f. m. c.                                                                        Galvez n. Gravier
Cray                 John                 carpenter                                                                   296 Dryades
Crayon               Wm.                  c. p.                                                                        93 Frenchmen
Crea                 Andrew               drayman                                                                d.    72 Terpsichore
Creag                Wm. E.               clerk                                                                       235 St. Ann
Creagan              James                screwman                                                                     72 Poet
Creagh               Patrick                                                                                          272 Lafayette
Creamer              Daniel               laborer                                                                     321 Liberty
Crebbin              John                 shipsmith                           28 Front Levee, d. 1 op. post 20   d.   379 Annun. d. 4
Crebbin              John, Sr.                                                                                         28 Upper Levee
Crebbin              Wm.                  shipsmith                                                                    34 Euterpe
Crebell              Peter                baker                                                                       337 Main
Crecelius            Geo.                 shoemaker                                                                    14 Com. place
Crecer               Mary                                                                                              34 Treme, d. 2
Crechan              Michael                                                                                          464 Chartres, d. 3
Crecy                Manuel               clerk                                                                        49 St. Anthony
Credo                Bernard              cistern maker                                                                   Third near Constance
Creed                John R.              wharfinger                                                                  239 Girod
Creevy               Wm.                  warehouseman                                                                225 Marigny
Creevy & Farwell                          (Wm. Creevy, Chas. A. Farwell)      ship brokers                             29 Carondelet
Creger               H. F.                                                                                                Terpsichore n. Constance
Creighton            Alex.                engineer                                                                    380 Bienville
Crellin              James                undertaker                                                                  132 Camp
Cremmer              Thomas               ship carpenter                                                                  Algiers
Crenney              Thomas                                                                                            48 Spain
Crenshaw             Henry M.             clerk                                                                        22 Common
Crenshaw             Richard G.           laborer                                                                      57 Spain
Creole Fire Co. No. 9                                                                                                     Esplanade c. Victory
Creppel              Wm.                                                                                              148 Annunciation
Crerar               W. J.                prof. of guitar & violin                                                     74 Camp
Cresap, McMillan & Co.                    (H. B. Cresap, Thos. J. McMillan, Thos. McMillan)                            66 & 68 Magazine
                                          com. mers.
Cresap               H. B.                (Cresap, McMillan & Co.)                                               d.       Third c. Chestnut
Crescent City Bank                                                                                                        Canal c. Carondelet
Crescent City Cotton Press                                                                                                New Levee b. Robin & Race
Crescent Firewood Co.                     (Eugene Lambert, Geo. W. Clapp, John Hurd)                                   99 Carondelet walk
Crescent City Hotel                                                                                                       Customhouse c. Front
Crescent Fire Co. No. 24                                                                                                  St. Ferdinand
Crescent Mutual Insurance Co.                                                                                          63 Camp
Crescent Newspaper                        James O. Nixon, publisher & proprietor                                       70 Camp
Crescent Scale Manufactory                                                                                             36 St. Joseph st. b. Tchoupitoulas & New Levee
Crescent Towboat Co.                                                                                                    3 Carondelet
Crescioni            Pierre               grocery & coffee house                                                          St. Peter c. Old Basin
Cresham              Michael                                                                                          464 Chartres, d. 3
Cressey              Wm.                  plasterer                                                              d.   542 Carondelet
Cresson              Joseph               clerk                                                                        92 Frenchmen
Cresson              Louis                painter                                                                      99 Bourbon
Cresson              M.                   liquor manufacty                                                             37 Barracks
Cresson              L., Mrs.             milliner                                                                     99 Bourbon
Cressy               L. W.                clerk                                                                        28 St. Charles
Cressy               M.                   clerk                                                                           Canal c. Bourbon
Cretin               Peter                tailor                                                                       23 Baronne
Creville             Joseph               screwman                                                                    279 Royal
Crevon               Edward                                                                                      d.   197 Villere
Creyer               Joseph               tailor                                                                 d.   420 Baronne
Crickard             John                 receiving teller                    Bank of New Orleans                d.    19 Derbigny
Crimin               M.                   laborer                                                                      16 Elysian Fields
Crinks               Charles              engineer                                                               d.   391 Baronne
Crinnigan            John                 laborer                                                                      89 Delord
Cripps               Fred.                engineer                                                                    381 Howard
Cripps               Thomas E.            organist                                                               d.   163 Erato
Criscie              George                                                                                           126 St. Philip
Criselius            George               shoemaker                                                                    92 Dryades
Crissey              Edgar                painter                                                                     239 Poydras
Cristman             M.                   c. h.                                                                  c.       Treme & Conti
Cristman             Sebastian                                                                                        136 St. Philip
Cristman             Elijah               watchman                                                                    356 Dryades
Criswell             Thos. H.             teacher                                                                         Chippewa c. Josephine
Crocheron            Sherman B., Dr.                                                                                  387 St. Charles
Crochet              F.                   bakery                                                                       21 North market
Crochet              F.                   butcher                                                                      21 Poydras market
Crocker              Basil                f. m. c.                                                                    349 Villere, d. 3
Crocker              Dorismon                                                                                         218 Ursulines
Crocker              Henry H.             (Thos. J. Spear & Co.)                                                      177 Canal
Crocker              P., Mrs.                                                                                             St. Bernard n. Prieur
Crockett             Daniel               painter                                                                     271 Liberty
Croey                Geo., Mrs.                                                                                           St. Bernard n. Prieur
Croft                John                 carpenter                                                                       Roman c. Poydras
Croften              George               drayman                                                                     554 New Levee
Croften              Robt.                screwman                                                               d.    77 St. Ferdinand
Crofton              Francis              clerk                                                                       370 Common
Crofton              James                screwman                                                                    104 Mandeville
Crogan               Thomas               laborer                                                                      75 Spain
Croghan              James                                                                                            574 Burgundy, d. 3
Grohan               James                grocery                                                                         Dufossat c. Jersey, Jeff. City
Croizi               L.                   coal                                121 Exchange place                 d.   130 St. Louis
Croke                Pat.                 drayman                                                                     433 Old Levee, d. 3
Cromer               John                                                                                             364 Lafayette
Cromwell             James                                                                                                Jena c. Jersey, Jeff. City
Cromwell, Jonathan & Geo.                 com. mers.                          55 Carondelet                      d.    72 Prytania
Cromwell             W. A.                clerk                                                                  d,    72 Prytania
Cron                 Charles              wheelwright                                                                     Eighth c. Camp
Cronan               Charles              trader                                                                      113 Howard
Cronan               David                                                                                            302 Lafayette
Cronan               David                clerk                                                                       327 Magazine
Cronan               Dennis               contractor                                                                  163 St. Peter
Cronan               George               contractor                                                                   83 Claiborne
Cronan               James                                                                                            150 Delord
Cronan               John                 laborer                                                                      58 Annunciation
Cronan               John                 drayman                                                                     581 Tchoupitoulas
Cronan               Tim.                 Screwman                                                                    494 Royal, d. 3
Cronan               William              laborer                                                                      24 Foucher
Crone                Christian            shipwright                                                                   21 Eighth
Crone                John                                                                                              30 Poyfarre
Crone                Wm. C.               attorney                                                                     30 Poyfarre
Crone                Wm. H.               clk.                                5 Commercial place                 d.    21 Poyfarre
Cronen               James                commissioner                                                                 23 Poet
Cronen               Thomas               clerk                                                                        75 Rousseau
Croney               John                 boss paver                                                             d.   405 St. Charles
Cronmiller           H. G.                butch                                                                        29 French mkt
Crooks               H. M.                                                                                       d.       Anthoine (sic) n. Annette
Crookshanks          J., Mrs.                                                                                          59 Carondelet walk
Crosby               Levi B.              machinist                                                              d.   278 Melpomene
Crosby               Michael              laborer                                                                     495 Royal, d. 3
Crosby               William              laborer                                                                      38 Marais, d. 1
Cross                C.                   exchange broker                                                               3 Carondelet
Cross                E. H., Mrs.                                                                                      256 Bienville
Cros                 F. C.                clerk                                                                        46 St. Charles
Cross                Geo. W., Dr.                                                                                d.   321 Carondelet
Cross                James                lab.                                                                            Josephine n. Chippewa
Cross                Jonathan C.                                                                                          Thalia n. Howard
Cross                J. N.                watchman                                                                        Prosper n. Union
Cross                Wm.                  carpenter                                                                   150 Jackson
Crossman             Charles                                                                                          259 Marigny
Crossman             C.                   lab.                                                                            Morales n. St. Ferdinand
Crossman             John                 lab.                                                                        537 Burgundy, d. 3
Crossman                                  engineer                                                                    118 Julia
Crosso               John Baptist         carp.                                                                       291 St. Louis
Crottes              Martial              dry goods                                                                    43 Chartres
Crotty               William              lab.                                                                        514 Royal, d. 3
Crouch               Fanny                f. w. c. , furnished rooms                                                   88 Carondelet
Crouch               Walter V.                                                                                         91 Fulton
Crouere              J. P.                wh. gro.                                                                    320 St. Claude, d. 2
Crouzeilles          L.                   c. h.                                                                           Claiborne n. Common
Crouzeilles          M.                   butcher                                                                      32 Magazine mkt
Crouzer              Calistro             f. w. c.                                                                    258 Bienville
Crovette             Joseph               fisherman                                                                   411 Ursulines
Crow                 W. C.                atty. at law                                                                  9 Commercial place
Croward              A.                   wood yard                                                                       Jefferson City
Crowder              Christiana                                                                                       266 Melpomene
Crowel               Morris                                                                                               Conroy n. St. Charles
Crowell & Hallet                          (Higgins Crowell, Jacob P. Hallet)  ship chandlers                           32 Front Levee, d. 1
Crowell & Schwartz                        (J. Crowell, Joseph Schwartz)                                                68 & 70 Rampart, late Circus
                                          Carriage Makers & Repairers
Crowell              Higgins              (Crowell & Hallet)                                                           32 Front Levee
Crowford             William                                                                                          449 Villere, d. 3
Crowley              Bryan                laborer                                                                      32 Enghien
Crowley              Daniel               laborer                                                                     298 Liberty
Crowley              James                laborer                                                                     257 Annunciation
Crowley              Jeremiah             paver                                                                           Bayou road n. St. Claude
Crowley              John                 machinist                                                                    32 Religious
Crowley              Mary, Mrs.           grocery                                                                     117 Foucher
Crowley              Margaret, Mrs.                                           444 Carondelet                     d.   117 Foucher
Crowley              Patrick              lab.                                                                            Market n. Chippewa
Crowley              William              laborer                                                                      82 St. Thomas
Crown                Patrick              laborer                                                                     813 St. Claude, d. 3
Croy                 H.                   f. w. c.  furn. rooms                                                       167 Treme, d. 2
Crozat               Edward                                                                                      d.    67 Kerlerec
Crozat               F. M.                measurer in custom house                                                    201 Bayou road
Crozat               J. B.                inspec. revenue                                                        d.    67 History
Crozat               P. E.                                                                                       d.       Bayou road n. Treme
Crozat               S. E.                                                                                       d.   219 Bayou road
Crozelle             James J.                                                                                         608 Rampart, d. 3
Crozier              C.                   carpenter                           Calliope n. Franklin               d.   385 Rampart, d. 1
Cruanes              Francois                                                                                         103 Union, d. 3
Cruden               Isabel, Mrs.         M. D.                                                                           Jackson n. Camp
Crumb                John                                                                                             152 Mandeville
Crumb                Michael              laborer                                                                     155 Mandeville
Crumhorn             Nicholas             bakery                              Clio c. Franklin, d. 1             d    141 Third, d. 4
Crumhorn             Nicholas H.          bakery                                                                      441 Marais, d. 3
Crump                A.                   carpenter                                                                   371 Basin
Crump                Benjamin             (Green & Crump)                                                             157 Gravier
Crump                Christian            lumber                                                                       53 Robertson
Cruse                John H., Mrs.                                                                                    302 Bienville
Crusel               Edward               clerk                                                                  d.   409 Villere, d. 3
Crusel               Mrs.                                                                                              15 Girod, d. 3
Crusell              James                lab.                                                                            Clouet n. Casacalvo
Crusius              Henry L.             painter                                                                     322 Fulton
Crusius              John                 commission merchant                                                          34 Toulouse c. Chartres
Crussius             Peter                laborer                                                                         Lafayette n. Freret
Cruys                Joseph               laborer                                                                     361 Old Levee, d. 3
Cruz                 Bernard              finisher                                                                    102 Franklin
Cruzat               A., Mrs.                                                                                         139 St. Louis
Cruzat               Charles                                                                                          139 St. Louis
Cruzat               Eulalie, Miss        school                                                                      264 St. Claude
Cruzat               Gustave              cashier of Mechanics' & Traders' Bank                                       101 Canal, d. over bank
Cruzat               Henry                clerk                                                                        77 Carondelet
Cruzat               Mrs. M.                                                                                          186 Rampart, d. 2
Cruzat               Victoria, Miss       school                                                                      264 St. Claude
Cruzat & Wilson                           (Wm. Cruzat, Wm. H. Wilson)                                            d.   170 Ursulines
                                          importers of Havana cigars          22 Common
Cruzel               Edward               clerk                                                                       122 Canal
Cruzelle             Auguste              c. h.                                                                           Claiborne n. mkt
Crystal              Alex.                boarding house runner                                                       424 Burgundy, d. 3
Cubicke              Alphonse             gro.                                                                        256 Rampart, d. 2
Cubicke              M., Mrs.                                                                                          20 St. Anthony
Cucick               Antony               cigars                                                                          Patterson, Algiers
Cucullu              Anatole              (Cucullu & D'Mesa)                                                     d.   284 Bourbon
Cucullu & D'Meza                          (Anatole Culcullu, A. H. D'Meza)                                              4 St. Louis
                                          dealers in sugar & molasses, & importers of Havana produce
Cucullu & Julian                          (Gustave Cucullu, A.G. Julian)                                               30 Poydras b. Tchoupitoulas & New Levee
                                          Dealers in Northern & Western Produce, Potatoes
                                          Peas, Onions, Flour, Dried Apples, Dried Peaches
                                          South Carolina Cow Pea, Beans, Cheese, etc.
Cucullu              Gustave              (Cucullu & Julian)                                                           30 Poydras
Cucullu              Joseph S.                                                                                        136 Main
Cucullu              J. M., Mrs.                                                                                      451 Bayou road
Cucullu              Louis                clerk                                                                       136 Main
Cucullu              M. S., Mrs.                                                                                      125 Bourbon
Cucullu              Paul                 clerk                                                                        30 Poydras
Cucullu              S., Mrs.                                                                                         284 Bourbon
Cude                 John                 carp.                                                                  d.       Coliseum n. Eighth
Cude                 William              carp.                                                                  d.       Coliseum n. Eighth
Cue                  F.                   Havana cigars & produce                                                      10 Gravier
Cueto, A. & Co.                           bakery                                                                       64 Levee, d. 3
Cuddeger             David                charcoal                                                               d.   439 Franklin
Cuddy                Mary                 f. w. c.                                                                     71 Treme, d. 2
Cueno                Francis              mirrors, etc.                                                               254 Tchoupitoulas
Cuff                 M.                   barkeeper                                                                   127 Fulton
Cuff                 Patrick              lab.                                                                            St. James n. Chippewa
Cuggy                J.                                                                                          d.       Robertson n. Canal
Cuhon                Conrad               sausage maker                                                               310 Frenchmen
Cuigenet             Paul                 confectioner                                                                535 Magazine
Cuille               Antoine                                                                                          103 Treme, d. 2
Cuillery             Clement              carp.                                                                       183 St. Philip
Culane               Andrew               laborer                                                                      46 St. Thomas
Culbertson           Charles Wm.          (E.A. Patterson & Co.)                                                 d.   490 Dauphine, d. 3
Culbertson           Henry                                                                                       d.   490 Dauphine, d. 3
Culbertson           John                 atty. at law                        92 Exchange Place                  d.   488 Dauphine, d. 3
Cull                 Thomas               grocer                                                                      274 Customhouse
Cullaton             Michael              blacksmith                                                             d.   134 Thalia
Cullen               C., Mrs.                                                                                             Terpsichore n. Liberty
Cullen               Dennis               drayman                                                                     325 Thaliier (sic)
Cullen               James                (James Wood & Co.)                                                           23 Camp
Cullen               James                drayman                                                                      65 Poydras
Cullen               James                drayman                                                                      34 New Levee
Cullen               Nicholas                                                                                    d.   439 Magazine
Cullen               Patrick              (Kelly & Cullen)                    coopers                                   2 Natchez
Cullen               Thomas               grocer                                                                      366 Common
Cullen               T. F.                                                                                            583 St. Claude
Cullen               William              drayman                                                                         Square n. Dryades market
Culley & Co.                              (Peter Cully, John Cavanagh)        marble works                            232 & 234 Camp
Culley               Peter                (Culley & Co.)                                                         d.       Benton n. Thalia
Culliette            John                                                                                             102 St. Philip
Culligan             Elizabeth, Mrs.                                                                                   20 Palmyra
Culligan             Ellen                                                                                             91 Delord
Culligan             James, Mrs.                                                                                       66 St. Andrew
Culligan             Thomas               laborer                                                                         Martin c. Erato
Culliname            Andrew               lab.                                                                         46 St. Thomas
Cullins              P. G.                clk.                                                                         15 Carondelet
Cullison             L.                   drayman                                                                      38 Marigny
Cullotte             Frank                carpenter                                                              d.    12 Main
Cullough             William              lab.                                                                            Claiborne n. Clio
Cullum               Catharine, Mrs.                                                                                  417 Terpsichore
Cullum               Charles                                                                                          503 Chartres, d. 3
Cullum               Charles                                                                                              Fourth n. Fulton
Cullum               Michael              printer                                                                d.   417 Terpsichore
Cullum               Wm.                  printer                                                                d.   417 Terpsichore
Cully                James                cab. Driver                                                                 297 Poydras
Cully                Peter                (Cavanaugh & Cully)                                                    d.   389 Franklin
Cumberland, Bordon & Co.                  (John Cumberland, T. H. Borden)                                              27 Front, d. 1
Cumberland           John                                                                                              32 Constance
Cumming              Thomas               lab.                                                                            Pleasant n. St. Charles
Cummings             F., Mrs.             mattresses                                                                  135 Craps
Cummings             John, Mrs.                                                                                        79 Bourbon
Cummings             Michael                                                                                          388 Lafayette
Cummings             Patrick              laborer                                                                      91 Delord
Cummings             Patrick              wheelwright                                                                     Jackson n. Liberty
Cummings             Pat.                 contractor                                                                  464 St. Charles
Cummings             P.                   steamboatman                                                                182 Customhouse
Cummings & Co.                            (R.C. Cummings, J.G. Brown)         com. mers.                               13 St. Charles No. 7 up stairs
Cummings             R. C.                (Cummings & Co.)                                                             13 St. Charles
Cummings             R. T.                                                                                            443 Basin
Cummings             Thomas               laborer                                                                      87 Delord
Cummings             Thos.                lab.                                                                            Religious n. Felicity
Cummings             Thomas               lab.                                                                            St. Charles n. Toledano, Jefferson City
Cummings             Thomas, Mrs.                                                                                         Basin n. Clio
Cummingworth         Richard R.           clk.                                                                        121 Basin, d. 1
Cummins              John                 cook                                                                        458 Royal, d. 3
Cummins, John & Co.                       Atlantic Shipping Office            8 Marigny bldgs.                   d.    49 Louisa
Cummins              Thomas               lab.                                                                            Race n. Religious
Cummins              Thomas               lab.                                                                        382 Camp
Cumpston             John                 gas fitter                                                                      Melpomene n. Dryades
Cune                 Jacob                clerk                                                                  d.   335 Old Levee
Cune                 Wm.                  blacksmith                                                                  196 New Orleans
Cuneo                Francis                                                                                          607 Magazine
Cunes                F.                   crockery                                                                    254 Tchoupitoulas
Cunick               James                drayman                                                                      87 Annunciation
Cunning              Henry                                                                                                Baronne n. St. Andrew
Cunningham           Bernard              lab.                                                                        390 Perdido
Cunningham           D. C.                clerk                                                                       155 Canal
Cunningham           E. W.                                                                                             10 Poydras
Cunningham           James                cabman                                                                       88 Franklin
Cunningham           J.                   printer                                                                     221 Tchoupitoulas
Cunningham           James                lab.                                                                            Clio n. Liberty
Cunningham           John                 stable                                                                       33 Franklin
Cunningham           John                 carp.                                                                       495 Coliseum n. Eighth
Cunningham           John                 pilot                                                                       112 Basin, d. 1
Cunningham           Justin               cook                                                                        258 Delord
Cunningham           J. B.                                                                                            363 Bienville
Cunningham           J. C.                clerk at City Hotel
Cunningham           J.                   laborer                                                                     116 Constance
Cunningham           L. A., Miss                                                                                        9 Marais, d. 3
Cunningham           Michael              laborer                                                                     196 Tchoupitoulas
Cunningham           Michael              grocer                                                                      279 Old Levee, d. 2
Cunningham           Michael              lab.                                                                         56 St. Joseph
Cunningham           Michael              lab.                                                                        421 Chippewa
Cunningham           Peter                                                                                             97 Triton walk
Cunningham           Thomas               printer                                                                d.   122 St. Joseph
Cunningham           Thomas N.            clerk                               155 Canal                          d.     4 Gasquet
Cunningham           Walter               oysterman                                                                       Bolivar n. Common
Cunningham           William                                                                                              Palmyra n. Roman
Cunningham           William              commission merchant                 26 St. Charles                     d.   398 Constance
Cunoth               George               blacksmith                                                                  222 St. Louis
Cunterminsky         George               carpenter                                                                       Terpsichore n. Howard
Cuntz                J. P.                tailor                                                                       93 Washington
Cuny                 Auguste                                                                                              Melpomene n. Magnolia
Cupsey               Louis                lab.                                                                        355 Liberty
Curby                Daniel               c. p.                                                                        32 Erato
Curby                William, Mrs.                                                                                     50 Barracks
Curcus               Victorine                                                                                        262 Burgundy
Cure                 Adolph               carp.                                                                       906 St. Claude, d. 3
Curel                M., Mrs.             leather                                                                         Esplanade c. Chartres
Curiel               J.                   grocer                              17 Conti                           d.   216 Frenchmen
Curien               Charles              clerk                                                                        20 Toulouse
Curien               J. N.                importer wines                                                               20 Toulouse
Curioz               Louis                president of Jesuits' College                                                   Baronne c. Common
Curlay               James                grocer                                                                      215 Magazine
Curlett              John                 laborer                                                                     156 Chippewa
Curley               James                grocer                                                                      215 Magazine
Curley               James                                                                                            101 St. Joseph
Curley               Jas., Mrs.           grocery                                                                     640 St. Claude, d. 3
Curley               John                 laborer                                                                     315 Old Levee, d. 2
Curley               Lucy                                                                                             215 Magazine
Curley               March                                                                                                Palmyra c. Roman
Curley               Michael              laborer                                                                     183 Howard
Curley               Margaret                                                                                         295 Calliope
Curley               Patrick              laborer                                                                      81 Julia
Curley               Patrick              plasterer                                                                   402 Rampart
Curley               Patrick              laborer                                                                         Fulton n. Felicity
Curley               Patrick              drayman                                                                     307 St. Louis
Curran               Cynthia              dressmaker                                                                      Magazine n. St. Mary
Curran               Dennis               lab.                                                                            Melpomene n. Constance
Curran               Edward               mattress maker                                                              110 Customhouse
Curran               Francis              clerk                               6 Union                            d.       Magazine c. St. Mary
Curran               James                laborer                                                                     178 Tchoupitoulas
Curran               James                                                                                             38 Poydras market
Curran               John                 laborer                                                                     140 Liberty
Curran               John                                                                                             187 Customhouse
Curran               John                 mate                                                                         65 Constance
Curran               John                 clerk                                                                         8 New Levee
Curran               Peter                pilot                                                                        19 Piety
Curran               Timothy              lab.                                                                        654 Royal, d. 3
Currell              James R.             attorney                                                                     22 Ex. place
Currey               William T.           clerk                                                                       375 Thalia
Currin               James                carpenter                                                              d.   190 Louisa
Curry                Amelia, Mrs.                                                                                d.   258 Annunciation
Curry                Ann                  f. w. c.                                                                     75 Villere
Curry                A. T.                restaurant                                                                      Dryades n. Perdido
Curry                Edward               clk.                                79 Carondelet                      d.   493 Dryades
Curry                James, Mrs.                                                                                       58 Spain
Curry                John                                                                                        d.    90 Franklin
Curry                John                 engineer                                                                     31 Spain
Curry                J.                   clerk                                                                         5 Poydras
Curry                Theodore             engineer                                                                     31 Spain
Curry                Thomas               atty. at law                                                                 54 Camp
Curry                Thomas               boiler maker                                                                 81 Constance
Curry                Thomas               carpenter                                                                   180 Cypress
Curslett             Jno.                 screwman                                                               d.   160 Chippewa
Curtain              M., Miss             fancy store                                                                 238 Canal
Curtey               Sophie               dressmaker                                                                  307 Burgundy
Curtin               George               clerk                                                                        35 Carondelet
Curtis               A.                   coopersmith                                                                 138 Girod
Curtis               Caroline A., Mrs.                                                                                    Felicity n. Baronne
Curtis               Chas.                b. h.                                                                           Tchoupitoulas c. Adele
Curtis               Chas.                coffee house                                                                    Front c. Crossman
Curtis               Edward                                                                                            33 Greatmen
Curtis               H.                   warehouseman                        82 Poydras                         d.       Erato c. Jacob
Curtis               Jas.                 ship. carp.                                                                   1 Delaronde, Algiers
Curtis               Paul                 jeweler                                                                      85 Julia
Curtiss              Asa                                                                                                  Seventh n. St. Mary
Curtius              Herman, Dr.          apothecary                                                                      Carondelet c. Delord
Curto                Felix                clerk                                                                       233 St. Ann
Curto                G.                   prof. music                                                                 299 St. Philip
Cury                 John B.              periodicals                                                                 100 Ex. place
Cusachs              J. J. , Mrs.                                                                                         Royal c. St. Philip
Cusachs & Ogden                           (P. L. Cusachs, Robert W. Ogden)                                                Royal c. St. Philip
Cusachs              P. L.                (Cusachs & Ogden)                                                      d.       Royal c. St. Philip
Cusack               J.                   lab.                                                                            St. Thomas c. Terpsichore
Cusack               Martin B.            clerk                                                                       155 Poydras, d. Lafayette c. Philip
Cushing              Antoine              watchman                                                                        Algiers
Cushing              John                 laborer                                                                      13 Constance
Cushing              Wm. L.               com. mer., agent                    Eagle cotton gins,                       57 St. Charles
                                                                              steam engines and saw mills
Cushman              Chas. W.             (Abat, Marye & Cushman)                                                      69 Carondelet
Cusick               Martin               painter                                                                      82 Spain
Cusidios             Juan                 fishmonger                                                             d.   489 Villere
Cussole              E., Mrs.                                                                                         472 Villere, d. 3
Custi                B.                   butcher                                                                         Poydras market
Custner              George               lab.                                                                            Bagatelle n. Solidelle
Customhouse (appraisement) store No. 1                                                                                    Customhouse buildings
Customhouse store No. 2                                                                                                83 Bienville
Customhouse store No. 3                                                                                                86 Bienville
Customhouse store No. 4                                                                                               139 Magazine
Customhouse store No. 5                                                                                                   Julia c. Foucher
Customhouse store No. 6                                                                                                   Hospital b. Royal & Bourbon
Customhouse store No. 7                                                                                                   New Levee, c. Customhouse & Bienville
Cutler               R. King              attorney at law                                                        d.       Napoleon avenue n. Magazine, Jeff. City
                                          office 5 Commercial place
Cutler & Davenport                        (W. C. Cutler, Isom Davenport)                                  office       38 Exchange place
                                                                                                          lumber          Stock Landing, Jeff. City
Cutrer & Harrison                         (Isaac W. Cutrer, Geo. P. Harrison)                                    d.   360 Camp
                                          cot. fac. and com. mers.            27 Carondelet
Cutter               W. C.                clerk                               U. S. sub-treasury                          at the Mint
Cutter               Samuel W.                                                                                   d.   242 Canal
Cuvellier            Eugene                                                                                           541 St. Claude, d. 3
Cuvellier            P. C.                                                                                       d.       Gasquet c. Robertson
Cuvellier            Joseph               notary public                       79 Exchange place                  d.   153 Morales
Cuzette              Rosa                                                                                             253 Conti
Cweran               Henry                cigars                                                                      209 Tchoupitoulas
Cypress Grove Cemetery                                                                                                    Metairie ridge
Czar                 L.                   f. m. c.                                                                        Robertson n. Ann
Czarnowski           J. H.                clk.                                                                            Royal c. St. Philip
Czaronwski           O.                                                                                                   Poydras n. Penn
Czvitkoviez          Alexander, Rev.                                                                                   45 Constance

- D -

D'Abat               Basile               butcher                                                                      23 French market
D'Abat               J.                                                                                          d.   110 St. Peter
Dabeyis              A.                   blacksmith                                                             d.   120 Burgundy, d. 2
Dabney               James W.             clerk                                                                        71 Canal
Dabon                Nich.                professor                                                                   231 Claiborne, d. 2
Dobos                Jules                accountant                          12 Toulouse                        d.   380 St. Ann
Dabos                P.                   cooper                                                                      380 St. Ann
Daboval              F., Mrs.             midwife                                                                      72 Annette
Dacon                William              clerk                                                                       356 Camp
Da Cohen             Emma, Mrs.           midwife                                                                d.    76 Prytania
Dacosta              A.                   purser of steamship Tennessee
Dacosta              F. J.                grocer                                                                      133 Gasquet
Dacosta              Victor                                                                                            33 Dauphine
Dacosta              William              repairer                                                                    236 St. Louis
Daelli               Gino                 music store                                                                  78 Chartres
Daemal               Gertrude, Mrs.                                                                                    94 Clouet
Daffer               Bernard                                                                                              Goodchildren n. Spain
Daffos               B., Mrs.             grocery                                                                     167 Frenchmen
Daffy                Martin               cotton sampler                                                               25 Music
Dagan                Matthew              lab.                                                                            Roman n. Palmyra
Dagan                Michael              laborer                                                                     303 Franklin
Daggar               Conrad                                                                                               Josephine n. Mandeville
Dagner               Mary                 grocery                                                                      77 Delord
Dagoret              Auguste              clk.                                Canal c. Bourbon                   d.   285 Conti
Dagoret              Jean                                                                                             213 Toulouse
Dagorret             H.                   clerk                                                                           Conti c. Chartres
Dahiel               Thomas                                                                                            99 Frenchmen
Dahlen               Edward               laborer                                                                     630 Chartres, d. 3
Dahlstroem           A.                   apothecary                          134 Canal                          d.    19 Gasquet
Dahman               John                 laborer                                                                       7 Spain
Dahmer               John                 tailor                                                                      797 New Levee
Dahner               John C.              tailor                              339 Magazine                       d.    16 Bourbon
Dahoney              Pat.                 drayman                                                                     514 Royal, d. 3
Daigle               Louis                clerk                                                                         8 Front Levee
Daigre               Ernest               clerk                                                                        37 Chartres
Dailey               P., Mrs.                                                                                             Levee n. Adele
Dajan                Armand               clerk                                                                       164 Ursulines
Dakin                Charles J.                                               25 Commercial place                d.   398 Felicity
Dakin                J. H.                                                                                            398 Felicity
Dakin                Julia G., Mrs.                                                                                   398 Felicity
Daris                John                 marketman                                                                       Eighth n. Laurel
Daily                Benjamin, Mrs.                                                                                       Perdido n. Willow
Daily                Nicholas                                                                                             Rousseau c. St. Andrew
Daix                 Mrs.                 midwife                                                                      31 Dauphine
D'Albarado           Juste                account.                                                                     73 Old Levee
Dalberni             Jean Marie                                                                                       243 St. Claude, d. 2
Dalbron              Henry                                                                                                Second n. New Levee
Dalche               A.                   builder                                                                     284 St. Peter
Dalche               Achille              slater                                                                      284 St. Peter
Dalche               F. A.                clerk                                                                        67 Derbigny, d. 2
Dalcour              David                                                                                            219 St. Ann
Dalcour              E. T.                widow                                                                       323 Villere, d. 3
Dalcourt             Auguste              f. m. c.   lab.                                                             161 St. Ann
Dalcourt             Fred.                carpenter                                                                   337 Basin, d. 1
Dale                 Andrew               laborer                                                                      11 Melpomene
Dale                 Robt.                steamboat agent                                                             418 Dryades
Dale                 Sarah, Mrs.                                                                                      182 Annunciation
Daler                Jean                 butcher                                                                      21 Dryades market
Daley                James                clerk                                                                       165 Tchoupitoulas
Daley                James                drayman                                                                         Clara n. Lafayette
Daley                Matt.                cooper                                                                 d.   138 Tchoupitoulas
Daley                Matthias, Capt.                                                                                      Clio n. Howard
Daley                Michael              grocer                                                                      273 Carondelet
Daley                M.                   barkeeper                                                                       Lafayette c. Front
Daley                Pat.                 drayman                                                                      27 Calliope
Dalgo                Manuel                                                                                            77 St. Anthony
Dalian               Charles              c. h.                                                                       397 Chartres
Dalier               Auguste              butcher                                                                      21 Dryades mkt.
Dalier               Frederick                                                                                        231 Customhouse
Daliet               Jules                clerk                                                                        43 Chartres
Dallas               Wm. C.               (Jester & Dallas)                   Josephine n. Rousseau              d.       Chippewa n. St. Mary
Dalles               V., Mrs.             furnished rooms                                                             203 Julia
Dallimore            P. E.                                                                                            146 St. Anthony
Dalmazie             G. B.                shoemaker                                                                       Felicity n. Bacchus
Dalmazie             J. B.                                                                                                Felicity n. Carondelet
Dalon                Auguste              bricklyr.                                                                   166 Elys. Fields
Dalou                F.                   cook                                                                        361 O. Levee, d. 3
Dalton               John                 upholsterer                                                                 229 Poydras
Dalton               John                 clerk                                                                        66 Liberty n. Common
Dalton               J. G.                pilot                                                                        13 Jackson
Dalton               Mat.                 lab.                                                                        546 Dauphine, d. 3
Dalton               Michael              plast.                                                                 d.   422 Terpsichore
Dalton               Michael              (Murphy & Dalton)                                                               Front n. Girod
Dalton               Robt.                drayman                                                                         Gravier n. Bolivar
Dalton               Robt.                c. h.                                                                           St. Jane n. Common
Dalton               Sarah, Mrs.                                                                                          Washington n. Chippewa
Dalton               S. W., Dr.                                                                                       110 St. Charles
Dalton               Thomas               lab.                                                                         28 St. Joseph
Dalton               Wm.                                                                                         d.       Washington n. Annunciation
Dalton               Wm.                  clerk                                                                       169 Carondelet
Daly                 Christ               lab.                                                                         97 Gaiennie
Daly                 Henry                ship carp.                                                                      Villere n. Bartholomew, Algiers
Daly                 James                                                                                                Robin n. Tchoupitoulas
Daly                 James                printer                                                                     517 Burgundy, d. 3
Daly                 John                                                                                             326 Constance
Daly                 John                                                                                                 Conrey n. St. Charles
Daly                 John                                                                                             131 Franklin
Daly                 John                 lab.                                                                        104 Montegut
Daly                 John                 lab.                                                                         51 North market
Daly                 J.                   inspector customs                                                               Customhouse
Daly                 Mary                                                                                              52 St. Thomas
Daly                 Michael              grocer                                                                          Delord c. Foucher
Daly                 Michael                                                                                          111 Erato
Daly                 Nicholas                                                                                             St. Andrew n. Rousseau
Daly                 Patrick              clerk                                                                        37 Poydras
Daly                 Patrick              draymaster                                                                  297 Calliope
Daly                 Thomas               lab.                                                                         54 Thalia
Daly                 Thomas               lab.                                                                        399 Perdido
Daly                 Timothy              lab.                                                                            Bartholomew, Algiers
Daly                 Wm.                  lab.                                                                         64 St. Thomas
Daly                 Wm.                  blacksmith                                                                      Delaronde, Algiers
Dalz                 Bartolo                                                                                              Carrollton, R. R. depot
Daman                John                 lab.                                                                         67 Spain
Samare               Felix                clk.                                                                            Magazine c. Common
Damare               Frederick            cabinet maker                                                                   Customhouse n. Johnson
Damas                Louis                butch.                                                                       28 Dryades mkt
Damarin              A.                   salesman                                                                    100 Canal
Dambrun              Gould                butcher                                                                      92 French mkt
Damburn (sic)        H.                   butcher                                                                      18 French mkt
Damele               Louis                acct.                                                                           St. Louis c. Royal
Dameron              E. L. M. , Mrs.                                                                                  393 St. Charles
Dameron              C.                   charcoal                                                                     61 Dauphine
Dameron & Co.                             (J. D. Dameron, H. R. Bonneval)
                                          Dealers in Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloths, Curtain Goods, etc.,
                                          124 Canal street, Touro Buildings, d. 111 St. Joseph.
Dameron              Wm. H.               (Payne & Harrison)                  51 Union                           d.       St. Charles c. Sixth, d. 4
Dameyer              Henry                lab.                                                                            Marais c. Orleans
Damica               Salvador             poultry                                                                      22 Poydras mkt
Damico               Angelo               barber                                                                      210 Rampart, d. 1
Damiens              Hypolite             clerk                                                                       129 Royal
Damm                 Ditmas               tailor                                                                       76 St. Peter
Damour               John                 lab.                                                                        180 New Levee, d. 1
Damron               George                                                                                               Fourth c. Rousseau
Damron               Henry                                                                                            252 Rousseau
Damron               Stephen              undertk'r                                                                    21 Rousseau
Dana                 Francis              mktman                                                                      363 Burgundy, d. 3
Danantaner           L.                   tailor                                                                          Carondelet walk c. Derbigny
Danatognard          B.                   butcher                                                                      42 Poydras mkt
Dancer               C.                   oysters                                                                d.   388 Camp
Dancevich            Lazzaro              oysters, etc.                                                                   Customhouse c. Marais
Danchauer            Mark                                                                                                 Fourth n. Annunciation
Dancos               Bertraud (sic)       shoemkr.                                                                     87 Claiborne
Dancoste             Pierre               draym.                                                                      343 St. Ann
Danda                P.                   painter                                                                     255 Burgundy
Dandug               George               grocer                                                                          La. av. c. Laurel, Jeff. City
Dane                 Bernard              lab.                                                                        157 Chippewa
Danese               Nicholas, Capt.                                                                                  462 Royal
Danflous             Theodore
Dangel               Joseph               shoemkr.                                                                    224 Poydras
Dangerfield          Jane C.              music teacher                                                               214 Chippewa
Dangerfield          S. S. P.                                                                                         214 Chippewa
Dangele              Gaitano              barber                                                                      873 Magazine
Daniel               A.                   fireworks                                                                   149 Carondelet walk
Daniel               A. W.                clerk                                                                         6 Magazine
Daniel               Coffey               lab.                                                                         23 History
Daniel               Joseph               shoemkr.                                                                     22 Poydras
Daniel               Philip               clerk                                                                       489 Robertson, d. 3
Daniel               P.                   clerk                               106 Chartres                       d.    30 Urquhart
Daniell              C. W.                c. p.                                                                       523 Burgundy, d. 3
Daniell              George H.            agent                               N. O. & Texas Express                    96 Camp
Daniels              A.                                                                                               363 Royal, d. 3
Daniels              F.                   boiler maker                                                                    Goslin, Algiers
Daniels              John                 carp.                                                                       514 Royal, d. 3
Daniels              J. J.                iron house                                                                  209 Tchoupitoulas
Daniels              J. J.                                                                                       d.   331 Rampart, d. 1
Daniels              Wm. B.               boiler mkr.                                                                     Chestnut n. Patterson, Algiers
Dankoss              John                 butcher                             Treme market                            220 Orleans
Dann                 George               carpenter                                                                       Market n. St. Thomas
Danneche             Jean                 gilder                                                                       55 Villere
Danneel              H.                   (Francke & Danneel)                 com. & forw. mers.                       65 Magazine
Danneck              Jacob                shoemkr.                                                                    201 Claiborne
Dannel               H.                   tailor                                                                      154 Royal
Dannefels            D.                   butcher                                                                         Bordeaux c. St. Dennis, Jefferson City
Danneman             Ed.                  baker                                                                       270 Rampart, d. 1
Danniels             William, Mrs.                                                                                    489 Royal, d. 3
Danos                Louis                butcher                                                                      12 Dryades mkt
Danova               Josephine, Mrs.                                                                                  147 Orleans
Danquos              P.                   drayman                                                                         Claiborne c. Prosper
Dantagman            Bastien              butcher                                                                      33 Poydras market
Dantannier           Jean                                                                                             280 Bourbon
Dantanyan            Dominique                                                                                        196 Marais
Dantanyan            G.                   lab.                                                                            Bayou road n. Broad
Dantille             Pouponne             f. w.                                                                       178 Treme, d. 2
Dantilly             Louis                f. m. c.                                                                        Louisa c. Morales
Danto                L. P., Mrs.                                                                                      289 St. Charles
Dantonnet            A.                   musician                                                                    258 Main
Dantry               John                 lab.                                                                   d.   114 St. Thomas
Danty                Edward               butcher                                                                      41 French mkt
Danziger             Isidore              clk.                                                                            Royal c. St. Pierre
Danziger             Julius               dry gds.                                                                    125 Rampart, d. 1
Danziger             Theodore             dry goods                                                                       Royal c. St. Philip, d. over the store
Danzmann             John G.              lab.                                                                        783 Dauphine, d. 3
Daponte              Durant                                                                                               Dryades c. Thalia
Dapremont            Alex, Sr.
Dapremont            A.                   bookstore                                                                       Camp op. Square
D'Apremont           Celeste, Mrs.                                                                                        Philip n. Baronne
D'Apremont           E., Mrs.                                                                                         115 St. Joseph
D'Apremont           Louis                warehouseman                                                                    Celeste n. Tchoupitoulas
Daquin               Adolphe                                                                                           25 Gravier
Daquin               Albert               clerk                               17 St. Louis                       d.    16 Rampart, d. 2
Daquin               Charles, Mrs.        school                                                                      307 Chartres
Daquin               George               professor                                                                   307 Chartres
Daquin               H., Dr.                                                                                          195 Burgundy
Daquin               Thomas               grocer                              Burgundy c. Toulouse               d.    66 Toulouse
D'Aquin              Arthur               clerk                                                                       265 Rampart
D'Aquin              Edgar, Jr.           (Bragg & D'Aquin Jr.)                                                        26 Gravier
D'Aquin              Jules                clerk                                                                        32 Perdido
D'Aquin              Louis J.                                                                                             Bayou St. John, n. bridge
D'Aquin              Thomas               grocer                              166 Toulouse                       d.   159 Claiborne, d. 2
Daray                John                 butcher                                                                      36 Poydras market
Darby                Celestine                                                                                            St. John's route n. bridge
Darcantel            F. J. B.             f. m. c., carpenter                                                         419 Rampart, d. 3
Darcantel            Henry                clerk                                                                        38 Carondelet
Darcentel            Mrs.                                                                                             233 Esplanade
Darcantelle          A.                                                                                                   Royal c. Hospital
Dorcebourg           Charles, Mrs.                                                                                        Jena n. Chestnut, Jefferson City
Darcy                H. G.                (Wheeler, Geiger & Co.)             clothing                                  7 Magazine
Darcy                J.                   baker                                                                       385 Perdido
Darcy                J.                   sailor                                                                       89 Erato
Darcy                James                baker                                                                       331 Customhouse
D'Arcourt            James                beer house                                                                  215 Royal
D'Arcy               J.                   hat store                           1 Chartres                         d.       First n. Prytania
Dard                 Henry                jeweler                                                                      74 Ursulines
Dard                 Theodore             blacksmith                                                                  115 Burgundy
Darden               Michael                                                                                     d.    18 Louisa
Dardignac            M.                   artificial flowers                                                          161 Royal
Daret                M., Mrs.                                                                                             Bagatelle n. Solidelle
Daret                H., Dr.                                                                                           86 St. Philip
Dargony              Harriet                                                                                          133 Frenchmen
Darier               L., Mrs.                                                                                          23 Orleans
Darion               Arsene                                                                                            70 Esplanade
Darion               E. H., Mrs.                                                                                      198 St. Ann
Darisny              Joseph               bricklayer                                                                  246 Thalia
Darling              Thos.                upholsterer                                                                 415 St. Charles
Darmico              Frank, Mrs.          fruit                                                                       303 Rampart
Darnez               Morris               laborer                                                                      94 St. Joseph
Darnley              Thos.                steamboatman                                                                182 Bienville
Daron                C. J.                consul of Rome                      93 Common                          d.    13 Villere, d. 1
Daron                P. J.                accountant                                                                   60 Old Levee
Darmody              James                laborer                                                                      24 Delord
Daroux               E., Mrs.             c. h.                                                                           Claiborne n. Common
Darouny              B.                   milk                                                                            Marigny n. Force
Darquinaratez        A., Mrs.                                                                                         215 Bienville
Darr                 John                 cartman                                                                         Marengo n. Chestnut
Darras               John                 grocery                                                                         c. Claiborne & Annette
Darras               Widow                                                                                            275 Royal
Darrodes             Marcel               c. h.                                                                       229 Melpomene
Darroeh              Daniel               refinery                                                                    180 Rousseau
Darrot               A.                   school for boys                                                              96 St. Ann
Darrus               Jean                 French market                                                          d.       Eighth n. Laurel
Darrus               J. M.                butcher                                                                         Magazine c. Marengo, Jefferson City
Darsse               G.                   slater                                                                      139 Hospital
D'Artaznan           B.                   butcher                                                                         Laurel n. Milan, Jefferson City
Dartigues            A., Mrs.                                                                                         147 Goodchildren
Dary                 John                 butcher                                                                      36 Poydras market
Daschner             John                 grocer                                                                          Sixth c. Chippewa
Dascier              F.                   oysters                                                                     231 Customhouse
Dasher               C., Mrs.             groc'y                                                                          Sixth n. Prytania
Da Silva             A. J.                com. mer. & importer of wines                                          d.   182 Bourbon
                                          42 Old Levee
Da Silva             Benjamin                                                                                             Carondelet n. Julia
Da Silva             D. H.                clerk                                                                           Carondelet n. Julia
Da Silva & Co.                            (F. J. Da Silva, Dorcino Landry)                                             14 Carondelet
                                          com. mers.
Da Silva             F. J.                (Da Silva & Co.)                                                       d.   281 Bayou road
Daspit               Louis                dry goods                                                                   537 Magazine
Daspit               Louisa, Mrs.         dry goods                                                                       St. Mary c. Camp
Daspit               Phenix               carpenter                                                                       Algiers
Dassing              F., Mrs.                                                                                         444 Hospital
Dastague             Ellen                                                                                                Sixth n. Fulton
Dastas               John, Mrs.           poultry                                                                     231 Bourbon
Dasie                Honora               f. w. c.                                                                        Jackson n. Liberty
Dastillon            G.                   butcher                                                                       4 Poydras market
Dastillon            Placide              butcher                             25 Poydras market                  d.       Laurel n. Harmony
Dastmer              John                 grocer                                                                          Fourth n. Laurel
Dastue               John                 butcher                                                                     258 Lafayette
Dastugue             B.                   butcher                                                                      18 Treme market
Dastugue             Francois                                                                                         100 Poydras market
Dastugue             Julia                f. w. c.                                                                    286 St. Louis
Datas                P.                   butcher                                                                      25 Poydras market
Dater                C.                   laborer                                                                      61 Laurel
Daubert              Augustus             tinsmith                                                                    110 Poydras
Daubert              F.                   dry goods                                                                   825 Rampart, d. 3
Daubert              L.                   f. w. c.                                                                        Urquhart n. Port
Daubert              Ovide                cooper                                                                      195 Marigny
Dauboin              G.                   jeweler                                                                     873 Magazine, d. 4
Daucoy               D.                   bread                                                                        37 Toulouse
Daudart              L.                                                                                                   Greatmen n. Esplanade
Dauduc               Wm.                                                                                                  Seventh n. Constance
Dauer                Antoine                                                                                              St. Ann n. Rocheblave
Dauer                Henry                lab.                                                                         29 Laharpe
Dauer                J. V.                grocer                                                                      335 Bayou road
Dauer                John Philip                                                                                      115 Ursulines
Dauenhaner           P.                   tailor                                                                      143 Carondelet walk
Daugherty            J. M.                builder                             c. Lafayette & Basin               d,   173 Basin
Daugherty            Owen                 marketman                                                                   138 Claiborne, d. 2
Daunes               L.                   clerk                                                                        36 Bienville
Daunes               Osmond                                                                                           217 Columbus
Daunis               Safroid              book keeper                                                                     St. Charles c. Union
Daunis               Silvain T.           clerk                                                                        18 Chartres
Daunois              Elizabeth, Mrs.                                                                                  458 Royal, d. 3
Daunois              Etienne, Mrs.                                                                                    193 Treme, d. 2
Daunois              Geo., Mrs.                                                                                       356 Royal, d. 3
Daunois              Louis R.             clerk                                                                        77 Chartres
Daunois              N.                   shoemaker                                                                       St. Ann c. St. Claude
Daunois              Patrick              custom house                                                           d,   310 St. Claude, d. 3
Daunoy               A. L.                                                                                                Jena n. Magazine, Jeff. City
Daunoy               C. F., Mrs.                                                                                      549 Royal, d. 3
Daunoy               F., Mrs.                                                                                         229 Columbus
Daunoy               Jules                acct.                               4 St. Louis                        d.   190 Claiborne
Daunoy               J. L.                book keeper                                                                 112 Johnson
Daunoy               Louis                caulker                                                                     101 Marigny
Daunoy               Louis                f. m. c.                                                                        Marigny n. Burgundy
Daunoy               M. J.                collector                                                                   275 St. Ann
Daunoy               R. F.                                                                                            137 Hospital
Daunoy               V. F.                ins. customs                                                                400 Barracks
Daunoy               V. F.                                                                                                Barracks n. Miro
Dauphin              August                                                                                      d.   126 Lafayette
Dauphin              Armond               mason                                                                  d.   227 Dauphine
Dauphin              B., Mrs.                                                                                             Claiborne n. St. Philip
Dauphin              Com____                                                                                           81 Clemence
Dauphin              Charles              f. m. c., painter                                                           372 Burgundy, d. 3
Dauphin              Francis              cigar maker                                                                 167 Main
Dauphin              Henry                                                                                            226 Robertson, d. 2
Dauphin              J. B., Mrs.                                                                                      274 Prieur, d. 3
Dauphin              John, Mrs.                                                                                       367 Robertson, d. 3
Dauphin              Leon                 plasterer                                                                   378 Derbigny, d. 3
Dauphin              Numa                 carpenter                                                                    81 St. Ann
Dauphin              Ovid                 tailor                              42 Conti                           d.   253 Robertson
Dauphin              O.                   storekeeper                                                                     Clara n. Perdido
Dauphin              T., Mrs.                                                                                         583 Dauphine, d. 3
Dauphin              Victor                                                                                           312 Prieur
Dauphin              W.                   clerk                                                                           Claiborne n. St. Philip
Daussat              J. L.                                                                                            114 Burgundy
Daussau              Dominique                                                                                         40 Greatmen
Dautel               A., Mrs.                                                                                         270 Camp
Dautrive             Eliza                f. w. c.                                                                    311 St. Philip
Dauts                John                 barber                                                                          Louisa n. Love
Dauvoisin            M., Mrs.                                                                                             Dauphine n. Barracks
Davant               G.                   butcher                                                                       8 Dryades mkt
Dave's barber shop                                                                                                     31 Poydras
Davenue              C., Mrs.             bakery                                                                          Bayou road
Davenport            A.                   f. w. c.  rooms                                                             184 Gravier
Davenport            B. F.                ship carp                                                                    95 Craps
Davenport            E.                   acct.                               43 Natchez                         d.     4 St. Bernard
Davenport            Isom                 (Cutler & Davenport)                                                   d.       New Levee n. Peniston, Jeff. City
                                          office 38 Exchange place
Davenport            Joseph               f. m. c., pastor                    Third Baptist Church               d.   306 Roman, d. 3
Davenport            Wm.                                                                                                2 Levee, d. 3
Daveret              Paul                 butcher                                                                      11 French mkt
Deverne              Charlotte                                                                                        401 Bayou road
Davern               James                                                                                            159 Lafayette
Davey                Michael                                                                                              St. Mary n. Rousseau
Davezac              A., Mrs.                                                                                          25 Foucher
Davezac              D.                   butcher                                                                      30 Treme mkt
David                Alex.                clerk                                                                        56 Royal
David                Alphonse                                                                                             Bayou bridge
David                Arsene, Miss         dressmak.                                                                   298 St. Ann
David                C. P.                mate                                                                        469 Rampart, d. 1
David                Ernest               clerk                               21 Common                          d.    42 St. Peter
David                John C.              atty. at law                        50 St. Ann                         d.   462 St. Claude
David                Joseph               b. h.                                                                        28 Ursulines
David                J. S.                planter                                                                         Gretna
David                L. P.                daguerrean                                                                  124 Royal
David                Madame               variety store                                                               151 Chartres
David                Oscar                f. m. c.                                                                     99 Treme, d. 2
David                Victor, jr.          clerk                                                                        42 St. Peter
David                Victor               hardware                            7 Old Levee, d. 2                  d.    42 St. Peter
Davidson             David                book keeper                         8 Magazine                         d.   379 Baronne
Davidson             Edward               blacksmith                                                                      Lafayette av. Gretna
Davidson, J. M. & M. M. Reynolds          attys. at law                                                                13 Camp
Davidson, John & James C.                 Slate Merchants                                                        d.  218  St. Charles
                                          1 Davidson Row, 110 Carondelet
Davidson             John C.              clerk                               64 Canal                           d.   209 Gasquet
Davidson             L. M.                                                                                            334 Barracks
Davidson             Peter                shoemaker                                                                   139 Barracks
Davidson             Robert               machinist                                                                       St. Mary n. Coliseum
Davidson             Samuel               brass foundry                                                          d.    88 Poydras
Davidson             Thomas               clerk                                                                        41 Magazine
Davidson             Nathan, Dr.                                                                                          Old Levee n. Barracks
Davidston            Robert                                                                                           288 St. Mary
Davies               D.                   slater                                                                          Johnson n. Palmyra
Davies               E.                   carpenter                                                                   337 Basin, d. 1
Davies               John L.              clerk                                                                           Roman c. Canal
Davies               R.                   clerk                               130 Canal                          d.       Roman n. Canal
Davieson             Thomas, Dr.                                                                                      422 Chartres
Davilla              Manuel Jean          lab.                                                                        121 Mandeville
Daville              Alfred               distiller                                                                       Prieur n. Canal
Davin                Charles F.           barkeep                                                                d.    69 Polymnia
Davis                Aaron                clerk                                                                       149 Common
Davis                Ann                  f. w. c.                                                                     83 Villere, d. 2
Davis                Augustus                                                                                         157 Hospital
Davis                A. A., Mrs.          b. h.                                                                        11 Elysian Fields
Davis                B. A.                                                                                            748 Magazine, d. 4
Davis Bros.                               (O. B. Davis, A. P. Davis)                                                  93  Camp
                                          Agents Fairbanks' Scales, Lillie's Safes,
                                          Willcox & Gibbs' Sewing Machines
Davis                Charles              c. h.                                                                           Adele c. Rousseau
Davis                Cicero, Mrs.                                                                                      23 St. Ferdinand
Davis                C., Mrs.                                                                                             Jefferson n. Newton, McD.
Davis                David                mate                                                                         64 Liberty
Davis                David                slater                                                                          Johnson n. Palmyra
Davis                Dinah                f. w. c.                                                                    453 Robertson, d. 3
Davis                D.                   screwman                                                                        Kerlerec n. Claiborne
Davis                D. E.                                                                                            308 Melpomene
Davis                E.                   furnished rooms                                                              11 Treme, d. 2
Davis                Edward               com. mer.                           38 Carondelet                      d.       Prytania c. Second
Davis                Edw.                 f. m. c.                                                                        Bienville n. Dauphine
Davis                Ellen, Mrs.          seamstress                                                                   50 Calliope
Davis                Ellen                                                                                            187 Foucher
Davis                Eliza Jane                                                                                        65 Johnson, d. 2
Davis                Emma                 furn. rooms                                                                 131 Bienville
Davis                Emily A.                                                                                          25 Rampart, d. 2
Davis                E. A.                feed store                          5 Poydras                          d.   430 Franklin
Davis                E.                   cooper                                                                 d,   188 Toulouse
Davis                Fanny, Mrs.          matron                              Widows' & Orphans' Home                     Prytania n. St. Mary
Davis                Floresca                                                                                         220 Main
Davis                Frances, Mrs.                                                                               d.     3 Euterpe
Davis                Geo.                 paper hanging                       295 St. Peter                      d.   138 Bourbon
Davis                Gustave                                                                                              Third n. Rousseau
Davis                Gustave              teacher                                                                      25 Music
Davis                Horatio, Mrs.                                                                                    121 Barracks
Davis                G. L. C.             manager                             National Telegraph Office          d.   380 Rampart, d. 1
                                          St. Charles c. Gravier
Davis                Henry P.                                                                                         449 Rampart, d. 3
Davis                H.                   screwman                                                                    147 Josephine
Davis & Jackson                           (W. Davis, Jacob Jackson)
                                          Merchant Tailors & Clothiers, Men & Boys' Clothing,
                                          167 Poydras. Manufactory, 54 Vesey street, New York.
Davis                James                                                                                       d.    38 Erato
Davis                James                f. m. c., lab.                                                              425 Rampart, d. 3
Davis                James, Capt.                                                                                     713 Burgundy, d. 3
Davis                James                                                                                                c. Chestnut & Second
Davis                James                wh'f builder                                                                138 Casacalvo
Davis, Jenkins & Co.                      (J. P. Davis, T. M. Jenkins, Ab. Jenkins)                                    67 Carondelet
                                          cotton factors                      Factors' row
Davis                J. P.                (Davis, Jenkins & Co.)                                                 d.   138 Carondelet
Davis                John                 drays                                                                       531 Rampart, d. 3
Davis                John                 tailor                                                                 d.   408 Dryades
Davis                John D.              carpenter                                                                       Levee n. Bordeaux, Jeff. City
Davis                John                                                                                                 St. Anthony n. Morales
Davis                John                 lab.                                                                        639 Royal, d. 3
Davis                John                 drayman                                                                         Rocheblave n. Customhouse
Davis                John L.              coll'r.                                                                         First n. St. Dennis
Davis                John L.              clerk                               148 Canal                          d.       Second n. St. Patrick
Davis                John R.                                                                                          143 Howard
Davis                Joseph               c. h.                                                                        18 Front Levee, d. 2
Davis                Joseph W.            acct.                                                                        17 Chartres
Davis                James                                                    24 Poydras market                  d.   220 Dryades
Davis                J. W.                acct.                               38 Union                           d.       Magazine c. Marengo, Jeff. City
Davis                Joseph               screwman                                                                    178 St. Anthony
Davis                J. L.                clerk                                                                       146 Canal
Davis                J.                   warehouseman                                                                    Gasquet n. Galvez
Davis                Lucille                                                                                          199 Union, d. 3
Davis                Lucille              f. w. c.                                                                        Prosper c. Union
Davis                L. A.                sugar broker                                                                    St. Andrew n. Chestnut
Davis                L. C., Mrs.                                                                                       26 St. Ferdinand
Davis                Malachi              bricklayer                                                                      Cypress n. Johnson
Davis                Martin               pilot                                                                  d.   142 Spain
Davis                Michael              tinsmith                                                               d,   161 Thalia
Davis                M. G.                publisher                                                                       Second c. Dublin, Carrollton
Davis                M. H.                                                                                              8 Front Levee, d. 2
Davis                Mrs.                 widow                                                                        35 Claiborne, d. 2
Davis                Paul                 carpenter                                                                    38 Claiborne, d. 2
Davis                P. E.                jeweler                             99 Common                          d.       Nap. av. n. Camp, Jeff City
Davis                Rees                                                                                                 Roman n. Canal
Davis                Rebecca                                                                                          113 Villere, d. 2
Davis                R. M.                president                           Bank La.                           d.       Gentilly road
Davis                Richard              builder                             431 Baronne                        d.   356 St. Philip
Davis                Roswell M.           jeweler                                                                     103 Gravier
Davis                Samuel                                                                                            50 Girod, d. 1
Davis                Samuel B.                                                                                            Polymnia n. St. Charles
Davis                Samuel               lab.                                                                        139 Old Levee, d. 2
Davis                Sarah                dressmaker                                                                   71 Burgundy
Davis                Ste. Colombe         clerk                                                                        70 Frenchmen
Davis                Stephen              jewelry                                                                     103 Gravier
Davis                S. H., Jr.           box 250 Mec. Ex.                    19 St. Charles                     d.       Derbigny n. Gasquet
Davis                Thomas                                                                                            68 Marais, d. 2
Davis                Thomas               steward                                                                     429 Chartres, d. 3
Davis                Thos. G.                                                                                             St. Mary n. Annunciation
Davis                Thos. N.             clk.                                Ins. Co.                                117 Frenchmen
Davis                Warren                                                                                           235 Girod
Davis                William              (Davis & Jackson)                                                           175 Poydras
Davis                William, Jr.         sugar broker                                                                    Camp c. Josephine
Davis                Wm. E.               clerk                                                                           Claiborne n. Canal, d. 1
Davis                Wm. G.                                                                                           416 Bank place
Davis                Wolfe                dry gds.                                                                    342 Rampart, d. 3
Davis                W. L., Dr.                                                                                       127 Carondelet
Davis                W. T.                Dealer in Cabinet Furniture, Looking Glasses, Spring,  Hair
                                          and Moss Mattresses, Matting, etc.
