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Last modified: Mon, 08 Dec 2008, 16:55:44 EST    Size: 87577
1850 Federal Census Lafourche Parish, Louisiana (Index: File 5 of 6)

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Abstracted by Henry F. Brownlee from public records.  
Proofreader Needed.
Submitted by Henry F. Brownlee.
Edited and formatted by Maggie Stewart.  
All above information must remain when copied or downloaded.
NOTE:  For more information on Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, 
       Please visit the Lafourche Parish, LAGenWeb page at
       ALSO visit the LAGenWeb archives at

LAST NAME        FIRST NAME             AGE    SHEET  FILE NAME    DIVISION                        
Melancon         Jules                  6/12   316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Lovincy                2      275A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Roland                 36     316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Seline                 6      316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Theodule               17     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Victor                 37     316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Zeolide                9      316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Meyer            Azelie                 22     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Meyer            Charles                34     299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Meyer            Emile                  2      297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Meyer            Josephine              6      297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Meyer            Xavier                 33     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Michel           Alphege                18     330A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Michel           Angelina               18     330A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Michel           Evelina                18     330A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Michel           Florentin              55     330A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Michel           Josephine              23     330A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Milan            Patrick                51     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Miller           George                 22     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Minoux           Charles                10     298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Minoux           Valfrois               40     298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Minoux           Widow P.               80     298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Mire             Adele                  28     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Mire             Augustan               3      326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Mire             Baptiste               30     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Mire             Delphine               2      325B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Mire             Dorville               10     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Mire             Enegile                8      294A   pg294a.txt   Cotau* Cane Jaune               
Mire             Eulis (?)              12     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Mire             Evariste               7      326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Mire             Evariste               30     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Mire             Josephine              2      292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Mire             Justilien              1      326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Mire             Louisa                 6      326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Mire             Marie                  6      327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Mire             Melasie                7      321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Mire             Nastasie               5      321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Mire             Odilia                 6      327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Mire             Pauline                24     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Mire             Secile                 25     321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Mire             Seraphin               25     321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Mire             Valsin                 3      305B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Mire             Widow Pierre           60     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Mobly            Artemise               24     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Mobly            Reason                 33     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Adrien                 21     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Elmire                 5      308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Emee                   3      308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Estelina               8      308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Estelle                13     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Eugenie                25     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Euzebe                 3      277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Evariste               26     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Evariste               12     308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          John Baptiste          42     308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Joseph                 14     308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Josephine              10     275A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Josephine              12     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Moleson          Jules                  7      277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Justilien              6      277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Justin                 16     308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Margaret               20     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Marian                 16     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Marie                  30     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Marie Louise           56     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Mary                   36     308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Onesie                 1      277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Philonise              20     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Pierre                 67     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Pierre Jr.             23     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Pouponne               22     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Rosalie                28     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Selima                 10     308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moleson          Velinas                18     308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Monier           *                      1      320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Monier           Andre                  13     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Monier           Emelia                 19     323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Monier           Emelie                 1      323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Monier           Ernestine              12     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Monier           Eugene                 15     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Monier           John                   48     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Monier           Marcelite              38     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Monier           Narcisse               14     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Monier           Theodule               26     323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Monte            Celestine              12     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Monte            Emelie                 10     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Monte            Enesida                8      313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Monte            Evariste               47     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Monte            John Baptiste          14     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Monte            Josephine              5      313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Monte            Lucinda                2      313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Monte            Mary                   36     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moore            Henry                  37     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Moore            Henry C.               19     325B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Moore            James M.               15     325B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Moore            Mary Ann               18     301B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Moran            Catherine              40     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Moran            Mary                   20     283A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moran            Michel                 30     283A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moran            Oscar                  21     301B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Moran            Thos.                  36     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Morau (?)        Alphonse               12     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Morau (?)        Eugenie                42     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Morau (?)        L. A.                  25     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Moraux*          Elodi                  3      290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Moraux*          Theodore               7/12   290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Morin            Anaise                 16     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Morin            Andre                  15     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Morin            Eugenie                11     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Morin            Francois               60     319B   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Morin            Joseph                 14     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Morin            Louis                  12     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Morin            Margaret               15     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Morin            Mary                   52     319B   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Morin            Widow Eugene           50     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Morris           John                   38     295B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Morvant          Amanda                 2      294A   pg294a.txt   Cotau* Cane Jaune               
