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1850 Census HH 530-555; Bienville, Louisiana
Submitted by: Lynelle Cowan Stevenson <>
and Martha Stevenson Owen <>
Copied by Billie Gene Poland of Bienville, La. who has graciously
given her permission for it to be used here.

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Hold                                                   Birth
Number   Name:                   Age: Sex: Occupation: place

530-530  SHIVING, John              28  M  Blacksmith Germany
         Henrietta                  25  F             Miss
         Mary                        4  F             Miss
         James                       2  M             Miss
531-531  ABNEY, Absolom             53  M  Farmer     SC
         Eliza A.                   22  F             SC
         COBB, Ira J.               20  M  Laborer    SC
532-532  MULLENS, Willis H.         52  M  Farmer     NC
         Agnes                      47  F             Tenn
         Martha J.                  22  F             Mo
         Esther A.                  25  F             Tenn
         Micajah D.                 18  M  Laborer    La
         Overton                    16  M  Laborer    La
         Lovy                       13  F             La
         Eliza                      11  F             La
         Willis H.                   9  M             La
         Thomas                      7  M             La
         John M.                     5  M             La
         Agnes A.                    3  F             La
533-533  BALANCE, Hanon             48  M  Farmer     Tenn
         Ann                        28  F             Miss
         James R.                   18  M  Student    Miss
         Mary                       10  F             Miss
         John H.                     6  M             Miss
         Alleatha                   27  F             Tenn
         ASWELL, Benjamin           20  M  Laborer    La
534-534  MULLENS, Elizabeth         40  F             Tenn
         Henry                      26  M  Farmer
         Esther A.                  22  F
         Elizabeth                  21  F
         Mahala                     17  F
         James L.                   15  M
         Louisa                     12  F
535-535  JACKSON, Hardy             47  M  Blacksmith Tenn
         Nancy                      42  F             Tenn
         James H.                   17  M  Laborer    Ky
         Richard E.                 13  M             Ky
         William L.                 11  M             Ky
         Robert L.                   9  M             Ky
         Elizabeth A.                7  F             Ky
         RUTLAND, William R.        14  M             Ky
         Nancy S.                   16  F             Ky
         James H.                   11  M             Ky
536-536  KENT, William              31  M  Farmer     La
         Margaret                   27  F             La
         Eliza J.                    4  F             La
         Thomas H.                   2  M             La
537-537  WILLIAMSON, William E      29  M  Farmer     Ga
         Maranda                    23  F             La
         Margaret V.                 1  F             La
538-538  HARPER, James              28  M  Laborer    Tenn
         Eliza                      28  F             Tenn
         William                     4  M             Tenn
         Mary                        2  F             Tenn
539-539  McNICLESON, Nicholas       72  M  Farmer     Tenn
         Mahala                     55  F             Tenn
         Mary                       22  F             Tenn
         Margaret                   21  F             Tenn
         James                      17  M  Laborer    Tenn
         Wilford                    14  M  Laborer    Tenn
         William C.                 29  M  Farmer     Tenn
         Elizabeth                  23  F             Tenn
         Emily                       2  F             Tenn
540-540  DULANY, Daniel             51  M  Farmer     SC
         Sarah A.                   48  F             SC
         James                      24  M  Laborer    Ala
         Mary                       13  F             Ala
         Sarah                       9  F             Ala
         Theodore F.H.               7  M             Ala
         BEARD, Emily A.            21  F             Ala
         David O.                    3  M             La
         William W.               3/12  M             La
         ALLISON, Green             22  M  Laborer    Ga
541-541  STEWART, Duncan            38  M  Farmer     SC
         Louisa                     39  F             NC
         Robert                     14  M             Ga
         James                      12  M             Ga
         Martha                      9  F             Ga
         John                        7  M             Ga
         Hendison                    6  M             Ala
542-542  McLAND, Peter              50  M  Blacksmith SC
         Irena                      37  F             Sc
         Mary                       32  F             SC
         Peter J.                   29  M             SC
         Nancy                      23  F             SC
         Rhody                      15  F             Fla
         Lurany                     12  F             Ala