                                          169 Canal op. the Church
Davison              Chas. W.             milk                                                                        318 Orleans
Davison              John                 warehouseman                                                                211 Gasquet
Davison              Wm.                  attorney at law                                                        d.   721 Burgundy, d. 3
Davizac              Jean Marie           tailor                                                                      105 St. Philip
Davoine              C.                   milliner                                                                    317 Chartres
Davoine              J. M.                locksmith                                                                    96 Conti
Davoran              Thomas               ditcher                                                                         Jersey c. Cadiz, Jefferson City
Davoren & West                            (John Davoren, F. P. West)
                                          House, Sign, Steamboat & Ornamental Painters.
                                          Dealers in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Window Glass, &c.,
                                          77 Poydras.
Davy                 John C.              saddler                                                                     201 Magazine
Davy                 Patrick              laborer                                                                      52 Adele
Dawe                 Henry                laborer                                                                     565 St. Claude, d. 3
Dawes                Henry C.             engineer                                                                    311 Claiborne
Dawley               George               cooper                                                                       68 St. Joseph
Dawson               Bridget                                                                                           62 Robertson, d. 2
Dawson & Co.                              (John Dawson, Eugene Boisseau)                                         d.    28 Liberty
                                          wholesale hatters                   48 Chartres
Dawson               John H.              engineer                                                                    333 Liberty
Dawson               Mary Ann             f. w. c.                                                                    283 St. Peter
Dawson               Richard              laborer                                                                         Josephine n. Rousseau
Day                  Elizabeth            f. w. c., furnished rooms                                                    13 Treme, d. 2
Day                  Henry D.             coachman                                                                    230 Conti
Day                  Henry                laborer                                                                     125 Morales
Day                  James                shipping clerk                                                               70 St. Thomas
Day                  James M.             clerk                                                                  d.   144 Prytania
Day                  John H., Mrs.                                                                                    347 Basin, d. 1
Day                  J. Madison           att'y at law                                                                 57 St. Charles
Day & Klein                               (Sylranus B. Day, John A. Klein)                                            494 Magazine
                                          lumber yard
Day                  Thomas               jobber                                                                       18 Poyfarre
Day                  Thomas               accountant                                                             d.       Marengo n. Magazine, Jefferson City
Day & Co.                                 (W. C. Day, Edward Nalle, John R. Waterman)                                 122 Gravier
                                          cotton factors
Day                  Wm. Crawford         (Day & Co.)                                                                     basement St. Charles Hotel
Day                  William K.           builder                             Felicity n. St. Charles            d.   144 Prytania
Dayo                 Bridget              b. h.                                                                        76 Gaiennie
Dayton               Samuel H.            ship mate                                                              d.   348 Melpomene
Dazet                Baptist              butcher                             St. Mary's market                           Levee n. Harmony
Dazet                Philip               butcher                                                                      18 Dryades market
Dazet                Placide              butcher                             French market                      d.    78 Main
Dazzet               Leon                 butcher                             20 Poydras market                  d.   549 Chippewa
Dazzet               P.                   butcher                                                                      26 French market
Dea                  Antonio                                                                                          431 St. Claude, d. 3
Dea                  John                 clerk                               16 Carondelet                      d.   431 St. Claude
Deacon               Stephen              laborer                                                                     157 Franklin
Deacon               Wm.                  clerk                               Customhouse                        d.   554 Camp
Deady                Joseph               potter                                                                          Cadez n. Camp, J. C.
Deahl                Louis                blacksmith                                                                      Market n. Levee
Dean, Alex. W. & Chas. J.                                                                                             425 Dryades
Dean                 Elizabeth, Mrs.      millinery                                                                   114 Rampart
Dean                 Irene, Mrs.                                                                                          Howard c. Felicity
Dean                 James                screwman                                                               d,   109 Religious
Dean                 John                 laborer                                                                     229 Poydras
Dean                 Mrs.                                                                                                 Josephine n. St. Thomas
Dean                 Robert               paver                                                                           Perdido c. Galvez
Dean                 Robert W.            ship agent                                                                  117 Gravier
Dean                 William T.           c. p.                                                                  d.   449 Terpsichore
Dean                 Wm. H.               blacksmith                                                                   68 St. Philip
De Andries           Mrs.                 midwife                                                                     117 Orleans
Dear                 Thomas               finisher                                                                        Urquhart n. st. Ferdinand
Dearcausso           Jean                 butcher                                                                     220 Orleans
Dearie               Alexander                                                                                         76 Carondelet
Dearie               James W.                                                                                    d.   430 Carondelet
Dearien              E. H.                                                                                            209 St. Louis
De Arman, John & Co. (W. F. Long)         commission mers.                                                             67 Tchoupitoulas
De Armas             Albert                                                                                      d.   290 Claiborne
De Armas             Arthur                                                                                             7 St. Peter, d. 2
De Armas             Arthur C.            deputy surveyor-general             109 Exchange place                 d.   565 St. Claude, d. 3
De Armas             C. A.                                                                                            327 Main
De Armas             C., Mrs.                                                                                             Main c. Prieur
De Armas             Charles                                                                                          362 Dauphine, d. 3
De Armas             Christoval                                                                                           Claiborne n. Canal
De Armas             Felix, Mrs.                                                                                      288 Claiborne, d. 2
De Armas             Felix                                                                                            288 Claiborne, d. 2
De Armas             Michael              deputy sheriff                                                         d.   488 Royal, d. 3
De Armas             Octave               notary public                       144 Royal                          d.   279 Royal
De Armas             Rosemond             paying teller                       Merchants' & Traders' Bank         d.   178 Burgundy
Deaton               John                                                                                                 Chippewa n. Washington
Deayala              Y.                                                                                          d.   165 Claiborne
DeBar                Ben.                 lessee                              St. Charles Theatre                     196 Baronne
DeBar                Mrs.                 dancing academy                                                             196 Baronne
Debardierres         Michael              blacksmith                                                                  225 Chartres
Debat                Andrew               coffee house                                                                    New Levee c. Louisiana avenue, Jefferson City
Debat                Antoine              butcher                                                                d,    94 Main
Debat                Jules                wheelwright                                                                 183 Bayou road
Debat                Philip               butcher                                                                d.   139 Dauphine
Debat                Pierre               grocer                                                                          Burgundy c. Conti
Debats               B.                   butcher                                                                      93 French market
Debaud               Charles              coal & wood yard                                                                Derbigny n. Bienville
Debaun               J.                                                                                                   Locality not reported (sic)
Debelf               M.                                                                                                   Esplanade n. Royal
Debergue             Joseph               shoe store                          Bayou road c. St. Charles          d,   100 Mandeville
Debergue             Michael                                                                                           47 Laharpe
Debergue             Michael                                                                                           72 Union, d. 3
Debergue             Michael                                                                                          469 St. Claude, d. 3
Debergue             Oscar, Mrs.                                                                                      144 Union
Debis                Jacques                                                                                              Bayou road c. Derbigny
DeBlanc              Alexander                                                                                         25 Front Levee, d. 2
DeBlanc              Armand                                                                                      d.   373 Orleans
DeBlanc              A. E.                feed store                                                                   25 Front Levee, d. 2
DeBlanc              Charles, Jr.         attorney at law                                                              51 Exchange place
DeBlanc              Charles W.                                                                                       315 Main
DeBlanc              Charles              accountant                          63 Old Levee, d.  2                d.   225 Main
DeBlanc              Charles                                                                                     d.   339 Main
DeBlanc              J. A.                                                                                             83 Louisa
DeBlanc              Lewis, Jr.           clerk                                                                        38 Old Levee
DeBlanc              L. D., Mrs.                                                                                 d.   277 Bayou road
DeBlanc              O. N.                clerk                                                                        36 Perdido
Deblieux             A., Mrs.                                                                                         191 Customhouse
DeBlois & Johnson                         (John DeBlois, Geo. A. Johnson)                                               8 Front Levee, d. 1
                                          western produce
DeBlois              John                 (Deblois & Johnson)                                                           8 Front Levee, d. 1
DeBoisblanc          Alfred                                                                                            34 Love
Debolt               Joseph H.            apothecary                                                             d.   420 St. Charles
Debon                A. S.                carpenter                                                                       Camp n. Thalia
Deborde              Eugene F.            f. m. c.                                                                    148 St. Peter
Deborde              Joseph               f. m. c., bricklayer                                                        311 Orleans
Debordinave          F.                   grocer                                                                      321 Chartres
Debou                Valentin                                                                                             First n. Chippewa
Debouchel            V.                   inspector of customs                                                            Custom house
De Bour              Chas.                drayman                                                                         Franklin n. Canal
Debourtcommeux       T.                                                                                                   Barracks n. Prieur
DeBow's Commercial Review                                                                                              68 Camp
Debolles             S. B., Mrs.           St. John House                                                             174 Camp
Debreton             G.                   collector                                                                   179 Gasquet
Debretton            Edmund F.            salesman                                                                     86 Canal
Dabriasy             C.                                                                                               132 Bourbon
Debrgeys             H.                                                                                               347 St. Charles
DeBruills            Alex                 furniture                                                                    88 Bienville
Debue                Jean                 butcher                                                                      75 French market
Debussieres          ----- (sic)          b. h.                               29 Johnson, d. 2                   d.       Conti c. Roman
DeBays               Emile                secretary Star Ins. Co.             22 St. Charles                     d.   213 Bayou road
DeBays               H. M.                (H. F. Lonsdale, Son & Co.)         89 Gravier                         d.   179 St. Ann
DeBuys & Ogden                            (Lucien DeBuys, Wallace Ogden)                                         d.       Bayou road c. Treme
                                          stock, note & exchange brokers
                                          22 1/2 Carondelet
DeBuys               Ovide                                                                                             89 Conde
DeBuys               P. A.                                                    140 Ursulines                      d.   177 St. Ann
DeCan                C. F.                grocery                                                                      70 Mandeville
DeCarlos             Louis                barber                                                                       95 Music
DeCastang            B.                                                                                                54 Main
DeCastelnau          Dominique            druggist                                                                    105 Royal
DeCastro             G.                   western produce                     Natchez c. Tchoupitoulas           d.   170 Bayou road
DeCastro             Jacob                book keeper                         25 Chartres                        d.   230 Erato
Decaux               Victor               clerk                                                                           St. Louis n. Villere
Dechamps             E.                   No. 20 St. Louis street. French Wines, Brandies, Cordials,
                                          Swiss Absinth, Kirchenwasser, Fruits in Brandy, Fruits in
                                          their Juice, Domestic Liquors, etc., etc.
DeChaux              A.                                                                                                12 St. Bernard
Dechateau            John                 crockery                                                                    102 Main
DeChazel             Peter                                                                                             23 History
DeChoiseul           Chas.                atty. at law                                                                 16 Ex. place
Deck                 Francis P.                                                                                       231 Bienville
Deck                 Francois             cabinet maker                       59 Royal                           d.       Bienville n. Marais
Deckban              Henry                drayman                                                                         St. Mary n. Constance
Decker               Archibald                                                                                            New Levee c. Ninth
Decker               A. C.                accountant                                                                   26 Magazine
Decker               G.                   tailor                                                                       14 Crossman
Decker               L.                   cabinet maker                                                               104 Montegut
Decker               M. M., Capt.                                                                                d.    26 Josephine
Deckerson            C.                   carpenter                                                                   241 Liberty
Decking              F.                   watchmkr.                                                                   172 Rampart, d. 1
Declouet             A.                                                                                                   Craps c. Mandeville
Declouet             E.                   bricklayer                                                                  205 Mandeville
Declouet             Simon                                                                                            639 Rampart, d. 3
Decloux              Jenny                f. w. c.                                                                     67 Villere, d. 3
Decorte              Abraham K.           clk.                                                                        408 Villere, d. 3
Decoud               Antoine                                                                                              Urquhart n. Spain
Decoud               Charles                                                                                           44 St. Anthony
Decoudreau           J. C.                carp.                                                                        30 St. Anthony
Decoudreau           Louis                shoemkr                                                                     415 St. Ann
Decoudreau           Louis                bricklyr                                                                    331 Prieur, d. 3
Decoux               C.                   clerk                                                                       117 Gravier
Decoursey            Richard              laborer
Decourt              Joseph                                                                                               Burgundy n. St. Ann
Decoux               V.                                                       sergeant d. 2                      d.   239 Orleans
DeCuenco             F.                   oysters                                                                     235 Baronne
Decuir               A., Mrs.                                                                                          87 Bourbon
Dedden               J.                                                                                                   Canal n. New Levee
Dede                 Bazil                f. m. c.                                                                        St. Claude c. Barracks
Dede                 Bazil, Jr.           f. m. c., bricklayer                                                        178 Mandeville
De Dopff, W. & Co.                        Importers & Dealers in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, White Lead
                                          Zinc White, Window Glass, &c., 91 Magazine.
De Dopff             W.                   (W. De Dopff & Co.)                                                    d.       Louisiana avenue n. Prytania
Dee                  Martin               oysters                                                                      44 Girod
Dee                  Patrick              laborer                                                                      77 Spain
Dee                  Thomas               laborer                                                                         Liberty n. Erato
Deegan               Mary Ann             teacher                                                                     275 Franklin
Deckbas              Henry                carpenter                                                                       St. Mary c. Constance
Deel                 Louis                blacksmith                                                             d.       Market near Front Levee
D'Eprement           Celeste du L.                                                                                        Brainard n. Philip
Deering              John                                                                                                 Erato n. Thalia
Deering              J. B.                ice                                                                             Calliope n. Magnolia
Deering              P.                   painter                                                                         Magnolia n. Seventh
Deering              Willis                                                                                               Galvez n. Poydras
Deeringer            Jno.                 drayman                                                                         Laurel n. Eighth
Dees                 Sarah, Mrs.                                                                                       94 Franklin
Deeters              H.                                                                                                   First n. St. Dennis
Deetjen              N.                   accountant                                                                  125 Chartres
Defaux               J.                   clerk                                                                       155 Canal
Deferetty            Charles              cigars & barber shop                                                            Common c. Claiborne
Deferiet             Gabriel              auctioneer                          Exchange place c. Conti            d.    74 Louisa
Deffarge             Gustave              (Lafitte & Deffarge)                                                   d.   107 St. Philip
                                          wines & liquors                     163 Royal
Deffarge             Marie, Mrs.                                                                                      145 Conti
Deffenback           M.                                                                                                   St. Dennis n. Sixth
Deffes               Jean                 butcher                                                                      99 French market
Deffes               Louis                butcher                             95 French market                   d.   580 Orleans
Deffes               Pierre                                                                                            18 Poydras market
Deffez               E.                   (Tamboury, Olivarri & Co.)                                             d.   242 Claiborne
Defilbow             Louis                                                                                                Jefferson City
Defour               Bertrand             wheelwright                                                                 125 Carondelet walk
Defranchis           S. A.                b. h.                                                                       109 St. Charles
Defrasse             A.                   sculptor                            366 Gravier                        d.    77 Gasquet
Defrates             J.                   lab.                                                                            Annunciation n. Richard
Defreche             J.                   butcher                                                                      26 Poydras market
De Fuentis           J.                   clerk                                                                       31  Carondelet
Degan                Charles              grocer                                                                      454 Royal, d. 3
Degan                Samuel               laborer                                                                         Third n. Magazine
Degasse              Chas.                cakes                                                                       386 St. Claude, d. 3
Degau                Edward               laborer                                                                     209 Rampart, d. 1
Degau                Geo.                 cabinet maker                                                               449 Bienville
Degaujac             S., Mrs.                                                                                           8 St. Philip
Degean               Adelaide, Mrs.       dress maker                                                                 871 Magazine, d. 4
Degear               Hiram H.             ship carp.                                                                      Peter, Algiers
Degelos              L.                   clerk                                                                       335 Marais, d. 3
Degen                Mathias              ragman                                                                      340 Ursulines
Degeorge             A.                   grocer                                                                      229 Esplanade
Degeorge             G.                   grocer                                                                          Royal c. Hospital
Deglatigny           E., Mrs.                                                                                         216 Dauphine
Degnan               Thos.                warehouseman                                                           d.   112 Erato
DeGoicouria          D.                   com. mer. & fire arms                                                        75 Camp
DeGourney            P. F.                                                                                       d.   233 Main
Degoute              Louis                cook                                                                        107 Conti
Degrais              Joseph T.                                                                                         60 Desire
Degrange             James                                                                                            241 Thalia
Degrange             Joseph H.            clerk                               48 Carondelet                      d.   241 Thalia
Degrey               Lucien F.            clk.                                                                   d.   266 Melpomene
Degrey               Louis F.             apothecary                                                                  140 Chartres
Degro                H.                   turner                                                                      214 Bienville
Degruy               Alphonse             cotton sampler                                                                  Union over New Orleans Bank
Degruy               Anthime              clerk                                                                      129  Common
Degruy               Camille V.           clerk                                                                       129 Common
Degruy               Chas. J.             clerk                                                                           Union over Bank
Degruy               Eugene               clerk                               64 Canal                           d.   248 Bayou road
Degruy               E. A.                                                                                                Rampart c. Frenchmen
Degruy               E. B.                                                                                       d.       Frenchmen c. Rampart
Degruy               Eugene J.            c. p.                                                                       222 St. Philip
Degruy               Felix                clerk                                                                           St. Philip c. Treme
Degruy               Henry                                                                                       d.   465 Rampart
Degruy               Jean                                                                                             313 Orleans
Degray               J. B.                clerk                                                                           St. Ann
Degruy               Joseph C.            cotton weigher                                                         d.   466 Dryades
Degruy               J. V.                                                                                            246 Bourbon
Degruy               L. F.                clerk                               Factor's row, 38 Perdido           d.   266 Melpomene
Degruy               P. F.                accountant                          22 Common                          d.       St. Philip c. Treme
Degruy               P. H.                constable                                                              d.   419 Franklin
Degruy               St. Preux                                                                                        176 St. Philip
Degruy               Valois               acct.                                                                  d.    95 Ursulines
Degruys              Francois             f. m. c.  lab.                                                              377 Orleans
Degue                Oscar                atty. at law                                                                    Jefferson City
Deguerey             Chas.                                                                                                Columbus n. Claiborne
Deguery              Vincent              musician                                                                     65 St. Philip
Deguilhem            P.                   tailor                                                                      119 Old Levee
Deguiramand          Wm. M.               clerk                               77  Canal                          d.   338 Main
Degurley             James                                                                                                Sixth n. Magazine
D'Hamecourt          J. A.                clerk, red stores                                                      d.    61 Barracks
D'Hard               B., Mrs.                                                                                             Roman n. Kerlerec
De Hart              J. A.                dentist                                                                      17 Baronne
D' Hebecourt         Francis N.           discount clerk                      Louisiana State Bank               d.       Bayou bridge
D' Hemecourt         E., Mrs.                                                 93 Common                                   Mandeville n. Morales
D' Hemecourt         J. A.                surveyor                            d. 2                                   297  Royal
D' Hemecourt         J. A.                Southern Homeopathic Pharmacy                                              297  Royal
D' Hemecourt         LeDossu                                                                                              Bayou bridge
D' Hemecourt         V. A.                clk.                                                                            Treme c. Barracks
D' Hiver             Joseph               painter                                                                     174 Main
Dehmer               Henry                tailor                                                                      496 Rampart, d. 3
Dehn                 Henry                pattern mkr.                                                                    Liberty n. First
Dehon                Jules                                                                                             89 Conde
Dehurst              Henry                                                                                                Felicity n. Bacchus
Deiblin              Christopher          lab.                                                                            Lyon c. Jersey, Jefferson City
Deiblin              Louis                gardnr.                                                                         Laurel c. Toledano
Deibos               Lucien               smith                                                                       327 Derbigny, d. 2
Deichman             Chas.                grocer.                                                                         St. Andrew c. Liberty
Deifenbach           Fred.                carp.                                                                  d.   191 Melpomene
Deign                Barney               laborer                                                                     157 Chippewa
Deigrabes            C.                   wheelwright                                                                     Madison c. Fourth, Carrollton
Deimel               K., Mrs.                                                                                         769 Rampart, d. 3
Deitemeier           H. H.                coppersmith                                                                 186 St. Anthony
Deisler & Kerns                           books                                                                       114 Baronne
Deitas               Herman               carp.                                                                           First n. St. Dennis
Deiters              Edward               clerk                                                                  d.    78 Poyfarre
Diexheimer           Jacob                butcher                                                                     144 Galvez, d. 2
Dej                  John                 baker                                                                           Josephine c. Laurel
Dejan                August                                                                                      d.   210 Bourbon
Dejan                Bernard Castillion                                                                               425 Bourbon, d. 3
Dejan                Charles                                                                                          153 Chartres
Dejan                Dr.                                                                                                  Toulouse n. Bourbon
Dejan                F. D.                clerk                                                                        38 Old Levee
Dejan                Jean                 carpenter                                                                   171 Orleans
Dejan                John                 clerk                                                                       379 St. Ann
Dejan                Jules                comptroller                         Citizens' Bank of Louisiana        d.   122 Rampart
Dejan                Jules, Jr.           acct.                               57 & 59  Bienville                 d.   122 Ursulines
Dejan                J. B.                                                                                            174 Girod
Dejan                J. B. Jr.            cigars                                                                     155  Girod
Dejan                L., Mrs.                                                                                         431 Bourbon, d. 3
Dejan                McArthur             51 Royal                                                               d.    19 Gravez, d. 2
Dejan                Octave               clerk                               45 Old Levee, d. 2                 d.   133 Ursulines
Dejan                Peter                clerk                                                                  d.    85 Royal
Dejan                Valsin               clerk                                                                  d.   389 Dauphine, d. 3
Dejan                Victor               paying teller                       Louisiana State Bank               d.   175 Bourbon
Dejarlais            L. A.                book keeper                         83 Canal                           d.   101 Esplanade
Dejean               Armand               clerk                                                                       214 Ursulines
Dejean               Edward               clerk                               98 Canal                           d.   221 Bayou road
Dejoux               Francois             f. m. c., carp.                                                             247 Main
Dejoux               Victor                                                                                           120 Prieur, d. 2
De La Bretonne       B.                   teacher                                                                     251 Ursulines
Delabroye            Pierre               professor                                                                    19 Union, d. 3
Delache              Philemon             laborer                                                                     113 Barrack
Delachaise           Philip Louis         (Lenes & Delachaise)                                                   d.       Laurel c. Delachaise
De Lacour            Louis B.                                                                                         142 Orleans
De Lacourt           A.                   shoemkr.                                                                    174 St. Anthony
Delacroix            C. C.                book keeper                                                                  69 Canal
Delacroix            F. F., Mrs.          b. h.                                                                        19 Toulouse
Delacroix            L. B.                clerk                                                                           Common n. Clara
De la Croix          C., Rev.             superior of Christian Brothers' establishment
                                          Camp n. Girod, adjoin'g St. Patrick's Cathedral
De la Croix          M., Mrs.             dress making & millinery                                                        Magazine n. St. Mary
De La Cruz           Raymond              cigars                              9 St. Charles                      d.   410 Franklin
Delacroix            Widow                                                                                            320 Bayou road
De Lacy              Mary, Mrs.                                                                                        13 Religious
De Lacy              Walter               accountant                          Bank Louisiana                     d.       Harmony near Constance
Delacy               Patrick                                                                                              St. Mary c. Religious
Delagrave            A.                                                       92 Camp                                 345 Rampart, d. 1
Delahay              Emile                clerk                                                                        89 Camp
Delahanty            Edmund               clerk                                                                       131 Constance
Delahanty            Richard              laborer                                                                d,   129 Bolivar
Delahanty            Thomas               lab.                                                                            Clara n. Cypress
Delahoussaye         B. S.                                                                                            253 St. Ann
Delahoussaye         H.                   fur. rooms                                                                   89 Main
Delahunty            Edward               clk.                                                                   d.   131 Constance
Delair               John                 painter                                                                         Dryades c. Philip
Delalondre           Jean                                                                                             151 St. Louis
Delamare             Henry                                                                                                Moreau near Louisa
Delamore             John, Sr.            cooper                                                                       43 Spain
Delamore             J., Mrs.             dress maker                                                                     Spain c. Chartres
Delamore             Petit                artist                                                                      138 St. Peter
Delamotte            A.                   c. h.                                                                           Chartres c. St. Philip
Delaney              Arthur                                                                                               Love n. Bordeaux, Jefferson City
Delaney              Daniel               laborer                                                                     626 Royal, d. 3
Delaney              Dennis               laborer                                                                d.   160 Annuncia'n
Delaney              James                carpenter                                                              d.   201 Vine
Delaney              John                 tailor                                                                      263 Carondelet
Delaney              John                 warehouseman                                                                136 New Levee
Delaney              John                 carpenter                                                                  189  Foucher
Delaney              John, Mrs.                                                                                      551  Burgundy, d. 1
Delaney              Michael              blacksmith                                                                   16 Elysian Fields
Delaney              Nicholas             laborer                                                                      52 Poet
Delaney              Patrick              machinist                           N. O. & Jackson R. R.
Delaney              Robert               blacksmith                                                                      Bolivar n. Poydras
Delaney              Thomas               lab.                                                                        533 Burgundy, d. 2
Delaney              William              c. p.                                                                       316 Dryades
Delange              C. A.                shoemaker                           42 Conti                                 80 Ex. place
Delany               Catharine            grocery                                                                         St. Mary c. Laurel
Delany               Peter                laborer                                                                     508 Chartres
De la Pena           Jose A.              cigar maker                                                                  29 Union, d. 3
Delaplaine           Alfred               clerk                                                                           Camp c. Canal
Delapray             M., Mrs.             cook                                                                        307 Burgundy
De la Roche          E.                                                                                                30 Chartres
De la Roche          Henry, Mrs.          grocer                                                                       61 Derbigny, d. 2
De la Rosa           Jose                                                                                              18 St. Bernard
De la Rosa           L., Mrs.                                                                                         462 St. Claude, d. 3
De la Rue            O.                                                       164 Derbigny d. 2                  d.   302 Hospital
De la Rue & Sloan                         (William De la Rue, Joseph S. Sloan)                                         90 Common
                                          produce brokers
De la Rue            William              (De la Rue & Sloan)                                                    d.   184 Esplanade
De la Rue            T.                   book keeper                                                                 341 Bienville
Delass               Jean                 clerk                                                                       351 Bienville
Delassize            L. T.                brick, lime, etc.                                                               Old Basin
Delat                John                                                                                        d.    70 Laurel
De Laterriere        L, Mrs.              dry goods                                                              d.       Bartholomew n. Royal
                                          office 38 Exchange place
Delatorri            Aug'n                cigars                                                                          Miro n. Bienville
De Latour            F.                                                                                               107 Independence
Delaunay, Rice & Co.                      (E. F. Delaunay, John G. Rice)      com. mers.                               16 Carondelet
Delauny              Jean                                                                                              22 Morales
Delaup               A.                   clerk                                                                  d.   259 St. Ann
Delaup               E.                   printer                                                                d.   259 St. Ann
Delaup               Francois             printer                             259 St. Ann                        d.       Canal n. Prieur
Delavalle            J. B.                clerk                                                                       129 Royal
Delaville            A.                   shoemaker                                                                   147 Bourbon
Delaville            C., Mrs.                                                                                         149 Burgundy, d. 3
Delawoevre           Francois, Mrs.       bakery                                                                      211 Bienville
Delay                J. B., Mrs.                                                                                          Claiborne n. Esplanade
Delay                R.                   grocer                                                                      228 St. Ann
Delazzeri            Eug.                                                                                                 Goodchildren c. Mysterious
Delbanco             S. E.                clothing                                                                     49 Levee, d. 3
Delbondio            Charles              clerk                                                                        32 Lafayette
Delbondio            E. F.                clerk                                                                        32 Lafayette
Delbondio            Frederick            western produce                     7 Lafayette                        d.   348 Magazine
Delbos               Lucien               bl'ksm.                                                                     159 Derbigny, d. 2
Delchristo           Louis E.             clerk                               8 Magazine                              132 Barracks
Delcroix             D.                   butcher                                                                     109 Chartres
Delcroix             D.                   pianist                                                                     109 Chartres
Delcroix             Peter                                                                                            109 Chartres
Delcros              J. M. , Rev.                                                                                         Jefferson City
De Lea               Louis                acct.                                                                  d.   119 Royal
Deleltunty           Edm'd                clk                                                                         190 Chippewa, d. 4
Delente              P. E., Dr.                                                                                           Customhouse n. Rampart
Del Lerno            Napoleon                                                                                    d.    50 Gasquet
Delery               Anatole              clerk                                                                        67 Canal
Delery               Armand               clerk                               71 Canal                           d.   372 Customhouse
Delery               Aug. C.              clerk                               67 Canal                           d.    66 Villere, d. 2
Delery               B., Mrs.                                                                                         710 Main
Delery               Charles              finisher                                                                        Fourth,  Gretna
Delery               Charles, Dr.                                                                                d.    91 Burgundy
Delery               Charles, Mrs.                                                                                    146 Hospital
Delery               C.                   f. w. c.                                                                        Dryades n. Washington
Delery               Edward               carp.                                                                           Liberty n. Erato
Delery               Eugene               c. clk.                             67 Canal                           d.       Claiborne opposite market
Delery               E. M.                Treasurer's office                                                     d.    83 Orleans
Delery               F.                                                                                                   Solidelle n. St. Anthony
Delery               F., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   123 Barracks
Delery               Henry                clk.                                63 Magazine                        d.    83 Orleans
Delery               Jacques, Mrs.                                                                                     34 Mazant
Delery               J. A.                                                                                            282 Ursulines
Delery               J. Leopold           clerk Citizens Bank                                                             Royal c. Customhouse
Delery               Louis                                                                                       d.       Gretna
Delery               Miss                                                                                                 Third n. Levoiseur, Gretna
De Lamarre           Petit                shoe store                                                                      Toulouse, basement Opera House
Delery               Mrs.                                                                                             210 Marais, d. 2
Delery               Oscar I.             clerk                                                                  d.   123 Barracks
Delery               Paul                 note clerk                          Citizens Bank                      d.   167 Bayou road
Delerdernier         F. W.                clk.                                33 St. Joseph                      d.   227 Terpsichore
Delerdernier         John G.              screwman                                                                        Philip n. Fulton
Delesdernier         L. F.                clerk                                                                  d.   356 Franklin
Deleto               Marie                                                                                             41 North market
Delfs                Fred'k               laborer                                                                d.   356 Basin
Delgado              S.                   book keeper                                                                  32 Poydras
De l'Homme           L.                   barkeeper                                                                   198 Toulouse
Delhost              A.                                                                                                   Camp n. St. Mary
Delille              Jacques              shoes                                                                       225 Customhouse
Delima               John Manuel          screwman                                                                        Goodchildren n. Spain
Delinat              Jules                                                                                             71 St. Bernard
Delish               John                                                                                                 Josephine n. Laurel
De L'Isle            C. G.                                                                                            185 Customhouse
De L'Isle, E. G. & Co.                    (Emile Gaschet De L'Isle, M. B. Brady, D. E. Boulin, Jos. Rainey)
                                          Southern Cotton Press               Clara d. Lafayette                 d.   163 Esplanade
De L Isle            E. G.                (E. G. De L'Isle & Co.)                                                d.   163 Esplanade
De L'Isle            E.                   cotton broker                       46 Carondelet                      d.   457 Carondelet
De L'Isle            G. G., Mrs.                                                                                      185 Customhouse
De L'Isle            Jules G.             accountant                          62 Carondelet                      d.   185 Customhouse
De L'Isle            L. E.                cotton broker                       46 Carondelet                      d.   457 Carondelet
De L'Isle            V. G.                cotton pickery                      Clouet c. Moreau                   d.   185 Customhouse
Dell                 John                 c. h.                                                                       554 Front Levee
Dellande             W.                   cigar factory                       465 St. Claude                     d.   434 St. Claude
Dellatre             Adolphe              c. p.                                                                           Third n. Laurel
Dellaville           Jos. & J. B.                                                                                         St. Jane n. Gravier
Dellemore            Richard              lab.                                                                   d.   300 St. Louis
Dellenbach           Peter                cistern maker                                                                   Rampart c. Independence
Dellis               Antonio              fruit                                                                       158 Bienville
Dellum               Wm.                  painter                                                                         Delaronde, Algiers
Delmodo              Hosea                sailor                                                                      112 Melpomene
Delmodo              Joseph                                                                                               Dryades market
Delmos               J. T.                broker                                                                      178 Clio
Delmont              C., Mrs.                                                                                             Common n. Franklin
Delmore              Richard              laborer                                                                     281 St. Louis
Deloche              Louis                druggist                                                                    195 Bourbon
Delon                Auguste P.           bricklayer                                                                      Marigny n. Rampart
Delon                Edward               laborer                                                                d.     8 Enghien
Deloney              Ann, Mrs.                                                                                            Delord n. Foucher
Deloney              Louise               f. w. c.                                                                    149 Hospital
Delonge              Charles              shoemaker                                                                    83 Ex. place
Delord               Bernard              butcher                                                                      84 French market
Delord               Baptist              dairy                                                                           Laberal n. Elysian Fields
Delord               P.                   grocer                                                                       23 Annette
Delord               R.                   butcher                             94 French market                   d.       Louisiana av. c. Ursulines c. Broad
Delord               Simm                 milk                                                                            Ursulines c. Broad
Delormel             Amelia, Mrs.                                                                                      48 Gasquet
Delounel             Alex., Mrs.                                                                                      140 Customhouse
Deloy                A., Mrs.                                                                                         319 Ursulines
Delpeauh             A.                   warehouse bookeeper of customs                                              422 Rampart, d. 3
Delpeuch             A., Mrs.                                                                                         300 Burgundy
Delphin              M.                   stevedore                                                                   109 Greatmen
Delphin              Mary                                                                                             342 Bourbon, d. 3
Delpit               Adrien               manufacturer of Perique & Natchitoches snuff,
                                          chewing and smoking tobacco                                                  13 St. Louis
Delpit               Auguste              clerk                                                                        23 St. Charles
Delpit               C. A.                acct.                                                                  d.   407 Customhouse
Delpit               John                                                     13 St. Louis                       d.   203 Orleans
Delpit               J. J.                clerk                                                                        30 Bank place
Delpit               J. P.                                                                                            316 Villere, d. 3
Delpit               L., Capt.                                                                                         25 Liberty
Delpit               Louis                f. m. c., cigars                                                            490 Villere, d. 3
Delrieu              H.                   bk. keeper                                                                  222 Derbigny, d. 2
Delrieu              Jules Pierri         gun & locksmith                                                             243 Burgundy
Delrieu              L. R., Dr.           riding school & horse shoeing                                               138 Rampart, d. 2
Delseries            Adolphe              clerk                                                                        53 Poet
Delseries            A., Mrs.                                                                                         568 Burgundy, d. 3
Delseries            Emile                                                                                            568 Burgundy, d. 3
Delserieux           A.                   clerk                                                                           Old Levee, d. 2
Delta Newspaper                           stock co.                                                                    76 Camp
Delta Warehouse                                                                                                           Front & Fulton
Deltrigo             J. A.                cigars                                                                       49 Bienville
Deltz                A. L.                tobacco                                                                     933 Leon, d. 4
Deluzain             L. E.                importer wines & liquors            119 Royal                          d.   171 St. Claude
Deluzain             Louis H.                                                                                          70 Clouet
Delvaille            Aristide, Mrs.                                                                                   419 Burgundy
Delwry               Jeremiah                                                                                             Third n. Liberty
Delwry               John                 marble wks.                                                                 184 St. Charles
Demag                Eugene, Mrs.                                                                                     325 Marais, d. 3
Demahy               C.                   clerk                                                                  d.   429 Dauphine, d. 3
Demahy               H.                   engineer                            27 Natchez                         d.   731 Burgundy, d. 3
Demahy               J., Mrs.                                                                                         731 Burgundy, d. 3
Demahy               Jos. R.              (H. DeMahy & Co.)                                                            37 Natchez
DeMahy, H. & Co.                          (Jos. R. DeMahy, F. Armand)         corn & feed                              37 Natchez
DeMailly             E.                   painter                                                                     303 St. Claude
Demailly             B.                   f. m. c.                                                                     67 Piety
Demailly             Jean Francis                                                                                     303 St. Claude, d. 2
Demanger             Louis                                                                                            190 Burgundy
Demor                Charles              laborer                                                                     156 Spain
Demorcan             John                                                                                              16 Main
Demare               A.                   cabt. mkr.                                                                  778 Burgundy, d. 3
Demare               F.                   bill'd table makr.                                                          150 Toulouse
Demarest             Adolphe              clerk                               29 Magazine                        d.   168 Elysian Fields
Demarest             A.                   engineer                                                                    168 Elysian Fields
Demarest             Elizabeth, Mrs.                                                                                   27 Spain
Demarest             Jos. W.              sugar brok.                                                            d.   130 Robin
Demarest             Jos. W.                                                                                           73 Old Levee
Demarest             John                 clerk                                                                       185 Delord
Demarine             R. N.                mer.                                                                        460 Dauphine
DeMasiliere          John                                                                                             388 Rampart, d. 3
Dechasiliere         B.                   widow                                                                       262 Bayou road
Dematos              Jos. G.              fruit                                                                       430 Royal, d. 3
Demant               Louis, Dr.           M. D.                                                                           Madison
Demaye               Zeno                 f. m. c., drayman                                                           155 St. Ann
Demaza               S.                   clerk                                                                           Main n. Prieur
Demazien             Rose                                                                                              42 Burgundy
Demazillier          E.                   dry goods                                                                   527 Rampart
Demena               Susan                f. w. c.                                                                    318 Erato
Demerest             John M.              assistant treasurer                                                    d.   379 Magazine
DeMerritt            John W.              book keeper                         23 Front                           d.   185 Delord
DeMcegrigny          A.                   clerk                                                                           Royal c. Toulouse
Demestre             John                 dry goods                                                                       c. Magazine & Toledano
Demeza               Emile, Mrs.                                                                                      371 Canal
DeMeza               A. H.                (Cucullu & DeMeza)                  4 St. Louis                        d.   118 St. Louis
DeMeza               Jos.                                                                                        d.     1 Crescent row, Canal
DeMeza               S.                   clerk                                                                        88 Royal
Deman                Charles              clerk                               238 Royal                          d.   158 Kerlerec
Demeza               D. H.                sugar broker                                                           d.   274 Melpomene
Demeza               L.                   sugar broker                                                           d.     1 Crescent row, Canal
Demier               Louis A.             brick yard                                                                      Front near Soniat, Jefferson City
Demilt               A. P.                dealer in twines & cordage                                                   60 Magazine
Deming               Ralph                clerk                                                                        77 Calliope
Demogo               J. O.                                                                                                Front Levee n. Ursulines
Demoille             M., Mrs.                                                                                         227 Villere, d. 2
DeMonasberie         ----- (sic)          grocery                                                                         opp. depot, Algiers
Demonasterio, A.& E.                      grocers                                                                     135 Old Levee
Demonastereo (sic)   A.                   grocer                                                                      259 Old Levee
Demonsabert          C.                                                                                                25 Plauche
Demontrond & Co.                          (Claude F. Demontrond, Galliot Pierre)                                 d.    59 Esplanade, & 349 Old Levee, d. 3
                                          dry goods                           169 Canal
Demortica            A.                                                                                               138 St. Peter
Demortica            Edward                                                                                               Catholic cemetery
Demoruelle           Ernest                                                                                           358 Orleans
Demoreulle           F.                   clerk                                                                           Toulouse c. Basin
Demoreulle           H.                   clerk                                                                       245 Carondelet walk
Demoreulle           Jacques                                                                                          358 Orleans
Demoreulle           Jos.                 clerk                                                                       358 Orleans
Demoreulle           V.                   wood, bricks & sand                                                             Toulouse c. Basin
Demott               Samuel               public weigher                      65 Poydras                         d.   397 Perdido
Demoulin             S.                   grocer                                                                       71 St. Philip
Demouy               Henry                (Lazare, Levasseur & Co.)                                                    8  & 10 Chartres
Dempsey              Ann, Mrs.                                                                                         60 Enghien
Dempsey              James                lab.                                                                            Perdido n. Willow
Dempsey              Jas.                 screwman                                                               d.   172 Tchoupitoulas
Dempsey              Jno.                 lab.                                                                   d,    59 Annunciation
Dempsey              Jno.                 lab.                                                                   d.       Perdido n. Willow
Dempsey              Jno. W.              clerk                                                                        55 St. Charles
Dempsey              J.                   drayman                                                                d,   556 St. Claude
Dempsey              Louis                lab.                                                                   d.   352 Chartres, d. 3
Dempsey              Michael              drayman                                                                     493 Tchoupitoulas
Dempsey              Pat.                 lab.                                                                   d.   188 St. Thomas
Demron               Stephen              barber                                                                       47 Rousseau
Demuth               Jacob                painter                                                                     254 Rousseau
Den                  W.                   carp.                               N. O. J. & G. W. R. R.
Denarvi              Joseph, Mrs.                                                                                     230 Bourbon
Dench                Bozar                                                                                             86 Frenchmen
Dendinger            Michael, Mrs.        c. h.                                                                        51 Laurel
Dendinger            George               driver                                                                      422 Basin
Dendorf              James                shoe store                                                                      c. St. Mary & Magazine
Deneauf              Charles E.           cooper                                                                          Tchoupitoulas n. Celeste
Denechaud            A.                   clerk                                                                       130 Canal
Denechaud            Edward               Edward's restaurant                                                          15 Union, d. 1
Denegre              J. D.                com. m.                             Old Levee c. Bienville                   20 Dryades
                                          president                           Citizens Bank
Denegre              W. O.                attorney at law                     54 Camp                            d.   157 St. Philip
Denegre              Joseph                                                   63 Carondelet                      d.    20 Dryades
Deneufbourg          J., Dr.                                                                                              Harmony c. Magazine
Denegri              Antoine              musician                                                                    103 Perdido
Deniel               Nicholas                                                                                         240 Dauphine
Denif                Richard              lab.                                                                   d.   134 Erato
Deniger              Adeline                                                                                              Sixth n. Annunciation
Denim                M.                                                                                               261 St. Ann
Deninger             John                 feed                                                                        948 New Levee, d. 4
Deninger             John                 lab.                                                                   d.   166 New Levee
Denningcoffer        Frank                c. h. & grocery                                                             187 Josephine
Dennis               Adolphe              clerk                                                                        45 Chartres
Denny                M.                   lab.                                                                   d.   318 Erato
Denis                Arthur               attorney at law                     104 Canal                          d.    89 Bourbon
Denis                Henry                attorney at law                                                        d.     6 Pontalba buildings
Denis                H. R.                attorney at law                     18 Exchange place                  d.       Esplanade c. Conde
Denis                John                 gardener                                                                    390 Bayou road
Denis                John                 clerk                                                                  d.   178 Galvez
Denis                J. C.                                                                                            118 Common
Denis                Jules                carp.                                                                       186 Johnson, d. 2
Denise               Constant             baker,   b. h.                                                               74 Toulouse
Denison              D. A.                shoemaker                                                                   115 Gravier
Denison              Henry                Capt.                                                                  d.   484 Camp
Denman               Ralf                 (Marsh & Co.)                       carriages                                85 Common, & Carondelet c. Gravier
Denneny              Michael              lab.                                                                        361 Franklin
Dennett              Jacob K.             dealer in hides                     99 Magazine                        d.    47 Race
Dennett              J. W.                salesman                            28 Common                          d.   505 St. Charles
Dennies              J. C.                proprietor                          Catholic Standard                           Canal c. Exchange place
Denning              A., Mrs.                                                                                             Carondelet n. St. Andrew
Dennig               Jacob                shoemaker                                                                    21 Claiborne
Dennis               C. W.                engineer                            N. O. J. & G. N. Railroad
Dennis               Jarvis               clerk                                                                       163 Camp
Dennis               Jean                 clerk                                                                           Bayou bridge
Dennistoun, A. & J. & Co.                 (A. Dennistoun, J. Dennistoun, John C. B. Yuille)                            34 Carondelet
Dennot               J., Mrs.                                                                                         185 St. Louis
Denny                James                carpenter                                                                   273 Clara
Denslow              Julia, Mrs.                                                                                      241 Poydras
Dentzel              F. A.                deputy postmaster                                                      d.       Constance n. Terpsichore
Dentzel              Virginius C.                                                                                      70 Camp
Denver               Robert               clerk                                                                       131 Poydras
Deneritty            John                 dray'n                                                                      554 St. Claude, d. 3
De Palos             S. S., Mrs.                                                                                      377 Canal
Depan                Dominique                                                                                         95 Conti
Depass               Estelle                                                                                          160 St. Peter
Depass               Samuel               stevedore                                                                   217 Rampart
Depass               C. A., Mrs.          dry goods                                                                    62 St. Philip
Depass               John                 clerk                                                                       285 Dryades
Depass               J. H.                engineer                                                                        St. Charles c. First
Depass               Mrs.                                                                                             442 Royal, d. 3
Depass               Pauline                                                                                          146 St. Peter
Depass               Phoenix              clerk                                                                       116 Chartres
Depassau             Dan'l                f. m. c.                                                                        Laurel c. St. Mary
Depel                Jacob                sailor                                                                     1015 New Levee, d. 4
De Pena              J., Mrs.                                                                                         424 Burgundy, d. 3
Depetasse            A.                   cabinet maker                                                               192 Bourbon
Depi                 Henry                                                                                                Valance n. St. Dennis
Depierris            James                butcher                                                                      11 French mkt.
Depold               Adam                 tailor                                                                          Philip n. New Levee
Depository of the Ladies Benevolent Society                                                                           195 Camp
Depouilly            A. M.                                                                                            376 St. Ann
Depouilly            J. J.                                                                                                Carondelet walk c. Prieur
Depouilly            J. N.                architect                                                                   195 Treme, d. 2
Deppe                Louis, Mrs.                                                                                      554 St. Claude, d. 3
Deppouy              Jean                 butcher                                                                      28 French market
Depratte             Auguste                                                                                              Prieur n. Common
Deprez               N., Mrs.                                                                                         381 Dauphine, d. 3
Deprez               J.                   shoemaker                                                                    48 Frenchmen
Deranco              Charles              atty. at law                        182 Toulouse                       d.   284 Roman
Derangheau           Victor               caulker                                                                     129 Main
Derauche             E.                   clerk                                                                       155 Canal
Derbes               Adeline              f. m. c.                                                                        Metairie ridge
Derbes               Alexander            consul at Marseilles
Derbes               Joseph, Jr.          dry goods                                                                    49 Chartres
Derbes               J. B., Mrs.          wholesale millinery                                                         123 St. Ann
Derbes               St. Cyr              clerk                               61  Carondelet                     d.   123 St. Ann
Derbigny             Charles                                                                                           57 Hospital
Derbigny             Julien               cooper                                                                          Tonti n. St. Ann
Debordenavet         D'Abere Fulgence     general agency                                                               86 Old Levee
Derby                John                 blacksmith                                                                  301 Poydras
Deregny              Julian               cooper                                                                          Tonti n. Main
Derepau              Etienne              carpenter                                                                    47 Enghien
Derenbacher          Jacob                shoes                                                                         6 Fourth
Deres                John                                                                                              16 Music
Derete               Jean                 dairy                                                                           St. Philip n. Broad
Derey                Louis                tailor                                                                       78 St. Peter
Derham               Ellen, Mrs.                                                                                          Euterpe n. Prytania
Derheimer            Jacob                butcher                                                                         Treme market
Dering               Peter, Mrs.                                                                                          Bourbon n. Solidelle
Derigney             Julian               cooper                                                                          Tonti n. St. Ann
Derivaux             Charles              tailor                                                                      156 Royal
DeRivero             Jose                 tailor                                                                       57 St. Ann
Dermody              James                grocer                              248 Camp                           d.   283 Dryades
Dermody              Thomas               drayman                                                                     114 Port
Derner               Richard              cartman                                                                     443 Franklin
DeRoche              Louis                                                                                            387 Ursulines
Deron                Mrs.                 school for young ladies                                                     273 Dauphine
Deron                John B.              f. m. c., laborer                                                            59 Barracks
Derosa               Francisco S.         screwman                                                                     34 Spain
Derose               J. M.                butcher                                                                d.   124 Main
De Rosenorn          Edward               coal                                131 Exchange place                 d.   124 St. Louis
Derosh               Louis                musician & professor                                                        387 Ursulines
Derr                 John                                                                                        d.       Josephine n. Fulton
Derrey               J. B.                broker                              129 Customhouse                    d.   241 Bienville
Dersam               Leonhardt            laborer                                                                d.   809 St. Claude, d. 3
De Russy             C.                                                                                               143 Clio
De Russy             G. B.                permit                              clerk of customs                   d.   143 Clio
De Russy             G. B.                                                                                            136 Common
Deruise              H., Mrs.                                                                                         168 Claiborne, d. 2
Dervignan            Francois                                                                                         283 Frenchmen
Derwein              James                cab driver                                                             d.   177 Tchoupitoulas
Desabaye             William              painter                             105 Poydras                        d.   297 St. Louis
De Sabler            Eugene J.            clerk                                                                        61 Common
De Saint             Armand Ovide                                                                                     321 St. Andrew
De Saint             Germain M.           carpenter                                                                       Love c. Bagatelle
De Saint Romes       Dr.                                                                                              171 St. Ann
De Saint Romes       L. E.                auctioneer                          97 Exchange place                  d.   169 St. Ann
De Saint Romes       Victor                                                                                           97  Exchange place
De Sallas            Alphonse             carp.                                                                       267 Ursulines
De Sallas            Philo                                                                                            267 Ursulines
Desalles             Mrs.                 widow                                                                       414 St. Claude, d. 3
Desalles             Louis                carp.                                                                  d.   414 St. Claude, d. 3
Desallize            Julia                                                                                            340 Bourbon, d. 3
De Santos            Bernard              broker                                                                      182 Ursulines
Desaizant            Armand               printer                                                                     119 Poet
Desban               James                clerk                                                                       66  & 68 Magazine
Desban               A., Mrs.             St. Mary's Institute                                                        199 Camp
Desbles              J. B.                painter                                                                     334 Burgundy
Desbaras             J.                   ice cream mkr.                                                                  Main n. Levee
Desbaras             J., Mrs.                                                                                          65 St. Philip
Desbons & Bonnecaze                       (Paul Desbons, Edward Bonnecaze)                                                St. Peter c. Royal
Desbons              Baptiste             butcher                                                                      43 St. Peter
Desbordies           Henry                professor high school               d. 3                               d.   113 Frenchmen
Desbordes            G.                                                                                                   Roman n. Kerlerec
Desbrinierer         E.                   painter                                                                     244 Burgundy
Desbrosses           A.                   cigars                                                                      185 Marais
Desbrosses           J. P.                barkeeper                                                                   140 Basin, d. 2
Desca                J.                   clerk                                                                        71 Chartres
Descas               Joseph               screwman                                                                    599 Rampart, d. 3
Deschamps            Bernard              shoemaker                                                                    52 France
Deschamps            V. Dr.                                                                                           250 Tchoupitoulas
Deschant             Lucien               steward                                                                d.   197 Esplanade
Deschapelles         E. LeBreton                                                                                      213 Julia
Deschar              Carson               dairy                                                                           Eighth c. Rampart
Deschner             John                 grocer                                                                      478 Chippewa
Deschenner           Jacob                laborer                                                                     100 Johnson
Descher              Jacob                                                                                                Liberty n. Jackson
Desconnetto          Thomas                                                                                               Esplanade n. Broad
Descrinierer         Eugene               painter                                                                     244 Burgundy
Descrons             Baptiste             butcher                                                                      24 French mkt
Desdunes             Aniede                                                                                               Mandeville c. Morales
Desdunes             Armand               carpenter                                                                   134 Enghien
Desdunes             Daniel               carpenter                                                                    16 History
Desdunes             Germain              br'klayer                                                                   134 Enghien
Desdunes             J.                   wheelwright                                                                  74 St. Anthony
Desdunes             J. B., Mrs.                                                                                      438 Old Levee, d. 3
Desdunes             Leon                 carpenter                                                              d.   134 Enghien
Desdunes             P. E.                                                                                            438 Old Levee, d. 3
Dese                 C., Mrs.             milliner                                                                    192 Poydras
Dese                 Christian            (Weber & Dese)                      clothing                                151 Poydras
Deseamus             Joseph F.            painter                                                                         Patterson, Algiers
Desforges            Mrs.                                                                                             136 Hospital
Desforges            A.                                                                                               215 Kerlerec
Desforges            Edgar                clerk                               123 Common                         d.   215 Kerlerec
Desforges            Jules H.                                                                                             Dauphine n. Hospital
Desforges            Lemei                clerk                                                                       3.5 Carondelet
Desforges            L. H., Mrs.                                                                                          Hospital n. Dauphine
Desforges            L. O.                clerk                                                                        40 Perdido
Desforges            P. A.                clerk                               126 Canal                          d.   371 Claiborne
Desgatieres          A.                   clerk                                                                  d.       Main n. Chartres
Desgouttes           Louis H.             clerk                               93 Old Levee                       d.     6 Laharpe
Desgrais             L. T.                barrel manufac'ry                                                            79 Desire
Desha                Martha Ann, Mrs.     dressmaker                                                                  116 St. Mary
Desha                W. J., Mrs.                                                                                          St. Mary n. Annunciation
Deshauteraux         Martin                                                                                               Jefferson City
Deshayes             Louis                                                                                            230 Bourbon
Desingly             H.                   painter                                                                     231 St. Peter
Desire               Baptiste             butch.                                                                          Toledano n. Laurel
Deskerwich           Vincent              laborer                                                                d.   389 Julia
Desmond              A. L.                laborer                                                                d.   574 Burgundy
Desormaux            Jerazim, Mrs.                                                                                        Washington n. Annunciation
DeSoto School                                                                                                             Mandeville c. Rampart
DeSoto               Francisco            onions                                                                      295 Old Levee
Desotro              M.                   butcher                                                                         Valence & Live Oak, Jefferson City
Desousu              A. L.                                                                                       d.   574 Burgundy, d. 3
Desmarch             Carmelite            f. w. c.                                                                    251 Ursulines
Desmare              Alphonse             (Laforest & Desmare)                St. Charles c. Union               d.     6 St. Peter
Desmarets            F.,Mrs.                                                                                              Carondelet c. Girod
Desmarets            R. W.                                                                                            157 Baronne
Desmond              J.                   ship carp.                                                                  439 Old Levee, d. 3
Desmonsseaux         L. P.                shoe store                                                                  859 Burgundy, d. 3
Desmoulins           S.                   grocer                                                                       79 St. Philip
DeSola               Aaron                clk.                                46 Chartres                        d.   227 Erato
Despaix              Augustin             mason                                                                           St. Anthony c. Claiborne
Despaix              Jean                                                                                                 St. John's Great route
Despaux              B.                   butcher                                                                      48 Treme market
Despaux              Francois             butcher                             29 Poydras market                  d.   123 St. Peter
Despaux              John                 butcher                                                                      37 French market
Despaux              J.                   c. h.                                                                           Levee c. Madison, St. Ann n. Broad
Despax               Jean M.              butcher                                                                      70 French mkt
Despeau              J.                   butcher                                                                     47  & 51 Treme mkt
Desplagues           Jules                                                                                            148 Toulouse
Desplats             John                 butcher                                                                      22 Magazine mkt
Despommier           A.                   florist                                                                         Jackson c. Chestnut
Despot               Baptiste             butcher                                                                      41 North mkt
Despouey             Jean                 grocer                                                                      239 Old Levee
Despouey             Joseph                                                                                            42 French mkt
Despouey             J.                   butcher                             French mkt.                        d.   163 Marais
Desportes            N.                   (Nichen & Desportes)                                                        200 Royal
Desposito            A.                   c. h.   & rest.                                                             217 Common
D'Esquerre           Simon, Dr.                                                                                           Laurel n. Harmony
Desrayaux            A.                                                                                                39 Burgundy
Desrayaux            Mad.                 ladies school                                                                39 Burgundy
Dessargert           J. L.                pressman                                                                        Morales n. Music
Dessalles            Louis                f. m. c.                                                                    412 St. Claude, d. 3
Dessau               Emile                shoemkr.                                                                    205 Ursulines
Dessazges            Louis, Mrs.                                                                                      236 Johnson, d. 2
Dessem               Frank                lab.                                                                            Clouet n. Royal
Dessert              Philip               butcher                                                                         Dryades market
Dessommes            Auguste              (O. Talamon & Dessommes)            4 Magazine                         d.   282 Bourbon
Dessommes            E.                   (John & Dessommes Bros.)            89 & 91 Canal                      d.   131 St. Peter
Dessommes            H.                   (John & Dessommes Bros.)
