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Will of James L. Boggs Book 1, page 15 Lawrence County, KY

Will Book 1, page 15

Lawrence County Kentucky

In the name of God amen.  I James Boggs gent of Lawrence County and State of 
Kentucky, being weak in body, but perfect in memory.  Knowing all men must die, 
first of all I commit my soul in the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my 
body to a decent burial do now make this my last will and testament that is to 
say one horse, four head of cattle, and all the hogs that I have except the 
hourd gangue and all the household furniture, I will and bequeath to my beloved 
wife Lydia Boggs, and the plantation that I now live upon, as long as she 
remain's my widow.  Together with her two youngest children, or as she is a 
mind to stay upon the place, and for no other person or persons to meddle with 
the plantation, given under my hand this first day of November 1832.

Seal in the presents of :						               his 

William Ison							James      +   Boggs       (seal)

Jo (or I.O.) Sparks							             mark

Jason  Fields

William Boggs

State of Kentucky Lawrence County Court June Term 1835.

This day the last will and testament of Jas. Boggs, Sr. was produced in open 
court and proved by the oaths of William Ison ans Jo (or I.O.) Sparks two of 
the subscribing witnesses thereto to be the last will and testament of said Jas 
Boggs Sr. whereupon said will was ordered to record which is done June 16, 1835.

										J.M. Rice  ck


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