Morvant          Arsene                 11     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Morvant          Augustave              10     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Morvant          Avis                   4      328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Bernard                47     293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Morvant          Clara                  8      292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Morvant          Delphine               32     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Morvant          Delphine               4      292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Morvant          Delphine               35     328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Delphine               1      328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Doralise               9      328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Emerante               53     309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Morvant          Emile                  11     328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Ernest                 6      328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Eugene                 35     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Morvant          Eugene                 13     293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Morvant          Fosten                 28     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Gustave                10     328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Harriet                34     309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Morvant          Hudson                 4      294A   pg294a.txt   Cotau* Cane Jaune               
Morvant          Isabelle               24     294A   pg294a.txt   Cotau* Cane Jaune               
Morvant          Joachim                15     293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Morvant          Joseph                 40     309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Morvant          Joseph B.              24     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Morvant          Josephine              6      292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Morvant          Jumonvile              17     293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Morvant          Leontine               2      327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Marie                  25     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Mary                   48     309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Morvant          Melia                  8      328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Melissa                13     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Morvant          Odille                 13     328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Ophelia                5      328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Sylvin                 19     293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Morvant          Sylvin                 23     294A   pg294a.txt   Cotau* Cane Jaune               
Morvant          Theophile              13     328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Ulysses                12     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Morvant          Victor                 32     309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Morvant          Victoria               8      326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Visot (?)              45     328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Morvant          Widow J.               65     325B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Moss             Col.                   36     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Moureau          Clementine             23     290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Moureau          Ernest                 5      290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Moureau          Jean                   36     290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Moureau          Paul                   6      290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Murphy           Alexander              50     313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Murphy           Edward                 31     295B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Murphy           Josephine              19     295B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Murphy           Nancy                  49     313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Murray           Norah                  11     298A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Naquin           Adele                  22     323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Adolestine             12     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Alces                  18     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Alfred                 10/12  323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Andressy               10     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Naquin           Armelise               24     289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Naquin           Arsene                 36     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Arsene                 5      333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Arthur                 4      332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Aselie                 32     323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Asema                  10     289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Naquin           Asemie                 8      289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Naquin           Auslite                3      332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Basile                 28     323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Basile                 40     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Celeste                44     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Celeste                45     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Cleophas               16     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Cleophas               12     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Cleophas               18     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Clovis                 6      332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Desire                 5      289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Naquin           Drausin                28     289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Naquin           Edgar                  10/12  332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Elmire                 12     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Emee                   2      323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Emelia                 5      333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Emely                  21     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Naquin           Emely                  2      332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Emile                  19     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Naquin           Emile                  13     323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Emile                  13     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Ernest                 8      332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Eugene                 12     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Naquin           Evelina                9      322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Naquin           Eveline                1      289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Naquin           Joseph                 60     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Joseph                 9      332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Joseph                 8      333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Leontine               6      332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Louisa                 32     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Lovincy                21     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Naquin           Marcelus               30     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Marie                  3      289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Naquin           Marie                  20     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Marie                  3      333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Mary                   24     323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Mary                   4      323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Masthel                10     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Naquin           Maximin                36     323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Maximin                14     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Melina                 3      323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Melville               6      323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Naide                  6      289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Naquin           Odile                  5      323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Olympe                 2      323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Ophelia                2      333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Orestile               11     323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Oscar                  4      323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Ozeme                  8      323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Pamela                 4      332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Paul                   24     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Naquin           Pierre Jr.             50     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Pierre Sr.             84     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Theotiste              36     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Ulgere                 10     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Ursin                  30     323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Naquin           Valsie                 10     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Victoire               25     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Vuline                 7      289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Naquin           Widow Ambroise         44     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Naquin           Zenon                  32     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Naquin           Zenon                  6      333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Navarre          Adele                  11     289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Auguste                9      289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Calostine              25     289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Clothilda              12     289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Dosilier               6      