Dessommes            Louis                (O. Talamon, Dessommes & Co.)
Dessommes            Mrs.                                                                                             282 Bourbon
Dessource            D.                   tailor                              21 Bourbon                         d.   314 St. Ann
Destelong            Ger'n                butcher                                                                      20 Poydras mkt.
Desteveu             Widow                                                                                            176 St. Peter
Deston               Francis              caulker                                                                       4 Union, d. 3
D'Estorville         L. R., Dr.                                                                                       221 St. Ann
Desvignes            John                                                                                             123 Frenchmen
Deswarte             Chas.                shoemkr.                                                                    340 Carondelet
Detel                Jno.                 tailor                                                                          N. Levee n. Pleasant
Deter                Th.                  (Riemann & Co.)
                                          Worsted Store, Wholesale & Retail, 163 Canal n. Dauphine,
                                          direct importation of Berlin, Zephyr & Split Worsted,
                                          Shetland Wool, English Knitting & French Embroidery,
                                          Cotton Canvas, Patterns, etc.
Deter                Thos.                (Riemann & Co.)                                                             163 Canal
Deters               Homer                carp.                                                                           First n. Rampart
Detot's (sic)        E.                   Family Equestrian School
                                          130 Basin street, between Perdido & Poydras, E. D. trains
                                          Horses for Saddle service for ladies & gentlemen.
Detiviller           Daniel               lab.                                                                   d.    48 Poland
Detroit              Josephine, Mrs.                                                                                  116 St. Peter
Detroix              Xavier               painter                                                                     138 Toulouse
Detry                Louis                draym.                                                                          Hospital n. Roman
Detry                Simon                shoemk.                                                                         Hospital n. Roman
Deuccur              Bernard                                                                                              Piety n. Rampart
Deur                 Geo., Mrs.                                                                                           White n. Orange, d. 3
Deuraugh             F.                   locksmith                                                                       Chippewa n. Louisiana avenue
Deuro                Francis              c. h. & grocery                                                                 Tchoupitoulas c. St. James
Deusch               L.                   dray                                                                            Annunciation n. Eighth
Deutchman            A., Mrs.             midwife                                                                         Thalia c. Howard
Deutschman           C. J.                builder                                                                     354 Howard
Deutchman            Jules                carp.                                                                  d.   354 Howard
Devall               Chas. A.             clerk                                                                        80 Canal
Devall               David                clerk                                                                        27 Magazine
Devall               Hermine, Miss                                                                               d.   219 Camp
Devance              Matilde              f. w. c.                                                                    253 Marais, d. 2
Deveaux              Augustin                                                                                         444 Burgundy, d. 3
Deveaux              Wm.                                                                                                  Lafayette n. Galvez
Develin              John                 mate                                                                            Levee n. French
Develle              Granjean                                                                                          75 St. Ann
Develle              Louis                cot. fac.                                                              d.    36 St. Bernard
Devenot              U.                   f. w. c.                                                                        Derbigny n. St. Philip
Dever                Daniel               clerk                                                                        82 Delord
Dever                J. B. N.             Copper, Tin & Sheet Iron Manufacturer, 110 Camp street,                         Levee c. La. av. Jeff. C.
Devereux             John                 New Orleans. Stoves, Grates & Ship Cabooses, of all Sizes
                                          and Patterns, put up to Order. Goods for the Country
                                          Carefully Packed.
Devereux             John G.              clerk                                                                        49 Union, d. 1
Devereux             James                lab.                                                                        121 Piety
Devereux             Nicholas             lab.                                                                   d.   384 Fulton
Deverger             Stephen              clerk                                                                       299 Main
Deverges             E.                   clerk                                                                  d.   188 Rampart
Deverges             Elizabeth            f. w. c.                                                                     47 St. Ferdinand
Deverges             Henry                clerk                               63 O. Levee, d. 2                  d.   188 Rampart, d. 2
Deverges             Peter                auctioneer                          25 Exchange place                  d.   411 St. Peter
Deverman             Henry                shoemk.                                                                      75 Prosper
Devese               G., Mrs.                                                                                         253 Marais, d. 2
Devet                Austin               lab.                                                                        110 Gaiennie
Deverges             Paul                 clerk                               73 Camp                                 188 Rampart, d. 2
Deverges             Paul, Jr.            clk.                                                                   d.   188 Rampart, d. 2
Devese               Armand               bricklayer                                                                  153 St. Anthony
Deville              Alfred               c. h. & grocery                                                                 St. James c. Tchoupitoulas
Deville              Charles C., Mrs.     teacher                                                                     300 St. Philip
Deville              Felix                painter                                                                         Conti n. Treme
Deville              Luke                 caulker                                                                     121 Frenchmen
Deville              Raymond              negro broker                                                           d.   137 Rampart, d. 2
Deville              V. O.                clerk                                                                  d.   360 Basin
Devine               Bridget, Mrs.                                                                                    120 Euterpe
Devine               James                lab.                                                                        226 N. Levee
Devine               Eliza, Mrs.                                                                                          Cypress n. Willow
Devine               Francis              tailor                                                                          St. Andrew n. Liberty
Devine               Frank                                                                                                Josephine n. Rampart
Devine               Jas.                 cabs.                                                                       145 Clio
Devine               John                 lab.                                                                        131 Pacanier
Devine               Louisa, Mrs.                                                                                      79 Moreau
Devine               Michael              lab.                                                                            Edward n. Constance
Devine               Michael              lab.                                                                   d.   114 Erato
Devine               M.                   lab.                                                                            Robertson n. Conti
Devine               Stephen              lab.                                                                   d.       Theresa n. Tchoupitoulas
Devine               Timothy              lab.                                                                            Richard n. Pacanier
Deviney              Luke                 caulker                                                                         Bouny, Algiers
Deviney              Martin                                                                                           395 Tchoupitoulas
Devise               John                                                                                              58 Greatmen
Deviser, S. & Co.                         (J. Villarcubia, Jr.)               com. mers.                               64 Magazine
Devitt               John                 lab.                                                                        110 Adeline
Devitte              Oscar                                                                                            225 Conti
Devize               Raymond              grocer                                                                      260 Gravier
Devizen              Auguste, Dr.                                                                                      90 Burgundy, d. 2
Devizen              V. O.                                                                                                Carrollton
Devlin               Frank                lab.                                                                         19 Josephine
Devlin               Henry                                                                                            102 Spain
Devlin               John                 mate                                                                        288 Levee, d. 3
Devoe                R.                                                                                               351 Robertson, d. 3
Devoe                T. P.                clerk                                                                       140 Common
Devonchaise          Madam                                                                                            151 Frenchmen
Devonshire           J.                   drayman                                                                     484 St. Claude, d. 3
Devoti               Louis                cook                                                                        285 Bourbon
Devresse             Gillet               shoemaker                                                                   159 Royal
Devron               Augustin             gardener                                                                        c. Broad & Abadie
Devron               Gustavis, Dr.                                                                               d.    70 Baronne
Devron               Joseph                                                                                            56 Union, d. 3
Devron               Jos. P.              clerk                                                                        21 d.
Devron               Oscar                clerk                                                                        13 Chartres
Devuyst              J., Mrs.                                                                                         398 Orleans
Dewar                Jas.                 cigars                                                                          c. Adele & Rousseau
Dewar                John                 grocer                                                                      583 Burgundy, d. 3
Dewees               D. S.                coal mer.                           124 Magazine                       d.       Washington c. Fulton
Dewey, Wm. J. & Co.                       (Joseph Kelley)                                                        d.   182 Felicity
                                          com. mers. & shipping agts.         86 & 88 Gravier
Dewhurst             Elizabeth                                                                                            Sixth n. Prytania
Dewhurst             Geo.                 c. p.                                                                           Sixth c. Prytania
Dewing               Wm. T.               gasfitter                                                                   542 Mag.
Dewint               F.                   teacher                                                                     351 Main
Dewire               Patrick              stockdealer                                                                     Jersey n. Napoleon av. Jeff. City
Dewyre               Jno.                 lab.                                                                            St. Andrew c. Rousseau
De Y'barra           Just. R.             grocer                                                                      241 Julia
Deyerson             Geo.                 clerk                                                                  d.       Melpomene n. Liberty
Deynoodt             Joseph               com. mer. cotton factor & Belgian Consul.                              d.   124 St. Louis
                                          2 Byrne's row, Carondelet
De Young             Abr'm                acct.                                                                       147 Customhouse
De Young             E. B.                                                                                                St. Mary n. St. Charles
Dezaille             Thomas C.                                                                                        345 Frenchmen
Dezatarain           Nicholson            butch.                                                                          French mkt.
Dezeauche            E.                   clerk                                                                       148 Canal
Dezidat              Jean Marie           milk                                                                        311 Marigny
Dezutter             Seraphim             tailor                                                                       76 St. Charles
Diamond              Chas.                La. Hotel                                                                   213 Tchoupitoulas
Diamond              Henry                engineer                                                                    356 Felicity
Diamond              Henry                                                                                                Hospital n. Bourbon
Diamond              John                 confect.                                                                    121 Rampart, d. 1
Diamond              John                 lab.                                                                   d.    15 Enghien
Diamond              John                                                                                        d.       Water n. Josephine
Diamond              John                 lawyer                                                                      215 Tchoupitoulas
Diamond              Jno.                 engineer                                                                        Alex. n. Chestnut
Diamond              J. S.                                                                                                Felicity n. Prytania
Diamond              Mrs.                                                                                        d.   266 Morales
Diamond              Thomas, Mrs.                                                                                      16 Poyfarre
Diard                Charles              clerk                               26 Gravier                         d.   350 Orleans
Diard                Joseph               bricklayer                                                                  350 Orleans
Diard                L.                                                                                               277 Robertson, d. 2
Diard                Mich.                clerk                                                                  d.       Orleans n. Miro
Dias                 Joseph               grocer                                                                       26 Marais, d. 2
Diason               Daniel               clerk                                                                           Chippewa n. Philip
Diaz                 Antonio              cigar maker                                                                  38 Frenchmen
Diaz                 Antonio              fishmonger                                                                  489 Villere, d. 3
Diaz                 John                 deck hand                                                                   107 Marais, d. 2
Diaz                 Joseph, Sr.                                                                                          Derbigny n. Bienville
Diaz                 Jos.                 c. h.                                                                           c. Marais & Customhouse
Diaz                 J.                   cigar maker                                                                  29 Burgundy
Diaz                 J.                   shoemaker                                                                   484 Main
Diaz                 Mary                                                                                                 Girod n. Annette, d. 3
Dibney               Martin               lab.                                                                        337 Tchoupitoulas
Diboil               Jason T.             acct.                               84 Canal                           d,   203 Philip
Diboll               William O.           builder                                                                         Carrollton
Dick                 Anth'y               tailor                                                                          Soraparu n. Rousseau
Dick                 A. E.                accountant                          35 Common                          d.   417 Magazine
Dick, J. A. & Co.                         (J. A. Dick, F. Eisenhart)          coopers                                  46 New Levee

Dick                 J. F.                clk.                                Justice's Court                    d.    25 Roman
                                                                              St. Charles c. Commercial place
Dick                 Peter                c. h.                                                                           Chippewa c. Pleasant
Dicker               Stuart               pilot                                                                           Jefferson City
Dickerson            Benjamin                                                                                         468 Camp
Dickerson            Wm.                                                                                                  Tchoupitoulas n. Orange
Dickerson            Z.                   trader                                                                      503 Constance
Dickey               N. L.                dentist                                                                     106 Canal
Dickinson            Andrew G.            clerk                                                                        23 Magazine
Dickinson            Edward                                                                                            38 Spain
Dickinson, M. M. & Co.                    (M. M. Dickinson, J. E. Russelle)                                            15 Poydras
Dickinson            Chas.                lamplighter                                                                 121 Josephine
Dickmayer            Fred                 carp.                                                                  d.    44 Terpsichore
Dickson              Mathew                                                                                            18 Poyfarre
Dickson              Wesley               laborer                                                                      28 Poyfarre
Dickson              Wm.                  screwman                                                                    468 Tchoupitoulas
Dickson              Eliza                f. w. c.                                                                    311 Customhouse
Dickson              Ellen                f. w. c.  nurse                                                             164 Perdido
Dickson              Louisa                                                                                               Mandeville n. Casacalvo
Dickson              Matilda              f. w. c.                                                                        First n. Rampart
Dickson              William                                                                                     d.   398 Tchoupitoulas
Dide                 John                 ship carpenter                                                                  Algiers
Didgraber            Charles              school master                                                                   Carlt.
Didier               Gaspard              cabinet maker                                                                63 Treme
Didlake              Jno. H.              F. P. C. Press                                                               93 Gravier
Didlot               Jos.                 clk.                                64 Canal                           d.   114 Hospital
Didlot               M.                   midwife                                                                     114 Hospital
Didon                C.                                                                                                79 Cotton Press
Didon                Jacob                laborer                                                                      88 Montegut
Diebold              B.                   mattress mkr.                                                               703 Dauphine, d. 3
Dieck                Henry                teacher                                                                      31 Independence
Diederich            A.                   blacksmith                                                                   55 Annunciation
Diedrich             Catharine                                                                                        191 Bienville
Diederich            F.                   c. h.                                                                           Tchoupitoulas, Delord
Diedrich             Frank                grocer                                                                          St. Philip c. Broad
Diedrich             Fred.                shoemkr.                                                                    112 St. Anthony
Diedrich             George                                                                                           289 Old Levee, d. 2
Deidrich             John M.                                                                                           93 Common
Deidrick             Andrew               blacksmith                                                                      Sixth n. Annunciation
Dieffenbach          F.                   carpenter                                                                   191 Melpomene
Dechl                Andrew                                                                                               Elysian Fields n. Josephine
Diehl                John                 carpenter                                                                    81 Basin
Diehr                George                                                                                           230 Lafayette
Dichr                Rodolph                                                                                              Victory n. Poet
Dikeman & Co.                             (Ira Dikeman, Homer H. Dikeman)                                              74 Carondelet
Dickert              Geo.                 baker                                                                       226 St. Louis
Dickhoff             J. E., Mrs.                                                                                      291 Customhouse
Diel                 Auguste              tailor                                                                       22 St. Philip
Diclamau             Richard              lab.                                                                         98 Claiborne, d. 2
Diesman              Anton                grocery                                                                     493 Chartres, d. 3
Diemert              Louis                c. h.                                                                           Bourbon c. St. Peter
Diemert              Louis                b. h.                                                                       163 Lafayette
Diendorff            J.                   shoes                                                                           St. Mary c. Constance
Diener               Mary Jacobina        school sister                       Notre Dame                         d,       Constance c. St. Joseph
Dienger              Caspar               grave digger                                                                 93 Clouet
Dienst               A.                   (C. Blanke, M. Lassner & A. Dienst)                                         431 St. Charles
Dierker              Henry                furnit'e                                                                     43 Elysian Fields
Dierkes              Andreas              basket mkr.                                                                 156 Dryades
Dierkes              Louis                                                    Laurel n. St. Mary                 d.   631 Tchoupitoulas
Dierks               Louise, Mrs.                                                                                         Laurel n. St. Mary
Dierksen             N.                   carpenter                                                                       Ellen n. Josephine
Dierman              F.                                                                                               493 Chartres, d. 3
Diermoyer            Henry                c. h. & b. h.                                                                18 Julia
Dierney              Nicholas             smith                                                                       696 New Levee
Dies                 Jos.                 butcher                             10 1/2 Claiborne mkt.              d.   478 Chippewa
Diestel              F.                   cabinet maker                                                               221 Marigny
Diesler              Julius                                                                                            63 Claiborne, d. 2
Dietche              H.                                                                                                80 St. Louis
Dietel               C.                   baker                                                                           Soraparu n. New Levee
Deitel               John                 tailor                                                                     1029 New Levee, d. 4
Dietel               M.                   jeweler                                                                         Soraparu n. Fulton
Dieter               Anderson D.          (Levy & Dieter)                                                        d.   214 Prytania
                                          consul for Venezuela                27 Carondelet
Dieter               William              sugar weigher                                                                27 Lower Front Levee, d. 2
Dietlar              John                 shoes                                                                           Josephine n. Laurel
Dietmann             Joseph               laborer                                                                      13 Enghien
Dietman              Frederick            laborer                                                                      22 Montegut
Dietrich             A.                   blacksmith                                                                   95 Annunciation
Dietrich             C.                                                                                                   Claiborne n. Bayou road
Dietrich             F.                   turner                                                                       35 Exchange place
Dietrich             H.                   barkeeper                                                                       Baronne c. Gravier
Dietrich             Isadore                                                                                              Tonti n. St. Philip
Dietrich             J. C.                                                                                            191 Bienville
Dietrich             J. N.                upholst'r                                                                       Prytania n. Sixth
Dietroix             F., Mrs.                                                                                         145 St. Peter, d. 2
Dietsch              H.                                                                                                65 St. Louis
Dietsch              Philip               carpenter                                                                    66 St. Louis
Dietschin            Jos.                 carp.                                                                           St. Ann n. Galvez
Diettel & Thiel                           (Albert Diettel, Wm. Thiel)         architects                               57 St. Charles
Diettel              Albert               (Diettel & Thiel)                                                      d.   169 Clio
Dietus               Hermann              carpenter                                                                   331 First
Dietz                Auguste                                                                                              Adele n. New Levee
Dietz                A.                   teacher                                                                     172 Mandeville
Dietz                Henry                firewood                                                                    150 Levee, d. 3
Dietz                Paul                 cabinet maker                                                               335 St. Louis
Dietz                Pierre               blacksmith                                                                  188 Toulouse
Dietz                T.                   teacher                                                                     172 Mandeville
Dieudonne            F.                   music'n                                                                         St. Louis c. Marais
Dieze                A.                   merchant                                                                        Girod n. Bagatelle
Dieze                Paul                 fishmonger                                                                   68 Craps
Differ               R.                                                                                               158 Goodchildren
Digan                J.                   Citizens Bank La.
Diganard             Charles              hatter                                                                      290 Rampart
Digbey               Thos.                backm'n                                                                         Johnson n. Gasquet
Digger               Chas.                carp.                                                                           Euterpe n.Prytania
Digges               Joseph               engineer                                                                    109 Montegut
Digman               Henry                                                                                                Religious c. Orange
Dignau               Charles              hatter                                                                      233 Baronne
Digner               C.                   drayman                                                                         Second c. Laurel
Dignan               Thomas               porter                                                                          Tchoupitoulas c. Natchez
Dignan               J. Michael           lab.                                                                        300 Royal, d. 3
Dikeman & Co.                             (Homer H. & Ira Dikeman)            carriage repository                d.    99 St. Charles
                                                                              74 Carondelet
Dikeman              Homer H.             (Dikeman & Co.)                                                              74 Carondelet
Dikers               Ann, Mrs.                                                                                            Laurel n. St. Andrew
Dilg                 John                 dry stuff                                                                    85 Magazine market
Dilg                 T.                   tailor                                                                          Josephine n. Laurel
Dilke                Francois                                                                                             Levee n. Third
Dill                 Charles, Mrs.                                                                                     31 Marigny
Dill                 Francis                                                                                          119 Dauphine
Dille                F. W.                cabinet mkr.                                                                 88 Union, d. 3
Dillard              L. C.                                                                                             23 Jackson
Dillaway             Henry                clerk                                                                        16 Carondelet
Dillenkroffer        G.                   c. h.                                                                           Milan c. Mag. Jeff. City
Diller               S.                                                                                                   St. Thomas n. Annunciation
Dillman              John                 carpenter                                                                    54 Annunciation
Dillman              J.                   shoemaker                                                                       Roman n. Palmyra
Dillen               Bartholomew          laborer                                                                      62 St. Philip
Dillon               C.                                                                                                   Austerlitz n. Live Oak, Jefferson City
Dillon               E., Mrs.             dressmaker                                                                   89 Josephine
Dillon               E.                   watchmaker                                                                   88 Gravier
Dillon               James                lab.                                                                        446 Old Levee, d. 3
Dillon               James                laborer                                                                     183 St. Philip
Dillon               Charles                                                                                          413 Rampart, d. 1
Dillon               John                 laborer                                                                     191 Mag.
Dillon               Martin               lab.                                                                            Union c. Rampart. d. 3
Dillon               Peter                cabman                                                                          Common n. Bertrand
Dillon               Peter                contractor                                                                  201 Girod
Dillon               Pat.                 lab.                                                                        369 Old Levee, d. 3
Dillon               Thomas                                                                                           191 Magazine
Dillon               Thos.                carp.                                                                       230 New Levee, d. 1
Dillon               T., Mrs.                                                                                         132 Conti
Dillenkoffer         F.                   c. h.                                                                           Laurel c. Josephine
Dillonkoffer         Geo.                 blacksmith                                                                   21 Laurel
Dills                Antonio                                                                                          143 Bienville
Dilleonth            Benj.                carp.                                                                  d.   313 Terpsichore
Dilleonth            Eizel                carp.                                                                  d,   313 Terpsichore
Dillwright           -----                                                                                            896 Burgundy, d. 3
Dilly                James                                                                                            399 Elysian Fields
Dilly                John                 laborer                                                                     168 Tchoupitoulas
Dimanche             Baptiste             f. m. c.   stevedore                                                         70 Barracks
Dimery               Hiram                barber                                                                          Villere c. Bouligny, Algiers
Dimitry              Jno., Capt.                                                                                          Ursulines n. Burgundy
Dimitry              M. D.                Orleans Academy for young ladies                                            280 Camp
Dimitry              N.                   oysters                                                                         St. Louis c. Dauphine
Dimky                Charles              laborer                                                                      30 Religious
Dimler               Andrew               laborer                                                                     163 Rampart, d. 1
Dimsey               J.                   cab driver                                                                      Clara n. Clio
Din                  Charles, Mrs.                                                                                    235 Treme
Dinan                N.                   laborer                                                                      12 Poet
Dinan                Patrick                                                                                              Girod n. Ferdinand
Dindiager            M.                   c. h.                                                                           St. Andrew c. Laurel
Dinette              Jeanne                                                                                            98 Frenchmen
Dinet                Jno.                 trafficker                                                                  410 St. Claude, d. 3
Dingee               Mrs. John                                                                                        165 Clio
Dingeldein           Jacob                                                                                                Jefferson City
Dinger               Peter                drayman                                                                      75 Laurel
Dinglar              M.                   dairy                                                                           c. Eighth & Dryades
Dinkel               Fridaline            hatter                                                                      146 Chartres
Dinkel               George               shoemaker                                                                   302 Conti
Dinkel               Jacob                laborer                                                                     424 Chippewa
Dinkel               P.                   drayman                                                                         Laurel n. Josephine
Dinken               J.                   stable                                                                      209 Magazine
Dinkgreve            Richd.               c. h.                                                                         2 Louisa
Dinnier              John                                                                                                 St. John's Great route
Dinnies              I.                   carpenter                                                                       Josephine n. Basin
Dinnies              John                                                                                                 Union c. St. John Baptist
Dinnies              J. C.                Commercial Bulletin Office & editor Catholic Standard                  d.       Terpsichore n. Prytania
                                          6 Exchange place
Dine                 Wm.                                                                                              391 Bourbon, d. 3
Dint                 Jean                                                                                              32 Goodchildren
Dintrens             M.                   bakery                                                                          Bayou road c. Broad
Dintsback            L.                   shoemaker                                                                   154 St. Peter
Dio                  Ed.                  c. h.                                                                        13 St. Philip
Dione                Ed.                  furniture                                                                       Bourbon c. Ursulines
Dionis               J. B.                commissary beef market, d. 2
Dionis               J. B.                commissary meat mkt. d. 2
Dionysus             Augustus             clk.                                                                            St. Charles Hotel
Dippacher            John                                                                                               1 Triangle
Dippacher            John L.              barkeeper                                                                   172 New Levee, d. 1
Dippacher            B. A., Mrs.          clothing                                                                      1 Triangle
Dipple               Jacob                tailor                                                                      323 Tchoupitoulas
Dirrhammer           J. M.                attorney at law                                                              33 Exchange place
Dirken               A. S.                nurse                                                                           Sixth n. Annunciation
Dirker               N., Mrs.                                                                                             Dryades n. St. Andrew
Dirks                C.                                                                                                   St. Andrew n. Howard
Dirksen              N.                                                                                                   Liberty n. Jackson
Dirkust              Peter                clerk                                                                        41 Mag.
Dirmeyer             C. E.                                                                                             69 Canal
Dirmeyer             G.                   examiner in office of appraiser of customs                             d.   364 Baronne
Dirmeyer             G. W., Dr.                                               32 St. Charles                     d.   216 Julia
Dirminio             Isabel               f. w. c.                                                                    105 Frenchmen
Dirr                 J.                                                                                                   Josephine n. Fulton
Discher              J.                   variety                                                                      65 Levee, d. 3
Discher              Joseph               engineer                                                                    304 Baronne
Disken               Julia                                                                                             74 Spain
Disler               Jules                grocer                                                                      315 Poydras
Disterfano           Augustine                                                                                        161 Baronne
Distler              John                 shoes                                                                       422 Dauphine, d. 3
Dital                J., Mrs.             grocer                                                                          Fulton c. Adele
Ditel                John                 tailor                                                                     1047 New Levee, d. 4
Ditenan              J., Mrs.                                                                                          22 Levee, d. 3
Diterman             John                 tobacconist                                                                     Customhouse n. Galvez
Ditrey               Francois             butcher                                                                      22 French mkt.
Ditten               John                                                                                             297 St. Thomas
Dittmann             F.                                                                                                31 Montegut
Dittmann             Henry                                                                                            441 St. Philip
Dittrich             A.                   blacksmith                                                                      Sixth n. Jersey
Divine               Charles              lab.                                                                        467 Chartres, d. 3
Divine               E., Mrs.                                                                                         467 Chartres
Divine               John                 clerk                                                                           Pacanier n. Richard
Divine               Michael              laborer                                                                     114 Erato
Dix & Ranlett                             (Thomas I. Dix, D. L. Ranlett)                                         d.   174 Annunciation
                                          commission & forwarding merchants
                                          67 Tchoupitoulas
Dix                  William              (Richard Nugent & Co.)                                                      155 Common
Dixon                Alex. A.             carpenter                                                                   572 St. Claude, d. 3
Dixon                B.                                                                                               468 Camp
Dixon                Daniel               laborer                                                                     376 Chartres
Dixon                G., Mrs.                                                                                          56 Mandeville
Dixon                James                laborer                                                                         Jackson depot
Dixon                John                 trader                                                                      414 Rampart, d. 1
Dixon                Josephine, Mrs.                                                                                   28 Marais
Dixon, Joshua & Co.                       (W. W. Wright)                      cotton buyers                            23 Commercial place
Dixon                J. K.                atty. at law                                                                 27 Camp
Dixon                J.                   screwman                                                                        Dauphine n. Montegut
Dixon                M.                   f. w. c. nurse                                                                  First n. Dryades
Dixon                Roger                carpenter                                                                       Gretna
Dixon                S. I., Mrs.                                                                                          Prytania n. Polymnia
Dixon                W.                                                                                               418 Baronne
Dixon                W.                   striker                             N. O. J. & G. N. R. R.
Doaherty             Jno.                 laborer                                                                d.    73 Annunciation
Doan                 Adam                 grocer                                                                          Jersey c. Eighth
Doane                Geo., Mrs.                                                                                           Bayou road n. Dorgenois
Doane                Harmon               agent of U.S. Life Insurance Co.                                       d.   185 St. Joseph
                                          48 Camp
Doane                John                 laborer                                                                         Roman n. Palmyra
Doanes               Edward               laborer                                                                     375 Perdido
Doar                 David                laborer                                                                d.   244 Tchoupitoulas
Dobard               James                f. m. c.   lab.                                                              75 Old Levee
Dobat                B.                   butcher                                                                         Eighth c. Annunciation
Dobbins              John C.              lab.                                                                            Locust c. Cypress
Dobbins & McHaffey                                                                                                        Tchoupitoulas c. Philip, box 344 Merchants' Exchange
Dobbins              Stephen D.           trader                                                                          Jefferson City
Dobbs                Patrick              laborer                                                                     232 Basin, d. 1
Dobbs                Patrick              laborer                                                                d.    77 Constance
Dobele               S.                   cisterns                                                                    240 Main
Dobs                 Rose                                                                                                 Poydras n. Rampart
Dobson               James                                                                                             67 Spain
Dobson               Thos.                screwman                                                                    637 Rampart, d. 3
Dobson               Wm.                                                                                         d.   164 Dryades
Dobson               Wm.                  laborer                                                                     574 Dauphine
Dobyns               T. J.                                                                                                Amite City, La.
Docard               Mrs.                                                                                                 Girod n. Washington avenue
Doche                F. E.                                                                                            232 Ursulines
Dockter              George               (Llambias & Dockter)                                                       111  & 133 Old Levee, d. 2
Docming              Louis                tailor                                                                      234 St. Louis
Docteur              Chris                pawnbroker                                                                  131 Royal
Dodard               M.                   inspr. customs                                                                  Custom house
Dodard               P. H.                dyer & scourer                                                              121 Bourbon
Dodart               H., Mrs.                                                                                             St. Claude c. Orleans
Dodart               Jemima, Mrs.                                                                                      27 Frenchmen
Dodart               M.                                                                                               346 Dauphine, d. 3
Dodd & Bateman                            (J. W. Dodd, A. J. Bateman)         commission merchants               d.   173 Washington
                                                                              61 St. Charles
Dodds                William              c. p.
Dodge                Albert               St. Charles Hotel, clerk                                                     15 Magazine
Dodge                Charles S.                                                                                       144 Girod
Dodge                L. J.                foreman ballast train               O. R. R. depot                     d.       Goslin n. Delaronde, Algiers
Dodley               S.                   drayman                                                                         Julia c. Tchoupitoulas
Dodson               W. B., Dr.                                                                                       189 Canal
Dodt                 Wm.                  ship carp.                                                                      Dauphine n. France
Doebele              O.                   carpenter                                                                       Main c. Villere
Doehn                Frank                messenger                                                                    96 Mag.
Doehring             Peter                                                                                                Bagatelle n. Solidelle
Doell                John                 c. h.                                                                           Market c. Front
Doepke               Charles              shoemaker                                                                    64 Derbigny
Doepke               Fred.                shoemaker                                                                    64 Derbigny
Doepling             Caroline             crockery                                                                     22 Annunciation
Doerger              Henry                tailor                                                                       62 Piety
Doeries              C. W.                barber                                                                      337 Old Levee, d. 2
Doering              Henry                tailor                                                                      322 Old Levee, d. 2
Doeris               John                 grocer                                                                      617 Rampart, d. 3
Doernhoffer          Caspar G.            confectioner                                                                203 Rampart
Doerning             Jacob                tinner                                                                      233 St. Peter
Doerr                Adam                 grocer                                                                          St. Dennis n. First
Doerr                Adam, Jr.            dairy                                                                           Leontine n. New Levee, Jefferson City
Doerr                Fred.                dairy                                                                           Live Oak n. Jena, Jeff. City
Doerr                W.                   gardener                                                                        Marigny n. woods
Doerting             F. W.                grocer                                                                          Girod  c. St. Anthony
Doetling             Christian                                                                                         22 Annunciation
Doferonty            Nicholas, Capt.                                                                                  320 Franklin
Dofing               Nicholas             tailor                                                                      321 Bayou road
Doflay               L. A., Mrs.                                                                                      114 St. Charles
Dogan                Dennis               lab.                                                                            Howard n. Poydras
Dohan                Jno. R.                                                  281 Thalia                         d.   446 Dryades
Dohan                Thomas                                                                                           102 Poydras
Dohan                William R.
Dohemy               John                 warehouseman                                                                567 Dauphine, d. 3
Dohemy               Pat                  c. p. freight                                                               130 Enghien
Doherty              Ellen, Mrs.                                                                                      364 Franklin
Doherty              Ephraim              tinsmith                                                                      6 Franklin
Doherty              John F.              fancy goods                                                                 320 Camp
Doherty              John                 laborer                                                                         Fourth n. Fulton
Doherty              John                 laborer                                                                     447 Julia
Doherty              John                 warehouseman                                                                    St. Louis c. Rampart
Doherty              Libbwin W.           clerk                                                                        74 Canal
Doherty              Pat.                 vet. surgeon                                                                 79 Perdido
Doherty              Thos.                shoemaker                                                                     2 Annunciation
Doherty              Thos.                laborer                                                                d.   107 Derbigny
Doherty              Thos.                watchman                                                                    113 Gaiennie
Doherty              Wm.                  foundryman                                                             d.   453 Basin
Doherty              Margaret, Mrs.       sunbonnets                                                                      Annunciation n. St. Andrew
Doherty              Pat.                 shoemaker                                                                     2 Annunciation
Doherty              P.                   livery stables                                                              58  & 60 Perdido
Doherty              Thomas               laborer                                                                      14 Louisa
Dohey                John                 laborer                                                                d.    82 Barracks
Dohler               R.                   grocer                                                                          Algiers
Dohm                 Edward John          sailmaker                           129 Old Levee                      d.       Chestnut n. Peter, Algiers
Dohm                 Frank                Adams Express                                                                96 Camp
Dohomy               William                                                                                              Carrollton
Doiseau              C. N.                Embroidery Designer for all kinds of goods                                  70  Bourbon
Doig                 John                 boiler maker                                                                 67 Gaiennie
Doigt                John, Mrs.                                                                                  d.   264 Bayou road
Doit                 Antoine                                                                                              Metairie ridge
Doiteau              B.                   collector                                                                   498 Rampart, d. 3
Doiteau              L.                   clerk                                                                  d.   498 Rampart, d. 3
Doize                A. J.                                                    35 Natchez                         d.   341 Frenchmen
Doize                Lucien J.            book keeper                                                                  67 Tchoupitoulas
Dolahant             John                                                                                             203 Rousseau
Dolan                Edward               carp.                                                                           Sixth n. St. Charles
Dolan                Harry                laborer                                                                     249 Magazine
Dolan                James                cabman                                                                      168 Julia
Dolan                John                 mechanic                                                                    137 Gasquet
Dolan                John                 b. h.                                                                        49 North market
Dolan                John                 laborer                                                                     361 St. Louis
Dolan                John L.              grocer                                                                      226 Customhouse
Dolan                John                 laborer                                                                d,    49 North market
Dolan                John                 laborer                                                                d.    51 North market
Dolan                John F.              clerk                                                                       502 Old Levee, d. 3
Dolan                Michael              laborer                                                                      64 Religious
Dolan                Michael              grocery                                                                     123 Erato
Dolan                Peter                printer                                                                d.   198 Dryades
Dolan                Peter, Mrs.                                                                                      480 Old Levee, d. 3
Dolan                Peter                blacksmith                                                                  395 Gravier
Dolan                Robert               laborer                                                                d.    68 Rousseau
Dolan                Thomas               lab.                                                                   d,   226 New Levee, d. 1
Dolan                Thomas                                                                                               Calliope n. Carondelet
Dolan                W., Mrs.                                                                                             St. James n. Felicity
Dolan                Wm.                  clerk                                                                           Jackson n. Rousseau
Dolando              Frank                butcher                                                                         Jena n. Jersey, Jefferson City
DOLBEAR COMMERCIAL COLLEGE of the City of New Orleans. Founded in 1832 - Chartered by the
                     Legislature of Louisiana. Capital Stock, $250,000; in the new
                     and spacious iron edifice known as Story Building, corner
                     Camp & Common sts., entrance on both sts. Open day &
                     evening. Rufus Dolbear, President.
DOLBEAR              RUFUS L.             Accountant; Opens, Closes & Corrects Books                             d.      Claiborne n. Common.
Dolear               John                                                                                              27 St. Mary's market
Dolf                 H.                   potatoes, etc.                                                              445 Dauphine, d. 3
Dolhonde             Alfred               (John S. Wallis & Co.)                                                 d.   239 Rampart
Dolhonde             C.                                                                                          d.   239 Rampart
Dolhonde             Charlotte                                                                                        453 Marais, d. 3
Dolhonde             H. T.                clerk, Star Insurance Co.
Dolhonde             J. B., Mrs.                                                                                       84 St. Ferdinand
Dolhonde             John                 (Martin, Cobb & Co.)                157 Gravier                        d.    75 Ursulines
Dolhonde             Joseph               clerk                                                                       131 Esplanade
Dolhonde             J. B., Jr.           clerk state tax collector, 3d. dist.9 Esplanade                        d.       Dauphine c. Montegut
Dolhonde             J. J. B.                                                                                             Burgundy c. Port, d. 3
Dolhonde             Jean, Mrs.                                                                                        84 St. Ferdinand
Dolhonde             Jean                 butcher                                                                      39 North market
Dolhonde             John                                                                                             252 Treme, d. 2
Dolhonde             Jos.                 carpenter                                                                   277 Roman, d. 3
Dolier               John                 butcher                                                                      12 North market
Doliol               Edmund               f. m. c., carp.                                                              67 Urquhart
Doliol               Etienne              f. m. c.,  mason                                                             65 Urquhart
Doliol               Jean L.              f. m. c.                                                                    246 Bayou road
Doliol               Jean Jr.             shoemaker                                                                   486 Villere, d. 3
Doliol               Joseph, Mrs.                                                                                      30 Laharpe
Doliol               J. Louis             f. m. c., tailor                                                            489 Villere, d. 3
Doliol               L. D.                carpenter                                                                   302 Hospital
Doliol               Marie                f. w. c., grocer                                                            481 Bourbon, d. 3
Doliol               Pierre               f. m. c., carpenter                                                          90 Music
Doll                 Baptiste             teacher                                                                         Love n. Spain
Doll                 Johanna, Mrs.        dry goods                                                                       Euterpe c. Liberty
Doll                 Francis              carpenter                                                                   155 Rampart
Doll                 George               cooper                                                                      270 St. Peter
Doll                 Henry                wood                                                                        402 Dryades
Doll                 James                bar keeper                                                                      Dryades c. Thalia
Doll                 John                 shoemaker                                                                   281 Dauphine
Doll                 Mathias              seed store                                                                   21 Front Levee, d. 2
Doll                 Mary                                                                                        d.   618 Annunciation
Doll                 Wendelin                                                                                         463 Fulton
Doll                 Wm.                  clerk                                                                  d.       Claiborne c. Carondelet walk
Doll                 W.                   speculator                                                                      Third n. Chippewa
Dolland              F.                                                                                                   Roman n. Laharpe
Dolon                Alfred               f. m. c., mason                                                              60 History
Dolon                J.                   f. m. c., cooper                                                            194 Esplanade
Dolon                J. B.                f. m. c., cooper                                                            670 St. Claude, d. 3
Dolon                L.                   f. m. c., cooper                                                            194 Esplanade
Dolsen               C. H.                (G. L. Dolsen & Son)                73 Poydras                         d.   384 Carondelet
Dolsen               E.                                                                                               147 Rampart, d. 2
Dolsen & Son                              (G. L. Dolsen, C. H. Dolsen)        71,  73  &  77 Poydras             d.   384 Carondelet
                                          com. merchs.
Dolson               Mich.                plasterer                                                                       Liberty c. Felicity
Doltmann             Diedrich             carpenter                                                                       Euterpe n. Dryades
Dolton               Michael                                                                                     d.   380 Gravier
Dolvey               L. Y.                                                                                                Lavoiseur n. Third, Gretna
Domec                Cora, Mrs.                                                                                       312 Rampart, d. 2
Domec                R.                   musician
Domee                F.                   butcher                                                                         Dryades market
Domere               F.                   clothing                                                                    351 Old Levee, d. 3
Domere               Sanite               f. w. c.                                                                    184 Spain
Dominge              J. S., Mrs.                                                                                          St. Philip n. Roman
Dominge              Louis                teacher                                                                     298 Bourbon
Dominge              Louis                                                                                            203 Ursulines
Dominge              Louis                mattress                                                                    102 Robertson
Domingo              Andre                coal & wood                                                                 276 Thalia
Domingo              James M.             clk.                                                                   d.   100 Prytania
Domingo              Jos.                 cigars                                                                       55 Customhouse & St. Charles hotel
Domingo              Jos.                 sugar mkr.                                                                   80 Mandeville
Domingo              Jos. Santo, Mrs.                                                                                 400 Marais, d. 3
Domingo              Salvador             poultry dealer                                                              133 Liberty
Domingon             A.                                                                                               437 Burgundy, d. 3
Domingon             Guzman               collector                                                                   103 Kerlerec
Domingon             H. J.                                                                                            231 Orleans
Domingon             Jules                                                                                             80 Mandeville
Domingnon            Victor               grocer                              344 Ursulines                      d.   413 Villere, d. 3
Domingue             M.                                                                                                28 Music
Dominguez            B. de Jesuz                                                                                      420 Rampart
Dominguez            Florence             clk.                                                                         35 Carondelet
Dominguez            Joseph, Mrs.                                                                                         Royal n. Mazant
Dominguez            Joseph M.            clk.                                                                         35 Carondelet
Dominque             M.                   f. w. c.                                                                        Mazant c. Greatmen
Dominique            Burgess                                                                                              Chippewa n. Ninth
Dominique            B.                   butcher                                                                     22  & 24 Treme market
Dominique            Cazalas              poultry                                                                     250 Dauphine
Dominique            Francoise            shoemaker                                                                   423 Rampart, d. 3
Dominique            H.                   f. m. c. , cook                                                                 Conti n. Villere
Dominique            Jerome               oysters                                                                     243 Delord
Dominique            John                 trader                                                                       49 Love
Dominique            John                 baker                                                                       139 Ursulines
Dominique            Joubde                                                                                            70 French market
Dominique            J.                   butcher                                                                       1 Poydras market
Dominique            Maille               butcher                                                                      81 French mkt.
Dominique            M.                   butcher                                                                      11 Poydras mkt.
Dominique            Rotge                shoemaker                                                              d.   193 St. Anthony
Dominique            R.                   butcher                                                                       2 Poydras market
Domino               M.                                                                                               288 St. Ann
Donafort             G.                   furniture                                                                   123 Ursulines
Donahan              Jno.                 drayman                                                                d.   104 Erato
Donaghue             John                 c. h.                                                                       250 Tchoupitoulas
Donaghue             W. H.                                                                                             89 Gravier
Donahue              C., Mrs.                                                                                         275 Carondelet
Donahue              Henry                gunny bags                                                                  175 Magazine
Donahue              Isabella, Mrs.                                                                                   446 Carondelet
Donahue              John                 laborer                                                                     649 Royal, d. 3
Donahue              Mary, Mrs.                                                                                       346 Melpomene
Donahue              Michael              laborer                                                                         Annunciation
Donahue              M., Mrs.                                                                                         314 Conti
Donahue              Nicholas             reporter                                                                    498 Dryades
Donahue              Patrick              lab.                                                                        454 N. Levee, d. 3
Donahue              P.                   furniture car                                                               441 Gravier
Donald               Samuel                                                                                               Jersey n. St. Andrew
Donaldson            Dr.                                                                                              250 Rampart, d. 1
Donaldson            J. D.                                                                                                Urquhart n. Washington
Donaldson            Margaret, Mrs.       nurse                                                                       212 Julia
Donalty              Edwin                                                                                                Rousseau n. St. Mary
Donalty              Richard              laborer                                                                      59 Erato
Donaly               B., Mrs.                                                                                             Theresa n. Tchoupitoulas
Donaly               D. B. , Mrs.                                                                                         St. Peter n. Poydras
Donally              Owen                                                                                                 Theresa n. St. Thomas
Donan                John                                                                                                 Frenchmen n. Rampart
Donat                Francois             cook, f. m. c.                                                               46 St. Anthony
Donat                Jean                                                                                                 Chippewa n. Toledano
Donauer              J.                   carpenter                           111 Customhouse                    d.   402 Customhouse
Donavan              Cath.                grocery                                                                      29 St. Thomas
Donavan              James                                                                                            276 Dryades
Donavan              Jas.                 laborer                                                                     351 Annunciation
Donavan              P.                   lab.                                                                            St. Thomas n. Felicity
Donbovan             H.                   confectioner                                                                203 Rampart
Doncq                Louise, Mrs.                                                                                     299 Bourbon
Doneaues             J.                   cab. mkr.                                                                   402 Customhouse
Donegan              B.                   grocer                                                                          Felicity c. St. Thomas
Donegan              Catherine                                                                                         84 Roman
Donegan              Daniel               driver                                                                      659 Rampart, d. 3
Donegan              Dennis               laborer                                                                      67 Rousseau
Donegan              E.                   laborer                                                                         Adele n. Rousseau
Donegan              James D.             caps.                                                                        84 Rousseau
Donegan              James H.             (Seruggs, Donegan & Co.)                                                    155 Gravier
Donegan              John                 laborer                                                                     292 Liberty
Donegan              John                 blacksmith                          225 Front                          d.       New Levee n. Erato
Donegan              Michael              b. h.                                                                       329 St. Joseph
Donegan              Pat                  blacksmith                                                                  155 St. Mary
Donegan              Peter, Mrs.                                                                                      506 Dauphine, d. 3
Donegan              S. W.                clerk                                                                       155 Gravier
Donegan              Thomas               ship joiner                                                                     Algiers
Donegan              W.                   (Seruggs, Donegan & Co.)                                                    155 Gravier
Donegar              Matthias                                                                                             Carrollton
Donegar              Michael              lab.                                                                   d.    32 St. Joseph
Donenbeger           Rinehart             book binder                                                                  87 St. Mary
Donerly              John                                                                                                 St. Thomas n. Benjamin
Doney                J. B.                f. m. c., bricklayer                                                            Erato n. Camp
Donivan              J.                   shoemaker                                                                    40 Mandeville
Donlan               B., Mrs.                                                                                             St. Mary n. Rousseau
Donlan               Catharine                                                                                        134 Gasquet
Donlan               J. F.                clerk                                                                         8 Magazine
Donlan               Michael              grocery                                                                     335 Magazine
Donlan               Michael                                                                                              Philip c. Tchoupitoulas
Donlan               Mike                 lab.                                                                            Camp n. Melpomene
Donohoe              Arthur               warehouseman                                                                 57 Annunciation
Donohoe              John                 warehouseman                                                                 57 Annunciation
Donlan               Mich'l               lab.                                                                   d.   265 Customhouse
Donlan               Thos.                lab.                                                                   d.   182 Customhouse
Donlan               Thomas                                                                                               Tchoupitoulas n. Thalia
Donley               D.                   drayman                                                                     331 Tchoupitoulas
Donley               Ellen                                                                                                Soraparu n. Chippewa
Donley               Patrick              dry goods                                                                    63 Gasquet
Donley               William, Mrs.                                                                                    503 Chartres, d. 3
Donley               William              laborer                                                                     474 Royal, d. 3
Donlin               J.                   carpenter                                                                    20 Spain
Donlin               Martin                                                                                               Celeste n. Tchoupitoulas
Donlin               Michael              laborer                                                                d.   262 Orleans
Donlin               Patrick              cabman                                                                      122 Marigny
Donlin               Thos.                laborer                                                                      85 St. Andrew
Donlon               Pat.                 cabman                                                                          Marigny n. Rampart
Donly                Betsey, Mrs.                                                                                     296 St. Louis
Donnaud              Alfred, Dr.                                                                                      118 Carondelet
Donnavay             Jas.                 laborer                                                                         Royal n. Congress
Donnaway             Jas.                 laborer                                                                         Carps n. Spain
Donnaway             John                 screwman                                                                     76 Clouet
Donnegan             Laurence             drayman                                                                     402 Dryades
Donnegan             S. W.                clerk                                                                       163 Gravier
Donnegan             Wm.                                                                                                  Thalia n. Franklin
Donneheffer          G.                   confectioner                                                                203 Rampart
Donnell              Jas.                 stevedore                                                                       Montegut n. Front Levee
Donnell              Jas. L.              c. h.                                                                       200 Magnolia
Donnell              John                 trader                                                                          St. Mary's market
Donnell              J. H.                apothecary                                                                  189 Dauphine
Donnell              M'l.                 drayman                                                                     439 Old Levee, d. 3
Donnell              Wm. S.               com. mer.                                                                    18 Carondelet
Donnellan            John                 laborer                                                                     495 Royal, d. 3
Donnellan            M'l.                 grocer                                                                      337 Magazine
Donnellan            W., Mrs.                                                                                             Magnolia n. Common
Donnelly             Benj.                lab.                                                                            Foucher n. St. Joseph
Donnelly             H., Mrs.                                                                                          80 Main
Donnelly             Cath.                b. h.                                                                       238 Tchoupitoulas
Donnelly             Daniel               drayman                                                                d.   333 Tchoupitoulas
Donnelly             Hugh                 book keeper                                                                  97 Gaiennie
Donnelly             James                laborer                                                                     193 Dryades
Donnelly             James                lab.                                                                            Gaiennie n. Constance
Donnelly             James                lab.                                                                         97 Gaiennie
Donnelly             John                 lab.                                                                         83 Delord
Donnelly             John                 drayman                                                                d.       Tchoupitoulas c. Hunter
Donnelly             John                 drayman                                                                     129 Enghien
Donnelly             John                 laborer                                                                      11 Delord
Donnelly             Joseph                                                                                               Magnolia n. Lafayette
Donnelly             Mrs.                 b. h.                                                                       151 Girod
Donnelly             M.                   laborer                                                                     100 St. Andrew
Donnelly             Margt.               c. h.                                                                       113 Tchoupitoulas
Donnelly             Morton               book keeper                                                                 113 Tchoupitoulas
Donnelly             Michael              machinist                                                                    80 Main
Donnelly             Owen                 screwman                                                                        St. Thomas c. Theresa
Donnelly             Patrick                                                                                           54 Robertson
Donnelly             Patrick              lab.                                                                        487 Royal, d. 3
Donnelly             Patrick                                                                                          325 Customhouse
Donnelly             Samuel               stevedore                                                              d.   272 St. Thomas
Donnelly             Thomas               barkeeper                                                                    86 Enghien
Donnelly             T.                                                                                                   Carondelet near Conrey
Donnelly             Wm.                  laborer                                                                         Jefferson City
Donnelly             Wm.                  laborer                                                                d.   117 Spain
Donnenberger         R.                   book binder                                                            d.       Mary bet. Chippewa & Fulton
Donner               Michael              carp.                                                                           Ninth n. Chippewa
Donnet               A., Mrs.                                                                                         297 Bourbon
Donnet               O. L.                clk.                                Bee Office                         d.   297 Bourbon
Doney                Jos. E.              laborer                                                                d.    11 Constance
Donningberg          R.                   book binder                                                                  74 Freret
Donoghue             M., Mrs.                                                                                         314 Conti
Donoho               Mary, Mrs.                                                                                       346 Melpomene
Donoho               Pat.                 lab.                                                                   d.   346 Melpomene
Donoho               Peter                tailor                                                                 d.       Euterpe n. Carondelet
Donoho               Tim'thy              drayman                                                                     114 Constance
Donohoe              E.                   coal                                                                            Perdido c. Howard
Donohoe              John                 mechanic                                                                     94 Delord
Donohoe              John J.              upholsterer                                                            d,   253 Liberty
Donohoe              Patrick              lab.                                                                         99 Claiborne, d. 2
Donohue              Dennis               laborer                                                                     996 Dryades
Donohue              H.                                                                                                   St. Mary c. Religious
Donohue              Jas.                 iron founder                                                           d.   131 Felicity
Donohue              John                 lab.                                                                            Pacanier n. Richard
Donohue              Nicholas             steamboat agent                     19 Bank place                      d.   498 Dryades, d. 4
Donohue              Peter                laborer                                                                      94 Franklin
Donohue              Thos.                lab.                                                                            Cypress n. Magnolia
Donohue              Timothy              drayman                                                                     114 Orange
Donovan & Neutz                           (Jas. Donovan, G. W. Neutz)                                                  95 Camp
Donovan              A. D.                com. mer. & cotton factor           51 Carondelet                      d.   308 Terpsichore
Donovan              Catharine                                                                                         21 St. John Baptist
Donovan              Cornelius            drayman                                                                      35 Felicity
Donovan              Dennis               draymaster                                                                   68 Thalia
Donovan              Dennis P.            draymaster                                                                  100 St. Andrew
Donovan              Daniel               laborer                                                                d.    11 Melpomene
Donovan              Daniel               clerk                                                                  d.    16 Melpomene
Donovan              Edw.                 drayman                                                                      76 Poydras
Donovan              Eliza, Mrs.                                                                                      335 St. Charles, d. 1
Donovan              James                waiter                                                                      273 Dryades
Donovan              James                                                                                            117 Bolivar
Donovan              Mary, Mrs.           grocer                                                                       61 St. James
Donovan              James                laborer                                                                d.    73 Josephine
Donovan              John                 drayman                                                                     595 Tchoupitoulas
Donovan              John V.              druggist                                                                    473 Baronne
Donovan              John                 cooper                                                                          Religious n. Nuns
Donovan              John                 laborer                                                                      64 St. Thomas
Donovan              Lydia, Mrs.                                                                                      195 Delord
Donovan              Michael              stevedore                                                                   369 Tchoupitoulas
Donovan              Michael              laborer                                                                      62 Marigny
Donovan              M.                                                                                                   Terpsichore n. Theresa
Donovan              Pat                  laborer                                                                     297 St. Thomas
Donovan              Peter                lab.                                                                            St. James n. Chippewa
Donovan              Thos.                plasterer                                                                    13 Bertrand
Donovan              Timothy                                                                                          211 St. Andrew
Doody                E.                   carpenter                                                                       Poydras n. Rampart
Dooel                Jos.                 shoemaker                                                                    76 Prytania
Doolan               Henry                laborer                                                                     207 Magazine
Doolan               Jas.                 boiler maker                                                                    Ohio Exchange
Doolan               John                                                                                                 St. James n. St. John Baptist
Doolan               John                 lab.                                                                            Josephine n. Rousseau
Doolan               Martin, Mrs.                                                                                     149 Conti
Doolan               Thomas               shipwright                                                                      Algiers
Dooley               Honora, Mrs.                                                                                     392 Camp
Dooley               Jas.                 drayman                                                                         Rousseau n. St. Mary
Dooley               John                 drayman                                                                      76 St. Andrew
Dooley               Patrick              laborer                                                                     134 Poet
Dooley               Patrick              tinsmith                                                                     43 Felicity
Dooley               William              stables                                                                     202 Magazine
Doonan               John                 laborer                                                                     597 Craps
Dopf                 Philip               trader                                                                      127 Rousseau
Dopson               Thos.                lab.                                                                            Port n. Goodchildren
Doran                Dennis                                                                                               Constance n. Josephine
Doran                James                sugar weigher                                                                36 Piety
Doran                John                 gas house                                                              d,       Roman n. Common
Doran                Jos. H.              carpenter                                                              d.   127 Polymnia
Doran                Martin               laborer                                                                d.   110 Franklin
Doran                Michael, Mrs.                                                                                        Second n. Laurel
Doran                R.                   fisherman                                                                   461 St. Claude, d. 3
Doran                R. D.                laborer                                                                         Adele n. Rousseau
Doran                Thomas               laborer                                                                      50 St. Thomas
Dorance              George                                                                                           101 St. Mary
Dorand               Joseph H.            carpenter                                                                       Josephine n. Rampart
Dorant               Mateo                fishmonger                                                                   78 Union, d. 3
Doranthy             Wm. H.               locksmith                                                                       Magazine n. St. Andrew
Dorbrosse            Henry                cigars                                                                      160 Marais, d. 2
Dorcan               Michael              laborer                                                                     227 St. Louis
Dorechester          W.                   clerk                                                                       121 Canal
Dorcy                Pierre               shoemaker                                                                   172 Bourbon
Dore                 David                laborer                                                                     278 Tchoupitoulas
Dore                 Edward S.            coachman                                                                        Jeff. City
Dore                 Fred.                                                                                            178 Customhouse
Dore                 Michael                                                                                              Seventh n. St. Charles
Dore                 Patrick              stables                                                                         Rampart n. Common
Doremus              P., Mrs.                                                                                         319 Ursulines
Dorethy              S. J.                ship carpenter                                                                  Goslin, Alg.
Dorethy              William H.           smith                                                                           c. Magazine & St. Andrew
Dorgan               E., Mrs.             variety store                                                               194 Delord
Dorganne             A.                   f. m. c. , barber                                                           112 Claiborne
Dorhauer             August               warehouseman                                                                312 Erato
Dorhauer             C.                   watchmaker                                                                  753 New Levee, d. 4
Doriden              Henry                lab.                                                                            Josephine c. Liberty
Dorin                H., Mrs.                                                                                             Ursulines n. Prieur
Doring               Peter                                                                                                Bagatelle n. Solidelle
Doriocourt           Antoine              not'y public                        65 Toulouse                        d.   318 Bayou road
Doriocourt           Anthony              clerk                               3 St. Louis                        d.       Ursulines n. Roman
Doriocourt           A. D.                                                                                            391 Barracks
Doriocourt           J.                   clerk                               3 St. Louis                        d.       Miro c. Barracks
Doriocourt           Pierre               f. m. c.   laborer                                                          331 St. Philip
Doridant             J.                   gas fitter                                                                   91 St. Louis
Dorion               A.                                                                                                71 Esplanade, d. 3
Doris                Hugh                                                                                                 Pacific avenue, Algiers
Doris                Roderick             boiler maker                                                                    Algiers
Dorlan               John                 laborer                                                                         Prieur n. Orleans
Dorman               Fred.                clerk                                                                           Jackson n. Rousseau
Dorman               Wm.                  clerk                                                                  d.   317 Dryades
Dorman               D.                   cotton sampler                                                              113 Edward
Dormer               J.                   tailor                                                                          Tchoupitoulas n. Fourth
Dormody              Thomas               drayman                                                                      57 Port
Dorn                 Louis                vegetables                                                                      French mkt.
Dornan               D.                   cott. weigher                       93 Gravier                         d.    16 Melpomene
Dornan               H.                   cooper                                                                      184 St. Anthony
Dornce               G.                   screwman                                                                        St. Mary n. Chippewa
D'Ornellas & Garcia                       c. h.                                                                           Perdido c. Liberty
Dorner               Bernard              drayman                                                                     311 Benton
Dorney               Edmund               book keeper                                                                     Common c. St. Charles
Dorny                Maurice                                                                                          429 St. Charles
Doroty               William                                                                                            2 Annette
Dorr                 A.                   grocer                                                                          Derbigny c. Conti
Dorr                 E. W.                (Simpson & Dorr)                    12 Covington landing, New Basin    d.       Rampart n. Calliope
Dorr                 Fred.                grocer                                                                       18 New Levee
Dorr                 John                 laborer                                                                         Jena n. Live Oak, Jeff. City
Dorr                 J. W.                assistant editor                    N. O. Crescent                           70 Camp
Dorr                 Peter                lab.                                                                            Ninth n. Constance
Dorr                 Thos.                lab.                                                                            St. Mary n. Religious
Dorrote              O.                   vegetables                                                                      Treme mkt.
