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Letters: Elsie Smith writes telling about the Atwells of Metcalfe Co. Ky.

Letter from Elsie Mae (Atwell) Smith, postmarked 17 Mar 1987: 

"March 15 '87 Hardyville Ky R2 Box 159 Dear Mrs. Rackley, I was given a 
letter from you by Mrs. Victor Atwell. My name is Mrs Elsie Atwell Smith. 
I am a widow age 94 years. I am daughter of John W Atwell, grand daughter 
of William Atwell, g grand daughter of John Atwell. John Atwell & family 
lived in N. Carolina, moved to Virginia & cam(e) to Ky with 3 other families 
in wagon train of covered wagons. The other families were Jewell's, Nunn 
& Bastins. My grandfather William Atwell was born in N. Carolina in Aug 
16, 1800. He had 1 sister Margaret Atwell, 2 bros, Benjamin Atwell & Joel 
Atwell. William first married Hettie McCarty in Green Co. They had 5 
children - 2 boys & 3 girls:
William's Children:
James Atwell married Sarah Gooch
Shelton Atwell was never married
Hannah Atwell married John T. Curry
Sallie Atwell married a Shaw (1st husband) 2nd was Patrick Carter.
Ann Atwell married a John Lile
William's first wife died & he married Nancy Ellen Jewell (my g mother) 
She had 2 boys.
Jackson Atwell & John W. Atwell (my father).
Benjamin Atwell married Lucinda Erwin. They had 4 boys & 5 girls. 
BOYS: James Willis, John T. Rush & Job. Girls: Fannie, Sallie Ann, 
Jane, Susan, don't remember the ones name.
Margaret married Jimmie Jewell, had 3 boys & 4 girls: William, Joseph, 
John, Nancy, Rachel & Betsy Ann. I never knew any thing about Uncle 
Joel's family. I have heard my father speak of James Quinton Atwell 
& also James F & America Slinker but I never knew them. My father was 
born in 1863. Grandfather William was 63 when my Dad was born, but I 
think James F & James Quinton Atwell were related to my family. I am a 
widow 94 years old & still live at home alone & able to get around & do 
for myself. The Lord has blessed me with a long and useful life. I feel 
like I have more to thank the Lord for than anyone.
I hop(e) you can read this as I don't write very well any more. I piece 
quilts & quilt also. Will close. May God bless you & yours, Love, Elsie 
Atwell Smith.


Letter postmarked May 12, 1987, from Mrs. Elsie Smith, Rt 2, Box 159, 
Hardyville, Ky. 42746:

"May 10, 87, Hardyville, Ky. R 2 Box 159 42746 Dear Lillie Mae, Guess 
you think I had forgotten you as I have waited so long to write, hope 
finds you well. I have not been so well last month or two but still able 
to stay at home & do for myself. We are having real nice weather here 
but need some more rain, temperature ranges from 70 to 80 degrees during 
day & lower 50 at night.You asked what my Mother's name was. She was 
Josephine Carter & married John William Atwell Dec 29 1885 There was 4 
of us children Nellie Atwell (Phillips) b Dec 21 1886; Elsie Atwell 
(Smith) born Jan 19-1893; Ezra Atwell b Dec 3 1899; Hallie Atwell 
b Jan 20, 1901. They are all dead but me & I was 94 Jan 19 1987. My 
husband died June 15, 1964. His name was William Daniel Smith. We had 
4 children: Gladys Mae Smith b Feb 23-1909; Herbert Smith b May 1st 
died May 1st 1911; Henry Leon Smith b Feb 19 1913; Mary Irene Smith 
b Dec 21 1921. Gladys died Dec 6 1971, she just had 1 child, Roger 
Treece. Leon is living at Horse Cave, he married Maydelle Davis, has 
4 girls, Leola, Annetta, Gay & Ella. Irene also lives at Horse Cave. 
She first married Thurman Nunn. They had 4 boys-Ronald, Fonald, Danny 
& Terry. 1st husband died June 13, 1963, a few years later she married 
Earl McGlasson, her present husband. I have 9 grand children, 14 great 
grand children & 2 great great grand sons. I just have 1 nephew & 2 
nieces living. All of Nellie's children are dead. We are trying to get 
all we know about the Atwell's written out & I will have a copy made & 
send to you. I have a book of old marriages of Green Co. I found Uncle 
Joel's marriage to Mary Forbis in there was married in 1846. I do not 
have any first cousins living on the Atwell side & just 1 first cousin 
on the Carter side, that is just 1 out of 56 ist cousins living. I wish 
I could see you. Could tell more than can write. May God bless you, 
Love, Elsie. I do not have any pictures of Grandpa Atwell nor his 
father nor his bro's. I have the Atwell coat of arms. Atwells originally 
come from England. I will also have a copy of that made for you. My 
grandfather Atwell was born Aug 1800 in N. Carolina. He died in Aug 
1877 - William Atwell. My father John William Atwell born Aug 7, 1863, 
died Dec 11, 1956. I hope you can read this. Will send you a copy of 
it all as soon as I can.

submitted by: Lillie Rackley

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