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Last modified: Mon, 08 Dec 2008, 16:55:42 EST    Size: 87585
1850 Federal Census Lafourche Parish, Louisiana (Index: File 4 of 6)

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Abstracted by Henry F. Brownlee from public records.  
Proofreader Needed.
Submitted by Henry F. Brownlee.
Edited and formatted by Maggie Stewart.  
All above information must remain when copied or downloaded.
NOTE:  For more information on Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, 
       Please visit the Lafourche Parish, LAGenWeb page at
       ALSO visit the LAGenWeb archives at

LAST NAME        FIRST NAME             AGE    SHEET  FILE NAME    DIVISION                        
Hilman           Mary Ann               21     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hilman           Samuel                 37     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hoffman          Azelie                 5/12   295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hoffman          Henry Jr.              33     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hoffman          Henry Sr.              58     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hoffman          Jules                  26     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hoffman          Louisa                 18     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hoffman          Rose                   48     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Holden           Abby                   32     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Holden           B. H.                  43     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Holden           Charles                1      296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Holden           Emma                   11     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Holden           Fancy                  9      296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Holden           Victor                 4      296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Holmes           Loring                 28     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Horton           Adele                  30     295B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Horton           William C.             46     295B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Howard           George                 17     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Howard           John                   32     301B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hudson           Elisabeth              16     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hudson           Mary F.                14     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Huges            John                   18     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hughes           Bridget                45     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hughes           Michal                 14     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hunt             Corine                 11     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hunter           A. Wallace             18     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hymel            Adeline                17     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hymel            Adolphe                16     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hymel            Alfred                 8      301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hymel            Edmond                 12     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hymel            Ermina                 18     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hymel            George                 10     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hymel            Leo                    22     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hymel            Valery                 6      301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hymel            Widow Valery           37     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hymel*           Alfred                 14     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hymel*           Augustine              8      331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hymel*           Francois               62     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hymel*           Francoise              58     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hymel*           Gustave                16     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hymel*           Louise                 13     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hymel*           Melasie                13     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hymel*           Robert                 3      331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hymel*           Ulysse                 10     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hymel*           Widow Lesin            36     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jandron          Antoine                25     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jandron          Aurestel               10     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jandron          Constance              17     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jandron          Emile                  6/12   332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jandron          Felicite               9      313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jandron          Hesimond               12     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jandron          John Baptiste          14     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jandron          Joseph                 2      313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jandron          Selima                 20     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jandron          Widow J. B.            39     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jasria           Bowry*                 43     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Jasria           J.                     48     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Jasria           Mary                   8      297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Jeandron         Constance              16     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jeandron         Felicite               8      287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jeandron         Jean B.                14     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jeandron         Joseph                 6      287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jeandron         Olesima                12     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jeandron         Orestile               10     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jeandron         Ursaline               18     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jeandron         Widow William          30     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jenotte          Anaise                 10/12  326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Jenotte          Hubert                 33     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Jenotte          Joseph                 10     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Jenotte          Marie                  12     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Jenotte          Orestile               3      326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Jenotte          Pelagie                28     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Jenotte          Philip                 5      326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Jeolet*          Auguste                23     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jeolet*          John                   17     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jeolet*          Margaret               12     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jeolet*          Susana                 14     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jeolet*          Widow Alexi            50     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Joanlong*        Bernard                22     295B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Johnson          Josephine              26     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Johnson          S. H.                  2      301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Johnson          T. W.                  32     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Johnson          Zach Taylor            4      301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Jollebois        Bartheleme             28     289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Jollebois        Clementine             26     289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Jollebois        Josephine              7      289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Jollebois        Mathilde               6      289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Jollebois        Maximin                3      289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Jollebois        Tomie                  5      289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Jollette         Alex                   30     284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jollette         Alex, Jr.              3      284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jollette         Ernest                 1      284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Jonesant         Emma                   2      285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Jonesant         Hypolite               6      285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Jonesant         John                   45     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Jonesant         John                   13     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Jonesant         Regan                  8      285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Jonesant         Therese                4      285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Jordan           Celeste                4      314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Jordan           Joseph                 2      314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Jordan           Mary                   23     314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Jordan           W. R.                  28     314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Juge             Emile                  26     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Julie            Andre                  38     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Julie            Harriet                18     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Julie            Henry                  20     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Julie            Nancy                  32     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Karr             Eugenia                10     300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Karr             H. S.                  33     300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Karr             Henry Clay             4      300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Karr             Ida                    6      300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Karr             Julia                  30     300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Kees             Absolem                61     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Keller           Antoinette             40     301B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Keller           Clara                  8      330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Keller           Conrad                 45     301B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Keller           