Dorsam               Leonhart             lab.                                                                        321 Goodchildren
Dorsain              Adam, Mrs.                                                                                       407 St. Claude, d. 3
Dorsay               Jos.                 laborer                                                                      13 Leeds row, Erato
Dorsey               G.                                                                                                   Jackson n. Fulton
Dorsey               James                baker                                                                        19 St. Ferdinand
Dorsey               James                lab.                                                                            Philip n. Rousseau
Dorsey               Joseph               lab.                                                                        248 Tchoupitoulas
Dorsey               Julia, Mrs.                                                                                       71 Annunciation
Dorsey               Malvina                                                                                          202 St. Louis
Dorsey               Margaret             seamstress                                                                  406 Liberty
Dorsey               Polly                f. w. c.                                                                    284 St. Ann
Dorsey               Patrick              laborer                                                                     270 St. Thomas
Dorsin               Patsey               f. w. c., vegetables                                                        129 St. Mary's market
Dorsignac            Felice                                                                                           276 Roman, d. 3
Dorson               Christian            lab.                                                                        311 Robertson
Dorson               Mary Ann             f. w. c.                                                                    300 St. Peter
Dorson               Richard                                                                                              St. Andrew n. Rousseau
Dorson               Thomas                                                                                               Race n Magazine
Dortman              Chas.                                                                                                Melpomene n. Howard
Dortrond             Pauline                                                                                          233 Conti
D'Orville            A.                                                                                                   Kerlerec n. Villere
D'Orville            Francois                                                                                         362 Main
Dorville             Jean B. A.                                                                                       244 Esplanade
Dorville             Numa                 carpenter                                                                   329 Villere, d. 3
Dorvin               Madame                                                                                           106 Frenchmen
Dosch                John M.              laborer                                                                     438 Hospital
Doscher              Cath.                                                                                                Washington n. St. Dennis
Doscher              J. H.                dairy                                                                           St. Patrick n. First
Doson                Eliza                                                                                            147 Rampart, d. 2
Dossaf               Joseph               butcher                                                                      18 St. Mary's mkt.
Dossat               James                butcher                                                                      18 St. Mary's mkt.
Dossat               Jos.                 butcher                                                                      44 South market
Dossat               J., Jr.              clerk O.R. R.                                                                   St. Peter c. Old Levee
Dossat               Jules                day inspector of customs                                               d.       Treme c. Barracks
Dossat               R.                   clerk                               57 Camp                            d.   114 St. Ann
Dostie               A. P., Dr.           dentist                                                                      12 Baronne
Doswell, J. T. & Co.                      (M. Abrams)                         steamship agents                         43 Natchez
Douaes               Michael                                                                                          142 St. Philip
Douat                Arno                 milkman                                                                         Metairie ridge
Douat                Carteren             butcher                                                                      87 French mkt.
Douat                C.                                                                                                   Pleasant n. Annunciation
Douat                John                 blacksmith                                                                  565 Chippewa
Douat                Marcel               butcher                                                                         French market
Doubert              Mary, Mrs.                                                                                       105 Union, d. 3
Douberg              M. Jr.                                                                                           106 Girod, d. 3
Douberg              Michael                                                                                              Urquhart n. Union
Douberg              M.                   cab. mak.                                                                       Union n. Morales
Doublett             J. B., Mrs.                                                                                       34 St. Anthony
Doubrere             A., Mrs.             rooms                                                                       131 Bourbon
Douce                A., Mrs.                                                                                         406 St. Claude, d. 3
Doucet               Edmond               clerk                                                                        65 Canal
Doucet               John                 sail maker                          8 Toulouse                         d.   314 St. Philip
Doucy                A. M.                clerk                                                                        95 Chartres
Dougall              George               finisher                                                                    259 Calliope
Dougall              John                 moulder                                                                     259 Calliope
Dougall              Philip S.            mate                                                                        518 Burgundy
Dougart              Baptiste             contractor                                                                  234 Galvez
Dougherty            Dominique                                                                                            Clara n. Lafayette
Dougherty & Co.                           (Daniel Dougherty, John C. Miller)
                                          Sailmakers & Manufacturers of Awnings,
                                          Tents & Tarpaulins, 73 Poydras.
Dougherty            Daniel               (Dougherty & Co.)                                                      d.   246 Customhouse
Dougherty            Ellen                                                                                                Franklin n. Erato
Dougherty            Frank                                                                                                Clara n. Lafayette
Dougherty            James                shoemaker                                                                   242 Girod
Dougherty            James                c. h.                                                                       786 Rousseau
Dougherty            John                 boiler maker                                                                192 Delord
Dougherty            John                 lab.                                                                            Julia n. Claiborne
Dougherty            John                 lab.                                                                         68 St. James
Dougherty            J.                   painter                                                                         Girod n. Magazine
Dougherty            J. W.                                                                                            179 Magazine, d. Bouly
Dougherty            L., Mrs.             washing                                                                         Levee n. Piety
Dougherty            Michael                                                                                              Camp n. Seventh
Dougherty            M., Mrs.             millinery                                                                   174 Rampart, d. 1
Dougherty            Owen                                                                                                 Claiborne n. Orleans
Dougherty            Patrick                                                                                          101 Orleans
Dougherty            R.                   gardener                                                                        Common n. Galvez
Dougherty            Thos.                                                                                                St. Thomas n. Soraparu
Dougherty            Thos.                                                                                            113 Gaiennie
Dougherty            Thos.                cooper                                                                      495 Fulton
Dougherty            Thos. L.                                                                                         195 Levee, d. 3
Dougherty            W.                   bricklayer                                                                   81 Melpomene
Doughty & Co.        (Richard Doughty)    lumber                                                                          Tchoupitoulas  c. First
Douglas              J.                   Visiting & Wedding Card Engraver, Lithographer &
                                          Copperplate Printer; Notarial & Lodge Seals & all kinds
                                          of Mercantile Work executed in the very best style.
                                          Office, 17 St. Charles, d. 344 Rampart, d. 1
Douglas              James                stevedore                                                                    31 Chippewa
Douglass             James                                                                                            110 Franklin
Douglass             John, Mrs.                                                                                       171 Old Levee
Douglass             Pat                                                                                                  Girod n. Rampart
Douglass             Pat.                 vegetables                                                                   65 St. Joseph
Douglass             Thos.                blacksmith                                                                  282 Liberty
Douglass             Wm.                  boatman of customs                                                     d.       Marigny n. Urquhart
Dougle               John                 mould.                                                                          Calliope n. Rampart
Doul                 Carl                 vegetables                                                                  220 Melpomene
Douley               Anthony              laborer                                                                      69 Gaiennie
Douley               P.                                                                                                   St. James n. Pacanier
Doulton              James                coachman                                                                     51 Annunciation
Doumeing             E., Dr.                                                                                          503 Old Levee, d. 3
Dour                 B.                   garden seeds                        12  Conti                          d.    12 Villere
Douris               James                drayman                                                                         Algiers
Dourlent             F., Mrs.                                                                                             Rampart c. Ursulines
Dourrieu             Eugene               painter & cistern maker                                                     285 Ursulines
Dours                B.                   watchmaker & importer of watches                                             20 Exchange place
Dours                D. Francois          butcher                                                                      96 French mkt
Dours                Guillaume                                                                                            Frenchmen c. Claiborne
Dours                Henry                butcher                                                                d.   246 Dauphine
Dours                Jean M.              butcher                                                                     140 St. Ann
Dours                Marie                                                                                                Elysian Fields c. Love
Douscher             Carsten              dairy                                                                           St. Dennis n. Sixth
Douse                Elizabeth            f. w. c.                                                                    206 Ursulines
Souse                George               steward                                                                         Conti c. Robertson
Douse                J.                   f. w. c. steward                                                            350 Customhouse
Doussan & Jaquier                         (Auguste Doussan, Joseph Jaquier)                                           122 Chartres & 23 St. Louis
Doussan              Henry                shipping clk.                                                               478 Tchoupitoulas
Doussutours          Pierre               var. store                                                                  187 Orleans
Doustalet            T.                                                                                                37 Goodchildren
Douvillier           E.                                                                                                   Hospital c. Rocheblave
Dove                 Frank                laborer                                                                     359 Basin
Dovelin              Edward                                                                                               Fourth n. St. Thomas
Dover                R.                   slater                                                                      127 Delord
Dow                  Charles              clerk                                                                        14 Marais n. Canal
Dow                  Henry                ship carp.                                                                      Peter, Algiers
Dowd                 A. O.                shoemkr.                                                                        Prytania n. Erato
Dowd                 Charles              carp.                                                                           St. Mary n. Camp
Dowd                 Charles M.           grocer                                                                          St. Mary n. Magazine
Dowd                 Daniel               book keeper                                                            d.   392 Liberty
Dowd                 Mary, Mrs.           grocery                                                                     168 Tchoupitoulas
Dowd                 Frederick A.                                                                                         Carrollton
Dowd                 James                wheelwright                                                                     Jefferson City
Dowd                 James, Mrs.                                                                                       12 Mandeville
Dowd                 John                 laborer                                                                     374 Claiborne, d. 3
Dowd                 John                                                                                             294 Canal n. Claiborne
Dowd                 John                                                                                                 St. Louis n. Derbigny
Dowd                 John                 laborer                                                                d.    33 Villere, d. 2
Dowd                 Laurence             lab.                                                                   d.   359 Tchoupitoulas
Dowd                 L.                   laborer                             warehouseman                       d. r359  Tchoupitoulas
Dowd                 Michael, Mrs.                                                                                     75 Spain
Dowd                 Orem                 laborer                                                                d.   110 Gaiennie
Dowd                 Stephen              milkman                                                                         Gentilly road
Dowe                 F. A.                                                                                                Carrollton n. Levee
Dowers               Henry                                                                                                Laharpe n. Robertson
Dowler               Bennet, Dr.          editor                              N. O. Med. & Surg. Journal         c.   89  Constance
Dowler               M. M. , Dr.                                                                                      182 Rousseau
Dowlin               Hugh                 painter                             15 St. Ferdinand                   d.       Broad n. Columbus
Dowlin               M.
Dowlin Brothers                           (Dennis & Thomas)                   shoe dealers                       d.   349 Rampart, d. 1
                                                                              92 Camp
Dowling              Francis J.           grocer                                                                 d.   227 Rampart
Dowling              J.                   plasterer
Dowling              John                 ostler                                                                 d.   267 Felicity
Dowling              Laurence             clerk                                                                       310 Common
Dowling              Michael                                                                                              Calliope c. Dryades
Dowling              Michael              c. h.                                                                        45 Tchoupitoulas, d. Rickerville
Dowling              M.                   (Cass & Dowling)                                                                Poydras c. Fulton
Dowling              Patrick              clerk                               92   Camp                          d.   349 Rampart, d. 1
Dowling              P.                                                                                                   Perdido c. Rampart
Dowling              R.                   cabman                                                                      354 Felicity
Dowling              Thomas               (Dowling Brothers)                  92 Camp                            d.   349 Rampart, d. 1
Dowling              Thos.                lab.                                                                            Gravier n. Magazine
Dowling              William              laborer                                                                     347 St. Peter
Dowlon               Anthony              laborer                                                                d.    96 Gaiennie
Downer               J. C.                agent                                                                           Baronne n. Girod
Downes               Frank                engineer                                                                        Spain c. Rampart
Downey               A.                   carpenter                                                                       Thalia c. Rampart
Downey               A.                   cartman                                                                         Thalia c. Franklin
Downey               John                 professor                           Jesuits' Collage
Downey               Mary
Downey               Michael              watchman                            Crescent City Press
Downey               Mich.                ice depot                           9 Commerce                         d.   279 Poydras
Downey               Michael              drayman                                                                     182 Delord
Downey               Morris                                                                                               Calliope n. Liberty
Downey               Robert               bricklayer                                                                  271 Common
Downey               Thos.                drayman                                                                d.   621 New Levee
Downey               Timothy              laborer                                                                d.    84 Delord
Downey               Thomas               drayman                                                                         Celeste n. Tchoupitoulas
Downey               Thos. E.                                                                                             Common n. Robertson
Downhauer            B.                   gardener                                                                        Copernicus n. Front, Gretna
Downhauer            P.                   tailor                                                                          Euterpe n. Baronne
Downhauer            R., Mrs.                                                                                             Copernicus n. Fourth, Gretna
Downheim             Wm.                  carpenter                                                                   365 Erato, d. 1
Dowing               T.                   drayman                                                                         Celeste n. Levee, d. 1
Downing              William                                                                                              Carrollton
Downs & Co.                               (Erasmus D. & Abijah Downs)                                            d.   227 Carondelet
                                          cotton factors & commission mers.
                                          119 Gravier
Downs                Ed. D.               com. mer.                                                                   369 Dryades
Downs                James                                                                                                Magnolia n. Lafayette
Downs                M. J.                city weigher                        65 Poydras                         d.   407 Rampart, d. 1
Downs                William                                                                                          275 Clara
Dowse                William, Dr.                                                                                     363 Baronne
Dowsing              William              clerk                               10 Union                           d.   284 Carondelet
Dowty                Chas.                f. m. c.                                                                        Columbus c. Roman
Dowty                Samuel                                                                                               Soraparu n. Rousseau
Dowty                W. A.                pilot                                                                           Soraparu n. Rousseau
Dowty                Zachariah                                                                                        437 Fulton
Doyar                M.                   marble cutter                                                               131 Lafayette
Doyen                Nicholas             grocer                                                                      192 Columbus
Doyle                A.                   c. h.                                                                        57 Front
Doyle                A. J.                                                                                            721 Burgundy, d. 3
Doyle                A. J., Mrs.                                                                                      249 Craps
Doyle                Charles              lab.                                                                            Enghien n. Chartres
Doyle                Christopher          grocer                                                                          Magazine c. Notre Dame
Doyle                Christ.                                                                                              Magazine c. Robin
Doyle                Elizabeth            widow                                                                        10 Enghien
Doyle                Ellen                seamstress                                                                  178 Ursulines
Doyle                George               lab.                                                                            Chippewa n. Felicity
Doyle                Henry                firewood                                                                        Dryades n. Felicity
Doyle                Hugh                 laborer                                                                d.    54 Thalia
Doyle                Hugh                 carpenter                                                                    85 Thalia
Doyle                H.                   f. m. c.   porter                                                           245 St. Ann
Doyle                James H.             blacksmith                                                                      Peter n. Chestnut, Algiers
Doyle                James                screwman                                                                        Philip n. St. Jane
Doyle                James                laborer                                                                d.   386 Camp
Doyle                James K.             machinist                                                              d.   203 St. John Baptist
Doyle                John                 carpenter                                                                    74 Montegut
Doyle                John                 blacksmith                                                                  226 Basin
Doyle                John                                                                                                 St. Peter n. Burgundy
Doyle                John, Mrs.                                                                                       144 Conti
Doyle                Joseph, Mrs.                                                                                      42 Montegut
Doyle                Joseph               engineer                                                                        Rampart c. Enghien
Doyle                L.                   painter                                                                     297 Dryades
Doyle                Mary                                                                                                 Josephine n. Chippewa
Doyle                Michael              stone cutter                                                                286 Melpomene
Doyle                M.                                                                                               185 Carondelet
Doyle                Michael              printer                                                                         Delord c. Tchoupitoulas
Doyle                Owen                                                                                                 Marigny c. Old Levee
Doyle                Patrick              spar maker.                                                                 301 Bourbon
Doyle                Patrick              laborer                                                                     103 Piety
Doyle                Patrick              ship carp.                                                             d.    10 Constance
Doyle                Pierce               laborer
Doyle                Richard              clerk                                                                       104 Tchoupitoulas
Doyle                S.                                                                                                   Tchoupitoulas n. St. Joseph
Doyle                Thomas, Mrs.                                                                                      35 Franklin
Doyle                Thomas                                                                                           189 Girod
Doyle                Thomas               laborer                                                                     361 Old Levee, d. 3
Doyle                T.                   drayman                                                                         Second n. Laurel
Doyle                T. M.                carpenter                                                                    75 Liberty
Doyle                William                                                                                          147 Urquhart
Doyle                William                                                                                              St. Louis c. Robertson
Doyle                William              laborer                                                                      76 Roman
Doyle                William              furniture car                                                                   Jeff, City
Doyle                William              painter                                                                      75 Liberty
Drach                Fred.                c. h.                                                                       133 St. Louis
Drading              Nicholas                                                                                             Laharpe n. Robertson
Drady                Robert, Mrs.                                                                                         Clara n. Perdido
Draghievich          P.                   fruit                                                                       228 Camp
Dragon               Manuel               carpenter                                                                       Peter, Algiers
Draining Co.                              4th. district                                                                   Melpomene c. Claiborne
Drake                Hester, Mrs.                                                                                     181 Lafayette
Drake                H. H.                accountant                                                                   18 Camp
Draube               Elizabeth                                                                                            Jefferson City
Draves               Gustave              clerk                                                                        47 Spain
Drawis               Francis              furniture                                                                   384 Royal
Drazhuez             Peter                fruit                                                                       228 Camp
Drebing              F.                   clothing                                                                        New Shell Road c. Magnolia
Drees                Henry                                                                                                Seventh n. Fulton
Drefsler             C.                   shoemaker                                                                       Jefferson City
Dregon               Auguste              turner                                                                       35 Jackson
Dreifus              B.                   grocer                                                                      117 Rampart, d. 1
Dreifuss             J.                   bread                                                                           Dryades market
Drekmeier            F.                                                                                                   Terpsichore n. Howard
Drell                Charles              barber                                                                      392 Dryades
Dremeyer             Rodolph                                                                                              Carrollton
Drenen               Joseph               driver                                                                 d.   618 Burgundy
Drenen               Thomas               cooper                                                                      123 Tchoupitoulas
Drennen              James                drayman                                                                d.       St. John Baptist n. Orange
Drennen              John                 drayman                                                                     378 Gravier
Drescher             John                 seaman                                                                          Union n. Solidelle
Dresel               Charles              ship carpenter                                                               31 Thalia
Dresel               John                 laborer                                                                     102 Franklin
Dresel               William              tailor                                                                      103 Franklin
Dressen              Joseph                                                                                           248 Royal
Dressler             E.                   shoemaker                                                                       Jefferson City
Dreux                Adeline                                                                                           80 Enghien
Dreux                Adolphe                                                                                          121 Moreau
Dreux                Amie, Mrs.                                                                                        84 Gasquet
Dreux                Charles  D.          attorney at law                                                              44 Exchange place
Dreux                Daniel                                                                                               Euterpe c. Rampart
Dreux                Edgar                clerk                                                                  d.       Lavoiseur n. Fourth, Gretna
Dreux                George                                                                                           126 Washington, d. 3
Dreux                H., Mrs.                                                                                             Music c. St. Claude
Dreux                Jonte                                                                                            145 Poet
Dreux                Jules G.             civil engineer                      44 Exchange place                  d.   226 Baronne
Dreux                L., Mrs.                                                                                          86 Goodchildren
Dreux                L. B., Mrs.          b. h.                                                                        16 Bourbon
Dreux                Louis M.             pedler                                                                      117 Morales
Drew                 C. B.                clerk                                                                           Magazine c. Gravier
Drew                 Eliza                furnished rooms                                                              80 Baronne
Drew                 E. L., Dr.                                                                                         4 Baronne
Drew                 E. S.                                                                                            108 Canal
Drew                 George                                                                                               Annunciation c. Fourth
Drew & Seymour                            (James C. Drew, Snelby Seymour)                                              94 Gravier
                                          cot. & commission merchants
Drew                 N. M.                (L. Elkins & Co.)                                                            58 Camp, d. Bouligny
Drew                 T. H., Jr.           accountant                                                                  151 Common
Drews                Gustave              grocer                                                                      664 Rampart, d. 3
Drews                Armus                cooper                                                                 d.       Tchoupitoulas n. Celeste
Drews                F.                   cabinet wareroom                                                            398 Royal, d. 3
Drews & Co.                               (William Drews, Lewis Hillger)      230 Josephine                      d.   620 Magazine
Drexel               Frank                laborer                                                                     200 Annunciation
Dreyer               August               turner                                                                       42 Jackson
Dreyfous             A.                   notary                              79 Exchange place, d. 176 Main     d.       Esplanade c. Tonti
Dreyfous             Bernard              grocer                                                                      177 Rampart, d. 1
Dreyfous             Jacob                dry goods                                                                   446 Chartres, d. 3
Dreyfus, Aaron & Co. (Aaron & George Dreyfus, importers wines & liquors
                     29 Tchoupitoulas, d. 375 St. Charles
Dreyfus              Jacob                clothing                                                                        Levee c. Toulouse
Dreyfus              Joseph                                                                                            61 Customhouse
Dreyfus              L.                                                                                               210 Bayou road
Dreyfuss             Henry J.             printer                                                                     208 Lafayette
Drez                 Alphonse             hatter                                                                       61 late 67 Chartres
Drez                 Arthemise            hatter                                                                       61 Chartres
Driary               John                 c. h.                                                                           Rampart c. St. Ann
Drie                 Anthony                                                                                              Bagatelle c. Solidelle
Driet                Christian            carpenter                                                                       Jefferson City
Drigny               A., Mrs.                                                                                         161 Union, d. 3
Drinan               John                                                                                                 Washington n. Magazine
Drinkhaus            Adam                 boardmaker                                                                      Newton n. Fourth, Gretna
Drinnan              John                 drayman                                                                         Gravier c. Clara
Drinnan              John                 drayman                                                                d.    17 Foucher
Driscoll             A., Mrs.                                                                                         295 Carondelet
Driscoll             Ann                                                                                              547 Dauphine, d. 3
Driscoll             Catharine                                                                                         77 Annunciation
Driscoll             Cornelius            drayman                                                                         Johnson n. Common
Driscoll             Cornelius            drayman                                                                         Morales n Enghien
Driscoll             C.                   clerk                                                                           Fassman's Press
Driscoll             Daniel               lab.                                                                            Common n. Johnson
Driscoll             Daniel               laborer                                                                      82 St. Thomas
Driscoll             Dennis                                                                                           202 Casacalvo
Driscoll             Dennis                                                                                               Robin c. Religious
Driscoll             D.                   laborer                                                                d.   691 Dauphine, d. 3
Driscoll             Eugene               laborer                                                                d.    85 Delord
Driscoll             James                tailor                                                                          Morales n. Enghien
Driscoll             John                 sailor                                                                          Jackson n. Rousseau
Driscoll             Julia                                                                                            121 Foucher
Driscoll             J. J.                junk store                                                                   22 Julia
Driscoll             Michael                                                                                          444 Burgundy, d. 4
Driscoll             Thomas                                                                                           105 Casacalvo
Driscoll             Timothy                                                                                              Sixth n. Jersey
Driscoll             Timothy              laborer                                                                      75 St. Thomas
Driscoll             Timothy              lab.                                                                            Common n. Johnson
Driver               William C.                                                                                           Canal c. Royal
Driver & Pierce                           (Wm. L. Driver, Geo. S. Pierce)     41 Front & 42 Fulton, d. 1         d.   310 Terpsichore
                                          wines & liquors
Droge                Nicholas                                                                                         318 St. Louis
Drogre               B.                   accountant                                                                   61 Carondelet
Droescher            Wm., Capt.                                                                                  d.   395 Customhouse
Droit                Aug.                                                                                             301 Rampart, d. 3
Droitcourt           Francois                                                                                         310 Craps
Droker               Maurice, Mrs.                                                                                    272 Royal
Doll                 F. Xavier            cabinet maker                                                               759 Burgundy, d. 3
Droll                Leopold              baker                                                                       351 Bayou road
Drolla               Francois             cooper                                                                          St. Peter n. Prieur
Dromel               Theodore                                                 23  Customhouse                    d.    34 Esplanade
Droste               S.                   shoemaker                                                                   303 Bienville
Drutt                Andrew               gardener                                                                        Jefferson City
Drott                Christine            midwife                                                                         Berlin c. Live Oak, Jefferson City
Droub                Matthias             tailor                                                                      310 Washington
Droudleau            N., Mrs.                                                                                         201 Galvez. d. 2
Drouet               Alexis               ship carpenter                                                                  Gretna
Drouet               C.                   atty. at law                                                                113 Ex. place
Drouet               Edward                                                                                            27 Conti
Drouet               E.                   painter                                                                     200 Royal
Drouet               E., Mrs.             dressmaker                                                                  145 Royal
Drouet               Edward               western produce                     63 Poydras                         d.   233 Rampart, d. 2
Drouet               J. L., Mrs.                                                                                          Robertson c. St. Philip
Drouet               L. F.                feed                                                                        278 Tchoupitoulas
Drouet               O.                   notary public                       113 Exchange Place                 d.   260 Main
Drouett              Theodule             atty. at law                                                           d.    24 St. Anthony
Drout                James                lab.                                                                        208 Baronne
Drown                Jerome               clerk                                                                        45 Front
Droz                 Augustus                                                                                         115 Esplanade
Drucker              W.                   tailor                                                                          St. Andrew n. Laurent
Druhan               James                Commission & Importing Merchant     57 & 59 Commerce,                  d.       Chestnut n, Josephine.
Durhan               Eliza, Mrs.          teacher of music                                                       d.   223 St. Philip
Druilhet             Paul                 clk.                                                                        113 Old Levee, d. 2
Drum                 Peter                musician                                                                    131 Prosper
Drumm                Philip               blacksmith                                                                      Tchoupitoulas n. St. James
Drumm                Tobias                                                                                           226 Conti
Drummond             James                                                                                            340 St. Charles
Drummond & Doig                           Boiler Makers; all kinds of Boilers made & repaired at
                                          short notice; Notre Dame c. Front
                                          (Jas. Drummond, John Doig)
Drummond             James R.             boiler maker                                                           d.    80 Constance
Drummond             R. S.                (Arnold & Drummond)                                                         132 Levee, d. 3
Drury                James                painter                                                                     359 Tchoupitoulas
Drury                Thos.                machinist                                                                   482 Tchoupitoulas
Drury                Wm.                  laborer                                                                         Clara n. Clio
Dry                  George               painter                                                                      39 Prieur
Dryden               Thomas H.                                                                                   d.   373 common
Dryer                Aug.                 lab.                                                                            Market n. St. Thomas
Dryer, Bernard A. & Co.                   (Sigmund Katz)                      48 Chartres                        d.   121 St. Louis
                                          variety store
Dryer                Christian            carpenter                                                                       Berlin c. Live Oak, Jefferson City
Dryfus               Bernard              Bernard                             51 Customhouse                     d.   349 Baronne
Dryfus               Joseph                                                                                           373 Dryades
Dryfus               S.                   dry goods                                                                       Levee n. Clouet
Dryfus               W.                   baker                                                                           Dryades market
Dryner               Jerome               b. h.                                                                        45 Victory
Drysdale             Andrew               stevedore                                                                    60 Spain
D'Souza              Jacob                painter                                                                     245 Calliope
Duane                Charles              lab.                                                                            Pacanier n. Richard
Duane                Joseph E.            cooper                              567 Tchoupitoulas                  d.    54 St. James
Dubalen              Lorenzo E.                                                                                       122 Burgundy
Dubulen              A., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   349 Robertson, d. 3
Dubarry              John                 tailor                                                                      130 Ursulines
Dubarry              Jean                 butcher                                                                      33 St. Mary's mkt
Dubarry              J. M.                tanner                                                                          Seventh n. Laurel
Dubas                Louis                                                    90 Magazine market                 d.       St. Mary n. Constance
Dubel                F. W.                carp.                                                                       172 Frenchmen
Dubelier             M.                   printer                                                                         Robertson n. St. Louis
Duberalle            T.                   carpenter                                                                   192 Main
Dubavue              Jean                 butcher                                                                         North market
Dubernoy             A., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   349 Robertson
Dubiau               Louis                                                                                             32 Conti
Dubie                F.                   butcher                             45 St. Mary's market               d.       Levee c. Lyon, Jefferson City
Dubie                Philip               butcher                                                                      33 Poydras market
Dubierris            Henry                                                                                            242 Marais
Dubin                Andrew                                                                                               Jackson n. Dryades
Dubler               M., Mrs.                                                                                             Dryades n. St. Andrew
Dublet               Morris               shoes                                                                           St. Philip n. Roman
Duboc                Caroline, Mrs.                                                                                   413 Carondelet
Duboi                Antoine              tailor                                                                       81 Bourbon
Dubois               Armand                                                                                               St. Ann n. Johnson
Dubois               Cassemeri                                                                                        130 St. Peter
Dubois               Charles                                                                                              Ursulines n. Villere
Dubois               C. G.                grocery                                                                     208 Frenchmen
Dubois               Etienne              (Dubois, Lamaniere & Co.)                                              d.   223 St. Philip
Dubois               Eugene               barber                                                                     173  Bourbon
Dubois               E.                   (Joseph Maillot & Co.)              112 Chartres                       d.   231 Bourbon
Dubois               E.                   shoemaker                                                                       Roman n. Esplanade
Dubois               Francois                                                                                         241 Bourbon
Dubois               F.                                                                                              177  Bourbon
Dubois               F., Mrs.                                                                                         208 Toulouse
Dubois               George                                                                                               New Levee n. Soraparu
Dubois               Gustave              bricklayer                                                                  208 Toulouse
Dubois               Henrietta, Mrs.                                                                                  135 Hospital
Dubois               Henry                laborer                                                                     281 St. Louis
Dubois               Jean                 grocer                                                                      405 Old Levee, d. 3
Dubois               Jean                 tailor                                                                      112 Burgundy
Dubois               Lewis                fruit                                                                           Magazine n. St. Andrew
Dubois, Lamaniere & Co.                   (Etienne Dubois, Lucian Lamaniere, Francois Victor)                         112 Chartres
                                          merchant tailors
Dubois               Louis                laborer                                                                d.   218 Delord
Dubois               Lucien, Mrs.                                                                                     250 Dauphine
Dubois               M. C., Mrs.          teacher                                                                     397 Baronne
Dubois               Oliver               pilot                                                                  d.   208 Toulouse
Dubois               P., Mrs.                                                                                         110 Customhouse
Dubois               Theophile            clerk                               126 Canal                          d.   171 St. Philip
Dubois               Thos.                clerk                                                                  d.   171 St. Philip
Dubois               Victor                                                                                           173 Customhouse
Dubois               Z.                                                                                                   Felicity n. Dryades
Dubon                Charles                                                                                          115 Old Levee, d. 2
Dubon                V.                   cartman                                                                         First n. Chippewa
Dubos                Gabriel              butcher                                                                      30 French mkt.
Dubos                John                 clerk                                                                       129 Rampart, d. 2
Dubos                John                                                                                        d.   131 Rampart, d. 2
Dubos                John                                                                                        d.    17 Gasquet
Dubos                Louis                                                                                                Market n. Magazine
Dubose               Louis                                                                                             34 Mandeville
Dubourg              C.                                                                                               182 Elysian Fields
Duboy                J.                   tailor                                                                       69 St. Louis
Dubret               F.                                                                                                   Water c. Toledano
Dubreuil             Charles E. D.        (Manuel D. de Lizardo & Co.)                                           d.   254 Bourbon
Dubreuil             Gustave              collector                                                                   296 St. Louis
Dubreuil             M.                                                                                                38 History
Dubreuil             M.                                                                                               184 St. Philip
DuBue                Antoine              secretary St. Louis Cathedral                                                20 Orleans
Dubuc                C., Mrs.                                                                                             Carondelet c. Euterpe
DuBuc                Jos.                 tinsmith                                                                    147 Old Levee, d. 2
Dubuc                J.                   f. m. c.                                                                        St. Philip n. Derbigny
Dubuc                Lucian, Mrs.                                                                                      57 St. Ann
Dubue                Pierre               coffee house                                                                  8 Levee, d. 3
Dubuch               Andrew               Importer & Dealer in Wines & Liquors of every description              d.   13  Marais
                                          118 Gravier street b. St. Charles & Carondelet
Dubuclet             A. E.                note broker                                                                 570 Burgundy, d. 3
Dubuclet             B.                                                                                               475 Burgundy, d. 3
Dubuclet             Hortense, Mrs.                                                                              d.       Villere n. Columbus
Dubuclet             H. U.                                                                                            203 Orleans
Dubuclet             W. A., Mrs.                                                                                     203  Orleans
Dubuclet             U., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   354 Villere, d. 3
Dubuisson            A. A.                clerk                                                                        52 Camp, 213 Ursulines
Dubuisson            Mrs.                                                                                             234 St. Philip
Dubuisson            M. B.                                                                                            258 Main
Dubuisson            S. E.                                                                                            254 St. Philip
Dubus                L.                   saddler
Duc                  Dominique            butcher                                                                         French market
Duc                  E.                   carpenter                                                                       St. Jane n. Perdido
Ducasre              Bernard              butcher                                                                      88 French mkt.
Ducasse              Louis                butcher                             French market                      d.    58 Orleans
Ducasset             J. L.                                                                                                Bienville c. Old Levee
Ducastaing           B.                   laborer                                                                      49 Main
Ducatel              Amedie               notary                              49 Toulouse                        d.   120 Esplanade c. Burgundy
Ducatel              Amedie, Jr.          clerk                               49 Toulouse                        d.   120 Esplanade c. Burgundy
Ducatel              C.                   widow                                                                           Esplanade c. Burgundy
Ducatel              Camille G., Mrs.                                                                                 154 St. Louis
Ducatel              E.                                                       49 Toulouse                        d.   150 Conti
Ducatel              Eugene, Mrs.                                                                                     268 Royal
Ducatel              H.                   variety store                       97 Royal                           d.   314 Chartres
Ducayet              Felix                                                                                            106 Orleans
Ducayet              L., Mrs.                                                                                         313 St. Philip
Ducaynet             L.                                                                                               309 Ursulines
Ducean               Mrs.                                                                                        d.    87 Burgundy
Ducey                Christopher          drayman                                                                     194 Locust
Ducey                P., Captain          ship master                                                                 585 Rampart, d. 3
Ducey                Thomas               lab.                                                                            Freret n. Lafayette
Duchamp              B., Mrs.                                                                                          41 Toulouse
Duchamp              L.                                                                                                   Bayou road n. St. Claude
Duchanois            Mary M.              midwife                                                                     109 Carondelet
Duchaufour           Fanny                                                                                            183 Carondelet
Duchaufour           J. A.                deputy U. S. marshal                                                        183 Carondelet
Duchein              Francois             last maker                                                                  267 St. Ann
Duchert              J.                   lab.                                                                   d.       Jefferson City
Duchemin             Mary                 f. w. c.                                                               d.    74 Basin, d. 2
Duchesne             Damian               dairy                                                                           Metairie ridge
Duchin               Bertrand                                                                                    d.   251 Bourbon
Duchiron             Alexander            note clerk                          Bank of New Orleans                d.   255 Terpsichore
Duchman              Geo.                 carpt.                                                                      740 Dauphine, d. 3
Duchumin             Z.                   f. m. c.                                                                    134 Union, d. 3
Duck                 Evander              carp.                                                                           Third n. Baronne
Duclere              Edward               locksmith                                                                   248 Orleans
Duclere              J., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   248 Orleans
Duclos               Antoine                                                                                              Bartholomew c. Morales
Duclos               Auguste              blacksmith                          115 Carondelet walk                d.   260 St. Peter
Duclos               Cadet                butcher                                                                      29 French market
Duclos               Cadet                                                                                                Ninth n, Chippewa
Duclos               Honora                                                                                               Bayou bridge
Duclos               Louis                cooper                                                                      135 Bourbon
Duclos & Co.                              (P. Duclos, F. Cazalas, A. H. Monnier)                                      57  & 59 Bienville
Duclos               Simon                                                                                             56 Port
Duclos               V., Mrs.                                                                                         492 Royal, d. 3
Ducloslange          E.                   f. w. c.                                                                        Euterpe n. Baronne
Ducloslange          P.                   carpenter                                                                   249 Main
Ducoing              Ambrose              c. p.                                                                       140 Elysian Fields
Ducoing              Augustus                                                                                    d.   343 Dauphine, d. 3
Ducoing              Francis              c. p.                                                                       520 Burgundy, d. 3
Ducoing              J.                                                                                               140 Elysian Fields
Ducoing              Polinere                                                                                         140 Elysian Fields
Ducoing              St. John             c. p.                                                                       140 Elysian Fields
Duconge              Charles                                                                                              Constance c. Race
Duconge              Francois P.          druggist                            39 Chartres                        d.   135 Customhouse
Duconge              Pierre               cigars                                                                      229 Royal
Ducos                Eugene               grocer                                                                          Poydras c. Rampart
Ducouman             Mrs.                                                                                             249 Burgundy
Ducournau            G. B.                shoemaker                                                                   211 Laharpe
Ducournau & Gonthier                      (Ed. Ducournau, F. Gonthier)        St. Charles c. Common              d.   272 Common
                                          merchant tailor
Ducournau            L.                   acct.                               Chartres c. St. Louis              d.   103 Ursulines
Ducournau            Louis                bookkeeper                                                                   98 Canal
Ducre                George               f. m. c.                                                                    308 St. Ann
Ducret               Gustave              f. m. c., carpenter                                                             Roman c. Kerlerec
Ducros               Alfred A.            dep'ty comptroller                  office City Hall                   d.       Bourbon n. Barracks
Ducros               A.                   clerk                                                                  d.       Bourbon n. Barracks
Ducros               Charles                                                                                     d.   239 Esplanade, d. 3
Ducros               E., Mrs.                                                                                         125 Orleans
Ducros               Felix, Mrs.                                                                                          Marigny c. Burgundy
Ducros               F. A.                note & stock broker                 119 Common                         d.   273 Royal
Ducros               G.                                                                                          d.   274 Esplanade
Ducros               Louis, Mrs.          clk.                                                                   d.       Bourbon n. Barracks
Ducros               Marcel               clerk                               42 Royal                           d.       Bourbon n. Barracks
Ducros               P. A., Jr.           attorney at law                                                              78 Customhouse
Dudde                E. O.                shoes                                                                       618 Rampart, d. 3
Duddenhoefer         Jacob                carpenter                                                                   459 Chartres, d. 3
Duddenhoefer         Peter                carpenter                                                                       Port n. St. John Baptist
Duddon               J.                   warehouse                                                                       Jackson n. Rousseau
Duddy                J.                                                                                                   Soraparu n. Rousseau
Duddy                Michael              lab.                                                                            Poydras n. Bertrand
Duddy                Patrick                                                                                              Palmyra n. Claiborne
Dudley Masonic Lodge, No. 66                                                                                              St. Charles c. Perdido
Dudley               Catharine                                                                                            Delaronde n. Seguin, Algiers
Dudley               Lyman                clerk                                                                        26 Common
Dudley & Nelson                           (U. H. Dudley, John B. Nelson)      grocers                                 24  & 26 Common d. 188 Canal
Dudoussat            Aug.                 variety store                       St. Louis c. Royal                 d.       Conti c. Chartres
Dudoussat            Henry                barber                              6  Main                            d.   245 Bayou road
Duduit               Pierre                                                                                            75 St. Ann
Duelfer              Christian            shoemaker                                                                   310 Old Levee, d. 2
Dueller              J.                   butcher                                                                         Louisiana n. Live Oak
Duelps               G.                   shoemaker                                                                    17 Front Levee, d. 1
Dueran               Jerome                                                                                               Columbus n. Villere
Duest                Peter                tailor                                                                      131 Rampart, d. 1
Dufar                D.                   butcher                                                                         Jefferson City
Dufar                Romain               butcher                             100 French mkt.                    d.       Dauphine n. St. Peter
Dufau                C., Mrs.                                                                                         274 Main
Dufau                Urban, Mrs.                                                                                      554 Burgundy, d. 3
Dufau                Louis                atty. at law                                                                 32 Ex. place
Dufaut               Jos.                 leather dealer                      75 late 91 Royal                   d.       St. Peter n. Bourbon
Duff                 Philip               potatoes                                                                        Jackson c. Water
Duff                 Simon                stevedore                                                              d.       Religious n. Tchoupitoulas
Duff                 W. F.                                                    120 Common                         d.   294 Baronne
Duffau               Joseph, Mrs.                                                                                     452 St. Philip
Duffau               Pierre                                                                                           124 Main
Duffaut              Joseph               bricklayer                                                             d.   570 Burgundy
Duffee               J., Mrs.                                                                                             St. Mary n. Fulton
Duffel               John E.              resident student                    Charity Hospital
Duffer               Barney               lab.                                                                   d.   580 St. Claude, d. 3
Duffey               Michael              draym.                                                                          Philip n. Dryades
Duffey               Mrs.                                                                                        d.    31 Marigny
Duffey               Terence                                                                                           56 Basin, d. 1
Duffey               Timothy              lab.                                                                   d.    31 Marigny
Duffo                J. J., Rev'd.        prof. Jesuits' College
Duffrech             Louis                butcher                                                                       1 Dryades mkt.
Duffrechon           B.                   butcher                                                                      50 Treme market
Duffrechon           J. M.                butcher                                                                      50 Treme mkt.
Duffus               George               H. S. superintendent                N. O. Rope Factory                 d.       St. Charles Hotel
Duffy                Arthur                                                                                               Melpomene n. Howard
Duffy                Barney                                                                                           322 Customhouse
Duffy                Bernard, Mrs.                                                                                     40 St. Mary
Duffy & Co.                               iron foundry                                                                273 St. Louis
Duffy                Edward               lab.                                                                          9 Poyfarre
Duffy                Elizabeth                                                                                        253 Lafayette
Duffy                F.                   cooper                                                                          Levee n. Lyon, Jeff. City
Duffy                Geo.                 cabs                                                                            Magnolia n. Poydras
Duffy                Jas.                 drayman                                                                         Philip n. Dryades
Duffy                Jas.                 brick mkr.                                                                  122 Baronne
Duffy                Jas.                 lab.                                                                        292 Erato
Duffy                Jas. B.              clerk                                                                        53 New Levee
Duffy                Jas.                 plumber                                                                     394 Liberty
Duffy                Jas.                 c. h.                                                                        30 Barracks
Duffy                John                 lab.                                                                   d.    85 Delord
Duffy                John                 lab.                                                                            Derbigny n. Canal
Duffy                John                 cooper                                                                          Jefferson City
Duffy, J. & Co.                           (John Duffy, C. Nesbitt)            Commission Merchants & Dealers in Western Produce,
                                                                              Flour, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hay, &c.,
                                                                              53 N. Levee, & 48 Commerce-sts.
Duffy                G. B., Rev.                                                                                          Constance n. Josephine
Duffy                Lawrence                                                                                         379 Customhouse
Duffy                Lawrence             (Duffy &  Co.)                                                         d.    85 Claiborne
Duffy                Margaret, Mrs.                                                                                    87 Claiborne
Duffy                Mary                                                                                        d,   228 Chippewa
Duffy                Michael                                                                                              St. Andrew n. N. Levee
Duffy                Michael              weigher                                                                      53 New Levee
Duffy                Michael              c. h.                                                                       357 Tchoupitoulas
Duffy                Michael                                                                                          264 Annunciation
Duffy                Michael                                                                                              Richard c. Annunciation
Duffy                Mitchel              lab.                                                                            Rousseau n. St. Mary
Duffy                M. J.                lab.                                                                            Melpomene c. Clara
Duffy                Patrick              carpenter                                                                   350 Annunciation
Duffy                Patrick              lab.                                                                         68 Erato
Duffy                Pat'k                lab.                                                                            Customhouse n. Prieur
Duffy                Patrick              b. h.                                                                        82 Levee, d. 3
Duffy                Patrick Jos.         clerk                                                                       209 Gravier
Duffy                Peter                drayman                                                                      55 Erato
Duffy                Terrence             lab.                                                                        137 Franklin
Duffy                Timothy                                                                                           39 St. Joseph
Duffy                Timothy              c. h.                                                                        31 Girod, d. 1
Duffy                Thomas               moulder                                                                      56 Constance
Duffy                Wm.                  lab.                                                                         68 St. Joseph
Duffy                Wm.                                                                                                  Cypress n. Roman
Duffy                Wm. L.                                                                                               Carrollton
Dufield              B., Capt.                                                                                            St. Charles c. Perdido
Dufilho              Alfred               clerk                                                                        19 St. Louis
Dufilho              A. H.                cutler                                                                       21 Royal
Dufilho              Eugene H.            acct.                                                                  d.       St. Mary bet. Prytania & Coliseum
Dufilho              H., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   367 St. Andrew
Dufilho              Louis                com. mer.                           53 Union, d. 1                     d.       St. Mary b. Prytania & Coliseum
Dufilho              L., Mrs.                                                                                         236 Bayou road
Dufilho              L., Jr.              acct.                               38 Union, d. 1                     d.   631 St. Charles
Dufilho              Victor               f. m. c.                                                                     33 St. Clara, d. 3
Duflander            Louise                                                                                               Union c. Prosper
Duflos               C.                   butcher                                                                      29 French market
Duforcher            J. B.                carpenter                                                                   502 Villere, d. 3
Duforessier & Pasquier                    (Edmond Duforessiers, Laurent Pasquier)                                         Chartres c. St. Louis
Duforr               Pierre                                                                                               Levee c. Bartholomew, d. 3
Dufort               Pierre               c. p.                                                                       312 Roman, d. 2
Dufossat             Joseph S.                                                                                        254 Esplanade
Dufour               Bertrand             wheelwright                                                                     Carondelet walk n. Claiborne
Dufour               Cyprien              atty. at law                        81 Bienville                       d.   259 Esplanade
Dufour               Prancois             book keeper                         124 Charltres                      d.   425 Dauphine, d. 3
Dufour               Irene                midwife                                                                      53 Poet
Dufour               John T.                                                                                              Bourbon n. Barracks
Dufour               John                                                                                        d.    44 Villere, d. 2
Dufour               Jos.                 tailor                                                                       77 St. Peter
Dufour               Magenta, Mrs.                                                                               d.   313 Main
Dufour               Numa                 (G. W. Weisse & Co.)                French editor of the Bee           d.    94 Esplanade
                                                                              83 Chartres
Dufousat             Soniat, Mrs.                                                                                     131 Conde
Dufrean              F., Mrs.                                                                                         174 Camp
Dufrech              Jean M.              butcher                                                                       9 Dryades mkt
Dufrech              J. M.                butcher                                                                       7 Dryades mkt
Dufrech              Paul                 butcher                                                                      12 Dryades mkt
Dufrechou            M.                   butcher                                                                         Magazine market
Dugan                Charles              clerk                                                                       184 Rampart, d. 1
Dugan                Henry                draym.                                                                      493 Tchoupitoulas
Dugan                Mary                 f. w. c.                                                               d.   161 Basin, d. 1
Dugan                Thomas S.                                                65 Gravier                         d.       Prytania, c. First
Dugas                Airlard              president                                                              d.   311 Rampart, d. 2
                                          N. O. Coast & Lafourche Transportation Co.
                                          19  Conti
Dugas                Ignace               (Hickman, Dugas & Chaignard)                                           d.   248 Prytania
Dugas                J.                   f. m. c., cook                                                         d.       Toulouse n. Treme
Dugas                O.                                                                                               335 Rampart, d. 2
Dugazon              Charles T.           (Eug. Rochereau & Co.)                                                 d.   261 Bourbon
Duggan               Andrew                                                                                               Jackson n. Dryades
Duggan               Anthony              lab.                                                                            Villere n. Common
Duggan               Bridget, Mrs.                                                                                     91 Claiborne, d. 2
Duggan               Dennis               lab.                                                                        153 Howard
Duggan               Ellen, Mrs.                                                                                      158 Constance
Duggan               G. H.                                                                                                Columbus c. Robertson
Duggan               Henry                cartm.                                                                          Thalia n. Drysdes
Duggan               James                                                                                                Mazant n. Casacalvo
Duggan               John                 lab.                                                                   d.   484 Old Levee, d. 3
Duggan               Joseph H.            acct.                                                                        37 Camp
Duggan               Martin               c. p.                                                                        91 C laiborne, d. 2
Duggan               Michael              lab.                                                                        324 Camp
Duggan               Thomas J.            clerk                                                                        45 Union
Dugre                Donstan, Dr.                                                                                     168 Common
Dugus                A.                   confectioner                                                                229 Marais, d. 2
Dugue                Chas. O.             atty. at law                                                                 44 Ex. place
Dugue                Francis              brick & wood yard                                                               J. C.
Dugue                Francois, Sr.                                                                                        Louisiana n. Laurel
Dugue                F.                                                                                                   Aug.  Jrff. City
Dugue                H.                   atty at law                         44 Exchange place                  d.   226 Baronne
Dugue                Pierre                                                                                               Marais
Duhamel              Clement              optician                                                                     46 Chartres
Duhamel              Henry                professor                                                                       Chartres c. Esplanade
Duhard               Adolphe                                                                                     d.    34 Peace
Duhard               A., Mrs.                                                                                    d.    23 St. Bernard
Duhart               Armand               printer                                                                     374 Royal, d. 3
Duhmke               Charles                                                                                          137 Religious
Duhzkoop             A. T.                machinist, hardware                                                         172 Rampart, d. 1
Duhurst              Henry                carpenter                                                                    57 Melpomene
Duhy                 C. W.                day inspector of customs                                               d.   144 St. Ferdinand
Duhy                 John                 drayman                                                                         St. Ferdinand n. Urquhart
Duhy                 John                 laborer                                                                      82 Barracks
Duke                 J. P.                acct.                               155 Gravier                        d.   373 Canal
Duke                 J. S.                acct.                                                                        15 Old Levee, d. 2
Duke                 James, Capt.                                                                                d.   398 Magazine
Duke                 John                 book keeper                                                            d.   205 Annunciation
Dulante              Ed.                  laborer                                                                         Rousseau n. St. Mary
Dulezan              Louis E.                                                                                    d.    25 St. Anthony square
Dulchie              Antoine              oysterman                                                                   204 Bourbon
Duliepre             M.                   furnished rooms                                                              27 Bourbon
Dulille              C.                                                                                                   Goodchildren c. Esplanade
Dullard              Walter                                                                                               Religious c. Race
Dullard              Wm.                  lab.                                                                   d.   489 Tchoupitoulas
Dullard              F.                   clk.                                2 Chartres                         d.   169 Main
Dulrenzi             Andrew               musician                                                                    118 St. Peter
Dumagence            Paul                                                                                        d.   197 Canal
Dumain               Dominique            coffee house                                                                    Levee n. U. S. Barracks, d. 3
Dumain               Francisco            laborer                                                                      16 Main
Dumaine              R., Mrs.                                                                                         347 Hospital
Dumas Bros.          (U. & E. Dumas)      importers of cloths & fancy goods                                           136 Chartres
Dumas                F., Mrs.             washing                                                                     253 Orleans
Dumas                F.                                                       25 Treme mrkt.                     d.   163 Orleans
Dumas                Jean                                                                                              90 Mandeville
Dumas                Jean                 barkeeper                                                                   147 Conti
Dumas                Jules                clerk                               8 & 10 St. Louis                   d.       Rousseau n. Jackson
Dumas                P.                   shoemkr.                                                                        Dauphine c. Toulouse
Dumas                William H.           printer                                                                     208 Lafayette
Dumee & Co.                               (John F. Elliett, Pepin Chantron)                                      d.   195 Main
                                          cotton & sugar factors & com. mers.
                                          4 Union, d. 1
Dumeig               Alexis               clerk                                                                        56 Royal
Dumestre             Alex                 butcher                                                                      27 Poydras mkt
Dumestre             Jean                 butcher                                                                      29 Poydras mkt
Dumestre             John                 dry goods                                                                       Magazine c. Toledano, Jeff. City
Dumestre             R.                   (I. Moulor & Co.)                                                           109 Chartres
Dumesnil & Martin                         (Henry A. Dumesnil, E. H. Martin, J. T. Hawkins)                             71 Carondelet
                                          commission merchants
Dumesnil             Henry A.             (Dumesnil & Martin)                                                    d.       St. Charles Hotel
Dumestre             Dominique            butcher                                                                      20 Poydras market
Duming               F.                                                                                                 9 Main
Dumler               J.                   lab.                                                                            Goodchildren n. Montegut
Dumois               C., Mrs.                                                                                          87 Main
Dumois               Widow                                                                                       c.       Clouet & Craps
Dumond               J.                   carp.                                                                           Eighth & Prytania
Dumond               J. M.                cooper                                                                      229 Royal
Dumonpeau            L. P.                                                                                                Crape c. Congress
Dumont               M., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   137 St. Peter
Dumoulin             E.                   acct.                                                                  d.       Peace c. Casacalvo
Dumoul               Othello              plasterer                                                                   107 Treme, d. 2
Dumount              P.                                                                                                   Algiers
Dumphy               Robert                                                                                            13 Franklin
Dumourtie            Adele                                                                                             50 Franklin, d. 2
Dumourtie            Louise                                                                                            53 History
Dumser               Lorenzo                                                                                     d.   289 Old Levee
Dumun                Pierre               butcher                                                                      94 French market
Dunard               Julian               carpenter                                                              d.       St. Peter c. Dorgenois
Duman                Frederick            steersman                                                              d.    17 Bartholomew
Dun & Co.                                 (R. G. Dun)                                                                  76 Canal
                                          proprietors of Mercantile Agency
Dunbar               A. F.                                                    51 Common                          d.   215 Camp
Dunbar               Caroline                                                                                             Magazine above Third
Dunbar               Charles              clerk                                                                       284 St. Claude
Dunbar               Charles                                                                                          245 Main
Dunbar & Co.                              (G. W. Dunbar, Octave Voorhus)                                         d.    55 Rampart, d. 2
                                          boots & shoes, wholesale
                                          5 Magazine
Dunbar               H.                   furnished rooms                                                             187 St. Louis
Dunbar               Joseph                                                                                               Second n. St. Charles
Dunbar               L. S., Mrs.                                                                                      568 Burgundy, d. 3
Dunbar               W. H.                                                                                                Carondelet n. Lafayette
Duncan               Alex.                ship carp.                                                                      Seguin, Algiers
Duncan               A.                   f. m. c., bricklayer                                                        249 Ursulines
Duncan               B. S., Rev.                                                                                       34 St. Charles, room 17 up stairs
Duncan               Charles                                                                                              St. Paul n. Lafayette
Duncan               David D.             mate
Duncan, Payne & Co.                       (L. Alex Duncan, Wm. Payne, Dr. Wm. P. Walker)                               18 Union
                                          cot. fac. & com. mers.
Duncan               L. Alex              (Duncan, Payne & Co.)