289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Eugene                 30     289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Eugenie                35     289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Eveline                14     289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Joseph                 7      289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Louis                  8      289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Marie                  5      289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Noel                   40     289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Olesie                 10     289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Orelien                7      289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Selina                 4      289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Sylvin                 21     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Navarre          Trasimond              12     289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Navarre          Victorine              10     289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Nelson           Daniel                 6/12   319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nelson           John                   56     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nelson           Mary Ann               30     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nelson           Melanie                20     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nelson           William                23     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nelson           William Sr.            55     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nettleton        California             3      319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nettleton        Charlesdon             5      319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nettleton        Daniel                 48     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nettleton        Elisa                  38     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nettleton        Enos                   53     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nettleton        Melesaine              22     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nettleton        Sarah                  6      319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nettleton        Thomas                 23     319B   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Nettleton        William                6      319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nettleton        Xavier                 16     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nettleton        Zachary Taylor         1      319B   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Nicol            Artemise               1      274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nicol            Georgiana              4      274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nicol            Jerome                 28     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nicol            Marie                  25     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nicol            Ozeme                  6      274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nicolas          Celeste                5      284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nicolas          Charles                4      284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nicolas          Homer                  49     319B   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Nicolas          Joseph                 50     308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nicolas          Louis                  19     319B   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Nicolas          Louise                 13     308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nicolas          Melasie                23     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nicolas          Melasie                38     319B   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Nicolas          Omer                   2      284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nicolas          Theolaine              16     319B   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Nicole           Etienne                12     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Nicole           John                   45     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Nicole           Marceline              44     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Nicole           Myrtha                 1      320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Nicole           Pierre                 14     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Niles            Euphroisine            28     296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Niles            J. B.                  40     296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Niles            Joseph                 4      296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Niles            Mary                   9      296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Niles            Sarah                  6      296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Niles            William                10     296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Noel             Clairisse              19     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Noel             John                   22     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Noel             Orelia                 21     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Noel             Widow John             49     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Normand          Franklin               15     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Normand          Pierre                 22     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Normand          Widow B.               55     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Norton           Hight                  23     313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Nu Church*       Mary                   18     299B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Ogeron           Adams                  6      315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Ogeron           Adela                  15     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Ogeron           Adelina                13     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Ogeron           Adolphe                20     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Alexander              34     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Alexander              13     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Azema                  17     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Ogeron           Celestine              45     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Charles                19     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Emelia                 9      315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Ogeron           Emelina                11     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Ogeron           Emely                  3      314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Felix                  12     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Francois               15     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Joachim                11     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           John                   15     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           John B.                50     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Josephine              26     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Jouand*                22     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Julienne               12     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Justilien              13     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Leandre                26     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Louis                  2      315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Ogeron           Louise                 12     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Louise                 19     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Manuel                 11     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Margaret               2      314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Martial                45     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Ogeron           Mary                   7      314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Mary                   30     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Mary                   40     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Ogeron           Olivier                6/12   315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Ogeron           Polite                 20     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Raphael                3      315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Ogeron           Roseline               28     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Ogeron           Rosemond               38     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Ogeron           Selina                 11     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Theodore               6/12   315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Ogeron           Victorine              23     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ogeron           Widow Louis            50     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Olivier          Celestine              24     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Olivier          Ellen                  6      297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Olivier          Etienne                34     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Olivier          Marie L.               20     330A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Adele                  26     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Alfred                 2      332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Azelie                 40     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Charles                38     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Desire                 7      332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Edouard                2      332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Elvise                 28     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Emilia                 3      332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Fasiline               56     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            John                   22     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            John                   16     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Louis                  65     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Louis                  8      332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Marie                  10     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Marie                  9      332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Mathilde               12     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Oscar                  5      332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Oselse                 17     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Valery                 43     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Oncal            Victorin               14     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