Cyprien                41     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Keller           Delphine               40     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Keller           Domase                 12     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Keller           Zulma                  10     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Kelly            Adelaide               10     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Kelly            Arcide                 34     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Kelly            Arthur                 2      321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Kelly            Edouard                8      321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Kelly            Eliska                 9      321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Kelly            Melasie                4      321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Kelly            Michel                 39     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Kelly            Michel                 6      321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Kerne            Cyprien                40     331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Kerne            Emee                   4      331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Kerne            Emilia                 2      331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Kerne            Leo                    6      331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Kerne            Zulma                  38     331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Key              Eduard                 1      334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Key              Fanny E.               17     334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Key              Frances Scott          4      334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Key              Henry Johnson          10     334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Key              Maria L.               34     334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Key              Mary Catherine         6      334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Key              Nicolas S.             12     334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Key              Philip B.              42     334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Key              Philip B. Jr.          14     334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Key              William Thompson       8      334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Killinsworth     Iram                   18     313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Killinsworth     James                  4/12   278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Killinsworth     Sophia                 9      313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Knight           Azelie                 33     313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Knight           Azelie                 3      313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Knight           George                 12     313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Knight           John                   9      312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Knight           Joseph                 40     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Knight           Leonore                28     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Knight           Lisa                   8      312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Knight           Mary                   7      312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Knight           Mary                   14     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Knight           Raymond                36     313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Knight           Sarah                  5      312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Knight           Thimothy               8      313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Knoblock         Adolphe                16     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Knoblock         Amanda                 13     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Knoblock         Arthur                 17     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Knoblock         Claira                 16     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Knoblock         Cleophine              25     294A   pg294a.txt   Cotau* Cane Jaune               
Knoblock         Emely                  12     324B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Knoblock         Emely Eliska           4      294A   pg294a.txt   Cotau* Cane Jaune               
Knoblock         Emile                  14     324B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Knoblock         Ernest                 17     294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Knoblock         Eugene                 4      324B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Knoblock         F. A.                  38     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Knoblock         Gustave A.             25     294A   pg294a.txt   Cotau* Cane Jaune               
Knoblock         Henry Clay             11     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Knoblock         James Olis             2      294A   pg294a.txt   Cotau* Cane Jaune               
Knoblock         Knoblocia              2      324B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Knoblock         Leah                   1      294A   pg294a.txt   Cotau* Cane Jaune               
Knoblock         Mary Lousa             34     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Knoblock         Widow H.               36     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Knoblock         William Tell           7      324B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Kukare (?)       Reddy                  14     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Laborde          Daniel                 23     295B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Laboutien        John                   21     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Labusquiere      Angelique              5      332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Labusquiere      Catherine              1      332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Labusquiere      Delphine               20     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Labusquiere      M.                     25     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Labusquiere      Paul                   3      332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Labusquiere      Vidal                  35     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lacapere         F.                     30     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LaCaze           Etienne                25     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lacroix          Cidalise               21     310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lacroix          Edgar                  4      310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lacroix          Edouard                26     310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lacroix          Felicie                23     310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lacroix          Louis                  6      310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lacroix          Louis                  19     310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lacroix          Mary                   6/12   310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lacroix          Seville                52     310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lafery           George                 21     300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lafery           Joseph Albert          6/12   300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lafery           Josephine              21     300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lafont           *                      25     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Lagarde          Adrien                 25     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lagarde          Alphonse               4      304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lagarde          Celina                 7      304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lagarde          Clementine             23     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lagarde          Cleophas               21     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lagarde          Elise                  30     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lagarde          Joachim                21     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lagarde          Joachim                19     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lagarde          John                   32     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lagarde          Letitia                8      304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lagarde          Pierre                 50     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lagarde          Taylor                 5      304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lagarde          Widow John             55     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lage             Julien                 36     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Laine            Louis                  28     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Laisne           Adela                  2      274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Laisne           Adele                  28     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Laisne           Alfred                 6      274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Laisne           Arthur                 5      274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Laisne           Claiborne              7      274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Laisne           Jean B.                36     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Laisne           Leonce                 10     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Laisne           Marie                  50     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Laisne           Marie R.               20     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Laisne           Nicole                 60     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Laisne           Seraphin               18     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Laisne           Zulema                 14     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lamobilina*      Antoine                38     307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Lamobilina*      Madelaine              27     307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Lamoureux        Edouard                18     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lamoureux        Louis E.               23     300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lamoureux        Rene                   19     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lamoureux        Rosa                   22     300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lamoureux        Rossuth Adams          2      300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lancon           Victor                 21     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Landers          John                   22     299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Landre           Pomela                 20     302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Landry           Alexander              40     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Landry           Amedee                 15     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Landry           Amedee                 6      325A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Arsenaux               4      290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Landry           Arsene                 9      292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Landry           Benjamin               46     310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Celestine              3      325A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Clothilde              24     325A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Edmond                 34     310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Elisabeth              24     298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Landry           Eloise                 12     310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Eulalie                3      310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Evelina                8      310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Jaques                 24     325A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Joseph                 12     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Landry           Joseph                 4      298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Landry           Julienne               23     309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Louis                  7      292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Landry           Louisa                 4      292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Landry           Marceline              20     310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Melina                 31     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Landry           Melisaine              31     310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Nenica*                12     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Nestine                12     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Numa                   3      298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Landry           Omer                   7      290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Landry           Onesipe                2      310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Orelien                23     310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Ozelie                 10     310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Pauline                26     290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Landry           Pierre                 16     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Severin                32     309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Sostaine               10     325A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Sylvani                25     298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Landry           Theophile              9      311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Victor                 40     290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Landry           Widow D.               59     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Widow Emily            37     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Landry           Widow Pierre           35     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Landry           Widow Ursin            28     290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Landry           Zeolide                6      310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Langman          Louis                  36     299B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Larkin           Emma                   6/12   290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Larkin           John                   27     290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Larkin           Martha                 3      290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Larkin           Susan F.               20     290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Larose*          Adrien                 11     314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Larose*          Balthazar              42     314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Larose*          Berthilde              7      314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Larose*          Francois               14     314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Larose*          Lucien                 5      314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Larose*          Mary                   4      314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Larose*          Seraphine              36     314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
Lasseigne        Abel                   11     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lasseigne        Anaise                 9      331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lasseigne        Constance              6      331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lasseigne        Eugenie                8      331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lasseigne        Eugenie                11     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lasseigne        John                   31     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lasseigne        John                   8      331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lasseigne        Leonard                15     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lasseigne        Marie                  13     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lasseigne        Marie                  25     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lasseigne        Mary                   2      331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lasseigne        Rebecca                4      331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lasseigne        Widow J. B.            50     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lassinger        Etienne                12     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lassinger        Eugenie                11     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lassinger        Eulalie                38     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lassinger        Francois               13     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lassinger        Joachim                14     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lassinger        Louise                 9      317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lassinger        Selina                 10     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lassinger        Valsin                 40     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lauhorn          Francis M.             22     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lauless          Mary                   18     299B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Laurent          Emiee (?)              53     330A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Laurent          Joseph                 10     330A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lawless          Louisiana              5      298A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lawless          Ordelia                17     298A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Leaky            David                  18     295B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lebee (?)        Alexander              20     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
LeBlanc          Aglae                  20     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
LeBlanc          Aglae                  11     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
LeBlanc          Amedee                 6      294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Aselie                 2      294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Celesie                18     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Charles                27     314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
LeBlanc          Charly                 12     314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
LeBlanc          Colastie               35     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
LeBlanc          Daniel                 36     294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Delphin                28     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Elgeline               22     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Elie                   8      326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
LeBlanc          Eliska                 12     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Eliza                  22     314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
LeBlanc          Elmire                 1      303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Emee                   3      324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
LeBlanc          Emile                  4      280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Emile                  8      294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Emily                  32     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
LeBlanc          Emma                   8      303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Etienne                18     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Eugene                 5      287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Eutepia                5      324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
LeBlanc          Evariste               3      303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Gustave                4      294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Henry                  6      303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Hermogene              10     294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Honorine               16     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
LeBlanc          James A.               33     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Joseph                 12     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Joseph                 21     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
LeBlanc          Leo                    2      280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Losus                  15     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
LeBlanc          Louisa                 1      314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
LeBlanc          Louisa                 19     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
LeBlanc          Margaret               28     294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Margaret               5      314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
LeBlanc          Mary                   9      287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Mary                   17     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
LeBlanc          Mathilde               13     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
LeBlanc          Melasie                14     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Melina                 7      287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Melina                 11     314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
LeBlanc          Melite                 16     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Modeste                46     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
LeBlanc          Narcisse               39     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Narcisse               1      287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Octave                 15     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
LeBlanc          Onesime                20     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Ozeme                  3      314A   pg313b.txt   Lockport & Laf.                 
LeBlanc          P. Rosemond            43     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Pelagie                53     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
LeBlanc          Philomene              3      287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Prosper                10     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Rosemond               30     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
LeBlanc          Rosemond               30     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
LeBlanc          Selima                 14     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Sylvain                12     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
LeBlanc          Ursin                  22     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Valentin               60     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
LeBlanc          Valery                 27     275A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Victor                 15     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
LeBlanc          Washington             1      306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
LeBlanc          Widow Andre            60     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
LeBlanc          Widow E.               60     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlanc          Widow Joseph           53     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
LeBlanc          Widow Marie            30     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
LeBlanc          Zepherin               15     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
LeBlance         Arthur                 4      279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlance         C. Richard             17     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlance         Colastie               37     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlance         Edmond P.              19     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlance         Ernest                 7      279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlance         Euphroisine            6/12   279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlance         Julie R.               40     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlance         Louisa                 2      279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlance         Prosper                17     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlance         Simon P.               49     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
LeBlance         Willefroid             12     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledee            Ernest                 40     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledee            Paulin                 28     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Adams                  8      316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Adelaide               34     307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Adelina                7      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Alexi                  47     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Alexi                  25     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Alphonse               3      279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Amedee                 18     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Amedee                 9      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Amelia                 18     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Ledet            Anatalie               10     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Antoine                66     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Arsene                 36     307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Arthur                 6      285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Ledet            Auguste J.             47     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Ledet            Augustin               6      315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Catherine              39     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Cleophas               4      285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Ledet            Clothilde              45     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Elise                  37     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Eliska                 16     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Emilia                 4      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Enette                 5      279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Estelina               4      308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Estelina               6      333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Euphroisine            16     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Ledet            Francois               49     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Francois               10     307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Francois               30     315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Furcy                  8      333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Gustave                12     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Ledet            Henry                  14     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Hilairenne (?)         4      333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Joseph Hilman          6/12   308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Jules                  4      316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Julia                  1      285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Ledet            Juliana                7      279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Laurent                1      316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Livaudais              13     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Marcel                 8      316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Marcelin               28     308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Marceline              9      316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Margaret               8      285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Ledet            Margaret               18     315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Martiale               35     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Mary                   28     315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Mary                   14     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Mary Ann               14     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Mary Ann               40     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Monte                  28     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Octavie                16     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Ortance                14     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Ledet            Paulin                 9      279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Pauline                20     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Philomene              6      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Prosper                12     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Rosa                   2      285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Ledet            Rose                   70     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Roselia                2      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Rosemond               39     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Sansgene               12     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Siana                  22     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Sylvanie               30     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Theopdile              24     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Ulysse                 8      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Ulysses                10     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Ledet            Ursule                 30     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Widow Antoine          74     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Ledet            Widow Pierre           60     315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            Will Paulk             3      308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ledet            William                11     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lee              Andre                  2      287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Lee              Eugene                 8      319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lee              Eulalie                10     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Lee              Francisco              15     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Lee              Hermogene              1      319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lee              Louis                  6      287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Lee              Marcelus               25     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lee              Mary M.                12     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Lee              Nanette                30     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lee              Pierre                 37     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Lee              Pierre                 8      287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Lee              Rosalie                35     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Lefebre          Pierre                 75     284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Legendre         Adele                  27     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Legendre         Alfred                 7      292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Legendre         Amelia                 5      292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Legendre         Armant                 14     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Legendre         Augustin               4      292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Legendre         Charles U.             7/12   292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Legendre         Emma                   20     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Legendre         Eulalie                22     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Legendre         Francois               24     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Legendre         Marie                  2      292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Legendre         Mary                   2      292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Legendre         Mary                   19     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Legendre         Ulysses                26     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Legendre         Victor                 32     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Legendre         Victor                 10     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Legendre         Widow                  59     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Legone (?)       Clothilde              20     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Legone (?)       Laura L.               22     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Legone (?)       Louisa E.              24     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Adele                  14     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Adlard                 11     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Adolphine              3      335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Amelia                 2      300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lejeune          Antoinette             14     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Barthelone             9      277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Celestin               30     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lejeune          Charles                12     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Clovis                 19     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Elodie                 8      335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Emelien                5      300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lejeune          Ernest                 10     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          J. B.                  55     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Joseph                 16     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Joseph Terille         22     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lejeune          Josephine              12     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lejeune          Louis                  20     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lejeune          Marcellune             32     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lejeune          Marie                  14     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Marie                  17     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Marie R.               48     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Mary                   28     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lejeune          Michel                 52     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Osile                  9      335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Oville                 22     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Privelle (?)           23     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Prosper                13     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Rosalie                45     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Sylvain                25     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Taylor                 2      335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Theotise               50     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Ulgere                 5      335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lejeune          Widow Alexi            50     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lejeune          Zeolide                12     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lelievre         Etienne                53     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Lemaire          Alexandre              33     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lemaire          Canilia                2      297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lemaire          Josephine Martin       28     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Leonard          Adrien                 13     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leonard          Anatole                6/12   331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leonard          Auxiliade              6      330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leonard          Celeste                23     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leonard          Donatilde              20     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leonard          Evariste               17     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leonard          Felix                  23     331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leonard          Jaques                 4      331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leonard          Joseph                 65     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leonard          Joseph                 2      331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leonard          Joseph Jr.             26     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leonard          Josephine              4      330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leonard          Leontine               5      331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leonard          Oleus                  2      331A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leonard          Therese                65     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lepeine          Alexandre              53     283A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lepeine          Alexandre, Jr.         4/12   283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lepeine          Margaret               11     283A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lepeine          Susana                 48     283A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lepine           Charles                24     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lepine           Evariste               50     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lepine           Evariste, Jr.          20     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lepine           Justine                13     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lepine           Margaret               15     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lepine           Oscar                  16     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Leret            Alexandre              30     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Leret            Alexandre Sr.          75     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Leret            Artemise               25     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Leret            Baptiste               7      327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Leret            Emile                  4      327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Leret            Euphroisine            2      327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Leret            Josephine              11     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Leret            Marcelin               9      327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Leret            Sophie                 28     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
LeRiche          Arsene                 13     293A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
LeRiche          Charles                50     293A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
LeRiche          Louis                  66     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
LeRiche          Marie M.               48     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
LeRiche          Victor                 4      293A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
LeSage           Louisa                 35     289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
LeSage           Louise                 25     329B   pg327a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
LeSage           Louise Philomene       2      289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
LeSage           Lucien                 40     289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
LeSage           Lucien                 26     329B   pg327a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
LeSage           Margusse               4      289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
LeSage           Marius                 4      329B   pg327a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
LeSage           Philomene              2      329B   pg327a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Lester           Eloise                 20     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lester           Laura                  1      308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lester           William                30     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Levert           Armand                 12     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Levert           Auguste                16     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Levert           Edouard                22     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Levert           Eloi                   23     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Levert           Eugenie                13     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Levert           Lovincy                18     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Levert           Vilior                 21     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Levert           Widow Eloi             47     324A   pg321a.txt   B. Lafourche                    
Levron           Augustin               2      292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Levron           Evariste               8      290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Levron           J.                     8      290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Levron           Joseph                 7      290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Levron           Marguerite             45     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Levron           Marie                  1      290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Levron           Modeste                22     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Levron           Omela                  3      290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Levron           Paul                   5      290A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Levron           Pierre                 55     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Levron           Rosalie                50     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Levron           Widow Vincent          49     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Levron (?)       Rosella                2      333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Levront          Morisse                35     315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lie (?)          Francois               15     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lirette          Adam                   5      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Lirette          Alice                  22     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Lirette          Augustave              1      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Lirette          Celestin               24     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Lirette          Eliza                  4      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Lirette          Livia                  33     307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Lirette          Mary                   96     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lirette          Mary                   1      306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Lirette          Pauline                20     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Lirette          Pauline                16     307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Lirette          Pierre                 11     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Lirette          Rosema                 6      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Lirette          Selima                 18     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Lirette          William                35     307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Lirette          William                3      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Litchling        Charles                34     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lodrie           John                   17     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Lodry*           Domitile               18     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lodry*           Valcourt               26     287A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lombas           Augustin               8      318A   pg315a.txt   Laf. Int.                       
Lopastie         Eugene                 42     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Louche           Drausin                49     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Louche           Drausin                17     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Louche           Eliza                  22     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Louche           Euphroisine            10     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Louche           Francois               25     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Louche           Francois F.            6/12   285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Louche           Margaret               12     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Louche           Marie                  24     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Louche           Marie                  19     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Louche           Napoleon               2      286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Louche           Pierre                 7      286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Louche           Ulysse                 4      286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Loupe            Aime                   17     318B   pg315a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Loupe            George                 5      317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Loupe            Joachim                2      317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Loupe            Lesin                  37     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Loupe            Severine               26     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Loupe            Widow George           58     318B   pg315a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Lovit            Dr. J. B.              48     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Lovit            Emely                  34     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Lovit            Helalia                15     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Lovit            Louisa                 13     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Luquette         Luquette               4      311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Luquette         Widow George           53     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Luquette         Zill                   14     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lyall            Annie                  7      287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Lyall            Augusta                14     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Lyall            Augusta                13     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Lyall            John                   45     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Lyall            John                   10     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Lyall            Mrs. A.                30     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Lyons            Alfred                 16     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lyons            Sarah A.               14     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Lyons            Sarah A.               14     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Madere           Vincent                25     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Maggioli         Agatha                 1      298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Maggioli         Agatha                 1      304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Maggioli         Felix                  7      298A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Maggioli         Flora                  19     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Maggioli         J. J.                  21     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Maggioli         Nicolette              10     298A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Maggioli         P. P.                  21     298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Maggioli         P. P.                  16     299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Maggioli         Widow Lange            41     298A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Maiet            Alfred                 1      316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Maiet            Andre                  21     316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Maiet            Selima                 20     316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Mainda*          Eugene                 40     281B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Mainda*          Eugenie                13     281B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Mainda*          Rosalie                35     281B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Malbrook         Mary                   15     298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Malbroux         Henry                  11     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Malbroux         James                  15     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Malbroux         Leander                8      303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Malbroux         Octave                 13     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Malbroux         Widow Benjamin         39     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Mange            E. E.                  51     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Mange            Rosette                40     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Marie            Ernestile              2      329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Marie            Etienne                30     329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Marie            Francois               18     329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Marie            Lisa                   25     329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Marie            Marie                  15     329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Marie            Oscar                  12     329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Marie            Thomas                 6      329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Marin            Adeline                12     311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Marin            Amedee                 3      303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Marin            Amedee                 2      311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Marin            Andre                  5      303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Marin            Euphroisine            12     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Marin            Francois               28     311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Marin            Lafille                24     311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Marin            Mathilde               4      311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Marin            Pierre                 16     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Marin            Widow Francois         56     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Maronge          Elexina                3      300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Maronge          Evariste               26     300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Maronge          Octavie                6      300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Maronge          Rosa                   22     300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Mars             Julien                 28     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Mars             Marie                  5      288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Mars             Pauline                25     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Mars             Trasimond              3      288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Martin           Adrien                 7      275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Amedee                 10     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Aspasie                50     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Clairville             16     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Crejustin              43     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Cyprien                23     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Desire                 10     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Edouard                4      303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Martin           Elise                  14     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Elphege                12     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Eugene                 22     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Eveline                18     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Faustin                7      302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Martin           Felicie                6      276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Florian                20     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Francois               40     276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           George                 14     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Henry                  18     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Jeannie                35     276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Joseph                 5      302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Martin           Justilien              8      276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Justilien              5      321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Justine                12     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Lesin                  14     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Martin           Louise                 50     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Margaret               9      321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Marie                  54     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Marie                  25     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Martin           Mary                   18     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Martin           Mary                   16     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Mathilde               2      321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Melissa                16     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Michel                 28     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Martin           Michel (Sr)            45     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Modeste                42     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Oleus                  2      303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Martin           Orelia                 5      303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Martin           Palmire                7      321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Pauline                25     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Martin           Pierre                 12     276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Pomela                 11     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Martin           Poulite                16     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Sensille (?)           