Duncan               E. R.                atty. at law                                                                  2 Carondelet
Duncan               Garnett              Merchants' Hotel
Duncan               Geo. Currie          pres.                                                                  d.    47 late 44 Rampart, d. 2
                                          N. O. & Carlt. R. R. Co. & Jefferson & Lake Pont. Co.
Duncan               J. K.                                                                                       d.    58 Rampart, d. 2
Duncan               John                 furniture car                                                               292 Liberty
Duncan               John                                                                                              55 Carondelet
Duncan               J.                   cartman                                                                         Liberty n. Melpomene
Duncan               J. W.                atty. at law & commissioner of Pennsylvania                                     Natchez c. Camp
Duncan               John                 c. p. (day)                                                            d.   186 Conti
Duncan               L. C.                (Leory & Duncan)                    attys. at law                               Gravier over Canal Bank
Duncan & McConnell                        attys. at law                                                                   Exchange place c. Customhouse
Duncan               Michael              clk.                                Home Insurance Co.                 d.   454 Dryades, d. 1
Duncan               William              agent of American Tract Society                                             126 Camp
Duncan               William C., Rev.                                                                            d.       Jeff. City
Duncan               William C.                                                                                        72 Spain
Duncan               Wm. P.               superintendent & chief engineer                                                 Carrollton
Duncan               W.                   c. h.                                                                           c. Villere & St. Louis
Duncare              Thos.                lab.                                                                            Marigny n. Casacalvo
Duncwere             T.                   caulker                                                                     529 Burgundy, d. 3
Dunham               C. M.                clerk                                                                        70 Canal
Dunham               James                                                                                                Prytania c. Sixth
Dunham               Thomas               engineer                                                                    248 Gravier
Dunin                Felix                superintendent                      City Hospital                      d.       Elysian Fields c. Josephine
Dunlan               Jas.                 grocer.                                                                         Girod c. Carondelet
Dunlap               James                                                                                            126 Ursulines
Dunlap               Jas.                 warehous'n                                                                   19 Tchoupitoulas
Dunlap               John B.              clerk                               57 Common                          d.   201 Camp
Dunlap               John P.              engineer                                                                        Jeff. City
Dunlap               J.                   atty. at law                                                                 21 Commercial place
Dunlap               J. G.                                                    105 Camp                           d.   127 Julia
Dunlap               Mary A.                                                                                     d.   170 Customhouse
Dunlap               P. L.                grocer                                                                          Magazine c. Orange
Dunlevy              Anthony              laborer                                                                     157 Rousseau
Dunley               John                                                                                                 Casacalvo c. Spain
Dunlop               James                clerk                                                                  d.   271 Liberty
Dunn                 Ann                                                                                                  Felicity n. St. Thomas
Dunn                 Bernard                                                                                     d.       Gravier n. Johnson
Dunn                 Daniel               laborer                                                                     464 Dauphine, d. 3
Dunn                 D.                   drayman                                                                         Claiborne n. Common
Dunn                 Edw.                 clerk                                                                        98 Gravier
Dunn                 Edward               drayman                                                                         Conti n. Galvez
Dunn                 Felix                warehouseman                                                                 13 St. Thomas
Dunn                 Fabics McK.          shoestore                                                                   201 1/2 Rampart, d. 1
Dunn                 G., Mrs.             grocery                                                                         Religious n. Market
Dunn                 Geo.                 laborer                                                                d.   258 St. John Baptist
Dunn                 Geo.                 gardener                                                                        Louisa n. Morales
Dunn                 Henry                laborer                                                                     495 Old Levee, d. 3
Dunn                 James                drayman                                                                     162 Liberty
Dunn                 James                furniture car                                                                15 Euterpe
Dunn                 James                painter                                                                     370 Basin, d. 1
Dunn                 James                lab.                                                                            Annunciation c. Third
Dunn                 James, Mrs.                                                                                          Soraparu n. Rousseau
Dunn                 James V.             cooper                                                                      450 Chartres
Dunn                 John                                                                                                 St. Andrew n. Laurel
Dunn                 John                 drayn.                                                                 d.   493 Tchoupitoulas
Dunn                 John P.              broker                                                                      304 Camp
Dunn                 John                 laborer                                                                d.   460 Royal, d. 3
Dunn                 John E.              clerk                                                                        41 Magazine
Dunn                 Joseph               lab.                                                                   d.n. 407 Magazine
Dunn                 John                 coffee saloon                                                               221 Erato
Dunn                 Joseph               drayman                                                                         Thalia n. Camp
Dunn                 Margaret                                                                                             Girod n. Foucher
Dunn                 Martin               laborer                                                                     238 Franklin
Dunn                 Mary, Mrs.                                                                                        92 Franklin
Dunn                 Mary                 furnishing rooms                                                             32 Burgundy
Dunn                 M. C.                attorney                                                               d.   293 St. Charles
Dunn                 Martin               laborer                                                                     361 Old Levee, d. 3
Dunn                 Michael              gardener                                                                    135 Louisa
Dunn                 Michael                                                                                          744 Rampart, d. 3
Dunn                 Michael              grocer                                                                      200 Calliope
Dunn                 Michael                                                                                           72 Port
Dunn                 Michael              laborer                                                                     350 Howard
Dunn                 Mary, Mrs.           seamstress                                                                  213 Melpomene
Dunn                 M. C.                attorney at law                     33 Exchange place, room 14         d.   293 St. Charles
Dunn                 Patrick                                                                                          154 Craps
Dunn                 Patrick                                                                                              Jersey n. St. Andrew
Dunn                 Patrick              drayman                                                                     238 Franklin
Dunn                 Peter                laborer                                                                         Palmyra n. Johnson
Dunn                 Philip               laborer                                                                     153 Hospital
Dunn                 Thos.                                                    11 Lafayette                       d.   146 Rampart
Dunn                 Thomas               coppersmith                                                                 352 Howard
Dunn                 Thos.                drays                                                                       493 Tchoupitoulas
Dunn                 Thomas                                                                                            79 Perdido
Dunn                 T. P.                broker                                                                      306 Camp
Dunn                 Wm.                  gardener                                                                        Common c. Miro
Dunn                 Wm.                  laborer                                                                     602 Burgundy, d. 3
Dunn                 Wm.                  laborer                                                                      31 Montegut
Dunn                 Wm.                  clk.                                                                        130 Canal
Dunn                 Wm.                  carp.                                                                           McDonoghville, Algiers
Dunn                 Wm.                  laborer                                                                d.   158 Piety
Dunn                 Wm.                  dray'n                                                                 d.   493 Tchoupitoulas
Dunn                 Wm.                  finisher                                                               d.   345 Annunciation
Dunn                 Wm.                  machinist                                                              d.   315 Dryades
Dunnica              J. L.                                                                                       d.   607 Camp n. Philip
Dunnifort            Gus.                 furniture car                                                                52 Bienville
Dunnigan             Ber'd                grocer                                                                      294 St. Thomas
Dunnigan             Edward                                                                                               Adele n. Rousseau
Dunnigan             L.                   milkman                                                                         Dryades n. Fourth
Dunnigan             Michael              c. h.                                                                        32 St. Joseph
Dunnigan             M.                                                                                                   Chippewa n. St. Andrew
Dunnigan             Thomas               carpenter                                                                       Algiers
Dunnigan             Wm.                  laborer                                                                d.   340 Thalia
Dunning              James                                                                                                Soraparu n. Rousseau
Dunning              John H.              salesman                                                                     45 Magazine
Dunning              O. K.                (McStea, Value & Co.)               95 Canal                           d.    16 Dauphin
Dunphy               John, Mrs.                                                                                           Clio n. Baronne
Dunphy               Robert               laborer                                                                      13 Franklin
Dunstoppel           W.                   cabinet maker                                                                   Annunciation n. Robin
Duntze & Co.                              (Chas. Duntze, John Duntze)         grocers                                     Conti c. Royal
Duntze               John                 c. h.                               93 St. Charles                     d.   221 Erato
Duntzer              Conrad                                                                                               Rampart n. Frenchmen
Dunwell              G. C.                                                                                                Liberty n. Calliope
Dupape               C., Mrs.             grocr                                                                           St. Ann c. Burgundy
Dupaquier            A.                   engineer                                                                    223 Burgundy
Dupaquier            Mrs.                                                                                             223 Burgundy
Dupart               S.                   shoe'r                              218 Royal                          d.   158 Spain
Dupart               Andre                f. m. c.                                                                     13 Annette
Dupart               C.                   shoemaker                                                                    57 Bourbon, d. 3
Dupart               C.                   shoemaker                                                                       Roman c. Laharpe
Dupart               Martial              f. m. c.                                                                    441 Villere, d. 3
Dupart               Martial              shoemkr.                                                                    357 Bourbon, d. 3
Dupart               V.                   f. m. c.,  blacksmith                                                       265 St. Louis
Dupas                A. E.                blacksmith                                                                  125 Poydras
Dupas                Clara                f. w. c.                                                                    140 Burgundy
Dupas                Ernest               blacksmith                                                                  125 Poydras
Dupas                Ernest               blacksmith                                                                   68 Laharpe
Dupas                Henry                f. m. c.,  lab.                                                        d,    18 Annette
Dupas                Josephine                                                                                        118 Frenchmen
Dupas                J., Dr.                                                                                          124 Chartres
Dupas                Marc'le              shoemkr.                                                                    350 Bourbon, d. 3
Dupas                Rose                 f. w. c.                                                                        Ursulines n. Robertson
Dupas                Victor               blacksmh                                                               d.   329 Roman, d. 3
Dupasseur, Edouard & Co.                  commission merchants                8 Royal                            d.   203 Bourbon
Dupaty               Charles                                                                                              St. Peter n. Dauphine
Dupaty               Joseph                                                                                               St. Peter n. Dauphine
Deperno              J., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   101 Frenchmen
Dapeire              Oscar                sugar broker                                                           d.   195 Main
Dupeire              Oscar                                                                                       d.   147 Ursulines
Dupeire              H. L.                                                                                       d.   334 Carondelet
Dupeirris            F.                                                       74 French market                   d.    89 Main
Dupeirris            Louis                gardener                                                                     35 Annette
Dupeirris            Peter                butcher                             42 French market                   d.    90 Main
Duperly              Adolphe, Sr.         artist                                                                       66 St. Charles, d. 3 Laharpe
Duperly              Armand, Jr.          clk.                                                                        408 Villere, d. 3
Duperron             L.                   Dentist                             52 Royal                           &     66 Bienville
Duperu               A. M., Mrs.                                                                                          Louisiana n. Prytania
Duperu               Ophelia              f. w. c.                                                                        Villere n. Gasquet
Dupeyne              J.                                                                                               247 Burgundy
Dupeyre              A., Mrs.                                                                                          98 St. Philip
Dupeyere             Wm.                  cigar maker                                                                 410 Customhouse
Dupierris            L.                                                                                                34 Annette
Dupierris            Pierre               butcher                             44 French market                   d.       Main n. Old Levee
Dupin                Felix                f. m. c.,  painter                                                          234 Conti
Dupin                Francois             vegetables                                                                  245 Royal
Dupin                P. A.                                                                                            246 Ursulines
Dupin                P. A.                                                                                            246 Ursulines
Dupin                P. G.                (B. Saulay &  Co.)                  156 Poydras                        d.   152 St. Philip
Duplain              Joseph                                                                                            52 Poland
Duplaisir            F.                   grocer                                                                          St. Charles c. Clio
Duplan               H.                   school                                                                          St. Philip n. Tonti
Duplan               John                 variety store                                                               144 Basin, d. 1
Duplan               Oscar                millinery                                                                   198 Poydras
Duplantier           Aug.                 clk.                                                                            Old Levee c. Bienville
Duplantier           E.                   (Roman & Kernion)                   264 Front Levee                    d.    49 Bourbon
Duplantier           Guy                  atty. at law                        22 Exchange place                  d.    55 Ursulines
Duplantier           Guy, Mrs.                                                                                         55 Ursulines
Duplantier           G.                   f. m. c.                                                                    558 Burgundy, d. 3
Duplantier           O.                   clerk                               16 Bienville                       d.    55 Ursulines
Duplantier           V., Mrs.                                                                                             Camp n. Seventh
Duplech              J.                   shoes                                                                        17 Ursulines
Duplessis            Catharine, Mrs.      gro.                                                                        425 Main
Duplessis            Charles                                                                                          137 Rampart, d. 2
Duplessis            D.                   f. m. c., carpenter                                                             Soraparu n. Rousseau
Duplessis            E.                                                                                               438 Burgundy, d. 3
Duplessis            E., Mrs.                                                                                          13 Villere, d. 1
Duplessis            Felix L.             register of customs                                                    d.   137 Rampart, d. 2
Duplessis            Francis V.           clerk                                                                       294 Burgundy
Duplessis            Harriet              f. w. c.                                                                     45 Rampart
Duplessis            Henry                                                                                                St. Mary n. Constance
Duplessis            James                                                                                                Johnson n. Ursulines
Duplessis            James W.             deputy U. S. marshal                                                   d.       Treme n. Canal
Duplessis            James W.                                                                                           6 Rampart, d. 2
Duplessis            J.                   f. m. c., slater                                                             67 Urquhart
Duplessis            M.                   carpenter                                                                   256 Mandeville
Duplessis            Mary                 f. w. c.                                                                    326 St. Peter, d. 2
Duplessis            P., Mrs.                                                                                         244 Johnson
Duplessis            Rose                 f. w. c.                                                                     45 Basin, d. 2
Duplessis            Valery               comptroller                                                            d.   294 Burgundy, d. 2
Dupon                John L.              merchant                                                                    433 Royal, d. 3
Dupont               Bernard              baker                                                                       428 St. Claude, d. 3
Dupont               Bernard              grocery                                                                     170 Columbus
Dupont               Mrs.                                                                                        d.    95 Barracks
Dupont               D.                   baker                                                                       150 Prieur, d. 2
Dupont               D. Delta                                                                                    d.   116 St. Joseph
Dupont               G.                   cooper                                                                      238 Spain
Dupont               Julian                                                                                            39 Goodchildren
Dupont               Louis                dairy                                                                           Claiborne n. Spain
Dupont               M., Mrs.                                                                                          43 Gasquet
Dupont               P.                   butcher                                                                      34 Port market
Duponte              G.                                                                                               116 St. Joseph
Duprat               D.                   milk                                                                         35 Treme market
Duprat               Elizabeth, Mrs.                                                                                      Third n. Laurel
Duprat               Eugene                                                                                           333 St. Philip
Duprat               John                                                                                               2 Levee, d. 3
Duprat               Joseph               grocery                                                                         Baronne c. Union
Duprat               J. R.                shoemk'r                                                                        Conti c. Burgundy
Duprat               Pierre               butcher                                                                     376 Chartres, d. 3
Duprat               U.                                                                                                   St. Ann n. Galvez
Duprat               Wm.                  distiller                                                                   190 Burgundy, d. 2
Dupre                Mr.                  teacher piano forte                                                          74 Anthony
Dupre                A.                   dep. clerk                          Third District Court
Dupre                Ad., Jr.             attorney & counsellor at law                                                 84 Bienville
Dupre                Antoine, Mrs.                                                                                    396 St. Ann
Dupre                Adolphe              book-keeper                         La. State Bank                     d.   122 Esplanade
Dupre                Armand               receiving teller                    Canal B'k.                         d.   299 Burgundy
Dupre                Clement              boot & shoemaker                                                            105 & 107 St. Charles
Dupre                Charles              f. m. c., carpenter                                                         253 Bayou road
Dupre                Emile                clerk                               37 Carondelet                      d.    83 Orleans
Dupre                Eugene               clerk                                                                       128 Canal
Dupre                Felix                cigar maker                                                            d.   376 Burgundy, d. 3
Dupre                Francois             manufact'y artifical flowers                                                 43 St. Peter
Dupre                Frank                                                                                                Ninth n. New Levee
Dupre                John                 butcher                                                                         Poydras market
Dupre                J. B.                jeweler                                                                     396 St. Ann
Dupre                L.                   f. w. c.                                                                    217 Main
Dupre                L., Mrs.                                                                                          40 Bagatelle
Dupre                L.                   plasterer                                                              d.   376 St. Ann
Dupre                Oscar                clerk                                                                       155 Canal
Dupre                T.                   clerk                                                                        62 Carondelet
Dupre                Urania                                                                                           209 St. Louis
Dupret               Clement              shoe store
Dupuis               F. O.                f. m. c., carp.                                                             119 Marigny
Dupuis               F.                   grocery                                                                     285 Dauphine
Dupuis               Jules                                                                                       d.   285 Dauphine
Dupuis               Victor               vermicelli                                                                   14 Conti
Dupuis               Victor E.                                                                                        361 Bourbon, d. 3
Dupuy                B., Mrs.                                                                                         239 Bayou road
Dupuy                Charles L. C.        (C. Tate & Dupuy)                   commission merchants                     85 Gravier
Dupuy                Edmond                                                                                           229 Dauphine
Dupuy                Francois             butch.                                                                       17 Magazine mkt
Dupuy                Francois             grocery & liquors                                                           285 Dauphine
Dupuy                Guillaume            gilder                                                                      153 Royal
Dupuy                H.                   clerk                                                                        40 Greatmen
Dupuy                Josephine                                                                                        196 Marais, d. 2
Dupuy                Jean                 butcher                             8 Poydras market                   d.       Louisiana avenue n. Annunciation
Dupuy                J. B.                f. m. c.                                                                        Josephine n. Laurel
Dupuy                Lucille              f. w. c.                                                                    113 St. Ann
Dupuy                L.                                                                                               365 Robertson, d. 3
Dupuy                Pierie               butcher                                                                         Magazine market
Duque                Dominique            butcher                                                                     260 Burgundy
Duquercron           Aug.                 justice of peace                    4 Frenchmen                        d.       Levee n. Frenchmen
Duquesnay            C. L.                                                    75 Bourbon                         d.   112 St. Anthony
Duquesnay            C. L. Jr.                                                130 Canal                          d.   112 St. Anthony
Duquesnay            L.                   f. m. c., bricklayer                                                            Claiborne n. Hospital
Duquesnay            P. L.                exchange clk.                       Canal B'k.
Duracher             B., Mrs.                                                                                         441 St. Ann
Duracher             P., Mrs.                                                                                          79 Union, d. 3
Durain               Jos.                 c. p.                                                                       507 Robertson, d. 3
Duraide              John                 shoemaker                                                                    73 Orleans
Duralde              M., Mrs.                                                                                         144 Dauphine
Duraldo              Lubin                f. m. c.                                                                        Metairie ridge, Bayou St. John
Durall               Charles                                                                                           27 Magazine
Duran                Jean Marie           butcher                                                                      24 Magazine market
Duran                J.                   feed store                                                                    4 Front Levee, d. 3
Duran                Manuel               engineer                                                               d.   214 Melpomene
Duran                Raymond              cook                                                                   d.   251 Bourbon
Duran                Simeon                                                                                            56 Exchange place
Durand               Adele                                                                                       d.   558 Burgundy, d. 3
Durand               A.                                                       56 Exchange place                  d.    22 Bartholomew
Durand               B.                   crockery, etc.                      151 & 153 Royal                             Royal c. St. Peter
                                          glass & tinware, etc.
Durand               Charles                                                                                          158 St. Ann
Durand               D.                                                                                                   St. Andrew n. Rampart
Durand               Edward               acct.                                                                        42 Old Levee, d. 2
Durand               Eugene                                                                                           121 Dauphine
Durand               F., Mrs.                                                                                    d.       Lyne c. Laurel, Jefferson City
Durand               James                clerk                                                                       221 Customhouse
Durand               James                carpenter                                                                       Customhouse c. Derbigny
Durand               Jane, Mrs.                                                                                  d.       St. Andrew n. Rampart
Durand               Joseph               carpenter                                                                       Melpomene n. Carondelet
Durand               Jos.                 (Macon, Freres & Co.)                                                  d.   207 Carondelet
Durand               J.                                                                                               441 Dauphine
Durand               J.                   wood, etc.                                                                      Dauphine n. Customhouse
Durand               J., Mrs.                                                                                             Basin c. Josephine
Durand               J. B.                accountant                                                                   93 Magazine, d. 368 Hercules
Durand               J. M.                atty. at law
Durand               Lawrence             grocer                                                                       30 Toulouse
Durand               Lewis                                                                                            234 Conti
Durand               Louis                                                                                            215 Terme
Durand               M., Mrs.             millinery                                                                   187 Royal
Durand               Margaret, Mrs.       grocery                                                                         Jefferson, McD.
Durand               Mateo                fishmong.                                                                    61 Union, d. 3
Durand               Nelson               (Durand, Rocquet & Co.)                                                d.       Terpsichore b. Camp & Prytania
Durand               Pierre A.            acct.                                                                        75 Chartres
Durand               Peter A.             grocer                                                                      194 Bienville
Durand, Rocquet & Co.                     (Nelson Durand, Adolphus Rocquet, Leopold Rocquet)                           12 Carondelet
                                          cot. fac. & com. mers.
Durand               Raphael              oysters                                                                     345 Royal, d. 3
Durand               Robert               plasterer                                                              d.       St. Andrew n. Liberty
Durand               Leoman               shoemaker                                                                       Jefferson, McDonogh
Durand               Warren                                                                                               Jackson R. R. Office
Durand               Washington           painter                                                                d.   183 Chippewa
Durand               Wm.                  engineer                                                               d.       St. Andrew n. Rampart
Durand               Wm., Mrs.                                                                                   d.   173 Frenchmen
Durant & Horner                           (Thos. J. Durant, Chas. W. Horner)                                           18 Carondelet
Durant               Thos. J.             (Durant & Horner)                                                      d.       Canal c. Dryades
Durapeau             C., Mrs.                                                                                         476 Bourbon, d. 3
Durapeau             Theophile            clerk                               56 Chartres                        d.   301 Roman, d. 3
Durard               M.                                                                                               176 Frenchmen
Durard               P.                   butcher                                                                      27 Magazine market
Duratin              J.                   butcher                                                                         Magazine market
Duraud               Joseph               grocer                                                                          Rampart c. Union
Durbridge            Jos.                 salesman                            36 Magazine                        d.   175 St. Andrew
Durbridge, Wm. & Co.                      hatt's                                                                      155 Poydras
Dureau               Francois             grocer                                                                          c. Jackson & Rousseau
Durel                Amie                                                                                             278 Bourbon
Durel                Alfred                                                                                            85 Bourbon
Durel                Armand               paying teller                       Union Bank                         d.c.     Toulouse c. Royal
Durel                Arthur                                                                                           208 Burgundy
Durel                A., Mrs.                                                                                         290 Chartres
Durel                C. G.                                                                                             94 Ursulines
Durel                Edmond J.            (F. Gainnie & Co.)                  29 Old Levee                       d.   301 Royal
Durel                Eugene               exchg. clerk                        Union Bank                         d.       c. Royal & Toulouse
Durel                Eugene               teacher                                                                     163 St. Philip
Durel                Gustave                                                                                          301 Royal
Durel                Henry                clerk of Comptroller                                                   d.    44 St. Ann
Durel                Jules                paying teller                       Bank of America                    d.       c. Royal & Toulouse
Durel                Justin                                                                                      d.   123 Hospital
Durel                Justin, Jr.          clerk                               25 Carondelet                      d.   123 Hospital
Durel                M. V., Mrs.                                                                                      309 St. Ann
Durel                Mrs.                                                                                                 c. Royal & Toulouse
Durel                Numa                 f. m. c., cigar mkr.                                                            Urquhart n. Spain
Durel                N.                   dentist                                                                     162 Treme, d. 2
Durel                Paulin               stationer, etc.                     37 Chartres                        d.   197 Rampart, d. 2
Durel                P.                   f. w. c., wheelwright                                                       162 Main
Durell               Sophy                f. w. c.                                                               d.   234 Orleans
Durel                T.                                                                                               201 Burgundy
Durel                U., Mrs.                                                                                          84 Hospital
Durell               E. H.                atty. at law                                                                 50 Camp
Durell               P. W.                                                                                            389 Canal
Duren                John                 coal                                                                         31 Mandeville
Durmenstien          Leonard              pedler                                                                 d.    63 Marigny
Durian               E., Dr.                                                                                              Fifth n. Chippewa
Durier               A., Rev.                                                                                    d.   185 Mandeville, Annunciation Church
Durkin               John                 stables                                                                         Magnolia n. Julia
Durkin               John                 stables                                                                     244 Magazine
Durkin               Margaret, Mrs.                                                                              d.    18 Poyfarre
Durmiring            J. H.                clerk
Durnett              Andrew A.                                                                                        165 Magazine
Durnin               Bernard              lab.                                                                            Gravier n. Johnson
Durnin               Charles              grocer                                                                      333 Perdido
Durno                Bernard              drayman                                                                d.   433 Franklin
Durno                J. K.                acct.                               71 Tchoupitoulas                   d.   317 Bienville
Durno                W. C.                                                                                       d.   147 Customhouse
Durno                Wyatt                architect                                                              d.    36 Melpomene
Durossian            Delia                tailor                                                                       48 History
Durphy               Pat                  carp.                                                                  d.   351 Annunciation
Durr                 Francis              shoemaker                                                                    74 St. James
Durrell              E. H.                atty. at law                                                                 59 St.  Charles
Durrell              Valsin                                                                                           286 Burgundy
Durrher              Catherine            grocery                                                                     240 Sixth
Durrive, Edward & Co.                     (Edward Durrive, Deward Durrive, Jr., Frederick Durrive)               d.   177 Marais
                                          com. mers.                          St. Louis c. Old Levee
Durrive              Ed. Jr.              (Ed. Durrive &  Co.)                                                   d.       Pontalba bldgs. St. Ann
Durrive              Fred                 (Ed. Durrive & Co.)                                                    d.   193 Royal
Durrive              Johnson                                                                                     d.    46 Poet
Durrive              Jules                                                                                       d.   322 Claiborne, d. 3
Durrous              H.                                                                                                   St. John Baptist n. St. James
Durroux              Bernard              butcher                                                                      33 French mkt.
Durroux              Dominique            butcher                             6 Dryades market                   d.   419 Franklin
Durroux              Jean M.              butcher                                                                     101 French mkt.
Durroux              J. M.                butcher                                                                      27 Poydras mkt
Durrsie              John                 cigars                                                                       99 Front Levee, d. 3
Durruty              J. H.                                                                                                Citizens' Bank
Durst                Cath.                dress mkr.                                                                      Poydras n. Basin
Durtin               John                 livery stable                                                               202 Magazine
Duru                 N.                   carpenter                                                                   354 Chartres
Durward              J.                                                                                               275 Tchoupitoulas
Dury                 F.                   wood                                                                            Carondelet walk n. Marais
Duryee, Jaques & Clearman                 (P. S. & H.  W. Duryee, H. H. Jaques, T. D. Clearman)                        25 Magazine
                                          hats, caps, etc.
Dusautoer            E.                                                                                                   Orleans c. Dauphine
Durch                Jacques              tailor                                                                      139 Conti
Dusch                L.                   drayman                                                                     632 Annunciation
Dusan                J. B.                                                                                                Kerlerec n. Roman
Duscher              H.                   drayman                                                                         Baronne n. Seventh
Dussatour            P.                   fancy goods                                                                 187 Orleans
Dussau               D.                                                                                                   St. Ann c. Derbigny
Dussau               Mrs.                                                                                                 Bayou road n. Claiborne
Dusse                August               barber                                                                      142 Villere, d. 2
Dusse                L., Mrs.             millinery                                                                   194 Orleans
Dusseau              E.                   shoemkr.                                                                    338 Robertson, d. 3
Dusseau              John B.                                                                                          235 Kerlerec
Dushy                C. W.                insp. customs                                                                   Customhouse
Dussel               Julius               (Walter & Dussel)                   painters                                    Prytania c. Thalia
Dussol               W., Mrs.                                                                                             Girod n. Bagatelle
Dussom               E.                                                                                               963 St. Claude
Dussor               Bernard                                                                                          101 Piety
Dussor               H. J.                clerk                               120  Tchoupitoulas                 d.   101 Piety
Dussor               John                 tailor                                                                      331 Old Levee, d. 2
Dussor               Henry                carpenter                                                                    19 St. Charles
Dussumier            E.                                                                                          d.       Esplanade n. Claiborne
Dust                 Casper, Mrs.                                                                                         Union n. Prosper
Dustor               John F.              printer                                                                      70 Camp
Dustin               Catharine, Mrs.                                                                                      Clio c. Baronne
Dusuau               C.                                                                                                   Kerlerec n. Roman
Dussuau              E.                   f. m. c., shoemkr.                                                          240 Marais, d. 2
Dutaut               A.                                                                                               426 Bourbon
Dutch                Jos.                 f. m. c., drayman                                                               Customhouse n. Roman
Dutcher              William              clerk                                                                           Main n. Tonti
Dutcher              William M.           clerk                               Customhouse c. Old Levee           d.   263 Bourbon
Duteil               A. F.                                                                                             14 Carondelet
Dutel                Louis                ice                                                                          66 Chartres
Dutem                Samuel                                                                                            15 Esplanade
Dutenhoer            S.                                                                                                17 Rampart, d. 3
Dutfark              Aug.                 dairyman                                                                        Sixth n. Dryades
Duthiel              Maria                variety store                                                               270 Camp
Duthil               Alexander            (North, Duthil & Co.)                                                           Magazine c. Common
Duthil               Pierce                                                                                            74 Barracks
Duthoo               J. C.                coffee & fruit                                                                  Algiers
Duthuit              Eugene                                                                                      d.    99 Marigny
Dutillet             Charles              inspector customs
Dutillet             Eugene               clerk                                                                        62 Old Levee
Dutillet             John E.                                                                                              Hospital c. Derbigny
Dutinger             Hy.                  carp.                                                                           Eighth n. Carondelet
Duteur               Louis                                                                                             54 Royal
Dutour               Louis                clerk                               46 Royal                           d.       Gasquet n. Claiborne
Dutreuil             B.                   butcher                                                                         Treme market
Dutreuil             C.                   bricklayer                                                                   73 Mandeville
Dutreuil             F.                   butcher                                                                      80 Orleans
Dutreuil             Louis                f. m. c.                                                                     32 Bagatelle
Dutrey               Francois             butcher                             22 French mkt.                     d.   178 Bayou road
Dutrey               J.                   butcher                             46 & 48 Treme mkt.                 d.   128 Orleans
Duttorhoffer         Jos.                 furniture cart                                                         d.       Claiborne n. Marigny
Dutton               Wm.                  stock dealer                                                                    Eighth n. Fulton
Dutuit               L.                   printer                                                                     100 Bourbon
Dutuit               L., Mrs.             dressmaker                                                                  100 Bourbon
Dutzch               H.                   screwman                                                                        Villere n. Marais
Duval                A., Mrs.                                                                                         272 Carondelet
Duval                A.                                                                                               306 Bienville
Duval                B.                                                                                               197 Dauphine
Duval                E.                   cotton broker                                                                38 Carondelet
Duval                F., Mrs.             acct.                                                                        36 Chartres
Duval                Frank                clerk                                                                        43 Natchez
Duval                Fanny
Duval                G. W.                carp.                                                                           First c. Rousseau
Duval                James P.             clerk                                                                        40 Poydras
Duval                James P.             clerk                                                                       159 Gravier
Duval, Geo. W. & Theod.                   cot. fac. & com. mers.              86 Poydras                         d.   346 St. Andrew
Duval                Theodore             (Duval & Co.)                                                          d.   346 St. Andrew
Duval                J.                                                                                                   Carondelet walk n. Sixth
Duval                Louis                cook                                                                        256 Burgundy
Duval                Louis                shoemkr.                                                                        Prieur n. St. Philip
Duval                Lubin                                                                                                Metairie ridge,  bayou St. John
Duval                L. H.                b. h.                                                                           Canal c. Bourbon
Duval                Louis                shoemaker                                                                   183 Prieur
Duval                Peter O.             periodicals                         239 Canal                          d.   252 Burgundy
Duval                W. J.                clk. at Guion's                     20 St. Charles                     d.       Canal c. Bourbon
Duvelirg             Louis                painter                                                                     126 Barracks
Duvene               Pierre               butcher                                                                         Jeff. City
Duverger             C., Mrs.                                                                                          69 Goodchildren
Duverger             Etienne              (G. F. Weisse & Co.)                                                         73 late 83 Chartres
Duverger             S.                                                                                                   St. Ann c. Claiborne
Duvernay             B.                   cooper                                                                          Upper Line n. Laurel, Jersey City (sic)
Duvernay             Francis              carp.                                                                       251 Bayou road
Duvernay             Francois                                                                                             Jeff. City
Duvernay             Louis                f.m.c., shoemaker                                                           157 Columbus
Duvernay             Marie                                                                                            406 Orleans
Duvernay             M.                   cigars                                                                      423 Gravier
Duvernay             P.                   carp.                                                                           Jeff. City
Duvernay             P. R., Mrs.                                                                                          Jeff. City
Duverney             Rose                 f.w.c.                                                                          Roman n. Columbus
Duver                T. H., Dr.                                                                                       320 Robertson, d. 3
Duvey                Paul                 baker                                                                       152 Hospital
Duviau               Hanson               c. h.                                                                       172 Orleans
Duvic                Conrad               blacksmith                                                                  294 Royal
Duvic                Francois                                                                                             Orleans c. Broad
Duvic                Francois             blacksmith                                                                      Villere, Algiers
Duvic                Jean                 shoemaker                                                                       Main n. Galvez
Duvielh              P.                   tailor                                                                      318 Old Levee, d. 2
Davigneaud           A.                                                                                                   Bayou road n. Dorgenois
Duvigneaud           Adelard, Jr.                                                                                d.       St. Louis corner Villere
Duvigneaud           Jos.                                                                                                 Bayou road, St. John's Great Route
Duvigneaud           J. G.                                                                                                Conti c. Villere
Duvigneaud           Louis                judge                               Third District Court Bayou road             St. John's Great Route
Duvilh               Pierre               clothing                                                                      4 Front Levee, d. 2
Duvillier            Edward                                                                                           321 Elysian Fields
Duvosin              D., Mrs.             dry goods                                                                   310 Dauphine
Duzac                Antoine              butcher                                                                       8 History
Duzac                David                                                                                            172 St. Philip
Duzer                Baptiste             butcher                                                                      80 French market
Duzer                F.                   butcher                                                                d.       Harmony n. Constance
Dvils                Terry                b. h.                                                                       168 New Levee
Dwight               C. W.                salesman                            80 Canal                           d.       St. Andrew n. Carondelet
Dwire                David                lab.                                                                   d.    80 Delord
Dwire                Michael              lab.                                                                   d.    54 Thalia
Dwyer                Antonio B.           barkeeper                                                                   146 Liberty
Dwyer                Bridget                                                                                          112 Howard
Dwyer                Cor's                lab.                                                                            Alexander n. Goslin, Alg.
Dwyer                Edward               drayman                                                                         Julia n. Derbigny
Dwyer                E.                   carpenter                                                                       Felicity n. Liberty
Dwyer                F. W.                                                                                                Baronne n. St. Andrew
Dwyer                James                grocer                                                                      360 St. Charles
Dwyer                James                laborer                                                                     131 Foucher
Dwyer                John                 clerk                                                                        26 St. Charles
Dwyer                John                 book keeper                                                            d.   394 Basin
Dwyer                John                 clerk                                                                        28 St. Charles
Dwyer                John                 lab.                                                                   d.    97 Josephine
Dwyer & Howard                            (Patrick Dwyer, M. J. Howard)                                          d.    56 New Levee
                                          grocers & western produce           28 Poydras
Dwyer                Patrick              (Dwyer & Howard)                                                             28 Poydras
Dwyer                Martin                                                                                           108 Foucher
Dwyer                Mary                 grocery                                                                         St. Andrew c. Constance
Dwyer                Mary, Mrs.           dressmaker                                                                  427 Basin
Dwyer                Mary, Mrs.                                                                                           Polymnia n. Carondelet
Dwyer                Michael                                                                                              St. Mary n. Rousseau
Dwyer                Patrick              tailor                                                                       54 Julia
Dwyer                Patrick                                                                                              Jersey c. Berlin, Jeff. City
Dwyer                Patrick              drayman                                                                     260 Dryades
Dwyer                Patrick                                                                                          266 Dryades
Dwyer                Patrick              grocer                                                                 d.   414 Baronne
Dwyer                Thos.                coal dealer                                                                 186 St. Joseph
Dyas                 A. J.                                                    12 New Levee                       d.   233 Magazine
Dyas & Co.                                                                    office                                   12 Tchoupitoulas & 12 New Levee
Dyas                 Ellen                fancy goods                                                                  75 Thalia
Dyas                 John                                                                                                 Annunciation n. Race
Dyas                 J. A.                f.m.c., cigars                                                               29 Craps
Dyas                 Lucien               painter                                                                     307 Roman, d. 2
Dyas                 Mary, Mrs.                                                                                           Columbus n. Goodchildren
Dyckhoff             Frank J.             tobac. broker                                                               242 Bienville
Dyer                 Auguste              lab.                                                                   d.       Market n. St. Thomas
Dyer                 James                painter                                                                d.       Liberty
Dyer                 James B.             painter                                                                     319 St. Louis
Dyer                 Joseph                                                                                               Chartres c. Frenchmen
Dyer                 R., Mrs.             grocer                                                                      371 Chartres
Dyer & Toby                               (Stephen R. Dyer, Jos. Toby)        ship joiners                                Peter, Algiers
Dyer                 Stephen R.           (Dyer & Toby)                                                                   Algiers
Dyer                 S. R.                                                                                            199 Hercules
Dyer                 Thomas W.                                                                                            Baronne
Dyer                 T. O.                clerk                                                                        25 Magazine
Dyer                 T. W.                (Gallagher & Dyer)                  33 Carondelet                      d.   512 Baronne
Dyer                 William              carp.                                                                           Rousseau n. Fourth
Dyke                 Daniel                                                                                               Cypress c. Vine
Dykeriver            C.                   blacksmith                                                                      Carrollton
Dykers               R. H.                book keeper                                                            d.   359 Magazine c. Thalia
Dykers               Thomas M.            book keeper                         56 Carondelet                      d.   359 Magazine
Dyson                George               laborer                                                                         Clara n. Cypress

- E -

Eagan                Bentick              attorney at law                                                              57 St. Charles
Eagan & King                              (Anthony Eagan, Thomas King)                                                 64 Tchoupit.
                                          western produce
Eagan                H. J.                atty. at law                                                                 57 St. Charles
Eagan                John                 clerk                                                                           Rousseau c. St. Mary
Eagan                J.                                                                                                   Tchoupitoulas c. Orange
Eagan                Michael              c. h.                                                                           St. Joseph c. Fulton
Eagan                Michael                                                                                              Cypress n. Claiborne
Eagan                Michael              c. h.                                                                        11 Julia
Eagan                Patrick              laborer                                                                d.    84 Delord
Eagan                Pat.                 drayman                                                                         Melpomene n. Locust
Eagan                Thomas               drayman                                                                         Tchoupitoulas c. Celeste
Eagan                Thomas               drayman                                                                         Clara n. Cypress
Eagan & King                                                                                                           62 Tchoupitoulas
Eagan                Thomas               laborer                                                                         Clara n. Julia
Eagar (sic)          Charles A.           (Stanley & Eagan)                   ship chandlers                     d.   173 Annunciation
                                                                              Thalia  c. Front Levee
Eagan                Margaret                                                                                    d.   232 Magazine
Eager                Joseph               carpenter                                                                       Monroe, McD.
Eagle                Ammond               finisher                                                                    422 Felicity
Eagle Warehouse                                                                                                           Commerce b. Notre Dame & Julia
Eagle Fire Co. 7                                                                                                          Dauphine n. Customhouse
Eagle                Frederick G.         butcher                                                                     173 Fulton
Eagle Cotton Gin Co.                      depot No. 57 St. Charles            Bates, Hyde & Co. proprietors
                                                                              William L. Cushing, agent
Eahart               Jacob                                                                                                First n. Dryades
Eakers               Berd.                lab.                                                                            Poet n. St. John Baptist
Eakin                Jane, Mrs.                                                                                           Eighth n. Chestnut
Ealer                Henry A., Capt.      president                           Pilot's Association                     302 Dryades
                                                                              26 St. Charles
Ealer                Joseph E.            watchmaker                          c. Canal & Camp                    d.       St. Charles n. Erato
Ealler               George                                                                                            39 Poydras market
Ealy                 George               laborer                                                                         Common c. Galvez
Eames                D. W.                (Belden & Eames)                    hats & caps                        d.   290 Magazine
                                                                              32 Magazine
Eanes                Alexander                                                                                         52 St. Anthony
Eardt                George               vegetables                                                                  131 Thalia
Earhart              Frederick                                                                                        331 Chippewa
Earhart              Thomas J.            atty. at law                        Recorder's Court, d. 1
                                                                                                          office        5 Commercial place
Earl                 John                 drayman                                                                         Philip n. St. Dennis
Earles               Joseph               stables                                                                     227
Earls                John J.              house agent & collector                                                     227 Camp
Early                John F.                                                                                          122 Camp
Early                Hugh                 laborer                                                                     525 Rampart, d. 3
Earman               H.                   blacksmith                                                                      Eighth n. Magazine
Earnhard             Charles              shoemaker                                                                   255 Poydras
Earnlann             Frederick            wheelwright                                                                     Eighth n. Magazine
Eastford             Henry                carpenter                                                                   117 Spain
Easten               R. E.                                                    61 Carondelet                      d.       St. Philip c. Rampart
Eastman              Aaron                                                                                                Carrollton
Eastman              Charles H.           clerk                               117 Gravier                        d.   122 Julia
Eastman              Mary A.                                                                                          117 Treme
Eastman              Moses                                                                                       d.   197 St. Joseph
Eastman              Wm.                  clerk                                                                        44 Carondelet
Easton               Annie, Mrs.          dressm'r                                                                    446 Dryades
Easton               Esther, Mrs.                                                                                d.   392 Dauphine, d. 3
Easton               James                clerk                                                                           Magazine c. Poyfarre
Easton               T. B.                clerk                               Adams Express Office                     96 Camp
Eaten                B. B.                                                                                            143 Enghien
Eaton                Anna, Mrs.           dressmaker                                                             c.       Soraparu & St. Charles
Eaton                Benj.                screwman                                                                    445 Dauphine, d. 3
Eaton                B.                   Capt.                                                                       301 Greatmen
Eaton, Betterden & Co.                    (John Eaton, W. G. Betterden)                                          c.       Fulton, Common & New Levee
                                          wholesale grocers
Eaton                John                 (Eaton, Betterton & Co.)                                               d.    21 Rampart, d. 2
Eaton                E. O.                professor music                                                              74 Camp
Eaton                Richard              laborer                                                                d.    99 Gaiennie
Ebb                  Joseph               f.m.c.                                                                      134 Bienville
Ebberman             Henry                watchman                            Louisiana Press                             Euterpe n. Basin
Ebel                 Ant.                 harness mkr.                                                                462 Chartres, d. 3
Ebel                 Joseph               barkeeper                                                                   295 O. Levee, d. 2
Ebele                Peter                confectionery                                                               306 St. Louis
Ebele                Frank                tailor                                                                      196 Dauphine
Eber                 A.                   harness maker                                                                   Moreau n. Spain
Eber                 Christian            shoemkr.                                                                    218 Goodchildren
Eber                 L.                   shoemkr.                                                                        Mandeville c. Greatmen
Eberenz              Urban                grocer                                                                      414 Liberty
Eberhard             Anthony                                                                                           10 Rampart, d. 1
Eberhard             Adam                 cooper                                                                      329 St. Peter
Eberhard             C., Mrs.                                                                                         329 St. Peter
Eberhart             John                 lab.                                                                            Washington n. Laurel
Eberle               Fritz                                                                                                Ninth n. New Levee
Eberling             Geo. B.              c. h.                                                                           Rampart c. Perdido
Ebermann             Hy.                  vegetables                                                                   10 Dryades mkt
Ebermann             Henry                c. p.                                                                       180 Euterpe
Ebert                Antoine, Mrs.                                                                                    288 Marigny
Ebert                Henry                porter                                                                          Louisa n. Rampart
Ebert                H. F.                laborer                                                                         Jackson depot
Ebimsterie           Menniserie           furniture                                                                   271 Rampart
Ebinger              Elizabeth                                                                                            Gormley's Basin
Ebling               Wm.                  musician                                                                     34 South market
Ecabert              Jacques              manufactory of rice powder                                                  505 Rampart, d. 3
Ecaille              A.                   book keeper                                                                  92 Main
Echdarf              A.                   slater                                                                          Constance n. St. Andrew
Eck                  Andrew               warehouseman                                                                 81 Magazine
Eckard               Fred.                                                                                                Thalia n. Constance
Eckars               John                 sausage maker                                                                   Jeff. City
Eckels               J. B.                carpenter                                                                       St. Joseph n. Jersey, Jeff. City
Eckenro              Philip               hub maker                                                                   600 Burgundy
Eckersley            Jane, Mrs.                                                                                           Felicity n. Howard
Eckerly              C.                   carpenter                                                                       Felicity n. Howard
Eckerman             P.                   lab.                                                                   d.   148 Independence
Eckert               Geo.                 shoemaker                                                                   400 Customhouse
Eckert               John                 clerk                                                                        29 Gravier
Eckert               J.                   musician                                                                    115 Treme
Eckheart             Fred.                shoemaker                                                                   289 Conti
Eckhartz             George               clerk                                                                        94 Villere
Eckhardt             Fred.                                                                                             80 St. Mary's market
Eckhardt             Gustave              teacher                                                                      33 Marais
Eckhardt             Louis                                                                                                Eighth n. Fulton
Eckhart              Chas.                laborer                                                                     809 Dauphine, d. 3
Eckhart              George               vegetables                                                                  270 Orleans
Eckhart              John B.              clerk                               122 Canal                          d.    94 Villere
Eckhart              J.                   watchmaker                                                                  130 Front Levee
Eckland              John                                                                                                 Julia c. Franklin
Eckler               Chas.                carpenter                                                              d.   409 Liberty
Eckle                Peter                laborer                                                                d.    91 Felicity
Eckloff              John                 painter                                                                     147 Liberty
Eckstein             M.                   drayman                                                                     400 St. Andrew
Eckstine             H.                   drayman                                                                         Dryades c. Fourth
Eclipse Tow Boat Company                                                                                               25 Carondelet
Edberg               A.                   locksmith                                                                    96 Conti
Eddington            Jos.                 f.m.c. cook                                                                 426 Customhouse
Ede                  Jas.                 book keeper                                                                     Fulton c. Soraparu
Edel                 Joseph               grocer                                                                      381 St. Philip
Edel                 M.                   grocer                                                                          Laurel c. Constantinople
Edington             James                barkeeper                                                                    22 Liberty
Edler                John                 cigars                                                                       20 Lower Front Levee, d. 2
Edler                Joseph               mattress maker                                                               33 Spain
Edmond               Drux                                                                                              86 Goodchildren
Edmond               Edgar                clerk                                                                       227 Treme, d. 2
Edmond               Henry                                                                                       d.   142 Ursulines
Edmond               John                 f.m.c.                                                                       83 St. Anthony
Edmond               Mary                 f.w.c.                                                                 d.   108 Elysian Fields
Edmonds              Frank                clerk                                                                       122 Canal
Edmonds              John                 hair worker                                                                   1 Carondelet
Edmondson            A. H.                boarding house                                                              236 Rampart, d. 1
Edmondson            James                                                                                            232 Rampart, d. 1
Edmondston           J.                   U. S. surveyor                                                               23 Conde
Edmund & Brillault                        (J. Edmund, E. P. Brillault)        tailors, etc.                            19 Royal
Edmund               E.                   clerk                                                                        79 Magazine
Edson                N. T.                undertaker                                                                      Basin n. Poydras
Edward               Alexander            f.m.c. laborer                                                              448 Dauphine, d. 3
Edwards              Amelia                                                                                           765 Dauphine, d. 3
Edwards              Amelia                                                                                            34 Marais
Edwards              Ansel                bookstore & auction mart            108 Poydras                        d.   378 Carondelet
Edwards              Ansel, Jr.           clerk                                                                        53 St. Charles
Edwards              A., Mrs.                                                                                         412 Baronne
Edwards              Bridget, Mrs.                                                                                    208 Delord
Edwards              Daniel               Cooper, Tin & Sheet Iron Worker                                        d.   243 Columbus
                                          27, 29 & 31 Fulton, & 28, 30 & 32 New Levee, d. 1
Edwards              Catherine                                                                                   d.       Magazine n. St. Mary
Edwards              Edw.                                                                                                 France n. Morales
Edwards              Geo.                 laborer                                                                     128 Dryades
Edwards              H., Dr.                                                                                           87 & 89 Prytania
Edwards              James                sec.                                Sun Mutual Ins. Co.                d.    33 Prytania
                                                                              61 Camp
Edwards              James                drayman                                                                     338 Thalia
Edwards              James                f.m.c.                                                                          Thalia n. White
Edwards              John                 moulder                                                                     412 Baronne
Edwards              John                 carpenter                                                                   357 Magazine
Edwards              John                 f.m.c. laborer                                                               58 St. Anthony
Edwards              John                 house & sign painter                                                        412 Bourbon
Edwards              J. F.                clerk                                                                       128 Canal
Edwards              J. D.                photograph gallery                                                           23 Royal
Edwards              Mary                 f.w.c.                                                                          Perdido n. Baronne
Edwards              Pat.                 cartman                                                                         Delord n. Dryades
Edwards              P.                                                                                                   Lafayette n. Johnson
Edwards' Restaurant                       Ed. Denchaud, Proprietor                                                     15 Union b. Carondelet & St. Charles
Edwinson             Mrs.                 b. h.                                                                       236 Rampart
Edwood               F.D.                 f.m.c.                                                                      149 Robinson, d. 2
Effinger             C., Mrs.                                                                                             Louisa n. Goodchildren
Egan & King                               (A. Egan, Thomas King)              western produce                          62 & 64 Tchoupitoulas
Egan                 A.                   (Egan & King)                                                                62 Tchoupitoulas
Egan                 Augustus, Dr.                                                                                     66 Rampart, d. 2
Egan                 Bridget                                                                                     d.   513 Chartres, d. 3
Egan                 B.                   lab.                                                                   d.     7 St. Ferdinand
Egan                 Bentick              atty. at law                        57 St. Charles                     d.    66 Rampart, d. 2
Egan                 B.                   vegetables                                                                   14 Poydras market
Egan                 Daniel               laborer                                                                d.     8 Port
Egan                 Edward, Mrs.                                                                                d.    38 Villere
Egan                 Henry                atty. at law                        57 St. Charles                     d.    66 Rampart
Egan                 Henry J.             atty. at law                        57 St. Charles                     d.    54 Rampart
Egan                 Mrs.                 furnished rooms                                                              61 Bourbon
Egan                 Michael              c. h.                                                                           St. Joseph c. Fulton
Egan                 James, Dr.                                                                                        66 Rampart, d. 2
Egan                 James                lab.                                                                   d.   488 Chartres, d. 3
Egan                 Jno.                 drayman                                                                d.   356 Tchoupitoulas
Egan                 John                                                                                                 St. Mary n. St. Charles
Egan                 John F.                                                                                     d.    50 Race
Egan                 Michael              drayman                                                                d.   356 Tchoup.
Egan                 Patrick              drayman                                                                         Clara n. Common
Egan                 Patrick              carpenter                                                                    62 St. James
Egan                 Pat                  drayman                                                                         Melpomene n. Locust
Egan                 Patrick              blacksmith                                                                  311 St. Louis
Egan                 Pat.                 laborer                                                                     251 Annunciation
Egan                 Richard              clerk                                                                         1 Magazine
Egan                 Richd.               warehouseman                                                                381 Perdido
Egan                 Thomas               salesman                                                                     17 Poydras
Egan                 Thomas               clerk                                                                  d.    40 Polymnia
Egan                 Thos.                drayman                                                                         Celeste n. Tchoup.
Egan                 Wm.                  mattress maker                                                               88 Bienville
Egana                Hannah               f.w.c.                                                                       44 History
Egdorf               Auguste              slater                                                                          First n. Laurel
Eggers               Carl                 shoemaker                                                                    13 Philip
Eggert               John                 tailor                                                                      562 Dauphine, d. 3
Eggleston            H. B.                judge                               Fifth District Court               d.   565 St. Charles
Eggleston            J. P.                (Block, McAfee & Co.)
Eggleston            Y. T.                salesman                                                                     28 Common
Egleson              John                 drayman                                                                     258 Lafayette
Egleston             John                 lab.                                                                            Johnson n. Common
Egleston             W., Mrs.                                                                                         258 Lafayette
Egley                J. B.                                                                                            708 Rampart, d. 3
Egley                Victor               laborer                                                                     839 Rampart, d. 3
Egli                 George               c. p.                                                                  d.    67 Tchoupitoulas
Egli                 J. G.                c. h.                                                                           Calliope c. Howard
Egolf                L.                                                                                                63 Liberty n. Poydras
Egretau              Jean                 carp.                                                                           Bayou St. John n. Bridge
Egroveto             Joseph               musician                                                                    411 Ursulines
Ehart                Casimer              laborer                                                                         Copernicus n. Sixth, Gretna
Ehlers               C.                   grocer                                                                      715 Carondelet
Ehlers               Harmon               furniture car                                                               143 Erato
Ehlers               Peter                laborer                                                                d.   117 Clouet
Ehlert               Louis                shoemaker                                                                       Jackson n. New Levee
Ehman                Robert                                                                                               Jackson c. Carroll
Ehmar                James                drayman                                                                     338 Thalia
Ehninger             J. F.                bakery                                                                      170 Orleans
Ehren                Joseph               carpenter                                                                       Conti n. Prieur
Ehren                Louis                printer                                                                d.    21 Jefferson
Ehrenhard            K.                   shoemaker                                                                   255 Poydras
Ehrens               John                 c. p.                                                                       361 St. Peter
Ehrenschneider       B.                   cab. maker                                                                  238 Main
Ehrhardt             Constantine          barber                                                                       33 Hospital
Ehrhart              John J.              jeweler                                                                d.   404 Customhouse
Ehrlicher            John                 tailor                                                                      296 Tchoupitoulas
Ehrmann              J. H.                                                                                            212 Esplanade
Eichbaum             John                 tinsmith                                                                     47 Frenchmen
Eichborn             Armond               trader                                                                      200 Rousseau
Eichelberger         E. C.                (Gaune & Eichelberger)              139 Chartres                       d.   102 Clouet
Eichelberger         John K.              carpenter                                                                   175 Basin
Eichenlaub           John                 warehouseman                                                                 90 Tchoupitoulas
Eichenser            Michael              shoemaker                                                                       Tonti n. Conti
Eichert              Herman               lab.                                                                         27 Front Levee, d. 2
Eichhorn             G.                   tailor                                                                      164 Gravier
Eichhorn             J.                   barber                                                                       74 Dryades
Eichhorn             Jacob                                                                                                Jefferson City
Eichhorn             Jules                carpenter                                                                       Washington n. Chippewa
Eichorn              Robt.                tinsmith                                                                        Palmyra c. Roman
Eichler              W.                   confectioner                                                                    Orleans n. Galvez
Eid                  Geo.                 cartman                                                                         Terpsichore n. Franklin
Eidt                 Margaret, Mrs.       dressmaker                                                                   21 St. Mary
Eidt                 William              barber                                                                      195 Poydras
Eiermann             S.                   bl'ksmith                                                                       Eighth c. Magazine
Eiffert              Frederick            laborer                                                                      50 Marigny
Eigenbrod            H.                   shoemkr.                                                                    418 Customhouse
Eik                  Francis                                                                                              Melpomene n. Jacob
Eike                 George                                                                                           137 Carondelet walk
Eikel                Henry                tailor                                                                      422 Tchoupitoulas
Eikes                George                                                                                            69 Frenchmen
Eikles               John B.              carpenter                                                                       Josephine n. New Levee, Jefferson City
Eiland               A. W.                                                                                       d.   180 Julia
Eilbert              Christian            laborer                                                                     124 Levee, d. 3
Eilbert              C.                   barber                                                                          Urquhart c. Frenchmen
Eimer & Co.                               (J. H. Eimer, F. W. Freudenthal)    com. mers.                               17 Carondelet
Eimer                J. H.                (Eimer & Co.)                                                                17 Carondelet
                                          consul of Austria, Bavaria & Baden
Eimer                John                                                                                              74 St. Louis
Einbeck              Herman               printer                                                                d.   115 Independence
Eingelhardt          Jerome                                                                                            38 Conde
Eininger             Frederick            baker                                                                       449 St. Ann
Eisebauch            Jos.                 laborer                                                                d.    28 South mkt
Eisebraun            John                 clerk                                                                           Conti n. Roman
Eisen                H.                   watchmaker                                                                   99 Common
Eisenhardt           F.                   (J. A. Dick & Co.)                                                     d.       Vine c. Cypress & Julia
Eiseman              Matthew              provisions                                                                    9 Main
Eiserloh             Nic.                 drayman                                                                         Julia n. Claiborne
Eisle                G.                   shoemaker                                                                    68 Conti
Eisler               Elias                blacksmith                                                                  186 St. Mary
Eisler               John                 clerk
Eisler               Stephen              laborer                                                                     545 Camp
Eislersar            John                                                                                                 St. Mary n. Magazine
Eisner               J.                   clerk                                                                        48 Chartres
Eistemann            Elizabeth                                                                                   d.   753 Burgundy, d. 3
Eistetter            Antoine                                                                                              Bourbon n. Solidelle
Eisvert              P.                   grocer                                                                          McDonogh
Eisvuth              Matthias                                                                                    d.   783 Dauphine, d. 3
Eitel                M., Mrs.             midwife                                                                d.    34 Prieur
Eitmann              C., Mrs.                                                                                             Sixth n. Annunciation
Eitmann              Geo.                 tinsmith                                                                    385 Customhouse
Ekelund              Oscar                furniture                                                                    93 Marais, d. 2
Ekelman              Henry                dry goods                                                                   458 Old Levee, d. 3
Ekers                Bernard                                                                                              Port n. St. John Baptist
Elbe                 Julius               (Louis I. Cohn & Bro.)                                                       55 Chartres
Elberfield           E. D.                sewing machines                                                               3 Camp
Elam                 J. E.                atty. at law                                                           d.    21 Religious
Elam                 Louis                f.m.c.                                                                 d.   325 Hospital
Elam                 R. H.                slaves                              58 Baronne & 76 Gravier            d.    67 Dauphine
Elberick             Peter                                                                                                Second n. New Levee
Elbert               John                                                                                                 Jersey n. Josephine
Elbert               John                 tailor                                                                 d.   427 St. Charles
Elbert               Killian              drayman                                                                d.   222 Galvez
Elder                J. C.                                                                                            149 Rampart
Elder                S., Mrs.                                                                                             Robertson n. St. Philip
Elder & Co.                               (Thos. S. Elder, J. W. Jenkins)     com. mers.                               67 Tchoupitoulas
Elder                Thomas S.            (Elder & Co.)                                                          d.       Magazine n. Live Oak, Jefferson City
Electro Chemical Institute                                                                                            135 St. Joseph
Eldridge             Thos.                carpenter                                                              d.   375 Villere, d. 3
Elerc                Charles              butcher                                                                       4 Ninth st. mkt
Elfa                 G.                   baker                                                                           Levee c. Jefferson, Carlt.
Elfer                George               baker                                                                           Carrollton
Elfer                Joseph               laborer                                                                d.       Live Oak c. Leontine, Jefferson City
Elfert               Joseph A.            clerk                                                                        85 Canal
Elfert               Marcelin             pilot                                                                           Pleasant n. Laurel
Elgin                Geo. H.              clerk                                                                           Factors' row
Elie                 A.                   Sole agent for the celebrated Brass Instruments                              66 Royal Street
                                          manufactured by Sax, of Paris, also Depot of Herz &
                                          Pleyel Pianos, Musical Instruments of all kinds.
                                          Sheet Music, &c.
Elinger              Valentine            cistern maker                                                               257 Customhouse
Elison               John                 blacksmith                                                                  357 Magazine
Elkin                E., Mrs.                                                                                         129 Gasquet
Elkin, L. & Co.                           carpets                             58 Camp & 11 Bank place            d.       Second c. Coliseum
Elkinger             Joseph               laborer                                                                     402 Barracks
Ellebush             D.                                                                                                   Liberty n. Josephine
Ellebush             J.                   soap fact                                                                       Liberty n. Jackson
Ellerick             Peter                                                                                                Second n. New Levee
Ellerman             John                 butcher                                                                      17 St. Mary's market
Ellermann            Henry                foreman                                                                      44 Adele
Ellermann            Henry                cab't mk.                                                                   165 St. Mary
Ellermann            Michael                                                                                           16 South market
Ellersbach           Gerherd                                                                                              Liberty n. Jackson
Ellersbach           J. D. H.                                                                                             Liberty n. Jackson
Ellinger             Abraham              clothing                            11 Mobile Landing                  &    291 Rampart
Elliot & McKeever                         (A. Foster Elliot, J. Lawrence McKeever)                                     51 St. Charles
                                          commission merchants
Elliot               A. Foster            (Elliot & McKeever)                                                          51 St. Charles
Elliot               Ed.                  cigar maker                                                                  78 Julia
Elliot               Jos                  veterinary surgeon                  Union c. Baronne                   d.   234 Baronne
Elliot               J. R.                lumber                              234 Delord                         d.       Rampart c. Clio
Elliot               M.                                                                                               298 Hospital
Elliot               Mary                                                                                                 Harmony n. Constance
Elliot               Rufus C.             book keeper                                                                  60 Camp
Elliot               Stephana                                                                                    d.    51 Villere, d. 2
Elliott              Stephen L.           R. R. agent                                                            d.   200 Perdido
Elliot               T. S.                atty. at law                                                           d.   106 Philip
Elliot               Thomas               laborer                                                                d.   360 Magazine
Elliot & Co.                              (W. A. Elliot)                                                              408 Royal, d. 3
Ellis                Cord                 c. h. & grocery                                                                 Carondelet, c. Seventh, d. 4
Ellis                Edward               seaman                                                                      601 Rampart, d. 3
Ellis                Geo.                 screwman                                                                    215 Rampart, d. 3
Ellis Geo.                                (J. C. Morgan & Co.)                book store                               20 Commercial Place
Ellis                Herman               drayman                                                                         Erato n. Liberty
Ellis                H. H.                (Bull, Ellis & Co.)                                                          78 Canal
Ellis                J. C. C.                                                                                             Rampart n. Euterpe
Ellis                J. J.                                                                                       c.       Soraparu & Fulton
Ellis                Jesse                builder                                                                         St. Andrew n. Dryades
Ellis                J.                   builder                                                                         Camp n. First
Ellis                John                 screwman                                                                    103 Marigny
Ellis                J. & W.              produce brokers                     25 Carondelet                      d.   242 Felicity
Eilis                Lewis                clerk                                                                        55 & 57 Common
Ellis                Michael              laborer                                                                d.    31 Delord
Ellis                Moses J.             bookseller                                                             d.   156 Felicity
Ellis                N. J.                printer                                                                d.   378 Rampart
Ellis                Robert               accountant                                                                   45 Magazine
Ellis                Wm.                  clerk                                                                  d.   359 Carondelet
Ellis                Wm. H.               book keeper                                                                  54 Poydras
Ellison              Joseph                                                                                      d.       Second n. St. Charles
Ellison & Coste                           (William P. Ellison, A. Coste, Jr.)                                             basement St. Charles Hotel, Common
                                          cotton brokers
Ellison              Wm. P.               (Ellison & Coste)                                                      d.   611 St. Charles
Ello                 Oscar                fruit                                                                       108 St. Charles
Ellspermann          M.                   barber                                                                       16 South market
Ellsworth            N. K.                book keeper                         73 Camp                            d.    97 Constance
Ellsworth            T. P.                                                                                             41 Lafayette
Elmer                Albert B.            clerk                                                                        59 Carondelet
Elmore               Chas. W,             carpenter                                                                   186 Basin, d. 1
Elmore & King                             (Wm. A. Elmore, W. W. King)         attys. at law                            20 Ex. place
Elmore               Wm. A.               (Elmore & King) & supt. of U. S. Mint                                  d.       Carondelet n. Philip
Eloi                 Baptiste             c. p.                                                                       399 Melpomene
Elster               Ludwig               cabinet maker                                                                   Washington c. Laurel
Estrod               John                 laborer                                                                         Jersey n. Valmont, Jefferson City
Elvy                 Wm.                  laborer                                                                         Spain n. Old Levee
Ellwell              Samuel               carpenter                                                                   103 Jackson
Ellwood              Danl.                marble yard                                                            d.   410 Liberty
Elxniois             Louis                wood inspector                                                                  Josephine n. Rampart
Elysee               Paul                 f. m. c.                                                                     36 St. Mary's market
Ely                  Otto                 barber                                                                       46 South market
Elzy                 Maria                f. w. c.                                                               d.   255 St. Claude
Emanuel              Joseph                                                                                               Peter, Algiers
Emanuel              Joseph               laborer                                                                      71 Villere
Emanuel              J. D.                lab.                                                                            Goodchildren n. Port
Emblut               G.                   carriage mkr.                                                                   Greatmen c. Union
Emeel                Chas.                carp.                                                                           Roman n. Gasquet
Emer                 Catharine, Mrs.                                                                                      Peter n. Elmire, Alg.
