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1832 New Orleans City Directory                                         Orleans Parish, LA

Submitted by:  Colleen Fitzpatrick

Source:  1822 New Orleans City Directory, Louisiana Division, Main Branch
                                          New Orleans Public Library
                                          (Also available through the Family History Center)
Updated:  February 2000

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Submitter's Notes:  

1)     To print this file, set the page setup of your word processor to landscape with
       the left and the right margins set to 0.5".

2)     To denote entries where I am reasonably sure there is a typo in the directory, but 
       I have left the offending word or expression as I have found it without changing it,
       I have placed the editorial mark "sic".

3)     New Orleans may be the city that care forgot, but it is also evidently the city 
       of random spelling.  I have given up trying to be consistent about the spelling of
       street names.  Many streets are exhibited with a variety of spellings, for example,
       Pritanee, Pritannee, Pritanne, etc.  I have considered holding a contest for the person
       who can find the street with the most number of spelling variations, but considering the
       number of entrants, I think my time is much better spent going on to the next directory.

3)     In the case of professions, I have tried in all but one case to substitute the modern
       spelling, where appropriate.  In 1832, our "tailor" was spelled "taylor", for example.
       I did this so that students and other unsuspecting bad spellers would not see the wrong 
       spelling in print, and be imprinted with the mistake for the rest of their lives.  The only
       place I allowed the original spelling to slip through was the profession of "segar maker", which
       is our modern "cigar maker" and which is obviously misspelled and should not lead anyone astray 
       by accident, unless they are a lost cause anyway..

Laissez les bons temps rouler!                                           -----  Colleen,  February 2000


REMOVALS AND NAMES OMITTED [as They Appeared in the Original Directory]

Those persons who have removed since January last, and now find their residence, or place of business,
printed as taken at that time, will please to recollect that they have been earnestly requested by
repeated advertisements, to give notice of their removal, and also to recollect whether they have 
given such notice.

Alderson        Wm.                                                 99 Common
Aldermen's Room                                                        City Hall
Armstrong       Charles       coffee house                          43 Chartres
Ashley          Thomas, Jr.   cotton broker                         36 Camp
Avegno          Philip                                          c.     Toulouse & Levee

Bach            L.T.                                                   St. Charles n. Tivoli
Barabino        Joseph        druggist                                 Levee n. Ursulines
Barney          -----, Capt.                                           Canal n. Magazine
Bee             Printing Office                                 c.     Chartres & St. Louis
Bell & Buchanan               merchants                             44 New Levee
Bernard         Mme.          widow                                    Burgundy n. St. Pierre
Bermudez        J.                                              of  53 Royal
Bingey          J.W.                                                   at the Lake
Blanc           F.A. & Brugier  merchts.                               Levee n. St. Louis
Blanchard       Bailly, Mad.  widow                                    St. Ann c. Burgundy
Blanchard       Bailley       Ed.              U.S. Bank        d.     St. Ann c. Burgundy
Blondeau, Revoile & Co.       dry goods store                       52 Conti
Bloomfield      Wm.           book binder      at the Mer. Adv. d.  27 Customhouse
Bonnain & Genty                                                     23 St. Philippe
Bolot           Charles       Association Consol'd Bank
Briggs          Charles       merchants                             45 Toulouse
Brouet          -----         runner           Bank U.S.
Brunnemann & Gaux             bookstore                            154 Chartres
Bullitt         Wm.                                             d.  59 Canal
Bureau          Leonard       inspector        C. House
Byrne           John          of the firm of Byrne, Ryon & Co.  d. 255 Camp

Carlon          Louis         tailor                               112 Royal
Chaigneau       -----                                                  Royal n. St. Ann
City Bank                                                       c.     Royal & Bienville
City Treasurer's office                                                City Hall
City Hotel                                                      c.     Camp & Common
Comptroller's office                                                   City Hall
Conrad          -----         receiving teller City Bank

Darby           -----         runner           City Bank
Daunoy          Jules         runner & assistant Bank of Louisiana
Derbigny        -----         book keeper      City Bank
Degruy          Dufouchar     accountant       Consol'd Bank
Doormick        G.E.          M.D.                                     St. Louis b. Royal & Bourbon
Doyel & Picket                painters                              77 Customhouse
Doyle           T.            coffee house                          91 Camp
Dowell          -----         dry goods store                          Camp b. Common & Canal
Drouillard      -----         bookkeeper       city bank
Ducatel         Camille       acc't        Bank of Louisiana    d.     Dauphine n. Conti
Durand          Jean          druggist                          c.     Moreau & Francais

Esteves & St. Victor          tailors                              106 Chartres

Garnier         C.L.          broker                                89 Canal
Girdo           Francois                                               Levee op. blues stores
Gordon, Forstall & Co.        merchants                             45 Toulouse
Gras & Livermore              auctioneers                              Conti n. Levee
Gregory         E.W.          merchants                             66 Chartres
Groning         R. & Co.      merchants                             29 Conti
Guenard         C. & Alpuente   lumber merts.                          Basin
Guyon           Jean & Durand druggists                         c.     Moreau & Francais

Hall            John                                               168 Camp
Harper          -----         deputy marshal
                              Beauregard's office
Hasle           Louis         acc't                             d.     Rampart n. Ursulines
                              c. Levee & St. Philippe
Horn            Simeon        rail road ticket office           d.     Mandeville
Hough           A.            M.D.                                  50 Royal
Hunter          J.L.          dry goods                             20 Camp

Israel          Wm. J.        merchant         54 C. House      d.     Rampart n. Bienville

Jackson         John C.                                             58 Chartres

Laroza          Lino de       grocer                            c.     Levee & Mandeville
Loring          B.            merchant                              62 Levee

Murray          James W.      attorney at law & secretary       d. 182 C. House
                              Orleans Navigation Co.

Orr             John D.       accountant                        c.     Felicity & St. Mary  Nun's Faubourg

Phelan          J.D.          attorney at law                       46 Canal
Plitt & Knox                  dry goods store                          Camp b. Canal & Common
Peyronnet       Alexandre     acc't                             c.     Burgundy & St. Louis
Poole           Thomas D.     acc't                                    Camp n. Common
Pope            -----         acc't           bank U. States
Public Baths                                                           Levee b. the two markets
                                                                       & No. 52 Conde

Quincy          Thomas D.     merchant                              19 Gravier

Rabanet         Julien                                              55 Amour
Rabie           Rosine                                              52 Barracks
Rabaud          J.L.          acc't                                196 Conti
Raphael         Juin          widow                                314 Burgundy
Raphelo         M.            grocer                                   Hospital n. St. Claude
Raimond         Louise                                              78 Espagne
Reboul          A.M.          tavern                                   Hospital c. Bourbon
Reboul          Polinair                                               Bayou Road
Reis            J.            grocer                                89 Amour
Remy            Thomas        joiner                               204 Barracks
Reneau          Marie Louise                                       167 Hospital
Renal           Auguste                                                Bayou Road
Retif           Mme.                                               378 Burgundy
Retif           P.L.          carter                                   Bayou Road n. St. Claude
Retif           Jean          carter                                55 Bayou

Saul            James         president of the                  d. 183 Customhouse
                              Orleans Navigation Co.
Schriber        A.            assistant cashier bank U. States         St. Peter b. Royal & Bourbon
Snaer           J.B.          tin smith                            281 Dauphin
Sommereau       E.            secretary                         d.  52 Montegut
                              N.O. architect company 
Starkey                       widow                                 36 Circus

Vignaud         O.            acc't        bank of U. States
Vignaud         -----         acc't            city bank
Ville           Bazile        goldsmith                                Royal n. St. Peter

Webb            J.            merchant & agent for the              43 Camp
                              third line of packets
Wolff           Jacob         porter house                          24 Customhouse


-- A --

Abada           Jerome        carpenter                             66 Montegut
Adadie          Ls. J.        cooper                               173 Amour
Abat            Antoine       broker                               317 Rampart c. Ursuline
Abat            Joseph        broker           48 St. Louis     d. 125 Bourbon
Abbott & Gent                 grocers                                  Rousseau  faub. Lafayette
Abreo           Ursule, Mde.  widow                                402 Esplanade c. Dauphin
Abreo           Vincent       grocers                              410 Bayou
Acosta          Mde. Dominigo widow, grocer                     c.     Tchoupitoulas & Gaiennie
Acosta          Narcisse                                           312 Tchoupitoulas & Gaiennie
Acosta          Miguel                                             312 Tchoupitoulas & Gaiennie
Acuna           Manuel        tavern                               351 Hospital c. Rampart
Adams           Joseph        cabinet maker    21 & 22 Royal    d.     Canal n. Jackson
Adams           Mary, Mde.    widow            pr. boarding         37 Chartres
Adam            Louis         saddler                               42 Gravier
Adam            Lucien        glass & china store                   38 Moreau
Adam            Francois      glass & china store                   14 St. Ann
Adam            Mde.          widow                                205 Magazine
Adam            Rene                                                   Clio b. Apollo & Bacchus
Adam            D.            carpenter                             23 Bons Enfans
Adam            Caroline      widow                                 76 Esplanade
Adam            George        watchmaker                            62 Casa Calvo
Adam            Lucile        f.w.c.                                68 Espagne
Adam            Bonet         mariner                               87 Mandeville
Adams           James         engineer                             131 Delor
Adams           James         academy                              102 Julia
Adams           Stephen       carpenter                            123 Julia
Adams           Gabriel       victualler                           188 Grands Hommes
Adams           Bazile        tin plate worker                     174 Peace
Adams           Lucius Brutus musician                              38 Espagne
Adams           Christopher   f.m.c.           cordwainer          111 Moreau
Adams           Jules         mariner                              274 Marigny
Ade             Martha, Miss                                       230 Bourbon
Agaisse         Jean          dry goods                            174 Barrack c. Levee
Aicard          Joseph        china & glass store                   46 St. Ann
Aicard          Vincent       china & glass store                   36 Levee
Aicand          Theodore      jeweler                              281 Espagne
Aiguanegra      Ygnacio                                             78 Casa Calvo
Aikin           Oliver        w. grocer                             25 Common
Ainso           Manuel        cooper                               366 Magazine
Albert          Marcelin                                           142 Rampart
Albert          Ann Miss      milliner                             312 Rampart
Albert          Louis Cyprien                                       48 Bayou Road
Albert          Simon         trader                               307 Bayou Road
Albrier         Caroline, Miss                                      35 Espagne
Alcina          Pablo         tavern                                96 St. Ann
Alconque        Ant.                                                91 Marigny
Allard          Louis                                                  Bayou St. John
Almazor         Joseph                                             302 Royal
Alderson        Wm.           merchant         52 Bienville     d. 186 ??
Alexis          Louise, Miss                                       124 Amour
Alexis          Bernard       gunsmith                             124 Amour
Alexis          Jones                                              127 Union
Allard          J.B.                                                   Marais c. Ursuline  faubg. Treme
Allard          Latour                                                 Bayou St. John
Allard          Julien        f.m.c.                               113 Marigny
Allard          Theodore      stevedore                            116 Espagne
Allemand        Popotte, Miss                                      313 Bourbon
Allende         A.                                                  91 Anwur (sic)
Alliende        Antonio       tavern        City Pomp (sic)     c.     Levee & Ursuline
Allen           William       baker                                 29 Union
Allen & Deverges              w. grocers                            25 Levee
Allen           James                                               26 Rampart
Allen           S. & W.       merchants                             41 Canal
Allen           John          shoemaker                             83 Perdido
Allen & Deblois               w. grocers                            41 New Levee
Allain, Perrault & Allain     com. merchts.                         62 Canal
Allena          Bart.                                               77 Casa Calvo
Allary          Laurent       cartman                              441 Tchoupitoulas St.
Alexandre       Charles       gardener                          c.     Richard & Annunciation
Alexandre       Jose          mariner                              528 Tchoupitoulas St.
Alexandre                     comedian                                 Orleans Theatre
Alerfe          Jean Pierre   carpenter                            146 Amour
Alfred          J.B.          cooper                               172 Peace
Alfred          Louis A.      trader                               217 Craps
Alfred                        comedian                                 Orleans Theatre
Albuzi          P.            M.D.                                 148 St. Peter
Albrane         Louis                                               20 Burgundy
Alden           S.            attorney at law                       59 Royal
Alison          John          bricklayer                               Tivoli Square
Alpuente        Francois                                           253 Rampart c. Main
Alpuente        Laurent J.                                             Main c. Treme
Alpuente        H.H.          lumber yard                              Basin
Altson          Chene, Widow                                    b.     St. Andrew & Josephine
Alugas          Juan Gras                                       n.     Convent below town
Alva            Adelaide, Miss                                     117 Orleans Theatre
Alvarez         Juan          trader                                11 Moreau
Alvarez         Salvador      rentier                              416 Marigny
Alvarez         Julien C.     tin plate worker                     218 Espagne
Alvarez         Joseph        barber                                55 St. Ann
Alvarez         Philip                                             392 Bourbon
Alvarez         Francisco                                          400 Dauphine
Alvarez         Simon D.                                           226 Casa Calvo
Alvarez         Gabriel J.    trader                               278 Craps
Amaillo         Felix         bricklayer                        c.     Apollon & Polymnie
Ambroise        J.B.          segar maker      7 Bienville      d. 140 Philippa
Amos            Auguste                                             73 Montegut
Amos            Henry                                           c.     Basin & Customhouse
Amomat          Ceislia       widow                                317 Mandeville
Amothe                        Widow                                285 Dauphine
Amy             Julien        trader                               213 Esplanade
Amy             Louis         shoemaker                            122 Union
Anbourg         Theodore      milliner                              64 St. Ann
Analot          Louis         gardener                          c.     Treme & Customhouse
Anciles         Anto.         dentist          5 St. Philip     d.  97 Victory
Ancot           Burk                                               114 Grands Hommes
Anderson        W.D.          painter                              102 Marigny
Anderson        J.W.          merchant                             207 Bagatelle
Anderson        Gally         watchmaker                           317 Espagne
Anderson        Louis         doctor                               211 Bons Enfans
Anderson        Samuel P.     tavern                                18 Espagne
Anderson        J.B.          stevedore                            217 Levee
Anderson        Jean B.       cooper                                78 Marais
Anderson        Laurent                                            133 Craps
Anderson        John          tavern                                28 St. Philip
Anderson        Mrs.          boarding house                        20 Jefferson
Anderson        H.                                                  47 Conti
Anderson        Albert C.     painter                              213 Common
Anderson        Andrew        grocery                              417 New Levee
Anderson        Thomas        gardener                          c.     Polymnie & Pritanee
Anderson        Mad.          private boarding                      49 Poydras
Andez           Seraphine, Miss                                    182 St. Philip
Andreau         Janette, Miss                                       48 Dauphine
Andreau         Caroline, Miss                                     262 Casa Calvo
Andre           Brizente      segar maker                          172 Conti
Andre           E.            dry goods                             86 Levee
Andre           Martin        blacksmith                           314 Moreau
Andre           Benjamin      storekeeper                          213 Union
Andre           Sylvain                                            178 Espagne
Andre           Dubourg                                            151 Enghien
Andre           B. & R.                                         n.     Convent below town
Andre           Lucien        turner                               118 Bagatelle
Andre           Edward        turner                               118 Bagatelle
Andre           Donet         widow                                311 Amour
Andrews         George        pastern maker                        366 Magazine
Andrews         S.W.          grocery                              207 Enghien
Andrews         Edgard        mariner                               67 Levee
Andry           Manuel        planter & president of the               Levee n. Convent
                              Consolidated Association
Andry           Pierre        barber                               259 Mandeville
Andry           Hortaire                                           183 Dauphine
Andry           Michel        planter                              110 St. Peter
Andry           Seraphin      blacksmith                           120 Craps
Andry           B.            carter                                   French      n. Craps
Andry           Florence, Miss                                  c.     Francais     & Victoire
Angand          Louis         saddler                              128 Amour
Angelain        Antoine                                            165 Bienville
Angelique       Therese                                             72 Mandeville
Angelique       Miss          comedian                                 Orleans Theatre
Anglaire        M.J.          goldsmith                            230 Royal
Anglade         Michel Jerome                                      126 Rampart
Anglade         Julien Theodore                                    278 Levee
Anshutz         George        cabinet maker                     c.     Philippa & Common
Anson           H.F.                                                   Orleans b. Dauphine & Bourbon
Antoine         Joseph        carpenter                            217 Common
Antoine         Baptist       carpenter                            104 Perdido
Antoine         J.                                                 182 Grands Hommes
Antoine         Bienaime      trader                                94 Casa Calvo
Antoine         Stephen       oysterman                            216 Levee
Antoine         Louis         cabinetmaker                          64 Barrack
Antoine         M.J.          grocery                              416 Levee
Antoine         Sebastien     widow                                116 Marigny
Antonio         Jose          fruit merchant                           Levee c. St. Ann
Anthony         Caro          oysterman                            218 Levee
Anthony         Lewis         baker                                211 Rampart
Anthony         George                                             187 Hosptial
Antony          S.                                                 121 Bayou Road
Antony          Salvador      barber                                29 Craps
Anthony         John          grocery                              341 c. Tchoupitoulas & Suzette
Apolino         Janvier       cartman                                  Melpomene n. Colisee
Apollon         Jacques       gardener                                 Cours des Dryades n. Calliope
Aramire         Pedro         chocolate maker                      387 Royal
Arraiza         J.G.          shoe store                           377 c. Conde & Main
Arbo            John          grocery                           c.     Oranger & Tchoupitoulas
Arbot           Peter         watchmaker                           286 Bayou Road
Arcenel         Louis         merchant         9 Toulouse       d. 121 Main
Arcenel         Widow                                              115 Main
Argote          Antonio       Vice Consul of Spain                 298 Royal
Argote          Cecile, Miss                                       107 Burgundy
Argus Printing Office                                               70 Chartres
Armando                       dry goods                            107 St. Peter
Armire          Ls.           tailor                                   Marais  faubourg Treme
Armitage        James         widow                                117 Conti
Armitage        J.A.          attorney at law                      127 Conti
Armstrong       John          grocery          52 New Levee     d. 105 Dauphine
Armstrong       J.            private boarding                      42 Bourbon
Armstrong       Peter         barkeeper                            116 Camp
Armstong        C.            coffee house                          23 Canal
Armor           James         merchant                              73 Gravier
Arnaud          Jacques       dry goods                             11 St. Peter
Arnaud          Sanitte, Miss                                      111 St. Peter
Arnaud          J.            grocery                           c. 100 Bourbon & St. Louis
Arnaud          L.            dry goods                             36 Chartres
Arnaud          P. & Co.      druggist                             132 c. Dauphine & Toulouse
Arnaud          Jean                                                64 Ursuline
Arnaud          Pierre        mariner                               28 Barrack
Arnaud          Jules         cabinet maker                        111 Rampart
Arnould         Sylvain       carpenter                         c.     Thalia & Apollon
Arnous          Jean                                                84 Casa Calvo
Arnous & Pedron               dry goods                             50 Conti
Arnous          Eulalia, Miss                                       84 Casa Calvo
Arriola         Domingo de    grocer                                59 Levee
Arrias          Antonio       tobacconist                          114 Levee
Arthwell        Thomas        drayman                                  New Levee n. Richard
Artubise        Marguerite, Miss                                c.     Treme & Main
Asbridge        G.            dry goods                         c.     Customhouse & Levee
Asselin                       widow                                 87 Bons Enfans
Assemard        J.            grocery                              117 St. Peter
Asserquet       Crotius                                            113 Hospital
Association & Consolidated Bank                                 c.     Royal & Toulouse
Aspell          James         blacksmith                        c.     New Levee & Lacourse
Astier          J.L.                                            c.     Nayades & Terpsichore
Astier          Ursain        carpenter                         c.     Polymnie & Nayades
Astier          Jean          carpenter                         c.     Nayades & Terpsichore
Astier          Louis         saddler                               64 St. Ann
Asylum Orphan Boy's                                                    Josephine b. Rousseau & Hevia
Atwill          John D.       shoe store                        c.     Dorsiere & Customhouse
Aubert          P.A.          broker                                   St. Ann c. Burgundy
Aubry           Pierre        carpenter                            188 Girod
Aurain          Antoine       cordwainer                           125 Philippa
Audebert        Guillaune A.  teacher                              241 Bourbon
Audibert        Ve.                                                    St. John b. Gravier & Perdido
Audige          J.B.                                                30 Barrack
Audler          J.                                                  84 Rampart
Auguste         Francis       victualler                           259 Burgundy & St. Philip
Augustin        Jean          tailor                                78 Craps
Auguste         Voltaire      carpenter                                Girod n. Carondelet
Augustin        Joseph        carpenter                            104 Perdido
Augustin        Numa          accountant                            51 Bienville
Augustin        Donatien      attorney at law  120 Royal        d. 175 Chartres
Augustin        Jean                                               175 Chartres
Auricum         A.                                                  52 Moreau
Authemant       P.                                                  42 St. Philip
Authemant       J. & P.       glass & china                         10 St. Ann
Avart           R.            Widow                                237 Royal
Avart           Louis Robert  widow                                 61 St. Peter
Avart           Robert                                              55 Toulouse
Avegno          Philippe      dry goods                             68 Levee
Avril           Hugues        goldsmith                             18 St. Ann
Azeretto        J.B.          grocer                            c.     Esplanade & Levee
Azemard         J.B.          turner                               160 St. Peter
Azur            Baptiste                                            65 Craps
Azur            Mercelite, Miss                                    171 St. Claude

-- B --

Babcock, Gardiner & Co.       dry goods                             13 Chartres
Babcock         Henry         merchant                                 Apollon b. Melpomene & Terpsichore
Babcock         Louis         carter                                16 Union
Babdoc          Charles       painter                              211 Craps
Babin           Jean          baker                                340 Rampart
Bacas           Barth.        cabinet maker                        114 St. Louis
Bache           Marie, Miss                                         27 Union
Bachelier       Francoise, Miss                                    174 Hospital
Bachelo         Santiago      coffee house                             Melicerte n. Magazine
Bachemin        Jacques                                                Marigny  back of the Rail Road
Backus          G.W.          customhouse officer                   78 Main
Backus          J.B.                                               139 Customhouse
Bacon           C.W.          marshal's Office district court
Bacon           C.P.          tavern                               216 Marigny's Canal
Bacchus         Jacques       carpenter                            109 Craps
Baguelar        Marie                                              280 Dauphine
Bacquet         Zelmire, Miss                                      451 Magazine
Badec           Josephine                                          206 Bagatelle
Badin           M. Louise                                          111 Craps
Badins          Joseph        blacksmith                           202 Moreau
Badins          Laurent       widow                                202 Moreau
Badins                        widow                                162 Hospital
Badon           Cyprien       watch maker                          217 Levee
Badon           L. & A.       bakers                               171 Rampart
Baston          Noel          grocer                            c.     Common & St. John
Bagley & Merritt              merchants                             17 Camp
Baguette        Alexandre     carpenter                                Hevia b. St. Charles & Carondelet
Bailey                        widow                                167 Girod
Baillie         N.P.          blacksmith                            70 & 72 Grands Hommes
Baillet         Louis T.                                           155 Histoire
Baillet         P.G.                                               217 St. Antoine
Bailly          Chevalier                                          134 Victoire
Bailly          Joseph M.     turner                               178 Bagatelle
Bailly          Maurice       cooper                                21 Union
Bajoliere & Co.               segar manufactory                      8 Conti
Bajoliere       Edward & Co.  cabinet makers   54 Royal         d. 258 Bourbon
Baker           William       painter                               18 Common
Baker, Brothers & Co.         com. merchants                        95 New Levee
Baker           Samuel        private boarding                     176 Tchoupitoulas
Baker           M.U.          private boarding                         Girod b. Common & Tchoupitoulas
Baker           E.D.          widow                                141 Magazine
Balay           Christopher   grocer                               143 Grands Hommes
Baldwin         J.            widow                                251 Main
Baldwin         William       miniature painter                     43 Bayou Road
Baldwin         Isaac         planter                              118 Royal
Baldwin         Joshua        merchant                             360 Tchoupitoulas
Baldwin                       widow                             c.     Apollon & Calliope
Baldwin         J. & J.       brickyard                         c.     Roffignac & Tchoupitoulas
Balle           Pierre                                                 St. Ann n. Treme
Ball            E.                                                 140 Bienville
Ball            J. & Co.      hardware store, blues stores      d.  48 Bourbon
Ball            John          builder                              221 Magazine
Ball            James         stevedore                            171 Levee
Ball            J.A.          carter                               211 St. Antoine  My.
Ball            Abraham J.    oysterman                            240 Levee
Ball            William T.    accountant                           116 Amour
Ballesta        Francisco     tavern                                97 Levee
Ballix          Michel        collector & broker                    46 main
Balloc          Jules                                               27 Madison
Ballot          Stephen       drayman                              178 St. Antoine  My.
Balto           John          stevedore                             16 Union  Marigny f.
Balthazar       Sanitte, Miss                                      182 Bagatelle
Balthazar       Eugen         tailor                               112 Casa Calvo
Banister & Hearsey            coopers                               32 Magazine
Banister        Henry         rope yard                         c.     Hevia & St. Paul
Banks           Thomas                                          d.     Levee b. Louisa & Clouet
Banks           John D.       cotton broker                        338 Magazine
Banks & Kaincaid              merchants                             35 Camp
Baptiste        Marie, Miss                                         54 Bagatelle
Baptiste        Louis Francois segar my.                           117 Peace
Baptiste        Jerome        saddler                              202 Enghien
Baptiste        Marthe        barber                               410 Levee
Baptiste        Thomas                                             226 St. Philippe c. St. Claude
Baptiste        Jean          tavern                                10 Madison
Baptiste        Genevieve                                          394 Dauphine
Barabino        Joseph        druggist                               4 Ursuline n. Levee
Bara            Anne, Miss                                         106 St. Claude
Baral           Louis         grocer                                60 St. Peter
Baral           Etienne       painter                               53 St. Peter
Baran           D.            planter          n. Bayou Bridge  d.  95 Conde
Baron           E.                                                 289 Levee
Baral           Noel          bricklayer                           138 Carondelet
Barbarin        Louis, sen'r.                                      141 Chartres
Barbarin        Louis A.      merchant tailor                      141 Chartres
Barbarin        Joseph        merchant tailor  119 Chartres     d. 175 Canal
Barbe           Mathieu       dry goods store                   c.     Bourbon & Conti
Barbe           Theodule      cordwainer                           137 Customhouse
Barbe           Pierre        grocer                               230 Philippa
Barber          Ably                                                89 Girod
Barbet                        widow                                    Hevia b. Carondelet & Baronne
Barbier         Francois      carpenter                                Carondelet n. Hevia
Barbier         Marie Louise, Miss                                 110 Moreau
Barbier         Alcee         novelty & fancy store                237 Royal
Barela          A.S.                                               211 St. Antoine
Barelle         F.            goldsmith                             30 St. Ann
Barelle         Philippe      gilder                                30 St. Ann
Barremore       W.H.                                                   Bayou Road c. Marais
Barrera         Maisas        oysterman                            411 Levee
Barera          Charles       segar manufactory                    191 Levee
Barere          Felicity, Miss                                     143 St. Louis
Barrett         Thomas        merchant                          c.     Dauphine & Canal
Barrett         James         cooper                                26 magazine
Barrett         Jeremiah      cooper                                16 Conti
Barrett         James         cooper                                67 Casa Calvo
Bargas                        widow                                 33 Bourbon
Bargas          Joseph        public weigher                        33 Bourbon
Barriere        Constance     washer & ironer                      159 Circus
Barriere        Jean          grocer                            c.     Bayou Rd. & Plauche
Berriere        Louis A.      tailor                               166 Mandeville
Barriere        Simon         blacksmith                            28 Bagatelle
Barriere        Joseph T.     carpenter                            322 Amour
Barriere        Joseph        tavern                                   Ursuline c. Burgundy
Barjac                        widow, millinery & fancy store    c.     Toulouse & Royal
Barjon          Emelie, Miss                                        92 Conti
Barjon          D.            cabinet makers                       279 Royal
Barlet          Celeste, Miss                                       79 Dauphine
Barlet          Jean          city guard                           231 St. Peter
Barnel          Gaspard       tailor                               255 Royal
Barnett         Maurice                                             84 Rampart
Barnes          John F.       hotel                                 21 Conti
Barney          Carney        grocery                                  Public Road n. Adel.
Baroy           Edouard       cabinet maker                        210 Magazine
Baron           John S.       accountant c Chartres & Bienville d.     Treme c. Ursuline
Baron           N.A., Jr.     merchant                          c.     Common & St. Charles
Baron           Alexandre                                           14 Hospital
Baron           Boisfontaine                                         1 Craps c. Esplanade
Baron           Sylvain                                            112 Casa Calvo
Baron           Nerette                                             77 Esplanade
Barond          Baptiste      tailor                               121 Amour
Baronda                       widow                                346 Amour
Baronde         Marcelitte                                          47 Craps
Barstow & Adams               merchants                             25 Camp c. Common
Barthe          Jean          carpenter                            175 Girod
Barthelemy      Populus                                            193 Burgundy
Barthelemy      Dominique                                          226 Philippa
Bass & McGregor               brass foundry                        241 Tchoupitoulas c. St. Joseph
Basaney & Rufi                grocers                               48 Levee c. Conti
Barch           John M.       cooper                                   New Levee c. Oranger
Bastable        John G.                                            209 Common
Bastable        Jonah         coffee house                          24 Royal
Bastia          Monte, Miss                                        112 Barrack
Bastide         Josephe       clothing store                        67 New Levee
Bastie          Catiche, Miss                                       64 bourbon
Bastien         Sylva         cooper                                44 St. Louis
Batiesa         Francisco     tavern                                   Bayou St. John
Batistesta      A.            grocer                               414 c. Magazine & Estelle
Bauchardreau    Henriette     dry goods store                      222 c. Rampart & St. Ann
Baudoin         Fs.                                                181 Casa Calvo
Baudoin         C.                                                     Champs Elysee or Rail Road c. Bons Enfans
Baudoin         Marie                                                  Water & 206 Marigny
Baudoin         Celestin                                           201 Enghien
Bauduc          Joseph Theodore                                    327 Tchoupitoulas
Beaufeu         J.P.                                               123 St. Philippe
Baulieu         Baptiste      carpenter                                St. John Bapt. b. Oranger & La Course
Baulieu         Charles                                                Bayou Road
Baumgard & Cline              hardware                              52 Tchoupitoulas
Baumgard        George        flour inspector                       52 Tchoupitoulas
Baumgard        F.            bakery                                52 Tchoupitoulas
Baumont         Livaudais     widow                                    Bayou Road n. St. Claude
Baumont         C.            widow                                209 Casa Calvo
Baune           Gaspard       sheriff's office
Beauregard      Brosset       associate judge of the city court d.     Ursuline n. Treme
                              24 Conde
Bauvais         Charles       trader                               123 Hospital
Bauver          Joseph        bricklayer                           191 Craps
Bayard          Detille       teacher                                  Religieuse b. Robin & Lacourse
Bayon           Jerome        editor of the Bee                 d. 111 Main
                              c. Chartres & St. Louis
Bayon                         widow                                    St. Philippe n. St. Claude
Bayon           Charles       acc't                                    St. Philippe n. St. Claude
Bayon           Louis         musician                                 St. Philippe n. St. Claude
Bazanac         Alphonse      printer                              211 St. Claude
Bayle           Joseph                                              25 Bienville
Beach           Miles         cabinet maker                         31 Customhouse
Beach & Co.     H.            coach maker                           64 Bienville
Beale           Stephen       widow                                    Tivoli Square
Beale           S.                                              c.     Erato & Pritanne
Beale           Martin        milkman                           c.     Religieuse & Lacourse
Beale           Wm. M.        merchant                              21 Camp
Beauregard      D.            carpenter                            233 Magazine
Beaurepaire     L.            merchant tailor                       27 St. Peter
Bebout          Thimore       grocery                              361 Tchoupitoulas
Beche           Armand        carpenter                            435 Magazine
Bechtel         Jean R.D.                                           71 Conde c. St. Philip
Beck            John          accountant                           292 Tchoupitoulas
Beckner         Jean          carpenter                            180 Rampart
Bedford         George                                             173 Bienville
Bedford         J.            merchant                              53 Bienville
Bedout          Denis         tin smith                             41 Toulouse
Beebe           Charles       coach maker                          265 Royal
Beebe           Roswell       lumber merchant                   c.     St. Peter & Rampart
Beers, Booth & St. John       exchange office                       56 Chartres
Begain          Miss                                                84 Casa Calvo
Bein            John D.       merchant         22 Levee         d. 179 Canal
Bel             Antoine       dry goods store                      170 Chartres
Belaire         Jean          cordwainer                            76 Burgundy
Belanger        A.            carpenter                                Main n. Marais
Belanger                      widow                                    Cours Panis n. P. Road
Belaume         Gaspard       widow                                 92 Bayou street
Belding         W.D.                                                59 Canal
Belhomme        Adelaide, Miss                                         Pritanne n. Terpsichore
Bell            William       carpenter                                Union b. Philippa & Baronne
Bell            William       merchant                             127 Customhouse
Bell            Isaac                                               80 Customhouse
Bell            S.C. & R.     merchants                             60 Canal
Bell            James         drayman                              226 Amour
Bell            Lewis         drayman                              226 Amour
Bell            Caroline, Miss                                      24 Poetes
Bellet          Juan          accountant                           177 Bagatelle
Bellevue        Reme          joiner                               176 Ursuline
Bellevue        Louis         trader                               394 Bourbon
Bello           Charles                                         c.     Levee & Enghien
Bellor          Jean          clothing store & grocery              78 & 80 Levee
Bellot          C.            builder                              387 rampart
Bellot          Carlos        tin smith                            212 Moreau
Benard          M.H.          cooper                                45 Conti
Bender          Joseph        mattress maker                       117 Tchoupitoulas
Benetand        Francois                                            17 Champs Elysees or Rail Road
Benice          Julien                                             107 Rampart
Benicia         J.            grocery                              196 Conti c. Rampart
Benjamin        C.A.          wheelwright                          120 Moreau
Benite          M.            grocer                                   Conti c. Bourbon
Benites         Estevan                                            128 Levee
Benitte                       widow                             c.     St. Louis & Burgundy
Benitte         Jules         accountant                        c.     St. Louis & Burgundy
Bennett         G.W.          coffee house                      c. 188 St. Peter & Chartres
Bennett         John          carpenter                            125 Julia
Benning         John                                                   St. Mary Road
Benoist         Nicolas       broker                               144 Toulouse
Benoist         Frederick     tailor                                   Euterpe n. Bacchus
Benoist         J.                                                 112 Moreau
Benoist         Marcelin      bakery                               113 Mandeville
Beranger        D.R.S.        tanner                                52 Bayou Road
Berard          Isidore                                                Barrack c. Conde
Berger                        widow                                260 Royal
Berger          Louis J.      clerk Louisiana Bank              d. 260 Royal
Berger          Aristide      accountant                           260 Royal
Berger          Francois      porter manufactory                       Felicity Road c. Pacanier
Berlin          Victor        grocer                            c.     Poydras & Baronne
Berlucheau      Pierre        bricklayer                        c.     St. Anne & Treme
Bermudez        G.A.          grocery                               33 St. Peter
Bermudez        J.            associate judge of the city court d. 174 Hospital
                              c. Bienville & Chartres
Bermudez        Marie, Miss                                         62 Bagatelle
Bermudez        Achille       cordwainer                           162 Poets
Bernard         Joseph        carpenter                                Terpsichore c. Dryades
Bernard         Louis         bakery                               121 Toulouse
Bernard         E. Leon       merchant         107 Royal        d. 116 St. Louis
Bernard         Bernadine, Miss                                    118 Ursuline
Bernabe         J.B.          carpenter                            205 Baronne
Bernoquet       Edouard       builder                              141 Mandeville
Berry           Thomas J.     city gauger & cooper 106 Magazine d. 105 St. Joseph
Berry           Samuel H.     carpenter                            194 Delor
Bertel          Jacques       joiner                                   Hospital n. St. Claude
Bertel          J.B.          grocery                              160 c. Magazine & Girod
Bertel          Etienne       gentleman                             27 Rampart
Bertelle        Evariste      jeweler                              207 Levee
Bertelle        Valcour       musician                             126 Craps
Bertelot        John L.                                            303 Burgundy
Berrett                       widow                                125 St. Peter
Berthan         Omer          sugar maker                              St. John Bapt. n. St. Jacques
Bertholi        Nicolas                                             26 Bagatelle
Bertie          Eloise        washer & ironer                      113 Orleans
Bertier                       widow                                196 Esplanade c. Amour
Bertier                       musician                                 Ursuline b. Marais & Treme
Bertin          P.            grocery                               14 New Levee
Bertoneau       Louis                                              374 Burgundy
Bertonniere     Raymond                                                Bayou Road
Bertonniere     C.            clerk of the parish jail                 St. Peter
Bertrand        Alexandre                                           83 Marigny
Bertrand        Louis Antoine tin smith                            118 Enghien
Bertrand        Marie, Miss                                        222 Craps
Bertrand        J.L.                                               114 Craps
Bertrand        Sebastien                                          208 Grands Hommes
Bertrand        Antoine                                            113 Victoire
Bertrand        J.                                                 229 Francois
Bertrand        Francois                                               Marais  faubourg Treme
Bertrand                      widow                                219 Main
Bertrand        Manuel        widow                                 46 Barrack
Bertrand        P.G.          Custom House officer              c.     Burgundy & St. Anne
Bertrand        J.R.B.        paying teller B'K U.S.            c.     Burgundy & St. Anne
Bertus          Edward        dancing master                       121 St. Louis
Bertus          Paul          custom house notary               d. 114 Customhouse
Bertus          Gaston        accountant                        c.     Royal & Toulouse
Bertus          Mortimer      accountant                           121 St. Louis
Bertus          Jean          dry goods store  152 Chartres     d. 310 Rampart
Besson                        widow, millinery                     136 Royal
Besson          Claire, Miss                                        19 Burgundy
Besson          Honore        painter                               19 Burgundy
Besson          Pierre        pastry shop                       c.     Philippa & Poydras
Bessy           Cheri         French Restaurant                     73 Chartres
Benjar          Marguirette, Miss                                   96 Bagatelle
Bhoom           Lewis         grocer                               231 Girod
Bibas           Juan          grocer                               109 Levee c. Main
Bick            Thomas        widow                                122 Ursuline
Bienaime        Pierre        bricklayer                               Annunciation n. Barthelemy
Biggar          John          tavern                                16 Poydras
Bigot           T.F.          drawing master                       145 Ursuline
Bigeurier       Lewis                                                  Hevia n. Baronne
Biller          Susana        grocery & boarding                   262 Tchoupitoulas
Billlings                     widow, confectionery                  89 Camp
Bilot           C.            grocer                                56 St. Philip
Bingey          J.W.                                            c.     Rampart & St. Peter
Biquet          Francoise, Miss                                     32 Dauphine
Biron           P.            institutor                           192 Hospital
Birot           Thomas        widow                                113 Dauphine
Birot           Thomas        accountant                           113 Dauphine
Bishop          William       hotel                             c.     Camp & Common
Bizet           Louis         carpenter                            388 Dauphine c. Barrack
Blache          J.B.          auctioneer                        d. 358 Royal
                              c. Chartres & St. Louis
Blache          Joseph        commissary of police                  60 Bagatelle
Blache          Martin        register of wills5 Conde          d. 241 Rampart
Blache          Charles       accountant                           248 St. Anne
Blache          Carlos                                             261 Bourbon
Black           John          shoe black                            48 Bienville
Black           John E.       shoe black                            34 Bourbon
Black           Alexander     watch maker                          139 Tchoupitoulas
Blackburn       Aime          washer & ironer                       61 Perdido
Blackburn       Charles                                             69 Perdido
Blackley        Daniel        tailor                                   Hevia n. Baronne
Blackley        Morris        marble cutter                         76 Delor
Blackwell       John                                                81 Royal
Blackwell       Stephen       merchant                             141 Poydras
Blair           John          drayman                                  Canal Carondelet n. Marais
Blaise          Pierre        carter & milkman                  c.     Orleans & Treme
Blanc           Savigne       paying teller Bank of Louisiana   d. 174 Customhouse
Blanc           Evariste      line merchant    Basin            d.     Bayou St. John. Bridge
Blanc           Edward        accountant                               Basin n. Toulouse
Blanc                         widow                                    Bayou St. John
Blanc           A.F.                                               265 Royal
Blanc           Antoine       vicar general                            Old Convent
Blanco & Co.                  grocers                              147 Levee
Blanchard       Louis                                              166 St. Anne c. Burgundy
Blanchard       E.            broker                               120 Main
Blanchard       Raymond                                            132 Hospital
Blanchard       P.            dentist                              243 Rampart
Blanchard       F. Bailly     note clerk    Bank U. States          90 Bourbon
Blanchard       S.G.          merchant                               4 New Levee
Blanchard       Julien        drayman                           c.     Gravier & St. Jean
Blanchard       A.            carpenter                            143 Poydras
Blanchet        Rene          druggist                          d. 308 Royal
                              c. Toulouse & Chartres
Blanchet        Jules         accountant                           308 Royal
Blenderman      John          grocer                               122 St. Charles c. Poydras
Blagro          Bonhomme      trader                               147 St. Anne
Blineau         Olivier       soap manufactory                  d.  88 St. Anne
                              c. Treme & St. Anne
Bliss           John          watch maker                          118 Chartres

Blois           Thomas        grocery          7 Levee          d. 116 Dauphine
Bloomfield      William       book binder                           54 Royal
Blondeau                      widow, dry goods store            c.     Royal & St. Anne
Blondeau        A.                                              c.     Royal & St. Anne
Blossman        S.            deputy clerk parish court
Blossman        R.            barber                               171 Amour
Blower          Robert        dyer & scourer                         6 Customhouse
Bock            Michel        musical instrument maker              47 Dauphine
Bodin           A.            planter                               53 Bienville
Bodin           Lovinsk       cabinet maker                         59 Bienville
Bogart          Wm.           merchant                              58 Common
Bogart          James L.      merchant                              73 Common
Bohme           Fob'd.        cotton warehouse                     284 Magazine
Bohm            J.            cook shop                             31 Madison
Borbien         Gilbert       carpenter                            152 Gravier
Borbien         Marie Louise  washer & ironer                          Tivoli Square
Boimare         A. L.         book store                           137 Chartres
Bois            Louis         tailor                                59 Bagatelle
Bois            Joseph        segar maker                          109 Victoire
Boisblanc       Hardy         widow                                 86 Toulouse
Boisdore        Francois      builder                           c.     Orleans & Burgundy
Bloisdore (sic) Adelaide, Miss                                         Bayou Road n. Treme
Bloisdore (sic) Chevalier     gunsmith                                 Villere n. Ursuline
Boise           Julie, Miss                                         62 Bons Enfans
Boirel          P.            gunsmith                              29 St. Peter
Bolze                         comedian                                 Orleans Theatre
Bonnabel        H. & Brothers druggist                              29 & 184 Tchoupitoulas
Bonnabel        Marulin       planter                              196 Conti
Bonamean        Eliza, Miss                                         77 Moreau
Bonne           Rosette                                             60 Union
Bonne           Janvier                                            186 St. Anne
Bonne           Albert        carpenter                                Philippa n. Girod
Bonamie         Pierre        barber                                30 St. Ann de Treme n. Ursuline
Bonnet          Pierre        carpenter                                Thalie c. Colise
Bonnet          Eugene        dry goods store                      250 Royal
Boneval         Alexandre                                       c.     Burgundy & Ursulines
Bonaventure     Michael Benjamin                                b.     New Levee & Tchoupitoulas
Bongo           Louis         cordwainer                           146 St. Louis
Bongue          Made.                                               74 Orleans
Bonafay         Charles                                                Bayou St. John
Bonno           Pierre        sculptor                          c.     St. Ann & Dauphine
Bonney & Baker                clothing store                    c.     Bienville & Chartres
Bonnit          Juan          oysterman                            324 Levee
Bonitte         Marabine, Miss                                     224 Moreau
Bonitte         C.            drayman                              114 Victoire
Bonome          Madam                                              120 Bayou Road
Boquet          Justine, Miss                                       66 Bons Enfans
Boquet          Andrian                                            202 Poets
Boquille        F.            cabinet maker                         85 Conde
Bonrepos        Noel          carpenter                            137 St. Peter
Bonseigneur     Martin        lieut. City Guard                    153 Main
Bonseigneur     Francois      cordwainer                               Apollo c. Cours des Tritons
Bonseigneur     Paulin        cordwainer                               Apollo c. Cours des Tritons
Bonseigneur     Nerestan      grocer                            c.     Canal & Basin
Bonseigneur     Cephise, Miss                                      133 Philippa
Bonseigneur     Thos.         widow                             c.     Perdido & Circuit
Bonseigneur     Guilaume      carpenter                            104 Perdido
Bonseigneur     D.            dry goods store                      166 Baronne
Booker          R.L.          Cashier of the Bank of Louisiana
Booth           Benj. & Co.   merchants                             47 Bienville
Bordeau         Antoine       blacksmith       Water Works
Borderes        Freres        dry goods store                   c.     Ursuline & Royal
Bordier         P., Miss                                           196 Esplanade c. Amour
Bordier         Jean          merchant                              41 Dauphine
Borduzat        D.G.          grocery                               11 & d. 183 St. Louis
Boree           Francois      carpenter                             75 Perdido
Boree           Paul          gardener                          c.     Lacourse & St. Jean Baptiste
Borges          Manuel        grocer                            c.     Panis & Public Road
Borne                         widow                                  9 St. Claude
Borrelle        Jose          grocer                            c.     Royal & St. Peter
Borelly         Henry         dry goods store                       41 Toulouse
Boseman         Hammond                                                Rousseau n. Panis Rousseau
Bossiere        J.C.                                            c.     Dauphine & Toulouse
Bossier                       widow                                319 Dauphine
Bosque          Joseph                                             339 Royal
Boswell         Wm.           notary public                         23 Conti
Bot             Ben           coffee house                      c.     Conde & Madison
Boube           J.B.                                            c.     Hospital & Rampart
Boucher                       widow                                365 Dauphine
Boucheron       Philippe                                            92 St. Ann
Boudre          Henry         bricklayer                               Annunciation c. Berthelemy
Bougenet        J.P.          saddler                                6 Conti
Bougere         Rosette, Miss                                      127 Toulouse
Boughen         John          blacksmith                               Francais c. Victoire
Bouhy           C.            carpenter                            181 Bourbon
Boujoir         Marie, Miss                                         22 Peace
Bouligny                      widow                                 84 Toulouse
Bouligny        Clemire       grocer                            c.     Dauphine & Bienville
Bouligny        W.                                                     Ursuline n. Marais
Bouligny        Dominique                                           17 St. Philip
Bouligny        Joseph        oysterman                            134 Marie
Bouligny                      widow                                224 Main
Bouney          B.            baker                                120 Chartres
Bourache        G.            grocer                               143 Grands Hommes
Bourchier       Magdalaine, Miss                                   168 Marigny
Bourchier       Allen         cabinet maker                        168 Marigny
Bourcier                      widow                                    Cours des Tritons n. Tivoli
Bourcier        E. & S.       accountants                              Cours des Tritons n. Tivoli
Bourdheil       Mimi, Miss                                           7 Victoire
Bourdin         Jean                                               154 St. Peter
Bourdin         F.            tailor                                   Ursuline n. Marais
Bourgeois       Marie, Miss                                        240 Burgundy
Bourgeois       Pierre        cabinet maker                            Erato n. Apollon
Bourgeois       Louis         broker                               111 Carondelet
Bourgean        Sylvie, Miss                                       114 Burgundy
Bourk           Pierre        crockery store                           Hospital c. Rampart
Bournos         J.            teacher                              298 Bourbon c. St. Philip
Bousquet & Israel             commission merchant                      St. Louis n. Bourbon
Bouthe          Francois      dealer                               382 Magazine
Bouthney        Francois      carpenter                             69 Circus c. Perdido
Boutin          Ant.                                            c.     Dauphine & Toulouse
Bowers          G.P. & W. C.  merchants                             45 Bienville
Bowers          George        butcher                                  Jackson n. Chippewa
Bowin           Wm.           gardener                          c.     St. Jacques & St. John Baptiste
Bowman          Thos.         engineer                                 St. Peter b. Perdido & Gravier
Boyd            G.W.                                               214 St. Claude
Boyd            J. Kent       ship broker                           71 Common
Boyer           Enould                                              92 Conti
Boyer           F., Miss                                               Grands Hommes
Boyer           Jerome        tinsmith                              77 Bagatelle
Boyer           Antoine       segar maker                          207 Mandeville
Boyer           Francoise, Miss                                    411 Moreau
Boyle           E.            clothing store                           Public Road n. Adel
Bozant          Jean          inspector of beef & pork          d.  50 Julia
                              138 Magazine
Bozant          Baptiste      cooper                               182 Main
Boze            Pierre        cabinet maker                         89 St. Philip
Braemare        Victoire, Miss                                     212 Main
Bradford        Lisa, Miss    washer                               110 Poydras
Brand           Robert        music master                          32 Dauphine
Brand           William       builder                               73 Magazine
Brand           R.            builder                               92 Camp
Brander, McKenna & Lee        merts.                                   Camp n. Common
Brandt          John          butcher                                  Religieuse n. Oranger
Brandt          John          widow                                    Oranger op. Annunciation Square
Branhart        J.                                                 187 Bienville
Bravat                        widow                                336 Bourbon
Bravo           Durand J.                                          153 Bienville
Breedlove       J.W. & Co.    merchants   c. Magazine & Gravier d. 139 St. Charles
Breflchl (sic)  -----         engraver                              38 Conde
Broitenbucher   F.            shoemaker                             55 St. Louis
Brelet                        widow                                 81 Marigny
Bremont         Zelmire, Miss                                       94 Hospital
Breen           Hugh          drayman                              260 Tchoupitoulas
Breennan        Mrs.          private boarding                      25 Magazine
Brewster        J. & L.       hat store                             59 Chartres
Brewster        Bowen                                           c.     Canal & Villere
Breeze          B.B.          cabinet maker                        331 Tchoupitoulas c. Gaiennie
Bridge          Isaac Jr. & Vose   merchants                        20 Bienville
Briera          Z.                                                 273 Dauphine
Bright          G.Y.                                                54 Champs Elysees
Briggs          T.            tavern                               159 Levee
Bringier        Louis         surveyor general 53 St. Louis     d. 262 Bayou Road
Brignon         Louis         tavern                                 8 Basin
Brinton         E.            coffee house                          71 Camp
Brion           B.            cordwainer                            93 French
Brion           Joseph        hatter                               276 Levee
Briscoe         George C.     saddler          65 Delor       d.c.     Magazine & Delor
Brock           Wm.           merchant                              13 Royal
Brooks          R.            accountants                           78 Chartres
Brooks          A.S.L.                                          c.     Royal & Barrack
Brooks          Michael       coffee house                          23 Tchoupitoulas
Brookner        Charles       blacksmith                           386 Tchoupitoulas
Broize          Jean          accountant                            88 St. Louis
Brothers        Wm.           carpenter                            207 c. Common & Circus
Broutin         Norbert       distiller                            229 Royal
Brou            Rosette, Miss                                          Bayou Rd. n. Treme
Broutin         Matilda, Miss                                       13 Moreau
Broutin         Wm.           tinsmith                             216 French
Brown           O.D.          commission broker                    340 Bourbon
Brown           G.                                                  86 Victoire
Brown           Reynolds      drayman                              117 Amour
Brown           Benj.         accountant                           216 Marigny
Brown           John          turner                               251 Royal
Brown           E.            cook shop                             19 Madison
Brown           B.            carpenter                            229 Dauphin
Brown           Lewis         carpenter                            211 St. Antoine
Brown           G.W.          ship carpenter                           other side of the river
Brown           John          mariner                              206 Francais
Brown           Junius        sea captain                          217 levee
Brown           Gordon        watch maker                           77 Grands hommes
Brown           Peter         bricklayer                           107 Mandeville
Brown           Phebe         washer & ironer                      119 Philippa
Brown           John G.                                         c.     Calliope & Cours des Nayades
Brown           Lewis E.      hotel                                 21 Conti & 43 Chartres
Brown           Ursules, Miss                                      142 Bienville
Brown           Jacob                                           c.     New Levee & St. Jacques
Brown           Morton        grocery                               74 New Levee
Brown           C.            private boarding                      15 Girod
Brown           Sam'l         lampist                              124 Girod
Broyard         Antoine       oysterman                                Treme n. Marais
Broyard         Mariette, Miss                                      42 Grands Hommes
Broyard         G.            carpenter                             42 Grands Hommes
Bruce           D.            distiller                            300 Levee
Brugier         Auguste       butcher                                  Bayou St. John
Brugier         P.            bricklayer                           139 Burgundy
Brugier         Romain                                                 St. Claude n. St. Philip
Brule           Charlot, Mad.                                      141 St. Philip
Brunet          Jean & Co.    ship builder                             opposite side of the river
Brunet          J.            guardian of the Perseverance Lodge       Main c. St. Claude
Brunett         J.                                                 292 Dauphin
Bruno           P.            widow                                    Adel n. Fulton
Brusle          Camille                                             17 St. Louis
Brusle          Gaston        bookseller                        c.     Chartres & Conti
Brusle          Charles D.    accountant   c. Chartres & Conti  d.  17 St. Louis
Bryant          Wm.           plasterer                            195 Ursuline
Bryon           Michael & John    bricklayers                       84 Delor
Buck            -----         musician                              77 St. Philip
Buchanan        Wm.           commission merchant                   44 New Levee
Buchet          Mars          tanner                               228 Levee
Bucherie        F.            segar maker                          122 Craps
Buckley         Patrick       laborer                               12 Baronne
Buckman         Henry         grocery                                  New Levee op. Hunter
Buddender       John                                                   Canal Carondelet c. Treme
Bucke           Thos.                                              103 Francais
Buisson         Benj.         Surveyor of Jefferson Parish      d. 169 Esplanade
Buisson         Fred.         deputy clerk parish court         d.     St. Philip n. Villere
Buisson         Annette, Miss                                       51 Dauphin
Bullitt & Shipp               commission merchants                  59 Canal
Bullit          John          sea captain                          110 Mandeville
Bunel           J.            tavern                            c.     Bayou Road n. Gentilly Road
Bunelle         Joseph        victualler                               Old Market
Bunningham      John                                                54 Foucher
Buquoi          Honore                                             156 Dauphin
Burbank         George        painter & glazier  77 Customhouse d.     Basin & Canal
Bruch           D.E.                                                60 Canal
Burk            Thos.                                           c.     Basin & Constance
Burk            Robert                                             121 Union
Burk            Joseph        stevedore                             56 Mandeville
Bureau                        widow                                156 St. Ann
Bureau          Francois      planter                                  Levee b. Convent
Bureau          George D.                                          213 Grands Hommes
Bureau          F.            joiner                               122 Barrack
Burel           Achille                                             53 Grands Hommes
Burlingame      O.F.          blues store                              Levee
Burn            John A.                                             92 Chartres
Burthe          D.F.          saw mill     New Levee ab. Delor  d. 111 Delor
Burth           Alex. F.                                           241 Magazine
Burton          Suzanne       widow                                119 Casa Calvo
Burvant         Auguste                                            120 Toulouse
Bushinger       Philip        cabinet maker                            Apollon n. Erato
Bushnell        E.C. & Co.    dry goods                             21 Chartres
Bussy           Charles       private boarding                     114 St. Peter
Bustamente      J.M.          shoe store                            97 Conde
Busteand        Ninine, Miss                                       144 Ursuline
Buther          Joseph        butcher                                  St. Andre n. Chippewa
Buyer           P.            stevedore                            195 Amour
Bugorez         Juan          broker                               173 Levee
Byrne           Lewis         dentist                              111 Poets
Byrne           Lodge         blacksmith                           238 Bagatelle
Byrne, Ryon & Co.             merts.                               158 Tchoupitoulas c. Notre Dame
Byrne           John B.       merchant                          c.     Canal & Carondelet
Byrne           Charles       saw mill                                 New Levee b. Lacourse & Roffignac, Suburb Saulet 
Byrne           Charles                                         d. 255 Camp
Byrne           J.W.          merchant
Byrne           James                                                  St. John Bapt. c. Lacourse

-- C --

Cabilet         Charles       tinsmith                             212 Marigny
Cabaret         Joseph J.                                          113 Peace
Cabaret         Eliza, Miss                                     c.     Burgundy & Bienville
Cabaret         Magdalain                                              Benjamin n. Tchoupitoulas
Cabaret         Margueriste                                            Melicerte b. Magazine & Constance
Cabarette       Sanitte, Miss                                       78 Craps
Cabellio        Joseph                                             400 Dauphin
Cabirac         Bernard       cabinet maker                            Royal c. St. Philip
Cabos           Widow P.                                            78 Grands Hommes
Cabos           J.            baker                                    Port Ponchartrain
Cadet           Mad.          widow                                121 Espagne
Cadet           Jerome & L.                                        166 Espagne
Cadiche         Pierre        dry goods                             81 Tchoupitoulas
Cadier          J.B.          carpenter                            175 Hospital
Cadiret         M., Miss                                             2 Casa Calvo
Cadillan        B.            dry goods                            168 Chartres
Caffin          Mad.          widow            dry goods        c.     Royal & Conti
Caffin          Charles       planter                               81 St. Louis
Caire           Louis T.      notary public                         47 St. Louis
Cajus           F.M.          confectionary                         53 Ursuline
Calder, Brock & Co.           merchants                             12 Royal
Calder          C.            city guard                               Apollon n. Calliope
Calderon        B.            bricklayer                            61 Craps
Caldwell        Thos.         coffee house                         113 Levee
Caldwell        W.W.          merchants        27 Gravier       d. 140 Canal
Caldwell        James H.      Manager of the Camp Theatre
Caldwell        Alexander     merchants                                Old Levee c. Richard
Caldwell        D.W.          carpenter                             64 Julia
Callecot        J.P.          mattress maker                       316 Bons Enfans
Callender & Deblois           commission merchants                  33 Gravier
Callico         F.            grocer                                37 Moreau c. Espagne
Callicot        Eugene        tailor                               119 Espagne
Calliou         Pierre        wood yard                             14 Gravier
Calliou         Henry         coffee house                          80 St. Philip
Calogne         P.            Mayor's office                  d.c.     St. Ann & Treme
Camardel        Toussaint     cartman                              191 Circus
Cambiosa        B.                                                 140 St. Anne
Cambre          Louis, Miss                                         44 Burgundy
Camels          J.M.D.        hospital private                         St. Peter b. Hospital & Poydras
Camet           Xavier        cabinet maker                         78 Toulouse
Camet           P.            blacksmith                            27 & 46 St. Philip
Cammack         H.C.          merchant                                 Royal
Camos           Joseph        grocer                                19 Casacalvo c. Peace
Campanel        Elizabeth     washer, &c.                          223 Common
Campanel        B.            hardware         71 Levee       d.c. 126 St. Philip
Campbell        G.W.          M.D.                                  47 Custom House
Camp            H.L.          dry goods merchant                       Canal
Camp            E.W.          watchmaker                            39 Chartres
Campignon       Bertrand      trader                               118 Marigny
Campigny        -----                                                  Orleans Theatre
Candide         A.            jeweler                               58 St. Anne
Conelas         Widow                                               86 Hospital
Canellas        F.            grocer                            c.     St. Andre & Public Road
Canfield        Robert F.     appraiser        Custom House   d.c. 115 Custom House
Canfraue        Miss                                                80 Bourbon
Camp            H.L.          dry goods merchant                       Canal Street
Canonge         J.L.          trader                               206 Levee
Canonge         J.F.          attorney at law                      325 Royal
Canonge         B.Z.          broker                                43 St. Louis
Cannon          M.            druggist                              11 & 13 Tchoupitoulas
Canon           E.A.          attorney at law                      157 Conde
Canon           Raymond       bricklayer                            79 Mandeville
Cans            Mad.          widow                                187 Grands Hommes
Canter          Jules         cooper                                67 Amour
Cann            Mad.          widow            midwife                 Cours des Tritons n. Tivoli
Cann            S.            acc't                                    Cours des Tritons n. Tivoli
Capas           Joachim                                            391 Dauphin
Capucin         Constance                                          154 Amour
Caraby          Etienne                                            333 Royal
Caraby          Antoine                                                Baronne c. Union
Caraigan        John          coffee house                      c.     Philip & Girod
Caramel         B.                                                 272 Tchoupitoulas
Cardinas        Valentine, Miss                                     13 Moreau
Cardinas        Brisco        widow                                117 Poets
Caretta         J.            Vicar            Old Convent
Carrego         Lorenzo                                                Main c. Treme
Carll           John          bookshop                                 Madison n. Levee
Carleton        Henry         attorney at law  45 Custom House  d.  69 Chartres
Carlin          Eugene                                                 Annunciation n. Gainie
Carlin & Babcock              dry goods                             13 Chartres
Carlon          Louis         tailor                               106 Chartres
Carlon          E.            grocer                                   Carondelet c. Gravier
Carlon          F.            carpenter                             99 Girod
Carmick         Mad.          widow                                 29 Rampart
Carn            Joseph        grocer                            c.     Bourbon & Hospital
Carney          Richard       stevedore & fountain hotel            21 St. Philip
Carney          Benj.                                              401 Bons Enfans
Carney          R.            brass founder                        170 Grands Hommes
Carney          Catherine     widow                                168 Marigny
Carnston        John          coffee house                          35 New Levee
Carpentier      Magdalaine, Miss                                c.     Rampart & Custom House
Carpentier      Louis                                              119 Main
Carriau         Alphonse      broker                               179 rampart
Carrico         A.            clothing store   75 Levee         d.  88 Bienville
Carriere & Borduzat           grocery                               11 St. Louis
Carriere        S.            grocer                                80 New Levee
Carriere        Jules         tailor                               212 Moreau
Carriere        M.                                                 100 Mandeville
Carriere        Charles                                             94 St. Philip
Carriere        F.            shoemaker                             73 Barracks
Carro           Antonio                                            128 Hospital
Carroll         John                                            c.     Ursuline & Rampart
Carroll         Miss          bookstore                             48 Canal
Carsters & Babbridge          hotel                                    Bayou St. John
Cart            R.            coffee house                      c.     Levee & Hospital
Carter          James P.      engineer                          c.     Delor & Foucher
Carter          Wm. M.        agent of the N O soap manufactory c.     Lacourse & Pacannier
Casanave        P.            furniture warehouse  82 Conti     d.  12 Burgundy
Cazenave & Babin              bakers                                74 Bourbon
Casabon         Widow                                              105 Dauphin
Casbergue       J.L.                                                77 Craps
Caseneuve       J.            grocery                                  New Levee & St. Andre
Casey           Thos.         builder                                  Hospital n. Rampart
Cash            Thos. C.      dry goods                             76 Chartres
Casamier        P.A.          acc't                             c.     Carondelet n. Basin
Casimir         Francois      carpenter                            162 Circus
Casson          P.                                                 333 Magazine c. Duplantier
Casson          Louis, Miss                                        267 St. Antoine
Casson          Jacques                                            120 Craps
Casson          Eugene                                              93 Victoire
Castarede       J.M.          port warder  c. Chartres & Conti  d.  86 Mandeville
Castaret        Antoinette, Miss                                   157 Barracks
Castanedo       Widow                                              310 Bayou Road
Castanedo       J.                                                 310 Bayou Road
Castanedo       Marthe, Miss                                       385 Rampart
Castellano      J.J.          dentist                               18 St. Philip
Castellano      D.            dentist                                8 St. Ann
Castelneau      F.            teacher                              313 Dauphin
Catsteres       Charles       public weigher                       142 Ursuline
Castelle        Andre                                              144 St. Philip
Castillion      Ernest        acc't                                 75 Mandeville
Castillion      Victo.        oyster trader                        277 Levee
Castillion      Ovide         carpenter                             17 Craps
Cathedral Catholic                                                     Chartres
Castro          Juan                                                12 Orleans
Castro          Carlos                                          d.  34 Circus
Catoire         J.P.          tinman                               122 Amour
Catoire         Honore        blacksmith                            89 Bagatelle
Catoire         N.            bricklayer                            89 Bagatelle
Caubette        Calive        tinman                                73 St. Peter
Cauchoix        John J.                                            175 Bourbon
Cauchoix        Mad.          widow                                280 Burgundy
Cauvin          Jean          turner & brasser                     166 Burgundy
Cavaroc         Charles       dry goods                             92 Levee
Cavans          Wm.           carpenter                             20 Baronne
Cavallier       Michel        gold smith                           206 Espagne
Cavelier        A. & Z.       merchants                            169 Royal
Cavelier        Antoine                                             25 Conde
Cavelier        Theophile     carpenter                            117 Orleans
Cavelier        Charles, Widow                                     192 Moreau
Cavelier        Zanite                                             178 Mandeville
Cavellier       Jean B.       carter                               206 Levee
Cavollean       Martha        widow                                    Grands Hommes
Cayard          A.            saddler                           c. 228 Camp c. Julia
Cayat           -----         city guard                               Magazine c. Delor
Cozet           Manuel        segar maker                           17 Main
Cayean          Bernard       acc't                                205 Common
Cazean          Jean          trader                               246 Poydras
Cazenave        J.B.          bakers                               262 Bourbon
Cazelar         Tonton, Miss                                       116 St. Ann
Cazelar         Felicity, Miss                                     118 St. Ann
Cazende         P.            painter & glazier                    175 Ursulines
Cearn           Lewis         butcher                           c.     St. Andre & Jersey
Cecil           Wm. Jackson                                     b.     Rousseau & Chippewa
Celeste         -----         grocer                                12 Hospital
Cenas           H.B.          attorney at law                       87 Bienville
Cenas           Dr.           M.D.                                  87 Bienville
Cenby           Widow                                                  New Levee c. Suzette
Ceressol        Edouard J.    gunsmith         193 Bourbon      d. 272 Dauphin
Cerean                                                             265 Dauphin
Cerene          M.F.          grocer                            c.     Magazine & St. Joseph
Chabaud         Jean          Secretary of the Mayor          d.c.     Bayou Road & St. Claude
Chabert         Leon          merchant         52 Toulouse      d. 343 Royal
Chabert         J.B.          stevedore                            441 Magazine
Chabert         Augustin      carpenter                                Pritanne n. Nayades
Chader          Louis                                              210 Union
Chaillot        J.            gardener                             182 Hospital
Chalaron        Jac's.        merchant         71 Royal         d.  15 Dauphin
Chalon          Joseph                                             147 Bayou Road
Chalon          Theodule      accountant                            51 Bienville
Chatenbert      Marie                                              150 Gravier
Chainette       Miss                                               153 Bienville
Chaigneau       J.            builder                                  Promenade du Basin
Chamberlin      N.            Sec'y of H.O. building Company           Faubourg Lafayette
Chamberlain     T.G. & Co.    china & glass store                   16 Canal
Champagnion     J.P.          mattress maker                       307 Dauphine
Champiseau      Widow                                               77 St. Philip
Champenoy       P.            tailor                               262 Bayou Road
Chapdu          Caroline, Miss                                       8 Hospital
Chaperon        Charles       cartman                               21 Bayou Road
Chaperon        Jules         woodyard                             175 Casa Calvo
Chapus          H.            coffee house                      c.     Orleans & Bourbon
Charbonnet      E.            broker                                62 Conde
Charbonnet      A.            merchant                              56 Toulouse
Chardavoyne     U.V.                                                79 Common
Chardric        Eugene        tin plate                             81 Perdido
Charles         Agate, Miss                                            Treme n. Ursulines
Charles         Joseph        carpenter                             24 Craps
Charles         Louise, Miss                                       169 Craps
Charles         Severin       victualler                           239 Bons Enfans
Charles         Felix         bricklayer                           178 Girod
Charles         Michel        institutor                        c.     Camp & Delor
Charpieau       Bernard       carpenter                            151 St. Joseph
Charpieau       Ursin         carpenter                                Thalie c. Bacchus
Chasal          Mad. Widow                                         179 Bayou
Chase           Wm H.         captain          U.S. Engineers
Chase           Jonathan      builder                              216 Camp
Chastant        J.            merchant         16 St. Louis     d. 183 Bourbon
Chateau         Joseph        cordwainer                               Old Levee n. St. Mary Road
Chatry          J.L.                                               265 Rampart
Chatry & Blanc                tobacconist                           55 Conde
Chaumbert       Widow                                              161 St. Claude
Chaumet         Gabriel                                                Apollon b. Clio & Erato
Chauveau        Bernard                                                Casa Calvo
Chauvain        Antoine       bricklayer                        c.     St. Charles & St. Joseph
Chauveau        Mad.          widow                                112 Conti
Chauvey         J.            victualler                           351 Burgundy
Chayon          Cece, Miss                                         121 Amour
Che             Miss                                               153 Bienville
Cheffer         Louis         accountant                           277 Magazine
Cheixnayder     Andre         planter                           n.     Convent
Cheixnayder     L. Antoine                                          54 Louisa
Chenery         John A.       clothing store                    c.     Levee & Bienville
Chenon          Mad.          dyer & scourer                        73 St. Peter
Chenon          Rozalie, Miss                                      394 Burgundy
Cheron          Hortense, Miss                                     133 Orleans
Chereste        L.            city guard                               Dauphine c. Orleans
Cherie          Francois      grocer                                80 Grands Hommes
Chesse          Alexandre                                           26 Grands Hommes
Chesse          Laurent       accountant                           141 St. Ann
Cheval          Paul                                               332 Bayou Road
Cheval          Henry         shoe maker                           174 Burgundy
Cheval          Leandre       tailor                               186 St. Louis
Cheval          Louison, Miss                                      180 St. Louis
Chevalet        J.D.          wheelwright                              Religeuse n. Market
Chevalier       Antoine       baker                                119 Toulouse
Chevalier       P.T.          baker                                121 Dauphine
Chevalier       Reney         wheelwright                           37 Foucher
Chevalier       Pierre        druggist                          c.     Rampart & Bayou Road
Chevalier       W.                                              c.     Rampart & Bayou Road
Chevalier       Widow                                              377 Rampart
Chevalier       Adelaide, Miss                                     173 St. Philip
Chevalier       Bienaime      trader                               160 Hospital
Chew            Beverly       president   New Orleans Canal     c.     Apollon & Thalie
                                          & Banking Company
Cheyron         Joseph        merchant         181 Chartres     d. 276 Dauphine
Chiapella       J.            carpenter                                Pritane n. Euterpe
Chichon                                                            213 St. Anne
Chige           P.            cordwainer                           153 Chartres
Chon            J.B.          shoe store                        c.     Levee & Main
Choyne                        perfumery store                      239 Royal
Cholet          Madame        actress                                  Orleans Theatre
Chombert                      widow                                325 Burgundy
Chouteau        Ceislle, Miss                                      142 St. Philip
Chouteau        Merallite, Miss  washer & ironer                   116 Burgundy
Christie        James         accountant                            61 Levee
Christie        James         blacksmith                           126 Casa Calvo
Christophe      Seraphine, Miss                                 c.     Rampart & St. Philip
Christophe      Cyphorien     carpenter                            124 St. Peter
Christophe      Firmin        tailor                               115 Bienville
Christy         William       notary public    72 Chartres      d.  81 Bienville
Christy         W.G.                                               346 Bons Enfans
Church          William       stevedore                            115 Levee
City Hall                                                       c.     Chartres & St. Peter
City Court of Appeals                                           c.     St. Anne b. Conde & Royal
Cienfugos       Apolinario                                         152 Burgundy
Cinque          Jean          tavern                            c.     Burgundy & St. Anne
Clague          R.            cashier of the City Bank          d. 169 Chartres
                              c. Bienville & Royal
Claigac         Louise, Miss                                       174 Barrack
Clairin         Louis         builder                              309 Bourbon
Clairteau       Zenane        carpenter                            179 Carondelet
Clapier         Pierre        grocer                            c.     Bourbon & Customhouse
Clapied & Michoud             grocery                           c.     St. Peter & Chartres
Clapp           Theodore, Rev.                                         St. John c. Perdido
Clapion         Duminol       widow                                 25 Hospital
Clarc           Carl          carpenter                                Old Levee n. Oranger
Clark           Joseph        grocery                              122 Levee
Clark           Benjamin      accountant                           160 Esplanade
Clark           W.                                                 146 Bagatelle
Clark           Charles       woodyard                             141 Champs Elysees
Clark           Betsy         boarding house                         8 Levee
Clark           B.            painter & glazier                    105 Bourbon
Clark           D.            M.D.                                   9 Bienville
Clark           G. Washington                                       119 St. Joseph c. Camp
Clark           Sheldon S.    custom house appraiser            c.     Pritanne & Euterpe
Clark           Patrick       butcher                                  Ole Levee n. Nuns
Clark           Daniel        accountant                            11 Canal
Clark           George        butcher                                  Parris n. Public Road
Clark           Widow         private boarding                      93 Camp
Clarke          Nathaniel     merchant                              80 Royal
Claude          Jean          bricklayer                           152 Dauphine
Clauzel         Mad.          actress                               93 St. Ann
Clavie          Andre         victualler                           147 Moreau
Clay            J.F.          accountant       32 Magazine      d. 118 Camp
Clay            John                                               134 Camp
Clayton         A.H.          plasterer                             31 Foucher
Clements        R.F.          painter & glazier                    107 Tchoupitoulas
Clements                      widow                                 19 Rampart
Clement         Joseph        sail maker                        c.     Canal Carondelet & Marais
Clermont        Etienne       tin smith                                Conde
Clermonet       Bazile                                             126 Bagatelle
Clermont        Selima, Miss                                       195 Casa Calvo
Clertaun        Andre, Mad.                                        174 Girod
Clements        G.D.          accountant                            18 Dauphine
Clifford        M.            coffee house                             New Levee c. St. Mary Market
Clinchy         C.            private boarding                     105 Bourbon
Cline           Charles       carpenter                                Treme n. Jackson
Cline           George        victualler                               Public Road n. Adel
Clog            John          widow                                 53 Hospital
Clur            Gregory       victualler                               Old Market
Cobet           C.            tinman                                75 St. Peter
Cochrane        William C.    goldsmith                            413 Amour
Cochrane        Richard       inspector of the revenue              52 Chartres
Cochrane        Mrs.          millinery                             52 Chartres
Cockayne, Watts, & Co.        merchants                             24 Bienville
Cock            W.J.          printer                                6 Basin
Coffi           John B.       grocer                                 9 Ursuline
Coit            Samuel T.     merchant         43 Canal         d.  23 Bourbon
Collado         Sn. Yago      grocer                               166 Bienville c. Burgundy
Collemare       Marie, Miss                                        138 Barrack
Cole            William       tavern                                32 St. Philip
Colerton        William       plasterer                             31 Carondelet
Colles          James         merchant         6 Levee          d.  53 Bourbon
Colles          Thomas        clothing store                        88 New Levee
Colles & Hearsey              grocers                               16 New Levee
Collette        Gaston, Miss                                       182 St. Ann
Colete          Marie Jeanne                                        91 St. Philip
Colin           Joseph                                             155 Toulouse
Collins         J.W.          clothing store                        61 Levee
Collins         John          boarding house                           Ursuline n. Levee
Collins         George        collector                            163 Moreau
Colomba         Bonne, Miss                                        123 Bienville
Colsson         P.R.          Consolidated Bank                 d.     Rampart
Colsson         J.B.                                               138 Orleans
Colsson         Henry & Zenon clerks       Bank of Louisiana    c.     Rampart & Barrack
Colvine         Julien                                             140 Orleans
Colvis & Dumas                tailors                               88 Chartres
Cohen           S.M.                                                   St. Philip c. Burgundy
Commagere       Paul                                               205 St. Philip
Commagere       Arnaud        assistant clerk   Bank of U.S.       308 Rampart
Combe           Jean                                            c.     Gironde & Gravier
Combelle        Pierre                                                 Marais n. Ursuline
Commercial Library Society                                          38 Chartres
Conn            Henry C., Jr.                                          Treme n. St. Philip
Conn            John                                                   Girod n. Philippa
Connelly        Peter & Son   dry goods                         c.     Chartres & Bienville
Conelly         Miss          institutress                          21 Burgundy
Connelly & Hagany             coopers                               53 Poydras
Conney          Mad.          widow                                113 Craps
Connom          Nicolas       turner                                   Burgundy c. St. Philip
Conrad          C.M.          deputy attorney general               29 Chartres
Conrad          Peter                                               53 Rampart
Conrad          Adams         bakery                                99 New Levee
Conrotte        Pierre        rentier                               95 Toulouse
Consola         Mad.                                               110 Dauphin
Constant        Marie Louise                                       196 St. Ann
Constantin      F.                                                 138 Amour
Constantin      Pierre                                             140 Grands Hommes
Conteste        Tabo, Miss                                         118 Mandeville
Contie          Miss                                                91 Grands Hommes
Conti           Elizabeth, Miss                                        Burgundy c. Main
Conway          Elizabeth                                       c.     St. Louis & Rampart
Cooben          W.H.          clothing store   New Levee        d.     Byrne's Saw Mills
Cook            Loring        segar manufactory                     27 Madison
Cook            Richard A.    coach maker                          278 Royal
Cook            C.H.          grocery   c. New Levee & Poydras  d. 183 St. Charles
Cook            William C.    accountant                        c.     Chartres & Bienville
Cook            F.            printer   c. Bienville & Conti    d.  29 Philippa
Cooper          Henry         broker                                   Canal n. Burgundy
Cooper, Caruthers & Co.       merchants                            120 Canal
Copping         Thomas        deputy harbor master              d.  14 Bayou Road
                              c.  Chartres & Conti
Caquet          J.B.                                               425 Bayou Road
Coquet          F.            discount clerk city bank             425 Bayou Road
Coquille        Noel          mariner                               14 Histoire
Corbiere        Mad.          widow                                163 Bourbon
Corbiere        Louis                                              131 Bourbon
Corbiere        Cesile, Miss                                        12 Barrack
Cordeviole & Lacroix          tailors                              150 Chartres
Cordeviola      Estevan       shoe store                               Bourbon c. Main
Cordier         Marie J., Miss                                     147 St. Philip
Corjeolle       Gabriel                                            176 Levee
Corjeolle       E.            builder                              366 Burgundy
Cormier         Louis         sea captain                          142 St. Louis
Cornwell        W.H.          sheriff's office                 No.   1 Conde
Corrie          Belinda, Miss                                       49 Histoire
Cornu           B.                                                  35 Louisa
Cornu           M.            wood merchant                         37 Louisa
Cortilli        Justin        M.D.             druggist         c.     Rampart & Toulouse
Costa           Jayme         grocer                            c.     Bienville & Dauphin
Coste           Joseph        carpenter                                Marais n. Main
Coste           Andre         coach maker                              Cours des Tritons n. Apollon
Cottrast        P.            planter                                  below Convent
Cotton          W.            accountant                           362 Magazine
Condrain        Mad.          widow                                124 Toulouse
Condray         Pierre A.     distiller                            180 Grands Hommes
Court of Probates                                               c.     Conde & St. Anne
Cougot          Marie Fouche  merchant                             147 Royal
Coulon          Jean & Co.    china store                           49 Conde
Coulon          Francois                                            52 Conde
Coulon          Mad. Widow                                         277 Burgundy
Coulter         Sidney        engineer                              36 Peace
Courcelle       Leon          cotton broker                     c.     Carondelet & Hevia
Couralle (sic)  Justine, Miss washer                               180 Toulouse
Courcelle       Hilaire                                            206 St. Ann
Courcelle       Joachim       builder                              263 Rampart
Courcelle       B.            builder                              259 Rampart
Courcelle       E.A.          builder                              212 Main
Courcelle       Mistel        bricklayer                            50 St. Claude
Courrier        Charles       carpenter                            191 Circus
Cournet         J.            watchmaker                           176 Chartres
Cournant        Mimi, Miss                                         346 Bourbon
Cournant        Pouponne                                           164 Ursuline
Courro          Celestin      laborer                              137 Customhouse
Courteau        Bazile        mariner                              120 Amour
Courtenay       J.            tavern                                   Dauphin c. St. Ann
Courto          John G.                                            299 Bons Enfans
Cousin & Laurent              wood merchants                    c.     St. Peter & Treme
Coussi                        carpenter                                St. Claude n. St. Philip
Cousin          Mad.          widow                                189 St. Philip
Cousin          Terence       planter                              189 St. Philip
Cousin          Adolph & Anatole                                   189 St. Philip
Contor          Theophile                                          170 Poets
Contreaux       Francois      widow                             c.     Josephine & St. Thomas
Contreaus       Laurent       cartman                           c.     Josephine & St. Thomas
Couvent         Bernard       widow                                 50 Barrack
Couvertier      Louis         goldsmith                         c.     Royal & St. Peter
Couvertier      E., Miss                                        c.     Dauphin & St. Peter
Cova            Victor de la & B.   exchange broker                 51 St. Louis
                                   (Columbian Consul)
Cowan & Field                 coopers                               87 Poydras
Coward          Michael       blacksmith                               Delor & Tchoupitoulas
Cownland        Patrick       laborer                                  Delor n. Levee
Cox             Nathaniel     merchant                               9 Poydras
Coycault        Auguste                                            213 Royal
Craft           John          cotton press                      c.     Annunciation & Oranger
Craig           John          accountant                           383 Magazine
Craine          Thos.         engineer                          c.     Constance & Edward
Crane           George        printer                                  Levee  Faubourg Lafayette
Crawford        -----         victualler                               Old Market
Craycroft       C.            cordwainer                           302 Bourbon
Creon           Jacques                                            301 Bourbon
Crinimal Court                                                  c.     Conde & St. Anne
Croal           Morris        builder                               31 Carondelet
Crocker         Elisha        glazier                                  Polymnie c. Calioppe
Crocker         Charles       glazier                                  Polymnie c. Calioppe
Crocker         B.            carpenter                                Bayou Road
Crocker         James                                              162 Champs Elysees
Crocker         Robert                                             274 Victoire
Crocker         Pierre                                                 Ursuline n. St. Claude
Crocket         J.S.          M.D.                                  42 Canal
Croix           Elize, Miss                                        122 St. Anne
Crommer         John          dry goods                         c.     Public Road & Adel
Crossman        M.            hat store                              4 Chartres
Crowell         Morris        carpenter        12 Rampart     d.c.     Common & Carondelet
Croy            Heloize                                             50 Victoire
Crozat          -----                                               17 Craps c. Bagatelle
Cruan           -----                                              168 Main
Cruau           Francois                                            70 Victoire
Crubi           Francis Louis brickmaker                        c.     Constance & Barthelmy
Cruzat          Antoine       parish treasurer 86 St. Peter     d.  50 Bourbon
Cruzat          Manuel                                             238 Rampart
Cruzat          Gustave       accountant                            50 Bourbon
Cruzel          John F.       segar maker                          126 Casa Calvo
Cruzel          Edouard       saddler                                8 Conti
Cruzel                        city guard                            84 Bons Enfans
Cucette         Eulalia, Miss washer                                74 Burgundy
Cucullu         Simon, sen.   planter                              117 Barrack
Cucullu         Simon Manuel  merchant         53 Toulouse      d. 117 Barrack
Cucullu         Thomas        accountant & mariner                  53 Toulouse
Cucullu         D.            accountant       53 Toulouse      d. 117 Basin
Culbertson      John          attorney at law & interpreter     d.     Moreau
Cumpton         Thos.         merchant                             251 (or 351?) Camp
Cunningham      J.            slater                            c.     Royal & Custom House
Cupidon         V.            bricklayer                           33_ Burgundy
Cure            T.            carpenter                             86 Champs Elysees
Curell          James         merchant         19 Conti         d. 294 Rampart
Curell, Kilshaw & Co.         merchants                             19 Conti
Curet           Joseph                                             84? Burgundy
Curnier         Auguste       grocer                               111 Amour
Curtis          Bernard       gun smith                            192 Bagatelle
Curto           A.            comedian                              93 St. Anne
Custom House                                                           Levee b. Customhouse & Canal
Cuvertie        Francois                                               Rampart c. St. Anne
Cuvillier       P.A.          attorney at law                       77 French
Cuvillier       Joseph        notary public    Royal            d.  77 French
Cuvillier       Adolphe       deputy clerk supreme court        d.  77 French
Cuvillier       Alex          clerk of the House of                 77 French
Cuvillier       Charles       director of the Louisiana College n.     Levee Steam Cotton Press

-- D --

Daboval         Joseph C.     accountant                            77 Poets
Dabrand         Charles       tailor                               318 Levee
Dagalit         Severine, Miss                                     112 Moreau
Dagland         Jules         accountant                           176 Bagatelle
Dagorie         Mrs.          widow                                 96 Amour
Daiglemont      Juan                                                21 Francais
Dalles          Estelle, Miss                                       87 Bourbon
Dalley          Sophie, Miss                                        54 Bons Enfans
Dally           Aglae, Miss                                            Bons Enfans
Dalestinet      Marie, Miss                                         92 Bourbon
Dalche          Auguste       bricklayer                               St. Claude n. Ursuline
Dalche          A.            druggist                          c.     Bourbon & Main
Dalicon         Adelaide, Miss                                      63 Craps
Dalmazie        J.B.          cordwainer                           169 Girod
Dalton          Valentin      deputy marshal                    c.     Robin & Religieuse
Dalton          James         boarding house                        77 Tchoupitoulas
Damasin ?       A.L.                                                 9 New Levee
Dansey          B. Hagan      coffee house                           9 Poydras
Daniels         Aaron         dry goods                         c.     Chartres & Custom House
Daniell         Josiah        store            29 Old Levee     d.  27 Rampart
Daniel          John          clothing store                        57 New Levee
Daniel          Joseph        cartman                                  St. Philip c. St. Charles
Dansac          Louis         lime merchant    36 Basin         d. 194 Toulouse
Dantiville      Bernard       segar maker                          213 Craps
Dantilly        Valery                                              57 Marigny
Dantilly        Widow                                              127 Victoire
Dantonnet       -----         musician                                 Orleans Theatre
Dapduil         Ceisle, Miss                                       264 Dauphin
Dapremont       A.                                                 189 Dauphin
Dapremont       E.                                                  38 Orleans
D'Aquin         Louis         planter                           d.  67 Conde
D'Aquin         Mrs.          widow                                111 Main
D'Aquin         B.            bakery                                67 Conde
D'Aquin         Sylvain       mason                                279 Bourbon
Daram           R.            watchmaker                           160 Chartres
Darramon        J.            dry goods                             27 Chartres
Darby           -----         runner           City Bank
Darcantel       Adeline, Miss                                       31 Bagatelle
Darcantel       Auguste B.                                         217 Amour
Darcantel       J.B.          sportsman                             93 Amour
Darcantel       T.            brickyard                                below Convent
Dardaine        Mrs.          widow                                375 Dauphin
Dargaignairalty A.            overseer                             190 Custom House
Dasemad         Charles       joiner                                79 Barracks
Dasemad         Rose, Miss                                          79 Barracks
Daste           Honore        bricklayer                               Constance n. Edouard
Dastringues     Juan          oysterman                            376 Levee
Dastugues       Pierre        victualler                               Annunciation c. Estelle
Dastugue        J.B.          paying teller Louisiana State Bank    21 Grands Hommes
Dastugues       Eugene        barber                               191 Espagne
Daubert         F.            accountant       13 Bienville   d.c.     Amour c. Histoire
Daufranc        Auguste       drayman                              266 Magazine
Dauliole        Jean L.       carpenter                            218 St. Philip
Dauliole        Joseph                                                 Bayou c. Plauche
Daumar          Charles                                            179 Bourbon
Daunat          Gabriel                                            411 Casa Calvo
Daunoy          Charles F.    attorney at law                          Levee n. Levee Steam Cotton Press
Daunoy          L.            city marshal                          49 St. Ann
Daunoy          F.            commissary of police                  39 Dauphin
Daunoy          Hypolite      accountant                           769 Royal
Dauphin         Catiche, Miss                                          Lacourse n. Religieuse
Dauphin         Junon                                              391 Bourbon
Dauphin         P., Miss                                            67 Baronne
Dauphin         Francois                                           112 St. Claude
Dauphin         J.R.          widow                                161 Bayou
Dautrive        Felicity, Miss                                  c.     Old Levee & St. Jacques
Dauvergne       Pierre        tavern                                   Rampart & St. Ann
Dauvin          Claude                                             104 Burgundy
Davenporrt and Maxent         commission merchants                  70 New Levee
Davezac         Dr.           M.D.                                 174 Tchoupitoulas
David           Institutor                                         305 Rampart
David           Victor        hardware         37 Levee         d.  56 St. Ann
David           H.L.          cutler                                68 St. Ann
Davidson        R.            M.D.                              c.     Bienville & Royal
Davidson        L.M.          note clerk       N.O.C. Bank    d.c.     Bienville & Royal
Davis           John          proprietor of the Orleans Theatre     38 Orleans
Davis           J., Jr.                                             38 Orleans
Davis           Mrs.          millinery                             60 Royal
Davis           T.G.          grocery                               26 Basin
Davis           Constance     washer & ironer                       15 St. Claude
Davis           George                                              27 c. Gravier & Circus
Davis           John          cooper                                   Old Levee n. Soraparu
Davis           Horatio       justice of the peace                     Public Road n. Parus (sic)  Jefferson parish
Davis           Francis C.    ship carpenter                       184 Magazine
Davis           John                                                90 Poydras
Davoine         N.F.          dry goods                            144 c. Toulouse
Dawson          A. Wm.        musician                              55 Dauphin
Dawson          G.W.          boarding house                        65 Julia
Day             Samuel M.     painter                           c.     Delor & Foucher
Day             Elizabeth     widow                                 53 Foucher
Dayraud         Jean A.       wood merchant                        180 Levee
Dayson          Jean                                                81 Main
Deason          Wm.                                                109 Canal
Deason          Wm., Jr.      lumber merchant                      221 Tchoupitoulas
Deal            Widow                                                  Calisse b. Edouard & Basin
Deale           E.            carpenter                                Oranger n. Magazine
Dealer          Patrick       butcher                           c.     St. Andre & Religieuse
Dealing         J.            grocer                               157 c. Magazine & Girod
Deane           Daniel                                                 Old Levee
DeArmas         Christoval    widow                                148 Bourbon
DeArmas         Albert        accountant                           148 Bourbon
DeArmas         Felix         notary           c. Royal         d.     St. Louis
DeArmas         Octave        notary public    43 St. Louis     d. 196 c. St. Louis & Rampart
DeArmas         C.G.          attorney at law                      190 St. Louis
DeArmas         Michael       widow                                    Esplanade
Dean            Victoire                                           275 Bourbon
Debarre         Philip        grocer                            c.     Camp & Poydras
Debergne        E.            musician                              67 Francais
Debergue        E.            hat store                             23 St. Peter
Deblanc         J.                                                  53 Toulouse
Debon           S.            carpenter                                Colisse n. Thalie
Debow           D.            M.D.                                  94 Girod
Deboisse        Nelson                                             106 Orleans
Debuys          W. & P.       cotton press                             St. Charles n. Union
Dechamp         -----         comedian                                 Orleans Theatre
DeChampion                    cabinet maker                        162 Espagne
Deflan          Louise, Miss                                       101 Mandeville
Deglandon       Francois      pilot                                    Estelle n. Constance
Deglotte        A.                                                     Barrack c. Rampart
Degrey          Francois      carpenter                                St. Philip n. Treme
Degruys         Dufouchard    Consolidated Bank                 d. 330 Bourbon
Dejan           J.B.          merchant                             217 Bourbon
Dejan           S., Jr.                                            217 Bourbon
Dejan           Jules         accountant                           217 Bourbon
Delafield       Richard       U.S. Engineer    Fort Jackson     d.  28 Bourbon
DeEnde          Merchane                                            69 Louisa
Delahay         A.            grocer                               125 Toulouse
Delaire         Severin       cartman                                  Melpomene c. Bacchus
Delalande       F.            pointer                              183 Chartres
Delarne         Jean          goldsmith                            138 Royal
Delarne         Rene                                            c.     Rampart & Customhouse
Delassize       Valery                                              55 Toulouse
Delasay         G.                                                 121 Bienville
Delauney        J.T.          book binder                           39 Toulouse
Delhauney       Selicourt     coach maker                          254 Magazine c. St. Joseph
Delille         Felix         grocer                                   Ursuline c. Bourbon
Dellimore       E.            accountant
Delaup          F.            printer                              181 Bourbon
Delaup                        widow                                228 Main
Delavincendiere T.            dry goods                         c.     Levee & Ursuline
DelaBossa       Lino          grocer                            c.     Levee & Mandeville
Delaborne       Joseph        goldsmith                             22 St. Ann
Delery                        widow                                308 Bourbon
Delineau        Jean          mariner                           c.     St. Mary & Elizabeth
Delpeuch        A.            apothecary                           173 Chartres
Delino          Chalmet       widow                                 86 Bourbon
Delore          Seliman                                             43 Grands Hommes
Delpit          J. & A.       tobacconist                          118 Chartres
Delpit          Julian                                             108 Chartres
Delgoane                      accountant                           123 St. Philip
Delpuech        Louis                                              387 Dauphin
DeMahy          Joseph        port warden  c. Chartres & Conti  d. 118 Clouet
Deman           E.                                                 100 c. Craps & Union
Demas           Sarah         washer & ironer                      149 Burgundy
Demagiliere     Bazile                                             137 Bayou Road
Demaziliere     B.            cabinet maker                         22 & 61 Bons Enfans
Demaziliere     A., Miss                                           175 St. Claude
Demby           Wm. B.        grocery                           c.     Old Levee
Demiliere                     widow                                217 Main
Demoliere       Chemence, Miss                                      50 Dauphin
Demony          Antoine       carpenter                                Constance c. Estelle
Demortier       Adel, Miss                                         184 Conti
Demorel         Antoine       accountant                           191 Casa Calvo
Demorry                       goldsmith                            215 Dauphin
Demouche        Jean          victualler                            96 Bons Enfans
Denis           H.R.          attorney at law  120 Royal        d. 393 Royal
Denis           F.X.          grocer                            c.     Conde & St. Philip
Denis           Charles       distiller                            122 St. Anne
Denniston, Hill & Co.         merchants                             50 Chartres
Denny           Daniel        blacksmith                           115 Common
Depass          Mad.          widow                                 53 Girod
Depasseau       C.            sheriff of Jefferson                     Felicity Road
DePeyster       R.G.L.        merchant                              84 Common
Depirres        Wm.           bricklayer                           197 Grands Hommes
Depres          E.                                                 313 Burgundy
Derbigny        Charles       attorney at law  141 Royal        d. 145 Conde
Derbigny        -----         bookkeeper       City Bank
Desbrosse       J.N.          segar maker                           37 Toulouse
Desfarges       Louis                                              441 Magazine c. Edward
Desboit         -----         trader                               815 Dauphin
Desbois         J.            broker                               134 Chartres
Desbergues      Michael       cabinet maker                         59 Marigny
Desboullets     J.                                                 335 Rampart
Desdunes        J.B.                                                18 Espagne
Desforges       Louis         musician                             295 Royal
Desforges       L.M.          accountant                            73 Bourbon
Desforges       Adolphe       accountant                           341 Bourbon
Desiree         Miss          hair dresser                          94 St. Anne
Desmart         August        musician         Water Works
Desmonelle      Jacques       bricklayer                           134 Common
Desmonelle      J.B.                                               232 Common
Desmonelle      Humbert                                                Basin n. Customhouse
Despio          Fanny                                                  St. Charles n. Barrack
Desportes       Marulin       sea capt.                             38 Francais
Desportes       J. Louis      baker                                209 Bons Enfans
Dassources      L.B.          cabinet maker                        237 Dauphin
Dessouges       J.B.          turner                                37 Rampart
Destinval       P.            musician                             372 Magazine
Destrehan       H.                                                 105 Grands Hommes
Destram & Co.   Mrs.          millenary                             58 Royal
Detrenay        E.            cooper                               346 Bagatelle
Detrey          T., Miss      dry goods                         c.     Conde & Ursuline
De St. Romes    J.C.          Editor of the Courier                 80 Chartres
De St. Cyr                                                      c.     Bourbon & St. Anne
Develle         -----         painter                                  Orleans Theatre
Devereaux       M. H.         tin plate        24 Tchoupitoulas d.  92 Delor
Devignes        Helen                                               92 Carondelet c. Common
Devine          J. & P.       dry goods                              2 Chartres
Dews            Daniel                                          c.     New Levee & Celeste
Degorge         S.S.                                               376 Royal
Dia             Joachim       widow                                    Bourbon c. Esplanade
Diard           J.            tailor                               248 Dauphin
Diard           Joseph                                             159 Main
Dick            N. & J. & Co. merchants                             89 Canal
Dickinson       Sam'l         stevedore                             67 Mandeville
Dickinson       Henry         blacksmith                        c.     Marigny
Dies            Pepite                                                 St. Philip n. Marais
Dietewich       Roselins      grocer                               212 Magazine c. Julia
Dies            Jeanne, Miss                                       151 Moreau
Dillard         Lewis         printer                              149 St. Louis
Dimas & Co.     Augustin                                            87 Levee c. Jefferson
Dimitry         Andrea        dry goods                         c.     Conde & Hospital
Dimitry         A.            Redactor of the Bee             d.c.     Conde & Hospital
Dimitry         D.            accountant                        c.     Conde & Hospital
Dimonds         Charles       tavern & livery stable            c.     Tchoupitoulas & Delor
Dinet           Jean                                               155 Conde
Dinette         P.            fisherman                             52 Moreau
Dinette         Henry         ship carpenter                           Poets c. Amour
Dinewey         Bartholomew   bricklayer                           106 Espagne
Dirkmazer       George        grocer                            c.     Robin & Annunciation
Dirkgrave                     widow                                 94 Girod
Dissard         Francois                                           876 Royal
Dixon           Robt.         accountant                        c.     Annunciation & Estelle
Dixon           Thos.         merchant                             167 c. Gravier & Baronne
Dixon           Samuel D.     alderman                          c.     Edward & Constance
D'Hebecourt     Prancois (sic)academy                                  Bayou St. John
D'Hebecourt     Gustave                                                Bayou St. John
D'Hebecourt     F.                                                     Bayou St. John
D'Hemecourt     A.            deputy city surveyor                 375 Royal
Docminie        Janette, Miss                                       51 Bagatelle
Dodart          J.F.          dry goods                         c.     Toulouse & Royal
Dodge & Brown                 fruit store                           66 Gravier
Doggett         Thomas        academy                              142 Hospital
Dogherty        Bernard       widow                                109 Chartres
Doliole         J.L.                                               154 St. Philip
Doliole         Francoise                                           33 Bagatelle
Dolhonde        Antoine                                             95 Toulouse
Dolmet          Eugine, Miss                                        12 Enghien
Dolon           P.            victualler                            15 Histoire
Dolon           P.                                                     Marais
Dombrowsky                    widow                                    Oranger n. Religieuse
Domingon                      widow                                    Hospital n. Rampart
Domingo         Charles       shoe blacker                         167 Casa Calvo
Domingo         S.            widow                                161 Toulouse
Domingo         S.J.M.                                             136 St. Peter
Domingon        H.J.          auctioneer       14 St. Louis     d.   6 Union
Dominique       Cephise                                             97 St. Philippa
Donaldson       P.                                                     Treme n. Bayou
Donalson        Stephen                                            165 Toulouse c. Burgundy
Donelleau       Timothy       grocer                               114 Levee
Donough         Stephen       lottery office                        81 Chartres
Donough         Patrick       turner                            c.     Bourbon & Customhouse
Doelle          James                                              144 Levee
Doolen          Patrick       tailor                                80 Burgundy
Doornic         J.E.          M.D.                                  39 Toulouse
Dordal          Antoine       grocer                                   St. Louis & Dauphin
Dore            Alexis        mariner                              151 Craps
Dorfeuille      Paul          accountant                        c.     Conti & Dauphin
Doricourt       Marianne                                               Polymnie c. Pritanne
Doricourt       Antoine                                                Gentilly Road
Doornic         John                                            c.     Robin & Annunciation
Dorsey          G.B.          merchant         30 Gravier       d.   9 Bourbon
Dossy           Simon                                              128 Conti
Double          J.B.          dry goods                            123 Levee
Douce           Auguste       cabinet maker                            Royal c. St. Philipe
Doucet          Marcelin                                           216 Bons Enfans
Doucet          Marie Rose, Miss                                       Poets c. Amour
Doucet                        widow                                    Poets c. Amour
Doucet          Francois      segar maker                           48 Histoire
Douglass        Wm.           cooper                                   Richard n. Old Levee
Doumille        Jean          tailor                               459 Magazine
Dow             Timothy       speculator                               Oranger c. Religieuse
Downs           C.C.          book binder                           30 Canal
Doyle & Pickett               painters & glaziers                   54 Bienville
Doyle           J.            broker                                 4 Conti
Doyle           Ben           ship carpenter                       134 Girod c. St. Charles
Doyle           Thos.         coffee house                          91 Camp
Drake           David         boarding house                           Iberia b. Circus & St. John
Dreux           Didier        brickyard                         c.     Richard & Religieuse
Dreux           A.            clerk of the city court         d.c.     Main & Rampart
Dreux                         widow                             c.     Main & Rampart
Drew            J.                                                     Religieuse b. Oranger & Richard
Drouet          J.B.                                                   Public Road n. Philip
Drouette        Melanie, Miss                                       22 Peace
Drouette        Baptiste                                           125 Union
Drouillard      V.A.          druggist                               5 Gravier
Drouillard      -----         runner           Bank of Louisiana
Drary           Jean          barkeeper                         c.     St. Louis & Chartres
Dryni           Adolphe       segar maker                           90 Union
Dublaen         Jean          millenary store                      154 Royal
Dubertrand      Pierre        merchant         32 Camp          d. 122 St. Louis
Dubignon        Jean          gold smith                           202 Camp c. Julia
Dubois          Dorothe, Miss                                      189 St. Louis
Dubois          Euphronie, Miss                                     77 Rampart
Dubois          Eugenie       widow                                219 Gravier
Dubois          Valery        musician                             187 Bons Enfans
Dubois          Marianne, Miss   grocer                            107 Amour
Dubois          Nicholas      bricklayer                           194 St. Anne
Dubourg         Paul L.       bricklayer                           436 Tchoupitoulas
Dubreuil        Sanite                                                 Old Convent
Dubreuil        Elizabeth     washer & ironer                      113 Toulouse
Dubreuil        Louis         tailor           132 Royal        d. 160 Conti
Dubroise        James                                               64 Bourbon
Dubroise        John                                                64 Bourbon
Dubuc           Francois      tin plate                             42 Levee
Dubuc           Antoine       accountant                            42 Levee
Dubuisson       -----         dentist                              340 Bourbon
Debuys          Peter                                              152 Bourbon
Ducatel         Germain       millinery & fancy store           c.     Royal & Toulouse
Ducatel         Amede         accountant                           123 St. Louis
Ducatel         Camille       Clerk of the Bank of Louisiana    d. 108 St. Louis
Ducayet         M.            widow                                155 Toulouse
Duchamp, Bernard & Kennedy    merchants                             50 Toulouse
Duchamp         Mde.          widow            dry goods            94 Toulouse
Duchanfour      -----         musician                                 Orleans Theatre
Dachemin        Aime, Miss                                         121 St. Anne
Duchesne        J.            grocer                            c.     Basin & St. Claude
Duchet          Julien        blacksmith                               Bayou Road c. St. Claude
Duckworth       J.H.          cotton broker                          7 St. Charles
Duclere         J.                                                     Ursuline n. Treme
Duclos          L.F.          carpenter                                Edward b. Constance & Annunciation
Ducoin          F.                                                  18 Barrack
Duconge         P.F.          druggist                          c.     Chartres & Conti
Ducosse         John          ship carpenter                       168 Casa Calvo
Ducourneau      Mad. Ve.                                           339 Tchoupitoulas c. Suzette
Ducourneau      -----         tailor                               168 Royal
Ducros & Morphy               grocery                               13 Levee
Ducros          Antoine       register of conveyances           d. 140 Hospital
                              65 St. Louis 
Ducros          Mde.          widow                             c.     Esplanade & Bagatelle
Ducros          Alfred                                          c.     Esplanade & Bagatelle
Ducros          J.M.          attorney at law                   c.     Esplanade & Bagatelle
Dudlay          U.H.          auct.                                  1 New Levee & Common
Duffy           James         plasterer                             31 Carondelet
Duffy           James         blacksmith                               Francais c. Victoire
Dufilho         J., Jr.       druggist                             140 Chartres
Dufour & Debois               brokers                              134 Chartres
Dufour          Victor        grocer                           fr.     Richard & Pacaniers
Dufour          Velima, Miss                                       122 Victoire
Dufour          Pierre        victualler                               Old Market
Dufour          J.            broker                               124 Ursuline
Dufour          A.                                                 116 Hospital
Dufour          Thirese, Miss                                      371 Burgundy
Dufour                        widow                                397 Bourbon
Dugua           Marie, Miss                                        161 St. Claude
Dugua           P.            dry goods store                      330 Burgundy
Duguy           Joseph                                          c.     Euterpe & Bacchus
Duharley        Rosette, Miss                                      339 Burgundy
Duhart          Adolphe       gun smith                             22 Toulouse
Dulien          John          shoe store                        c.     Dauphine & St. Ann
Dumas           Francois      grocer                            c.     Apollon & Euterpe
Dumas           Jules         ordinary                          c.     Orleans & Royal
Dumas           Teacher (sic)                                      113 Orleans
Dumaire                       widow                                    Bayou Road
Dumaire         Pierre                                                 Constance n. Basin
Dumee           William       dry goods store                       93 Levee
Dumalin         Louise, Miss                                       128 Mandeville
Dumenie         Charles       tin smith                             40 Victoire
Duminie         D. & E.                                             17 St. Antoine
Duminie         Mad.          widow                                    Clio n. Nayades
Duminie         Durival       grocer                                   Nayades fr. Polymnie
Dumning         J.S.          grocer                               169 Girod
Dunbar          L.S.          mariner                              100 Victoire
Duncan          W.C.          dry goods                             16 St. Anne
Duncan          J.N.                                                   Levee below lower steam cotton press
Duncan          Lucius C.     attorney at law                       93 Bienville
Dunhap          S.            coffee house                          58 Delor
Dunham          J.E.          accountant                               New Levee c. Common
Dunlap          C.            carpenter                             11 Carondelet
Dunover         R. Louis                                           149 Girod
Dupar           Charles Jr.                                         20 Moreau
Dupart          Martial                                             84 Craps
Dupart          J. Louis                                           406 Levee
Dupart          P.            pedlar                                   Hospital n. St. Claude
Dupart          Pierre        tailor                               402 Dauphine
Dupart          Amelie                                                 Pacanier n. Richard
Dupas                         widow            grocery          c.     Chartres & Toulouse
Dupas           Jacques       accountant                        c.     Chartres & Toulouse
Dupas           Samuel                                              28 Barracks
Duperain        B.B.          grocer                            c.     Bourbon & Bienville
Duperon         Jean                                               178 Hospital
Duperu          J.W.          hardware store                        57 New Levee
Dupeux          P.            deputy marshal                       103 Bayou Road
Dupin           Elime         tin smith                             98 Philippa
Dupin & Lombard               tin smith                              7 Bienville
Dupin           J.            accountant       Bank U.S.
Duplair         Hugh                                               100 Carondelet
Duplessis       Mad.          widow, P.L.B.                         43 Bourbon
Duplessis       F.C.W.        clk.             criminal court       49 Bourbon
Duplessis       Peter L.B.                                          49 Bourbon
Duplessis       Jackson       accountant                            49 Bourbon
Duplessis       Francois                                            85 Toulouse
Duplessis       Thomas        accountant                            38 Dauphine
Duplessis       Edward        wood yard                         c.     Old Levee & Richard
Duplessis       Marthe, Miss                                       217 Dauphine
Dupont          Mad.                                                85 St. Phillippe
Duprats         Justin        clothing store   28 Conti         d.  95 Magazine
Dupre           Celeste, Miss                                      247 St. Anne
Dupre           J.P.                                                89 Barracks
Dupre           Andre         grocer                            c.     Magazine & St. Josephe
Dupre           Josephe       segar maker                              Terpsichore b. Apollon & Bacchus
Dupre           Pierre        segar maker                              Terpsichore b. Apollon & Bacchus
Dupre           Ernest                                              75 Peace
Dupre           Auguste                                            107 Casa Calvo
Dupre           Jules                                              319 Moreau
Dupre           Victor L.                                           19 Bagatelle
Dupre           Maralle                                            158 Espagne
Dupre           Louis T.                                           186 Espagne
Dupre           Galland                                            211 Bons Enfans
Dupre           J.            carpenter                         c.     St. Claude & Main
Dupins          Louis B.                                           415 Grans Hommes
Dupins          Aubertis, Miss                                     126 Victoire
Dupuy           G.A.                                               137 Casa Calvo
Dupuy           G.            M.D.                                 111 St. Louis
Dupuy           Adelaide, Miss                                     177 Conti
Dupuy           Edmond        teacher                              177 Conti
Duput           Auguste       cordwainer                            92 Julia
Dupuy           Jean          distiller                             62 St. Anne
Dupuy                         widow                                153 Main
Dupuy           Bd.                                             c.     Orleans & Bourbon
Dupuy           Ant.                                                59 St. Anne
Dupuy           Magdelaine                                         150 Maine
Dupuy           Jeanne                                                 Bayou Road
Dupuy           Mad.                                               158 St. Philippe
Dupuy           A.            secretary  merchants' insurance co.      Royal c. Bienville
Duralde         Martin                                                 Levee n. Convent
Durand          Charles                                            384 c. Magazine & Melicerte
Durand          Louis         carpenter                         c.     Robin & Constance
Durand          John          milkman                           c.     St. Mary & Elizabeth
Duranteau                     widow                                146 St. Peter
Durasseau       Pierre        carpenter                         c.     St. Jacques & St. Jean Baptiste
Dureau          Francois      cartman                           c.     Richard & Annunciation
Durcy           Ferd.                                              182 Hospital
Dureye          Miladre, Miss                                      318 Royal
Durel           J. F. & Co.   merchants                             72 Levee
Durel           Ursin         Madame Widow                          89 Toulouse
Durel           Theodore & Eugene  accountants                      89 Toulouse
Durel           Justin        dry goods store                      157 Royal
Durel & St. Victor            grocery store                         15 Bienville
Durel           Adolph                                                 below town
Durel           John S.                                            117 Mandeville
Durel           Baptiste      widow                             c.     Royal & St. Anne
Durel           Valsin        acct.       canal bank al (sic)   c.     Royal & St. Anne
Durel           Zenon         accountant                        c.     Royal & St. Anne
Durel           J.                                                 110 Main
Durel           J.F.                                               231 Bourbon
Durel           M.V.          accountant                           237 Dauphine
Durel           J.B.                                               297 Bourbon
Durel           Neuville                                           145 Main
Durenoir        Ben.          furniture store                      248 Royal
Durio           Guillaume                                              St. Anne n. Treme
Durionne        Elizabeth                                          141 Rail Road c. Champs Elysees
Durrive         Madame        widow                             c.     Bienville & Dauphine
Durive          Ed.                                             c.     Bienville & Dauphine
Durive          Fred.                                           c.     Bienville & Dauphine
Durive          Jules                                           c.     Bienville & Dauphine
Durohy          James         drayman                              198 Common
Durocher        Charles       cotton broker                            Common
Durocher                      widow                                 16 Bons Enfans
Durochand       Achille                                            249 Levee
Duruntier       J.A.          musician                                 Marais c. Treme
Durmslieau      Jean          segar maker                           67 Tchoupitoulas
Duslumier       A.                                                 156 Barracks
Dutch           J.A.                                                   Main n. Rampart
Duthill         P.            blacksmith                            27 St. Philippe
Dutilliet       Louis         segar maker                          200 Bourbon
Dutilliet       Jacques       accountant                            47 Espagne
Dutillet        Charles       commissary of police                 319 Bourbon
Dutillet        Francois      auctioneer                        c.     Bourbon & Ursulines
Dutrait         Louis         cordwainer                            68 Girod
Dutillet        Beni          mariner                               94 Main
Dutillet        Zabet, Miss                                        147 Rampart
Dutrit          C.B.          cordwainer                               Estelle c. Colisee
Duval           A.            portrait painter                     130 Bourbon
Duval           Gaston        bricklayer                           179 Girod
Duval           Jacques       accountant                               Apollon c. Calliope
Duval           Adolphe       segar maker                           42 St. Antoine
Duval           F.            cordwainer                            16 Amour
Duval           Benj.                                               99 Main
Duval           C., Miss                                           300 Royal
Duval           J.            widow                                307 Royal
Duval           Julien        teacher                              141 Toulouse
Duval           Adelaide, Miss                                     200 Grands Hommes
Duvallon        Ursin F.                                            38 Craps
Duvallon        Nevestan                                           178 Marigny
Duvernay        Antoine       carpenter                                Apollon n. Terpsichore
Duvernay        Pierre        carpenter                                Apollon n. Polimnie
Duvernay        Francois      bricklayer                               Apollon n. Polimnie
Duvignand       Adelaide, Miss                                         Hevia b. Baronne & Philippa
Duverger        Pierre        commissary of police                 244 Rampart
Duverger        Pierre, Jr.                                        244 Rampart
Duverger        Paul          accountant                           244 Rampart
Duverges        Madame        widow                                313 Royal
Duvignaud       Louis                                                  Bayou Road n. Treme
Duvignaud       Madame        widow                                297 Bayou Road
Duvignaud       Adelard       carpenter                            297 Bayou Road
Duvivier        Louis, Miss                                        201 Tchoupitoulas
Dwight          F. Felton     ship broker                           11 St. Philippe
Dye             W.            grocery                           c.     New Levee & Richard

-- E --

Eaden           Felix                                           c.     Philippa & Canal
Easton          Robert        tobacconist                           90 Julia
Eonelle                       widow                                 23 St. Philippe
Edwards         C.M.          barkeeper        Exchange coffee  d. 127 Philippa
Egidi           Carl          grocer                               354 c. Magazine & Barthelemy
Eglee           Catharine     washer, &c.                           58 Poets
Egnew           J.W.          attorney at law                       42 Canal
Eisenhardt      Daniel        grocer                            c.     Conti & Dauphine
Eisenhardt      Melchor       victualler                        c.     Josephine & Laurel
Eitel           Daniel                                          c.     Religieuses & St. Jacques
Elchedge & Samuel             hotel                                186 Tchoupitoulas c. Julia
Eldrige                       widow, mantua maker                   39 Dauphine
Elgkouan        Romero        trader                               167 Levee
Eli             Comb                                               106 Philippa
Elie            -----         musician                                 Orleans Theatre
Elliot          Andrew        mert.                                    Bienville b. Chartres & Royal
Elliott         B.C.          attorney at law                   c.     Gravier & Tchoupitoulas
Elliott         Robert        merchant                             102 Julia
Elliott         J.            cooper                               319 Bourbon
Elliott                       widow                                351 Royal c. Hospital
Elliott         George B.     mariner                              109 Francais
Elliott         Charles       accountant                           216 Champs Elysee
Elliott         Waggaman      clerk
                              New Orleans Canal and Banking Co.
Elliott         Joseph        cordwainer                               Enghien n. Moreau
Elizabeth       Adelaide                                           139 Dauphine
Elkins          Samuel        merchant                              43 & d. 135 Magazine
Elkins          H.            Ponchartrain Retreat              d.  70 Bourbon
Eloi            Baptiste      grocer                            c.     Apollon & Clio
Emerick         William                                            106 Victoire
Emerson         Lewis E.                                           319 Bons Enfans
Emporium Printing Office                                        c.     Bienville & Chartres
Emerson         Nathaniel     grocery store    3 New Levee      d. 131 Common
Enard           Simon                                              383 Rampart
Encalada        Valentin                                               Pritanee n. Polymnie
Enjelan         Miss                                               212 Esplanade
Escot           Eloise                                              75 Moreau
Escot           Antoine       carpenter                            166 Baronne
Escot           Louston                                            353 Magazine c. Barthelemy
Escofier        Francois      tavern                                   Bayou Road
Escollado       Severin       trader                               111 Francais
Espinosa        Joseph        store                                135 Conde
Espinosa        widow                                               45 Esplanade
Esteves         F.            tailor                                79 Barracks
Erwing          John          accountant                           119 St. Charles
Etienne         Manette                                            107 Dauphine
Eugene          Louis         segar maker                          100 Poydras
Eustis          George        attorney general                d.c.     Esplanade & Levee
Eustin          Robert        builder                               89 Bogalette
Evan                                                               230 Bourbon
Evans           Robert & Co.  clothing store                        62 Chartres
Evans           J. & Co.      hat store                             21 Levee
Evans           James         accountant                           124 Canal
Evans           E.            academy                              311 Tchoupitoulas
Evans           Lewis         accountant                           213 Grands Hommes
Even            J.B.          grocer                               283 c. St. Charles & Tivoli
Even            Madame        widow, grocer                        120 Toulouse
Even            Louis         musician                             150 St. Louis
Eves            J.B.          merchant                              49 Magazine
Ezra            David         broker                                77 Casa Calvo

-- F --

Eaden           Felix                                           c.     Philippa & Canal
Easton          Robert        tobacconist                           90 Julia
Eonelle                       widow                                 23 St. Philippe
Edwards         C.M.          barkeeper        Exchange coffee  d. 127 Philippa
Egidi           Carl          grocer                               354 c. Magazine & Barthelemy
Eglee           Catharine     washer, &c.                           58 Poets
Egnew           J.W.          attorney at law                       42 Canal
Eisenhardt      Daniel        grocer                            c.     Conti & Dauphine
Eisenhardt      Melchor       victualler                        c.     Josephine & Laurel
Eitel           Daniel                                          c.     Religieuses & St. Jacques
Elchedge & Samuel             hotel                                186 Tchoupitoulas c. Julia
Eldrige                       widow, mantua maker                   39 Dauphine
Elgkouan        Romero        trader                               167 Levee
Eli             Comb                                               106 Philippa
Elie            -----         musician                                 Orleans Theatre
Eliot           Andrew                                                 Bienville
Elliott         B.C.          attorney at law                   c.     Gravier & Tchoupitoulas
Elliott         Robert        merchant                             102 Julia
Elliott         J.            cooper                               319 Bourbon
Elliott                       widow                                351 Royal c. Hospital
Elliott         George B.     mariner                              109 Francais
Elliott         Charles       accountant                           216 Champs Elysee
Elliott         Waggaman      clerk
                              New Orleans Canal and Banking Co.
Elliott         Joseph        cordwainer                               Enghien n. Moreau
Elizabeth       Adelaide                                           139 Dauphine
Elkins          Samuel        merchant                              43 & d. 135 Magazine
Elkins          H.            Ponchartrain Retreat              d.  70 Bourbon
Eloi            Baptiste      grocer                            c.     Apollon & Clio
Emerick         William                                            106 Victoire
Emerson         Lewis E.                                           319 Bons Enfans
Emporium Printing Office                                        c.     Bienville & Chartres
Emerson         Nathaniel     grocery store    3 New Levee      d. 131 Common
Enard           Simon                                              383 Rampart
Encalada        Valentin                                               Pritanee n. Polymnie
Enjelan         Miss                                               212 Esplanade
Escot           Eloise                                              75 Moreau
Escot           Antoine       carpenter                            166 Baronne
Escot           Louston                                            353 Magazine c. Barthelemy
Escofier        Francois      tavern                                   Bayou Road
Escollado       Severin       trader                               111 Francais
Espinosa        Joseph        store                                135 Conde
Espinosa        widow                                               45 Esplanade
Esteves         F.            tailor                                79 Barracks
Erwing          John          accountant                           119 St. Charles
Etienne         Manette                                            107 Dauphine
Eugene          Louis         segar maker                          100 Poydras
Eustis          George        attorney general                d.c.     Esplanade & Levee
Eustin          Robert        builder                               89 Bogalette
Evan                                                               230 Bourbon
Evans           Robert & Co.  clothing store                        62 Chartres
Evans           J. & Co.      hat store                             21 Levee
Evans           James         accountant                           124 Canal
Evans           E.            academy                              311 Tchoupitoulas
Evans           Lewis         accountant                           213 Grands Hommes
Even            J.B.          grocer                               283 c. St. Charles & Tivoli
Even            Madame        widow, grocer                        120 Toulouse
Even            Louis         musician                             150 St. Louis
Eves            J.B.          merchant                              49 Magazine
Ezra            David         broker                                77 Casa Calvo

-- F --

Fabarde         Antoine       watch maker                          301 Levee
Fabian          Jean                                               310 Burgundy
Fabiena         Ursin         trader                               115 Grands Hommes
Fablo           Reynes                                             283 Moreau
Fables          Jannette, Miss                                      37 St. Antoine
Fabre           Pierre        grocer                            c.     Circus & Common
Faget           J. Bte.       lottery office   119 Chartres     d. 153 Main
Faget           Madame        widow                                153 Main
Falgan          J. Bte.       dry goods                             68 New Levee
Farge           Maurice       cabinet maker                         40 Can. Carondelet
Farie           Hugh          deputy clerk dt. ct.              d.  39 Philippa
Fassainte       Eliza, Miss                                        115 Moreau
Fassy           J.            dyer & scourer                        93 Toulouse
Faubourg St. Mary's Deputy Surveyor's Office                           Gravier St. n. Camp
Fauche          John          baker                                169 Camp
Fanan           By            boarding house                    c.     Barracks & Royal
Fauchet         Raymond       coach maker                          317 Bagatelle
Fauchier        Carlos                                             172 Bons Enfans
Faucheud        Laurent                                             58 Amour
Faure           Honore        sail maker                            52 Craps
Faurie          Lt. C.        blacksmith                           168 Levee
Faurie          Mad.          widow                                    Bourbon
Fazende         Vincent       carpenter                             32 Bons Enfans
Featherson      John          sea capt.                            194 Levee
Fee             Jean          bricklayer                               Constance n. Edward
Felix           St. Louis     segar maker                          146 Chartres
Felter          John                                                82 Esplanade
Female Orphan Asylum                                                   St. Charles c. Julia
Felton          D.T.          ship broker                           11 St. Philippe
Fendy           Jeremiah      boarding house                        69 Girod
Ferara          L.            grocer                            c.     Old Levee & Market
Ferrand         Maximilien    cooper                               341 Bagalette
Ferand          L.J.          grocer                               277 Dauphine
Ferand          L.                                                 148 St. Philippe
Ferand          Bernard                                                Constance c. Felicity Road
Feraud          L.H.          notary public                        145 Chartres
Ferla                         widow                                367 Royal
Fernandez       Antony        accountant                           264 Dauphine
Fernandez       Rufino                                              47 St. Anne
Fernandez       Salvadore     tavern                                   Levee c. Madison
Fernandez       Joseph        cabinet maker                         84 St. Anne
Fernandez       J.                                                     Bayou c. Marais
Fernandez       Christine, Miss                                    157 Conti
Fernandez       Joseph M.     builder                               34 Champs Elysees
Fernandez       S.            stevedore                            118 Poets
Fernandez       Juan Y.       mariner                               29 Craps
Fernandez       Castanedo                                          318 Levee
Fernandez       Ramon         segar maker                          411 Casa Calvo
Fernando        Barrera                                            318 Moreau
Fernand         Jaques                                             127 Marigny
Fernand         Robin                                              127 Marigny
Ferguson        Ben           mariner                              107 Casa Calvo
Fernay          Ant. L.                                                Bayou Road
Ferrand         Celestin      bricklayer                           154 Mandeville
Ferrand         Gabriel       fisherman                            169 Espagne
Ferrand         Jaques        wheelwright                           74 Amour
Ferel           Jules         peddler                               87 Main
Ferriday        Robert        cotton broker                         85 Common
Ferris          E., Mad.      widow            boarding         c.     Gravier St. & Tchoupitoulas
Ferry           L.P.          hardware         67 Levee       d.c.     St. Claude & Barracks
Ferry           H.J.          clothing store                        68 Chartres
Fesan           Rose, Miss                                             St. Claude n. Philippe
Fert            Daniel        grocery                              317 Tchoupitoulas
Fiche           Joseph        gardener                                 Montegut
Field           J.A. & Co.    merchants                             48 Bienville
Field           Seaman        merchant                              57 Bienville
Field           John                                               183 Gravier St.
Field           Charles       cooper                               372 Magazine
Fierdesbras     Martin        shoe store                            58 Levee
Figueras        Juan          tavern                               100 Levee
Filhe           Camille       dry goods store                      108 Levee
Finerthey       J.            dry goods                             33 Canal
Fink            Mary                                                16 Baronne
Fink            John D.       lumber yard                       c.     Hevia & Circus
Fink            John          sugar refiner                     c.     Tchoupitoulas & Louisa
Finney          James         clothing store                        72 New Levee
Firado          Jean          ship carpenter                        51 Craps
Firandez        Seraphin      acc't                                373 Bons Enfans
First District Court                                            c.     Conde & St. Ann
Fisher          Wm.           dray keeper                          251 Magazine
Fisher & Andoue               merchants                             60 Gravier St.
Fisk            Abijah        merchant                              90 Tchoupitoulas
Fisk            A. & Co.      merchants                             67 c. Canal & St. Charles
Fisko           Abraham                                             19 Poets
Fitch           S. & Co.      blacksmiths                          416 New Levee n. Hunter
Fitz            Patrick                                            351 Royal
Fitz            Wm., Jr.      porter house     24 Customhouse   d.  55 Conde
Fitzgerald      D.            widow                                 18 Conti
Fitz Williams   Patrick       hat store                             31 Tchoupitoulas
Fitz Williams   T.            hotel                                 35 Tchoupitoulas
Flagg           Minot         shoe store       18 Customhouse   d. 129 Gravier St.
Flauris                       widow                                297 Rampart
Flechein        Eugene        acc't                                 62 Espagne
Flecheux        Andre         druggist                                 Esplanade c. Moreau
Flecheux        A.            cabinet maker                     c.     Foucher & Julia
Fleckner        Hy.           labourer                                 St. John Bapt. n. St. James
Flederic        Colette, Miss                                      196 Craps
Fleming         Henry                                              166 Francais
Fleming         William                                             84 Bons Enfans
Fleming         J.B.          M.D.                                     Constance n. Edward
Fleming         Robert        coffee house                      c.     Poydras & Commerce
Fletcher        J.B.          grocer                                14 Basin
Fletcher        Magdelaine                                         195 Gravier St. c. Philippa
Fleury          Alphonse                                             8 Hospital
Flerier         Henry         carpenter                             16 Histoire
Fleytas         L.                                                     St. Claude n. Ursulines
Fleytas         Manuel        city treasurer                    d.     Plauche Bayou
Fleytas         Mad. Widow                                             Bayou Road
Fleytas         Domingue                                           243 Burgundy
Flood           Andres                                              17 Ursulines
Florance        Z.            surgeon dentist                   c.     St. Charles & Girod
Florance        Ben           acc't                                 29 Common
Florance        J.L.          grocery          53 New Levee     d. 178 Tchoupitoulas
Florance        H. & Co.      grocery                               68 New Levee
Flotte & Michaud              cabinet makers                        80 St. Anne
Flower          Joseph        merchant                               9 Magazine
Flower          Wm.           merchant                              69 Camp
Flood           James         foundry                               92 Delor
Foiffeld (?)    Frederick     pilot                                406 Magazine
Flower          Joseph        shoe store                             4 Chartres
Fobler          Daphne        midwife                           n.     Rampart n. Common
Fobbs           J.                                                     Girod
Foley           P.D. &c.      grocery                               15 Levee
Fonbene         Ely           grocer                            c.     Gravier & Tchoupitoulas
Fondy           Andrew                                             128 Philippa
Fondy           Charles       tanner                            c.     Louisa & Annunciation
Fontanges       J.            dentist                               64 St. Anne
Fontenans       E.            tavern                                   Rampart c. Ursuline
Fonseca         J.            city guard                           110 Ursuline
Fonvergne       V.            tavern                               140 Levee c. Ursuline
Fonvergne       Arnaud                                             151 Conti
Forbes          Daniel        jail keeper                              St. Peter
Forestier       P.            druggist                             192 c. Royal & St. Peter
Forestier       Jacques                                            212 Philippa
Formento        F.            M.D.                                  21 Conti
Fornerette      Louis         grocer                            c.     Magazine & Barthelemy
Fornerette      Celeste       widow                                    Annunciation c. Basin
Fonerette       Pierre        carpenter                                Annunciation c. Basin
Fonerette       Andeline, Miss                                     112 Hospital
Fonerette       Joseph                                                 St. Philippe c. Treme
Forno           Henry         blacksmith                               Treme c. Main
Forstall        Victor                                             294 Levee
Forstall        Eloise                                              33 Craps
Forstall        Rosemond      tavern                                 7 Madison
Forstall        Paulina, Miss                                          St. Claude n. St. Ann
Forstall        Edmond & High produce brokers  36 Camp          d. 121 Ursulines
Forstall        Felix         merchant                                 Poeyfarre n. Tchoupitoulas
Forstall        E.J.          merchant                              45 Toulouse
Forstall        Alfred        dy. city surveyor                 d. 121 Ursuline
Forian          Manette                                         c.     Polymnie & Pritanne
Fortier         Michel        merchant                             239 Burgundy
Fortier         Edmond        planter                               57 St. Louis
Fortier         Etienne       sugar maker                              Melpomene n. Pritanne
Forrtin         N.            widow            tan yard                Gentilly Road
Fortin          N., Jr.                                                Gentilly Road
Fortin          Louise, Mad. Widow                                 145 Royal
Fortin          Edward        M.D.                                 145 Royal
Fortunati       Mrs.          milliner                             276 Royal
Fortune         J.            cook & pastry shop                    71 Tchoupitoulas
Foster & Hutton               merchants                             77 Canal
Foster          C.            grocer                               142 c. St. Charles & St. Joseph
Foster          J., Mrs.      boarding house                        30 Tchoupitoulas
Foster          William                                            156 Levee
Forsyth         A.H.          porter house                         141 Tchoupitoulas
Foutie                        widow                                  8 Grands Hommes
Fouchi          Modeste, Miss                                       80 Orleans
Fouchi          X.            accountant                        c.     Royal & St. Anne
Foucher         Antoine                                         c.     Duplantier & Annunciation
Foucher         Louis                                                  Annunciation c. Milicerte
Foucher         Valecourt     widow                                    Annunciation c. Basin
Fouche          Nelson        bricklayer                           184 Casa Calvo
Foucher         Martha, Miss                                       112 Bagatelle
Foucher         Ernest                                             217 Champs Elysees
Foucher         Gaston                                             250 Mandeville
Foucher         Jean          tailor                               162 St. Louis
Foucher         William       accountant                           184 Conti
Foucher         A.J.          jeweler                              153 Conti
Foulgus         Jean          grocer                                   Tchoupitoulas
Fourcade        M.            segar maker                          131 Levee
Fourcade        J.B.          grocer                                68 Casa Calvo
Fourcand        Pierre        victualler                               Old Market
Fourchy         F.            attorney at law                       84 Hospital
Fourchy         Elizabeth, Miss                                    148 Maine
Fourcesy        Ml.                                                167 Bourbon
Fournier                                                           365 Dauphine
Fournier        A.            barber                               143 Chartres
Fourne          C.            victualler                               Old Market
Fowel           Lewis         laborer                              250 St. Charles
Fowler          J., Jr.       merchant                              48 Common
Fox             Mrs.          hotel                                149 Chartres
Fox             ben           carpenter                            179 Bienville
Foy             Prosper       sculptor & carver                     56 Basin
Frances         Sophie, Miss                                       140 Barracks
Francis         John          wheelwright                       c.     Common & St. Peter
Francois        Elmire, Miss                                           Ursuline c. Marais
Francois        Antoine       watchmaker       Marine Hotel            Levee
Francois        Auguste                                            215 Main
Francois        A.M.          watchmaker                           146 Chartres
Francois        fils          cabinet maker                            Constance n. Estelle
Franklin        Nicolas                                                cours de Nayades n. Tivoli
Franklin Typographical Society  New York & Philadelphia hotel          Levee
Frederick       Ursin         cabinet maker                         74 Casa Calvo
Frederick       Daniel        bookkeeper       bank of Orleans  n.     Rail Road
Frederick       J.B.          segar maker                          117 Poets
Frederick       Pierre A.     tin smith                            117 Poets
Frederick       Jerome        wheelwright                          411 Grands Hommes
Frederick       Eulalie, Miss                                      113 Mandeville
Frederick       Samuel                                              47 St. Philippe
Frederick                     gardener                                 Gentilly Road
Frederick       Francis                                             27 St. Peter
Frederick       Celestin      bricklayer                               Terpsichore n. Bacchus
Frederick       Bazile        tailor                                   Terpsichore n. Bacchus
Frederick       Jacob         victualler                        c.     Jersey & Josephine
Frederick       Abraham       brass foundry                        108 New Levee
Free            Isabelle      widow                                131 Craps
Free Press Printing Office                                             Gravier n. Tchoupitoulas
Freeman         Wm.           dyer & scourer                        11 Poydras
Fremaux         Mad.          midwife                              315 Royal
Fremaux         G.E.          bookseller, &c.                      315 Royal
Fremond         Margueritte, Miss                                   20 Amour
Fremond         Edmond                                              87 Julie
French Consul's Office                                                 Royal n. Conti
French Theatre                                                         Orleans St. behind the Cathedral
French Evangelical Church                                       c.     Bienville & Rampart
Freret          John                                                73 Baronne
Freret          James P.                                           117 Carondelet
Freret          James, senr.                                    c.     Gravier & Baronne
Frette          J.B.          painter & glazier                     21 Main
Fressineau      Eugene, Miss                                        67 Francais
Fressineau      Mad. Widow                                          67 Francais
Fressino        E.                                                 148 Main
Frey            Fred & Co.    merchants                             69 Royal
Freyd           Lucy, Miss                                         158 Poydras
Freyd           William       barber                                51 Peace
Freyd           Francois      merchant tailor                       27 St. Peter
Freynaud        Julis         carpenter                            216 Espagne
Freynard        Alexandre                                           37 Victoire
Frick           Joseph        tailor                                37 Grands Hommes
Frith           Thomas                                              52 Basin
Frilot          Francis       grocer                               243 Tchoupitoulas
Fremantin       Martin        cabinet maker                        151 Dauphine
Fromantin       Marie J., Miss                                     281 Dauphine
Fromantin       Catherine                                          349 Dauphine
Frost           W.J.          shoe store                            11 Customhouse
Frost & Vose                  clothing store                        37 New Levee
Fullam          Thomas        sheriff's office                       1 Conde
Fuller          Luis                                               387 Tchoupitoulas
Fulmer          George        victualler                               Lacourse n. Annunciation
Fulmer          J.            butcher                                  St. Andre n. Fulton
Fuselier        Gabriel       segar maker                          104 Grands Hommes
Fuselier        Charles       carpenter                             79 Burgundy
Fuselier        C.B.          cabinet maker                         28 Bons Enfans
Fuselier        Narcisse      gunsmith                             286 Bagatelle
Fuston          Jefferthy                                              St. Andre Road n. Fulton
Fry                                                                    Bayou Road

-- G --

Gabaroche       Pierre        grocery                           c.     St. Antoine Square & Royal
Gabaroche       Sen.                                               196 St. Philippe
Gabriel         Julien        confectioner                          40 Conti
Gabriel         Charles & Brusle   dry goods                    c.     Barracks & Bourbon
Gabriel         Mediner       trader                               416 Bagatelle
Gabriel         Adolphe       saddler                              167 Moreau
Gabriel         Emile         brick layer                          209 Amour
Gachinard       Mad.          widow                                168 St. Claude
Gaiennie        Mad.          widow                                    Suzette n. Tchoupitoulas
Gaiennie        Francois      Gen.                                 271 Magazine
Gaiennie        S.            accountant                           347 Tchoupitoulas
Gaiennie        Rene          accountant                           275 Magazine
Gaignard        Eugene        accountant                        c.     Dauphine & Customhouse
Gaillard        L.            bricklayer                            19 Grands Hommes
Gaillard        Raymond       carpenter                             80 Grands Hommes c. Union
Gaillard        Pierre                                             166 Levee
Gaillard        Omer                                               166 Levee
Gaillard        P.R.                                                   Ursulines c. Royal
Gaillard & Co.                segar manufactory                     66 Conde
Galato          Juanille      widow                                    Bayou n. Marais
Galan           Etienne       bricklayer                        c.     Circus & Poydras
Galbert         widow                                              139 Burgundy
Gale            Levi H.       merchant                              22 Bienville
Galot           N.            widow                                    St. Phillipe c. St. Claude
Galland         Regon                                              139 Amour
Gallagher       Jane          bookstore                             71 Tchoupitoulas
Gallagher       J.            coffeehouse                           23 New Levee
Gallaway        James         coopersmith                           46 Tchoupitoulas
Gallin          Benjamin                                           160 Mandeville
Gallin          Luce, Miss                                         160 Mandeville
Gally           Louis         saddler                               55 St. Peter
Gally           H.            accountant                            55 St. Peter
Gamallo         Jose          tailor                               232 St. Peter
Gamache         Joseph        carpenter                            104 Amour
Gamon           Paulina, Miss                                      128 Amour
Ganucheau       Mad.          widow                                123 Hospital
Ganucheau       Adelaide, Miss                                      53 Mandeville
Garica (sic)    Diego         oysterman                            138 Bagatelle
Garcia          Jose          grocer                                73 Levee
Garcia          D.            grocer                                 8 Basin
Garcia          Mad.          widow                                 47 St. Peter
Garcia          Pierre        carpenter                            170 Baronne
Garcia          J. Santa Martina  grocer                            81 Levee c. Toulouse
Garcia          Idelfonso     grocer                            c.     St. Ann & Conde
Garcia          F.A.          grocer                               116 Levee
Garcia          Francisco     grocer                                16 St. Philippe
Garcia          J.C.                                               305 Royal
Garison         Irisse, Miss                                       115 Dauphine
Gardere         F.            state treasurer  88 St. Peter     d. 172 Esplanade
Gardette        J.C.          dentist                               84 St. Peter
Gardiner        Charles       merchant         13 Chartres    d.c.     Customhouse & Rampart
Gariate         A.P.          tailor                               421 Tchoupitoulas
Garidel         L.H.                                               145 Champs Elysees
Garnier         John          merchant                              85 St. Peter
Garnier         J. & L.       merchants                            186 Royal
Garnier         Laurent       dry goods                            191 Dauphine c. St. Peter
Garnier         Lubin         accountant                           210 Ursuline
Garside         James         merchant                             112 Bayou Road
Garthwait, Brunet & Co.       clothing store                        10 Levee
Garzon          -----         bricklayer                           376 Dauphine
Garsail         Jerome                                                 Ursulines n. St. Claude
Gaspard         Joseph        bricklayer                           127 Amour
Gaspard         Alfred        binder                               341 Royal
Gaspard         Eugene        turner                               264 Dauphine
Gasquet         A.W. & Co.    dry goods store  45 Chartres      d.   7 Bourbon
Gasso           Pedro         grocer                               102 New Levee
Gatel           B.            grocer                                   Carondelet Canal & St. Claude
Gatruges        J. & Co.      grocers                              136 Levee
Gaudin          P.            teacher                               89 St. Philippe
Gaudin                        widow                                 23 Hospital
Gaudin          Evariste      city guard                           127 Mandeville
Gaudin          Felix         segar maker                          214 Marigny
Gaudin          Jacob         lampist                              314 Bons Enfans
Gaudique        Angeline, Miss                                      90 Bagatelle
Gaulhiac        J.            hair dresser                         174 Chartres c. Jefferson
Gaumont                       widow            dry good store      234 Royal
Gauthier        Joseph        hardware                              29 St. Anne
Gauthier                      acc't                                123 St. Philippe
Gauthier        J.            shoemaker                            164 Magazine
Gautreau        J.B.          sculptor                                 Adel c. Rousseau
Gauvesse        Jacques       caulker                               96 Bagatelle
Gay             Mad.          widow                                148 Toulouse
Gayarre         Charles       presiding judge city court        d. 111 Hospital
                              59 St. Anne
Gayarre         Ferdinand                                          133 Dauphine
Gaynier         Mad.                                               175 St. Philippe
Gendron         Auguste       lottery office                           Dauphine
General         Antoine       coffeehouse                           26 Main
Generelly       Fleury        bookkeeper                           192 Bourbon
Generes         H.            grocery                               70 New Levee
Geneste         Jean A.       collector                            465 Magazine c. Basin
Genois          Bernard                                            484 Tchoupitoulas
Genois          Joseph        acc't                                488 Tchoupitoulas
Genois          Charles                                            488 Tchoupitoulas
Genois          Jean                                               453 Tchoupitoulas
Gentil          Marie Louise                                        82 Burgundy
Gentil          Henriette     washer &c.                           100 Perdido
George          Mad.                                                86 St. Anne
George          Julie, Miss                                        178 Conde
George          Wm.                                                    Rampart c. Conti
Gerber          Mad.                                                47 St. Philippe
Gerfroy         Louis         grocer                               163 Toulouse c. Burgundy
Germain         Pierre        victualler                           171 Craps
Geronimo        Gelphi        grocer                               120 Levee
Geyer & Chapman               writing academy                       45 Canal
Girad           N.            chair maker                          116 Main
Giard           Finne, Miss                                         72 Barracks
Gibney          P.            clothing store                        64 New Levee
Gibson          Stephen       mariner                               46 Poets
GIbson          Ursule                                              13 Poets
GIbson          Rosa, Miss                                          42 Bons Enfans
GIbson          John          editor of the Argus               d. 125 Customhouse
GIbson          John Wm.                                             7 Rampart
Gilbert         Francoise, Miss                                    181 Carondelet
Gilbert         Zelmine                                            160 Girod
Gildemeester    Hugo C.       C. Mt.                                67 Royal
GIllet          P.A. & Co.    wholesale dry goods                   57 Chartres
Giles           Michael                                                Calliope n. Bacchus
Gillier         Charles                                            112 Barracks
Gillise                                                            207 Orleans
Gilmet          H.            carpenter                                Bayou Road
Gilmore                       widow                                237 Magazine
Gilot           P.L.          carpenter                            116 Bagatelle
Gilly           John          widow                                  7 Rampart
Gilly           H.                                                 140 Royal
Gilly           A.            dry goods                            142 Royal
Giots           Frederick     grocer                            c.     Nones & Old Levee
Giovanoli       Cora.         confectioner                          36 Magazine
Giquel          J.B.          goldsmith                                Main n. Conde
Giquel          Mad.          midwife                              235 Bourbon
Girard          L.            confectioner                         213 Royal
Girand          Jacques       tailor                               114 Francais
Girand                        widow, institutress                   77 St. Louis
GIradeau        Virginie, Miss                                     164 Burgundy c. St. Peter
Girard          Charles       cabinet maker                         35 Conde
Girard                        painter                               94 St. Anne
Girod           Nicolas                                         c.     St. Louis & Chartres
Girod           Pierre        segar manufactory                     93 Orleans
Girod           Auguste       musician                             298 Rampart
Girod           Francois      dry goods store                       54 Levee
Giron           Elie                                               173 Bourbon
Gladding        J.H.          painter & glazier                     88 Bienville
Glaize          J.                                                  56 St. Philippe
Glaize          Joseph        wheelwright                       c.     St. Mary Road
Glapion         Marie, Miss                                        152 Bienville
Glapion                       widow                                    Bayou Road
Glandin         Jean          segar maker                          175 Tchoupitoulas
Gloyd           S. & Co.      shoe store                             7 Chartres
Godet           Pierre        accountant                            32 Circus
Godefroy                      widow                                 53 Dauphine
Godefroy        J.            accountant                            53 Dauphine
Godet           Paul          acc't                                141 Toulouse
Godefroy        Louis         painter                               31 Poydras c. Tchoupitoulas
Godin           Pelagie, Miss                                      366 Magazine
Godin           Louise, Miss                                         8 Peace
Gognett         Suzanne, Miss                                      126 Craps c. Francais
Goldembow       John                                                61 Esplanade
Goldsberry      Wm.           grocer           44 Basin         d.     Bienville c. Basin
Goldsmith       D.G.          builder                               88 Delor
Goldsmith       J.            grocer                                   Magazine c. Delor
Gormez (sic)    Toachin       dry goods store                       51 Conde
Gomez           J.F.          p. weigher                           185 Bourbon
Gomez           Paul          accountant                             1 Rampart
Gomez           M.            brass foundry                     c.     Common & Julia
Gondran         Joseph        dry goods                            132 Ursuline c. Dauphine
Gonsaly         Josephe                                            391 Rampart
Gonzales        R.            M.D.                                     St. Claude n. Barracks
Gonzales        Joseph        dry goods                             88 Levee c. Jackson
Gonzales        Martin        stevedore                             11 Mandeville
Gonzales        Sebastien                                          146 Espagne
Gonzales        Nargoz                                             212 Levee
Gonzales        F.            sail maker                           135 Amour c. French
Gonzales        Claudine      sail maker                           143 Francais
Gonzaloz (sic)  Joseph        sail maker                            80 Champs Elysees
Goodale         Nath.         sugar refinery                    d. 284 Tchoupitoulas
                              New Levee c. Louisa
Goodman                                                         d.  40 Chartres
Goodrich        Charles                                             84 St. Louis
Goodwin         D.            acc't                                 28 Conti
Gordon                                                             126 Canal
Gordon          Martin        collector of the customs             111 Royal
Gordon          Mad.          widow                                176 Canal
Gordon          Emelie        boarding house                    c.     Poydras & Baronne
Gormley         Wm.           brickyard                                Julie  Fb. Lafayette c. Apollon St.
Gore            Ursin                                              145 Hospital
Gorion          J.P.          dry goods                             38 St. Peter
Gosson          Arsire                                             369 Burgundy
Gosson                        widow                                    New Marigny faub. n. Rail Road
Gosson          Antoine       bricklayer                               Marigny faub. n. Rail Road
Gossein                       widow                                 15 Old Levee
Goteras         Manuel        grocery                               44 Marigny
Gottschalks     Edward        broker           110 Chartres     d.  82 Rampart
Gonjalburger    Martin        porter house                      c.     Felicity Road & Pacanier
Goule           Jr.           trader                                   Levee c. Champs Elysees
Goulon          Pierre        acc't         N.O. Canal & Bank   d.  46 Main
Goulon          J.P.                                               136 Levee
Goureau         Elizabeth, Miss                                     92 Conti
Gourjon         J.            broker                       50 & d. 156 St. Louis
Gourville       J.G.          soap manufac.                        439 Tchoupitoulas
Gousse          Bernard                                            409 Magazine
Gouse           Sanitte, Miss                                       40 Espagne
Gouseron        Louis         carpenter                              9 Bagatelle
Gouy            Victor        dry goods                            188 Royal
Govenor's Office                                                    88 St. Peter
Gow             Charles J.                                           2 Rampart
Goeffon                       widow            private boarding c.     Toulouse & Bourbon
Graice          James         grocer                            c.     Thalie & Colisee
Graham          J.H.          c. mt.                                19 Gravier
Graham          Wm.           engineer                              80 St. Josephe
Graham          John          ac't                                     Duplantier  c. Celestine
Graher          Ambrose                                         c.     Nuns & Levee
Gruith          J.            attorney at law                       88 St. Peter
Grandspre       Henry                                              375 Dauphine
Grandpres       Louis         broker                               126 Barrack
Gramont         Francois      carpenter                             31 Circus
Granchamps      Francis       druggist                          c.     St. Louis & Royal
Grandmaison     Sanite, Miss                                       459 Magazine
Granmaison      Mde.          widow                                    Apollon n. Clio
Grandmont       A.                                              c.     Carondelet n. Marais
Grange          J.B           carpenter                                Hospital n. Rampart
Grangeron       Josephe       grocer                               180 c. Camp & Girod
Grant           John          furniture warehouse                   46 Chartres
Grant           H. & W.       furniture warehouse                   46 Chartres
Grant           Henry                                               45 Chartres
Grant           Alexander     merchant                          d.  17 Carondelet
Grant           H.R.          clerk            U.S. Branch Bank
Grant           Daniel        carpenter                            127 Common
Grant           J.K.                                                21 New Levee
Grant           D.            acc't                                188 Main
Gras            Joseph        treasurer's office                    88 St. Peter
Grass           J.L.          acc't                                    St. Claude
Gravier         Nicolas       spectacle maker                      199 Bourbon
Gravier         Joseph        sail maker                           199 Bourbon
Gravier         J.            carpenter                             49 Perdido
Gravier         Jean                                                   St. Paul n. Poydras
Gravier Street Infirmary                                               lower end of Gravier Street
Gray, Durrive & Co.           grocery                               38 New Levee
Gray            A.P.                                                 9 Circus
Gray            Jackson       comedian                                 American Theatre
Green           Mannel.                                            100 Perdido
Green           A.            hat & dry goods store                 83 Levee
Green           John          coffee house                          69 New Levee c. Girod
Green           B.H.          c. merchant                           56 New Levee
Green           John          merchant                              19 Girod
Green           Richard       barber                                 5 Poydras
Green & Regan                 grocery                           c.  78 Girod & Common
Greenwood       J.            coachmaker       178 Rampart      d.     Marais n. St. Anne
Greenhard                     widow                                 39 Foucher
Greeves         John R.                                            187 Customhouse
Gregoire        Mad.          widow                                 92 Bayou
Gregorie (sic)  Auguste                                             92 Bayou
Gregoire        -----         distiller & tobacconist              112 Hospital
Gregory         Andrew        house carpenter                      108 Girod
Gregory         John          labourer                                 Cours Panis & Public Road
Grenier         Felix         dry goods                         c.     Conde & Esplanade
Griffin         Precilia      washer &c.                        c.     Jackson & Basin
Griffon         Mad.          widow                                169 Bayou
Griffon         J.            collector                            169 Bayou
Grifford        D.            merchant                                 Tivoli Place
Grignon         -----         city guard                            80 Burgundy
Grillies        A.P.          trader                                   Poets
Grima           Mad.          widow                             c.     Toulouse & Bourbon
Grima           Felix         judge of the criminal court     d.c.     Toulouse & Bourbon
Grimshaw        James         merchant                              79 Canal
Grivot          William       city judge     439 Tchoupitoulas  d.     Estelle & Constance
Grivot          A.            accountant                        c.     Estelle & Constance
Gros                          widow                                    St. Peter n. Gravier
Gros            Celestin      brick layer                              St. Peter & Gravier
Gros            Joseph        painter                                  St. Peter & Gravier
Gronge          J.B.          joiner                               339 Rampart
Gronge          F.            cordwainer                             5 Bayou
Gronssol                      widow                                150 Casa Calvo
Grymes          John R.       attorney at law                      172 Royal
Gaudiz          Jean          surgeon dentist                      134 Royal
Guadiz          Diego         hair dresser                         324 Burgundy
Guardie         Blas                                                   Royal c. Maine
Guatala         A.            artist                               233 Bourbon
Guedry          Michel        carpenter                         c.     Dauphine & Barracks
Gueffoc         Juan Luce     tavern                            c.     Bourbon & Ursuline
Guenard         Joseph        carpenter                             48 Francais
Guerrier        -----         tailor                               253 Royal
Guerin          Mad.          widow                                150 Ursuline
Guereau         Clodille, Miss                                     335 Burgundy
Guerin          Dominique                                           44 Bons Enfans
Guerin          Pierre                                             441 Tchoupitoulas
Guerin          J.B.                                               123 Esplanade
Gueringer       Mad.          widow                             c.     Barracks & Burgundy
Gueringer       Ulysse        accountant                        c.     Barracks & Burgundy
Gueringer       Nerestan      cabinet maker                     c.     Barracks & Burgundy
Guesnard        C.                                                   9 Esplanade
Guesnard        Charles       dry goods                             47 Conde
Guesnon         Mad.          widow                                185 Bourbon
Guesnon         A.            accountant   bank of Louisiana  d.c.     Rampart & Orleans
Guesnon         Louis         laborer                                  Erato n. Apollon
Guesnon         Philippe      accountant     Consolidated Bank  d.     Bayou Road
Guesnon         Etienne                                            276 Bayou
Guesnon         D.            brick yard                               Bayou & Gentilly Road
Guesnon         Jacques       carpenter                             45 Amour
Guesnon         Unair         carpenter                             19 Bagatelle
Guenon          Mathew        carter                                   Plauche n. Bayou
Gueno           Delmare       brick maker                           66 Craps
Guillard        Raymond                                            134 Dauphine
Guillard        Henry                                              281 Magazine
Guignan         A.                                                     Bayou Road
Guilbean        Josephine, Miss                                    123 Dauphine
Guillaume       P.            ordinary                              31 Orleans
Guillaume       Toussaint                                          273 Dauphine
Guillemar       Manor, Miss                                        229 Dauphine
Guilemin        F.A.                                               121 Royal
Guillermaint    Antoine       baker                                463 Magazine
Guillon         Joseph        tailor                               244 Burgundy
Guillot         Jos'h         paying teller city bank           d. 161 St. Peter
Guillot         Pierre                                              14 St. Antoine
Guillotte       P.A.          auctioneer                        c.     Libereaux & Felicite Road
Guillotte       Arthur        ac't                                     Libereaux & Felicite Road
Guimbelotte     Jean                                                90 Craps
Guinard         A. & Co.      peltry store                          42 Gravier
Guinault        Philippe      acc't                                142 Dauphine
Guinault        J.                                                  42 Dauphine
Guion & Co.                   auctioneers                          114 Chartres
Guion           Alfred                                             114 Chartres
Guiotel         Angelique, Miss  grocer                         c.     St. Claude & Basin
Guirot          A.J.          shoe store                           150 Royal
Guizand         Rene          tailor                               132 Bons Enfans
Gurlie & Guillot              builders                             181 Dauphine
Gurlie          Louis         builder                              181 Dauphine
Gurlie          Nicolas       builder                                  St. Philippe n. Marais
Gusman & Co.                  grocer                            c.     Royal & Main
Gutierez        Antoine                                            280 Burgundy
Guy             Thomas        widow                                141 Casa Calvo
Guypeire        G.                                                     other side of the river
Guyol           F.M.          Jefferson Lyceum                         below town
Guyrot          Marcelin                                           125 Enghien
Guin            D.            pump maker                               Madison St.
Gyles           C.J.          acc't                                 24 Levee

-- H --

Habalard        Eugene        cordwainer                            67 Craps
Habbel          Cece, Miss                                         128 Bagatelle
Hableux         Jules         segar maker                          245 Levee
Hacker          Pierre        dry goods                             13 St. Peter
Haggarty        Matthew       boarding house                        13 Dorsiere
Hagan           J. & Co.      merchants                            130 Canal       c. Dauphine
Hagan           Thomas                                             110 Canal
Hagan           Henry G.      carpenter                                Edouard     c. Magazine
Hailes          Thomas D.     cotton broker    79 Common        d.  91 Philippa
Haines & Geddes               dealers in pork                       25 Commerce
Hall            John                                               164 Camp
Hall            J.J.          cabinet maker    18 Royal         d.  59 C. House
Hall & Opdyke                 clothing store                        56 Chartres
Hall            E. & Co.      boot makers                           42 St. Anne
Hall            Scott & Co.   clothing store                         2 Levee
Hall            John D.       acc't.                            c.     Carondelet & Hevia
Hall, Hopkins & Co.           hardware store                        29 New Levee
Hall            Wm.           victualler                               St. Andre Rd. n. Chippewa
Halley          G.G.                                                   Bayou Rd.
Halphen         M.            M.D.                                  61 St. Louis
Halphen         J.            acc't.                                61 St. Louis
Halviche        Mad.          widow                                    St. Andre Rd.
Hall            Wm. Jones     stevedore                            168 Espagne
Hall            G.R.          mariner                              209 Moreau
Hall            Lewis E.      mariner                               67 Antoine
Hall            Thomas B.     cooper                                28 Craps
Hall            Hugh F.       ship builder                          49 Casa Calvo
Hall            James R.      painter                              239 Mandeville
Hall            Wm.           victualler                               Old Market
Hamelin         Julien        grocer                            c.     Thalie & Pritanee
Hamilton        James         ice house                             74 Chartres
Hamlet                        widow                                    Basin c. Jackson
Hammond         James                                                  St. Mary Rd. n. Religieuse
Hamot           St. Leger                                          306 Royal
Hanna           Ben F. & Co.  com. mrcts.                           65 Commerce
Hendry          Baptiste      carter                               128 Craps
Hanmon          Olden         capt.                                139 Rampart
Hanson          Peter         milkman                                  Public Road & Philippi
Hanson          A.            house carpenter                      128 St. Joseph
Harang          J.M.          judge parish of Jefferson
Harang          Eulalie       widow                                140 Burgundy
Harby           G.W.          academy                               90 St. Charles
Hardy           Zelly, Miss                                        168 St. Philippe
Hardy           Baptiste                                               Treme n. St. Philippe
Hardy           V.M.D.                                          c.     Market & Market Street
Hardy           Antoine       segar maker                              St. Andre Road
Hardy           Jacques                                            171 Carondelet
Hardy           Uranse                                                 Pritanee n. Thalie
Hardy           Peter Mt.                                       c.     Magazine & Gravier
Hardoine        E., Miss                                            86 Customhouse
Harland         Thomas A.                                           31 Madison
Harland & Blair               jewelry, &c.                          10 Chartres
Harley          John          drayman                               23 Foucher
Harlow          John          clothing store                        19 Tchoupitoulas c. Gravier
Harns           E.B.          M.D.                                     Bienville   c. Royal
Harland                       widow                                119 Moreau
Harper          Saml. H.      judge of the U.S.D.C.             d. 219 St. Charles
Harper                        widow                             c.     Thalie & Apollon
Harper          Henry         acc't.                            c.     Thalie & Apollon
Harris          M.            grocery                               44 New Levee
Harris          A.W.          com. mrct.                            44 New Levee
Harris          Jacob H.                                               St. Andre Road n. Fulton
Harris & Wright               com. mrcts.                           78 Tchoupitoulas
Harris          J.            acc't.                               176 C. House
Harrigan        John          laborer                              118 Burgundy
Harrison, Brown, & Co.        merchants                            117 Royal
Harrison        James                                                  Rousseau c. Phillips
Harrison        Henry         moulder                                  Collisse & Erato
Harrison        P.C.          gaoler           parish of Jefferson     Rousseau c. Philips
Harrod          Charles       sec'y of the Mss. Fire Ins. Comp.    104 Royal
Harrod & Quarles                                                    17 Conti
Hart            Joseph                                                 St. Anne n. St. Claude
Hart            Jacob         liet. City guard                     107 Rampart
Hart            Wm.           Jefferson hotel                          Public Road & Josephine
Hart            Nath.         clothing store                        93 New Levee
Hart            A.                                                 143 Rampart
Hart            N. &  B.      cotton press                      c.     St. Charles & Common
Hart            Samuel                                          c.     Delor & New Levee
Harots          Richard       plasterer                            241 Poydras
Harvey          H.            saddlery store                        25 Conti
Harvin          John          coffee house                          73 Camp
Hassam                        ship builder                             other side of the river
Hassam          George        saddler                               23 Mandeville
Hasle           Martin        grocery store                         20 Main
Hatch           Ruben                                                  New Levee & Celeste
Hatch & Dewes                 grocery                           c.     New Levee & Celeste
Hatfield        J.            hair dresser                         149 Common
Hattier         Mad.          widow                                154 St. Louis
Hattier         Henry         public weigher                       154 St. Louis
Hatrel          Mad.          widow                                    French n. Casa Calvo
Hatrel          Jules         collector                                French n. Casa Calvo
Hatrel          Charles       runner           La. State Bank          French n. Casa Calvo
Hatson                        widow                                114 Poydras
House           John          victualler                               Old Market
Hawes           B.            shoe store                            27 C. House
Hawes           B., Jr.       acc't.                                27 C. House
Haws            Amot          carpenter                            208 Julia
Haynes & Co.                  shoe store                            12 C. House
Hayes           Thomas        builder                                  Julia n. Carondelet
Hays & Durrel                 grocery                               97 New Levee
Hazard          Wm.           hardware store                         8 Chartres
Heacks          Peter         drayman                           c.     Canal & Franklin
Heage           Frederick     victualler                               Chippewa c. St. Andrew
Hearing         Levy          engineer                             388 Tchoupitoulas
Hearsey         George T.     attorney at law                        7 Canal
Hearsey         Thomas H.                                          187 St. Charles
Hearsey         James P.                                        c.     Terpsichore & Nayades
Heasberger                    widow                                244 Camp
Heat            Daniel        grocery                                  Tchoupitoulas c. New Market
Herbert         Augustus      mariner                              205 Baronne
Hereard         Antoine                                             77 Ursuline
Hebrard         Richard       merchant tailor  180 Chartres     d.  76 Esplanade
Hecard          Elizabeth, Miss                                    157 St. Philippe
Hecand          Joseph                                             103 Bayou Road
Heffran         Charles       victualler                               St. Andre & Rouseau
Heffran         Joseph        victualler                        c.     St. Andre & Rouseau
Helfer          Jacob         grocery                              383 Tchoupitoulas
Hemphill        H.            lottery office                        86 Chartres
Hemphill        Hiram         carpenter                                Cours des Dryades n. Tritons
Henderson       Stephen       planter                               39 Canal
Henderson       Mde.          widow                                 61 Canal
Henderson       J.            cooper                               521 Tchoupitoulas
Hennen          Alfred        attorney at law                       44 Royal
Heno            George                                              79 Burgundy
Heno            Mde.          widow                                 18 Dauphine
Heno            Pierre                                              28 Baronne
Heno            Cyrille       acc't.                                   Basin & Canal
Henriquez       Ymenes        barber                               140 Moreau
Henriquez       Ferdinand     grocer                                 7 Victoire
Henri           Sophie, Miss                                       245 St. Philippe
Henri           Lafille                                            103 Conde
Henry           Cyrille       acc't.                               212 Levee
Henry           Antoine       barber                               376 Grands Hommes
Henry           Marthe, Miss                                       401 Bagatelle
Henry           L.A.          widow                                 20 Peace
Henry           Georges       acc't.                                27 Marigny
Henry           Edwards       tailor                                49 Bons Enfans
Henry           Robert        cooper                               126 Levee
Henry           F & Co.       dry goods                             25 St. Peter
Henry           James         merchant                                 Poydras b. St. Peter & St. Paul
Henry           William       barkeeper                                Carondelet n. Julia
Henry           Joseph        carpenter                                Constance n. Estelle
Henry           P.D.          commissary of police  5th ward       185 Magazine
Henry           E.N.          shoe store                           118 Levee
Henry           E.            dry goods                         c.     Bourbon & Ursulines
Henshaw         C.G. & A.B.   merchants                             39 Gravier
Hepp            Susannah, Mde.                                         St. John Baptiste n. Lacourse
Hepp            William       saw mill                                 New Levee c. Hunter
Herard          Joseph        cabinet maker                         85 Ursulines
Hermann         Florian                                             86 St. Louis
Hermann         Samuel & Son  com. & exchange broker            d. 121 St. Louis
                              125 Chartres 
Hermann & Co.                 merchants                              6 St. Louis
Hernandez       M.            shipwright                               Poets c. Amour
Hermandez (sic) Mde.          dyer & scourer                        50 St. Peter
Herpin          J.B.          grocery                              130 Levee
Herrera         S.P.          painter & glazier                    121 St. Peter
Herries         Mrs.          planters hotel                        17 & 19 Canal
Herries         Stewart M.    builder                              412 Enghien
Hertsholk       John          drayman                                  Cours des Dryades n. Tritons
Herzer          Christopher   wheelwright                       c.     Girod & Carondelet
Herz            Charles       musician                             118 St. Anne
Hewes           Mrs.          hotel                                 11 Magazine
Hewes           Wm. G.        commission merchant & agent for        9 Camp
                              the new line of packets
Hewlett & Raspiller           aucts.                                44 St. Louis
Hewlett         John                                                   New Exchange c. St. Louis & Chartres
Hicks           John                                                52 St. Louis
Hicks           J.            stevedore                            371 Royal
Higby           M.T.          tavern                                   New Levee n. Hunter
Higley          Charles       accountant                             7 Levee
Hill            A.            shoemaker                              7 St. Philippe
Hill            S.            attorney at law                       55 Custom House
Hill & Henderson              china & crockery store                12 Canal
Hill & Fauchet                merchant tailors                     135 Chartres
Hill            Allen         blacksmith                           121 Common
Hill            Thomas        bricklayer                           234 Magazine
Hill            James         victualler                               Old Market
Hill            William T.    city guard                           144 Amour
Hill            D.            stevedore                                Amour n. Bagatelle
Hill            Ben F.        accountant                           102 Casa Calvo
Hill            Lucien & Theodore  tailors                         302 Grands Hommes
Hilis           George        sea captain                          205 Levee
Hills           Susan, Miss                                        121 Mandeville
Hinard          Marianne, Mrs.                                     104 Philippa
Hincks          John          accountant                            92 St. Peter
Hincks          David         accountant                            92 St. Peter
Hipolite        Louis         bricklayer                               Pacannier n. Market
Hipolite        Eugene        blacksmith                               Pacanier n. Market
Hipolite        Jean          ship carpenter                        27 Moreau
Hipolite        J.            painter                              104 Moreau
Hiram           Robert        M.D.                              c.     Joseph & Lacourse
Hoa             Albert        attorney at law                       46 St. Anne
Hobson          S. T. & Co.   merchants                             15 Royal
Hocker          Peter         lampist                              122 Girod
Hodge           Andrew        merchant                                 Canal n. Magazine
Hoey            N.            porter house                          25 Bienville
Hoey            James         clothing store                           Port of Orleans
Hoey            John          steam corn mean                   c.     Public Road & Philips
Hoffman         M.W.          attorney at law                       55 Custom House
Hoffman         A.            barkeeper                             25 Bienville
Hoffman         J. & I.       blacksmiths                          166 Rampart
Hoffman         Mad.                                               108 Poydras
Holden          E.            merchant                              47 Bienville
Holdrige & Murray             grocery                               25 Royal
Holmes          N.            soda powder manufacturer                 St. John n. Perdido
Holer           Charles       victualler                               Old Market
Holte           R.            widow                                 48 Casa Calvo
Holland         J.H.          dep. sheriff     1 Conde          d. 179 Chartres
Holland         J.B.                                                27 Tchoupitoulas
Holland         Charles       slater                               129 Tchoupitoulas
Hollander       Edwards       merchant                             109 Custom House
Hond            Esther        widow, clothing store                 75 New Levee
Honore          Emile                                              113 Bagatelle
Honore          Isidore       carpenter                             96 Perdido
Honore          Michel        tailor                                43 Conde
Hopkins         J.D.                                               128 Canal
Hopkins         M.H.          brass foundry                        233 Tchoupitoulas
Horan           James         grocer                            c.     Tchoupitoulas & Gainnie
Horne           Simeon        accountant                           144 Chartres
Hornet          Henry         tavern Orleans                    c.     Burgundy
Hosey           C.F.          cotton broker    23 Camp          d. 179 St. Charles
Hotchkiss       G W. & Co.    book seller &c.                        4 Canal
Hotts           Adelaide      widow                                    Julia n. Carondelet
Howard & Varion               ship builders                            opp. side of the river
Howard          P.            grocery                                9 New Levee
Howard          J.            comedian                                 Am. Theatre
Howard          C.A.H.        teacher                           c.     Chartres & Jefferson
Howard          Peter         shoe black                            40 Bienville
Howard          Charles       barber                               127 Tchoupitoulas
How             Gaspard       labourer                                 St. Jacques n. Old Levee
Howes           John          victualler                               Jackson c. Laurel
Huard           Louis         governors office                      88 St. Peter
Huard           Jules J.      acc't.                                   Esplanade c. Casa Calvo
Hubbard         R.            saddlery                          d.     Burgundy c. Main
                              33 Chartres c. Custom House
Hubbard         Anna, Miss                                             Burgundy c. St. Louis
Hubbard         James                                               48 Circus
Hubbell         Levi          lottery office                        48 Chartres
Hubert          G. Syndic                                       c.     Baronne & Union
Hucker          Thomas                                             296 Burgundy
Hudson          Wm.           secretary of the levee cotton press      Levee n. Convent
Huet            Alexandre     segar maker                          205 Common
Hughes          P, Mrs.       boarding                                 Common c. Magazine
Hughes & Waterman             dry goods                             55 Chartres
Hugin           Nicolas       victualler                           189 Amour
Hugon           J.                                                 108 St. Peter
Hugon           Celeste       widow                                144 Burgundy
Hugon           P.N.          acc't.           bank of the U.S.
Hugonin         P.            city guard       mayor's office
Hulbert         John          tavern                                   Madison St.
Hulin           Francois      widow                                128 Bayou
Hull            J.F., Revd.   rector of Christ Church               86 Canal
Hull            John          overseer                          c.     Melpomene & Dryades
Hull            John          city guard                               Rail Road
Hull            Vincent       carpenter                                French n. Casa Calvo
Hummerich       Henry                                              350 Burgundy
Humphry         Robert        blacksmith                               Tchoupitoulas n. Hunter
Hunter          F.            widow                                409 Tchoupitoulas
Hunter          E.            slater                               120 Rampart
Hunt            Harvey        grocer                                12 Basin
Huntington      G.            dry goods                             21 Chartres
Hurd            Peter                                              364 Magazine
Hurst           Cornelius     wood mer.                                Levee  faub. Lafayette
Hurtel          John          broker                                13 St. Louis
Hurtubuise      Pierre                                          c.     Levee & St. Philippe
Huston          Wm.                                                140 Poydras
Hutchinson      L.G.          depy. marshal                        336 Bourbon
Hulton          Henry         mer. & Portuguese consul
Hyde            Gabrielle, Miss                                    101 Moreau
Myde            J.B.          dry goods store                       22 Chartres
Hyde            W.F. & E. B.  dry goods                             12 Chartres
Hyde & Goodrich               military & fancy store            c.     Chartres & St. Louis
Hyde            T.R.          grocery          27 Common      d.c.     Conti & Dauphine
Hyde            Joseph        victualler                        c.     Religieux & Felicity
Hyler           Thos.         dealer                               122 Poydras

-- I --

Illair          Michel J.                                          209 Rail Road
Illain          Barthelmy     druggist                             127 Francais
Inard           Jacobs        trader                               105 Mandeville
Inskeep & Co.   A.H.          liquor store     55 Canal         d.     Canal n. Rampart
Inspectors Office  for Beef                                        138 Magazine
                   for Pork                                         32 Julia
Irion           R.A.          M.D.                                 359 Tchoupitoulas
Ireland         Wm. S.        coachmaker                           158 Magazine c. Girod
Isabel          P.J.          jeweler                               77 St. Anne
Isnard          J.J.          stone cutter & carver                  9 St. Claude
Isreal          M. S. & Co.   brokers                               91 St. Louis
Ives            Samuel        brass foundry                        241 Tchoupitoulas

-- J --

Jabez           Dame          instructor orphan's asylum               fau. Lafayette
Jachomie        Juan          grocer                            c.     Orleans & Dauphine
Jack            Alexander     clothing store                    c.     Poydras & Tchoupitoulas
Jackson         Oliver        coffeehouse      44 Orleans       d. 189 St. Anne
Jackson         Lewis         stevedore                             87 Craps
Jackson         Andrew        mariner                              209 Levee
Jackson         W.L.          cordwainer                               Moreau n. Enghien
Jackson         Peter         barkeeper                             19 Rail Road or Champs Elysees
Jackson         Jane, Miss    washer, &c.                              Common & St. Peter
Jackson         Henry                                              173 Dauphine
Jackson         John          tavern                                14 Main
Jacob           Nathan        music master                          47 Amour
Jacobs          Ralph         ship broker                           12 Main
Jacobs          Manus         trader                                   Main n. St. Claude
Jacobs          J.            acc't                                 48 Dauphine
Jacobs          Samuel        dry goods                             84 Levee
Jacobs          C.A.          tabacco broker   28 Gravier       d. 238 St. Charles
Jacobs          William       steward                              135 Common
Jacobs          Levi                                            c.     Canal & Villere
Jacobs & Lewis                brickyard                                Benjamin n. Tchoupitoulas
Jacobs          K.            city guard                        c.     Erato & Pritanee
Jacquelain      Henry         acc't                                147 St. Charles
Jacques         Nicolas       shoe store                            20 St. Anne
Jagnaux         Jules         dry goods                             24 Main
Jagnaux         J.            grocer                            c.     Girod & Camp
Jahan           A.R.          clothing store                        46 New Levee
Jahauteau       P.            painter & glazier                    150 Chartres
Jalio           Bazile        widow                                    Bayou Rd.
Jambu           M.            druggist         177 Chartres     d.  85 Conde
Jamerson        Wm.           carpenter                         c.     Oranger & Religieuse
James           Wm.                                                157 Gravier
James           T.A.          grocery                               85 Levee
James           A. Ray        patiner                               87 Union
James           Hanibal       cabinetmaker                         213 Bagatelle
Jamette         Joseph        grocer                            c.     Burgundy & St. Peter
Janand          J. Louis                                            57 Bagatelle
Jananx          Ursule        washer &c.                           226 rail road
Janin           Charles       notary public    60 St. Louis     d. 183 Bienville
Jantil                                                              19 Conde
Jantilly        Caroline, Miss                                     152 Barracks
Jaquet          Etienne                                             51 St. Peter
Jaquet          F.                                                 147 Francais
Jaquet          Charles       carpenter                                French
Jartoux & Brothers            grocers                              136 Levee
Jarvis          Charles                                            111 Levee
Jasmin          Adel, Miss                                         112 Dauphine
Jaubert         Joseph                                             132 Conti c. Dauphine
Jaudon          Samuel        cashier of the U.S. Branch Bank   c.     Royal & Conti
Jazon           Marie Joseph, Miss                                 117 Hospital
Jean            Selicourt                                           26 Peace
Jean            Jean A.                                                Old Convent (Abbe)
Jean            M. Gabriel    cordwainer                           147 Dauphine
Jean            Marie J.      cabinetmaker                         147 Dauphine
Jean            Baptiste      carpenter                                Barthelemy n. Constance
Jean            Louis         mad.                              c.     Tchoupitoulas & Roffignac
Jean            Louis         victualler                               Melpomene c. Pritanee
Jeanbart        J.            hunter                               267 Burgundy
Jeanbart        J.B.          officer of the customhouse        d.     St. Claude n. Ursuline
Jean Baptiste   Felicite, Miss                                     102 Orleans
Jeandot         St.           musician                              74 Orleans
Jeandot         J.J.          musician                              95 Main
Jeandron        A.            lottery office                       218 Dauphine
Jeandrot        Marie Louise, Miss                                 104 St. Louis
Jeanfreau       Augustin      sugar refiner                         17 Espagne
Jeanne          Marie, Miss   segar manufactory                     72 Conde
Jeannin         J.B.          teacher                              267 Royal
Jeffres         widow                                                  Delor n. Gauchier
Jefferson Lyceum                                                       below town
Jenero          Francisco                                              Conde c. Main
Jenkins         Edward        pilot                                187 Poydras
Jenkins         William P.    teacher                               62 Espagne
Jermain         Henry         teacher                                  Bayou Rd.
Joaneau         J.            coffeehouse                            8 Jefferson
Jones           Mickel        builder                                  Old Levee n. St. Jacques
Jones           William       tavern                                   Port of Orleans
Jones           P. Jones (sic)builder                               83 Girod
Jones           Kenner        mariner                              326 Bagatelle
Jordan          David         grocery                               22 Basin
Jordan          Caleb D.      mer.                                  19 Magazine
Jore            P.L.                                            c.     Nayades & Melpomene
Jordono         Joseph        Grains Store                          50 Main
Jordy                         watchmaker                           143 Toulouse
Jordy           Frederick     acc't                                 90 Philippa
Jordy           widow         grocery                           c.     Chippewa & St. Andre
Joseph          Prudence, Miss                                      88 Esplanade
Joseph          Edmond        carpenter                             67 Poets
Joseph          Theodore                                           147 bagatelle
Joseph          S., Miss                                           320 Moreaux
Joseph          Symond        mattress maker                       406 Grands Hommes
Joseph                        acc't           district court
Josserand       L.                                                 224 Dauphine
Joubert         Noel          grocer                               135 Tchoupitoulas
Joubert         Bazile        dry good store                       185 Tchoupitoulas
Joubert         Anette, Miss                                       122 Dauphine
Joubert         Mde. Widow                                         115 Orleans
Joubert         Francois      tailor                               115 Orleans
Jourdain        V.E.                                               114 bourbon
Jourdain        S.B.                                                93 Philippa
Jourdan         Barthelemy    brickyard                                Levee b. Convent
Jourdan         Alex. Taylor                                       341 Moreau
Jourdan         C.            bookseller & c.                          St. Anne c. Royal
Jourdan         G.                                                  94 Conde
Jourdan         Joseph        grocer                                   Ursuline c. Dauphine
Jourdan         Francoise     mer.                                 115 Bourbon
Jourdan         J.            grocer                                   St. Peter c. Bourbon
Jourdan         Mrs.          pte. Boarding                         19 Magazine
Jourdinean      Leonard       tin smith                             91 Poets
Jourdonet       Simon B.      acc't                                107 Espagne
Journais        Pierre                                             276 Dauphine
Juani           Janvier                                            300 Dauphine
Juetts          B.            dry goods                             22 St. Philippe
Judtole         Viucent (sic)                                      118 Main
Juforgue        P.            tailor                                24 St. Anne
Julien          Gabriel       confectioner                         121 Chartres
Juliotte        Jeanne, Miss                                       116 Ursuline
Junck           Tn.                                                    Old Convent (Abbe)
Jung            Mathurin                                        c.     Pritane & Euterpe
Jusclaine       Nicolas                                                Bayou Rd.
Justamond & Maguire           grocery                               55 New Levee
Justamond       Indore                                              95 Julia
Juteau          John D.       porter house                      c.     Canal & Rampart

-- K --

Kain            S. & J.       marble warehouse                      59 Bienville
Kaincaid        John          cotton broker                        338 magazine
Kay             Gabriel T.    livery stable                        161 Tchoupitoulas
Keagy           A.L.          M.D.                                  58 Royal
Keasear         jacob         victualler                               Chippewa c. Josephine
Kecler          Timothy B.    hat warehouse                         85 Chartres
Kellar          John          trader                                   Apollo n. Clio
Kelley & Grailhe              atto's at law                        153 Chartres
Kelly           Louis A.      carpenter                              7 Basin
Kelly           Henry, Capt.                                    c.     Constance & Edward
Kelly           William       attorney at law                          Royal c. Ursuline
Kennedy         Sarah         washer &c.                            58 Girod
Kennedy         Field         hotel                                145 Chartres
Kennery & Duchamp             merchants                             50 Toulouse
Kennedy         Mad.          widow                                 91 Bienville
Kennedy         Joseph M.                                           91 Bienville
Kennedy         Wm. & T.                                            91 Bienville
Kennedy         E., Mad.      tavern                                19 Hospital
Kending         Ben           merchants                             32 Gravier
Kenner          G.            victualler                               Jackson c. Chippewa
Kenner          Jacob         victualler                               Jackson c. Chippewa
Kenhar          Joseph        wood yard                                Celeste n. Felicity road
Keniher         John          academy                               45 Poydras
Kenny           John          cooper                               241 Magazine
Kenton          Joseph        distillery                               Basin c. Canal
Kerland         S.            bricklayer                            70 Hospital
Kernion         L.                                                     Gentilly Road
Kernion         P.H.          tobacco inspector                     28 Montegut
Kernion         Francois                                        c.     Religieuses & Orange
Kernion         P.H. Jr.      accountant                            11 canal
Ker             David C.      M.D.                                 119 Royal
Ker             John J.       assistant surgeon                        Charity Hospital
Ker             Wm. H.        Post Master                       c.     Royal & Canal
Ker             F.            tavern                                   Port of Orleans
Kerr            Jonas E.      M.D.                                  41 Conde
Kessler         Constantin    grocer                                   New Market n.  New Levee
Kialy           John          shoe maker                             7 St. Philippe
Kibourz         Samuel        collector                         c.     Bacchus & Calliope
Kidel           H.                                                     Ursuline n. Treme
Kiddy           Francois                                        c.     Common & Camp
Kilshaw         John          merchants                            196 Rampart
King            Jacob         city guard                           272 Magazine
Kirchbery       Charles                                                Bayou Road
Kirkwood        Thomas        carpenter                            150 Ursulines
Kirmayer        George        city guard                               Apollon n. Calliope
Kirkpatrick     George        dray keeper                              St. Paul n. Hevia
Klemm           F.            victualler                               Old Market
Klemm           John G.       music store                           45 Canal
Klemar          Charles F.                                         196 Amour
Knight          Jacob         mariner                              128 Levee
Knox            John          blacksmith                            56 Poydras
Koehler         C.F. & Co.    merchant tailors                      52 Customhouse
Kohn            S.                                                     Bourbon n. St. Louis
Kohn & Bordier                merchants                             26 Bienville
Kokernot & Co.                widow, dry goods                  c.     St. Louis & Levee
Kokernot        Louis         dry goods                             94 Levee
Kokernot        David                                               87 Girod
Koner           Charles       victualler                               Jersey c. Elizabeth
Kosselius       Charles                                             26 Jefferson
Krafft                        widow                                117 Poydras
Krafft          J.H.          merchant                              43 Canal
Krail           A.            barber          39 Tchoupitoulas  d.  15 Foucher
Krohn           Henry A.      coffee house                             Toulouse c. Basin
Knoll           Charles       musician                             140 Conti 

-- L --

Labadie         Jean          hardware store   60 Levee         d. 180 Hospital
Labadie         Cadet         widow                                    St. Paul n. Poydras
Labadie         Jean          drayman                              193 Amour
Labarre         Jules         cabinet maker                         87 Amour
Labarre                       widow                                 80 Toulouse
Labarre         Joseph        watchmaker                            22 St. Anne
Labarre         J., Mde.      widow                                 59 St. Philippe
Labarre         F.            widow                                342 Bourbon
Labarre         F.            planter                              330 Bourbon
Labarte         Francois      cabinet maker                        196 St. Peter c. Burgundy
Labat           Andre         music master                         275 Royal
Labat           M.            cabinet maker                         36 Barracks
Labatut         J.B.          merchant                             175 Royal
Labatut         Felix & Victor                                     175 Royal
Labatut         Isidore       M.D.                                  45 Main
Labiche         Rosette, Miss washer &c.                               Baronne & Union
Labiche         Mde.          widow                                156 Conti
Labre           Magdelaine                                         243 St. Philippe
Labostry        Quitonne, Miss                                     335 Rampart
Labourdette     J.                                                 271 Bourbon
Labranche       Drauzin                                             27 Tchoupitoulas
Labretonniere   Marie Louise, Miss                                  59 Rampart
Labrouche       Fs.                                                    Bourbon c. St. Anne
Lacan           L.A.                                                   Apollon n. Erato
Lacaye          L., Miss                                               Marais n. Ursuline
Lacaye          Mde.          widow                                268 Bayou
Lachaste        Mde.          widow                                    Enghien c. Moreau
Lacoste         Marie Louise, Miss                                 169 Moreau
Lachantre       A.            cordwainer                           157 St. Peter
Laclotte        Euginie, Miss                                       15 Victoire
Lacoste         Bernard       carter                                77 Victoire
Lacoste         Iris                                               120 Union
Lacoste         Pierre        general, planter
Lacoste         Jean          journeyman                               Annunciation & Barthelemy
Lacoste         Leandre       tobacco ins.                         162 Rail Road
Lacoste         B.            dry goods        55 Toulouse    d.c.     Bourbon & St. Louis
Lavoste         Jean                                               157 St. Louis
Lacoste         Michel        painter                               96 Toulouse
Lacoste         Etienne                                                Esplanade c. Amour
Lacoste         Caliche, Miss                                      106 Conde
Lacour          Pierre        widow                                185 Ursuline
Lacouture & Co. Mrs.          confections                          140 Royal
Lacouture       A.            confections                       c.     Canal & Camp
Lacoutuer (sic) Jerome        tailor                               211 Bagatelle
Lacroix         J.B.                                               116 Dauphine
Lacroix         Jeanneton                                          137 Poydras
Lacrois         Paul          M.D.                                 242 Royal
Lacuesta        Pierre        hair dresser                         139 Tchoupitoulas
Lafargue        Francois      tinman & Inspector of weights   d.c.     Conde & Barracks
                              25 St. Louis
Lafargue        A.            confectioner                          47 Orleans
Lafaye          B.            pilot                                156 Casa Calvo
Lafaye          Ant.          coffee house & billiards              45 Orleans
Lafferanderie   Gustave       clerk of the post office          d.  13 Burgundy
Lafferanderie   A.                                                 136 St. Peter
Lafferanderie   M.            livery stable                            Toulouse n. Rampart
Lafferanderie   Mde.          widow                                136 St. Peter
Lafilher        Mde.          widow, dry goods                     192 Magazine
Lafitte         Pierre                                                 Royal c. Barracks
Lafite          Marc                                               109 Bourbon
Lafon           Ferdinand F.  academy                              247 Camp
Lafonta         Philippe                                               St. John Bapt. n. Robin
Lafourche & Barataria Canal Cy. Office                          c.     ???
Lafuteau        Marie, Miss                                            St. Claude n. Barracks
Lagarde         Raimond       tavern                                   Barracks c. Conde
Lagay           Paul          dry goods                            103 Chartres
Lagarya         Thelesie, Miss                                      80 Dauphine
Laglaize        P. Victor     watchmaker  Public Road n. Panis         Royal & St. Louis
Lagrange        Adel, Miss                                          74 Orleans
Lagroue         Celeste, Miss                                      188 Conti
Lahogue         Philis, Miss                                       179 St. Philippe
Laidlaw         Peter         sec'y   La. Ins. Com'y &                 Royal
                                      consul for the Netherlands
Laignel         Simon                                               10 Bayou Road
Laille          Magdelaine, Miss                                c.     Rampart & Conti
Laine           Louis         carpenter                                Bayou Road
Lainhart        H.            lottery office                        39 Chartres
Laizere         Jean          justice of the peace              c.     Public Road & Adel  Lafayette
Lajoie          Julien        carter                                15 Antoine
Lajoie          Joseph        cooper                                15 Antoine
Lake            William       acc't                                 86 St. Charles
Lake            Mad.          widow                                 86 St. Charles
Lake            Richard       carpenter                            169 St. Charles
Lake            Henry         city guard                               Delor n. new Levee
Lake Borgne Nation Company's Office
Lallande        J.            mad. widow                               Levee n. Louisa
Lallande        Joseph        grocery                               48 new Levee
Lallande                      mad. widow       dry goods            49 Julia
Lalaurie        L.            M.D.                              c.     Royal & Hospital
Lalegue         C.            sail maker                           105 Amour
Lallemaud       Felicete                                           133 Craps
Lamaniere       Adolph        tailor                                61 Amour
Lamaniere       Emile         cabinet maker                         88 Bagatelle
Lambert         Jean          city guard                           141 Casa Calvo
Lambert         Adelaide, Miss                                      81 Rampart
Lambert         Pierre        gunsmith                              99 c. St. Peter & Bourbon
Lambert         D.G.                                                99 c. St. Peter & Bourbon
Lambert         James         carpenter                            115 Canal
Lambert         Isaac         carpenter                         c.     Phillippa & Gravier
Lambert         Wm. M.                                                 Gaiennie n. New Levee
Lambert         J.B.          tavern                               172 St. Claude
Lambert         Pierre        widow                                 38 Bayou Road
Lambert         Conrad        wheelwright                              Bayou Road
Lambert         Jean                                               302 Burgundy
Lambert         Francois      broker                                50 Conde
Lamb            Thomas                                             129 Canal
Lamb            John          slater                               119 St. Charles
Lamolle         Antoine       segar maker                           48 Grands Hommes
Lamothe                       mad. widow
Lamothe         Jean & J.B.   goldsmiths       189 Chartres     d.  60 Mandeville
Lamothe         Jean          segar maker                              Collisse n. Basin
Lamothe         Jacques       dry goods                            120 Main
Lamothe         Victoire, Miss                                         St. Philippe c. Dauphine
Landreaux       Honore, Jr.   merchant                             331 Royal
Landreaux       H.                                                  15 Toulouse
Landreaux       Celeste, Miss                                      149 Bienville
Landreaux       Julien        acc't                                 31 Dauphine
Landreaux       Pierre        attorney at law                       13 Toulouse
Landreaux & Chabert           merchants                             52 Toulouse
Landry          Pierre                                             118 Toulouse
Landry          Nicolas       widow                                    Euterpe n. Bacchus
Laneaux         Philippe                                           178 St. Philippe
Laneaux         A.P.          inspector of flour                   117 Toulouse
Laneuville      A.            associate judge of the city court c.     Esplanade & Royal
Lanfear         Ambrose                                            118 Canal
Lange           Adolphe                                                Barracks c. St. Claude
Lange           Pierre        door keeper                              Orleans Theatre
Lange           Chery                                              211 Main
Lange           Florisse, Miss                                      83 St. Philippe
Langlois        Juliette, Miss                                         Dauphine c. Hospital
Langlois                      mad. widow                           373 Magazine
Langlois        Francois                                           116 Francais
Lanna           Vital         carpenter                            148 Bienville
Lanna           Jean                                                90 St. Philippe
Lanois          Maria Francois, Miss                               210 Craps
Lanoix          Louis                                                9 Toulouse
Lanusse         Paul          widow                                    St. Claude  n. Ursuline
Lanusse         Paul                                                   St. Claude  n. Ursuline
Lanusse         Pierre        widow                                111 Dauphine
Lanusse & Aubert              joiners                                  St. Philippe n. Marais
Laplante                      mad. widow                               Euterpe n. Apollon
Lapeyre         J.            painter & glazier                    150 St. Peter
Laporte         L.            musician                             268 Burgundy
Laporte         J.B.                                               116 Hospital
Laporte         Edmund        grocery                                  New Levee c. Roffignac
Laquet          Marie Louise                                       195 Barracks
Lara            Joseph        grocery                              113 Victoire c. Espagne
Larague         Marie Jeanne, segar manufactory                     54 Main
Larche          Valery                                             302 Bourbon
Larche          Josephine, Miss                                     41 Dauphine
Larche                        mad. widow                           150 St. Louis
Larche          Nath.                                                  Camp c. Duplantier
Larche          Gabriel                                                Thalie c. Cours des Nayades
Larcher         Francois                                           447 Magazine
Larche          Voltaire      carter                               447 Magazine
Larche          Philippe      carpenter                            447 Magazine
Larche          Berthilemy    drayman                              435 Magazine
Lardez          P.                                                  16 Conde
Larieu          E.            dry goods                             40 Dauphine
Laronde         Clarisse, Miss                                     154 Bienville
Larogue                       mad. widow                           148 Toulouse
Larogue         E.            grocery                           c.     St. Peter & Dauphine
Larogue         E.J.          distiller                             69 Girod
Larosa          L.            grocery                           c.     Mandeville & Levee
Larose          Jacques       grocery                               11 Main
Larosa          A. Perez                                           257 Bourbon
Lartigue        Theodore      trader                               111 Burgundy
Lartigue        B., Miss                                        c.     Baronne & Hevia
Lartigue        Thomas        carpenter                                Circus n. Perdido
Larthet         M.            boarding house                         5 Gravier
Larue           Dennis, Jr.   cordwainer                           147 Bourbon
Lasalle         Joseph        dry goods store                   c.     Conde & Main
Lassere         Mad.          widow                                    Union n. Baronne
Lassere         Emile         accountant                               Union n. Baronne
Lasize          Marie, Miss                                        220 Main
Latapie         Mad.          widow                             c.     Union & Carondelet
Latapie         Fillette, Miss                                     113 St. Ann
Lathrop         Henry         bricklayer                           291 Camp
Latil           Arsene, Miss                                           Barracks n. Rampart
Latil & Brothers              gunsmiths        133 Levee        d. 188 Barracks
Latil           Thimecour     gunsmiths        133 Levee           323 Burgundy
Latil           Esteve        carpenter                            329 Burgundy
Latouche        -----         cook                                 112 St. Philippe
Latorae         Severin                                            189 Hospital
Latour          J.B.          officer of the criminal court     d. 214 Main
Laubaresse      J.            watchmaker                            63 St. Ann
Laudicino       Salvador      grocer                                62 Perdido c. Baronne
Laudun          M.            widow                                 43 Levee
Laudun          Edward                                              43 Levee
Laumine         Charles                                            368 Burgundy
Laumoca                       widow                                  2 Hospital
Laumont                       widow                                392 Burgundy
Lamont          G.H.                                               302 Burgundy
Laurel          J.            carter                            c.     Baronne & Hevia
Laurent         Jean          bricklayer                           164 Girod
Laurent                       widow                                 90 St. Claude
Laurent         Pierre        bricklayer                               Constance n. Estelle
Laurent                       fisherman                                Village Ponchartrain
Laurent         Francois      hatter                                48 Pearce
Laurent         M.J.                                                89 Espagne
Laurent         Clement, Capt.                                     112 Victoire
Laurent         E.F.          harness maker                         16 Victoire
Laury Brothers                carpenter                            118 St. Claude
Lauthier        Jules         grocer                               120 c. St. Charles & Poydras
Lauthier        Joseph        cordwainer                            98 Julia
Lauve & Benedict              merchants        88 Common        d.  54 Ursuline
Lauve           Edward        harbour master                        54 Ursulines
Lauve           Theodule      attorney at law  31 Bienville     d.  54 Ursulines
Lauzon                        widow                                 85 Main
Lavache         Melanie, Miss                                       88 Custom House
Lavaud          C.            livery stable                        172 Royal
Laveaux         Tarde         victualler                           336 Bayou Road
Laveaux         Charles       tavern                               102 Levee
Laveaux         Rosette                                             80 St. Charles
Lavenue         Joseph                                                 Bayou Road
Lavergne        Antoine                                                Esplanade c. Amour
Lavergne        Hugh                                                83 Conde
Lavigne         Mad.          widow                                196 c. St. Louis & Rampart
Lavigne         G.M.          saddler                              129 Toulouse
Lavigne         Ursin         carpenter                                St. Pierre n. Perdido
Lavigne         Joseph        carpenter                                St. Pierre n. Perdido
Lavigne         Joseph Louis  bricklayer                               Polymnie n. Bacchus
Lavillebeuvre   John, sen.                                           9 Circus
Lavillebeuvre   J.U. & Walton grocery     c. Magazine & Common  d. 114 Bourbon
Lavau           Ursin         segar maker                          181 Levee
Lavau           Etienne       trader                               181 Levee
Lavincendiere   Themire       dry goods store                   c.     Levee & Ursulines
Laviolette      Pierre                                                 St. Philippe n. Marais
Laviolette                    tailor                               113 hospital
Lavoulier                     widow                                238 Bourbon
Law & Austin                  shoe store                            72 St. Charles
Lawrance        Francis       steward                              163 Baronne
Lawrence        Joseph        dry goods store                   c.     New Levee & Benjamin
Lawson          -----         M.D.                                  58 Esplanade
Lawton          J.            attorney at law                       57 Royal
Layet           Mad.          widow                                252 Magazine
Layet           Francis       city gauger                       c.     Erato & Pritanee
Layet           Paul Emile    accountant                           252 Magazine
Layet           Gaston        accountant                           252 Magazine
Layton          Robert        hardware         52 Levee         d.  76 Canal
Lazare          Joseph        segar maker                            2 Casa Calvo
Lazartasy & Co.               grocers                              106 Levee
Lea             F.W.          clerk  United States district court
Leary           M.            painter & glazier                    212 Dauphine
Leary           Timothy       labourer                             237 Poydras
Lebeau          J.            M.D.                                  57 Chartres
Lebeau          F.B.          dry goods store                       57 Chartres
Lebeau          Louis         merchants                         d.  37 Chartres
Lebeaupin       J.D.          trader                                93 Mandeville
Lebert          Pierre        painter & glazier                     50 Custom House
Leblanc         Octave                                             148 Marigny
Leblanc         Adolphe                                            148 Marigny
Leblanc         Prospere      accountant                           148 Marigny
Leblanc         Milarue, Miss                                      103 Bourbon
Leblanc         Mad.          widow                             c.     St. Peter & Royal
Leblanc         Jules         merchants        173 Royal        d.  89 St. Peter
Leblanc         Stanislas     carpenter                                Adel n. Fulton
Leblond         Mad.          millinery                            154 Royal
Lebouelle       Victorine, Miss                                 c.     St. Philippe & Burgundy
Lebreton        Noel          clerk            supreme court    d.  80 Ursulines
Lebrun          Gaston        acc't                                271 Mandeville
Le Carpentier   Joseph & Co.  auctioneers                       d. 117 Conde
                              c. St. Louis & St. Charles
Lecesne         George        harness maker                            Marais n. St. Philippe
Lecourt         Mad.          millinery                            251 Main
Ledoux          A.            broker           13 Levee         d. 172 Bourbon
Lee             Sarah, Miss                                        161 Conti
Lee             Walton & Co.  clothing store                         2 Magazine
Lee             Charles       M.D.                                  16 Bourbon
Lee             Henry R. & Co shoe store                             9 Magazine
Lee             George M.     merchants                             19 Carondelet
Lee             George        acc't                                171 St. Charles
Lee             Joseph        tailor                                54 Circus
Leech           Richard H.    chymist          charity hospital
Leech           Richard       capt.                                    Adel n. Rousseau
Leech           Charles       carpenter                            234 Magazine
Leeds           Jeremiah      iron foundry     62 Delor   A.C.         Foucher & Delor
Leeds           F.H.          acc't                                 62 Delor
Leef            John B.       acc't                                    St. Charles c. Common
Lefebvre        Mad.          widow                                164 Main
Lefebvre        Modeste       merchants        17 St. Louis     d.  78 Dauphine
Lefebvre        A.R.          inspector of the revenue              78 Dauphine
Lefebvre        Charles       victualler                               Pacannier n. Richards
Lefevre         Charles, Jr.  victualler                           110 Marigny
Lefevre         Jacques       pedlar                               112 Barracks
Lefevre         Mad.          widow                                282 Rampart
Lefevre         Felix         lumber yard   Basin c. Franklin   d. 282 Rampart
Lefevre & Durel               lumber yard                              Basin c. Franklin
Lefevre         Luce, Miss                                         178 Conti
Lefevre         Mad.          millinery                         c.     Conti & St. Charles
Lefort          Mad.          widow                                409 Tchoupitoulas
Lefort          Jacques       wood merchant                        209 Levee
Lefranc         Joseph        grocer                            c.     Treme & Common
Le Gardeur      Gustave       acc't            43 St. Louis     d.  37 Casa Calvo c. Union
Legendre        George        merchants                                Rampart c. Esplanade
Legendre        Henry R. & Co.                                      54 St. Philippe
Legendre        Mad.          widow                                206 St. Anne
Legendre                      butcher                                  Pacannier n. Richard
Legett          Benj.         stevedore                            168 Rail Road
Legett          Charles       stevedore                            115 Levee
Legier          Mad.          widow                                 86 St. Claude
Legier          Jean                                                86 St. Claude
Le Goaster      Erasme        merchant tailor  124 Chartres     d. 144 St. Anne
Legrielle       N.            acc't                                 19 St. Antoine
Legros          Charles       cabinet maker    106 St. Peter    d. 150 Main
Legros          S.            teacher                           c.     Dumaine & St. Philippe
Legruel         N.            grocer                                24 Amour
Lemaitre        Charles       grocer                               169 Grands Hommes c. Marigny
Lemaitre        Sanitte, Miss                                      170 Ursulines
Lamaire         M.            bricklayer                            60 Barracks
Lemel           Lewis         Mad.             widow               111 Dauphine
Lemoine         Pierre                                             222 Philippe
Lemonnier       Rene          M.D.                                 186 Royal
Lemonnier       Y.            M.D.                              c.     St. Peter & Royal
Lemos           Ferdinand                                          333 Dauphine
Lemoyne                       widow                                 76 Marigny
Lemoyne         L.A.          builder                               72 Julia
Lemoine         Z., Mad.      widow                                 93 Julia
Lennes          Joseph        carpenter                             59 Victoire
Leon            Ferdinand     grocer                               173 Ursulines
Leon            Francois      bricklayer                           292 Dauphine
Leon            Thomas        hair dresser                         116 Dauphine
Leodard         Leon          carpenter                            266 Rampart
Leonard         Justine, Miss                                      179 Bagatelle
Leonard         Rosalie, Miss                                      109 bagatelle
Leonard         Louis                                              267 Levee
Leonval         Mad.          widow                                 18 Bourbon
Lepage          Miss                                                   Burgundy c. Orleans
Lepage          Sanitte, Miss                                      193 Barracks
Lepine          Rosalie, Miss                                      107 Rail Road
Lepouze         C.                                                 271 Bourbon
Lepretre        J.B.          merchant                              82 St. Louis
Leprevost                     widow                                    Hospital n. St. Claude
Lequet          Francois      carpenter                                Terpsichore n. Dryades
Leriche         Antoine                                            157 St. Peter
Lerond          F.            painter & glazier                 c.     Nayades & Terpsichore
Le Roux         J.B.          baker                                375 Bourbon
Le Roux         Louis         victualler                               Old Market
Le Roy          Charles       acc't                                 58 Poets
Le Roy          Mad.          widow                                115 Mandeville
Le Roy          St. Marie     assist.          Ursulines Convent
Le Roy          Louis         cabinet maker                         62 Conde
Leroy           Nelson        segar maker                          154 Bienville
Leroy           Pierre R.     segar manufactury                    196 Royal
Leroy           Marie Louis                                            Apollon n. Terpsichore
Lesassier       Vincent                                            149 Main
Lesassier       Louis         cotton broker                         75 Bourbon
Lesconflair     Nicolas       widow                                    Dauphine c. Main
Lesparre        J.B. & Co.    livery stable                        116 Bourbon
Lesparre        Arnaud                                             116 Bourbon
Lesperance                    widow                                339 Burgundy
Lesseps         Alexandre     brick yard                               Levee n. Convent
Lesseps         Charles                                            184 Dauphine
Lesslie         John          grocer                               256 St. Charles
Leserf          Francois      pedlar                               112 St. Claude
Lesourd         Antoine       fencing master                       337 Dauphine
Letellier                     musician                             146 St. Peter
Levasseur       C.            collector                                Ursulines n. St. Claude
Levasseur       Alexandre                                          211 Bourbon
Levee Steam Cotton Press                                               below town
Leverich        W & J H & Co. grocers          9 Levee          d.  25 Bourbon
Levy            Ben.          bookstore, &c.                       124 Canal
                              c. Chartres & Bienville 
Levy            Simon         merchant                             163 Gravier
Levy            M.P.          grocer           101 New Levee    d. 203 Baronne
Levy            Barnet        hat & shoe store                  c.     New Levee & Gravier
Levy            L.S.          hardware                              32 New Levee
Leroy           Alexis                                              62 Conde
Levy            George        miller                               240 Magazine
Levy            Jacob         auctioneer                            11 Conti
Lewis           John L.       clerk first district court        d. 282 Levee
Lewis           Joshua        judge first district court        d.  23 Clouet
Lewis           Samuel R.     mariner                              291 Marigny
Lewis           Ben C.        trader                               216 Francais
Lewis           Cornelius                                          328 Amour
Lewis           Andrew        mariner                               72 Union
Lewis           Francisque    grocer                                57 Moreau
Lewis           Theophilus    acc't                                 98 Craps
Lewis           Robert C.     cooper                               217 Rail Road
Lewis           William       accountant                           302 Rampart
Lewis           W.Y.          notary public    52 St. Louis     d.   3 St. Charles
Lewis           J.H.          attorney at law                       52 St. Louis
Lewis           W.T.          accountant                             3 St. Charles
Lewis           E.L.          acc't            52 St. Louis     d.   3 St. Charles
Lewis           Hampden       assistant apothecary
                              Charity Hospital
Lewis           Robert        merchant         60 Gravier       d. 170 Poydras
Lewis           William       blacksmith                            70 Poydras
Lewis           Solomon       painter & glazier                        St. Pierre  n. Gravier
Lewis           Wm D.         merchant                             269 c. St. Charles & St. Joseph
Lewis           Philip        dry goods                             59 New Levee
Lewitt          Benjamin      carver                               251 Royal
Lezion          Sanon         goldsmith                            158 Main
Lherisse        J.F.          shoemaker                            335 Bourbon
Lhoste                        widow                                    St. Paul n. Poydras
Lhote           Ed.           hotel & public baths                     Levee b. the two markets
Liado           Bernardo      grocer                            c.     St. Philippe & Royal
Liautaud        Michel        segar maker                           85 Francois
Liautaud        Louise, Miss                                        34 Bagatelle
Liautaud        Julien        barber                               205 Bagatelle
Liautaud        Ferdinand     widow                                 88 Perdido
Liautaud        Louis         bricklayer                           180 St. Louis
Liautaud        Pierre        carpenter                         c.     Colisse & Basin
Liautaud        Auguste                                            342 Burgundy
Libeau          V.            gunsmith                               9 Camp
Liddle          William                                            179 Canal
Lidman          Charles & Co. boarding house                        16 Madison
Lidoche         Aime          grocer                               214 Philippa
Lincoln         B, jr & Green merchants                             13 Camp
Lindner         John          dry goods &c.                        100 Chartres
Lind & Wolf                   coffee house                          89 Tchoupitoulas
Lingona         J.                                                 140 St. Ann
Linn            Henry         attorney at law                        7 Canal
Linton          John          merchant                              53 Magazine
Lipe            Andre         wheelwright                          145 Old Levee
Liquet          Pierre        widow                                118 Poydras
Lisaque         Jacques       bricklayer                               St. Philippe n. St. Claude
Lislet, Moreau & Soule        lawyers          60 Royal         d.  89 Conde
Littlefield     John & Co.    shoe store                            11 Dorsier c. C. House
Littey          -----         sail maker                           116 Levee
Little          John          widow                                381 Magazine
Livaudais       F., senr.                                          198 Esplanade
Livaudais, Charbonnet & Co.   hardware                              57 Levee
Livaudais       E.D.          merchant                             264 Magazine
Livaudais       E.            merchant                             264 Magazine
Livaudais       Agathe        washer, &c.                              Euterpe n. Pritanee
Livaudais       Adolphe       planter                                  two miles above town
Livaudais       Alexandre     gardener                          c.     Richard & Annunciation
Livermore       S.            attorney at law                          Canal n. Rampart
Livingston      John          coach maker                          156 Toulouse
Livingston                    widow                                    Circus n. Perdido
Lizardi         brothers      merchants                             19 Toulouse
Lloyd           Sarah, Miss                                         23 Bourbon
Lober, Bernard, Orain, & Co.  merchants                              7 New Levee
Lobre           Mad.          widow            milliner                Chartres n. Bienville
Locke           S.            tin plate                             86 New Levee
Lockett         Henry         attorney at law                          Canal n. Rampart
Lockhart        Thomas & Arrott  mrcts.                             83 Common
Lockhart        A. & Co.      merchants                             25 Toulouse
Lochmann        P.W.                                                44 Canal
Loizaux         Francois      cooper                                   Treme c. Customhouse
Loizaux         Louis Joseph                                       245 bourbon
Lombard         Felix, Miss                                        327 Rampart
Lombard         Joseph                                             145 Bourbon
Lombard         J.            planter                                  Levee n. Convent
Longbotton      G.            merchant tailor                       70 Chartres
Longer          Amedee        cotton broker                   d.c.     Royal & St. Louis
                              c. Canal & St. Charles
Longmire        John          grocery                                9 Main
Longpre         Jean          merchant                              18 Conti
Longpre         Eugenie, Miss                                   c.     Bienville & Bourbon
Loney           Thomas        blacksmith                        c.     Maine & Treme
Lopez           J.A.          barber                                   Toulouse n. Basin
Lorento         J.            mariner                               92 Marigny
Lorento         C.M.                                                27 Bagatelle
Loubies                       widow                                182 Royal
Louis           Jean          stevedore                         c.     Nayades & Euterpe
Louise          B.            milliner                                 Conde b. St. Philip & Ursulines
Louisiana State Bank                                            c.     Royal & Conti
Louisiana State Marine & Fire Insurance Company's office        c.     Royal & Bienville
Louisiana Bank                                                  c.     Royal & Conti
Louisiana Legion Staff Office                                       90 St. Peter
Louisiana Insurance Company                                         73 Royal
Louisiana Auxiliary Bible Society
Louisiana Sugar Refinery                                               two miles below town
Louisiana Mariners Church Society
Louisiana College                                               n.     levee steam cotton press
Louisiana Advertiser printing office                            c.     Chartres & Canal
Louisiana Courier printing office                                   80 Chartres
Lovell          Joseph & Co.  grocery store                          5 New Levee
Love            Thomas        coffee house                             Camp c. Gravier
Low             James         painter & glazier                        Old Levee n. St. Jacques
Lossantos       Marie, Miss                                        242 Burgundy
Loze            A.                                                 187 St. Peter
Lubin           Louis         bricklayer                               Erato n. Apollon
Lubrano         G.            grocer                               491 Tchoupitoulas
Luise           Paul          carpenter                            218 Craps
Luise           Theodule      carpenter                            180 Casa Calvo
Lussan          Mme.          comedian                                 Orleans Theatre
Lusseau         Gabriel       tinsmith                              61 Mandeville
Luzenburg       Charles A.    surgeon          charity hospital
Lussignan       Thomas        drayman                                  Levee n. Convent
Lusteau         B.            hat store        22 St. Philip    d.  41 St. Antoine
Lyman           S. Wm.        acc't                                 62 Chartres
Lyman           E.            printer                              114 Poydras
Lynd            John          widow                                174 Customhouse
Lynd            Robert & Henry   acc'ts                            174 Customhouse
Lyons           John          drayman                               26 Baronne
Lyons           Melia         washer, &c.                          108 St. Joseph
Lyons           B.            widow            dry goods            97 Tchoupitoulas

-- M --

M'Caleb         T.F.          secretary of the 90 St. Peter     d. 223 Grands Hommes
M'Call          John P.                                            234 Bourbon
M'Calllum       Malcom        shoe store                            89 Levee
M'Candly        P.            painter                               29 Philippa
M'Carnan        Duncan        plasterer                                Cours de Tritons n. Tivoli
M'Carthy        Mad. Widow                                             Basin n. Customhouse
M'Carthy        Patrick       of the firm of                    d.     Basin n. Customhouse
                              John G. Stevenson & Co.
M'Carty         Alfred        att'y at law                             Magazine c. Estelle
M'cCawly        J.            broker           39 Conti         d. 123 Customhouse
M'Claskey       Arthur        porter of the charity hospital
M'Clure         Edward        carpenter                                Canal n. Marais
M'Coley         Daniel        boarding house                        32 Foucher
M'Connell       William       labourer                                 Cours des Dryades
                                                                          n. Calliope
M'Connell       T.            attorney at law                       24 Conde
M'Connell       A.E.          M.D.                                     inquire at the charity hospital
M'Cormick       A.H.          assistant weigher  Customhouse    d. 203 St. Philippe
M'Coull         W.G.          public weigher                        56 Camp
M'Coy           Isaac L.      auctioneer                        c.     St. Charles & St. Louis
M'Coy           Elizabeth     widow                                  6 Rampart
M'Creary        Jean          washer &c.                               Canal & Treme
M'Culgan        J.            book store                            97 Tchoupitoulas
M'Cutcheon      Samuel        planter                               83 Royal
M'Cutcheon      S.                                                  21 Chartres
M'Daniel        Y.            M.D.                                  78 Poydras
M'Donough       John                                                   opposite the side of river
M'Donough       William       wood merchant                         55 St. Joseph
M'Dougall       M.                                                 252 Camp
M'Dougall       M.            shoe store                            34 Chartres c. Customhouse
M'Farlane       James         M.D.                              c.     Bienville & Levee
M'Farlane       J.            boatman of the customhouse
M'Ganes         John          accountant                           108 Magazine
M'Gee           H.            blacksmith                        c.     Julia & Carondelet
M'Gee           Hugh          blacksmith                           211 Tchoupitoulas
M'Gregor        D.            merchant                              52 Chartres
M'Gregor        Alexander     accountant                            86 Delor
M'Guire         John                                               305 Tchoupitoulas
M'Guire         James         labourer                                 St. Peter n. Poydras
M'Gillygendy    J.P.          merchant                             124 Canal
M'Henry         Hugh & Co.                                          89 Magazine
M'Ilvain        John          widow                                 47 Bourbon
M'Kean          widow                                                  Terpsichore n. Nayades
M'Kean          William       bookseller                        d.  84 Canal
M'Kean          Mrs.          millenary                             27 Canal
M'Kean          Tho.'s        bricklayer                               Terpsichore n. Nayades
M'Kean          George        carter                                   Terpsichore n. Nayades
M'Keever        Alexander     inspector of     32 Julia         d. 265 Camp
                              beef & pork
M'Kenna         James         cooper                                96 Magazine
M'Kenna         -----         merchant                                 Camp n. Common
M'Kibben        D.            register clerk   Customhouse      d.  13 Circus
M'Kirnum        S.            coffee house                          15 Jefferson
M'Kinny         James         cooper                                79 Grands Hommes
M'Lean          H.            tobacco inspector                    100 Philippa
M'Lean          R.                                                  31 Gravier
M'Learn         J.C.          grocery          47 Levee         d.     Chartres n. St. Louis
M'Leary         Wm. C.        stevedore                             88 Poets
M'Leary         George        drayman                               76 Amour
M'Leod          N. & Campbell grocery                               15 & 17 Tchoupitoulas
M'Manus         Thos. & Co.   porter house                          17 Common
M'Manus         Francis       commission merchant                   35 Commerce
M'Mahon         Edward        accountant       Preval's Office         city hall
M'Millen        J.            attorney at law  46 Bienville     d.  14 St. Charles
M'Mullen        John          tavern                                   Port of Orleans n. Soraparu
M'Mullen        G.            boarding house                         6 Basin
M'Mullen        Francis       accountant                               Port of Orleans n. Josephine
M'Mullen        William       mariner                               53 Peace
M;Mullett       Robert        tin smith                            201 Levee
M'Morty         Roland                                             210 Rail Road
M'Morriss       Lewis         cooper                               127 Casa Calvo
M'Moses         Charles       drayman                              182 Grands Hommes
M'Moses         Patrick                                            210 Rail Road
M'Nair          Robert H.     tobacco warehouse  New Levee      d. 274 Camp c. Delor
M'Nair          James H.      stevedore                             84 Bagatelle
M'Neill         David C.      widow                                 49 Enghien
M'Neill         Hugh                                               106 Moreau
M'Neill         J.T.          lumber yard                              Toulouse c. Franklin
M'Neill         Daniel        engineer                             123 Delor
M'Norris        Edward                                             119 Amour
M'Norris        Lawrence B.                                        119 Amour
M'Phalim        Patrick       tavern                                 3 Gravier
M'Pharson       A.            M.D.                                     New Levee n. Hunter
M'Quiston       Wm.           tobacco ware house                       New Levee n. Delor
Macarty         F.            carter                                44 Marigny
Macarty         L.R.          carter                               129 Bagatelle
Macarty         L.B.          planter                                  Levee n. Convent
Macarty         Sophie, Miss                                        18 Esplanade
Macarty         J.            cabinet maker                         16 Union
Macarty         Marie Louise                                        16 Union
Macarty         Claude                                             322 Casa Calvo
Macarty         William       drayman                              137 Grands Hommes
Macarty         Marie Josephine                                    190 St. Ann
Macarty         F., Miss                                            52 Barracks
Macarty         Eugene                                             381 Dauphine c. Barracks
Macarty         Brigitte, Miss                                     123 Bienville
Macarty         Henriette, Miss                                    170 Burgundy
Macarty         Dorsin & Drausin   traders                         170 Burgundy
Macarty         Celeste                                            170 Burgundy
Macarty         Augustin                                           275 Camp
Mace            Jules         watch maker                          112 Chartres
Mace            A.            attorney at law                       47 St. Peter
Macias          Joseph        carter                                   Bayou Rd. n. Gentilly
Macias          P.            victualler                               Bayou Rd. n. Gentilly
Macias          Joseph, Jr.   victualler                           260 Rampart
Macoin          Jean                                                98 Carondelet
Macready        John          attorney at law                       38 Royal
Mader           Edmond        grocery                           c.     New Levee & Delor
Maddux          C.C.          commission merchant                   93 Common
Maenhaut        R.            rector of St. Mary's church              Ursuline
Magdalaine      Marie, Miss                                        463 Magazine
Magee           John B.       widow                                163 Bons Enfans
Magee           J.            saddlery                              30 Canal
Mager           John          merchant         21 St. Louis   d.c.     St. Claude & Esplanade
MaGloire        Josephine, Miss                                        Ursulines n. St. Claude
MaGloire        Louis         bricklayer                           144 Amour
Magnau          Jules         tailor                               127 Hospital
Magnon          Mad. Widow                                          53 Ursulines
Magson          J.S.          cotton broker                         32 Camp
Maher           James         carpenter                             71 Conde
Maher           widow         private boarding                      31 Carondelet
Maher           Mathew F.     merchant         17 Poydras       d. 213 Magazine
Mahoney         John W.       carpenter                             33 Rampart c. Customhouse
Maignan         Jean          blacksmith                           171 Levee
Maillot & Laudun              dry goods                             26 Chartres
Maillot         Mad. Widow                                         224 Philippa
Maillot         Charles                                            224 Philippa
Male Orphan Asylum                                                     Josephine b. Rousseau & Hevia
Maillot         D., senr.     carpenter                                Polymnie n. Apollon
Maillot         D.            carpenter                                Polymnie n. Apollon
Maillard        Renne, Miss                                            Polymnie n. Nayades
Mains           Pierre        city gardener
Maire           Lawrence      widow                                    Levee n. cotton press
Mairot          J.C.          goldsmith                            276 Royal
Maitrejean      Louis         carpenter                            368 Magazine
Mallard         Pierre                                              27 Bienville
Mallard         Alfred & Lewis   acc'ts                             27 Bienville
Mallat          Ursule, Miss                                       111 Bons Enfans
Malcom          D.            lottery office                        86 Chartres
Mallein         L.M.          bakery                                36 New Levee
Malette         Celine, Miss                                           St. John n. Perdido
Maloche         Mad. Widow                                          12 Esplanade
Malony          Drouette, Miss                                      22 Peace
Malter          Jacques                                            210 Main
Mallus          Mad. Widow                                             Esplanade c. Moreau
Mandeville      Judith, Miss                                       163 Conti c. Burgundy
Mandeville      Paul                                               114 Moreau
Mandeville      Rafael        carpenter                            148 Amour
Manigo          J. & Co.      grocers                               12 Madison
Mausana         Ramon         grocer                            c.     Philippa & Perdido
Mansfield       widow         coffeehouse                       c.     Burgundy & Customhouse
Manouvrier      J.C.          musician                              24 c. Camp & Gravier
Mansion         widow                                                  Old Levee n. Nuns
Mansman         Josephine, Miss   victualler                           Public Road n. Philips
Manso           Rafael        tavern                               135 Levee
Manuel          G.            bricklayer                           207 Julia
Manuel          widow                                              109 Rail Road
Manuel          E.            widow                                274 Burgundy
Mar             John                                                94 St. Claude
Marc            Benito        tavern                                   Dauphine c. St. Philippe
Marchand        E.            comedian         Orleans Theatre
Marchand        E., Mad. Widow                                      54 Montegut
Marchand        Evariste      goldsmith                            211 Main
Marchand        Jacques                                            316 Rampart
Marchand        Rene          acc't        c. Chartres & Conti  d.  54 Montegut
Marchand        D.            widow                                331 Rampart
Marchand        Eugene, Jr.   mariner                               54 Montegut
Marchiena       Pierre        segar maker                           42 Canal Carondelet
Marchegaillo    Delphine, Miss                                     144 St. Anne
Marciale        F.A.          bricklayer                           359 Bourbon
Mariot          Eloise, Miss                                       157 St. Anne
Marcos          Jean          stevedore                             19 Ursulines
Marcos          Desiree, Miss                                      117 Bienville
Marcos          T.L.          grocer                                   Craps c. Bagatelle
Marcou          F.            widow, dyer & scourer                 84 Bienville
Marcour         Antoine       cooper                               189 Amour c. Marigny
Marcour         A.            cooper                                 9 rail road
Marrec          Louis         cordwainer                           137 Moreau
Marette         Mad. Widow                                         120 Barracks
Marie           Jean                                            c.     St. Peter & Rampart
Marie           Marie, Miss                                        171 Conde
Margaret        Melia         widow                             c.     Pritanne & Erato
Mariage         Miss                                               110 Dauphine
Marigny         Bernard                                            179 Levee c. Marigny
Marigny         Prosper       planter                         d.c.     Moreau & Rail Road
Marigny         Armand                                             179 Levee c. Marigny
Marigny         Celestin      coach driver                             St. Philippe n. St. Claude
Marin           Richard       carpenter                             96 Bagatelle
Marin           B.            fruit merchant                         6 St. Anne
Marin           P.            planter                               37 Montegut
Marin           Catherine                                           96 Francais
Marina          Santa J.      grocer                                67 New Levee
Marilliet       Panlin        carpenter                                Constance n. Estelle
Mariner         Ben           carpenter                                Thalia n. Apollon
Marius          Pierre                                             266 Burgundy
Mark            Burk                                                   Toulouse n. Basin
Market Houses                 vegetables                        b.     Ursuline & St. Philip
                              beef                              b.     Main & St. Anne
                              new market                       op.     Delor
Marot           T.L.          dry goods                            133 Royal
Marguette       Laurette      grocer                                29 Circus c. Gravier
Marquis         Sainville     carpenter                                Thalie c. Colisse
Marquez         Mad. Widow                                         224 Dauphine
Marquez         M.            grocer                                   Canal Carondelet n. Basin
Marquez         Manuel                                                 Circus n. Perdido
Mars            Wm. & Parson  cabinet maker                        313 Tchoupitoulas
Marston         Peter         drayman                              264 St. Charles
Marsh           Ralph & Co.   coach maker                           73 Common
Marshal's Office                                                       St. Anne b. Conde & Royal
Marti           Bazile        victualler       Old Market
Martilly        widow                                                  St. Pierre n. Poydras
Martilly        L.A.          acc't                             c.     St. Charles & Common
Martin          P.            grocer                               280 Magazine c. Delor
Martin          W.H.          blacksmith                        c.     Girod & Baronne
Martin          J.D.          grocer                            c.     Camp & Gravier
Martin, Pleasants & Co.       merchants                             33 Camp
Martin          Pierre        fisherman                            162 Bayou Road
Martin          F.X.          judge of the supreme court        d. 208 St. Philip
Martin          Caesar        grocer                               207 Orleans c. Bourbon
Martin          John          coffeehouse                            8 St. Anne
Martin          Joseph        M.D.                                 197 Royal
Martin          P.            carpenter                                Hunter n. New Levee
Martin                        widow                                    Polymnie n. Pritanne
Martin          G.W. & Co.    c. merchants                          56 New Levee
Martin          B.            coffee house                          41 Tchoupitoulas
Martin          Thomas                                             227 Magazine
Martin          Guilliaume    mar9iner                             142 Bons Enfans
Martin          Lonis (sic)                                            Polymnie n. Pritanne
Martin          Joseph        victualler                            15 Moreau
Martins         Robert C.                                          126 Moreau
Martinez        Gabriel       tailor                               206 Espagne
Martinez        Joseph        c. blacksmith                         43 Francais
Martinez        Barthelemy                                          63 Espagne
Martinez        Juanez        grocer                               240 Levee
Martinez        Salvadore     mariner                              116 Amour
Martinez        Francisco                                           49 Montegut
Martinez        R.            dry goods                             31 Madison
Martinez        Manuel        grocer                                62 St. Peter
Martinez        Charles       dry goods                         c.     St. Peter & Burgundy
Martinos        Louis E.                                            67 Piety
Martinstein     J.            hardware, &c.    11 Bienville   d.c.     Dauphin & Bienville
Marty           R.            boarding house                       189 Chartres c. St. Peter
Marvin, Furst & Co.           dry goods                             78 Chartres n. Basin
Macey           John A.       architect                             17 Esplanade
Mason           Mrs.          boarding house                        84 New Levee
Masson          P.            grocer                                90 Amour
Maspero         Mad. Widow                                         230 Royal
Maspero         C.            tin smith                             20 Conde
Massieux        Charles                                                Main c. Burgundy
Materne         George                                              91 St. Joseph
Matata          Charlotte, Miss                                    260 Rampart
Mathe           Jean                                               190 Bayou Road
Matheo          Joseph        oysterman                            159 Moreau
Mather          Louis         grocer                                31 Dauphine c. C. House
Mathews         George        judge of the supreme court           122 Canal
Mathews         R.C.          attorney at law                      132 Tchoupitoulas c. Girod
Mathews         John R.       cooper                               213 Bons Enfans
Mathews         Mitchell                                           322 Casa Calvo
Mathews         Isaac         gardener                               2 Bons Enfans
Mathieu         Gregoire B.   acc't                                211 Casa Calvo
Mathieu         S.            stevedore                            141 Amour
Mathieu         E.            clothing store                        50 Levee
Mathieu         Joseph        cordwainer                           146 Conti
Mathieu         Valmont                                            144 Camp
Matieu          Colette, Miss                                      138 Craps
Matos           Jose          grocer                               159 Rampart c. Toulouse
Matossy         J.            confectioner                          43 Orleans
Mau             Eloise, Miss                                       177 Hospital
Maucel          J.            bakery                                13 St. Philippe
Maupassant      H.C.          dry goods                             78 Francais
Maurand         Chevalier     widow                                277 Rampart
Maruan & Co.                  tavern                                28 Madison
Mauranges       Mad. Widow                                         288 Bourbon
Maureau         J.B.          attorney at law                      140 Bayou Road
Maurel          P.                                                 117 St. Philippe
Maurian         Charles       judge parish court                d. 126 Toulouse
Maurice         Joseph        city gauger                           79 New Levee c. Constance n. Basin
Maurice         Phrisine, Miss                                      82 Barracks
Maurice         Jacob         tin smith                            206 Espagne
Maurice         Lorenzo                                            410 Bons Enfans
Maurice         Auguste       confectioner                          42 Amour
Maurice         Antoine V.    broker                                77 Enghien
Maurice         Victor        taylor                               129 Espagne
Maurice         Francois      ship carpenter                       116 Grands Hommes
Maurice         P.                                                 117 Main
Maurice         Silvain       cabinet maker                        236 Rail Road
Maurice         J.            builder                               52 Main
Maurin & O'Duhigg             brokers                           c.     St. Louis & Levee
Manrin (sic)    Antoine       brokers                               33 Bourbon
Maurin          Mad. Widow                                         146 Dauphine
Maurine         Jean          carpenter                                St. Paul n. Poydras
Maurin          B.            dry goods                            157 Main
Maxan           Antoine       widow                                162 Hospital
Maxan           Beline, Miss                                        78 Barracks
Maxant          Annette, Miss grocer                               110 Craps c. Union
Maxent          J.B.F.        brokers                               65 New Levee
Maxon           Joseph        carpenter                            107 bagatelle
Mayar           Pierre        victualler                            52 Amour
Maybin          J.            attorney at law                   c.     St. John & Poydras
Mayer           C.            carpenter                             69 Julia
Mayer           Mitchell      drayman                                  Felicity Road c. St. John Baptiste
Mayer           K.            Capt.                                    Constance c. Edward
Maynard         J.B.          victualler                               Pacanier n. Market
Mayor's Office                city hall
Mayo            W.T.          glassware                             20 Canal
Mayonne         Louis, Mad.                                         92 Marigny
Mayvone                                                             12 Peace
Mayronne        E.            planter                              147 Dauphine
Mazes           Joseph        pedlar                                14 Barracks
Mazes           Magdelaine, Miss                                   313 Dauphine
Mazureau        Stephen       attorney at law                       16 Royal
Mazureau        A.            notary public    63 St. Louis     d.  16 Royal
Mead            J.K.          lottery office                        83 Chartres
Mead            Thomas        woodyard                              27 Delor
Meance          Francoise, Miss                                     70 Grands Hommes
Mederic         Louis         shoemaker                            143 St. Anne
Medsinger       Benedict, Miss                                     144 Bayou Road
Meeker          M.S.          clothing store                       112 Levee
Meeks           J. W. & Co.   furniture store                       29 Chartres
Megnin          Annette, Miss                                      109 Bienville
Megnon          Serophine, Miss                                     74 Amour
Meige           Magdelaine, Miss   grocer                              Bourbon c. St. Philippe
Meilleur        Michel        grocer                                   Main c. Rampart
Meilleur        Francois                                           178 Hospital
Meilleur        Simon         keeper of the city prison             42 St. Peter
Meilleur        Louis         cordwainer                           114 Toulouse
Meilleur        Louis         carpenter                                Euterpe n. Apollon
Meilleur        Theophile     carpenter                                Euterpe & Nayades
Meladie         Margueritte, Miss                                  123 Hospital
Melder          J.W.          ship broker                            4 Jefferson
Melder          J., Mad.      boarding house                        11 Hospital
Melder          E.            coffeehouse                          154 Levee
Meller          S.            upholsterer                           59 Customhouse
Meller          Dr.                                                    Tchoupitoulas n. Fayette
Mello           Joseph                                             148 Orleans
Mello           Pierre                                             307 Burgundy
Mello           Antoine       victualler                               Bayou Rd.
Menard          Gabriel                                             39 Bagatelle
Menard          Joseph                                              33 Victoire
Menard          Margueritte, Miss   washer, &c.                    187 Hospital
Menard          Baptiste      victualler       Old Market
Mendwz          Antoinio                                               Bayou Rd.
Mendez          widow                                               53 Montegut
Meneclier       Louis         cabinet maker                        110 Conti
Meneclier       widow                                                  Burgundy c. Customhouse
Menickler       Lewis         cabinet maker                         77 Bourbon
Menier          Etienne                                             83 Ursulines
Meran           James         segar maker                          160 St. Philippe
Mercadal        F.            coffeehouse                            8 St. Anne
Mercantile Advertiser printing office                                  Customhouse n. Dorsiere
Mercer          James         cooper                            c.     Hevia & Circus
Merchants' Insurance Company                                    c.     Royal & Bienville
Mercier         Jean          recorder of mortgages                 60 St. Louis
Mercier         J.J.          attorney at law                 d.c.     St. Claude & Bayou
Mersier         Seraphine                                          195 Craps
Mercier         Suzanne, Miss                                       93 Hospital
Mercier         Jean          cabinet maker                         63 Bourbon
Mercier         Felix         cooper                                53 Conti
Meridien        Antoine       grocer                                79 Grands Hommes
Merieult        Mad. Widow                                         214 Levee
Merieult        Charles                                            214 Levee
Merieult        J.B.          widow                                    Casa Calvo
Marlan          Joseph        mattress maker                        37 Royal & Levee
Merle           Jacques                                             96 Main
Merle & Giraudeau             coffeehouse                       c.     St. Charles & St. Louis
Merle           John A.       merchant         71 Bienville   d.c.     Mandeville & Levee
Merlin          Joseph        segar maker                          298 Dauphine
Merlet          Mad. Widow    teacher                              113 Grands Hommes
Merrit          N.C.          merchant                              15 Camp
Mersintine      Mrs.          academy                              107 Girod & Calliope
Meunier         Etienne       victualler                            81 Ursulines
Meunier         Mad. Widow                                         148 Toulouse
Meunier         A.            printer                              148 Toulouse
Meunier         Paul P.       teacher                              173 Burgundy
Meuses          Martin        grocer                                85 c. Magazine & Poydras
Meur            T.O.          M.D.                                  31 Gravier n. Magazine
Miatza          Joseph        trader                                48 St. Philippe
Michel          Edward        accountant & editor of the        d.  85 St. Louis
                              New Orleans Directory
Michel          Alphonse                                            10 Peace
Michel          A.R.          widow                                 10 Peace
Michel          Antaine       sailmaker                             61 Marigny
Michel          Louise, Miss                                        90 Craps
Michel          Constant      tailor                                94 Craps
Michel          Allin         French consul    108 Royal        d.     Bayou St. John
Michel          Marulain                                        c.     Richard & Pacanier
Michel          Jacques       tavern                               278 St. Anne c. St. Claude
Michel & Chester              mrs.'s millenary                     148 Royal
Michel          J.            painter & glazier                     94 Bourbon
Michel          L.            grocer                                28 Customhouse
Michinard       Jean          druggist                          c.     St. Philippe & Conde
Michon          S.            shoe store                           304 Dauphine
Michon          Jacob         stevedore                            243 Magazine
Michot          Victor A.     cabinet maker                         70 Hospital
Michoud         A.            hardware &c.                      c.     Levee & Ursulines
Mickejohn       George                                                 St. Philippe n. Levee
Micline         Marie, Miss                                        139 Moreau
Mier            Jean          grocer                                   Burgundy c. Hospital
Mignon          Jean                                               331 Rampart
Millaudon       S.            merchant                                 St. Louis b. Chartres
Millard         Charles       grocery                               34 Levee
Milbrone        Mad. Widow                                         361 Rampart
Miller          Pierre        gunsmith                              20 Conde
Miller          James         barber           29 Canal         d. 166 Gravier
Miller          George P.     engineer                              84 Delor
Miller          John F.       steam saw mill                    d.  80 St. Peter
                              New Levee c. St. Louis
Miller          Conrad        cartman                                  Bacchus b. Clio
Miller          Mathias       porter house                             Felicity Road c. Pacanier
Miller          John          blacksmith                               Religieuses n. Nones
Miller          P.            grocer                                99 New Levee
Miller          J.A.          merchant                              91 Common
Miller          Charles A.                                          21 Dorsiere
Miller          William                                            101 Julia
Miller          William C.    mariner                              142 Victoire
Miller          Constance, Miss                                      4 Mysterious
Miller          Chares W., Capt.                                    95 Mandeville
Miller          Anthony       stevedore                             41 St. Antoine
Millerado       G.                                                 196 Rail Road
Milner          Alexander                                          146 Bayou Road
Milon                         musician         Orleans Theatre
Mills           John          lumber yard                              Suzette n. New Levee
Mills           John          grocery                              413 New Levee
Miltenberger    A.            1st bookkeeper bank of Louisiana  d. 260 Royal
Miltenberger    C.            widow                                260 Royal
Miltenberger    Aristide      accountant                           260 Royal
Mioton          Nicholas      confectioner                         136 Chartres
Mirepoix        Esquin        2nd lieutenant of the city guard     129 Moreau
Mississippi Marine & Fire Insurance Co.                     office     Bank of Louisiana
Missonet        P.            trader                               132 Craps
Miskell         T.S.          accountant                            55 Levee
Mitaud          Simon L.                                            74 Orleans
Mirchell        John          cordwainer                           147 Bienville
Mitchell        Joseph        bricklayer                               Jackson n. Treme
Mitchell        John          builder                               72 Julia
Mochin          Philip        drayman                              191 Camp
Moffrey         Mad.                                               157 St. Philippe
Mogenstern      George        sugar refiner                     c.     Annunciation & Barthelemy
Molinari        Antoine       grocer                               107 Levee
Molton          John          cooper                                58 Julia
Momus           Pierre        carter                            c.     Bons Enfans & St. Antoine
Momus           St. Clair                                           83 Louisa
Mon             Ramon         grocery          blues stores     d. 131 levee
Montbrun        Carriere, Mad. Widow                               131 Main
Montbrun        Zenon C.      accountant       post office      d.  31 Main
Monclin         Silvain       dry goods                         c.     St. Philippe & Dauphin
Monde                         widow                                 98 Hospital c. Bourbon
Monde           Leo           bricklayer                            98 Hospital c. Bourbon
Mondelli        A.            scene painter    American Theatre d. 103 St. Charles
Mondesir        Philip        trader                               221 Gravier
Monette         J. & Dede     grocers                                7 Ursulines
Monfort         J.J.          grocer                            c.     St. Claude & St. Philippe
Monfort         J. Jacques    grocer                            c.     Toulouse & Dauphin
Mong            P.                                                   9 Ursulines
Moni            Rev. L.       rector of the cathedral church    d.     opposite the cathedral
Monroe          Daniel        pattern maker                     c.     Foucher & St. Joseph
Montrose        Charles       dry goods                             83 Chartres
Montrose                      victualler                           158 Hospital
Montrose        Nicholas      segar maker                              Hospital n. Rampart
Montsara        L.            accountant                           109 Perdido
Montagnat       Mad. Widow                                         259 Magazine c. St. Joseph
Montagnac       Louis                                              259 Magazine c. St. Joseph
Montamat        Jacques       printer                                  Francis n. Amour
Montamat        Pierre        accountant                               Francis n. Amour
Montamat        Gabrielle     lumber yard      Basin            d.  49 St. Ann
Montandon       E.            watchmaker       16 St. Louis     d.  98 Hospital
Montane         Pierre, Mad. Wid.                                  128 St. Peter
Montanes        Pablo         boot maker                            69 Barracks
Montarley       Varley        cordwainer                               St. Paul n. Common
Montasse        Mad. Widow                                      c.     St. Peter & Bourbon
Montegue        Marie, Miss                                            Conde c. Ursuline
Montegue        Helen, Miss   washer &c.                           104 Bourbon
Montegut        Mad. Widow                                          88 Ursulines
Montgut         Delille, Mad. Wid.                                     bel steam cotton press, levee
Montgut         Edgar         clerk to the mayor                d.  88 Ursulines
Montegut        Raymond       commissary of police                 167 Moreau
Montesquieu     Louis         cabinet maker                         65 Burgundy
Montesquieu     J.B.          grocer                               129 St. Louis c. Burgundy
Montesquieu     Daniel        painter                              129 St. Louis
Montezuma                                                              St. Ann c. Burgundy
Montgomery      Jonathan      merchant                              56 Common
Montgomery      U. & J.       merchants                             56 Common
Montgomery      Thos.         mahogany sawyer                      191 Common
Montmain        Petronne, Miss                                      92 Main
Montmain        G.A.          surveyor                          d. 152 Toulouse
Montor          Marie Baptiste, Miss                                54 Bagatelle
Montreuil       Lolotte, Miss                                          Marais n. St. Philippe
Montreuil       Felicite, Miss                                     190 Hospital
Montreuil       Manon, Miss                                            Ursulines n. Treme
Montreuil       B.                                                     Poets St.
Montreuil       H.                                                 154 Amour
Montreuil       Mad. Widow                                             below Beckman's saw mill
Montreuil       Charles, Widow                                      47 Craps c. St, Antoine
Montry          Alphonse                                        c.     Girod & Circus
Mooney          J.R. Kotch                                      c.     Commerce & Girod
Mooney          James         architect                            105 Rampart
Moore           John D.       watchmaker                           140 Victoire
Moore           J.R.          M.D.                                     Bienville c. Bourbon
Moore           George        acc't                                  7 Levee
Moore           Samuel P. & son  cotton brokers   34 Magazine   d.  21 Carondelet
Moore           Wm.           dry goods                         c.     Carondelet & Perdido
Moore           Moses         sugar refiner                     c.     Annunciation & Barthelemy
Moore           E.            coffee house                             New Levee c. Hunter
Moore           Wm.           cabinet maker                            Lacourse n. Religieuse
Moore           Fanny, Miss   washer, &c.                           11 Foucher
Moral           Carlos        trader                                11 Moreau
Morande         Caroline, Miss                                     176 Espagne
Morant          Charlotte, Miss                                     15 Victoire
Morant                        widow                                104 Grands Hommes
Moreau          George        grocer                               208 Dauphine c. Orleans
Moreau          Justine, Miss                                       81 Rampart
Moreau          Manuel        builder                               69 Hospital
Moreau          Louis         blacksmith                               Royal c. Barracks
Morehouse       widow         private boarding                     110 Conti
Morel           C., Mad. Widow                                     285 Rampart c. St. Philippe
Morel           Christoval    attorney at law  44 St. Louis     d. 285 c. Rampart & St. Philippe
Morel           Amadeo        acc't                                285 c. Rampart & St. Philippe
Morel           Guiramond                                          343 Bourbon
Morel           F.            trader                                   Marigny
Morell          John          watchmaker                           148 Tchoupitoulas
Morette         Benitte, Miss                                      140 Dauphine
Morette                       widow                                245 Poydras
Morgan          Thomas                                             137 Canal n. Rampart
Morgan          G.W.          sheriff          1 Conde        d.c.     Canal & Circus
Morgan          George                                              76 Rampart
Morgan & Co.                  druggists                             22 Canal
Morgan          M.                                                  14 Royal
Morgan          S.P.          merchant                              41 Camp
Morgan          Ben           widow                                 49 Magazine
Morillion       Mad. Widow                                          87 Bons Enfans
Morin           Mad. Widow                                         278 Dauphine
Morin           Charles A.    acc't                                278 Dauphine
Morin           Rosalie, Miss                                      112 St. Anne
Morin           Louis         tinman                                 4 Bienville
Mornay          Jean          grocer                            c.     St. Andrew & Public Rd.
Mornay          Vincent                                                Annunciation c. Richard
Morphy          Alonzo        attorney at law  195 Royal        d. 129 Conde
Morphy          Ernest        of the firm of Ducros & Morphy    d. 129 Conde
                              grocery          15 Levee
Morphy          Edouard                                                Ursulines n. Treme
Morphy          Diego         translator                            44 Conti
Morris          L.            broker                               116 Chartres
Morris          R.C.P.        weigher & accountant              d.     Tivoli Square
                              steam levee press
Morris          Richard       cooper                                91 Tchoupitoulas
Morrison        Charles                                             46 Casa Calvo
Morrison        S.            capt.                                198 Levee
Morse           Nathan        recorder                              13 Rampart
Morse           S.E.          attorney at law                       47 Conti
Mortifique      Justine, Miss                                      140 Bienville
Mortimer        J.D.          teacher                           c.     Felicity Road & St. Jean Baptist
Mortimer        G.            acc't                                    Phillippa n. Poydras
Mortimer                      widow                                    St. John n. Gravier
Morton          J.H.          grocery                               88 New Levee
Morton          John          cooper                                58 Girod
Mosanto         Joseph        carpenter                                Edward n. Colisse
Moss            Charles       barber                               184 Girod
Moss            Maclin        barber           21 Tchoupitoulas d. 149 Common
Mossy           Tousaint      auctioneer                        d. 247 Royal
                              c. Chartres & Toulouse
Mossy           T., Jr.                                                Royal & Main
Mossy           Paul          brickyard                                other side of the river
Mossy           Jules         acc't                                257 Royal
Mott            Peter         carpenter                                Hunter n. New Levee
Mouchon         Paul          carpenter                         c.     Polymnie & Bacchus
Mounier         L.G.          dry goods                             18 St. Anne
Moreau          Francois                                           153 Barracks
Moureu          Louis         tailor                               160 Camp
Moureu          Laurent       tailor                               101 Girod
Mousier         Mad. Widow                                         131 Dauphine
Muh             Louis         watchmaker                           115 Chartres
Mullen          M. & B.       dry goods                         c.     Chartres & Canal
Mullen          Wm.           academy                               98 Camp
Muller          J.            musician                                 St. Andrew op. Bellechasse
Muller          Charles       tavern                               349 Tchoupitoulas
Mullony         David         c. mrct.                                 port of Orleans n. Josephine
Mully           Henry         stevedore                            270 Magazine
Munos           Manuel        grocery                           c.     Bayou & Treme
Murphy          Wm. Jr.       acc't                                    Ursuline n. Treme
Murphy          Wm.                                                    Ursuline n. Treme
Murphy                        widow                                  9 Burgundy
Murphy          Daniel        carpenter                                public road n. Josephine
Murray          John          capt.                                    Bourbon n. Philippe
Murray          J.W.          secretary of the                  d.     Conde n. Ursulines
                              Orleans Navigation Co.
Murray          N.            blacksmith                               Tivoli Square
Muscatelhy      Francis       grocery                               47 Grands Hommes
Musgrove        Charles       engineer                             281 Magazine
Musgrover       Louis         VICTUALLER                               Old Market
Mustrigos       Oliver        mariner                              244 Marigny
Mutter          R.B.          grocery                           c.     Marigny & Levee
Myers           Charles       carpenter                             69 Julia
Myers           Stephen       lampist                              218 Grands Hommes

-- N --

Naader          Jacob         mariner                               26 Victoire
Naba            J.J.          carpenter                             85 Espagne
Naba            John                                                 9 French
Nabon           Marianne, Miss                                     111 Barracks
Naddo           Finner                                              18 Baronne
Nadalis         Engene, Miss                                       107 Marigny
Nadaud          Mad. Widow                                      c.     Bourbon & Toulouse
Nadaud          D.O.          accountant                        c.     Bourbon & Toulouse
Nadaud          Lewis A.      city gauger                              Constance b. Robin & Basin
Nagel           Christopher   livery stable    180 Toulouse     d. 179 St. Peter
Narusse         Jacques       tailor                                72 Orleans
Nartigue        J.J., Capt.                                        123 St. Ann
Nash            Theophilus    carpenter                                Tivoli Square
Nau             J.            planter                                  Gentilly Road
Nauffer         Frederick                                          167 St. Joseph
Nauronette      Charlotte, Miss                                    378 Burgundy
Nautre          Pierre        treasurer's office  88 St. Peter  d.  54 Bons Enfans
Nautre          Joseph        carpenter                             54 Bons Enfans
Navarre         Mad. Widow                                         127 Casa Calvo
Necker          Leon de       Bishop of Louisiana Old Convent          Ursuline
Neel            John C.       barber                               190 Bagatelle
Neel            Louis         lampist                                  Orleans Theatre
Neil            Lucius T.     accountant                            82 Craps
Nelson          J.P.          accountant                             6 Levee
Nelson          Christy       drayman                               71 Julia
Nelson          P.            tavern                               153 Levee
Nettleton       Mavrin        cooper                                   New Levee n. Market
Newell          M. & Co.      clothing store                        60 Chartres
Newkirk & Olden               dry goods                             42 Chartres
Newman          F.                                                     St. Claude c. Esplanade
New Orleans Soap and Candle Manufactory                         c.     Lacourse & Pacanier
New Orleans Building Company                                           Gravier n. the New Bank
New Orleans Charity Hospital                                           Canal b. Dauphine & Burgundy
New Orleans Canal and Banking Company                           c.     Magazine & Gravier
New Orleans Insurance Co.                                              Royal n. U.S.B. Bank
New Cotton Press and Warehouse Co.             office                  Faubourg Delor
New Orleans Architect Co.                      office           c.     Toulouse & Chartres
New Orleans Mechanic Society
New Exchange                                                    c.     Chartres & St. Louis
New Hospital                                                           lower end of Common street
Newton          P.S. & Co.    dry goods                             13 Chartres
Newton          John          blacksmith                           385 Tchoupitoulas
Neyfear         Frederick     city guard                           179 Girod
Necaud          N. & Co.      bakers                                67 Conde
Nichols         Marianne, Miss                                     134 Casa Calvo
Nichols         John W.       mariner                              166 Rail Road
Nichols         Walter        distiller                                Levee n. Convent
Nicholson       John          U.S. Marshal     Custom House     d.  19 Dauphine
Nicholson       James, Capt.                                       126 Canal
Nicholson       Jane, Miss    cook shop                            135 Poydras
Nicolas         Jacques       shoe store                            20 St. Ann
Nicolas         Fran.         drayman                                  Annunciation n. Oranger
Nicolas         H.                                                 139 Toulouse
Nicolas         Sebastien     widow                                    St. Paul n. Common
Nicolas         Jean          cabinet maker                            St. Paul n. Common
Nicolet         Theodore & Co merchants                            105 Royal
Nieve           Francisco     cutler                                54 Conde
Night           Samuel        carpenter                            410 Magazine
Nigles          Frederick     carpenter                                Oranger c. St. John Baptiste
Nisbet          John P.       Cashier Bank of Orleans               48 Conti
Nixon           John          attorney at law  26 Chartres      d.  41 Circus
Nixon           George        dry goods                             22 Chartres
Noel            Jean Baptiste                                      309 Royal
Noel            Sebastien     accountant                           141 Bons Enfans
Noel            Canellas      musician                             211 Grands Hommes
Noel            Francois      trader                                55 Grands Hommes
Noel            Victoire, Miss                                     114 Moreau
Nogues          Francois                                            50 Orleans
Noguera         Jose          accountant                            30 New Levee
Noiry           Pierre
Noling          Patrick       drayman                              193 Common
Nora            Baptiste      dry goods                            117 St. Philippe
Norris          Margueritte   washer &c.                            81 Burgundy
Norris          W.C. & Co.    clothing store                        38 Chartres
Norris          William                                              7 Carondelet
Norris          Aristide      cabinet maker                         11 St. Antoine
Norris          John G.       teacher                              169 Bons Enfans
Norris          William R.                                         316 Bons Enfans
Norton          Harvey        coffee house & tavern                    Tchoupitoulas c. Hunter
Norton          Dr.           druggist                              45 New Levee
Norton          F.W.          M.D.                                 193 Bourbon
Norton                        widow                                 88 Delor
Norwood         Elizabeth, Miss                                     66 Dauphine c. Bienville
Notaire                       comedian                              99 Main
Noraire         Mad.                                               111 Rampart
Nott            Wm. & Co.     merchants                            143 Royal
Nott            P.L.          grocery                                  Port of Orleans c. Soraparu
Novel           C.                                              c.     Magazine & Melicerte
Nuga            Eugene        collector                            128 Mandeville
Nung            Henry         grocery                               87 Amour c. Bagatelle
Nuts            Leon D.       engineer                                 New Levee c. Lacourse
Nuzorillez      Marcelin                                           303 Casa Calvo
Nye             Seth W.       city warfinger

-- O --

Oakley          S.W. & Co.    dry goods                         c.     Chartres & Custom House
Oara            Nancy, Mad.   widow, tobacconist                    51 St. Peter
Obrie           Pierre                                             188 Girod
Obrie           Mercelite, Miss                                        St. Philippe c. Marais
Obrie           Zoe, Miss                                          113 Rampart
O'Brien         Daniel                                              27 Peace
O'Brien         Mikel                                              192 Tchoupitoulas
O'Brien         Wm.           coffeehouse                           85 Tchoupitoulas
Obiol           Augustin      grocer           128 Levee      & c.     Conde & St. Anne
O'Duhigg        Auguste       cotton broker                        156 St. Louis
O'Duhigg        Eugene        bricklayer                           179 Carondelet
Oemichen        C.G.          dry goods                             93 Chartres
Ogden           J. & Co.      merchants                             65 Canal
Ogden           Francis       carpenter                             89 Philippa
Ogden           Edward        cotton press                         113 Magazine
Oger            A.L.                                               119 Chartres
Oger & Co.                    grocery store                         13 Toulouse
Ogier           Peter         builder                              125 c. Common & Carondelet
Ogier           Helene, Miss                                           Carondelet n. Girod
Ogilvie         James & Co.   grocery store                         51 New Levee
O'Hara          Wm.                                                112 Camp
O'Hara          John          capt.                                139 Rampart
O'Hara          William       coffeehouse                       c.     Gravier & Camp
Ohler           Martin        grocer                            c.     Estelle & Colisse
O'Kelly         John          barkeeper                         c.     Chartres & Jefferson
Olden           Charles S.    dry goods                             42 Chartres
Oldham          John          merchants                             72 Canal
Ollen           Victoire, Miss                                     113 Bagatelle
Oliver          Jackson       coffeehouse                           44 Orleans
Oliver          Peter         mariner                              167 Levee
Oliver          Nancy, Miss                                        121 Grands Hommes
Oliver          Andrew        druggist                          c.     Bienville & Chartres
Oliver          C.            planter                              213 Royal
Olivier         Andre         grocer                            c.     St. Anne & Treme
Olivier         David         merchants        81 St. Louis     d.     Levee bel. Convent
Olivier         Marie Jeanne                                    c.     Berthelemy & Magazine
Olivier         Jean          grocer                                26 Grands Hommes
Olivier         Mad. Widow                                      c.     Levee & Espagne
Ollanvier       Louise, Miss                                       263 Dauphin
Ollie           Jean          acc't                                    Main n. Treme
Ollie           Mad. Widow                                             Main n. Treme
Opdyke          G.                                                  56 Chartres
Orain           G.            commission merchant                    7 New Levee
Oriol           F. & Co.      druggists                         c.     Conde & Main
Orelly          J.                                                 317 Dauphine c. Ursuline
Orleans Bank                                                           Conti b. Chartres & Royal
Orleans Ball Room                                                      Orleans street
Orleans Theatre                                                        Orleans street
Orleans Navigation Company's office                             c.     Basin & Promenades
Orleans Central College                                            267 Royal
Orleans Infirmary                                                      lower end of Poydras St.
Orosco          Louise, Miss                                       282 Royal
Orso            Martin        carpenter                         c.     Thalia & Pritanne
Orso                          widow                                 47 St. Peter
Ortis           Margueritte, Miss                                   33 Peace
Osborn          D.C. & Co.    commission mrcts.                      6 N. Levee
Osborn          W.F.          merchant                              23 Magazine
Otts            A.            grocery                              111 Levee
Osborn          T.H.          acc't                                111 Levee
Ostin           Jean          cabinet maker                        133 St. Anne
Ostin           Mad. Widow                                          90 St. Claude
Otero           Raymond                                                Moreau n. Francais
Orero           Francais      grocer                                   Bayou St. John
Otts            Jacob         joiner & architect                       Tivoli Square
Oudin           Joseph        watchmaker                           156 Chartres
Outlaw          B.N.          deputy marshal                        86 Rampart
Outlaw          Jacob         deputy marshal                           Ursuline n. St. Claude
Ovens           Louis         bricklayer                               Treme n. Marais
Owen            J.D. & Co.    merchants                             56 Gravier
Owen A.         boarding house                                         Girod n. Commerce

-- P --

Pablo           Carmelitte    Miss                                  99 Barracks
Pablo           D.            tailor                               378 Bourbon
Pacquetet       Francois      hardware store                       231 Royal
Pages           George G.     carpenter                            127 Levee
Page                          widow                             c. 207 Orleans & Burgundy
Page            Lewis         merchant                             136 Royal
Page            Jacob         grocer                                12 Basin
Pagot           P.A.                                                   Marais n. Ursuline
Pailhes         Pierre        dry goods                             55 Ursuline
Paillet         Mad.          widow                                135 Bourbon
Paisan          Jean                                                   Bayou St. John
Palais          H.            dry goods                                Royal c. Ursuline
Paloa           Caroline, Miss                                         Ursuline c. Treme
Paloa           Martin                                             366 Burgundy
Palanque        Pierre        victualler                        c.     Market & Pacannier
Palfrey         H.W.                                                59 Camp
Palmand         Miss                                               124 Barracks
Palmer          Alexander     grocer                               117 Levee
Palmer & Southmayd            dry goods                             15 Levee
Palmer          James S.      steward          Charity Hospital
Pamar           R.                                                 242 Poydras
Pandelly        Paul                                                   Levee bel. Convent
Panis           Pierre        cartman                               48 Circus
Papet           Charles       broker                                48 St. Louis
Paradol         P.            musician                                 Orleans Theatre
Paris           J.B.                                               305 Rampart
Parisien        Mad.          widow                                    Terpsichore n. Dryades
Parish Treasurer's Office                                           88 St. Peter
Parish Court                                                    c.     Conde & St. Anne
Parazot         P.            musical instrument maker              87 Orleans
Parker          J.            merchant                             229 Royal
Pardos          Jean          clothing store                    c.     N. Levee & Gravier
Pardos          Ambroise                                               St. Peter n. Rampart
Parker          Anthony       tanner                            c.     Louisa & Annunciation
Parker          Simon         carpenter                                Colisse n. Lacourse
Parker          E.E.          iron foundry   216 Tchoupitoulas  d.     Julia & Tchoupitoulas
Parks           James         acc't                                184 Bienville
Parks           John          cooper                               145 Magazine
Parks           George        blacksmith                               Annunciation n. Berthelemy
Parmly          L.S.          dentist                               50 Canal
Parson          D.P.          pilot                             c.     Circus & Poydras
Parott          T.F.          surgeon        marine hospital           Poydras c. Circus
Pas             Lewis         milkman                           c.     Polymnie & Pritanne
Pascal          Francois      hardware         55 Levee         d.  48 St. Philippe
Pascal          Francois      cabinet maker                     c.     Rampart & Main
Pasquet         Mederic                                         op.    Annunciation Square
Pastout         Jean          grocer                                   Bayou St. John
Patterson       Charles       acc't                                132 Philippa
Patton          Mad.          widow                             c.     Conti & Dauphine
Patton          Charles                                         c.     Conti & Dauphine
Patron          J.B.          widow                                    St. Philippe c. St. Claude
Patron          Pierre        carpenter                             89 Craps
Paturzo         Joseph        grocer                               101 Craps c. Union
Paturzo         M.            boarding house                        20 Jefferson
Paty            Louis         shoe maker                           305 Dauphine
Paul            Joseph        carpenter                             65 Union  faubourg Marigny
Paul            Felix         bookstore                            135 Chartres
Paul            Mad.          widow                             c.     Burgundy & Conti
Paulding        R.C.                                                   Canal c. St. Charles
Paulin          A.            dry goods                            148 St. Philippe
Paulin          Paul          cordwainer                            44 Girod
Pavajeau        Aime          joiner                               174 Ursuline
Pavajeau        Jarmin        turner                               179 Toulouse
Paxton          Samuel        merchant                                 Cours des Tritons n. Bacchus
Paga            A.            novelty store                            Chartres n. Conti
Page            T.            cabinet maker                         18 Moreau
Pagne           Samuel D.     segar maker                          170 Magazine
Pazes           Narcisse                                           151 Moreau
Pearson         W.N.                                                73 Main
Pedesclaux      Hugh          notary public    53 St. Louis     d. 248 St. Ann
Pedraja         J.D.          liquorist     72 Tchoupitoulas  d.c.     Rampart & Canal
Pedron          V.            dry goods                             50 Conti
Peirce          L.            attorney at law                        4 Royal
Pergnet         Pierre        carter                                   Treme n. Orleans
Peile           Marie Louise                                       240 Burgundy
Pelaez          Manuel        grocer                                60 Barracks c. Royal
Pellerin        Edmund        carpenter                            176 St. Claude
Pellerin        Joseph        accountant                               Canal Carondelet n. Claiborne
Pellerin        Louis                                                  St. Ann c. Treme
Pelester        Frederick     dray keeper                            1 Foucher
Pelerine        Rosine, Miss                                       181 Amour
Pelissier                     widow                                 47 Grands Hommes
Pelissier       Pierre        cabinet maker                         23 Casa Calvo
Pemberton       J.T.          sheriff's office                  d.  59 Conde
Pena            Mad.          widow                                137 St. Joseph
Pena            Adolphe       blacksmith                           137 St. Joseph
Penas           Jean          dentist                                  Royal c. Esplanade
Penas           Ignacio                                                Royal c. Esplanade
Pendergrast     John          dry goods        3 Chartres       d.  29 Carondelet
Pene            Jean          baker                                277 Magazine
Penington       Mrs.                                               214 Main
Penn            Alfred        public weigher                        44 Gravier
Penne           Fourtune Joseph  captain of the city guard      d.     Royal n. Main
Penniman        A.T.          editor of the Emporium            d. 262 Camp
Penny           P.B.          merchant                              28 Bienville
Peno            Charles                                            227 Bourbon
Penrice         John          editor of the                     d.  75 c. Philippa & Gravier
                              Louisiana Advertiser
Pepe            B.            carpenter                            180 Rail Road
Pepper          G.            accountant                            12 Main
Pepite          Joseph        scene painter                            Orleans Theatre
Peralta         Joseph        builder                                  Basin
Peralta         Manuel        carpenter                                Basin
Perez           Domingo                                            161 Conde
Perez           Raphael       grocer                            c.     Conde & Main
Perez           Larosa A.                                          261 Bourbon
Perez           Jean          tavern                                   Burgundy c. Hospital
Perez           Antoine       carpenter                             84 Perdido
Percy           Ferdinand                                           13 St. Philippe n. Levee
Percy           Felix                                               13 St. Philippe n. Levee
Percy           Ferdinand P., accountant       Rail Road        d. 128 St. Peter
Percy           Stephen E.    editor of the New Orleans Directory   13 St. Philippe n. Levee
Percy           Pierre                                                 Bacchus b. Clio & Erato
Percy           Jacques       cooper                               128 Carondelet
Percy           Flavien       carpenter                         c.     Erato & Bacchus
Percy           Adelaide                                        c.     Apollon & Thalie
Perdreauville   Rene          editor of the Tribune                    Chartres n. St. Louis
Perisier        Louis                                               88 Esplanade
Perlee          A.            M.D.                                  17 Custom House
Permoli         Bernard, Rev. vicar of the Cathedral                12 Orleans
Perrault        Jean B.       merchant                          c.     Canal & Royal
Perrault        Felix         sail maker                            90 Orleans
Perrault        Felix                                              194 Victoire
Perret & Charbonnet           merchants                             56 Toulouse
Perret          Henry         merchant                             327 Royal
Perrilliat      Cadet         dry goods store                       31 St. Peter
Perrilliat      Francois      grocer                               115 Philippa c. Perdido
Pernas          Juan          laborer                                  Levee n. Convent
Perry                         widow                                153 Common
Perret          Francais                                           353 Tchoupitoulas
Perry           Wm.           tailor                                56 Esplanade
Perry           M.H.          syndic           6th dist.               St. Andre c. Josephine
Perris          J.T.                                                   parish Jefferson
Perrin          J.            dry goods store                      189 Royal
Pervis          Joseph        grocer                                   Basin c. Toulouse
Peschier        J.B.                                                65 Amour c. St. Antoine
Pesson          T.J.                                                11 Conti
Pessou          Alphonse      gunsmith                                 Main n. Conde
Peters & Millard              w. grocers                               Levee n. Bienville
Peters          Samuel J.D.                                         19 Bourbon
Peters          S.H.          Custom House officer                 282 c. St. Charles & Tivoli
Peters          Charles       carpenter                            229 Magazine
Peters          Mickel        gardener                                 Cours des Tritons des Dryades
Peterson        T.F.          sea capt.                                Estelle b. Constance & Magazine
Peterson        Augustus      barber                               220 Casa Calvo
Peterson        George B.                                          343 Bons Enfans
Peterson        Peter         mariner                              191 Craps
Peterson        Robert N.                                          124 Grands Hommes
Petit           Francois      trader in peltry                     357 Tchoupitoulas
Petit           Mathieu       auctioneer & broker                   24 Grands Hommes
Petit           Pain F.H.     grocery          79 Toulouse      d. 241 Dauphine
Petrot          Jean          tailor                                70 Moreau
Pew             T.J.          editor of the Mercantile Advertiser      Custom House n. Dorsiere
Peychaud        Mad.          widow                                126 Toulouse
Peychaud        A.                                                  90 St. Peter
Peychaud        Nelson        paying teller
                              Louisiana State Bank 
Peychaud        Henry         dist. clerk                       d. 126 Toulouse
                              Louisiana State Bank
Peyre           H.D.          interpreter for the               d.  86 Ursuline
                              Criminal Court
Peytavin        Francois      accountant                        c.     Apollon & Callioppe
Peyroux         Rivarde & Co  merchants                             11 Toulouse
Peyroux         Francois, Miss                                         Bayou Road
Peyroux         P.O.          public weigher                       271 Burgundy
Peyroux         Mad.          widow                                    Burgundy c. Main
Peyroux         Sylvain                                            263 Burgundy
Peyroux         Adolphe       accountant                               Burgundy c. Main
Peyroux         Mena, Miss                                         149 St. Peter
Peyra           Hipolitte                                          303 Dauphin
Phelan          P.            coffee house                          17 & 19 Camp
Phelan          Wm.           coffee house                          61 Camp
Phelps          G.A. & Co.    merchants                             75 Common
Phelps          G.A.          lumber yard                              Toulouse n. Franklin
Philips         Isaac         dry goods                             77 Levee
Philips         A.            dry goods                             53 Chartres
Philips         Asher         dry goods & clothing                  91 Levee
Philips         Philip                                          c.     Hevia & Circus
Philips         Etienne                                            187 St. Charles
Philips         William       carpenter                            363 Magazine
Philips         P.            merchant                                 Apollon c. Calliope
Philippe        F.            dry goods store                   c.     Main & Royal
Philippi                                                            15 Burgundy
Philibert       Jean          carpenter                             28 Craps c. Histoire
Philippon       Jr.           planter                                  Levee c. Mandeville
Phoenix Insurance Company of London                        office      Louisiana State Bank
Pichot          A.W.          attorney at law  143 Chartres     d.     Esplanade c. Ursuline
Pichon          A.F.          teacher                              377 Burgundy
Picard          G.            grocer                                   Hospital c. Dauphin
Pickett & Clamon              painters & glaziers                   28 Customhouse
Picotte & Cabirron            tailors                              153 Chartres
Picotte         Louis         carpenter                                Annunciation c. Robin
Picout          Urbain        labourer                          c.     Apollon & Polymnie
Pidoux          widow Vincent                                       93 Mandeville
Pidoux          J.F.          carpenter                            194 Grands Hommes
Pierce          H.            saw mill                          d.     Basin c. Thomas
                              c. Roffignac & New Levee
Picu            U.                                                     Bayou St. John
Pierce          George W.     stevedore                            179 Levee
Pierce          Anthony B.    trader                               134 Levee
Pierce          Charles U.    cabinet maker                        140 Casa Calvo
Pierce          Wm.           coffee house                         114 Levee
Pierre          Auguste B.    tailor                               237 Bons Enfans
Pierre          Vincent       tailor                               237 Bons Enfans
Pierre          Simon J.      segar maker                          302 Casa Calvo
Pierre          Jules A.      printer                              162 Espagne
Pierre          Jean          mariner                              110 Moreau
Pierre          -----         segar maker                          120 Levee
Pierre          Raymond       carpenter                            236 Amour
Pierre          Theodule A.   bricklayer                           268 Grands Hommes
Pierre          Jean          cook                                 116 Main
Pierre          -----         shoe maker                           210 ?????
Pierre          Louise, Miss                                       318 Royal
Pierre          George        grocer                               146 Levee
Pierre          Charles       teacher                              349 Dauphin
Pierre          Jean          hair dresser                          30 St. Ann
Pierre          Josephine, Miss                                 c.     Barracks & Conde
Pierre          P.                                                     Bayou St. John
Pierry          L.                                                 360 Burgundy
Piernas         A.            grocer                                74 St. Charles
Pigeon          Simon         dry goods                             81 Barracks
Pigeon          Philippe                                           268 Bayou St. John
Pigneguy        Jean          livery stable                            St. Louis c. Bourbon
Pigneguy        Aime                                                50 St. Claude
Pignatel        Lazarre                                         c.     Rousseau & Adel
Pignon          B.            att. at law                          234 Bourbon
Pijeau          Jos.          grocer                                   Girod n. Baronne
Pilie           Louis         hat store                            125 Chartres
Pilie           Joseph        city surveyor                        266 Royal
Pile            John          ship broker                           10 Main
Pilon           Thomas                                             139 Ursuline
Pilon           Simeon        tailor                                22 Barracks
Pinero          Jose                                            c.     Levee & Mandeville
Pino            Jose Maria    jail keeper                              St. Peter
Pint            John          grocer                                78 St. Claude
Pinta           B.            dry goods                            169 Dauphin
Pinguet         E. & Co.      druggists                         c.     Royal &  St Ann
Pincon          Felix         builder                                  Esplanade op. Rampart
Pinson          Jos. & Mason  grocers                                  Amour c. Bagatelle
Piquery         Valery        carpenter                         c.     Apollon & Terpsichore
Piquery         Pierre                                          c.     Apollon & Terpsichore
Piron           E.            cordwainer                           176 Bourbon
Pirronneau      A.            apothecary                        c.     Esplanade & Moreau
Pisetta         Maurice                                             54 Main
Pitard          O.            accountant                            15 Bienville
Pitot           Armand        attorney at law &                 d. 359 Bourbon
                              clerk of the Parish Court
Pitre           Antoine                                            120 Francais
Piver           Mde.          widow                                    Perdido
Piveteau        B.            segar maker                           10 Conti
Pizetta         Joseph        painter & glazier                 c.     Main & Burgundy
Pizerro         Charlotte     washer & c.                          138 Carondelet
Placide         Gabriel                                            123 Espagne
Placide         Miss                                                   American Theatre
Planas          Ramon         grocer                                96 c. St. Ann & Levee
Place d'Armes                                                          opposite the Cathedral
Planters & Merchant's Hotel                                            Canal b. Magazine & Camp
Platt                         widow                                131 Delor
Plauche         J.B.          merchant                          d. 169 Magazine
Plauche & Courcelle           c. brokers                            43 Gravier
Plauche         Baltz                                                  Bayou St. John c. Plauche
Plessy                        widow                                    Apollon n. Clio
Pleyet          F.            carpenter                            192 Camp
Plicque & Lebeau              dry goods                             51 Chartres
Plitt & Co.                   n. dry goods                          14 Camp
Plough          A.L.          surgeon dentist                   c.     St. Charles & Canal
Plotz & Barnett               dry goods                             45 Levee
Plumar                                                              77 St. Philippe
Poettevin       C.            cabinet maker                        310 Bourbon
Poincy          D.            baker                                 25 Main
Pollard         H.N.          comb store                            52 Chartres
Poltens         Aimee         washer, &c.                              Julia b. Carondelet & Baronne
Pollock         Carlisle      notary public                     d. 114 Esplanade
                              c. Chartres & Conti 
Pollock         George        port warden  c. Chartres & Conti  d.  58 Main
Polter          Junius        cabinet maker                         41 Tchoupitoulas
Polk            Samuel        tobacco inspector                    339 Tchoupitoulas
Pompono         Fife          cabinet maker                        333 Bourbon
Pontchartrain Rail Road Company's office                            83 Royal
Populus         P.E.          tailor                                85 Royal
Populus         Barthelemy, Mme.                                   248 St. Anne
Populus         Maurice       boat maker                           247 Bourbon
Populus         Antoine                                            230 Burgundy
Populus         Vincent       shoe maker                           108 Ursuline
Populus         Francoise, Miss                                    381 Burgundy
Poretier        Petit         victualler                        c.     Poydras & Pacannier
Posee           Mme.          widow                                181 Royal
Poree           Charles       carpenter                                Constance n. Estelle
Poree           Joseph        grocer           386 Magazine     d.     Melicerte n. Constance
Poree           Etienne       carpenter                                Estelle n. Colisse
Poree           Charles       carpenter                                Orange op. Annunciation Square
Poree           P.M.          widow                                154 Camp
Poree           Ferdinand                                          154 Camp
Poree           Voltaire, Mme grocer                               243 St. Philippe
Pore            Valentin      segar maker                          159 Ursuline
Portal                        widow                                382 Royal
Portal          Philogene                                          382 Royal
Portal          Alexandre                                          382 Royal
Porter          Wm.           boarding                             150 Levee
Porter          B.P., Mad.    widow                                 85 Dauphin
Porter          Isikiel       gun smith                                Philipa n. Poydras
Porter          David         coffee house                      c.     Philippa & Grands Hommes
Porter                        widow                                273 Magazine
Porter          Alexandre, Jr judge of the supreme court        d.     below town
Post Office                                                     c.     Royal & Canal
Potts           Hamilton      attorney at law                       59 Royal
Pougrier        F.            carter                                18 Barracks
Poupard         F.                                                     Hospital n. St. Claude
Poulard         Jules                                                  Main n. Treme
Powers          J.            tailor                                37 Tchoupitoulas
Power & Co.                   bakers                               106 Poydras
Poyefarre       Mad.          widow                             b.     Tchoupitoulas & Fouche
Poyre           Jean B.       shoe maker                           195 Craps
Poyree          Marie, Miss                                         24 Craps
Poyree          Julien        acc't                                 46 St. Antoine
Poyree          Magdelaine, Miss                                    24 Craps
Pradat          Pierre        Louisiana coffee house          d.c.     Camp & Poydras
Pradere         Rosillette, Miss                                   216 Dauphin
Pradine                       widow                                 17 Esplanade
Pradier                       widow                                 92 Bayou St. John
Prague          James         cabinet maker                         90 Custom House
Prados          M.            public baths                          52 Conde
Prados          Joseph                                             271 Burgundy
Prados          P.                                                  52 Conde
Prados          Joseph                                              86 St. Anne
Prados          Manuel                                             383 Rampart
Pratt           Joseph                                              52 St. Anne
Presbyterian Church                                                    St. Charles c. Gravier
Presbitera      Alex.         acc't                             c.     Burgundy & St. Louis
Preston         Isaac T.      attorney at law                       41 Conti
Press           John          boarding house                       131 Tchoupitoulas
Prevost         J.L.          cashier       Consolidated Bank   c.     Royal & Toulouse
Prevost         Maurice                                             51 Main
Prevost         Leon          accountant                        c.     Royal & Toulouse
Preval          Gallien       associate judge of the city court d.  84 Ursulines
                              office City Hall
Prieur          Denis         mayor        office City Hall     d.  48 Royal
Prieur          Alexandre     of the firm of                    d.  48 Royal
                              Townsley, Prieur & Co.
Prieur          Mad.          widow                                 48 Royal
Prietto         Casimir       sea captain                           36 Bourbon
Prietto         Henriette, Miss                                        Burgundy n. Toulouse
Priosto         A.F.          boarding house                        10 Jefferson
Prison                                                              42 St. Peter
Pritchard       R.O. & brother  grocers        26 Levee         d.  80 Rampart
Pritchard       George                                              78 Rampart
Pritchard       L.                                                     Bayou Road
Privat          -----         comedian                                 Orleans Theatre
Protestant Epis. Church                                         c.     Bourbon & Canal
Protestant Burying Ground                                              lower end of Girod
Probyn          Mrs.          milliner                                 Camp n. Canal
Proctor & Reed                confectionery                     c.     Old Levee & Orangers
Proctor         Daniel        distiller                         c.     Old Levee & Orangers
Proctor         F.            coffee house                         176 Chartres c. Jefferson
Proeschel                     goldsmith                                St. Peter c. Bourbon
Prosper         Elina, Miss                                        302 Esplanade
Prudhomme                     comedian                                 Orleans Theatre
Pruch           Bernard       butcher                           c.     Basin & Pacannier
Proover         Cephise, Miss                                      115 Conti
Puch            Juan                                            c.     Dauphin     &  St. Louis
Puch            Jean          grocer                                15 St. Peter  Milnebourg
Puech           James                                               78 Royal
Puech, Bein & Co.             hardware store                        22 Levee
Pulley          J.R.          grocer                                22 New Levee
Purdon          James & brother  w. grocery                         54 New Levee
Purdon          John                                                96 & 98 Enghien
Purdon          James                                              235 Burgundy
Purs            P.                                                 383 Burgundy
Pullam          John          carpenter                            166 Magazine

-- R --

Rabaya          Benoit        mariner                               20 Espagne
Raboin          Pierre        porter           Louisiana State Ban  50 Casa Calvo
Radaz           Francois                                           297 Royal
Ragan           William                                            147 Mandeville
Rail Road                                                              Champs Elysees
Raimond         Louise                                              78 Espagne
Raimond         Charles                                                Orleans Theatre
Raimond         Jerome        blacksmith                           181 Bagatelle
Raimond         Joseph Bartelemi   collector                         9 Poets
Raimond         Pierre        bricklayer                               Girod n. Baronne
Ramos                         widow                                521 Tchoupitoulas n. Marais
Ramos           Juan          oyster man                            42 Burgundy
Ramos           Vincent                                            275 Burgundy
Ramos           H.                                                 275 Burgundy
Ramel                         widow                                    Canal Carondelet
Ramirez         Louis                                               34 Circus
Ramsay          James         mercht.                              229 Royal
Raphael                       widow                                149 Orleans
Raphael         Bernabe       widow                                187 Toulouse
Raphael         James         gold and silversmith                 111 Levee
Raphael         William, Jr.                                       111 Levee
Raphael         Jean          mariner                              218 Levee
Raphael         Antoine       oyster man                               Levee c. Mandeville
Raphael         Charlotte                                          131 Grands Hommes
Rapp            Zacharie                                        c.     Thalie &  Pritannee
Rapp                          widow                                    St. Jacques n. Religieuses
Rappalo         Jean          umbrella maker                        64 St. Peter
Raser           J.F.          grocery store                            Levee n. St. Andrew
Rash            Anthony       gold and silversmith                  79 Chartres
Rashild         M.            sail maker                            56 Circus
Ratten          A.            mariner                               11 Poets
Raumage         John          moulder                              362 Marigny
Rawson          Fisher        acct.                                125 Common n. Carondelet
Ray             William B.                                          63 Mandeville
Ray             John          labourer                                 Common b. Marais & Villere
Ray             Georgin       mariner                               82 Victoire
Ray             Baunister     cordwainer                           192 Moreau
Ragar           Benjamin      coach maker                          212 Amour
Ragar           Edward B.     accountant                           212 Amour
Rea             Matthews                                           128 Canal
Reatti          A.            watchmaker & millinery                94 Chartres
Recorder of Mortgages                                           of  60 St. Louis
Redon           Claudius      fancy store                          103 Chartres
Reed            John C.       mariner                                  Bagatelle
Reed            Thomas        carpenter                            301 Magazine
Reed            Samuel        confectioner                      c.     Old Levee & Orangers
Reed            William       mariner                               36 Mandeville
Reed            Robert        gent.                                114 Casa Calvo
Regio           E.                                                 116 Bagatelle
Register of Wills                                               c.     Conde & St. Ann
Remy            H.            porter, &c.      warehouse            59 Conde
Rees & Everly                 fancy comb store                      10 Chartres
Reinecke        Fred. & Will  merct. tailors                       169 Chartres
Reinville       Charles       cartman                              441 c. Josephine & Tchoupitoulas
Reinhart        Gurge         butcher                                  Philippina n. Josephine
Relf            Richard       cashier    Louisiana State Bank   c.     Conti & Royal
Relf            S.S.          secretary of the                  d. 231 Rampart
                              Pont. Rail Company   83 Royal
Remy            Jean, Widow                                        265 Bons Enfans
Remy            Antoine       blacksmith                               Cours des Nayades n. Tivoli
Remy            Marie Louise                                        77 Rail Road
Remy            Henry Simon   segar maker                          278 Moreau
Renaud          Julien                                             202 Grands Hommes
Renaud          Thomas G.                                           18 St. Antoine
Renaud          Eliza                                               98 Victoire
Renault         Guillaume     carpenter                                op. side of the river
Renault         Ariste        accountant                            28 Peace
Renault         A., Widow                                           31 Amour
Renoir          A.            engraver                                 Toulouse b. Royal & Bourbon
Renoir          F.            dry goods        123 Levee        d.     St. Ann n. Treme
Reponty         A.            goldsmith                            117 Orleans Theatre
Revoile         Charles                     Consolidated Bank
Rey             Candide                                             69 Enghien
Rey             Rene          accountant                           166 Rail Road
Rey             Gabriel       dry good store                           Dauphine n. St. Louis
Rey             Jh.           victualler       Old Market       d. 181 Casa Calvo
Rey             Marcellite                                         116 Union
Rey             Gabriel       dry goods                                Dauphin n. St. Louis
Rey             Bartholomie   tailor                               261 Bourbon
Rey             Marcellite                                         116 Marigny
Reynard         Francois      capt.                                118 St. Lois
Reynes          Joseph        sawmill                                  Levee bel. Convent
Reynaud         Cecile                                             172 Casa Calvo
Reynaud         Pierre        acc't                                 51 Perdido
Reynaud         Gaston        cooper                               198 Rail Road
Reynaud         L.M.          cotton press                          59 & 61 Tchoupitoulas
Reynaud         Claudius      tailor                               159 Bons Enfans
Reynaud         Silvain       cabinet maker                        113 Bagatelle
Reynolds        James         merchant                             202 Camp
Reynolds & Baron              commission merchants              c.     Magazine & Poydras
Reynolds, Byrne & Co.         merchants                         c.     Canal & Carondelet
Reynolds        Catherine     widow                             c.     Custom House & Basin
Reynolds        William       acc't                             c.     Custom House & Basin
Reynolds        Fabricius     acc't                                    Tivoli Square
Reynold         S.P., Jr.                                          149 Bagatelle
Reynold         John          builder                              110 Ursuline
Reymon          C.                                                 301 Dauphin
Rhodes          Jean                                                   Bayou St. John
Ribette         -----                                              148 Main
Ribze           Eliza         comedian                              17 Orleans
Rice            John          M.D.                                     Hospital c. St. Pierre & Gravier
Richard         B., Rev       vicar of the Cathedral Orleans
Richards        Lewis                                              122 Levee
Richards        Peter         carpenter                                op. side of the river
Richards        P.            deputy marshal                       115 Rampart
Richards                      widow                                    Rampart n. St. Louis
Richards        John S.       cotton broker                         72 Common
Richards        S.            grocer                               277 Camp
Richards        Richard                                                Tivoli Square
Richards        Samuel        grocer                               235 Tchoupitoulas c. St. Joseph
Richard         Rose, Miss                                             St. Claude n. Ursuline
Richard         Etienne       bootmaker                             61 St. Ann
Richardson      John          hotel                                 22 & 24 Conti
Richardson      John                                                   St. Peter b. Hevia & Poydras
Richardson      Henry         deputy marshal                        90 Delor
Richardson      Armand        segar maker                          268 Levee
Richardson      Clement D.    acc't                                144 Espagne
Rich            Thos. P.      shoemaker                             21 Custom House
Ricker          N.M.          dry goods                             27 Chartres
Rich            Thomas                                             296 Royal
Ridgely                       M.D.                                  72 Tchoupitoulas
Ridick          P.            tavern                               103 Tchoupitoulas
Ridnez          Edward        bricklayer                           383 Dauphin
Rieffel         A.            broker                               297 Rampart
Rieux           Simon         dry goods                             51 St. Louis
Rieux           Magdelaine, Miss                                   156 Conti
Rieux           Valcourt                                           157 Conti
Rieux           L.S.                                               163 St. Claude
Rieux           Elise                                              162 Bayou
Rigaud          Mme.          widow                             c.     St. Peter & Bourbon
Rigaud          -----         acc't                             c.     St. Peter & Bourbon
Riger           Jacob         butcher                                  St. Mary
Riley           Wm.           tavern & boarding                     34 St. Philippe
Riley           Thomas        drayman                              120 Rampart
Rilley          Peter                                              147 Toulouse
Riggs           James         private boarding                     245 Magazine
Rillieux        Adolph        acc't                                132 Camp
Rillieux        Vincent                                         d.     Poydras c. Baronne
Rion            Theodore                                           178 Custom House
Riot            Adolph        printer                                  Burgundy
Ripley          E.W.          coun. at law                             Chartres n. C. House
Rivarde         J.B.          widow                                 45 Dauphine
Rivarde         Henriette     washer &c.                           232 St. Pierre
Rivarde         Mad.          widow                                    Bourbon b. St. Louis & Conti
Rivarde         Achille       merchant                          d.     St. Philippe n. Rampart
Rivero          Marie Francois, Miss                                15 Craps
Riviere         -----         teacher                              154 Dauphine
Riviere         Pierre                                              92 c. New Levee & Julia
Riviere         Jean          grocer                                63 Tchoupitoulas c. Poydras
Riviere         Jerome        wheelwright                          187 Tchoupitoulas
Rivierre        Maurice       pedlar                               367 Bourbon
Riviere         Marie, Miss                                         10 Hospital
Roach & Lewis                 coffeehouse                           77 c. Common & Girod
Roach                         M.D.                                  72 Tchoupitoulas
Robeau          Louis, Mad.                                        140 Craps
Robert          J.P.                                               367 Burgundy
Robert          Louis                                                  Bayou Road
Robert          -----                                                  at Allards, Bayou Road
Robert          Albert        blacksmith                           216 Amour
Robert          Jules         tinsmith                             142 Francais
Robert          Antoine, Mad.                                      142 Francais
Robert          P.F.                                                   Bayou St. John
Robert          -----         city guard                               City Hall
Robert          Jeannette                                           80 Bourbon
Robert          Theodore      printer                                5 Rampart
Roberts         F.L.          watchmaker                           139 Levee
Roberts         Francis       stevedore                             38 Peace
Roberts         Mathiew       mariner                               49 Mandeville
Roberts         Stephen       jeweler                              219 Moreau
Roberts         Thomas        accountant                           141 Bagatelle
Robertson                     widow                             c.     Canal & Burgundy
Robertson       L.            coffeehouse                       c.     Hunter & Tchoupitoulas
Robertson       J.G.          stevedore                            144 Levee
Robertson       Peter         mariner                              260 Casa Calvo
Robertson       Leonard       mariner                              191 Mandeville
Robertson       Rozette                                             12 Union  fau. Marigny
Robertson       Urbain        segar maker                           77 Amour
Robertson       John          cabinet maker                         89 Bons Enfans
Robertson       William       cooper                               110 Casa Calvo
Robertson       Sanitte                                             61 Marigny
Robertson       Charles       bricklayer                            52 Burgundy
Robeinson                     widow                                213 c. Gravier & Circus
Robeson         W.L. & Co.    merchants                             26 Gravier
Robeson         A.                                                  83 Rampart
Robin           P.                                                  11 Poets
Robin           Catiche, Miss                                      153 Grands Hommes
Robin           St. Luc                                                Treme n. St. Philippe
Robin           Zelie, Miss                                        272 Dauphine
Robin           Benedicte, Miss                                    241 Magazine
Robbins         J.                                                   7 St. Charles
Robinson & Ferry              clothing store                        68 Chartres
Robinson        Stevens       mariner                               17 Rail Road
Robinson        Lewis R.      accountant                            39 Victoire
Robinson        Peter B.      blacksmith                            73 Enghien
Robinson        Henry         tinsmith                              91 Moreau
Robinson        Jones         mariner                              161 Casa Calvo
Robinson        Daniel V.                                          107 Amour
Robinson        Jacobs        broker                               170 Craps
Robinson & Chenery            clothing store                    c.     Bienville & Levee
Robinson        J.J.                                                 3 Canal
Robinson        H.E.          commission merchant                   28 Gravier
Robinson        Thomas & Co.  com. mrcts.                           63 Poydras
Robinson        C.W.          boarding house                       151 Levee
Robio           Chantal, Mme. teacher                              222 St. Philippe
Robio           Auguste                                            186 Hospital
Robouam         Francois      victualler                           114 Marigny
Roche           Lazarre       cooper                               176 Casa Calvo
Roche           Mme.          widow                                 84 Main
Roche           Andre, Miss                                        110 Dauphin
Roche           Prune, Miss                                         74 Dauphin
Rochefort       Victoire                                            27 bourbon
Rochefort       Pierre                                             110 Main
Rochefort       Pierre, Jr.                                        338 Bourbon
Rocquet         L.S.          watchmaker                            50 Levee
Rock            James         dray keeper                          127 Tchoupitoulas
Rodez           Victor        taverner                                 St. Ann c. Dauphin
Rodiqois & Co.                hardware store                        28 St. Ann
Rodriguez       Jn.           attorney at law                      119 Main
Rodriguez       A.            city guard
Rodrict         Miss                                                   Casa Calvo
Roe             G.W.                                                   Hospital
Roe             C.D.                                                   Amour c. Marigny
Roffiac         Francois      distiller                            144 St. Louis
Roger           Joseph        grocer                                80 Levee c. Toulouse
Rogers          Slocomb & Co. hardware store                        11 Canal
Rogers          W.            M.D.                              c.     Custom House & Royal
Rogers          Geo. K.       attorney at law                       56 Royal c. do. (sic)
Rogers          Joseph                                             342 Burgundy
Rogers          Samuel        acc't                                    Thalia n. Nayades
Roland          Mme.          vve.                                 137 Old Levee
Roland          Celeste, Miss                                      147 Bienville
Rolph, March & Co.            carriage warehouse                    87 Common
Rollins                       widow                                 18 Foucher
Rollin          Benjamin                                               Bayou Road
Rollins         J.                                                     Philippa n. Perdido
Rollins         John          customhouse officer                      Delor n. Tivoli
Rollin          Junius                                                 Constance  Upper Banlieu
Rollin          V.            mariner                                  Champs Elysees
Romain          Pierre                                              75 Francais
Romain          P. & Co.      hair dressers                        178 Chartres
Romain          P.            hair dresser                          38 c. Chartres & Conti
Roman           A.B.          governor of the                   d. 183 Customhouse
                              state of Louisiana
Romen           Jacques       carpenter                            170 St. Claude
Romero          Louis, Rev.   church                                   Conti & Basin
Romerre         Jean          cordwainer                               parish Jefferson
Romerre         Francois                                               other side of the river
Romerre         Julien                                                 Pacannier  faub. Lafayette
Romer           J.A.                                               164 St. Claude
Roneche         Henry                                               61 St. Ann
Ronquille       Jeanne        washer, &c.                          135 Orleans
Rondeau         W.H.          dis. clerk       bank U.S.
Rondeau         William       secretary        saving's bank
Rony            Pierre                                                 Bayou St. John
Ropollo         S.            grocer                            c.     New Levee & Louisa
Roques          Jean                                                69 Levee
Rose & Anshuts                fur warehouse                         54 Conti
Rosett          Miss                                               199 Dauphin
Roselius        C.            attorney at law  46 Bienville     d.     Ursuline n. St. Claude
Roselius        D.            grocer                               205 Magazine
Rosendal        P.F.          painter & glazier                     87 Conti
Rosendal        Jean D.       capt. City guard post             d. 492 Tchoupitoulas
Rosine          Miss          washer &c.                           108 Hospital
Ross            Antonio       grocer                            c.     Bourbon & Conti
Ross            Mad.          widow                                 69 Rampart
Ross            Alonzo                                              69 Rampart
Ross            Philippe                                            82 Burgundy
Ross            Robert        portrait painter                       3 Canal
Ross            George        accountant                        c.     St. Peter & Perdido
Ross            Philippe      grocer                            c.     St. Charles & Hevia
Ross            James         C.H. officer                      d. 275 Magazine
Ross            J.T.          widow                             c.     Dauphine & Barracks
Ross            Anna, Miss    grocery                              127 Moreau c. Mandeville
Ross            James         laborer                              114 Francais
Ross            William B.    mariner                               96 Levee
Rost            P.R.          attorney at law                       63 Canal
Roup            Pierre        builder                              179 Hospital
Roubet          A.                                                  75 Ursuline
Roubet                        widow                                131 Philippa
Roubira         J.            grocer                                94 New Levee
Roudez          Michel        carpenter                         c.     St. John & Perdido
Rouette         Joseph        cartman                              192 Circus
Rouech          Gaspard       butcher                                  Jackson c. Chippewa
Rouly           Antoine                                            210 Main
Roumage         Victor        mer.             116 Royal        d. 277 Bourbon
Rouquette       -----                                           c.     Bayou Road
Rourk           James         trader                               127 Tchoupitoulas
Rourk           Patrick       overseer of the canal company        207 Julia
Rous            Juan          ship carpenter                           Marigny n. Crap
Roupia          G.            taverner                                 Ursuline at the city engine
Roup            Emanuel                                                St. Ann n. St. Claude
Rousse          Antoine       widow                                 33 Espagne
Rousseau        Bazile        cordwainer                            27 Enghien
Rousseau        Cecile        widow                                211 Casa Calvo
Rousseau        Ernest        segar maker                           13 Amour
Rousseau        Jules         barber                                93 Craps
Rousseau        Jean          cabinet maker    148 Chartres     d. 205 Bourbon
Rouseeeau       R.& O.        lawyers                               63 St. Ann
Rousseau        Pierre        painter & glazier                    329 Burgundy
Rousseau        P.A.          insp. Of the revenue                 335 Bourbon
Rousseau        Rodolph       attorney at law                       13 Hospital
Rousseau        L.                                                     Bayou St. John
Rousseau        Nicolas                                                Bayou St. John
Rousseau        Stephen       discount clerk   bank of Orleans
Rousseau        Marie, Miss                                        251 Main
Rousselin       Pierre        grocer                               187 Girod
Rousselin       Auguste       accountant                           120 St. Philippe
Rousset         -----                                                  St. Ann n. Marais
Rousset         Ernest        grocer                               166 c. Ursulines & Burgundy
Roussette       Mad.                                               201 Dauphine
Roussette       Adolphe                                            201 Dauphine
Roussine        B.            widow                                 93 Hospital
Roustant        Adel, Miss                                         127 Hospital
Routier         Marceline                                           71 Bourbon
Roux                          widow                                191 St. Louis
Roux            Jean                                                   St. Peter c. Burgundy
Rouzan          Meffre, Mad.  widow                                146 Bourbon
Rouzan          J.P. Meffre                                        139 Bourbon
Rouzan          Julien                                             146 Bourbon
Rouzan          F. Meffre                                              Main b. Rampart & St. Claude
Rouzan          Michel Meffre                                          Royal n. St. Peter
Rouzan          Adolphe       bricklayer                               Royal n. St. Peter
Rouzan          Jacques       carpenter
Rouzan          F.                                                     St. Philippe n. St. Claude
Roth            Raphael                                                St. Philippe n. Treme
Rowe & Went                   clothing store                         1 New Levee c. Common
Row             Joseph                                                 Oranger c. St. John Baptist
Row             -----                          American theatre
Row             Thomas        carpenter                            283 Magazine
Roy             Marceline                                          116 Bagatelle
Roy             Joseph                                              39 Union  faub. Marigny
Roy             Pierre        grocer           vegetable market
Roy             Laurent       city guard                               Tivoli Square
Roy             Frederick     builder                           c.     Main & Rampart
Roy             Izanie, Miss                                       309 Burgundy
Roy             August        carpenter                            116 Ursuline
Roy             Laurent       city guard                            28 Magazine
Ryzart          P.                                                  21 barracks
Rub             John L.       accountant                        d. 212 Carondelet
Rub             Frederick J.  porter    N.O. canal & b'g. comp.
Ruff            John          journeyman                               Pritanne n. Euterpe
Ruch            Joseph        grocer                               164 Burgundy c. St. Louis
Ruork           Elliott       bootmaker                             83 Barracks
Runeuh          John          boarding house
Runfort         Mme.                                                74 Main
Rulh            -----         apothecary                               Dauphine c. Hospital
Rushton                       M.D.                                  84 Conti
Ruiz            Thomas        segar maker                          124 Levee
Russell         Moses         grocer                                   Toulouse n. Rampart
Russell         -----         comedian         American theatre
Ryan            J.J.          druggist                          c.     Camp & Gravier
Ryon & Copeland               grocery                               81 c. Notre Dame & New Levee
Ryon            C.E.                                               178 Customhouse
Ryon            Jean D.                                            178 Customhouse
Ryon            Theodore      of the firm of Byrne, Ryon & Co.  d. 178 Customhouse

-- Q --

Quadras         Isidore       grocer                               112 French
Quatrillez      Jose                                               122 French
Querre          Justin                                             121 Craps
Quemper         Mde. Widow    school                                   Conde op. Jefferson
Quertier & Boutin             merchants                                St. Louis b. Levee & Chartres
Query           Marie, Miss                                        110 Burgundy
Quirodes        Madison                                            120 Canal
Quinones        J.B.          grocer                                42 Baronne c. Common
Quirks          Wm. C.        cabinet maker                         65 Tchoupitoulas

-- S --

Saban           Ursin                                              85  Amour
Sabatier        Joseph                                            184  Chartres
Sabatier        Eugenie       china & glass store                 184  Chartres
Sabb            Richard       barber           33 Customhouse  d. 139  Common
Sabin           Ernest        trader                              180  Victoire
Sabin           Theophile     accountant                           13  Moreau
Saboureau       Jean                                                   St. Philippe n. St. Claude
Sadler          Urich                                                  Main n. Treme
Saillard        J.R.                                                   Common n. Basin
Salter          B.B.          mariner                             148  Levee
Salter          Richard       ship builder                             opposite the river
Salaun          R.            broker                              375  Royal
Salkeld         George        British Consul   70 Royal        d.      Levee n. Convent
Salinus         Francisco                                          13  Moreau
Salomon         Therese                                           131  Dauphin c. St. Louis
Salomon         Lewis         watchmaker                           44  Levee
Salomon         Auron         clothing store                       79  Levee
Salomon         H.                                                129  St. Peter
Salomon & Lewis               millers                             238  & 240 Magazine
Salomon                       grocery store                        88  Conde
Saltzmann       J.C.          engraver                             80  Customhouse
Salvan          Antoine                                           139  Moreau
Sambo           Marie Louise                                      137  Craps
Sambola         Francisco     vermicelli maker                 n.      St. Claude
Samora          Joseph                                            311  Camp
Samora                                                            173  St. Antoine
Samuel          James         drayman                              41  Delor
Sanchez         Jean J.                                           174  St. Claude
Sanchez         Alfred        accountant                       c.      Royal & Canal
Sanchez         Andres                                                 Bayou Road
Sanchez         Blas                                              183  Conde
Sanburg         Peter         coffee house                        137  Tchoupitoulas n. Girod
Sandberg        P.G.          grocer                                   Tchoupitoulas c. Louisa
Sanders                       widow, private boarding             139  Rampart
Sanders         William       bricklayer                          113  Girod
Santo           Domingo       widow                               153  Toulouse
San             Pelio Joseph                                           Conti n. Basin
San             Pablo         tavern                                   St. Philippe c. Conde
Sara            Antoine       dry goods store                     254  Dauphine
Sargeant        Joseph        plasterer                                New Levee c. St. Jacques
Sarellies       Antoine       tavern                              381  Bourbon
Sarcus          A.                                                122  Conti
Sarcus          Fillette                                          122  Conti
Sardo           Nicolas       grocer                              283  Poydras c. Philippa
Sarpy & Lanause               tobacconist                          37  Conde
Saul            James         assistant cashier Bank U. States
Saulet          J.B.          gent.                                    Annunciation n. Estelle upper faubourg
Saulet          Miss                                               38  Conde
Saulet          V.A.          shoemaker                           314  Royal
Saulet          Felicite                                          153  Barracks
Saulet          Heloile                                            25  Dauphin
Saulet          Charles                                           291  Rampart
Sauterelle      Michel        carpenter                           121  Barracks
Sauvinet        Joseph        gent.                               124  Hospital
Sauvinet        J.B.          gent.                               124  Hospital
Savings Bank                                                       83  Customhouse
Savary          Achille       tinman                               28  Craps
Savary          E.N.                                                   Rampart c. Ursulines
Savary          Charles                                            73  Amour
Savoie          Hypolitte                                              Pacanier n. Market  upper faubourg
Savoie          Hypolite L.   carpenter                                Pacanier n. Market  upper faubourg
Sassinot        L.G.          grocery store                        88  St. Louis
Scalli          Francisco     fruit merchant                           Levee c. St. Ann
Schmidt         Gustavus      attorney at law  53 Gravier      d.  73  Levee
Schmidt         Francois                                               Poydras c. Carondelet
Schmidt         John          sign painter                             Carondelet c. Hevia
Schmidt         H.G.          cotton broker                       112  St. Ann
Schmidt & Longer              cotton brokers                   c.      Canal & St. Charles
Schmit          Charles       coach driver                        182  Girod
Schiffer        Antoine                                            84  St. Joseph
Schiffer        Louis         accountant                           84  St. Joseph
Schiffort       Frederick     carpenter                        c.      Magazine & Oranger
Schoffield      George        barkeeper                           277  Camp c. Delor
Schonabury      Frederick     city guard                               Delor
Scilly          Joseph        mechanic                         c.      Philippa & Hevia
Schroeder       G.S.          coffee house                             Basin c. St. Peter
Schriber        A.            accountant                          175  Chartres
Scott           John          barber                              153  St. Joseph
Scott           John          barber           18 Conti        d. 111  Burgundy
Scott           T.F.          planter                             128  Customhouse
Scott           William       grocer                               65  Royal c. Customhouse
Seghers         D.            attorney at law                      73  Levee
Seghers         Theodore      notary public    59 St. Louis    d.  73  Levee
Seghers         Julien & Victor  attorneys at law              d.  73  Levee
Segond          Theodore      merchant         24 Toulouse     d.  44  Dauphine
Seinet          Emile         merchant                            112  St. Ann
Seignouret      Poliste                                           372  Burgundy
Seignouret      Francois      fur warehouse                       144  Royal
Seignouret      Joseph        dry goods store                      30  Main
Sejour          Louis         dry goods                           288  Bourbon c. St. Philip
Sel             Francois      accountant                          141  Esplanade
Senac           Dazet         M.D.                                 56  Bienville
Senecal         A.            merchant                            147  Chartres
Sere            Louis         City Comptroller City Hall       d.c.    Barracks & Conde
Serresol        E.            gunsmith                         d. 276  Dauphine
Serbien         Mad.                                              125  Barracks
Serygs          Mary          washer &c.                          119  Philippa
Sebastien       Bients        grocer                               19  St. Philippe
Seveignes       T.            goldsmith                            14  St. Ann
Shamburg        J.W.          counsellor at law                    55  Customhouse
Shamburg        B. W., Col.                                            Oranger c. Annunciation Square
Shamburg        Charles                                                Oranger c. Annunciation Square
Shamburg        James                                                  Oranger c. Annunciation Square
Shannon         S., Capt.     U.S.A.                               92  Customhouse
Shannon         W.            druggist                         c.      Tchoupitoulas & Common
Sharp           A.                                                     Light House
Sharp           John          deputy marshal   Preval's office d.  17  Burgundy
Shasal          L.            accountant                               Bayou Road
Shaw            Robert        accountant                               at Maunsel White's
Shaw            James S.      druggist                         c.      Customhouse & Royal
Shanks          William       cabinetmaker                        211  Common
Shay            E.            drayman                                  Circus c. Poydras
Sheriff's Office                                               c.      Conde & Orleans
Shepherd        William       C.H. officer                     d.  61  Espagne
Shepherd        James H.      merchant                              1  Royal c. Canal
Shepherd        R.D. & Co.    merchants                             1  Royal c. Canal
Sheridan        E., Capt.                                         133  Bourbon
Shields         Patrick       plasterer                           225  Magazine
Shorter         S.                                                     Parish of Jefferson
Shubart         Francois      victualler                       c.      Annunciation & Robin
Shubet          Carlos        carpenter                                Oranger n. Pacaniers
Sibbs           Betsey        midwife                              90  Conti
Sidil           David         carpenter                           265  Camp
Sifflet         Jean          barber           Tchoupitoulas   d.  53  Julia
Sigaron         Joseph                                             46  Barracks
Silva           Jose          fisherman                                Robin b. Religieuse & St. Jean Baptiste
Silva           Francois      tinsmith                              4  Customhouse
Silvestre       L.                                                435  Tchoupitoulas
Simillien       J.B.                                               86  St. Claude
Siminier        J.B.          bricklayer                           19  Amour
Simond          George        trader                              412  Bons Enfans
Simmons         Daniel        cooper                              143  Espagne
Simmons         Caroline                                          201  Champs Elisees
Simmons         Benjamin      tailor                              152  Levee
Simmons         Felix         accountant                           13  Union  Faubourg Marigny
Simon           John                                              298  Camp
Simon           J.J.          dry goods store                     105  Levee
Simon           Victoire                                           88  Main
Simon           Louis         cabinetmaker                        103  Orleans
Simon           George        carpenter                            12  Baronne
Simon           Louis A.      dyer                                145  Bagatelle
Simon           Bernard       drayman                             129  Amour
Simonouet       Eugene        segar maker                         126  Bagatelle
Simpson         John                                              298  Rampart
Simpson         James                                              80  St. Joseph
Sinnot          Nicholas                                            3  Bourbon
Siret           Mme.          widow                               146  Toulouse
Siro            V.            grocer                              284  Levee
Skiddy          F.            merchant                             67  Royal
Skells          Harvey        wood merchant                            Hunter n. Tchoupitoulas
Skouberg        Francis                                                Annunciation c. Robin
Skellters       Charles                                           528  Tchoupitoulas
Skinffer        W.            mattrass maker                      119  Girod
Skinner         Margaret Wm.                                       37  Philippe
Slark           Robert        merchant                            119  Customhouse
Slacks          S.            mechanic                         c.      Customhouse & Basin
Slidell         John          U.S. distrcit attonrey               54  Customhouse
Slo             Johnson       carpenter                                other side of the river
Sloo            Thomas, Jr.   commission mrct.                     39  New Levee
Sloane          A.            tanner                           c.      Louisa & Annunciation
Slocomb         Samuel        merchant                         d. 139  St. Charles
Smead           J.            M.D.                                     Levee n. St. Mary road
Smarts & Lafon                academy                             247  Camp
Smelser         Mrs.          hotel                                81  Canal
Smelser         M.            acc't                                25  Magazine
Smiley          A.            M.D.                                 85  Conti
Smith           Schuber       trader                               46  Espagne
Smith           John T.       trader                              127  Amour
Smith           Henry R.                                           84  Levee
Smith           Edward B.     acc't                                67  Poets
Smith           Nathan        mariner                              85  Rail Road
Smith           Thomas J.                                          89  Francais
Smith           William D.    collector                           103  Francais
Smith           Israel K.     stevedore                           109  Bons Enfans
Smith           Wm. B.                                            142  Mandeville
Smith           Richards                                           69  Craps
Smith           Frederick     barkeeper                           122  Levee
Smith           Peter H.      widow                               207  Casa Calvo
Smith           Andres        coffee house                        160  Levee
Smith           Wm.           agricultural & general store         55  Royal
Smith           J.W.          teacher                              87  Bienville
Smith           Charles       lampist                              42  Canal Carondelet
Smith           Hubbard & Co. saddle & harness store               32  Chartres
Smith           Michael, Mme. widow                               175  Bourbon
Smith           Palmer & Co.  grocery                              13  & 15 Magazine
Smith           Palmer                                         d. 131  St. Charles
Smith           N.D.          acc't                            c.      Gravier & Magazine
Smith           P.F.          associate judge of           office  29  Gravier
                              the city court
Smith           Henry T.      deputy collector                     21  Customhouse
Smith           Danahe        washer, &c.                              Franklin n. Canal
Smith           Peggy         washer, &c.                              Canal c. Treme
Smith           N.            acc't                               129  St. Charles
Smith           Parmley                                           123  c. St. Charles & Poydras
Smith           Peter         carpenter                                Edward c. Colisse
Smith           Raphael       pilot                                    Celeste n. Religieuses
Smith           Robert D.     grocer                              190  c. Girod & St. Charles
Smith           Kelty J.      merchant                         c.      Camp & Common
Smith           Mary, Miss                                        102  Camp
Smith           Gordon        grocer                               15  Magazine
Smith           Peter         drayman                                  Clio n. Erato
Snaer           Francois      tinsmith                              5  Toulouse
Snow            Mary          washer, &c.                         166  Baronne
Sobiesky        Bonne                                                  St. Philippe c. Rampart
Soher & Goodman               dry goods store                      40  Chartres
Soisson         Mad.          widow                               155  Burgundy
Soler           J.B.                                                   St. Philippe c. St. Claude
Solomons        John          drayman                                  Amour n. Bagatelle
Sommereau       E.                                                 52  Montegut
Soniat          Ursin                                             345  Royal
Soniat          Edouard                                           344  Royal
Soniat          Dufaussat                                              St. Philippe c. St. Claude
Sorapuru        J.B., Mad.                                     c.      St. Philippe & Rampart
Sorapuru        J.B.          clerk to A. Laneuville           d.      St. Philippe c. Rampart
                              associate judge of the City Court
Sorbe           P.E.          merchant         118 Royal       d. 121  Chartres
Soude           Pierre        boot & shoe store                    48  Conti
Soubie          Euphrasie                                              Nayades c. Terpsichore
Soubiran        Victor        blacksmith & brass founder               Burgundy c. Ursulines
Soufflet        John          hair dresser                        181  Tchoupitoulas
Sounine         Marie Francoise                                   358  Magazine
Soulas          J.P.          watchmaker                           22  Conde
Soulie          B. & A.       builders                             19  Main
Soulie          N.                                                 19  Main
Soule           Pierre        attorney at law                          St. Louis b. Royal & Bourbon
Sourd           Antoine       fencing master                      337  Dauphin
Soult           B.            widow                                81  Royal
Southmayd       F.R.                                           d.  82  St. Louis
Soya            Barthelemi                                        214  Barracks
Soya            Martin        wood merchant                    n.      Levee steam cotton press
Soya            Jacques       wood merchant                    n.      Levee steam cotton press
Soyer           Francois      drayman                             278  Magazine
Soyit           Allonzo       fisherman                                Ponchartrain village
Soys                          widow                               216  Tchoupitoulas
Spalding        S.                                                     Union  Faubourg Marigny
Spangenberg     J.                                                367  Royal
Spear           Tho's. J.     merchant         Bishop's hotel  c.      Camp & Common
Spearing        H.S.                                              148  Ursulines
Spedden         R.            port warden                      c.      Chartres & Conti
Spedenburg      John          segar maker                          87  Perdido
Spencer         Charles O.    trader                              194  Bagatelle
Spencer         George                                            222  Craps
Spittal         John                                                   St. Pierre n. Poydras
Sphon                         widow                               352  Magazine
Spooner                       widow                               102  Royal
Sphrick         Henry                                                  Camp n. Duplantier
Squier          Job & Co.     clothing store                        1  & 6 Levee & Canal
Spreague        S.            carpenter                        c.      Public Road & Josephine
Springer        Joseph        dry goods store                      37  Chartres
Sprontorno      L.                                                 38  Barracks c. Conde
Shyle           R.            widow                               301  Camp
Stablier        Louis         caprenter                            54  Histoire
Stackpole       W.            dray keeper                      c.      Colissee & Estelle
Stackhouse      Thomas        builders                            250  Camp
Staes           Miss                                              212  Esplanade
Staes           M.C.          clothing store                       52  Levee
State House                                                            Conde n. St. Mary's Church
State Treasurer's Office                                           88  St. Peter
Stacks          Richard                                           164  Gravier
St. Agnau       Miss                                              382  Burgundy
St. Amand       Julien        carpenter                           114  Moreau
St. Amand       Theodore      cooper                              127  Bons Enfans
St. Amand       Adeline, Miss                                     113  Espagne
St. Amand       Ballazar      tailor                              116  Bagatelle
St. Amand       Francois      carpenter                            20  Bagatelle
St. Amand       Sylvain                                                Main b. Treme
St. Amand       J. Baptiste                                            Main b. Treme
St. Amand       V.            carpenter                            20  Bagatelle
St. Amand       Joseph                                            174  St. Philippe
St. Amand       Sylvain                                                Main n. Treme
St. Amand       Francois      widow                               239  Royal
St. Amand       -----         blacksmith                          140  Carondelet
St. Alexandre   Joseph                                            228  Bourbon
St. Ceran       Mad.          widow                               150  St. Peter
St. Ceran       Tulius                                            150  St. Peter
St. Ceran       Theophile     printer                             150  St. Peter
St. Cyr         S.L.                                              201  Bourbon c. St. Ann
St. Cyr         Joseph                                            261  Bourbon
St. Cyr         George        widow                                    Bayou Road
St. Douce       Marie, Miss                                        94  St. Claude
St. Foy         Tili, Miss                                        153  Ursulines
St. Germain     Manuel        carpenter                           144  Marigny
St. Herman      J.D.          bricklayer                          311  Rampart
St. Jean        Petronille, Miss                                       Ursulines c. Marais
St. Lauran                    widow, midwife                       80  St. Philippe
St. Mary's Church                                                      Ursuline & Conde
St. Martin      Auguste       secretary    Orleans Insurance   d. 111  Conde
St. Paul        Miss                                               77  St. Philippe
St. Victor      Cathe, Miss                                       195  c. Hospital & Rampart
St. Victor      Victor        of the firm Durel & St. Victor   d. 151  St. Ann
St. Vilme       -----                                             273  Dauphine
Sterret         Mad.          widow                                19  Chartres
Sterret         James R.      attorney at law                  d.  19  Chartres
Steens          George B.     trader                              264  Levee
Stevens         James         boarding house                       73  Conde
Stevens         S.J.          confect'y                                Old Levee n. St. Jacques
Swan            Quin & Co.    grocers                                  Levee c. Hospital
Stevens & Co.                 bakers                               70  Poydras
Stevenson       Charles       icehouse                         d.  47  Philippa
Stevenson       John G. & Co. merchants                            37  Camp
Stetson & Avery               merchants                            31  Camp
Stevanet        Joseph                                             26  Barracks
Steward         James                                          c.      Gravier & Baronne
Stewart         W.W.          M.D.                                     Girod n. Tchoupitoulas
Stillvareen     J.W.                                                6  Rampart
Stilwell & Kimball            merchants                            65  Common
Sticknes        M.P.          watchmaker                            3  Girod
Stone           S.                                                 60  Marigny
Stone           J.B.                                              419  Casa Calvo
Stone           H.            lawyer                               41  Conti
Storry          Wm.           capt.                                    St. John n. Gravier
Stove           Robert        St. Mary's Exchange              c.      Tchoupitoulas & Julia
Story           Benjamin      merchant                         d.  45  Canal
Strawbridge     George        attorney at law                     107  Royal
Straham         P. Mad.       widow                               209  Casa Calvo
Stringer        G.R.          notary public                        46  Royal
Stringer        Caleb         carpenter                                Milicerte n. Magazine
Strong          E.            capt.                               198  Camp
Stroud          Thomas        editor of the Mercantile         d.c.    Magazine & Oranger
                              Customhouse n. Dorsiere
Strugges                      commission merchant                      Port of Orleans n.c. Panes
Surveyor's Office                                                      Royal b. Main & St. Philippe
Sarez (sic)     D.W.          capt.                                    St. Louis c. Bourbon
Suarez          Joseph & Co.  merchants                             6  New Levee
Suarez          A.            builder                             145  Conde
Sumaitre        David         blacksmith                          110  Mandeville
Summers & Brien               porter house                         15  Common
Supreme Court                                                  c.      Conde & St. Ann
Surgick                       widow                                63  Perdido
Sulter          Joseph        carpenter                           439  Magazine
Swanson         D.            coffee house                        122  Chartres
Swains          John W.       druggist                         c.      Girod & Tchoupitoulas
Sylvestre       J.L.          cordial distiller                c.      Richard
Sylvestre       L., Jr.       cordial distiller                c.      Richard & Old Levee
Sylvestre       Antoine       carpenter                                Estelle n.c. Colisse
Syler           Anthony       city guard                       c.      Apollon & Calliope
Syler           V.            widow                                46  Moreau
Syler           William       carpenter                           226  Grands Hommes

-- T --

Tabaro          Juan Figaros  tobacconist                          181 Levee
Tabary          Bellonne, Miss                                     188 Amour
Tabary          Eugene        bricklayer                           178 Amour
Tabary          -----         acc't                                    Bienville  n   Levee
Taboni          Joseph                                             177 Julia
Tagiasco        Felicite                                           124 St. Peter
Tagiasco        Jean          cabinet maker                        184 Dauphin
Tainturier      Louis                                               47 Burgundy   &   242 Magazine
Tala            Mme.          widow                                275 Burgundy
Tala            Felix         deputy register of wills  5 Conde d. 146 Esplanade
Tala            Pierre        cabinet maker                        106 St. Peter
Tapmen & Blackwell            clothing store                         4 Levee
Tanney          C.H.          cotton broker   69 Canal          d.     Bourbon b. Conti & St. Louis
Tardy           Joseph                                                 Estelle n. Magazine
Tardy           Henry         livery stable                        135 Rampart
Tardy           Mathieu                                            336 Magazine
Tarnall         John          shoe store                             4 Chartres
Tareet                        widow                             c.     Levee & Main
Tauroren        Mary          widow                                103 Conti
Tardos          Ninette, Miss                                          Treme n. Main
Tartereau       Jean          cooper                               372 Bourbon
Tate            W. & Co.      commission merchants                  59 Camp
Taylor          Erra M.       accountant                             1 Conde
Taylor          M.B.          tailor                               117 Rail Road
Taylor          Joseph        carpenter                            219 Craps
Taylor          Jonathan      carter                               171 Amour
Taylor          Martin F.     cordwainer                            18 Enghien
Taylor          Martin P.     cordwainer                            18 Enghien
Taylor          Wm.           overseer at Layton's rope yard           parish Jefferson
Taylor          A.R.          merchant                              36 Gravier
Taylor          John                                                 4 Rampart
Taylor          M.F.          widow                                128 Conti
Taylor          Mary          widow                                 80 Bourbon
Tayleur, Grimshaw & Co.       merchants                             79 Canal
Tajada          Jean          segar maker                          360 Burgundy
Tervalon        Francois      shoe maker                               Burgundy c. St. Philippe
Terrall         Joseph        wood merchant                            Hunter n. New Levee
Ternoir         J.            grocer                            c.     Canal & Basin
Ternoir         J.            grocer                            c.     Dauphin & Customhouse
Terregay        Pierre        cooper                            c.     St. Philippa & Hevia
Terrel          R.            western hotel                            Tchoupitoulas
Tesserand       Louis         grocer                                   Bourbon c. St. Ann
Tessier         -----, Mme.   widow                                281 Bourbon
Tessier         Joseph        accountant
Testory         Jean                                               211 Bourbon
Tessier         Francois      coffee house                      c.     Levee & Rail Road
Teunisson       J.H.                                                   Chartres & Canal
Thayer          Hurd & Co.    commission merchants                  29 Magazine
Theard          Francois                                            10 Peace
Theard          Berthelemy                                         133 Bagatelle
Theard          F.                                                 318 Amour
Theard          R.N.                                                   St. Philippa n. St. Claude
Theard          T.                                                 148 St. Ann
Theard          Pierre        carpenter                                St. Claude c. Esplanade
Theard          Francis                                             57 Rampart
Thearning       Mme.          widow                                  3 Rampart
Theatres        American                                               Camp b. Gravier & Poydras
Theatres        French                                                 Orleans St. behind the cathedral
Theatres        St. Philippe                                    b.     Royal & Bourbon
Theodore        Auguste       wheelwright                           18 Bagatelle
Theodore        A             carpenter                            107 Bons Enfans
Theodore        Narcisse                                           121 Victoire
Theodore        -----         comedian                                 Orleans theatre
Theodore        Manette, Miss                                       91 Francais
Theodore        Adolph        air balloonist  Mariner's hotel          Levee b. St. Philippe & Main
Theodore        Adonis        grocer                               131 Customhouse
Thezan          Philippe                                               Esplanade c. Grands Hommes
Thezan          F. & E.                                                Esplanade c. Grands Hommes
Thiac           Jean          blacksmith & brass founder           174 Levee
Thirade         Pepite        carpenter                             36 Histoire
Thiote          J.B.          coffee house                          14 St. Philippe
Thistle         H.                                                 141 Customhouse
Thomas          Jules         carpenter                            107 Mandeville
Thomas          Antoine       bricklayer                           187 Grands Hommes
Thomas          Ernest                                              17 Misterious
Thomas          Felix         tailor                               108 Craps
Thomas          Jean Jacques                                        79 Moreau
Thomas          Robert                                             168 Francais
Thomas          William T.                                         312 Grands Hommes
Thomas          Lewis         cooper                                78 Royal
Thomas          P.F.          M.D.                              c.     St. Antoine & Royal
Thomas          Mary          washer &c.                           127 Philippa
Thomas          Joseph        tobacco insp.                            St. John n. Poydras
Thomas          E.W.          carpenter                                Barthelemy n. Constance
Thomas          Andre, sen.                                            Chippewa n. St. Andre
Thomas & Soulet               dry goods store                       91 Chartres n. Conti
Thomas & Kernion              tobacco inspectors                c.     Magazine & Gravier
Thompson        Harris        trader                               206 Levee
Thompson        B.            mariner                               59 Espagne
Thompson        Edward        accountant                           132 Bagatelle
Thompson        John                                                87 Victoire
Thompson        Camuel (sic)  trader                                13 Union
Thompson        Wm. T. & Co.  grocers         60 Levee          d.  22 St. Philippe
Thompson        John, Jr.     bakery                               102 Delor
Thompson        Patrick       merchant                             275 Magazine
Thompson        George        carpenter                            368 Magazine
Thompson & Grant              merchants                             39 Levee
Thompson        A.H.          milliner                              65 New Levee
Thompson        G.            mattress maker                        69 Tchoupitoulas
Thomson         W.T.          grocer                                13 Levee
Thomson         Samuel        merchant                              50 Canal
Thorame         Jean P.       drawing master                    c.     Bourbon n. St. Peter
Thoret          J.B.                                            c.     St. John the Baptist & Market Streets
Thorn           Henry         carpenter                             13 Circus
Thorn           John          engineer                             256 Camp
Thornter        Patrick       dray keeper                          343 Tchoupitoulas
Throop          O.H.          engraver                              46 Bienville
Thyles & Co.                  barbers                           c.     Dosiere & Customhouse
Tebbits         Wm.           blacksmith                               Francois  faub. Marigny
Tigeanneau      Francois      cordwainer                               Thalie n. Colissee
Tio             Francisco     merchant        56 St. Ann        d. 366 Royal
Tittis          Joseph        wheelwright                           95 Baronne
Tivoli Square                                                 bel.     Delors & ab. Cours des Tritons
Tinchon         Jacques                                            148 Orleans
Toby            Thomas        merchant                              51 Bienville
Todd            William                                             85 Dauphin
Toledano        Raphael                                            190 Conti
Toledano R. & Legendre        com. mers.                            17 St. Louis
Toledano        Jerone        dray keeper                          365 c. Tchoupitoulas & Benjamin
Toledano        Christoval    merchant                              97 Magazine
Toll            Robert        city guard                               Celeste n. Religieuses
Tonet           Charles                                             68 Bayou road
Tonnellier      Marie Jeanne, Miss                                 194 Common
Tonney          P.N.          cooper                                18 Foucher
Torres          Ramon         bakery                               223 St. Peter
Torres          Fernandode    grocer          51 Levee          d. 142 Conti
Torrigano       P.            mad. Widow                           182 rail road
Torrigano       "-----        victualler                           182 rail road
Totte-Cotte     Miss                                               126 Bourbon
Toulousant      Magdelaine, Miss                                   140 St. Ann
Toulouse        F.T.          grocer                               210 c. Magazine & Julia
Tourne P.M. & Beckwith        commission and grocery store          15 new Levee
Tourne          Pascal M.                                       d. 203 Tchoupitoulas
Tourne          Jacques       wood merchant                        203 Tchoupitoulas
Tourne          Joseph        accountant                           203 Tchoupitoulas
Tourne          Jerome        shoe store  Levee c St. Philippe  d.  56 Hospital
Tournade        J.G. & son    dry goods store                      321 Royal
Tourneur        Clarisse, Miss  washer, &c.                         96 Barracks
Tourneur        -----         M.D.                              c.     Orangier & Religieuses
Tourtarel       John          acc't                                 81 Canal
Tourtavel       G., Mme.      widow                             c.     Canal & Burgundy
Touro           Judah         merchant        149 Chartres    d.c.     Royal & Canal
Touro Free Library                                                     kept at the Presbyterian church
Toussaint       Jean                                               112 St. Phillippe
Toussaint       Auguste       dry good store                       271 Bourbon
Toutant         Amelie, Miss                                        79 Bourbon
Toutaint        A., Miss                                           179 Ursuline
Townsend        Robert        exchange broker                          Chartres
Townsley, Prieur & Co.        commission merchants                  26 New Levee
Toye            Jean          cook                                 130 St. Peter c. Dauphin
Trabuc          Mad.          widow                                    Dauphin b. St. Louis & Conti
Tracey          E.L.          commission merchants                  29 Gravier
Train           O.            merchant                              25 Magazine
Tranchand       B.            grocer                                   Royal c. Ursuline
Trapan          J.J.          seaman broker   4 Conti           d. 142 Bienville
Trapanar        Joseph        grocer                               103 c. Camp & Poydras
Treat           B.            carpenter                            155 Bourbon
Tregre          J.B.                                                   Apollon c. Polymnie
Tremoulet       Mme.          widow           glass & china store   78 Main
Tremoulet       Charles       broker                                48 Main
Treme           -----         brickyard                                Levee bel. Convent
Tricou          Adolph        M.D.                                 215 Bourbon
Tribun                        printing office                          Chartres n. St. Louis
Tricou          Joseph                                             237 Rampart
Tricou          Pierre Joseph note clerk      La. State Bank    d. 233 ?????
Tricou          Edward        acc't                                237 Rampart
Tries           Frlix         grocer                                66 Levee
Trinchard       Junius Brutus builder                              239 Poydras
Trinchard       Francois      senr.                                    Philippa n. Poydras
Trinchard       Charles Jos.                                       245 Poydras
Trinchard       Francois Jr.                                           Philippa n. Poydras
Trichard        J.B.          acc't                                    Philippa n. Poydras
Trimble         J.                                                     Circus c. Gravier
Trigo           Joseph        tin smith                             34 Main
Trotreau        Julien        tinman                                23 Jefferson
Trope           Manitte, Miss                                          Marais n. St. Philippe
Truxillo        T.            grocer                            c.     Tchoupitoulas & Louisa
Tufts           Wm. & co.     merchants                                Gravier bet. Tchoupitoulas & Magazine
Tulane          Paul & co.    clothing store                         5 Levee
Tulane          Florentin     acc't                                  5 Levee
Turner          S.            tobacco warehouse               d.c.   Constance & Melicerte
                              New Levee & Suzette
Turner & Woodruff             grocery                                2 New Levee
Turner          R.R.          builder                              147 Victoire
Turvaner        Joseph                                              49 Enghien
Turner          Samuel        cooper                            c.     Constance n. Melicerte
Trudeau         J.Z.          planter                           c.     Pritannee & Nayades
Tucker          Walter                                                 Old Levee n. St. Mary road
Turner          Edward        stave yard                        c.     New Levee & Celeste
Turpin                        widow                                 78 Main
Tuyes & co.                   merchant                             106 Royal
Tyler           George        barbers                                  Euterpe n. Bacchus
Tysley          Henry         sail maker                               Marais n. St. Philippe

-- U --

Urban           Joseph        capt.                                 13 Casa Calvo
Ulin                          widow                                128 Bayou Rd
United States' Branch Bank                                      c.     Royal & Conti
United States' District Court                                          Customhouse
Union Bank                    office for subscription               83 Royal
Urquhart        T. & D.       merchants                            128 Canal
Urquhart        Thomas                                              54 Conti
Urquhart        David                                               15 Royal
Ustille         Antoine       tavern                               100 St. Ann c. Bourbon
Ursulines Convent                                                      two miles below town

-- V --

Vaados y Garcia                                                     44 Union  faub. Marigny
Vabez           Jose S.       barber                               147 Casa Calvo
Vabour          Valsin        carpenter                                other side of the river
Vadouin         Francois      tailor                               207 Grands Hommes
Valade          Jean          brother                              144 Barracks
Valcour         Melanie                                             88 Amour
Valentin        Francoise                                          184 Bienville
Valentin        Francois                                           180 Burgundy
Valentin        Ursin         carpenter                                Edward b. Constance & Annunciation
Valette         F.            ship carpenter                       180 Craps
Valiere         Louis         shoe maker                            72 Orleans
Valiere         mad.          grocer                               100 Main
Valiere         Catiche                                                St. Philippe n. Treme
Valois          A.            musician                              79 Dauphine
Vallee          Maurice       dry goods store                       23 Casa Calvo
Vallejo         Luis          sacristan       St. Anthony's Chapel     Conti c. Basin
Vandambroque                  pedlar                                24 St. Ann
Vandegriff      Wm.           Customhouse Officer                      Union  faub. Marigny
Vanel           widow                                               84 Conde
Vanderdoes      A.                                                 293 Dauphine
Van Rooten                    widow, millinery                     112 Royal
Vance           Gilbert       com. merchant   51 Customhouse    d.  25 Chartres
Vance           James                         29 Levee          d. 116 Canal
Vance           David         mariner                              179 Chartres
Vandry          Louis         mason                                137 St. Joseph
Vandry          Norbert                                                St. Charles c. Julia
Vandry          Marcellite                                         137 Craps
Vassant         Jean          gent.                                165 Dauphine
Veanschorke     John          sign painter                          80 Esplanade
Veque           Joseph        painter & glazier                    148 Dauphine
Veque           Charles       painter & glazier                        Basin b. Conti & Bienville
Verbois         Celeste                                            144 Main
Verloin         Degruy        private secretary to the Governor     88 ?????
Vernier                       widow                                210 Esplanade
Verret                        widow                                 45 Foucher c. St. Joseph
Verrier         F.            dry goods store                      173 Chartres
Vezian          Pierre                                             245 Dauphine
Viale           Antoine       shoe maker                           285 Royal
Vian            Pierre        grocer                                32 Casa Calvo
Viard           Justine                                             98 Conde
Vietor          Jean          barber                                 7 St. Philippe
Victor          Zenon                                              374 Magazine
Vidal           Paul                                                30 St. Ann
Vidal           J.B.          bricklayer                               St. Peter n. Burgundy
Vidal           P.J.B.                                                 Ursulines c. St. Claude
Vidal           V.            grocer                                   Bourbon c. Orleans
Vidal           Jean          journey man                              Old Levee n. St. Jacques
Vienne & Garnier              cotton brokers                        81 Canal
Vienne          Louis                                                  Bayou St. John
Vienne          Jacques                                                Canal c. Bourbon
Vienne          Alfred        accountant                               Canal c. Bourbon
Vienne          Rene          Bank U.S.                                St. Peter bet. Burgundy & Rampart
Vignaud         Valsin        glass & china store                   56 Conti
Vignaud         Magdeleine    pedlar                               343 St. Philippe
Vignaud         Lucien        watchmaker                            53 Dauphine
Vignaud                       aine                                  29 Rampart
Vignie          J.B.B.        merchant                              83 St. Louis
Vilair          Carver                                             224 Denphine (sic)
Vilard          Charles                                            196 Rampart
Violuette       M.O.          tavern                               383 Bourbon
Ville           Thomas        grocer                               187 Casa Calvo
Villalobos      Don Antonio Argote            Spanish Consul       302 Royal
Villemont       widow C.                                           362 Bourbon
Vincent         Joseph        confectioner                         165 Royal
Vincent         R.                                                     Girod c. Philippa
Vincent         Ursule                                             161 Bons Enfans
Vincent         Andre                                              162 Bons Enfans
Vincent         Joseph        teacher                               43 Peace
Vincent         Maxilius      jeweler                              217 Marigny
Vincent         Yacinthe                                           313 Amour
Vincent         Eulalie       widow                               216 Levee
Vinot           J.M.          attorney at law                       91 Chartres
Vion                          widow                                 91 Chartres
Viosca          Joachim       grocer                               126 Levee c. St. Philippe
Virgile         Jacques       grocer                               293 Craps
Vitaut          J.            gold smith                            19 Conde
Vitrac          Fanny                                              329 Bourbon
Vivant          Charlotte     washer & ironer                      188 Conti
Vivant          Gabriel       trader                               205 Amour
Vivant          Auguste       cordwainer                           106 Craps
Vivas           Felix         mariner                              140 Amour
Voisin                        widow                                 77 St. Joseph
Voisin          J.D.          teller          Bk of Orleans         81 St. Joseph
Voisin          Joseph                                              77 St. Joseph
Voisin          Bonne                                              146 Bienville
Vose            J.D.          merchant                              58 Bienville
Vogeois         A.            M.D.                                 233 Royal
Volant          Mimi                                               187 St. Ann
Vuckner         Frederick     drayman                              237 Marigny

-- W --

Wadds           Francis       barber                               414 New Levee
Wager           David W.      carpenter                                Tivoli square
Waggaman        G.A.                                                50 Conti
Waggaman & Miller             lawyer's office                       44 Chartres
Wagner          C.                                                 120 Dauphin
Wagner          J.C.          dry goods store                      101 Chartres
Wagner          Peter K.      naval officer                            St. Peter c. Rampart
Wais            George        painter                               49 Customhouse
Walls           Frederick     blacksmith                               Hunter n. New Levee
Walder          D.J.          merchant       128 Tchoupitoulas  d. 173 Marigny
Wall            Patrick       bricklayer                        c.     Conti & Burgundy
Wallace, Lambeth & Pope       commission merchants                  47 Magazine
Wallace         James C.      carter                               209 rail road
Wallace         Otis S.       capt. of steamboat                    19 Peace
Walton          Isaac         drayman                                  Espagne n. Amour
Walker          John                                                 7 Rampart
Walekl          Charles       barkeeper                                Tritons n. Tivoli square
Walsh           John U.       victualler                               Old Market
Walton          M.            carriage warehouse                    14 Customhouse
Walton          W.M.                                               116 Dauphin
Walton          J.            superintendent orphan's asylum
Walte           V.P.          lumber yard                              Toulouse c. Basin
Wartel          A. & F.                                            170 Royal
Warburg         Daniel                                                 New Levee  steam cotton press
Ward            Mitchell      mariner                              200 Levee
Warfield        C.A.          exchange broker  116 Chartres     d.     Rampart bet. Conti & Bienville
Warfield        Charles       broker                            c.     Customhouse & Dauphin
Warmick         L.N.          carpenter                              7 Basin
Warton          J.A.          attorney at law                       46 Canal
Warrington      J.            cabinetmaker                          88 Magazine c. Poydras
Washington      Emelia                                                 Poydras c. Circus
Water Works                                                     c.     Levee & Ursuline
Waters          Mad.          widow                                    Tritons n. Bacchus
Waters          William       acc't                                    Tritons n. Bacchus
Waters          D.S.          acc't                                    Tritons n. Bacchus
Waters          -----         acc't                                    Tritons n. Bacchus
Waters          Jacob         carriage driver                      117 Burgundy
Waterman & Burgess            merchants                             23 Camp
Watkins         Frederick     acc't                                202 Magazine
Watson          Thomas                                             133 Rampart
Watts           Charles       attorney at law                       55 Customhouse
Weaver          Robert                                             149 Magazine
Weaver          C.            cooper                                56 Girod
Weaton          Henry W.                                           209 Magazine c. Julia
Webb            Wm.           porter house                          51 St. Louis
Webb            Joseph J.     storage                              156 Tchoupitoulas
Webb            J.            jeweler & engraver                    55 Julia
Weber           Joseph Jr.    commission mrct 156 Tchoupitoulas d.     Carondelet & Julia
Webster         Mary          washer                                63 Perdido & Baronne
Webster         B.            grocer                                   New Levee b. Delor & Louise
Welch           John          slater                               179 Conti
Welch           J. & co.      dry good store                        80 Chartres
Welch           Andrew H.     M.D.                                 133 Rampart
Welch           James         acc't           Byrn's saw mill          New Levee n. Lacourse
Welman          R.M.          wine store                               Bienville b. Royal & Bourbon
Wells           James C.                                            12 Moreau
Wells           Barnard B.    carpenter                                Levee n. Miller's saw mill
Wells           Daniel        carpenter                                Tchoupitoulas c. Lacourse
Went            George                                              88 St. Charles
Went            Joseph        clothing store                         1 New Levee c. Common
West            John K.       president       La. Ste. Ins. Compd. 106 Royal
West            William       upholsterer                           48 Canal
West            Benjamin F.   merchant                              85 Common
West            -----, Mrs.   private boarding house               176 Tchoupitoulas
West            John          carpenter                                Canal c. Marais
Western Marine Insurance Company                                off 12 Camp
Wheat           S.            acc't           Leed's foundry
Whitaker        John G.       trader                               161 Espagne
Whitall J.C. Jaudon & Co      merchants                             19 Camp
Whiting         Benjamin      ship carpenter                           op. The river
Whiting         Anthony       mariner                              117 Marigny
Whiting         William                                             97 Levee  faub. Marigny
Whiting, Slark & co.          hardware store                        10 Canal c. Dorsiere
Whitney         Benjamin      cotton broker                         76 St. Charles
White           Wm H.         dry goods store                       57 Charles
White           Archibald     mad. widow                               Thalie b. Pritanee & Nayades
White           W. & Co.      merchants                             23 Customhouse
White           Maunsel       merchant        100 Gravier     d.c.     St. Charles c. Julia
White           G.W.          merchant                             130 Magazine
White           Michael       boarding house                        21 Madison
Wilburger       John          private boarding                      21 Madison
Wild            Edward        acc't                                 23 Moreau
Wilbor          George        merchant                              23 Magazine
Wilkins         Jesse                                           c.     Apollon & Polymnie
Wilkins & Linton              commission merchants                  53 Magazine
Wilkenson       Samuel        acc't                                 27 Enghien
Wilkinson       Charles       watchmaker                           141 Craps
Wilkinson       James         engineer                             291 camp
Wilkinson       Thomas D.                                          122 Victoire
Wilkinson       Mme.          widow                                    Canal b. Dorsiere & Chartres
Wilkinson       N.N.          cashier of the New Orleans
                              canal & banking company
Willard         Lewis         hat & shoe store                      50 New Levee
Williard        J.H.          carpenter                                Lacourse c. Religieuses
Williad         Thomas P.     cabinet maker                         73 Camp
Willard         Joseph F.     blacksmith                           176 Francais
Willard         James B.                                           216 Amour
Willcox         J.            clothing store                         3 Levee
Willcox & Fearn               merchants                             17 Camp
Willcox         J.            shoe store                            54 Chartres
Williams        James         shoe black                           124 Conti
Williams        C.C.          acc't                                 15 Levee c. Customhouse
Williams        W.            shoe store                            27 Customhouse
Williams & Graham             commission merts.                     30 Canal
Williams & Lee                com. merchants                        71 Canal
William         Joseph        segar maker                          182 Conde
Williams        Mme.          widow                                216 Marigny
Williams        Augustus      acc't                                216 Marigny
Williams        John S.       trader                               149 Espagne
Williams        Abraham                                            123 Victoire
Williams        Henry B.      carpenter                             17 St. Antoine
Williams        Daniel        painter                               13 Mysterious
Williams        Laurence      mariner                              141 Levee
Williams        Oliver C.     blacksmith                           122 Union  faub. Marigny
Williams        Stephen       drayman                              169 Rail Road
Williams        George        steward                              183 Girod
Williamson      James         clothing store                        24 Basin
Williamson      Robert        trader                               147 Espagne
Williamson      Daniel                                             316 Craps
Williamson      Simond                                             141 Bons Enfans
Williamson      James                                              209 Amour
Williamson      Isaac C.                      bull's head hotel c.     Old Levee & St. Mary Road
Willis          Adrian        drayman                                  Rail Road n. Amour
Willis          John A.       drayman                                  Rail Road n. Amour
Willoz & Matossy              confectioners                         43 Orleans
Wiltz           Edmond                                              42 Louisa
Wiltz           Theophile                                           42 Louisa
Wiltz           J.B.                                               115 Burgundy
Wiltz           Valery                                                 Main n. Treme
Wiltz           Valcour       accountant      59 Levee          d.  15 St. Louis
Wiltz           Valsin        merchant                                 Main n. St. Claude
Wiltz           Victor        accountant      55 Levee        d.c.     Treme & Main
Wiltz           Drausin       accountant                           115 Burgundy
Wiltz           J.B.          mad. widow                           115 Burgundy
Wiltz           Leonard       merchant        22 Rail Road      d. 108 Dauphin
Wiltz           Evariste      accountant                           108 Dauphin
Wiltz           Ursin         accountant                           118 St. Louis
Wiltz           Emile         accountant                           118 St. Louis
Wiltz           Marie Magdeleine                                   125 Toulouse
Wiltz           Aglae                                               42 Victoire
Wiltz           Francois      blacksmith                               Dauphin c. Toulouse
Wiltz           Victoire                                           153 St. Philippe
Wiltz           Sanite                                              42 Victoire
Wiltz           Antoine       blacksmith                            26 Francais
Wiltz           Schroever     cooper                                   parish Jefferson
Winkler                       widow                                    St. Jacques n. Old Levee
Wilson          James                                              395 Bourbon
Wilson          James         accountant                           114 Royal
Wilson          John          dry goods store                       10 Camp
Wilson          Charles       accountant                           124 Poets
Wilson          J.B.          widow                                124 Poets
Wilson          C.R.          widow                                131 Moreau
Wilson          Samuel        cordwainer                           283 Moreau
Wilson          David         cordwainer                           283 Moreau
Wilson          Michel        painter                              155 St. Joseph
Wilson          John J.       ice house                              9 Common
Wiltenberger    George        engineer                             143 Poydras
Wollher         George        victualler                               Old Levee n. Nuns
Woore(?)        John                                               290 Tchoupitoulas
Wood            J.            cook ship                            151 Common
Wood            George        steward                               54 Circus
Wood            J.J.          com. merchants                         1 Common c. Poydras
Woodfolk        John                                                   Esplanade c. Casa Calvo
Woodman         George        carpenter                                Estelle bet. Magazine & Constance
Woodruff        D.S.          hat store                             61 Chartres
Woolfolk        Samuel        blacksmith                               Victoire c. Francais
Woodward        E.H.          blacksmith                           384 Tchoupitoulas
Woolf           John          blacksmith                           163 Poydras
Woolmore        John          baker                             c.     Basin & Pacanier  faub. Lacourse
Wooster         Mrs.          hotel                                  7 Canal
Wooster         William       carpenter                            267 Canal
Workman         James         counselor at law                      19 St. Louis
Worthington     A.G.          Editor of the N.O. Free Press         21 Gravier
Wright          David         overseer for the Navigation       d.  86 Victoire
                              Company at the Lake
Wright          Manis         trader                               214 Marigny
Wright          J. & Co.      merchants                             44 Canal
Wradsworth      Lewis         fisherman                                New Levee c. St. Jacques
Wymen           Henry         boatman                                  Barthelemy c. Annunciation

-- X --

Xamos           Guandez       gentl                                147 Casa Calvo
Xavier          Francois      shoe store                           113 St. Peter
Xeres           Joseph                                              47 St. Ann
Ximenez         Juan                                                   St. Louis c. Basin
Ximeno          Leon M.                                            114 St. Peter

-- Y --

Yabel           Charles       butcher                              160 Casa Calvo
Yarde           Daniel & Blois    wholesale grocers                  7 Levee
Yardel                        widow                                 76 Rail Road
Yorke           Macalester & Co.  merchants                         65 Camp
Yorke           P.L. & S.     merchants                                Canal c. Chartres
Young           Hugh                                                78 Customhouse
Young           Samuel C.     attorney at law                       54 Bayou Rd.
Young           Lewis         mariner                               19 Amour
Young           Frederick                                              opposite side of the river

-- Z --

Zabli           G.D.          cutler                                92 St. Pierre
Zacharie        J.W.          Zacharie & Co commission merchants    82 Bienville
Zacharie        James W.                                        d.  71 Royal
Zacharie        James                                              105 Camp
Zander          John A.       ship broker                           10 Main
Zanica                        widow                                215 St. Ann
Zebriska        William       grocer                                   New Levee c. Gravier
Zerban          Zenon         carpenter, cabinetmaker              113 Burgundy & 145 Bienville
Ziange          Aime          carpenter                                Basin c. Jackson
Zedor           Honore                                              89 Hospital
Zimpel          Charles       architect & surveyor of land         132 Chartres op. the Exchange
Zino            Jacques       grocer                                   Levee, 95 St. Peter
Zino            J.B.          tavern                               132 Barracks c. Dauphin