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Last modified: Mon, 08 Dec 2008, 16:55:39 EST    Size: 87665
1850 Federal Census Lafourche Parish, Louisiana (Index: File 3 of 6)

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Abstracted by Henry F. Brownlee from public records.  
Proofreader Needed.
Submitted by Henry F. Brownlee.
Edited and formatted by Maggie Stewart.  
All above information must remain when copied or downloaded.
NOTE:  For more information on Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, 
       Please visit the Lafourche Parish, LAGenWeb page at
       ALSO visit the LAGenWeb archives at

LAST NAME        FIRST NAME             AGE    SHEET  FILE NAME    DIVISION                        
Dios             Thelesphort            8      311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dios             Theodule               37     311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dios             Theodule               8      311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dios             Theophile              4      311A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Doliac           Philip                 49     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dollas (?)       Augustave              6      316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dollas (?)       Evariste               37     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dollas (?)       Leonise                37     316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dollas (?)       Mary                   8      316B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Domingo          Adele                  32     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Domingo          Auguste                34     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Domingo          Augustine              11     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Domingo          Joseph                 1      303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Domingo          Mary                   9      303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Domingo          Mathilde               10     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Domingo          Pauline                8      303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Domingo          Victorine              7      303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dominique        Marie                  1      286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Donaldson        A. J.                  32     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Donaldson        Catherine              12     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Donaldson        John                   5      333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Donaldson        Louisa                 9      333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Donaldson        Martha                 10     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Donaldson        Sarah                  25     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Donaldson        Thomas                 3      333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Donaldson        William                7      333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Donel            Ann                    14     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Donel            Clayborne              2      306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Donel            Eliza                  10     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Donel            Ellen                  12     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Donel            Marcelin               8      306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Donel            Mary                   5      306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Donel            Mary Ann               17     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Donel            Widow John             40     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Donnaud          Abel                   58     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Donnaud          Eugenie                57     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Donnaud          Rosine                 18     298A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Douce            Adele                  22     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Douce            Clonise                18     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Douce            Edmire                 5      275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Douce            Edouard                16     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Douce            Emilie                 12     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Douce            Frosalie               10     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Douce            Hypolite               45     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Douce            Jean P.                40     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Douce            Mathilde               7      275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Douce            Orelian                14     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Douce            Rosalie                44     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Douvet           Drajere                60     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Douvet           Mary                   53     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Drousny (?)      M. A.                  28     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Due              Adam                   6/12   306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Due              Eulalie                3      306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Due              Eve                    8      306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Due              John Baptiste          11     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Due              Judice                 28     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Due              Julienne               4      306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Due              Leon                   30     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Due              Leontine               19     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Due              Marceline              23     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Due              Mary                   10     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Due              Michel                 26     306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Due              Pierre                 1      306B   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Due              Trasimond              18     306A   pg300b.txt   Lafourche                       
Duffy            Elisabeth              40     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Duffy            Hugh                   52     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Duffy            John                   30     294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Duffy            Nicholas               11     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Duffy            Patrick                20     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dufor            Jean                   37     276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dufrene          Adeline                20     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Dufrene          Alinor                 7      286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Amedee                 10     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dufrene          Angelique              4      286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Asema                  6      284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dufrene          Delphine               17     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dufrene          Dolestine              8      286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Ellen                  33     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Dufrene          Emely                  10     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Felicien               8      286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Felix                  10     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          George                 45     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Dufrene          Isidore                36     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          John                   18     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Dufrene          John                   50     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          John                   14     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Joseph                 44     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dufrene          Joseph                 16     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dufrene          Joseph                 19     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Joseph O.              6      286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Julia                  2      286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Julienne               16     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Louise                 37     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Lowell                 14     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Dufrene          M. Paulin              12     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Margaret               14     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dufrene          Marie Arceneaux        40     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dufrene          Marie C.               24     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Mary                   25     284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dufrene          Mary                   3      284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dufrene          Mathilde               2      286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Melicie                33     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Dufrene          Oscar                  9/12   284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dufrene          Rosemond               12     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Rosemond               35     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dufrene          Sylvain                20     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dufrene          William                17     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Dugas            Adelina                13     302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dugas            Basile                 55     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Dugas            Celeste                40     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Dugas            Clayfont               3      302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dugas            Forrestal              31     302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dugas            Joseph Emile           1      296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dugas            Margaret               17     302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dugas            Mary                   28     302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dugas            Mathilde               11     302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dugas            Pierre                 9      302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dugas            Ulysse                 25     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dugas            Zulema                 7      302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Duhe             Adeline                35     276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Duhe             Felicite               2      276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Duhe             Felix                  4      276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Duhe             Jacques                35     276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Duhe             Justine                8      276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Duhe             Louise                 10     276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Duhe             Marie                  12     276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Duhe             Mathilde               6      276B   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Dupand           Augustin               5/12   280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dupand           Joseph                 #      280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dupand           Kegiste                18     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dupand           Louis                  11     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dupand           Marcelin               14     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dupand           Octave                 5      280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dupand           Parr                   9      280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dupand           Widow                  38     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Duplanti         Henry Clay             6      303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Duplanti         John                   40     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Duplanti         Louisiana              1      303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Duplanti         Mary                   23     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dupont           Joseph                 10     288A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dupont           Sephirin               20     288A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dupont           Widow L.               50     288A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dupre            Auban                  1      304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dupre            Celeme                 40     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dupre            Charles                61     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dupre            Cleophas               22     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dupre            Clothilde              18     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dupre            Jean                   41     276A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Dupre            Martiale               2      304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dupre            Mary                   8      304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dupre            Mathilde               13     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dupre            Neville                4      304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dupre            Pauline                19     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dupre            Rosalie                15     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Dupre            Theophile              6      304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Durant           Eduard                 24     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Durno            John K.                29     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Edwards          Joseph                 34     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Elliot           Adolphe                9      314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Elliot           Edouard                57     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Elliot           Eugenie                36     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Elliot           Gilbert                10     314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Elliot           Josephine              5      314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Elliot           Louisa L.              33     286A   pg281a.txt   Vachery*                        
Elliot           Philomene              6      314B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Emmerson         John                   42     325B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Eschete          Colastie               18     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Esteve           Evariste               6      327B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Esteve           Hilaire                3      327B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Esteve           John                   22     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Esteve           Marcelus               25     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Esteve           Marie                  8      327B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Esteve           Melite                 45     327B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Esteve           Pauline                20     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Esteve           Seline                 25     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Estival          Chausin*               25     280B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Estivan          Joseph                 50     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Estivan          Josephine              14     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Estivan          Justilien              10     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Estivan          Marante                50     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Estivan          Marie O.               12     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Estiven          Delphine               29     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Estiven          Emelia                 4      302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Estiven          Emma                   2      302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Estiven          Henry                  10     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Estiven          Joseph                 2      302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Estiven          Josephine              9      302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Estiven          Louis                  6      302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Estiven          Marcelin               30     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Estiven          Marcelin               11     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Estiven          Mela                   6      302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Estiven          Melasie                26     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Estiven          Theodule               30     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Estiven          Uselia                 8      302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Estiven          William                4      302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Estivenn         Aurelian               21     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Estivenn         Aurelian               10/12  275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Estivenn         Colastie               20     275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Estivenn         Doliska                3      275B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Estivenne        Colasie                15     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Estivenne        Etienne                18     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Estivenne        Justinien              2      278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Estivin          Nanette                60     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Evans            Edmire                 24     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Evans            Nancy                  22     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Evans            Sye                    34     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Evans            Thos.                  32     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Evens            Clemina E.             30     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Evens            Mary E.                8      278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Evens            Sarah E.               6      278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Evens            Wellington             35     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Exnicios         Emelia                 19     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Exnicios         Joseph                 22     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Fabre            Augusta                3      309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Fabre            Auguste                7      309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Fabre            Caroline               13     309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Fabre            Charles                9      309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Fabre            Dr.                    42     309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Fabre            Josephe                8      309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Fabre            Louise                 5      309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Fabre            Maria                  1      309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Fabre            Victorine              11     309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Fabre            Virginia               30     309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Failght          Joseph                 30     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Failght          Margaret               35     292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Failt            Celestine              12     289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Failt            Cleotise               45     289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Failt            Marie                  16     289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Failt            Martin                 60     289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Failt            Tanneen                18     289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Failt            Valmont                14     289B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Falford          Elisabeth              1      296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Falford          John                   32     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Falford          Mary                   24     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Falgout          Alexina                7      309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Antoine                11     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Arncy*                 35     281B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Aspasie                9      281A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Charles                43     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Charles Jr.            21     309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Charles Raphael        9      282A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Estelle                31     281A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Eulalie                32     282A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Francois               12     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          George                 44     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          George Jr.             19     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Joseph                 2      309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Josephine              11     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Jules                  9      309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Leon, Jr.              31     282A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Leonce                 53     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Lodomie                9      281A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Louis                  16     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Louisa                 10     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Louisa                 9      309B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Marcelin               18     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Mary                   16     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Mathilde               14     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Melanie                17     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Octave                 13     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Olenda                 13     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Romeus*                21     281A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Uceline                36     309A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Widow George           80     282A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Falgout          Widow Marcelin         60     281A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Farrel           Catherine              7      294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Farrel           Elisabeth              25     294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Farrel           John                   2      294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Farrel           John                   28     294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Field            Gilbert                10     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Field            Lisa                   16     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Field            Martha                 18     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Field            Sarah                  45     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Field            Sarah                  12     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Field            Thomas                 8      333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Field            W. N.                  28     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Fields           Charles                1      313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Fields           Clementine             20     313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Fields           Hudson                 30     313B   pg313b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Fitzgerald       Charles                10     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Fitzgerald       Mary                   40     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Fitzgerald       Michael                40     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Fleming          Elisabeth              36     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Fleming          Ellen                  8      304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Fleming          Henry                  38     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Fleming          Patrick                40     303B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Folse            Adel Wachespack        30     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Adolphe                6      310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Alexander              4      310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Alexi Jr.              39     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Alexina                4      311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Almasie                13     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Antoine                20     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Benjamin               44     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Camilla Wachespack     30     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Folse            Clerville              21     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Drausin                7      283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Emelia                 4      284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Emma                   5      311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Ernine                 5      284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Eugene                 35     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Eugene                 7      283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Euphroisine            5      283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Felix                  9      283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Felix                  30     284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Folse                  18     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Francois               10     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Folse            Joseph                 7      285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Folse            Juliana                2      284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Julienne               11     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Justine                2      283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Leo                    10     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Mamet                  30     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Marallus               32     284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Marcelin               2      311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Marcelite              13     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Margaret               3      310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Mathilde               4      285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Folse            Norbert                38     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Folse            Norbert                12     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Folse            Numa                   10     311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Octave                 8      283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Pierre                 26     310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Rosalie Wachespack     23     284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Rosella                11     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Selanie                28     310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Selina                 10     310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Seline                 23     310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Sostaine               25     310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Sylvestre              18     283B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Thelesphort            8      311B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Widow Antoine          75     284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Folse            Widow Eduan            42     284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Ford             Adolphe                7      277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ford             Arthur                 10     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ford             Cecilia                5      277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ford             Finesand               35     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ford             Hylaire                8      277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ford             Joseph                 12     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ford             Louis                  32     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ford             Louis                  8      277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ford             Napoleon               40     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ford             Seraphine              24     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ford             Sylvain                5      277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Ford             Washington             3      277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Foret            James                  2      295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Foret            Widow Catherine        35     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Formentin        Louis                  32     275A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Forret           Achille                48     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Forret           Adams                  11     321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Forret           Alice                  5      285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Forret           Amelie                 14     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Forret           Clesinia               6      321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Forret           Deterville             13     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Forret           Edmond                 30     321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Forret           Estelina               28     321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Forret           Felicien               16     310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Forret           Felix                  2      321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Forret           Felix                  8      321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Forret           Francois               50     321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Forret           Francois               23     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Forret           Froiselie              13     310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Forret           Hypolite               15     321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Forret           Isabella               20     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Forret           Jules                  6      321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Forret           July                   38     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Forret           Justilien              10     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Forret           Justilien              10     310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Forret           Marcelin               17     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Forret           Margaret               47     321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Forret           Mary                   8      321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Forret           Mathilde               7      310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Forret           Melasie                9      310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Forret           Onesipe                7      285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Forret           Ordalie                12     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Forret           Oville                 13     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Forret           Ozeme                  3      321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Forret           Prospere               4      321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Forret           Richard                4      285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Forret           Rosalie                18     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Forret           Sephorine              2      285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Forret           Severin                42     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Forret           Severin                12     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Forret           Trasemond              16     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Forret           Ulysse                 10     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Forret           Urani                  20     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Forret           Valefrois              19     285B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou                
Forret           Widow J. B.            81     310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Forret           Widow Joseph           79     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Forret           Widow Pierre           35     310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Forret           Zeolide                4      310A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Fougas           Alexandre              30     299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Fougas           John B.                36     299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Fougas           John Batiste           19     299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Fouraux          Xavier                 29     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Frost            Elmyre                 25     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Frost            Henry Will.            1      307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Frost            James                  35     307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Frost            James Aaron            7      307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Frost            Richard A.             3      307A   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Furgasson        Elisabeth              16     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Furgasson        Missi E.               35     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Furgasson        William                40     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Galabert         G.                     42     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Galabert         Marie                  42     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Galabert         Nelson B.              14     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Gamie            Gabriel                23     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Gary             S. H.                  40     335B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaspard          Charles                8      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Gaspard          Laurent                35     307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Gaspard          Leon                   8/12   307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Gaspard          Mary                   32     307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Gaspard          Mary Emely             9      307B   pg307a.txt   Lafourche                       
Gassin (?)       Pierre                 40     325A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaston           Lucy                   58     296B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Gaubert          George                 24     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaubert          Jerome                 23     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaubert          Rosalie                34     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaubert*         Felicien               2      280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Alphonse               2      278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Alvina                 21     282A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Amelina Beauvais       22     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Augustin               24     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Berthilde              20     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Celeste                20     282B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Charles                31     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Charles E.             5      278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Charles F.             30     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Charles M.             8      274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Charlotte              10     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           E. W.                  30     274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Eloise                 25     308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Emile                  24     282A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Emily                  25     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Firmin                 4      278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Francois               50     282B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Joseph                 27     308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Josephine              12     282B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Leon                   27     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Leon                   16     282B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Leontine               14     282B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Louisa                 10     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Mathilde               12     282B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           O.                     6      274B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Ortance Falgout        47     282B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Oscar                  2      278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Raphael                1      308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gaudet           Widow Francois         56     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gautraux         Clay                   4      295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Gautraux         Cleophas               24     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Gautraux         Edgar                  2      325A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gautraux         Edmire                 21     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Gautraux         Emma                   2      295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Gautraux         Julie                  26     325A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gautraux         Mari                   10     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Gautraux         Octave                 9      288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Gautraux         Trasimond              27     325A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gayle            James C.               6      283A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gayle            Julia A.               30     283A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gayle            Julius A.              8      283A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gayle            Sarah A.               1      283A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gayle            W. C.                  47     282B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gazzo            Dr. J. B.              38     322A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Genther          C.                     33     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Genther          John                   3      304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Genther          Margaret               25     304A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Gerin            Mary                   65     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Gervais          Alice                  21     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Gervais          Amedee                 2      322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Gervais          Anaise                 21     321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Gervais          Florestan              2      321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Gervais          Francois               30     322B   pg321a.txt   Bay. Lafourche                  
Gervais          John                   30     321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Gervais          Onesipe                4      321A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Gillespie        James                  2      278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Girard           Francois               31     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Girard           Francois*              29     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Girard           Mary                   4      297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Gisclar          Emely                  35     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gisclar          Emely                  8      312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gisclar          Francois               13     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gisclar          Louise                 10     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gisclar          Melvin                 11     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gisclar          Theophile              7      312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gisclar          Valsin                 36     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Giscoulon (?)    Leonard                19     320A   pg315a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Glianen          John                   12     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Glinn            Michael                22     277B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Goode            Caroline               17     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Goode            Frivolus (?)           18     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Goode            James                  12     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Goode            John                   19     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Goode            Joseph                 10     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Goode            Louisiana              48     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Goode            Rebecca                16     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gossin           Henry                  29     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gossin           Louis                  26     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gossin           Mary Ann               50     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Goubert          Arsene                 28     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Goubert          Eliza                  20     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Goubert          Victoria               10/12  292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Gourdain         Elisabeth              15     300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Gourdain         J. R.                  20     300B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Grabert          Celeste                52     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Grabert          Celestine              15     322A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Grabert          Evariste               26     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Grabert          Jaques                 57     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Grabert          Jengus                 14     322A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Grabert          Joseph                 33     322A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Grabert          Justin                 5      322A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Grabert          Leon                   24     322A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Grabert          Rosette                50     322A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Grabert          Sophia                 16     322A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Grabert          Urani                  23     322A   pg321a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Graham           Daniel                 21     301B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Graves           Margaret               12     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Griffin          Henry Harrison         5      290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Griffin          John R.                10     290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Griffin          Mary                   36     290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Griffin          Mary Ann               7      290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Griffin          Nat. Thomas            10     290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Griffin          Washington             47     290B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Chacby*                   
Grinnard         Elidorise              2      299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Grinnard         Elodie                 23     299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Grinnard         George                 5      299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Grinnard         Narcisse               27     299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Grinsly          Nancy                  23     305A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Grinsly          William                37     305A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Grisham          Alice                  14     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Grisham          Celeste E.             18     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Grisham          Georgiana              12     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Grisham          Julia                  15     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Grisham          Widow Susan            34     301A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Gros             Adolphine              4      288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Gros             Azamia                 8      288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Gros             Clementine             12     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Gros             Drausin                40     288A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gros             Drausin                14     288A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gros             Francois               25     288A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gros             Genevieve              50     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Gros             Gerasime               1      288A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gros             Joseph                 30     288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Gros             Julia                  2      288B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Gros             Phelonise              20     288A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gros             Rosaline               36     288A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Adele                  38     315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Adrien                 21     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Adrien                 17     315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Adrien                 10     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Aglae                  14     308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Aglae                  14     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Anaise                 3      318A   pg315a.txt   Laf. Int.                       
Guedry           Asabie                 38     284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Beloni                 36     315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Celeste                19     308A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Celestin               24     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Cesaire                38     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Charles                53     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Charles F.             10     280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Donatien               11     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Elise                  11     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guedry           Emelie                 13     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Emerante C.            17     284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Felicien               10     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Felicite               38     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Francois E.            8      280A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Frederic               67     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guedry           Guedry                 16     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Harriet                23     318A   pg315a.txt   Laf. Int.                       
Guedry           Honorine               14     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Irma                   13     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Janvier                41     315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           John B.                65     284B   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           John Baptiste          12     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Joseph                 20     315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Joseph                 15     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Josephine              4      284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Josephine              1      315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Lagarde                10     315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Lidore                 5      284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Lisa                   6      315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Louis                  9      315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Lucien                 15     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Marcellin              40     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Margaret               3      317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Margaret               14     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Mary                   20     284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Mary                   20     315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Melasie                12     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Modeste                2      317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Moise                  23     318A   pg315a.txt   Laf. Int.                       
Guedry           Olivier                99     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Onesie                 3      284A   pg281a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Onesipe                55     318A   pg315a.txt   Laf. Int.                       
Guedry           Orelien                17     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Orestile               13     310B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Rosalie                56     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guedry           Severine               17     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Theophile              2      315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Ulgere                 43     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Ulysse                 14     317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Urseline               1      317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Uselien                3      317B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Valfroid               1      315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Widow John P.          36     316A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Widow Polite           40     308B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guedry           Zulema                 5      315B   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guillot          Adele                  7      326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Andressy               5      326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Annet                  50     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Artemise               40     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Aselie                 11     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Aselina                6      326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Aurilie                9      326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Aurilien               10     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Babtiste               9      326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Baptiste               12     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Bernard                6      326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Celeste                53     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guillot          Delphine               10     328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Didiles                2      329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Durnise                10     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Edmire                 9      303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guillot          Elise                  26     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Ellis                  9      326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Elodie                 7      326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Emile                  2      327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Estelina               1      326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Estelina               6      327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Eugene                 13     329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Eugenie                2      329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Eulalie                15     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guillot          Eulalie                7      328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Eulalie Marie          2      328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Euphroisine            30     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Evariste               2      326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Evariste               28     327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Francois               10     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Franklin               2      303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guillot          Furgus                 30     328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Gerasime               9      292B   pg287b.txt   Bayou L'Ours                    
Guillot          John P.                58     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guillot          Joseph                 7      326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Joseph Ernest          5/12   326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Josephine              12     328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Josephine              6      329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Lange                  22     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guillot          Lange                  25     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Lesida                 4      328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Lodiles                4      329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Louis                  6      326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Louis                  9      329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Lovincy                1      329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Marcellus              28     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Marcellus              14     328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Marie                  30     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Marie                  8      326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Marie                  25     328B   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Mary                   58     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guillot          Melite                 28     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guillot          Michel                 28     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Michel                 21     329B   pg327a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Guillot          Modeste                16     329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Octave                 4      326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Octavie                7      327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Octavie                6      329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Odile                  10     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Odilia                 6      326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Olivier                55     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Ophelia                4      303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guillot          Orestile               10     329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Ortere                 40     326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Paulin                 6      303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guillot          Pauline                12     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Pauline                20     329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Pauline                4      329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Philomene              4      326B   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Seraphine              18     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Severin                25     329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Tell                   4      329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Thelesphort            28     329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Turville               16     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Ulysse                 9      327A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Valery                 45     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Valsin                 18     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guillot          Vasseur                35     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Victorine              8      326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Widow Eugene           30     329A   pg327a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Widow Isidore          52     326A   pg321a.txt   Brule Grand Chene               
Guillot          Widow J. P.            50     329B   pg327a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Guillot          Zenon                  28     303A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guillot          Zeolide                18     329B   pg327a.txt   Lafourche Int.                  
Guion            Ann                    3      334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guion            Caroline S.            36     334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guion            Caroline S.            1      334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guion            George Jr.             18     334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guion            George S.              44     334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guion            Harriet                12     334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guion            Julia                  8      334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guion            Louisa                 10     334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guion            William                13     334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guitraux         A.                     26     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Adele                  25     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Albert                 5      286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Anoise*                8      286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Antenor                23     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guitraux         Celeste                18     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Clerts                 4      286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Cyprien Jr.            24     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Cyprien Sr.            56     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Ernestile              2      313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guitraux         Etienne                35     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guitraux         Eugenie                22     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Guitraux               12     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Gustave                2      286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Harriet                6      286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Jollette               14     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Joseph                 6/12   286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Lucien                 14     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Marcelite              28     312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guitraux         Marie                  10     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Marie Celeste          52     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Mary                   2      312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guitraux         Selima                 22     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guitraux         Velentin               58     286B   pg281a.txt   Vachery* & Bayou Lafourche      
Guitraux         Widow Etienne          50     313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guitraux         William                9      312B   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guitraux         William                3      313A   pg307a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Gurno            Catherine              58     299A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Guyot            Joseph                 15     289A   pg287b.txt   Bayou Choupic                   
Guyot            Marie                  27     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Guyot            Widow Simon            70     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hacket           Bridget                25     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hall             Aphia                  23     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hall             Jane                   30     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hall             Ruth Mary              24     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hall             Solomom                27     295A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hall             Spencer                62     335A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hall             W. Winchester          6/12   297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hall             Winchester             31     297B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Halsey           B. F. Jr.              28     295B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hanna            James H.               50     334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hanna            Mary                   48     334A   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Harang           Dessale                36     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Harang           Gracien                35     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Harang           Theophile              23     317A   pg315a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hawthorn         Adam                   39     285A   pg281a.txt   Vachery* Folse                  
Haydel           Adela                  4      331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Haydel           Adelina                22     331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Haydel           Adolphe                1      331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Haydel           Aselie                 20     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Haydel           Carmelite              52     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Haydel           Emma                   18     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Haydel           Florestin              33     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Haydel           Haydel                 3      331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Haydel           Joseph                 30     331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Haydel           Moise                  50     323B   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Haydel           Noel                   54     323A   pg321a.txt   Lafourche                       
Hays             Edward                 45     294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hays             Erin                   22     294B   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hearse*          White*                 38     335B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Heartman         Asrilla (?)            18     334B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Adele                  12     324B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Hebert           Adele                  23     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Adolphine              7      293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Hebert           Alfred                 1      332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Amelia                 7      278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Arthur                 2      278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Aubert                 16     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hebert           Auguste                50     275A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Auguste                11     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Hebert           Augustin               20     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Auseme                 6      279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Azelie                 19     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Hebert           Azelie                 38     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Hebert           Belisaire              4      300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hebert           Celeste                55     331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Celestine              44     324B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Hebert           Chalmet                10     331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Charles A.             5      279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Clara                  5      293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Hebert           Clebert                3      302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hebert           Donatilde              16     331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Dusal                  21     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hebert           Emee                   30     331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Emerente               20     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hebert           Emile                  3      332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Estelle                9      293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Hebert           Etienne                10     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Hebert           Euphroisine            5      292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Hebert           Evariste               35     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Hebert           Evariste               9      321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Hebert           Eveline                6/12   302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hebert           Favele                 40     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Hebert           Felicie                5      331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Francois               33     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Guillaume              30     278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Harriet                12     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Hebert           Hilaire                2      300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hebert           Hypolite               50     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Hebert           Hypolite               15     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Isida                  14     331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           J. B.                  30     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hebert           Jeame (?)              31     321B   pg321a.txt   B. Laf.                         
Hebert           John                   60     331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Joseph                 3      279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Josephine              18     324B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Hebert           Josephine              50     333B   pg333a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Jules                  15     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Hebert           Jules                  4      278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Lorenza                8      279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Lori                   5      277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Hebert           Louise                 19     293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Hebert           Lubin                  40     330B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Marcelin               13     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Hebert           Margaret               12     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Marguaret              14     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hebert           Marguerite             50     278B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Marie                  22     279A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Marie                  15     324B   pg321a.txt   Bayou Laf.                      
Hebert           Mary Eulalie           25     300A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hebert           Mathilde               13     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Hebert           Mathilde               10     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Maximin                35     331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Naise                  7      277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Hebert           Neville                26     332A   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Odelia                 9      278A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Odelia                 8      279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Odelia                 7      292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Hebert           Odilia                 7      279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Olivier                40     292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Hebert           Pauline                13     293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Hebert           Remy                   2      331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Rene                   3      331B   pg327a.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Rosalie                36     275A   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Rosalie                17     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Hebert           Rosamond               9      277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Hebert           Seraphine              11     277A   pg274b.txt   Grand Cotau*                    
Hebert           Sylvain                17     293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Hebert           Syrus                  24     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hebert           Telgine                41     293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Hebert           Ursin                  21     293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Hebert           Vasseur                2      279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Victorine              9      292A   pg287b.txt   Grand Bayou                     
Hebert           Vincent                47     293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Hebert           Wd. Z. Louis           50     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Wellington             11     279B   pg274b.txt   Bayou Lafourche                 
Hebert           Widow Ambroise         78     293B   pg287b.txt   Bayou Sec & Cane Jaune          
Hebert           Widow Francois         54     302A   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hennirichs       F.                     26     297A   pg294a.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hepler           Ernest                 10     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hepler           George                 3      304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hepler           Thomas                 8      304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hepler           Udora                  6      304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hepler           Widow George           31     304B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hill             Halsey                 45     302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hill             Jane                   33     302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hill             John                   6      302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hill             Mary                   4      302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hill             Poline                 2      302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hill             Rosana                 16     302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux                       
Hill             Washington             8      302B   pg300b.txt   Thibodaux