Emerich              Alex                 tailor                                                                       62 Frenchmen
Emerich              Thomas                                                                                            56 Frenchmen
Emerson & Huntington                      (C. M. Emerson, E. W. Huntington)                                            12 Exchange
                                          attys. at law
Emerson              C. M.                (Emerson & Huntington)                                                 d.   107 Prytania
Emerson              J. B.                                                                                                Peter n. Seguin, Algiers
Emerson              Wm.                  clerk                                                                        41 Magazine
Emerson              Wm.                  recorder first dist.                                                   d.   450 Baronne
Emert                Ferdinand            barkeeper                                                                       Goodchildren n. Spain
Emic                 J.                   tailor                                                                          Carondelet c. Girod
Emil                 Jacob                barber                                                                      213 Baronne
Emile                Mary                 f. w. c.                                                                    185 Gravier
Emilian              Joseph               carpenter                                                                   216 St. Louis
Emhaeser             John                 laborer                                                                         St. Andrew n. Tchoupitoulas
Emke                 F.                   tailor                                                                          Patterson, Algiers
Emke                 Frank                c. h.                                                                         1 Conti
Emma                 Widow                                                                                            264 Bayou road
Emmens               Jacob, Jr.                                                                                        21 Carondelet
Emmet                Francis              c. h.                                                                       469 Tchoupitoulas
Emmet                John                 clk.                                25 Camp                            d.   469 Tchoup.
Emmett               Robert               clerk                                                                       215 Tchoupitoulas
Emmons               Wm.                  laborer at Jackson depot
Emory                Emil                 teacher                                                                         Union c. Royal, d. 3
Emory                Harriet              rooms                                                                        10 Rampart, d. 2
Enard                Charles                                                                                              Girod n. St. Bernard
Enaud                M., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   159 Hospital
Enclande             Pole                 carpenter                                                                       Gentilly road n. Lapeyrouse
Encloux              J. B.                tailor                                                                      257 Treme, d. 2
Enderle              Edward               builder                                                                         Algiers
Enderlin             Jacob                shoemaker                                                                    10 St. Charles
Engbert              Philip               milkman                                                                         Congress corner Morales
Engel                Adam                 laborer                                                                         Sixth n. Laurel
Engel                Angel                painter                                                                     109 Calliope
Engel                Chas. L.             bookbinder                                                                   37 Chartres d. Carrollton
Engel                Gaspard              c. p.                                                                       165 Port
Engel                George               laborer                                                                         Eighth n. Laurel
Engel                Henry                shoemaker                                                                       Patterson, Alg.
Engel                H.                   bookbinder                          92  Camp                           d.   288 Tchoupitoulas
Engel                John                 baker                                                                       145 Prieur
Engel                Louis                painter                                                                         Calliope n. Baronne
Engel                Philip               grocer & wood yard                                                              Laurel n. Sixth
Engel                William              tailor                                                                      337 Main
Engelhardt           H.                   gauger                                                                       31 Roman
Engelhardt           Joseph               wood                                                                            Prosper c. Spain
Engelhardt           James                shoemk'r                                                                    112 Baronne
Engelhardt           Valentine                                                                                        436 Robertson, d. 3
Engelmann            David                apotha'ry                                                                   396 Dryades
Englemann            Peter                                                                                                Urquhart n. Port
Engels               Anton                                                                                             51 Esplanade
Engelsheim           Eugene               clerk                                                                       211 Barracks
Enghauser            B.                                                                                                   Bayou road c. Galvez
Enghauser            S.                   laborer                                                                      32 Poet
Engine House of " Young America" & "John Adams"                                                                       187 Carondelet
Engine House Fire Company, No. 12                                                                                     466 Tchoupitoulas
Englade              Emile                painter                                                                         Hospital n. Roman
England              Charles              tailor                                                                      357 Franklin
England              Charles              b. h.                                                                        14 Marigny
England              Richard              fishmonger                                                                  396 Old Levee, d. 3
Englebrecht          Charles                                                                                          213 Cypress
Englebrecht          John                 porter                                                                      374 Customhouse
Englebrecht          Joseph               cab't mk.                                                                    36 Jackson
Engleman             Charles                                                                                              Carrollton Hotel
Englender            John                 shoemaker                                                                   190 Bienville
Englert              Philip               milk                                                                            Congress c. Morales
Englert              Sebastian            barber                                                                      621 New Levee
English              Annette, Mrs.                                                                                     14 Louisa
English              Elmira                                                                                           278 Conti
English              Hudson               commissary                          Claiborne market                   d.   102 Gasquet
English              John                 laborer                                                                d.   297 St. Thomas
English              Joseph               mate                                                                   d.   119 Dauphine
English              Lancelot                                                                                          95 Franklin, d. 2
English              William                                                                                              Claiborne n. Canal
Engman               P.                   blacksmith                                                                      La. Cotton Press
Engman               P.                   blacksmith                                                                      Foucher n. Calliope
Engman               Simon                clk.                                Louisiana Cot. Press
Engman               Simon                tailor                                                                       71 Annunciation
Engmann              Peter                Franklin mills                                                                  Baronne n. Third
Engmann              Philip               grocer                                                                          Austerlitz c. Magazine, Jefferson City
Engolt               August, Mrs.                                                                                     247 Chippewa
Engstfeld & Co.                           (Chas. Engstfeld, Louis Piderets)                                            20 Union
                                          exchange brokers
Engstfeld            Charles              (Engstfeld & Co.)                                                      d.   109 Claiborne
Engstrom             G.                   carpenter                                                                       Seguin n. Alex.
Ennemoser            Julius               druggist                                                                        New Levee c. Berlin, Jefferson City
Ennis                Elizabeth, Mrs.                                                                             d.    42 Religious
Ennis                James                cooper                                                                          Roman n. Palmyra
Ennis                James                bookstore                           Pont. R. R. depot                  d.   205 Marigny
Ennis                James                screwman                                                                    185 Goodchildren
Enot                 Rosella                                                                                           98 Orleans
Enright              James                clerk                                                                        47 Constance
Enright              James                carp.                                                                           St. John n. Girod
Enright              John                 drayman                                                                     158 Gasquet
Enright              John W.              clk.                                                                            St. John n. Girod
Ensign               H.                   clerk                                                                        29 Gravier
Ensminger            A.                   (Fred Bauer & Co.)                  22 Magazine                        d.   574 Magazine
Entrecanales         Y.                   grocer                                                                          St. Peter
Entres               Wm.                  laborer                                                                         Jackson depot
Entzinger            Leonard                                                                                              Levee n. Philip
Entzminger           Henry W., Jr.        clerk                                                                  d.   358 Burgundy
Entzminger           Henry W., Sr.        jeweler                                                                     358 Burgundy
Enz                  David                tailor                                                                      170 Basin, d. 1
Eolozogui            F.                   clerk                                                                        57 Customhouse
Eoodi                Edmund               charcoal                                                                    223 Poydras
Epestine             Pauline, Mrs.                                                                               d.   333 Thalia
Eplar                Mike                 carpenter                                                                       Third n. Dryades
Eppler               Cornelius            shoemaker                                                                       Conti
Eppler               Joseph               shoemkr.                                                                        Conti n. Roman
Epps                 Catharine            rooms                                                                       139 Bienville
Erard                J.                   fourth justice court                St. Peter                          d.   398 St. Ann
Eratt                Thos.                lab.                                                                            Rousseau n. St. Mary
Erdmann              Geo. D. Smith                                                                                    121 Customhouse
Erhardt              Michael              drayman                                                                     785 Dauphine, d. 3
Erickson             Erick                finisher                                                                    314 Magazine
Erickson             James                laborer                                                                      21 Frenchmen
Erier                Emile                carpenter                                                                   345 Villere, d. 3
Erker                Hy.                  drayman                                                                         Calliope n. Foucher
Erler                G.                   shoemaker                                                                   147 Poydras
Erlinger             A.                   tobacco factory                                                                 McDonogh
Ermon                John                 stevedore                                                                   452 Camp
Ermort               Ferdinand            bar keeper                                                                   53 Tchoupitoulas
Erne                 John                 tailor                                                                          New Levee, Jeff. City
Ernenvein            Jos.                 shoemaker                                                                   159 Ursulines
Ernest               Andrew                                                                                           356 Melpomene
Ernest               A.                   cab. maker                                                                  359 Chartres, d. 3
Ernest               Fredk.               book keeper                                                                   5 Carondelet
Ernest               Frederick B.         cotton factor & com. mer.                                                     5 Carondelet
Ernest               Ignatz                                                                                           237 Orleans
Ernest               John                                                                                              68 St. Andrew
Ernest               John C.              school                                                                          Carrollton
Ernest               Joseph               carpenter                                                                   367 Franklin
Ernest               Peter                milkman                                                                         Carrollton
Ernest               Retori               coffee house & grocery                                                          Patterson c. Elmire, Algiers
Ernst                Adeline, Mrs.                                                                                    422 Basin
Ernst                A.                   hides                                                                           Seventh n. Chippewa
Ernst                Felix                boots, shoes, &c.                                                           325 Magazine
Ernst                John D.              shoemaker                                                                    89 Polymnia
Ernst                Theodore             cab. maker                                                                  364 Bienville
Erries               F.                   gunsmith                                                                    309 Old Levee, d. 2
Errin                D.                   warehouse                                                                       Henderson c. Levee
Erskine              J.                   screwman                                                                        Mandeville n. Royal
Ertel                Daniel               carpenter                                                                       Urquhart n. Port
Ertel                F.                   clerk                                                                           New Levee c. Lafayette
Ertel                Henry                clerk                                                                       283 Dryades
Ertight              Joseph                                                                                            26 Union, d. 1
Ervin                Dennis               superintendent                      shippers press                              Robin c. New Levee
Erwin                James                                                                                                Jefferson City
Erwin                John Q.              physician                                                              d.       Terpsichore n. Annunciation
Erz                  F.                   tanner                                                                          Dryades c. Louisiana avenue, Jefferson City
Esbacker             J. T.                baker                                                                       153 Prieur
Escadelle            Joseph               fruit                                                                           Claiborne market
Escanden             Antoine              c. h.                                                                         8 Front
Escane               Andreas              steward                                                                      40 Marigny
Escarpentier         Joseph               warehouseman                                                                404 St. Claude, d. 3
Escarrague           Thomas               music teacher                                                                   Freret n. Gravier
Escarraquel          M. A., Mrs.                                                                                      197 Calliope
Escat                J. J.                c. h.                                                                        44 Front Levee, d. 3
Eschavon             J. B.                f. m. c.                                                                    195 Enghien
Eschbacher           G. J.                vegetables                                                                   55 Treme mkt
Eschbacher           G. J.                bakery                                                                          Prieur n. St. Ann
Escher               G.                   (Unger & Escher)                                                             69 Elysian Fields
Eschenbrenner        Fras.                shoemaker                                                                   341 St. Louis
Eschmann             J. A.                porter                              Bank of Louisiana
Esclapon             Isadore              (Roche & Esclapon)                  9 St. Louis                        d.   291 Rampart
Esclarou             Baptiste             f. m. c., laborer                                                           138 Enghien
Esco                 John                 carpenter                                                                   104 Liberty
Escobedo             B.                   shoemaker                                                                   261 Bienville
Escoffie             Jos. M.                                                                                           97 Gravier
Escoffier            Chas.                teacher                                                                      74 Chartres
Escoffier            Francois                                                                                          75 St. Anthony
Escoffier            Jane, Mrs.                                                                                           Orleans c. Roman
Escoffier            Louis                                                                                                St. Claude n. Main
Escoffier            Stephen              acct.                               Canal c. Bourbon                   d.   268 Orleans
Escolle              Lexington                                                                                            Carrollton
Escomia              Thomas               musician                                                                     54 Ursulines
Escot                J. P.                c. h.                                                                       228 Chartres
Escoubas             M., Dr.                                                                                              Royal c. St. Peter
Escousse             C.                   printer                                                                     338 Dauphine, d. 3
Escousse             Hypolite             (Hebert & Escousse)                 149 Chartres                       d.    32 Mandeville
Escovado             B. S.                bakery                                                                       99 Mandeville
Escovado             B., Mrs.                                                                                          42 St. Anthony
Escude               Jean M.              butcher                             19 French mkt.                     d.   312 Frenchmen
Eshleman             B. F.                clerk                                                                        71 Canal
Eskew                Hugh B.                                                                                              Jersey n. Jena, Jefferson City
Eskin                John                 screwman                                                                     61 Mandeville
Eslingoy             Chas.                                                                                                Burgundy n. St. Peter
Esmond               Wm.                  druggist                                                                    305 Terpsichore
Esnard               C. V.                captain police                                                                  Algiers
Esnard               Gustave              wood, coal & sand                                                            37 Carondelet walk
Esnard               Marcelin             clerk                               U. S. Mint                                  Broad c. Main
Esnard               Peter                shipsmith                                                              op.      post 22., d. 1
Esnard               S.                   shoes                                                                       341 Burgundy, d. 3
Esnault              J. L.                                                                                            298 Ursulines
Espach               Jacob                gardener                                                                        Gentilly road
Espach               Martin               gardener                                                                        Laharpe c. Tonti
Esparros             Pierre               butcher                                                                         Magazine mkt.
Espena               Chas.                clerk                               45 Chartres                        d.   256 Bourbon
Esperier             E.., Mrs.                                                                                        382 Bienville
Espinar              Jose de              vice-consul Spain                                                               Rampart c. St. Louis
Espinasse            Basil                tinner                                                                      408 Villere, d. 2
Espinola             C.                   apothecary                                                                  199 Chartres
Espinosa             Candido              cigars                                                                       14 St. Bernard
Espy                 David                foreign & domestic liquors                                                  182 New Levee
Espy                 James                book keeper                                                            d.   380 Basin
Essex                John                 engineer                                                                    279 St. Ann
Essig                Andrew               cooper                                                                          First n. N. Levee
Estamas              Augustin             fruit                                                                       202 Bourbon
Estanetiz            Cujegas                                                                                          103 Frenchmen
Estappa              John                 steward                                                                     121 Bienville
Esteban              Paul                                                                                              41 Poydras marker
Esteben              G. P.                dairy                                                                           Carondelet n. Toledano
Estede               John                                                                                                 Frenchmen n. Josephine
Estein               Anton                carpenter                                                                   205 St. Louis
Estela               Michel               "The Planet"                                                                 77 Magazine
Estella              Francisco            waiter                                                                       77 Magazine
Estello              Godfrey              lab.                                                                        158 Chippewa
Estelman             Jacob                butcher                                                                     234 Spain
Esterben             Baptiste             butcher                                                                         Poydras mkt
Esterbery            Chas.                lab.                                                                         11 Music
Esterbrook           Geo.                                                                                              69 Rampart, d. 1
Esterbrook           Richard              (Gallier & Esterbrook)              11 Carondelet                      d.   146 Common
Esterlin             E., Mrs.                                                                                          58 Orleans
Esterling            Martin                                                                                               Magistrate c. Havana
Esterman             Henry, Capt.                                                                                         Market n. Front
Estes                James H., Capt.                                                                                      Peter avenue n. St. Charles, Jefferson City
Esteter              Antoine              bricklayer                                                                   21 Bagatelle
Esteva               Nicholas             c. h.                                                                  c.       Gravier & Dryades
Esteve               Arthur                                                                                           349 Dauphine, d. 3
Esteve               F., Mrs.                                                                                         349 Dauphine, d. 3
Esteve               Jacques, Mrs.                                                                                     89 Burgundy
Esteve               Jerome                                                                                            27 St. Anthony
Esteve               J., Mrs.                                                                                         430 Burgundy
Esteve               Manuel               carp.                               Claiborne n. St. Anthony           d.   115 Annette
Esteve               Pierre               carp.                               33 Bagatelle                       d.   496 Bourbon
Esteve               Wm., Mrs.                                                                                         27 St. Anthony
Estford              Henry                carp.                                                                        80 Spain
Estlin               Charles T.           acct.                               47 Union                           d.   159 Camp
Estlin, Robert W. & Co.                   (Y. Black, Henry Thornhill)         cotton factors & com. mers.        d.    75 Dauphine
                                                                              47 Union
Estingay             Chas.                teacher                                                                      60 Dauphine
Estopa               Leopold                                                                                              Bagatelle n. Urquhart
Estoup               J.                   shoemkr.                                                                        Old Levee c. Hospital
Estrade              Dominique            dairy                                                                           Frenchmen c. Liberaux
Estrade              Jean Marie           charcoal                                                                    142 Basic, d. 2
Estrade              J., Mrs.                                                                                         207 Ursulines
Estrade              M.                                                                                               269 St. Ann
Estrade              J. L.                charcoal                                                                     40 Gasquet
Estrella             Juan                 cigars                                                                      505 St. Claude, d. 3
Etel                 Mad.                 midwife                                                                         Prieur n. Bienville
Eternod & Piaget                          (Jacob Eternod, Alexander Piaget)   importers of dry gds.                    46 Chartres
Eternod              Jacob                (Eternod & Piaget)                                                     d.       Peace n. Chartres
Eternod              Louis                clerk                               46 Chartres                        d.   224 Main
Ethell, B. P. & Co.                       (R. G. Abbott, E. B. Falls)         com. mers.                         d.       Jeff. City
                                                                              101 Magazine
Etheridge            A. H.                bird preserver                                                              275 Julia
Etienne              Alexis               f. m. c., cigar maker                                                       140 Ursulines
Etienne              Ferdinand            f. m. c., butcher                                                               French mkt
Etienne              F.                   f. m. c., carpenter                                                          47 Prytania
Etienne              Leon                 f. m. c., carp.                                                             341 Orleans
Etienne              Pague                butch.                                                                       24 St. Mary's mkt
Etienne              R. E.                f. m. c.                                                                     10 Poydras market
Etlinger             Chas.                clerk                                                                        66 Spain
Eubanks              James                machinist                                                              d.   155 St. Joseph
Euckers              John                 butcher                                                                         Jeff. City
Eugene               Francois             f. m. c., cigar mkr                                                         157 Toulouse
Eugene               Jean                 harnessmaker                                                                104 Toulouse
Eugene               Jos.                 f. m. c. carp.                                                              503 Rampart, d. 3
Eugene               Louis                f. m. c.                                                                        Poydras c. Bolivar
Eugene               Reybaud              butcher                                                                      38 French mkt
Eugenia              Madam                                                                                            131 Dauphin
Eughman              P.                                                                                                   Baronne n. Third
Eughman              W. C., Mrs.                                                                                          Third n. Dryades
Euler                George                                                                                               Dryades n. Julia
Euler                George A.            (S. Oser & Co.)                     151 Common                         d.    43 Dauphine
Euper                Jacob                ship carp.                                                                      Jackson, McD.
Euran                Walter               lab.                                                                            Josephine n. Chippewa
Eustis               Allain               broker                              119 Gravier                        d.    46 Main
Eustis               Mrs.                                                                                             415 Old Levee, d. 3
Eustis               J. B.                (Waples & Eustis)                   attys. at law                            27 Commercial place
Eutrecannalles       E.                   grocer                                                                      201 St. Peter
Evan                 Evans                engr.                                                                           Derbigny n. Gasquet
Evans                Adolphe              bookkeeper                                                                   27 Carondelet
Evans                Charles F.           clerk                               96 Camp                            d.   262 St. Andrew
Evans                Edward               gas fitter                                                                   84 Baronne
Evans                E.                                                                                               505 Burgundy, d. 3
Evans                G.                   lab.                                                                         84 Marigny
Evans                G. C.                clerk                                                                       155 Canal
Evans                G. P.                accountant                          53 Camp                            d.   440 Dryades
Evans                Henry                cabmn.                                                                          Pacanier n. Richards
Evans House                               S. P. Evans, Proprietor.                                                     79 Poydras
Evans                Isaac                carpenter                                                                   292 Baronne
Evans                John                 blacksh.                                                                    361 Old Levee, d. 3
Evans                Julia                f. w. c.                                                                    148 Orleans
Evans                J. C.                sign painter                                                                141 Camp
Evans                Lyman                contractor                                                                      Freret c. Melpomene
Evans                Michael              laborer                                                                     475 Royal
Evans                M. L., Mrs.                                                                                      262 St. Andrew
Evans                M. L. O., Mrs.                                                                                   165 Main
Evans                Mary                                                                                             183 St. Claude, d. 2
Evans                Richard              teacher                                                                     220 Erato
Evans                Samuel               mate                                                                         14 Villere
Evans House                               S. P. Evans, proprietor                                                      79 Poydras
Evans                T. J.                carpenter                                                                   394 Common
Evans                William                                                                                              Gretna
Even                 Ernest               clk.                                                                         78 Chartres
Even                 James                                                                                            827 St. Claude, d. 3
Even                 Jules                collector levee dues                                                        184 Johnson, d. 2
Even                 Luca                 telegrapher                                                                 143 Dauphine
Even                 Louis                mustard works                                                               143 Dauphine
Even                 Martin               lab.                                                                            Congress n. Burgundy
Even                 M. E.                mustard works                                                               143 Dauphine
Evens                Richard              carp.                                                                       103 Tchoupitoulas
Eveque               Charles L.           clk.                                                                         46 Old Levee, d. 2
Eveque               Samuel               shoemaker                                                                    28 Love
Everance             W.                                                                                                   Freret n. Terpsichore
Everard              R.                   grocer                                                                          Bienville c. Dauphine
Everett              Chas. A.             clerk                                                                        89 Camp
Everett              G., Mrs.                                                                                           9 Franklin
Everett              J. M.                                                                                                Carrollton
Everett              L. H., Dr.                                                                                       166 Baronne
Everard              R.                   grocer                                                                      146 Gasquet
Everhard             Christian                                                                                            Gretna
Everhart             Amos                 screwman                                                                        Soraparu c. Chippewa
Everitt              L. H., Dr.           vital atomic physician                                                       10 Rampart, d. 2
Everling             Henry                                                                                                Gasquet c. Galvez
Evers                J. J.                paperhangings                       62 Chartres                        d.   145 Conti
Evies                Claus                laborer                                                                      88 Barracks
Ewald                Daniel               clerk                                                                  d.   129 Chippewa
Ewing                Alex.                                                                                                St. Andrew n. Louisa
Ewing                Andrew               laborer                                                                         Jackson depot
Ewing                Chas.                pilot                                                                       218 Conti
Ewing                Greville             sugar broker                                                                 72 Desire
Ewing                Henry                livery stables                                                                  Carrollton
Ewing                Lewis                clerk                                                                       174 Erato
Ewing                Samuel               com. & fwdg. mer.                   Crossman c. Front                  d.       Upper Line, Jeff. City
Ewing                William                                                                                           48 Old Levee
Ewing                Wm.                  carpenter                                                                       Bienville n. Tonti
Ewing                Wm.                  engineer                                                                     78 Julia
Exner                Daniel               carpenter                                                                   211 Claiborne
Exnicious            Louis                                                                                                Josephine n. Dryades
Exsterstein          Harmon               c. h.                                                                        77 Front
Exsterstein          Henry                dairy                                                                           First n. Patrick
Extein               H'y                  milkman                                                                         First n. St. Dennis
Eylandt              Daniel               bricklayer                                                                  214 Melpomene
Eylandt              E., Dr.                                                                                           82 Enghien
Eyma                 Elizabeth, Mrs.      professor of music                                                          396 Baronne
Eyma                 Guyol                grocer                                                                      311 Bayou road
Eyma                 Louis                atty. at law                        13 Ex. place                       d.   154 Hospital
Eyma                 Wm.                  clerk                                                                  d.   396 Baronne
Eystein              A.                   carpenter                                                                   281 St. Louis
Ezekiel              A. T.                jeweller                                                                    383 Camp
Ezekiel              E.                   book store                                                                    7 Ex. place & 122 Poydras

- F -

Fabacher             Jos                  "Woodyard" c. h.                    Old Levee                          d.     2 & 49 Customhouse
Fabain               Henry                                                                                                Front c. Poydras
Faber                Charles              butcher                                                                      36 St. Mary's market
Faber                Charles              drayman                                                                         Sixth n. Louisa
Faber                C. F.                                                                                            415 Burgundy
Faber                Emile                curled hair manf.                                                               Fourth n. Rousseau
Feber                Frederick            clerk                                                                       151 Poydras
Feber                George               Mrs.                                                                         39 Poet
Faber                Geo.                 bricklayer                                                                      Sixth n. Chippewa
Faber                Henry                barkeeper                                                                       Front c. Newton
Faber                John                 laborer                                                                      32 Enghien
Faber                Josiah                                                                                               Philip n. Brainard
Faber                M., Mrs.             fortune teller                                                               59 Ursulines
Fabian               Bentham              agent                                                                        67 Tchoupitoulas
Fabian               John                 teacher                                                                         Philip c. Chippewa
Fabian               Laurent              gardener                                                                        Bayou St. John
Fabian               Val.                 shoemaker                                                                   370 Lafayette
Fabiany              B.                   sergeant                                                                    211 St. Claude
Fabin                Baptiste             cotton sampler                                                               73 St. Andrew
Fabin                Henry                c. h.                                                                        49 Front
Fabio                S. G.                Millinery & Fancy Goods, Confection of all kinds.                      c.       Hospital & Chartres Sts.
Fabre                Augustine                                                                                         19 Bagatelle
Fabre                Francis              clothing                                                               r.   217 Camp
                                          basement St. Charles Hotel, St. Charles c. Common
Fabre                George, Mrs.                                                                                      50 Poet
Fabregas             John                                                                                             260 Frenchmen
Fabregas             J.                   c. h.                                                                        87 Union, d 3
Fachan               Barth                butcher                                                                      79 French Market
Facher               George               c. h.                                                                           Magazine cor Race
Fachiri, P. & Co.                         com mers                                                                     99 Gravier
Facien               T., Capt.                                                                                            Congress n. Front Levee
Factors' Cot. Press                                                                                                       New Levee c. Race
Faccher              G.                   gro & c. h.                                                            h.   468 Magazine
Faecher              Leonard                                                                                              Laurel n. Josephine
Faeh                 J. B.                grocer                                                                          Peace c. Moreau
Faehnle              George               carpenter                                                                       Coliseum n. Washington
Faessel              Louis                grocery                                                                         Camp c. St. Andrew
Faest                Porten               carp.                                                                           St. Andrew n. Camp
Fagan                Chas.                shoemaker                                                                    81 Bourbon
Fagan                Daniel                                                                                           118 St. Mary
Fagan                E.                   drayman                                                                      59 Enghien
Fagan                Jas.                 lab.                                                                            Theresa n. St. Thomas
Fagan                John                 drayman                                                                     135 Adeline
Fagan                John                 wagoner                                                                     113 Tchoupitoulas
Fagan                John                                                                                                 Frenchmen c. Genois
Fagan                Nicholas             blacksmith                                                                  176 Girod
Fagan                Patrick                                                                                              Washington n. St. Charles
Fagan                Simon                cooper                                                                       60 Tchoupitoulas
Fagan                Thomas               screwman                                                                        Gretna
Fagerly              Catherine, Mrs.                                                                                   27 Delorde
Faget                C., Dr.                                                                                          159 Burgundy
Faget                John M.              c. h.                                                                           Felicity c. St. Charles
Fagan                Nich.                blacksmith                                                                  572 Rampart, d 3
Fagot                Anatole                                                                                          180 Rampart
Fagot                August                                                                                           629 Dauphine, d 3
Fagot                Charles                                                                                              Lake Pontchartrain
Fagot                Charles              recorder's clerk                                                                d 4
Fagot                Charles R.                                                                                       676 Royal, d 3
Fagot                Edward               c.p.                                                                         33 Poet
Fagot                Ernest                                                                                           629 Dauphine, d 3
Fagot                Godefroy             collector                                                                       St. Charles n. Clio
Fagot                J. A.                deputy clerk                        2d District Court
Fagot                J. B.                grocer                                                                          Spain c. Goodchildren
Fagot                Samuel               planter                                                                      62 Rampart, d 2
Fagot                Theodule             grocer                                                                      625 Dauphine
Fagouet              T.                                                                                               429 Bourbon, d 3
Faharnholz           Frank                                                                                                Josephine c. Royal
Fahay                William              warehouseman                                                                  9 Poyfarre
Fahey                John                 laborer                                                                     140 Tchoupitoulas
Fahker               George               c. h.& grocer                                                                   Josephine c. Laurel
Fahn                 George               shoemaker                                                                    54 St. Anthony
Fahnestock           M.                   clerk                                                                        71 Canal
Fahnert              M.                   grocer                                                                          Barracks c. Burgundy
Fahnert              M.                   woodyard                                                                        Jefferson City
Fahrenbach           F. F.                blacksmith                                                                  318 Rampart, d 1
Fahsenfelt           Henry                                                                                                Chippewa n. Seventh
Fahy                 B.                   laborer                                                                         Nuns c. Tchoupitoulas
Fahy                 James                laborer                                                                      21 Constance
Fahy                 John                 laborer                                                                      82 Delord
Fahy                 Margaret, Miss                                                                                   628 Rampart, d 3
Fahy                 Mary, Mrs.                                                                                       465 Chartres, d 3
Fahy                 Mary, Mrs.                                                                                        68 Poet
Fahy                 Michael              laborer                                                                       8 Port
Fahy                 Patrick              laborer                                                                      30 Poet
Fahy                 Richard              clerk                                                                           Clouet c. Levee
Fahy                 Thomas               laborer                                                                     294 Erato
Faibvre              Samuel               furniture                                                                     7 Baronne
Faichez              Alexander                                                                                        256 Burgundy
Faicklen             F.                   upholsterer                                                                 326 Camp
Fairbanks & Co.                           (O.B. Davis, A.P. Davis, agents)                                             93 Camp
                                          Fairbank's principal Southern Scale Warehouse &
                                          Agency for Lillies' Burglar &  Fire Proof Safes
Fairbanks            Chas. B.             clerk                                                                       317 Fulton
Fairbanks            Jos.                 cabinet maker                                                                77 Delord
Fairchild, E.H. & Co.                     (John W. Bingham)                   84 Poydras                         d.   198 Thalia
                                          commission & forwarding merchants
Fairchild            Henry N.             clerk                                                                        45 Union
Fairchild            J. H. R.             clerk                                                                           St. Louis Hotel
Fairchild            Madison              engineer                                                                        Louisa c. Royal
Fairchild            W. T.                                                                                            129 St. Mary
Farie                R.                   dry goods                                                                   190 Gleise's row, Poydras
Fairlie              Wm.                  carpenter                                                                       Seventh n. Fulton
Fairlie              William                                                                                              Seventh n. Chippewa
Faisans              P.                                                                                               475 Annunciation
Faisans              Rene                 clerk                                                                        16 Carondelet
Faisans              S.                                                                                                11 & 13 Magazine
Faisans              Victor               (North, Duthil & Co.)               11 & 13 Magazine                   d.       Jackson c. Coliseum
Faith                Benjamin             cooper                                                                      330 St. Louis
Faivre               Antoine              c. h.                                                                           Bayou road c. Tonti
Faivre               Charles                                                                                              Galvez n. St. Philip
Faivre               Edward                                                                                               St. Thomas n. Market
Faivre               J.                   Pianoforte Manufacturer, 46 late 56 Royal.                                   46 late 56 Royal
                                          Inventor of the celebrated lately improved
                                          iron frame Pianos, which have been awarded
                                          five Gold Medals in Paris & London, in 1855
Faivre               P.                   mattress hair                                                               271 St. Thomas
Faiz                 Martin               dairy                                                                           Sixth n. Plaquemine
Falc                 Louis                clerk                                                                       161 St. Philip
Falco                Raphael              c.p.                                                                         57 St. Anthony
Falconer             Richard J.           clerk                                                                        27 Gravier
Falconer             Wm. R.               accountant                                                                   56 New Levee
Falconer             Thomas M.            apothecary                                                                      Claiborne n. Gasquet
Fales                Romagossa                                                                                        327 Treme, d 3
Falgout              Louis                printer                                                                d.   366 Liberty
Falk                 Catharine, Mrs.                                                                                  519 Burgundy, d 3
Falk                 John                 blacksmith                                                                  111 Piety
Falk                 John                                                                                                 Religious n. St. Mary
Falk                 Joseph                                                                                           165 Spain
Falk                 J. H.                                                                                             35 Dauphine
Falk                 L.                   tailor                                                                       59 Bourbon
Falk                 Moritz               pedler                                                                      278 Ursulines
Falkenstein          Adam                                                                                                 Carrollton
Falkenstein          Frank                barkeeper                                                                   404 Dryades
Falkenstein          M.                                                                                                   Fourth n. Rousseau
Falkner              David                laborer                                                                      26 Constance
Fall                 Barbara, Mrs.                                                                                        Felicity n. Annunciation
Fallan               Martin               butcher                                                                      41 & 43 Magazine Market
Fallandorf           George               laborer                                                                     321 Erato
Faller               Martin                                                                                               Chippewa n. Sixth
Faller               Peter                lab.                                                                            Jackson n. Madison, McD
Faller               Peter                carpenter                                                                   354 Magazine
Fallon               A. Dr.                                                                                               New Levee c. Jackson
Fallon               Bernard                                                                                          216 St. Claude, d 2
Fallon               Bernard              laborer                                                                      69 Laurel
Fallon               Bridget              b.h.                                                                         50 Julia
Fallon               E., Mrs.                                                                                         305 First
Fallon               Herbert              grocer                                                                      242 Magazine
Fallon               Hugh                                                                                             242 Magazine
Fallon               James                contractor                                                                  324 St. Peter
Fallon               James                                                                                                Main c. Treme
Fallon               John                 clerk                                                                  d.   127 Chippewa n. Sixth
Fallon               John                 laborer                                                                     184 Tchoupitoulas
Fallon               J.G.                 inspector customs                                                           228 Calliope
Fallon               J.K.                 laborer                                                                     184 Tchoupitoulas
Fallon               Lawrence C.          book keeper                         21 Commercial pl                   d.   305 First
Fallon               Martin               tailor                                                                      274 Dryades
Fallon               Martin               stone cutter                                                                264 Girod
Fallon               Martin               butcher                                                                         Eighth n. Constance
Fallon               Mary                                                                                             327 Conti
Fallon               Michael              boiler maker                                                                 50 Julia
Fallon               Michael              paver                                                                       138 Claiborne
Fallon               M.                   tailor                                                                          Liberty n. Clio
Fallon               Patrick              shoemaker                                                                   392 Camp
Fallon               Thomas               grocery                                                                      68 St. Thomas
Falls                E. B.                (B.P. Ethell & Co.)                                                         101 Magazine
Falon                N.                                                                                                   St. Mary n. Chippewa
Falon                William              blacksmith                                                                   92 St. Joseph
Falorsi              Sebastian            c. h.                                                                       153 Perdido
Fals                 Adam                 drayman                                                                         Cotton Press c. Goodchildren
Falvey               Dennis                                                                                            60 Melpomene
Falvey               John                 marbler                                                                         Erato n. Howard
Falvey               John                 laborer                                                                     117 Foucher
Faliz                Conrad               laborer                                                                         St. Andrew n. Howard
Falzon               Joseph                                                                                           155 Euterpe
Fannaghan            John                 grocer                                                                          Algiers
Fanchon              E., Mrs.                                                                                             Frenchmen n. Rampart
Fancoz               Franklin             clerk                                                                        46 Chartres
Fanerty              Martin               screwman                                                                    224 Chippewa
Fanes                T. A.                clerk                                                                        71 Canal
Fanes                Mrs.                 variety store                                                               128 Burgundy
Fanholt              John                 porter                                                                      185 Josephine
Fannery              Sarah                dressmaker                                                                  191 Magazine
Fanney               William                                                                                              Royal n. Congress
Fannin               C.                   drayman                                                                         St. Andrew n. Baronne
Fannin               John                 c. h.                                                                           Levee c. Enghien
Fanning              Cornelius            keeper of engine house No. 24                                          d.   639 Burgundy
Fanning              Edward               laborer                                                                      38 Spain
Fanning              James G.                                                                                             Carrollton
Fanning              John, Mrs.                                                                                        99 Mandeville
Fanning              Michael                                                                                           49 Marigny
Fanning              Patrick                                                                                          639 Royal , d 3
Fanning              Thomas               laborer                                                                      84 Orange
Fanning              Timothy              driver                                                                       99 Mandeville
Fanz                 Bernard              drayman                                                                     615 Royal
Farau                John                 shoemaker                                                                    56 St. Philip
Farber               Clement              lab.                                                                            Copernicus n. Fourth
Fard                 John                 laborer                                                                      81 Delord
Fardet               P.                                                                                               231 Claiborne, d 2
Farge                A.                   clerk                               15 City Hall                       d.     8 Columbus
Farge                Bernard, Mrs.                                                                                      9 Columbus
Farge                Samuel               clerk                               15 City Hall                       d.     8 Columbus
Farge                S. P.                deputy sheriff                                                               14 Annette
Fargo                Dominique                                                                                        142 Spain
Fargue               G.                                                                                                53 Bienville
Farher               J. J.                painter                                                                     369 Basin, d 1
Farish               Thos. H.             com mer                                                                      27 Bienville
Farley               Ann E., Mrs.                                                                                     320 Claiborne, d 3
Farley               Charles              boatman                                                                         McDonogh
Farley               Elizabeth, Mrs.                                                                                   87 St. Thomas
Farley               Hamilton W.          slater                                                                      296 Thalia
Farley               H.W.                 (Farley, Jury & Co.)                                                         40 Perdido
Farley               Henry                grocer                                                                          Adele c. Rousseau
Farley               John                 drayman                                                                         St. Mary n. Annunciation
Farley               John                 tailor                                                                      278 Tchoupitoulas
Farley               Joseph               c.p.                                                                            Prosper n. Marigny
Farley               J.                   dairy                                                                           Pleasant n. Annunciation
Farley, Jury & Co.                        (H.W. Farley, L.C. Jury, J.F. Caldwell)                                      40 Perdido
                                          cot factors & com mers              Factor's row
Farley               Martha, Mrs.                                                                                      40 Calliope
Farley               Newton                                                                                               Pleasant n. Live Oak
Farley               Owen                 dray'n                                                                          Basin c. Terpsichore
Farley               Patrick              laborer                                                                      11 Rousseau
Farley               Pat.                 drayman                                                                         Enghien n. Rampart
Farley               Pat.                 drayman                                                                         Franklin n. Julia
Farley               Thomas               laborer                                                                      62 St. James
Farman               Francois             f.m.c.                                                                      178 Robertson
Farmer               James                laborer                                                                     128 Rampart
Farmer               R. F.                c.p.                                                                            Magazine n. St. Andrew
Farmer               Sebastian                                                                                            Seventh n. Chippewa
Farmmeister          Hy.                  architect                                                                   172 Dauphine
Farnet               Jane, Mrs.                                                                                       300 Burgundy
Farnham              S. W., Mrs.          c. h.                                                                       132 Levee, d 3
Farnon               James                cot foreman                                                                  40 Union, d 3
Farnsworth           H. J.                clerk                                                                        71 Canal
Farquhar             H. B.                ship carp.                                                                  326 Basin , d 1
Farr                 Edward               clerk                                                                         9 Magazine
Farr                 M. R., Mrs.                                                                                      200 Marais, d. 2
Farra                Joseph               engineer                                                                        Julia n. Clara
Farragut             Glasgow                                                                                          192 Esplanade, d 2
Farragut             William                                                                                          192 Esplanade, d 2
Farrall              Dennis                                                                                               Common n. Robertson
Farrall              Ed.                  acct.                                                                           Baronne n. St. Andrew
Farrall              Hugh                                                                                                 Calliope n. Liberty
Farrall              James                drayman                                                                     405 Gravier
Farrall              Jas.                 lab.                                                                            Celeste n. Tchoupitoulas
Farrall              James, Mrs.                                                                                      541 St. Claude
Farrall              John                 driver                                                                      529 St. Claude
Farrall              John                 drayman                                                                         Howard n. Perdido
Farrall              John                 laborer                                                                         Lafayette c. Johnson
Farrall              Richard              laborer                                                                         Gravier n. Bolivar
Farrall              Thomas               lab.                                                                            Claiborne n. Orleans
Farran               John, Mrs.                                                                                           Robertson n. Conti
Farranti             A.                   carpenter                                                                       Bouny, Algiers
Farrar               D.                                                                                                49 Clouet n. Royal
Farrar               D., Mrs.                                                                                         322 Ursulines
Farrar               D. T., Mrs.                                                                                       46 Elmire
Farrar               D. F.                inspect cust                                                           d.    35 Elmire
Farrar               Eliza, Mrs.                                                                                      434 Rampart, d 1
Farrar               Miguel               musician                                                                    253 Liberty
Farrell              Charles              waiter                                                                       85 Constance
Farrell              Daniel               laborer                                                                      45 Poet
Farrell              Ellen, Mrs.          millinery                                                                   151 Canal
Farrell              Francis                                                                                              Gasquet n. Galvez
Farrell              Frank                laborer                                                                      83 Delord
Farrell              F.                   lab.                                                                            Tchoupitoulas n. Hunter
Farrell              Gerald               carpenter                           Carondelet n. Felicity             d.   453 Carondelet
Farrell              Jacob                c. h.                                                                       191 Tchoupitoulas
Farrell              James                laborer                                                                      77 Annunciation
Farrell              James                boiler maker                                                                137 Marigny
Farrell              James, Mrs.                                                                                      348 St. Ann
Farrell              James J.             carpenter                                                                   180 Cypress
Farrell              Jno.                 book keeper                                                            d.   279 Melpomene
Farrell              John                 carpenter                                                                   453 Carondelet
Farrell              John                 laborer                                                                      54 Adele
Farrell              Jno.                 c. h.                                                                           St. Joseph c. Tchoupitoulas
Farrell              Jno.                 grocer                                                                      266 Delord, New Basin
Farrell              J.                   drayman                                                                         Freret n. Melpomene
Farrell              J.                   laborer                                                                         Richard n. Pacanier
Farrell              J., Mrs.                                                                                          49 Marigny
Farrell              J.                   drayman                                                                         Freret n. Melpomene
Farrell              John M.              weigher                                                                     377 Magazine
Farrell              Mary, Mrs.                                                                                        98 Julia
Farrell              Miguel, Capt.                                                                                        Freret n. Julia
Farrell              M. J.                city police                                                                 151 Canal
Farrell              Patrick              laborer                                                                         Clara n. Thalia
Farrell              Patrick                                                                                              Felicity n. St. John Baptist
Farrell              Pat.                 drayman                                                                         Gasquet c. Pacanier
Farrell              Thomas               laborer                                                                     130 Rousseau
Farrell              Thomas               drayman                                                                      64 Girod
Farrell              Thomas                                                                                               Toulouse n. Derbigny
Farrell              Timothy                                                                                          407 Lafayette
Farrell              William              drayman                                                                     305 Melpomene
Farrell              Wm.                  drayman                                                                     265 Tchoupitoulas
Farrelly             Edward                                                                                            73 Baronne
Farrelly             Joseph               lab.                                                                            Spain n. Claiborne
Farrelly             Mary                                                                                             356 Annunciation
Farrer               Vincent, Capt.                                                                                   230 Howard
Farrera              Joseph               lab.                                                                            Spain n. Claiborne
Farriday             Thos.                com mer                                                                d.   230 Calliope
Farrington           D. S.                collector                                                                   258 Calliope
Farrio               Jean, Mrs.                                                                                        60 St. Philip
Farrion              Pat.                 lab.                                                                            Bartholomew n. Villere
Farinantyink         Ferd.                                                                                                Josephine n. Chippewa
Farudo               Antonio              vice consul of Spain                                                            Royal n. Conti
Farwell              Charles A.           (Creevy & Farwell)                  29 Carondelet                      d.   231 Annunciation
Farwell              Samuel P.            mate                                                                        342 Melpomene
Fasching             W., Rev.                                                                                         585 Rampart, d 3
Fascius              Charles              barkeeper                                                                   373 Orleans
Fash                 Leonard              commission merchant & produce dealer                                   d.   145 First
                                          50 Poydras
Fasnacht             John                 (Fasnacht & Waldkerch)                                                 d.   148 Basin, d 1
Fasnacht Bros.                            (Louis & Samuel Fasnacht)                                              c.       Annunciation & Poyfarre
                                          Brewers & Dealers in Ale, Porter, Malt & Hops
Fasnacht & Waldkerch                      (John Fasnacht, Otto Waldkerch)                                              20 & 44 Poydras market
                                          coffee stand
Fassbender           H.                   (Wittman & Fassbender)                                                      138 Dauphine
Fassio               John                                                                                              74 Mazant
Fassmann             E. V.                (Williams & Fassmann)               Calliope n. Jackson depot          d.   282 Camp
Fassmann & Co.                            (Fassmann Henry, E.K. Bryant, Frank B. Fassmann)                             22 Commercial place
                                          manufacturers Fassmann's ties
Fassman Bryant & Co.                      (H. Fassmann, E.K. Bryant, James D. Brown, Frank B. Fassmann)                   Roffignac n. Levee
                                          Orleans cotton press
Fassmann' Press                                                                                                           Calliope n. Jackson depot
Fassmann             Henry                (Fassmann, Bryant & Co.)                                               d.   235 Camp
Fassmann             Frank                (Fassmann, Bryant & Co.)                                                        Roffignac n. Levee
Fassy                C.                   (Paul Juge & Fassy)                 26 St. Louis                       d.   340 Dauphine, d 3
Fassy                C. A.                city assessor                                                               443 Burgundy, d 3
Fassy                C. J.                                                                                            122 Burgundy
Fassy                Emile C.             clerk                                                                       229 Old Levee, d 2
Fast                 Martin               dairy                                                                           Sixth n. Plaquemine
Fatch                Martin               barber                                                                       60 Mandeville
Fath                 Augustus             baker                                                                        13 Religious
Fatjo                D.                   (Fatjo & Brunaso)                                                      d.   206 St. Louis
Fatjo                John                 beer bottler                                                                 15 Esplanade
Fatzer               George               shoemaker                                                                   184 Baronne
Fau                  Aug.                 shoemaker                                                                       Galvez n. Johnson
Fauber               Thomas               clerk                                                                        60 Carondelet
Fauchet              L. D. Eugene         broker                              56 Ex.  Place                      d.    84 Orleans
Faucheux             Eugene               (Pothier & Faucheux)                63 late 38 Old Levee               d.   106 Montegut
Faucon               Francois             lab.                                                                            Mazant n. Royal
Faudere              Adam                 laborer                                                                      77 Derbigny, d 2
Fauga                John                 laborer                                                                     234 Bienville
Faugeras             A.                   butcher                             27 French market                   d.   310 Ursulines
Faugere              Pierre               tailor                                                                      133 Esplanade
Faugre               Pennington                                                                                       134 Basin
Faul                 F.                   dairy                                                                           Market n. Pacanier
Faulstick            H.                   carpenter                                                                   195 Union
Faulstick            Philip               carpenter                                                                       Bourbon n. Solidelle
Faupel               Joseph                                                                                           254 Poydras
Faupel               Josephine                                                                                        149 Lafayette
Fauquet              Eugene, Mrs.                                                                                      24 Ursulines
Faure                Adolph               (Richard & Co.)                     12 Carondelet                      d.    37 Bourbon
Faure                Ad.                                                                                         d.    69 Dauphine
Faure                Amie, Mrs.                                                                                       115 Rampart, d 2
Faure                Armand               sailmaker                                                                   199 Orleans
Faure                August               painter                                                                     187 St. Ann
Faure                Henry                laborer                                                                     230 St. Ann
Faure                J.                   umbrella & cane maker                                                        47 St. Ann
Faure                Lacaussade Omar      apothecary                                                                      Orleans c. Bourbon
Faure                Paul                 accountant                          12 Carondelet                      d.    37 Bourbon
Faure                P. B.                printer                                                                     416 Bourbon, d 3
Faures               John                 butcher                             Port market                        d.   377 Elysian Fields
Faures               J. E.                sen com agent                       34 Royal                           d.   121 St. Ann
Faures               J. E. jr.            flour inspector                     65 Front Levee, d. 1               d.       Mandeville c. Burgundy
Faures & Norman                           (L.E. Faures, G. H. Norman)         grocers                            d.   228 Royal
                                                                              Royal c. Custom-house
Fauria               John                                                                                             264 St. Peter
Fauria               V.                   grocer                                                                          Gravier c. Dryades
Fauria               A. P.                                                                                            323 Main
Faurie               Charles              book-keeper                         Crescent City Bank                 d.   362 Bourbon, d 3
Faurie               Caroline                                                                                         139 Bourbon
Faurie               Lewis                clerk                                                                       130 Canal
Faurie               Louis C.                                                                                         679 St. Claude, d 3
Faurne               Widow                                                                                                Alex n. Elmire, Algiers
Faurstein            Peter                carpenter                                                                       Marigny n. Urquhart
Faust                Bernard              knife grinder                                                               404 Rampart, d. 3
Faurstein            Peter                carpenter                                                                       Marigny n. Urquhart
Faust                Henry                                                                                            496 Chippewa
Faust                Jacob                laborer                                                                         Sixth n. Laurel
Faust                John Nicholas        variety store                                                                89 Hospital
Faust                John                 milk                                                                        807 St. Claude
Faust                Jacob                c. h.                                                                           Spain c. Front Levee
Faust                Joseph                                                                                               Third n. Constance
Faust                Louis                cabinet mkr                                                                 104 Dauphine
Faust                Nicholas             grocer                                                                      173 Union
Faust                Nich.                cartman                                                                     102 Calliope
Faust                Peter                lab.                                                                            Goodchildren n. Desire
Fausterman           George               dry goods                                                                       Jeff. City
Faustilan            E.                   fishmonger                                                                  429 Rampart, d 3
Faustian             John                 f.m.c., vegetables                                                          334 Bourbon
Faustin              Peter                f.m.c., vegetables                                                          312 St. Peter
Faut                 W.                   upholsterer                                                                  65 St. Philip
Fauth                Christian            blacksmith                                                                      Urquhart n. St. Anthony
Fautique             Paul                 baker                                                                       152 Hospital
Fautrier             J.                   butcher                                                                       1 Treme market
Fauvers              Armentine                                                                                            Mandeville c. Morales
Faveau               J.                   fancy goods                                                                 866 Magazine
Favely               Joseph                                                                                           226 Toulouse
Favetto              August               oysters                                                                     429 St. Ann
Favre                Ant.                 store                               8 Pontaalba                                 St. Ann
Favre                August               watchmaker                                                                   85 Ex. Pl.
Favre                Desire, Mrs.                                                                                     279 St. Claude, d 2
Favre                Durant               lab.                                                                            Galvez n. Phillipi (sic)
Favre                Francis              clk.                                                                            Old Levee c. Bienville
Favre                Frank                painter                                                                     222 Customhouse
Favre                Marcelitte, Mrs.                                                                                     Roman n. Toulouse
Favre                Peter                                                                                       d.       St. Thomas
Favrot               Frank                grocer                                                                          Laurel c. St. Mary
Fax                  Thomas               steward                                                                     227 St. Louis
Fay                  Ann, Mrs.                                                                                        134 Erato
Fay                  Charles              lab.                                                                        227 Girod
Fay E. & Masson                           (E. Masson)                         upholsterers                             99 & 101 Chartres
Fay                  Jacob                blksmith                                                                        Prytania n. Euterpe
Fay                  Margaret, Mrs.                                                                                   623 Rampart, d 1
Fay                  Michael                                                                                              Washington n. Annunciation
Fay                  S. N..               clerk                                                                        12 Chartres
Fay                  Thomas Jefferson     clerk                               57 Common                          d.   242 Camp
Fayes                James                oysters                                                                         Marais n. Orleans
Fayssoux             Clement S.           accountant                                                                      New Levee c. Delord
Fayssoux             Peter S.             engineer                                                               d.       Conti n. Woods
Fazende              Alix                                                                                             115 Spain
Fazende              Dorsine              clerk                                                                           Old Levee c. Conti
Fazende              F.                                                                                                97 Old Levee, d 2
Fazende              J. P.                grocer                                                                          Burgundy c. St. Ann
Fazende              Leon                                                                                             358 Rampart, d 3
Fazende              L. F.                                                                                             97 Old Levee
Fazende              M.                   clerk                               19 Conti                           d.   114 Main
Fazende              Oscar                clerk                                                                       126 Canal
Fazende              Pierre J.                                                                                        259 Dauphine
Fazende              T.                   clerk                               Royal c. St. Philip                d.    57 St. Ann
Feahney              Cornelius                                                                                         46 Carondelet
Feahney              Timothy              copper, etc.                                                                330 Camp
Fealan               Nicholas             lab.                                                                            St. Mary c. Laurel
Feany                Frederick            clk.                                                                   d.   260 Annunciation
Fearing              A. M., Mrs.                                                                                      145 St. Mary
Fearing              C. H.                pilot                                                                           St. Andrew c. Camp
Fearing              F. A.                clerk                               Mississippi cotton press           d.   260 Annunciation
Feary                Miles                lab.                                                                         97 Gaiennie
Featherson           John                                                                                              54 St. Joseph
Featherston          John, Capt.                                                                                      332 Howard
Featherston          Wm. H.                                                                                           333 Howard
Feauteau             J. B.                f.m.c., shoemaker                                                           371 St. Peter
Febrer               B.                                                                                               104 Treme, d 2
Febrer               Joseph Dr.                                                                                       228 Conti
Fecel                Jules                                                                                            248 Dauphine
Fecher               Leonard                                                  26 Poydras market                  d.    93 Laurel
Fecke                C.                   brass finisher                                                               16 Elysian Fields
Fedalaene            Charles              mariner                                                                     377 Old Levee, d 3
Fedelic              A.                   drays                                                                           Independence c. Royal
Feder                John                 laborer                                                                     241 Chartres
Federow              H.                   grocer                                                                      231 Marigny
Fee                  Chas.                watch'n                                                                         Polymnia n. Carondelet
Fee                  James W.             grocer                              99 Camp                            d.   128 Prytania
Fee                  Robert               screwman                                                                    528 Rampart, d 3
Feehan               Matthew              fisherman                                                                    41 Laurel
Feehry               James                                                                                            105 Howard
Feely                Patrick                                                                                          323 Customhouse
Feenan               Bernard              drayman                                                                      91 St. Thomas
Feenan               John                 laborer                                                                         Henderson n. Front Levee
Feenan               Michael              drayman                                                                      15 Religious
Feeney               Hannah, Mrs.                                                                                         Euterpe n. Franklin
Feeney               James                cooper                                                                       67 Foucher
Feeney               Joseph                                                                                            26 Foucher
Feeney               Luke                 b.h.                                                                        104 Tchoupitoulas
Feeney               Martin               lab.                                                                         76 Constance
Feeney               Patrick                                                                                           89 Delord
Feeney               Patrick              lab.                                                                        494 Rampart, d 1
Feeny                Ann                                                                                              346 Annunciation
Feeny                Mark                 levee clerk                                                            d.    38 Euterpe
Feyaler              Jacob                baker                                                                       533 Dauphine
Feheny               Michel               furn cart                                                                    64 Robertson
Fehrenbach           Frank                blacksmith                                                                  315 Rampart, d 1
Fehrenbach           M.                   pianos                              118 Canal                          d.   381 Rampart, d 1
Fehrenbach           Martin               shoemkr                                                                     148 Delord
Fehrer               Johanna                                                                                          350 Villere, d 3
Fehsenfeld           Henry                clerk                                                                       174 Clio
Feighan              J. F.                                                                                                Frenchmen n. Genius
Feil                 Dietrich             warehmn                                                                d.   181 Frenchmen
Feille               James                grocer                                                                       84 Union, d 3
Feille               Maurice              clerk                                                                        52 Chartres
Feille               Victorine, Mad.      millinery                                                                       Tchoupitoulas n. St. Mary
Feilent              Adrian               draymn                                                                      100 Claiborne, d 2
Feindel              Jacob                tailor                                                                      338 St. Louis
Feindler             Edward               painter                                                                     119 Marais, d 2
Feinour              Chas., Dr.                                                                                       424 Dryades
Feinour              Chas.                speculator                                                             d.   424 Dryades
Feint                Henry                lab.                                                                        151 Dauphine
Feit                 Francis              lab.                                                                            Chippewa n. Market
Feitel               Aaron                clothier                                                                    175 N. Levee
Feitel               Samuel               clerk                                                                           Jackson c. N. Levee
Feiting              Jacob                                                                                                Laurel n. Ninth
Felder               John                 porter                                                                 d.    61 Gasquet
Felder               John                 tailor                                                                       52 Marigny
Felder               Louis                plasterer                                                                    79 Laurel
Feldkirchner         Christopher, Mrs.                                                                                 80 Desire
Feldner              John P.              saddler                                                                     689 N. Levee, d 4
Felger               Julia, Mrs.                                                                                          Baronne n. St. Andrew
Felia                Justine              f.m.c.                                                                          Roman n. Kerlerec
Felicity (Methodist) Church                                                                                               Felicity c. Chestnut
Feliquier            Lucian               clerk                                                                           Royal c. Conti
Feliquier            Robert               painter                                                                     237 Baronne
Fell                 J. R.                clerk                               Factor's row                             34 Perdido
Fell & Marsh                              (P.R. Fell, Alanson Marsh)          com & forward mers                       36 Natchez
Fell                 P. R.                (Fell & Marsh)                                                         d.   651 St. Charles
Fell                 Wm.                  blacksmith                                                                  311 Claiborne
Fellenzes            G.                   lab.                                                                            St. John n. Bayou bridge
Fellon               James                clerk                                                                       286 St. Peter
Fellon               Julien               (Pinaud & Fellon)                   117 O. Levee, d 2                  d.    10 Toulouse
Fellon               M.                   butcher                                                                d.       Eighth n. Constance
Fellon               Octave               clerk                                                                        56 Chartres
Fellowes, C. & Co.                        (Cornelius Fellowes, D.P. Logan, Thoreefield)                               149 Common
                                          cot factors & com mers
Fellowes             Cornelius            (C. Fellowes & Co.)                                                    d.   162 Julia
Fellowes             Joseph                                                   3 Crescent row                              Canal
Fellows              Ernest T.            atty at law                         12 Exchange place
Fellows              E. H.                clerk                                                                        74 Camp
Fellows              J. Q. A.             (Whitaker & Fellows)                                                   d.       Philip c. Chestnut
Fellows              T.                   broker                              7 Camp                             d.       Delord c. Tivoli Circle
Fellrath             H.                   porter & ale                                                                 78 Hospital
Fellrath             L.                   grocer                                                                      341 Howard
Felmeden             J. H.                shoemaker                                                                     5 Gravier
Feltel               Peter                draymn                                                                          Delaronde, Algiers
Feltman              Wm.                  lab.                                                                            Fulton n. Harmony
Feltner              J. P.                saddler                                                                     401 Tchoupitoulas
Feltner              Wm.                  blacksmith                                                                      Seventh n. Annunciation
Feltz                F.                                                                                                   Bourbon c. Main
Feltz                Jacob                                                    City Hotel                              218 N. Levee
Feltz                L.                   music teacher                                                               228 Calliope
Fenasci              B.                                                                                               122 Burgundy
Fenberg              J.                   tailor                                                                      126 Dryades
Fence                Wm.                  tailor                                                                          Gasquet n. Galvez
Fenelon              Gabriel              painter                                                                         Barracks n. Dorgenois
Fenely               Jas.                 lab.                                                                            Tonti n. Bienville
Feney                H., Mrs.             dressmaker                                                                   55 Erato
Fenley               John                                                                                                 Second c. Thalia
Fennell              Thomas J.                                                                                         90 Common
Fennelly             Morris, Mrs.                                                                                      85 Derbigny
Fenneman             George                                                                                           105 Mandeville
Fenner               Chas. E.             (Simonds & Fenner)                  atty at law                               2 Union
Fenner               E. D., Dr.                                                                                         5 Carondelet
Fenner               Robert                                                                                           376 Customhouse
Fenner               R.                                                                                                   Thalia n. St. Charles
Fennimore            Joshua               drug.                                                                       420 St. Charles
Fenning              Charles                                                                                              Burgundy c. St. Ferdinand
Fenny                W.                   combmaker                                                                   264 Chestnut
Ferand               Henry                                                    9 St. Ann                          d.       Dauphine n. Elysian Fields
Ferari               Mrs.                 midwife                                                                     145 Rampart, d 2
Ferari               B.                   painter                                                                     184 Rampart, d 2
Ferber               Geo.                 carpenter                                                                   102 Franklin
Ferbos               Jean                 shoemkr                                                                     255 Villere
Ferbos               J. Mrs.                                                                                          185 Bayou road
Ferbos               Lamy                 cigar mkr                                                                   513 Robertson, d 3
Ferbos               L. Mrs.                                                                                          493 Robertson, d 3
Feret                Madame               embroidery                                                                   64 Bourbon
Fergenschuh          Geo.                                                                                                 Laurel n. Sixth
Ferguson             A.                   moulder                                                                     292 Calliope
Ferguson             Chas.                                                                                                Washington n. Magazine
Ferguson             Chas.                                                                                                Liberty n. Josephine
Ferguson             Edwin                importer earthenware                7 Camp                             d.   185 Third
Ferguson             Henry                warehouseman                                                                105 Robertson
Ferguson             James                                                                                            114 Desire
Ferguson             Jas.                 screwman                                                                    291 St. Thomas
Ferguson             James W.                                                                                             Carroll n. Perdido
Ferguson             John                 clerk                               Factor's row                       d.       St. Mary n. Annunciation
Ferguson             J. Q.                                                                                                Washington  c. Magazine
Ferguson             J. W.                furn cart                                                                   114 Robertson, d 2
Ferguson             Kenneth              stationer                                                                   115 Rampart, d 2
Ferguson             Mary Ann, Mrs.                                                                                   408 Baronne
Ferguson             Nicholas             trader                                                                       41 Roman
Ferguson             S. G.                (Gillis & Ferguson)                                                         152 Conti
Ferguson             Thos.                lab.                                                                         64 Mandeville
Feriera              Francis J.           screwmn                                                                     438 Burgundy
Ferilve              J. M.                oyst.                                                                           Marigny c. Casacalvo
Ferino               Susan                                                                                            582 St. Charles
Fermor               Mrs.                                                                                                 St. Claude n. Ursulines
Fern                 John                 painter                                                                     214 Dryades
Fernand              John                 f.m.c., cabman                                                              198 Treme, d 2
Fernand              Rosamond             tailor                                                                      406 Marais
Fernandez            Anthony              auctioneer                          49 Exchange place                  d.   275 Ursulines
Fernandez            Antonio              c. h.                                                                        94 Baronne
Fernandez            A.                   (Alvarez, Fernandez & Co.)                                                      Bienville c. O. Levee
Fernandez            B.                   c. h.                                                                        22 Poyfarre
Fernandez            Celestine            f.w.c.                                                                      105 Orleans
Fernandez            Clara, Mrs.                                                                                      254 Ursulines
Fernandez            Denis                receiving teller & note clerk       Bank of America                    d.   198 Villere
Fernandez            Edward               bricklayer                                                                  568 Villere, d 3
Fernandez            Francis              auc'r                               Chartres c. St. Louis              d.   132 Constance
Fernandez            Joaquin                                                                                           88 St. Anthony
Fernandez            John                 barkeep.                                                               d.     2 St. Joseph
Fernandez            Joseph               mason                                                                       128 Marigny
Fernandez            Joseph               c. h.                                                                        72 Basin, d 1
Fernandez            Joseph                                                                                            63 Villere, d 2
Fernandez            Joseph J.            (S. Fernandez & Co.)                                                   d.   290 Royal
Fernandez            J. Aug.              (Alvarez, Fernandez & Co.)                                                      Bienville c. O. Levee
Fernandez            J. A.                c. h.                                                                           Royal c. Barracks
Fernandez            Manuel               (Villa & Fernandez)                                                         405 Rampart, d 3
Fernandez            Manuel               cigar maker                                                                 136 Union, d. 3
Fernandez            Maria L.                                                                                             Josephine n. Dryades
Fernandez            Nicholas             seaman                                                                       32 Spain
Fernandez            Nicholas                                                                                         143 St. Philip
Fernandez            O.                   cigars                                                                          Jackson n. Dryades
Fernandez            P.                   tailor                                                                      201 Ursulines
Fernandez            P. P.                barkeeper                                                                   352 Dauphine
Fernandez            Rufino               cigars                              38 Carondelet                      d.   316 Dauphine
Fernandez            R.                   accountant                          38 Carondelet                      d.   316 Dauphine
Fernandez            R.                   ice                                                                         167 St. Ann
Fernandez            R., Mrs.                                                                                           6 Union, d 3
Fernandez            Salvador                                                                                          62 Frenchmen
Fernandez            Salvador jr.         clk.                                25 Old Levee                       d.   257 Chartres
Fernandez, S. & Co.                       (J. J. Fernandez)                   commission merchants               d.   257 Chartres
                                          125 Old Levee
Fernandez            V.                   barkeeper                                                                   254 Bayou rd.
Fernandez            Wm. P.                                                                                           220 Claiborne
Fernhart             Edward                                                                                           381 Rampart, d 1
Ferner               Jos.                 shoemaker                                                                   427 Chartres, d 3
Ferner               P.                   clothing                                                                    245 Julia
Fernor               James                laborer                                                                      21 Union, d 3
Ferran               John, Mrs.                                                                                        79 Claiborne
Ferrand              Baptiste             f.m.c.                                                                      125 St. Anthony
Ferrand              Baptiste                                                                                          36 Roman
Ferrand              Delphine             f.w.c.                                                                       62 Annette
Ferrand              Francis              wood & coal                                                                 113 Carondelet walk
Ferrand              H.                   watchman                                                                    394 Rampart, d 3
Ferrand              Jacques              shoemak.                                                                    176 Mandeville
Ferrand              Jacques, Mrs.                                                                                     79 Music
Ferrand              Jean                 accountant                                                                   45 Chartres
Ferrand              Jean                 cigarmaker                                                                   63 Basin
Ferrand              Jean                 daityman                                                                        Metairie Ridge
Ferrand              Jean                 charcoal                                                                    219 Ursulines
Ferrand              L. H.                                                                                            461 Dauphine
Ferrand              L. H., Mrs.                                                                                      461 Dauphine, d 3
Ferrand              Nicholas             grocer                                                                       25 Main
Ferrand              Simon                grocer                                                                       71 Dauphine
Ferrandou & Cessac                        (Auguste Ferrandou, Alex. Cessac)                                            65 Chartres
                                          dry goods
Ferrandou            Auguste              (Ferrandou & Cessac)                                                         65 Chartres
Ferara               John                                                                                              25 Main
Ferraz               Isidore              grocer                                                                       88 Frenchmen
Ferre                August               blacksmith                                                                  667 Royal, d 3
Ferre                August               (Lapene & Ferre)                    65 Old Levee                       d.   127 Customhouse
Ferre                A.                   tobacco dealer                                                         d.   111 Chartres
Ferre                Gabriel, Capt.                                                                                   212 Villere
Ferree               Charles              b.h.                                                                        403 Old Levee, d 3
Ferrell              P. B.                produce dealer                      12 Poydras                         d.       North n. St. Charles
Ferrell              H. W.                engineer                                                                    333 Rampart, d 1
Ferrell              W. B.                                                                                                St. Charles c. Canal
Ferrer               Cajetans             grocer                                                                          Jefferson c. Homer, McDonogh
Ferrer & Co.                              (A. Ferrer, Fr. Arnold)                                                      97 Camp n. Poydras, upstairs
                                          importers of Havana cigars, leaf tobacco & other Cuba produce
Ferrer               Francois             barkeeper                                                                   222 Orleans
Ferrer               John Dr.                                                                                         234 Rampart, d 1
Ferrer               Jose Capt.                                                                                       226 Basin, d 1
Ferrer               Miguel Capt.                                                                                     238 Girod
Ferrera              Gabriel Capt.                                                                                     71 Carondelet walk
Ferres               Chas.                steamboatman                                                                    Alex, Algiers
Ferres               James                lab.                                                                            Felicity n. St. Thomas
Ferret               C., Mrs.             bakery                                                                      346 St. Peter
Ferret               F.                   clerk                               35 Chartres                        d.    71 Royal
Ferret, Mrs. & Co.                        (Z. Ferret, Catharine Abry)         millinery & dressmaking                  59 Royal
Ferretti             Eugene               house furnishing                                                            183 Customhouse
Ferriday             J. C.                (Oakford & Ferriday)                                                   d.   190 Thalia
Ferriday             Thomas                                                                                               Calliope n. Baronne
Ferrides             Louis                variety store                                                               291 Bourbon
Ferrier              Auguste                                                                                     d.   281 Royal
Ferrier              Joseph               planter                                                                     178 Bourbon
Ferrier              L., Dr.                                                                                           86 St. Philip
Ferrin               Thos.                screwman                                                                    567 Tchoupitoulas
Ferrouge             Ernest               painter                                                                     117 Toulouse
Ferrouillet          J.                   fireworks                                                                   149 Carondelet walk
Ferry                C. F.                laborer                                                                         at Jackson depot
Ferry                Edward               carpenter                                                                   211 St. Philip
Ferry                Louis                clerk                                                                       191 Robertson
Ferry                Wm.                  combmaker                                                                   364 Chartres
Fersing              John                 moss pickg                                                                      Gravier n. Clara
Fersing              Michael              porter                                                                          St. Louis n. Prieur
Ferter               Anthony              carpenter                                                                   175 Laurel
Ferthman             Bernard                                                                                          325 Old Levee
Fertig               V.                   saddler                                                                         Camp n. Washington
Fess                 Jacob                drayman                                                                     208 Union, d 3
Feste                Victor                                                   Canal n. Bourbon                   d.   124 Rampart
Feth                 Thomas               laborer                                                                      88 Laurel
Fetherston           John                 machinist                           N. O. & J. G. N. Railroad
Fetherston 'h        James T. B.                                                                                       67 Carondelet
Fetsch               Michael              lab.                                                                            Marigny n. Urquhart
Fetter               Charles              barber                                                                      309 Royal
Fetter               Joseph               barber                                                                      790 Dauphine
Feugas               Collette                                                                                         161 Treme
Feuilloley           C., Mrs.             vegetables                                                                      Bartholomew n. Claiborne
Feuilloley           Ernst                shoemaker                                                                    46 Frenchmen
Feumelon             F., Mrs.             embroidery                                                                  149 St. Louis
Feore                Curran               laborer                                                                     196 Galvez
Feore                Francois             baker                                                                       315 Bienville
Feore                Gustave L.           clerk                                                                       182 Royal
Feore                Mrs.                                                                                             279 St. Claude
Feydel               George               blacksmith                                                                  281 Felicity
Feyerstein           Pierre               carpenter                                                                   111 Marigny
Feytel               Joseph               agt watchmaker                                                               95 Canal
Fias                 Jacquin              oysters                                                                     177 St. Philip
Fichet               F., Mrs.             restaurant                                                                  175 Orleans
Fichter              Frank                                                                                            317 Johnson, d 3
Fick                 Adam                 blacksmith                                                                  130 Levee, d 3
Fick                 George               shoemaker                                                                       Broad c. White
Fick                 Valentine            barber                                                                      200 Johnson
Ficke                John                 grocer                                                                      634 Burgundy, d 3
Fickeissen           Fred                 barber                                                                          Felicity c. Chippewa
Fidele               Nicholas             clerk                               41 Orleans                              424 St. Ann
Fied                 John                 driver                                                                      217 Marigny
Fiedler              Mary, Mrs.                                                                                           Adele n. Rousseau
Fiegel               Adam                 drayman                                                                         St. Joseph n. St. Andrew
Fiegel               George                                                                                           142 St. Mary
Fiegel               John                 carp.                                                                           Baronne n. Seventh
Fiegel               John                 plasterer                                                                       Ninth n. Chestnut
Fiegenschuch         G.                   painter                                                                         Laurel n. Sixth
Fiegenshuh           George                                                                                           249 Laurel
Fiel                 Daniel               porter                                                                       47 Camp
Field                A. P.                atty at law                         26 Commercial place                d.   199 Terpsichore
Field                F. T.                (Spencer, Field & Co.)              Camp c. Girod                      d.       Sixth n. Fulton
Field                George D.            clerk                               31 Natchez                         d.   678 St. Charles
Field                Joseph               blacksmith                                                                  154 Religious
Field                Joseph                                                                                               Eighth n. St. Thomas
Field                L.                   tinner                                                                      126 St. Andrew
Field                Spencer jr.                                                                                          Sixth n. Fulton
Field, Spencer & Co.                      (F. T. Field)                       coal dealers                       d.       Sixth n. Fulton
                                                                              Camp n. Girod
Field                S. R.                accountant                                                                   56 Gravier
Fielder              F.                   machinist                                                                       Felicity n. Howard
Fielder              Wm.                  screwman                                                                    128 St. Ferdinand
Fielding             Edward               dentist                                                                     194 Canal
Fielding             Thomas               seaman                                                                       12 Elmire
Fields               Harriet              furnd rooms                                                                  13 Bourbon
Fields               Michael              laborer                                                                     246 Customhouse
Fielstraup           F. W., Mrs.                                                                                       66 St. Philip
Fieock               Peter                vegetables                                                                      Cadiz n. Magazine, Jefferson City
Fiersten             Henry                                                                                            116 Chartres
Fiesda               Elizabeth                                                                                        256 Canal
Fifer                Otto                                                                                                 Delord n. Tivoli Circle
Figarola             J.                   c. h.                                                                           Levee, McD.
Figel                George                                                                                               St. Mary n. Laurel
Figeli               Louis                dry goods                                                                     2 Gleise's Row
Figerat              J. P.                                                                                            258 Claiborne, d 2
Figler               August                                                                                               Sixth n. St. Dennis
Figueras             Leonce               barkeeper                                                                   121 Poydras
Figuiere             Joseph                                                                                               St. Philip n. Prieur
Filger               Mike                 camphene                                                                        Baronne n. Washington
Filhe                Caliste              tailor                                                                      258 Bayou rd.
Filiguier            L.                   clerk                                                                           Conti c. Royal
Fillan               Thomas               laborer                                                                      64 Mandeville
Fillea               James                grocer                                                                       47 Union, d 3
Filleul              Ed.                  attorney at law                     34 Exchange place                  d.   303 Chartres
Filleul              Ernest                                                                                           319 St. Ann
Filley               L. C.                formerly with Dr. Cannon, druggist                                     c.       Magazine & Natchez
Fillmore Public School                                                                                                437 Bourbon, d 3
Filosa               R.                   c. h.                                                                           Gravier c. Basin
Filterie             Charles              cook                                                                         79 Perdido
Fimister             James                clerk                                                                           St. Ann n. Derbigny
Finan                Marc                 laborer                                                                     101 Orleans
Finan                Mary, Mrs.                                                                                           Baronne n. Fifth
Finan                Michael              laborer                                                                     261 Customhouse
Finch                M.                   drayman                                                                     233 Franklin
Finch                William E.           groceries & western produce                                                  29 Canal
Fincke & Pfister                          (H. C. Fincke, G. Pfister)          shoemakers                               29 Royal
Fincke               H. C.                                                                                       d.   238 Conti
Findeisen            G. E.                coffee stand                                                                    Claiborne mkt.
Finder               N.                   accountant                                                                   47 Royal
Findly               S. H.                clk.                                                                            Chippewa n. St. Andrew
Findren              F.                   clerk                                                                  d.       Common c. Franklin
Finecy               Patrick              laborer                                                                     102 Melpomene
Finegan              J., Mrs.                                                                                         127 Orleans
Finegan              Michael              cabs                                                                            Girod n. Rampart
Finegan              Owen                 laborer                                                                         at Jackson depot
Finarty              Martin               drayman                                                                     111 Derbigny
Finharty             Maria                                                                                                First n. Dryades
Finhole              August               tailor                                                                          New Basin
Finister             James R.                                                                                         288 St. Ann
Fink                 John, Mrs.                                                                                       741 Dauphine, d 3
Fink                 Peter                (Cohn & Fink)                                                                   Patterson, Alg.
Fink                 William              clerk                                                                        32 Carondelet
Finkbien             John                 carpenter                                                                       Conti n. Tonti
Finkle               Bernard              fancy goods                                                                 124 Poydras
Finkle               Stephen              shoemaker                                                                   369 Howard
Finkle               William              blacksmith                                                                   90 Liberty
Finlay               A.                   cab driver                                                                  248 Liberty
Finlay               James                drayman                                                                         Bienville n. Tonti
Finlay               John                 carpenter                                                                    17 Religious
Finlay               J. W.                clerk                                                                       149 Canal
Finley               L. A.                stock, note & exchange broker       88 Gravier                         d.       St. Charles c. Pleasant
Finley               L. A. jr.            clerk                                                                        37 Carondelet
Finley               Timothy              shoemaker                                                                   373 Chartres
Finley               T. K.                apothecary                                                                  186 Camp
Finn                 David                police                                                                          Algiers
Finn                 Frank                hostler                                                                d.    67 Polymnia
Finn                 James                                                                                             55 Basin
Finn                 James                                                                                             61 Liberty
Finn                 Jno.                 drayman                                                                         Theresa n. St. Thomas
Finn                 J.                   (Casserly & Co.)                                                       d.   308 Common
Finn                 Michael                                                                                          342 Melpomene
Finn                 Patrick              stonecutter                                                                 253 Liberty
Finn                 Patrick                                                                                              Theresa n. St. Thomas
Finn                 Thomas               carpenter                                                                       Sixth c. Camp
Finn                 Thomas                                                                                               Cypress n. Clara
Finnan               Bernard              drayman                                                                      91 St. Thomas
Finnan               C.                   drayman                                                                         Dryades n. St. Andrew
Finnan               C., Mrs.             dressmaker                                                                   70 St. Joseph
Finnan               James                drayman                                                                     365 Basin
Finnan               John                 grocer                                                                      191 Girod
Finnegan             B.                   laborer                                                                     294 Tchoupitoulas
Finnegan             James                                                                                                Delord n. Tchoupitoulas
Finnegan             Jas.                 warehouseman                                                                151 Thalia
Finnegan             James                laborer                                                                      93 St. Thomas
Finnegan             John                 laborer                                                                      85 Delord n. Tchoupitoulas
Finnegan             John                                                                                             132 Gasquet
Finnegan             J. J.                cooper                                                                       59 Erato
Finnegan             Lawrence             furniture cart                                                              297 Tchoupitoulas
Finnegan             Matthew              shipwright                                                                      Algiers
Finnegan             Michael              cabman                                                                      216 Girod
Finnegan             M., Mrs.             grocer                                                                      209 Magazine
Finnegan             M.                   laborer                                                                      61 Girod
Finnegan             Nich.                saddler                                                                     269 Tchoupitoulas
Finnegan             Patrick                                                                                              Third n. Lafayette
Finnegan             Patrick              laborer                                                                         at Jackson depot
Finnegan             Pat.                 coppersmith                                                                 115 Prytania
Finnerly             James                laborer                                                                      57 St. Thomas
Finnerly             James                lab.                                                                         93 St. Thomas
Finnerly             Jas.                 drayman                                                                         Miro n. Bienville
Finnerly             Martin                                                                                               Derbigny n. Bienville
Finneman             Bern.                grocer                                                                          Dryades c. Felicity
Finnerty             Franklin                                                                                         126 Main
Finnerty             James                laborer                                                                     272 Front Levee
Finnerty             Martin               clerk                                                                       304 Bienville
Finnessy             John                 lab.                                                                            Celeste n. St. Thomas
Finnessey            Pat.                 lab.                                                                            Theresa n. St. Thomas
Finney               Augustus                                                                                             Harmony n. Constance
Finney               Bernard              lab.                                                                        300 Annunciation
Finney               Dennis               laborer                                                                      79 Annunciation
Finney               E. W.                book keeper                                                                     Gravier c. Magazine
Finney               H. M.                                                                                                Basin c. Terpsichore
Finney               James                copper                                                                      147 Foucher
Finney               John                 laborer                                                                     265 Dryades
Finney               John                 grocer                                                                          Poydras c. Basin
Finney               John                 (Bejamin, Bonford & Finney)                                            d.   467 Carondelet
Finney               Marc.                                                                                             90 Melpomene
Finney               Michael              drayman                                                                      15 Religious
Finney               Michael              lab.                                                                        494 Rampart
Finney               Pat.                 clerk                                                                           Levee n. Robin
Finnie               G. H.                                                                                                Harmony n. Magazine
Finnigan             Bernard              grocer                                                                      294 Tchoupitoulas
Finnigan             Patrick                                                                                              Rousseau n. St. Andrew
Finnin               Christ.              drayman                                                                         Josephine n. Dryades
Finnin               James                drayman                                                                     365 Basin
Fiogere              Chas.                watchmaker                                                                   92 Chartres
Fippenger            Philip               drayman                                                                         Washington n. Rampart
Fiquet & Bouvet                           (J. Fiquet, J. Bouvet)              French hat manufactory                   12 Camp St.
Fiquet               J.                   (Fiquet & Bouvet)                                                            12 Camp St.
Firemen's Cemetery                                                                                                        Metairie ridge
Firemen's Charitable Association                                              Odd Fellows' Hall                         7 Lafayette
Firnhaber            Henry                warehouseman                                                                106 Tchoupitoulas
Fire Proof Cotton Press                                                                                                   Levee c. Race & Front c. Robin
First Church (Presbyterian)                                                                                               Fulton n. St. Andrew
First Congregational (Unitarian)                                                                                          St. Charles c. Julia
First Presbyterian Church                                                                                                 Lafayette sq.
Firth                E.                   clerk                                                                           St. Ferdinand n. Burgundy
Fischer              Bernard              shoemaker                                                                       Congress c. Urquhart
Fischer              Charles F.                                                                                        59 Claiborne
Fischer              Dorothy                                                                                              St. Mary c. Prytania
Fischer              Frederick            tailor                                                                      207 Cypress
Fischer              Frederick            tobacco broker                      16 Carondelet                      d.    75 Conti
Fischer              F.                   wood                                                                            Leonidas n. Levee
Fischer              Jacob sr.            woodsawyer                                                                  101 Claiborne, d 2
Fischer              Jacob                shoemaker                                                                   431 Chartres
Fischer              Jacob                laborer                                                                         Ninth n. Laurel
Fischer              Jacob                carpenter                                                                    42 Piety
Fischer              John                 drayman                                                                     137 Pacanier
Fischer              John                 laborer                                                                     425 Ursulines
Fischer              John                 dairy                                                                           Erato n. Clara
Fischer, John E. & Co.                    (J. Rose)                           German cigars                            23 New Levee
Fischer              Jos.                 baker                                                                       197 Carondelet walk
Fischer              Jos.                 clerk                                                                       103 Main
Fischer              Joseph               mattress maker                                                                  Euphrosine c. Rampart
Fischer              Joseph               variety                                                                     410 New Levee
Fischer              J. L.                tailor                                                                       24 Exchange place
Fischer              Leopold              printer                                                                     234 Bienville
Fischer              Louis                                                                                            109 St. Louis
Fischer              Louis                gunsmith                                                                    145 Main
Fischer              Martin               shoemaker                                                                   164 Gravier
Fischer              Mathias              blacksmith                                                                  325 Howard
Fischer              Michael              vegetables                                                                      Soraparu mkt
Fischer              Peter                laborer                                                                         Piety n. Rampart
Fischer              Peter                (Bruser & Co.), c. h.                                                       578 New Levee
Fischer              Philip                                                                                           281 Howard
Fischer              Theodore             trader                                                                       22 Orleans
Fischer              Theodore             beer, etc.                                                                  106 Tchoupitoulas
Fischer              U., Mrs.                                                                                         241 Royal
Fischer              Valentine            tinner                                                                      115 Barracks
Fischer              Xavier               laborer                                                                     402 Orleans
Fish                 John S.              clerk                                                                           Camp c. Canal
Fish                 William                                                                                          110 Customhouse
Fish                 W. R.                attorney at law                     28 Camp
Fisher               A. C., Mrs.                                                                                      304 Carondelet
Fisher               Charles F.           inspector customs                                                            59 Claiborne
Fisher               Charles, Mrs.                                                                                     51 Annunciation
Fisher               C.                                                                                                86 & 88 Dryades
Fisher               D., Mrs.                                                                                             St. Mary n. Prytania
Fisher               Elizabeth, Mrs.                                                                                  211 Baronne
Fisher               Frank L.             clerk                                                                  d.   450 Dryades
Fisher               George M.            accountant                                                                   87 Canal
Fisher               Henry                printer                             70 Camp                            d.   304 Carondelet
Fisher               Henry                laborer                                                                     249 Lafayette
Fisher               Jacob                carpenter                                                                   821 New Levee
Fisher               Jacob                dry goods                                                                       Levee n. St. Andrew
Fisher               Jacob                                                                                                Port n. Rampart
Fisher               James                                                                                                Clara n. Lafayette
Fisher               John                                                                                             233 Goodchildren
Fisher               Jno. J.              grocer                                                                          Harmony c. Magazine
Fisher               Joseph               variety store                                                               883 New Levee, d. 4
Fisher               J. A. G., Dr.                                                                                     16 Jackson
Fisher               Miers                                                    49 Union                           d.   392 Common
Fisher               Michael                                                                                              Chippewa n. First
Fisher               Saml. C.             book keeper                                                            d.   462 Dryades
Fisher               Saml. C., Jr.        acct.                               108 Chartres                       d.   462 Dryades
Fisher               S.                   painter                                                                     204 Girod
Fisk                 Alvarez, Mrs.                                                                                        Esplanade c. Bourbon
Fisk                 Benj.                carpenter                                                                   104 St. Joseph
Fisk                 F. M.                Crude & Refined Cotton Seed Oil & Oil Cake
                                          Manufacturer, Factory 72, 74, 76, 78, & 82 Fulton
                                          street, & 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, & 80 New Levee street.
                                          Cash paid for Cotton Seed. Office, corner New Levee
                                          and Notre Dame, d. Julia c. Baronne.
Fisk                 Henry                c. p.                                                                       312 Poydras
Fisk School                                                                                                               Franklin c. Perdido
Fisk                 Stuart                                                   37 Carondelet                      d.       Esplanade c. Bourbon
Fisk Warehouse                                                                                                            Levee n. First
Fiss                 Jacob                drayman                                                                         Union n. Prosper
Fisse                Bazil Brien          carpent                                                                      12 St. Anthony
Fisse                Jean                 grocer                              154 & 156 Royal                         307 Main
Fisse                M.                                                                                               190 Main
Fisse                Mike                 laborer                                                                     557 Fulton
Fitch                John B.              contractor                                                                  451 Chippewa
Fitch                Joseph               cotton broker                                                                14 Union
Fitch                Thomas               laborer                                                                      48 Frenchmen
Fitch                William Henry        carpenter                                                                       Gravier n. Galvez
Fitchner             August               carpenter                                                                   329 Calliope
Fite                 Michael              laborer                                                                      63 Erato
Fitte                J. F.                grocer                                                                          Orleans c. Burgundy
Fitz                 Charles              laborer                                                                      39 Spain
Fitzberger           Edward               collector                                                                   329 Calliope
Fitzcharles          Michael              laborer                                                                      18 Poyfarre
Fitzgerald           A., Mrs.                                                                                             St. Peter c. Bourbon
Fitzgerald           A. J.                pressman                                                                     70 Camp
Fitzgerald           Cath., Mrs.                                                                                      472 Dryades, d. 1
Fitzgerald           Cornelius            laborer                                                                     336 Orleans
Fitzgerald           Edward               laborer                                                                     211 St. Thomas
Fitzgerald           Garret                                                                                               St. Louis n. Tonti
Fitzgerald           Henry                laborer                                                                     416 Basin
Fitzgerald           James, Mrs.                                                                                      310 Ursulines
Fitzgerald           James M., Mrs.                                                                                   509 Chartres
Fitzgerald           J., Mrs.                                                                                             Melpomene n. Dryades
Fitzgerald           J. M.                screwman                                                                    509 Chartres
Fitzgerald           Jeremiah             shoemkr.                                                                     11 Villere
Fitzgerald           John                 laborer                                                                      20 Music
Fitzgerald           Matthew              laborer                                                                     194 Calliope
Fitzgerald           Michael              engineer                                                                        Magnolia n. Lafayette
Fitzgerald           Michael              bricklayer                                                                  196 New Levee
Fitzgerald           Morris               laborer                                                                      48 Rousseau
Fitzgerald           Morris               laborer                                                                      52 Palmyra
Fitzgerald           Morris               laborer                                                                     100 Claiborne
Fitzgerald           Patrick              laborer                                                                     185 Laurel
Fitzgerald           Patrick              paver                                                                       308 Magazine
Fitzgerald           Patrick              cabs                                                                        340 Rampart
Fitzgerald           Patrick              laborer                                                                      62 Robertson
Fitzgerald           Patrick              laborer                                                                         Clio n. Willow
Fitzgerald           Richard              clerk                                                                        70 Camp
Fitzgerald           Richard                                                                                              Josephine n. N. Levee
Fitzgerald           Thos.                plasterer                                                                   316 Melpomene
Fitzgerald           Thos.                clerk                               56 Poydras                         d.   290 St. Louis
Fitzgerald           Thos.                paver                                                                       118 Galvez
Fitzgerald           Thos.                laborer                                                                      64 Jackson
Fitzgerald           Thos.                paver                                                                       356 Common
Fitzgerald           Thos.                laborer                                                                      87 Frenchmen
Fitzgerald           T.                   laborer                                                                      85 Marigny
Fitzgerald           Wm. A.               clerk                                                                       295 Barracks
Fitzhenry            James W.             secretary                                                                       Algiers
                                          Fireman's Charitable Association
Fitzjohn             Wm.                  screwman                                                                     84 Poet
Fitzmeyer            John                 shoemkr.                                                                    111 Marais, d. 2
Fitzmorris           Martin                                                                                           414 Basin
Fitzmorris           Patrick              hostler                                                                     267 Felicity
Fitzner              Mary                 vegetables                                                                   40 South mkt
Fitzpatrick          A.                                                                                                   Erato n. Magnolia
Fitzpatrick          Bernard              drayman                                                                     493 Tchoupitoulas
Fitzpatrick          Catherine, Mrs.                                                                                  153 Howard
Fitzpatrick          C., Mrs.             dressmkr                                                                     46 Constance
Fitzpatrick          Daniel               oysters                                                                     327 N. Levee
Fitzpatrick          Dan.                 engineer                                                                    135 Girod
Fitzpatrick          James, Mrs.          Opelousas c. h.                                                             151 Old Levee
Fitzpatrick          James                ship carp.                                                                  350 Thalia
Fitzpatrick          John                 wareh'n                                                                      90 Magazine
Fitzpatrick          Mat.                 lab.                                                                        361 Old Levee, d. 3
Fitzpatrick          M.                   drayman                                                                     221 Calliope
Fitzpatrick          Peter                laborer                                                                      44 Port
Fitzpatrick          P.                   drays                                                                       442 Terpsichore
Fitzpatrick          Thomas J.            tinner                              5 Front , d. 1                     d.       Soraparu n. Fulton
Fitzpatrick          Thos.                                                                                             22 Crescent row, Canal
Fitzpatrick          T.                   laborer                                                                      16 Port
Fitzsamuels          Andrew               draym'n                                                                     458 Franklin
Fitzsimmons          A.                   laborer                                                                         Laurel n. Felicity
Fitzsimmons          Catherine, Mrs.                                                                                      Orange n. Camp
Fitzsimmons          Henry                b. h.                                                                           Gallatin n. Ursulines
Fitzsimmons          Hugh                 plasterer                                                                   467 Dryades
Fitzsimmons          James                laborer                                                                      70 Race
Fitzsimmons          John                 grocer                                                                      240 Canal
Fitzsimmons          John                 warehouseman                                                                 12 Johnson
Fitzsimmons          Martin               drayman                                                                     442 Terpsichore
Fitzsimmons          Mary                 grocery                                                                     206 St. Ann
Fitzsimmons          Mich'l               drayman                                                                     442 Terpsichore
Fitzsimmons          Michael              clerk                                                                        66 Magazine
Fitzsimmons          Nich.                real estate                                                                  96 Common
Fitzsimmons          Pat.                                                                                                 Liberty c. Terpsichore
Fitzsimmons          Thos.                drayman                                                                      97 Delord
Fitzwilliam          T.                   Stationer, Printer, & Account Book Manufacturer,
                                          76 Camp
Fivel                Alexander            clerk                                                                        85 Mandeville
Fix                  Caroline, Mrs.                                                                                       Bayou road n. Broad
Fix                  Louis                tailor                                                                      153 Tchoupitoulas
Fix                  P.                                                                                               701 St. Claude
Fix                  Theodore             painter                                                                         Barracks n. Tonti
Fix                  Theodore                                                                                         159 Canal
Flach                John                 laborer                                                                     222 Chippewa
Flack                Vernon                                                                                           131 St. Peter, d. 2
Flackner             A.                   vegetables                                                                    1 Poydras mkt
Flacs                L'd.                 shoemkr                                                                         Josephine n. Liberty
Flagg                Henry, Capt.                                                                                      41 St. Philip
Flahavan             John                 lab.                                                                            Conti n. Claiborne
Flaherty             Edward               laborer                                                                      77 Delord
Flaherty             James                laborer                                                                     442 Old Levee
Flaherty             James                lab.                                                                            Conti n. Claiborne
Flaherty             John                 laborer                                                                     408 Old Levee
Flaherty             M., Mrs.                                                                                             Girod c. Tchoupitoulas
Flaherty             Patrick              wheelwright                                                                 395 Julia
Flamand              Joseph               cook                                                                        144 St. Philip
Flamand              J., Mrs.             washing                                                                     144 St. Philip
Flaming              A. V.                cigars                                                                      215 Tchoupitoulas
Flanagan             Chas.                                                                                                Delord n. Tchoupitoulas
Flanagan             Edward               laborer                                                                     111 Poet
Flanagan             F. Pat.              engineer                                                                    150 Mandeville
Flanagan             James                carpenter                                                                     7 Marais, d. 1
Flanagan             James                laborer                                                                     114 Howard
Flanagan             James                warehouseman                                                                 52 Common
Flanagan             James C.             trader                                                                      317 Melpomene
Flanagan             John                 cooper                                                                      202 Basin
Flanagan             John                 lab.                                                                            c. Villere & Gasquet
Flanagan             John                 clerk                               Star Mills                         d.       Rampart n. Felicity
Flanagan             John                 warehouseman                                                                    Howard n. Gravier
Flanagan             J.                   engineer                                                                     95 Louisa
Flanagan             J., Rev.                                                                                             Erato c. Camp
Flanagan             Lawrence             carp.                                                                       582 Constance
Flanagan             L.                   carp.                                                                           Freret n. Melpomene
Flanagan             Michael              laborer                                                                     382 Magazine
Flanagan             M.                   grocer                                                                          Franklin c. Terpsichore
Flanagan             M. H.                crockery, etc.                                                               38 Annunciation
Flanagan             Patrick              engineer                                                                    215 Mandeville
Flanagan             Patrick                                                                                              Claiborne n. Palmyra
Flanagan             Richard                                                                                              Thalia n. Magazine
Flanagan             Thomas               engineer                                                                        Goodchildren n. Mandeville
Flanagan             Thos. K.             speculator                                                                  452 Basin
Flanagan             W. H.                crockery                                                                     38 Annunciation
Flanagan             B. F.                sec'y Opelousas R. R.                                                         3 St. Peter, Pontalba buildings
Flanders             W. C., Capt.                                                                                      91 Independence
Flanders             William E.           mechanical engineer                                                          36 Camp
Flanders & Larkin                         foundry                                                                         Algiers
Flandrain            Adam                 pianos                                                                      220 Royal
Flandrain            A.                   corsets                                                                     287 Royal
Flandry              A.                   pianist                                                                     176 Main
Flanery              John                 lab.                                                                            N. Levee c. Gaiennie
Flanery              Thos.                laborer                                                                      48 St. Thomas
Flanigan             L. H.                carpenter                           107 Tchoupitoulas                  d.       Melpomene n. Freret
Flanigan             Pat.                 lab.                                                                            St. James n. Chippewa
Flanigan             Timothy              lab.                                                                            Lafayette n. Freret
Flannery             Michael              lab.                                                                            Prieur n. Gravier
Flannery             Philip               lab.                                                                        765 Dauphine, d. 3
Flannon              John                 laborer                                                                     296 New Levee
Flarer               Raphael              drayman                                                                         Clio n. Howard
Flarius              Lebesque             clerk                                                                       128 Canal
Flarkat              John M. A.           mattressmaker                                                               247 Orleans
Flash                Alexander, Jr.       western produce & com. mer.         48 Tchoupitoulas                   d.    45 Rampart, d. 2
Flash                John                 barkeeper                                                                   222 Chippewa
Flaschmann           Charles              cigar maker                                                                 569 Tchoupitoulas
Flaspoller           Hy. H.               porter                                                                      118 Independence
Flasse               Francois             blacksmith                                                                  107 St. Ann
Flatband             F.                                                                                                   Royal c. Frenchmen
Flathers             John                 sugar broker                                                                 90 Main
Flattery             M, Mrs.                                                                                          322 St. Louis
Flavin               John                                                                                                 Rampart c. Enghien
Flayer               John                                                                                                 Bourbon n. Prosper
Fleche               Eugene                                                   30 Elysian Fields                  d.   132 Annette
Flechert             J. M. A.             mattressmkr.                                                                180 Villere
Flechier             C. O.                                                    385 Old Levee                      d.       St. Bernard c. Tonti
Flechsig             Louis                cabinet maker                                                                85 Marais
Fleckner             Henry                bricklayer                                                                      Gretna
Fleckay              L.                   carpenter                                                                       Annette n. Solidelle
Fleetwood            W. H.                clerk                                                                       248 Terpsichore
Flegenger            Mary, Mrs.                                                                                           Sixth n. Annunciation
Fleisch              George               carpenter                                                                   427 Main
Fleisch              H.                   carpenter                                                                    94 Dryades
Fleisch              Michel                                                                                               Lafayette c. Seventh, Grt.
Fleischart           Jacob                bricklay                                                                        Sixth n. Chippewa
Fleischbein          F.                                                                                               470 Rampart, d. 3
Fleischbein          Charles              apoth.                                                                      375 Bourbon
Fleischman           Meyer                wood                                                                        211 Magazine
Fleischman           Meyer                dry gds.                                                                    366 Old Levee
Fleischman           Moses, Mrs.                                                                                       79 Spain
Fleitas              Bartholomew                                                                                      173 Marais, d. 2
Fleitas              F. B.                clerk                                                                        45 Carondelet
Fleitas              J. M.                                                                                            233 Bayou road
Fleitas              William              clerk                                                                       215 Marais
Fleiter              John                 drayman                                                                      28 Common
Fleming              Geo.                 apothecary                                                                  346 Carondelet
Fleming              Geo.                 machinist                                                                    51 Constance
Fleming              John G.              gas fitter                                                                  391 Baronne & 542 Magazine
Fleming              John                 laborer                                                                     576 Burgundy
Fleming              John                 f. m. c.                                                                     40 Annette
Fleming              John, Mrs.                                                                                        71 Elysian Fields
Fleming              P.                   carpenter                                                                       Carondelet n. Third
Fleming              Robt.                painter                                                                     476 Dryades, d. 1
Fleming              Thomas                                                                                               Gravier n. Adeline
Fleming              Thomas               baker                                                                        59 Annunciation
Fleming              T.                   drayman                                                                         Felicity n. Franklin
Fleming              Wm. M., Mrs.                                                                                         Canal n. Marais
Flemming             Chas.                apothecary                                                                  412 Dryades
Flemming             C., Mrs.                                                                                             Erato n. Annunciation
Flemming             D.                   drayman                                                                     167 Clio
Flemming             Frederick            cooper                                                                       49 Port
Flemming             George               grocer                                                                          Algiers
Flemming             Jas.                 drayman                                                                     209 St. Thomas
Flemming             John                 f. m. c.                                                                    116 Elysian Fields
Flemming             J. H.                                                                                       d.   256 Bourbon
Flemming             Lawrence             laborer                                                                      41 St. Mary
Flemming             Louis                                                                                                Adele n. Rousseau
Flemming             M. J., Mrs.                                                                                          Felicity n. Carondelet
Flemming             Rd.                  cooper                                                                       66 Robertson, d. 2
Flemming             Wm.                  bookseller                                                                  582 Magazine
Flemming             Wm. A.               rigger                                                                      337 Front, d. 1
Flenck               Joseph               tailor                                                                       39 Barracks
Flentke              Charles              porter Union Bank                                                      d.    27 Palmyra
Flesch               George               carpenter                                                                   427 Main
Flesch               Miguel               shipwright                                                                      Gretna
Flesch               Theodore             ship carpenter                                                                  Gretna
Flescher             John                 cartman                                                                     122 Clouet
Flesse               John                                                                                                 Piety n. Morales
Flesy                Andre                grocery                                                                     145 Frenchmen
Fletcher             Joseph                                                                                           199 Dauphine
Fletcher             Thomas               laborer                                                                      37 Port
Fletcher             Wm.                  laborer                                                                      37 North market
Fletschinger         D.                   grocer                                                                      320 Baronne
Fletschinger         M.                                                                                               329 Baronne
Fleuri               Antonio              confectioner                                                           d.    65 Main
Fleury               A.                                                                                                   St. Claude n. Barracks
Fleury               Ernst                tailor                                                                          St. Claude n. Barracks
Fleury               F.                   cooper                                                                          St. Peter n. Claiborne
Fleury               H. N.                                                                                                Lyon c. Jersey, Jeff. City
Fleury               Joseph               saddler                                                                     295 St. Philip
Fleury, J. & Co.                          (L. Mouler)                         tabacconists                       d.   550 Royal, d. 3
                                                                              Chartres c. Toulouse
Fleury               Jos.                 commissary                                                             d.       Jeff. City
Fleury               L.                   saddler                                                                      18 N. Levee,  Jeff. City
Fleury               M., Mrs.             f. w. c.                                                                        Johnson n. Poydras
Fleury & Rapp                             (A. Fleury, Jr., Eugene Rapp)       tailors                            d.   228 Treme
                                                                              82 Royal
Fleutge              Charles                                                                                     d.       Palmyra n. Derbigny
Flick                Christian            lab.                                                                            Rousseau n. Fourth
Flick                Jean                 shoes                                                                       318 Camp
Flick                John                 warehouseman                                                           d.     7 St. James
Flick                Joseph               cartman                                                                     975 Marigny
Flick                Margaret                                                                                         262 Orleans
Flick                N.                   carpenter                                                                   384 Claiborne, d. 3
Flicke               Frederick            drayman                                                                      56 Enghien
Flicke               Jacob F.             shoemaker                                                                     6 Palmyra
Flicke               Joseph               laborer                                                                     163 Marigny
Flicker              M.                   carpenter                                                                   403 Chartres, d. 3
Flickinger           Conrad                                                                                            94 Palmyra
Flicke               Martin               sausages                                                                        Prosper near Frenchmen
Fliege               Charles                                                                                          220 Bienville
Fliegel              Adolphe              wheelwright                                                                     Goodchildren n. Cotton Press
Fliesen              C.                   agent                               German Society                     d.    13 Derbigny
                                                                              69 St. Louis
Flincher             Charles              Union Bank                                                             d.       Palmyra n. Derbigny
Flink                Gottlieb                                                                                         108 St. Andrew
Flinn                Barthol              drayman                                                                      61 St. James
Flinn                Bernard              drayman                                                                     303 Melpomene
Flinn                George               fruit                                                                           Liberty c. Perdido
Flinn                Henry                drayman                                                                     303 Melpomene
Flinn                John                 laborer                                                                      53 Camp
Flinn                John                 laborer                                                                         Jackson depot
Flinn                Wm.                  screwman                                                                    126 Morales
Flint                Austin, Dr.          prof. school of medicine            173 Common                         d.       St. Charles Hotel
Flint                Austin jr.           prof. school of medicine            173 Common                         d.       St. Charles Hotel
Flint & Jones                             (C. Flint, James H. Jones)          furniture dealers                        36 & 38 Royal
Flint                C.                   (Flint & Jones)                                                              36 & 38 Royal
Flint                James                secretary La. Tehuantepec Company                                      d.       History n. Rampart
                                          29 Carondelet
Flinton              George, Capt.                                                                                     90 Piety
Flippen              Madison              operator                                                                     51 St. Charles
Floegel              A.                   wheelwright                                                                 689 St. Claude
Floehr               George               tailor                                                                      190 Rampart
Flohr                Henry                tailor                                                                          Morales n. Clouet
Flood                Christian                                                                                            Bertrand n. Poydras
Flood                Dan.                 drayman                                                                         Prieur n. Perdido
Flood                Edw.                 carpenter                                                                       Rousseau n. Philip
Flood                Edw.                 cooper                                                                       19 Religious
Flood                Martin               blacksm.                                                                        Willow n. Thalia
Flood                Thos.                driver                                                                      144 Calliope
Flood                Wm.                  (McWhann & Flood)                                                            92 Gravier
Flood                William              laborer                                                                     550 Rampart, d. 3
Flor                 Joseph               auctioneer                                                                      Cadiz n. Laurel, Jefferson City
Florance             Benj.                                                    114 Camp                           d.   213 Camp
Florance             Charles              machinist                                                                   104 Tchoupitoulas
Florance             Henry                merchant                            21  Commercial place               d.   171 Common
Florance             James                commission merchant                 Royal                              d.   258 St. Ann
Florance             Lewis                auctioneer & com. mer.              21 Commercial place                d.   171 Common
Florance             Lewis, Jr.                                                                                       213 Camp
Florance             Wm. E.                                                                                               Religious n. Richard
Florance             Wm. E. jr.           clk.                                76 Canal                           d.    76 Religious
Florance             Michael              milkman                                                                     511 Levee
Florat               J. A.                druggist                            12 New Basin                       d.   293 Rampart, d. 1
Florenz              J.                   drayman                                                                         Tonti n. Orleans
Flores               F.                   tailor                                                                      429 Baronne, d. 1
Flores               John, Capt.                                                                                      155 Claiborne, d. 2
Flores               Joseph               oysters                                                                     146 Burgundy
Flores               Richmond                                                                                          66 Goodchildren
Florick              Wm.                  fruit                                                                        65 St. Philip
Floris               John                 laborer                                                                         Lafayette n. Freret
Flory                Marius               shoemaker                                                                    95 Burgundy
Flotte               Alfred               sugar broker                        49 Customhouse                     d.    57 Kerlerec
Floto & Marmet                            (William Floto, Florence Marmet, Chas. Marmet)
                                          Commission & Forwarding Merchants & Dealers
                                          in western Produce, 32 Poydras Street. All
                                          Consignments will receive prompt personal attention.
                                          N. B. Dealers in Eggs & Butter will find it to their
                                          advantage to call, as we are daily receiving shipments
                                          from the West.
Flotte               D.                                                                                               106 Kerlerec
Flotte               Honore               clerk                                                                       116 Royal
Flotte               J. B.                hardware                            115 Old Levee                      d,   336 Dauphine, d. 3
Flous                Louis                knife grinder                                                               195 Poydras
Flower               James                laborer                                                                     216 Canal
Flower               Richard              (Pritchard & Flower)                                                   d.       Second c. Carondelet
Flower               Samuel               atty. at law                                                                    Camp c. Natchez
Flowers              M.                   tailor                                                                      168 Rampart, d. 1
Flowers              Wm.                  engineer                                                                        Poydras n. Bolivar
Floyd                Henry                f. m. c.                                                                     73 Franklin, d. 2
Floyd                James L.             carpenter                                                                   279 Magazine
Flutchman            P., Mrs.                                                                                         498 Constance
Fluckeneyer          Andrew               shoemaker                                                                   310 Old Levee, d. 2
Fluegel              A.                   wheelwright                                                                 275 Goodchildren
Fluer                Wm.                  undertaker                                                                  181 Tchoupitoulas
Fluke                Henry                                                                                       d.       Marigny n. Greatmen
Flury                D. J.                c. h.                                                                           New Levee c. Napoleon avenue, Jefferson City
Flury                Francis              laborer                                                                     304 Camp
Flury                Joseph               cigars                                                                          Jena n. Laurel, Jeff. City
Fly                  Wm. D.               (Buffum & Co.)                                                               60 Carondelet
Flyhnise             Philip               corn meal                                                                    13 Constance
Flynn                Anth'y               mattress mkr.                                                               106 Bienville
Flynn                Bryan                grocer                                                                      108 Foucher
Flynn                Eliza                                                                                             88 St. Joseph
Flynn                F., Mrs.                                                                                         334 St. Peter
Flynn                Hannah               dressmak.                                                                     1 Rampart, d. 2
Flynn                Hugh                 mate                                                                        131 Rampart, d. 2
Flynn                Humphrey             drayman                                                                     281 St. Louis
Flynn                James                laborer                                                                      47 St. Andrew
Flynn                James                laborer                                                                     185 Johnson, d. 2
Flynn                James                laborer                                                                     492 Old Levee, d. 3
Flynn                James                grocer                              286 Magazine                       d.    31 Poyfarre
Flynn                James D.             bookkeeper                                                                   83 Gravier
Flynn                John                 drayman                                                                     495 Rampart
Flynn                John                 warehouseman                                                                 55 Camp
Flynn                John                 drayman                                                                     196 Liberty
Flynn                Mary, Mrs.                                                                                       114 St. Thomas
Flynn                Matthew                                                                                              Foucher n. St. Joseph
Flynn                Matt.                drayman                                                                         Second n. Laurel
Flynn                Michael              laborer                                                                     101 St. Ann
Flynn                Michael              laborer                                                                     105 Claiborne
Flynn                Morris                                                                                               Euterpe n. Carondelet
Flynn                Morris               laborer                                                                      15 Rousseau
Flynn                Patrick                                                                                              Magazine n. St. Mary
Flynn                Patrick              lumber                                                                          Jefferson City
Flynn                Patrick              mattress mkr.                                                               101&Bienville
Flynn                Patrick              mate                                                                        408 Robertson
Flynn                P. H.                painter                                                                         Saraparu n. Annunciation
Flynn                Robert                                                                                            80 St. Mary
Flynn                Thomas               painter                                                                     374 Basin
Flynn                Thomas               c. h.                                                                           Lafayette n. Fulton
Flynn                Thos.                mattress mkr.                                                               103 Bienville
Flynn                Timothy              bird cage maker                                                             100 Union, d. 3
Fobes                R.                   laborer                                                                     113 Royal
Foch                 J. B.                knife grinder                                                               122 St. Philip
Fochri               Bernhardt            carpenter                                                                   340 Conti
Fockler              A.                   tailor                                                                          Union n. Solidelle
Fockner              James, Mrs.                                                                                      105 Claiborne
Foegel               Geo.                 porter                                                                          St. Mary c. Laurel
Foelker              Peter                gardener                                                                        Bartholomew c. Urquhart
Foener               Lancaster                                                                                            Gretna
Foerenbach           A.                   shoemaker                                                                    39 Greatmen
Foerster             George               printer                                                                     102 Poydras
Fogarty              John                 laborer                                                                         Carrollton
Fogel                Geo.                 engineer                                                                        Calliope n. Tchoupitoulas
Foger                John                                                                                              64 Robertson, d. 2
Fogerty              John                 contractor                                                                    3 Enghien
Fogerty              Lawrence                                                                                         182 Clio
Fogerty              William              laborer                                                                     298 Liberty
Fogle                E., Mrs.             b. h.                                                                        34 Tchoupitoulas
Fogo & Taylor                             (William Fogo, C. M. Taylor)        com. mers.                               89 Gravier
Fogo                 William              (Fogo & Taylor)                                                        d.    73 Dauphine
Fohr                 H.                                                                                                   Carondelet n. Philip
Fohr                 Jacob                laborer                                                                       8 Montegut
Fohri                Ignatz               shoemaker                                                                   170 St. Philip
Foin                 Eugene               printer                                                                d.   139 Conti
Foiret               Dominique            butcher                                                                      41 North mkt
Folan                Joseph                                                                                               Urquhart n. St. Barnard
Foley                Andrew               clerk                                                                       301 Carondelet
Foley                Andrew               grocer                                                                          Constance c. Melpomene
Foley, Avery & Co.                        (P. H. Foley, Wm. H. Avery, Wm. B. Conger, Hanson Kelly)                     34 Perdido, Factor's row
                                          com. mers.
Foley                Barney               laborer                                                                      77 Delord
Foley                Bridget, Mrs.                                                                                        Alex n. Chestnut, Alg.
Foley                Charles              laborer                                                                      45 Race
Foley                Cornelius                                                                                            Ursulines n. Dauphine
Foley                Delia, Mrs.                                                                                          Melpomene n. Pacanier
Foley                F.                                                                                                   Carondelet n. Jackson
Foley                Geo.                 veterinary surgeon                                                           76 Thalia
Foley                James                                                                                                Dryades n. Julia
Foley                James                c. h.                                                                           Front n. Girod
Foley                James                lab.                                                                            Alex. n. Chester, Alg.
Foley                James                                                                                            595 Burgundy, d. 3
Foley                John                 clerk                                                                           Perdido n. Johnson
Foley                John                 drayman                                                                     299 Dryades
Foley                John                 laborer                                                                     180 St. John Baptist
Foley                J. S.                teacher                                                                     294 Liberty
Foley                J. S.                                                    26 Bank place                      d.       Union c. Baronne
Foley                Louis                book keeper                                                                  36 Prieur
Foley                Michael              laborer                                                                     216 Girod
Foley                Pat.                 drayman                                                                         Foucher n. Calliope
Foley                Mary, Mrs.                                                                                        11 Basin, d. 2
Foley                P. H.                (Foley, Avery &   Co.)                                                 d.    44 Prytania
Foley                Thomas               c. p.                                                                           Port n. Royal
Foley                Timothy              drayman                                                                         Foucher n. Julia
Foley                Victorine, Mrs.                                                                                  387 Baronne
Foley                Wm.                  carpenter                                                                   321 Baronne
Foley                W. D.                                                                                             26 Bank place
Foley                Z.                   (Porter, Thomas & Foley)                                                     25 Carondelet
Folger               Chas. W.             (N. C. Folger & Son)                27 & 29 Magazine                   d.       Carondelet n. Delord
Folger               Frederick            laborer                                                                         Milan n. Magazine, Jefferson City
Folger               F. G.                clerk                                                                        27 & 29 Magazine
Folger               Josiah               secretary                                                              d.       Josephine c. Fulton
                                          Firemen's Charitable Associa.
Folger & Co.                              (Lafayette Folger, Wm. H. Thomas)
                                          Hardware, Iron, Ship Chandlery, etc.
                                          New Levee c. Tchoupitoulas street, between Gravier & Poydras.
                                          Agents for Cumberland, Tennessee, Iron Works and
                                          Isaac Straub's Queen of the South Corn & Wheat Mills.
Folger, N. C. &  Son                      (C. W. Folger)
                                          Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Fashionable Clothing
                                          and Plantation Goods, of every description,
                                          Nos. 27 & 29 Magazine street, corner of Gravier, d. 2 Gravier, d. 2
Folger               Lafayette            (Folger & Co.)                                                         d.   391 Rampart, d. 1
Folger               N. C., Jr.           acct.                                                                        27 & 29 Magazine
Folger               P. P.                gardener                                                                     75 Bartholomew
Folger               Wm. H., Capt.        port warden                         31 Commercial place                d.   347 Rampart, d. 1
Folk                 Jos.                 blacksmith                                                                  771 Dauphine, d. 3
Folk                 Joseph               boatman                                                                         Spain n. Morales
Folk                 Mathias Carl         laborer                                                                      53 Louisa
Folks                Mara                 drayman                                                                     278 Ursulines
Follbrecht           August               cabinet mkr.                                                                 27 Johnson, d. 2
Follendorf           George               laborer                                                                     321 Erato
Follenfant           August               carpenter                                                                    61 Bourbon
Follett, Vallette & Girard                (John F. Follet, Octave Vallette, J. W. Girard)                                 Gulf Dry Dock, Algiers
Folliet              Louis                carpenter                                                                    55 Franklin, d. 2
Follin               John                 laborer                                                                     264 St. Louis
Follin               Joseph               carp.                                                                           Basin n. St. Louis
Follin               Thomas               drayman                                                                      68 St. Thomas
Folsom               G.                   (Kittredge & Folsom)                55 St. Charles                     d.       Fourth n. Constance
Foltmer              Jacob                lumber dresser                                                              375 Basin
Foltner              Jacob                planer at Jackson depot
Foltz                Adam                 lab.                                                                            Cotton Press n. Morales
Foltz                Anton                                                                                            434 St. Philip
Foltz                Bernard              laborer                                                                     134 Mandeville
Foltz                Conrad               lab.                                                                            St. Andrew n. Franklin
Foltz                Leonard              tailor                                                                      232 Rocheblave
Foltz                Mich.                lab.                                                                            Hospital c. Rocheblave
Foltz                Michael                                                                                              Josephine n. St. Thomas
Foltz                Paul                                                                                                 Josephine n. Chippewa
Folwell              J. N. Dr.            inspector of drugs                  Customhouse                        d.   221 Carondelet
Folz                 M.                   butcher                                                                      17 & 18 Magazine mkt.
Fon                  Berrer Ferdinand     cartman                                                                         Congress n. Burgundy
Fonbene              E.                   staves                              New Levee c. First                 d.   142 St. Philip
Fonblanche           Emile                variety store                                                                69 St. Ann
Fondal               Joseph, Mrs.                                                                                     425 Rampart, d. 3
Fondal               Louis                f. m. c.                                                                        St. John's route
Fondal               Seymour              bricklayer                                                                  293 Roman
Fondard              J. F. M.             tailor                                                                 d.   251 Royal
Fondard              M. E., Mrs.          laundress                                                                   251 Royal
Fondenberger         Jacob                cupper                                                                       31 Chippewa
Fonnis               A.                                                                                                23 St. Anthony
Fonoret              Pierre               f. m. c.                                                                    491 Baronne
Fonrouge             Paul                                                                                                 Constance n. Sixth
Fonseggan            Anna, Mrs.                                                                                           Alex. Algiers
Fonsica              Lucian               c. p.                                                                       173 Enghien
Font                 Josephine, Mrs.                                                                                  435 St. Charles
Font                 S. J.                grocer                                                                          Basin c. Julia
Fontaine             Francois                                                                                          69 Toulouse
Fontaine             J. E.                compiler                                                                    121 St. Peter
Fontan               James                clerk                                                                       104 Old Levee
Fontan               John                 laborer                                                                      25 Bartholomew
Fonteneaux           L., Mrs.                                                                                         331 Burgundy
Fontennette          L. C.                inspector customs                                                      d.   197 Marais, d. 2
Fontin               Francis              laborer                                                                     144 Toulouse
Fontin               J.                   gardener                                                                        Bartholomew n. Royal
Fontinette           J. A., Mrs.                                                                                       16 St. Bernard
Fonvergne            Arnold                                                                                            38 Marais, d. 2
Foote                David, Capt.                                                                                         Peter, Algiers
Forbes               David B.             book keeper                         Bank of New Orleans                d.   488 Magazine
Forbes               D. R.                                                                                                Religious c. Orange
Forbes               Gifford              acct.                               77 Tchoupitoulas                   d.   198 Annunciation
Forbes               Henry                clerk                                                                           Orange c. Magazine
Forbes               James                                                                                            137 Elysian Fields
Forbes               John                 cott. weigher                       49 Union                           d.    97 Constance
Forbes               L. L.                carver                                                                          Gravier n. Clara
Forbes               Richard              laborer                                                                     325 Marais, d. 3
Forbes               Richard              laborer                                                                         Port n. Morales
Forbes               Thos.                capt. steamship Tennessee
Forcade              Jean                 singing birds                                                               159 Chartres
Forcelle             D.                   atty. at law                        36 Exchange place                  d.   442 Chartres, d. 3
Forcheimer           E.                                                                                               338 Magazine
Forcheimer           F.                                                                                               476 St. Charles
Forcheimer           Isaac                (J. L. Bach, Forcheimer & Co.)                                               11 Chartres
Forcheimer & Meyer                        (S. Fercheimer, Louis Meyer)        manf. tobacco & cigars                   55 Gravier
Forcheimer           S.                   (Forcheimer & Meyer)                                                   d.   668 Magazine
Ford                 Charles              pilot                                                                       483 Baronne
Ford                 Ed.                  shoemkr.                                                                    235 1/2 Rampart, d. 1
Ford                 John                 lab.                                                                            Pacific c. Anemie, Algiers
Ford                 John                 lab.                                                                        227 Old Levee, d. 3
Ford                 John                 drayman                                                                     357 Lafayette
Ford                 Nicholas                                                                                             First c. Liberty
Ford                 Patrick              blacksmith                                                                  331 Poydras
Ford                 Peter                mattress mkr.                                                                33 Bourbon
Ford                 Richard              drayman                                                                         Clio n. Willow
Ford                 Richard              laborer                                                                         Jackson depot
Ford                 Thomas               drayman                                                                     212 Lafayette
Ford                 Thos.                engineer                                                                    367 Bourbon, d. 3
Ford                 Thomas               carpenter                                                                       Algiers
Ford                 Thomas               iron founder                                                                122 Annunciation
Ford                 Timothy              laborer                                                                     182 Customhouse
Ford                 William              grocer                                                                        6 Girod
Ford                 William                                                                                           56 Annunciation
Ford                 William              grocer                                                                      136 New Levee
Foreacre             G. J.                master of repairs                                                               N. O. J. R. R.
Forein               Ann                                                                                                  Alex, Algiers
Forest               Ernest               clerk                                                                       235 St. Claude, d. 2
Forset               E., Mrs.             dressmaker                                                                  235 St. Claude
Forest               John                 brakeman                            O. R. R.                                    Algiers
Forestier            Edward               carp.                                                                        24 St. Joseph
Forestier            Joseph T.                                                                                            Girod n. Liberty
Forestier            J. F.                                                                                            178 Dryades
Forestier            J. T.                painter                                                                     174 Carondelet
Forestier            L.                   clerk                                                                           Dauphine c. Main
Forestier            P. W., Mrs.                                                                                          Dauphine c. Main
Forestier            Robert               plumber                                                                     289 Clio
Forestier            U.                                                       159  Gravier                       d.       Dauphine c. Main
Foret                T.                   boarding                                                                     22 Toulouse
Forey                G. C.                builder                                                                         Chestnut n. Alex, Algiers
Forgarty             Lawrence             laborer                                                                     182 Clio
Forgay               J. M.                paving contractor                                                           151 Julia
Forget               Philip                                                                                      d.   254 Chartres
Forget               P.                   restaurant                                                                   27 St. Philip
Forkroller           John                 music                                                                       111 Elysian Fields
Forman               Leonard              drayman                                                                     361 Thalia
Forman               Marks                                                                                                Toledano n. Chippewa
Formel               Louis                tailor                                                                      241 Bourbon
Formel               P. D. Dr.                                                                                         17 Bourbon
Formento             Dr.                                                                                                  Bienville n. Burgundy
Formento             Eliza                                                                                            167 Main
Fornait              B.                   butcher                                                                     414 Rampart
Fornarette           Joseph               f. m. c.                                                                    311 Baronne
Fornarette           P., Mrs.             f. w. c.                                                                        Euterpe n. Baronne
Fornaris             Antonio                                                                                              Bienville c. Exchange place
Fornaris             Jose                 The Duty c. h.                                                                  Bienville
Fornaris             Henry                                                                                                Bienville c. Exchange place
Fornau               John                 hats & clothing                                                                 Algiers
Fornazat             Pierre                                                                                               Baronne n. St. Andrew
Forneret             Lena                 f. w. c.                                                                     87 Josephine
Fornier              Mertel               f. m. c.                                                                    185 Morales
Fornis               Antonio                                                                                          263 Burgundy
Forno                Charles                                                                                              Franklin n. St. Andrew
Forno                Henry                ab.                                                                             Amite City near J. R. R.
Fornoret             Lewis                f. m. c. gardener                                                            79 Broad
Forrer               E.                                                                                                61 Basin, d. 2
Forrer               F.                   blacksmith                                                                      Calliope n. Camp
Forrer               J.                   painter                                                                     367 Basin
Forrest              Andrew               machinist                                                                   275 Gravier
Forrest              David                laborer                                                                     361 Old Levee
Forrest              Edmund               clerk                                                                       279 Dauphine
Forrest              Ernest               painter                                                                     223 Robertson
Forrest              Joseph               machinist                                                                   260 Magazine
Forrest              Lorette, Mrs.                                                                                    113 Calliope
Forrest              S.                   clerk                                                                  d,    10 Annette
Forrester            B.                   laborer                                                                      54 Thalia
Forrester            Edward               b. h.                                                                        26 St. Joseph
Forrester            Robert               plumber                                                                     291 Clio
Forrester            Wm.                  (R. J. Wade & Co.)                  shipping office                    d.   449 Chartres
                                                                              Marigny building, Levee, d. 3
Forescheer           G. A.                                                                                            185 Levee, d. 3
Forshag & Harper                          (P. Forshag, J. Harper)
                                          Carriage Makers & Repairers, 80 & 86 Marais street,
                                          between Conti & St. Louis streets.  Jobbing in the
                                          above line done in the neatest & best manner.
                                          Manufacture et Reparation de Voitures. Tousles
                                          ouvrages seront executes dans le meilleur gout et
                                          d'apres les modes les plus nouvelles.
Forshee              John                 butcher                             121 Poydras mkt.                   d.   333 Terpsichore
Forshee              John                 clerk                                                                        73 Canal
Forshee              Peter                butcher                             3 St. Mary's mkt.                  d.       Washington c. Fulton
Forshee              William              clerk                                                                        45 Camp
Forshey              C. G.                civil engineer                                                                  Carrollton
Forshey              William                                                                                              Algiers
Forstall             Anatole                                                                                          308 Rampart
Forstall             Arthur               (W. H. Hayes & Co.)                                                         143 St. Louis
Forstall             Charles E.           auctioneer                          90 Ex. place                       d.   299 Marais, d. 2
Forstall             Edward               carpenter                                                                     9 St. Joseph
Forstall             Edmund J.            commission merchant                                                             St. Charles n. Canal
Forstall             Ernest L.            (Wheeler & Forstall)                185 Tchoupitoulas                  d.   268 Royal
Forstall             Eugene               com. mer.                           22 St.  Charles                    d.   268 Royal
Forstall             Gustave              f. m. c.                                                                    313 Dauphine
Forstall             H. J.                com. mer.                                                                    22 St. Charles
Forstall             Joseph                                                                                            34 Union, d. 3
Forstall             J. Felix                                                                                          49 Ursulines
Forstall             Louise               f. w. c.                                                                    376 Burgundy, d. 3
Forstall             L.                   f. m. c.                                                                        Clouet c. Greatmen
Forstall             L. E.                (Peschier & Forstall)               Common c. Carondelet               d.       St. Peter n. Royal
Forstall             Octave                                                                                           308 Rampart
Forstall             Oscar J.             accountant                          22 St. Charles                     d.   122 St. Louis
Forstall             Paul                 clerk                               40 Union d. 1                      d.   572 Royal, d. 3
Forstall             Placide              president                           Star Insurance Co.                 d.   264 Rampart, d. 2
                                                                              22 St. Charles
Forstall             P.                   cotton factor                       Carondelet                         d.   283 Chartres
Forstall             P. E.                clerk                                                                           Basin c. Canal
Forstall             Thomas J.            acct.                                                                       131 Moreau
Forstall             Vincent              f. m. c.                                                                        Piety n. Morales
Forstall             William                                                                                          572 Royal, d. 3
Forster              C. T.                (Marburg & Foster)                                                           20 Chartres
Forster              J. T.                painter                                                                     166 Erato
Fostner              H.                   fishmonger                                                                   69 St. Mary's mkt.
Forsyth              Capt.                                                                                            707 Dauphine
Forsyth              James                                                                                                Baronne c. Felicity
Fort                 Pierre               shoes & hats                                                                    Old Levee n. St. Ann
Fortado              Antoine              laborer                                                                d.   100 Poet
Forte                Francis              carpenter                                                                    68 First
Forte                Frederick            clerk                                                                       482 Magazine
Forteene             Elias                stevedore                                                                   291 Rampart
Forteisch            G. F.                tailor                                                                       57 Claiborne, d. 2
Fortendal            Joseph               shoemaker                                                                   368 St. Ann
Fortestier           Louisa               f. w. c.                                                                        Annette n. Prosper
Fortier              Ade                  clerk                                                                       319 Bayou road
Fortier              Amilcar              cashier                             Bank of America                    d.   304 Dauphine
                                                                              St. Peter c. Old Levee
Fortier              Alfred               carp.                                                                           Spain n. Rampart
Fortier              Anslem               printer                                                                     344 Customhouse
Fortier              Antoine                                                                                              Villere n. Spain
Fortier              Arthur               sixth justice of the peace                                                      Algiers, op. city of New Orleans
Fortier              Aug.                 bone factory                                                                    Gentilly road
Fortier              A., Mrs.                                                                                         250 Johnson, d. 2
Fortier              Charles                                                                                          109 Elysian Fields
Fortier              Charles E.           city notary                         40 Camp                            d.   109 Elysian Fields
Fortier              C., Mrs.                                                                                             Bayou road n. Claiborne
Fortier              C., Mrs.                                                                                         254 Dauphine
Fortier              C. E.                                                                                                St. Ann n. Dorgenois
Fortier              Drausin, Mrs.                                                                                    215 Main
Fortier              E.                   f. m. c.                                                                     47 Prytania
Fortier              E., Mrs.                                                                                         198 Marais, d. 2
Fortier              Florent              planter                                                                         Rampart d. Main
Fortier              Francis              (Fortier & Guillotte)                                                        51 Exchange place
Fortier              Fred. L.             book keeper                                                                 106 Euterpe
Fortier              F. N.. Dr.                                                                                       322 Johnson
Fortier & Guillotte                       (Francis Fortier, L. A. Guillotte)  collectors                               51 Ex. place
Fortier              G.                   shoes                               Dauphine c. Bienville              d.   223 Main
Fortier              Henry                carp.                                                                           St. John's Gt. route
Fortier              Henry                clerk                                                                       106 Euterpe
Fortier              Honorat F. M.        clk.                                                                        106 Euterpe
Fortier              Hubert                                                                                           319 St. Peter
Fortier              Hypolite             cattle driver                                                                   Live Oak n. Lyon, Jefferson City
Fortier              Hypolite             f. m. c.                                                                     49 Prytania
Fortier              Hypolite             state & parish tax collector                                                    Algiers
Fortier              Jean                 f. m. c.                                                                        St. John's route
Fortier              Joseph                                                                                               St. Ann n. Prieur
Fortier              Louis, Dr.                                                                                       331 Royal
Fortier              Napoleon                                                                                          16 Plauche
Fortier              Omer                                                                                             256 Bourbon
Fortier              Oscar                carpenter                                                                   112 Annunciation
Fortier              Pat.                                                                                                 Willow Grove ab. Jeff. City
Fortier              P., Mrs.             variety store                                                                40 Main
Fortier              Rosella                                                                                          197 Burgundy
Fortier              Valcour                                                                                          138 Main
Fortin               C., Mrs.                                                                                         349 Marais, d. 3
Fortin               Edwin, Mrs.                                                                                          Coliseum n. Third
Fortin               Emile                                                                                            349 Marais, d. 3
Fortin               Jean                 f. m. c.                                                                        St. John's route
Fortin               Louis                                                                                            269 Royal
Fortman              A.                   grocer                                                                          Chartres c. Mandeville
Fortner              John                                                                                                 Cypress n. Willow
Forton               J., Capt.                                                                                        216 Dauphine
Fortounati           P.                                                                                               143 St. Ann
Fortune              D.                                                                                               224 Bienville
Fortune              Rodolph              tinsmith                                                                    145 Ursulines
Fortvendel           Jos.                 shoemaker                                                                   370 St. Ann
Forwood & Gribble                         (H. S. Forwood, Wm. Gribble)        grocers                                 108 Camp
Forwood              H. S.                (Forwood & Gribble)                                                    d.    60 Marigny
Fos                  John                 butcher                                                                     216 Melpomene
Fos                  Louis                milk                                                                            Bartholomew n. Morales
Fosdic               Mortimer             steward                                                                     145 St. Philip
Fosdic               Philip                                                                                               Bourbon n. Prosper
Fosdick, Geo. A. & Co.                    (E. J. Springbett)                  shipping agents                    d.   202 St. Louis
                                                                              43 Natchez
Foss                 John, Mrs.                                                                                       116 Toulouse
Foss                 Louis                cabinet maker                                                                90 Dauphine
Foss                 Wm.                  upholsterer                         124 Canal                          d.   323 Liberty
Fosselman            Frank                                                                                                Seventh n. Annuncia'n
Fosset               H.                   c. p.                                                                       453 Basin
Fosshak              P.                   blksmith                                                                        Marais n. St. Louis
Fossier              Emile                feed                                                                         24 & 25 Front Levee, d. 2
Fossier              Theodule             acct.                                                                        60 Customhouse
Fosteo               A.                   carpenter                                                                       Shell road c. Martin
Foster               A. H.                                                                                             79 Magazine
Foster               Domingo              lab.                                                                        428 Old Levee, d. 3
Foster               D.                   carpenter                                                                    79 Dauphine
Foster               F.                   cooper                                                                      557 Dauphine, d. 3
Foster               George               (Hobart & Foster)                   102 Gravier                        d.       Canal c. Burgundy
Foster               George               oyster saloon                                                                24 Poydras
Foster               George               laborer                                                                     174 Royal
Foster               Gideon, Jr.          (Gorden & Foster)                   10 Poydras                         d.       Poydras c. Franklin
Foster               Jacob                furniture car                                                                   Euphrosine n. Clara
Foster               James                laborer                                                                      51 Villere, d. 1
Foster               John, Dr.                                                                                            Charity Hospital
Foster               John D.                                                                                              Johnson n. Villere
Foster               Joseph R.            tailor                                                                       10 Urquhart
Foster               J. M.                acct.                                                                           Melpomene n. Magazine
Foster               L. M.                trader                              157 Common                         d.       Seventh c. St. John
Foster               Mary, Mrs.           nurse                                                                       171 Thalia
Foster               Mary                 fur. rooms                                                                   69 Union, d. 1
Foster               Peter H.                                                                                          43 Felicity
Foster               Philip               seaman                                                                      347 Burgundy, d. 3
Foster               Thomas               Slave Depot, Nos. 76 & 78 Baronne. Slaves bought
                                          and sold on commission. Orders from Commission
                                          Merchants respectfully solicited; d. London avenue, d. 3
Foster               Reynolds             shoemaker                                                                    10 Urquhart
Foster               Thelesphore                                                                                       10 Urquhart
Foster               Vincent              f. m. c. lab.                                                                   Piety n. Morales
Foster               W. H.                (Race & Foster)                     Crescent Insurance buildings       d.       Washington c. Carondelet, d. 4
                                                                              5 Commercial place
Foster               W. T.                                                                                       d.       Clio n. Liberty
Foster               William              engineer                                                                    272 Gravier
Fosterman            August                                                                                               St. Dennis n. Bordeaux, Jefferson City
Fouart               Dominique            butcher                                                                      20 St. Mary's market
Fouche               Edmund               broker                                                                 d.    84 Orleans
Fouche               Joseph                                                                                           284 Frenchmen
Fouche               Louis N.             bricklayer                                                                  139 Spain
Fouche               L.                                                                                          d.       Annunciation n. Thalia
Fouche               Nathaniel                                                                                   d.   100 Spain
Fouche               Pascal                                                                                      d.       Port n. Morales
Foucher              Azele                                                                                       d.   109 Annunciation
Foucher              B.                   shoemaker                                                                   302 Dauphine
Foucher              D.                   f. m. c. builder                                                       d.    92 Annette
Foucher              Fillisse             f. w. c.                                                               d.   129 Spain
Foucher              F.                   furnished rooms                                                              76 Toulouse
Foucher              Joseph               builder                                                                     109 Annunciation
Foucher              Joseph                                                                                      d.    65 Mandeville
Foucher              L., widow                                                                                            Annunciation n. Erato
Foucher              L. A.                clerk                                                                           Franklin c. Canal
Foucher              Josephine, Mrs.                                                                                  387 Burgundy, d. 3
Foucher              S. J., Madam                                                                                d.   432 Main
Fouchy               Peter                                                                                       d.       Johnson n. Ursulines, d. 2
Foudrez              A.                   variety store                                                               163 Rousseau
Fougat               Francis              blacksmith                                                                      Jefferson City
Fongerat             Auguste                                                                                     d.    43 Annette
Fouin                F.                   nightman                                                                    327 Hospital
Foulhouze            James                Judge                               Parish of Plaquemine               d.    75 Conti
Foulhouze            Joseph               atty, at law                                                                 92 Conti
Foulin               Eugene               accountant                                                                   45 Chartres
Foulon               Charles V.           notary public                       168 St. Louis                      d.    70 Rampart, d. 2
Foulon               Claude               shoemaker                                                                   428 Burgundy, d. 3
Foulon               Eugene               clerk                               45 Chartres                        d.   168 Rampart, d. 2
Fountain             B.                   cooper                                                                 d.   220 St. Charles
Fouquet              Alexander                                                                                   d.    13 Annette
Fouquet              Alexander            butcher                                                                d.    90 St. Ann
Fouquet              E.                   gunsmith, etc.                                                              124 Bienville
Fouquet              J. B.                baker                                                                           Gretna
Fouquet              Joseph               clerk                               Royal c. Bienville                 d.    89 Toulouse
Fouquet              Antoine              baker                                                                       293 Bienville
Fourchy              A., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   233 Galvez
Fourchy              Paul                                                                                        d.   242 Johnson, d. 2
Fourchy              Paul                                                                                        d.   104 Canal
Fourcis              V., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   346 St. Claude, d. 3
Fourman              N.                   drayman                                                                         Jefferson City
Fourmier             St. Cyr.             watchmaker                                                                   92 St. Peter
Fourmier             Charles              accountant                                                                   21 Chartres
Fourmigue            Jean                 butcher                                                                      43 French mkt.
Fourmoux             Emile                tailor                                                                      190 Burgundy
Fournet              Baptiste             butch.                                                                       15 Dryades mkt.
Fourneret            Pierre                                                                                      d.       Baronne n. St. Andrew
Fournette            Sherry               cook                                                                         49 Kerlerec
Fournier             A., Mrs.                                                                                    d.    59 Rampart, d. 2
Fournier             A., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   409 Rampart, d. 3
Fournier             A.                   artificial flowers                                                           56 Bourbon
Fournier             C. F.                tailor                                                                       68 Franklin, d. 2
Fournier             E.                   accountant                                                                   23 Chartres
Fournier             John                 watchmaker                                                                  169 Rampart
Fournier             J.                   carpenter                                                                   251 St. Philip
Fournier             J. B.                butcher                                                                d.    83 Rampart
Fournier             Leonard                                                                                     d.    53 Rampart
Fournier             Leopold              clerk                                                                       519 Marais, d. 3
Fournier             Mertel               f. m. c. cigars                                                                 St. Anthony n. St. John Baptist
Fournier             Stanislaus           watchmaker                                                                   50 Royal
Fouret               Eliza, Mrs.          dressmaker                                                                   99 Bienville
Fourot               F., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   176 Barracks
Fourst               Elizabeth, Mrs.                                                                             d.   291 Elys. Fields
Fourth Presbyterian Church                                                                                                Franklin n. Canal
Foute                M. A.                attorney at law                     40 Camp                            d.   113 Chippewa
Fouteau              John B.              shoemaker                                                                   371 St. Peter
Fowler               Charles              laborer                                                                d.   586 Burgundy
Fowler               David H.             Steam Boiler Manufacturer, Low Pressure Locomotives,                   d.   631 St. Charles c. Third, d. 4
                                          Flued & Cylinder Boilers, Clarifiers, Filter & Juice
                                          Boxes, made at the shortest notice. Will make contracts
                                          for Boilers, & all necessary connections, such as Fire
                                          Fronts, Grate Bars, Steam & Stand Pipes, Valves, etc.,
                                          Chimneys & Breechen --- all of which will be furnished
                                          at the lowest foundry prices. All work done at this
                                          establishment will be guaranteed equal, in point of
                                          workmanship & material, to any in the city or else-
                                          where. Planters & Merchants are respectfully invited
                                          to call & examine the work & prices at 142, 144, 146
                                          and 148 Baronne, & 143 & 145 Lafayette
Fowler               Francis                                                                                     d.    39 Piety
Fowler               Fred. H.             salesman                            98 Canal                           d.    16 Dauphine
Fowler               G. W.                                                                                                McDonogh
Fowler               James                                                                                                Algiers
Fowler               Jesse                f. m. c., steward                                                           258 Conti
Fowler               John                 wheelwright                                                                 138 Religious
Fowler               John                 f. m. c. lab.                                                          d.   106 Barracks
Fowler               John P.              (C. Yale, Jr. & Co.)                27 Magazine                        d.       Race c. Magazine
Fowler               John R., Mrs.                                                                               d.   114 Desire
Fowler               Matthew W.                                                                                  d.   631 St. Charles
Fowler               Richard, Capt.                                                                              d.   199 Euterpe
Fowler               Stephen K.           (McStea, Value & Co.)               78 Canal                           d.    16 Dauphine
Fowler               S. L.                accountant                                                                   46 St. Charles
Fowler               S. S., Mrs.                                                                                 d,   267 Canal
Fox                  Adam                 laborer                                                                     322 Fulton, d. 4
Fox                  Andrew, Dr.          apothecary                                                                      Algiers
Fox                  B. F.                                                                                       d.   156 Bienville
Fox                  Bernard              laborer                                                                d.    86 Delord
Fox                  Charles              warehouseman                                                           d.   248 Laurel
Fox                  Christopher          laborer                                                                d.       Euterpe n. Prytania
Fox                  Christopher          laborer                                                                     173 Terpsichore
Fox                  H., Mrs.             grocery                                                                         Clio c. Clara
Fox                  Jacob                                                                                       d.       Goodchildren c. Bartholomew
Fox                  John                 bricklayr                                                              d,   315 Roman, d. 3
Fox                  John                 grocer                                                                          Julia c. Baronne
Fox                  John                 (James Connoly & Co.)               44 Poydras                         d,   255 Common
Fox                  John H.              clerk                               130 Canal                          d.   218 Julia
Fox                  J. M.                tailor                                                                          Cypress n. Roman
Fox                  J. N.                clerk                                                                       128 Canal
Fox                  Pat                  paver                                                                  d.       Edward n. Constance
Fox                  Peter C.             attorney at law                                                              19 Commercial place
Fox                  Peter                laborer                                                                         Josephine n. Levee
Fox                  S. M.                engineer                                                                        Felicity n. Franklin
Fox                  William                                                                                     d,   185 Goodchildren
Fox                  William              paver                                                                  d.   111 Spain
Foxwell              Catharine                                                                                   d.   362 Royal, d. 3
Foy                  Florville            Sculptor & Marble Cutter                                                     83 late 81 Rampart, d. 1
Foy                  James                lab.                                                                   d.       Cypress c. Willow
Foy                  Margaret, Mrs.                                                                              d,   334 Rampart, d. 3
Foy                  Octave               f. m. c., carpt.                                                            158 Galvez
Foygnet              F. A.                dep. clerk                          Supreme Court                      d.   311 St. Ann
Fraas                Conrad               baker                                                                           Josephine c. Chippewa
Fraas                Valentine                                                                                   d.       Sixth n. Annunciation
Fraders              John                 screwman                                                               d.    25 Religious
Frain                Wm.                  drayman                                                                d.       Julia c. Magazine
Fraiche              J.                   butcher                                                                      14 Magazine mkt
Fraise               Joseph               plasterer                                                              d.       Solidelle n. Union
Fraise               Joseph               bricklayer                                                             d,       Solidelle n. Union
Fraissinet           Eugenia                                                                                     d.    99 Elysian Fields
Fraley               Daniel               stonemason                                                             d.   481 Tchoupitoulas
Fraley               John                 clerk                                                                           Camp c. Julia
Frame                Charles                                                                                     d.   176 Tchoupitoulas
Frampton             Chas.                screwman                                                               d.   621 Chartres, d. 3
Franc                Eusebius                                                                                    d.       Water n. Jackson
Franc                Jerry                drayman                                                                d.   137 Religious
France               Firman                                                                                            15 Old Levee
Francheau            J.                   carpenter                                                              d.   170 St. Ferdinand
Francingues          Franco               dyer & scourer                                                              254 Chartres
Francis              Auguste                                                                                     d.    31 Basin, d. 3
Francis              Mrs.                 midwife                                                                d.    81 Port
Francis              Edward               clerk                                                                        78 Julia
Francis              George               f. m. c., warehouseman                                                 d.   218 Derbigny, d. 2
Francis              Henry                barber                                                                       17 St. Charles
Francis              Henry                cane maker                                                                  117 Royal
Francis              John                 baker                                                                  d.   424 Basin
Francis              John                 f. m. c.                                                               d.       Roman n. St. Louis
Francis              John                 laborer                                                                d.   372 Bourbon, d. 3
Francis              John                 vegetables                                                                      St. Anthony n. Girod
Francis              Joseph               f. m. c.                                                               d.   218 Derbigny
Francis              Manuel               clerk                                                                           Canal c. Bourbon
Francis              Manuel               c. h.                                                                           Calliope c. Front
Francis              Manuel                                                                                      d.   128 St. Anthony
Francis              Mary                 f. w. c.                                                               d.   251 Conti
Francis              Meladie              f. m. c.                                                               d.   159 Hospital
Francis              Nicholas             laborer                                                                d.   125 Poet
Francis              Pancho               cigarette manufacturer                                                 d.   115 Goodchildren
Francis              Peter                lab.                                                                   d.       Soraparu n. Fulton
Francis              Pierre               carpt.                                                                 d.   112 Goodchildren
Francis              Sarah                                                                                       d.    17 Treme, d. 2
Francis & Christ                          (Wm. Francis, Leopold Christ)                                                10 Carondelet
                                          cotton brokers
Francis              William              (Francis & Christ)                                                     d.       Barracks b. Rocheblave & Dorgenois
Francisque           Francois, Mrs.                                                                              d.   242 Main
Francisque           Nich.                                                                                       d.   102 Washington av
Franck               Andrew               lab.                                                                   d.   532 Tchoupitoulas
Franck               Herman               shoemaker                                                                   339 Orleans
Franck               John                 tailor                                                                      111 Marais, d. 2
Francke & Danneel                         (J. Francke, H. Danneel)                                               d.   249 St. Louis
                                          com. mers. & bagging rope & western produce
                                          75 Magazine
Franco               Domingo                                                                                     d.   403 Bourbon
Franco               Francois             clerk                                                                       187 Customhouse
Francois             Artemise                                                                                    d.    61 St. Louis
Francois             Auguste                                                                                     d.   110 Toulouse
Francois             A. M.. Mrs.                                                                                 d.       Esplanade c. Broad
Francois             Aspasia              f. w. c.                                                               d.   281 Marais, d. 2
Francois             Clement                                                                                     d.       Pleasant n. Constance
Francois             Emma                 f. w. c.                                                               d.    53 Villere, d. 2
Francois             Irma                 f. w. c.                                                               d.    53 Villere, d. 2
Francois             Jean Louis           bricklayer                                                             d.   251 Marais, d. 2
Francois             John                 f. m. c.                                                               d.       Seventh n. Chippewa
Francois             John                                                                                        d.    31 Mandeville
Francois             Joseph               f. m. c., caulker                                                               Algiers
Francois             Josephine            f. w. c.                                                               d.   150 Frenchmen
Francois             J.                   f. w. c.                                                               d.   102 St. Philip
Francois             J. L., Mrs.          f. w. c.                                                               d.   251 Marais, d. 2
Francois             Louise               f. w. c.                                                               d.   215 Ursulines
Francois             Louis                                                                                       d.   154 Burgundy
Francois             M.                                                                                          d.       Euterpe n. Carondelet
Francois             R.                   dry goods                                                                       Carrollton
Francois             Philippe             printer                                                                d.       St. Peter n. Villere
Francoz              F.                                                                                                46 Chartres
Franghiadi           G. E.                                                    (Redecznachi & Franghiadi)         d.    19 Bourbon
Frank                Aaron                clothing                                                                    156 New Levee, d. 1
Frank                Abraham                                                                                     d.    61 Villere, d. 2
Frank                Adam                 cooper                                                                          Laurel c. First
Frank                Adam                 c. h.                                                                           Crossman c. Front Levee
Frank                Auguste              lab.                                                                   d.   165 St. Anthony
Frank                Auguste              tailor                                                                      246 Magazine
Frank                Francois                                                                                    d.   139 St. Philip
Frank                F.                   shoemaker                                                                   519 Dauphine
Frank                George               fruit                                                                       123 Liberty
Frank                George               carpenter                                                                   464 St. Ann
Frank                G.                   (F. Hartel & Co.)                                                            56 Camp
Frank                Henry                dairy                                                                       235 Spain
Frank                Henry                printer                                                                     442 Common
Frank                Henry                blacksmith                                                                  313 Rampart
Frank                Joseph M.                                                                                         80 Toulouse
Frank                Lambert              baler                                                                       191 Poydras
Frank                Leon                 watches & jewelry, clock & watch materials                                   78 Chartres
Frank                Sally                                                                                       d,       Philip n. Laurel
Frank                Samuel               pedler                                                                 d.   266 Poydras
Frank                Simon                (D. Blum & Frank)                   40 Chartres                        d.   284 Baronne
Frank                William              clerk                                                                  d.       Sixth n. Fulton
Frank                Wm.                  watchmkr.                                                                   144 Tchoupitoulas
Franke               Henry                laborer                                                                d,   192 Lafayette
Franke               Henry                                                                                       d.   404 Common
Franke               H.                   shoemaker                                                                       Orleans n. Galvez
Frankford            John                 laborer                                                                d.   164 Erato
Franklin             Benj.                f. m. c. cakes, &c.                                                         270 Conti
Franklin Billiard Saloon                                                                                               99 St. Charles
Franklin             Ed.                  f. m. c., drayman                                                      d.    91 Liberty
Franklin Engine & Hose Company, No. 11 of Lafayette                                                                       St. Mary c. Religious
Franklin             Geo.                 seaman                                                                 d.   536 Dauphine, d 3
Franklin             G. W.                lab.                                                                            Jackson R. R. depot
Franklin             Hiram                rope maker                                                                      New Levee c. Ninth
Franklin             J. A.                laborer                                                                d.    16 St. Ferdinand
Franklin             Marks                                                                                       d.       Burgundy n. Ursulines
Franklin School                                                                                                       168 & 179 St. Charles
Franko               H.                   Watchmaker & Jeweler. Money advanced on Goods,                         c.       Carondelet & Poydras.
                                          Interest charged moderate
Franks               George               broker                                                                       17 Gravier
Frankworth           G.                                                                                                41 Poydras market
Franoy               P. D.                carp.                                                                           Conde n. St. Philip
Frantz               C.                   blacksmith                                                                  103 Elysian Fields
Frantz               Lambert                                                                                     d.       Rousseau n. Fourth
Frantz               N.                   cabt. maker                                                                 869 Magazine, d. 4
Frantz               Wm.                  blacksmith                                                                  119 Morales
Franz                Eusebius             baker                                                                        76 Dauphine, d 3
Franz                Leonard                                                                                     d.       Philip c. Annunciation
Franzel              Adam                 drayman                                                                d.   380 Howard
Franzreb             John                 cartman                                                                d.   380 Howard
Frasaa               Wm.                                                                                               48 St. Thomas
Fraser               Ann, Mrs.                                                                                   d.    40 Marigny
Fraser               A. A.                atty. & counsellor at law           39 Carondelet                      d.   243 Baronne
Fraser               Charles H.           clerk                                                                  d.   482 Camp
Fraser               Daniel               watchman                                                               d.    26 Port
Fraser               Daniel               carpenter                                                                       First n. Dryades
Fraser               Emanuel              lab.                                                                   d.   439 Chartres, d. 3
Fraser               Emanuel              lab.                                                                   d.   511 Dauphine, d. 3
Fraser               James                tailor                                                                        4 Carondelet
Fraser & Co.                              (R. H. Fraser, N. E. Fraser)        com. mers. & cott. facs                  87 Gravier
Frazer               Manuel               lab.                                                                   d.   102 Frenchmen
Frazer               Fritz                laborer                                                                         Peter, Algiers
Frazer               R.W.                 clerk                                                                        67
Frazer               Thos.                omnibus driver                                                               31 Constance
Frazier              D.                   carp.                                                                  d.       Baronne n. Dryades
Freas                J.                   corn meal                                                                       Constance n. Edward
Frech                John                 vegetables                                                                      St. Mary's mkt
Frech                John                                                                                        d.       Sixth n. Laurel
Frech                Louis A.             teacher of languages                                                   d.   267 Melpomene
Frech                Michael              carp.                                                                  d.       Fourth n. Laurel
Frech                Etienne              carpenter & coal                                                            288 Dauphine
Freche               J. E.                cooper                                                                       11 Conti
Freche               Louis F.             tailor                                                                          Poydras n. Rampart
Freche               Phineas                                                                                              Carrollton
Frechide             P.                   c. h.                                                                           Bourbon c. Conti
Frechon              N.                   butcher                                                                      32 Poydras mkt
Frechon              Philip               chairmaker                                                                   80 Barracks
Frechore             Etienne              carpt.                                                                      118 Union, d. 3
Fred                 Jacob                baker                                                                        84 Adele
Frederic, Charles & Co.                   (August Papes)                      dyers & scourers                        147 Chartres
Frederic             Engstfield           clerk                                                                  d.   109 Claiborne
Frederic             U., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   469 Bourbon, d. 3
Frederick            Antoine                                                                                     d.    33 Independence
Frederick            Antoine, Jr.         deputy sheriff                                                         d,   867 Rampart, d. 3
Frederick            Auguste              collector on cars                                                      d.   458 St. Claude, d. 3
Fredercik            A. R.                clerk to commissioners of consolidated debt                            d.   174 Marigny
                                          22 Exchange place
Frederick            Carl                 tailor                                                                      384 Camp
Frederick            Daniel                                                                                      d.   141 St. Ann
Frederick            E. W.                clerk                                                                       351 Burgundy, d. 3
Frederick            G.                   shoe store                                                                   30 Frenchmen
Frederick            Henry                drayman                                                                d.   827 New Levee
Frederick            Frank                lab.                                                                   d.   566 Dauphine, d. 3
Frederick            Jacob                vegetables                                                                   88 Magazine market
Frederick            John                 wagon driver                                                                298 Howard
Frederick            Jacob                laborer                                                                d.    38 Constance
Frederick            H. A.                                                                                             37 Carondelet
Frederick            John                 grocer                                                                          Fulton c. Adele
Frederick            John                 drayman                                                                d.   174 Marigny
Frederick            Jno.                                                                                        d.       Goodchildren n. Congress
Frederick            L. A., Mrs.                                                                                 d.   516 Chartres, d. 3
Frederick            L. J.                clerk                                                                  d.   516 Chartres, d. 3
Frederick            S. J.. Mrs.                                                                                 d.   504 Dauphine
Frederick            Ursin, Mrs.                                                                                      125 St. Louis
Frederick            W.                   cabinet mkr.                                                                    Levee c. Second
Frederick            Charles              carp.                                                                       465 Camp
Frederick            C., Mrs.                                                                                    d.    62 Louisa
Frederick            J.                   shoemaker                                                                       Levee n. Cadiz, Jeff. City
Frederick            M.                   tailor                                                                          Poydras n. Bolivar
Frederickson         F.                   druggist                                                                        Poydras c. Baronne
Free                 Anthony              teacher                                                                         Baronne c. Common
Free Trade Warehouse                                                                                                      Levee b. Jackson Philip
Freeland             Thos.                plasterer                                                              d    675 Carondelet
Freeland             Walter, Mrs.                                                                                d.   195 St. Louis
Frees                William              dairy                                                                  d.    77 St. Thomas
Frelinghaus          M.                                                                                                   Live Oak n. Berlin, Jeff. City
Frelisch             Andrew               carp.                                                                           St. Louis n. Tonti
Freeman              Ann E.                                                                                      d.    11 Baronne
Freeman              A. S.                                                                                       d.       Marais c. Conti
Freeman              Cecilia A., Mrs.                                                                            d.   329 Constance
Freeman              Henry                laborer                                                                d.   224 Morales
Freeman              James                screwman                                                                     97 Montegut
Freeman              John                 lab.                                                                   d.       Chippewa n. Third
Freeman              John                 clothing                                                                     83 Old Levee, d. 2
Freeman              J. C.                carpenter                                                              d.   187 St. Peter
Freeman              Peter                laborer                                                                     158 Hospital
Freeman              Robt.                screwman                                                                     97 Montegut
Freeman              Thos. E.             blacksmith                                                                      Algiers
Freeman              Wm. J.               acct.                                                                  d.   329 Constance
Frege                Josephine                                                                                   d.   385 Frenchmen
Freheil              Thos.                c. h.                                                                           St. Charles c. Perdido
Frei                 Bernard              lab.                                                                   d.       Desire c. Rampart
Frei                 F. J.                tailor                                                                          Independence n. Burgundy
Frei                 Joseph               laborer                                                                d.    91 Felicity
Freibert             P.                   shoemaker                                                                    77 Roman, d. 3
Freiche              John                 gardener                                                               d,   200 Laurel
Freideustein         John                 wagon maker                                                                  21 Philip
Freiderburg          A.                   grocer                                                                          Levee n. Jackson
Freilas              Louis                barkeeper                                                                   217 Girod
Freira               Juan                 oysters                                                                         Burgundy c. Hospital
Freitag              Fred.                barber                                                                       64 Chartres
Freitas              A.                   b. h.                                                                        83 & 84 Front Levee, d. 3
Frejumel             John                                                                                             189 St. Louis
Frels                John H.              lab.                                                                            St. Ferdinand c. Urquhart
Freligh              J. H.                steamboat agent                                                                 basement St. Charles Hotel
Frellsen & Stevenson                      (H. Frellsen, John A. Stevenson)                                       d.   425 Carondelet, d. 1
                                          com. mers., cot. factors & consul of Denmark
                                          51 Carondelet
Freemaux             Justin               captain                             Parish Prison                      d.   402 Ursulines
Fremont              J. A.                stevedore                                                              d.    71 St. Philip
Fremont              Jules                c. p.                                                                  d.   313 Terpsichore
Frenay               John                 hatter                                                                       12 St. Philip
French               A. J.                variety store                       126 & 128 Poydras                  d.   345 St. Charles
French               Geo. P.              clerk                                                                       126 Poydras
French               Joseph               carp.                                                                  d.   433 Franklin
French Consulate                                                                                          office       75 Bourbon
French               Jacob                carp.                                                                           Poydras n. Locust
French               John                 clerk                                                                  d.   300 Melpomene
French               J. M.                stables                                                                      98 Dryades
French               M.                   shoemaker                                                                   372 Chartres, d. 3
Frenz                Martin               driver                                                                 d,   331 Melpomene
Frenzel              Frank                tailor                                                                          Religious n. Rampart
Frenzel              John                 bread seller                                                           d.   424 Basin
Freret Brothers                           Cotton Press                                                    office       42 St. Ann
                                          Locust b. Perdido & Poydras
Freret Cotton Press                                                                                                       Freret c. Locust
Freret               Eugene               clerk                                                                        91 Old Levee, d. 9 Perdido
Freret               George A.            cashier                             121 Canal                          d.       bayou St. John n. the bridge
                                          Union Bank of La.
Freret               James                                                                                       d.    75 St. Thomas
Freret               Gustave              clerk                                                                         2 Front Levee, d. 2
Freret               James P.             (Freret Brothers)                   Locust n. Poydras                  d.       La. av. n. St. Charles
Freret               John, Mrs.                                                                                  d.   315 Common
Freret               Joysalnt                                                                                    d.   138 Marigny
Freret               Jules                clerk                                                                        60 Canal
Freret               Margaret, Mrs.                                                                              d.       Basin c. Common
Freret               Mary, Mrs.           dressmaker                                                                   17 Royal
Freret               Wm.                  (Freret Brothers)                   Locust n. Poydras                  d.       Second n. Carondelet
Freret               Wm. Alfred           architect                           33 Carondelet                      d.       Second N. Carondelet
Frerichs             Adolphus             (Salkenstadt & Co.)                                                          39 Carondelet
Freschede            P.                   c. h.                                                                           Bourbon c. Conti
Fress                Otho                 shoemaker                                                                    21 Main
Fresch               Chas                 barkeep                                                                     552 Tchoupitoulas
Fretz                George                                                                                             4 Carondelet
Freudenstein         J.                   blacksmith                                                                      Chippewa c. Philip
Freudenthal          F. W.                (J. H. Eimer & Co.)                                                    d.   199 Villere
                                          consul of Nassau & Brunswick
Frevill              V., Dr.                                                                                     d.   267 Esplanade
Frew                 Edward               lab.                                                                   d.   356 Melpomene
Frey                 Barbara, Mrs.                                                                               d.   395 St. Peter
Frey                 Christian            blacksmith                                                                  338 Hospital
Frey                 C., Mrs.                                                                                    d.   229 Columbus
Frey                 C. S.                jeweler                                                                     141 Marais, d. 2
Frey                 Edward               clerk                                                                       185 Tchoupitoulas
Frey                 Franklin             tailor                                                                       11 Treme
Frey                 John                 carp.                                                                  d.    94 Laurel
Frey                 John                 shoemaker                                                                   119 Marais, d. 2
Frey                 Peter                merchant                                                                    423 Chartres, d. 3
Frey                 Valentine                                                                                   d.   148 Toulouse
Frey                 Wm.                                                                                              203 Old Levee, d. 2
Frey                 Wm.                  shoemaker                                                                   307 Magazine
Frey                 Wm.                  drayman                                                                         St. Andrew c. Religious
Frey                 Joseph                                                                                      d.       St. Philip c. Villere
Frey                 Geo.                                                                                        d.       Rousseau n. Adele
Freymont             Edmund               weigher                                                                         Toledano n. St. Charles, Jefferson City
Friay                Jas. T.                                                                                              Canal c. Tchoupitoulas
Frich                David                                                                                       d.   214 Bayou road
Frichet              Adonois              carp.                                                                       293 Poydras
Frick                A.                   wheelwright                                                                 349 Bayou road
Frick                Joseph               bricklayer                                                                  297 St. Ann
Fricke               J. L. C.             uphols'r                                                                     63 Derbigny, d. 2
Friederich           D.                   book keeper                         Citizen's Bank
Fridolin             Fred.                soda                                                                            Dryades c. First
Frie                 Barney               lab.                                                                   d.   103 Desire
Frieburg             Mary, Mrs.                                                                                  d.   212 Bourbon
Frieche              Joseph               butcher                                                                      89 French mkt
Fried                Jacob                baker                                                                           Fulton n. Eighth
Fried                Wm.                  foreman                             O. R. R.                           d.       Gretna
Friedenbach          Adam                 c. h.                                                                           New Levee c. Philip
Friederichs          H.                   clerk                                                                        21 Common
Friedenska           Mrs.                 midwife                                                                d.    51 Annunciation
Friedlander & Gerson                      (S. Friedlander, Benjamin Gerson)                                      d.   176 Girod
                                          com. mers. & cotton factors
                                          43 Carondelet
Friedman             Frank                                                                                       d.       Sixth n. Laurel
Friedman             Joseph               cab't mkr.                                                                    7 Frenchmen
Friedman             Stephen                                                                                     d.       Seventh n. Fulton
Friedrich            J.                   merchant tailor                     51 Bienville                       d.    16 Marais
Friedrichs           Geo. J.              Dentist                                                                     140 Canal Street, over Crescent City Bank
Friedrich            N.                   furniture                                                                   421 Tchoupitoulas
Friedrichs           J.                   shoemaker                                                                    13 Philip
Friend               Isaac                wholesale watches & jewelry                                                  26 Chartres
Friends of Harmony Lodge, No. 58                                                                                          St. Charles c. Perdido
Frierson             D. B.                (M. D. Cooper & Co.)                                                        136 Common
Frierson Conway & Co.                     (G. Frierson, R. Conway, J. T. Hays)                                         59 Carondelet
                                          com. mers. & cotton factors
Frierson             Wm. J.               (Lloyd & Frierson)                                                           88 Gravier
Friery               John                 shoemaker                                                                    43 Baronne
Friess               Jno.                 dry fruit                                                                   104 St. Mary's mkt
Frietch              Joseph               tailor                                                                          St. Ann n. Galvez
Frietch              F.                   shoemaker                                                                       Rocheblave n. Barracks
Frigerio             Louis                nautical & optical instruments                                         d.   274 Elys. Fields
                                          80 Customhouse
Frigiere             L.                                                                                          d.   333 St. Ann
Frigola              James                butcher                                                                d.   258 Chartres
Frilot               F.                   pork inspector                                                         d.       Dryades n. St. Andrew
Frink                Ferdinand            clerk                                                                  d.    64 Religious
Frinden              Ferdinand                                                                                         80 St. Philip
Friou                G. W., Dr.                                                                                           Magazine n. Felicity, d. 1
Frisby               Ann, Mrs.                                                                                   d.   203 Frenchmen
Frisch               Bernhard             clerk                                                                        54 Chartres
Frisch               Gustavus             drayman                                                                d.   732 Rampart, d. 3
Frisch               Michael              woodyard                                                                     39 Congress c. Royal, & Levee n. Jean
Frischholtz          J.                   merchant tailor                                                                 N. Levee n. Josephine
Fritch               Andrew               lab.                                                                   d.    82 St. Philip
Fritche              Adolph               hatter                                                                       55 Marais, d. 2
Frith                James L.             (Mensman & Frith)                                                           697 N. Levee, d. 4
Fritsch              Andre                cooper                                                                          Urquhart c. Port
Fritsch              George               carp.                                                                       233 Dryades
Fritz                Anthony              wareh'man                                                                   534 Tchoupi.
Fritz                Christine            barber                                                                 d.   463 Rampart
Fritz                Louisa, Mrs.                                                                                d.       Rampart c. Terpsichore
Fzrit (sic)          Henry                lab.                                                                         62 St. Philip
Fritz                Jacob                                                                                       d.       Laurel n. Washington
Fritz                Joseph               carp                                                                   d.   130 Religious
Fritz                Joseph               lab.                                                                            Peter n. Chestnut, Alg.
Fritz                Matthias             lab.                                                                   d.   370 St. Peter
Froba                Thos.                shoemaker                                                                   147 Port
Frobus               J. H.                ambrotypist                                                                  66 Customhouse
Frochtalu            A. M.                                                                                       d.       Chippewa n. Fourth
Frodscher            Richard              gardener                                                               d.   227 Annunciation
Froebel              August               c. & b. h.                                                                    2 Front
Froehlicher          J.                   collector                                                              d.   296 Thalia
Froechling           Henry                shoemaker                                                                       Chippewa n. Pleasant
Froh                 Theodore                                                                                             Cotton Press n. Urquhart
Froh                 F.                   acct.                                                                  d.    38 Carondelet
Frohm                J.                   mattress maker                                                              249 Dauphine
Frohock              John                 printer                                                                     368 Howard
Froidevaux           Edmund               milli'y                                                                      52 Chartres
Frois                Theophile            (Theodore Frois & Co.)                                                 d.       Customhouse b. Exchange alley & Chartres
Frois, Theod. &  Co.                      dry goods                                                                    86 Canal
Frolenger            Peter                                                                                                Copernicus, Gretna
Froman               John                                                                                                 Cotton Press n. Urquhart
Frombling            E., Mrs.             grocery                                                                     112 St. Anthony
Froment              E.                   watchmaker                                                                  111 Ex. place
Froment              F.                   carpenter                                                                   150 St. Peter, d. 2
Fromer               J.                   baker                                                                           Bagatelle c. Morales
Fromherty            Fred.                lab.                                                                            Seventh n. Annunciation
Frommes              Geo. J.              baker                                                                       459 Bourbon
Fromhertz            J.                   grocer                                                                          Polymnia c. Prytania
Frontaloni           Vincent                                                                                          339 Villere
Frontere             J.                   carpenter                                                                   236 Rampart, d. 2
Fronty               P. A.                                                                                       d.   237 O. Levee, d. 2
Frooth               Theodore             blksmith                                                                        Cotton Press n. Urquhart
Frost                J. H. A.             Wholesale Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Hats, Caps,
                                          &c. Plantations Supplied.
                                          No. 10 Magazine b. Canal & Common.
Frost                James                lab.                                                                   d.    91 Girod
Frost                S. B.                portwarden                                                                   31 Commercial Place, 404 Magazine
Frost                St. John Baptist     engineer                                                                        Willow n. Constance
Frowner              James                barkeeper                                                                   129 Gasquet
Fruchtel             John                 carp.                                                                           Jackson n. Laurel
Frudenwust           E., Mrs.                                                                                             Eighth n. St. Thomas
Fruch                T.                   blksmith                                                                        Montegut c. Burgundy
Fruthaler            A. H.                                                                                                Chippewa n. Annunciation
Fruthaler            Catharine                                                                                        407 Chippewa
Fruthaler            Chil                                                                                              16 Customhouse
Fruthaler            Philip               clk.                                                                         55 Customhouse
Fry                  Ann, Miss            principal of De Soto girls'  Public School                                  149 Mandeville
Fry                  George               lamplighter                                                            d.    94 Levee, d. 3
Fry                  G. W.                                                                                       d,       c. Columbus & Claiborne
Fry                  James                laborer                                                                d.   132 Marigny
Fry                  Jos.                 Lieut. U. S. N.                                                        d.   106 Columbus
                                          inspector ninth lighthouse district                             office          Customhouse
Fry                  Pat.                 laborer                                                                d.    91 Delord
Fry                  Samuel                                                                                      d.   123 Columbus
Fry                  Walton                                                                                      d.   123 Columbus
Fry                  Wm.                  shoemaker                                                                    54 Annunciation
Fry                  Wm.                                                      14  Franklin                       d.    12 Liberty
Frye                 H. A.                sailor                                                                 d.       Cypress n. Claiborne
Frye                 H. H.                drayman                                                                d.     9 Constance
Frye                 Wm.                  drayman                                                                d.       St. Andrew n. Tchoupitoulas
Fryer                J. A.                                                                                       d.    26 Poland
Fryer                Wm. K. F.            Indian doctor                                                          d.    20 Elysian Fields
Fuchs                C.                   vegetables                                                                  252 Johnson
Fuchs                Francis              clerk                                                                       122 Canal
Fuchs                C. Frederick         Boot & Shoe Maker                                                      No.   95 Common st.
Fuchs                Geo.                 grocer                                                                          Washington n. Camp
Fuchs                Jacob W.             baker                                                                        75 Louisa
Fuchs                Marx                 lab.                                                                   d.       Market n. St. Thomas
Fuchs                Mat.                 lab.                                                                   d.       Dauphin n. Poland
Fuchs                Valentine            clerk                                                                        79 Derbigny d. 2
Fuentes, F'do. de & Co.                   (F'do de Fuented, John E. Chalard)                                     d.    98 Barracks
                                          com. mers. & importers              30 late 20 Old Levee
Fuentes              J.                   clk.                                157 Common                         d.   328 Main
Fuentes              Louis                cigars                                                                      368 Rampart d. 3
Fuentes              M.                   cigar mkr.                                                                      Urquhart n. Marigny
Fuerstenberg         L.                   dry goods                                                                   217 Baronne
Fuertes              W. V.
Fuesnel              O.                                                                                          d.   111 Rampart, d. 2
Fugera               Thomas H.            clk.                                                                            Canal c. Bourbon
Fugiere              Claud                                                                                       d.   226 Burgundy
Fuhr                 J.                   cabinet maker                                                               651 Royal, d. 3
Fuhri                Herman               clerk                                                                        29 Carondelet
Fuhri                Marie, Mrs.                                                                                 d.   341 Rampart
Fuhrman              J.                   shoes                                                                       132 Toulouse
Fuhtling             Henry                shoemaker                                                                     3 Front, d. 1
Fuhrman              L.                   drayman                                                                d.       Thalia b. Liberty & Howard
Fulda                Aug. E.                                                                                            3 Carondelet
Fulda                J.                   night inspector customs                                                d.   128 Port
Fulham               John                 drayman                                                                d.   393 Rampart
Fulham               William                                                                                     d.    13 Prieur, d. 1
Fulham               Wm. C.               carpt.                                                                 d.   431 Baronne
Fulkerson            H. S.                (Laughman & Fulkerson)                                                       84 Common
Fulkerson            Fd.                                                                                         d.   313 Magazine
Fulkerson            James P.             clerk                                                                        63 Front
Fullenwilder         John                                                                                        d.       Chippewa c. Fourth
Fullenwilder         O.                                                                                          d.       Chippewa c. Fourth
Fuller               A.                   carpt.                                                                 d.       Third n. Constance
Fuller               Elizabeth, Mrs.                                                                             d.   336 Camp
Fuller               Ellen                                                                                       d.       Pleasant n. St. Charles
Fuller               Eugenia, Mrs.                                                                               d.       St. Charles n. La. av., Jeff. City
Fuller, Douglass & Co.                    (Isaiah D. Fuller, J.N. Douglass, W. R. Douglass)                      d.       City Hotel
                                          com. mers.                          19  St. Charles
Fuller               James                atty. at law                                                                  9 Comml. place
Fuller               L.                   carpt.                                                                          Ninth n. Constance
Fuller               Peter                carpt.                                                                          Jackson, McDonogh
Fuller               W.                                                                                          d.       c. Louisa & Goodchildren
Fuller               W. P.                engineer                                                                        Delaronde, Algiers
Fullerton            Jefferson                                                                                   d.    35 Montegut
Fullmer              F. W.                butcher                                                                       2 Soraparu mkt.
Fullrath             C.                   mattress maker                                                              315 Dauphine
Fulmer               Charles                                                                                     d.   444 Chartres
Fulow                Chas. V.                                                                                    d.   168 Rampart, d. 2
Fulton               Ann, Mrs.                                                                                   d.    96 Enghien
Fulton               Chas. J.             engineer                                                               d.   440 Basin
Fulton               Edward                                                                                      d.   119 Royal
Fulton               Francis              clerk                                                                  d.   115 Robin
Fulton               Geo.                 carver & gilder                                                             128 Chartres
Fulton               James                clk.                                Factor's Cotton Press
Fulton               Jas. S.              c. p.                                                                  d.       Claiborne n. Julia
Fulton               Joel C.              carpt.                                                                 d.   440 Basin
Fulton               John                                                                                                 Roman n. St. Philip
Fulton               John R.              lab.                                                                   d.   655 St. Claude, d. 3
Fulton               S. H. S.             butcher                                                                       5 & 7 French mkt.
Fultz                Conrad               lab.                                                                   d.       St. Andrew n. Howard
Fultz                L.                   drayman                                                                d.   202 Claiborne, d. 1
Funck                G. H.                tailor                                                                      256 Gravier
Funel                John B.              clerk                                                                  d.    55 Louisa
Funk                 Andrew               lab.                                                                   d.       Morales n. Clouet
Funk                 Caspar               porter                              Branch State Bank                  d.       Erato c. Freret
Funk                 J.                   soap manfr.                                                                     Jackson c. Liberty, d. 4
Funk                 Matt.                lab.                                                                            Elysian Fields n. Solidelle
Funk                 Peter                gardener                                                               d.       Johnson c. Onzaga
Funk                 Peter                cartman                                                                d.       Laharpe, c. Miro
Fuqua                Thomas               clerk                                                                           Canal c. Bourbon
Furay                Martin               b. h.                                                                        40 Girod
Furbringer           William                                                                                     d.    57 Tchoupitoulas
Furcher              George               lab.                                                                   d.       Erato n. Felicity
Furguson             James W.                                                                                    d.       St. Charles Hotel
Furley               Wm.                  car inspector                       N. O. J. & G. N. R. R.
Furling              Ellen, Mrs.                                                                                 d.   119 Richard
Furlong              James                drayman                                                                d.   388 Liberty
Furlong              John T.              carpt.                                                                 d.   160 Laurel
Furlong              Martin               tinsmith                                                               d.   388 Liberty
Furlong              M.                                                                                          d.       Richard n. Annunciation
Furlong              Patrick              grocer                                                                      113 Julia
Furneaux             James                                                                                       d.   111 Baronne
Furness              G.                   machinist                                                                   103 Tchoupitoulas
Furst                Fred.                engineer                                                               d.   226 Orleans
Furster              A.                   carpt.                                                                 d.       Laurel n. First
Furt                 Fred., Mrs.                                                                                 d.   233 Orleans
Fury                 Frank                lab.                                                                   d.   292 St. Thomas
Fury                 Frank                watchman                                                               d.   330 Camp
Fury                 Patrick              lab.                                                                   d.    63 Constance
Furtuvn              Fred.                tailor                                                                      474 Front
Fust                 Jacob                                                                                       d.       Sixth n. Laurel
Fust                 Joseph                                                                                      d.       Third n. Constance
Fux                  D.                   accountant                                                                  298 Gravier
Fuxans               J.                   charcoal & wood                                                              41 Dauphine
Fye                  Pat.                 lab.                                                                   d.    79 Delord
Fyetta               John                 carpt.                                                                 d.    87 Music