15     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Theophile              8      302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Martin           Ursin                  13     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Verille                45     320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Victorin               10     276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Martin           Washington             9      320B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Washington             7      321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Martin           Widow Jacques          35     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Martin           Zeolide                16     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Matherne         Antoine                51     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Matherne         Antoine                1      285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Matherne         Antoine, Jr.           24     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Matherne         Charles V.             12     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Matherne         Eurosie                40     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Matherne         Henry                  3      285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Matherne         Jacques                31     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Matherne         Jacques                11     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Matherne         John                   26     291A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Matherne         Julie                  10     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Matherne         Marie                  13     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Matherne         Marie L.               22     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Matherne         Paul                   22     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Matherne         Philomin               5      285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Matherne         Rosemond               19     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Matherne         Uranie                 3      285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Matherne         Victorine              6/12   285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Matherne         Widow Jacques          58     287B   pg287b.txt   Lafourche & Bayou               
Mattern          Augustave              10     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Mattern          Augustin               30     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Mattern          Elisa                  28     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Mattern          Emely                  2      315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Mattern          Josephine              9      315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Mattern          Virginia               11     315A   pg315a.txt   Lafourche Bayou                 
Maye             Andre                  6      312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Maye             Clonise                18     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Maye             John                   34     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Maye             Neville                24     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Maye             Trasimond              8      312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Maye             Widow Joseph           50     312A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
McBride          Anna Maria             15     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
McBride          Catherine              13     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
McBride          Dora                   6      304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
McBride          Franklin               2      304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
McBride          George                 10     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
McBride          James                  8      304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
McBride          Mdm. P.                36     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
McBride          Robert                 17     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
McEvers          Antoinette             6      313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McEvers          Clemille               6      313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McEvers          Elisabeth              10     313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McEvers          Elvira                 4      313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McEvers          James                  4      313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McEvers          Jane                   30     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McEvers          Jane                   10     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McEvers          John                   19     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
McEvers          John                   60     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McEvers          John                   13     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McEvers          Josephine              43     313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McEvers          Lacefest (?)           15     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McEvers          Mary                   8      313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McEvers          Melanie                9      319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McEvers          Robert                 40     313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McEvers          Walter                 12     319A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McFaden          Jane                   11     299B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
McFaden          John                   21     299B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
McFaden          Josephine              6      299B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
McFaden          Lihus                  18     299B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
McFaden          Nancy                  40     299B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
McFaden          Pauline                13     299B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
McFaden          Sam                    3      299B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
McFaden          Samuel                 47     299B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
McFalorn         Thomas                 25     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McGaillard       *                      24     325B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
McGuire          Alice                  25     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
McGuire          Martin                 21     298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
McGuire          Patrick                24     298B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
McGuire          Thomas                 30     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
McKner           Adele                  38     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McKner           Etienne                25     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McKner           Eugenie                14     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McKner           Francois               12     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McKner           Henriette              10     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McKner           Josephine              5      333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McKner           Mathilde               16     333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McKner           Odilia                 2      333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McKner           Valery                 40     332B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McKner           Zoe                    7      333A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
McNamara         Bridget                25     290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Mechin           Alfred                 10     300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Mechin           Melanie                14     300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Mechin           Widow                  40     300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Melancon         Adrian                 7      275A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Alcide                 1      316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Alfred                 7      316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Amelia                 5      275A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Clementine             33     316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Eme                    15     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Emerante               46     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Enesile                11     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Eugene                 12     316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Eve                    10     316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Faralie                37     316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Melancon         Gilbert                52     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche