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1851 Cypress Grove Cemetery Burials Orleans Parish, LA
Submitted by	Colleen Fitzpatrick January 2002
Source		Family History Center Microfilm

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Note:  To see an entry on a single line, please change your page layout to Super B (13" x 19") landscape orientation,
or as wide as your software allows you to go.

Transcriber's Note:  In some cases, the handwriting was hard to read.  The reader is encouraged to check these records against the originals. 

                                                                                           No.       No.        No.
 Date  Name                             Age   Sex  Col Disease                   Avenue   of Lot    Grave      Vault     Where Born    When Died Whose Order                    Remarks

 2-Jan Child of D. H. Holmes          15 mos   F    W  Masamus                     -        -         -      798  789    N. Orleans      2-Jan   D. H. Holmes                   B. H. Moss, M. D.
       Removed April 28, 1885 to Metairie Cemeteries by Order of D. H. Holmes and Mr. Wilbert B of Health 528
 4-Jan Child of Mrs. Burns               9     M    W  Minengitis                  -        -     28 Doble                    -          4-Jan   Relief W. & Orphans J Walsh?   A. H. Lewis, M. D.
 5-Jan Mrs. Fullerton                 -        F    W  Old Age                     -        -         -         392           -          5-Jan   R. Conden  Post mortem         J. B. McKelvy, M. D.
 5-Jan Manuela Canada                   16     F    W  Phthisis                 Rosemary No. 641      -          -            -          5-Jan   E. L. Bercier                  A. L. Alfonse, M. D.
 7-Jan Thos. C. Amable                  35     M    W  Nervous Deleriums           -        -         -         914     Massachusetts    7-Jan   E. L. Bercier                  J. C. P.
                                                                                                                                                                                Wederstrandt, M. D.
 7-Jan William Hand                      4     M    W  Bynachs? Trachitis          -        -         -         607           -          7-Jan   Vault 607 O. & Closed          Samuel Hyatt, M. D.
 7-Jan Paul Buchler                     36     M    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -         31            -          7-Jan   Vault 31 O & Closed            P. A. Lambert, M. D.
 8-Jan Mary Gillis                      25     F    W  Not Named                   -        -         -         788        N. York       8-Jan   Wm. B. Schmidt                 Browning, M. D.
14-Jan Daniel Deno   No. 8              36     M    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -         928          Pa         14-Jan   E. L. Bercier Rlf Act          Browning, M. D.
15-Jan Michael Campbell                  -     M    W  Debility                    -        -         -         930           -         15-Jan   E. L. Bercier Rlf Act          Wedderburn, M. D.
16-Jan Widow McVey                       -     F    W  Inflamation of Lungs        -        -         -         817           -         16-Jan   E. L. Bercier Rlf Act          J. J. Hays, M. D.
16-Jan Mary Armstead                     -     F    W  Chronic Dyrrhea         to Lot 658 Rosemary ave         651?    Mr. Hoskins Removed from  In Vault 650 Belonging
       Removed June 1, 1871                                                                                                             16-Jan   ro Danenrrtt?                  P. S. Frydenger M D
18-Jan Ann Collier                      35     F    W  Consumption                 -        -         -         804       Kentucky      18-Jan   D. H. Holmes                   S. Karthwright M. D.
       Removed April 28, 1885 to Metairie Cemetery by order of D. H. Holmes and Belle Jenkins in      -
18-Jan Child of Mrs.? Maginnes           1     F    W  Convulsions                 -        -         -         677           -         18-Jan   Vault 677 O & Closed           Hamilton, M. D.
       Removed 29 April 1868 to Lafayette Cemetery No. 1
18-Jan Samuel L. Bellman or Beelman      -     M    W  Consumption                 -        -         -         165     Pennsylvania    18-Jan   Vault 165 O & Closed           L M. Magee M. D.
                                                                                                                                                                                of Carrollton
26-Jan Child of C. H. Panington        7 dys   -    W  Trismus Nacentium           -        -         -                  N. Orleans     26-Jan   in Toomb of its father         A. Daverzac, M. D.
       or Parrington
30?Jan Mary Burton                      18     F    W  Typhoid Fever               -        -         -         69                      29-Jan   E. L. Bercier                  H. Durel, M. D.
30-Jan George Wm. Beckman             17 mos   M    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -         345      N. Orleans     30-Jan   Vault 345 O & Closed           A. H. Lewis, M. D.
31-Jan John P. Johnson                  38     M    W  Absess of the Liver         -        -         -         814           -         31-Jan   R. Conden Order                G W Vonpoellitz M D
31-Jan Child of Mr. Roberts            6 mos   F    W  Spasms                      -        -         -          -            -         31-Jan   In Vault of A. W. Stillwell    J. S. Farlane, M. D.

 1-Feb Robert Macauley                   -     M    W  Cholera Morbus           Rosemary   621        -          -            -          1-Feb   E. L. Bercier                  G. Ridgley, M. D.
 2-Feb Robert Flanigan                29 mos   M    W  Bronchitis                  -        -         -      483 O & C   N. Orleans      2-Feb   Vault 483? O & Closed          J. S. Crockit M. D.
 2-Feb Child of John Stevens             3     F    W  Scald                       -        -         -         944           -          2-Feb   E. L. Bercier  Relief o/c      G. Browning, M. D.
 3-Feb J. M. Finley                     62     M    W  Hemorhag of Intestine       -        -      41 West       -        Baltimore      3-Feb   Buck Flower                    R. Spedden, Coroner
 4-Feb Francis A. Boyle                9 dys   M    W  Not Named               Removed Feb. 27, 1890 to Metairie Cemetery                        E. L. Bercier                  Theresa Canue?
       Removed Feb. 27, 1890 on order of A. D. Boyle per Treasurer of J. L. S___? Board of Health order No.    941?           -          4-Feb                                  Mid Wife
 4-Feb John Moores                      31     M    W  Typhus Fever                -        -         -      347 O & C    N. Jersey      4-Feb   Vault 347 O & Closed           W. H. Williams M. D.
 4-Feb Wife of Judge Larue               -     -    W  Peritonitis                 -        -         -      720 O & C        -          4-Feb   Vault 720 of J.? N. Edsons     Thom. Meux, M. D.
 4-Feb Mary Ann Patrick                  1     F    W  Cholera Infantum         Rosemary   586        -          -            -          4-Feb   E. L. Bercier                  R. McKelvey, M. D.
 6-Feb Jane Sherborn                    13     F    W  Typhode Fever               -        -         -      24 O & C         -          6-Feb   Vault 24 O & Closed            A?. C. Hursley, M. D.
 8-Feb Anne Kerney                      60     F    W  Peritonitis                 -        -         -      342 O & C        -          8-Feb   Vault 342 O & Closed           Moss, M. D. & Certif-
                                                                                                                                                                                icates Blown Away
10-Feb John W. McFall                   26     M    W  Chronic Dysentary                           42 West       -        Tennessee     10-Feb   Cash   $6                      H. VanderLinden
                                                                                                                                                                                Clk C. H.
10-Feb Mrs. Mary Schnauffer             35     F    W  Cerebral Congestion         -        -         -        961?        Ireland      10-Feb   C. Lovenskiold                 A. H. Lewis, M. D.
11-Feb Mr. Joseph Davis                 32     F    W  Constumption                -        -         -         952           -         11-Feb   E. L. Bercier                  Mercier, M. D.
12-Feb Miss Higgans                      -     F    W  Constumption                -        -         -          -            -         12-Feb   in Toomb of J. P. Higgins      J. J. Hays, M. D.
12-Feb Maria Rosconi                    43     F    W  Cancer Uterias          Order of B. of H. J___ 36 fet    812           -         12-Feb   E. L. Bercier                  Fenner, M. D.
       Removed 23 Nov 72 to C. G. No. 2                                            -        -         -
14-Feb Child of Capt. Thompson         6 mos   F    W  Congestion of Brain         -        -         -     504? O & C        -         14-Feb   Vault 504 O & Closed           J. J. Ker, M. D.
       Removed May 30, 1902 to Lot No. 252 Magnolia bet. Myrtle & _ess_en this cemetery.  See C. G. #1 Cemetery Interment Book May 30/02
18-Feb Mary Travey                       -     F    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -         975           -         18-Feb   E. L. Bercier   Rlf Act        J. Durel, M. D.
21-Feb Mary Armstrongs Child             -     M    W  Still Born                  -        -         -      138 O & C        -         21-Feb   Vault 138 O & Closed           Mdm Anby  Mid Wife
26-Feb Elizabeth Y. Gillis             5 mos   F    W  Bronchitis                  -        -         -      788 O & C   N. Orleans     26-Feb   Vault 788 O & Closed           J. J. Ker, M. D.
28-Feb Child of Mr. McEwen             6 mos   -    W  Spinal Inflamation          -        -     39 Doble       -            -         28-Feb   Cash   $3                      T. O. Meux?, M. D.

 2-Mar John Yousey                      48     M    W  Bright Kidneys              -        -         -         806        Germany       2-Mar   E. L. Bercier                  Y. A. Cantrelle, M. D.
 5-Mar Child of J. F. Stockton           3     M    W  Congestion of Brain         -        -         -          -       N. Orleans      3-Mar   in Toomb of G. W. Kyerson?     J. S. McFarlane, M. D.
 5-Mar James Bougniens                  40     M    W  Typhoid Fever               -        -      42 West       -         France        5-Mar   Cash  $6                       H Vander Linder Clk C H
 9-Mar David H. Great or Great        22 mos   M    W  Measles                     -        -    39 1/2 West     -            -          9-Mar   E. L. Bercier                  A. H. Lewis, M. D.
12-Mar Frank Warrington                 52     M    W  Wound of Abdomen        Rosemary    658        -          -            -         12-Mar   Isbella Jenkins   Cash $16     G. A. Nott, M. D.
13-Mar Child of James Wyndham            -     F    W  Marsmus                     -        -      43 West       -            -         13-Mar   Cash  3                        J. S. McFarlane, M. D.
14-Mar Child of A. Freisdefoely?       9 mos   M    W  Teething                    -        -         -      754 O & C        -         14-Mar   Vault 754 O & C                Ganswright, M. D.
  Mar  Charles Ringel                   26     M    W  Dlm? Tremens                -        -         -          -         Germany        Mar    In Toomb of No. 7              J. J. Kerr, M. D.
19-Mar Alfred Raymond  Removed          15     M    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -         820        N. York      19-Mar   E. L. Bercier                  James Jones, M. D.
       or Raymondy                                                                                                     Removed July 29, 1852
20-Mar Child of P. Halland             8 dys   M    W  Emperofrated Must?      Mistletoe   602        -          -            -         20-Mar   E. L. Bercier                  R. McCracken, M. D.
20-Mar P. K. Wagner                   18 mos   M    W  Cholera Infantum            -        -    Grave was ]   incl?     N. Orleans     20-Mar   Cash   $3                      A. Hester, M. D.
23-Mar John Campbell                    30     M    W  Drowned                     -        -      44 West       -         Ireland      23-Mar   Cash   $6                      Y. R. Lemonia, M. D.
24-Mar Johnston Scarlett                42     M    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -         830           -         24-Mar   E. L. Bercier                  Micou, M. D.
25-Mar William Kent                      2     M    W  Marsmus                     -        -         -      190 O & C        -         25-Mar   Vault 190 O & Closed           R. Bein, M. D.
26-Mar Francis Murry                    44     M    W  Apoplexy                    -        -         -         748       New Town      26-Mar   Cash   $55                     H Vander Linden Clk C H
                                                                                                                       Worcester? County, Md
26-Mar Child of Mr. Abrahamsen         9 mos   F    W  Whooping Cough              -        -      45 West       -            -         26-Mar   Cash   $3                      J. H. Lewis, M. D.
28-Mar Cecilia Les                      22     F    W  Typhods Fever               -        -         -      881 O & C        -         28-Mar   Vault 881 O & Closed           Ranie, M. D.
30-Mar W. K. Wilson                      -     M    W  Dysentary                   -        -      46 West       -        Tennessee     30-Mar   E. L. Bercier                  Rushton, M. D.
31-Mar Mary Eubanks                     30     F    W  Gastro Pneumonia            -        -         -      208 O & C        -         31-Mar   Vault 208 O & Cosed (sic)      Fomento, M. D.
31-Mar Chharles (sic) White             49     M    W  Chagres Fever               -        -         -      190 O & C     England      31-Mar   Vault 190 O & Closed           R. Bein, M. D.

 1-Apr Elvia Hallearan                  14     F    W  Epilepsy                 Rosemary   300        -          -                       1-Apr   in Lot of N. Haleran           B. H. Moss, M. D.
 1-Apr Louisa Leibaucht                2 1/2   F    W  Dropsy                                      47 West                               1-Apr   Cash   $3                      Can't see the Drs
                                                                                                                                                                                Name nor him? on
 3-Apr Child of C. W. Lytle            7 mos   F    W  Cholera Ingantum                                      572 O & C                   3-Apr   vault 572 O & Closed           R. Bein, M. D.
 5-Apr John Scherling                    2     M    W  Teething                                  37 Southwest                            5-Apr   E. L. Bercier                  J. H. Burroughs
 5-Apr Child of Mr. Massina              -     -    W  Hydrocephalus                                         755 O & C                   5-Apr   Vault 715 O & Closed           Geo. Kellogg, M. D.
 5-Apr John Whitney                      7     M    W  Endo Carditis                                                                     5-Apr   Tomb of P. P. Whitney          Thomas Hunt, M. D.
 7-Apr Child of Thos Houlahan          3 1/2   F    W  Gastro Enteritis                             Grave                                7-Apr   E. L. Bercier                  Durel, M. D.
 8-Apr Frank Walton                    1 mo    M    W  Spasmodic Colic                                                                   8-Apr   in Toomb of M. Walton          T. Hunt, M. D.
13-Apr Margaret Ross  infant             -     F    W  Fever Caused by Teething                                 670                     13-Apr   B. Welehan                     T. Davidson, M. D.
14-Apr Morris O Conner                   -     M    W  Organic Affections of the Heart                          774                     14-Apr   E. L. Bercier                  B. F. Collier, M. D.
17-Apr Ann Thompson                    2 mos   F    W  Scarlet Fever                                            774                     17-Apr   in Lot of A. Thompson          J. Aikman, Justice of
                                                                                                                                                                                Peace  Algiers
17-Apr Ann Elvis Rickman                 3     F    W  Cholera Morbus                                           822      N. Orleans     17-Apr   E. L. Bercier                  A. Davezac, M. D.
17-Apr James Miller                     40     M    W  Consumption                                              828       St. Louis     17-Apr   A Casanave                     F D McIlHenney, M D
18-Apr Henry Land                        6     M    W  Measles                 Removed to Tomb on Cedar Aven 349 O & C    N Orleans     18-Apr   Vault 349 O & Closed           J. H. Lewis, M. D.
21-Apr Waldman Nelson                    -     M    W  Fever Caused by Teething                              527 O & C                  21-Apr   Vault 527 O & Closed           T. Davidson, M. D.
21-Apr John Tallon     Removed           -     M    W  Chronic Dysentary                                        975                     21-Apr   E. L. Bercier   Rlf            J. J. Hays, M. D.
22-Apr Christian Meyer                   -     M    W  -                                                     138 O & C                  22-Apr   Vault 138 O & Closed           M. Mott, M. D.
23-Apr Child of Mr. Greichen?          3 mos   -    W  Gastro Enteritis                   Grave                                         23-Apr   Relief Acount                  Alpuente, M. D.
24-Apr Child of J. F. Miller           9 mos   M    W  Cholera Infantum                  Grave of Kings                                 24-Apr   Cash   $3                      E. C. Hyde, M. D.
24-Apr J. H. C. Land                  17 mos   M    W  Measles                 Removed to Tomb on Cedar Aven 349 O & C                  24-Apr   Vault 349 O & Closed           A. Davezac, M. D.
25-Apr Wm Ray                            -     M    W  Congestion of Brain                                      994                     25-Apr   Cash   $50                     A. Davezac, M. D.
25-Apr Elizabeth Hening                  3     F    W  Cholera Infantum                                      240 O & C    N Orleans     25-Apr   Vault 240 O & Closed           M. Poelman, M. D.
25-Apr Wm Collins                       42     M    W  Fistulo in Ano                                           846                     25-Apr   E. L. Bercier                  W. B. Woods, M. D.
29-Apr John H. Clinton                  25     M    W  Dropsy                                                   676                     29-Apr   Cash   $55                     F D McIlheney, M D
29-Apr Catharine Collins                78     F    W  Old Age                                                  838                     29-Apr   E. L. Bercier                  W. B. Lindsay, M. D.

       June 30th, 1865    Removed the remains of John Fallon of Fire Co. No. 13 from Vt 978 in this cemetery to the Tomb of said Company in the same Cemetery.

 4-May Ellen Harper                     27     F    W  Enteritis                   -        -         -      64 O & C    Cincinnati      4-May   Vault 64 O & Closed            G. T. Browning M. D.
 4-May Ellen Walker                     31     F    W  A'ic? Cholera               -        -         -      222 O & C        -          4-May   Vault 222 O & Closed           A. Scoin?, M. D.
 5-May John R. Pegg   No. 17             -     M    W  Pneumonia                   -        -         -      992 O & C     N. York       5-May   E. L. Bercier                  J. J. Hays, M. D.
 8-May Eliza Phillips                   25     F    W  Gun Shot Wound of Neck      -        -         -      231 O & C     England       8-May   Vault 231 O & Closed           Y. R. Lemonis, M. D.
 9-May Ellen Reynolds                    -     F    W  Cholera                     -        -    Grave 48 We     -            -          9-May   E. L. Bercier                  J. J. Hays, M. D.
 9-May Elvia Jane Smith                  -     F    W  Dysentery                   -        -     Grave 49       -            -          9-May   Cash   $3                      Davidson, M. D.
11-May John Allen                      9 mos   -    W  Dysentery               Mistletoe   601        -          -            -         11-May   E. L. Bercier                  Albuzzie, M. D.
12-May Child of Edward Green          11 mos   F    W  Dysentery                   -        -         -         764           -         12-May   Cash   $56                     W. P. Sunderland M D
14-May Child of M. O. Collens            -     -    W  Stillborn                   -        -         -          -            -         14-May   Cash   $3                      A. Lange Comsy S
15-May Child of Isaac Philips            4     M    W  Scarlatina Maligna          -        -         -          -       N. Orleans     15-May   In Toomb of Alex? Philips      Dasre?, M. D. _?
15-May Mr. Bittwolf                     66     F    W  Paralises                   -        -         -         478        France       15-May   Vault 478 O & Closed           James Walsh
                                                                                                                                                                                Comisy 3 Mupty
16-May S. S. Seawright                  33     M    W  Consumption                 -        -      50 West       -         Ireland      16-May   Cash   $6                      F. D. McIlhenny M D
18-May John Duston                    11 mos   M    W  Gastro Cerebral             -        -      51 West       -            -         18-May   Cash   $3                      J. H. Lewis, M. D.
19-May Child of Simon Newburg            3     M    W  Measles                     -        -         -          -       N. Orleans     19-May   In Toomb of A. Philips         W. P. Sunderland M D
19-May John Breden                       9     M    W  Typhus Fever                -        -         -      447 O & C        -         19-May   In Vault 447 O & Closed        B. Ritche, M. D.
21-May Indianna Rogers                15 mos   -    W  Cholera Infantum            -        -         -      ?? O & C    N. Orleans     21-May   In Grave 14 of Danesritt?  196 T. O. Meux, M. D.
                                                                                                                                                 F. Jacobs Removed
22-May Child of James Brooks           7 mos   F    W  Cholera Infantum            -        -         -      401 O & C   N. Orleans     23-May   E. L. Bercier  Rlf             J. J. Ker, M. D.
                                                                                                                                        23-May   Vault 37 O & Closed            G. Ridgley, M. D.
23-May Louisiana Brown                   -     F    W  Scarlatina                  -        -         -      37 O & C  Adoped (sic) Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Cassell?
26-May Child of Mr. Geipler            6 mos   M    W  Eclampsia                   -        -     47 Doble       -            -         26-May   E. L. Bercier                  W. G. Vonpoelitz M D
28-May Child of J. Cavanaugh             -     -    W  Marsmus                     -        -         -         75            -         28-May   E. L. Bercier                  J. J. Hays, M. D.
28-May Child of John Shilling          8 mos   M    W  Spasms                    Grave      -      Grave?        -            -         28-May   Cash   $3                      Can't spell the Doctors Name
28-May Child of Jas McCrarey             3     F    W  Scarlitina                  -        -         -      204 O & C        -         28-May   Vault 204 O & Closed           B. Ritchie, M. D.
28-May Fredrick Echhorn                  2     M    W  Teething                Mistletoe   638        -          -            -         28-May   E. L. Bercier                  F. Young, M. D.
29-May John E. Holton                   25     M    W  Tumour of Uper Jaw          -        -      52 West       -         Alabama      29-May   Cash   $6                      H. Vander Linden, Clk C H
29-May Alfred Nichols                  8 mos   M    W  Chronic Liver Disease       -        -         -      53 O & C         -         29-May   Vault 553 O & Closed           T. O. Meux, M. D.

 1-Jun Child of Michael McGuire         13     M    W  Pernicious Inter? Fever     -        -         -      184 O & C   N. Orleans      1-Jun   Vault 184 of J. Kealey O & C   J. H. Lewis, M. D.
       (The word child is crossed out.)
 2-Jun Edward North                     37     M    W  Congestion of Lungs         -        -      53 West       -            -          2-Jun   Cash   $6                      G. T. Browning, M. D.
 8-Jun Eloner Noal Cromwell           11 mos   F    W  Dentition                   -        -         -         838           -          8-Jun   E. L. Bercier                  R. M. Grahan, M. D.
11-Jun Child of P. Gross                 -     M    W  Asphyxia                    -        -         -      832 O & C        -         11-Jun   Vault 532 O & C  No. 17        B. Lenord, M. D.
15-Jun Child of Nicholas Beeler          -     M    W  Gastro Enteritis            -        -         -         543           -         15-Jun   George W. Hubble, Sty J C A?   J. J. Gauthreaux or y. M. D.
18-Jun Benjamin B. Cook                 37     M    W  Drowned at Owensburgh Kentucky       -         -         853    New Hampshire    18-Jun   E. L. Bercier                  A. C. Young, M. D.
18-Jun Emila Williams  Child          10 mos   F    W  Cerebral Congestion     Mistletoe   625        -          -            -         18-Jun   E. L. Bercier                  Alpuente, M. D.
22-Jun Caroline Thompson Henry Maberry   -     F    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -         844           -         23-Jun   R. Conden Responsible          P. H. Lewis, M. D.
        or Caroline Thompson Maberry Henrys?
23-Jun Child of Patrick Hanley           1     -    W  Inflation of Bowels         -        -         -      896 O & C     Germany      23-Jun   Vault 896 Opend & Closed on D.? C. Biscoe Order
23-Jun Child of C. H. Ozanne?         15 mos   -    W  Consumption                 -        -         -         854           -         23-Jun   E. L. Bercier                  Z. U.? Yener, M. D.
25-Jun Child of S. H. Peck               -     M    W  Convulsions               Ceder     176        -          -            -         25-Jun   Lot of the Father              G. Ridgley, M. D.
27-Jun George C.? Goodwyn              2 1/2   M    W  Cholera Infantum            -        -         -      653 O & C   New Orleans    27-Jun   Vault 653 O & Closed           G. T. Browning
       Child of P. H. Goodwyn
27-Jun Lenora S. E. Johes                2     F    W  Cholera Infantum            -        -         -         860      New Orleans    27-Jun   E? R. Conden                   John J. Ker, M. D.
27-Jun Child of Daniel Brown           9 dys   M    W  Cholera Infantum            -        -         -         915           -         27-Jun   E. L. Bercier                  T. W. Compton, M. D.
27-Jun Child of F. Ketling            11 mos   F    W  Teething                    -        -         -      240 O & C   N. Orleans     27-Jun   Vault 240 O & Closed           Mrs. Palmer Mid Wife
28-Jun Child of J. Scheu                 -     M    W  Dysentery                   -        -      54 West       -            -         28-Jun   E. L. Bercier                  A. Cartier, M. D.
28-Jun Child of W. G. Dewey              4     F    W  Cholera                     -        -         -      436 O & C   N. Orleans     28-Jun   Vault 436 O & Closed           G. Ridgley, M. D.
29-Jun Maria Wardle                   14 wks   F    W  Congestion of Brain         -        -         -          -            -         29-Jun   Grave O & Closed               N. Hyatt, M. D.

 1-Jul Spencer M. Grayson                3     M    W  Scarlet Fever               -        -         -         853      N. Orleans      1-Jul   R. Conden                      R. Fox, M. D.
 3-Jul Mary E. Tracy                   8 mos   F    W  Hydrophalus                 -        -      55 West       -            -          3-Jul   E. L. Bercier                  R. McCracken, M. D.
 4-Jul Franics E. Grayson               12     -    W  Scarlet Fever               -        -         -      862 O & C   Mississippi     4-Jul   Vault 862 O & Closed           R. Fox, M. D.
 4-Jul Child of Alex? A. Philips       6 wks   F    W  Congestion of Lungs         -        -         -      781 O & C        -          4-Jul   Vault 781 O & Closed           Can't spell the Dr Name
 5-Jul Capt. Mark Thomas                44     M    W  Burning                     -        -         -          -     Temprally Burie   5-Jul   in Toomb of the association    J. Dupas, M. D.
                                                                                                                                                 E. L. Bercier
 6-Jul Ellen Thorn                      32     F    W  Enteritis                   -        -      57 West       -         England       6-Jul   Cash   $6                      J. J. Ker, M. D.
 6-Jul Slave of Mary Jane Carswell       -     F    W  Congestion of Brain         -        -         -      97 O & C    New Orleans     6-Jul   Vault 97 O & Closed            J. B. Henderson, M. D.
 8-Jul Child of J. A. Noble              3     F    W  Cholera                 Removed to Potters     -      347 O & C   N. Orleans      8-Jul   Vault 347 O & Closed           F. Matter, M. D.
 9-Jul Child of Mr. Beeler               -     -    W  Fits                        -        -         -      543 O & C        -          9-Jul   Vault 543 O & Closed by order of G. H. Hubbell  Scty J. Cit?
10-Jul James Paddin                     25     M    W  Dysentery                   -        -         -         697           -         10-Jul   E. L. Bercier  Rlf Act No. 8?  Durel, M. D.
10-Jul Joseph W. Francis                56     M    W  Congestion of Brain     Removed to Potters     -          -      Massachusetts   10-Jul   No. 660 Capt. Dalenaux Removed J. W. Breedlove & Resident
       Removed                                                                                                                                                                  Dr. U. S. Marine Hospt
12-Jul Mary Hanley                      50     F    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -         632        Ireland      12-Jul   E. L. Bercier                  H. Vander Linden
                                                                                                                                                                                Clk C. H.
13-Jul Thomas Hanlin                   9 mos   M    W  Diarrhea                Buried in grave at end of vau     -            -         13-Jul   J. Brooks Rlf Acount
                                                                               not having a proper order         -            -
13-Jul Child of W. Rogers              9 mos   F    W  Inflamation of Bowels   Infant of W. K. Ro     -         870      New Orleans    13-Jul   Cash   $55                     J C P Wederstrandt, M. D.
                                                                               in Greenwood           -          -            -
16-Jul Child of Mr(s?) Gamble          1 dy    -    W  Convulsions                 -        -         -      228 O & C   N. Orleans     16-Jul   Vault 238 O & Closed           Beugmard, M. D.
16-Jul Henry Poursine                  6 mos   M    W  Meningitis                  -        -      58 West       -            -         16-Jul   E. L. Bercier                  Beugstod?, M. D.
16-Jul Samuel D. Patch                  45     M    W  A'ce? Cholera               -        -         -          -            -         16-Jul   Toomb of No. 14 O & Closed     M. O. Regan, M. D.
17-Jul James West                      8 dys   M    W  Convulsions                 -        -       Grave        -            -         17-Jul   Cash   $3                      A. Hamilton, M. D.
17-Jul E. H. Whitney                    37     M    W  Congestion of Brain         -        -         -        861?           -         17-Jul   Fellows Johnson & Co.          Wm. B. Wood, M. D.
19-Jul Child of Charles Ogelsby       11 mos   M    W  Congestion of Brain         -        -         -         875      New Orleans    19-Jul   E. L. Bercier                  J. J. Gauthreaux, M. D.
24-Jul Emma Eichholtz                    6     F    W  Congestive Fever        Mistletoe   637        -          -            -         24-Jul   E. L. Bercier                  Samuel Hyatt, M. D.
26-Jul George Fircks                     -     M    W  Cholera                     -        -         -         769           -         26-Jul   E. L. Bercier
26-Jul William E. Chittery              19     M    W  Cholera                     -        -      59 West       -            -         26-Jul   Cash   $6                      J A Frydinger, M. D.
27-Jul James Fasley                     30     M    W  Cholera                     -        -         -         779    Removed          27-Jul   F. Gruber  Relief Act. No. 18? B. H. Moss, M. D.
                                                                                                                       Apr. 3, 1886 to Lot 202 Marigold
27-Jul Robert Boyle                     30     F    W  Dysentery               Live Oak 613 & 624     -          -         Ireland      27-Jul   James Cosgrove                 T. W. Compton, M. D.
30-Jul David Smith                      50     M    W  Cholera                     -        -         -      147 O & C   Pensylvania    30-Jul   Vault 147 O & Closed           Wm. Hy Hire, M. D.

 1-Aug Jacob Rossing                    21     M    W  Rupture of Heart         Mistltoe   250        -          -         Sweden        1-Aug   in Lot of C. Nelson            W. G. Austin, M. D.
 2-Aug Child of Henry Geddis   No. 9     2     F    W  Convulsions                 -        -       Grave        -       New Orleans     2-Aug   J. Kenedy & Chas. Geheeb  Rlf CW. J. Vandergriff, M. D.
 4-Aug Joseph Weber                      -     M    W  Tetanus                     -        -         -         855           -          4-Aug   E. L. Bercier   Rlf Act        Davit, M. D.
 4-Aug Child of John Craig            20 mos   F    W  Pertussis                   -        -         -      475 O & C   N. Orleans      4-Aug   Vault 475 O & Closed           J. S. Conway, M. D.
 4-Aug James Kelly                      37     M    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -      60 West       -            -          4-Aug   Cash   $6                      A. H. Lewis, M. D.
12-Aug Benjamin Clew?                    -     M    W  Remiting Fever              -        -         -         664           -         12-Aug   E. L. Bercier   Rlf            G. Ridgely, M. D.
13-Aug Child of A. T. Tank             7 mos   M    W  Marsmus                     -        -       Grave        -       N. Orleans     13-Aug   Cash   $3                      W. B. Lindsay, M. D.
14-Aug John Meier  of No. 1             36     M    W  Bronchitis                  -        -         -         666     Pennsylvania    14-Aug   E. L. Bercier   Rlf Act        H. Vander Linden  Clk C H
14-Aug Mrs. W. S. Pottingill            30     F    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -         680        Vermont      14-Aug   E. L. Bercier                  W. G. Austin, M. D.
16-Aug Mary Ann Schefild                25     F    W  Dissipation                 -        -         -      290 O & C        -         16-Aug   Vault 290 O. & Closed          C. Tiffin, M. D.
16-Aug Anna Lasck                        7     F    W  Scarletina                  -        -         -      555 O & C        -         16-Aug   Vault 555 O & Closed           Alpuente, M. D.
17-Aug Michael Kennedy                  27?    M    W  Sun Stroke               Mulberry   633        -          -         Ireland      16-Aug   Cash   $16                     H. Vander Linden  Clk C H
19-Aug Child of Mr. Haines or Kaines?    -     -    W  Still Born                  -        -         -          -       N. Orleans     19-Aug   A. Quirk & R. Haines           M. Duchanois, Mid Wife
20-Aug Anna Dierks                      32     F    W  Febris Nervosa Leuta     Mistltoe   317                  884           -         20-Aug   Cash   $25                     W. G. Vonpoellintz, M. S.
21-Aug Child of Wm. Schaberg           4 dys   M    W  Fits                        -        -         -         266           -         21-Aug   Vault 666 O & Closed           Mdm Palmer Mid Wife
23-Aug Theresa Boyle                    30     F    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -         682        Ireland      23-Aug   E. L. Bercier                  J. J. Ker, M. D.
24-Aug Joseph Vincent                   10     M    W  Pulmonary Apoplexy          -        -       Grave        -                      24-Aug   Cash   $3                      W. H. William, M. D.
26-Aug Child of T. Houlahan            6 dys   F    W  Tetanus                     -        -       Grave        -                      26-Aug   Cash   $3                      Durel, M. D.
26-Aug Child of C. W. Parker             -     M    W  Congestion of Brain         -        -       Grave        -                      26-Aug   Cash   $3                      J. G. Goodall, M. D.

 1-Sep Child of Mr. Burns                -     F    W  Cramps                   Rosemary   144        -          -       N. Orleans      1-Sep   In Lot of Mr. Hawthorn         J. Davidson, M. D.
 1-Sep Child of Peter Hasser?, Slasser   -     -    W  Still Born              Mistletoe   169        -          -       N. Orleans      1-Sep   In Lot of the Father           J. J. Ker, M. D.
 2-Sep James Lane                       62     M    W  Apoplexy                 Roemary    658        -          -         N. York       2-Sep   In Lot of Bell Jenkins         J. J. McFarlane, M. D.
 2-Sep John Smith                        8     M    W  Tetanus                     -        -       Grave        -            -          2-Sep   Cash   $3                      J. H. Lewis, M. D.
 4-Sep Mary Lasch                        5     F    W  Gastro Enteritis            -        -         -      555 O & C   N. Orleans      4-Sep   Vault 555 O & Closed           J. J> Ker, M. D.
 6-Sep Marion J. carroll                 8     F    W  Influenzy                   -        -       Grave        -            -          6-Sep   Grave 53 West O & Closed       R. Conden
 8-Sep Michael O Brien                  26     M    W  Penetrating Wound of Abd    -        -         -         696        N. York       7-Sep   E. L. Bercier                  G. T. Browning
13-Sep Child of Mr. Lang?                -     -    W  Still Born                  -        -       Grave        -            -         13-Sep   E. L. Bercier                  Mdm Kline  Mid Wife
14-Sep Kate Walton                     3 1/2   F    W  Disease of Lungs & Bowel    -        -         -          -       New Orleans    14-Sep   Toomb of J. R. Walters O & C   T. B. Pincaud, M. D.
14-Sep Christopher H. Clark             30     M    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -      61 West       -         England      14-Sep   Cash   $6                      J. S. McFarlane, M. D.
15-Sep Russel P. Armstrong              29     M    W  Pulmonary Consumption    Marigold   609        -          -        Scotland      15-Sep   E. L. Bercier                  H. Vander Linden  Clk C H
18-Sep Mary E. Armstrong                24     F    W  Congestion of Brain                            -         878    Removed to Potters Field Oct. 11?, 1852
                                                                               Transferred to J. Cotlle? By T.? Adam? & E. L. Bercier   18-Sep   E. L. Bercier                  Samuel Hyatt, M. D.
20-Sep Herman Gasix                     34     M    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -      193 O & C        -         20-Sep   Vault 193 O & Closed           H. Davet or Daret, M. D
20-Sep Caroline Rogers                 7 dys   F    W  Inflamation of Liver        -        -         -      196 O & C   N. Orleans     20-Sep   Vault 196 O & Closed           W. B. Williamson, M. D.
21-Sep John Henry Belk                7 wks?   M    W  Natural Death               -        -         -     518? O & C        -         21-Sep   Vault 518 O & Closed           Thos. Barnes
                                                                                                                                                                                Comsy 1st Mupty
21-Sep Thomas A. Thompson                5     M    W  Croupe                      -        -       Grave        -       N. Orleans     21-Sep   Cash   $3                      James Jones, M. D.
24-Sep X.?  Rolton                      39     M    W  Typhoid Fever               -        -         -         698        France       24-Sep   E. L. Bercier  Rlf Act         E. C. Hyde, M. D.

 1-Oct William H. Harrod               5 dys   M    W  Trismus Nascentium          -        -       Grave        -            -          1-Oct   E. L. Bercier                  R. McCracken, M. D.
 1-Oct Hannah Whann or Whaun            31     F    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -          -          Ohio         1-Oct   In Tomb of W. Whann or Whaun?  J. H. Lewis. M. D.
 3-Oct Frederick H. Mix                  3     M    W  Convulsions                 -        -         -          -       N. Orleans      3-Oct   In Tom? of E. C. Mia           James Jones, M. D.
 4-Oct Archibald M. Campbel             28     M    W  Typhode Fever               -        -       Grave        -            -          4-Oct   Cash   $6                      Pormel or Jormst, M. D.
 4-Oct  Thomas Luck                      26?    M    W  Puncturing Wound of the Abdomen      -       Grave        -            -          4-Oct   R. Conden                      Y. R. Lemonia, M. D.
 4-Oct Child of Mrs. McCoy               -     -    W  Still Born                  -        -         -          -            -          4-Oct   In Lot of Mr. Miller           Mdm Reiss Mid Wife
 8-Oct Anna Zucker                      36     F    W  Febris Bilious Inflamito    -        -         -         712           -          8-Oct   E. L. Bercier                  Leisnig, M. D.
 9-Oct N. W. Campbell                   40     M    W  Disease of Heart            -        -         -         617           -          9-Oct   E. L. Bercier                  A Keaten or Heaton? M D
11-Oct William Miller                   31     M    W  Ersypelas               Rosemary    658        -          -          Ohio        11-Oct   In Lot of Bel Jenkins          H. Vander Linden, Clk C H
17-Oct Child of Dr. Fallon               -     -    W  Still Born                  -        -         -      309 O & C        -         17-Oct   In Vault 309 O & Closed        A. Fallon, M. D.
17-Oct Mary Miller                      50     F    W  tetanus                     -        -       Grave        -            -         17-Oct   Cash   $6                      J. H. Lewis. M. D.
19-Oct Child of I.? F. Stockton       20 mos   M    W  Congestive Intermitent      -        -         -          -       New Orleans    19-Oct   In Toomb of G. W. Hynson?      J. S. Jc Farlane, M. D.
20-Oct Rosina L. Hendricks               6     F    W  Convulsions             Removed to O. F. R     -         677    Feburary 3, 18_  20-Oct   in Vault 677 O & Closed        C. Hamilton, M> D.
                                                                                                                       by K. Pistchel?
21-Oct John Valentine     Removed       28     M    W  Tetanus                     -        -       Grave        -            -         21-Oct   Cash   $6                      H. Vander Linden, Clk C H
21-Oct Mary B. Wilcox                  8 dys   F    W  Trismus Nascentium          -        -       Grave        -            -         21-Oct   Cash   $3                      Ruston, M. D.
23-Oct Child of John Curry               -     -    W  Born Dead                   -        -         -          -            -         23-Oct   In Lot of John Curry           Mdm Robin  Mid Wife
23-Oct Sophia A. Putnam                 49     F    W  Pulmonary Hemorrhage        -        -         -         885           -         23-Oct   M. C. Quirk                    J. vale, M. D.
24-Oct Osborn Blundel?                  38     M    W  Cholera                 Merrygold   610        -          -         Ireland      24-Oct   E. G.? Bercier                 E. D. Fenner, M. D.
31-Oct Alexander Philips                31     M    W  Pulmonary Consumption       -        -         -         714      New Orleans    31-Oct   E. L. Bercier                  W. Dalton, M. D.
31-Oct David Davis                      52     M    W  Congestion of Lungs         -        -       Grave        -         N. York      31-Oct   Cash   $6                      T. Davidson, M. D.
31-Oct Jemiah? Cockley                  25     M    W  Gun Shot Wound              -        -         -         728        Ireland      31-Oct   J. F. Gruber No. 18            H. Vander Linden, Clk C H

 3-Nov Ottelia Wolf                   16 mos   F    W  Marsmus                     -        -         -      148 O & C   N. Orleans      3-Nov   Vault 148 O & Closed           A. Davezac. M. D.
 4-Nov Francois                         74     F    W  Old Age                     -        -       Grave        -            -          4-Nov   Cash   $6                      H. Vander Linden Clk C H
 5-Nov Child of Mr. Brown                -     M    W  Still Born                  -        -       Grave        -            -          5-Nov   Cash   $3                      Clara Taylor Mid Wife
 7-Nov John Patton  Sen?                60     M    W  Pneumonia                   -        -       Grave        -         Ireland       7-Nov   Cash   $6                      A. Hester, M. D.
 9-Nov John M. Whiter?                 9 dys   M    W  Not Named                   -        -         -          -       N. Orleans      9-Nov   Grave 53 West O & Closed       Mdm  Francois Mid Wife
 9-Nov Henry Clay Marchot                2     M    W  Convulsion                  -        -         -      338 O & C        -          9-Nov   Vault 338 O & Closed           Cicero Becker
                                                                                                                                                                                or Beckee, M. D.
 9-Nov Daniel Sieber                    50     M    W  Fracture of Scull        Rosemary   622        -          -         Germany       9-Nov   In Lot of Mr. Johnson          Poelman, M. D.
10-Nov Lemuel Durham                    24     M    W  Bilious Remt Fever          -        -         -         894       Louisiani     10-Nov   Cash   $55                     J. H. Lewis, M. D.
17-Nov Mr. Sherman                      35     F    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -      601 O & C        -         17-Nov   Vault 601 O & Closed           H. Edwards, M. D.
19-Nov Child of J. (or I.) N. Marks   22 mos   M    W  Pertusis                    -        -         -      602 O & C   New Orleans    19-Nov   Vault 602 O & Closed           A. H. Cenas, M. D.
20-Nov John McCurdy                      -     M    W  Peritonitis                 -        -         -         730        N. York      20-Nov   E. L. Bercier                  C. Beard, M. D.
20-Nov Louis Lorana  No. 17             37     M    W  Typhoid Fever               -        -         -         744           -         20-Nov   E. L. Bercier                  J. H. Bradbury, M. D.
23-Nov H. Miller                        44     M    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -         746        Germany      23-Nov   J. Belangy of N. 9             J. J> Ker, M. D.
24-Nov Henry Wellhot                    29     M    W  A'c Cholera                 -        -         -         760        Prusia       24-Nov   E. L. Bercier                  H. Vander Linden Clk C H
28-Nov J. P. Donnald                     -     M    W  Tetanus  Lock Jaw           -        -         -         752           -         28-Nov   Cash   $50                     J. J. Hays, M. D.
28-Nov Child of Mr. Hugunot            4 dys   -    W  Trismus                     -        -       Grave        -            -         28-Nov   Cash   $3                      Beugnott, M> D.
29-Nov George Massot?                    -     M    W  Hydrocifulas                -        -         -         792           -         29-Nov   E. L. Bercier                  Durel, M. D.

 2-Dec Child of Adam  Loos?           15 mos   M    W  Cholera Infantum            -        -         -      698 O & C        -          2-Dec   Vault 698 O & Closed           R. Bein, M. D.
 3-Dec Charlrs Bedford                  45     M    W  Paralysis                   -        -         -          -         Boston        3-Dec   In Toomb of G. Bedford         J. S. McFarlane, M. D.
 3-Dec Mrs. Grant                       34     F    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -         82_        Denmark       3-Dec   E. L. Bercier                  W. Stone, M. D.
 4-Dec Child of Wm. B. Mumford        11 mos   F    W  Hydrocephalis               -        -         -      282 O & C   N. Orleans      4-Dec   Vault 212 O & Closed           J. A. Frydinger, M. D.
 9-Dec Child of Thomas Karney/Karnsy   7 mos   M    W  Convulsions                 -        -         -      173 O & C                   9-Dec   Vault 173 O & Closed           G. A. Mork, M. D.?
14-Dec Child of John Quin             15 mos   M    W  Dentition               To tomb of J. Quin               790           "         14-Dec   E. L. Bercier No. 17           W. H. Williams, M. D.
       Removed 4/17                                                            in Greenwood Cemetery
15-Dec Capt. Benjamin Crosby            45     M    W  Cholera                 Removed on the 21 January 1872? to the East              15-Dec   In Vault of Wm Batson No. 168  J. J. Meighan, M. D.
15-Dec Child of R. Daley                 -     -    W  Croup                       -        -       Grave        -       New Orleans    15-Dec   2 (sic)                        J. J. Hays, M. D.
19-Dec Catharine Carlin                8 dys   F    W  Croup                       -        -         -         770           "         19-Dec   Vault 770 O & Closed           Mdm Mallet Mid Wife
21-Dec T. O. Leray                      35     M    W  Phthisis Pulmonalis         -        -         -        8__?           "         21-Dec   F. Gruber No. 18 Rlf Act       J. A. Bradbury, M. D.
20-Dec Wellhelmers? Winston           11 mos   M    W  Pneumonia                   -        -         -          -       N. Orleans     21-Dec   In vault 505 O & Closed        Thos. O. Meux, M. D.
20-Dec John McKnight Finley           Removed from Grave 41 West to Vault          -        -         -         700           -            -     Cash   $50                     -
24-Dec Child of John Guion             9 dys   M    W  Trismus Reinus? Naterium    -        -         -         857           -         29-Dec   Vault 857 O & Closed           Bertram, M. D.
31-Dec Infant Child of Ed Rupkey         -     -    W  Cholera                     -        -       Grave                     -         31-Dec   E. L. Bercier                  J. J. Hays, M. D.