O'Neale          Martin                 35     283A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Opie             Francois               23     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Opie             Ulysses                5/12   274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ordogne          Auguste                3      276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ordogne          Augustin               3      276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ordogne          Azelie                 20     276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ordogne          Celien A               15     276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ordogne          Joachim                1      276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ordogne          Joseph                 26     276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ordogne          Josephine              3      276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ordogne          Louis                  9      276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ordogne          Louisa                 7      276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ordogne          Marie F.               42     276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ordogne          Mary                   20     276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ordogne          Mary Eliza             5      276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ordogne          Mary Emily             11     276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ordogne          Mary Louisa            4/12   276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ordogne          Nicholas               60     276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ordogne          Onesime                5      276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ordogne          Pierre E.              13     276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ordogne          Severin                22     276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ordogne          Washington             2      276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Osborn           John                   10     335B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Osborn           Louisa                 35     335B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Osborn           Margaret               10     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Osborn           Martha                 16     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Osborn           Osiah                  45     335B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Osborn           Sarah                  12     335B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Osborn           William                9      335B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Osborne          J.                     32     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Oslette          Eugenie                5      300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Oslette          Joachim                1      300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Oslette          Joseph                 4      300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Oslette          Margaret               27     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Oslette          Raymond                32     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Pamera (?)       Adele                  23     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Pamera (?)       Joseph                 28     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Pamera (?)       Philomene              2      323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Pamera (?)       Zulema                 4      323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Panvelle         Augustin               5      293A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Panvelle         Augustine              4      293A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Panvelle         Eli                    28     293A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Panvelle         Eli                    2      293A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Panvelle         Rose                   26     293A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Pardu            Chester                22     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Parks            Mary                   13     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Parks            Mrs. Mary              35     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Parks            Thomas                 35     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Parks            Thomas                 10     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Parr             Lezida                 21     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Part             Adelle                 10     282A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Part             Arnestine              9      303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Part             Aurelien               16     299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Part             Azelia                 11     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Part             Douradore              8      277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Part             Eugene                 30     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Part             Odilia                 15     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Part             Widow Paul             47     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Pays             *                      45     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Penas            J.                     53     299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Penas            Scilia Nadis           9      299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Penas            Seline                 43     299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Perau            Edouard                21     329B   pg327a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Percle           Andre                  23     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Percle           Augusta                25     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Percle           Dedie                  19     290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Percle           Widow Armande          65     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Percle           Widow Babtiste         40     290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Perin            Elize                  68     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Perivas          *                      23     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perivas          Adam Jr.               30     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perivas          Adam Jr.               6/12   330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perivas          Adam Sr.               53     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perivas          Adelia                 26     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perivas          Adelia                 4      330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perivas          Aglae                  1      330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perivas          Anatalie               2      330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perivas          Cleophas               3      330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perivas          Elidia                 4      330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perivas          Etienne                18     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perivas          Eulalie                36     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perivas          Felicien               6      330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perkins          Jane                   19     335B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perkins          John                   10     335B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perkins          Louisa                 9      335B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perkins          Scuddy                 20     335B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perkins          Widow J.               40     335B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Perrin           Adelaide               24     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Perrin           Adolphe                35     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Pertuit          Elisa                  24     311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pertuit          Eugene                 26     311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pertuit          Euphroisine            21     310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pertuit          Fugie*                 2      311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pertuit          John                   23     310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Philipeau        Alfred                 19     296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Philipeau        Angeline               5      296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Philipeau        Cecil                  7      296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Philipeau        Eli                    15     296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Philipeau        Euphroisine            17     296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Philipeau        Laura                  19     296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Philipeau        Lucille                40     296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Philipeau        Malvina                9      296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Philipeau        Marie                  3      296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Philipeau        Mathurin               60     296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Philipeau        Neomie                 1      296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Philipeau        Ninine                 14     296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Phipps           Amelia                 11     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Picou            Arnestine              10     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Picou            Calypso                2      322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Picou            Elida                  12     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Picou            Eliska                 7      277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Picou            Joseph                 17     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Picou            Lorette                15     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Picou            Octave                 12     282A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Picou            Wd. Ursin              35     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Picou            Widow Louis            48     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Picou            William                4      322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Picou            Zoe                    9      277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Picou            Zolima                 11     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Pierce           Adelia                 7      313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pierce           Amanda                 6/12   313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pierce           Daniel                 2      313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pierce           Felicite               20     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pierce           Franklin               23     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pierce           Napoleon               3      313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pierce           Nathaniel              5      313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pinel            Adam                   10     298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Pinel            Eveline                14     298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Pinel            Mary                   22     298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Pinel            Widow J. B.            36     298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Pinkey           Joseph                 22     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pitre            Clara                  16     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pitre            Duradon                8      279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pitre            Elmire                 13     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pitre            Elodie                 16     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pitre            Emma                   9/12   279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pitre            Estelle Thibodaux      44     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pitre            Ferdinand              14     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Pitre            Indilia                13     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Pitre            Johnson                6      279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pitre            Joseph                 13     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pitre            Joseph                 58     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Pitre            Josephine              19     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Pitre            Mary                   10     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Pitre            Mathilde               13     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pitre            Mathurin               49     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pitre            Numa                   9      279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pitre            Ophelia                15     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pitre            Ursule                 40     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Pitre            Veturi                 17     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Placete          Raymond                32     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Plaisance        Carmelite              10     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Plaisance        John                   35     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Plaisance        John                   7      315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Plaisance        John                   35     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Plaisance        John                   5      319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Plaisance        John Baptiste          2      315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Plaisance        Joseph                 5      315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Plaisance        Mary                   12     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Plaisance        Melina                 30     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Plaisance        Melina                 3      319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Plaisance        Phelonise              30     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Plaisance        Philip                 7      319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Plaisance        Sostaine               4      315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Plough           Dr.                    50     305A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Plough           Dr. Jr.                21     305A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Poche            A.                     19     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            A.                     15     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Adrien                 8      314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Poche            Alfred                 11     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Arnest                 1      314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Artemise               44     284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Augustin               11     314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Poche            Celesie                44     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Celestine              19     284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Elisa                  17     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Eloi                   25     314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Poche            Estelina               5      274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Eugenie                10     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Irma                   6      314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Jean                   7      287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Judas                  14     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Poche            Justine                12     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Poche            Marie O.               21     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Mary                   28     314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Poche            Octave                 9      274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Olide                  8      287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Onesime                7      274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Urbin                  49     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Urbin P.               13     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Victoria               3      314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Poche            Victorine              17     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Poche            Widow Jacques          46     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Polk             Elisabeth              7      335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Polk             Frances A.             43     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Polk             Frances D.             14     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Polk             Hamilton               19     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Polk             Katherine              12     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Polk             Leonidas               44     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Polk             Rebecca                2      335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Polk             Sarah H.               10     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Polk             Susan R.               8      335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Polk             William                6      335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Pontife          Adele                  6      291A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Pontife          Aubin                  3      291A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Pontife          Azelie                 38     290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Pontife          Dorille                8      290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Pontife          Emile                  8      290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Pontife          Joachim                12     290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Pontife          Lovincy                5      291A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Pontife          Mack                   10     290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Pontife          Odile                  9      290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Pontife          Onesime                37     290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Pontife          Oville                 13     290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Pontiffe         Victorine              30     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Portier          Azelia                 14     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Portier          Emile                  10     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Portier          Marcelite              27     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Portier          Marie Desire           30     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Portier          Odilia                 3      331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Portier          Orestile               12     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Portier          Piercelite             2      331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Portier          Pierre                 35     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Portier          Trasimond              8      288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Portier          Valmond                8      331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Portier          Victorin               38     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Portier          Victorin               4      331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Portier          Victorine              16     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Powell           Thos.                  60     296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Praynaux         Amy                    9      288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Auguste                15     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Carmelite              54     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Celeste                15     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Emely                  16     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Emma                   11     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Eulalie                9      288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Leo                    