         Arkansy                     9  F             Ala
         Rachel                      6  F             Ala
         Martha J.                   2  F             La
         Jane                        6  F             Ala
         MULLENS, Cade              25  M  Laborer    Tenn
         ALLISON, Woody             20  M  Laborer    Ga
543-543  BARNETT, Jerimiah          62  M  Farmer    SC
         Martha                     56  F            SC
         Luke                       26  M  Farmer    SC
544-544  HILBURN, James B.          47  M  Farmer    Ga
         Belinda                    34  F            NC
         Jasper W.                  11  M            Ga
         Edwin                       4  M            La
         George W.                   2  M            La
545-545  WHITTINGTON, James E.      36  M  Farmer    Miss
         Eliza                      30  F            La
         Jasper W.                   9  M            Miss
         John W.                     7  M            Miss
         Silas F.                    4  M            La
         Madorah                  3/12  F            La
         WILLIAMS, Frances          74  F            Ga
546-546  BREWER, John               36  M  Farmer    NC
         Delila                     25  F            Ala
         Henry H.                   10  M            Ala
         Mary J.                     6  F            La
         Amanda                      4  F            La
         John A.                  3/12  M            La
         WILLIAMS, Elizabeth        27  F  Laborer   Ala
         WILLIAMS, James            19  M            Ala
547-547  HOLLAND, John              50  M  Farmer    NC
         Hulda                      45  F            Ga
         Louisa                     16  F            Fla
         Julia A.                   13  F            Ala
         Jasper                     10  M            Ala
         Lafayett                    8  M            Ala
         Lewis W.                    4  M            La
548-548  RATCLIFF, James            41  M  Farmer    Miss
         Mary                       41  F            SC
         Eliza                      17  F            Miss
         James R.                   15  M            Miss
         John                       13  M            Miss
         William                    13  M            Miss
         Laura                      12  F            Miss
549-549  HOLLAND, Allen             44  M  Farmer    Ga
         Jackson                    16  M            Fla
         William                    12  M            Ala
         Polk D.                     6  M            Miss
         Sarah H.                    3  F            La
         TAYLOR, Green              28  M  Farmer    Fla
         Elizabeth                  22  F            Fla
         Jane                        2  F            La
550-550  TAYLOR, Josiah             22  M  Farmer    Fla
         HOLLAND, Lemuel            22  M  Laborer   Fla
         SUTTON, Shadric P.         33  M  Teacher   Ga
         Lucinda                    29  F            Ga
         George                      7  M            Miss
         Maddison J.                 5  M            Miss
         Mary A.                     2  F            Miss
         Thomas F.                1/12  M            La
551-551  THOMPSON, Cyrus B.         44  M  Farmer    Ky
         Jane                       38  F            Tenn
         Columbus                   16  M  Laborer   La
         Sarah J.                   15  F            La
         James S.                   14  M            La
         Mary E.                    13  F            La
         Margaret                    8  F            La
         Cyrus B.                    5  M            La
         George W.                   3  M            La
         Andrew J.                   1  M            La
552-552  HARRELL, John              26  M  Farmer    Ga
         Nancy                      23  F            Fla
         William                     2  M            La
553-553  SPURLOCK, Ranson           36  M  Farmer    Ga
         Ellender                   29  F            Ga
         Frances                    13  F            Ala
         William                    12  M            Ala
         Sarah                      10  F            Miss
         Lafayett                    8  M            La
         George W.                   6  M            Miss
         Mary                        4  F            Miss
         Elizabeth                   2  F            La
554-554  MILLER, Rhody              59  F            NC
         Mary A.                    27  F            Ky
         Isaac                      23  M  Laborer   Ky
         Harriett                   19  F            Ky
         William                    17  M            Ky
         Orphy                      14  F            La
         John                       12  M            La
         BASSET, Julia A.           13  F            La
         Burrell                    12  M            La
         Katharine                   8  F            La
555-555  VICKERS, Elleander         68  F            Ga
         Green                      23  M  Farmer    Ga
         Louisa                     21  F            Ga
         Joshua                     41  M  Laborer   Ga
         Jane                       20  F            Ga