6      288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Mathilde               13     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Minise                 3      288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Oceana                 6      288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Orelia                 24     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Ulgere                 26     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Ulgere Alphage         1      288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Uranie                 42     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Ursin                  56     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Praynaux         Ursin                  48     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Prejent          Eliska                 6/12   323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Prejent          Elodie                 2      329B   pg327a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Prejent          Emely                  3      323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Prejent          Eveline                22     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Prejent          Justilien              3      330A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Prejent          Leon                   4      323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Prejent          Lubin                  25     330A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Prejent          Marcelite              35     330A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Prejent          Valsin                 27     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Prejent          Widow J. B.            65     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Price            Azelia                 2      312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Azelie                 35     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Celeste                8      312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Doralyse               32     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Elisa                  17     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Price            Eme                    32     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Emelia                 13     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Eulalie                27     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Price            Hosekar (?)            8      319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Jackson                29     316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            James                  40     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Price            James                  5      312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            James                  10     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            John                   13     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Joseph                 10     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Price            Josephine              12     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Leon                   34     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Leonise                23     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Price            Lorenza                3      312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Malvina                9      316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Mary                   2      312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Price            Mathilde               5      312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Melasie                1      312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Melise                 3      316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Odille                 8      312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Paul                   35     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Selanie                25     316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Selima                 10     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Walace                 1      316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Walker                 10     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            Wallace                14     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Price            William                28     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Price            William                12     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Prior            L. N.                  35     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Priou            Joseph                 27     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Priou            Mary                   25     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Priou            Widow Joseph           50     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Pugh             Nrs.                   24     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Pugh             Richard                35     305A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Ragan            A. B.                  27     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Ragan            Anaise                 21     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Ragan            Celeste                31     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Ragan            Clara                  14     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Ragan            Elysa                  12     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Ragan            J. C.                  33     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Ragan            James                  6      301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Ragan            John                   7/12   297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Ragan            Mary B.                55     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Ragan            Scudday                10     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Ragan            W. H.                  29     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Ragan            William                3      297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Ranson           Emile                  31     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Raymond          George                 13     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Raymond          Joseph                 36     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Raymond          Joseph                 6      316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Raymond          Margaret               2      316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Raymond          Pauline                32     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Raymond          Pauline                8      316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Raymond          Seline                 10     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Redfield         Caroline S.            25     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Regan            John                   22     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Revere           Eugene                 2      308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Revere           Euphroisine            34     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Revere           Gaspard                45     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ribolec          Paul                   22     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Rice             Soloman                18     301B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Richard          A.                     18     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Aglae                  1      333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Anatalie               6      311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Arthur                 3      296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Richard          Asnett                 56     325A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Celestine              24     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Charles                23     325A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Chere*                 28     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Clemence               56     305B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Richard          Doralise               26     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Elisa                  35     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Elodie                 15     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Emee                   7      311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Esther                 16     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Eulalie                4      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Richard          Euphroisine            7      305A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Richard          Evariste               26     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Gaylord                3      333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Gustave                2      325A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Hubert                 13     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Hypolite               43     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Richard          Hypolite               6      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Richard          J. B.                  2      278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          J. B.                  60     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Joachim                14     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          John                   56     325A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          John Cle (?)           58     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Joseph                 45     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Jules A.               6/12   279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Leodile                1      278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Leon                   31     305A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Richard          Leon                   4      305A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Richard          Leufroy                18     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Lina                   25     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Louis                  16     331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Louis Prosper          8/12   278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Ludivine               22     325A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Marcelin               21     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Mary                   37     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Richard          Mary                   21     305B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Richard          Mary                   40     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Richard          Mary                   19     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Mary Emelie            5      278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Melasie                22     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Onesime                18     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Pa;myra                23     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Richard          Pauline                15     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Pomela                 8      333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Theophile              24     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Valery                 29     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Victor Jr.             25     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Richard          Victor Sr.             58     305B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Richard          Victorine              15     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Washington             2      279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Washington             2      305A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Richard          Wd. Basile             60     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richard          Widow J. B.            47     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richards         Charles                12     290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Richards         John                   9      290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Richards         Mary                   31     290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Richardson       *                      40     298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Riche            O.                     20     323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Richou           John P.                34     316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richou           Mary                   6      317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richou           Pauline                31     316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richou           Victorin               3      317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richou           Victorine              9      316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richoux          Arsene                 5      316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richoux          Carmelite              6      316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richoux          Estelena               1      316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richoux          Eugene                 35     313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richoux          Eugenie                2      313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richoux          Francois               3      313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richoux          John L.                32     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richoux          Margaret               35     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richoux          Michel                 30     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Richoux          Nicolas                1      287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Richoux          Rosella                23     313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Richoux          Zelida                 28     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Ridrige          P.                     41     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Rivette          Elvina                 13     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Rivette          Francois               7      320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Rivette          Jaques                 10     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Rivette          Mary                   32     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Rivette          Mary                   15     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Rivette          Melasie                6      320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Rivette          Nestor                 9      320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Rivette          Pierre                 55     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Rivette          Pierre                 11     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Riviere          Francois               27     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Roaldes          Josephine              20     296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Robert           Hypolite               20     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Robichaux        Adeline                5      280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Adrien                 30     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Robichaux        Alcee                  13     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Robichaux        Alidor                 14     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Robichaux        Alidore                4      320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Robichaux        Artemise               12     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Augustin               3      280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Celeste                43     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Celestine              15     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Robichaux        Clementine             12     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Robichaux        Cleophas               22     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Delphine               40     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Desire                 8      303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Robichaux        Doristile              8      284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Dorville               21     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Edgar                  6      285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Robichaux        Eliza                  9      284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Elodie                 3      311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Emelia                 14     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Robichaux        Emely                  8      311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Emely                  8      320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Robichaux        Emerante               22     282B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Emmee                  13     328A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Robichaux        Ernest                 3      328A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Robichaux        Etienne                8      311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Eugene                 21     296A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Robichaux        Eugenia                18     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Eugenie                44     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Euphroisine            4      303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Robichaux        Felix                  10     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Robichaux        Henry F.               8      285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Robichaux        Hermogene              30     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Robichaux        J. B.                  40     328A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Robichaux        Jean B.                50     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Jean B.                3      282B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        John B.                37     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        John B.                6      311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        John B.                31     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Joseph                 5      282B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Joseph                 45     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Joseph                 13     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Joseph                 12     311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Joseph V.              44     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Josephine              6/12   282B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Jules                  2      307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Robichaux        Justin                 16     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Robichaux        Justine                15     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Robichaux        Justinien              12     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Robichaux        Larest                 15     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Leo                    7      328A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Robichaux        Leon                   23     319B   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Robichaux        Leon                   17     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Lesaine                28     319B   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Robichaux        Leufroy                38     319B   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Robichaux        Leufroy                14     319B   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Robichaux        Louis                  11     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Louis                  57     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Robichaux        Lucien                 42     311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Madeline               2      285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Robichaux        Marcelite              17     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Robichaux        Marcellin              44     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Robichaux        Marie                  19     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Marie                  38     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Robichaux        Marie                  35     328A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Robichaux        Mary                   28     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Robichaux        Mary                   16     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Robichaux        Mary                   37     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Robichaux        Mary                   21     319B   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Robichaux        Mary Ann               26     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Robichaux        Mathilde               13     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Mathilde               10     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Robichaux        Mathilde               8      312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Robichaux        Neadile                35     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Robichaux        Olesie                 15     328A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene